Good masks for acne. Effective recipes for anti-acne masks at home. Oatmeal masks

The occurrence of acne and clogged pores is a problem that affects women and girls of all ages. It is difficult to choose a drug that will get rid of imperfections and not cause damage. Homemade masks will help fight rashes, inflammation and characteristic shine.

Homemade masks for acne and blackheads

In pharmacies and on store shelves there is a large selection of masks that are designed to combat skin imperfections. However, synthetic substances can cause harm instead of benefit. It is much safer to use natural ingredients. Housewife girls will enjoy making organic masks at home. A variety of recipes will make it easier to choose the right drug for yourself.

For problem skin

The following cosmetic masks help in getting rid of imperfections on problem skin:

  • Yeast. The preparation is made from 1 large spoon of dry yeast, egg white and 20 ml of lemon juice. Dissolve the yeast powder in a small amount of water, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly. It takes 10 minutes to infuse an effective mask. Treat the problematic surface with the composition, rinse with water after a quarter of an hour.
  • Kefir. The method for preparing a home remedy is simple: combine kefir and low-fat cottage cheese, taken 1 tbsp each, in a deep bowl. l. Spread the mixture over your face so that it lies evenly. Let the resulting preparation sit for about 20 minutes. To rinse, use contrasting water temperatures.

Gentle homemade acne masks

Dry sensitive skin requires specific care. Gentle and soft masks will help cure acne on the epithelium:

  • From persimmon. Take the fruit, remove the skin from it, mash the pulp to a puree. Add chicken egg yolk, milk (20 ml), cream with nutritional properties (50 g) to the pulp. Place the resulting mass on the skin of the face after preliminary cleansing. After leaving for 16-19 minutes, wash with plain water.
  • Tomato will help cure inflammation and clean out blackheads from pores. Mash a well-ripened tomato so that the consistency of the fruit puree is homogeneous, stir a small spoon of soda into the mixture. Spread the product over your face in a thick layer. Remove with water after 25-27 minutes.

Effective acne masks at home for oily and combination skin

Oily and combination skin types are most susceptible to rashes and clogging of pores with blackheads. Organic masks can correct the situation:

  • Prepare a mixture of blue clay (30 g), soda (6 g), sea salt (5 g) and mineral water (18 ml). First combine all the dry ingredients, then add the liquid. The consistency of the finished cosmetics will resemble thick sour cream. Treat, lightly rubbing, the areas of greatest accumulation of dirt. Wash off the drug when you feel that your face is tightening.
  • Pass regular carrots through a fine grater. Take 1 tbsp. l. carrot shavings, mix with 30 g of starch, 1 crushed clove of garlic, whipped egg white and lemon juice (15 g). Apply to face, remove after half an hour.

Anti-inflammatory face masks at home

The following mask recipes will help relieve inflammatory processes occurring in the skin:

  • Crush one large ripe strawberry, add blue or green clay mixed in water and a couple of drops of cedar oil. Leave the composition on the skin until the clay base dries, wash with water.
  • Take ½ part of a banana and half a kiwi. Mash the fruits to a puree, pour in a small amount of natural yogurt, stir until smooth. The mask should be left on the face for a quarter of an hour, then rinsed off with cool water.

How to make an anti-acne mask at home

Recipes for anti-acne face masks do not involve a complex preparation process. Every girl can make them, armed with the necessary products. By mixing the ingredients indicated in the instructions, you will get an effective natural remedy that will solve the problem of acne and saturate it with vitamins that have a beneficial effect.


If you have dry skin, a honey face mask for acne with aspirin will improve its condition. It's easy to make: take 3 tablets and crush them. Add a small amount of tea tree oil extract to them, add 5 g of olive oil, 25 g of honey. Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous paste. The product should be applied with massage movements to the skin, after steaming and cleansing it. The mask should be washed off with non-hot water after it dries. Complete the procedure by rubbing your face with green tea with lemon.

If the skin contains a lot of pimples, it is better to apply the honey-aspirin preparation carefully, without massaging, to problem areas. This product is also suitable for spot use. Apply a little onto the area of ​​the rash and wash it off a few hours after drying. You can use the drug at night. If you feel a burning sensation during the procedure, remove the mask as quickly as possible.

Cucumber face mask for acne

A homemade anti-acne mask can be a mixture of cucumber and a chicken egg. The product is suitable for eliminating most oily skin problems. How to do:

1. You need to start cooking by squeezing cucumber juice. Take a vegetable, grate it on a grater with small holes, put the resulting substance in cheesecloth, squeeze out the liquid.

2. Prepare the product from 2 tbsp. spoons of juice.

3. In a separate container, beat the egg white, previously separated from the yolk.

4. Add the egg to the cucumber juice, stir.

5. Free your face from dirt and makeup. Apply the drug to your face, leave for about 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

6. If you want to achieve a greater effect, use non-carbonated mineral water to wash your face.

From oatmeal and ground peas

An oatmeal acne mask is suitable for cleansing the delicate young skin of teenagers and people with high sensitivity in this area. This homemade remedy will gently dry out pimples, help tighten pores, and has an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Prepare the product by mixing the same amount of rolled oats, honey, aloe juice and iodized salt.
  • Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

A homemade acne mask with ground peas will help get rid of acne. It should be prepared by taking pea flour.

1. Take the pea component in the amount of 2 tbsp. l.

2. Pour the powder into a deep container, mix with the yolks of 2 eggs, previously beaten into foam.

3. Add 25 g of honey and a couple of drops of tea tree oil extract to the resulting substance.

4. All ingredients must be mixed well.

5. Distribute the mixture over the surface of your face.

6. Then you need to wash your face to remove the composition with water at a temperature corresponding to room conditions - approximately 15 minutes after application.

Bodyaga mask for acne

You can remove acne, pimples, and blackheads in just a few uses using a mask made from bodyaga, a powder obtained from seaweed. The recipe for making a homemade cosmetic product is very simple:

1. Mix 10 g of the main substance with 20 g of white clay and 50 ml of water.

2. The organic preparation must be applied directly to the area where the problems occur.

3. You need to keep the mask on for about 20 minutes.

4. To remove the composition, first use wet wipes, then wash with non-hot water, moisturize the skin with cream.


An interesting anti-acne mask at home can be made from shaving foam taken in the amount of 20 g, 12 g of soda and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide. These components must be connected. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to steam the forehead and other parts of the face and cleanse them. After applying the mask, wait about half an hour and rinse off. The product can heal inflammation and treat acne. The drug is recommended to be used to get rid of blackheads.

Video: facial care at home

Acne is a problem that affects every person at least once in their life. And this “visit” is by no means the most pleasant. Why do they appear at such an inopportune time and how to get rid of acne at home?

It is known that the main mechanism for the appearance of acne is the blockage of the ducts with sebum. When it is oxidized by oxygen, dots are formed - first white, and then, when the sebum thickens and the pores are contaminated, black. If an infection gets into already clogged pores, inflammation occurs. Sometimes it comes down to painful, purulent wounds that are painful to even touch. Then these ulcers burst, forming ulcers that are difficult to heal, especially if you scratch them or tear off the crust.

The favorite place for acne to appear is and. Relapses are especially common during puberty, as the body’s hormonal activity increases. The result is increased activity of the sebaceous glands and clogging of pores with sebum.

Improper skin care makes the situation worse. It requires special gentle cleansing, and instead, boys and girls often injure the skin even more. The face must be protected from sunburn, dryness, wind and cold.

But what to do if you provide, but the acne does not decrease? You try one product after another, try to make your hopes come true, buy another product, but all your efforts are in vain.

Did you know that It’s quite possible to remove acne at home using masks? Of course, the claim that homemade recipes will help cure acne may be viewed with skepticism by many. How can this be, if newfangled means do not help, you ask. Very simple. Homemade methods are good because they are time-tested, and their freshness is ensured by you - the skin of the face receives care without preservatives and fragrances, the presence of which is the fault of branded cosmetics manufacturers.

To succeed in this matter, you must follow several rules:

  1. ! Even if you see a huge eel with a white head that seems to be laughing at you, overcome your emotions and do not touch it. This is the competence of only a professional cosmetologist with sterile instruments. If you do the procedure yourself, you can introduce an infection into the wound. The consequences are unpredictable - from blood poisoning.
  2. It is necessary to prepare decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs only in clean containers, and the raw materials must be purchased at a pharmacy or collected away from highways, since otherwise there will only be harm.
  3. Stop using decorative cosmetics for a while. Many home treatments begin with steaming the face, and using either will clog the pores. This factor will only interfere with the treatment of acne.

Remember that persistence and patience are important. Acne treatment is not an easy process. It is difficult to choose a remedy, but it is possible - the main thing is to find “your own”. Try, experiment - fortunately, the cost of almost all components is affordable, and they can be found everywhere.

Homemade acne masks

  1. Grate a small piece of regular . Add a little water, beat into thick foam. Next 1 tbsp. mix this foam with 1 tsp. , apply the mixture to the skin after washing your face. Keep it on for half an hour, then do a contrast wash. This homemade mask should be used 3 times a week for a month. You will notice the results already in the second week.
  2. Kefir mask. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to flour. For a glass of regular kefir you will need 1 tbsp. oatmeal Stir, add 2 drops of lemon oil. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes. With this mask you can not only get rid of acne, but also defeat blackheads. The course is one month.
  3. And it’s better to use this mask on the weekend, as it simply “kills” acne and has a corresponding smell. Take 1 tsp. grated onion and sugar, add a little grated laundry soap. Keep for no more than 15 minutes, for sensitive skin – 5-10 minutes. Course – 2 months.
  4. Grate the horseradish. Add 2 drops and apply to face for 20 minutes. The skin may become red, but this is normal. Results in a couple of weeks.
  5. Honey mask. Honey is a natural antiseptic, and masks based on this gift of nature are a real miracle. But you must be sure of the quality of the honey, otherwise there will be no result. So, take 2 tsp. honey, add a few drops of lemon, egg yolk. Apply for 10 minutes. After 2-3 procedures, you will notice that the skin is fresher, the color has improved, and the number of acne has decreased. It is important not to stop treatment in order to consolidate the results.
  6. . The only contraindication is very sensitive skin. In other cases, this mask has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also. Pores also open and the skin “breathes.” Dilute the powder with water to a creamy consistency and keep on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse with water.

Homemade tinctures and lotions for acne:

  1. Camomile tea. This remedy has been known since ancient times for its excellent anti-inflammatory properties and relieves irritation and redness well. What is important is that chamomile can also be used for sensitive skin; it rarely causes allergies. For 1 cup of boiling water you will need 1 tsp. flowers. Insist for half an hour. Strain. The lotion can be used in various ways - wipe your face with a cotton pad, make warm compresses, or prepare cubes (you will get an excellent tonic).
  2. Parsley juice. Dilute it with vodka in a 3:1 ratio and wipe your face daily.
  3. . You can wipe your face with pure juice or dilute it with water in a 1:2 ratio.
  4. Place white lily petals in a dark glass bowl, fill them with vodka and let steep for 2 weeks. Strain. Wipe your face with the tincture every evening and after a few days you will notice the first improvements.

Home peeling

Another component in treating acne at home is. It is important to get rid of dead cells, as they prevent the acne from getting rid of completely. Here's a recipe for a tried-and-true homemade face scrub. Take 1 tbsp. fine coffee, 1 tbsp. sour cream, mix and massage the skin with this mixture for 2 minutes. Attention! Don't rub your skin too hard when it's too big! Then rinse with warm water. The method can be used once a week.

It is important to note that you should not try to redo all the masks and try all the remedies in one day. The sequence could be as follows: 1 mask and 1 lotion, repeat for several days, then try the next remedy. We must not forget that treatment should not only be external. Try to eat less fatty, fried and smoked foods - these foods provoke inflammation by accumulating toxins in the intestines, which are carried to the surface of the skin, with no other way out.

The main principle of acne treatment is to thoroughly treat the skin at home. Before starting treatment, the patient must receive a full consultation with a specialist.

Often the causes of rashes are internal diseases. Only an integrated approach to the problem will help to get rid of pathology.

If the cause of pimples and blackheads is a disruption in hormonal levels, diseases of internal organs or allergic reactions, it is necessary to first eliminate the cause. A good treatment effect can be achieved by using homemade masks.

How do they work

The principle of operation of homemade acne masks is the active influence of the components on the skin. All products from which the products are made must be natural and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

You can use homemade masks at any age, both adults and teenagers. The choice of product should be based on individual intolerance to the components included in the composition.

In addition to the fact that masks help get rid of acne, they cleanse and tighten the skin of the face, improve blood circulation, and eliminate oily sheen.

What to pay attention to

When choosing a mask option, you need to take into account the characteristics of your skin. For example, people with dry skin are well suited for products based on vegetable oils or animal fats.

But for those with oily skin, such masks are contraindicated. If there is excessive sebum production, the skin should be slightly dried.

When performing procedures, certain nuances must be observed:

  1. Apply products only to cleansed skin. It is recommended to steam your face before the procedure; the pores should be open. Only in this case will the effectiveness be noticeable.
  2. If the suppuration is very strong and spreads over a large area, you should not self-medicate. In such cases, it is best to consult a doctor first and use only prescribed medications.
  3. Not all components can be well tolerated by the body. Before applying the mask to the damaged area, it is best to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow. The reaction must be observed within two hours. If redness does not appear, the mask can be used on the inflamed area.
Before and after the procedure, you should not squeeze pimples. This may lead to the spread of infection.

Homemade face masks for acne

Pharmacies offer a large selection of products and masks to get rid of acne. But everyone can prepare homemade face masks for acne at home on their own. This is safer, since only natural ingredients will be used for preparation.

With blue

Blue clay helps to effectively deal with acne and blackheads.

To prepare a clay mask you will need:

  • blue clay – 30 g;
  • soda – 6 g;
  • sea ​​salt – 5 gr.;
  • mineral water – 18 ml.

All dry ingredients must be mixed and then diluted with mineral water. The consistency of the mask should be similar to thick sour cream. The product should be applied warm to the face. As soon as your face begins to tighten, you can remove the product with warm water.


Kefir-based masks are very effective and affordable. For masks based on kefir and clay, white clay is used.

One tablespoon is diluted with a small amount of kefir until a thick mass is formed. At the end you can add a few drops of orange juice. The mask is applied in a thick layer and washed off only after complete drying.

Made from clay and sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil masks have an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • white clay - 2 tablespoons;
  • burdock decoction – 2 tablespoons;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil – 1 tablespoon.

All components are mixed and applied to problem areas. The most effective remedy will be if the oil is slightly warmed up.

With white clay

White clay is considered a universal remedy in the fight against various types of rashes on the face. To prepare the product, you will need to mix three teaspoons of clay with the same amount of milk. Add a teaspoon of baby powder to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes. As soon as the clay dries and turns white, it can be washed off the face. This product helps relieve inflammation, reduce sebum production, and prevent the appearance of acne and pimples.

With pink clay

A mask based on clay and aloe will help effectively deal with acne. The plant juice must be mixed with 4 tablespoons of pink clay.

The mask is applied to the face, which must be pre-treated with lotion. The mask should be washed off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Video: Face mask


A coconut oil mask is prepared as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice.

All components are mixed and applied to the face. The mask is washed off 25 minutes after application.


The easiest way to use garlic for rashes is to use its juice. Garlic is crushed or grated. Then you will need to lubricate problem areas with the resulting juice.

When treating the skin with garlic, it is important that it does not come into contact with the eye area or open cuts on the skin.

Using garlic and blue clay, you can prepare a soft and effective mask. To do this, 4 grams of powder are diluted with brewed green tea.

Add 6 drops of garlic oil and 3 drops of tangerine oil to the resulting pulp. The product should be applied pointwise only to the site of inflammation. After the procedure, the face must be treated with a herbal solution.

Cleansing toner

You can make a chamomile-based lotion at home. It will relieve inflammation and soothe irritated skin. Such tonics are used after applying masks.

To prepare a tonic, add a teaspoon of chamomile flowers to a glass of water. The decoction is infused for 30 minutes. It can be used to wipe the skin in its pure form, or it can be frozen in the form of cubes.

Aloe soda

Recipes for masks with baking soda and aloe are suitable for those who not only want to relieve inflammation, but also to separate the skin of the face.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix aloe and lemon juice and add soda to it. Apply the product to the inflamed area and leave for 15-20 minutes. You can use this product twice a week for a month.

Clay mask with calendula and lemon juice

A mask based on clay, calendula oil and lemon juice has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. To obtain such a remedy, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of white clay with 4 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture.

The mixture is diluted with warm water. The mask is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to lubricate your face with cream.


Honey masks can be used for any skin type. This is a universal remedy. For 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, add 1 yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. The components are mixed well and applied to the skin for 15 minutes.


Oatmeal masks are used not only as a means to get rid of acne, but also as a scrub to exfoliate dead skin.

To prepare the product you need to take:

  • 5 words spoons of water;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, thoroughly ground beforehand;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt without additives or dyes.

The water needs to be heated and the flakes steamed in it. The mixture should sit for 15 minutes, then yogurt is mixed into it. The mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes, using massaging movements.


Oatmeal not only eliminates acne, but also tones and rejuvenates the skin. It helps relieve inflammation and can be used as a prophylactic.

An oatmeal mask in combination with protein helps remove oily shine, soften the skin, and tighten pores.

To prepare the mixture, pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with warm water and let it brew. Then add one white and a few drops of lemon juice.


You can restore youthful skin by using gelatin-based masks. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 tablet of activated carbon with 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin. The mixture is diluted with 2 tablespoons of water or low-fat milk.

The mixture must be kept in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then you need to let the mixture cool and apply it to your face.

Foam mask

One of the most popular is the activated carbon foam mask. To prepare it, you need to crush an activated carbon tablet until a powder forms. To it you need to add half a teaspoon of gelatin and the same amount of milk.

All components are mixed and placed in a water bath. Gelatin should completely dissolve. The mixture is applied to the skin in a thin layer using a brush. As soon as it dries, another layer is applied on top.

The mixture must be left for at least 15 minutes until the mask is completely dry. At the same time, you cannot talk or smile.


The composition of syntomycin ointment includes castor oil and chloramphenicol. They relieve inflammation on the skin, moisturize and nourish. To prepare the mask, mix the ointment with a few drops of vitamin A and E.

The mask is applied to steamed skin. It will not only help get rid of acne, but also smooth out wrinkles.


To prepare such a mask, you need to grind the pulp of one aloe leaf, mix it with one pack of Streptomycin and add Vishnevsky ointment. The resulting mixture is applied to the inflamed area for 10 minutes. After this time, it is washed off with soap.


Young cucumbers are grated on a fine grater, and one protein is added to the resulting mass. The mask should be applied immediately after preparation. Otherwise, the protein will settle to the bottom.

This product helps eliminate oily shine and makes the skin matte. But it is not suitable for dry type.

Aspirin with streptocide

Acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of many cosmetics, helps to effectively fight pimples and acne. An aspirin tablet should be crushed, mixed with a few drops of lemon and streptocid ointment.


This mask effectively fights inflammation, cleanses pores and removes dead particles.

To prepare it, you will need to prepare a puree from boiled turnips and carrots. Vegetables are mixed and applied to the face. You can wash off the mixture using milk or warm water.


To prepare a yeast mask, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of yeast in water until you get a thick mixture.

The same amount of starch, two drops each of mint and thyme essential oils, a teaspoon of lemon juice and two tablespoons of cream or yogurt without dyes are added to it. Leave the mask on the skin for 15 minutes.

Photo: Before and after


There are a number of contraindications for which the use of homemade acne masks is contraindicated.

Such contraindications include:

  1. Exacerbation of diseases of internal organs.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Open wounds on the face.
  4. Purulent inflammation of the skin.
  5. If the rash covers more than 30% of the surface.

If these factors are present, you should refrain from using masks.

Homemade acne masks are a quick and effective way to relieve inflammation, reduce breakouts, cleanse the skin and give it a well-groomed appearance. But they must be used with caution, having first undergone examination by specialists.

The best remedy that will relieve you of problems with oily skin are masks. They have a positive effect on the skin and, when used correctly, guarantee good results. One condition that must be met is regular use. If you do them once a month, then, of course, you will not achieve anything. As a rule, masks are recommended to be applied once, or better yet, twice a week. No less and no more.

Anti-acne masks at home will restore your skin's health and your self-confidence. In order to find the ideal remedy, you will have to experiment and try many recipes. Some of them will suit you, while others will be useless.

Homemade anti-acne masks differ favorably from store-bought ones in that you always know what they are made from, they contain only natural ingredients, and they are used immediately after production.

Deep cleansing mask

The following mask is great against acne and blackheads. You will need a teaspoon of olive oil, two tablespoons of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly. Add lemon juice before applying. This mask is ideal for dry skin that has pimples.

Oriental mask

Stress-weary skin can be restored with the help of fruits. In this case, you will need ripe persimmons and egg whites. From these ingredients you need to make a homogeneous paste. Add a tablespoon of milk and two tablespoons of nourishing cream to it. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 25 minutes.

Fighting oily shine

One of the main problems of problematic skin is oily shine. You can get rid of it using a mask. For this, boil rice without salt. When foam appears on the water, remove the last one. Then mix it with rice flour. Apply to the face like a cream. You need to keep the mask on for half an hour. These anti-acne masks at home are very effective.

Rejuvenating mask

A spoonful of linden honey, milk and oatmeal are mixed well. Apply to the face with light movements. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

Drying mask

Many homemade acne masks have a drying effect. Half a teaspoon of salt and baking soda, a tablespoon of soap solution are mixed and applied to the face. The mask is left until completely dry. It is recommended for oily and combination skin.

Cleansing mask

Most anti-acne masks at home are prepared very quickly. A striking example is the yeast mask. For it you will need a tablespoon of fresh yeast, the same amount of yogurt and warm water and a teaspoon of soda. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. After you wash your face, you need to apply moisturizer.

All masks are applied only to clean skin. It is best to use a scrub first. You will prepare the skin for subsequent procedures. In order for the beneficial substances to penetrate deep into the skin, it can be steamed. There are special bath recipes for this.

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Face masks for acne: the richest collection of home recipes

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What face masks for acne are best to use in the fight against this scourge? The rating of the best brands will tell you what to choose on store shelves. An impressive collection of homemade recipes using food and medicine will help you make your own anti-inflammatory remedy.

Pimples- one of the most common and most unpleasant skin problems that can be encountered at any age. Teenagers suffer from low self-esteem because of them. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not so easy to get rid of them, because most medications are contraindicated.

But there are saving ones face masks for acne, which require only external use, which means they have minimal restrictions for use. Our task is to review the best and most popular branded remedies for this scourge. And teach you how to prepare anti-inflammatory masks using homemade recipes from a variety of ingredients.

Rating of brand products

So, the most effective acne masks that can currently be found on store shelves and pharmacies. These are the developments of leading cosmetology laboratories, which have long become famous brands.

  1. Comodex Double Action Mask is a double action acne mask. Christina (Israel). $25.
  2. AC Therapy Sleeping Pack - Korean acne treatment mask for the night. Baviphat (South Korea). $24.
  3. Black Mask - organic anti-acne mask. Black Mask (Russia). $17.
  4. Carrot Mask - carrot acne mask. Hendel Garden (Russia). $15.
  5. Pure System is a deeply cleansing anti-acne mask. Yves Rocher(France). $9.
  6. Cleansing mask for acne and pimples. Floresan (Russia). $9.
  7. Black Head - black mask for the face against acne. Pilaten (China). $2.
  8. Face Control- antibacterial acne mask for teenagers. Vitek (Belarus). $2.
  9. Daily Dewy Bee Venom Mask Pack - fabric acne mask with bee venom. MJ Care (South Korea). $1.
  10. Clean skin - steaming acne mask. Garnier(France). $1.

These are the best acne face masks that are getting a lot of positive reviews. Moreover, not only those belonging to the premium class work (for $25), but also mass market products (for only $1). So, if you wish, you can always buy such an anti-inflammatory mask. Well, if you are sorely short of time for this, you will have to prepare wonderful textures at home.

Helpful advice. Despite the popularity of sheet masks for acne, keep in mind that inflamed skin loves oxygen. Therefore, it is better to use the most common, “breathable” products.

TOP 5 best homemade acne masks

The best homemade face masks for acne are made from a variety of ingredients that have anti-inflammatory properties. We bring to your attention a rating of the most effective recipes, according to which you can easily and quickly prepare very effective remedies.

  • Black mask

Home black mask for the face against acne can be prepared from three main components: activated carbon, black clay and healing mud. Along with rashes, it perfectly solves the problem of blackheads. Dilute 30 grams of pharmaceutical mud powder with a small amount of filtered warm water to obtain a creamy mass. Duration of action - according to the instructions (from 15 to 40 minutes).

  • Soda

Quite aggressive mask from soda for facial acne is used for very oily and contaminated skin. If your skin is sensitive and thin, it is better not to use this recipe. Mix 30 grams of brewer's yeast with 10 grams of baking soda. Dilute with a small amount of filtered warm water to a creamy consistency. Action time is 10-15 minutes.

  • From laundry soap

Another effective, but no less aggressive remedy is an acne mask. from laundry soap, which is also recommended only for oily, problem skin and is contraindicated for dry and sensitive skin. Soak a small piece of laundry soap in warm water and beat until a thick foam forms. Mix 3 teaspoons of this foam with a pinch of baking soda. Apply directly to pimples for half an hour.

  • From tar soap

An effective acne mask from tar soap. Grate a small piece of it, add warm water, beat until foam forms. Apply it directly to problem areas of the face. Rinse off after 5-7 minutes. If used correctly, within a couple of minutes the skin will begin to burn, a feeling of tightness and discomfort will appear - this is a normal reaction that must be endured.

  • From henna

An anti-acne mask can achieve excellent results. from henna(colorless), which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute 15 grams of henna powder with warm, strongly brewed green tea to form a thick paste. Add 10 ml calendula oil.

Judging by the reviews, these homemade acne mask recipes effectively cope with any rash, including acne. Products made from cosmetic clay also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Be careful. Anti-acne masks made from tar and laundry soap are, of course, good, but they require maximum control: they are contraindicated for the care of sensitive, dry, thin and couperose skin.

Clay acne masks

  • From black clay

The best option in this series is an anti-acne face mask made of black clay. Pour 30 grams of black clay powder into 50 ml of warm decoction of the string. Add 10 ml lemon juice.

  • From white clay

Anti-acne face mask gets good reviews made of white clay. Mix 15 grams of kaolin powder with 10 ml of aloe juice, add 30 ml of alcohol.

  • From blue clay

A face mask against acne can also help in this situation. made of blue clay. Pour 15 r of blue clay powder into 50 ml of warm chamomile decoction. Add 20 ml cucumber juice. Action time - 20 minutes.

  • From green clay

Antibacterial face mask for acne from green clay The good thing is that it is easy to prepare. Brew 30 grams of green clay powder with warm filtered water to form a creamy mass. Add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.

  • From pink clay

Treatment face mask for acne made of pink clay has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Pour 15 grams of pink clay powder with aloe juice until a creamy slurry forms.

  • From yellow clay

Not so popular, but no less effective face mask for acne made of yellow clay also good in fighting rashes. Mix 30 grams of yellow clay powder with raw egg yolk, add 20 ml of sea buckthorn oil.

On a note. You can’t make new acne masks every time. Take one recipe and use it to treat inflamed skin for 1-1.5 months. Then there is a rehabilitation period of 2-3 weeks. And only then can you try something different.

Acne masks from pharmaceutical drugs

  • From activated carbon

Classic acne mask made of black activated carbon First of all, it cleanses the skin of harmful substances that provoke the appearance of skin rashes. Crush 2-3 tablets, mix with any liquid: in the fight against acne, it is better to use aloe juice or a decoction (infusion) of calendula, string, or chamomile. The resulting black paste is applied to the face pointwise for 10-15 minutes.

  • Aspirin

Treatment mask with Aspirin for the face against acne - antibacterial action. Dilute 2 crushed tablets with milk or chamomile decoction to the desired consistency. Action time - no more than 5-7 minutes. Do it no more often than every other day.

  • From Polysorb

Cleansing, anti-toxic mask from Polysorb anti-acne facial treatment will make your skin glowing and clear in 2 months of continuous treatment. Mix 30 grams of crushed Polysorb capsules with 10 grams of granulated sugar and 10 grams of onion puree. Action time - 10 minutes.

  • With badyaga

Homemade acne masks with badyaga attract with immediate action. Dilute the pharmaceutical seaweed powder with 2% boric acid to a creamy consistency.

  • With hydrogen peroxide

Homemade mask with hydrogen peroxide against acne will pull out all the rot from under the skin, which provokes the formation of rashes on the skin. Dilute 15 grams of black clay powder with filtered warm water until a thick paste forms. Add 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 10 ml of cosmetic macadamia oil.

  • With mumiyo

A homemade mask can be a good helper with mumiyo from acne. Pour 2 crushed mummy tablets with 20 ml of warm plantain decoction. Add 10 ml of calendula oil and 5 ml of strongly brewed green tea.

  • Alginate

Badyaga would be a good alternative alginate acne mask - also made from algae. Dilute 30 grams of blue clay powder with warm water until the desired consistency is obtained. Add 15 ml of liquid honey and 10 grams of powdered alginate. Knead thoroughly. Action time is 10-15 minutes.

  • With vitamin E

To treat problem skin, make acne masks with vitamin E, which promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. Dilute 15 grams of red clay powder with warm green tea to form a thick mass. Add an ampoule of tocopherol and 2 drops of anise essential oil.

  • With Levomycetin

Antibacterial acne mask with Levomycetin good, but often causes skin rash as a side effect. So be careful with this antibiotic. Mix 1 crushed tablet of Levomycetin and Aspirin. Dilute them with calendula tincture to make a paste. Action time - 10 minutes.

  • With Enterosgel

Cleansing acne mask with Enterosgel- an analogue of the same product with activated carbon, since this drug is also intended to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body. Buy a paste with this name and apply a thick layer to your face for 20 minutes.

  • Zinc

To dry out rashes on the face, it is useful zinc mask from acne. Mix 15 grams of zinc paste (or ointment) with raw egg yolk, 10 ml of liquid honey and 20 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

  • Dimexide

Liquid mask with Dimexide for acne it looks more like a tonic. Dissolve 10 ml of dimexide in 20 ml of calendula decoction. Add 3 drops of tea tree ether. Apply to problem areas daily for 10 days.

  • With Vishnevsky ointment

If you can tolerate smells well, make masks from Vishnevsky ointment from acne. To prepare it, you need to take a fabric base with slits for the eyes and nose, thoroughly soak it in a medicinal product and apply it to your face for... 2.5 hours. The effect is amazing!

  • With Analgin and Streptocide

Another antibacterial mask for acne - with Analgin and Streptocide. Crush 1 tablet of Analgin and Streptocide. Dilute with chamomile decoction until a paste forms.

  • With boric acid

Anti-acne masks have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. with boric acid(to prepare them, it is better to take a 2% pharmaceutical preparation). Mix 15 grams of oatmeal with a pinch of baking soda, add 5 ml of boric acid, dilute to the desired consistency with low-fat kefir.

  • From Paracetamol

Unexpected mask from Paracetamol for acne has gained inexplicable popularity recently. Mix 1 crushed tablet of Aspirin and Paracetamol. Dilute with calendula tincture to a mushy state. Apply spotwise for 15 minutes.

  • Ichthyol

Home ichthyol acne mask used in the formation of ulcers, as it perfectly pulls out all this rot from under the skin. Ichthyolka can not even be mixed with anything. Just apply it directly to the pimples for a couple of hours and wash off with clean water.

  • With propolis

Anti-acne mask has healing properties with propolis- a bee product with excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Pour 20 grams of black clay with 40 ml of chamomile decoction. Add 5 ml of alcohol solution of propolis and 10 ml of lemon juice. Keep on face for 15 minutes.

  • With Trichopolum

Due to its wide spectrum of action, the mask with Trichopolum(the main active ingredient is metronidazole) for acne receives a huge number of positive reviews. Crush 4 tablets of Levomycetin and Trichopolum. Fill a bottle (50 ml) with salicylic alcohol. Shake well. Apply directly to inflamed areas of the face for 15-20 minutes.

  • Glycerin

Try masks at home with glycerin from acne. Mix 5 ml of warm glycerin with 20 ml of chamomile decoction. Pour 10 grams of badyagi powder into this mixture.

  • With vitamin A

If you regularly make acne masks with vitamin A, then there will be no trace of them left. Mix 10 grams of baby cream with 1 ampoule of retinol acetate. Keep on face for 10 minutes.

  • With Amoxicillin

Antibacterial mask with Amoxicillin It will work against acne if you do it every other day for 2 weeks. Mix 2 crushed tablets with aloe juice and apply to spots for 10 minutes.

  • With Nise

Another unexpected acne mask - with Nise tablet, the recipe for which is increasingly found in reviews on the Internet. It is unlikely to get rid of this problem, but it will slightly relieve inflammation and also eliminate discomfort and pain when opening ulcers, since the main effect of this drug is to eliminate pain. Crush 2 Nise tablets, mix with baby cream in equal proportions, dilute with sea buckthorn oil to the desired consistency.

Keep in mind. When using acne face masks, remember that none of them will save you from this natural disaster until you get rid of the root cause of the breakouts.

Acne masks from products

  • Honey/cinnamon

An effective acne mask with honey and cinnamon- a real salvation for those who cannot use pharmaceutical drugs due to a tendency to allergies. Mix 30 ml of liquid honey with a teaspoon of cinnamon.

  • Gelatinous

Cleansing film mask from gelatin and activated carbon acne treatment for the face has long been famous for its pronounced cleansing effect on the skin. Along with the rashes, the blackheads will also go away. Crush an activated carbon tablet and mix it with 5 tablespoons of gelatin. Pour in 2 tablespoons of skim milk. Beat until lumps are completely dissolved. Microwave for 15 seconds. Stir, cool, apply to face for 20 minutes.

  • Oatmeal

Classic mask oatmeal anti-acne facial - for those who don’t like to bother with a lot of ingredients. Pour boiling water over oatmeal or flakes (2 tablespoons). Let them swell. Apply the resulting paste onto your face until it dries completely.

  • Yeast/protein

Many dermatologists will confirm to you that the mask from yeast and protein and for acne - one of the best. Dilute a tablespoon of brewer's yeast with warm water until the desired consistency is obtained. Add 10 ml lemon juice and raw egg white.

  • Egg

An equally popular acne mask from an egg. Beat 1 raw egg, mix with 2 tablespoons of strawberry puree, add a tablespoon of grapefruit juice.

  • Saline

Homemade acne mask requires great care from salt, since with open ulcers and exposed boils, it will corrode the edges of the wound and prolong healing. Mix 30 grams of pumpkin puree (raw), 10 ml of honey, 10 grams of sea salt, 15 grams of oatmeal.

  • From turmeric

Antiseptic mask from turmeric for acne, good for oily and problem skin. Mix 10 grams of turmeric powder, mint and basil juice, nutmeg. Beat in a blender.

  • Coffee / chocolate / with cocoa

You can make masks with coffee and cocoa (chocolate) from acne. Thoroughly mix together 50 grams of used coffee grounds, 50 ml of milk, 30 grams of cocoa powder or liquid chocolate.

  • Starchy

Antiseptic mask from starch against acne it also has a tightening effect. So it is recommended for those over 35. Dilute 15 grams of starch in 10 ml of kefir, add raw protein.

  • Yolk

Makes a good mask for acne from the yolk, if you mix it with other anti-inflammatory components. It is good because it is suitable for treating dry skin. Beat 20 ml of aloe juice with 10 ml of honey and raw egg white.

  • Mustard

Simple mask from mustard for acne is contraindicated for those with dry and sensitive skin. Dissolve a tablespoon of mustard powder in a glass of mustard. Apply spotwise for 10 minutes every 2 days.

  • From parsley

A natural mask made from parsley against acne will save you not only from rashes, but also from age spots. Mix 20 grams of chopped parsley root with raw protein and 10 ml of garlic juice.

Any home recipe for face masks against acne must necessarily include anti-inflammatory components. More effective are either branded products that have received quality certificates and have passed numerous tests, or homemade ones, but using medications. On the other hand, after them there is a greater risk of getting a lot of side effects in the form of rashes and redness. Masks made from ordinary food products are not fast acting, but most of them are safe for the skin, as they are 100% natural.

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