Games in the fall for children of the preparatory group in kindergarten. Card index of role-playing games in the preparatory group

Card index of outdoor games for children 6-7 years old

Program content:

Teach children to use a variety of outdoor games (including games with elements of competition) that promote the development of psychophysical qualities (dexterity, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility), coordination of movements, and the ability to navigate in space; independently organize familiar outdoor games with peers, fairly evaluate their results and the results of their comrades. Learn to come up with variations of games, combine movements, showing creativity. Develop interest in sports games and exercises (small towns, badminton, table tennis, hockey, football).
card number 1
Outdoor game "Traps"
Progress: With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is selected - a trap - and stands in the middle of the hall (area). At the signal: “One, two, three – catch!” all the players run away and dodge the trap, which is trying to catch up with someone and touch them with their hand (stain). The one touched by the trap moves aside. When 2-3 players are caught, another trap is selected. The game is repeated 3 times. If the group is large, then two traps are selected.
card number 2
Outdoor game "Nimble guys"
Target: Develop dexterity, eye and precision of movements.
Progress: The players are divided into threes and stand in a triangle (the distance between children is 1.5 m). One child in a trio throws the ball up with both hands, the second must pick it up and throw it up again, the third player catches the ball and throws it up, the first player must catch the ball, etc.
card number 3
Outdoor game "Catch up with your partner"
Target: Exercise children in running with acceleration.
Progress: Children stand in two lines; the distance between the ranks is 3-4 steps. At the teacher’s signal, a run is performed to the opposite side of the site (distance 15 – 20). The player in the second line tries to touch (spot) the player in the first line before he crosses the conditional line. The teacher counts the number of losers. When repeating the game task, the children change roles.
card number 4
Outdoor game "Tops and Roots"
Target: Consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention, visual and auditory perception, memory, and practice the ability to catch a ball.
Progress: 1. An adult shows a vegetable (models or natural) or names it; children name it and show with movements where it grows; if on the ground, they raise their hands up; if underground, they squat. A child can also act as an adult and show the vegetables himself.
2. Children stand in a circle. In the center is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to the first player and names any vegetable. The player returns the ball to the leader and answers whether it is tops or roots. The one who never makes a mistake wins.
card number 5
Outdoor game "Don't stay on the floor"
Target: Exercise children in even running while maintaining a distance, and develop coordination of movements in jumping.
Progress: Using a counting rhyme, a driver is selected - a trap. The trap runs around the hall (playground) with the children. As soon as the teacher says “Catch!” all the children run away and try to climb any height (gymnastic benches, cubes, gymnastic wall). The trap is trying to show off. The guys he touched step aside. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.
card number 6
Outdoor game "Flies - does not fly"
Progress: Children stand in a line. The presenter names various objects and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up only when the named object is flying. At the end, note those who have never made a mistake.
card number 7
Outdoor game "Quickly stand in a column"
Target: Develop attention and speed of movement.
Progress: The players line up in three columns (in front of each column there is a cube of its own color). The teacher suggests remembering your place in the column and the color of the cube. At the signal, the players scatter throughout the hall (area). After 30-35 seconds. The signal “Quickly in the column!” is given, and each child must quickly take his place in the column.
card number 8
Outdoor game "Owl"
Target: Development of attention, response to verbal commands and voluntary regulation of behavior.
Progress: An owl's nest is marked on the site. The rest are mice, bugs, butterflies. At the signal "Day!" - everyone is walking and running. After a while the signal “Night!” sounds. and everyone stops, remaining in the position in which the team found them. The owl wakes up, flies out of the nest, runs around the children, watches carefully, and takes the one who moves to its nest. On the signal: "Day!" - The game continues.
Rules: Stop in the position suggested by the teacher: stand on one knee, on your toes, forming pairs, placing your feet on the same line.
card number 9
Outdoor game "Giants and Dwarves"
Target: Train children to act on cues.
Progress: The driver (most often an adult) explains to the children that he can only pronounce the words “giants” and “gnomes.” When the word “giants” is said, everyone should rise on their toes and raise their hands. And when you hear the word “gnomes,” everyone should sit down lower. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.
Of course, the driver wants to ensure that the players make mistakes. To do this, he first pronounces the words “giants!” loud and bass, and "gnomes" - in a quiet squeaky whisper. And then, at some point, it’s the other way around. Or when saying “giants,” the driver squats, and when saying “gnomes,” he rises on his toes.
The pace of the game is accelerating and all players are gradually dropping out. The last player who has never made a mistake becomes the driver.
card number 10
Outdoor game "Fishing Rod"
Target: Practice jumping with energetic push-off with both feet from the ground and bending your legs under you during the jump.
Progress: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, the teacher holds a rope in his hands, with a bag of sand tied at the end. The teacher rotates the bag on a rope in a circle above the ground (floor), and the children jump, trying to prevent the bag from touching their feet. The teacher rotates the bag in both directions alternately.
card number 11
Outdoor game "Quickly pass"
Progress: The players stand in 3-4 lines and are located half a step from each other. The first player in each row has a large diameter ball. At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to pass the ball to each other from hand to hand. The last player in the line, having received the ball, raises it above his head.
card number 12
Outdoor game "Don't get caught"
Progress: A circle is drawn on the floor (ground) (or laid out from a cord). All players stand behind the circle at a distance of half a step. The driver is selected. He stands in a circle anywhere. Children jump in and out of the circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are in the circle. The child whom the driver touched moves aside. After 30-40 seconds. The game stops. Another driver is chosen, and the game is repeated with all the children.
card number 13
Outdoor game "Circular rounders"
Target: To develop children's dexterity in ball games and speed in running and dodging.
Progress: Children are divided into two teams. Players of one team stand in a circle, each with a ball in their hands. The players of the second team are inside the circle. The task of the players of the first team is to touch (touch) those who are inside the circle. Children inside the circle try to dodge. When at least a third of the players are defeated, the teams change places.
card number 14
Outdoor game "Shapes"
Target: Development of attention, orientation in space, ability to act on a signal.
Progress: At the teacher’s signal, all children scatter around the hall (playground). At the next signal, all players stop at the place where the team found them and take some pose. The teacher notes those whose figures turned out to be the most successful.
Options: At the signal: "Stop! Two!" - build a figure in pairs. The next "Stop! Three!" - in three, etc. until five.
card number 15
Outdoor game "Ball over head"
Target: Develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Progress: The players are divided into threes. Two guys throw the ball to each other, and the third stands between them and tries to touch the ball. If he succeeds, he changes places with the player who threw the ball.
card number 16
Outdoor game "Pass on the move"
Target: Development of attention, speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Progress: The players are divided into pairs and stand on the starting line. One player of each pair holds a large diameter ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, the children, throwing the ball to each other as they go, move to the opposite side of the hall (area) to the designated line (distance 10 m). The pair that quickly and without losing the ball reached the finish line is noted.
card number 17
Outdoor game "Migration of birds"
Target: Practice climbing, developing agility and strength.
Progress: On one side of the hall there are children - birds. On the other side there are various aids - gymnastic benches, cubes, etc. - these are trees. At the signal "Birds fly away!" children, flapping their arms like wings, scatter throughout the hall. At the signal "Storm!" all the birds run to the trees and try to take some place as quickly as possible. When the teacher says “The storm has stopped!” Children descend from the heights and scatter around the hall again - “the birds continue their flight.”
card number 18
Outdoor game "Echo"
Target: Exercise in the development of phonemic hearing and accuracy of auditory perception.
Progress: Before the game, the adult asks the children: Have you ever heard an echo? When you travel in the mountains or through a forest, pass through an arch or are in a large empty hall, you may encounter an echo. That is, of course, you won’t be able to see it, but you can hear it. If you say: “Echo, hello!”, then it will answer you: “Echo, hello!”, because it always repeats exactly what you tell it. Now let's play echo.
Then they appoint a driver - “Echo”, who must repeat what he is told.
card number 19
Outdoor game "Jump over - don't hit"
Target: Practice jumping on two legs, develop strength and agility.
Progress: The players line up in two columns and stand two steps apart from each other. Two drivers stand in front of each column with a stretched rope in their hands (length 1.5 - 2 m). The drivers raise the rope to a height of 20 cm and, at the teacher’s signal, pass it under the feet of the players, and they must jump over the rope.
card number 20
Outdoor game "Hurry up to run out"
Target: Strengthen the skill of walking and running with changing the direction of movement, the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.
Progress: The players stand in a circle. 5-6 guys go to the center of the circle. Those standing in a circle hold hands and start running to the right or left (or walking quickly), and the guys in the center of the circle clap their hands. At the teacher’s signal “Stop!” those running in a circle quickly stop and raise their clasped hands up. The teacher counts out loud to three. During this time, those standing in the center of the circle must quickly run out of the circle. After counting “three” the children lower their hands. The one who remains in the circle is considered the loser.
card number 21
Outdoor game "Ball for the driver"
Progress: The players stand in 3-4 columns (or 3-4 circles). The driver with the ball stands at a distance of 2-2.5 m from each column. At the teacher’s signal, the drivers throw the ball to the players standing first, and those, having caught them, return them back and run to the end of their column. Then the drivers throw the balls to the next players, etc.
card number 22
Outdoor game "Frogs"
Target: Practice jumping and throwing the ball.
Progress: Children line up in 3 or 4 columns and stand in front of the wall at the starting line. The first players in the column have a ball of medium or small diameter in their hands (depending on the preparedness of the children). The distance to the wall is 1.5 - 2 m. The child throws the ball against the wall and jumps over it after bouncing on the floor (ground). The second child in the column picks up the ball, throws it against the wall, jumps over the ball after the rebound, and so on. Each subsequent player, after completing the exercise, stands at the end of his column.
card number 23
Outdoor game "Traps with ribbons"
Target: Practice running. Develop dexterity and the ability to quickly navigate.
Progress: Children line up in a circle; each has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of the belt. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the teacher's signal: "One, two, three - catch it!" - children run around the playground. The trap runs after the players, trying to snatch a ribbon from someone. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three, quickly run into the circle!” everyone is built in a circle. The teacher invites those who have lost their ribbons to raise their hands, i.e. lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children, and the game is repeated with a new driver.
card number 24
Outdoor game "Carrying balls"
Target: Develop the ability to perform movements on cue. Practice running fast.
Progress: The players line up in two columns and stand on four sides of the hall (area). In the center there is a large diameter hoop (or basket) in which small balls are placed according to the number of players. At the teacher’s command, the children standing first in the columns run to the hoop, take one ball, return and stand at the end of their column. The second players start running after the first ones cross the designated line, etc. The team that completes the task quickly and without errors wins.
card number 25
Outdoor game "Quickly take it"
Target: Develop the ability to perform movements on cue.
Progress: The players form a circle and walk around objects (cubes, balls, skittles); There are 2-3 fewer items than players. Suddenly the teacher gives a signal: “Take it quickly!” Each player must take an object and lift it above their head. The one who did not have time to take the item is considered a loser.
card number 26
Outdoor game "Guess whose voice?"
Target: Strengthen the skill of walking in a circle.
Progress: The driver stands in the center of the hall and closes his eyes. Children form a circle without holding hands, walk in a circle to the right and say:
We gathered in an even circle,
Let's turn around at once,
How about we say: “Leap - hop - hop”
Guess whose voice it is.
The words “skok – skok – skok” are pronounced by one child (as directed by the teacher).
The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said these words. If he guesses correctly, that player takes his place. If the driver did not guess correctly, then when the game is repeated, he again plays this role. Children walk in a circle in the other direction.
card number 27

Target: Develop accuracy in exercises with the ball.
Progress: The players line up in front of the wall (fence) and throw the ball against the wall, catching it after bouncing off the ground (with a clap, squat, etc.)
card number 28
Outdoor game "Mousetrap"
Target: To develop children's self-control and ability to coordinate movements with words. Practice running with crawling.
Progress: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest are “mice” - they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, join hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything. They all ate. Beware, cheats, we will get to you! Let’s set up mousetraps and catch everyone now.” Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. According to the teacher's words "Clap!" children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles.
card number 29
Outdoor game "Entertainers"
Target: Develop children's creative abilities, spatial orientation, attention.
Progress: Using a counting rhyme, an entertainer is selected and stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, children walk in a circle to the right, then to the left and say:
In an even circle one after another
We are going step by step.
Stay where you are! Together together
Let's do it like this!
The children stop, lower their hands, and the entertainer shows some kind of movement. Everyone must repeat it. The one who best repeats the movement becomes the new entertainer.
card number 30
Outdoor game "In places"
Target: Develop the ability to throw and catch the ball, be dexterous, attentive, and develop an eye.
Progress: The players form a circle. In front of each child there is an object (a cube, a bag, a pin). At the signal, everyone scatters around the hall (area) in different directions, and the teacher removes one object. At the signal "Get to your places!" All players must quickly stand in a circle and take a place near some object. The one who is left without a place is considered a loser.
card number 31
Outdoor game "Pass the ball"
Target: Practice performing tasks with a ball.
Progress: The players line up in 3-4 columns. The distance between children in the column is one step. The first player in the column receives the ball (large diameter). At the teacher’s signal, the first players pass the ball with both hands back between their legs and run to the end of their column. The next players pass the balls back and run to the end of their column and so on. When the first player is again in front of the column, he raises the ball high above his head. Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher marks the winning team.
card number 32
Outdoor game "Sly Fox"
Target: To develop endurance and observation skills in children. Practice running quickly with dodging, lining up in a circle, and catching.
Progress: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind the children and touches one of the players, who becomes a sly fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and carefully look to see which of them is the sly fox, and whether she will give herself away in some way. The players ask in chorus 3 times, first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other. The sly fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, and says “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The caught fox takes him home to his hole.
Rules: The fox begins to catch the children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says: “I’m here!”
If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.
A player who runs out of bounds of the court is considered caught.

Options: 2 foxes are selected. The fox can be chosen by lot.
card number 33
Outdoor game "Tag"
Target: Practice running quickly with dodging, lining up in a circle, and catching.
Progress: All the players run freely around the site, the driver - the tag - tries to tarnish someone. A player who is stained becomes a tag; If the tag cannot catch someone for a long time, then the teacher appoints another driver. If the group is large, then you can appoint two drivers.
card number 34
Outdoor game "Stop!"
Target: Practice walking and perform tasks when given a signal, repeat the game balance exercises.
Progress: The players stand in one line or randomly close to each other. On the opposite side of the hall, the driver stands with his back to the players. He says loudly: “Walk quickly, don’t yawn, stop!” For each word, the players move forward in steps (rhythmically, in accordance with the spoken text). At the last word, the children stop, and the driver quickly looks around. The one who did not have time to stop takes a step back. The driver turns away and says the text again, and the children continue to move. The player who manages to cross the finish line before the driver says the word “Stop!” becomes the driver.
card number 35
Outdoor game "Jumping sparrows"
Target: Practice jumping over cords.
Progress: The teacher lays out a circle of rope on the floor (or draws it on the ground) (sandbags or cubes can also be guides). The driver is chosen - a kite (or a cat). He stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children are sparrows, they stand outside the circle. The little sparrows jump in and out of the circle. The kite (or cat) runs in a circle and does not allow the sparrows to stay there for a long time. The sparrow, which the driver touched, stops, raises his hand, but does not leave the game. The teacher marks those whom the kite (or cat) has never caught. The game is repeated after a short break.
card number 36
Outdoor game "Frogs and Heron"
Target: To develop dexterity and speed in children. Learn to jump back and forth over an object.
Progress: The boundaries of the swamp (rectangle, square or circle) where the frogs live are marked with cubes (20 cm on a side), between which ropes are stretched. There are sandbags at the ends of the ropes. At a distance is a heron's nest. Frogs jump and frolic in the swamp. The heron (leader) stands in his nest. At the teacher’s signal, she, raising her legs high, heads to the swamp, steps over the rope and catches frogs. The frogs escape from the heron - they jump out of the swamp. The heron takes the caught frogs to her house. (They stay there until they choose a new heron.) If all the frogs manage to jump out of the swamp and the heron does not catch anyone, she returns to her house alone. After 2-3 games, a new heron is selected.
Directions: Ropes are placed on the cubes so that they can easily fall if they are touched while jumping. The fallen rope is put back in place. The players (frogs) should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the swamp. There may be 2 herons in the game.
card number 37
Outdoor game "Hunters and Falcons"
Target: Practice running fast, develop reaction speed.
Progress: On one side of the hall (platform) there are falcons. There are two hunters standing in the middle of the hall. At the teacher’s signal “Falcons, fly!” children run across to the other side of the hall, and hunters try to catch (spot) them before they cross the conventional line. When the game is repeated, other drivers are selected, but not from among those caught.
card number 38
Outdoor game "Passing the ball in a line (or in a circle)"
Target: Develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Progress: The players line up in 3-4 lines. The first player in each line has a ball (large diameter) in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to pass the ball to each other in a line. As soon as the last player in the line receives the ball, he raises it above his head and all players must turn in a circle and pass the ball in the opposite direction. The first in the line receives the ball, all children turn again and take their original position. The teacher announces the winning team.
card number 39
Outdoor game "Day and Night"
Target: To develop dexterity and speed in children.
Progress: The players are divided into two teams – “Day” and “Night”. A line is drawn in the middle of the hall (area) (or a cord is placed). At a distance of two steps from the line, the teams stand with their backs to each other. The teacher says: “Get ready!”, then gives one of the teams a signal to run, for example, says: “Day.” Children run away beyond the conventional line, and the players of the second team quickly turn around and catch up with their opponents, trying to mark them before they cross the conventional line. The team that manages to stain the most players on the opposing team wins.
card number 40
Outdoor game "Two Frosts"
Target: Practice running in all directions, develop reaction speed, and the ability to act according to the rules.
Progress: On opposite sides of the site, lines indicate two houses. The players are located in one of the houses. Two drivers (Frost - red nose and Frost - blue nose) go to the middle of the site, face the children and say:
We are two young brothers,
Two frosts are removed,
I am Frost - red nose,
I am Frost - blue nose,
Which one of you will decide
Hit the road - set off on the path?
All players answer in chorus:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost.
After this, the children run to another house, and the frosts try to freeze them (touch them with their hands). The frozen ones remain in the place where the frost overtook them and stand there until the end of the run. Frosts are counting how many guys they managed to freeze. After two dashes, other Morozovs are chosen.
card number 41
Outdoor game "Spider and flies"
Target: Continue to practice running in different directions and the ability to maintain balance. Develop endurance.
Progress: In one corner of the hall there is a circle (or cord) marking the web where the leader, the spider, lives. The rest of the children are flies. At the teacher’s signal, all the flies scatter around the hall, “fly”, and buzz. The spider is in the web. At the signal "Spider!" the flies stop in the place where the team found them. The spider comes out and looks carefully. The spider takes the one who moves into its web. After two repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted. The game resumes with another driver.
card number 42
Outdoor game "Keys"
Progress: The players stand in circles drawn in any order (or laid out from short cords) at a distance of 2 m from one another. The driver is selected. He approaches one of the players and asks: “Where are the keys?” He answers: “Go to ... (names one of the children), knock!” At this time, other children try to change places. The driver must quickly take a free circle during the dash. If the driver cannot occupy a circle for a long time, he shouts: “I found the keys!” Then all the players change places, the one left without a place becomes the driver.
card number 43
Outdoor game "Carousel"
Target: To develop in children the rhythm of movements and the ability to coordinate them with words. Practice running, walking in a circle and forming a circle.
Progress: The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied. Children, holding the cord with their right hand, turn to the left and say the poem: “Barely, barely, barely, barely, the carousel spun. And then around, around, everyone ran, ran, ran.” In accordance with the text of the poem, the children walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster, then run. While running, the teacher says: “It’s okay.” Children run in a circle 2 times, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying: “Turn.” The players turn in a circle, quickly grabbing the cord with their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher continues with the children: “Hush, hush, don’t write it off, stop the carousel. One, two, one, two, that’s the end of the game!” The movements of the carousel are becoming slower and slower. At the words “The game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse.
Rules: You can only take a seat on the carousel by calling. Those who do not manage to take a place before the third bell do not take part in the skating. You must make movements according to the text, observing the rhythm.
Options: Everyone must take their place. Place the cord on the floor, running in a circle behind it.
card number 44
Outdoor game "Blind Man's Bluff"
Target: Improving orientation in space.
Progress: The teacher appoints the driver as the counting rhyme - blind man's buff. He stands in the middle of the platform, bounded by cords. He is blindfolded and asked to turn around several times. All the children run away, and the blind man's buff tries to catch someone.
Rules: Do not go beyond the designated border; running away from blind man's buff, you can squat; To prevent the blind man's buff from leaving the site, he is warned with the word "fire".
When the children spin the blind man’s buff in the place of the leader, they say the sentence together:
- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?
- On the porch (on the kettle).
-What are you drinking?
- Kvass!
- Catch mice, not us.
Here is another sentence option:
- Where are you standing?
- On Bridge.
- What are you drinking?
- Kvass.
- Look for us for three years!
card number 45
Outdoor game "Passed - sit down (ball relay)"
Target: Develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Progress: The game is played in the hall or on the court. It requires 2-3 volleyballs. The players are divided into 2-3 equal teams, which line up behind the line in a column one at a time. The captain stands 6-8 meters ahead of each team with the ball in his hands. At the signal, the captain passes the ball to the first player of his team. He, having caught the ball, returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second player, etc. Having received the ball from the last player, the captain raises it up, and the whole team quickly stands up. The first team to complete the task and its captain to lift the ball up wins. The player who dropped the ball must recover it, return to his place and continue passing. Also, players should not miss their turn.
card number 46
Outdoor game "Polar bears"
Target: Develop speed, agility, endurance.
Progress: At the edge of the area, which represents the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe. The driver standing on it is a “polar bear”. The remaining “cubs” will be randomly placed throughout the site.
The “bear” growls: “I’m going out to fish!” - and runs to catch the “cubs”. Having caught one “bear cub”, he takes it to the ice floe, then catches another. After this, the two caught “bear cubs” join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. At this time, the “bear” retreats to the ice floe. Having overtaken someone, two “bear cubs” join their free hands so that the caught one ends up between the hands, and shout: “Bear, help!” The “bear” runs up, greases the caught one and takes him to the ice floe. The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the “cubs”. The game continues until all the cubs are caught.
The last player caught wins and becomes the “polar bear”.
Rules: A caught “bear cub” cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding it until the “bear” hits it. When catching, it is forbidden to grab players by their clothes, and those running away are prohibited from running outside the boundaries of the area.
card number 47
Outdoor game "Frogs in the swamp"
Target: Practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, developing strength, agility, and speed of reaction.
Progress: On one side of the hall (behind the line) there is a leader - a crane. In the middle of the hall there is a swamp (a circle made of cord). Children sit around - frogs and say:
Here from a hatched rotten place
Frogs splashed into the water.
Kwa-ke-ke, kwa-ke-ke,
It will rain on the river.
With the end of the words, the frogs jump into the swamp. The crane catches frogs that did not have time to jump. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. When the crane catches several frogs, another crane is chosen from among those who have never been caught.
card number 48
Outdoor game "Ball against the wall"
Target: To develop children's attention and dexterity. Practice catching the ball with both hands.
Progress: Children stand in 3-4 columns in front of the wall (shield). The player standing first in the column has a ball of small diameter. The player throws the ball against the wall, then goes to the end of his column. The second player must catch the ball after bouncing on the floor and throw it against the wall, etc. The team that completes the task quickly and without losing the ball wins.
card number 49
Outdoor game "We are funny guys"
Target: Exercise children in running. Strengthen the ability to act on a signal.
Progress: Children stand behind the line on one side of the playground (hall). There are two drivers in the center of the site. The children say in chorus:
We are funny guys.
We love to run and jump.
Well, try to catch up with us!
One - two - three - catch it!
After the word "Catch!" the children run to the other side of the playground, and the drivers catch up with them. The one whom the driver has insulted moves aside. Once the children cross the finish line, the number of losers is counted. The game is repeated with other drivers.
card number 50
Outdoor game "Hunters and ducks"
Progress: Children are divided into two equal teams - hunters and ducks. The ducks stand in the middle of a large circle. Hunters throw a ball (large diameter), trying to hit the ducks with it. The duck touched by the ball is out of the game. When the majority (about a third) of the ducks have been fattened, the teams change roles.
card number 51
Outdoor game "Quiet - loud"
Target: Develop observation, attention, the ability to listen to a signal and act in accordance with it.
Progress: Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected, he stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the players some object that can be hidden (lace, ribbon). All children except the driver know who has the item. When the driver approaches this child, the children begin to clap their hands loudly; when he moves away, the clapping becomes quieter. The game continues until the driver finds the item. If he fails to do this for a long time, then another driver is chosen.
card number 52
Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat"
Target: Exercise children in running and jumping. Strengthen the ability to act on a signal.
Progress: In the middle of the hall (site) two parallel lines are drawn (or ropes are placed) at a distance of 80-90 cm from one another - this is a moat. On one side of the site beyond the line there is a goat house. They choose a leader - a wolf. All goats are located in the house (beyond the line). The wolf stands in the ditch. At the teacher’s signal: “The wolf is in the ditch!” the goats run to the opposite side of the hall, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch them (touch them with his hand). The wolf takes the caught goats aside. The signal sounds again. After two runs, all the caught goats return to their home, and a new leader is selected.
card number 53
Outdoor game "Who gets to the ball faster"
Target: Train children to run at speed.
Progress: Children stand in two lines. Task: run to an object as quickly as possible, pick it up and lift it above your head (distance 10m). At the teacher’s command “March!” The exercise is performed by the first rank. The teacher marks the first three participants. Then the second group completes the task, the teacher notes the winners.
card number 54
Outdoor game "Kick pass"
Target: Develop dexterity in ball games.
Progress: The players stand in circles of 3-4 people. There is a driver in the center of each circle, with a large diameter ball in front of him. The driver rolls the ball to the players with his foot (foot pass); Each child, having received the ball, holds it for a few seconds, taking it with his foot, and sends it back to the driver.
card number 55
Outdoor game "Burners"
Target: Practice running at speed.
Progress: The players line up in two columns, holding hands in pairs. Ahead is the driver. The guys say in unison:
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Look at the sky:
Birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
One - two - three - run!
After the word "Run!" the children standing in the last pair lower their hands and run to the beginning of the column: one to the right, the other to the left of the column. The driver tries to catch one of the guys before he has time to join hands with his partner again. If the driver manages to do this, he joins hands with the caught one and they stand in front of the column. The one left without a partner becomes the driver. To increase physical activity, you can divide children into two teams.
card number 56
Outdoor game "Passing the ball in a column"
Target: To develop children's dexterity and speed in playing with the ball.
Progress: Children are lined up in 3-4 columns; the distance between players is one step. The first person in the column has a ball (large diameter). At the teacher’s signal, the children begin to pass the ball back with both hands above their heads (with their feet shoulder-width apart). The last player in the column receives the ball, runs to the beginning of the column and also passes the ball. The task is completed until the first player in the column is the one who stood first before the start of the game. The team that completes the task quickly and without losses wins.
card number 57
Game exercises with football elements
Target: To develop speed while running, agility, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, to cultivate in children a sense of teamwork and mutual assistance.
"Ball against the wall." The players are located in front of the wall (fence) at a distance of 3m from it. Each child has a ball, which he hits against the wall at an arbitrary pace, alternately with his right and left foot.
"Smart guys." The players are located in pairs throughout the court. Each pair has one ball. The distance between children is 2m. Task: send the ball to your partner with your right and left feet alternately.
"Circle exactly." Various objects (cubes, medicine balls) are placed throughout the site. The child circles the ball around objects with his right and left foot, without letting it go far from himself.
"Goal into the goal." Using several cubes, gates are indicated. Players take turns going to the starting line (distance from the goal 5m) and try to kick the ball into the goal with a precise movement of their foot (right or left).
"Knock down the object." At a distance of 4 m from the starting line, pins are placed on the same line. Task: after a short run-up, hit the ball to knock down an object.
"Accurate pass." The players are divided into pairs. Each pair has one ball. Children move from one side of the court to the other, hitting the ball to each other with their right and left feet alternately.
"Quick pass." The players stand in a semicircle (small group, distance between players is 2m), in front of them is the driver with the ball. He kicks the ball to the first player with a quick and precise movement, and he returns the ball with the same movement, etc. Then the driver changes places with the first player on the team. The exercise is repeated with another driver.
"Nimble and fast." The players in a line run the ball to the other side of the court, lightly kicking it with either their right or left foot so that it does not roll far.
"Pass in a circle." The players stand in a circle (a small group of children) and, while rolling, hit the ball, send it to each other with a slight but precise movement of the right or left foot.
"Pass in a circle." The players stand in a circle, with a teacher with a ball in the center. He sends the ball to the children one by one. Having received the ball, the child stops it and sends it back to the teacher with the same movement.
"Pass in the three." Children become threes at a distance of 2m from each other. One player has the ball. The players pass the ball to the right in a circle with one foot, then to the left, and so on several times.
"Hit the gate." Children dribble the ball from one side of the court to the other to the marked line (distance 10m) and, not reaching 2m from the goal, try to score the ball into the goal.
card number 58
Game exercises with badminton elements
Target: Develop agility, speed, coordination of movements.
"don't drop it." The players stand in a circle (semicircle) or line. The legs are slightly apart, each child has a shuttlecock in his hands. Assignment: throw the shuttlecock up with one hand and catch it in the air.
"Throw it - catch it." Tossing a shuttlecock with one hand and catching it with the other, standing still and in motion (over a short distance).
"Shuttlecock towards you." Children stand in two lines; the distance between the ranks is 2 m, at a distance of arms outstretched to the side from each other. Every child has a shuttlecock. At the teacher’s signal, each child throws the shuttlecock to the child standing opposite. The main thing is that the shuttlecocks do not fall or collide when being thrown.
"Throw it into the ring." The players stand in a column one at a time (a group of 4-6 children) in front of the basketball hoop (height from the floor 2 m). Every child has a shuttlecock. At the teacher’s signal, the first child in the column approaches the ring and throws the shuttlecock from the bottom up with his right (left) hand, trying to get into the ring.
"Repel the shuttlecock." Children stand in two semicircles at a distance of one step from each other. Every child has a racket. The driver is selected; he stands in front of the players and throws the shuttlecock to them one by one, and they return it. After some time, another driver is selected.
"Hit the shuttlecock." Children stand in a circle (semicircle). Each player has a racket and a shuttlecock. Children throw the shuttlecock with a racket, trying to hit as many times as possible and not let the shuttlecock fall to the ground.
"Pass on - don't drop it." The players stand in a line. Each child has a shuttlecock and a racket. At the teacher’s command, children throw the shuttlecock with a racket, moving forward at a step. The pace is arbitrary.
"Shuttlecock over the net." In the middle of the site (hall) at a height of 120 cm from the floor, a net (or cord) is stretched. Two teams of 5-6 people play. Players stand on both sides of the net. Children from one team serve the shuttlecock (3-4 times), and the guys from the second team hit the shuttlecock to the opposite side through the net. Then the teams change roles.
card number 59
Outdoor game "Don't touch me"
Target: Exercise children in walking and running like a snake, enrich motor experience, develop coordination of movements, orientation in space.
Progress: 6-7 pins are placed in parallel in two rows at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other from the starting line after 2 m. All players line up in two columns. At the signal, children run after each other in a “snake” between the pins, running around them on one side and the other, returning to the starting line. The team that doesn't hit a single pin wins.
card number 60
Outdoor game "Third wheel"
Target: Learn to follow the rules of the game, develop agility and running speed.
Progress: The players stand in pairs in a circle facing the center so that one of the pair is in front and the other is behind him. The distance between pairs is 1-2 m. Two drivers take a place behind the circle: one runs away, the other catches him. Fleeing from pursuit, the runner can stand in front of any pair. Then the person standing behind turns out to be the “third wheel” and must run away from the second driver. If the one catching up touches the one running away, then they change roles. No one should stop the player from running away from the pursuer.
Options: 1. The “third wheel” standing behind in a pair should not run away, but catch up with the second driver.
2. Players stand in pairs facing each other and hold hands. The runner can stand between the hands of any pair. Whoever his back is to is the “third wheel” and must run away.
3. The players walk in a circle in pairs, holding each other’s hands, and their free hands on their belts. A person escaping from pursuit can take someone's arm at any time. Then, the one standing on the other side becomes the one running away. The same game can be played with music.
card number 61
Outdoor game "Whoever is named, catches it"
Target: Develop attention, dexterity, and speed of reaction to a signal.
Progress: Children walk or run around the playground. An adult holds a ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The person named must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of one of the children. The ball should not be thrown too high and in the direction of the child whose name is called.
card number 62
Outdoor game "Gawker"
Target: Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.
Progress: Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. One of the players has a ball in his hands. At the teacher’s command, the child begins to throw the ball, calling by name the person to whom he throws the ball. The ball must be caught. Whoever dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and performs any exercise with the ball.
Rules: The ball is thrown through the center of the circle. If a player drops the ball while performing an exercise, he is given an additional task.
card number 63
Outdoor game "Stop!"
Target: Develop auditory attention, spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination.
Progress: The players stand in a circle. The driver goes into the middle of the circle with a small ball. He throws the ball up (or hits it hard on the ground) and says someone's name. The child who was named runs after the ball, the rest scatter in different directions. As soon as the named child picks up the ball, he shouts: “Stop!” All players must stop and stand motionless where the team found them. The driver tries to hit someone with the ball. The one at whom the ball is thrown can dodge, crouch, and jump without leaving his spot. If the driver misses, he runs after the ball again, and everyone runs away. Taking the ball, the driver shouts again: “Stop!” - and tries to make one of the players look bad. The salted one becomes the new driver, the game continues.
Rules: The one at whom the ball is thrown must dodge, crouch, jump, without leaving his place.
card number 64
Outdoor game "Mice and houses"
Target: Strengthen the ability to quickly change direction of movement and act on a signal.
Progress: Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. The rest of the children stand in rings or circles drawn on the floor and take places in them - “Mice in houses.” The driver comes up to some house and says: “Mouse, mouse, sell the house!” She refuses. Then the driver goes to the other “mouse”. At this time, the “mouse”, who refused to sell the house, calls one of the players and changes places with him. The driver strives to take the place of one of those running across. If he succeeds, then the one left without a place becomes a driver. If he fails, he goes from house to house asking them to sell the house. If the driver says: “The cat is coming!”, then everyone should change places, and the driver tries to take someone’s house.
card number 65
Outdoor game "Four Elements"
Target: Develop attention, observation, ability to quickly make decisions, expand vocabulary.
Progress: The players stand in a circle. Explain to children that there are 4 elements: water, earth, air, fire. For example, fish, frogs, crayfish live in water, people, animals, insects, etc. live on land, but no one lives in fire. If the driver throws the ball and says: “Water”, “Earth” or “Air”, then the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch it, name the person who lives in this element, and throw the ball back to the driver. If the driver says: “Fire!”, then you cannot catch the ball. For an incorrect answer or catching the ball to the word "fire", the player is eliminated from the game. They play until the last remaining participant.
card number 66
Outdoor game "Stander"
Target: Development of motor and communication abilities, dexterity, speed of reactions and coordination of movements, imaginative thinking.
Progress: Before the game starts, a driver is selected using a counting rhyme. All participants in the game stand in a circle, and the driver stands in the center of the circle. He throws the ball high and shouts loudly “Stander - Olya!”, calling the name of any of the children. Now the one whose name was called becomes the driver. He tries to catch the ball as quickly as possible. And all the other children run away, trying to be as far as possible from the new driver. As soon as you manage to catch the ball, the driver shouts “Stander-stop!” After this, everyone must stop in place and turn to face the driver. The driver chooses any of the children and calls his name: “I’ll end up in Kolya!” After this, Kolya should fold his hands in a ring in front of him. The driver must hit the ball into this “basketball” hoop. To make it easier to get into the ring, the driver has the right to come closer. To do this, he announces in advance, without starting the movement, how many and what steps he wants to take. The steps are as follows: “Simple” - an ordinary step
"Giant" - a big step. “Liliputian” - the step is taken the length of the foot, that is, the heel of the other is placed against the toe of one foot. "Umbrellas" - a jump with a turn. "Frog" - jump from a squatting position. For example, it might sound like this: “Before Kolya there are four Lilliputian, two giant and three umbrellas!” After this, the driver begins to move towards Kolya. There are also rules here. Firstly, you need to move along the shortest straight line, and, secondly, you need to complete all the steps mentioned and only them. Approaching Kolya, the driver throws the ball, trying to get into the ring from his hands. If you hit, then Kolya will become the new “throw-in” driver; if you don’t hit, then he will drive himself.
card number 67
Outdoor game "Defense of fortifications"
Target: The game helps improve the skills of throwing, catching, passing the ball, and in the case of playing with legs - stopping, passing, hitting the inside of the foot and lifting, develops courage, quick orientation and tactical thinking.
A small circle and a large circle with a diameter (2 and 4 m, respectively) are drawn in the center of the hall. The players are located outside it. In the center of the small circle, a “strengthening” is installed - three clubs (pins). A “defender” is selected and stands next to the fortification.
At the signal, they try to hit the “fortification” with the ball. The “defender” prevents this by hitting and catching balls. The player who knocks down three clubs (pins) at once or the third (last) changes places with the “defender”.
Rules: 1. Throw (kick) - without going beyond the line of the circle, otherwise the throw does not count. 2. The "defender" has no right to step outside the line of the small circle, hold with his hands
"strengthening" or installing knocked down clubs again.
Option: Playing with feet.
Directions: 1. The diameters of the circles should be adjusted in accordance with the capabilities of the players. 2. It is necessary to stimulate collective action in every possible way, giving preference to passing the ball, as a result of the combination of which the “defender” became confused and the “fortification” turned out to be defenseless.
card number 68
Outdoor game "Horses and runners"
Target: Practice running, jumping on one leg, develop agility and spatial orientation.
Progress: A playing area of ​​3x3 or 5x5 m is outlined. Children are divided into two teams: horses and runners. On one side of the site is the horse house. Runners run around the playing area within its boundaries. The horses send one of their team to the field (to the site). The horse catches runners by jumping on one leg. The physical education teacher calls the horse: “Home!” He returns, and the next player in line jumps into the field instead. And so the horses change all the time. The caught runners are captured by the horses. The game ends when all players in the field are overfished. Then the teams change roles. The game repeats itself.
card number 69
Outdoor game "Colors"
Target: Practice the ability to run fast, be agile, and follow the rules of the game.
Progress: Among the participants, one leading seller and one buyer-monk are chosen, the rest of the children become painters. Paint participants sit in a circle or in a gazebo, sometimes children stand in a line. The seller quietly (in his ear) tells everyone what color of paint corresponds to him. Children remember their color. The buyer monk should not know the colors of the paints. A monk comes to a paint store and addresses the seller: “I’m a monk in blue pants, I’ve come for paint.”
- For what? The monk names the color of the paint (for example, blue). If there is no such paint, then the seller answers: - There is no such paint! Jump along the blue path, on one leg, you will find boots, wear them, and bring them back! The tasks for a monk can be different: gallop on one leg, walk like a duck, squat, or something else. If the named paint is present in the store, then the seller answers the monk: - There is such a thing!
- What is the price?
- Five rubles (The monk loudly slaps the seller’s palm five times). At the last clap, the named “paint” jumps up from his place and runs around the gazebo or line of other children. The monk tries to catch up with her. If he catches up with the paint, then he himself becomes the paint, and the caught paint participant becomes a buyer-monk and the game continues. If the monk was unable to catch the paint, then the game starts over.
Variant of the game "Paints" with a player - "devil": The devil also comes to the store to buy paints and has the following dialogue with the seller:
- Knock Knock!
- Who's there?
- I am a devil with horns, with hot pies, a bump on my forehead, and a mouse in my pocket!
- Why did you come?
- For paint!
- For which one?
After the paint was named and it was present in the store, the devil paid the seller by clapping his palm. With the last blow, the paint jumps up and runs away, and the devil at this moment must quickly utter some agreed upon words.
- Thanks buddy, have the pie!
As soon as the devil says the last word, the color stops. The devil must estimate the distance to the runaway paint in steps.
The steps could be:
normal steps
giant steps,
Lilliputian steps,
brick steps (heel to toe).
The devil is told what steps he should take towards the paint. If you walk and touch the paint, then the devil himself becomes paint.
card number 70
Outdoor game "Birds and Cages"
Target: Increasing motivation for gaming activities, exercise running - in a half-sitting position with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement.
Progress: Children are divided into two groups. One forms a circle in the center of the playground (children walk in a circle holding hands) - this is a cage. Another subgroup is birds. The teacher says: “Open the cage!” Children forming a cage raise their hands. The birds fly into the cage (in a circle) and immediately fly out of it. The teacher says: “Close the cage!” the children give up. Birds remaining in the cage are considered caught. They stand in a circle. The square increases and the game continues until there are 1-3 birds left. Then the children change roles.
card number 71
Outdoor game "North and south wind"
Target: Develop endurance and attention; improve your running ability.
Progress: Choose two drivers. One person is tied with a blue ribbon on his hand - this is the north wind, the other - a red one - this is the south wind. The rest of the children are running around the playground. The north wind tries to freeze as many children as possible and touch them with its hand. Frozen people take some kind of pose (arms to the sides, up, on the waist, standing on one leg, etc.). The south wind seeks to unfreeze the children, also touching it with its hand and exclaiming: “Free!” After 2-3 minutes, new drivers are appointed, and the game is repeated.
card number 72
Outdoor game "Traps on one leg"
Target: Develop coordination, learn to navigate in space.
Progress: Choose a trap. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three! Catch!” children run around the playground. Traps catch them by touching them with your hand. Those caught move aside. The game is repeated 3-4 times. You cannot catch someone who managed to stand on one leg in time and clasp his knee with his hands. When 3-4 children are caught, a new trap is selected.
card number 73
Outdoor game "Traps in pairs"
Target: Practice running, the ability to navigate in space, develop agility and speed.
Progress: They choose a driver. At the teacher's signal, the children run away. The driver catches by touching the runner with his hand. The caught person is paired with the driver. They join hands and catch other children. Those caught also form a pair and participate in fishing. The game ends when all the children are caught. The last child caught becomes the driver.
card number 74
Outdoor game "Hares in the garden"
Target: Practice climbing and jumping over objects. Develop strength, agility, coordination.
Progress: 2-3 gymnastic benches are placed across the site. This is a fence. On one side of the fence there is a clearing where hares (children) frolic, on the other side there is a vegetable garden where cabbage grows. After frolicking in the clearing, the hares climb over the fence (or creep up) and feast on cabbage. When all the hares are in the garden, the teacher says: “The watchman is coming!” The hares run into the clearing, jumping over the fence. The loser is the one who performed the jump incorrectly or was the last to leave the garden. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
card number 75
Outdoor game "Catching Monkeys"
Target: To develop initiative, observation, memory, and dexterity in children. Practice climbing and running.
Progress: Children portraying monkeys are located on one side of the site near the gymnastics wall. On the opposite side there are monkey catchers (4-6 children). They want to lure the monkeys out of the trees and catch them. The catchers agree on what movements they will make. They go to the middle of the site and show their intended movements. At this time, the monkeys quickly climb onto the wall and watch the movements of the catchers from there. Having made the movements, the catchers go to the end of the area, and the monkeys get down from the trees, approach the place where the catchers were, and imitate their movements. At the teacher’s signal, the monkey “catchers” run to the trees and climb them. Catchers catch those monkeys that did not manage to climb the tree. They take the captured monkeys home.
Directions: We must ensure that children do not jump off the wall, but go down to the last crossbar. When repeating the game, the movements of the catchers should be new.
card number 76
Outdoor game "Chase the ball!"
Target: Develop gross motor skills, visual attention, eye.
Progress: Children stand in a circle. An adult gives two children standing in different places a ball. Then he says: “Catch the ball!” - and the children simultaneously begin to pass them on to their comrades. If one ball catches up with the other, that is, both end up in the hands of one child, then he leaves the game for a while. The teacher gives the balls to other children and the game continues.
Rules: The ball is passed at the signal, without allowing players to pass.
card number 77
Outdoor game "Hunters and Hares"
Target: Practice the ability to throw at a moving target, climb (jump) over an obstacle, and run quickly.
Progress: On one side of the site a place for hunters is outlined. On the other side there are houses for hares. Each house contains 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the area, pretending that he is looking for tracks of hares, and then returns to his place. On the signal: "Hares!" - they run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. On the signal: "Hunter!" - the hares run into the houses. And the hunter throws the ball at them. A hare that is hit with a ball is considered shot. The hunter takes him to his place, he becomes the hunter's assistant. The game is repeated several times, after which a new hunter is chosen.
Directions: The hunter may have several balls in his hands; You cannot shoot hares in houses.
card number 78
Outdoor game "Flock"
Target: Improve the ability to maintain distance while moving, develop attention and reaction speed.
Progress: Children are slowly running across the playground - it's a flock of birds. The leader is ahead. He leads the flock around the area around the sandbox and slide (or other structures) along a path (in full view of the teacher). The flight lasts 0.5-1 minutes (it is not allowed to overtake the leader). The teacher hits the tambourine, the flock scatters. Everyone strives to quickly find some kind of shelter (bush, tree) or fly up onto a branch (stand on a log, boom, side of a sandbox, etc.). The last bird to hide is eliminated from the game for one repetition. A new leader is appointed, and the flock follows him in the other direction. The game is repeated 3-4 more times. At the end, the leader is noted for maintaining the required running pace and choosing the most interesting route.
card number 79
Outdoor game "Ice, wind and frost"
Target: Develop agility, endurance, and speed skills.
Progress: The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying:
- Cold pieces of ice,
Transparent pieces of ice,
They sparkle and ring:
"Ding, ding..."
They clap for each word: first in their own hands, then in the hands of a friend. They clap their hands and say: “Ding, ding” until they hear the signal: “Wind!” The ice children scatter in different directions and agree on who will build a circle with whom - a large piece of ice. At the signal "Frost!" everyone lines up in a circle and joins hands.
Rules: Those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who will build the ice floe with whom. Children who have reached an agreement join hands. You can change movements only with the signal “Wind!” or "Frost!" It is advisable to include different movements in the game: hopping, light or fast running, side gallop, etc.
card number 80
Outdoor game "Bumblebee"
Target: Develop attention, speed, and the ability to act on a signal.
Progress: The players sit in a circle. A ball rolls on the ground inside a circle. Those who play with their hands roll it away from themselves, trying to hit the other person (hit his feet). The one touched by the ball (stung) turns his back to the center of the circle and does not participate in the game until another child is stung. Then he enters the game, and the one who is stung again turns his back in a circle.
Rules: Roll the ball only with your hands; You cannot catch or hold the ball.
card number 81
Outdoor game "Blue, red, yellow"
Target: Learn to act on a signal, develop speed qualities.
Progress: Children take ribbons of three colors and tie them on each other's hands. Then everyone lines up along one side of the court. The teacher says: “Get ready!”, and everyone takes a high start position. The signal to start running is the name of the color of the ribbon, for example: “Yellow!” At this signal, children run only with a yellow ribbon. The rest should remain where they are. Having reached the opposite side of the playground, the children remain there. Then the teacher names another color, then a third. When repeated, children will


Goal: to teach children to run in pairs at speed, to start running only after finishing the words. To develop speed of movement and dexterity in children.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. According to the counting, a Trap is selected. He stands on the line with his back to the other children. Everyone standing in pairs says:

"Burn, burn clearly,

so that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky - the birds are flying,

The bells are ringing.

One, two, three – run!”

With the end of the words, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left0.), trying to grab hands. The trap tries to catch one of the pair and connect hands with him.

If the catcher managed to do this, he forms a new pair with the caught one and stands in front of the column, and the one left without a pair becomes a trap. If the Trap is not caught, he remains in the same role.

While pronouncing the words, the Trap does not look back; you can catch before the players hold hands.

“Traps” (with ribbons)

Goal: to teach children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, and to act quickly on a signal. Develop orientation in space, the ability to change direction.

Progress of the game:

Children line up in a circle, each with a colored ribbon tucked into the back of their belt. There is a Trap in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three – catch it!” children run around the playground. The trap tries to pull out the ribbon. At the signal: “One, two, three, quickly run in a circle - all the children line up in a circle.” After counting those caught, the game is repeated.

Option 2

A circle is drawn in the center and there is a Trap. At the signal “One, two, three catch,” the children run across the circle, and the Trap tries to grab the ribbon.

"Frost - red nose"

Goal: to teach children to run across the scattered ground from one side of the site to the other, dodging the trap, act on a signal, and maintain a motionless posture. Develop endurance and attention. Strengthen running with shin overlapping, side gallop.

Progress of the game:

On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, in one of them there are players. In the middle of the platform, the driver, Frost the red nose, stands facing them, and he says:

“I am frost - a red nose.

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?”

The children answer in chorus:

After that, they run across the site to another house, the frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them. The frozen ones stop at the place where the frost overtook them and stand there until the end of the run. Frost counts how many players managed to freeze; it is taken into account that players who ran out of the house before the signal or remained after the signal are also considered frozen.

Option 2.

The game proceeds in the same way as the previous one, but there are two frosts (Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost). Standing in the middle of the playground facing the children, they say:

We are two young brothers, I am Frost the Blue Nose.

Two frosts are daring, which of you will decide

I'm Frost the Red Nose, set off on a little path?

After answer:

“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost”

all the children run to another house, and both frosts try to freeze them.

"The Kite and the Mother Hen"

Goal: to teach children to move in a column, holding on to each other tightly, without breaking the clutch. Develop the ability to act in a coordinated manner and dexterity.

Progress of the game:

8-10 children participate in the game, one of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a hen. The rest of the children are chickens; they stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone hold on to each other. To the side is a kite's nest. At a signal, he flies out of the nest and tries to catch the last chicken in the column. The hen, stretching her arms out to the sides, prevents the kite from grabbing the chick. All the chicks follow the movements of the kite and quickly move after the hen. The caught chicken goes to the kite's nest.

Option 2.

If there are a lot of children, you can play in two groups.


Goal: to teach children to run, trying not to catch up, to jump on one leg, landing on the toe with a half-bent leg. Develop agility, speed of movement, and the ability to change direction while running.

Progress of the game:

Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paint. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers. The buyer knocks:

Knock! Knock!

Who's there?


Why did you come?

For paint.

For which?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. The buyer who collects the most paint wins. The owner can come up with a more difficult task, for example: jump on one leg along the red carpet.

Option 2.

The conversation is repeated, if the buyer guessed the paint, the seller says how much it costs and the buyer slaps the seller on the outstretched palm so many times. With the last clap, the child pretending to paint runs away and the buyer catches up with him and, having caught him, takes him to the appointed place.

"Take it quickly"

Goal: to teach children to walk, run in circles, act on a signal, develop dexterity and speed.

Progress of the game:

Children form a circle and, at the teacher’s signal, walk or run around objects (cubes, cones, pebbles), of which there should be one less. At the next signal6 “Take it quickly!” - each player must take an object and lift it above his head. The one who did not manage to pick up the object is considered a loser. The game repeats itself

Option 2.

Children perform dance movements, different types of running and walking. There may be 3-4 fewer items.

“Whose column is most likely to form?”

Purpose: to teach children to move around the playground in different directions; when given a signal, they form three columns in accordance with the objects in their hands. Develop attention, the ability to act on a signal, spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into three groups with the same number of players. Each subgroup chooses a specific object, for example a pine cone or a pebble, etc. all children in one group have the same subject. At different ends of the site, places are chosen for these subgroups - a stump, a bush, a plank, which are designated by the same object. Everyone walks or runs in different directions to the beat of the tambourine. At the signal “To your places” they run and form a column near the corresponding object.

Option 2.

The teacher gives the signal: “Stop!” The children stop, close their eyes, and the teacher at this time changes the places of the objects, then gives the signal “In place!” Children open their eyes, run to their objects and line up.


Goal: to teach children to act on a signal, run, scatteredly imitating birds, and maintain a motionless posture. Develop balance.

Progress of the game:

All the birds are playing, one child is an owl, which is located on the side of the playground. At the signal “day,” the birds fly away, flap their wings, and peck grains. At the signal “night” everyone stops and stands motionless. An owl flies out, looks out for those who move and takes them into the nest. in 15-20 seconds. The “day” signal is given again, the owl flies to the nest, and the children - birds fly around the playground.

Option 2.

Two owls are selected. Take interesting poses.


Goal: to teach children to run around the playground in all directions, with acceleration, to consolidate the ability to act on a signal. Develop agility and speed.

Progress of the game:

A driver is selected, who receives a colored bandage and stands in the center of the site. After the signal: “Catch!” - all the children scatter around the playground, and the driver tries to catch up with one of the players and make fun of them. The one who is insulted by the driver moves aside. After 2-3 repetitions, the Trap changes.

Option 2.

You can’t stain someone who managed to stand on one leg.

"Running in lines"

Goal: to teach children to walk in a line with different positions of their hands: on their shoulders, clasped in front, to run away in all directions without bumping into each other. Develop the ability to act on a signal, in coordination, dexterity, and speed of movement.

Progress of the game:

Teams line up in lines (at a distance of 15-20 steps), you can give them the names “Rocket” and “Sputnik”. At the signal, the children of one of the teams, holding hands, walk forward, trying to maintain alignment. When there are 2-3 steps left to the other line, the participants of which are sitting on the ground, the teacher gives the command: “Run!” The children of the first rank unclasp their hands and run to their house, and the children of the second rank try to insult them. When repeating, the teams switch roles

Option 2.

Each time, the children of both teams must take a certain starting position, for example: those who advance can take each other under each other, put their hands on their shoulders, clasp them in front; those who are waiting for rivals to approach may stand with their backs or sides to them.

"Catch up with your opponent"

Goal: to teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other quickly so as not to upset other children. Develop the ability to act on a signal, speed of movement, dexterity.

Progress of the game:

Two lines of children are located in front of the starting lines at a distance of 5 steps from one another; a house is outlined 15-20 steps from the starting line. At the signal, everyone starts running at the same time: the children behind them try to make fun of those running in front. After counting the dirty ones, the children change roles. When repeating, the ranks change places.

Option 2.

Children run away in different ways.

"Changing Places"

Goal: to teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other in a line without bumping into each other. Develop the ability to form a line evenly, to act in concert, on a signal. Strengthen the side gallop, running with straight legs.

Progress of the game:

Two teams of 8-10 people line up facing each other on opposite sides of the site behind the city lines (distance 10-12m), and diverge at arm's length. At a signal, they run towards each other, trying to get outside the opposite city as quickly as possible, then turn to face the center of the site and line up. The team that does it faster wins.

Option 2.

Cross at a side gallop, with straight legs.

"Collect the flags"

Goal: to teach children to throw from one side of the court to the other, trying to quickly raise the flag, hold the flags tightly, trying not to drop them. To develop dexterity, speed of movement, coordination, and attention in children.

Progress of the game:

On the field or site there are flags placed every 8-10m. in the first row there should be two fewer flags than there are players, in the second row there should be another 2 fewer. Thus, if 10 children are playing, then there should be 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 flags in each row. At a signal, the children run, each trying to take possession of the flag in the first row. Two who do not have time to do this are eliminated from the game. After the second stage, six participants remain, then 4 and finally the two strongest. The child who masters the last flag becomes the winner.

Complication: reach the flags by jumping forward on two legs.

"Be careful"

Goal: to teach children to quickly run after objects, listening to the command which object needs to be brought. Develop attention, dexterity, speed of movements.

Progress of the game:

On one side of the court there are 5-6 players, on the opposite side (distance 8-10m) in front of each of them there are three objects (a cube, a rattle, a flag) to the signal “Run!” children rush towards objects. Approximately halfway along the path there is a signal indicating which of the three objects you need to take, for example a cube. Children take the named object and run with it to the starting line, the one who brought the object first wins, if the wrong object is taken, you need to go back and replace it.

Option 2

Tell the children right away which item to bring. Run to take the object and lift it up.

"Salki - don't fall into the swamp"

Goal: to teach children to run without running beyond visual cues, with dodging. Develop dexterity, speed of movement, spatial orientation.

Progress of the game:

On the site, sticks, cones, and pebbles indicate a place where you cannot run - a swamp (anthill, vegetable garden). Choose a trap. At a signal, he catches up with the children, trying to make them dirty.

Haunted by the trap, he leaves the game.

Option 2.

The trap stands in the center of a circle drawn on the ground or made of cord. Children run in and out of the circle, and Trap tries to make fun of the one who doesn’t have time to run out of the circle.

"Blind Man's Bluff"

Goal: to teach children to run randomly around the playground, move blindfolded, listening to warning signals. Develop the ability to quickly move around the room, dexterity, and speed of action.

Progress of the game:

The driver is selected - blind man's buff. He stands in the middle of the room, is blindfolded, and turned around several times. Then all the children scatter around the room, and Trap tries to catch someone. When they see any danger to blind man's buff, children must warn with the word “Fire!” Having caught someone, the blind man's buff transfers his role to the person caught.

Option 2.

If the game takes place on the street, then a boundary is drawn beyond which the players have no right to run. Anyone who has crossed the agreed boundary is considered burned out and is obliged to replace the blind man's buff.

"Tag with a skipping rope"

Goal: to teach children to run in pairs or threes around the playground, holding on to a jump rope, trying to make fun of the children running around in all directions. Develop the ability to act coordinatedly in pairs, threes, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Progress of the game:

Two children take an ordinary short jump rope by the ends and run around the playground, trying with their free hand to slap the rest of the children running away from them. The first one caught stands between the drivers, grabs the middle of the rope with one hand and joins in the catch. In order for the three drivers to be freed from their duties, each of them needs to catch one player.

Complication: include 2 pairs of traps in the game.

"Change the subject"

Goal: to teach children to quickly run to the opposite side of the site, take an object and give it to their friend. develop the ability to act in a team, follow the rules, agility, and general endurance. Cultivate persistence in achieving positive results.

Progress of the game:

On one side of the court, the players stand behind the line, forming 4-5 columns. On the opposite side of the site, opposite each column, circles with a diameter of 60-80 cm are outlined. everyone first in the column holds a bag of sand, a cube or another object in their hands. The same object is placed in the center of each circle. At the signal, players run to the mugs, put down an object and take another, then run back to their place and raise the brought object above their heads. The one who did it first is considered the winner. Those who come running pass the objects to those standing behind them, and they themselves run to the end of the column. When everyone has completed the task, the column with the most winnings is marked.

Complication: run after an object like a snake between the pins without dropping the pins.

"Catch up with your mate"

Goal: to teach children to run quickly in a given direction, trying to catch up with their partner. Develop the ability to act on a signal, dexterity, and speed of movement. Promote endurance.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in pairs on one side of the playground: one in front, the other behind, retreating 2-3 steps. At the teacher’s signal, the first ones quickly run to the other side of the site, the second ones catch them - each with their own pair. When repeating the game, children change roles.

Option 2

Stain your partner with a ball.

"The second odd one out"

Goal: to teach children to run quickly in a circle, standing in front of the child. Develop attention and reaction. Cultivate interest in outdoor games.

Progress of the game.

Children stand in a circle, the distance between them should be at least 1-2 steps. There are two drivers behind the circle. One of them runs away, the other tries to catch up with him. The running child, escaping from the catcher, stands in front of some child. If he ran into the circle and stood up before he was stained, he could no longer be salted. Now the child who turned out to be second must run away. If the Trap managed to touch the runner, then they change roles.

Run only outside the circle, do not cross it, do not grab children standing in the circle, do not run for too long so that everyone can join the game.

Option 2.

You can stand in pairs in a circle, then the game will be called “The Third Wheel”.

"Simple Traps"

Goal: to teach children to run in all directions, dodging the trap. Develop speed of movement, reaction, and the ability to act on a signal.

Progress of the game:

The children are on the playground, Trap is standing in the middle of the playground. At the signal - one, two, three - catch1 - all the children run around the playground, dodging the trap. The one whom the Trap has tainted moves aside.

Option 2.

The trap cannot catch someone who has managed to sit down.

Option 3.

You cannot catch someone who managed to stop and stand on one leg.

Option 4.

The trap must hit the runners with the ball.

Option 5.

You cannot catch those children who managed to stand on some elevated object in time.


Goal: teach children to run fast, trying to pull the rope. Develop speed and agility.

Progress of the game:

A rope 1 m long is placed on the floor. Flags are placed at a distance of 5-6 m from its ends. Two children stand at the ends of the rope facing their flags. At the signal: “One, two, three, run,” the children each run to their flag, run around it, return and pull the end of the rope. The one who manages to do this first wins.

2 options:

A jump rope is placed under two chairs with their backs facing each other, the children sit on the chairs while the music is playing, the children run around the chairs, as soon as the music stops, the children must sit on their chair and grab the end of the rope; the one who did it first wins.

"Relay race in pairs"

Goal: to teach children to run in pairs, holding hands, trying to run to the finish line ahead of their rivals. Develop endurance and agility.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in 2 columns in pairs behind a line on one side of the playground. There are landmarks on the opposite side. At a signal, the first couples, holding hands, run to the landmarks, run around them and return to the end of the column. The column whose players complete the task faster and do not separate their hands while running wins.


children stand with their backs to each other and clasp their elbows.


Goal: to teach children to move around the playground in groups in a limited space without falling. Develop imitation movements. Cultivate interest in games.

Progress of the game:

Children with a teacher walk around the playground. Suddenly a donkey appears with a cart.

Educator: along the yellow path

Clack-clack - hooves clatter.

The gray donkey has arrived

Do you want to go for a ride?

All children: donkey, donkey

This is our donkey! (They sit in the cart).

Donkey, donkey,

This is our donkey1

Educator: we sat in the cart,

Clack-clack - hooves clatter.

And as if on command

Everyone's faces smiled.

All children: donkey, donkey

This is our donkey!

Donkey, donkey,

This is our donkey!

We're riding in the park

Clack - clatter - the hooves are knocking, the wind is jealous of us,

And the sun sparkles.

donkey, donkey (donkey stops).

This is our donkey!

Donkey, donkey,

This is our donkey!

Educator: but soon long-eared

I thought about getting angry:

The wheels don't turn

Hooves don't stomp.

All children: donkey, donkey

This is our donkey!

Donkey, donkey, (they get out of the cart, push it, the donkey is stubborn)

This is our donkey!

Along the sunny path That's our donkey!

We're knocking our heels, Donkey, donkey,

Stubborn and a cart That's our donkey!

We'll take it back ourselves.

Donkey, donkey The cart is made without a bottom so that the children can move themselves.

"Don't get caught"

Goal: to teach children to jump over the rope on two legs forward and backward, swinging their arms and pushing with their legs. Develop dexterity. Strengthen the arches of your feet.

Progress of the game:

Children sit around a cord placed in the shape of a circle. There are two drivers in the center. At the teacher’s signal, the children jump on two legs in a circle, and jump out as the traps approach. Anyone who has been stained receives a penalty point. After counting those caught, the traps are changed and the game resumes.

Complication: children jump into a circle on one leg or sideways.

"Frogs and Heron"

Goal: to teach children to jump in place from a deep squat, jump over a rope located at a height of 15 cm, in different ways: with two legs, one, with a run, trying not to be caught by a heron. Develop agility and speed of movement.

Progress of the game:

A swamp is marked in the middle of the site, pegs are driven in with a height of -15 cm. They hang a rope with weights on them so that it does not sag. To the side of the swamp is a heron. Frogs jump in the swamp, catching mosquitoes. At the signal “Heron!” -she steps over the rope and begins to catch frogs. They can jump out of the swamp in any way: pushing off with two legs, one leg, or running. The caught frogs go to the heron's nest.

Anyone who steps over the rope is considered caught; you can only jump over.

Complication: introduce a second heron, raise the rope to a height of 20 cm.

"Don't step on it"

Purpose: to teach children to jump over a stick sideways to the right and left. Develop a sense of rhythm, alternating jumps from right to left, attention, dexterity. Strengthen leg muscles.

Progress of the game:

A subgroup of children each place a 40cm long stick on the ground and stand to their right. At the count of the teacher and the rest of the children, they jump, moving their legs to the right and left of the stick. The one who made a mistake - did not jump exactly to the count, stepped on a stick, leaves the game.

Complication: jump forward and backward with each foot in turn.

"Wolf in the Moat"

Goal: to teach children to jump over a ditch, 70-100 cm wide, from a running start, trying not to get taunted by a wolf. Develop agility and speed of movement.

Progress of the game:

In the middle of the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 70-100 cm from one another; this is a ditch. On one side of the site there is a goat house. All the playing goats are one wolf. The goats are located in the wolf's house in the ditch. At the teacher’s signal - “goats to the meadow”, the goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, the wolf does not touch the goats, at the signal - “goats home”, they run into the house jumping over the ditch. The wolf, without leaving the ditch, catches the goats by touching them with his hand. Those caught move to the end of the ditch. After 2-3 dashes, another wolf is assigned.

Option 2.

Introduce the second wolf; make 2 ditches with a wolf in each; increase the width of the ditch - 90-120cm.

"Jump - turn around"

Goal: to teach children to perform rhythmic jumps in place while counting, completing the task: turn 360 degrees, pull their legs to their chest, clasping them with their arms. Teach children to push off and land on both feet. Develop dexterity and vestibular apparatus. Strengthen leg muscles.

Progress of the game:

Children, standing freely, perform three jumps in place in a hoop (diameter 1 m); on the fourth high jump, at the top point of takeoff, they try to pull the knees of their bent legs to their chest, clasp them with their hands, then quickly straighten their legs and land softly.

Option 2.

Instead of bending your legs, perform a 360-degree turn.

"Be Nimble"

Goal: to teach children to jump in a circle, jumping over sandbags and back, trying not to make the driver dirty. Push off and land on both feet, on your toes. Develop agility and speed of movement. Strengthen the arches of your feet.

Progress of the game:

Children stand facing in a circle, each with a bag of sand at their feet. The driver is in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal, the children jump into the circle and back through the bags, pushing off with both feet. The driver tries to make fun of the children before they jump out of the circle. After 30-40 seconds, the teacher stops the game and counts the losers. They choose a new driver from those who have never been touched by Trap.

The bag cannot be stepped over, only jumped over, the driver can touch the one who is inside the circle, as soon as the driver moves further, the child jumps again.

Option 2.

Jump on one leg in a circle, introduce another trap.

"Jump - sit down"

Goal: to teach children to jump over a rope with both feet, pushing off and landing on both feet, and take a crouching tuck position. Develop dexterity, attention, speed of movements.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a column at a distance of one step from another. Two drivers with a rope in their hands - length 1.5 m, are located to the right and left of the column. At a signal, children carry a rope in front of the column at a height of 25-30 cm from the ground. Children in a column take turns jumping over the rope. Then, having passed the column, the drivers turn back, carrying the rope at a height of 50-60 cm. the children quickly squat down, taking a tucked position so that the rope does not hit them. When repeated, the leaders change.

Jump up with a push of both legs, do not step over, the one who made a mistake leaves the column for 2-3 repetitions of the game.

Complication:: raise the rope as it hangs, carry it lower over the children.


Goal: to teach children to jump in place as high as possible, trying to hit a ball suspended 25 cm above the children’s height. Learn to land on your toes with bent legs. Strengthen the arches of your feet. Develop eye, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Progress of the game:

The ball is suspended at a height of 25 cm above the child’s raised hand. Two children of approximately the same height stand on both sides of the ball. They jump up and try to hit the ball harder. The winner is the one who hits the ball away from him in the other direction more often. Touch the ball with both hands.

Option 2.

The children's task is to hit a ball suspended on a rope from a high pole so that it spins around the pole.

"Penguins with a ball"

Goal: to teach children to jump to a visual reference on two legs with a ball held between their knees, trying not to lose the ball, and land on both feet. Develop agility, speed of movement, coordination.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in 4-5 lines. Opposite each link at a distance of 5 m is a landmark - a stump chip. The first in the lines receive the ball. Holding them between their knees, they jump to the object, take the ball and run around the landmark, each returning to their own link and passing the ball to the next one.

To jump without losing the ball, the loser must again hold the ball with his feet and start jumping from the place where the ball was lost.

Option 2

Jump with the ball to a landmark and back, play as a team.

"Drive the ice"

Goal: teach children to jump on one leg, trying to drive an object into a circle with their toes. Develop dexterity and the ability to calculate the force of a push.

Progress of the game:

A large circle is drawn on the snow with colored paint, from it there are 8-10 colored lines - rays - in different directions, their length is 2.5 - 3. At the end of these lines there are children. There is a piece of ice at the toe of each player’s right foot. At the signal, jumping on the right foot, everyone tries to quickly drive their piece of ice into the circle. Here you can stand while waiting for the rest of the players. After that, everyone drives their piece of ice back, bouncing on one leg, trying to stick to the drawn line, and passes the piece of ice to the next one. Drive a piece of ice by pushing it forward

the toe of the foot on which the jumps are performed.

Option 2

Hit ice with sticks.

"Migration of Birds"

Goal: to teach children to run freely around the hall, imitating the flight of birds, to jump onto cubes, benches, without using their hands, to jump, landing on their toes, with bent legs. Teach children to act on cues.

Progress of the game:

At one end of the hall there are children - they are birds. At the other end of the hall there are trees that you can climb on.

At the teacher’s signal: “The birds are flying away!” - children, waving their arms, scatter throughout the hall like wings, at the next signal: “Storm!” - children run to the hills and hide there. When the teacher says: “The storm has stopped!” children descend from the heights and scatter around the hall again (the birds continue their flight). During the game, the teacher must provide insurance for the children.

Option 2.

When approaching projectiles - trees and obstacles, children must jump over them.

"Don't stumble"

Goal: to teach children to jump on one leg, landing on their toes with a half-bent leg. Develop coordination of movements and dexterity. Strengthen leg muscles.

Progress of the game:

Two teams of 5-6 children compete. The first in each team moves forward by jumping on one leg, the rest walk side by side. As soon as the jumper stumbles, the second child from the same team begins to jump. The team that manages to jump over a longer distance wins.

Jump on one leg; those who stand on both legs are immediately replaced. The player who replaces him begins to jump from the place where the previous player made a mistake.

Option 2

Jump either on your right or on your left leg, the main thing is not to stand on two legs.

"Jump Relay"

Goal: to teach children to perform different types of jumps at speed: sideways, with a ball clamped between their legs, in their hands, from foot to foot, on one leg.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in columns and move forward with different types of jumps: from one leg to the other, on two legs, with medicine balls in their hands, sideways. At the end of the movement, give a task - jump up, touch your hand to a mark on the wall, a basketball hoop, or a suspended ball.

Option 2.

You can combine tasks: jump in one direction on your right leg, and in the other on your left; with the ball held between the knees, back with the shin.

"Magic Jump Rope"

Goal: to teach children to jump rope as many times as there are syllables in a word. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables. Develop attention and coordination of movements.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in 3-4 columns, they have jump ropes in their hands. The child playing the role of the leader pronounces a word, and those standing in front of the column must say how many parts there are in the named word, and perform as many jumps forward as there are syllables in the word. The teacher and children note the correctness of the actions performed.

The one who does it correctly moves to the other side of the platform, the one who makes a mistake stands at the end of the column.

Option 2

Children jump rope until they make a mistake.

Run with skipping ropes together. Who can run faster to the line without touching the rope?


Goal: to teach children to jump sideways while maintaining distance, landing on their toes with bent knees. Strengthen leg muscles.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a column at a distance of two steps from each other. At the teacher’s signal, the children jump sideways, all in one direction. Will the column be preserved?

Option 2.

Standing in a column, they count on the first second. At the signal, the first numbers jump sideways to the right, the second to the left.

"Running in a sack"

Goal: teach children to jump in a bag. Develop agility, speed, endurance.

Progress of the game:

Two or three children put spacious bags on their feet and jump to a landmark; whoever manages to cover this distance faster wins.

Complication: there are 2 children in the bag.

"Wolves and Sheep"

Goal: teach children to jump with long strides, trying to stain the “sheep.” Develop agility and speed. Strengthen leg muscles.

Progress of the game:

Children pretend to be sheep, two or three of them are wolves. The wolves are hiding on one side of the site in a ravine. The sheep live on the opposite side of the lawn. They go out for a walk, run across the lawn, jump, sit down and nibble the grass. As soon as the teacher says: “Wolves!”, the wolves jump out of the ravine and run in wide leaps after the sheep, trying to catch them; when caught, the wolves take them to their ravine.

Option 2.

Draw a ravine 80-10cm wide. The sheep must jump over the ravine, and the wolves must grease them.

"The Fox and the Chickens"

Goal: to teach children to jump off objects, landing on their toes with bent knees, to run in all directions without bumping into each other. Develop dexterity and attention. Strengthen the arches of your feet.

Progress of the game:

Children depicting chickens stand on benches, cubes, stumps. One child is chosen by the fox and sits in his hole. At a signal, the chickens jump from their perch and run around the yard, jumping up, flapping their wings, and pecking at grains. At the teacher’s signal, the fox runs out of its hole and tries to catch the hen who has hesitated. The chickens should quickly fly to roost. Whomever the fox catches, he takes him to his hole.

Option 2.

The fox slowly begins to approach the chickens, one of the children pretending to be a rooster notices the fox and shouts loudly: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” At this signal, the chickens run away to roost. The rooster keeps order and is the last to fly to roost. The fox catches the chicken that cannot stay on the roost or does not have time to fly to the roost. And he takes her into a hole, but on the way she unexpectedly meets a hunter with a gun (the teacher), frightened by the fox, lets go of the chicken and runs away, and the chicken returns home.

"Who Jumps"

Goal: to teach children to jump on two legs, landing on their toes with their legs bent. Develop attention and speed. Strengthen the arches of your feet.

Progress of the game:

The children stand in a circle with the teacher with them. He names animals and objects that jump and do not jump, while raising his hands up. For example, the teacher says: - the frog is jumping, the dog is jumping, the turtle is jumping, the grasshopper is jumping, etc. according to the conditions of the game, the children must say “yes” and jump only if the teacher named an animal that can really jump.

Option 2.

Jumping legs cross or hops.

"Let's jump in circles"

Goal: to teach children to jump on two legs in a circle, keeping their hands on their belts. Landing on your toes with your legs bent. Strengthen the arches of your feet. Develop attention and the ability to act on a signal.

Progress of the game:

Each player lays out a circle with a diameter of 60 cm from cones, strings, and pebbles. Everyone stands with their left and right sides facing their circle, puts their hands on their belts and, at the teacher’s signal, begins to jump on two legs around their circle. At the signal: “Stop!” the children rest a little and again begin to jump in the opposite direction.

Option 2.

All players jump out of the circles and run around the clearing, running away from the circles. At the signal, children run to the circles and stand in them; there should be one less circle.

"Hunters and Beasts"

Goal: to teach children to throw a small ball, trying to hit the animals, to perform imitative movements, depicting forest animals. Develop dexterity and eye.

Progress of the game:

Children form a circle holding hands. Calculated on the first second are divided into hunters and animals. The hunters remain in their places in the circle, and the animals go out into the middle of the circle. The hunters throw the ball to each other and try to hit them at the feet of the fleeing and dodging animals. The one who is hit by the ball is considered shot and leaves the circle. Then the players change roles.

Option 2

There may be 3-4 hunters, they are on one side of the site, on the other the home of the animals is the forest. At a signal, the animals run into the forest, and the hunters shoot at them from the spot. Or they can run after animals, but not run into the forest.

"Ball Trap"

Goal: to teach children to run in all directions in the hall, form a circle, and throw a ball at a moving target - a child. Develop the ability to act on a signal, to run without bumping into each other. Cultivate endurance.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle, standing at arm's length from each other. One of the children stands in the center of the circle. This is the driver. At his feet lie two small balls. The driver names or performs a series of movements. Children repeat. Suddenly the teacher says, “Run from the circle!” and the children run away in different directions. The driver picks up the balls and tries, without leaving the spot, to hit the runners. Then, at the signal “One, two, three, quickly run into the circle,” the children again form a circle. A new driver is selected.

Option 2

after a few seconds the teacher says stop! and the children should freeze in their places. The driver aims at the one who stands closer and throws the ball.

"Who is the most accurate"

Goal: to teach children to throw sandbags at a vertical target from above from behind their heads, trying to hit it. Develop eye and hand motor skills.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into 4-5 units. A line is drawn at one side of the room, and 4-5 identical targets are placed at a distance of 3 meters from it. Children, one from each link, go to the line and throw the bag, trying to hit the target. At the end, the number of points in each link is calculated.

Option 2.

You can increase the distance to 3.5m. the target can be made from suspended hoops.


Goal: to teach children to throw a ball against a wall so that it touches the wall and bounces off it. Catch the ball on the fly with both hands, throw the ball, trying to mark the players. Develop eye, dexterity, and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in front of the wall at a distance of 4-5 steps. The driver throws the ball at the wall so that it touches the wall and bounces off it. When throwing the ball, the driver names the person he appoints to catch it. The latter quickly catches the ball on the fly or picks it up from the floor. If he catches the ball, he immediately throws it against the wall and names a new catcher; if he picks it up from the ground, then, taking it, he shouts “Stop!” and when everyone stops, he spots, without leaving the place of the nearest child. He, in turn, quickly takes the ball, shouts “Stop1” and spots the other, and so on until the first miss. After a miss, everyone goes back to the wall, but the right to throw and designate who should catch belongs to the one who missed.

When catching the ball, everyone runs away, but as soon as the ball is caught and an exclamation is heard - stop, everyone must stop. The player being targeted can dodge, crouch, bend over, jump, but cannot move from his spot.

“Whoever is named catches the ball”

Goal: to teach children to catch a ball thrown up with both hands, without pressing it to the chest, throw it up, calling the child’s name. Develop the ability to act quickly. Strengthen hand motor skills.

Progress of the game:

Children walk or run around the playground. The teacher is holding a large ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The person named must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of one of the children. You need to throw the ball higher in order to catch it, and in the direction of the person named.

Option 2.

Children stand in a circle, one child throws the ball up and calls the name of the one who should catch it; all the other children scatter away from the center. The person who catches the ball shouts - stop! Everyone stops. And the one who caught the ball throws the ball from the spot at the one who is standing closer; if he hits, he becomes the driver; if he doesn’t hit, he throws the ball up.

"Throw it over the bar"

Goal: to teach children to kick the ball with their foot from below, trying to throw the ball over a bar with a height of 20-30cm, then 50-60cm. develop eye dexterity. Cultivate interest in sports games.

Progress of the game:

When kicking the ball from below, the child must try to throw the ball over a bar raised above ground level by 20cm, 60cm, 100cm.

Option 2.

Kick the ball so that it rolls under the bar and does not roll out beyond the opposite line.

"Ball School"

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to perform different actions with the ball. Develop coordination of movements, eye, dexterity.

Progress of the game.

  • Throw the ball up and catch it with one hand.
  • Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with one hand.
  • Throw it up, clap your hands and catch it with both hands.
  • Hit the wall and catch it with one hand.
  • Hit the wall, catch it with one hand after it hits the ground.
  • Hit the ball against the wall, clap your hands and catch it with one hand.
  • Hit the ball against the wall so that it bounces at an angle towards your partner, who must catch it.
  • Hit the ball against the wall, throwing it from behind, from behind your head, from under your feet and catch it.
  • Hit the wall, turn 360 degrees and catch the ball after it hits the ground.

"Ball for the driver"

Goal: to teach children to throw and catch the ball with both hands, without pressing it to the chest or stomach. Develop dexterity, eye, endurance.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in one column at a distance from them - the driver stands 4-5 steps away. He throws the ball to the first one standing, he catches the ball and throws it back to the driver and runs to stand at the end of the column, and the second one moves forward and so on until the last player. If the child doesn’t catch it, the driver throws until he catches it.

Option 2.

Play the game as a competition. Children line up in two columns, and two drivers are selected.

"Hit the shuttlecock"

Goal: to teach children to work with a racket, hitting the shuttlecock so that it does not fall for as long as possible. Develop dexterity, endurance, eye.

Progress of the game:

A group of children hit the shuttlecock with a racket, trying to hit as many times as possible and not let their minds fall.

Option 2.

Invite the children to hit the shuttlecock and turn the racket to the other side each time. Or passing from one hand to another.

"Knock down the pin"

Goal: to teach children to roll the ball, trying to knock down the pin from a distance of 1.5-2 m, to run after the ball, passing it to other children. Develop eye, strength and throwing accuracy.

Progress of the game:

On one side of the hall, 3-4 circles are drawn and skittles are placed in them. At a distance of 1.5-2 m, a line is marked from them with a cord. 3-4 children come to the line and stand opposite the pins, take the ball and roll, trying to knock down the pin. Then they run, set the pins, take the balls and bring them to the next children.

Option 2.

Throw the ball with your right, left hand, push with your foot.

Option 3.

The pins are placed behind the line in a certain order: in one row close to each other, with a high pin in the middle. In one row, one from the other at a short distance of -5-10cm; in a small circle, with a large pin in the center. In two rows there is a large pin between the rows; square, large in the center, etc. at a distance of 2-3 meters from the line on which the pins are located, draw 2-3 lines from which the players knock down the pins. Children, observing the order, begin to roll the balls from the closest line. The one who knocks down the most pins from the near line wins. He starts rolling balls from the second line. Etc.


Goal: to teach children to pass the ball to each other, rolling it along the ground with a kick. Develop eye and throwing accuracy.

Progress of the game:

Standing opposite, children pass the ball to each other, rolling it along the ground with a kick.

Option 2.

If there are a lot of players standing in a circle, the ball is passed to the person standing opposite or to a neighbor in the circle.

Option 3

pass the ball in pairs between two chips at a distance of 30cm.

"Fast and accurate"

Goal: to teach children to throw bags at a horizontal target, in a convenient way, to run a race. Develop eye, throwing accuracy, agility.

Progress of the game:

2-4 children run to race, each with two bags of sand in their hands. Having reached the line, which is located 20 m from the start, children must stop and throw the bags into circles with a diameter of 1 m, drawn 3 meters from the finish line. Children must then quickly return to the starting line. The winner is the one who threw the bags and returned to their place faster.

Option 2.

Children run to the finish line, running around the pins.

"Pass in a circle"

Goal: to teach children to throw the ball with both hands to someone standing next to them, over one. Develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

How to play: Children stand in a circle and take turns throwing the ball with their hands. First they pass it to the person standing next to you, and then through one person.

"Migration of Birds"

Goal: to teach children to climb a gymnastic wall, without jumping off it when descending, without missing the slats. Run in all directions without bumping into each other. Develop dexterity, courage, attention, and the ability to act on a signal.

Progress of the game:

Option 1.

A flock of birds gathers at one edge of the playground; children stand scattered, opposite the gymnastics wall. At the teacher’s signal, “let’s fly”, the birds scatter around the site, spreading their wings. At the signal “storm”, the birds fly to the trees and climb onto the wall. When the teacher says the storm has passed, the birds calmly descend from the trees and continue to fly.

Option 2.

Birds can fly using different types of flight. Instead of stairs, you can use benches and cubes.

"Catching Monkeys"

Goal: to learn to climb a gymnastic wall in a convenient way, going up and down without missing the slats, to run in all directions without bumping into each other. Develop the ability to act on a signal, imitate the actions of catchers, coordination of movements, speed of action, dexterity.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into two groups - monkeys and monkey catchers. Children - monkeys are placed on one side of the site, where there are climbing aids; on the opposite side of the site there are catchers. Monkeys imitate everything they see. Taking advantage of this, the catchers want to lure the monkeys and catch them. The catchers agree on what movements they will show and show them in the middle of the field. As soon as the catchers reach the middle of the platform, the monkeys climb onto the ladder and watch the movements of the catchers. Having made the movements, the catchers hide, and the monkeys get off and approach the place where the catchers were and repeat their movements. At the signal 6 “Catchers1” - the monkeys run to the trees and climb on them. The catchers catch those who did not have time to climb the tree. And they take you away. After 2-3 repetitions, children change roles.


Catchers must come up with complex movements: splits, bridge, etc.

"Bears and Bees"

Goal: to teach children to climb a gymnastic wall, climb benches, cubes without using their hands, jump on their toes, on bent legs, and run in all directions. Develop agility, courage, speed.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into two equal groups, one is bees, the other is bears. On the gymnastic wall, bench, cubes there is a beehive, on the other side there is a meadow, to the side there is a den of bears. according to a conditioned signal, the bees fly out of the hive, buzz and fly to the meadow for honey. As soon as the bees fly to the meadow for honey, the bears run out of the den, climb into the hive and feast on the honey. The teacher gives the signal: “Bears!” the bees fly to the hives, trying to sting the bears, they run away into the den, the stung bears miss one game. After 2-3 repetitions, children change roles.

Make sure that they get off the gymnastics wall without jumping or missing the slats. Jump off the benches on your toes with your legs bent.

"Bear Cubs"

Goal: to teach children to walk on all fours, racing. Develop back, leg muscles, agility.

Progress of the game:

Children stand on the starting line in pairs; at a signal, children crawl on all fours to the finish line.

Children in pairs compete in fast walking on all fours - like a bear.


Crawl across the lawn while climbing over a log.

"Pass quietly"

Purpose: to teach children to pass through the gate or crawl silently, not to stand motionless. Develop the ability to move easily, on your toes.

Progress of the game:

Several children are blindfolded. They stand in pairs facing each other at arm's length. The rest of the children try to pass through the gate one by one silently, carefully bending down or crawling. At the slightest rustle, those standing at the gate raise their hands to stop the person passing. The winner is the one who managed to get through the gate safely.

You cannot stand without moving and go through the gate. If those standing at the goal catch the players, they immediately lower their hands down.


Walk through the gate backwards.

"Figure walking"

Goal: to teach children to perform different types of walking in accordance with the task: snake, snail, chain, holding hands. Develop the ability to navigate the site and attention.

Progress of the game:

At the teacher’s signal, children walk in different types of walking.


children join hands and, turning to the left, follow the leader, first in a circle, and then in a snail, i.e. making concentric circles one inside the other. The distance between the spiral rings must be at least 1 m.


children walk in a column from one side of the playground to the other. Then they turn behind the leader and go to the meeting, doing this several times.

"Needle and thread"

children hold hands, forming a chain. Having drawn a chain around the playground, the leader stops the children and invites them to raise their hands linked with their neighbors up, forming a row of gates. The driver leads the chain further behind him in the opposite direction under the hands of the guys, going around in turn, one on the right, the other on the left. At the moment when the chain of children passes under the gate, the child who raised his hands to form the gate turns around himself and continues to walk in the chain.


Goal: To teach children to walk around the playground, performing rhythmic steps in accordance with the words of the leader, to stop at the “Stop1” signal and stand without moving. Develop the ability to move according to a signal and balance.

Progress of the game:

At a distance of 10-16 steps from the boundary of the site, a line is drawn behind which the children stand. At the other end of the platform, a circle with a diameter of 2-3 steps is outlined - the driver’s place. Turning his back to the children, the driver says loudly: “Walk quickly, be careful not to yawn! stop!" In response to these words, everyone goes to the driver, taking a step for each word. At the word “stop” they stop, and the driver quickly looks around. The driver returns the one who did not have time to stop and made an additional movement to the starting line. Then he turns his back again and repeats the words of the command. Children continue their movements from the place where they stopped the first time with the word stop. Those who were sent to the starting line begin to move from there. The winner is the one who managed to stand in the circle with the driver and becomes the driver.

Option 2.

The first one to reach the driver first with the word stop touches him, everyone quickly runs away, the driver tries to insult those running to the brink.

"Don't drop the ball"

Goal: teach children to walk while holding a spoon with a ball in their hands. Strengthen hand motor skills. Develop speed of movement and agility.

Progress of the game:

Children take turns - or 2-3 children at the same time - carry the balls in spoons, trying not to drop them and bring them to the landmark - 8-9 meters.

The ball cannot be held by hand; the person who dropped it must take the ball, place it in a spoon and continue moving from the place where the ball fell.

Complication: carry a ball while overcoming an obstacle: when stepping over something, walk like a snake.

“Build a line, a circle, a column”

Goal: to teach children to move around the playground in different directions without bumping, forming a column or line at a signal. Strengthen the ability to form a line, a column, finding your place and maintaining alignment. Develop attention.

Progress of the game:

Children walk freely in different directions around the playground. In accordance with the signal, they try to quickly form a column, line, or circle. It is necessary to indicate in advance where you can stand in a column or line. It is advisable to build a circle around some landmark.

You need to line up quickly, without jostling, finding your place, maintaining alignment in the column, line.

Option 2.

Distribute the children into 3-4 subgroups; the team that completes the formation at the signal faster and better wins.


Goal: to teach children to walk around the playground in threes, helping each other, coordinating their movements with the movements of other children, and maintaining the distance between the threes. Develop eye, orientation in space, attention.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in groups of three, holding hands. The distance between threes is at least 1 meter. In each trio, the middle child stands facing the direction of movement, the other two on the right side and to the left stand with their backs. At the signal, the troikas move around the site, at the signal “Stop” they stop, and change places in the troikas.

Complication: arrange a competition to see whose three will be the first to reach the finish line.


Goal: to teach children to move scattered around the playground, trying to step on another child’s fish, and to move while dodging. Develop attention and speed of movement.

Progress of the game:

Two teams compete. Each child receives a paper fish with a 1m long thread attached to its tail. children tuck the end of the thread into the back of the belt so that the fish freely touches the floor - the fish swim. Each team has fish of a certain color. At the teacher’s signal, everyone walks around the site, trying to step on the opponent’s fish, and at the same time not letting them catch their own. Whose fish is caught leaves the game.

Complication: introduce running.

"Who can climb the stick higher"

Purpose: to teach children, sitting on the floor or on the ground, to move their feet up the stick, bending their knees. Strengthen your feet. Develop speed of movement and agility.

Progress of the game:

Children sit on the floor, each puts a stick in front of them and holds it with their hands. Then, grasping the stick from the right to the left with the feet (toes and heels rest against the stick), at the signal “Who is taller,” they move their feet up, bending their knees.

Hold the stick vertically, pressing it firmly into the ground.

"Pull in a circle"

Goal: to teach children to move in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise, holding hands tightly, and at a signal, pull a neighbor into the circle carefully so that he steps on a snowball. Develop strength and balance.

Progress of the game:

Children holding hands form a circle. Inside the circle, there is a snowball in front of each player. At one signal, children walk in a circle to the left (right). At another signal, the movement stops and everyone tries to pull their neighbor into the circle so that they step on the snowball. In this case, you cannot unclasp your hands. Anyone who fails to resist and steps on someone receives a penalty point. A child who scores two points is eliminated from the game. Those who do not receive a single penalty point win.

Complication: introduce running in a circle.


Goal: to teach children to walk in a circle, holding hands tightly, trying to pull a neighbor to the block at a signal. To develop children's attention, strength, and dexterity.

Progress of the game:

A block of wood (log, tall cube) is placed in the middle of the site. The players stand in a circle, hold hands and say:

“It’s a block of wood, it doesn’t bother us.

Who will knock down the block,

He will leave the circle!”

After this, everyone begins to move around the block. At the same time, everyone tries to pull their neighbors to the block so that they knock it down.

Whoever knocks down the block leaves the circle; you can’t let go of your hands; no more than 6-8 children play.


Move around the block at a side gallop.

"Grey Duck"

Goal: to teach children to move in a circle, at a signal to run from one circle to another, trying not to be caught by the hunter. Develop agility, speed of movement, attention.

Progress of the game:

One of the children is a hunter, another is a duck, several children are ducklings, the rest, holding hands, form a circle - a pond. In which a duck and ducklings swim. Children walk in a circle and say:

“Here a gray duck swam on the water,

She called the little children to her,

You ducklings beware

Don't go too far."

At this time, the duck and ducklings are inside the circle, the hunter is behind the circle. At the last words, the duck stands in front of the ducklings, they follow her in single file. Children lead a round dance in the other direction:

“Here a dog barked in the reeds,

Is there a hunter sitting there in the bushes?

He will catch little children,

Little babies - ducklings."

The circle breaks up into several small ones (3-5 children each) - these are bushes in which ducklings are hiding (one or several in each). The hunter counts loudly:

"One two Three!". After this, the ducklings must run from one bush to another. While running, the hunter tries to catch them. The duck protects the ducklings: it spreads its arms to the sides, as if flapping its wings, blocking the path of the hunter.

The hunter catches only ducklings; a duckling caught by a hunter stands in a circle representing a bush; After the hunter has counted, the ducklings should not remain in the bush where they were hiding; they must definitely run to another one.

Option 2.

Assign 2-3 hunters.

"Walking Relay"

Goal: to teach children to perform a variety of movements: walking along a narrow path, a winding path, crawling under a cord, stepping over objects at speed. Develop agility, endurance, speed of movement.

Progress of the game:

At the same time, several children (depending on the number of obstacle courses) overcome various obstacles (climb, crawl through, step over, etc.). The child who comes to the finish line first and completes all the tasks correctly wins.

Option 2.

Walk along the winding path (w-20cm, d-6 -10m); crawl under a stretched cord or low-hanging branches, step over several sticks placed on chairs.

"Obstacle Course"

Goal: to teach children to overcome an obstacle course at speed, to complete tasks accurately and efficiently. To develop in children coordination of movements, agility, speed, and the ability to pass the baton.

Progress of the game:

Various aids can be used as obstacles: benches, arches, barriers, throwing targets. The order of overcoming obstacles can be any, for example: crawl under several arches (slats), walk along a bench (or log), run around medicine balls (4 balls placed at a distance of 1 m from each other), jump from a place over two lines, crawl along bench, run with a small ball (or a bag of sand) 6-7 m and throw it at the target. The speed and accuracy of completing the task are assessed.

Outdoor games

Preparatory group.

Running games

  1. Burners.
  2. Traps (with ribbons).
  3. Frost - red nose.
  4. Kite and hen.
  5. Take it quickly.
  6. Whose column will be built faster?
  7. Owl.
  8. Tag.
  9. Running in ranks.
  10. Catch up with your opponent.
  11. Change of place.
  12. Collect the flags.
  13. Be careful.
  14. Salki - don't fall into the swamp.
  15. Blind Man's Bluff.
  16. Tulle with a skipping rope.
  17. Change the subject.
  18. Catch up with your mate.
  19. The second one is extra.
  20. Simple traps.
  21. Rope.
  22. Relay in pairs.
  23. Donkey.

Jumping games.

  1. Don't get caught.
  2. Frogs and heron.
  3. Don't step on it.
  4. Wolf in the ditch.
  5. Jump - turn around.
  6. Be nimble.
  7. Jump - sit down.
  8. Swipe.
  9. Penguins with a ball.
  10. Drive the ice.
  11. Bird flight.
  12. Don't stumble.
  13. Jump relay race.
  14. Magic jump rope.
  15. Sideways.
  16. Running in a bag.
  17. Wolves and sheep.
  18. Fox and chickens.
  19. Who is jumping?
  20. We jump in a circle.

Throwing games.

  1. Hunters and animals.
  2. Trap with a ball.
  3. Who is the most accurate?
  4. Stop.
  5. Whoever is named catches the ball.
  6. Throw it over the bar.
  7. Ball school.
  8. Ball to the driver.
  9. Hit the shuttlecock.
  10. Knock down the pin.
  11. Pass.
  12. Fast and accurate.
  13. Pass in a circle.

Climbing games.

  1. Bird flight.
  2. Catching monkeys.
  3. Bears and bees.
  4. Bear cubs.

Walking games.

  1. Pass silently.
  2. Figure walking.
  3. Stop.
  4. Don't drop the ball.
  5. Build a line, a circle, a column.
  6. Troika.
  7. Fishes.
  8. Who can climb the stick higher?
  9. Pull in a circle.
  10. Blockhead.
  11. Gray duck.
  12. Walking relay.
  13. Obstacle course.


Progress of the game: 2 parallel lines are drawn on the playing court. Between them is a “river”. All players stand on the bank or on both banks of the “river”. The presenter quickly says “Into the river!”, and the players jump into the river. The presenter shouts “To the shore!”, and the players jump to the shore. The player who made a mistake leaves the game. The last player to make no mistakes wins. He becomes the new presenter.

Special notes: the presenter can speed up the pace. After the end of the game, all losing players jump on one leg along the “river”.

Queen fish

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: a beautiful scarf or wreath, 4 poles with colored ribbons.

Progress of the game: A “queen fish” is selected from the players. A bright scarf or wreath is placed on her head. “Fish” becomes the center of the round dance, which depicts a fishing net.

Game fragment

Four poles with colored ribbons are placed near the round dance. The “fish”, having made its way between the players’ hands, runs to one of the poles. The players catch up with her. If the “fish” is not caught, it continues to play and returns to the round dance. The “fisherman” who catches the “fish” takes its place.

Special notes: the “fish” cannot break the circle, but only slide under the hands.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: in the center of the playground they draw a circle - a “lake” or “swamp” in which Vodyanoy lives. All players are children, and one is a Merman. He says: “I am a merman, I am a merman, if only someone would talk to me!” Children run around the “lake” and shout: “Vodyany, play with me!”

The merman runs around the “lake” and catches those players who come too close to him. Vodyanoy takes the caught children to his “lake”. The game continues until the Vodyanoy catches most of the children.

Special notes: The merman cannot go beyond the boundaries of his “lake” circle. Those whom he caught can also help the Vodyanoy.

Marine figures

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities, expansion of erudition.

Attributes: several chairs.

Progress of the game: chairs are placed around the playground. The leader is the captain. He gives each player the name of some item from the ship's furnishings. The captain begins to move behind those sitting in a circle and talk about sailing on a ship, while naming the items necessary for sea voyage. Each “object” named by the captain stands up. They line up one after another behind the captain. When all the players have stood up, the captain shouts: “There is a storm at sea!” Children move, pretending to be waves. The captain commands: “The sea is calm!” Children try to take their places on chairs as quickly as possible. The one left without a chair becomes the captain and starts the game again, telling his story.

Special notes: players must line up behind the captain in the order of the items he named. You can sit not only on your own, but also on any free chair.

Catch, fish, big and small!

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, attention, coordination, reaction speed.

Attributes: a cord or rope 4-5 m long with a bag of sand tied at the end.

Progress of the game: all fish players stand in a circle. One player - the “fisherman” - stands in a circle and begins to rotate the rope with the bag, which, sliding along the floor, sweeps under the feet of the players. The “fish”, carefully watching the movement of the bag, make sure that it does not touch them, and jump up. The one who touches the bag or rope stands in the middle and begins to rotate the rope.

Special notes: when the rope rotates, the “fish” cannot move away from their place.

Pike perch and roach

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 15 m from each other. One of the players is a “predatory pike perch”, all the rest are “nimble roach”, divided into 2 teams. The “carpenters” stand facing each other in opposite lines. At the leader’s command, they simultaneously run to the other line. The “pike-perch” tries to show off - to “catch” as many “roaches” as possible. The upset players leave the game.

Special notes: the team with the largest number of players loses.

Football Turtles

Attributes: soccer ball.

Progress of the game: The leader, the “big turtle,” is selected from among the players. He picks up the ball. The remaining “turtle” players sit on the court in different places.

At the presenter’s signal “Game!” — the “big turtle” throws the ball, trying to hit one of the players with it. A hit is counted if the ball touches any part of the body other than the legs. If the leader succeeds, he changes places with the “turtle” that he hit with the ball and who earns a penalty point. If the “big turtle” hits the legs or misses, then the players, having received the ball at their disposal, begin to pass it to each other with their feet, moving in a prone position. The “big turtle” tries to intercept the ball and, from the place where he succeeded, hit one of the “turtles” again. The game is won by those “turtles” who did not receive a single penalty point during the time assigned for the game.

Special notes: the “big turtle” can only throw the ball from the place where it managed to intercept it. Moving around the court with the ball is prohibited. If the ball rolls out of bounds, the “turtle” throws it from the edge of the court. “Turtles” can defend against being hit by turning and putting their feet towards the ball or moving in a prone position.

The river flows into the sea

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: All players are a river. They stand in several columns with the same number of people. At the presenter’s signal “Rivers are flowing!” everyone runs after each other in different directions, sticking to the columns. At the signal “Sea!” players stop, hold hands and build circles-sea. The players who build the circle the fastest win.

Special notes: all actions should be performed according to a signal.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: cord 3-5 m long.

Progress of the game: A circle is laid out from the cord - a “net” in the center of the playing area. All players are fish. Three are “fishermen”. “Fishermen” stand in the center of the circle. The “fish” run all over the site, sometimes running into a circle. "Fishermen" are trying to catch them.

Special notes: you can only catch “fish” in a circle. Caught fish are eliminated from the game.

Fishes and fishermen

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: players are divided into 2 groups and stand opposite each other at a distance of several steps. One group is “fishermen”, the other is “fish”. .

The game begins with a conversation. Pisces asks:

- What are you doing?

— We are tying a net.

- What will you do with the seine?

- Catch fish.

- Crucian carp!

- Try it!

The “Pisces” turn around and run to the set line. Each “fisherman” tries to catch one of the “fish”. Then the game starts again, but a different “fish” is called.

Special notes: you can catch “fish” only on the borders of the sea. A “fish” is considered caught when the “fisherman” touches it with his hand.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: rope 2-3 m long, peg, chair.

Progress of the game: all players are “fish”. One player is the “shark”. A loop is made at one end of the rope and placed on a peg fixed in the ground in the center of the site.

You can tie a rope to a chair standing in the center.

The “shark” takes the free end of the rope and runs in a circle so that it is taut and the hand with the rope is at knee level. When the rope approaches, the “fish” children who have scattered around the sea area must jump over it.

Special notes: “fish” touched by a rope are considered to have been eaten by a “shark”.

Rope jump

Fish and crocodiles

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: medium sized rubber ball.

Progress of the game: A large circle with a diameter of about 4 m is drawn in the center of the field. The players are divided into 2 teams - “fish” and “crocodiles”. "Pisces" defend their home, and "crocodiles" attack them. The “fish” players enter the circle, and the “crocodile” players surround them outside the line, moving away from each other at approximately the same distance. Having received the ball from the leader, the attackers throw the ball over the circle 3 times in a row. This is the condition for starting the game. At this time, the “crocodiles” do not have the right to hit those in the circle, and they cannot jump and catch the ball. After 3 re-rolls, the “crocodile” players try to seize the moment and hit in a circle. Those who are in the circle try to avoid being hit - they defend themselves, that is, the “fish” catch the ball or try to keep it in the circle. If the defense is successful, the players change roles.

Special notes: if the “crocodiles” kick reaches the target and the ball flies out of the circle, then the defender who was hit by the ball is eliminated from the game. If the ball does not reach the goal, the “crocodile” player who threw the ball leaves the game.

Pike and crucian carp

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, reaction speed.

Progress of the game: At the opposite ends of the playing area, 2 “bays” are outlined in which “crucian carp” live. The distance between the “bays” is approximately 10-15 m. The rest of the playing area is a “river”. A “pike” is selected from the players, and all the others are “crucians”. “Crucian carp” all stand together in one of the “bays”, and “pike” - in the middle of the “river”. “Shuka” says “One, two, three!”, and all the “crucians” begin to swim to the opposite bay. "Pike" catches "crucian carp". The caught “crucian carp” stands in the middle of the playing area. The “pike” is counting again, the “crucian carp” are swimming across again, etc.

The caught “crucian carp” stand in the middle of the “river”, holding hands, and form a net. “Crucian carp” continue to swim from one “bay” to another, but now passing through the net. The “pike” catches the “crucian carp” running out of the net.

All the caught “crucian carp” join the net, and now a circle is formed from it - a basket. Uncaught “crucian carp” run through the basket, and the “pike” catches them. When there are very few “crucians” left, those caught form tops - they stand in 2 rows, facing each other, forming a corridor. “Shuka” stands 2 m from the tops and catches “crucian carp” at the exit from them. The game ends when all the crucian carp are caught.

Special notes: on the count of “Three!” all the “crucians” should start running from one “bay” to another. Caught “crucians” standing in a net, basket or tops do not interfere with the movement of other “fish”. When running, all “crucians” must run into a net, basket or top. Players forming a basket can catch a “pike” if they manage to throw their clasped hands behind the “pike” and drive it into the basket. If a “pike” falls into the basket, all the caught “crucian carp” are released and a new “pike” is selected, and the former one becomes a “crucian carp”.

Pisces in the net

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, reaction speed.

Progress of the game: A large circle is drawn in the center of the playing area. 3 “fish” are selected from among the players; the remaining players form a net by standing in a circle and holding hands. At the signal from the leader - the “fisherman” - the circle begins to move to the right, and the “fish” run in the circle. At the “fisherman’s” signal, the circle stops, and the “fish” try to get out of the net. They can run under the hands of players standing in a circle, jump over the hands or force their way between them. Other players hinder them by approaching each other, crouching, etc. The “Fish” are given 1 minute to exit the net. After this, the game stops and new “fish” are selected.

Special notes: if the “fish” sticks its head through the net, it is considered free.

Blind Man's Bluff "Cat and Kittens"

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: all the players are “kittens”, they walk, dancing and singing some song and leading the “cat” player blindfolded. The “cat” is brought to the door, placed on the threshold, asked to hold the handle and begins the following conversation with him:

—- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- On the oak tree!

-What are you holding on to?

- For bitches!

- What the hell?

- What's in the hives?

- To whom and to whom?

- Me and my son!

- What do we need?

- Sand and clay!

The children begin to sing a song:

Cat, cat Opanas,

You catch us for two years!

You catch us for three years,

Without opening your eyes!

At the last words, the “kitten” children scatter to the sides, and the “cat” tries to catch one of them. “Kittens” spin around the “cat,” tease him, tug at his clothes.

Special notes: the greasy “kitten” leaves the game.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: small stick.

Progress of the game: All players are children. One player chosen by counting is the Sorcerer. He runs away from the children and faces the wall. There is a magic wand against the wall. The sorcerer takes the wand in his hands, knocks on the wall and says: “The wand has arrived, we won’t hire anyone. Whoever he finds first will go for the wand.” After these words, the Sorcerer puts his wand against the wall and goes to look. Noticing one of the players, he loudly calls him by name, quickly runs up to the wall, takes the wand in his hands, knocks it on the wall and shouts: “I found the lifesaver (the name of the found player)!” The named and “caught” player leaves the game, and the Sorcerer goes to look for the next one. If the game continues after the Sorcerer has caught everyone, the one who was caught first takes his place.

If any player, being noticed by the Sorcerer, reaches the wand before him, he quickly takes the wand and with the words “Wand, help me!” knocks it on the wall and throws it as far as possible. While the Sorcerer is looking for the wand, the player hides again. The sorcerer finds the wand, puts it in its original place and goes looking again.

Special notes: while the children are hiding, the Sorcerer stands facing the wall and counts to 20; He must look for children throughout the entire playground, without stopping near the stick.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: A leader is selected from the players. He says:

My cap is triangular,

My triangular cap.

And if not triangular,

This is not my cap.

The players stand in a circle and at first, when the leader says the words for the first time, they simply listen. On the second repetition, players must replace the word “triangular” by showing a triangle made from their fingers. On the third repetition, players must replace the word “cap” by showing the cap over their heads using their hands.

A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child’s personality.

"Nature and Man".

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Progress of the game. “What is made by man?” - the teacher asks and hands one of the players an object (or throws a ball). The child answers and passes the ball or object to the child standing next to him, and so on around the circle. After completing the circle, the teacher asks a new question: “What was created by nature?” The game is repeated in a new circle; a child who fails to answer goes out of the circle and misses it, but if he comes up with and names a word, he starts the game again.

"Vice versa".

Goal: to develop children's intelligence and quick thinking.

Progress of the game. The teacher names the word, and the children must name the opposite. (Far - close, upper - lower, etc.)

“Name the plant with the right sound.”

Goal: to develop phonemic hearing and quick thinking in children.

Progress of the game. The teacher says: “Come up with plants whose names begin with the sound “A”, “K”, ....”

“Name three things.”

Progress of the game. What objects can be called in one word: flowers, birds, etc.

"Flowers!" – the teacher says and after a short pause throws the ball to the child. He answers: “Chamomile, rose, cornflower.”

“Add a syllable.”

Progress of the game. The teacher names one syllable and throws the ball. The person who catches it must complete it to form a word, for example: ma - ma, kni - ha. The person who completes the word throws the ball to the teacher.

“Say it differently.”

Goal: to teach children to select a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that in this game the children will have to remember words that are similar in meaning to the word that he names.

"My Cloud"

Goal: development of imagination, emotional sphere, figurative perception of nature (the game also serves as a relaxation pause).

Progress of the game. Children sit comfortably in a clearing, grass, calm down and close their eyes.

Exercise. Imagine relaxing in a clearing. The voices of birds are heard, the smell of herbs and flowers is heard, clouds float across the sky. You need to choose a cloud in the sky and say what it looks like, talk about it.

“Find a leaf, like on a tree.”

Goal: to teach how to classify plants according to a certain characteristic.

Progress of the game. The teacher divides the group of children into several subgroups. Everyone is invited to take a good look at the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same ones on the ground. The teacher says: “Let’s see which team finds the right leaves faster.” The children begin their search. Members of each team, having completed the task, gather near the tree whose leaves they were looking for.

The team that gathers near the tree first, or the one that collects the most leaves, wins.

“Finish the sentence.”

Objectives: to teach to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; practice choosing the right words.

Progress of the game. The teacher begins the sentence: “I put on a warm fur coat because...”, “The children put on Panama hats because...”, “It’s snowing heavily because it’s falling...”

"Make no mistake."

Goals: develop quick thinking; consolidate children's knowledge of what they do at different times of the day.

Progress of the game. The teacher names different parts of the day or the children’s actions. And the children must answer in one word: “We have breakfast”, “We wash our face”, name when this happens.

"It flies - it doesn't fly."

Goal: develop auditory attention.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children: “If I name an object that flies, you raise your hand or catch the ball. You need to pay attention because I will raise my hands both when the object is flying and when it is not flying. Whoever makes a mistake will pay with a chip.”

“Who knows more?”

Goal: to develop memory, resourcefulness, intelligence.

Progress of the game. The teacher, holding a glass in his hand, asks what it can be used for. Whoever names the most actions wins.

“Find an object of the same shape.”

Progress of the game. The teacher raises a drawing of a circle, and the children must name as many objects of the same shape as possible.

“Guess what kind of plant it is.”

Goal: describe an object and recognize it by description.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites one child to describe the plant or make a riddle about it. The other children must guess what kind of plant it is.

Goal: teach to compare objects; find signs of difference in them; similarities, recognize objects by description.

Progress of the game. For example: one child makes a guess, and the other children must guess: “Two beetles crawled. One is red with black dots, the other is black...”

“What kind of bird is this?”

Goal: to teach children to describe birds by their characteristic features and recognize them by description.

Progress of the game. The teacher appoints a driver who depicts the habits of the bird or describes its characteristic features; other children must guess.

"Guess what's in the bag."

Purpose: to describe the signs perceived by touch.

Progress of the game. The teacher puts vegetables and fruits in a bag. The child must determine by touch what is in his hand and make a riddle about it so that the children can guess what is in the hands of the presenter.

"Get it by youself".

Goal: learn to correctly compose sentences with a given number of words.

Progress of the game. Give children supporting words: autumn, leaf fall, rain, snowflakes. Ask them to come up with sentences of 3-5 words. The first child to make a sentence gets a chip.

“Guess it!”

Goal: to develop the ability to describe an object without looking at it, to identify essential features in it, to recognize an object by description.

Progress of the game. At the teacher’s signal, the child who received the chip stands up and gives a description of any object from memory, and then passes the chip to the person who will guess. Having guessed, the child describes his object, passes the object to the next one, etc.

"Tops and Roots."

Purpose: to exercise in the classification of vegetables (what is edible in them - the root or the fruit on the stem).

Progress of the game. The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call tops and what roots. The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it.


Purpose: to remind and consolidate the idea of ​​​​the appearance of some trees and shrubs, about their constituent parts (trunk, leaves, fruits and seeds).

Progress of the game. One “forester” is selected, the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds for new plantings. “The forester” says: “There are a lot of ... (birch, maple, poplar) growing on my site, let’s collect some seeds.”

He can only describe the tree without naming it. Children look for seeds, collect them and show them to the “forester”. The one who collected the most seeds and made no mistakes wins.

“It happens - it doesn’t happen” with the ball.

Goal: to develop memory, thinking, reaction speed.

The teacher says a phrase and throws the ball, and the children must answer quickly.

Frost in summer... (can not be).

Snow in winter... (It happens).

Frost in summer... (can not be).

Drips in the summer... (can not be).

"What it is?".

Goal: to develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity.

Progress of the game. The teacher thinks of an object of living or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs, and the children continue. For example: The egg is oval, white, large, hard on top, nutritious, can be found in stores, edible, chicks hatch from it.

“Find out whose sheet it is.”

Goal: learn to recognize plants by leaf.

Progress of the game. During a walk, collect fallen leaves from trees and bushes, show them to the children, offer to find out which tree they come from, and find evidence (similarity) with unfallen leaves of various shapes.

“Tell me without words.”

Goals: to consolidate children’s ideas about autumn changes in nature; develop creative imagination and observation skills.

Progress of the game. Children in a circle, the teacher invites them to depict autumn weather with facial expressions, hand gestures, and movements.

Show that it has become cold. Children shudder, warm their hands, and put on hats and scarves with gestures.

Show that it is cold rain. They open their umbrellas and turn up their collars.

“Find what I’ll describe.”

Goal: develop the ability to search for a plant by description.

Progress of the game. The teacher describes the plant, naming its most characteristic features. Whoever identifies the plant first gets a chip.

"Guessing riddles."

Goal: expand the stock of nouns in the active dictionary.

Progress of the game. Children are sitting on a bench. The teacher makes riddles about insects. The child who guesses the answer asks the riddle himself. For guessing and making a riddle, he gets one chip each. The one who collects the most chips wins. Children can come up with their own riddle.

“When does this happen?”

Goal: to clarify and deepen knowledge about the seasons.

Progress of the game. The teacher names the seasons and gives the chip to the child. The child names what happens at this time and passes the chip to another. He adds a new definition and passes the chip to the third.

"What's around us?"

Goal: to teach how to divide two- and three-syllable words into parts and pronounce each part of the word.

Progress of the game. On a walk, children look around them for something that has one part in the name (ball, poppy, ball, house, garden), two parts (fence, bushes, flowers, sand, grass), three parts (swing, veranda, birch, car ). For each answer, the child receives a chip, and the winner is determined by their number.

"Tell me what you hear."

Goals: to learn to use complete sentences in answers; develop phrasal speech.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (the sound of rain, car signals, the rustle of a falling leaf, the conversation of passers-by, etc.). Children must answer in a complete sentence. The one who can name the most sounds heard wins.

“Who am I?”

Purpose: indicate the named plant.

Progress of the game. The teacher quickly points his finger at the plant. The first person to name the plant and its form (tree, shrub, herbaceous plant) gets a point.

"Find a match."

Goal: to develop quick thinking, auditory attention, and intelligence.

Progress of the game. The teacher hands out one sheet of paper to the children and says: “The wind blew. All the leaves have scattered." Hearing these words, the children spin around with pieces of paper in their hands. Then the teacher gives the command: “One, two, three - find a pair!” Everyone should stand next to the tree whose leaf they hold in their hands.”

“Correct the mistake.”

Goal: to teach to understand the meaning of a sentence.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children: “I will read you sentences. But there are mistakes in them, you must correct them. Listen carefully:

The goat brought food to the girl.

The ball plays with Sasha.

The road goes by car.

Gena broke a ball with glass, etc.

“Remember different words.”

Goals: continue to teach listening to the sound of words; to train children in independently naming words and clearly pronouncing the sounds in them.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. Each child must remember a word and say it to the next one, as if to convey it, the next one says the same one word, turning to the third child. In turn, all children must say one word. After 3 laps the game stops. The one who was unable to quickly name the word or repeated what was already named leaves the circle.

Rules of the game. You cannot repeat the same word twice.

"Stop! Wand, stop."

Goals: continue to teach listening to the sound of words; practice independently naming words and clearly pronouncing the sounds in them.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher says that they will describe the animal and each child must say something about it. For example: the teacher says: “Bear” and passes the stick to the child, he says: “Brown” and passes the stick to the next one. Anyone who cannot tell is out of the game.

"Who lives where?".

Goal: to consolidate the ability to group plants according to their structure (trees, shrubs).

Progress of the game. The children will be “squirrels” and “bunnies”, and one (the driver) will be a “fox”. “Squirrels” hide behind trees, and “bunnies” hide behind bushes. "Bunnies" and "squirrels" are running around the clearing. At the signal “Danger, fox!” “squirrels” run to the tree, “hares” - to the bushes. Those who completed the task incorrectly are caught by the “fox”.

“Name the bird with the right sound.”

Goal: to develop phonemic hearing and quick thinking.

Progress of the game. The teacher says: “Come up with birds whose names contain letters A, K,…»

Whoever names the most wins.

“The third wheel” (birds).

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of birds.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children: “You already know that birds can be migratory and wintering. Now I will name the birds alternately, whoever hears the mistake must clap his hands.”

"Birds (animals, fish)."

Goal: to consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, the leader names a bird (fish, animal, tree, flowers) and passes a small ball to a neighbor, who names the next bird, etc. Whoever cannot answer leaves the circle.

“Who needs what?”

Objectives: to practice classifying objects; develop the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

Progress of the game. The teacher suggests remembering what people of different professions need to work. He names a profession, and the children answer what is needed to work in this field. And in the second part of the game, the teacher names the object, and the children say what profession it might be useful for.

"Which? Which? which?".

Objectives: to teach how to select definitions that correspond to a given example or phenomenon; activate previously learned words.

Progress of the game. The teacher names a word, and the players take turns naming as many signs as possible that correspond to the given subject.

Squirrel - red-haired, nimble, big, small, beautiful...

Coat – warm, winter, new, old...

Mother - kind, affectionate, gentle, beloved, dear...

House - wooden, stone, new, panel...

“Where can I do what?”

Goal: to activate in speech verbs used in a certain situation.

Progress of the game. The teacher asks questions, the children answer them. Game in the form of competition.

– What can you do in the forest? (Walk, pick mushrooms, berries, hunt, listen to birdsong, relax.)

-What are they doing in the hospital?

– What can you do on the river?

"What season?".

Objectives: teach listening to poetic text; cultivate aesthetic emotions and experiences; consolidate knowledge about the months of each season and the main features of different seasons.

Progress of the game. The teacher, addressing the children, says that the writer and poets in poems sing of the beauty of nature at different times of the year, then reads the poem, and the children must highlight the signs of the season.

“What happens?”

Objectives: to learn to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material; compare, contrast, select as many items as possible that fit this definition.

Progress of the game. Let's tell you what is green - cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, Christmas tree...

Wide – river, road, ribbon, street... etc.

The one who names the most words wins; for each correctly said word the child receives a chip.


Goal: to learn to use adjectives correctly in speech, coordinating them with nouns.

Progress of the game. Children should see around them, within 10–15 seconds, as many objects as possible of the same color, or the same shape, or from the same material. At the teacher’s signal, one begins to list, the others complement it. The one who correctly names the most items wins.

“Who can come up with more words?”

Goals: activate vocabulary; expand your horizons.

Progress of the game. The teacher names a sound and asks the children to come up with words on a specific topic (for example, “Autumn”) in which this sound occurs. Children form a circle. One of the players throws the ball to someone. The one who catches it must say the word with the conditional sound. Anyone who does not come up with a word or repeats something already said by someone misses a turn.

“Come up with another word.”

Goal: expand children's vocabulary.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that you can come up with another similar word from one word, for example: milk bottle - milk bottle.

Cranberry jelly – cranberry jelly.

Vegetable soup – vegetable soup.

Mashed potatoes - mashed potatoes.

“Who will remember more?”

Goal: enrich the vocabulary with verbs denoting the actions of the process.

Progress of the game. Carlson asks the children to look at the pictures and talk about what they saw.

Blizzard - sweeps, storms, storms.

Rain -

Crow -

“What did I say?”

Goal: to learn to distinguish several meanings in a word, compare these meanings, find common and different things in them.

Progress of the game. The teacher says that there are words that are close, there are words that are opposite in meaning, and there are words that are used often and used to name many different objects.

The teacher names the word, the children list its meanings.

Head – head of a child, doll, onion, garlic.

Needle – at the syringe, at the Christmas tree, at the pine tree, at the sewing room, at the hedgehog...

Nose - from a person, a steamship, an airplane, a teapot...

Eyelet, leg, handle, zipper, neck, wing, etc.

“How can I say it differently?”

Goal: to train children in naming one of the synonyms.

Progress of the game. How can you say the same thing, but in one word?

Heavy rain - shower.

Strong wind - Hurricane.

Heatwave - heat.

Lying boy - liar.

Cowardly hare - coward.

Strong man - strongman…. etc.

51 “What does this mean?”

Goal: to learn to combine words according to their meaning, to understand the literal and figurative meaning of words.

Progress of the game. Is it possible to say that? How do you understand this expression?

Fresh breeze - chill.

Fresh fish - recently caught, unspoiled.

Fresh shirt - clean, ironed, washed.

Fresh newspaper - new, just purchased.

Fresh paint - not dried out.

Fresh head - rested.

Deaf old man - the one who doesn't hear anything.

Dead night - quiet, deserted, dark.

The dull barking of dogs - distant, hard to hear.

“How many items?”

Goals: teach subject counting; develop quantitative concepts; understand and name numerals.

Progress of the game. Children are given the task: to find on the street and name objects that are found one at a time. After completing, find 2, 3.

The task can be changed like this: find as many identical objects as possible.

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow".

Goal: to teach how to use adverbs of time correctly.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. The teacher says a short phrase, for example: “We sculpted...” - and throws the ball to the child. The person who caught him finishes the sentence, as if answering a question. When:"Yesterday".

"Who are you?".

Progress of the game. The teacher comes up with a story in which all children get roles. The children stand in a circle, and the teacher begins the story, and when his character is mentioned, the child must stand up and bow. Children must be very attentive and monitor not only their role, but also the roles of their neighbors. Whoever sleeps through his role twice leaves the game.

“Don’t yawn” (wintering and migratory birds).

Goal: to develop children’s auditory attention and speed of reaction to words.

Progress of the game. The teacher gives all the children the names of migratory birds and asks them to watch him carefully. As soon as their name is announced, they must stand up and clap their hands; whoever missed their name leaves the game.

"And I".

Goal: to develop intelligence, endurance, sense of humor.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children that he will tell a story. When he stops, the children should say: “And I,” if these words make sense. If they do not make sense, then there is no need to say them. One day I'm going to the river... (and I).

I pick flowers and berries...

On the way I come across a mother hen with chicks...

They peck the grains...

Walking on the green grass...

Suddenly a kite flew in.

The chickens and the hen got scared...

And they ran away...

Once children understand the rules of the game, they will be able to make up their own short stories.

“Complete the sentence.”

Goal: to develop speech activity and quick thinking.

Progress of the game. The teacher says a few words of the sentence, and the children must add new words to it to make a complete sentence, for example: “Mom bought...”. “...Books, notebooks, briefcase,” the children continue.

"Where was I?"

Goal: to form accusative plural forms of animate nouns.

Progress of the game. Guess, guys, where I was? I saw jellyfish, seahorses, sharks. Where was I? (On the sea.)

Now, tell me riddles about where you have been. Tell us who you saw. You just need to say who you saw in large numbers. The main thing in this game is not guessing, but making a mystery.

“Is this true or not?”

Goal: find inaccuracies in the text.

Progress of the game. The teacher says: “Listen carefully to the poem. Who will notice more fables, what does not happen in reality.”

It's a warm spring now, the grapes are ripe here.

A horned horse jumps in the snow in a summer meadow.

In late autumn, the bear likes to sit in the river.

And in winter, among the branches, “Ga-ga-ga” the nightingale sang.

Quickly give me the answer: is this true or not?

Children find inaccuracies and replace words and sentences to get it right.

“Find the opposite word.”

Goal: select words with opposite meanings in tasks of different types.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to answer the questions: “If the soup is not hot, then what is it?”, “If the room is not light, then how?”, “If the knife is not sharp, then it is...”, “If the bag is not light, then she...", etc.

“We need to say it differently.”

Goal: select words that are close in meaning to the phrase.

Progress of the game. The teacher says: “One boy was in a bad mood. What words can you use to describe him? I came up with the word "sad." Let's try replacing words in other sentences."

- It is raining - It's pouring.

- The boy is coming - walking.

- Fresh air - fresh.

“Who will find the short word?”

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children that they can find out whether a word is long or short, step by step. He says, “Soup,” and walks at the same time. The teacher says that there was only one step, since it was a short word. Children line up along a line, and one by one they begin to say words and take steps. Whoever pronounces it incorrectly leaves the game.

“Speak, don’t delay.”

"Guess the word."

Goal: to develop speech activity.

Progress of the game. The teacher explains the rules of the game: the leader thinks of a word, but says only the first syllable: “Li-”. Children select words: fox, lily, linden, etc. etc.

As soon as someone guesses correctly, he becomes the leader and the game starts all over again.

“Speak, don’t delay.”

Goal: to develop speech activity and vocabulary.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. One of them is the first to say the word in parts, the one standing next to him must say the word starting with the last syllable of the word just spoken. For example: va-za, za-rya, rya-bi-na, etc. Children who made a mistake or could not name the word stand in a circle.

“Knock and knock, find the word, dear friend.”

Goal: to consolidate the acquired skills of isolating syllables.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the middle. He has a tambourine in his hands. The teacher hits the tambourine 2 times, the children must name plants (animals) whose names have 2 syllables, then hits 3 times (animals with three syllables, etc.).


Goal: find the way by the names of familiar plants and other natural objects.

Progress of the game. The teacher selects one or two leaders, who, based on noticeable landmarks (trees, shrubs, flower beds with certain plants), determine the path along which all children should go to the hidden toy.

“What else are they talking about?”

Goals: to consolidate and clarify the meaning of polysemantic words; cultivate a sensitive attitude to the compatibility of words in meaning.

Progress of the game. Tell Carlson what else you can say this about:

It's raining - snow, winter, boy, dog, smoke.

Plays – girl, radio.

Bitter - pepper, medicine.

"Not really".

Goal: teach to think, ask questions logically; make correct conclusions.

Progress of the game. One child (the driver) steps aside. The teacher and the children choose an animal, for example a cat.

Driver. Is this a bird?

Children. No.

Driver. Is this a beast?

Driver. Is the beast wild?

Children. No.

Driver. Does he meow?


Purpose: to exercise the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, etc.

Progress of the game. Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the section there is a chair. These are “forest”, “lake”, “pond”. One of the players, the “hunter,” goes here. Standing still, he says the following words: “I’m going into the forest to hunt. I will hunt..." Here he takes a step forward and says: "...Zaitsev", takes a second step... At each step the child names one animal. We can't repeat ourselves. The winner is the one who reached the specified place first or went further.

“Name three things.”

Purpose: to train children in classifying objects.

Progress of the game. The teacher says: “Boots,” and throws the ball to the child, who must answer that these are clothes, shoes, a hat, etc.

“Find an object of the same shape” (2nd option).

Purpose: to clarify the idea of ​​the shape of objects.

Progress of the game. The teacher or one of the players names objects of living or inanimate nature and asks to name the geometric figure that this object resembles. For example: a mountain is a triangle, an earthworm is a curve, etc.

“Guess what’s in the bag” (2nd option).

Purpose: to describe the characteristics of objects perceived by touch.

Progress of the game. The child uses two phrases to describe the object taken in the bag, and the playing children must determine what the child felt in the bag.

“What kind of bird is this?” (2nd option).

Goal: to learn to describe birds by their characteristic features, habits and to recognize them by description.

Progress of the game. The presenter names one bright sign of a bird, and the children must guess from it what kind of bird it is. For example: a bird loves lard (titmouse), a bird has a red beret (woodpecker), etc.

“Riddle, we will guess.”

Objectives: to clarify and expand knowledge about trees and shrubs; name their signs, describe and find them by description.

Progress of the game. Children describe any plant in the following order: shape, number of trunks, height, color. The driver should recognize the plant from the description. The child who guessed and guessed gets the chips.

If the child remembers or comes up with his own riddle, he receives additional chips.

“What kind of insect is this?”

Objectives: to clarify and expand ideas about the life of insects; describe insects by characteristic features; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into 2 subgroups. Children of one subgroup describe an insect, and the other have to guess what it is.

“Do you remember these verses?”

Goal: to develop children's speech.

Progress of the game. The teacher reads excerpts from poems familiar to the children. Children must pronounce the missing words. For example:

Where did the sparrow have lunch?

At the zoo... (animals).

Don't stand too close:

I … (tiger cub), but not … (pussy).

Wind across the sea... (walks)

AND … (ship) customizes. etc.

“Tell me, what do you hear?”

Goal: develop phrasal speech.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard (the chirping of birds, car signals, the rustle of a falling leaf, the conversation of hallways, etc.).

Rules of the game. Children must answer in a complete sentence.

What is happening in nature?

Goal: to consolidate the ability to use verbs in speech, to coordinate words in a sentence.

Progress of the game. An adult, throwing a ball to a child, asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, must answer the question asked. It is advisable to play the game on a topic.

Example: “Spring” theme.

Adult. What is the sun doing? Children. It shines and warms.

What are the streams doing? They are running and murmuring.

What does snow do? It's getting dark and melting.

What are the birds doing? They fly in and sing.

What does Kapel do? It's ringing.

"Good bad".

Goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

Progress of the game. The teacher shows the children icons of the rules of behavior in nature, the children must tell as fully as possible about what is depicted there, what can and cannot be done and why.

“Who knows, let him continue.”

Goal: to develop the ability to generalize and classify.

Progress of the game. The teacher names generalizing words, and the children name a specific concept.

Educator. An insect is...

Children. Fly, mosquito...

“Who will remember more?”

Goal: to enrich children's vocabulary with verbs denoting the actions of the process.

Progress of the game. Carlson asks to look at the pictures and tell what actions are being performed there.

Blizzard - sweeps, storms, storms.

Rain - pours, drizzles, drips, drips, begins, gushes...

Crow - flies, croaks, sits, eats, drinks, sits down... etc.

“What’s extra?” (1st option).

Progress of the game. The teacher names four signs of different seasons:

Birds fly south.

Snowdrops bloomed.

The leaves on the trees turned yellow.

The harvest is underway.

Children listen carefully, name the extra sign, and explain why it is extra.

“What’s extra?” (2nd option).

Goals: develop auditory attention; consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons.

Progress of the game. The teacher names four signs of weather at different times of the year:

It's snowing (the children put on fur coats).

Cloudy (children took umbrellas).

It's pouring, cold rain (the children are sitting in a group).

The hot sun is shining (the children put on hats, shorts and T-shirts).

Children listen carefully, name the extra sign, explain why it is extra, and say what time of year it belongs to.

"Flowers Shop"

Goal: to learn to group plants according to their place of growth and describe their appearance.

Progress of the game. Children play the roles of sellers and buyers. To buy, you need to describe the plant you have chosen, but not name it, just say where it grows. The “seller” must guess what kind of flower it is, name it and the department in which it is located (field, garden, indoor), then issue a “purchase”.

“Name an animal, an insect with the right sound.”

Goal: to develop phonemic hearing and quick thinking.

Progress of the game. The teacher suggests: come up with insects whose names contain letters A, K.

Whoever names the most wins.

"What I saw in the forest."

Purpose: to exercise the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, insects, etc.

Progress of the game. Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the section there is a chair. These are “forest”, “lake”, “pond”. The “traveler” - one of the players - goes here. Standing still, he says the following words: “I’m walking through the forest and I see...” Here he takes a step forward and says: “... a hare.” With each step, the child names one animal. We can't repeat ourselves. The second child goes and names insects, the third birds, etc. The winner is the one who reached the chair first or went further.

“Who likes what?”

Goal: to clarify knowledge about what individual insects eat.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to the child and names the insect, the child must say what it eats.

“Name three birds.”

Purpose: to train children in classifying birds.

Progress of the game. The teacher names birds for the children. “Birds are migratory,” says the teacher and, after a short pause, throws the ball to the child. He answers: “Swallow, swift, lark.” “Wintering birds”... “Birds of the forest”...

“Where does it grow?”

Objectives: to teach to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of ​​the meaning of plants; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover.

Progress of the game. The teacher names different plants and shrubs, and the children choose only those that grow on the kindergarten site. If they grow up on the site, the children clap their hands or jump in one place (you can choose any movement), if not, the children are silent. (Apple tree, pear, raspberry, mimosa, spruce, saxaul, sea buckthorn, birch, cherry, orange, linden, maple, baobab, tangerine.)

If the children did it successfully, they can list the trees faster: plum, aspen, chestnut, coffee, rowan, plane tree, oak, cypress, pine, cherry plum, poplar.

At the end of the game, they sum up who named the most trees.

“Repeat one after another.”

Goal: to develop attention and memory.

Progress of the game. The player names any word (animal, insect, bird). The second one repeats the named word and adds his own. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

“The third wheel” (insects).

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of insects

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children: “You already know who insects are. I will now name insects and other living creatures interspersed, whoever hears a mistake must clap his hands.”

Fairytale hide and seek

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Progress of the game: all players are divided into 2 teams, which are led by 2 captains - Ivan Tsarevich and Zmey Gorynych. Ivan Tsarevich's team is hiding, and the second team is looking for them. For the game, a “castle” is determined - a tree, a door or a wall.

Ivan Tsarevich leads his team away and helps them hide, and then returns to the team of the Serpent Gorynych. He walks with them, constantly shouting: “We are near the trees” or “We are near the wall”, etc. This helps his team orient themselves: stay in cover or return to the “castle”.

If members of Zmey Gorynych’s team notice at least one of those hiding, they loudly call his name and place of hiding, and the group themselves run to the “castle”.

The team that runs to the “castle” before the other gets a point. Ivan Tsarevich’s team can run up and occupy the “castle” even before the location of the opponents is revealed or after they are seen.

Special notes: when repeating the game, the participants change roles.


Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, dexterity and attention.

Attributes: whistle.

Progress of the game: the game should be played either on the outskirts of the forest or in a clearing with bushes. One driver is selected from the players - the Giant. He and the leader stand in the center of the circle formed by the other players.

All players, turning their backs to the center of the circle, disperse 100 steps, counting them out loud. There they stop, turning to face the circle. At the Giant's whistle, the players begin to carefully approach the driver, trying not to be noticed. The driver carefully watches their movements. After a few minutes, the Giant gives a signal with a whistle, after which all players remain in their places, but come out of their hiding place. The player who manages to get closer to the circle unnoticed wins.

Special notes: if the driver notices and recognizes any of the players approaching unnoticed, he informs the Giant about it. Approaching players can use any means of movement: crawling, running while crouching, etc.


Progress of the game: players stand in a circle. One player is chosen as the leader and goes into the next room, or is blindfolded. Children hold hands tightly, forming a chain closed in a circle. Next, without letting go of their hands, the players entangle the chain as much as possible. To do this, they turn, twist, step over hands, crawl under hands, but under one condition: under no circumstances let go of their neighbor’s hands. When the circle

completely confused, they invite a presenter who must untangle the players. The leader begins to turn the chain back, but again, you cannot let go of your hands.

Special notes: the game can be repeated with a new leader.

Salki with lapta

Attributes: tennis ball, wooden bat, flag.

Progress of the game: The playing area measures 20 x 60 m. At one end there is a house line.

Game scheme

A flag is placed at a distance of 10 m from it. Players are divided into 2 equal teams. One team that hits stands behind the house line in a column one at a time. The team is given a ball and a bat, and a captain and server are selected. The other team, the driver, is located on the site.

The captain of the kicking team gives the ball to the serving player. He throws the ball up, and the first player standing in the column tries to hit it with his bast and send the ball as far as possible onto the court. If you miss, serve until the ball can be sent over the home line.

As soon as the ball has flown over the home line, the striker must leave the rounder, run to the flag, go around it and return back, standing at the end of his column. After that, he gets the right to hit. The striker brings the team a point if the driver fails to hit him with the ball while running. Otherwise, the drivers get a point. The driver’s task is to take the kicked ball and hit it at the batter who has run beyond the house line. To make it easier to hit, drivers can throw the ball to each other. If the batter runs over the home line, the drivers throw the ball to the server.

Drivers also receive a point for catching a kicked ball on the fly. They play 2 times, the time is agreed upon in advance.

Special notes: The batter who hits the ball over the home line must immediately run. Otherwise, the drivers get a point. Before running, the driver must leave the lapta within the house. Players of the hitting team, with the exception of the server, do not have the right to touch the ball themselves, both within the court and at home.

Extraordinary blind man's buff

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities, dexterity of movements.

Attributes: table or bench, 2 chairs, 10 small toys, 2 blindfolds.

Progress of the game: toys are laid out on a table placed at one end of the area. At the other end of the platform, 2 chairs are placed at some distance from each other. 2 players begin to play - “little fox” and “wolf cub”. They sit on chairs facing the table, both are blindfolded. The remaining players are located at the edges of the court. “Little Fox” and “Little Wolf” must move 5 objects from the table to their chair one at a time. The winner is the one of the “animals” who completes the job first.

Special notes: “cub” and “little fox” must start at the same time on a signal.

Hide and seek with a ball

Attributes: 3 flat stones, medium sized ball.

Progress of the game: before the start of the game, a place is marked on the court where 3 flat objects - stones - should be placed. A strike line is drawn 5 m from the stones. The driver remains near the stones. Players, having knocked down stones, run away and hide. The driver must collect stones and, with a ball in his hands, go look for those hiding. Having noticed one of the players, he always calls him by name, throws the ball at him and runs back to the stones. If he reaches the stones before the found player, he leaves the game. If the found player gets to the stones first, he knocks down the stones and hides again. While the driver is looking for players, any of them can run out and knock down stones. If someone manages to do this, then all caught players have the right to hide again. The game continues until the driver catches all the players.

Special notes: you can hide only when the stones are knocked down. The driver looks for players after he has collected and put all the stones in place. Having named the name of the hidden player, the driver must have time to run to the stones. If the named player manages to overtake the driver, he can knock him out of the game with the ball.

Don't drop the stones!

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, reaction speed, attention.

Attributes: small pebble.

Progress of the game: players stand in a circle at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, facing the center. They begin to pass the pebble with one hand in a circle, first to the right and then to the left. The player who drops the pebble leaves the game.

Special notes: there can be 2, 3 or more pebbles in the game. Pebbles may not be transferred, but thrown.

Kvass seller

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: blindfold.

Progress of the game: A “blind man’s buff” is selected from among the players. He is blindfolded and turned several times. The players ask loudly:

-Where are you standing?

- On Bridge.

- What do you sell?

- Then look for us!

“Zhmurka” goes to look for the players who dispersed around the court and stopped in place after the words “Then look for us!” The found player becomes a “blind man’s buff” if the driver not only touches him, but also calls him by name.

Special notes: children, while the “blind man’s buff” is looking for them, do not leave their places, but can crouch or lean to the side.

Salky with the Ogre

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: bright stick.

Progress of the game: The Ogre is chosen by lot from the players, he has a wand in his hands. All other players disperse around the playing area. At the presenter’s signal, the Ogre raises his bright wand and says: “I’m coming to catch you!” All players stand on one leg and try to jump away from the Ogre. The player whom the Ogre touched with his hand is eliminated from the game.

Special notes: you can change your leg once during the game. The cannibal, chasing children, also jumps on one leg.

Blind Man's Bluff with the Giant

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movements. Attributes: blindfold.

Progress of the game: players choose the driver - the Giant. He is blindfolded.

Game fragment

Then the players lightly hit him on the palms of their outstretched arms and ask in a whisper: “Who am I?” The giant must guess which of the players hit him. If he guesses right, that player becomes a Giant. If the Giant could not guess 3 times in a row, then a new driver is selected. Game continues.

Special notes: only one player can hit the Giant's palms at a time. You can't tell the Giant.


Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities.

Attributes: any items for forfeits.

Progress of the game: The driver is selected from the players. The rest of the players begin the game with the words:

Firstborns, firstborns,

The bells rang

On fresh dew,

On green grass.

There are seeds, nuts,

Honey, sugar,

Shut your mouth!

After the word "castle" players must remain silent. The driver tries to make the players laugh with funny movements, words, and jokes. The player who laughed or said at least one word gives the driver a forfeit. At the end of the game, players redeem their forfeits. The driver assigns them any moving tasks: run 10 meters backwards, jump around all the players on one leg, pretend to be a grimacing monkey, etc.

Special notes: the driver should not touch the players with his hands.

Rescue pebbles

Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities and coordination.

Attributes: several medium-sized flat stones.

Progress of the game: Players must cross a makeshift “swamp” using 4 pebbles. They stand on the line of play and begin to move through the “swamp”, stepping on pebbles, and then taking them back and again laying out their path with them. The player who reaches the finish line first wins.

Special notes: if one of the players falls into the “swamp”, he starts the game again.

Fortification defense

Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities, attention and dexterity.

Attributes: 3 sticks, volleyball.

Progress of the game: A large circle is drawn in the middle of the playing area, the players line up in a circle at arm's length. In the center of the circle, a fortification is built from three sticks tied at the top. A defender stands in the center of the circle to protect the fortification.

At the leader’s signal, the players begin to knock down the fortification with the ball. The defender prevents this by covering the tripod with his body and hitting the ball with his hands and feet. The player who manages to knock down the fortification goes to the defender’s place, and the former defender stands in a circle.

Special notes: players must not go beyond the circle. The defender has no right to hold the fortress with his hands. If the fortress only moves but does not fall, the defender continues to guard it. If the defender knocks down the fortress himself, then he ceases to be a defender, and in his place the player who has the ball in his hands at that moment stands in the circle.

Challenge rivals

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities, identification of the abilities of a leader and organizer.

Progress of the game: City lines are drawn at two opposite ends of the playing area. Participants in the game give them the names of ancient Russian cities (for example, Murom and Suzdal). The distance between them is about 30 m. 2 captains are selected from the players. The remaining players are divided into 2 equal teams. One of them is lined up behind the line of one city, the other - behind the line of another.

By lot, one of the teams starts the game. The captain sends a player to the city of the other team, whose members extend their right hands forward, palms up. The messenger challenges any of the players to compete in a run: he touches their palms, and whoever he touches for the third time is called by him. After the third touch, the player runs back to himself, and the opponent tries to catch him to the city line. If the player is caught, he is captured. If not, then the one who caught up becomes a prisoner.

The game continues, only now a player from the other team challenges the opponent to a competition. Members of each team strive to avoid being captured and to rescue their player from captivity. They try to call a player from the other team who has a prisoner. If the called player cannot catch up with his opponent, he goes to him as a prisoner, and his prisoner returns to his place. If the called player catches up with the opponent, then he will have 2 prisoners. The number of players on teams is constantly changing. The team of the city that has the largest number of prisoners before the end of the predetermined game time (for example, 5 or 10 minutes) wins.

Special notes: challenging the opponent, the player hits his palms while counting loudly out loud: “One, two, three!” Captives stand behind the player who captured them. If the captain is captured, he is replaced by one of the team players.


Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication abilities, dexterity.

Progress of the game: players are divided into 2 teams - “red” and “green”. A captain is selected for each team. Both teams stand in lines, one opposite the other at a distance of 10 m. Lines of houses are drawn in front of them. The captains begin a dialogue:

- I shot an arrow.

- I caught the thief.

- I threw a stone.

- I caught a hare.

- Which of you will come to us?

- I am a brave man!

After the last word, one of the “red” players runs to the other team and tries to run between the players. They hold hands and try not to miss him. The players of the “green” team, between whom the brave man managed to penetrate through the line, go to his team.

After this, a dialogue takes place between the captains again, only now it is started by the captain of the “green” team. If the brave man fails to run between the players of the other team, he remains captive. The team with the most prisoners wins.

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