An intimate question: castration and sterilization - good or bad? How does castration of a male dog occur?

Why is it worth castrating a male dog?

Facts about the benefits of castration

Five reasons why you should neuter your male dog:

1) Scientists have proven that castrated animals live longer than those who are not neutered.

This is explained by the fact that any stress factors greatly influence life expectancy and the quality of life itself, and health, and unsatisfied sexual instinct is the strongest of all existing stress factors.

2) The animal’s behavior improves.

Deprived of sex hormones and the stress associated with them, male dogs stop “raping” toys and objects, jumping on their feet, imitating sexual intercourse. Attempts to dominate over the owner and other family members also decrease or disappear altogether. Urinary marks within the home decrease in 50% of cases immediately, gradually disappearing to almost nothing.

3) Communication with other dogs becomes easier.

Aggression towards other males is significantly reduced, chasing bitches and jumping on them stops.

They practically do not fight with other animals and do not cause aggression from other males.

4) The risks to life and health while walking are reduced:

Neutered male dogs do not break off the leash when they smell a bitch in heat, do not get into a fight for the possession of the “lady of the heart”, do not get a stick on the back from angry bitch owners, and accordingly do not die under the wheels of cars and are not lost forever after running away a considerable distance from the house.

5) The risk of genital diseases is reduced:

- from an accidental mating with a stray bitch you can get a terrible disease - venereal sarcoma, and castrated males will avoid this.

– testicular cancer and tumors of the testes – do not threaten castrated males.

And uncastrated cryptorchids(in which one or both testes have not descended into the scrotum) the risk of developing neoplasms is several times higher! Therefore, cryptorchids must be neutered! In addition, according to some data, this pathology is inherited by the male, so such animals should be excluded from breeding.

– the risk of benign prostate diseases is reduced.
The risk of perianal fistulas and fistulas is also reduced.

At what age should a male dog be neutered?

Castrate males
better at a young age, optimal age:

– in small breeds of dogs: at 7-10 months,

– for medium and large ones: 8-12 months.

This is due to the fact that sexual behavior does not have time to become entrenched in the dog’s habits. It has been noticed that castration of a male dog at a later age reduces, but does not completely eliminate, sexual behavior, precisely because it has already become a habit. Also, young animals have faster tissue regeneration processes, they most often have a healthy body and fewer chronic diseases that appear with age.

Castration does not make a dog “disabled” - if only because castration does not in any way affect the dog’s working qualities or its personality. Castration does not make a dog “not a man” - Because a dog is initially “not a man”, but a male, and this is not the same thing. This can often be heard from indignant male owners who humanize the dog, attributing to it all their emotions about castration. At the same time, forgetting that a young and healthy man, but deprived of the opportunity to realize his sexual instinct, would hardly be very happy! And they readily condemn their pet to suffering, believing that the loss of testes is much worse for a dog than constant stress from an unsatisfied sexual instinct, which is absolutely not true.

Many people are afraid of castration of a male dog as a procedure, but this manipulation is not very traumatic, since it is not an abdominal operation. The exception is cryptorchid, in which one of the undescended testes may be located in the abdominal cavity.

The technique of the operation itself may vary somewhat among different veterinarians: there may be an open method - when the common vaginal membrane is dissected, and a closed method, when it is not cut, but only freed from the adjacent fascia. Then a stitching ligature is applied and the testis is cut off. The skin will be stitched with stitches, which may be dissolvable or will need to be removed after 10 days. After the operation, the animal will need to wear a special “Elizabethan” collar to prevent it from licking the stitches.

Some male owners are not against castration of their pet, but would like to maintain the “full-fledged” appearance of this area. Let us immediately explain that the scrotum remains in place, only the testes inside it are removed, so outwardly it will look absolutely natural, just a little smaller in size.

It is even possible to make implants to completely imitate the testes, but this procedure is not widespread. Sometimes this procedure is requested by the owners of cryptorchid stud dogs in order to receive high marks at exhibitions, but, as practice shows, experts have already learned to distinguish prostheses from real testes and it is almost impossible to deceive them.

Conversely, at the request of the owners, excision of the scrotum can be performed. Scrotomy is the amputation of the scrotum, after which this area looks more aesthetically pleasing. In this case, there is usually very little or no postoperative swelling. Since this is a labor-intensive procedure, the cost of the operation increases.

The scrotum of older male dogs must be removed, since it is flabby and, if not removed, after castration it often swells greatly and causes anxiety and pain to the animal in the postoperative period. The scrotum must also be excised.
for her illnesses.

A few words about chemical castration.

There are chemical drugs, for example, Suprelorin, as a non-surgical method testosterone suppression. It is administered subcutaneously (the procedure is similar to chipping), and lasts about 6 months, sometimes longer. Used in cases where temporary castration is necessary (for example, mating is impossible or undesirable, for example, due to departure or in nurseries). As an option for permanent castration, it is also possible if the drug is administered every 6 months.

Sometimes chemical castration of males is used as a “rehearsal” before regular castration, in order to understand whether surgical castration will help a male with certain behavioral problems or whether his behavior is not related to hormones.

Cons: expensive, requires repeated administration every six months, possible local allergic reactions at the injection site, swelling, inflammation. Also (according to unconfirmed data), incomplete restoration of reproductive qualities is possible after the drug expires.

About vasectomy - the so-called "ligation".

Sometimes owners ask not to castrate, but to “bandage”/“cut” the vas deferens. In male dogs, this procedure is practically meaningless, since sexual desire and hormonal levels are completely preserved, only fertilization is impossible. During this operation, the sections of the vas deferens through which sperm flows are simply cut. That is, the male becomes infertile, but remains sexually active, aggressive, continues to dominate, chase females in heat, run away, mark territory, etc. Therefore, this procedure is performed extremely rarely.

In our veterinary clinic "Vasilek" we perform:

Castration of male dogs by closed and open methods,
-with or without removal of the scrotum,
- with the application of a cosmetic self-absorbing suture or a regular one,
-chemical castration with the drug Suprelorin,
-at the owner’s request, it is possible to implant prostheses into the scrotum.

Call us, we will be happy to answer all your questions!

Veterinarian: Golneva Tatyana Nikolaevna

is a surgical procedure that involves cutting out the gonads of an animal. And although the term castration sounds quite scary, the procedure itself is relatively simple and practically not dangerous for the dog, and also does not require serious long-term post-operative care. However, more on this later, now let’s try to find out whether castration is necessary for dogs, or rather your dog.

Do dogs need neutering?

It all depends on various factors. For example, they always castrate, because this way the dog will not be distracted while hunting if the bitch is in heat. Males living in apartments are also castrated, primarily so that they do not mark the territory (after all, when the dog starts marking the furniture, it will then have to be cleaned of stains and unpleasant odors).

But if you and your dog plan to participate in, then you cannot castrate him. You also cannot carry out this procedure if you plan to use your pet for breeding in the future. After all, a purebred dog with all the documents can bring money to its owner, and if it also has a good pedigree, then it can be quite good.

At what age should a dog be neutered?

You can castrate an adult male dog, but the best age is puberty, since an adult dog may already have the habit of marking corners, etc. Usually, in small breed dogs, puberty occurs at the age of 7-9 months, and in large breeds dogs - at the age of 1-1.5 years. It is within these age limits that it is best to castrate the dog.

Dog castration surgery: a veterinarian examines the dog to find out whether the operation can be performed.

Pros and cons of castrating a dog

There are many opponents and many supporters of castration, but to understand which one you will belong to, be sure to study the pros and cons of this procedure.

Pros of dog neutering

  • The dog becomes less confrontational and less aggressive;
  • The pet does not mark its territory, which is especially important for apartments;
  • There is no risk that the dog will run away because of the desire to find a bitch to satisfy his sexual needs.
  • The risk of various genital diseases is reduced.

Disadvantages of castration of dogs

  • The risk of the surgical operation itself (although it is minimal);
  • The risk of infection occurring after surgery (minimal if you follow your doctor's instructions for post-operative care for your dog).
  • The risk of increasing the tendency to obesity (with proper feeding is absent).

Video: veterinarian on castration of male dogs

How much does it cost to castrate a dog?

The price for a dog castration procedure depends on the size of the dog. For example, for a small pet weighing up to 5 kg, castration will cost 1500-3000 rubles, depending on the clinic, and for a large breed dog weighing 50 kilograms or more, the price will be about 4500-5500 rubles. So you found out how much it costs to castrate a dog; the procedure is not the cheapest.

Caring for your dog after castration

Many people are interested in the question of how a dog recovers after castration, we will now tell you about this so that you do not have to worry about the symptoms that are normal after this procedure.

Caring for your dog in the first hours after surgery

  • Closing the eyelids. During the operation, the dog is under anesthesia, and his eyes are open. Therefore, while the anesthesia is in effect, you will have to manually close your pet’s eyes so that they do not dry out.
  • Temperature drop. After the operation, the dog’s temperature drops slightly, so that even in a warm apartment the animal may shake from the cold. To keep your dog from freezing, place him on something warm (for example, his bed) and cover him with a blanket.
  • Disorientation. The anesthesia may last a couple of hours after the operation is completed, during which time the pet will feel weak and dizzy. Because of this, his gait will be “drunk.”
  • Feeding after castration. It is unlikely that the dog will want to eat immediately after castration, but when he already wants to, give no more than half the usual portion. But water should be freely available.
  • Seam care. The first time after the operation, you will have to take measures to prevent the dog from licking the post-operative suture, and also to monitor the pet’s activity - no stress so that the suture does not come apart. Learn more about all this in the video below:

Caring for a neutered dog throughout its life

  • Feeding a neutered dog natural food. If you lead an active lifestyle, that is, there are regular walks, training, etc., then you will not have to make any changes in his diet. But if your dog is a homebody, you may have to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in his diet, because after castration he will spend even less energy.
  • Feeding a neutered dog dry food. In this case, no problems will arise at all, because each manufacturer has a line of special dry food for neutered dogs. The main thing is to choose high-quality food, that is, or.

So you know everything you need to know about castration of dogs (at what age to do it and whether it needs to be done at all, how much the operation costs and what care for your pet involves after it). Well, it’s up to you to decide whether to castrate your dog or not.


The dog turns into a decorative animal living in the apartment. The absence of mating provokes aggression, territory marking, and other “charms” of sexual behavior in the male dog. Therefore, many dog ​​handlers prefer to deprive pets of the source of concern by removing the gonads. What are the features of preparing male dogs for testicular cutting, how is the operation performed, and its consequences?

Castration and sterilization

Different names in Russia have the same meaning. Most operations on males and females are castration because the gonads are removed and the secretion of hormones stops. Sterilization (vasectomy) is the ligation of the canals through which the egg and sperm pass. Such an operation solves only the problem of reproduction, but does not eliminate sexual behavior and does not make sense. The male becomes infertile, but the aggression remains, he pursues females in heat, makes cages, picks up genital infections, and continues to mark the surrounding area.


Unlike the female, in whom sexual arousal occurs several times a year and lasts a short time, the male is always ready for mating. Among the indications for emasculation are the following:

  1. Cryptorchidism and other hereditary defects that prevent male dogs from participating in purebred breeding.
  2. Increased work abilities. A male dog used as a guide, mount or hunting dog is not distracted by individuals of the opposite sex and concentrates on performing his duties.
  3. Prostatitis, cystic formations, tumors on the reproductive organs.
  4. Behavior correction. If a male dog is noticed to have involuntary ejaculations, constant erections, or excessive aggressiveness, he should be neutered.

Age of castration

If there are indications for surgery, it can be performed at any time, but most often male dogs whose bone growth has almost stopped growing are singled. For different breeds this is 5–10 months. If castrated earlier, the puppies will lag behind in development. When the operation is performed after puberty, the male who has had his first sexual experience will behave like a full-fledged male for some time.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of castration include:

  • the animal's behavior becomes calm;
  • male dogs stop marking their territory;
  • dogs do not participate in fights, aggressive males do not show interest in them;
  • sexual instincts fade, the male stops paying attention to the bitches;
  • the dog loses interest in wandering and sits at home;
  • A neutered male is less at risk of developing cancer and diabetes.

Veterinarians and dog handlers consider the adverse effects of emasculation on the body to include an increased risk of the following diseases:

  • osteosarcomas;
  • neoplasms inside the coronary vessels;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • obesity in a male dog, which causes diabetes mellitus.

As a result of hormonal transformation, the physical properties of wool change. The dog's hair becomes softer and thinner, with a structure reminiscent of puppy fur.

Methods of castration

Veterinarians practice medical castration, as well as emasculation using the traditional surgical method. In the first case, an implant is inserted into the withers using a special syringe, which releases hormones that inhibit sexual activity. Libido gradually fades away and after 6 weeks the male begins to behave like a castrato. His testes are shrinking.

This state lasts for at least six months. Then sexual function is restored. The operation is simple, the dog can be easily returned to its normal state. To maintain the effect, a new chip must be inserted after six months. The implants are compatible and do not require removal.

If the owner of the dog decides that treatment needs to be stopped, the chip is detected using ultrasound and removed surgically. Sexual functions resume after 4–6 months. This method has a significant drawback - hormonal depression often results in the formation of tumors.

In practice, they often resort to the traditional method – surgical removal of the male dog’s testes. To do this, use the following methods of anesthesia:

  1. General anesthesia.
  2. Local anesthesia.

General anesthesia

Veterinary drugs approved for use do not provide complete pain relief. They turn off consciousness and immobilize the animal. Males, especially older ones, have a hard time with anesthesia and recover from it for a long time. In advanced hospitals, gentle inhalation anesthesia is used. However, this requires appropriate equipment and trained personnel.

Most veterinary clinics practice non-inhalation anesthesia. Traditionally, the drug Xylazine, its analogue Xila or Propofol are used.

Local anesthesia

Some veterinarians use this method. The skin of the scrotum, but not the testis, will actually lose sensation. Therefore, anesthetizing the testicles of a male dog through epidural anesthesia is considered a more reliable method.

This is conductive analgesia. A solution of Novocaine or Lidocaine is injected into the spinal canal behind the last lumbar vertebra. The caudal half of the body is temporarily paralyzed. The dog is conscious, but does not feel pain.


Preparation for surgery consists of the following steps:

  1. Clinical examination. The male must be healthy.
  2. Laboratory diagnostics. For teenagers, a standard blood test is sufficient.

For adult weakened male dogs, in addition, it is necessary to undergo the following procedures:

  1. Biochemistry of blood.
  2. Urine tests.
  3. X-ray of the thorax (chest chamber).
  4. Deworming – 2–3 weeks.
  5. Immunization. Antibody production lasts 14 days. Therefore, the vaccine is given 4 weeks before the expected castration.
  6. Wash with anti-flea shampoo and antiseptics the previous day.
  7. Starvation diet. 4 hours before the operation, the male dog is stopped drinking. Anesthetics cause regurgitation in dogs. Vomit enters the lungs, which is life-threatening.

Before general anesthesia, premedication is performed to prevent complications, the technique of which varies in different clinics.

Carrying out the operation

In parallel with general anesthesia, some hospitals administer local anesthesia, numbing the incision site and the dog’s testicles. When the surgeon is convinced that loss of sensitivity has occurred, he cuts the skin of the scrotum, ties the spermatic cord, and removes the testis. The operator performs the same manipulation with the other testicle.

Further actions depend on the size of the dog. The wound cavity is powdered with antiseptic powder - Ranosan or Tricillin. A small dog does not need stitches. For a large dog, the scrotum is cut off (scrotomy) or sutured. This procedure is indicated for older male dogs because their skin sac sagging, which not only looks unsightly, but also causes pain during the healing period. To avoid removing stitches, self-absorbable threads are used. Otherwise, they are removed 10 days later. The operation time takes 10–15 minutes.

Features of cryptorchid castration

Dogs with pathologies of the location of the testicles suffer from the following ailments:

  • the formation of tumors that degenerate into malignant ones;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • pathologies of the penis and preputial sac;
  • prostatitis;
  • diabetes.

Animals are aggressive and sexually active. It is necessary to prevent mating, because deformity is inherited.

An undescended testicle may be located in the male dog’s groin or abdominal cavity. In the first case, the surgical technique differs slightly from conventional castration. For subcutaneous localization, the scrotum is cut, the testis is squeezed out, the cord is ligated, and it is cut off. When the testicle is located in the abdominal chamber, abdominal surgery is indispensable.

Some owners wish to maintain the full appearance of a male. They ask a veterinarian to insert a prosthesis into the dog. Unscrupulous dog handlers hope to receive a positive assessment at the exhibition. After all, a cryptorchid, which has one testicle preserved, is capable of fertilization. Experienced experts have learned to distinguish dummies from real testicles and expose scammers.

Post-operative care

A castrated male dog is placed on oilcloth, because at first the urethra will be in a relaxed state and urine will not be retained. You need to monitor your pet, checking the pulse rate and the number of breathing movements per minute. 2-3 hours after the male wakes up, he is offered water and some dry food. The animal may not eat for 1–2 days. After three days, you can switch the male dog to premium food.

At first, you need to monitor the condition of the wound; if the dog begins to lick it, put on an Elizabethan collar. The operated area may become swollen and red. It is treated with a liquid antiseptic, a suitable agent is Chlorhexidine. There is no need to bandage the wound; it heals faster in the open air, because the airless environment is favorable for putrefactive anaerobes.


Castration of a male dog is not considered a complex operation. Therefore, the problems that have arisen are the result of shortcomings of the veterinary surgeon or the owner who is caring for the dog inappropriately. If a reaction to the anesthetic occurs, it will be treated by a veterinary surgeon.

The dog handler is obliged to pay attention to the operated dog. The following symptoms are grounds for contacting a veterinarian:

  • incessant vomiting;
  • pallor or cyanosis of mucous membranes;
  • weakly palpable pulse;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest cavity;
  • The effect of anesthesia does not stop for 6–7 hours.

In the days following the operation, the following pathologies may occur:

  1. Abscess formation. The wound is inflamed, pus flows out of it, there is no appetite, thirst and hyperthermia are observed. The pathology is eliminated by repeated surgery followed by antibiotic therapy.
  2. Seams coming apart. Most often occurs in large dogs. They damage the seam by biting it, or begin to jump until the defect heals. Most often, in such cases, they limit themselves to local treatment of the wound, but if it ruptures, a repeat operation is required.

Cost of the operation

Tariffs for surgical operations vary depending on the city, clinic, weight of the dog and additional services. Approximate prices are presented in the table

price, rub.

Healthy males


Nizhny Novgorod, veterinary clinic. Live weight, kg

There is a significant difference in tariffs for the service. The larger the cities and the dogs, the higher the prices. Not all clinics provide comprehensive information. Owners of male dogs must understand that the prices given in the table refer only to the operation itself. Additional costs for tests and services may be comparable to or greater than the charges for a surgical procedure.

The operation to remove the gonads of male dogs solves many problems of their maintenance. The dog turns into a calm animal and performs well as a guide, guard, sled or hunting dog. Castration has positive and negative sides, which the owner of a male dog needs to know about before making a decision.

Should my dog ​​be neutered?

When you get a long-awaited puppy, whether it was purchased from a breeder, picked up on the street with good intentions, or given as a gift, every owner is faced with this. Sometimes it is very difficult to decide which path will be the most correct and rational, so you always need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Usually above the need for castration Males are conceived because of their pronounced sexual behavior, which is caused by the production of testosterone by the testes and, to a lesser extent, by the adrenal glands.

Dogs run away from home in search of a female, can attack other individuals, jump up, mark territory, whine and howl.

When a female in heat is nearby, the male experiences an emotional outburst, and he can experience both physical and emotional stress until he is completely exhausted.

Of course, during this period there is a high risk of injury; the dog can get hurt in a fight, while asserting its dominance, or simply get hit by a car.

Also, many male dogs may experience involuntary erection and even ejaculation.

In these cases, it is necessary to understand Is it possible for the animal, since the castration operation is still irreversible? And if after some time there is a desire to have offspring or to sell (transfer) the dog to another owner, difficulties will probably arise.

Therefore, it is extremely important to decide for what purpose this intervention will be carried out. Many people believe that after the operation the dog will completely change his behavior.

For example, aggression towards dogs, cats and people will completely disappear, the male will not seek leadership among the household, and will not go on the run in search of a bitch ready for mating.

Males also mark their territory, which is a completely normal instinct. At the same time, a dog living in a large open space rather than indoors does not cause any special problems.

And in an apartment, if a male dog marks the walls and furniture, this may become the very reason that prompts castration.

Should a dog be neutered?

Castration is essentially an operation, carried out under anesthesia, before which the dog must endure a 12-hour fast and be as healthy as possible.

Otherwise, the risks of postoperative complications increase. During the procedure, an incision is made in the scrotum and the testes are removed, followed by sutures, which are removed after 8-10 days.

Sometimes additional antibiotic therapy is prescribed. But in general, the operation is quite simple and the dog recovers very quickly.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure before the first mating., because otherwise memory and instincts can take over, and the dog will be sad, and emotional stress is possible.

But if necessary, the operation, of course, can be performed at a later date, especially if there are good reasons for this.

Eg, inflammatory diseases of the testes, prostatitis, non-descent of one (monarchism) or two (cryptorchidism) testicles, as well as undesirable parameters in show dogs, which can be inherited by puppies in all subsequent generations.

Even in non-castrated dogs, the risk of malignant degeneration of the testes and the formation of cysts increases significantly with age.

There is an opinion that after castration the behavior of a male dog changes. He becomes lazier and slower, more difficult to train, and seems to become dumber.

Veterinarians completely deny this.

The fact is that this manipulation is carried out at a fairly young age (5–6 months for small dogs and 8–10 and later for large ones), and it is quite natural that as a male dog grows up, its behavior undergoes changes.

However, the operation should be carried out only after the most complete physical formation, since, otherwise, due to a lack of testosterone, underdevelopment of bones, muscles and, in general, behavioral instincts will be observed.

Dog handlers say , that dogs castrated within the correctly chosen age range are trained in the same way as males that have not undergone this procedure, and the matter can only be in the individual characteristics of a particular individual, because they are all unique.

Before castration, be sure to consult with both a veterinarian and a qualified trainer or dog handler.

After all, it is possible that the dog’s behavior can be corrected without surgical intervention, which, however, does not guarantee that the male, for example, will not mark his territory or rush at the neighbor’s dogs.

Thus, according to statistics obtained at the University of California, aggression stops only in 60%, and marks are even less - in 50%.

Many owners are also confused the moral and ethical aspect of the procedure being carried out, because we try on ourselves the possible consequences and sensations.

But male dogs do not have a paternal instinct, a desire to raise offspring, for them it is an instinct for procreation, and if the dog has not been mated, then more often than not everything goes well, and the owners manage to avoid many possible problems and worries for their pet.

And the final decision should be made only after weighing all the available arguments, based on each specific situation.

Castration of dogs has its supporters and opponents. Animal owners always have one funny argument against castration: he needs to become a father.

So people attribute to the dog their moral and ethical torment, which animals do not have. The animal is guided only by the instinct of reproduction. If, with the help of castration, it is freed from instinct, it will not suffer and suffer. Just as he won’t be ashamed of his friends and girlfriends.

Castration is not just the whim of a cruel dog breeder. This is a humane attitude towards your pet, as it becomes more joyful and healthy.

When is a dog neutered?

  1. You are not going to participate in exhibitions (neutered animals are considered culls).
  2. You are not planning to breed dogs.
  3. When a mature animal becomes aggressive and uncontrollable.
  4. You have children in your family and a large male dog who is showing signs of dominance aggression towards family members.
  5. You are concerned about the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and tumors, since an uncastrated animal that does not have sexual expression is prone to such diseases.

Dog castration: age

The best age for castration is immediately after puberty. That is, for representatives of small breeds it will be 5-7 months, and for large breeds - 8-10 months. Previously, it is better not to castrate the animal, as this can slow down its physiological development and lead to the development of urolithiasis. With surgery at a later age, the dog may retain sexual behavior. Although this is rare.

Castration can be performed at any age for medical reasons. That is, for the purpose of treatment for diagnoses: orchitis, neoplasms of the testes, deep injuries of the testes, scrotum, spermatic cord. Or, in order to prevent genitourinary diseases, you can castrate an adult animal that has already realized its instinct.

How do dogs get castrated?

Castration of dogs is an operation to remove the gonads (testes or ovaries). Now the surgical method is recognized as the most reliable method, although previously many different chemical and other methods were used. But they turned out to be either inhumane or ineffective. Before the operation, the dog must be healthy; it is kept on a starvation diet for 12 hours, since the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

After the anesthesia takes effect, an incision is made in the dog, through which the testicles are removed. Sutures are placed on the surgical wound, which are removed after 8-10 days if the outcome is favorable. The doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics for the postoperative period. Postoperative swelling may occur for several days. If any bleeding or discharge occurs, you should consult a doctor immediately.

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