Yorkshire Terrier toilet at home. Toilet training a Yorkshire Terrier. Preparing the premises for a new family member

You will have to think about how to toilet train a Yorkshire Terrier first of all, because the dog will be mostly at home, especially in the first months. In order for the training to be successful and the pet to relieve itself naturally in the right place, a certain amount of time and effort will have to be devoted to this activity. Today we will talk about the correct sequence of actions when training a Yorkshire Terrier to be clean.

Immediately after birth, Yorkshire Terrier puppies are in the playpen with their mother. After some time, they begin to slowly crawl out of their first home and try to explore the new environment. In the first days, they mark the territory anywhere until they find a diaper or any other toilet where their mother relieves herself.

First, Yorkshire Terrier puppies randomly mark their diaper and any other place in the house. But gradually, a specific smell and certain amenities, for example, a warm and soft diaper, tell babies where it is best to do this, awakening in them the natural instinct of cleanliness.

This is exactly what ideally happens in good nursery, where the offspring are monitored. Therefore, we advise when buying a puppy to contact Special attention on the cleanliness of the toilet. You can read more about choosing a puppy in the article.

When you pick up your puppy new house, the baby may get confused in your apartment and start chaotically marking the territory again. Your task is to toilet train your Yorkshire Terrier again. Next, we will look at where to start and what needs to be done to make this process go quickly and as easily as possible.

Necessary preparation

You need to install a toilet in a pre-prepared place in your apartment for a future family member. We talked about preparing the house for the arrival of a new tenant in the article.

If you have purchased an enclosure for your puppy, then one toilet will be enough to accustom it to cleanliness, since the Yorkshire Terrier will have limited space. If you allow the puppy to run around the house, then you should install more toilets so that the pet has time to reach them.

The following options are suitable for toileting for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy:

  • dry newspapers;
  • disposable diapers;
  • unnecessary clean cloth;
  • tray.

The most convenient and hygienic option for toilet training a puppy is a disposable diaper. It copes well with liquid and unpleasant smell. Of course, if the used diaper is periodically replaced with a new one. To maintain complete cleanliness, you can place a tray with low sides or a rubber mat from the car under the diaper.

Over time, when the puppy grows up and stops marking territory in the wrong places, you can purchase a regular dog litter box with filler or the same diaper. And for males, a special tray with a column would be an excellent option.

It doesn't matter which toilet you choose for your pet. The main thing is that the place chosen for this purpose cannot be changed so as not to confuse the puppy. If you have a large house and had to install several toilets, they also cannot be moved from their places. It’s just that over time you will need to reduce their number, leaving in the end only one, standing in the most suitable place.

After you decide on a place for the toilet, you need to secure all carpeting in the apartment. To do this, you can remove them for a while or block access to them for the puppy. At first, the baby marks everything, and may get used to doing this on the carpet, which is so similar to a toilet. Weaning your stubborn Yorkshire Terrier from these activities can be a big challenge for you.

Let's move on to training

At home

Toilet training your pet begins at home, because a Yorkshire Terrier puppy cannot go outside until all the basic steps have been completed. Therefore, as soon as a little Yorkie appears in your apartment, you must immediately take him to the toilet and try to wait for him to do his business.

If the baby does not want to do this and tries to leave, there is no need to forcibly keep him in a diaper, newspaper or in a tray. Give him time to get acquainted with the new environment: sniff, wander. But don't take your eyes off the puppy. If you notice that he wants to go to the toilet, carefully pick him up and take him there.

Typically, a dog’s natural desire appears after sleep, eating, energetic play and is accompanied by such actions as sniffing the floor, circling around its axis. Some animals may start scratching where they stand.

Get ready for the fact that the puppy will not immediately understand why he is taken to the same place every time and will continue to mark different areas your house. During the period of adaptation and learning, you need to pull yourself together and keep repeating necessary actions every now and again. Despite the fact that the Yorkshire Terrier is very stubborn, the monotony of cleanliness lessons will lead to the desired result. As a result, the puppy will begin to go to the toilet in a place specially designated for this purpose.

If you are going to leave home without your pet, be sure to limit its space with an enclosure or a door so that it does not dirty the entire apartment in your absence.

If you accidentally stumble upon a pile or puddle outside the toilet, do not even think about scolding or hitting the little resident, because the time for doing so has already passed and the puppy simply will not understand why he is being punished. With such actions you can scare the Yorkshire Terrier. If he withdraws into himself, he will stop listening to you.

You can only scold if your pet has made a mess. in the wrong place before your eyes. But even in this case, you need to do without violence, just say “Bad”, “No” in a stern tone and take the puppy to the toilet. If the dog went to the toilet, be sure to praise it, saying “Good” or “Well done” in a gentle tone. You can even reward him with a treat, but only at first, otherwise the puppy will get used to relieve his natural needs only when he receives a treat.

To make it easier to train your Yorkshire Terrier, you can use certain products that are sold in specialized stores. One product, for example, “Smart Spray” from the Api-San company, is sprayed on the toilet, and its smell attracts the puppy to do his business there. Another remedy, for example, “Antigadin” with its pungent odor may make the baby change his mind about marking the floor where it is not allowed.

Even a male Yorkshire terrier who is toilet trained may again begin to mark his territory anywhere during puberty. Bitches can do the same during. There is no need to be angry with your pet, it’s all due to the reproductive instinct. You need to do the same thing you did when you first taught your puppy to be clean. In advance trained dog will quickly understand what you want from her.

On the street

After three months, your Yorkshire Terrier puppy can start going for walks, since by this time you should have given him all the required vaccinations. If you plan to take your pet for walks every day, it would be wise to train him to go to the toilet outside.

The first walks will be quite frequent, five to six times a day. When the puppy has just woken up or eaten, you need to take him outside and put him on the grass to get acquainted with new territory. For this purpose, it is good to choose an area where other dogs have recently walked. The specific smell left behind will help your pet navigate and perform the required actions.

To be completely confident in the success of the training, you can take an already used diaper with you. Thanks to its smell, the Yorkshire Terrier will be able to quickly figure out why he was taken out for a walk. Don't forget to encourage your dog correct actions praise.

There is no point in carrying a whole diaper with you every time; tear off parts of it until it runs out. By this time, the puppy should already have learned to go to the toilet outside its own walls. If a miracle still does not happen, repeat the manipulations with the diaper until the baby learns to defecate outside.

At first, a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, out of habit, may ask to be held. You can take it for a short time so that the pet calms down, but after a while, put it back on the ground. Don't go home until your dog has gone to the toilet. This way you can let her understand why such walks are needed.

You will have to tinker with males, because they need to be taken out much more often than females. Yes, and you will have to walk them longer, since urinary system boys work often, but slowly.

You should not go for a walk if the weather is bad outside. Toilet training is, of course, an important matter, but the health of the Yorkshire Terrier is more important.

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Many owners Yorkshire Terriers They teach their pets to go to the toilet in a diaper - this makes caring for the dog much easier. In addition, such a toilet allows you to get rid of daily walks when necessary, as a result of which walking with your pets in your free time begins to bring real pleasure!


The sooner you start toilet training your pet, the easier it will be for you to achieve results.

At first, you will have to carefully monitor your baby. As a rule, puppies go to the toilet immediately after sleeping, feeding or playing for a long time. If you see that the dog has begun to restlessly sniff the floor and spin around, carefully pick up the baby and take him to a pre-prepared diaper.

After your Yorkie has done his business in the diaper, praise your pet loudly and give him a treat.

If your dog makes a puddle or pile on the floor, call it out sternly. You should not hit it or poke your nose into the excrement - you will only scare the dog, besides, a Yorkie is not a cat, he will not be able to wash himself, so you will also have to wash the dog yourself.

You can also take a piece of diaper, wet it in the puddle and put it in the designated area. Dogs are very good at navigating by smell, perhaps this way your pet will quickly understand what they want from him.

Change diapers regularly. Dogs are fairly clean animals; if the toilet is dirty, the dog will go looking for a cleaner place.

If the dog comes to you as an adult, then it can be toilet trained in exactly the same way as a puppy. You may just need a little more patience and diligence, because an adult dog’s character and habits have already been formed, and they are difficult to change in one day.

Even if your Yorkshire Terrier has learned to go to the toilet only in the diaper, then you should not forget about regular walks. Movement is vitally important for any dog, and communication with its own kind has a fruitful effect on the animal’s psyche. Besides, vitamin D is so necessary for the body, is produced only under the influence of sunlight.

A large dog cannot do without daily walks outside, however, many owners of small dogs teach their pets to go to the litter box at home. If you can teach your Yorkshire Terrier to do this as a child, you will make life much easier for yourself and your dog.

You will need

  • - tray;
  • - diapers or newspapers.


A large dog cannot do without daily walks outside, but many owners of small dogs teach their pets to go to the litter box at home. If you can teach your Yorkshire Terrier to do this as a child, you will make life much easier for yourself and your dog.

You will need

  • - tray;
  • - diapers or newspapers.


As soon as an animal appears in your home, a toilet should already be equipped for it. If the puppy is very small, at first he can be taught to walk on a diaper or newspaper, since it will simply be difficult for him to climb into the tray. Limit the space in which the dog will be to one room and cover a significant portion of the floor with diapers. It is better to remove the carpet at this time. As soon as you notice that the baby has begun to behave restlessly - whining, spinning and looking for a place where he can do his business, grab him and carry him to the diaper. After your Yorkie goes to the toilet, be sure to praise him. If the dog did its business in the wrong place, wet a piece of diaper in the puddle to make it easier for the dog to navigate by smell next time. In the first weeks, it is advisable that you spend as much time as possible with the puppy and have the opportunity at any time to correct his incorrect behavior and encourage right choice toilet places.

Gradually reduce the area occupied by diapers. If you see that the puppy can already endure and run from another room where he was playing to the toilet, the diaper can be moved to the place where you plan to put the tray in the future. If you have a girl Yorkshire Terrier, you can arrange a toilet for her in any corner, but if it is a boy, then when choosing a place you should take into account that he will raise his paw and may get on furniture or wallpaper.

Choose a comfortable tray for your puppy with sides that will not interfere with him getting inside. For a boy, you can buy a special tray with a column in the middle. Place in it a diaper or newspaper that your Yorkie is already used to walking on. If the puppy is confused by an unfamiliar structure, you may have to, as before, put the puppy in the toilet at the first sign of anxiety. Once your Yorkshire Terrier gets used to the litter box, you can remove the diaper or replace it with litter.


Your Yorkie puppy is used to going to the litter box at home, but that doesn't mean you can't take him outside. Try to walk your pet at least once a day.

Yorkshire Terriers are very comfortable dogs from the point of view that they do not have to be walked twice every day. Often they are simply toilet trained and use the litter box just like cats. In principle, you can do the same with other puppies until they get used to relieving themselves only outside and only at certain hours. There are also owners who never walk their pet at all, but such a dog, compared to those who are often taken for walks, will be much more fearful and will not be able to communicate normally with other animals. How to toilet train a puppy? In fact, everything is extremely simple!


First of all, there is no need to delay learning. As soon as he settles in your home, do not waste time - lay out a diaper or disposable diaper where you want him to go to the toilet. The main thing is that this place is always accessible to the dog without any special barriers. If you want his litter box to be in the washroom, you will have to keep the door open at all times.

Next, keep an eye on your new pet, and, after waiting for the moment when he settles down to go to the toilet, immediately move him to the appropriate place. As soon as he finishes his business, be sure to praise him, stroke him, caress him. If you suddenly notice that he has spotted a place to relieve himself there, and this place does not suit you, quickly carry him to a diaper. You will have to repeat these simple operations constantly for a week or two. Remember not to scold little puppy, just praise him more often when he does everything the way you want.

Later, when you are sure that the dog knows exactly where to go to the toilet, but nevertheless does something wrong, you can begin punitive measures. So, if the puppy, in spite of everything, tries to do his dirty deeds somewhere in the wrong place, you need to scold him and immediately put him in the right place. And when he finishes, praise him. Just do not punish the dog under any circumstances if you have found only the result of his disobedience. The puppy won’t understand anything anyway; he will already have time to forget that he did something wrong. But if you see that the dog independently went to the right place and went to the toilet there, you need to pet him immediately!

Yorkshire Terrier - decorative breed dogs intended only for keeping in an apartment, such a dog should absolutely not be kept in the yard or on the street. And, if you are not in the mood to take your pet out for walks all the time, then when buying a puppy you should immediately think about how to toilet train your Yorkie.


When to toilet train a puppy

You need to train your Yorkshire Terrier to go to the toilet in a designated place in the apartment from the very beginning. small age. Already a week after birth, babies can crawl out of their “nest” to fulfill natural needs, so right at the exit from sleeping place You can lay down an absorbent diaper.

Usually, if a puppy is purchased from a good nursery, then the Yorkshire Terrier learns from its parents to use a diaper or litter in the litter box. But sometimes even a previously toilet-trained puppy, when changing its place of residence, can get lost in the house and do its business in an unexpected place.

Methods of training to a tray or diaper

If for some reason your Yorkie zealously ignores the amenities provided to him in the house, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several ways on how to train a Yorkshire Terrier to the toilet:

  1. For the smallest dogs, this method is often used: you need to make a small enclosure for the Yorkie, fencing off an area of ​​1.5-2 square meters at home. In this area, only the bare floor and the tray (or absorbent diaper) remain. The dog usually chooses a place to sleep on the floor, and will go to the toilet in the opposite corner. Gradually, the territory is expanded, but the diaper or tray that is familiar to the touch remains the same.
  2. If your pet goes past the litter box, you need to wipe up the puddle with a napkin or absorbent diaper and place it in the desired toilet area in the apartment. Dogs are good at recognizing their latrine by smell, so all odors from “unauthorized” areas of the house need to be thoroughly washed away.
  3. Dogs usually go to the toilet after sleeping, playing or eating. Immediately after the Yorkie puppy has woken up or played and began to characteristically sniff the floor, looking for a place to do its business, you need to put it in the place allocated for the toilet.
  4. There are special veterinary sprays for dogs that can repel or attract animals. Some are used to scare the puppy away from a favorite but unwanted place by the owner. Others do the opposite, to lure the baby to go to his designated corner in the house.
  5. You can use the “carrot and stick” method. If a Yorkie uses his litter box or diaper in the house, he is immediately rewarded with affection or treats. And if the baby goes in a completely different direction than he should, the owner must show him his disapproval.

Should you punish your dog and how?

If your Yorkie does everything right, he is praised and encouraged to form the correct behavior pattern for the dog. And if a pet constantly misbehaves in the apartment and refuses to go to the toilet in a diaper or in a litter box, then it is necessary to punish it.

With a Yorkshire Terrier at home it will be easy to learn commands such as “Come” and “Place”. To do this, they first sit him at the far end of the room and move away, luring him with his favorite toy or treat and repeating the command “Come to me.” When a dog approaches its owner when called, it is treated to a treat.

The "Place" command is taught by the pet in the same way. To do this, the Yorkie is left on his bedding, a treat is placed nearby and the command is spoken out loud. Next, you need to step back a couple of steps and watch York’s reaction.

The first few times the puppy may not understand what they want from him and run up to the owner, then he is patiently returned to his place and the training is repeated again. If the dog remains lying down at the “Place” command, the result is reinforced.

Every owner should be prepared for the fact that a Yorkshire Terrier may take several weeks or even months to train, and it is advisable to train him every day.

As the puppy grows up and forms friendships with him, there will definitely be various problems. The process requires attentiveness, patience and prudence from the owner.

A small Yorkshire Terrier kept at home is like a child who is still unclear what “good” means and what “bad” means. A responsible owner should help him figure this out. And it depends only on the owner what they will turn into living together in the house with a new pet - into a daily nightmare or true sincere love.

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Video “How to teach a Yorkie to go to the litter box”

This video tells you a few more ways to teach your Yorkie to go to the toilet in a litter tray or in a diaper.

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Unlike other dogs that defecate outside, Yorkies prefer to relieve themselves in an apartment. Therefore, for people who just got a puppy, it is important to quickly and easily teach him to go to the toilet in a strictly designated place.

What should a toilet look like?

Some owners use regular rags or cat litter. These are not the best options.

If the owner for a long time is missing, and the animal has already wet the rag once, he will do it a second time in a drier place.

Dogs like to play with the litter and the granules will be scattered throughout the apartment.

Experienced breeders advise training Yorkies to wear a diaper. It can be special or disposable, which is intended for small children. Once you buy one large size, you can cut it into several pieces.

Ideally, place the diaper in a special tray. Finding one will not be difficult in any pet store. Manufacturers have improved it for males by adding a column.

To determine whether training will be easy, pay attention to the puppy's parents. If they are clean, it means that the baby will also easily learn all the rules of hygiene.

Before purchasing, visit the breeder and observe the dogs. Congenital uncleanliness or the fact that the breeder simply did not deal with them should raise red flags.

How to diaper your Yorkie

Simple rules and a little patience will allow you to quickly toilet train not only the puppy, but also adult dog, if, for example, you moved and the usual location of the tray has changed.

  1. For the first time, limit the animal's movements. The ideal option is to use an enclosure or enclosed space. Put a diaper there. At first, you will need to carry the puppy to her immediately after he wakes up or eats. Do not listen to those who consider this method inhumane. Yorkies are so small that they can easily get scared in a new large space. In addition, she could get hurt, eat something dangerous, or, in general, accidentally be crushed.
  2. Put several diapers on at once. Gradually, you will be able to see which ones the dog uses much less than others and remove them one by one, bringing the number to one. It will be enough for the whole day.
  3. If you couldn’t keep track of your Yorkie, blot the puddle with the same diaper and place it in the chosen place. You can't poke your nose, it will lead to stress. Consistent actions over the first few days will definitely lead to a positive result.
  4. You can transfer the puppy to a diaper 15-20 minutes after eating. Dog breeders are sure that it is at this time that they have a desire to defecate. If the dog runs away, hold it tighter. Despair will lead to the fact that the “wet job” will be done in right place, which means there will be a smell there that the Yorkie will use to navigate next time. Every positive result should definitely be encouraged.
  5. If the puppy still walks straight to the floor, there is also a way out. True, it takes a little longer. You need to cover the entire floor with newspapers. When your baby has done his job, gradually begin removing the sheets one at a time. Tested: the dog will go to the toilet where there are newspapers, ignoring the empty areas. Gradually, removing the newspaper, direct it to the area where it will be located in the future.

There is a lot of advice on the Internet regarding methods of accustoming to home toilet Yorkshire Terrier or similar indoor breed of dog. Based on personal experience, and without continuing the chain of numerous incorrect or “non-working” advice, we offer you an algorithm of actions that should help you cope with the designated task. So let's get started.

Tip 1. It is necessary to get accustomed to a diaper immediately. You need to decide on the space you will allocate for your home toilet before the Yorkshire Terrier appears in your home. By this time you should have the necessary supply of diapers. It is important that there are no breaks or delays in the daily shift.

Tip 2. It is important to immediately decide on a permanent place for the home toilet. At the same time, it is advisable not to change it subsequently. Sometimes it is advised to accustom one to a diaper in limited space, which you determine for your puppy (in the form of a pen). However, we would not recommend that you make one of the most popular mistakes. The dog memorizes the place for the home toilet, and when the toilet moves from place to place, this process becomes much more complicated. Sometimes it is necessary to keep a puppy in a confined space. Then be patient, because... The process of potty training will most likely have to be repeated after you release the puppy from the pen. Of course there are different situations, which require a change in the location in question (permanent or temporary relocation, renovation of an apartment, etc.), however, this should be an exceptional measure.

Tip 3. “Seize” the moment. As trivial as it may sound for some, eating is exactly the moment to which you should pay the closest attention. The same moment is the period after a long sleep (we are talking mainly about night sleep). If you see that the puppy is about to settle down in a place other than the designated one, lightly reprimand him with your voice. Try to direct its movement path towards the area of ​​the home toilet. A good idea would be to place the home toilet close to the eating area. At least for the initial period, until the dog gets used to the diaper.

Tip 4. Don't overuse punishments. In the process of accustoming a Yorkshire Terrier to a house toilet, it is important to be patient and show all your restraint. If you think that everything will work out for you and your pet, or should work out, the first time, then you are seriously mistaken. At this moment it is important not to typical mistake- dip your nose into the puddle and, shouting, spank the puppy for making a mistake. This technique can be used carefully, but only immediately after “committing a crime.” And please do this very carefully and unobtrusively. This kind of light remark will be enough for the puppy to feel that he is wrong. You can repeat this action at some intervals. But do not abuse or use force.

Tip 5. Use profile diapers, change them daily. In the process of trying to accustom your Yorkie to the house toilet, you should not skimp on cheap diapers. Moreover, replace them with multilayer newspaper analogues. Usually the difference in the quality of diapers is not so significant, however, the products of less intelligent manufacturers may not meet the requirements of the initial process of properly accustoming a Yorkie to a house toilet. There will be leaks, moisture resistance is not up to par, there is no odor suppressant, etc. The Yorkshire Terrier, surprisingly to the unaware, is a priori a fairly clean breed of dog. Do not kill this cleanliness in the first place. And vice versa, try to get used to it.


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