Why do you dream about buying little chickens? Yellow chicken according to the dream book. What does Chicken mean in a dream?

Chickens in a dream are a symbol of tenderness and defenselessness. Since ancient times they have been considered harbingers of emerging life. Many people do not know why chickens dream, because such a dream can be interpreted in different ways, since each dream book has its own message.

Why do chickens dream - interpretation in dream books

In many dream books, chickens are considered a harbinger of replenishment of material resources, as well as the conclusion of profitable deals. But when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account everything that happens in it.

  • According to information from Miller's dream book, seeing chickens in a dream is a sign of easy worries that will prove useful for business in the future. If the chickens are still small, recently hatched, the dream speaks of profitable endeavors that will require a huge contribution as a result.
  • According to Vanga’s dream book, chickens are a symbol of monetary profit and independence. If a girl had a dream, expect a new addition to the family.
  • Freud's dream book interprets the appearance of small chickens in your dream as a possible health threat. If you dream that you are feeding a chick, then expect a hot night with a person inexperienced in the field of intimacy.

A dream in which you eat chickens can warn you about possible dangers in life.

You should pay attention to relationships with your loved one and work colleagues.

Lots of little chicks

When you see many small chickens at once in a dream, there is a high probability that your luck will turn and new prospects will open up. Many chicks portend the dreamer a lot of money and a successful material acquisition. In addition, the dream promises career advancement, and therefore an increase in salary.

A woman, a man had a dream

For women, a dream with chickens foreshadows a future pregnancy, which will bring a lot of joy to the house. If a girl dreamed of a dead chicken, then you should expect an unpleasant conversation with her husband.

For men, a dream with chicks promises successful acquisitions and lucrative offers. If he sees a hen next to the chicken, then his beloved woman will soon become pregnant.

Hen with chicks

If you dream of a hen with chicks, then this dream foreshadows the arrival of a joyful event. It is quite possible that your relatives will unexpectedly visit you tomorrow.

  • For married men, a hen with a brood is interpreted as a cozy and peaceful home life.
  • For single people, this dream promises a profitable marriage and addition to the family in the future.

Feed, water, catch chicks in a dream

A dream with chickens can be interpreted differently due to the different developments of events in it.

  • Feeding chickens in a dream means that your loved ones are waiting for your help. After such a dream, you definitely need to take a close look at people, since assistance not provided in time will result in trouble in the future.
  • If you dreamed about feeding a chick, then you should stop and reflect on your recently made decision and conclusion. Another such dream foreshadows an unpleasant meeting with a long-forgotten enemy. At the moment, you should be careful and concentrate on your actions.
  • A dream in which you catch little chicks promises hard work and worries in the future. Alas, such work will not bring the desired success.

Seeing dead chickens in a dream

This dream foreshadows possible family problems, which, in fact, is not a pleasant sign.

This dream can also promise the loss of a dream and the unsuccessful result of a new business.

When you killed chickens in a dream, this dream means material and moral loss.

Be that as it may, this omen will negatively affect your destiny.

Chickens hatch from eggs

Seeing chickens hatching from eggs in a dream means problems in the future. Only with a lot of effort can you solve them. You need to understand that hatched chickens predict troubles in implementing your plans. In the end, like the chicks in the shell, you will have to break down the barriers to achieving your goals.

The birth of a new life foreshadows the birth of smart and creative thoughts about generating additional profit. This means that the level of thinking is now at its peak, and also that difficult goals will be achieved.

When in a dream you see that only one chick has hatched, and the rest of the eggs are intact, this means that in the following days you will be in dire need of the protection and support of your loved ones and relatives.

On what day of the week did you have a dream - interpretation

A dream that occurred on the night from Thursday to Friday is considered prophetic, but other dreams should not be underestimated. Depending on what day of the week you had a dream about chickens, the interpretation of the dream will be different.

  • If you dreamed about chickens on Monday night, then most likely this dream will be a sign of the need to behave tolerantly with people around you. In this case, you should pay attention only to long and long sleep. For girls, a dream with chicks on this night can predict pregnancy.
  • On Tuesday night, Mars is considered the patron saint of dreams. Dreaming of chickens this time may mean difficulties at work, as well as additional material expenses. The dream hints at future problems, the solution of which you will need to put a lot of effort and effort into. In addition to the negative interpretation, there is a positive prediction: the result of your work will be fruitful and successful.
  • Dreams on Wednesday are considered to be under the auspices of the planet Mercury. On this night, the chicken in the hen house is a symbol of your closeness with your family. After such a dream, there may be an unplanned meeting with friends, and unexpected guests may come to your home. Even a dream with dead chickens does not bring negativity this night. In this case, it can be interpreted as a break in a burdened relationship.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday, sleeping with chickens can promise a possible career advancement, as well as spiritual development. Under the guidance of Jupiter, such dreams predict the possibility of material gain from timely transactions.
  • On the night from Thursday to Friday, chickens are dreamed of as a warning about possible problems. The color of the chick should be taken into account: if it is yellow, such a dream promises meticulous work that will bring a lot of profit, and if it is black, then the dreamer needs to prepare for material losses and, possibly, the loss of a good relationship with a loved one. In this case, you need to calm down your aggression and selfishness.
  • On Saturday, a dream with chicks promises a person success in any endeavor. On this day, such a dream can be interpreted as some kind of hint about readiness for the role of parents. Seeing a chicken with chickens is considered a good sign for family relationships.
  • On Sunday, chickens are most often dreamed of by a happy and creative person. Such a dream, under the auspices of the Sun, foreshadows the beginning of a successful career, as well as the completion of a difficult path to personality formation. At the moment, the dreamer needs to make decisions very carefully, because his future financial situation will depend on this.

In this dream book you can find answers to common dreams with chickens and understand why you dream about a chicken and what it brings to real life for men and women.

Why do women dream about big and small chickens?

Little chickens are dreamed of as a sign of minor problems, troubles related to work or study.

Why do you dream of chickens that are not small yellow, white, multi-colored with chicken?

Not little yellow chickens mean that your best qualities are needed for better results. Try to give your best.

White chickens mean instability at work. Change is not in your favor.

Multi-colored chickens with chicken signify troubles and implementation of plans.

Why does a pregnant girl dream of chickens?

You will have to make every effort ahead. This applies to raising an unborn child. Difficulties at first.

Why do you dream of chickens hatching from an egg, hatching in shelled eggs in a nest?

Chickens hatching from an egg are a good sign; fate will generously reward you. For all your work and efforts you will receive in full.

Hatch in shelled eggs in a nest for promotion. Praise from superiors.

Why do you dream of chickens in the house, alive and dead, pecking at grain?

Chickens in the house are alive - a sign of joy and good events. It is possible that changes for the better are coming at work.

Dead chickens mean losses. Bad harvest, instability.

Chickens peck grain for money.

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Little chicks always evoke positive emotions both in life and in dreams. Why do you dream about a lot of little chickens? The interpretation of the vision will depend on the features of the dream plot. Seeing chickens is not always a sign of positive events. Let's look into the details.

General interpretation

A small chicken can symbolize the dreamer’s state and feelings at the moment - helplessness, weakness and confusion. If a person is faced with a serious life problem, he may feel completely helpless and in need of outside support.

Also, the interpretation of the vision depends on the following points:

  • seeing chickens of a certain color;
  • chickens hatched from eggs;
  • see a chicken with them;
  • the chickens in the dream were dead;
  • a cat was hunting for the chicks;
  • you bought a brood of chickens;
  • you caught scattering chicks in a dream;
  • you fed the chicks.

A vision in which the babies have just hatched from the eggs, has a positive interpretation: your ideas are destined to become reality. If the chickens were mixed with eggs, you are required to pay maximum attention to your project - do not let things take their course, you will have to try.

See chicken with chicks- a warning about impending troubles and problems. The chicken carries negative symbolism in the interpretation of dreams. Chicks symbolize your plans and ideas. For agricultural workers, such a dream predicts a crop failure.

See a whole brood of chicks/ducklings/goslings- to prosperity in the home, well-being in the family and quick profit. Only chicks should be without a chicken in a dream. However, if positive emotions were experienced in the dream, the plot may foreshadow the arrival of guests.

Dead chicks in a dream they warn about unfavorable times in the dreamer’s life. Don’t plan new things, take care of your health, women should not plan pregnancy. Wait for the right moment.

Catch fleeing chicks- to vanity and a lot of troubles that will take time and energy. If you are chasing chicks around the house or lawn again and again, everyday chores will cause you a lot of problems.

If you fed the chickens This means that in reality you will have to help someone with advice and deeds. Chicks drinking water indicate mistakes that you have managed to make in life.

If a cat caught the chicks, this warns of trouble coming. The outcome of events will depend on the completion of the dream plot. If the cat failed to catch the chicks, all problems will be resolved. Otherwise, big trouble awaits you.

Buy a brood of chicks- for a gift, good news. If in a dream you sold chicks yourself, you will have to give the gift.

Color of chicks

Sometimes the dreamer pays attention to the color of the chickens in a dream. What does the color of baby feathers mean?

  • Many bright yellow chicks speaks of the dreamer's cowardice and indecision. This dream also warns of a decrease in immune defense. To avoid getting sick, take care of strengthening your body.
  • Black chicks portend trouble. You need to take control of the situation into your own hands; not relying on chance will not help. The situation will inevitably reach a dead end if you do not act.
  • Many little white chicks- a good omen. In the dreamer’s life there will be a chance to realize his potential, to prove himself, to show his best side. The dream also foreshadows a change in life attitudes; the dreamer is entering a new stage of his mental development - it is important to choose the right direction and not turn aside.
  • Variegated chickens symbolize activated enemies who have prepared a trap for the dreamer. You will encounter insidious intrigues - be vigilant. In dreams, our subconscious gives a hint of the right direction in life through images, and does not confront the fatal inevitability.

Remember that the interpretation of visions largely depends on the dreamer’s current life situation, and not on the dream book written in the interpreter. Seeing a hen with chicks can promise unpleasant troubles in one case, and in another case, this dream prophesies an addition to the family or a happy marriage. Listen to your intuition and you will find the right answer within yourself.

We perceive dreams as an integral part of life and often do not pay attention to them.

But if we have an unusual dream, its content makes us think about the interpretation of dreams. Indeed, for a city dweller to see chickens in a dream is at least unexpected.

Small fluffy yellow lumps evoke positive emotions, but most modern people do not encounter pet chicks in real life.

Such a dream arouses curiosity, and makes skeptics think about the unconscious. You can find out why chickens dream with the help of dream books.

What exactly did you dream about?

Since the chicken is the most common poultry in many countries, living with humans for many centuries, the interpretation of dreams in which its chicks appear coincides in most dream books.

Little chickens and ducklings cause a lot of trouble not only for their mother, but also for their owner, so the main meanings of sleep are various troubles and problems. When interpreting a dream about chickens, one must take into account:

  • Age of chicks.
  • Their number.
  • The circumstances under which you saw them in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book indicates that if you dream:

  • A brood of chicks - in the future, various worries and troubles await you that can benefit you.
  • Like chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening, you have ill-wishers who are plotting some kind of evil against you.
  • Small, recently hatched chicks promise success in your endeavors, but this success will require serious physical effort.
  • If you eat chicken, your affairs and personal relationships are at risk. Moreover, your image will suffer in the future due to your selfishness.
  • If you dream of a chicken (or there were a lot of them) and a hen, pleasant meetings at home or a new addition to your family await you, and chicken eggs in a nest symbolize wealth and a happy marriage.

Sometimes in a dream, chickens are accompanied by ducklings, which, according to Miller, portend a pleasant surprise in the material sphere that can positively affect your life.

What do other dream books say?

1. An ancient Persian dream book states that men dream of a chicken sitting on eggs to indicate that a friend is unexpectedly pregnant.

2. And Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets a dream about hens with chicks as impending losses.

At the same time, chickens and their chicks pecking at grain dream of guests or money.

3. The English interpreter claims that a dream about a hen and chickens warns of the loss of a loved one. And for a farmer, this is a harbinger of a bad year.

4. If you dream that a hawk attacked a chicken, the chicken rushed to fight it off, and you yourself rushed to save the chicken, it means that your defender needs your help (this is how this dream is interpreted by Aesop’s Dream Book).

5. According to the Chinese dream book, eggs hatched by chickens are a great joy in dreams.

6. The interpretations of the Gypsy dream book are somewhat different from the others due to the specific traditions of this people. So, dreaming of chickens promises dreamers a large income. If you dream:

  • A chicken laying eggs means good luck awaits you.
  • Hens and chicks foretell receiving influential support that you have long sought.
  • The chickens you feed - expect minor troubles.

7. Grishina’s noble dream book interprets a dream about hens and chicks as impending family joy. And eggs laid by a chicken are like a joyful event in the future.

According to this dream book, seeing chickens in a dream means good luck, and feeding them means poverty. Dreaming of chickens in large numbers promises hard work in the future.

8. Interpreter Shereminskaya claims that guests dream of a lot of chickens, and birds pecking at grain portend profit.

A dream in which chickens are present may have a psychological background, so for an accurate interpretation of the dream it is important not to be limited to its brief meanings.

Interpretation of dreams taking into account psychological factors

A small chicken or duckling evokes sympathy and tenderness, and the defenselessness of the chick is a desire to show care, so the chicken symbolizes a weak person in need of care. If you dreamed:

1. A chick rushing about and squeaking, in reality you will protect a resigned and unrequited person, while gaining the respect of others.

3. The chick is in your hands - do not rush to accept the (at first glance profitable) offer, otherwise you risk causing unnecessary trouble.

4. A chicken trying to fly, good news awaits you (ducklings trying to fly portend wealth, and ducklings diving to the bottom - loss).

5. The hatching chick promises the implementation of your plans and projects with efforts on your part.

Freud's Dream Book notes that small chickens are a sign that draws your attention to your health. Freud associated feeding the chicks with the inexperience of your sexual partner and your role as a mentor in the world of sex.

If you pay attention to the esoteric dream book, chickens indicate an emptiness in your life, filled with small chores and trivial worries.

If you compare the meanings of dreams in various dream books, you will be able to correctly interpret your dream!
Author: Marina Nosova

Who hasn't seen a chicken? It is unlikely that anyone in the whole wide world will have negative feelings at the sight of this small, fluffy and sunny lump. In this article we will try to shed light on the question of why chickens dream. Let us also pay attention to the following points.

  • Which symbolizes a whole brood of birds.
  • What portends the appearance of a hen with chicks in a night vision.
  • Why do you dream about chickens laying eggs?
  • What do dead birds portend?
  • What to expect if your vision is to buy or give chickens.
  • Why do you dream of a lost chick running around your house or peacefully drinking water?

A chicken in night vision can symbolize the dreamer's feelings. It is quite possible that at a given period of time he feels weakness, even defenselessness in front of current life circumstances or in front of some person. All he needs is support and affection from the people around him.

As another dream book says, chickens in night vision foretell success in endeavors and profit. If some idea has been in your head for a long time, but you just don’t dare to start putting it into practice, then don’t be afraid of anything and boldly get down to business. If your birthday falls in May or one of the summer months, then chickens in a dream portend you the acquisition of something new. It is worth noting that the purchase will be successful.

A dream in which you see a small yellow representative of birds also means that you are too frivolous about your health. Pay attention to your lifestyle. Maybe it's time to think about eating right or exercising. Or maybe you just need to give yourself a few days off.

If, immersed in the arms of Morpheus, you see a chicken in your hands, then soon you will receive some kind of offer. Be careful before you give your consent. Evaluate all the pros and cons of cooperation and be sure to pay attention to what is behind it.

Brood of poultry

Many yellow chicks in night vision, a whole brood, portend worries and troubles to the dreamer. The dreamer will undoubtedly cope with them, and some worries will benefit him. If you dream of a brood of chicks or ducklings, then your wealth will soon increase. This interpretation is more suitable for representatives of the stronger sex.

As another dream book says, a whole brood of domestic animals (chickens, ducklings) symbolizes an addition to the family. A dream in which you saw a hen with small chicks means that changes are coming in your life. Perhaps your chosen one will offer to end the relationship and leave for another person.

Don't be upset! Perhaps your feelings have really faded, and the relationship has outlived its usefulness. In any case, a new happy love awaits you ahead.

Such a dream has an intriguing interpretation for a married woman. If she dreamed of a chicken with her brood, then a lover will appear in her life. It’s probably not worth telling your spouse about such a vision. If a married woman sees a dead chicken in a dream, an unplanned pregnancy will occur in her life.

If you dream of a chicken or a lot of yellow birds running around the expanses of your apartment, then in real life you are tired of everyday worries. Give yourself a fasting day, drop everything and go have fun. Men go fishing, and women go to a beauty salon, or all together for a picnic!

If you dream that you are buying small birds or that they are being given to you, expect to receive a valuable gift. It will be presented to you by one of your relatives, with whom you are not yet familiar and are unlikely to know about its existence. If you had a dream in which you yourself sold yellow chicks, then you will give the gift.

Seeing a lost chicken in your sweet dreams means that in real life you are a very kind and sympathetic person. You want to help and protect a weaker person.

If you dream that a chicken is drinking water, then you should be more reasonable and not make hasty conclusions. It’s not for nothing that they say, “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.” Before you do or say anything, think about everything, even the smallest details.

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