Ready-made balanced nutrition. Balanced diet: menu for the week. Cream of broccoli soup

Many women have long been familiar with planning the diet of their household. This event is not easy, because it is necessary to take into account many nuances: the tastes of each family member, income and range of products. However, drawing up a menu for a week for the family helps in solving many problems: the diet loses monotony, the housewife gets rid of daily stress, and the whole family is happy!

Why do we need a menu for the week?

With the right approach, planning your family’s diet for a week is not difficult. It is necessary to write down the composition of daily meals on a piece of paper. After this there is an assessment necessary products which should be included in the purchase list. This approach is considered the main one for rational management household. It provides a lot of benefits, including saving time, money, and the opportunity to change your diet towards a healthy diet.

Save time

  • eggs;
  • bird;
  • meat;
  • dairy, dairy products;
  • seafood, fish;
  • cereals;
  • greens, vegetables;
  • spices;
  • berries and fruits;
  • vegetable oils;
  • apple marmalade, marshmallows or dried fruits if you want something sweet;
  • whole grain or yeast-free rye bread.

Selecting a convenient menu form

The weekly family menu form can be printed, electronic, or hand-written. Through trial and error, you will independently understand what is more convenient for you. Make it easy to create a menu for your family using special programs, which save effort and time. You can create a universal template on your computer, filling it out every week at your discretion. The most convenient form is the one that combines the menu with the ingredients for each recipe.

Sample menu and recipes for the week for the whole family

Below we provide approximate menu for a week for the whole family, as well. This may go against your culinary preferences and habits. But having a template in front of you, it’s easy to make changes to it in your own way.


  • Breakfast – buckwheat porridge.
  • Lunch – chicken soup with noodles.
  • Afternoon snack – salad of dried apricots and carrots.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad, chicken liver stewed in sour cream, vermicelli.
  • Breakfast – scrambled eggs with sausages.
  • Dinner - beet salad, vermicelli soup.
  • Afternoon snack – fruit salad or whole fruits.
  • Dinner – vegetable salad, pilaf.
  • Breakfast – semolina porridge with raisins.
  • Lunch – goulash.
  • Afternoon snack – ratatouille with rice.
  • Dinner – radish and herb salad, potato zrazy stuffed with mushrooms.
  • Breakfast – berry dumplings with sour cream.
  • Lunch – salad with mushrooms and chicken, mashed potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack – yogurt.
  • Dinner – boiled rice, shrimp, green salad.
  • Breakfast - omelet.
  • Lunch – pea soup with croutons and smoked meats.
  • Afternoon snack – apple pancakes.
  • Dinner - braised cabbage with minced meat and rice, carrot and garlic salad.


  • Breakfast - egg toast.
  • Lunch – fish soup.
  • Afternoon snack - pie.
  • Dinner - potato casserole with minced meat, mint-cucumber salad.

To implement the proposed menu for the family for the week, we provide some recipes.

Dried apricot and carrot salad:

  • Ingredients: 4 carrots, 2 handfuls of dried apricots, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tsp. olive oil.
  • Preparation: peel the carrots and chop them on a grater, pour them into a salad bowl. Add dried apricots cut into strips. Whisk lemon juice, honey, olive oil. Dressing the salad.
  • Pilaf:

  • Ingredients: 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. spices for pilaf, 1 cup rice, 300 g pork, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, herbs.
  • Preparation: wash the rice several times first in warm water, then - in the cold. Pour into a saucepan, add water and cook until tender. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Peel the onions and carrots and chop them. Fry vegetables in oil until soft. Add diced pork. We continue to fry. When the meat is ready, add rice and spices. Stir, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about twenty minutes. Turn off the heat, sprinkle with chopped herbs, leave for a few minutes.

Salad with mushrooms and chicken:

  • Ingredients: boiled chicken breast, a handful of croutons, head lettuce, 10 champignons, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 5 tbsp. l. sour cream, salt.
  • Preparation: boiled breast cut in small pieces, pour into a salad bowl. Cut the champignons into slices and fry in oil until golden. Tear lettuce leaves into small pieces. Add mushrooms and salad. Season with sour cream, salt to taste and sprinkle with croutons.

Balanced diet for weight loss is required mainly by those women and men who dream of parting with extra pounds. It allows you to achieve the long-awaited result without psychological costs. This state of affairs is important for every person struggling with overweight, because the stress experienced in the process of dieting does not go away without leaving a trace.

Balanced nutrition (BN) is a set of useful nutrients, designed for this or other body weight, contributing not only to loss extra pounds, but also to the health of the whole body. The SP is observed according to several principles.

Firstly, the number of calories received is reduced to a minimum, and nutrients received to a maximum. This happens by reducing the consumption of fat-containing foods.

Secondly, the body, due to a calorie deficit, speeds up its metabolism, thereby using up its own fat resources.

A balanced diet is:

  1. Accelerated metabolism (active metabolism). Is effective way losing excess weight, building muscle mass(the condition will be correctly selected exercises).
  2. The energy value of calories in the diet is selected so that the body spends energy from the inside, but at the same time does not feel an energy deficit.
  3. Mode, in the form fractional meals, divided into six daily portions. This approach allows you not to feel hungry, but at the same time not to overeat due to small portions. The last meal should be no later than 19.00. It is allowed, an hour before bedtime, to satisfy your hunger with a glass of kefir.
  4. Balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (B/F/C). Compliance with proportions in order to improve the health of the body will be as follows: B2/G1/U2. With a balanced diet, designed not for weight loss, but for controlling your weight, the formula will be different: B1/W1/U4. Fats of animal origin should be replaced with vegetable ones, and carbohydrates should be exclusively “long-term”.
  5. Cooking method. Not only excess body volume, but also health in general depends on this point. You will have to exclude fried, fatty, smoked, salty foods, as well as fast carbohydrates as confectionery, chocolate and fast food products.
  6. Eating according to a person’s biorhythmic characteristics. Given this approach, emphasis should be placed on the rules established by nutritionists: breakfast should be eaten by a person not later than first hours from his morning awakening; lunch should be divided into two stages, one of which will include soups and meat, and the other, main courses; be sure to have afternoon snacks several times a day; have dinner no later than three hours before going to bed.
  7. Use large quantity water during the day. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, better absorption food, weight loss, metabolism activation.
  8. Limiting sugar and salt, which can retain water at the cellular level, preventing you from getting rid of extra pounds.

How to balance your diet

There should be an emphasis on the “right” products. These include, first of all, cereal crops. This can be oatmeal, bran, durum wheat products or wholemeal flour. The correct consumption would also be:

  • fish, both sea and river;
  • berries, vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • low-fat meats;
  • dairy products;
  • seeds, nuts and dried fruits.

Baked goods should be excluded from the diet, especially street-cooked, fried flour products, for example: pies, pasties.

Rules for eating food with a balanced diet:

  • 20 minutes before meals at morning hours, drink 1.5 glasses of water;
  • Breakfast should always include cereals, berries, fruits; sandwiches with cheese or feta cheese are allowed.
  • It is recommended to eat yogurt or kefir for the first afternoon snack;
  • organize frequent meals, with a break of no more than three hours;
  • alternate animal proteins (meat, fish) with plant proteins (legumes, nuts);
  • use fats plant origin: flaxseed, olive, corn, rapeseed, cedar oil;
  • replace any sweets with dried fruits.

We need to talk separately about water:

  • make it a rule to drink water 20-25 minutes before eating;
  • never wash down food;
  • After eating you can drink only one to one and a half hours later;
  • do not drink before bed to avoid swelling and poor sleep;


The body should receive at least 2.5 liters of water per day. The rest of the liquid: soups, fermented milk products, compotes, tea, coffee, should not exceed 1.2 liters.

Food should be prepared only in the safest way, for example:

  • cook;
  • use a steamer;
  • through the oven.

Sometimes, for a change, it is permissible to cook on a grill or fire. It is best to simmer in the oven meat products on a wire rack to remove fat. The meat can be pre-soaked in water, and soups can be cooked in secondary broth.

Balanced nutrition menu for every day

To solve the problem of extra pounds, you should think about your diet for a certain period of time and stick to it. Most often, nutritionists write out the menu for the week.




Breakfast First afternoon tea Lunch (1 part) Lunch (part 2) Second afternoon tea Dinner
Fruit salad dressed with yogurt Tender cottage cheese (80 gr.) Soup, meat Broccoli, baked (80 gr.) Carrot pudding Two potatoes (baked)
Corn porridge Oatmeal cookies, homemade (2-3 pieces) Boiled beef (80 gr.) Kefir Zucchini caviar (70 gr.)
Slice of soy cheese





In addition to water and the above drinks, you can also drink from liquids:

  • Tea with lemon;
  • herbal tea (chamomile, lemon balm, oregano, valerian, motherwort);
  • black coffee;
  • fruit drinks and fruit compotes.

It is better to avoid milk and cream, but all fermented milk products are suitable, but with the least amount of fat and, of course, without sugar.

Balanced nutrition formula

If you eat according to the rules of a balanced diet, then the body will receive everything it needs to set its resources in motion. The BZHU norm is quite flexible, since everything will depend on the goal. To maintain weight, an even balance of all nutrients and nutrients is required.

If you want to lose extra pounds, the percentage of fats and proteins will be reduced, and carbohydrates, in turn, will be increased, but with the conditions for consuming “long-term” carbohydrates. And in order to gain muscle mass, they increase the supply of protein products.

Let's consider the ratio of BZHU for the purpose of losing weight. IN percentage the formula will look like this:

  • B: 20% - F: 15% - U: 65%.

In the case of a no-carbohydrate diet, it’s like this:

  • B: 65% - F: 15%, U: 20%.

Be sure to use the above tips in relation to natural products, of plant origin.

Balanced diet: proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Nutritionists say that in the process without carbohydrate diet, carbohydrates should be consumed based on the formula for calculating your weight: 1 gram per 1 kilogram per day. But for more obese people, the proportion will be different: 0.5 grams per 1 kilogram.

With a balanced diet to normalize weight, the daily norm per kilogram of body weight will be: 1 gram of protein, 07-08 grams of fat and 3.5 grams of carbohydrates.

That is why they create a daily menu, which will allow you to calculate the amount of BZHU, and, accordingly, the calories involved with them, in numbers.

For example, a person weighs 80 kilograms, which means he should eat:

By sticking to this amount of BJU consumption, you can achieve your goal and part with excess volumes.

The role of protein in a balanced diet

Protein/protein is a building element of the cells of a living organism, which also contributes to their renewal. Consists of 22 amino acids that affect human life. It is the main component of the structure of tissues and organs. It is especially important for muscle mass. Protein is involved in the metabolic process, in the work hormonal system, is responsible for the supply of oxygen at the cellular level. In this regard, the daily consumption rate should be at least 20%.


For his health, a person must monitor not only the amount of protein, but also the source of it. This organic matter animal origin, in combination with fats, is absorbed much worse than products from plant sources.

The need for it will depend on:

  • age category of people;
  • their gender;
  • physical activity.

Rules of consumption per B/1 kilogram of weight.

  1. For people leading a passive lifestyle, 1 g/1 kg will be enough.
  2. With an active lifestyle and playing light sports, 1.2 g/1 kg is required.
  3. For active people who attend training 5-6 times a week, as well as for those who are fond of heavy sports, the proportions increase significantly: 1.6 g/1 kg.

The younger and more active person, the more energy it requires for the functioning of the body. Men require more protein foods than women due to their active metabolism.

Disadvantages in case of deficiency:

  • apathy, powerlessness, fatigue;
  • muscle atrophy, loss of muscle tissue;
  • failure of the hormonal system;
  • hair and tooth loss;
  • developmental inhibition in children;
  • craving for “fast” carbohydrates, dependence on them (chocolates, cheesecakes, sausage sandwiches, etc.);
  • violation of the structure of the skin.

Protein in the diet makes you feel fuller for a longer period. Even at rest, it “works” to maintain muscle mass and activate metabolism. Able to control blood sugar levels, as well as the production of insulin and its interaction with glucose. Visually preserves the aesthetic picture appearance, since in its absence, muscles human body become flabby.


Muscle/protein mass, unlike fat and carbohydrate mass, is much more capable of expending energy. Accordingly, the calories received per day do not turn into fat. Thus, controlling your weight becomes easy and simple. The more protein enters the body, the more intense the excess weight loss becomes.

In recent years, many people have become interested in a healthy lifestyle, and accordingly, already own experience can draw conclusions about the benefits of a balanced diet.

Meat products are absorbed by the body very poorly, but they are easily converted into additional kilograms. To build muscle mass and get rid of fat, you should replace animal meat with poultry and fish, as well as with proteins of plant origin. These include:

  • all types of nuts;
  • beans;
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • mushrooms;
  • sunflower seeds, sesame seeds.

Protein products of plant origin are easily absorbed by the body and do not turn into excess weight, do not contain, unlike meat, hormones, antibiotics and other harmful drugs.

For perfect choice The energy supplier is suitable for natural soy and lentils. Its use helps to improve the health of the body and normalize work of cardio-vascular system. Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, is prophylactic from cholesterol plaques, atherosclerosis. Helps speed up metabolism and eliminate excess calories.

Be sure to consume fermented milk products during the day, which help burn fat and are a supplier of protein energy.

Fruits are monosaccharides, which is why they should be consumed before 15:00 to give the body time for the process of digestion and absorption.

You should not eat sausages, as they are fast carbohydrates. The only thing they can leave behind is excess weight, but not energy for active image life.

In order not to do math all the time, you will need to write out products for yourself, determine the content of food-grade ingredients in each of them, and then create a menu. After a while, the digital series will fit into your head and you won’t need any pieces of paper.

Today most young people married women They are interested in mastering home time management. Keeping up with everything, trying to run a household economically and at the same time remaining attractive is not an easy task. Every housewife knows how much time it takes to cook and run around supermarkets after work. By learning how to create a weekly menu for your family, you will immediately solve several problems: save time, money and get rid of unnecessary workload.

Organizing and planning your family diet helps you save time and money.

Planning a menu for several days will save you from having to decide every day what to cook for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This approach to cooking has a number of advantages - saving time and money. At the same time, you will be able to fulfill a long-standing dream - to switch your household to a healthy diet.

Save time

Switching to purchasing products according to a list saves a lot of time. How does it usually happen? An inexperienced housewife makes spontaneous purchases, and then decides at home what can be prepared from it. In addition, he spends time searching interesting recipe in the Internet. As a result, we spend most of our free time near the stove.

You need to do everything the other way around. First, we draw up a menu for the week for the family with recipes, and then we buy for it necessary products. This way you can prepare some meals ahead. You won't have to run to the supermarket again if you forgot to buy something in a hurry. Cooking will turn into a deliberate process. Thanks to this planning, you can arrange a more gentle work schedule in the kitchen.

Financial benefit

Spontaneous grocery shopping has another unpleasant side. Have you noticed that when you enter the store just to buy bread and dairy products, you take out a whole cart? And then it turns out that only part of the contents will be eaten. And the rest will deteriorate. After all, each product has its own expiration date.

Sometimes women, tired after a day of work, in the desire to cook something quickly, buy semi-finished products or all sorts of “goodies”. They are not cheap. And their health benefits are questionable. Such unplanned expenses always hit the family budget.

If you create a weekly menu for your family in advance and make purchases based on it, the savings will be significant. For example, a year of such a deliberate approach to expenses will allow you to save for a long-awaited vacation, which was previously not available due to lack of finances.

Balanced and healthy diet

Another important advantage in diet planning is the ability to create more useful menu for all family members to join a healthy lifestyle. For those who want to lose excess weight, this is a must.

When compiling sample menu for the week it is important to consider several factors

If there are only healthy foods in the refrigerator, then you will not have any opportunity to eat something that is not permissible.

A balanced menu for the week for the whole family is a chance to switch to a healthier diet. It will be easier for you to control the amount of food you eat. You will be able to plan your menu for the whole day so that your diet will become more varied. After a few months, you will notice that giving up chaotic eating will have a beneficial effect on your health and appearance.

Planning weekly menu includes 3 key points:

  • Selecting recipes suitable for a specific family. Based on the selected recipes, create a list of dishes. Here you can enter dishes that are especially popular among family members. Ideally, for everyone. If you're unlucky, you can cook your favorite dishes one at a time. You can choose the recipes you want to master. In order to save time, it is worth alternating complex dishes with simple ones that will take a minimum of time.
  • Make a list of ingredients using ingredients.
  • Decide on their quantity and the required amount. Take this list to the supermarket. It is worth timing this event to coincide with the time when there are promotions in stores. Under no circumstances change the list on the fly. Subsequence - important point in planning.

You can do it differently. Carry out preparatory work. For a month, write down every day all the products you purchased, their quantity, and cost. At the end of the month, analyze the information received. You will immediately notice which products were extra, where you spent more than you needed (spontaneous purchases). It will become clear to you how often you buy, for example, dairy products and cereals. Inspect the refrigerator, all kitchen cabinets, and take into account all remaining supplies that have not expired.

Once you get used to shopping from a list, you can adjust your entries over time.

Making a grocery list

After drawing up a menu plan, you need to make a list of products necessary for its preparation.

When creating a simple weekly menu for your family, focus on the tastes of your household. Family income also needs to be taken into account. The time of year plays an important factor in compiling the list: it is better to buy fruits and vegetables that are in season. If you want not only to save money, but also to accustom your household to a healthy lifestyle, then give preference to healthy products.

Your cart should contain:

  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • eggs;
  • meat ( better chicken or turkey);
  • fat sea ​​fish, seafood;
  • various cereals;
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries;
  • spices, herbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • nuts, dried apricots, raisins;
  • low-calorie sweets, honey.

If holidays are planned or guests are planned, then you need to draw up an additional list of products.

Selecting a convenient menu form

Now you can download it on the Internet various programs with a calorie calculator or recipes indicating the quantities of ingredients. Use them to save time. A ready-made menu for a week for a family can become decor for the kitchen if you decorate it like in a restaurant. More practical housewives will opt for an electronic menu or one written down in a diary. For ease of planning, it is worth combining the list of dishes with the recipe.

Each family has its own taste preferences. Therefore, we offer one of many options.

Monday oatmeal with any seasonal fruits or berries

rassolnik, mashed potatoes with boiled chicken, a fresh vegetable salad

potato zrazy with champignons (use leftover mashed potatoes from lunch)


cheesecakes with sour cream and berries

beetroot, stewed chicken liver, sliced ​​vegetables

fish baked in foil with vegetables


buckwheat porridge with milk

chicken noodle soup, carrot and cheese salad

vegetable salad, boiled beef


pancakes from oatmeal with sour cream or honey

champignon cream soup, salad boiled beef with vegetables

fish stewed in tomato sauce with bell pepper


cottage cheese with berries

fish cutlets, cabbage and cucumber salad

vegetable ratatouille


pancakes with apples

bell pepper stuffed with rice, minced meat

vegetable salad, stewed chicken liver


cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin

vegetable soup, pilaf with champignons,

chicken stewed in sour cream with pasta, vegetables

From the presented home menu For the week, we will choose several dishes for the family that can be prepared in a matter of minutes.

Oat pancakes

Ingredients (for 1 serving) - 1 egg, 3 tbsp. spoons oatmeal, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.

Preparation – Grind the flakes, add egg, sugar, beat with a mixer. Leave for 5-10 minutes to swell. Then fry as usual pancakes.

Champignon puree soup

Ingredients – 300 g champignons, 3 potatoes, 2 onions, 300 ml 20% cream, vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper nutmeg(optional).

Preparation – Boil the potatoes. Peel the onions, mushrooms, chop everything coarsely. Fry the onion until transparent, then add champignons and spices. Fry, stirring, until the mushrooms are ready. Combine boiled potatoes, a glass of potato broth, fried mushrooms with onions, and cream. Beat with a mixer. If the puree soup is too thick, add a little more potato broth.

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 21 minutes


The first thing that forms the basis of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. That is, a balanced nutrition scheme based on several principles: regular supply of the body with a “full package” of nutrients and vitamins, a mandatory diet and taking into account the person’s age.

What do you need to know about proper nutrition, and how to create a menu?

What is proper nutrition?

To control your weight and create a proper nutrition plan, it is important to navigate the products that appear in our refrigerator, and promptly eliminate the excess and add what is needed. And the main guideline is the content of nutrients and the absence of additives, GMOs, etc.

Essential Nutrients, necessary for the body:

  • Squirrels. Or, as nutritionists say, proteins. They are needed for metabolism, building new cells, youthful skin and normal operation nervous system. Where do they get them from? From eggs, meat with fish and cottage cheese. And also from nuts and legumes. The most digestible proteins come from fish/meat and dairy products. Daily norm protein – about 110 g.
  • Fats. They are the most powerful source of energy, a “mix” of lecithin, fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B, etc. Where do they get it from? From vegetable oils, animal fats, fish and meat, milk and eggs. The need for fats is satisfied exclusively through a combination vegetable fats with animals. The daily intake of fat is about 130 g, of which 30 percent is vegetable fats, and 70 percent are animals.
  • Carbohydrates . Also a source of energy necessary for the complete exchange of fats with proteins. By combining with proteins, carbohydrates ensure the formation of certain enzymes, hormones, etc. The daily intake of carbohydrates is about 450 g.
  • Cellulose . Is complex carbohydrate. Needed to enhance intestinal motility, remove cholesterol and toxins, and protect the body from “pollution.” Where do they get it from? From wheat bran, vegetables and fruits.
  • Vitamins. They are needed for the normal functioning of all body systems: 1 - fat-soluble (A, K, E and D); 2 - water-soluble (group B, C).

List of products for proper and balanced nutrition in the table

As you know, proper nutrition means it is balanced, healthy and easily digestible. And in order to correctly create a menu, you need to know how many calories a particular product contains.

Calorie content of soft drinks:

Calorie content of mushrooms:

  • White: fresh – 32 kcal, dried – 277 kcal
  • Chanterelles: fresh – 22 kcal, dried – 268 kcal
  • Fresh butter – 12 kcal
  • Fresh honey mushrooms – 25 kcal
  • Boletus mushrooms: fresh – 30 kcal, dried – 231 kcal
  • Fresh champignons – 29 kcal

Calorie content of caviar:

  • Chum salmon (grainy) – 250 kcal
  • Sturgeon (grainy) – 201 kcal
  • Pollock (punch) – 127 kcal

Calorie content of cereals:

Calorie content of sausages:

  • Doctoral – 257 kcal
  • Dairy – 243 kcal
  • Cervelat s/k – 453 kcal
  • Salami – 576 kcal
  • Sausages: beef – 215 kcal, pork – 330 kcal
  • Sausages: beef – 229 kcal, pork – 284 kcal

Calorie content of fats, oils:

  • Rendered pork fat – 882 kcal
  • Mayonnaise 67% - 624 kcal
  • Cream margarine – 746 kcal
  • Vegetable oil: flaxseed – 898 kcal, olive – 898 kcal, sunflower – 899 kcal
  • 82.5% - 747 kcal, ghee - 885 kcal

Calorie content of dairy products:

Calorie content of meat/poultry:

Calorie content of vegetables:

Calorie content of dried fruits and nuts:

  • Nuts: peanuts – 555 kcal, walnuts – 662 kcal, cashews 647 kcal, almonds – 643 kcal, pistachios – 555 kcal, hazelnuts – 701 kcal
  • Dried fruits: sultanas – 285 kcal, dried apricots – 270 kcal, dates – 277 kcal, prunes – 262 kcal, dried apples– 275 kcal
  • Seeds: sunflower – 582 kcal

Calorie content of fish and seafood:

Calorie content of sweets:

Calorie content of berries/fruits:

Calorie content of flour products:

  • Bagels/bagels – 342 kcal
  • Bun – 261 kcal
  • Lavash – 239 kcal
  • Drying – 335 kcal
  • Rye bread – 210 kcal, wheat bread – 246 kcal
  • Wheat crackers – 327 kcal

Calorie content of eggs

  • Omelet – 181 kcal
  • Chicken eggs – 153 kcal, quail – 170 kcal, duck – 176 kcal, ostrich – 118 kcal

How to create a menu of proper and balanced nutrition for every day - examples for the day, week, month

Approximate menu for each adult tuned in healthy image life (this diet can be supplemented and changed according to preferences, but taking into account the rules of healthy eating):


Breakfast: weak tea + homemade cottage cheese (additives – prunes, dried apricots, raisins)

  • At lunch: salad (vegetables + linseed oil) + a slice of black bread + a piece of beef (boil) + compote
  • For dinner: vegetables (stew) + jelly

Between meals the following are acceptable: drinking yogurt, up to 1.5 liters of water, orange, almonds (no more than 50 g), pomegranate juice.


  • Breakfast: porridge (additives - honey, grated apple or berries) + semi-sweet herbal tea + 3-4 slices of cheese
  • At lunch: chicken bouillon with vegetables + a piece of baked (or steamed) light fish+ yeast-free bread
  • For dinner: Greek salad + chicken (boil, for serving – no more than 150 g)

During breaks the following are allowed: walnuts, up to 1.5 liters of water, apple and kefir.


During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, no more than 100 g of light cottage cheese, avocado.


  • In the morning — muesli with milk + semi-sweet tea + curd cheese
  • At lunch: creamy soup with spinach + paella + compote
  • For dinner: tea + salmon (bake) with herbs + toast

During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, yogurt and ripe berries.


  • For breakfast: oatmeal (add honey and chopped almonds) + tea with a slice of lemon
  • At lunch: broth (chicken) + potatoes (boil) with 5 g butter and herbs + compote
  • For dinner: salad ( seaweed and seafood) + bran bread + tea

During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, a fruit cocktail.


During breaks - up to 1.5 liters of water, dried apricots, 1 pomegranate


  • For breakfast: buckwheat with 5 g butter + milk
  • At lunch: vegetable soup + bran bread + tomato + boiled fish
  • For dinner: freshly squeezed juice + casserole (carrots)

During breaks: up to 1.5 liters of water, 1 grapefruit, no more than 50 g of hazelnuts.

Features of proper and balanced nutrition

The food we eat daily plays a big role in both health and figure. Exhausting diets and serious physical activity are not needed, if the diet is balanced , and the menu is carefully thought out.

True, the principles of healthy eating will be slightly different for an ordinary adult, an athlete, a baby or a nursing mother.

Balanced and proper nutrition during pregnancy - basic nutrition for pregnant women

As is known, to the expectant mother you have to eat “for two.” That is, the need for nutrients and vitamins increases manifold.

Basic rules of healthy eating for an expectant mother:

The basics of proper and balanced nutrition and menus for the growth of children and adolescents

Considering the intensive growth of children and schoolchildren, hormonal changes, the development of all body systems and high activity, healthy nutrition for children should include full complex useful substances.

Basic principles of healthy nutrition for children:

Proper nutrition for muscle mass - rules of balanced nutrition for athletes

For people actively involved in sports, a healthy diet involves a significant increase in elements in the diet that help reduce body fat and build muscle mass.

Principles of healthy nutrition for athletes:

Advice from nutritionists on proper and balanced nutrition - where to start?

— Before realizing your cherished dream and moving on to healthy eating, you need to remember its main principles.

1 is the power mode. That is, always at the same time, and 4-5 times a day, in accordance with your work or study schedule. You can't break the regime!

2 – selection of products. Make lists of “forbidden” foods and lists of those that will be useful in advance. Immediately - with calorie numbers. Based on these lists and the amount of calories you need for the day when creating your menu.

3 – create a menu for at least a week in advance. This way you will save both time and nerves.

Do you dream of losing weight deliciously and with pleasure! And the main thing is to get a long-term and healthy result? It is possible if you follow a balanced diet for weight loss. I will help you create a menu for the week... A super cheat sheet for losing weight is in this article!

Hello, my dear readers, Svetlana Morozova is with you. Why now, in our well-fed age, when almost everyone can eat nutritiously, do many still prefer to starve for the sake of being slim?

Friends! I, Svetlana Morozova, invite you to mega useful and interesting webinars! Presenter: Andrey Eroshkin. Health restoration expert, registered dietitian.

Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from appearing again?
  • How to stop visiting gynecologists and give birth healthy child and not grow old at 40?

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

Bottom line

The menu is quite simple to create. You just rarely have time for this, right?

It will be easier if you always have a list of prohibited foods and healthy ones that you can combine as you please.

What products do we focus on:

  • Fat burners: hot spices, citrus fruits, pineapple;
    • Salt. If possible, it is better not to add salt at all. If you absolutely cannot live without salt, then you need to limit it to 1 tsp. in a day.
    • Fast food;
    • Fatty, fried, smoked, salted;
    • Canned food;
    • Sweets;
    • Bakery;
    • Soda, packaged juices, sweet teas;
    • Rich broths.

    A balanced and varied diet is, of course, good. 70% success in any business. But don't forget about sports, good sleep and positive emotions - without them you cannot disperse. Which means you won’t lose weight.

    Leave questions in the comments, share your experiences and favorite healthy food recipes.

    See you soon!

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