Disability during military service. How is disability determined for military personnel? A military pensioner received group 3 disability

The State Duma adopted a law on compensation for disabled civil servants due to war injuries

Military personnel are a special category of the working population. Their legal relations with the employer are regulated by labor laws only to the extent that they comply with the main regulatory document for this group of workers - the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, as well as other regulatory acts established for military.

Paragraph 94 of this document describes military trauma as bodily injury sustained in the performance of military duties.

Indexation of pensions 2019 - news on old age, military, disabled people

The message says that pensions of the category of military pensioners are also subject to indexation by the same 1.5 percent. The military pension for the loss of a breadwinner for those Russian families of military personnel who served in conscription will be increased by one hundred fifty-five (155) rubles. From April 1 of this year, this category of Russian citizens will receive pensions at the level of ten thousand four hundred sixty-two (10,462) rubles.

Increase in military pensions from October 1, 2019, latest news: retirees may not expect an increase in pension benefits in 2019

Military pensioners were among those categories that could qualify for an increase in payments in October 2019.

According to preliminary data, it is known that the salary of military personnel will be changed.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the calculation of the amount of military pay based on length of service will be made taking into account the following factors:

The specifics of calculating pension benefits are prescribed in Russian Law 4468-1 of 1993. Let's go through the most important of them:

Thirdly, there are calculation features for disabled people who have a confirmed injury.

Citizens with the first and second disability groups can claim 85% of the salary.

Those who have the 3rd group will receive 50%. It is also important to remember that if the cause of disability is an illness, then those in groups 1 and 2 will receive 75% of the salary, and those in group 3 – 40%.

It should be noted that this month, working pensioners received a planned increase ranging from 1 to 3 pension points. These increases, although insignificant, still deal a blow to the budget and call into question further indexations.

The authorities claim that military pensioners will not receive indexation this year; moreover, on October 1, none of the pensioners will have their pensions increased.

The government is currently working on a project to increase the level of military pensions to two subsistence minimums.

Now this figure is almost sixteen thousand rubles. There is also talk about raising pensions to two and a half subsistence minimums.

Disability pension for military personnel in 2019

In particular, these include: Conditions for issuing a pension for loss of health Article 19 of the Federal Law No. 4468-1 determines the cases in which soldiers are entitled to preferential maintenance from the state. It is prescribed to people who have lost their health: due to military trauma (wound); due to an illness that occurred during service.

Pension by disability group in 2019: payment amounts, terms, changes 2019

If a person is entitled to more than the minimum, then a certificate about the number of family members, place of residence, average earnings and some other documents is also required. The categories of people who receive social funds upon reaching old age also include military personnel, astronauts, and people affected by man-made disasters (the Chernobyl accident).

Military personnel who have become disabled should not be confused with veterans.

Group III – 8240.07 rub. (3,626.71 rub.x150% +2800 rub.); Group I will receive 24,880.13 rubles.

(3,626.71 rub.x300% +14,000 rub.), Group II – 16,066.78 rub.

(3,626.71 rubles x 250% +7,000 rubles), Group III – 9,146.74 rubles. (3,626.71 rubles x 1750% +2800 rubles). In addition to the indicated amounts, military pensioners who have received a military injury are paid a one-time benefit in the amount of: In addition, military disabled people are paid insurance: It should be borne in mind that this category of the population is also provided with monthly benefits for: Friends!

If you found this article helpful, PLEASE share it with your friends on any social network so that as many military personnel as possible know about their rights! Form for free legal consultation (please indicate your telephone number) In accordance with current legislation, you need to submit documents; their order and list are indicated in the article above.

Life is unpredictable. Especially for a citizen who is doing military service.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a conscript or someone who just came to serve on a contract basis, a man or a woman.

Various unpredictable circumstances can occur that seriously affect health, and then, as a consequence, ability to work.

The legislation provides for compensation payments for such people, in particular disability pensions for military personnel.

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Characteristics of categories of pensioners

Pension payments to military personnel are made from state budget funds. The calculation is carried out as follows: paid as a percentage of the amount of salary received during official activities.

Military personnel are a special group of civil servants, including citizens, who are called to serve to implement the country’s security and law enforcement functions, having special rights. According to the norms, soldiers, officers, junior officers and other persons in fixed-term/contract service have the status of “military”.

Persons with privileged rights

Individuals whose disability occurred during:

  • military service
  • or within the next three months from the date of dismissal
  • later than the specified period, as a result of injury, injury or illness, while performing duties in various military formations

Pensions for subjects who served on a contractual basis or by conscription, depending on the reasons for receiving a disability recorded by doctors, are divided into the appropriate categories:

  • payments received as a result of injury, or
  • due to a disease acquired during official activity

The following citizens have the corresponding right:

  • subjects who served in the Armed Forces, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, border, railway, and other paramilitary forces created in accordance with regulatory requirements, under agreements or by conscription
  • employees of Gen. prosecutor's office, which have established positions, titles
  • fire, tax, service, customs employees
  • employees of the penal system
  • participants in the “siege of Leningrad” who were assigned any disability group
  • citizens who became disabled due to emergency situations
  • cosmonauts who became disabled under the influence of certain negative factors in the process of preparing for the flight

At the legislative level, the system has introduced a differentiated approach to military personnel who served on the basis (who decided to voluntarily join the army) and those who were officially called up to serve.

The primary regulations for calculating pension payments are the laws regulating the registration procedure and prerequisites for a disability pension for contract military personnel and for a disability pension for conscript military personnel.

Competent authorities carrying out registration

Persons wishing to receive the described state support should go to the nearest Pension Fund office at their location at any time convenient for them.

In this case, you must have with you a standard application for the purpose of such payments, which is submitted personally or through an authorized representative.

It is also possible to send by registered mail with notification.

It is important to note that when sending a letter through a post office, the day of application is the date indicated on the postal stamp of the place from which the document was sent. In addition, documents can be sent electronically on the Internet portal of the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia.

It is important to remember that when applying for disability pensions, military personnel should contact directly the Ministry of Defense authorities that deal with such matters.

Registration requires a mandatory package of documents, which contains:

  • a properly completed application regarding the assignment of payments
  • copies of all passport pages
  • military ID
  • a certificate issued by a medical expert commission establishing the fact of health damage
  • conclusion of a medical board for employees (assigning a disability group, depending on the conditions for its occurrence)
  • other necessary documents confirming the relevant right

Key conditions and features of the appointment

The procedure is simple and the same for all persons who can be classified as military personnel.

The fact of disability

This event is not defined at the legislative level, but special attention is paid to the fact that disability must occur within a certain period of time. That is, the question arises when a person is actually endowed with such a medical status - during a specific period of time or after an illness that entails a similar consequence.

According to most experts involved in research in the field of social protection law, in order to recognize the described category of persons as disabled, it is enough to be injured. During service, the attack can be determined based on the results of a military medical examination, after dismissal - within three months - on the basis of a conclusion issued by a health care institution.

This document reflects information about the degree of organ dysfunction, the general condition of the victim’s entire body, as well as the results of rehabilitation measures, if any.

A military medical examination determines suitability for military service based on health conditions. If an employee does not agree with the results of the expert commission, at his request an examination may be carried out on an independent basis.

At the same time, he has the right to choose the institution and specialists who will carry it out. In conflict situations, the results are challenged in court.

Causes leading to disability

These are injuries and illnesses received during military service.

Calculation of payments

When setting the amount of payments, the following are taken into account:

  • Method of service - conscription or contract basis, in what capacity the person liable for military service acted.
  • Causes and prerequisites that led to disability.
  • Are there any disabled dependents?
  • Does the citizen live in an area with climatic conditions that are considered severe?

When deciding on a positive response to an application, it is essential when the person became disabled: during the period of service or within three months after dismissal; disability came later, but arose as a consequence of illness (injuries) received in the service.

Payments are established in percentage terms based on the starting amount of the social pension, namely:

  • Citizens who become disabled as a result of a military injury are assigned: in the first group - three hundred, in the second - two hundred and fifty, in the third - one hundred and seventy-five percent of social payments for residents of retirement age (sixty years - men, fifty-five - women).
  • For persons who have become disabled as a result of a disease, they are established in groups: first - two hundred and fifty percent of the social security amount. pensions for citizens who have reached retirement age, the second - two hundred percent, the third - one hundred and fifty.

For the category in question, it can be established one-time for life or temporarily. This depends on the length of the period by which the group is defined.

Double pension

Most often lately, interested parties have been asking the pressing question: is it possible to receive a regular labor pension when paying a disability pension to military personnel?

The answer is clear.

For persons who have the required length of civil service, the legislation additionally stipulates the appointment of the insurance part of the old-age pension.

Sometimes it happens that citizens go back to work after being discharged from military service.

It is not at all connected with the previous area (for example, a manager in some organization). At the same time, they continue to receive disability pensions for long service.

For a pension, in addition to the military one, the following main conditions must be met:

  • the employee must have reached the appropriate age
  • there are assigned disability pensions, for length of service, provided for by law
  • sufficient availability of mandatory pension points is required
  • civil insurance experience - at least seven years from 2016 (further increased annually by a year to fifteen years in 2024)
  • with all this, periods of military service already taken into account when assigning payments under the Min. defense, cannot be used when assigning labor pensions

Every year, a military pensioner, just like an ordinary citizen who continues to work, has his second pension recalculated automatically. There is no need to provide additional documents and evidence regarding the recalculation of pension payments.

In addition, for all disabled people, including military personnel, in addition to pension payments, monetary additional payments are prescribed by law on a monthly basis. These are expenses for social services:

  • free in suburban railway transport
  • provision of free medicines
  • payment for transportation to the place of treatment (sanatoriums, resorts)
  • completion of a therapeutic rehabilitation program

At the same time, you can refuse monthly payments by receiving monetary compensation.

Pension period

The described payments have a number of features unique to them.

They are appointed for the period of validity of the certificate of disability. Disabled people over fifty-five and sixty years old (female and male, respectively) – for an indefinite period. If there are any conditions for changing the assigned groups, a secondary examination may be carried out at the request of the pensioner.

In the event that a pensioner who for some reason has not reached the appropriate age is recognized as able to work, the payment of previously assigned pensions is terminated.

Is it possible to re-certify a disability?

The pensioner has the opportunity to personally contact the medical and social examination authorities for re-examination of disability if necessary. This can happen if a clear expiration date is not set.

That is, after the time specified in the document has expired, you must undergo a medical examination again. If disability is confirmed, the certificate will be extended/changed depending on the current state of health of the citizen. But, if there is no evidence, the military may be deprived of the “disabled” status, and accordingly, pension payments will be stopped.

If the disability certificate is indefinite, no re-examination can be ordered. This is due to the fact that a person’s condition, which was established by a medical examination, cannot change over time.

Repeated examination has no meaning. The person will always have the right to receive pension payments related to disability.

Thus, with all of the above, it is very important for citizens who defend our Motherland to fulfill their duty to it - to feel solid ground under their feet. This is not even a certainty, but a necessity! It doesn't matter what a person does.

Despite the difficulties of practical implementation of programs and gaps in legislation, the issue of social security for disabled military personnel is dealt with at all levels.

Given the difficult economic situation in the country, the state strives to support this category of citizens by annually indexing cash payments. It is clear that these are very small amounts, but it is better than nothing at all, especially considering that it is more difficult for these citizens to survive under the realities of today.

You can see more details about pensions for military personnel in Russia in the video:

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More on this topic:

  • Who can claim additional payments?
  • Payment amounts
  • Payment calculation example

According to amendments to the current law 156 Federal Law, since 2015, military personnel can be assigned a second pension; military injuries are the main condition for receiving payment.

Today, military personnel of the Russian Army have the right to receive the following types of pension benefits:

  1. According to length of service (subject to the minimum period of service established by the Military Ministry).
  2. Those who are injured or have an occupational disease during their service may qualify for disability benefits.
  3. For old age (subject to continued employment after service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation ceases).

Who can claim additional payments?

The second military injury pension is a benefit that military personnel who have reached retirement age, are on pension benefits and have accumulated at least 5 years of insurance service after leaving the army can count on. Military personnel of certain categories can count on this type of cash payment. Funds for payments are taken from insurance and savings accounts of the Russian Pension Fund. The amount of benefits paid is determined based on the amount of salary by rank and position and the corresponding amount of contributions to the Pension Fund.

The second surcharge is assigned and paid in the following cases:

  1. The serviceman was injured or fell ill while serving in the army or within 3 months after he was discharged from the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.
  2. Disabled status was obtained after discharge from the army, for a period exceeding 3 months, but the reason for this was concussion, wounds or injuries received during service.

Payments for injury are due to the following persons:

  • parents of employees in the ranks of the Russian Army who died during military service due to military trauma;
  • widows of deceased servicemen who did not enter into a second official marriage;
  • families of deceased astronauts;
  • parents, wives and children of military and law enforcement officials who died in the line of duty.

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Payment amounts

Military personnel whose rank is not lower than warrant officer or midshipman have the right to receive payments in accordance with the accepted norms of Article 19 of Law 4468-1. Those citizens whose rank is lower than warrant officer or midshipman receive a disability supplement in accordance with the accrual rules specified in paragraph 2 of Art. 8 of Law 166.

The second pension for disabled military personnel is a monthly benefit that people of certain categories can count on. Funds for payments in this case are taken from the insurance and savings accounts of the Russian Pension Fund. Military retirees who become disabled due to an injury or illness received in service can count on the accrual of a certain supplement to their long-service pension, determined by Article 16 of Law 4468-1.

Supplements are possible in the following proportional amounts:

  • for disabled people of group I, additional payments will be equal to three times the amount of the basic long-service pension;
  • disabled people of group II can count on additional payments in the amount of 2 pensions;
  • disabled people of group III can receive a second payment, the amount of which is one and a half basic pensions.

For men under 60 years of age and women under 55 years of age, the second additional payment due to injury is assigned only for the period of disability established by the relevant authorities during a medical examination.

For those whose age exceeds the pension threshold, the second payment is assigned for life. If, during the annual medical commission confirming the injury and assigning disability, it is revealed that the injury has acquired a more serious form, the pension benefit is recalculated taking into account the assignment of a new disability group while preserving its original cause.

If a serviceman misses an annual medical examination for any reason, the additional payment of pension accruals is suspended. It will resume only from the day when the medical commission confirms and issues the appropriate document on the assignment of disability. Without it, you should not expect any benefits; a medical examination is the main criterion for assigning accruals.

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Payment calculation example

In order for the second additional payment to be assigned, the following list of documents must be provided to the pension fund:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account;
  • work book or other document confirming the military’s insurance experience;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • a certificate confirming that a long-service pension is being paid.

Let's take a closer look at how the total amount is calculated. The rank before leaving the army was foreman, the position was deputy platoon commander. The length of service is 3 years. The reason for the serviceman's dismissal is military injury. According to the medical report of the relevant commission, the second disability group was assigned. The official salary is 17,000 rubles, according to rank - 7,000 rubles.

In order to correctly calculate the amount of cash benefits for a military injury, you first need to decide on the amount of cash supplement. According to Article 14, its amount is 50% of the soldier’s salary for the first 20 years of service and an additional 3% for each additional year (no more than 85%). Since 2013, when calculating this type of benefit, 54% of the salary has been taken into account (only for a period of service of 20 years) + 3% for each additional year taken into account (no more than 85%).

The calculation takes into account the following data:

  • existing salary;
  • salary according to military rank (allowances for service in places with difficult conditions are not taken into account);
  • monthly bonus to specialists for years of service.

The total amount of additional payments is: ((17000+7000)*0.54)*0.5=6480 rubles.

According to Article 16, additional payments for length of service increase in size for those military personnel who have become disabled due to injury on duty.

For those in the second group, the increase will be 250% of the calculated pension value. In this case, the calculated bonus is taken in the amount of the social pension, which currently amounts to 2,562 rubles. The total supplement to the basic long-service pension is 2562 * 2.5 = 6405 rubles.

You can carry out similar calculations yourself using a regular calculator. As a result, you will have the opportunity to dispel doubts and verify how correctly the benefits have been calculated.

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I was discharged due to limited health in 1995. In January 2005, he was declared a disabled person of the 2nd group with the note “The disease was acquired during military service.” What benefits am I entitled to? Is there any increase to the disability pension?

Igor Kirillovich Kurdin,
Topic: Pension provision
Locality: St. Petersburg

Disabled people, depending on the cause of disability, are divided into the following categories:

A) disabled persons due to military trauma - persons who have become disabled as a result of a wound, concussion, injury or illness received in defense of the Motherland, including those received in connection with being at the front, serving abroad in states where hostilities were conducted, or during performing other military service duties (official duties). Disabled people due to military trauma also include former military personnel who became disabled due to wounds, contusions, injuries or illnesses received during their time in captivity or during their stay in the active army as trainees and cabin boys;

B) disabled people due to a disease received during military service (service) - persons who became disabled as a result of an injury received as a result of an accident not related to the performance of military service duties (official duties), or a disease not related to the performance of military duties service (official duties). The responsibility to identify and justify the fact that there is no connection between injury or illness and the performance of military service duties (official duties) lies with military medical commissions, the conclusions of which can be appealed in court.

Long service pensions increase only:

A) persons who have become disabled due to military trauma:

  • disabled people of group I - by 300 percent of the calculated pension amount;
  • disabled people of group II - by 250 percent of the calculated pension amount;
  • disabled people of group III - by 175 percent of the calculated pension amount;
b) persons who became disabled due to a general illness, work injury and other reasons (with the exception of persons whose disability occurred as a result of their illegal actions) and who were participants in the Great Patriotic War:
  • disabled people of group I - by 250 percent of the calculated pension amount;
  • disabled people of group II - 200 percent of the calculated pension amount;
  • disabled people of group III - by 150 percent of the calculated pension amount.
Citizens who simultaneously have the right to various pensions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are assigned one pension of their choice, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

The right to simultaneously receive two pensions is granted only to citizens who have become disabled as a result of a military injury. You have the right to choose a disability or long-service pension.

The disability pension for persons who served in military service is established in the following amounts:

A) disabled people due to military trauma of groups I and II - 85%, group III - 50% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance;

B) disabled people due to an illness acquired during military service, groups I and II - 75%, group III - 30% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance.

Disabled people have the right to a monthly cash payment.

The monthly cash payment is set in the amount of:

1) disabled people of group I - 2,162 rubles;
2) disabled people of group II, disabled children - 1,544 rubles;
3) disabled people of group III - 1,236 rubles.

The monthly cash payment is established and paid by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Thus, you do not have the right to receive two pensions at the same time. However, you have the right to choose a disability or long-service pension, and also receive a monthly cash supplement.

Currently, on the territory of the Russian Federation, a certain percentage of the population is disabled.

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A certain part of them are citizens who received disabilities during military service.

A number of government financial support programs have been developed especially for combat veterans, as well as other military personnel who became disabled during their service.

basic information

Disabled people who were injured during military service are a separate category of citizens who receive a significantly larger list of benefits and incentives from the state compared to ordinary citizens.

In this case, the level of financial compensation and subsequent benefits depends on the moment of injury.

Thus, if injuries or wounds were received during hostilities, then the amount of accrual will be significantly higher, taking into account services to the state.

If we are talking about providing material compensation and benefits to disabled people who were injured in peacetime during military service, then the amount of compensation will be slightly reduced.

However, again, its value directly depends on the nature of the injuries received, as well as the likelihood of avoiding the resulting disability due to a certain number of circumstances. When calculating material compensation for military personnel, all these factors are taken into account.

Basic Concepts

Let us consider the basic concepts related to this issue in order to delve in more detail into the essence of studying the benefits that are provided for military disabled people from the state.

A citizen of the Russian Federation is a subject of the state who has the right to count on certain rights and protections provided at the legislative level.

A disabled person is a disabled citizen of the Russian Federation who, due to health reasons, cannot provide for himself independently, which is why he needs state support and constant care.

Benefits and privileges established by the state are incentives for a certain category of the population who are legally entitled to assistance from state municipal authorities.

Material assistance is a measure of state support through municipal social protection authorities aimed at improving the standard of living of a certain category of the population.

A disabled military citizen is a citizen of the Russian Federation who, during military service, received injuries, wounds or other injuries due to which he was assigned a disability.

Social pension accrual of monetary incentives to disabled citizens of the Russian Federation who have received injuries, wounds or mutilations beyond the reach of full recovery.

Based on these concepts, it is possible to study in more detail the methods of financial assistance from the state for disabled citizens of the Russian Federation who received a disability during military service.

Types of benefits provided

Citizens of the Russian Federation who were wounded, maimed or injured during military service can count on the following benefits and incentives from the state:

  • one-time cash incentive;
  • insurance pension for disabled people with military injuries;
  • social disability pension;
  • pension based on the results of military service for long service upon reaching 20 years of service;
  • the right to free annual treatment in sanatoriums;
  • benefits for ;
  • benefits when traveling on public transport.

Thus, military personnel can apply for two pensions for disabled persons with military injuries at once, even if their service has not reached 20 years.

Both conscripts and citizens serving under contract have the right to receive a pension and financial compensation.

The legislative framework

The settlement of the issue regarding the provision of a disability pension for military personnel is based on the following legal acts:

The texts of these laws clearly spell out all the data regarding the provision of material compensation, the calculation of pensions, as well as the dismissal of military personnel from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation due to disability.

What rights do people with disabilities have due to war trauma?

Military personnel serving under a contract or conscription when receiving a wound, trauma or other injury during the performance of official duties have the right to receive from the state the following rights and privileges:

  1. The right to receive one-time financial compensation.
  2. The opportunity to enjoy all the benefits established by law.
  3. The right to receive an insurance and social pension.
  4. The right to free travel on public transport.
  5. Possibility of receiving an extraordinary subsidy to improve housing conditions.
  6. The right to annual treatment in a sanatorium or boarding house, which is expensive in this case, is also paid for by the state.

All these powers are received by military personnel of the Russian Federation who received injuries or mutilations during military service.

Features of the size when calculating pensions (1, 2, 3 groups)

Before a disabled person who has received injuries and serious injuries during military service can receive financial compensation, an examination and a full medical examination are carried out, based on the results of which the citizen is assigned a disability group.

During this period, the disabled person cannot claim any accruals until the examination and medical examination are fully completed.

Let's consider the main features of calculating amounts for people with disabilities of different groups:

  1. Military personnel who were injured and subsequently assigned the first disability group have the right to receive the maximum possible compensation, in addition, they are entitled to accrual of two pensions at once, from the Ministry of Defense and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  2. Citizens who, based on the results of an examination, are assigned a second disability group are also entitled to receive two pensions, but for them the amount of payments is significantly lower, in contrast to injured citizens of the first group.
  3. Disabled people of the third group who acquired a disability during military service are recognized as partially capable and, if desired, have the right to continue serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. At the same time, they will receive a disability pension on a regular basis. Disabled people in this group can serve in the Russian army for up to 20 years of service and only after that receive a well-deserved pension.

Each disability group is assigned depending on the disease or the nature of the injuries received.

A one-time compensation cash payment is also calculated, which a military disabled person of any group is entitled to claim. The maximum financial compensation is awarded to disabled citizens of the first group.

How do payments increase?

Due to the fact that inflation occurs in the country every year, every disabled person, whether a military serviceman or an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation, has the right to receive an increase in material compensation.

For this purpose, the state has specially developed a program for indexing social and insurance pensions. Its percentage is equal to the inflation rate, and in some cases even exceeds it.

In order for a disabled military person to increase their insurance and social pensions, it is necessary to contact the competent authorities.

As a rule, these are municipal social security authorities at the place of registration. A disabled person or his legal representative can submit a corresponding application here for indexation of the social pension.

To increase your insurance pension, you must contact the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; as a rule, the application is made to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration.

What privileges can Chernobyl victims enjoy?

Military personnel who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can take advantage of the following privileges from the state:

  • non-competitive admission to a Russian university;
  • receiving one-time financial compensation;
  • discounts on public transport;
  • benefits when paying for utilities;
  • the possibility of obtaining an insurance pension;
  • upon receipt of disability, the right to receive a social pension;
  • right to extraordinary;
  • the opportunity to undergo free annual treatment in sanatoriums of the Russian Federation.

All these privileges are available not only to military personnel who became disabled during a disaster, but also to those military personnel who did not face serious health problems.

What to pay attention to

Military personnel who, during military service, received injuries or wounds, and subsequently disability, should pay attention to the following points when applying for all necessary financial compensation:

  1. Military personnel are entitled to two pensions.
  2. For the military, the processing of benefits is divided into two separate authorities. To apply for a social pension, an application is made to social security. To apply for insurance payments, you should contact the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  3. can be issued only once, in addition, its size depends on the nature of the injuries and the period of their receipt. So, for example, at the time of hostilities, disabled military personnel who took part in the conflict are entitled to a large payment.
  4. Military personnel who receive group 3 disability and are recognized as partially capable have every right to continue serving in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military personnel in the Russian Federation are a separate category of the population that has the right to claim benefits and incentives established by law.

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