Eye drops with hyaluronic acid without preservatives. Hyaluronic acid – from the past to the future. Eye drops "Oxial": indications for use

One of the common pathologies of the eyeball is an insufficient amount of tear fluid. This condition is called dry mucous membrane syndrome. To normalize secretion, special drops for dry eyes are used. Their peculiarity is their composition, which is as close as possible to the chemical composition of tears.

Types of drops for dry eyes

Unlike specialized drops, eye moisturizers have virtually no therapeutic effect. They can only be used for prevention or rapid restoration of the normal state of the mucous membrane.

Depending on the form and active components, eye drops for dry eyes are:

Moisturizing Drops Review

In ophthalmology, moisturizing drops are actively used to prevent irritation, as well as treat or alleviate dry eye syndrome.

Based on patient reviews and effectiveness, we have compiled a rating of the most famous and high-quality dry eye products.

NameComposition and features
HyphenationVery good and inexpensive eye drops for dryness. This solution increases the viscosity of the mucous membrane, which helps soften it and prevents irritation. Used to prevent dry eyes and protect when wearing contact lenses. Contains hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
Balarpan-NThis drug contains sulfated glycosaminoglycans, which accelerate tissue repair. They also intensively moisturize the outer membrane, thereby preventing the occurrence of conjunctivitis, dry eyes, etc.
BestoxolThese are probably the cheapest eye drops available. The active ingredient is taurine. It accelerates recovery processes, increases the eye's resistance to external irritants (including light exposure), relieves tension and deeply moisturizes the mucous membrane.
SlesinThis is an artificial tear preparation. Its composition is close to human secretion. In ophthalmology they are used to moisturize the outer mucous membrane of the cornea.
RestasisA specialized composition prescribed to patients with various diseases of the conjunctiva and cornea to moisturize the membranes. The main active ingredient is cyclosporine. Used to treat dry eye syndrome.
AdgelonA deeply moisturizing product with a powerful regenerating effect. Just a few drops over two weeks are enough to completely restore the eye after a burn or mechanical damage.
LakrisifiLike Defislez, they contain hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. They have a very viscous consistency, thanks to which they reliably protect the cornea from drying out and injury while wearing contact lenses.
OksialNanotechnology is used to produce this drug. Enriched with electrolytes and hyaluronic acid. This combination provides deep hydration of cells and acceleration of their regeneration.
TaufonSupplemented with taurine, which is a high-sulfur amino acid. They are used in ophthalmology to reduce intraocular pressure, eliminate burning and dryness of the cornea, and normalize the condition of the conjunctiva.
OftagelThere are two types of medicine: gel and solution for external use. Like many products containing carbomer, these drops are very effective. Just a few minutes after application, tissues are moisturized and nourished. In addition, secretion secretion is normalized.

Drops from fatigue

Fatigue of the eyeball is another pathology that occurs during prolonged work at a computer or other light load on the eyes.

To get rid of this condition, eye drops are prescribed for dryness and fatigue. Below is a list of quality medications.

NameComposition and scope
ArtelakEffective domestic drops for intensive hydration of the corneal epithelium. By quickly softening the fabrics, they increase clarity of vision, relieve fatigue, and make blinking easier.
BlinkThey are divided into solutions for contact lenses and care for “dry” corneas. Blink Contact is used as an emollient and to improve lens wear. Its main component is sodium hyaluronate. Blink Intensive Thirst protects and normalizes the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Contains the latest generation moisturizing component - polyethylene glycol.
SystaneCombined Russian drops for fatigue and dry mucous membranes. Contains polydronium chloride. Prescribed when the shell is contaminated with cosmetics, dust, smoke and other aggressive factors. They help create an effective protective shell on the apple.
OphtolicA specialized product that is used when wearing lenses. These drops eliminate the effect of sand and dryness, eliminate the feeling of stinging and pain when blinking. Helps reduce redness and swelling. They include povidone.
ThealosisA drug for lubricating and thickening the mucous membrane in order to restore it. Prescribed in connection with fatigue and dry eye syndrome, as well as for accelerated tissue restoration after laser correction. Enriched with trehalose.
Hilo-ChestThe active ingredient is sodium hyaluronate. Characterized by protective and moisturizing functions. Hypoallergenic, do not contain artificial preservatives. Approved for use during pregnancy and wearing lenses.
Innoxa CornflowersThe best drops for dryness, which also provide relief from fatigue, treatment of redness of the conjunctiva and protein. They thicken the corneal mucosa and make the process of putting on and taking off lenses easier. They are artificial tears.

It is worth remembering that no matter how good drops for fatigue and dryness are presented in the rating, they can only be used after a doctor’s prescription.

Vasoconstrictor and antiseptic drops

Due to the dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva, not only lacrimation, but also the blood supply to the eye is often disrupted. The result is redness, swelling, itching and a constant sensation of a foreign body on the mucous membrane.

To remove these and many other symptoms, specialists prescribe specialized antiseptics, vitamin and vasoconstrictor compounds to patients.

NameComposition and application
AistilVitamin ophthalmological complex used by ophthalmologists to restore visual acuity and eliminate corneal dryness. It is a completely natural product and is suitable even for children. Does not contain any dyes or preservatives. Created according to Ayurvedic practices.
QuinaxOne of the purposes of the drops is the treatment of cataracts, but this is not all the capabilities of the solution. Due to its strong vitamin composition, the product improves vision, helps normalize the exchange of oxygen and blood, and strengthens the mucous membrane. Enriched with azapentacene.
Emoxy opticThey are characterized by powerful antioxidant and antiseptic effects. Can be used to treat dry mucous membranes resulting from eye contamination. Contains emoxypine.
Vita-IodurolThey improve the blood supply to the apple, relieve fatigue, and restore sharpness and clarity to the eyes after prolonged exposure to light. Contains calcium and magnesium chloride. Approved for use during pregnancy only when absolutely necessary. Their safer analogue is Vitafacol, which contains cytochrome.

To prevent the manifestation of this syndrome, it is important to follow simple rules: do not spend more than 2 hours in a row at the monitor and ventilate the work area. In addition, depending on the cause of dryness, experts recommend eye drops with preventative moisturizing preparations.

Science has known about the existence of hyaluronic acid since the 30s of the last century: almost 90 years ago, the structure of this substance was discovered in one of the scientific laboratories. Over time, scientists discovered that hyaluronic acid (now often called “hyaluronate”) is found in many tissues of the human body, as well as in most fluids - synovial fluid of joints, saliva, tears. Since synthesized hyaluronic acid is almost identical in chemical structure to natural body fluids, it is often used in various fields of medicine - orthopedics, cosmetology, ophthalmology.

What does hyaluronic acid do in the body?

Hyaluronic acid plays a specific role in different organs and systems. For example, in joints it ensures painless movement of cartilage, in the skin it promotes hydration (that is, moisture retention) and regeneration (restoration), in ophthalmology it moisturizes the surface of the cornea, replacing natural tear fluid. Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics are guided by these properties when developing certain products. Moreover, various forms of these products allow you to achieve the highest results from the use of hyaluronic acid. In various preparations in orthopedics it can be presented in the form of injection solutions, in cosmetology - in creams, lotions, lipstick, in ophthalmology - in the form of drops or gels (depending on the concentration of hyaluronate).

Hyaluronate in ophthalmology

The ability to maintain the level of hydration (that is, moisture) and the similarity in chemical structure to natural human tears have made hyaluronic acid the most popular and safe active ingredient used in the treatment of dry eye syndrome. Hyaluronate is also used in contact lens care solutions and as eye drops for chronic lens wear. Ophthalmic drugs for the treatment and prevention of dry eye syndrome are called “artificial tears.” Artificial tears are also made based on other active ingredients, but hyaluronate is recognized not only as one of the most effective, but also safe and non-addictive. This means that drops or gel with hyaluronic acid can be used for a long time without the risk of “weaning” the lacrimal glands of the eye to produce tears on their own.

Hyaluronic acid creates a film on the surface of the cornea of ​​the eye that moisturizes, protects and nourishes the eye, that is, it performs the functions that are normally performed by the natural tear film, which should be restored with every blink. If a person blinks less frequently due to constant eye strain, an artificial tear preparation provides long-term hydration.

Wearing contact lenses is one of the indications for using artificial tears. This is due to the fact that constant use of lenses causes symptoms characteristic of dry eye syndrome - discomfort, foreign body sensation, redness of the eyes. In such cases, an artificial tear preparation with hyaluronic acid can make wearing contact lenses more comfortable.

There are also special ophthalmic solutions of hyaluronic acid that are used during ophthalmic operations. In the postoperative period, patients are often prescribed artificial tears to speed up the recovery process and protect the eye from negative influences.

Hyaluronic acid in ophthalmic drops: optimal dosages

Depending on the content of hyaluronic acid in ophthalmic drops, they can be used more or less often. For example, the drug Hilo-Komod contains 1 mg of sodium hyaluronate and is an eye drop. They are used three times a day, one drop. At the same time, the drug contains 2 mg of the active substance and is presented in a form similar in consistency to a gel. It is also dripped 1 drop at a time, but due to the higher content of hyaluronate, many people use the drug less often. However, both forms of the drug are approved for use up to 10 times a day.

Many people pay attention to the rather large volume of the container with the drug - 10 ml. The advantage is that even with rare use (three or less times a day), the drops can be used for six months - the container is completely aseptic, so the drug remains suitable for use for a long time. It does not contain preservatives, and this is one of the reasons for its safety during long-term use.

Hyaluronic acid eye drops have become popular in the pharmaceutical market. Many people use them to cope with eye fatigue. The drug contains a low molecular weight component: it provides a long-lasting therapeutic effect. Hyaluronic acid in the drops reacts with microelements; in its pure form it is not instilled into the eyes. The peculiarity of the low molecular weight component is that it attracts moisture and holds it where it is needed.

Application area

Hyaluronic acid is added to cosmetics, but increasingly it can be found in medications. This substance is known for prolonging youth, but in addition to this property, hyaluronic acid restores the cornea of ​​the eye. It has powerful chemical properties. The low-molecular substance triggers the regeneration process, resulting in the restoration of damaged eye cells.

Products with hyaluronic acid are effective in dehydrating the eye mucosa. Active substances restore the mucous membrane after microscopic damage. Drops with magnesium and hyaluronic acid are indicated for people who wear contact lenses. If you use the medications according to the instructions, you can provide your eyes with deep hydration. . Drops with hyaluronic acid do not contain aggressive chemicals or substances that cause allergies. They are indicated for people who work in hazardous industries (in this case, the drops will provide additional protection to the cornea). It is worth noting that eye preparations with hyaluronic acid eliminate dryness. Some people experience: the cause of discomfort may be a serious illness (glaucoma,).

Read what kind of massage you should do for glaucoma.

To determine the diagnosis, you need to conduct an examination. There are cases when a person requires serious treatment, and drops with hyaluronic acid are prescribed in addition.

Features of the drugs

The low molecular weight component in the drops allows you to overcome the disease ““. The medicine can be used when working at a computer for a long time, when the visual organs are under strain. It is important to note that the drug with a low molecular weight substance relieves redness and eliminates irritation. Ophthalmologists prescribe such medications to prevent eye fatigue. Drops with hyaluronic acid are indicated for those who spend a long time in the sun. If the indoor air is dry, you need to drink more water. Drops can be used to moisturize the eyes. It is also worth noting that such drugs can be prescribed during the recovery period after a respiratory viral pathology. At this time, the eyes become watery and red.

See which eye drops to use for fatigue and redness.

Natural eye hydration and disruption of the mucous membrane of the eyeball

Medicines with hyaluronic acid restore eye cells. This type of medication is also prescribed to those who have undergone ophthalmic surgery. Indications also include (chemical, thermal). Medicinal drops have many benefits, although they must be used with caution. Before using such products, you should consult your doctor. During pregnancy and lactation, drops are used with extreme caution. If your body is prone to allergies, you need to test them. A small amount of medication is applied with a pipette to the wrist. After an hour, you need to inspect the tested area. If no redness is detected, drops can be used.

Moisturizing eye drops are described in.


An ophthalmologist will help you choose the right product. The most popular drops: Oksial, Blink, Hilo-Komod.

  1. Ocular ones have an excellent therapeutic effect. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid: it is worth saying that it enhances the effect of magnesium, calcium and potassium. Oxial contains sodium, which reacts with electrolytes. The drug restores the mucous membrane of the eye, relieves itching, irritation, and mild swelling. If we talk about the concentration of the substance, it is similar to a tear. The purpose of using Oksial is to eliminate dryness and burning. The medicine helps to overcome eye fatigue. If you use it regularly, you can eliminate cracks in the cornea. Oxial can be instilled onto contact lenses: there will be no harm from this. The medicine acts quickly on the eye. It forms a thin protective film, thanks to which the eye breathes well. A sufficient amount of moisture is retained under this film. Oxial protects the mucous membrane of the eyes from drying out and microscopic cracks.
  2. “Hilo-chest of drawers” ​​moisturizes the mucous membranes of the eyes. Ophthalmologists recommend it to relieve irritation of the conjunctiva. Hilo-chest eliminates redness and burning. According to the instructions for eye drops, they can be used by people who use contact lenses. The effect can be noticed after the first use. If you regularly put drops in your eyes, you can restore the depleted mucous membrane (the problem occurs in those who use lenses incorrectly).
  3. “Blink” drops are in demand in the ophthalmological field. Their active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. As part of the medicine, it reacts with trace elements and polyethylene glycol. The drug contains a small amount of surface preservatives. When the components interact with each other, a film is formed on the cornea, protecting the cornea from harmful influences.

Drops with hyaluronic acid have a viscous texture, but when they come into contact with the eye, they are neatly distributed throughout the mucous membrane. The drug acts instantly, in other situations you need to wait 15 seconds. Drops with hyaluronic acid are easy to use. They are harmless. When used correctly, you can restore the eyeball at the cellular level. The drug improves the functioning of eye tissue. If the cornea receives moisture, it is better protected from external influences.

Read about Systane Ultra eye drops.

How to put eye drops correctly

Moisturizing prevents microcracks. Thanks to the thin film that the medicine creates, the eyes are protected when using lenses. When working at a computer, products with hyaluronic acid help reduce the risk of irritation. Regular use of the medicine restores the eyes and cleanses their surface.

Hyaluronic acid is added to the medicine in small quantities. Without it, the active components would not be able to exhibit a therapeutic effect.



Drops with hyaluronic acid are a proven, certified product. They are a hypoallergenic product and rarely cause side effects. But if there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, you should stop using it. If your eyes become red or watery, you may have an allergy. Side effects occur if you purchase a counterfeit product. It is also important to say that dryness and irritation of the eye may indicate a respiratory or ophthalmic disease. If such symptoms are accompanied by coughing, sneezing, or copious discharge of pus, you should immediately consult a physician. Moisturizing eye drops alone may not be effective in combating. To treat allergies, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment: drops with hyaluronic acid can be prescribed to relieve redness of the cornea.

Instructions for Artelak eye drops.

"Oxial" are intended for effective moisturizing and rapid elimination of irritation of the mucous membrane. They contain hyaluronic acid and electrolytes, which help eliminate dryness. The drops are viscous, their concentration is similar to natural tears.

Eye drops "Oxial": description and composition

This medicine is available in special dropper bottles. The volume is 10 ml.

The composition includes the following main substances:

  • Hyaluronic acid, contained in extracellular fluid and involved in the processes of regeneration of body tissues. Helps moisturize the eye shell and does not cause allergies.
  • having a disinfectant effect, antiseptic. It helps prevent all kinds of bacteria from entering the microcracks of the eye.
  • Salts of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium take part in biochemical processes and maintain osmotic pressure in the eye at the proper level.
  • A polymer protector that forms a special film on the ocular surface. As a result, "Oxial" is in good contact with the outer shells and its effectiveness increases significantly. The film protects the eye from the negative influences of the external environment.
  • Oxide 0.06% is a preservative that ensures long-term storage of drops. Once on the membrane of the eye, it breaks down into harmless components.

This unique composition helps eliminate dryness and irritation of the eyes and prevents damage to the cornea. The drug is non-toxic. Cases of irritation of the mucous membrane occur extremely rarely.

Eye drops "Oxial": indications for use

Moisturizing the surface of the eye, disinfecting and eliminating dryness is the main effect of this drug. Eye drops "Oxial" are used in the following cases:

  • If discomfort occurs due to the use of contact lenses.
  • After laser vision correction.
  • For dry eye syndrome.
  • For contact conjunctivitis resulting from irritation by dust, wind, chlorinated water, dry air, cosmetics, etc.
  • To eliminate discomfort after prolonged visual strain (driving a car, prolonged work at the computer).
  • After consuming medications that cause mucosal dehydration as a side effect.
  • Age over 40 years.
  • Work in hazardous areas.

Mode of application

This medicine is recommended to be used as needed. It is enough to instill Oksial (eye drops) up to two times a day. The instructions provide for use up to 4 times a day. When instilling, you should try to ensure that the tip of the bottle does not come into contact with anything. This will help avoid infection.

Oxyal eye drops should be instilled with extreme caution. Use with contact lenses does not require their removal.

If there is no improvement within two days of using the drops, you should contact a qualified ophthalmologist.

The developers indicate the following features when using the drug:

  • Before using the drops, be sure to wash your hands.
  • The bottle should be instilled carefully without touching the eye.
  • It is enough to instill up to two drops at a time.


Currently, there are no medications containing the same substances as Oxial. Eye drops still have analogues. The following agents have a similar mechanism of action:

  • "Comfort" - used for dry eye syndrome and against allergic reactions to contact lenses, as well as other irritations.
  • "Lycotine" - used for irritation and stabilizes the tear film.
  • "Systane" - moisturizing drops against corneal dryness, form a polymer film on the surface of the eye that protects the cornea.
  • "Innoxa" - contains natural ingredients (chamomile, cornflower, etc.), suitable for people who wear contact lenses.
  • "Oftagel" - a drug against dry eyes, itching and burning, forms a protective film on the eye.
  • "Defislez" is the most inexpensive analogue and has a softening and lubricating effect.
  • "Vial" - has a decongestant and vasoconstrictor effect, effective for allergic conjunctivitis and corneal damage.
  • “Natural tear” is a synthetic analogue of human tears, the drug is intended to compensate for the lack of natural
  • "Ophtolik" - is used to eliminate discomfort and dryness in the eyes that have arisen as a result of negative environmental influences; it can be used to reduce the production of tear secretion.
  • "Hilo-Komod" - drops that are most similar in composition and action to "Oxial". Also contain hyaluronic acid. They form a uniform film on the eye, moisturizing the cornea and protecting it from the negative effects of the external environment.

"Oxial" is one of the most expensive drugs for eliminating dry eyes.

The analogues listed above are intended to moisturize the cornea, relieve tension and fatigue from it. However, none of them has such a fast and long-lasting effect as Oxial.

When using any drops from this list, the following rules should be followed:

  • The medication must be prescribed by the attending physician; self-medication can worsen the situation and only aggravate the existing problem.
  • If you are prescribed to use several drops for the eyes, you should take a 15-minute break between them.
  • When a doctor prescribes certain drops, there is no need to look for a replacement, even with a similar composition. Only a specialist should select an analogue.
  • It is imperative to comply with the storage conditions of the drugs and not use them after the expiration date.


In general, it is safe to use Oxial (eye drops). Reviews about the drug convince of its balance and harmlessness. Therefore, there are a minimum number of contraindications to its use.

Only in some cases is individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug possible. Then manifestations of allergies may appear.

Side effects

In most cases, eye drops are well tolerated by people, and there is a possibility of hypersensitivity to one of the components.

Rhinoconjunctivitis may occur. Its manifestations are: severe lacrimation, difficulty in nasal breathing due to nasal congestion, itching, fear of light, redness of the conjunctiva.

Interaction with other medications

Terms and conditions of storage

It is recommended to store Oxial eye drops in a place protected from sunlight at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius. The drug should not be frozen. From the moment the bottle is opened, the drug should be used within 60 days. Then it loses its healing properties. When packaged, it can be stored for two years.


Eye drops "Oxial" are a remedy that eliminates dry eyes and relieves irritation. There are many other products designed for the same purpose. However, "Oxial", in comparison with them, has the following advantages:

  • Hydration of the eye occurs physiologically due to the special composition of the drug. This is primarily ensured by the content of hyaluronic acid.
  • Drops help eliminate dryness and inflammation quickly. Already on the second day a positive effect is noticeable.
  • Additionally, it disinfects the eyes.
  • The drops have a long-lasting effect.
  • Can be used as a remedy against dryness due to eye fatigue.
  • Convenient packaging.
  • Can be used if a person wears contact lenses, but does not need to remove them.
  • The drug is non-toxic; allergies or other side effects can occur extremely rarely.
  • Can be used to eliminate dryness after laser correction.
  • A fairly long shelf life when opened is 60 days; analogues most often have a shelf life of 30 days.

Thus, Oxial eye drops are a proven remedy against dry eyes. The product moisturizes the cornea and creates a protective film that prevents various environmental influences. Drops help disinfect the eye and eliminate discomfort caused by severe stress. Due to their unique composition, they practically do not cause allergies and the side effects when used are minimal. Drops must be prescribed strictly by the attending physician. If there is no visible improvement within two days, you should stop using the drug and go to the hospital. "Oxial" is not suitable for children, but in some cases it is prescribed in a smaller dose. In this case, the appointment must be made exclusively by a qualified ophthalmologist.

According to statistics, from 10 to 18% of the world's population constantly or periodically suffer from redness of the eyes, accompanied by a feeling of dryness, stinging, and “sand.” In medical language, a set of unpleasant symptoms is called “dry eye syndrome.” The widespread prevalence of the pathology is due to several reasons. Particles of dust and tobacco smoke dissolved in the air cause constant irritation of the mucous membrane. The use of certain medications that lower blood pressure and diuretics leads to the development of dry eye syndrome. But the main reason for the widespread prevalence of dry eye syndrome is computers.

Gadgets have turned from a working tool into a person’s constant companion. Along with the convenience of communicating with an electronic device, we get “sand” and pain in the eyes. This is due to the fact that when concentrating on the image on the monitor screen, we blink less often than in normal life, so the cornea dries out more. This leads to the formation of dry eye syndrome.

Constant irritation of the ocular membrane leads to the development of keratitis, erosions and ulcerations of the cornea. These are serious pathologies that are much easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, it is important to start the fight against dryness in a timely manner.

Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate) is a natural moisturizing substance. It is used not only as a remedy for facial wrinkles , but also ideal for moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye. It has the ability to bind and retain water, spread over the surface and create a uniform protective layer. These properties of hyaluronate have made it possible to use it as an eye moisturizer.

Drops, in which one of the components is hyaluronic acid, are available in abundance on pharmacy shelves. How not to make a mistake in choosing? Let's try to figure this out.


Eye drops contain hyaluronate at a concentration of 0.15%, boric acid, potassium and sodium salts. The composition is close to human tear fluid, so Oxial is dripped over contact lenses.

A transparent protective and moisturizing layer is formed on the surface of the eyes, preventing drying and promoting regeneration.

The instructions for Oksial advise using the drug one or more times a day, 1 drop.

The product is available in plastic bottles of 10 ml. Oxial is good for 2 years, but after opening the medicine is stored for no more than 28 days.

In Moscow pharmacies the price of Oksial ranges from 460 to 570 rubles.

Hilo chest of drawers

Drops based on sodium hyaluronate, a derivative of hyaluronic acid. The advantage of drops over other drugs in this group is the absence of preservatives. It is used to combat eye discomfort, as well as microtraumas and unpleasant sensations associated with the use of lenses.

The drug is dripped into the eyes when dryness or burning occurs, 1-2 drops.

Hilo-komod is available in 10 ml bottles. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years.

The cost ranges from 480 to 560 rubles.

Artelak Splash

A drug containing hyaluronate in high concentration. Due to the dose of hyaluronic acid, the medicine quickly removes discomfort in the eyes associated with excessive drying of the mucous membrane. The advantage of this product is also that it is available in dropper tubes of 0.5 ml each. There are 30 pieces in a package. This makes it possible to ensure greater sterility of the drug compared to analogues. In addition, this packaging has earned favorable reviews due to its ease of use: you can take a small bottle with you on the road and throw it away after instillation. The method of application is similar to that for other products from this group.

The cost of the drug Artelak-splash in Moscow pharmacies ranges from 420 to 560 rubles.


Another drops containing sodium hyaluronate. The effect of the medicine, as well as the method of its use, are similar to those for other drops of this group. Available in 10 ml bottles. The price of the drug is about 500 rubles.


Inexpensive Russian analogue of imported drops. It contains sodium hyaluronate, as well as panthenol, a regenerating and healing agent. The advantage of the medicine is the availability of bottles with volumes of 2 ml, 5 l, 10 ml and 15 ml. It is recommended to use to combat unpleasant sensations when working at a computer, increased dryness, and in conditions of high dust content.

In pharmacies, the price of Stillavit is about 390 rubles.

Side effects

In rare cases, when using drops based on hyaluronate, allergic reactions may occur. If allergy symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using them and consult your doctor.

Can I use the drops on my own?

No, you shouldn't do this. Dryness and discomfort in the eyes may be a symptom of another dangerous disease. Only a doctor can choose the type of drops that is right for you, as well as the frequency of their use.

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