Intimate gymnastics, or why do girls do this? Intimate gymnastics or intimate muscle training for women

Gymnastics for intimate muscles are exercises specifically designed to naturally strengthen and restore muscles of the female pelvic organs.

Gynecologists recommend performing gymnastics for the intimate muscles to prevent gynecological problems, prepare for pregnancy, restore the tone of the intimate muscles after childbirth, increase sexuality and sensitivity during intimacy, and level the unpleasant factors accompanying the menopause.

Muscle condition testing

Before starting classes, it is recommended to conduct a simple test to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, sit on the edge of a chair. Insert the index and middle fingers into the vagina, spreading them in the form of the English letter V. Then squeeze the pelvic muscles around the fingers, without using the abdominal muscles or squeezing the buttocks. The fingers should be connected. Remember the force of contraction of your muscles. Using this method, periodically, you can independently check the condition of your intimate muscles and determine how well they have strengthened.

You can learn more about how to correctly independently determine where the pelvic floor muscles are located and whether the exercises are being performed correctly by following the link provided.

Preliminary preparation

Exercise comfortably while lying on the floor. For comfort, you can put a blanket or fitness mat on the floor. Close the curtains. Turn on some nice music.

How much to study

The first classes continue until you are completely tired, usually 20-30 minutes. As your muscles strengthen, increase the duration of exercise to 40–45 minutes. You should not exceed the recommended time, this will not speed up the process of muscle development.

Your feelings

At first, after exercise, you may experience slight discharge and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Don’t worry, this is quite normal, this is how well-worked muscles that previously rested react, and the mucous membrane is thus renewed and cleansed.

Possibly due to weak pelvic muscle tone, even beginner-level exercises will seem difficult. The first week you can limit yourself to only the exercises Warm-up, Lift, Pulse, Sos. After a week of training, the muscles will adapt and become stronger, and the exercises will be easy and free.

The initial level must be completed completely until all the exercises at this level can be completed without difficulty.

Important! Muscles are strengthened at the moment of relaxation, the more the muscles were tense during the exercise, the more blood supply and oxygen supply they will receive during relaxation, they will become stronger and healthier.

We will only give a set of exercises to strengthen intimate muscles first level. You can study the full range of intimate gymnastics exercises for women, including those with the Egg vaginal exercise machine, on your own by downloading the electronic version or purchasing the printed edition of the book “Woman’s Intimate Health.”

A set of entry-level exercises

You should start your workout with a warm-up in order to prepare, warm up the necessary muscles, and disperse blood and lymph through the pelvic organs.

Intimate gymnastics - Warm-up

Exercise Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly at the knees and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Squeeze the vaginal sphincter and try to pull it up. In terms of time, one contraction with a tightening should take about 1 second. Repeat 100 times. Rest for 30 seconds. Do 2 more approaches.

In the beginning, the number of contractions can be reduced, but there should be at least 50 contractions in one approach.

While squeezing the sphincter, try to lift, pull the muscle high up and pull the sphincter inward.

Each contraction with an upward pull is followed by a muscle relaxation phase.

Breathe freely, don't hold your breath.

If you feel that the muscle is very tired, rest a little and start again.

Exercise Hold Press

In a lying position, bend your legs slightly and spread them apart. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Tighten the vaginal muscle strongly, starting with the sphincter, and try to keep it compressed for 60 seconds. Then relax, rest for a few seconds.

Do 2 more approaches.

In the first classes, the time you hold the muscle can be slightly reduced.

Squeeze only the vaginal muscle, stomach, buttocks, do not strain your legs.

Do you think a modern woman can manage to give birth to children, carry heavy bags from the store, sit in the office all day, fight for the attention of men and at the same time maintain beauty and health?

Undoubtedly, it is not easy! However, today we are helped not only by modern advances in medicine, but also by the precious knowledge of the East, designed to naturally make a woman healthy and always attractive and desirable.

Vumbuilding or gymnastics for intimate muscles improves a woman’s sexual functions, prevents and cures urinary incontinence, improves sensitivity during sex, and leads to more vivid orgasms.

But let's start with a chest massage...

Breast massage

This massage is quite effective if done after water procedures: taking a shower, bath, or after a sauna or bath. Just at this moment, the pores of the skin are open and are able to absorb creams and gels that correct the shape of the breast. How to properly massage your breasts to benefit your body? To do this, it is enough to master the technique of self-massage, which is not complicated. The main thing is that the movements are light and do not put mechanical pressure on the mammary gland.

First you need to apply cream or oil to the skin of your chest, pre-heated in the palm of your hand. During massage, rubbing, stroking, and slapping are used - the main thing is that all movements are symmetrical and performed with fingers or their tips. Doing these movements for 20 minutes. daily, you will tone your muscles, and make your skin elastic and toned.

Intimate gymnastics for women

Vumbuilding, imbuilding, rimbuilding, intimate physical education, sex gymnastics - all these are sets of exercises for the development of the pelvic and other intimate muscles in order to acquire natural and necessary skills in mastering them in sex, during pregnancy, childbirth, as well as for the prevention of various female diseases.
What is the essence of intimate gymnastics? To have good control of the vaginal muscles, they should be constantly toned and trained.

The pelvic muscles line the floor of the abdominal cavity, supporting the weight of all internal organs and preventing their prolapse. However, a modern sedentary lifestyle and inactivity contribute to the fact that these muscles quickly lose their elasticity, which leads to many female diseases. It has been proven that the growth of any muscles in the body occurs before the age of 18 and, if they are not maintained in the necessary tone, they begin to literally age.

Another important problem is the weights that women carry in their hands. This also applies to wearing a baby in slings and kangaroo bags. Internal muscles, not having time to strengthen after childbirth, receive additional stress and gradually atrophy, becoming thin and weak. This can lead to deviations such ash stagnant venous blood in the pelvis. This is one of the most common troubles, causing many diseases in both men and women. These include: edema, varicose veins, genitourinary diseases, organ prolapse and hemorrhoids.

How does the problem of weak pelvic floor muscles manifest?
This may be urinary incontinence when laughing, sneezing, lifting weights, a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, which increases with prolonged standing, the need to use sanitary pads even in the absence of menstruation (to prevent urine leakage), and, of course, weakening of pleasure from intimate life .

The purpose of the pelvic floor muscles is to maintain the pelvic organs in the correct position and prevent prolapse of the uterus and bladder. And when these muscles stop coping with their function, problems begin: prolapse of the uterus, and in the most advanced cases, its prolapse, when (I don’t want to scare you) surgical intervention is already required.

The good news is that the pelvic floor muscles, like any other muscles in our body, can and should be trained. Back in 1950, gynecologist Arnold Kegel developed special exercises for postpartum women to strengthen these important muscles.

Intimate gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, as well as conscious control of the “love muscles”. The purpose of the proposed gymnastics is the prevention of gynecological diseases, treatment of existing abnormalities associated with prolapse of internal organs, enhancement of sexual sensations, as well as preparation for painless childbirth and recovery after pregnancy.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Home set of Wumbuilding exercises

It is important to know:

  • It is advisable to perform the practice on an empty stomach;
  • In order to feel and control the intimate muscles of the pelvic floor well, you must first learn to tense them separately from the abs and buttocks without holding your breath;
  • Regular ones will bring you better results T.

Before you begin intimate gymnastics, you need to find and feel the right muscles, and you can also do a simple test for vaginal elasticity. Fill a bath with water and lie in it for 15 minutes; if water gets into you and fills up, you urgently need to start doing sex exercises. The necessary muscles are also not difficult to find: if you place a finger in the vagina, the necessary muscles will contract around it, the main thing is that the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are not involved at this moment.

At the entry level:

First, try simply squeezing your anal muscles in a series of contractions. After this has happened, try to pull it in tightly, pull it up, pulling it into you. Do this several times, listen to yourself and feel what muscles you use to do this. Then we recommend trying to feel the muscles of the entrance (urethro-vaginal sphincter) by tightening the pubococcygeus muscle.

This complex intimate gymnastics for home includes the following exercises:

1. Initial exercise.
Having taken a comfortable position of the body (standing, sitting on a chair or in a Turkish position on the floor), focus your attention on the muscles of the perineum. To begin, to correctly identify them, imagine that you consciously interrupt urination. Remember which muscles are contracting at this moment. In the East, this practice is called Taoist urination. Now try shortening them again by holding them for 3 counts. It is important not to hold your breath and not strain your stomach and buttocks. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times and do it 2-3 more times throughout the day. As you become more comfortable with controlling the muscles of the perineum, increase the hold by 15-20 seconds.

2. Deep blinking exercise or"Kegel" in a standing, sitting and lying position.
Squeeze the entrance muscles of the perineum as much as possible and then hold them in a retracted state for 10 seconds. Then allow the muscles to completely relax. After 10 seconds, tighten them again and pull them up. Alternately tense and relax your muscles for 5 minutes. Your daily norm is 500 blinks per day or three sets of 5 minutes.

3. Perform “quick winks”
in a standing, sitting and lying position. Begin to quickly squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles at approximately 1-2 second intervals for 3-5 minutes. You can turn on fast music and squeeze your perineum to the beat of the music, just try not to involve your stomach and buttocks.

4. Bottom lock technique
Slightly tense your intimate muscles, squeezing the vaginal opening itself, and wait a few seconds. After this, strain the same muscles a little stronger and maintain the retracted state for 3-5 seconds, then strain the muscles as much as possible and hold them for the same amount of time. This exercise should then be performed in reverse order, gradually relaxing the intimate muscles. Perform the exercise at least 20 times.

5. Exercise "Tower"
The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the ability to simultaneously draw in the lower abdomen along with the anus muscles. Pull your pelvic floor muscles up while pulling your lower abdomen up. Try to pull in your lower abdomen so that it is pulled up and inward.
It should feel like the anus and abs are merging together in the middle of the pelvis and stretching upward

6. Udiyana is a wonderful exercise,
which performs internal organ massage, removes venous blood stagnation and teaches you to control one of the strongest muscles in our body - the diaphragm. To perform the exercise: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees, exhale fully and place your hands on your hips. After exhaling completely, hold your breath for 10-15 seconds, slightly twisting your tailbone under you and lowering your chin. If you did everything correctly, your stomach should pull under your ribs, creating a feeling of vacuum. Number of repetitions - 2 times.

This exercise must be performed on an empty stomach. The ideal time for this exercise is in the morning. During menstruation, you should not perform Udiyana or any abdominal contraction exercises.

7. Stairs
Be creative and blink as soon as you remember! For example, when going up the stairs, place one foot on the step and perform a deep retraction, squeezing the perineal sphincter. Then change your supporting leg. This will strengthen the vaginal muscles on different sides.

8. Elevator
Contract the muscles slightly (“1st floor”), hold for 3-5 seconds, then continue contracting (“2nd floor”), hold again. So go through 4-5 “floors”. And vice versa: the same step-by-step movement “down” with a delay at each “floor”.

Based on materials from,

And some more video exercises from Wumbuilding

Intimate gymnastics exercise sets are designed specifically for women who want to always be attractive, young and healthy.

Another important condition is to watch your breathing! It must be smooth and natural. With each new week of training, slowly increase the number of repetitions of exercises in each block. Ideally, Wumbuilding exercises are performed 100 to 200 times daily.
Another important nuance: make it a rule to do intimate gymnastics exercises at the same time. Or at least “tie” training to some daily rituals. For example, like this: wake up, stretch - do compression exercises, brush your teeth - contraction exercises, etc. Such conventions, of course, will not improve the result, but they will definitely help to “prescribe” the exercises in the daily routine for a long time. After all, as practice shows, most novice activists simply forget about training after a few weeks.

If you love yourself, strive to be healthy and want to receive and give pleasure during sex, you should try to learn a new type of physical education: o).

Gymnastics helps to tone up the entire female body. Particular attention should be paid to strengthening intimate areas. There are specially designed workouts that help you feel femininity and increase libido. Exercises for intimate muscles.

Difficulty levels

There is a special set of exercises aimed at recovery after childbirth or gynecological diseases. Ancient geishas perfectly mastered the power of their perineum, giving pleasure to a man. Only trained muscles are able to contract at a woman’s request.

Before you start training, you should decide on the difficulty level. Often, having overestimated her preparation, a woman experiences discomfort after gymnastics. Experts distinguish three main stages:

  1. First level designed for women who have weakened perineal muscles. This condition is typical for pregnant women, for women after childbirth or after a long-term disease of the female genital tract. To strengthen, you will need two months of regular training, which will be carried out at least twice a week.
  2. Average level designed for women who have tightened their vaginal muscles at the physical level. Now the training will be aimed at increasing libido and obtaining new sensations during sexual intercourse with a partner. The set of exercises is repeated for two months, 2-3 days per week are allocated for classes.
  3. Advanced level - this is when perineal strength training is used. To obtain maximum effect, special ones are used.

If a woman hears about such gymnastics for the first time, then training begins from the initial stage. This level is also suitable for pregnant women.

Preparatory stage

The pelvic floor muscles are in a different state for each woman. It is difficult to determine which exercises to start with. To correctly determine the level of neglect, it is worth conducting a simple test.

You need to sit on the very edge of the chair. The legs are slightly spread, and two fingers are inserted into the vagina - the middle and index. They should be spread apart, in the form of a checkmark or the English letter V. After this, you should try to make a contractile movement; the fingers will involuntarily connect. At the same time, the gluteal muscles and abs should not contract. In this way, the tone of the perineum can be assessed. After the training set has been completed, this test must be repeated. The result will be obvious.

It's best to practice when no one is home. Even your spouse doesn’t have to watch this picture. Otherwise, the training regime will be disrupted. All exercises to strengthen the vaginal muscles are performed in a horizontal position. The floor is ideal for these purposes. If your back is uncomfortable, you can put a rug or blanket on it.

The very first classes are carried out until you feel tired, as a rule, this is no more than 25 minutes. Once the body gets used to the regime, about 45 minutes are allocated for training. The same rules apply to pregnant women. Those who cannot restrain the process of urination should especially think about gymnastics of the intimate muscles.

Entry level exercises

To initially strengthen the female muscles of the intimate area, the following set of exercises has been developed.

  1. Warm-up actions. In a horizontal position, bend your knees and spread them slightly. Hands are placed on the lower abdomen. For pregnant women, all exercises should be done more carefully, listening to your body and the fetus. After the position is taken, you need to squeeze the vaginal sphincter and force it to pull up. One pull-up should take no more than two seconds. One hundred repetitions are performed in two sets. If it is difficult to make a hundred, the number is reduced to fifty, but not less. Rest between sets lasts thirty seconds.
  2. Exercise Lift done after the main warm-up. It is worth performing a set of these workouts regularly in order to get the first result after 60. The body position remains the same as during the warm-up. The vaginal sphincter contracts for five seconds. Further, the load is increased by pulling the sphincter up. This stage also lasts five seconds. Thus, the load increases each time in seven stages. The last stage is waited for at least ten seconds. The vaginal muscle is also released gradually in seven stages. The Lift complex is repeated five times. There are no stops. This exercise is especially good for pregnant women.
  3. Exercise SOS - it can be performed not only in a horizontal position, but also sitting or lying down. Professionals recommend doing it even in a public place, since outwardly no one will notice these efforts. It is based on performing three quick contractions of the vaginal sphincter, then the emphasis is on strength - three times. Training using this method is repeated ten times.
  4. Pulsating exercise. You need to take a lying position, legs bent at the knees and slightly extended. The hand is placed on the pulse, now it is necessary to contract the vaginal muscle according to the rhythm of the heartbeat. Sixty contractions are done, then you need to rest for thirty seconds. The second approach includes one hundred contractions, and the third 120.
  5. Ladder complex. This exercise is performed similarly to the Lift program. Only there is no five-second delay between steps. Ten repetitions are done, first the sphincter tenses and stretches upward in stages, then relaxes.
  6. Exercise Lighthouse has a contraindication. It is forbidden to do it to women who have prolapsed pelvic organs; it is also better not to strain pregnant women in this way. The body position is standard - lying down with bent knees. To simplify the execution scheme, it is better to consider:
  • 1 - the muscle is strongly compressed and pulled upward.
  • 2-6 - the vaginal muscle relaxes smoothly.
  • 7-10 - you need to push out the muscle.

This exercise is repeated ten times, without taking a break.

Second level of training

To determine the level of strengthening after the initial level, you need to repeat the test exercise. Another effective way to understand which muscles need to be trained is the process of urination. You simply retain urine using muscles that are worth exercising. For pregnant women, such a procedure can be difficult and this is an alarming signal.

The second level complex is very similar to the first. The only thing is that the training time is not 25 minutes, but 45. The number of approaches increases by two to three times. You can also conduct training in public places or at the workplace.

It is best to choose the SOS and Ladder exercises for these purposes. It is especially difficult to train while walking, but the results from such techniques will only be positive. A breathing exercise is also added to the main classes. It has a beneficial effect on the supply of oxygen to the pelvic organs. To do this, stand on your knees and palms. Inhale deeply through the mouth and exhale through the nose. The back is extended, and the stomach is pressed against the ribs. The sphincter is pulled up with force, this position is held for ten seconds. The perineal exercise is thus performed five times.

Advanced level

Professionals train the muscles of the perineum with the help of special accessories. Kegel balls are especially popular among women. This gymnastics complex is performed in stages.

  1. First you need to feel the pelvic floor muscles. To do this, insert a finger into the vagina no deeper than two centimeters. The walls tense up as if urination stops.
  2. The balls are lubricated with a water-based gel, inserted into the vagina, and the thread remains outside.
  3. Beginners perform the exercise in a horizontal position. Women with experience handle balls while standing. The tension is proportional to the rest period. Ideally, you should hold the balls for 10 seconds, but in the early stages it may be 2-4 seconds.

It is best to exercise three times a week. The diameter of the balls varies. The smaller they are, the more difficult it is to contract the muscle. Such exercises are not contraindicated for pregnant women.


The exercises that we will perform are divided into simple ones, where only the vaginal muscles are involved in the work, and exercises using targeted artificial stimulation of muscle tissue and pelvic organs with carbon dioxide. Why carbon dioxide? Now I will try to explain to you. Very few people know that our health directly depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO 2) in the blood. In the vast majority of people, CO 2 concentrations are noticeably reduced from normal. This is observed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity, which we talked about just above). When we are at rest, there is practically no carbon dioxide in our body, and therefore no oxygen. Indeed, during physical activity, the combustion of fats and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and water increases. Water leaves through the skin and excretory organs, and carbon dioxide in the lungs is exchanged for pure oxygen. This is why during physical activity our body is so well supplied with oxygen.
Let's try to figure it out in more detail. The main carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide is hemoglobin, contained in red blood cells. In the lungs it combines with oxygen and is transported with the blood to the tissues, where it gives off oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. Then hemoglobin, again entering the lungs, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and, when inhaled, again combines with oxygen. Hemoglobin gives oxygen to tissues only in exchange for carbon dioxide. Therefore, it gives as much oxygen to the tissues as it receives carbon dioxide from them in return. If there is little carbon dioxide in the tissues, part of the hemoglobin does not give oxygen to the tissues, but is simply exhaled back into the atmosphere. That is, with normal, as it seems to us, breathing, oxygen starvation of tissues develops. The more carbon dioxide we accumulate in the body, the more when we inhale we receive life-giving oxygen, which will be absorbed into the tissues and organs with great pleasure, providing a rush of fresh and young blood. That's the whole secret! And the most interesting thing is that you can exhaust yourself with physical exercises, say running for a long time, doing push-ups, etc., in order to accumulate a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide in the body, which will be exchanged for the same amount of oxygen. Or you can simply hold your breath for a few seconds while exhaling deeply, the result will be the same. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood will increase sharply, which means that every breath will be full and the blood supply to the body will be complete.
We will combine elements of breathing practice and special vaginal exercises. We will purposefully direct a powerful internal stream of fresh oxygen to the places we need. Due to the action of valuable oxygen, the muscles that we will train will strengthen and pump up tens of times faster than without its help. In addition, carbon dioxide stimulation will help rid the entire body of toxins and waste products. Oxygen is truly a non-medicinal miracle!

The healing and therapeutic effect of gymnastics

✓ Helps get rid of erosion on the cervix.
✓ Is an active prevention against pelvic cancer.
✓ Helps solve many gynecological health problems, such as: urinary incontinence, vaginitis, cervical erosion, chronic cystitis, thrush, vaginal prolapse or weakness, chronic adnexitis, parametritis, etc., helps in the treatment of many infectious diseases.
✓ Develops muscle tone and strength, radically reduces vaginal volume.
✓ Cleanses the vaginal muscle of mucus and pathogenic microflora.
✓ The process of lubrication (natural discharge) is normalized.
✓ Stimulates the release of female hormones into the blood (anti-aging effect, feminine attractiveness, positive attitude).
✓ The pelvic organs and vaginal muscles are healed due to a targeted increase in blood supply and enrichment with nutrients.
✓ There is an enhanced and targeted oxygen enrichment of the muscles and pelvic organs.
✓ Develops powerful immunity against infections and pathogenic microflora by strengthening and thickening muscle tissue and mucous membrane.
✓ Helps in the treatment of infertility and facilitates conception.
✓ Postpones the menopause, and therefore the biological aging of the body.

Contraindications to classes

Contraindicated for pregnant women. This is due to the fact that when performing exercises there is a very strong stimulation and contractile function of the pelvic organs. Also, women should not exercise immediately after termination of pregnancy (abortion). Classes can and should be started only after the end of the next normally occurring cycle (menstruation). Intimate training is contraindicated during menstruation.
During acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (adnexitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion with bleeding, colpitis, endometritis, cystitis), it is not necessary to exercise, but after the end of the acute period, on the contrary, it is necessary to exercise. Women with prolapse or threat of prolapse of the pelvic organs can only exercise after a personal consultation with a gynecologist. Most likely, the gynecologist will allow you to exercise, but it will be necessary to exclude exercises of the first and second levels with elements of pushing and pushing, and also completely exclude the third level of gymnastics. And exercises to contract the muscle and tighten it, on the contrary, will be very useful for you.

Indications for classes

For seven women, regardless of age, the classes will be extremely useful. Especially for women who have recently given birth to a child, women with chronic problems and diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as women leading a sedentary lifestyle. For women who have reached menopause, intimate exercises will be especially useful, since when performing exercises, blood flow improves, and this will help get rid of such troubles as vaginal dryness, itching, urinary incontinence, frequent inflammatory processes in the vagina, urethra and bladder.

A set of intimate gymnastics exercises revitalizes poor blood supply, enhances metabolism, increases redox processes in tissues and organs, prevents and eliminates stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic area.
When performing exercises, a large number of small blood vessels open, which leads to improved tissue nutrition. In tissues that are well supplied with nutrients, infectious processes are eliminated and an accelerated process of healing and restoration occurs.

Part II Not for prudes

A little about the magic of sex

Our intimate gymnastics, like a gold coin, has two sides. One side is good gynecological health, which will reliably protect the woman. And the other side of the coin is confidence, liberation, sex and pleasure. Whatever side our coin falls on, the woman will remain in a very advantageous position.

One of the European researchers, Allen Ross, brilliantly described the sexual role of the Indian temple dancer:
“A barefoot girl walked in quietly. She was about thirty years old. Her face was both feminine and childish. Her body was completely shrouded in a translucent golden silk sari. Her arms, legs, and head were bare, and the jewelry on them jingled as she moved.
So the girl started dancing without any accompaniment. Sexuality was in every gesture of her hands, in the way she moved her head and stomped her foot, in her glances. Her nostrils widened and narrowed. The flexible body arched sensually, and it was an amazing sight.
I felt the electric charge of this woman's erotic magic, and it seemed to me that she was using only a small part of her magical capabilities. Her dance, slow and ecstatic, showed various sexual moods - from enchantment to seduction, from seduction to excitement, from arousal to mastery. It may have lasted for hours, but for me the passage of time stopped because I was completely absorbed in this woman and watched her, unable to take my eyes off. There was no striptease, she easily, like a lizard, slipped out of her clothes, and I saw a body the color of wild cinnamon. She told me to lie down on the carpet, and after that only my lingam and her yoni remained in cosmic union. She captured me and I was completely absorbed by her...
She was one of what the Hindus call “nut cracking women” because her sphincter muscles were amazingly strong. I was just going crazy what she was doing to me. She kept making whispering and buzzing sounds that put me into a trance. And suddenly I felt like my brain exploded and I found myself in another dimension. There were flashes of light and fantastic colors all around. The walls seemed to have melted. And I felt divine ecstasy with every cell of my body..."
At all times, knowledge about the development and skillful use of intimate muscles was considered secret and inaccessible to most women. The same art of love was taught to girls who were supposed to end up in the Sultan’s harem. Girls even from noble families ended up in the Sultan's harems. Girls were bought from their fathers at the age of 5–7 years and raised until they were 14–15. They were taught music, cooking, sewing, etiquette, and most importantly, the art of giving pleasure to a man. That is why women in harems trained their intimate muscles with the help of a jade egg suspended on a strong thread. They performed quite complex exercises, for example, holding and moving an egg along the vaginal canal with their muscles, and with an additional load suspended. There were quite a few women in the harem, but there was only one man, and with him was the one who could surpass everyone else in the art of love, whose intimate muscles were more prepared for sex. Women living in a harem had only one opportunity to live with dignity and more freedom. If the master chooses her. If he chose a woman two or more times, she had great advantages over others. In the morning, the Sultan sent the concubine rich gifts if he liked the night spent with her. If a concubine became pregnant, she was transferred to the category of “lucky” - iqbal. And after the birth of a child (regardless of gender), she forever received separate chambers and a daily menu of 15 dishes. She also had at her disposal numerous servants and a salary, and the former slave had the right to go out into the street, accompanied. So the residents of the harem tried to succeed as much as possible in their sexual prowess.
Whether this was a choice from the bottom of his heart to please his master is not known for certain; most likely, it was more of a practical side of the issue.
European women are much luckier; they do not have such an absurdly offensive consumer attitude. Most of our women will quickly make it clear who is boss in the house. With men, I’m talking about quantity, we have everything in order, we have someone to practice on, and in most cases we choose our own partner both for sex and for life. And for sexual pleasure and women's health, as well as for spectacular variety, why not learn from the inhabitants of the harem their subtleties in sexual games, especially since it is so useful for the delicate female body.

Who will benefit and benefit?

Oh, that there is a male erection, everyone knows about it. And many people don’t even know that there is a female erection. And it is there, but due to the weakness of the intimate muscles, we simply do not feel or notice it. Male erection is when, due to sexual arousal, the sexual organ increases and thickens in size. A female erection is when, due to sexual arousal, the intimate muscle moisturizes and swells from the inside, thereby narrowing the vaginal passage. In one and the other case, this is due to the presence of cavernous bodies, which fill with blood during sexual arousal. Additionally, the vaginal passage is narrowed by the folded mucous membrane of the vaginal muscle. With a weak vaginal muscle, the folding of the mucous membrane is smoothed out or completely absent. And, conversely, with a trained muscle, the folding of the mucous membrane is pronounced and has a great impact on gynecological health, and is also well felt during sexual contact.

Training intimate muscles will be equally useful for all categories of women: married, unmarried, young and beautiful ladies of Balzac age, those who want to improve their gynecological health or simply pleasantly surprise or even shock someone. Or maybe you will train to fulfill your sexual fantasies? The choice is yours, but rest assured, strong intimate muscles are a tangible benefit and a very big benefit, and not only for health. Remember also that healthy female egoism attracts like a magnet.
A woman who easily controls her vaginal muscles can control a man's mind. This magical property occurs when we begin to move our intimate muscles, while excitement increases and the release of hormones into the blood begins. During this process, elusive chemicals (pheromones) are produced, which have a strong subconscious effect on the opposite sex, causing sexual addiction. Yes, and changes occur in the woman’s body. When female hormones enter the blood in the required quantities, this has a very beneficial effect on one’s appearance. A rejuvenation effect occurs, the skin becomes soft and smooth. This impact affects mood and, of course, the quality of personal life.
Isn't it a good opportunity for many endeavors?

Sexual effect of gymnastics

✓ Increased libido (desires),
✓ Stimulation of the release of female hormones into the blood (anti-aging effect, feminine attractiveness),
✓ Expanding the boundaries of erotic fantasies,
✓ Sexual confidence, liberation and awareness of one’s importance,
✓ Development of muscle tone and strength,
✓ Dynamic reduction of vaginal volume,
✓ Promotes the release of specific substances (pheromones),
✓ Easy achievement of orgasm, increasing its intensity,
✓ Stimulates men for tenderness and expensive gifts.

Part III Intimate gymnastics

Training to strengthen intimate female muscles is divided into levels of difficulty to make training easier. Please, if you have never done something like this, start classes only from the first level, this will allow you to understand and understand the essence of this technique without much effort. Moving forward, take your time, carefully read the description and study the execution diagram for each exercise.

First level

The very beginning! The exercises are selected for women with weak, flaccid, untrained intimate muscles. You will learn to feel your intimate muscles and perform simple exercises. It is at this level that the cleansing, revitalization and healing of the pelvic organs occurs. With daily exercise, you will notice that your muscles quickly tighten and become stronger within a week. The duration of the first level of daily exercise is one or two months, depending on the initial condition of the intimate muscle. For women who are only concerned about gynecological health, you can stop after completing the first level and maintain your intimate muscles in proper tone by performing exercises at this level twice a week.

Second level

For those who have successfully completed the first level and have prepared their muscles quite well. We begin to study a more complex set of exercises and train the muscle more actively. Level 2 exercises are unique! At this stage, one becomes aware of one's femininity, develops strong sexual sensitivity, and increases sexual desire and the desire to experiment. The duration of the second level classes is also one or two months, depending on your persistence.

Third level

For women who are passionate about success, we begin strength training. To practice at this level, you need to purchase a vaginal simulator - “Jade Eggs”. You can buy it in specialty stores or order it by mail via the Internet. You can also practice with vaginal balls, but with eggs the training is much more comfortable; they are sized and designed specifically for intimate training. Below in the text, in the description of the third level, I will tell you in more detail where and how you can purchase a vaginal simulator. At the third level, we develop and train especially sensual zones. There is passion and a desire to achieve even greater results. The duration of the third level is individual for each woman and can range from a month to a year. In any case, you will need to maintain the result you get.


Before you start training, you must pass a simple self-test. Sit on the edge of a chair. Insert two clean and lubricated fingers (special sterile intimate lubricant) into the vagina. Spread your index and middle fingers in the form of an English letter V. Now tense and squeeze the vaginal muscle around your fingers. Your fingers should touch each other. Remember the strength of your muscle contraction. This is the easiest way to check the condition of the intimate muscle, which will show your inevitable success. There is also a simple test. When you take a shower, use a clean syringe to inject 70-100 ml of warm, strained chamomile solution or just warm boiled water with a few drops of regular vegetable or olive oil. And do not try to hold water, do not squeeze the intimate muscle. Then watch what happens. If the water flows out by gravity, your muscle is in extremely poor condition and it is recommended to start training it as soon as possible. If water flows out in small portions and not immediately, then muscle weakness is not so great, but muscle tone and strength need to be increased. If the water does not flow out at all, this is about five minutes, then you are either holding it with your muscles, which is already good, or your muscle is in good condition. In the latter case, you are recommended to maintain it by performing exercises of the first level, and you have a great chance to improve your performance and try all levels of complexity of intimate gymnastics.

It is recommended not to eat anything one to two hours before the start of classes; your stomach should be light and free. This way you will feel the abdominal and pelvic organs much better, and it will be good if your intestines are not too full either.

Attention! Women who have erosion on the cervix need to purchase sea buckthorn oil at the pharmacy. Before starting your classes, one hour before, you need to use a cotton swab, or you can use your own clean finger, to generously lubricate the vaginal mucosa with sea buckthorn oil as high as possible (5–7 cm) from the sphincter. Before training, be sure to remove the tampon from your vagina if you have used one.
It is convenient to perform the exercises on a hard surface (a hard sofa or the floor in your apartment is quite suitable); we will also need a fitness mat or blanket (exclusively for your comfort). Curtain the curtains. The exercises are enjoyable to perform while listening to your favorite music.

Duration of classes

Continue the first classes until you are completely tired. At first, this time will fluctuate between 20–30 minutes. After some strengthening of your muscle, you can increase the exercise time to 40–45 minutes. Each woman approaches the duration of her workout individually. Of course, the longer the training takes, the more productive it is. But you shouldn’t train for more than one hour, and your muscle will get tired and numb, you simply won’t feel or perceive it.

What happens to the muscle

After finishing the workout, especially at first, you will feel: fatigue and numbness of the vaginal muscle, swelling from the inside, and there may also be mild, nagging pain in the lower abdomen (this is not scary, your muscle just started working, and this has never happened to it before ). As your muscle begins to function, discharge may occur due to the normalization of lubrication. The mucous membrane is thus cleansed and renewed, rejecting everything old and sick.
You may also feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen, as through the exercises we have increased the flow of fresh blood, carrying life-giving oxygen and nutrients to all pelvic organs.
By the end of the first lesson, the following changes occurred in the intimate muscle and pelvic organs: blood supply and tissue nutrition improved, oxygen enrichment occurred, and processes of renewal and rejuvenation began.

Attention! I highly recommend all exercises that have an element such as tightening for women who have erosion on the cervix. By pulling (or better yet, tugging) the muscle upward, you will stimulate the uppermost parts of the vagina and massage the cervix. Thus, the painful area will be provided with adequate blood supply. And where there is good blood supply, the tissue is well supplied with oxygen, all this leads to recovery.
If you don’t succeed in any exercise or if you feel uncomfortable in some position, return to its description and read it again. Perhaps, due to the weak tone of your intimate muscles, even the simplest first level exercises will seem difficult at first. There is no need to worry, in just a week your muscles will adapt and become stronger, but for the first five days, do only WARM-UP and the “LIFT”, “PULSE-FLINKING” and “SOS” exercises - this way you will prepare your muscles for more serious exercises of this level. At first, use the independent training plan presented in the book; the plan is selected taking into account increasing loads.
The first level must be completed completely and until all the exercises are easy and free for you. Notice the difference in muscle strength before and after completing Level 1 training by testing your muscles using the test described above. The test must be carried out immediately before the start of the first workout and every week, provided that you exercise every day.
Remember, your muscle strengthens when it relaxes; the more tension the muscle experiences during an exercise, the more blood and oxygen it will receive during rest and become stronger and healthier.
Let me remind you that our course on the development and management of intimate muscles includes three levels of training. You need to start your workout, of course, with a warm-up.
We need a warm-up in order to warm up and prepare the muscles we need before training and disperse blood and lymph throughout the body.

A set of exercises for the first level


It’s better to exercise, and it’s simply more comfortable, lying on your back. Your legs are slightly bent and spread apart. Place your hands on your stomach just below your navel, as shown in Figure 1. With your hands you should feel every contraction happening inside you.

At the very beginning of training, you may not feel the contraction of the internal muscle, which means that it is still very weak. This will soon pass, and after a while you will not only feel with your hands, but also see with the naked eye how strongly your intimate muscle contracts, lifting the abdominal wall (Figure 2).


The starting position is lying on your back, your hands should be placed on your lower abdomen, your legs should be slightly bent and slightly spread apart (you should be comfortable). We begin to squeeze the vaginal sphincter on a count from 1 to 100 (we count to ourselves - one, two, three... and so on until 100). After you have squeezed your sphincter for a count of one, try to pull it up, as shown in Figure 3. You will have to do all this, namely squeeze and pull the sphincter upward, in one second (counting). At first, the muscle may not want to listen to you, and it will be a little difficult, but the intimate muscles will quickly adapt, and soon everything will go well for you. Having counted to 100 (which is 100 contractions with a pull-up), you have done the first set, rest for 30 seconds. The second approach is the same number of contractions - 100, then rest for about 30 seconds. The third approach is the same number of contractions - 100, then rest. At first, you can reduce the number of contractions at your own discretion, but there should not be less than fifty for each approach.

What to do and what not to do
✓ While contracting the sphincter, try to lift the muscle (pull) high up and pull the sphincter inward.
✓ After each contraction and upward lifting, a phase of muscle relaxation follows.
✓ Try to breathe freely, do not hold your breath, even if it is difficult for you at first.
✓ Try to immediately relieve tension from your body, do not be too stiff and tense.
✓ If the muscle is very tired, or perhaps numb and you can’t feel it, rest a little and start over.

"Press and hold"

In the starting position, lying on your back, your hands are in your lower abdomen, your legs are slightly bent and spread apart. Confidently and strongly, starting from the sphincter, we squeeze the vaginal muscle and try to hold it for 60 seconds, as shown in Figure 4. Then relax and rest for a few seconds.

End of free trial

The ability to control them leads to easier labor and protection of internal organs from subsidence.

Thais master this art perfectly, as a result of which the expression “Thai massage” has long acquired a double meaning.

Training the intimate muscles causes a natural ability to tense them automatically at the right time, for example, during sleep, when a woman cannot consciously control herself. Squeezing the internal muscles can give a man an unforgettable sensation.

Internal muscles, with good training, can give a man sensations of different levels, from ordinary wave stroking, to compression and “biting”, and with sufficient skill, you can simply bring a man to orgasm, milking him. Generally speaking, the tight contact of the vaginal walls with each other can give a woman an unforgettable orgasm.

Regular muscle compression is another half of the training, because in essence, good wumbling is the ability to perfectly master the different muscles of the vagina and perform various manipulations. The elastic muscles of the vagina quickly return to normal after childbirth, since they have a greater ability to recover. That is why training the internal muscles is no longer an erotic requirement, it is a necessity that allows a woman to feel healthy.

Many, again, believe that wumbling is the only method that allows you to tense and relax your muscles. In fact, now there are three main directions, thanks to which muscles can always be in good shape.

Western (Kegel exercises), Indian or Tantric (Sahajoli practice), Chinese (Taoist practices) allow you to be on top in this matter. It is worth talking about each school separately, since they all deserve equal attention.

Western practice- the youngest. It was recommended to many ladies only to restore vaginal muscles after childbirth, ruptures and other troubles.

In 1931, the first simulator was released in the form of a pear for squeezing it with the muscles of the vagina.

In the fifties, the pear became scarce, and this was convincingly proven by Arthur Kegel, who proposed a new technique, thanks to which it was possible to develop different muscles of the vagina. His practice caused a lot of noise; crowds of followers, scientists, and trainees flocked to him, dreaming of enriching themselves with new skills. In 1983, the Kegel pear was improved, giving it a more physiological shape with special contacts attached. Thanks to this device, you can control the signals that the pear sends during compression, and the level of development of the vaginal walls is determined from them.

Now in our country there are quite a large number of departments and practical training courses on imbuilding. Why is it named like that? Because the modern name Vumbilding comes from the phrase vaginal controlled muscles, and MI means intimate muscles, which include the muscles of the anus, diaphragm and vaginal muscles. It is worth noting that it is almost impossible to control the smooth muscles of the vagina, so the phrase Vumbuilding has no practical meaning.

There are a lot of buzzwords, but the practical goal of all simulators is the same: to increase the level of muscle control. The special convenience of the Kegel school is that such a simulator can be used at home, if desired, and anyone can read information about the device and learn how to do exercises in special courses. Naturally, the first and most popular training program (in a slightly straightened form) belongs to Kegel. With its help, you can get rid of urinary incontinence, restore almost atrophied (inactive) muscles, help with stretching of the birth canal, and so on. Interestingly, training the intimate muscles involves the muscles of the anus, which is also very useful.

You can feel which muscles begin to work during urination. The hole, which is intended for the release of fluid, is the frame of the muscle. When the fluid comes out, the muscle relaxes, and when it finishes, it contracts. It’s easy to feel with your fingers, but now you can try to squeeze and understand WHAT you’re squeezing on your own. What is curious: Kegel suggested training specifically the upper, input muscle, but practically did not describe the internal muscles, but they are also important.

Some exercises from his system can be done without various devices (as he advised beginners).

Exercise "Break"

Lie on your back, bend your knees, leaving your heels on the floor at an angle of 30 degrees. Squeeze the vaginal muscles as if you want to go to the toilet “in a small way.” If it is difficult to understand which muscles are involved in the process, do the exercise for the first time when you really want to go to the toilet. Then you need to have a bowel movement and start exercising. Muscle compression should last for ten seconds, and then you need to relax for 15 seconds. Repeat the cycle 20 times daily. In general, this is fun gymnastics for the lazy. It can be performed anywhere, because in a sitting position the pose is very similar if you lean back in a chair. And no one will notice from the outside. Well, unless you blush.

Exercises "Elevator"

The exercise is also very convenient, and is performed in a forehead position, often in a sitting position. Consistency is important in this exercise. First, the sphincter muscles contract, then the vaginal muscles. And the sphincter relaxes. It's a curious sensation that can lead some to orgasm, so I can give one recommendation: enjoy it. By the way, this particular exercise is considered the most useful for training the birth muscles, since in the end both the back and front walls of the vagina are trained.

Exercise "Reduction"

The main thing here is speed. Quickly tighten your vaginal muscles, quickly relax. And so on several times. Do the same with the sphincter muscles. First, you will get simultaneous compression of both muscles. It is important to develop consistency.

Exercise "Pull-Push"

For those who have already given birth, the exercise will strongly resemble labor pushing, when you try to push the baby out with your muscles; for those who have not, it will give an idea of ​​them. The exercise should begin by slowly pushing an imaginary ball out of the vaginal cavity, contracting the muscles. This is difficult to do without having anything inside, so some people train on a Kegel pear or simply on an artificial phallus. Increase the number of repetitions per day to 150. Difficult, but possible.

These are the trainings. Fun and useful.

As for the eastern imbuilding schools, all the exercises in these schools are very difficult to study at home. In addition, the terminology used to describe processes and exercises is not always translated and understood literally.

Let us describe some to have an idea of ​​what is happening in eastern imbuilding schools.

Vibration or mula bandha

This is quite difficult to do right away. You need to lie down and take a deep breath. It is especially worth noting that many practices in this sense are similar to yoga exercises, where the focus is on breathing. So, inhaling and mentally directing energy to the sphincter area, squeeze the first one (the outer ring), and then leaving the first one squeezed, squeeze the deeper and longer one, then squeeze both of them so hard that a rare tremor appears in the spine. This almost always leads to convulsive compression of the inner thighs, since many people do not know how to control individual muscles and squeeze the entire pelvis. When you learn to squeeze only the sphincter and regulate the strength of vibration, you can assume that a brilliant sexual act is guaranteed to you.


This exercise is difficult because you still need to manage to understand how to do it. Moreover, at first it is generally impossible to do it without auxiliary items. You need to use any object that imitates the male sexual organ. Having installed it in the vagina, it is necessary to strain the anal muscles as much as possible in order to feel the object with the back of the vaginal muscles. So they need to be trained to such a state that even without the object inside, the same feeling is created.


This exercise can only be done by those who have already advanced quite far in the art of imbuilding. It is curious that in the East it is believed that a woman who, when communicating with a man, squeezes her intimate muscles, seems more attractive to him. There is actually a simpler explanation for this. By creating tension within yourself, associating your actions with sexual intentions, you probably radiate into space not only pheromones, but also mystery and mystery.


By the way, the exercise of squeezing the knees, which the partner spreads with his hands, also helps to train the intimate muscles. Only you must squeeze and unclench your knees, or squeeze a training sports equipment (ball or pear) with your feet. In general, it was useful to do this exercise from childhood; anyway, girls don’t have to know what this training is for; it will be beneficial.

Lateral rotation

Rotation is quite a complex muscle game. A tube with a diameter of 2-3 centimeters and a length of 20-30 is placed in the vagina and rotates with the help of intimate muscles. It’s difficult, but with training, interesting changes in sensations and in intimate life are noticeable.

Hula Hup

The intimate muscles develop well when you belly dance, as they contribute to the work of the diaphragm, which helps maintain the pelvic organs in the desired position.

One of the exercises can be done at home. You need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes to the sides, while you need to bend your knees and squat as low as possible to the floor so that the distance from your buttocks is no more than 20 centimeters. You need to tense your hips and relax your back. Now you need to start rotating your hips as if you were spinning a hoop.

Only the legs should feel the tension; the top should generally be motionless. It is very useful from all points of view to describe the figure eight with your hips, which liberates and removes various tensions, including sexual ones. It is curious that Thai women use their intimate muscles to stage real demonstration shows that allow them to evaluate all the capabilities of the human body.

Thai women can hold a suspended load weighing up to 20 kilograms with their intimate muscles, they can “smoke” with their vagina, holding a pipe in it, they can release water from the vagina in a stream of 1-2 meters, they can, by pushing balls out of the vagina, shoot them into baskets located at a distance several meters. In general, all these miracles are a direct consequence of the training of the intimate muscles... So let’s imagine what kind of pleasure in intimate life a woman who is fluent in the art of imbuilding can give her partner and herself.

In China, too, they do not lag behind their compatriots. Jade balls are in fashion there and are sold here as an entertaining and additional accent to sexual games. Balls of different sizes are strung on a string and inserted into the anus or vagina. They also sell a jade egg with a string to which a weight is attached. The egg is held in the vagina by intimate muscles, and over time the weight of the weight increases. These are the wonders of alternative medicine. And you say sexy! It smells like Guinness records here!

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