Potassium chloride. Useful properties and application. Potassium chloride (potassium chloride) Potassium chloride in food

Material prepared by: Yuri Zelikovich, teacher of the Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management

Potassium chloride (potassium chloride) is today one of the most popular basic fertilizers in small private farming. The obvious reasons are the availability and speed of migration in the soil compared to others, which allows potassium chloride to promptly feed annuals during the season. But, on the other hand, the same speed of migration and the presence of chlorine ions, which are contraindicated for many garden crops, require Use potassium chloride with caution. By the way, it is possible to successfully feed plants that do not like chlorine such as potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, etc. with potassium chloride, you just need to know how and when. The purpose of this article is to explain to the gardener and amateur gardener how to properly use potassium chloride in the country and in the garden.

Types of fertilizers

Basic fertilizers are those containing one, two or all of the basic plant nutrients - nitrogen N, phosphorus P and potassium K. The first are mono-fertilizers, and those containing NP, NK, PK or NPK are complex. Additional and microfertilizers contain microelements - iron, magnesium, zinc, boron, molybdenum, copper, sulfur, etc. Any fertilizer can be ballast-free, free of by-products and ballast. Thus, potassium chloride is the main ballast monofertilizer.

Why do plants need potassium?

Potassium, like other nutrients, is absolutely essential for plants. Plants can still survive a deficiency of additional or microelements, losing productivity or refusing to bear fruit, but a deficiency of any of the main ones leads to their death. Garden crops, as a rule, find the vital minimum of additional and microelements in depleted, intensively used soil, giving some or an average harvest, but the lack of any of the main ones will bring all the owner’s efforts to nothing. Therefore, in a country house or garden plot, fertilizing with basic plant nutrients should be carried out regularly.

The peculiarity of potassium is that its minimum required for plants to vegetate on a starvation diet is available almost everywhere and is replenished from natural sources, which is why Russian potassium-loving farmers have neglected potassium for a long time. We can say that our summer residents “discovered” potassium relatively recently, when a dacha or a vegetable garden at home became not only a source of pickles for snacks, but also, with skillful management, a serious help in the budget. This is where it turned out that potassium has a multifaceted effect on plants (see figure on the right):

  • Promotes the growth and strengthening of roots, which improves plant nutrition (gives them appetite), enhances their winter and drought resistance, as well as resistance to root pests.
  • Activates the formation and growth of young shoots, incl. fruitful - hence an increase in yield. Of course, with sufficient NP and microelements.
  • Increases the sugar content and “meatiness” of fruits, i.e. their taste and commercial qualities.

The obvious conclusion is that potassium is a “market” fertilizer that helps increase farm profitability. Especially in lean years, when prices for agricultural products rise. Not entirely obvious - potassium is not a panacea; its beneficial effect is felt only with complete, comprehensive nutrition of plants. Moreover, it is easier to overfeed plants with potassium than with nitrogen and phosphorus, and if signs of its excess appear (see below), it will be too late to do anything for annuals. Therefore, potassium chloride, as an easily digestible fertilizer, requires particularly careful attention.

Release forms

Chemically pure potassium chloride KCl is colorless transparent crystals (item 1 in the figure) or white powder (item 2). Its crystal lattice is cubic (item 3), like that of its closest chemical relative sodium chloride - ordinary table salt. And in the same way, potassium chloride is fragile and hygroscopic.

As a fertilizer, potassium chloride is sold in white and pink, loose and granular. All of them, from a reputable manufacturer, contain 58-65% active potassium (active ingredient); the exact percentage is indicated on the packaging. White potassium chloride is not necessarily pure white, as in pos. 4, it can be quite gray, pos. 5. The latter, if it is from a natural deposit or electrolysis (see below), is perhaps even better - it contains trace elements as impurities.

For the purposes of agricultural technology, the correct fractionation of potassium chloride is more important: in grains, similar in shape and size to very small sunflower seeds, pos. 6. Such potassium chloride is sometimes called seed by analogy with fine fuel coal. It is with potassium chloride – seeds (or granulated, see below) that you can fertilize crops that do not tolerate chlorine. How – also see below. And why? The rate of dissolution of potassium chloride - seeds in soil moisture is such that chlorine quickly migrates in the soil, goes down, and potassium remains at the roots.

Note: pure white potassium chloride is best suited for foliar feeding and emergency feeding when signs of potassium starvation appear, see below, because it is more soluble and contains a minimum of ballast.

From the point of view of agricultural chemistry, pink potassium chloride is almost no different from white. It can be reddish in color from almost white to gray-brown, pos. 7-11. This is explained by the presence of natural mineral impurities, which is why the development of potassium salts looks like fantastic underground palaces, see figure:

This beauty is not suitable for crafts - it is fragile and gyroscopic. Natural impurities in potassium salts are not harmful to plants, and are often beneficial. The color of pink potassium chloride is a good indicator of its natural origin, which is why it is valued above white. Unfortunately, pink potassium chloride is often counterfeited with surrogates obtained from industrial waste, see below.


Its granules have all the properties of potassium chloride – seeds. Granulated potassium chloride can be distinguished from ground potassium chloride under a magnifying glass: the edges and edges of its grains seem to be licked off, because granular potassium chloride is obtained from industrial waste by pressing. Industrial origin is not a defect; industrial potassium chloride can be no worse and even better than natural one. When purchasing, you only need to visually check it for harmful impurities and find out the origin of the product, see below. However, granular potassium chloride, with rare exceptions, is benign - counterfeiting it requires costs, which a petty crook does not have the means to afford.

Note: the granular form of release for sale is an indicator of the quality of potassium chloride even more reliable than the “pinkness”, which is why granulate is more expensive.


Potassium chloride of industrial origin can be indistinguishable in appearance from white, which is gray, or light brown pink, pos. 1 in Fig. In this case, you need, firstly, to check the specification from what type of waste it was produced; conscientious manufacturers always indicate the origin of the product. Flotation potassium chloride (from mining waste) is the cheapest, but it should only be taken from a trusted supplier. It is flotation potassium chloride that is most often counterfeited, passing off as ground sludge, which contains less active potassium than harmful impurities. However, large agricultural enterprises with established supply channels willingly and successfully use flotation potassium chloride.

Electrolysis potassium chloride is obtained from electrometallurgy waste. As a rule, there are no harmful impurities in it - already at the production stage they are smelted into slag. Electrometallurgy is a complex, well-equipped industry; electrometallurgists are responsible people, and there have been no cases of counterfeiting of electrolysis potassium chloride.

If the origin of potassium chloride is unknown, it is very necessary and there is nowhere else to get it - look at the color. Yellowness of white or redness of pink (positions 2 and 3) are signs of the presence of a large admixture of sulfur, 3-valent iron or something else, which will not do any good to you or the plants, except harm. In this case, it would be preferable to make do with a potash fertilizer at hand, for example, an infusion of wood ash.


Potassium chloride is a “summer” fertilizer. Before winter, it is not applied to refill the soil; it is used for this purpose. With the use of potassium chloride, you can prepare plants for winter by adding it after harvesting, before the growing season is over, see for example. track. video.

Video: preparing plants for winter using potassium chloride

The use of potassium chloride for plant nutrition is justified in the following. circumstances:

  1. For urgent foliar feeding by spraying with a 1-2% solution in the presence of signs of potassium starvation (see below) - here it’s chlorine, not chlorine, you need to save;
  2. On heavy soils, when filling the soil with mulch in the spring at the rate of 25-35 g per square meter. m. depending on soil fertility. Light permeable soils are filled with potassium sulfate, and potassium chloride is not recommended for filling them at all;
  3. In order to prepare perennials for winter - by warmth after harvesting 10 g/sq. m on medium and heavy soils, 20 g/sq. m on the lungs. In the latter case, up to 50% of the active substance will be lost;
  4. For seasonal feeding of chlorine-tolerant vegetables and fruits - according to the rules of agricultural technology for a given species and variety. You definitely cannot quickly feed cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, all berries, legumes and salads with potassium chloride;
  5. When planting “potassium gluttons” - , . The planting hole is dug 7-8 cm deeper than usual, 2-3 pinches (a third of a matchbox) of potassium chloride - seeds or granules - are added there and sprinkled with earth. While the plant develops, the chlorine will leave, and most of the potassium will remain at the roots.

Note: Refilling from autumn to winter with potassium chloride is possible on very heavy clay and loamy soils or in places with harsh winters and stable snow cover. Under other conditions, potassium will go in the same place as chlorine until spring.

Hunger strike and overfeeding

It is necessary to use potassium chloride for emergency feeding if the signs of acute potassium starvation are clearly visible on the lower old leaves:

  • The leaves are shriveled, their edges are curled.
  • Brown spots appear between the veins.
  • In severe cases, the wrinkled edges of the leaves turn brown as a continuous border and dry out.

In case of mild potassium starvation (seedlings do not sit well in the ground, young stems are twisted, pale, tillering is weak), it is best to feed the plants with potassium magnesia. Potassium chloride often causes overfeeding of weakened plants, as if an exhausted person who had been starving for a long time suddenly overate to the point of nausea. In perennials, overfeeding with potassium is most often expressed in diseases of the roots and freezing of the buds in winter, but in annuals it is immediately visible: the stems lie down and rot at the root collar. In this case, it is possible to save at least part of the crop by immediately stopping all fertilizing, reducing watering to a minimum and removing some of the fruitful shoots with unripe fruits.

Dyes are very popular in the food industry. They are responsible for giving the product an attractive appearance, which is the initial stage of attracting consumers. At subsequent stages, producers attract consumers with smell and taste. Food additive E124 belongs to the category of dyes. A food additive is an unnatural dye, that is, it does not exist in nature in its pure form. E124 is synthesized in laboratory conditions. This is the first sign that a food additive is most likely causing harm to the body, because everything that is not found in nature in its pure form is not natural and is not intended by nature for consumption. The food additive E124, also known as “crimson 4R”, has, according to its name, a crimson color. This probably means nothing to most people. Crimson color is a variety of scarlet color. Red poppy is a prime example of crimson color in its natural form. The food additive E124 is present in a number of products that have certain shades of red: various desserts, supposedly “natural” juices, sweets, etc. The most dangerous, from a psychological point of view, is the use of E124 in juices: the bright saturated color attracts the consumer with an illusion naturalness of the product. E124 is also present in a number of carbonated and alcoholic drinks. However, shades of red are not the entire range of “activities” of the E124 additive. This food additive actively “collaborates” with other food additives, expanding the palette of possible colors. In combination with additives E102 and E104, as well as E110, shades of brown are created that are widely used in the confectionery industry. When combined with blue dyes, the color violet is obtained. Based on the type of chemical element, additive E124 belongs to sodium salts and is resistant to high temperature, light, long-term storage, and freezing, which significantly expands its use.

Food additive E124 Widely used in the confectionery industry to add attractiveness to various cakes, pastries, cookies and so on. E124 is also used in the production of various meat products, for example in canned food. Canned food is deliberately dyed to give it a brighter appearance, because dead processed flesh is not a very attractive product and will look very sad without coloring.

The food additive E124 is often used to tint processed fruits. For example, canned fruits - to return them the bright color that they lost during heat and chemical processing.

E124: effect on the body

Like most dyes, the E124 food additive has a colossal harmful effect, especially on the children's body. In children, this additive causes concentration and attention disorders, which will undoubtedly affect their school performance and overall learning ability. Also, the E124 supplement leads to hyperactivity of the child and, as a result, the development of various behavioral defects. Therefore, if your child behaves strangely, there is no need to take him to psychologists and stuff him with various sedative pills. It is enough just to stop poisoning it with confectionery products generously rich in the food additive E124 and other dyes that have a similar harmful effect. Also, the food additive E124 is a strong allergen and, in case of hypersensitivity, can even cause anaphylactic shock and lead to death. Asthmatics and people in general prone to respiratory diseases are strongly advised to avoid products containing E124, as their use can lead to attacks of suffocation and further deterioration of the general condition.

In countries such as the USA, Finland, Norway and others, authorities were forced to ban the food coloring E124 due to its obvious harm to the body. During research, it was discovered that this food additive is a strong carcinogen and directly contributes to the development of cancer. By the way, if you pay attention, the development of oncology around the world began only a few decades ago, when the food industry entered into symbiosis with the chemical industry and the widespread consumption of unnatural harmful products with various food additives, including type “E”, began.

It is worth noting an interesting fact: in Russia, the food additive E124 is prohibited for coloring medications and use in the pharmaceutical industry, but is allowed for coloring food products. Apparently, causing harm to the health of supposedly “healthy” people who do not take pills is considered normal. Well, it’s quite logical: if a person does not go to the pharmacy, then he is healthy, which means he does not bring profit to the pharmaceutical industry. It's worth fixing this. But poisoning people who are already unhealthy is dangerous - they will die and will not bring profit. Simple rational logic on which legislation is based.

Thus, the food additive E124 is a strong carcinogen, the use of which should be avoided, especially since the list of products in which it is used is itself far from the concepts of a healthy diet.

Potassium chloride (Potassium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, E508) is a white, odorless, crystalline substance. Chemical formula KCl.

Potassium chloride is the most common potash fertilizer.

Used for the production of potassium hydroxide by electrolysis.

Sometimes used as an additive to table salt (so-called “reduced sodium salt”).

It is possible to form holograms on potassium chloride crystals. In a number of US states it is used as an injection for capital punishment.

Potassium chloride (food additive E508) is a white crystalline substance, odorless, potassium salt of hydrochloric acid. Soluble in water, practically insoluble in alcohol. It is found in nature in the form of minerals - sylvite and carnalite. This substance is obtained chemically - by the interaction of potassium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid, as well as from sylvite using the method of halurgy and flotation. In the first case, the process is based on the difference in the rate of solubility with increasing temperature, in the second - on the different ability to remain at the interface in a liquid medium. Chemical formula: KCl. When taken orally, potassium salts are easily absorbed and quickly excreted by the kidneys. Does not have carcinogenic or other hazardous properties. In very small doses it is used in medicine as a drug that strengthens the heart muscle. In the food industry it is used as a gelling agent, an additive to table salt, to produce “salt with low sodium content.” Added to various foods to prevent caking. Other uses of potassium chloride: - in the agricultural industry, as potash fertilizer; - in the chemical industry, for the production of potassium hydroxide by electrolysis; - to form holograms on crystals of this substance; - as an injection for capital punishment, in some US states.

The properties of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride, as well as its structure and distinctive features, allow us to classify this additive as a substance intended for use in the industrial production of food products. In addition to its emulsifying ability, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is also known to act as a good stabilizer and salt substitute.

Other names for this additive are used much less frequently - potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrochloride, sylvin, potassium chloride, sylvite, Potassium chloride, kalium chloratum and sylvine.

Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride in appearance is a white substance with a crystalline structure that does not have any odor, but has a pronounced salty taste. In nature, that is, the natural environment, potassium chloride is found in the composition of sylvinite, as well as in the minerals sylvite and carnallite.

E508 is obtained chemically by reacting hydrochloric acid with potassium hydroxide, as well as from sylvite using flotation and halurgy. In the first case, the production process is based on the difference in the rate of solubility with increasing temperature, while in the second, on the different ability to retain at the phase boundary in a liquid medium.

The chemical formula of the resulting additive is as follows - KCl. Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride is highly soluble in water, but practically insoluble in alcohol. The melting point of potassium chloride is considered to be 770C, and the substance boils at 1407C.

In the food industry, emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride can be used as a stabilizer in the production of condensed and powdered milk, cream and a dry analogue of this product. The supplement usually appears in dietary nutrition as a salt substitute. In addition, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride acts as a nutrient medium for yeast cultures.

The properties of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride are also widely used for medical purposes. As a rule, it helps in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, lack of potassium in the body, as well as intoxications due to the administration of glycosides and cardiac diuretics. In addition, E508 is one of the most popular and most commonly used agricultural potash fertilizers.

The benefits of food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride

According to most scientists, the benefits of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride for human health exceed the probable harm from its use. In this regard, the additive is recognized as safe and is not prohibited for use in the food industry by many world powers.

It has been established that in moderate quantities, the benefit of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is to normalize the acid-base state, as well as replenish the lack of potassium in the body. Potassium chloride is an activator of cytoplasmic enzymes that takes part in protein synthesis and transport of essential amino acids. In addition, this substance promotes better conduction of nerve impulses.

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Physical and chemical characteristics

Potassium chloride (pure substance) - colorless crystals with a cubic lattice. At a temperature of +298°C and a pressure of 1.95 MPa, a cubic modification is formed.

Physical characteristics:

Potassium chloride is produced by industry in two forms: granular (first and second grade) and fine (first and second grade).

Granular - compressed irregularly shaped granules of grayish-white or various shades of red-brown color, or large crystals of grayish-white color.

Fine - small crystals of grayish-white color or small grains of various shades of red-brown color.



Potassium chloride is the main potassium fertilizer throughout the world. It is used as the main fertilizer for plowing, and on light soils - for cultivation. Potassium chloride for use in agriculture is supplied in granular or coarse crystalline form. By agreement with the consumer, this can also be “fine” potassium chloride. To determine the particle size distribution, a sieve with fine holes is used. The granulometric composition of the product is: more than 6 mm - no more than 2%, from 1-4 mm - 65%, less than 1 mm - no more than 5%.

Fertilizers registered and approved for use in Russia are located in the table on the right.


Potassium chloride is used as a component for the production of complex mineral fertilizers. Granulated potassium chloride - for the production of mixed mineral fertilizers containing three main plant nutrients.

Potassium chloride is used in metallurgy, pyrotechnics, photography, as well as in textile, glass, soap, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, leather and many other industries.

For the production of leather substitutes, synthetic rubbers, feed and baker's yeast, “fine” potassium chloride is used.

For the production of therapeutic and prophylactic salts, potassium chloride is used, not treated with anti-caking agents.

Behavior in soil

Potassium chloride is used on all types of soils in accordance with the recommendations for.

Potassium chloride, like all potash fertilizers, is highly soluble in water. When introduced into the soil, it dissolves in the soil solution, and then interacts with the soil absorption complex according to the type of exchange (physicochemical), and partially non-exchange absorption. The mechanism of potassium behavior in soil is common to all.

The chlorine contained in this fertilizer may have a negative effect on some plants. Therefore, fertilizers are placed in a more moist layer of soil, from which chlorine is washed out by autumn-spring precipitation and does not have a negative effect on chlorophobic crops.

Methods of application

For chlorophobic crops, it is recommended to apply potassium chloride in the fall during fall plowing (). This leads to the migration of chlorine into deeper layers of the soil profile. Potassium, due to positive adsorption, is retained in the arable soil layer. Thus, the negative effect of chlorine on the crop is successfully eliminated.

The best time to apply potassium fertilizer for sugar beets should be considered the main one during the fall season. Along with this, it is also used in rows and in.

Impact on crops

Potassium chloride, while having a general positive effect on many plants, can have a negative effect on chlorophobic crops.

Potatoes, tobacco, grapes

- chlorophobic crops that react negatively to excess chlorine in the soil (it leads to a decrease in yield). At the same time, they are very potassium-loving. The negative impact of the chlorine component is eliminated by adjusting the doses, timing and methods of adding calcium chloride.

Sugar and fodder beets, corn, sunflowers and many vegetables

- potassium-loving crops, less sensitive to chlorine. In England, in addition to potassium fertilizers, sodium chloride is also applied to sugar and fodder beets.

Cereals, cereals, legumes, annual and perennial grasses

less demanding on potassium fertilizers.


Potassium chloride is obtained from sylvinite (a conglomerate of sylvinite KCl and halite NaCl) in two ways.

E508 Potassium chloride

E508 Potassium chloride

E508. Potassium chloride (POTASSIUM CHLORIDE) is a gelling agent. It also performs the following technological functions: nutrient medium for yeast, stabilizer, salt substitute.

Synonyms: sylvite, potassium chloride, potassium hydrochloride; English potassium chloride, sylvine, sylvite; German Kaliumchloride, sylvin; fr. chloride de potassium, sylvine.

CAS No. 7447-40-7

Obtained by chemical reactions. The additive contains impurities harmful to the human body.

There is information that in the Codex Alimentarius, potassium chloride is allowed in 5 standards as a stabilizer in an amount of 2 to 5 g/kg of dry substance, individually or together with other stabilizers. In the Russian Federation, potassium chloride is allowed as a filler carrier and salt in food products according to TI in quantities according to TI (clauses 3.2.20,3.16.52 SanPiN; as a nutrient (feeder) for yeast for use in the food industry, application technology in accordance with TI (clause 5.4.19 of SanPiN It is used in the production of cream, condensed milk, milk powder and cream, and is used as a salt substitute for dietary nutrition.

Potassium chloride (E508) – has a harmful effect on the human body due to its synthetic nature (like all “food” additives) and the presence of impurities.

Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride. Benefits and properties of emulsifier E508

The properties of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride, as well as its structure and distinctive features, allow us to classify this additive as a substance intended for use in the industrial production of food products. In addition to its emulsifying ability, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is also known to act as a good stabilizer and salt substitute.

Other names for this additive are used much less frequently - potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, potassium hydrochloride, sylvin, potassium chloride, sylvite, Potassium chloride, kalium chloratum and sylvine.

Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride in appearance is a white substance with a crystalline structure that does not have any odor, but has a pronounced salty taste. In nature, that is, the natural environment, potassium chloride is found in the composition of sylvinite, as well as in the minerals sylvite and carnallite.

E508 is obtained chemically by reacting hydrochloric acid with potassium hydroxide, as well as from sylvite using flotation and halurgy. In the first case, the production process is based on the difference in the rate of solubility with increasing temperature, while in the second, on the different ability to retain at the phase boundary in a liquid medium.

The chemical formula of the resulting additive is as follows - KCl. Food emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride is highly soluble in water, but practically insoluble in alcohol. The melting point of potassium chloride is considered to be 770C, and the substance boils at 1407C.

In the food industry, emulsifier E508 Potassium chloride can be used as a stabilizer in the production of condensed and powdered milk, cream and a dry analogue of this product. The supplement usually appears in dietary nutrition as a salt substitute. In addition, the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride acts as a nutrient medium for yeast cultures.

The properties of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride are also widely used for medical purposes. As a rule, it helps in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, lack of potassium in the body, as well as intoxications due to the administration of glycosides and cardiac diuretics. In addition, E508 is one of the most popular and most commonly used agricultural potash fertilizers.

According to most scientists, the benefits of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride for human health exceed the probable harm from its use. In this regard, the additive is recognized as safe and is not prohibited for use in the food industry by many world powers.

It has been established that in moderate quantities, the benefit of the food emulsifier E508 Potassium Chloride is to normalize the acid-base state, as well as replenish the lack of potassium in the body. Potassium chloride is an activator of cytoplasmic enzymes that takes part in protein synthesis and transport of essential amino acids. In addition, this substance promotes better conduction of nerve impulses.

Potassium chloride is a substance also known as food additive E508, Potassium chloride, Potassium hydrochloride, Potassium hydrochloride, Potassium chloride, Kalium chloratum, Sylvine, Sylvine and Sylvite.

Moreover, the latter names reflect its presence in nature. It occurs naturally as the minerals sylvite, sylvinite and carnallite. Of these, it is usually produced on an industrial scale. But it is also possible to obtain it through chemical reactions, for example, through the interaction of Hydrochloric acid (E507) with potassium hydroxide. Externally, potassium chloride is colorless crystals that form a mass of white crystalline powder. It has no odor and tastes bitter and salty. It has good solubility in water, but is insoluble in ethyl alcohol.

In the Russian food industry, the E508 additive is approved for use in some products according to their technical specifications (for example, milk powder, cheeses, canned fruits and vegetables, etc.). At the same time, it acts as a gelling agent, giving them the necessary consistency.

This supplement is safe for humans. When consumed orally, it is easily absorbed, quickly excreted by the kidneys and has a slight diuretic effect. The maximum permissible daily dose for this salt has not been determined.

Potassium chloride is also used in other industries: in medicine (for allergies, bleeding, heart disease...), in agriculture (as fertilizers), in the chemical industry (for the production of other compounds), in construction and as a refrigerant.

Interestingly, injection of this substance is sometimes used in the United States for capital punishment.

The characteristics of currently used food ingredients (food additives, flavorings, technological aids) and biologically active additives are considered.

The Dictionary of Food Additives consists of dictionary entries following a single structure, described at the beginning of the book, and arranged in ascending order of E-indices. Dictionary entries about additives that are not assigned E-indices are placed at the end of the dictionary and arranged in alphabetical order.

Stabilizers, thickeners and gelling agents widely used in various branches of the food industry are described. Almost all currently known substances of this group are considered, their chemical formulas and properties are given, sources and methods of preparation are indicated. The book is intended for food industry specialists, and will also be useful to students and graduate students of specialized higher educational institutions.

459 rub

Attribute "Viva" strainer mug. ATV804

Dear Clients! Please note that packaging may have several types of designs. Delivery is subject to availability in stock.

266 rub

Cake pan Termico "Classico", with non-stick coating, diameter 25 cm

The Termico "Classico" round cake pan is made of high-quality carbon steel with a non-stick coating, so the baked goods do not burn or stick to the walls of the pan. In addition, you can cook with the addition of a minimal amount of oil and fat. The non-stick coating also makes it easy to clean.
The steel walls of the cookware quickly distribute heat, allowing baked goods to bake evenly. The walls are embossed, which gives the baked goods a special appetizing shape.
Do not use abrasive cleaners or hard sponges for cleaning.

Mold diameter at the top edge: 25 cm.
Mold wall height: 8 cm.

289 rub

The "Cesni" set consists of three jars with lids made of high-quality transparent glass. They will be convenient for storing a variety of bulk products, such as coffee, cereals, pasta or spices. The jars are securely closed with lids that are equipped with a seal for better fixation. The practical and modern design of the cans makes them quite simple and easy to use.
This set of storage jars will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen, and will also serve as an excellent gift for any holiday.

369 rub

Veterok-2 U dryer for vegetables and fruits ESOF-2-0.6/220, white

The electric dryer for vegetables and fruits with six pallets Veterok-2 U has a large capacity and good performance. It is intended for drying fruits (apples, pears, cherries, etc.), berries, vegetables, mushrooms, medicinal plants, as well as other products (for example, drying and drying fish) at home. The drying efficiency is at least 80% of the weight of the original product at a temperature of 30 to 70°C and a time of 2 to 30 hours. This device also has a high-power fan.

overheat protection
Thermostat: yes

3390 rub

Baking paper "Paterra", with double-sided siliconization, color: brown, 38 cm x 6 m

Natural paper "Paterra" is intended for baking dough products, meat dishes, fish, vegetables and so on in the oven and microwave. It is recommended to line baking trays or baking dishes that do not have a non-stick coating with paper. Baking paper has double-sided siliconization, so it does not stick to dishes or food, even without prior oiling. Due to the fact that the paper is greaseproof, it can be used for packaging both fresh and frozen products, including edible fats.

Length: 6 m.
Roll width: 38 cm.

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