Ferret home care and maintenance. Domestic ferrets - what you need to know about them! Training and play

People sometimes move wild animals into their homes. The ferret at home proves to be an easy-to-care and intelligent animal. But, having decided to take responsibility for the health and life of a small and nimble animal, you need to learn more about it.

What does a ferret look like?

This is a predatory mammal, nimble and agile. Ferrets as adults have the following parameters:

  • elongated body, flexible and squat due to short legs;
  • the limbs are muscular and strong, thanks to which the animals swim well and move quickly by jumping;
  • the toes of the paws end in long and strong claws, which help ferrets dig deep holes and quickly climb trees;
  • body length reaches 50 cm, weight – up to 2 kg;
  • The ferret has a flexible, long neck, a neat oval head, small rounded ears, and an elongated muzzle. There is a characteristic pattern on it, like a black mask;
  • the fluffy tail is the pride of ferrets; it reaches 18 cm in length;
  • the fur consists of soft, thick underfur, guard hair, the coat shines beautifully.

Ferret colors

The color of the animal’s fur can range from a light sandy tone to almost black or white. It depends on the classification of the animal. Types of ferrets:

Ferret - pros and cons

This is an exotic animal, a predator that requires a special approach. Before a pet ferret appears in a home, they study the pros and cons of the animal in order to know what difficulties they will have to face. Advantages:

  • playful, cheerful animal;
  • the ferret walks like a domestic cat;
  • compact and lightweight, easy to transport;
  • a ferret at home adapts to the life cycle of its owners and is devoted to them like a dog;
  • wool is not an allergen;
  • smart, gets along with other animals.


  • The ferret's skin has a musky smell that some people don't like;
  • if it gets scared, it uses the smelly anal glands, but the heavy spirit quickly disappears;
  • ferrets dig, they will spoil flowers, it is impossible to wean them off this;
  • tearing up garbage cans;
  • the ferret penetrates into the narrowest cracks, from where it sometimes cannot get out;
  • have a tendency to get underfoot.

In an apartment, ferrets can live in cages or free-range. The latter option is preferable, but this does not mean that he will not need a house. A cage is needed, even for a short-term stay. Domestic ferrets are active; their care and maintenance in the wild needs to be prepared:

  • It is important to eliminate all cracks and holes in the apartment - they will try to get in there;
  • Flowers, wires, and objects that could be damaged should be removed from the ferrets’ access area;
  • They should not be allowed into the kitchen (they may climb onto the stove when it is on), or onto an unglazed balcony (they will fall out).

Ferrets live in captivity for up to 12 years. You need to keep an eye on your ferret at home and know where it is. These are fragile animals, they must be protected from injury - they see poorly and can fall from a chair or table. The animals are nimble and end up anywhere - under a blanket, behind a closet, where you can step on or sit on them. It is better to create conditions so that the animal is always in the same room, where you can arrange a soft bed for it, put a bowl, a drinking bowl. They sleep most of the day; activity begins in the evening.

Ferret cage

For those who are afraid to let a forest animal go into free life, you will need a house. The ferret's cage should be spacious, made of construction mesh that cannot be chewed through. There needs to be enough space in it for the animal to run freely and not be crowded - approximately 1 square meter. A bowl of food, a tray, and a drinking bowl are placed inside the house. It is necessary to build a “hole” closed from prying eyes, and cover it with rags inside.

Ferrets love mazes made of pipes and boxes. But there is no need to clutter everything with them too much. If a ferret lives in a cage in an apartment, it needs to be let out for at least two hours every day. You can play catch and hide and seek with him - the animals are good companions and love to communicate with people. If you get two ferrets, the ferrets will happily run and play with each other. The cage is cleaned once a week and lined with rags.

Ferret harness

Fretka loves to explore the territory. The conditions for keeping a ferret require mandatory walks, but not in frosty weather. The harness will become an important assistant when walking. The forest ferret is nimble and active, climbs trees, holes, cracks - a special strap will help keep the situation under control and not lose the animal. The harnesses are equipped with special vests with Velcro, which make dressing easier and keep your pet warm. A convenient addition is a bell - it will help you find a lost animal.

How to care for a ferret?

Caring for such an animal does not cause any particular difficulties - they do not need combing or haircuts. Caring for a ferret at home includes several mandatory procedures:

  1. Bathing. The animal must be kept clean. Wash the animal in a canopy under running water at 37 degrees with special or baby shampoos. Some of them love to swim. After the procedure, the animal must be wiped with a towel to dry. Regular bathing solves the problem of nutmeg odor from ferret fur.
  2. Mandatory vaccination. He needs to get basic vaccinations and undergo quarantine.
  3. Tray. Just like a cat, the animal needs to be toilet trained at home. First, place the tray where he goes to relieve himself, and praise him for using the container. The ferret quickly gets used to the procedure.
  4. Nail trimming. This is done once every three weeks using special forceps.
  5. Ear cleaning. Required once every two months, carried out with cotton swabs.

What to feed your pet ferret?

In order for the animal to be healthy and full of strength for pranks, you need to take care of its nutrition. It is important to know what ferrets eat, because they are natural predators. The main part of the diet should be proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins are necessary. The ferret eats natural food at home:

  • Meat. Suitable idea: chicken, beef, rabbit, duck, goose. Occasionally give lean pork;
  • Used as additional protein quail or chicken eggs(boiled);
  • Dairy- cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir.

Vitamins and minerals are additionally purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Small ferrets should always have food in the feeder; adult animals are fed twice a day - morning and evening. Dry diets are an alternative to natural food. For such animals, special food for ferrets or. The product must be at least .

Ferret castration

It is carried out in males at 6-8 months. During this period, the little ferret acquires full-fledged reproductive organs and he develops the instinct to mark his territory. The operation is performed under anesthesia and takes place without pain or negative consequences for the ferret. After it, the animals change - they stop being aggressive, don’t mark corners, don’t bite. The ferret will become peaceful and calm. Lethargy and obesity, as is the case with cats, do not threaten the animal. Soon after castration, he will become playful, cheerful, and even more nimble than before.

Ferret sterilization

During the operation, the female's gonads are removed, as a result of which estrus stops and the ability to reproduce offspring disappears. If a ferret lives in an apartment and there are no plans to breed animals, then it is better to carry out routine sterilization of the animal; it can be done at 5-8 months of age. The operation is performed during estrus. The girl must first be prepared for it. She should not be fed eight hours before surgery, and should not be given anything to drink two hours before surgery.

Sterilization is done under general anesthesia for 20-30 minutes. The animal's uterus and ovaries are removed and sutures made of absorbable material are placed. The wound remains small. The female soon regains consciousness, and the scar heals within a week. After a few hours, the ferret can be fed and watered. After sterilization, you need to monitor the animal’s stool; if it has been absent for two days, give 2 ml. Vaseline oil. The ferret cannot be washed for seven days so as not to wet the seam. A special diet is not required; after sterilization, the animals do not gain weight.

Ferrets in heat

The physiology of forest animals differs from other pets. They reach sexual maturity at 5-8 months. At this time, the ferret's first heat occurs, and hormonal changes occur in the body. Irregular matings negatively affect the health of the female. The animal becomes bald and anemia appears. The female can die from blood loss, because her estrus stops only after mating. If there are no plans to breed animals, then proper ferret care involves sterilization. It will save the life and health of your pet.

Some owners prefer to feed their ferret table food, but veterinarians warn that this is not the best idea. There are regularly cases where such a menu has become the cause of illness and death of pets.

You should not give Honoriki food intended for dogs, since this food does not contain enough protein and amino acids, which are necessary to maintain his health. Under no circumstances should you give your animal food: Whiskas, Kitekat or Darling (they are not recommended for cats either).

The domestic ferret (honorik) is a pet that has appeared in apartments relatively recently, but it is suitable for even the busiest people who spend most of the day at work. The animal will not be bored at this time - it is nocturnal and will simply spend it sleeping, sitting on its favorite bedding or sitting comfortably on a special hammock.

In order to protect it while the ferret is alone in the house, you can leave the animal in a cage (it should be spacious enough). After the owner returns, the pet goes for a free walk around the apartment. The most important advantage is that it is not necessary to take your ferret outside, because he has enough space to explore the living rooms.

To answer the question of what to feed the Honorik, you need to start from their diet, which is typical of their natural habitat. There is no fish on this menu, so you should not give it (some types can cause diarrhea, vomiting and slow growth in ferrets).

This means that when choosing a diet, you must follow the recommendations of veterinarians.

The simplest option would be to use special ready-made dry food for ferrets, but you can also prepare “natural” food yourself from minced meat and vegetables, which is divided into portions and frozen in the freezer.

To prevent ferrets from experiencing fluid deficiency (they drink more than 20 times a day), it is necessary to place a drinking bowl with fresh water at room temperature within the pet’s reach.

Before you start looking for a place where you can buy an Honorik in Moscow, you need to resolve the issue of creating a safe space for his life, because these curious animals are able to penetrate into the most unexpected places.

In order not to lose honor in your own apartment, you need to carefully inspect all corners of the house and close the cracks that lead to the ceilings. It is also necessary to limit the animal’s access to those household appliances that have holes in them - washing machines, refrigerators, etc.

Honorik is not able to correctly judge distances (he is nearsighted), so it is necessary to block his access to open balconies. After this nimble living creature appears in the house, you will have to learn to be careful, since the ferret can get under the door when it closes. He generally likes to "spin underfoot"

In addition, at home, Honorik is interested in various latex and plastic things - he can start gnawing on wires, hoses and other objects that are within his reach. If care is not good enough or due to oversight, these pieces of rubber enter the animal’s body and get stuck in the digestive tract, which can lead to the death of the animal.

Honoriki continue to follow their instincts when maintaining a home. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that they will begin to make supplies that will accumulate in the most unexpected places. In any crack, hiding places can appear, consisting of pieces of food and “useful” things.

If care and feeding take place in accordance with the instructions of specialists, Honorik will always have a well-fed and healthy appearance. An adult animal can reach a weight of 5 kg. The life expectancy of an honorik is up to 12 years. In order for the animal to live a healthy and happy life, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of specialists.

Many people want to get themselves a small living toy. It happens that people do not quite correctly assess their capabilities, and then they have to look for new owners for their pet. This often happens with ferrets. This fluffy little fidget will win your heart at first sight, but caring for the animal can be a bit of a hassle. Before buying, think carefully about whether it is worth getting a ferret, and whether you can provide him with a comfortable existence? If you are unsure or have any questions, it is best to clear them up before heading to the pet store.

Before you buy a ferret, you should find out about all the features of its keeping.

Short description

One of the forms of the forest ferret is adapted for home keeping. A domesticated pet is called a ferret. This is a small, squat creature with an elongated flexible body and a beautiful long tail. The fur of ferrets is thick and soft, it is very pleasant to the touch. Unlike wild relatives, which can only be dark brown in color, domestic animals have a richer palette of fur: from white to black.

Ferrets naturally have brown fur.

Why do people get ferrets?

Don't look for a definitive answer to this question. Each person has their own criteria for choosing a pet. But from all the variety of reasons, you can choose a few main ones that occur most often. The appearance of such a pet in the house will bring the following advantages:

  • If you decide to get a ferret, you will never be bored. This is a fluffy “perpetual motion machine”. He will entertain you with games, antics and jumping. The main advantage is that the animal is very interesting to watch.
  • The ferret is a smart animal. He is trainable and trainable. This is not an easy process, but with patience, you can achieve obedience from your tailed pet. However, this is not only a smart, but also a cunning animal, so many fun moments await you during training.
  • Caring for an animal is not so difficult, but it will require both physical and financial costs from the owner. The animal quickly gets used to any environment and begins to explore new territories.
  • A furry pet can be toilet trained. This makes caring for the animal much easier.
  • The little ferret is ready to adapt to the rhythm of her owner’s life. Even though it is a nocturnal predator, it will not make much noise when its owners are sleeping.
  • Ferrets do not need to be walked, but you can take them for walks to have fun yourself and keep your pet entertained. This is a big plus for those who do not have enough time in the morning to exercise with their animal.
  • Your pet will be quite compact. You can carry it in your purse or take it with you on short trips and walks.
  • Ferrets are pets with character. A good seller will tell you about each baby and highlight the main features of its character so that the owner can choose exactly the animal that he likes.
  • The pet gets used not only to the place, but also to the owner, which makes it different from a cat. But this animal will not show blind devotion like a dog. The owner will have to live up to the high title of “in charge,” and the furry baby will try to gain the upper hand in the relationship. This fuels interest in communicating with the pet and saves owners from boredom.
  • Castrated animals do not become lazy; they are more active than their “full-fledged” relatives.
  • Separately, it can be emphasized that ferrets can be kept by people with allergies, and this is a huge plus. Their waste and fur are not as allergenic as those of dogs and cats. But this is an individual question; it is impossible to say for sure whether a small animal is suitable for an allergy sufferer or not.

Ferrets are active and curious, the owner will definitely not get bored with them

Why do people give up ferrets?

If everything were so simple, then a little fluffy miracle would live in every home. Keeping a ferret at home has its disadvantages:

As you can see, there are quite a few disadvantages, but the animal’s natural charm often prevails. And if you decide that you can provide a comfortable life and good care for your little fidget, then you should familiarize yourself with the materials that tell you how to do this correctly.

How to ensure proper care? Premises requirements

It’s not difficult to learn how to properly care for a ferret. First of all, you need to secure the room where the pet will live. The owner needs to seal all cracks and holes whose diameter is more than three cm. This is important because the ferret is a burrowing animal, and any crack will be of interest to him. It is possible and necessary to block access to household appliances. A sneak can get into the housing openings or chew on accessible parts.

It is better to keep all items made of rubber, rubber and soft plastic away. Despite the fact that the pet is not a rodent, it happily chews on various small things. This is important not only for the preservation of your property, but also for the animal itself. Pieces of rubber and plastic can cause intestinal blockage, and the pet will die.

Well, don’t forget to remove flowerpots with flowers. The kid will deal with them in no time.

Ferrets love to chew on plastic objects

Housing for a ferret

First of all, you need to decide where the ferret will live in the apartment. Further care for the pet depends on this. There are only a few content options:

  • comfortable cage;
  • glazed balcony or loggia;
  • living room.

The easiest way to care for an animal is in a cage. But in this case, the owner will not be able to fully enjoy the playful and nimble nature of the pet. The cage must be large enough and multi-story. Inside it, be sure to arrange passages and secure strong ladders, install a house or hammock. Feeders and litter trays must be attached to the floor or wall (these can be suction cups or clamps), otherwise the animal will play with them, which will complicate the process of grooming and habituation to the place.

Remember that even if the pet lives in a cage, it should go for walks around the apartment. This is a prerequisite for a comfortable life for an animal.

If you place your pet on the balcony, then provide him with maximum comfort. The cracks and holes have already been mentioned, but that’s not all. Be sure to install strong nets on the windows, otherwise the baby will fall. Make a home for your pet out of a box. He should have his own corner where he can take a break from everyone's attention. And don’t forget to insulate the balcony so that the animal doesn’t get sick. Well, keep it clean; without this, proper care of your ferret is impossible.

It is optimal for a furry pet to be kept in an apartment without restrictions in the form of a cage. But this is convenient for the animal, not its owner. In such conditions, the ferret is active and playful, but often gets underfoot. No matter how neat the animal is, you will have to clean up “traces of the crime” after it, since it will not always have time to reach the tray. Caring for a baby in such conditions is more difficult, but much more interesting. This is how all the funniest and most cheerful features of this animal appear.

You can buy a ferret house at a pet store

The room in which the animal will live must be equipped accordingly. The baby should have his own corner, where there will be boxes and drawers for playing hide and seek and relaxing, a feeder and a tray. All these things need special care so that a specific smell does not appear in the room. The tray should be washed several times a day, or as the filler gets dirty, if you prefer this toilet option. The feeder and the floors around it should also always be clean. And don’t forget about a special drinking bowl or water bowl for your pet.

What to feed

How can one provide decent maintenance and care if the owner does not know what to feed the pet? No way. The owner must study this issue in detail.

A small predator can eat dry cat food, but this is not enough to create a complete diet. Be sure to give him eggs, meat and fish.

If your nerves are strong, then you can pamper your predatory animal with mice. And don't forget about vitamins.

Another important aspect of ferret care is constant access to food. After eating, the bowl should be washed, dried and refilled with food. Old food should not be left behind. The animal will not eat it, so put out relatively small portions and observe how much food is needed per meal.

What to do? Should I or should I not have a restless pet? Each owner decides these questions individually. For many, communicating with a ferret is a real holiday. But it never hurts to weigh the pros and cons.

The ferret has become a fairly popular pet - it is easy to care for, it has a friendly and playful character, its fur does not cause allergies, the animal does not need tiring walks or special nutrition. Breeding ferrets can also be a good additional source of income.

Features of keeping ferrets in an apartment

Keeping a ferret at home is not a hassle. You just have to take into account the characteristics of the animal and its daily needs. You should buy a special cage for your ferret; they are sold in all pet stores. Keeping an animal in constant freedom has its drawbacks - the animal can chew through an electrical cable, climb into a secluded place and get stuck there, eat something dangerous and even fall out of a window.

Their curiosity is both a plus and a minus. The choir must be constantly monitored.

The average size of a cage for one adult animal should be about 60 x 80 x 50 cm. The larger the home, the better - in larger cages you can set up a separate playground, hang a hammock, and separate an area with feeding troughs. However, regardless of the size of the cage, ferrets should be allowed to walk around the apartment for two to three hours every day.

When choosing a cage, you should pay attention to the lock, the retractable tray of the cage and the ease of attaching feeders and drinkers.

The tray must be attached to the bottom of the cage so that the animal does not move it at will. A shelter house is also placed in the cage, where the animal can feel safe and rest. Cages with wooden parts are not suitable for keeping ferrets because ferrets chew the wood easily. Wooden parts also absorb odors and take a long time to dry after wet cleaning.

The cage is placed in a bright place, but protected from drafts. Warm, but not near a heater. In the summer, many breeders take the cages with the animals out onto the balcony. In this case, the cage should be in a shaded place - ferrets do not like direct sunlight and are very sensitive to high air temperatures.

Ferret care

Keeping a ferret in an apartment requires daily care, which includes more than just feeding and changing water. The health of your pet ferret directly depends on the cleanliness of the cage, so daily cleaning of the cage, drinkers, feeders, tray and bedding is necessary. Several times a week, the animal’s fur should be treated with special sprays or wipes for ferrets. They eliminate specific odors, excess fat, and add shine. It is better to brush the fur every day - it only takes a few minutes and gives your pet a lot of pleasure.

You need to bathe your animal no more than several times a year, using special shampoos. Every month the animal's claws are trimmed and its ears are cleaned. It is better to use ear drops or oil for this. They make the process easier and help soften earwax.

In good weather, you can go for a walk with the animal. Special harnesses have been developed for walking, but some also use harnesses for small breeds of dogs and cats.

Ferrets are equally happy about walks in winter and summer. They love to swim in the snow and dig holes. Walking in rainy, very cold, damp and windy weather is not recommended.

Feeding ferrets

The ferret is quite omnivorous at home. Some breeders prefer to feed the animal with specialized dry food, but most prefer natural food. When feeding, it is worth remembering that the ferret is a predatory animal, so the most suitable food for them is of animal origin:

  • Poultry meat (duck, turkey, chicken, quail),
  • By-products,
  • Chicken or quail eggs,
  • Low-fat fish varieties
  • Seafood.

They are of little interest in food of plant origin, but sometimes ferrets like to feast on ripe fruits, sweet carrots, and nuts. The ferret should be fed twice a day, and clean and fresh water should be in the drinking bowl at all times. Fish should be given once every ten to fourteen days and not too much. The most preferred species are lean trout, cod or flounder. As a treat, the animals are given pieces of cheese or cottage cheese. Other types of dairy products lead to stomach upset.

Most often, a kind of minced meat and offal of birds, a small amount of fish, well-cooked cereals and vegetables are used for feeding.

You can also add vitamins here. This minced meat provides the animal with all the necessary nutrients and is convenient to prepare for future use.

Daily feed requirements

The daily food intake for males is approximately 250-300 grams, for females - about 150-180 grams.

A balanced and complete daily diet consists of:

  • boiled or fresh veal - ten grams for females and twenty for males,
  • boiled chicken kidneys, liver, heart, ventricles - forty grams for females and sixty for males,
  • cartilage - twenty grams for females and thirty for males,
  • chicken, duck or turkey fillet - thirty grams for females and forty for males,
  • fish - for females - forty grams, for males - sixty,
  • chicken fat - for females ten grams, for males - fifteen,
  • porridge - fifteen and twenty grams for females and males,
  • fresh chopped vegetables - five and ten grams for females and males,
  • fats of vegetable origin - five grams, regardless of the sex of the animal,
  • fishmeal - two grams,
  • feed yeast - two grams,
  • vitamin supplement - one gram.

Feeding dry food

Feeding dry food makes caring for the animal much easier. For those who have just acquired an animal, dry food is an indispensable assistant. This is not only convenient and practical, but also allows you to balance your diet and provide it with all the necessary elements. Special foods have been developed for ferrets, but premium food for kittens up to one year of age can also be used. You should not give preference to fish food or food with a high content of vegetables, lamb or beef. The best composition is chicken or turkey. As treats, they give fruits or vegetables, special bones or croutons for ferrets, which are also sold in stores, pieces of cheese or fresh chicken fillet.

Vaccinations and diseases

Ferret diseases are similar to those of any other domestic animal. Some of them are caused by improper housing and feeding conditions, some are in genes, and some diseases are transmitted through infections and bacteria.

The most common diseases are associated with improper feeding:

  • Avitaminosis,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Poisoning,
  • Obesity,
  • Dysbacteriosis,
  • Vomit.

Common diseases not related to feeding include:

  • Increased salivation. A common symptom of an allergy or an object stuck in the mouth.
  • Baldness of the tail. A sign of a hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Bloating. May be a symptom of a tumor or blockage in the intestinal tract.
  • Dry and hot nose. A sign of high temperature. A common symptom of flu, colds and inflammatory processes.
  • Cough. The first sign of colds.
  • Dry and persistent cough. Indicates problems with the heart or lungs.

If you have any symptoms of illness, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Self-treatment can be fatal.

Proper care and maintenance of a ferret is impossible without mandatory distemper vaccination. Bursa is a dangerous disease that leads to quick death. The causative agents of the disease are carried by people on clothes, shoes, and can also be found on vegetables or meat. If the animal is often walked and kept in an open-air cage during the summer season, and has contact with other domestic or wild animals and birds, it should be vaccinated against rabies. Before the start of the summer season, it would also be a good idea to get vaccinated against leptospirosis.

Before vaccinations, the ferret must be dewormed. The procedure is carried out two weeks before visiting the doctor.

After vaccination, the ferret should be limited to walking for two weeks, ensure maximum rest and exclude any water procedures.

Breeding ferrets at home

Having a ferret at home is not only a constant source of positivity and good emotions, but also an opportunity for good additional income. The cost of puppies, depending on color, starts from five thousand and can reach several tens of thousands of rubles.

To breed ferrets, you need a pair of healthy, tame, well-mannered ferrets. Offspring from such ferrets will be in greater demand than from biting or sick animals. When choosing breeders, you should also pay attention to age - females are ready for mating from 11 months, and males from 7. Ideally, a breeder needs two females. Frequent childbirth provokes rapid exhaustion and death of the animal. Males lose the ability to reproduce at the age of four to five years. This fact should also be taken into account when planning breeding. During mating, the female is placed in a cage with the male and left for a while.

A pregnant ferret needs a larger cage, a quiet, warm, shaded area. The cage must have a nest, shelter, feeders and drinkers. Pregnancy lasts about 40–43 days and ends with the birth of three to ten puppies.

The cubs remain with their mother until they are four weeks old, after which they are removed from the female, placed in a separate cage and vaccinated.

If the pregnancy proceeded without complications, the ferret’s birth proceeds quite quickly and all puppies are born within ten to twelve hours. On the first day or two, the cage with newborns can be covered with loose fabric to prevent any disturbance to the mother and cubs.

The diet of a female with cubs is practically no different from the diet of a pregnant female. It should be varied, complete, and all food should be fresh.

Per day, a nursing female ferret should receive:

  • boiled veal - 25 grams,
  • boiled offal - 60 grams,
  • turkey, duck or chicken fillet - 45 - 50 grams,
  • cartilage - 22-25 grams,
  • fish - 55 grams,
  • chicken fat - 6 grams,
  • porridge - 15 grams,
  • fresh vegetables - 5 grams,
  • vegetable fats - 5 grams,
  • cottage cheese - 6 grams,
  • feed yeast and vitamins - 2.5 grams each.

If there are more than ten puppies in the litter, the diet can be increased by 10-20 grams due to more poultry fillets, fish and veal.

If previously only cats or dogs lived in city apartments, and some had aquariums with fish, today the diversity is simply surprising. Owls, squirrels, chinchillas, hedgehogs, decorative piglets, snakes and crocodiles - just about everyone people have. However, today we noticed that domestic ferrets have begun to be sold at poultry markets. Amazingly cute creatures fall into the soul at first sight, and people decide to buy them for themselves, or even as a gift to friends. I would like to warn you against a rash purchase, which is why we decided to dedicate our article to these amazing creatures. So, the question on the agenda is: “What are ferrets like as pets?” We will try to fully reveal the pros and cons of such a neighborhood.


Ferret is the name of one of the subspecies of forest ferrets, which today are tamed by humans and often become perhaps the most beloved and desired pets. This is a nimble mammal with an elongated body and a bushy tail. There are a variety of colors - from white to black, with all the variations in between. At the same time, females are slightly smaller than males, and their fur coat does not look so luxurious. Their habits also differ, which we will talk about a little later.

When choosing a future pet, think about whether it will dissolve against the background of your interior. A light-colored ferret on a white background will be more difficult to find, because these sneaky ones can crawl through any crack. That is why it is preferable to choose dark or striped pets, since the colors of ferrets, or rather their diversity, allow this to be done to the fullest.


An important question that every owner should ask. Knowing how long domestic ferrets live, you will be more prepared to purchase an animal and live a long life with it. With proper care, this fluffy beauty will stay with you for about 7-9 years - a good period for a small animal. And for the owner, this is a reason to once again think about whether it is worth taking responsibility, because we are not talking about a hamster who will live only a couple of years, and even then he will spend most of the time in a cage.

Your attention is guaranteed

Indeed, no matter what breed of dog you choose, there are already hundreds of them around, no one will pay attention to your furry miracle. It's a completely different matter to take a ferret for a walk. Small, nimble and graceful, he will quickly become the favorite of the entire yard. However, admiring your neighbor's animal is one thing, but living with it under the same roof is quite another. Therefore, you should not immediately run to the pet store; it is better to first read the necessary information and then consult with your family members. Otherwise, it's up to you to decide whether ferrets are right for you as pets. Today we will try to consider the pros and cons from all sides.

We weigh our options

Since we are talking about taking responsibility for the life and health of a living being, you need to think carefully. In fact, they are very sweet, charming and inquisitive creatures, real angels, especially in photographs on the Internet. But do you know what ferrets are actually like as pets? The pros and cons must be very carefully studied and weighed, so that you don’t have to make an announcement later, saying, I’ll give the cute animal into good hands.

There is reason to think

  • Are you willing to shell out the cash for high-quality food and vitamins, accessories, and a vet appointment? Don't think that a tiny animal can eat leftovers from your table. This is a carnivore that without proper nutrition will get sick and die.
  • Do you have enough free time? If you belong to the category of constantly busy people who don’t have time to call friends or watch TV, then it’s better to choose a turtle or fish. In this case, you will be able to approach your pets only to feed them, and also when you have a free minute. A restless and sociable ferret, she will require at least 3 hours of attention and care from you per day.
  • Patience and more patience. This needs to be said to anyone interested in ferrets as pets. The pros and cons in this case are balanced, but not every owner is able to love his pet enough to forgive his endless thirst for activity and mischief.
  • This point follows from the previous ones. Any pet can ruin something in your home. Dogs chew shoes, cats sharpen their claws on sofas, and ferrets do everything at once. Therefore, take a look around the apartment again, remember the last renovation. Are you ready to accept the possible damage that a ferret can cause to carpets, furniture, and home flowers? If not, the recommendations are the same: get some fish.
  • If you have children and they are begging you to buy a furry pet, weigh your strengths soberly. Financial support, as well as the need to monitor the games of children and the ferret, will fall on your shoulders.

These creatures are cute and friendly, they are always ready to fool around and play. It’s rare that the sight of a ferret doesn’t make anyone smile, and playing with it will lift anyone’s spirits. However, maintaining it in a city apartment costs a lot of money.

Choosing a breeder

If you are still willing to take the risk, then you need to choose a good breeder. These animals are often sold at poultry markets, but no one here guarantees that you will take a truly young creature, vaccinated and adapted to life with humans. Most often, for mass sale, they are grown in nurseries, in a semi-wild state. Don’t be fooled by their calm appearance: the effect of the sedatives they were given will soon wear off.

It is much better if you get into your hands a young ferret, born in a loving family, accustomed from childhood to resting in a cage and playing in the evenings with his owners, vaccinated according to age and examined by a veterinarian. Of course, such individuals are more expensive, but this will definitely be a domestic ferret that will easily adapt and get used to you.

Male or female

We won't be original here. If a person has not yet dealt with keeping animals of any breed, he will be offered to take a female. Female ferrets are more obedient and gentle, they are easier to train and turn out to be much more intelligent than males. Numerous reviews emphasize that girls quickly get used to their tray and to the new territory, spending almost all their free time exploring it. A domestic ferret can be a true friend, smart and cheerful, if you approach the issues of choosing and raising it correctly. However, one cannot help but say that girls are big fidgets. They are constantly on the move, they need to stick their curious nose into every crevice, try everything on their teeth. Therefore, a female ferret is only suitable for a person who has enough time and energy to deal with her.

Males are more imposing and sedate, wearing a magnificent fluffy fur coat. They are more attached to their owner, less playful and calmer. For such a pet, the person of the owner is more important than the territory, so he will spend more time hanging around you during a walk. However, don't expect too much from it. While females play with children and willingly go into their arms, males can do this only occasionally, depending on the mood.

Ferret breeding

A ferret in an apartment can regularly produce offspring, so if you want to see what the babies are like, you can start breeding. Pregnancy lasts about 40 days, during which time the animals sleep and eat a lot. You will need to adjust the menu, introduce additional minerals, vitamins and trace elements into it. The mating process occurs only in the territory of the male, and is very noisy and emotional. If you want to avoid this, then there is nothing easier, especially if the pet lives alone. But during the rutting season, males mark their territory and become uncontrollable and vindictive. In this case, the optimal solution would be to castrate the ferret.

The material side of the issue

At first, a person evaluates only the cost of the animal itself. However, your expenses don't end there. However, even this first investment will require from you from 2 to 20 thousand rubles. In addition, you need to equip him with a comfortable cage, without which keeping a ferret becomes simply impossible. A puppy or a teenager is capable of upending the entire house, injuring itself and ruining everything it can reach. Therefore, when leaving home, you must close it. The cage costs from 3,500 to 12,000 rubles. In addition, you will need to buy a drinking bowl and bowl (250 rubles), a carrier for trips to the veterinarian (300 rubles), and a tray (50 rubles). So that your pet can relax, he needs a house, a bed and a hammock, which means you can safely budget another 1,500 rubles. A harness and leash, as well as a nail clipper, cost another 200 rubles for each item.

Keeping a ferret will require purchasing high-quality food. The cost of the diet is approximately 800 rubles per month, plus vitamin supplements, which will amount to another 300 rubles. A veterinarian examination costs approximately 500 rubles, preventive vaccinations - 600-700 rubles. In case of illness, the check can be up to 30,000 rubles, depending on the required treatment. As you can see, having a ferret in an apartment is not a cheap pleasure.


Each owner has two options: buy ready-made food or practice natural nutrition. The cost is approximately the same, but the second option requires more time. In any case, the owner must remember that this is an exclusively carnivorous animal. Fruits and vegetables, food from our table will do more harm than good. Sometimes you can treat your pet to a mouse or an egg yolk; this will only benefit him, and he will be very pleased. Not all owners like their predatory disposition, but what can you do, this is what this fluffy is like at its core. In principle, it is the quality of the diet that determines how long domestic ferrets live. It can be taught to eat crackers and drink milk, a hungry animal will even gnaw carrots, but illness and quick death are guaranteed.

Instead of a conclusion

Let's summarize. When getting a ferret, you can count on the following advantages. This is an animal that doesn't let you get bored. This is an active and cheerful creature with high intelligence that can be taught anything you want. An undoubted advantage is the compactness of the animal. It can even be placed in a regular bag if you need to go to the vet. These animals do not need walks like dogs and use litter boxes well. And if you wish, you can always take a promenade, the main thing is to buy a good harness. He easily accepts the rhythm of life of his owners and will not make noise at night, although this is his natural schedule in nature. Finally, ferrets are hypoallergenic, which is important to many people today.

But apartment living also has its downsides. Ferrets tend to mark their territory, as a result of which an unpleasant odor becomes firmly established in the apartment. In addition, specific glands of the animal can also emit an odor, which are activated, however, only under extreme conditions. These animals have a huge tendency to dig holes, and will use all options, including trying to dig a hole in the sofa. It is almost impossible to wean pets from this. Nimble and nimble, they constantly get underfoot, and in addition, they tend to chew and spoil things. So should I buy it or not? The choice is yours.

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