Engineer is a creative profession for smart people

The modern world cannot be imagined without various kinds of machines and mechanisms: communications, transport, work, study and even entertainment - all areas are filled with devices that make our lives easier and better. A mobile phone, a car, a computer, an electric kettle, an elevator - all this arose by the will of people called engineers.

Currently, the engineer profession is associated exclusively with the development of technical progress of the 20th century. However, this concept arose in ancient times: this was the name given to those controlling military devices (catapults and others). In Russia, the impetus for the development of the industry at the beginning of the 18th century was given by Peter I, who established a school of mathematical and navigational sciences, which trained military engineers.

Currently, the specialty of an engineer is in great demand in sectors of the national economy. To support them, in our country there are many institutes, faculties and departments that train specialists in various fields. In this article, we will look at the specifics of an engineer’s job, its pros and cons, and learn how to become one.

Types of specialties

The word engineer comes from the Latin word for “ingenuity,” which means that these specialists work wherever something needs to be invented, constructed, or improved. In most cases, specialists are involved in the life cycle of a technical product: they carry out its design, construction, trial testing, write a description of the production process, and are responsible for operation and repair. If necessary, they participate in scientific research, which can undoubtedly be considered an advantage of this profession.

Depending on the area of ​​work of an engineer, the following specializations can be distinguished:

  • physicist – aimed at the applied use of knowledge about physical processes, the development of new technologies,
  • designer - designs any mechanism or device,
  • technologist – identifies disadvantages and optimizes the production process of various products,
  • programmer – automates various processes by writing algorithms and computer programs,
  • economist – deals with analysis and planning of economic indicators,
  • military engineer – designs and maintains military equipment and automated control systems,
  • bioengineer - applies knowledge of biology to solve current technical problems: for example, comes up with a mechanism for creating artificial organs.

A wide range of areas of work allows you to choose a specialty to your liking. Thus, if you love exact sciences, then, having studied to become an engineer, you can work anywhere: in industry, research organizations, military affairs, aviation and astronautics, construction and other industries. The disadvantages of this profession include the need for serious and painstaking study and constant professional development.

Where does the path to becoming an engineer begin?

As a rule, engineers usually become people with a technical mindset: those who, from childhood, constantly make something, disassemble and assemble devices that come to hand. Such a hobby will be a plus for the child - it will help relieve pain.

If a young man decides to become an engineer, then it is advisable for him to pay special attention to the study of physics and mathematics at school, as well as optional study of the properties of various materials, physical and biological processes. Schools and institutes often organize physics and mathematics schools and clubs for young technicians, where children can develop their engineering abilities. However, such schools usually require payment of fees, which is a disadvantage in this situation.

With decent preparation at school, it is not difficult for a student to enter a university to major in engineering. The list of technical universities in our country is very wide, the best of them are presented below:

  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov,
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,
  • Moscow Engineering Physics Institute,
  • Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman,
  • Tomsk Polytechnic University,
  • St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Such a wide choice of educational institutions is a plus for a future engineer, but competition for prestigious universities remains always high - this is a minus.

Another advantage for applicants is a small list of tests: physics, mathematics, Russian language. It is worth noting that universities such as MIPT and Moscow State University. Lomonosov, may conduct additional entrance exams. On the one hand, this may seem like a disadvantage, because it requires even more additional preparation. On the other hand, this is a plus for truly talented young people who may not have done very well in their school exam tests.

How to prove yourself as an engineer

After entering the university and studying physical and mathematical sciences, strength of materials, materials science and drawing, the question of employment arises. Usually, while still studying at the institute, students begin to work in their departments as technicians and laboratory assistants. This is an unconditional advantage, as it simplifies the process of transition from study to work and introduces students to engineering practice. On the other hand, the disadvantages in this case include the limited choice of future place of work.

In order to succeed as an engineer, you must have an analytical mind, be able to approach things creatively, be precise and pedantic, and finish what you start. All these qualities will be advantages for a future specialist. Also, you should never discard any, even the most daring, ideas. Without such ideas, man would never have sunk to the bottom of the ocean, or risen into the air, much less into space. The modern education system provides high-quality knowledge, but the desire to force students to think in a standard way can also be a disadvantage for an engineer, since the most non-standard ideas can be breakthrough.

The engineering specialty is one of the most in demand in the labor market. If you start working as a technician or laboratory assistant, in 5-7 years you can become a chief or leading specialist, as well as a leading specialist of any project. One of the advantages of this profession is its versatility: if he wants, an engineer can learn almost anything: from setting up production equipment to designing aircraft. However, there is also a disadvantage to this, since it is more difficult for a generalist to decide what he really likes to do.

The engineering profession has not lost popularity for many decades: these specialists ensure the production of material goods, advance technology and improve our lives every day. Despite the fact that this profession has its pros and cons, it allows you to fully realize the creative potential of people with a technical mindset and at the same time increase the well-being of society. Not all engineers may become the Leonardo da Vinci of their time, but they have the power to make our world a little more perfect.


The concept of "engineer" originated in Italy in the Middle Ages. At first, this was the name given to gunsmiths and operators of military vehicles. To date, the functions of a representative of the engineering profession have changed significantly. From Latin the word “ingenium” is translated as “ability, ingenuity.” Indeed, an engineer is a very versatile specialist, distinguished by a special gift for invention.

The famous Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci can be called a talented engineer. He is the author of many technical discoveries and ideas. He developed designs for aircraft, an underwater suit, an air fan, a drill, contact lenses and many other useful devices.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Engineer are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Engineers.

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Description of activity

Engineers work in a variety of fields. Their work is needed in the field of transport, aviation, construction, industrial enterprises, and research centers. Such specialists produce absolutely everything: from everyday items to the most complex technical structures. Such a great demand for engineering skills in many areas has led to the emergence of various directions in this profession. Thus, among engineers there are mechanical designers, programmers, technologists, economists, and labor organizers. All of them are united by participation in the development of various devices, structures, and algorithms.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Engineer cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Engineer, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What specialty do you need to get?

What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Engineer You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Engineer(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Engineer.

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Job responsibilities

The main task of an engineer is to create new developments that will be needed in various industries. He draws up various drawings, diagrams, calculations, creates projects, and solves production problems. Those working in the construction industry design buildings, bridges and other structures. Those responsible for organizing work draw up a work schedule taking into account all the characteristics of the personnel. Programmers develop various programs, for example, to automate the production process or enter and store information. Those responsible for the technological process monitor it and determine what operating modes and equipment are necessary for optimal operation. Often engineers have to deal with various documentation matters. The authors of various projects, in addition, participate in testing the devices they have developed and making decisions about putting them into operation.

Type of labor

Exclusively mental work

Profession Engineer refers to professions exclusively mental (creative or intellectual work). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Engineers They are distinguished by their erudition, curiosity, rationality, and analytical mind.

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Features of career growth

The engineering profession is in great demand on the labor market. Such a specialist can be useful in various food and manufacturing enterprises, construction companies, design bureaus, and scientific organizations. The level of his income will depend on his abilities, quality and location of work. A good specialist in this field has the opportunity to move up the career ladder. So, he can become a senior foreman, senior or leading engineer, shift supervisor, and even the head of a company.

The meaning of the word Engineer according to Efremova:
Engineer - Specialist

The meaning of the word Engineer according to Ozhegov:
Engineer - Specialist with higher technical education

Meaning of the word Engineer according to Business Dictionary:
An engineer is a specialist with a higher technical education.

The meaning of the word Engineer according to Ushakov’s dictionary:
ENGINEER, engineer, m. (French ingenieur). A person with higher technical education. Engineer communication routes. Technological engineer. Civil engineer.

The meaning of the word Engineer according to Dahl's dictionary:
m. French a learned builder, but not of residential buildings (this is an architect, a builder), but of other structures of various kinds. Military engineer, designated for military, earthen and all other types of work and structures, for waging siege and protecting fortresses; this part is divided into the leader (general staff), engineering, sapper, pioneer, etc. Civil engineer and communications engineer, in charge of the construction of bridges, roads, crossings and the duties of an architect. Mining engineer, in charge of mining; shipbuilding, ship construction; mechanical engineer, machine design. Engineering, relating to engineers or art. Engineering, characteristic of engineers, belonging to. Engineering cf. engineering.

The meaning of the word Engineer according to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary:
Engineer- originally the name of the persons who controlled military vehicles (Spanish enge ñ os or ingenios, Italian ingegni), engeneros, ingerieros, ingegneri; Subsequently, a number of specialties were brought under this general name: sappers, pioneers, mine officers, etc. The concept of a civil engineer first appeared in Holland, where back in the 16th century. began to separate the structure of bridges, roads, etc. from architecture in the strict sense of the word. In England in the 16th century, civil engineering arose in a similar way from hydraulic specialists, who were soon joined by senior miners and railway builders. Currently, engineer in England and America is called a low-level technician (for example, a machinist), and scientifically educated technicians are called Civil-Engineer; the education of the latter in England and America is for the most part purely practical. In France, the Ecole des ponts et chaussé es was founded in 1795, and its graduates were called Ing énieurs des ponts et chaussé es. I. of communications and mining (Corps des ponts et chauss é es and Corps des mines) have 3 degrees of dignity in France: Ing énieur ordinaire, Ingé nieur en chef and Inspecteur g éné ral; they are all administrative officials at the same time. In the United States, a distinction is made between military United States Engineers and civilian Civil Engineers, who are educated in special schools. establishments in the states or in England. In many North Amer. Universities offer training for engineers. business. In Russia, engineering appeared for the first time for military purposes, for which see Engineering. Currently, in addition to special military and naval educational institutions, the title of engineer is obtained in higher special technical educational institutions of civil departments, such as: technological institutes of railway engineers, civil engineers , mining and electrical engineering (see). For the history of India in Russia, cf. A. Savelyev, “Material for historical engineering art in Russia” (St. Petersburg, 1853); F. Laskovsky, "Materials for historical engineering arts in Russia before Catherine II" (St. Petersburg, 1858-65). A. Savelyev, “Historical sketch of engineering management in Russia” (vol. I-II, St. Petersburg, 1879-87).

Definition of the word “Engineer” according to TSB:
Engineer(French ingеnieur, from Latin ingenium - ability, ingenuity)
a specialist with a higher technical education, originally the name of persons who operated military vehicles. The concept of civil history appeared in the 16th century. in Holland in relation to builders of bridges and roads, then in England and other countries. The first educational institutions for training I. were created in the 17th century. in Denmark, in the 18th century. - in Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, etc. In Russia, the first engineering school was founded by Peter I in 1712 in Moscow. In St. Petersburg, the Mining School, equivalent to academies (1773), the School of Railway Engineers (1809), the School of Civil Engineers (1832, from 1882 - the Institute of Civil Engineers), and the Engineering Academy (1855) were opened. Since the 19th century Abroad, they began to distinguish between practical engineers, or professional engineers (essentially specialists who had the qualifications of a technician), and certified engineers who received a higher technical education (Civil Engineer).
I. training is carried out in various types and profiles of higher educational institutions in the USSR in the following branches of technical education: geological, mining, energy, metallurgical, mechanical engineering and instrument making, radio electronics, forest engineering, chemical technology, technological, construction, geodetic, hydrometeorological, transport , engineering and economics (see articles on branches of education, for example Geodetic education, etc.). In 1971, the Soviet system of higher technical education included over 230 engineering specialties and 360 specializations.
Modern scientific and technological progress has necessitated the preparation of engineering complex profiles - engineering physics, engineering mathematician, etc. The curriculum of each engineering specialty is designed for 5-6 years and consists of three cycles of academic disciplines: general scientific - higher mathematics, physics , chemistry, political economy, Marxist-Leninist philosophy, scientific communism, history of the CPSU, foreign language, etc.; general engineering - theoretical mechanics, machine parts, theory of mechanisms and machines, descriptive geometry and drawing, metal technology, materials science, strength of materials, electrical engineering, hydraulics, heat engineering, safety engineering, economics and production organization, computer technology, etc.; special - depending on the specialty and specialization (for example, for engineering geodesy, the majors are geodesy, higher geodesy, engineering geodesy, engineering survey, photogrammetry, practical astronomy and cartography, etc.).
General scientific and general engineering disciplines provide training for general specialists; general specialized disciplines (for example, the theory of technological processes, the theory of calculation and design of machines and instruments, etc.) lay the scientific foundations for the special training of the future I. General engineering training, as a rule, is carried out in junior years, special - in 3-5 courses. IN

All spheres of life of a modern person are in one way or another connected with the dedicated work of representatives of one profession, the significance and demand of which attracts millions of applicants to the university. We are talking about the profession of engineer, whose representatives easily operate with mathematical calculations, effortlessly create drawings of devices of any complexity (from a simple coffee grinder to a spaceship), and are able to realize almost any idea.

All spheres of life of a modern person are in one way or another connected with the dedicated work of representatives of one profession, the significance and demand of which attracts millions of applicants to the university, seeking to join the army of such specialists. We are talking about engineering profession, whose representatives easily operate mathematical calculations, effortlessly create drawings of devices of any complexity (from a simple coffee grinder to a spaceship), and are able to realize almost any idea.

Let us immediately note that despite the huge number of certified engineers, employers are constantly in search of not only qualified, but also intelligent specialists who received their education not out of necessity, but “at the behest of their hearts.” This means that choosing this profession is worth it for those who have certain abilities, which we will talk about in this article.

What is an engineer?

A highly qualified specialist with a completed technical higher education, engaged in the development of new and optimization of existing technologies for the manufacture of a particular mass-produced product.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin ingenium (ability, ingenuity). Initially, engineers were those who created and operated military machines. And the most famous engineer of that time can be considered Leonardo da Vinci, who gave the world a huge number of inventions and promising ideas. The “civil” engineer we are accustomed to appeared only in the 16th century, and even then only in relation to builders of roads and bridges.

It is noteworthy that, judging by the name, the main task of an engineer is inventive activity. However, in reality, most of the engineering work consists of refining existing solutions, and inventions take only a small fraction of the time (and this is at best).

Modern engineers are in demand in almost all areas of the economy: their work is widely used both in the manufacture of products and in the development of high-tech equipment. Naturally, a specialist who thoroughly understands the specifics of, for example, the construction of multi-story buildings, knows little about the specifics of the construction of spaceships. Therefore, today there is a huge number of narrow specializations of this profession, which directly depend on professional requirements and the form of work: process engineer, design engineer, metallurgical engineer, design engineer, electrical engineer, software engineer, etc.

Sample list engineer's responsibilities today it looks like this: work related to scientific and technical activities (design, information services, production organization, technical control, metrological support, etc.), development of regulatory, methodological and technical documentation, technical and economic analysis, research and development projects and programs, standardization of technical means, processes, systems, materials and equipment, examination of technical documentation, analysis of technical data, indicators and work results, as well as the introduction of scientific and technological achievements in production.

What personal qualities should an engineer have?

Engineer job is inextricably linked with mathematical calculations and solving technical problems. Therefore, such a specialist must have mathematical abilities, an aptitude for technology and an analytical mindset. In addition, a good engineer has the following personal qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • spatial imagination;
  • perseverance;
  • accuracy;
  • meticulousness;
  • creativity;
  • initiative;
  • determination;
  • the makings of an inventor.

In addition to personal qualities, an intelligent engineer thoroughly understands the principles of operation, design features and technical characteristics of materials and technical means, knows the basics of economics, management and labor organization, is fluent in modern means of communication, communication and computer technology, and is actively interested in the latest achievements of science and technology.

Benefits of being an engineer

According to statistics, a third of all qualified specialists are engineers. At the same time, despite the huge number of already working engineers, the modern labor market is constantly experiencing a shortage of such specialists. Therefore, it is easy to guess that the main advantage of being an engineer can be considered in demand, and therefore guaranteed employment.

Important advantages of this profession also include the opportunity to realize your innovative ideas, having at hand not only improvised materials and primitive “garage” devices, but the most high-tech equipment that allows you to make accurate calculations, thorough research and testing of an experimental product.

And most importantly, qualified engineers are needed in absolutely all enterprises, so graduates who have received a higher technical education have the opportunity to choose the direction of work that is closest to their soul: be it the development of new software products or the construction of smart houses. At the same time, if an engineer can work anywhere and by anyone, then anyone cannot work as an engineer.

Disadvantages of being an engineer

Basic disadvantage of being an engineer lies in the monotony and painstaking work. That’s why engineers themselves sometimes say that it’s easier to swing a shovel in the shop than to pore over technical documentation. In addition, engineers have to constantly improve their skills and carefully monitor the latest advances in science and technology.

Another disadvantage of this profession can be considered difficulties in learning. The future engineer will have to study such important and complex subjects as engineering drawing, strength of materials, mathematical analysis and a huge number of highly specialized disciplines.

However, these shortcomings can safely be considered a “trifle” compared to the low salaries that engineers receive at state-owned enterprises. This is especially true for young specialists who just “yesterday” graduated from the relevant university. This is why many young engineers do not work in their specialty.

We are already accustomed to the fact that over the past few years, humanitarian professions have become extremely popular among applicants. It is unlikely that anyone would argue that the supply for such specialties is several times greater than the demand: you need to have outstanding abilities or extensive experience. Recently, there has been a steady interest in the engineering profession, and along with it, salaries have increased.

To master the profession of an engineer, you need to graduate from a state university in a technical specialty. During the training process, students acquire skills in working with computer technology, reading drawings, and receive mathematical training. The profession of engineer is a fairly broad concept; competent specialists are needed in design bureaus, research institutes, telecommunications companies and other organizations.

Popular Engineering Specialties

  • Today the oil and gas industry is developing at a rapid pace, and therefore the profession of oil engineer is becoming increasingly in demand. The specialist’s responsibilities include the search and development of new oil and gas fields, as well as the restoration of exploited territories. To work in this area, a specialist must have the skills of detecting deposits, drilling technology, and know modern methods of mining;
  • In large cities with a high level of industrial development, process engineers are in demand. They are on staff of any large enterprise and are responsible for technological and production processes. In addition, the process engineer develops documentation and technical specifications for new equipment;
  • The world's population is growing steadily, and with it the number of houses is increasing. Construction is one of the most lucrative and promising industries in the modern world, which cannot do without a civil engineer. The specialist’s responsibilities include quality control of building materials, compliance with GOST, and safety regulations. A civil engineer is responsible for the entire process from the beginning to the end of the construction of a building.

An engineer's salary largely depends on the field of activity, work experience and region.

Do not miss:

Qualities of an Engineer

To become a successful engineer, you must really have an interest in all kinds of technical processes. In addition, it is important to have spatial imagination and a predisposition to study design programs.

Often an engineer leads a team of specialists. Successful implementation of the project requires organizational skills and the ability to make independent decisions. Responsibility is one of the main qualities, because in engineering, not only the process is important, but also the end result.

Pros and cons of being an engineer


  • An experienced specialist can count on high wages.


  • high responsibility. Engineer mistakes can be very costly.

After graduating from university, a young specialist can count on starting positions with a small salary. The pinnacle of a career is leading and chief engineers, without whom the implementation of any project is impossible. In addition to professional skills and at least 3 years of work experience, successful management of large projects is desirable.

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