Individual dental care products. Dental care products will protect us from tooth decay and other problems. Self-cleaning of dental surfaces

Proper oral care is absolutely common for modern people.

How to carry out the correct care procedure and what products to use, as well as how to care for the oral cavity in special cases, is further in the material.

Basic Rules

High-quality results are ensured by comprehensive oral care.

For a healthy smile, you need to follow a set of dental care procedures every day:

  • clean them;
  • use dental floss or toothpicks to clean the space between your teeth from remaining pieces of food;
  • use rinse aids;
  • rinse your mouth after each meal with saline solution, mouthwash or warm water;

Timely change of accessories for brushing teeth is also one of the important points of care. Old toothbrushes have a traumatic effect on the surface of the enamel, gums and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The toothbrush must be changed every 1.5-2 months.

You should also monitor the expiration date of the hygiene products used. If the expiration date expires, the product must be changed. Purchasing products for comprehensive oral care will cost, on average, much lower than the current cost of dental services.

You should brush your teeth twice a day: after and before bed.

This frequency of treatment is selected to ensure optimal care.

The duration of the teeth cleaning procedure should be at least 3 minutes.

To control the time of the procedure, you can use an hourglass, as many dentists advise.

The dental office must be visited for a routine examination 2 times a year, as well as if there are any complaints or suspicions of diseases of the oral cavity.

Oral care products


A toothbrush is the main item of oral hygiene.

When purchasing a brush, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

Electric and regular toothbrush

Toothbrushes are also classified into:

  • manual;
  • electrical;

Battery-powered electric brushes can reduce the time required for the procedure, as well as provide better cleansing of bacteria and plaque in the oral cavity.

There are various models of electric brushes: with a timer, removable brush heads, and others. They also vary in price.

There is an opinion among dentists that frequent use of electrical devices increases the risk of inflammatory processes in the gums and can also cause loose teeth.

Dental floss

Dental floss is also an important oral care device. They make it easy to clean the interdental space after eating.

There are several types of dental floss:

  • round. This type is suitable for people with large interdental spaces;
  • volumetric. They swell when wetted and are suitable for any type of teeth;
  • flat. They clean the teeth well at small intervals;
  • tape Suitable for gentle cleansing of teeth with large interdental spaces.

Using floss allows you to reduce the risk of oral diseases to a minimum, as well as maintain freshness and cleanliness of the oral cavity without additional procedures.


No teeth cleaning procedure is complete without toothpaste. Multi-ingredient toothpastes reduce the friction of tooth bristles on enamel, and also have a healing effect on teeth and gums.

The composition of toothpaste may include: fluoride, calcium, phosphates, abrasive particles, whitening, antiseptic components and other compounds.

There are many different types of toothpastes, mainly the preparations are classified into:

  • hygienic;
  • treatment and prophylactic;
  • medicinal.

In everyday life, people use the first two types of toothpastes depending on their preferences.

The third type is intended for use by people suffering from dental or gum diseases. To reduce sensitivity or, whitening or comprehensive care, you should choose different pastes. Sometimes it is recommended to change their types.

When choosing oral care products, customers should pay attention to the purpose of the paste and individual needs.

Rinse aids

Mouth rinses allow you to give the oral cavity freshness, a pleasant smell and clean the interdental space from food debris without the need for a brushing procedure.

When wearing orthodontic structures, the use of rinses is mandatory.
There are several types of rinses:

  1. antiseptic. Aimed at cleansing the oral cavity from bacteria;
  2. medicinal. Aimed at caring for gums and eliminating inflammation.

There are many rinse aids from different companies. Oral care products should be tailored to individual needs: determine the purpose of using the product and choose the appropriate one.

Caring for the oral cavity of a seriously ill patient

Seriously ill people are not able to independently provide themselves with the necessary oral hygiene. To avoid the processes of erosion and decay, it is necessary to regularly help the patient brush his teeth.

Hygienic care of the patient's oral cavity is carried out using a soft toothbrush, which is not capable of damaging the mucous membranes.

If the patient is conscious, oral care for the patient is as follows:

  1. help the patient place his head in the correct position;
  2. put a towel under your chin, place a container on the towel for spitting;
  3. rinse your mouth with water;
  4. put on gloves, squeeze the paste onto the toothbrush and, using sweeping movements, clean from the incisors to the chewing teeth on all sides of the dentition;
  5. ask the patient to spit out the paste several times during the procedure;
  6. rinse your mouth;
  7. If necessary, lubricate the surface of the lips with Vaseline.

If you have dentures, they must be removed and this procedure performed without the participation of the patient.

After tooth extraction

  • eat food within 2-3 hours;
  • drink hot drinks;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol for a day;
  • take water procedures in very hot water;
  • experience intense physical activity;
  • touch the area of ​​the extracted tooth with your tongue or other objects;
  • make intense movements with the muscles of the mouth.

Features of care after tooth extraction:

  1. In the first few days, intensive mouth rinsing is not recommended. This can cause tissue damage and subsequent bleeding;
  2. Intensive cleaning of the damaged area is prohibited. It is best to go around the hole with a toothbrush in a circle;
  3. if there is pain, it is recommended to take analgesic medications prescribed by a doctor;
  4. When applying, apply ice wrapped in a towel to your cheek. Keep the area cold for no more than half an hour.

The gauze pad that holds back the blood must be removed half an hour after the procedure. If the bleeding does not stop, you should contact your doctor again.

After dental implantation

To avoid possible complications after the procedure, oral care after dental implantation must be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

  1. It is not recommended to chew with implants for several days, especially if the food is hard or fibrous;
  2. smoking, drinking alcoholic and hot drinks is prohibited during the day;
  3. After the procedure, it is recommended to avoid brushing the installed tooth for several days. Instead, it is recommended to use special rinses;
  4. in the first days it is necessary to eat only chilled drinks and dishes;
  5. It is not recommended to touch the implant frequently, as it may be damaged;
  6. It is necessary to ensure sleep on a higher surface so that the head is in the correct position. To do this, you need to use several pillows;
  7. in the presence of pain, it is recommended to take painkillers.

Implantation is a rather complex and expensive procedure, so care for the implanted tooth should be of the highest quality.

Features of hygiene procedures for children

Regular and proper oral care must be taught from an early age. To clean children's teeth, there are special children's toothpastes and brushes designed for baby teeth.

As soon as a child's first teeth appear, parents need to provide regular care for them. When a child becomes older and can carry out the cleaning procedure independently, the parents’ task is to ensure proper care.

For children, oral care algorithm is as follows:

  1. Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to your toothbrush;
  2. the child should not swallow the paste;
  3. movements must be correct: sweeping, but not circular;
  4. the procedure time must be at least three minutes;
  5. it is necessary to clean the surface of the tongue and cheeks;
  6. Parents should help the child complete brushing his teeth if he does not do it well enough and plaque remains on the enamel.

The future health of a child’s smile depends on the hygiene skills acquired in childhood. If you turn the procedure into a game, the child will be happy to take care of the oral cavity.

Useful video

In this episode of the “Live Healthy” program, Elena Malysheva and her medical colleagues talk about how to care for your oral cavity:

Proper oral hygiene can reduce the risk of problems with teeth and gums. The importance of regular oral care cannot be overestimated. In this article you will learn how to do it correctly, what care procedures exist, and the most commonly used oral hygiene products.

In the process of human evolution, teeth “learned” to withstand heavy loads. But even this is not enough for them today.

Poor ecology, poor quality of drinking water and other problems have a detrimental effect on the condition of tooth enamel. Namely, she is the main protector of teeth from disease and destruction.

Good dental care includes daily brushing and periodic visits to the dentist.

Proper oral hygiene is:
Caring for your teeth with a brush and toothpaste. Twice a day;
Cleaning teeth from food debris and plaque immediately after eating it;
Regular oral examinations and professional care at the dentist's office.

An important part of proper oral hygiene is brushing your teeth. But, you need to not only brush your teeth regularly, but also do it correctly.

The toothbrush should be held at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the tooth. In addition, it is necessary to move the toothbrush correctly over the surface of the tooth. The bottom row is cleaned from bottom to top, and the top row, vice versa. That is, the movements of the toothbrush should be from the gums to the surface of the tooth.

Teeth are brushed in the following sequence: First, you need to brush them from the outside, then move to the inside, and finish cleaning on the chewing surface of the tooth.

IMPORTANT: Each tooth must be brushed at least ten times.

Filled teeth are the weakest, so you need to pay more attention to cleaning them.

When brushing your teeth, you need to pay attention to your tongue. In addition, you need to massage your gums. In the morning, use a toothpaste with a whitening effect, and in the evening, use a toothpaste with medicinal herbs.

After every meal, especially one that includes sweet dishes, it is necessary to clear your mouth of any remaining sugar. For this purpose, you can use chewing gum. But you shouldn’t keep it in your mouth for a long time. Ten minutes will be enough.

A special dental floss was invented to clean teeth from stuck pieces of food. It can also be used for oral care after meals.

Oral hygiene products

Oral hygiene products

The basis of oral hygiene is cleaning teeth from food debris. For this purpose the following are used:
dental floss;
mouth rinse.

In order to take good care of your teeth, you need to choose the right products for such care. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of toothbrush and toothpaste. The brush is selected according to its degree of hardness. If you are afraid of injuring your teeth by choosing the wrong toothbrush, then it is better to consult a dentist. The specialist will select this hygiene item based on an examination of your teeth. The same goes for toothpaste.

IMPORTANT: It is best to select such hygiene products together with your dentist.

Recently, the procedure of ultrasonic cleaning of teeth has been very popular. With this hygiene procedure you can clean your teeth from dark plaque. This plaque can be caused by drinking coffee, tea and smoking. But even for those people who do not abuse it, their teeth may darken over time.

Unfortunately, dark plaque is not only the cause of deterioration in the appearance of teeth, but also a harbinger of the formation of tartar.

You can protect yourself from this problem by using ultrasonic teeth cleaning. Removing plaque and tartar using ultrasound is the most effective teeth cleaning procedure today. Any modern dental office has an ultrasonic scaler, with the help of which this procedure is carried out.

Removing plaque and tartar using such a device is a painless procedure. With the help of ultrasonic vibration acting on the teeth, it is possible to remove not only deposits visible to the eye, but also those that cannot be detected even with the help of special means.

IMPORTANT: Ultrasound not only fights deposits and tartar, but also destroys bacteria harmful to the body.

During ultrasonic cleaning, tooth enamel is not damaged at all. Moreover, having been cleared of deposits, tooth enamel better absorbs nutrients from toothpaste and food.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve oral health through care and prevention alone. Sometimes you have to resort to treatment. Problems with teeth and gums can appear due to heredity, the use of various medications, spicy foods, alcohol and the development of various infectious diseases.
Oral diseases are classified into:
infectious and inflammatory;
Infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity include: pharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity). If you experience symptoms of these problems, you need to get qualified help from specialists.
Viral diseases of the oral cavity include herpes and papillomas. It is impossible to completely get rid of these problems. With the help of therapeutic methods, the manifestation of these diseases can be eliminated.

IMPORTANT: Fungal diseases of the oral cavity can lead to candidiasis.

Oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is a disease that is caused by the actions of yeast-like fungi - saprophytes. As a result, a white coating appears on the oral mucosa and tongue. This type of plaque usually does not cause pain. But, if it is not detected in time and treated, candidiasis can “grow” to other organs.

Oral candidiasis can be caused by poor diet, decreased immune system, work in hazardous working conditions, etc. Treatment of oral candidiasis occurs with the help of various medications. The most popular of them are antifungal drugs such as nystatin or levorin.

Prevention of caries

Prevention of caries

Caries is a slowly progressing pathological process of destruction of hard dental tissues. Translated from Latin, caries means “rotting.” Many experts consider caries, this dental disease, to be the scourge of modern society. It is believed that the development of this disease was influenced by the modern diet and poor environment.

Today it is believed that the worst factors influencing the development of caries are:
Improperly balanced diet;
The presence of harmful compounds in drinking water;
Social and climatic conditions.

In order to reduce the development of caries, it is necessary to eat properly, drink clean water and carry out regular oral care.

IMPORTANT: Dental caries can often be caused by eating too much sweets between meals.

Sugar residues on teeth lead to destruction of their enamel.

In order to prevent caries, you need to brush your teeth after eating, eat solid fruits and vegetables (they have a teeth-cleaning effect) and increase your intake of fluoride-containing foods. Fluoride is a mineral that is an effective weapon against tooth decay.

Professional oral hygiene

Professional oral hygiene is a set of measures aimed at caring for teeth and gums, carried out in specialized institutions. This procedure is performed by periodontists or dental hygienists.

When you first contact specialists for professional oral hygiene, they will perform an examination and determine the presence of problems associated with teeth and gums. Then, the dentist will develop a set of measures related to solving the identified problems.

Professional oral hygiene includes:
Training in proper dental care;
Selection of hygiene products;
Cleaning teeth from deposits.
And other events.

In order to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, you need to visit the dentist regularly. A professional oral examination will help identify most problems at an early stage. Which will greatly simplify their solution.
Be healthy!

Video: Professional oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is a complex of hygienic procedures: individual and professional cleaning of the dentition, gum pockets and tongue. Cleaning can be done at home or in a dental clinic by a professional hygienist.

Professional oral hygiene is carried out twice a year to clean numerous interdental areas, remove plaque, restore the color of enamel and other work that is difficult to perform at home.

Individual hygiene procedures must be carried out daily, twice a day after meals. The most important is the evening procedure, carried out immediately before bed: plaque accumulated during the day can contribute to the growth of bacteria, the formation of caries and gum pathology.

Methodology for assessing hygienic condition

To determine the degree of contamination, a test with special dyes and an enamel testing scale for the oral hygiene index is used.

The degree of contamination is determined by the color saturation of the dye, which is applied to the enamel layer, painting the frontal, medial, vestibular and occlusal surfaces. The quality of the index assessment is measured in points based on the intensity of staining of the areas of each individual tooth:

Important!“Each dental clinic uses its own methods for determining the enamel contamination index, using special solutions and a scale for measuring plaque deposits.”

Hygiene criteria

The oral cavity is filled with microorganisms involved in the primary breakdown of food, preserving enamel and maintaining the general condition of the body's microflora. In advanced cases, the microflora is filled with pathogenic bacteria that destroy enamel and deform gum tissue.

Important!“Problem areas for cleaning plaque deposits are: the inner surface of the teeth; internal occlusal part of the lower molars; outer mesiobuccal aspect of the molars.”

Basic hygiene products

In order to thoroughly carry out daily procedures for cleaning deposits, oral hygiene products are needed; basic cleaning supplies include:

  • Toothbrush- the basis of any hygienic process, it can be used for a maximum of two months, then it must be changed.
  • Toothpaste– it would be optimal to use a product with a high content of fluorine and potassium to mineralize and strengthen the enamel coating.

Professional hygiene procedure

Professional oral hygiene from a dental hygienist will help you completely get rid of plaque deposits.

Why is oral hygiene so important in dentistry, what is included in the mandatory procedures, and why is professional help in cleaning teeth necessary?

Firstly: removing accumulations of soft plaque is difficult without professional help; over time, it tends to harden into tartar, which is not possible to remove on your own.

Secondly: hard plaque not only spoils the appearance, but also promotes the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to the formation of caries, periodontitis and many other diseases.

Professional oral hygiene differs in the type of appointment and the instrumental equipment used in the procedure. Before starting any operation, the dental hygienist rinses the patient’s mouth with an antiseptic solution and, if the surfaces are to be thoroughly treated, uses anesthetics to treat the gum tissue using a spray, gel or injection.

Cleaning surfaces from soft deposits

Oral hygiene cleaning products for soft plaque:

This cleaning uses attachments with hard brushes, specialized pastes and gels with a high content of abrasive particles.

The brushes rotate in a circle at a sufficient speed, and this method effectively removes soft dental plaque.

  • Mechanical cleaning using a scaler or Air-Flow device.

During the cleaning process using the Air-Flow ultrasonic device, a nozzle is used that, under strong pressure, directs a stream of air with a special solution and small abrasive particles onto the tooth surface.

When the antiseptic solution hits the surface, it washes away and removes dirt and plaque particles. The air flow helps remove abrasive residues.

In this way, the enamel layer, mucous membrane and gum pockets are cleaned from soft bacterial plaque.

Removing hard build-up

Previously, procedures for removing hard stone were carried out by peeling and chipping dental stones using special dental instruments; such an operation damaged the enamel and provoked the occurrence of microcracks and chips.
Currently, safe and effective oral hygiene products are used, these include:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning

This is by far the most popular cleaning; it effectively removes stone deposits and other pathological formations on the enamel, in interdental crevices, under the gums, and in periodontal pockets.

Cleaning is carried out using a scaler and an Air-Flow jet device using special nozzles for solid deposits. After cleaning, the enamel is ground and polished.

  • Laser hygienic cleaning

This method copes with stone deposits of varying densities and sizes; the laser removes both old hardened plaque in the gum pockets and the surface membrane formed as a result of smoking or eating foods with coloring elements.

At the end of the procedure, the enamel is coated with dental varnish or gel, which reduces sensitivity and protects against the effects of pathogenic microflora.

Laser cleaning is a more gentle procedure than ultrasound; one of its advantages is that it is absolutely painless and therefore does not require prior anesthesia.

Any dental clinic provides professional teeth cleaning services using laser and ultrasound equipment, which are the most optimal today.

Important!“To remove deposits, it is necessary to carry out as many cleaning sessions as the contaminated surface requires. As a rule, combined types of cleansing are used for more effective results.”

Benefits of professional cleaning

Professional cleaning is a mandatory pre-treatment procedure for the mouth before any dental surgery. Cleaning is necessary for the following reasons:

  • when plaque is removed, the process of enriching tissues with minerals and microelements is accelerated, which has a beneficial effect not only on the crown, but also on the root part, alveolar areas and periodontium;
  • clean enamel without stone deposits allows for a more thorough diagnosis, checking the exact shade of the enamel, detecting microchips and microcracks, and identifying caries in the stain stage.

Before prosthetics and restoration, it is necessary to carry out professional cleaning; only in this case is optimal correction of the tooth structure possible.

Important!“It is necessary to carry out dental cleaning and check for any deformations once every six months, in which case there is a chance to prevent any diseases of the teeth, gums and mucous membranes.”

Self-cleaning of dental surfaces

To maintain the oral cavity in optimal hygienic condition, it is necessary to follow basic hygiene rules: use specially selected toothpastes and brushes and brush your teeth daily, always maintaining the correct range of motion.

Basic Rules

They begin to clean the dentition from the lingual side, then the vestibular part of the enamel is covered, and only after that the tops of the crowns are cleaned.

For internal and external manipulations, the brush is installed at an angle of 45 degrees from the surface and moves smoothly from the root to the top. Each tooth must be brushed separately at least 10 times.

Cleaning begins with the upper molars, moving the brush in wave-like movements and gradually moving it to the molars, and this is repeated several times, in the same way the procedure is performed in the opposite direction (from the molars to the front) to strengthen the result.

The inside requires especially thorough cleaning. It is necessary to clean with identical circular movements in the direction from the root to the apex and from the front to the molars, carefully cleaning the inside of the incisors.

For thorough treatment, you can use an irrigator; it cleans the cavity of food debris, prevents the formation of plaque, prevents the formation of caries and gingivitis, and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Hygienic tongue cleaning

Hygiene procedures include mandatory cleansing of the tongue. During the cleaning process, pathogenic mucus, plaque, and food debris are removed from the surface of the tongue.

The tongue contains a large number of papillae and cavities, which are filled with microscopic food debris. As a result, the tongue becomes a source of proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms - through saliva, bacteria enter the surface of the enamel, gum tissue and the gastrointestinal tract.

hygiene mouth antiseptic polishing tooth

Oral hygiene in children under one year of age

  • 1. Motivational work and training in hygienic oral care should be carried out with every pregnant woman visiting the dentist:
    • a) selection of individual hygiene products for the woman is carried out in accordance with the clinical situation;
    • b) talks about the causes of dental diseases in children with training in caring for the oral cavity of a newborn:
      • - you should not kiss the child on the face;
      • - you cannot lick a pacifier that has fallen out of a child’s mouth; it must be treated with boiled water;
      • - It is not recommended to lick a baby spoon before feeding a baby;
      • - after each meal, it is necessary to clean the baby’s mouth using a disposable soft terry cloth soaked in warm boiled water or using a children’s toothbrush for toothless jaws;
      • - the first teeth that erupt should be wiped with a damp cloth from the gum to the cutting edge of the tooth, removing all plaque. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.
    • c) explains the need to visit the dentist with a child after 1.5 years to correct oral hygiene.

Please note that only parents carry out hygienic measures in the child’s oral cavity, so it is necessary to have 2 toothbrushes. One of them is designed for parents to clean the child’s teeth and should have a long handle and a small head with very soft bristles, for example, Oral-B Plus 30, Indicator 30. The other toothbrush is designed for a child with a comfortable thick and bright handle, and also small head with very small bristles. The baby should like the toothbrush and will use it as a toy. It is not advisable to use toothpaste during this period for the following reasons: firstly, foam makes it difficult to visually control movements in the mouth, secondly, the baby will most likely swallow it, and thirdly, it can cause a strong urge to vomit;

Oral hygiene for children 2-3 years old

  • 1. During this period, care for the child’s oral cavity is also carried out by parents 2 times a day. It is gradually necessary to teach the child to spit due to the introduction of hygienic toothpastes into this procedure. These include: “Children’s”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “Moidodyr”, “Orange”, “Mint”, etc.
  • 2. From the age of 3, a child is taught oral hygiene.

It is explained to the child:

  • a) why teeth are needed (for chewing, speech and beauty);
  • b) if you don’t take care of your teeth, they can hurt;
  • c) how to brush your teeth,

At this age, children's coordination of movements improves and they are already capable of concentrating their attention for a longer period of time. Therefore, it is possible to gradually teach them the cleaning method KAI. Its essence is as follows:

start brushing your teeth chewable surfaces, moving the brush with short translational movements from the outermost tooth of one side to the outermost tooth of the other side separately on the upper and lower jaws;

vestibular surfaces are cleaned with circular movements with the teeth closed, simultaneously grabbing the upper and lower teeth, gradually moving the brush from the extreme right teeth to the extreme left;

With oral On the sides, the teeth are cleaned in the same sequence as on the chewing side, performing vertical sweeping movements from the gingival margin to the chewing surface.

3. Parents continue to complete the hygiene procedure after the child. In addition, you should start brushing your teeth with additional hygiene products - flossing, with special attention paid to tightly standing primary molars. To prevent caries, parents floss proximal surfaces using flossets. Flossettes resemble a two-pronged fork with dental floss stretched between the tips of the teeth. Flossets can be disposable. In reusable ones, spools and thread tensioning devices are attached to the holders. The flossing technique corresponds to the two-handed method, which is used in the next age period.

Oral hygiene in children from 4 to 6 years old

  • 1. The working part of the toothbrush should be small and narrow with medium-hard bristles (to remove Priestley plaque).
  • 2. Brushing of teeth by children is carried out under the supervision of adults, especially with regard to the amount of paste squeezed out (no more than a pea), since the use of preventive toothpaste is already desirable. Currently, preference is given to fluorine-containing pastes with a reduced content of fluoride ions. In places where the water does not contain fluoride compounds and other trace elements, toothpaste with fluoride can become the only source. In places of residence with high and high levels of fluoride compounds in drinking water sources (1.5 or more mg/l), fluoride-containing pastes should not be used.

In toothpastes intended for children under 6 years of age, the fluoride content does not exceed 500 ppm, for example, the pastes “Stages”, “Vitosha”, “Drakosha” (peach, strawberry), “Drakosha Gel with calcium” and others. This is due to the fact that children swallow up to 30% of toothpaste while brushing their teeth.

To prevent children from swallowing toothpaste, fruit flavors are increasingly less often added to children's toothpastes. During the period of milk and mixed dentition, low abrasive gel toothpastes are used.

After the child has brushed his teeth, it is a good idea to demonstrate the quality of brushing, using special dyes to detect plaque, and help the child complete oral hygiene, especially in the area of ​​the 6 teeth that have erupted.

  • 3. The procedure should be completed with floss to prevent proximal caries, especially in the area between primary and permanent molars.
  • 4. At this age you should start using mouthwashes. The range of liquid oral hygiene products for children is limited. Non-alcohol based rinses are used. The composition of the rinses includes antiseptics (triclosan, cetylpyridine chloride, chlorhexedine) and fluorides, for example: Plax, (Colgate), Profluorid-M (Voco). Due to them, rinses acquire anti-plaque properties, that is, the ability to prevent the formation and formation of soft plaque.

Oral hygiene in children of primary school age (7-10 years old)

  • 1. For mixed dentition, a toothbrush with soft bristles, wear level indicators, and a large handle is preferred. Children of this age should be proficient in the CAI method, gradually mastering the more effective Marthaler method. This is a method of instructing schoolchildren. It is a simplified version of the standard method, adapted to their psychophysical capabilities. Since children make maximum efforts in the first stages of cleaning, it is recommended to clean the chewing surfaces first:
    • - the brush is installed on chewing the surface of the upper teeth on the right, where they make 10 short horizontal movements, and then gradually move the brush along the arch of the jaw to the opposite edge, where they also make 10 cleaning movements. Then the chewing surface of the lower teeth is cleaned in the same way.
    • - vestibular surfaces are cleaned with teeth closed and cheeks relaxed so that the brush head can move freely in the vestibule of the oral cavity. Place the brush perpendicular to the vestibular surfaces on the right and make vertical zigzag movements (up to 10 on one segment), simultaneously cleaning the teeth of the upper and lower jaws and applying equal forces when moving the brush up and down. In this way they advance to the outermost teeth on the left.
    • - during cleansing oral surfaces, the brush head is placed almost vertically. With short sweeping movements they move along the palatal surfaces of the teeth of the upper jaw from one edge to the other. Then the head of the brush is placed on the lingual surface of the lower teeth (the handle “looks” upward) and in the same way passes along the lingual surface of the lower teeth.
  • 2. After 6 years of age, a child can use toothpaste with a higher fluoride content (youth, adult). The content of fluoride compounds in toothpastes for teenagers, on average, is 1000 ppm (Colgate Bugs Bunny; Colgate Tweety; Forest Balm with pine nut oil and others).
  • 3. Adults must supervise cleaning and also floss proximal surfaces using a two-handed method. Particular attention should be paid not only to contacts in the molar area, but also to the approximal surfaces of the frontal group of teeth of the upper and lower jaws. Flossing can be reel or ring (depending on thread retention). Usually a piece 30-40 cm long is used, which is wound around the middle finger of one hand (coil). The second end is wound 2-3 times around the middle finger of the second hand. The length of the stretched thread between the fingers is approximately 4-5 cm; during flossing, the thread is held on both sides with the thumb and forefinger of both hands.

With the ring method, the length of thread is the same, but its ends are tied with a triple knot. All fingers, except the thumbs, are inserted into the ring. A section of thread 1.5-2 cm long is held with the fingers of both hands, in the process gradually moving to a new section, twisting the ring.

The floss must be inserted into the interdental space very carefully, pushing through the contact point. On the upper jaw, the thumb and index fingers are used, and on the lower jaw, two index fingers are used. When the contact point is passed, a click is heard. Next, the pressure on the floss must be reduced and the floss must be carefully guided along the tooth surface to be cleaned to the level of the gingival groove. Cleansing movements should be carried out in a horizontal plane in the oral-vestibular direction. Moving into the adjacent interdental space, use a clean piece of thread.

Liquid oral hygiene products for teenagers are the same as for adults; it is not recommended to use mouthwashes containing alcohol.

Oral hygiene in children 10-14 years old

1. The main hygiene products at this age are medium-hard brushes and preventive, including adult, fluoride-containing pastes: Pepsodent, Colgate, Blend-a-med, Silka, Family, Zodiac. , “Fluodent”, “Sage”, “Oxygenol”, “Ftorodent”, “Binaka”, as well as pastes containing calcium salts and phosphates: “Cedar balsam with calcium”, “32 pearls with minerals”, “Pearl”, “ Arbat", "Moskvichka", "Cheburashka". The following toothpastes containing enzymes can be used for children: “White-pink”, “Smile”, “Special”, “Sorceress”, “Phosphotase”, “Transparent”, “Crystal”. In the event that there are periodontal diseases, it is possible to use toothpastes containing herbal preparations and biologically active substances: “Lesnaya”, Karofila”, “Lamident”, “Chlorophyll”, “Azulena”, “Izumrud”, “Novinka-72”, “ Chamomile”, “Eureka”, “Aira”, “Pinocchio”, “Extra”, “Rozodent”, “Nutcracker”, etc.

The main method of brushing teeth is the Martaller method.

Flossing is used to clean formed and emerging contact surfaces.

Method of using floss:

You should take 30-40 cm of dental floss, wrap most of it around the middle finger of one hand and fix it on the middle finger of the other hand, leaving a distance of 10 cm free. These fingers should be used as “spools”, gradually rewinding the thread to free up a clean area . Using your thumbs and forefingers, you need to pull the thread horizontally, carefully insert it into the interdental space, lower it to the level of the neck of one of the teeth, without touching the gingival papilla, and make a “sawing-scraping” movement, pressing the thread tightly against the wall of the tooth. Then, having moved the thread, lower its clean section into the same interdental space, pressing it against the contact wall of another tooth, and again make a “sawing-scraping” movement. Clean all interdental spaces in the same way.

Particular attention must be paid to the hygiene of children undergoing orthodontic treatment. The presence of any orthodontic structures in the oral cavity complicates the procedure of teeth cleaning. The presence of removable or fixed orthodontic appliances contributes to the formation of dental plaque and mineralized dental deposits. To care for the oral cavity, as well as elements of removable and non-removable equipment, special hygiene products are recommended.

To clean removable orthodontic equipment, it is recommended to use regular brushes for cleaning teeth and special (one-sided and double-sided) brushes, as well as brushes that have increased rigidity and are larger in size compared to those for cleaning teeth. For chemical cleaning, you can use special solutions or instant tablets. Removable structures are soaked in them for 10-20 minutes (“Cogea tabs”, “Protefix”).

Caring for the oral cavity in the presence of fixed structures is much more difficult. It is necessary to use special-purpose brushes: orthodontic, single-beam, sulcular (Bulter, Oral-B). Orthodontic toothbrushes have a longitudinal V-shaped recess over the entire surface of the bristle field, and shorter internal bristles along the bristle field allow high-quality cleaning of the vestibular surfaces of the teeth if they have a fixed arch on them. When brushing your teeth, movements with such a brush are carried out only in the vertical plane. In addition, you can use an Oral-B Advantage preventative toothbrush with microtextured bristles, which have a power protrusion and an active V-shaped depression in the lower third of the brush head. “Sulcus” toothbrushes have two rows of bristles and are designed to clean the gingival groove and narrow interdental spaces; they are convenient for oral hygiene in the presence of both orthodontic and orthopedic structures, as well as in cases of crowded teeth.

Auxiliary means are small- and single-tuft toothbrushes, brushes (interproximal brushes), flosses, superflosses, dental tapes, interdental stimulators.

Cleaning with a constant or pulsating stream of water, as well as special solutions using oral irrigators (hydromassers), can be quite effective. It is advisable to use non-alcoholic rinses with anticaries, anti-plaque, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects.

Oral hygiene in children 15-18 years old

Oral hygiene in children 15-18 years old is practically no different from that in adults. During this period, the role of parents in periodic control and material support is still important.

Use medium-hard toothbrushes and fluoride-containing toothpastes (in regions with low fluoride content in water).

The main one is standard teeth cleaning method:

The dentition is conventionally divided into molars, premolars and anterior teeth on the right and left sides. Teeth should be brushed with open dentition. The brush is positioned at 45 degrees to the tooth surface. They begin to clean the vestibular surface of the upper jaw on the left, performing 10 sweeping movements from the neck of the tooth to the cutting edge at each site, then the palatine. The teeth of the lower jaw are cleaned in the same way. The chewing surface of the teeth is cleaned with horizontal movements. The procedure is completed with circular movements along the vestibular surface, grasping the teeth and gums.

Additional hygiene products include floss or dental tape and rinses.

Oral hygiene in adults with marginal periodontal diseases with minor swelling, minor plaque and without abscess formation

A) for gingivitis - ultrasound (in 1-2 visits);


  • b) the use of complex toothpastes with fluoride and medicinal herbs is indicated: “Dentavit” medicinal herbs; “Health” with sage extract; “Health” with chamomile; “Health” with calamus; Silca Blue Mint and others;
  • c) for oral care, the standard method of brushing teeth is appropriate;
  • d) to clean the side surfaces of the teeth, it is necessary to use dental floss, and where there are wide interdental spaces, use brushes of the appropriate size.

Method of using a brush:

The brush is inserted alternately into each interdental space, performing 8-10 reciprocating movements, first from the outside and then from the inside.

d) To reduce plaque formation, increase the acid resistance of enamel, and deodorize the oral cavity, you can recommend the use of a rinse (for example, “Healing Balm”) that contains sodium fluoride, triclosan and herbal extracts. You should rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day after eating for 15-30 seconds.

Oral hygiene in adults with marginal periodontal diseases with minor swelling, heavy plaque and without abscess formation

1. After motivation, it is necessary to remove dental plaque:

A) for gingivitis - ultrasound (in 1-2 visits);

b) for chronic periodontitis - manually or combined (in 3-4 visits).

Training in individual oral hygiene should begin from the first visit:

  • a) it is recommended to use a toothbrush with a small head, artificial bristles of medium hardness, located in tufts and at different levels. The brush is replaced every 2-3 months due to abrasion and bacterial contamination;
  • b) pastes with soda and active cleaning ingredients will help remove heavy plaque: “Dentavit” whitening; Silca Baking Soda: Lacalut fluor: Elce med Brillant Weiss. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, pastes need to be alternated and changed. A good complex is represented by toothpastes with fluoride and anti-inflammatory components, such as “Dentavit” medicinal herbs; "Dentavit" antimicrobial with silver; “Health” with sage extract; “Health” with chamomile; “Health” with calamus; Silca Blue Mint; Silca Vitamin Plus;
  • c) for dental care, the patient can be recommended an effective and easy-to-remember method of brushing teeth, which was developed by Professor V.G. Bokaya. The brush is placed with bristles perpendicular to the vestibular surface of the teeth and scraping movements are made from the mucous membrane of the gums to the chewing surface and the cutting edge of each tooth, at the rate of 20-25 movements for each tooth. Then the teeth are cleaned on the oral side in the same way. Chewing surfaces are cleaned with horizontal movements;
  • d) to clean the side surfaces of the teeth, it is necessary to use dental floss, and where there are wide interdental spaces, use brushes of the appropriate size;
  • e) to reduce the formation of plaque, increase the acid resistance of enamel, and deodorize the oral cavity, we can recommend the use of the “Healing Balm” rinse, which contains sodium fluoride, triclosan and herbal extracts. You should rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day after eating for 15-30 seconds.

Oral hygiene in adults with marginal periodontal diseases with minor swelling, with purulent exudate from periodontal pockets and without abscess formation

After motivation, it is necessary to remove dental plaque:

  • a) for gingivitis - ultrasound (in 1-2 visits);
  • b) for chronic periodontitis - manually or combined (in 3-4 visits).

Training in individual oral hygiene should begin from the first visit:

  • a) it is recommended to use a toothbrush with a small head, artificial bristles of medium hardness, located in tufts and at different levels. The brush is replaced every 2-3 months due to abrasion and bacterial contamination;
  • b) for oral care, it is necessary to use pastes with triclosan and chlorhexidine for 2-3 weeks (“Dentavit” with the antimicrobial component triclosanim; “Dentavit” multi-care with natural microgranules; Lacalut activ; El-ce med Brillant 40 Plus). After complex treatment, you can use therapeutic and prophylactic pastes with fluoride and anti-inflammatory components, such as “Dentavit” medicinal herbs; "Dentavit" healing balm; “Health” with sage extract; “Health” with chamomile; "Forest"; Silca Herba; Silca Herb Plus; El-ce med Enzim KomplexA and others;
  • c) during the treatment process, rinses and other liquid oral care products should be used: “Eludril”, chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.02%; decoctions and infusions of herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, etc.), rinse "Healing balm", etc.;
  • d) a good method of brushing teeth in this situation is the technique proposed by the American dentist Bass. It includes three stages. At the first stage, with open dentition, horizontal or light circular cleaning movements are made along the chewing surfaces of the teeth. Then the outer surfaces of the teeth are cleaned separately on the upper and lower jaws. First, the toothbrush is placed at the height of the last large chewing tooth diagonally to the gum (angle 45), the brush is lightly pressed and 8-10 vibrating, “wiping” movements are performed. Then the brush is moved slightly forward, capturing the already cleaned area, and again make 8-10 vibrating, wiping movements. These movements continue to the canine and incisors, reaching the last chewing tooth on the other side. The inner surfaces of the teeth are also cleaned;
  • e) to clean the side surfaces of the teeth, it is necessary to use dental floss, and where there are wide interdental spaces, use brushes of the appropriate size.

Oral hygiene in adults with marginal periodontal diseases with severe swelling and bleeding without abscess formation

1. Before learning individual oral hygiene and removing dental plaque, the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues should be reduced using local drug treatment. For this, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs. Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive Paste (Solko Basel AG) is highly effective.

Method of using Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive Paste:

  • a) you must first dry the oral mucosa with a cotton or gauze swab;
  • b) using a cotton swab or a trowel, apply Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive Paste to the gum mucosa;
  • c) using a cotton ball, generously moistened with water, distribute the drug over the surface of the gum mucosa;
  • e) Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive Paste should be applied 1-3 times a day for 2-3 days.
  • 2. After drug exposure, it is necessary to conduct training in individual oral hygiene using a model and a toothbrush.

Teaching method:

  • a) it is recommended to use a toothbrush with a short working part, artificial, soft and thin bristles with rounded ends;
  • b) a more gentle and effective method of brushing teeth at the moment is the Charter method. To do this, you need to position the toothbrush so that the bristles are at an angle of 45 to the gum edge, with the tips to the chewing surface. Without lifting the bristles from the tooth surface, perform light shaking or circular movements, penetrating into the interdental spaces. Carry out 10-15 cleaning movements from the vestibular surface of the last chewing tooth of the upper jaw. Moving gradually, all teeth are cleaned one by one. Then they move to the oral surface, making similar movements. Use circular movements to clean the chewing surface. Then the lower jaw teeth are cleaned. All movements should be done slowly to avoid abrasions on the inflamed mucous membrane. At first it will take 3-5 minutes. You should brush your teeth after breakfast and dinner;
  • c) it is recommended to use toothpastes with salts and anti-inflammatory components to reduce swelling and bleeding, such as “Dentavit” with Dead Sea minerals; Elce med Enzim Complex A; Silca Vitamin Plus; "Dentavit" healing balm; “Pomorin”, “Balsam”, etc.;
  • G)
  • 3. 2-3 days after learning rational oral hygiene, it is recommended to carry out professional removal of dental plaque:
    • a) for gingivitis, ultrasonic removal of dental plaque is used in 1-2 visits, followed by manual control by probing;
    • b) for chronic periodontitis, a manual or combined method of removing dental plaque is used in 3-4 visits (dental plaque is removed manually using scalers, hooks, excavators, curettes and other instruments). After antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity (chlorhexidine bigluconate, Listerine, Miramistin, etc.), they begin to carefully remove dental plaque from the vestibular surface of the teeth of one of the quadrants under visual control, trying not to injure the mucous membrane of the gums. Then they move to the approximal surfaces, using gentle pushing and scraping movements, taking into account the anatomical structure of the tooth (root notches, enamel-cement boundary). Tartar is removed from the oral surface using scraping movements. Using a mirror and probe, a control inspection of the treated area is carried out. After antiseptic treatment, it is necessary to polish the surface of the roots, necks and crowns of the teeth using special rubber cups, brushes, polishing strips, floss and polishing pastes.
  • 4. 10-14 days after removing dental plaque, it is advisable to schedule a follow-up examination in order to correct individual and professional oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene in adults with marginal periodontal diseases with abscess formation

After emergency surgical care is provided for 5-10 days to treat the oral cavity, the patient is recommended to rinse 2-3 times a day: “Eludril”, chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.02%; decoctions of herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile, etc.) with the addition of salt to a hypertonic solution, etc.

For hygienic oral care you must use:

  • a) a toothbrush with a short working part, artificial, soft and thin bristles with rounded ends;
  • b) a more gentle and effective method of brushing teeth at the moment is the Charter method.
  • c) it is recommended to use toothpastes with salts and anti-inflammatory components to reduce swelling and bleeding, such as “Dentavit” with Dead Sea minerals; El-ce med Enzim Complex A; Silca Vitamin Plus; "Dentavit" healing balm; “Pomorin”, “Balsam”; "Dentavit" with the antimicrobial component triclosan; "Dentavit" multi-care with natural microgranules; Lacalut activ; El-ce med Brillant 40 Plus, etc.;
  • d) you should refrain from using additional hygiene products (dental floss, brushes and toothpicks).

After 2-3 days, carry out professional removal of dental plaque.

Correction of individual and professional hygiene should be carried out during a follow-up examination after 7-10 days.

Oral hygiene in adults with marginal periodontal diseases with increased tooth sensitivity and gum recession

Professional oral hygiene must be carried out under anesthesia and subsequent mandatory treatment with fluoride preparations.

For individual oral hygiene you should use:

  • a) a toothbrush with soft bristles and rounded tips;
  • b) toothpastes: “Dentavit” multi-care with natural microgranules; "Dentavit" Q; Lacalut Sensitive; Oral-B Sensitive; El-ce med Sensitive Plus; Sensigel, etc.;
  • c) when the roots are exposed, it is recommended to use the modified Stillman method for oral care. To do this, the toothbrush is positioned so that the ends of the bristles lie on the cervical area of ​​the tooth and partially cover the adjacent gum at an oblique angle to the axis of the tooth. In this case, weak rotational movements with the brush and 20 short shaking (back and forth) movements are performed along the attached gum, gingival margin and tooth surface. The lingual surfaces are cleaned in the same way. To clean the chewing surfaces, the brush is positioned with bristles perpendicular to it;
  • d) to clean the side surfaces of teeth, you need to use brushes of appropriate sizes
  • e) it is recommended to use additional liquid hygiene products (rinses with fluoride and anti-inflammatory components, such as “Healing Balm”, “Colgate Total Plax”, “Oral-B Advantag”, etc.)

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Oral hygiene for children aged 6 to 12 months

It is necessary to begin cleaning the child’s mouth from the moment the first tooth erupts. The first method used to clean teeth is rubbing.

The adult performing this procedure must perform it quickly, effectively and safely, which requires positioning the child so that he can clearly see the teeth being cleaned and be able to restrain the child's movements. This procedure can be carried out by one or two adults. In the first case, the child should be placed on his knees and his arm bent at the elbow - as is done when breastfeeding a child.

In the second case, adults sit facing each other, the child is placed on closed knees; Teeth cleaning is carried out by the one who is at 12 o’clock in relation to the child, while the other holds the child’s arms and legs, calms him down with stroking movements, gentle speech, etc. The incisors are wiped with damp gauze, directing movements from the gums to the cutting edge of the incisors. Wiping is carried out 1-2 times a day.

As the child adapts to the procedures in his oral cavity, they begin to use a brush: preferably a brush with a small head, soft bristles, which corresponds to the characteristics of the child’s oral cavity, and a long handle that is comfortable to hold in the hand of an adult. The brush is moistened, but the paste, as a rule, is not used: firstly, the paste impairs the ability to visually control movements in the oral cavity, secondly, the growing volume of foaming paste in the mouth can frighten the child, thirdly, the paste will inevitably be swallowed by the child . The incisors are cleaned with short vertical movements from the gums to the cutting edge.

Ideally, parents should be taught these methods of caring for the child’s oral cavity by the dentist or dental staff in advance - during conversations between the obstetrician and dentist with pregnant women, the pediatrician and his visiting nurse immediately after the birth of the child, or, as a last resort, during the first visit of members of the enlarged family to the dentist. It is important to teach the family how to control the complete removal of plaque from the child’s teeth.

Oral hygiene for children from 1 to 3 years old

At this age, the main method of oral care is brushing your teeth. The procedure is performed by parents, gradually involving the child in this. The child and parent are located near the washbasin in front of the mirror, the adult stands behind the child. To clean the child’s teeth, parents use soft brushes with a small head and a long handle, using elements of the standard method (on vestibular and oral surfaces, preference is given to sweeping movements).

In some cases, when parents are forced to brush their teeth at a high pace (the child gets tired quickly, does not like the procedure, etc.), electric rotary brushes are more beneficial than manual ones. Hygienic paste in a dose of “the size of a child’s little finger” or “the size of a pea” is used when the parents’ hands make movements with the brush automatically, and full visual control is not required. In cases of high risk of early childhood caries, the dentist may recommend the use of fluoride-containing children's pastes, which in this case will play the role of both local and systemic fluoride.

It is preferable to use pastes that do not contain surfactants that can damage the health of the gastric mucosa. It is important to teach your child to control swallowing while brushing his teeth, teach him to spit out oral fluid after brushing his teeth, and rinse his mouth.

When carrying out hygienic education of children, one should have a good understanding of their level of development and their inherent impulsiveness, impressionability, suggestibility, and tendency to imitate. Having interested the child by personal example, parents suggest that he brush his teeth himself with a children's brush. Parents help the child master the elements of the KAI method by taking the child's hand in theirs. Training should be carried out through play lasting no more than 3-5 minutes, since at this age children get tired quickly.

It should be remembered that children aged 1-3 years are not able to fully clean their teeth, so caring for the child’s oral cavity is the responsibility of the parents.

Oral hygiene for children aged 4-6 years

The main means of oral care for children of this age are a brush and paste. The brush should have soft bristles (in cases of increased formation of dental plaque, including Priestley plaque, medium-hard brushes can be used) with narrow, small heads. Both manual and electric brushes can be used. The paste is selected according to the level of caries risk. Among the pastes, hygienic children's pastes and preventive calcium-containing pastes are preferable.

If the risk of caries is high, the use of fluoride-containing toothpastes for children is recommended, but parents are warned to follow safety precautions:
. such pastes can be regularly used by children who can control swallowing;
. a minimum amount of paste is applied to the brush (a pea or less);
. The cleaning process is carried out with the participation of parents.

The child continues to master the KAI method, the parents control the quality of brushing (parents need to be taught to independently identify dental plaque using staining!) and, since in the vast majority of cases preschoolers cannot achieve the desired level of hygiene, adults complete the process of brushing the child’s teeth with their own hands.

In children aged 5-6 years, the first permanent molars erupt, which require increased attention: on the one hand, on erupting teeth the rate of plaque formation is maximum (teeth do not participate in occlusion), and on the other hand, the intensity of cheek movements is limited by the presence of gums and a closely located branch of the lower jaw. Therefore, parents are recommended to start brushing their child’s teeth with these, the most problematic teeth, using a manual brush (the brush head is located across the area of ​​the dental arch that bears the permanent molar!) or an electric rotary brush. Cleaning is completed using the elements of the standard method.

At this age, for adequate prevention of caries of primary teeth (in particular, caries of the proximal surfaces of temporary molars), flossing is necessary. The procedure is performed by the hands of adults, so it is more convenient to use flossettes. In order to have good control over the movement of the thread, the adult is positioned in relation to the child “at 12 o’clock”, placing his head on his lap. To increase preventive effectiveness, preventive pastes can be applied to the threads.

Oral hygiene for children of primary school age (7-10 years old)

For basic oral hygiene of primary schoolchildren, medium-hard brushes and fluoride-containing toothpastes for children or adults are used (depending on the ability to control swallowing of the toothpaste). The elements of the KAI method learned by the child are gradually transformed into more effective elements of the Martaller method. And at this age, a significant part of children still do not have a sufficient degree of development of hand motor skills, nor the proper degree of responsibility in order to perform this procedure absolutely independently: parents must constantly support the motivation of children, control the process of brushing their teeth with a brush and complete it efficiently with their own by hand using elements of the standard method.

Flossing is a necessary element of hygienic oral care for a child. Younger schoolchildren can learn how to perform frontal flossing, but the main part of the procedure must be performed by their parents.

Oral hygiene for adolescents 10-14 years old

The main products for oral hygiene for adolescents are medium-hard brushes and preventative, including adult fluoride-containing toothpastes (subject to adequate swallowing control!); Flossing is a mandatory procedure for cleaning the contact surfaces of teeth. The mental and physical level of development of a teenager fundamentally allows him to perform high-quality brushing of teeth using the Martaller method and manual flossing, but in real life, every teenager needs the care of their parents, their active, friendly assistance - including during hygiene procedures. The second molars require special attention, the cleaning of which presents objective difficulties during the period of their prolonged eruption.

Particular attention should be paid to adolescents undergoing orthodontic treatment, since the presence of removable, and especially non-removable, appliances in the oral cavity makes dental care difficult. Parents are responsible for obtaining specific instructions from the dentist, who will teach them how to use tiered and/or low-tuft brushes, brushes, floss, or strips to remove plaque from all surfaces of the teeth.

Oral hygiene of young people 15-18 years old

Boys and girls with normal mental and physical health at this age should independently carry out hygienic oral care, using medium-hard brushes, adult preventive toothpastes, and flosses. The role of parents in the oral hygiene of these children is gradually reduced, focusing on motivation, periodic monitoring and material support for the dental self-care of the grown-up child.

Oral hygiene for adults

The main means of caring for the oral cavity of an adult are a toothbrush and toothpaste, and means for cleaning interproximal surfaces. Since the dental status of adults is very diverse and is often burdened by severe dental pathology, the choice of specific means and methods of individual oral hygiene for each patient is the responsibility of the dentist.

Oral hygiene for older people

When choosing items, means and methods for mechanical control of dental plaque in older people, attention is paid to the severity of gum recession (exposed roots require the use of atraumatic brushes and low-abrasive pastes using the Bass, Stillman or Charter methods, gaping embrasures require the use of toothpicks, brushes, etc. ), adequacy of salivation (with xerostomia, avoid using hygiene products containing alcohol and surfactants), on the possibility of self-care (discuss the possibility of using an electric brush for self-help or caring for the teeth of an elderly person with the help of family members). To increase the effectiveness of dental plaque control, chemical control agents are actively used.

T.V. Popruzhenko, T.N. Terekhova

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