Qualitative risk analysis. Identification of company personnel risks

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3.1 Assessment of environmental factors

3.3 Risk probability assessment

3.6 Verbal function method


In the conditions of the emergence of a market economy in our country, planning an enterprise’s personnel needs is a rather complex type of forecast, because it requires taking into account: the level of education, professional skills and abilities of the personnel that the enterprise needs.

In the system of measures for implementing economic reform, special importance is attached to increasing the level of work with personnel, placing this work on a solid scientific foundation, and using the domestic and foreign experience accumulated over many years.

Personnel planning is defined as “the process of ensuring that an organization has the right number of qualified personnel recruited into the right positions at the right time.” According to another definition, personnel planning is “a system for selecting qualified personnel, using two types of sources - internal (employees available in the organization) and external (found or attracted from the external environment), with the goal of meeting the organization’s needs for the required number of specialists in specific time frame".

Personnel planning, as one of the important functions of personnel management, consists of quantitative, qualitative, temporal and spatial determination of the need for personnel necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. Personnel planning is based on the development strategy of the organization and its personnel policy. The workforce planning function is becoming increasingly important in supporting the organization's strategy, since accurate accounting of future needs allows for clear guidance when developing plans for advanced training and work with the reserve. However, it should be noted that the planned economic growth programs of the organization are increasingly not supported by appropriate management personnel, and more attention is paid to issues of financing and investment.

The relevance of the topic is related to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, since in our country if the activities of personnel management do not carry out accurate planning in accordance with its needs, then this activity is less effective. Only with proper organization of personnel records and monitoring of employee labor results can high productivity and quality of work be achieved, and as a result, a competitive company.

1. The concept of personnel risk. Types of personnel risk, their classification

personnel risk probability threat

In practical activities, modern enterprises, in order to streamline business processes related to personnel, form a personnel management system. An important component of an effectively functioning personnel management system of an organization is the mechanism for managing personnel risks.

Personnel risk is a situation that reflects the danger of undesirable developments of events that directly or indirectly affect the functioning and development of the organization, personnel, society as a whole and the occurrence of which is associated with objectively existing uncertainty due to a number of reasons: ineffectiveness of the personnel management system; behavior, action (inaction) of personnel; external environment of the organization.

Based on the above definition, subjective and objective personnel risks can be distinguished. Objective personnel risks occur regardless of the actions and against the will of the organization’s personnel. In the case of subjective personnel risks, the occurrence of any adverse events depends on the actions of a specific employee of the enterprise. Personnel risks occupy an important place in the system of business risks, which is due to a number of their features. Firstly, the direct relationship between the level of personnel risk and the rate of profit is not obvious, that is, an increase in the level of personnel risk does not lead to maximization of the enterprise’s profit function. Secondly, the source or object of personnel risks is the organization’s personnel or an individual employee. Thirdly, the impossibility of completely transferring personnel risks to other market entities.

An approach to the classification of personnel risks has been developed that reflects the socio-economic essence of personnel risks and allows one to plan and organize the process of managing them on a systematic basis.

In modern theory and practice, there is no systematic approach to resolving issues of classification of personnel risks. At the same time, the reliability of the organization’s security is directly related to the completeness of the understanding of personnel risks, which, in turn, requires an exhaustive, systematically presented classification of personnel risks. Classification of personnel risks, which involves dividing them into groups according to certain criteria, makes it possible to assess the place of each risk in the overall system and creates the potential for selecting the most effective appropriate methods and techniques for risk management.

Based on the above, a classification of personnel risks is proposed in the form of a table.

Table 1. Classification of personnel risks (CR)

By localization area

Internal risks

External risks

By source of risk

Personnel risks

Risks of the personnel management system

By risk object

Employee risks

Risks of the organization

State risks

According to the systematicity of manifestation

Systematic risks

Unsystematic risks

By type of activity of the organization

Risks of production activities

Risks in financial activities

Risks in commercial activities

Risks in innovation activities

Risks in management, etc.

Based on performance results

Pure risks

Speculative risks

According to the possible extent of damage



Global (strategic)

According to the degree of regularity of potential manifestation

One-time (random) risks

Regular risks

Constant risks

According to the degree of sensitivity to CI of various groups of stakeholders

Acceptable risks

Acceptable risks

Unacceptable risks

According to the degree of legality

Justified risks

Unjustified risks

For reasons of occurrence

Random (unintentional) risks

Non-random (targeted risks)

2. Analysis of personnel risk problems

Risk analysis begins with a qualitative analysis. Quantitative methods rely on mathematical, predefined, strict dependencies and rules. For example, regarding the main factors influencing the occurrence of personnel risks, M.Yu. Khromov includes: the qualification asymmetry of people who want to get a job, the professional imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market, blurred moral and value attitudes of individual workers, actions on the part of criminal elements; low level of qualifications of workers, - low level and quality of life of people. Then he divides into internal and external factors, random and non-random. The same situation is observed in the classification of the personnel management system. In this presentation, it is difficult for practical employees of the organization to navigate risk management, since they are unaddressed and groundless in nature. An analysis of works on risk management by domestic and foreign authors allows us to conclude that risk management activities are currently well structured, which includes the following main areas: qualitative risk analysis, its identification, quantitative risk assessment, selection of a risk management method and tool, risk prevention and control, risk financing, results assessment. Risks of personnel management in an organization can be observed already during the selection of employees of the organization. The risk of creating a negative image may arise already at the stage of searching for a candidate, for example, due to illiterate content and form of an advertisement for a vacant position.

Theory and practice have developed various methods of risk management: avoiding or evading risks, risk dissipation, risk diversification, risk insurance, risk absorption, transfer (transfer) of risks to another business entity, risk limitation.

The risk management process includes: risk management planning; diagnostics of risks, assessment and ranking of risks, selection of measures and analysis of effectiveness, monitoring of activities at all stages. In the process of risk management, one should focus on the following principles: scale, minimization (limitation, hedging and insurance), adequacy of response, reasonable risk acceptance. The integration of risk management into the overall management process is expressed, in particular, in the fact that almost all divisions of the company are involved in risk management: representatives of functional departments are involved in the identification and analysis of risks as experts, they are also involved in the development of measures to manage their risks and the risk management itself. managing these risks, monitoring their level, implementing measures to prevent the occurrence and eliminate the consequences of risk events. At the same time, the risk management service retains the functions of coordination and control, as well as the consolidation and analysis of information about risk events and the development of the necessary corrective actions based on the received data. Thus, it is necessary in the organization’s in-house training programs to include sections on the analysis of personnel risks and risks in personnel management in the organization’s personnel management system.

3. Methodology for analyzing personnel risks and their assessment

For the purposes of this chapter, the target audience will be understood as Russian companies that use information technology (IT) to capitalize production, as well as organizations for which information warfare is one of the mechanisms to remain competitive in the international market.

Let's consider what properties a methodology for analyzing and assessing risks of an organization should have:

Ease of understanding by management and employees;

Low labor costs for implementation and operation;

Flexibility to allow implementation to change as the organization grows or shrinks;

Possibility of continuous monitoring;

Possibility of integration into a corporate information security (IS) system based on a process approach;

Meeting the requirements of international standards;

Taking into account the human factor;

Fault tolerance.

A risk-based approach underlies modern corporate governance. Risk assessment allows you to make informed decisions, choosing the right protection mechanisms and setting priorities. Risk assessment allows you to avoid many crisis situations. After the crisis, those who managed risks correctly remain. Considering small and medium-sized organizations on the Russian market, it is worth noting their diversity, associated with a large number of different cultures and economic conditions, and, accordingly, needs. Among the existing risk analysis products for almost any organization, it is possible to find a product with a number of advantages and benefits, but today there is no universal product.

The personnel risk analysis methodology should take into account the following aspects:

Types of personnel risks;

Probability and level of personnel risks;

Potential losses from the implementation of personnel risks;

Measures to manage personnel risks;

HR risk management budget;

Sources of financing for personnel risk management activities;

Timing and responsibility for the implementation of personnel risk management measures.

The proposed methodology for analyzing personnel risks in working with the organization’s personnel has a distinctive feature of the transformation of the personnel risk management system itself, its focus on the prevention and prevention of personnel risks (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Logical diagram of the methodology for analyzing personnel risks

The central point of the developed methodology is the analysis and assessment of personnel risks, based on the expert assessment method.

To assess personnel risks, it is proposed to use two criteria:

1) the result (magnitude of consequences) from the manifestation of the risk;

2) the probability of risk occurrence.

In order to manage risks, they must first be identified, i.e., risk assessment and measurement must be carried out. Risk analysis, i.e., assessment of the degree of risks, ensures their minimization and includes an assessment of the impact of environmental factors, an assessment of the likelihood of threats, and an assessment of the economic damage from the implementation of threats. Risk assessment using the apparatus of probability theory is quite labor-intensive. Here are a number of simple techniques used in practice.

3.1 Assessment of environmental factors

The assessment of environmental factors is based on taking into account two components: the strength of the factor’s impact in the present and the likelihood of this impact increasing in the near future. In this case, good results are obtained using the J. Wilson method (Table 1).

Table 1 . Wilson matrix

3.2 Assessing the likelihood of threats

Assessing the likelihood of threats occurring is based on determining the frequency of their implementation. Here the risk ranking method is used, i.e. selection of “weighting” coefficients (Table 2).

3.3 Risk probability assessment

When assessing the probability of risk, the Harrington matrix is ​​used (Table 3).

Table 3. Harrington Verbal - Numerical Scale

HR risk change interval

Personnel risk level

Description of personnel risk

1.0/0.8 Average rating -0.9

Critical (very high)

The likelihood of personnel risk occurring is maximum; the consequences of personnel risk are very great

0.8/0.63 Average score - 0.71

The likelihood of personnel risk occurring is high; the consequences of personnel risk are significant

0.63/0.37 Average rating - 0.5

The likelihood of personnel risk occurring is average; the consequences of personnel risk are insignificant

0.37/0.2 Average rating - 0.28

The likelihood of personnel risk occurring is low; the consequences of personnel risk are small

0.2/0 Average rating - 0.1

Minimum (very low)

Personnel risk is unlikely; the consequences of personnel risk are minimal

Possible economic damage (the magnitude of the risk) is determined by the product of the damage from the implementation of a specific threat, including lost profits, and the probability of the implementation of this threat. As A. Artemyev noted, both employers and employees have been managing risks to the life and health of workers associated with production activities for as long as the concept of “labor safety” has existed in general. Only this assessment was intuitive, unconscious. Moreover, the irresponsible slogan about “the priority of the life and health of workers” over the tasks of production activity was and still remains in use, i.e. it is possible to carry out production activities without any risk to life and health. The axioms of life safety unanimously state that this is impossible. That is why occupational safety and health services and risk management exist. It is sometimes said that the term “risk management” is a misnomer, since risk only makes sense to reduce it. Unfortunately, it is not. In some cases, the employer may deliberately increase the acceptable level of risk for workers, for example, when responding to emergency situations, when fulfilling urgent but very profitable orders, or by abandoning some previously established labor protection requirements, if after a risk assessment it turns out that these restrictions are associated with negligible risks (but still risks). How does unconscious (implicit) risk assessment differ from risk assessment within the framework of a modern occupational safety management system? Firstly, risk assessment should not be a spontaneous (subconscious) process, but the result of a conscious, purposeful activity in which both the employee and the employer should be interested. Secondly, risk assessment must be quantitative, since the magnitude of the risk is directly related to the amount of wages (risk premium), and risk reduction activities must also be quantitatively assessed, since they require costs. Thirdly, the risk assessment must be objective, based on principles, methods, approaches, etc. recognized by both the employer and the employee. This means that the approach to risk assessment in the workplace should be simple, understandable, including ordinary employees. Consequently, the methodology for assessing the occupational risk of an occupational injury or occupational disease (hereinafter referred to as occupational risk) must meet the following requirements: 1) the methodology must provide risk assessment data in quantitative form (in this case, various quantitative scales can be used: interval, rank, ratio, etc. . ); 2) the methodology should be simple and clear, i.e., ensure the possibility of its application by representatives of junior management of enterprises (foreman, foreman, site manager, foreman), i.e., those managers who actually manage risks; 3) the methodology must satisfy the requirement of reproducibility of the obtained estimates with a given accuracy (for example, in the event of labor disputes, when confirming compliance, as well as when assessing the effectiveness of measures taken to reduce risks).

3.4 Quantitative estimates of probabilities and risks

Risk assessment makes it possible to finance risks on an insurance basis, which implies the possibility of their quantitative assessment. To assess risk, it is necessary to know the expected magnitude of damage and the probability of its occurrence or frequency of damage.

The likelihood, or frequency, of damage. It is most often assessed on the basis of statistical data on the number of damage cases per set of objects exposed to a given risk.

Expected damage value E(x).

If X1 and X2 are two possible outcomes, having, respectively, probabilities P1 and P2, then

E(X)=P1 (X1)+P2 (X2)

Direct methods of risk assessment involve identifying potential hazards, assessing the likelihood of each hazard occurring in various options P*i and the expected severity C*i of the consequences of implementing each i-th option:

where R* is the risk of damage associated with the possible implementation of the i-th option of one of the identified hazards. Such calculations should be made for each of the identified hazards at each workplace.

The maximum amount of damage is determined for a specific policyholder in order to establish the maximum possible amount of monetary claim against the insurer in the event of an insured event. Indicators of deviations of actual results from expected ones. The probabilistic nature of the insured events determines the possibility of deviation of the actual damage statistics from the expected ones. The spread, or degree of variability, of possible results is measured by measures of dispersion, standard deviation, and variance. The relationship between frequency and magnitude of damage may vary for different risks. The most common types of combinations are two. The first type is typical for most risk situations and is characterized by a relatively high frequency and small amount of damage. These are risks of loss or destruction of property, industrial injuries, and so on. The second type combines low frequency and significant damage. An example is aviation and maritime accidents. Their probability is not significant, but if these events occur, they lead to very large damages. Risks as a distribution of damage probabilities can be transferred between business entities.

For this purpose, the entrepreneur has various types of contracts at his disposal, including an insurance contract. The transfer of risk to insurance is called risk transfer. The problem is not only that such rare (from a statistical point of view) events as an industrial (workplace) accident are practically impossible to assess the probability of their occurrence with acceptable accuracy. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the probability of the occurrence of one of the options for the implementation of each danger. At the same time, direct material damage for the employer and for the employee as a result of a certain outcome can be assessed quite accurately. For example, when a painter is working on scaffolding, he may fall. With what probability? And what is the probability that as a result of a fall he will dislocate his arm (small damage), and what is the probability of breaking his leg (major damage)? What is the probability that an employee will die as a result of a fall? In this case, the probability values ​​will vary from floor to floor.

3.5 Risk assessment method based on the “probability of damage” matrix

The ability to directly quantify risk without directly calculating event probabilities is implemented in the well-known risk assessment method based on the probability-damage matrix.

The essence of the method is that the expert for each situation determines the probability rank e? occurrence (for example: low probability, medium probability, high probability) and the potential damage corresponding to this situation (for example: small, medium, large).

At the intersection of the corresponding column and row we find the required conditional risk value. In this case, the magnitude of the risk can also be presented in quantitative terms (Table 4).

Table 4. Matrix “Probability - damage”

This method is the most commonly used in developed countries due to its simplicity. In addition, since in most developed countries, workplace risk assessment is a legal responsibility of the employer, using such a simple method allows the employer to comply with the government's occupational safety and health regulations at the lowest cost. The obvious disadvantage of this method is its absolute subjectivity. It is clear that different experts will evaluate the same situation differently, based on personal knowledge, experience, feelings, even personal mood. It is not a fact that the same expert some time later can assess the same risk in the same workplace differently.

3.6 Verbal function method

This approach makes it possible to practically eliminate subjectivity when assessing the probabilities of events and their consequences, however, it requires very careful preliminary work and highly qualified experts who compose verbal descriptions of various situations. The essence of this approach is that each quantitative value of the probability of an event occurring is associated with a verbal description of a well-defined situation (Table 5). Moreover, each time when describing a particular probability, it is necessary to follow the rules:

1. Any situation that does not correspond to this description corresponds to another description.

2. No real or virtual situation can simultaneously correspond to two or more descriptions.

3. The formulation of a certain condition for the occurrence of a dangerous situation must be associated with a certain protective measure that should be provided to completely eliminate this condition.

4. When implementing a protective measure associated with an element of the description (as a result of eliminating one of the conditions for the occurrence of an event), the situation moves to a higher level (the probability of an event occurring decreases).

In this case, improving the design (protective properties) of the equipment (from “eliminating the possibility of exposure to a worker” with the existing possibility of its occurrence to completely “eliminating the possibility of developing an exposure” in the environment) reduces the probability of exposure from 0.2 to 0.1.

It is clear that the same situation can lead to different outcomes: from minor injury to death (the “no accident” event is not taken into account). In order not to get confused in the abundance of possible options, you can use the approach used in assessing the risks associated with the operation of hazardous production facilities, i.e. take into account only two outcomes: the most probable and the most unfavorable. Risks are assessed for each outcome. Greater risk is taken into account. If different protective measures need to be applied to reduce both risks, then both risks must be taken into account.

Table 5

Probability symbol


Description of the condition for the occurrence of the event is extremely small

Extremely small

1. Constructive measures have been applied to exclude the possibility of a hazardous production factor (HPF);

2. It is theoretically possible for an OPF to occur as a result of an extremely unlikely accident or equipment breakdown;

3. There is no information about relevant accidents or breakdowns and related accidents in the organization itself or in other organizations

Very small

1. The possibility of OPF manifestation is not excluded, but constructive measures have been applied to exclude the possibility of OPF influencing the employee, including the intention of the employee himself;

2. It is known that relevant accidents have occurred in other organizations.

A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is its pronounced proactivity (focus on mastering the situation to achieve the goal). In this case, the risk is assessed without assessing the frequency of the expected event. The main essence of the approach is the following: if the exclusion of an unfavorable outcome is not guaranteed, then this outcome will definitely occur sooner or later. The task is only to estimate the amount of potential damage from outcomes that are not completely excluded. The estimated probability of an event occurring is actually the reciprocal of the time interval that can be planned to take risk management measures.

Of course, the resulting estimate is not a “risk” exactly as defined. Moreover, it can be argued that this estimate will be deliberately overestimated, and complete elimination of risk can be achieved (in accordance with the axioms of life safety) only as a result of eliminating the source of risk.

4. Personnel risks using the example of an oil company. Development of measures to minimize risks

This chapter is devoted to personnel risks of oil companies, examining the concepts of personnel risk, its types, and the associated consequences. Personnel risks are the likelihood of causing material or moral damage to an enterprise in the process of making and implementing personnel decisions. And the situation that has developed in the domestic labor market in the oil and gas industry is such that the task of providing business with the necessary human resources in the context of the current imbalance in the labor market becomes one of the highest priorities for any company. Therefore, HR-related activities should be given more precise and continuous attention.

The chapter highlights the main types of risks for most oil companies in Russia and presents their minimization.

The oil industry is a perfect example of a high-risk business. The main personnel risks that can be attributed to the industry include: the occurrence of accidents and emergencies in the fields, information security and protection of trade secrets, staff turnover and lack of qualified resources, and decreased employee motivation. When examining the labor market in the Russian oil and gas sector, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the specificity of the oil and gas industry is the presence of a fairly large number of single-industry towns that are built around giant oil and gas fields, primarily in Western Siberia. In this regard, when attracting young workers, a number of additional problems arise in terms of personnel mobility, career and financial expectations, and psychological factors.

The situation in the domestic labor market is such that the task of providing businesses with the necessary human resources in the context of the current imbalance in the labor market is becoming one of the highest priorities for any company.

At the same time, the problem of personnel shortages and ever-increasing competition for highly qualified personnel extends beyond the boundaries of individual industries or regions.

However, despite the fact that the demand for highly qualified personnel in the industry is constantly growing, the requirements for the level of professionalism of oil workers are increasingly stringent.

The rate of change in the external environment has increased so much that corporations can no longer afford not to change: they are looking for the most effective management approaches, revising the organizational structure, expanding the scope of their activities, and improving the system of training specialists. However, there are barriers to change, which mainly include:

Resistance from employees (from ordinary performers to top managers);

Lack of a corporate culture that supports change;

Poor communication between employees;

Failure to complete assigned tasks;

Failure to strategize.

For many oil companies in Russia, the following types of personnel risks can be distinguished; first of all, the main ones include the risk of personnel shortages, namely:

1. Lack of qualified resources;

2. The risk of skilled workers moving to other companies, or the most “fashionable” sectors, in particular to the production of renewable energy sources.

3. Risk of indispensability of more mature personnel. As many senior engineers, senior managers and other professionals are approaching retirement age, there may be a risk in the future that the organization will not have enough young professionals to replace them and take their places. And also when attracting young workers, a number of additional problems arise in terms of personnel mobility, career and financial expectations, and psychological factors.

4. It should also be noted the risk associated with an incorrect assessment of the personal and professional qualities of a job candidate, i.e. qualification and educational risk. In this regard, there is a possibility of financial and temporary losses.

5. It is necessary to highlight the risk of decreased employee motivation, which is associated with a drop in his productivity; this may affect the results of performing functional duties, including a negative impact on employees interacting next to such an employee. A high degree of risk is associated if a key employee of the Company loses motivation, then indirect losses from the realization of such a risk can increase many times over.

6. Many companies prioritize the development of research and development, and they invest heavily in this, which is associated with the risk of information security and protection of trade secrets.

7. Undoubtedly, there is another personnel risk associated with the remoteness of the fields, the risk of employee adaptation to difficult environmental conditions, and the lack of personnel to work on a rotational basis. All this is associated with the negative factors of the Far North: a long period of low temperatures, daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, strong winds, a deficiency of ultraviolet rays, strong winds, water features, background radiation and much more, all this is characterized by significant stress on the main body systems: cardio-respiratory , endocrine, vegetative, nervous.

8. Since the main oil resources are concentrated in the West Siberian oil and gas province, where, as noted above, there are difficult natural and climatic conditions and work in not fully explored areas, therefore, for personnel working in the fields, there is a risk of accidents and emergencies during operating conditions (risk to the health and safety of personnel) that do not allow easy exit from the hazardous area, because These personnel are located in close proximity to the production area.

Before making recommendations for minimizing risks, it is necessary to identify which personnel risks can most significantly affect the Company’s activities. Thus, Table 6 presents an analysis of risks using expert assessment and identifies the most significant ones.

Table 6. Collection of expert assessments for personnel risks of oil companies in Russia

Risk name

Average value

Lack of qualified resources

Staff turnover

Decreased employee motivation

Information security and protection of trade secrets

Adaptation of an employee to difficult environmental conditions

Occurrence of accidents and emergencies

Through expert assessment, it was found that the most critical risk associated with personnel is the occurrence of accidents and emergencies. The second most important is the lack of qualified personnel, which can lead to various losses and lead to other, for example, operational risks. From the presented risks, a relationship can be identified, for example, a decrease in employee motivation can lead to staff turnover to other companies, as a result of which there is a risk of either a shortage of qualified personnel or the absence of the right candidate altogether. Dissatisfied staff, after leaving the company, can contribute to the disclosure of trade secrets.

Minimizing personnel risks, perhaps, should begin with those personnel risks that have the greatest impact on the company’s activities.

1. From Table 6, the first risk is associated with personnel working in the fields, there is a risk of accidents and emergencies during operation (risk of health and safety of personnel), in order to avoid serious negative results you need to:

o careful selection of candidates who know, first of all, all the theoretical foundations of the specialty;

o vocational training and education;

o assistance from mentors to young professionals;

o constant monitoring of the state of technological installations, equipment renewal program;

o increasing the level of automation of process control so that personnel are kept in close proximity to the production area to a minimum;

o maintain archives of equipment operation and create reports.

2. The second no less important and possible personnel risk is the lack of qualified resources. This risk is associated not only with the transition of qualified workers to other companies, or the most “fashionable” sectors, in particular in the production of renewable energy sources, but also with the fact that many company personnel will soon reach retirement age, and therefore will leave their jobs. To be exposed to this risk you must:

o because Since many companies cooperate with many educational institutions, it is worth regularly holding events aimed at popularizing the professions and specialties of the oil and gas complex. To do this, conduct thematic classes on the areas of activity of the companies, organize study tours at production facilities.

o maintaining targeted personnel training;

o annual holding of a scientific and technical conference of young scientists and specialists, which makes it possible to attract young personnel to improve technological processes, introduce new technologies, and increase production efficiency;

o maintaining an effective system of remuneration and staff motivation;

o formation of a personnel reserve;

o professional retraining and training.

3. Staff turnover is the third risk analyzed. To reduce it, the following minimization options are offered:

o maintaining a corporate culture and a friendly team that clearly understands the company’s goals and strategy;

o conducting research on satisfaction with one’s job and the working conditions of employees, in this way it will be possible to find out what does not satisfy employees, which in the future will help to avoid dismissal of personnel at their own request;

o identifying the reasons for the dismissal of each employee and maintaining statistics of these reasons, and as a result, the formation of a new system for selection and adaptation of employees. For an effective selection and assessment system, it is necessary to have: job descriptions, regulations on structural units, clear criteria for selecting and assessing candidates, valid and reliable methods for assessing candidates, qualified selection and assessment specialists;

o maintaining the company's image.

4. The next risk considered is the adaptation of personnel in difficult environmental conditions, in particular, natural and climatic factors and the lack of infrastructure in remote fields. It is unrealistic to influence the environment, namely natural and climatic conditions. However, you should consider some options to reduce this risk:

o an important factor influencing the course of adaptation is the subjectively perceived ability of people to realize their needs (“social expectations”), taking into account the time of their implementation.

o a wide geography of places for recruiting personnel, for example, rotational teams, correlates with the constant improvement of the organizational infrastructure. Thus, the transport system should provide for the delivery of personnel to base cities and on shifts by road, rail and air transport.

o if we consider the rotational method as the most popular for working in remote fields, then rotational camps must be provided with the necessary inventory and equipment and staffed with service personnel.

o decision at the official level on the issue of special training of direct line managers of rotation teams: foremen, heads of sections and workshops.

5. Of the risks analyzed, the risk of reducing employee motivation for companies is in penultimate place. This is due to the fact that companies attach great importance to this. To attract and retain highly qualified specialists and ensure their interest in the labor process, the company uses an effective system of remuneration and staff motivation. The material interest of company employees is based on a wage system with annual indexation, a system of annual and quarterly bonuses for meeting production and technical and economic indicators, as well as on methods of incentives for rationalization work and innovation activities, the development of new technological processes. However, the risk still exists, so it should not be ignored. The most effective option for minimizing risk: regularly hold various professional skills competitions, where employees will be given organizational, municipal, district and regional, departmental, as well as state awards for winning. This system is one of the incentives to increase labor efficiency and productivity and promotes the active participation of workers in the production activities of companies.

6. The last risk considered is related to information security and protection of trade secrets. Minimization:

o disciplinary, material, administrative, criminal and civil liability for disclosure and loss of information constituting a trade secret.

o organizing control over the handling of information of company employees. Constant internal and external control. Legal, ethical, psychological and technical problems of organizing control. Contents of the regulations for monitoring the use by employees of means of storing, processing and transmitting information.


1. Slobodskoy A.L. Risks in personnel management, St. Petersburg, 2011

2. Mitrofanova A.E. Development of a methodology for managing personnel risks in the organization’s personnel management system // Internet journal “Naukovedenie”. 2013 No. 1.

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    Economic content and classification of business risks, characteristics of their functions (innovative, regulatory, protective, analytical). Methods for assessing the degree of business risk. Analysis of enterprise risks and methods for minimizing them.

    thesis, added 01/25/2014

    Economic essence and significance of investments, investment policy of the enterprise. Risk classification and management. Dynamics of direct investment inflow to Russia. Methods for forming investment risks. Components of investment risk assessment.

    abstract, added 12/25/2012

    The concept of factor, type of risks and losses from the occurrence of risk events. Assessing the effectiveness of actions to minimize risks. Analysis of project risks, their classification and identification. Risk management using the example of shared-equity construction of a residential building.


1 UDC N. A. Katargina, T. V. Beltyukova PERSONNEL RISKS AND METHODS OF THEIR MANAGEMENT In modern conditions of a market economy, personnel risk management is an important component of increasing the competitiveness of any organization, ensuring its personnel security and requires the inclusion of sections for the analysis of personnel risks and features of their management in the organization's internal development programs. The article reveals the relevance of risks in the organization's personnel management system. The content of the concept of “personnel risk” is defined as a situation reflecting the danger of undesirable developments that directly affect the functioning and development of the organization and personnel. Based on the analysis of existing views on the essence of personnel risks, the author’s approach to their definition and classification is presented. Theoretical and methodological aspects of personnel risk management and the most common methods of risk assessment have been studied. The content of the stages of developing a personnel risk management system in working with the organization’s personnel has been determined. A brief description of such personnel risk management tools as diversification, outsourcing and outstaffing, and risk insurance is presented. Key words: personnel risks, risk management, classification, human resources, risk map. The past few years have seen increased attention to the risks to which organizations are exposed and, consequently, to risk management practices. An analysis of the theory and practice of risk management shows that at domestic enterprises this work is not always carried out effectively, mainly because a full-fledged scientific, methodological and information basis in this area of ​​management has not been created, and there is a lack of effective experience in risk management in the organization and their audit. Katargina N. A., Beltyukova T. V., 2017

2 The activities of each economic entity are, first of all, the activities of the personnel working in it. Human capital is increasingly becoming the source of development of any enterprise. Consequently, the management of an economic entity must take into account the risks directly related to personnel, since they can have an impact on: the health and life of employees, communications and relationships between employees, the business reputation of the company, the income of everyone working in the organization, etc. In this regard , it is necessary to conduct timely training of personnel in the organization to eliminate adverse threats to the company, for qualitative and quantitative risk assessment. Let us consider the essence of the concept of personnel risk and its classification. The classic definition of personnel risk, used in economic analysis, is the risk of losses associated with possible employee errors, failure to perform established job functions, professional incompetence, violations of ethics and personnel abuse. In general, personnel risk should be understood as the likelihood of an organization losing its resources, or losing income as a result of the actions or inaction of its own personnel. In theory, there are many different classifications of this phenomenon. Thus, a number of scientists subdivide personnel risks depending on the stage of work with personnel: risks associated with hiring an employee to an organization (selection of an employee who meets the requirements of the organization); risks arising when an employee carries out his activities in the organization (accidents, theft, errors); risks arising after the dismissal of an employee from the organization (transfer of production secrets to competitors, etc.). The following classification of personnel risks is also distinguished: risks associated directly with personnel (death, retirement, disability, etc.); risks caused by personnel behavior (leakage

3 information, injuries at work, offenses, etc.). In turn, A.R. Alaverdov divides personnel risks, depending on the form of their implementation, into quantitative, qualitative and risks of personnel disloyalty. Quantitative risks are associated with a shortage or excess of personnel in an economic entity. The implementation of these risks is associated either with an increase in personnel wage costs, or with failure to comply with production standards and non-compliance with conditions for the normal functioning of the organization’s personnel, which, in turn, leads to moral dissatisfaction of the organization’s personnel and leaves an imprint on the activities of the organization as a whole. Qualitative risks are associated with non-compliance with the qualifications of employees and the requirements placed on them as a result of unqualified screening of candidates when hiring. The realization of these risks may lead either to additional costs for the organization for retraining or retraining of already recruited personnel, or to additional costs for selecting suitable personnel for the organization. Qualitative risks begin to operate already during the selection of employees of the organization. When selecting, the management of the organization must outline for itself what requirements this employee must meet. Among these requirements, the following can be identified: level of education, work experience, reviews from previous places of work, medical characteristics, psychological characteristics, social status, age, etc. There is also a category such as the risks of staff disloyalty. These risks manifest themselves in the fact that the heads of organizations trust their staff too much, which can lead to the disclosure by employees of some confidential information about the organization, contribute to the disclosure of production secrets, lead to theft, etc.

4 For effective management of personnel risks, allowing to adequately determine the location of each risk and direct efforts to develop measures to protect the enterprise from negative impacts, it is advisable to classify personnel risks depending on the stage of occurrence. Based on this, the authors proposed the following classification of personnel risks (Figure 1). The proposed approach to the classification of personnel risks reflects the specifics of organizational and labor relations at each stage of the enterprise life cycle and allows planning the process of personnel security management on a systematic basis. Risks of personnel management Risks arising during the formation of the personnel structure: inconsistency in the qualitative and/or quantitative composition of personnel, ineffectiveness of employee selection procedures, adaptation problems, high staff turnover Risks arising in the process of using human resources: low labor productivity, ineffective use of working time, failure to fulfill established job functions, violation of labor and production discipline, damage to the property of the enterprise, fraud, unnecessary expenses and abuse of personnel Risks arising in the process of personnel development ineffectiveness of training, underestimation of aspects of creative development, errors in managing professional careers, low motivation of personnel, ineffective work with personnel reserve Risks arising at the stage of staff release: legal proceedings, leakage of confidential information, deterioration of the moral and psychological climate in the team, negative reputational consequences Fig. 1. Classification of personnel risks by stage of occurrence Based on the modern approach to risk management and taking into account the characteristics of personnel risk, we will determine what management consists of

5 personnel risks of the organization. Personnel risk management is the process of identifying, assessing and controlling all internal and external personnel risk factors, the change of which may negatively affect the activities of the organization and its personnel. Personnel risk management begins at the stage of developing a personnel management strategy and covers the entire personnel management system of the organization at all its levels. An analysis of the activities of various organizations has shown that currently, personnel risk management is not identified as an independent function of personnel management. At the same time, all functions of personnel management are aimed at developing the organization and its personnel, ensuring the protection of their interests, and therefore ensuring personnel security. Let us give a brief description of the main stages of personnel risk management in an organization. 1. Personnel risk management includes, first of all, the search and identification of personnel risks. At the same time, the search for risks should not turn into total control over the activities of the organization’s employees. For example, trying to avoid mistakes in an employee’s activities, the organization’s management can nullify all his attempts to take initiative, participate in something new, or make any creative proposals to the organization’s management. And from this follows both the moral dissatisfaction of the employee and the deterioration of the psychological climate in the work team, when each employee knows that all his actions are under the control of management. 2. Next comes the stage of formalizing personnel risks, that is, the quantitative characteristics of risks are calculated and assessed. To achieve this, organizations may use various procedures and methods. Thus, among the tools and methods for assessing personnel risks, modern researchers include risk maps, the construction of personnel profiles, risk ranking, risk spirals, the method of analyzing hierarchies, analogies,

6 building the risk spectrum of the personnel management system, etc. For example, a method of ranking risks depending on the likelihood of occurrence and expected consequences. An organization can use a probability-of-consequence scale to visualize risk. Also, to analyze risks, an organization can use the personnel risk matrix presented in Table 1. Consequences Personnel risk matrix is ​​high Probability is low Significant A B Minor C D Table 1 If the risk belongs to group A, then it requires immediate action from the management of the organization, since is likely to lead to negative consequences. If the risk is among the risks of group B, then the organization must develop measures to manage this risk, since in a state of uncertainty in the external environment it is impossible to accurately determine what could provoke an increase in the likelihood of this risk and the occurrence of undesirable consequences of this risk. Risk C may not lead to significant consequences, but the organization must control it to achieve stability in its activities. Group D risks are unlikely and non-destructive, but the organization should review them periodically to obtain as much information as possible and avoid losing control of the risk. Drawing up a matrix of personnel risks is the least expensive way and allows management to plan their own actions to neutralize them.

7 y, amount of losses 50% 25% Critical risk zone Acceptable risk zone 0.35 0.7 Fig. 2. Risk map x, risk probability As an alternative to the risk matrix, we can suggest using the mapping method. Using a risk map, you can graphically depict all possible risks, indicate the likelihood of their occurrence, as well as the limits of risk tolerance. Figure 2 shows a map of personnel risks, which is compiled through an expert assessment of their likelihood and significance. A risk is considered acceptable if the probability of its impact is from 0 to 0.35, and the amount of losses does not exceed 25%. A risk is considered medium (critical) if the probability of its impact is from 0.36 to 0.7, the magnitude of possible losses is from 26 to 50%. If the probability of risk occurrence is greater than 0.71 and the loss level is greater than 51%, then the risk is considered unacceptable. 3. Planning to counter and neutralize personnel risks is the third stage of personnel risk management. In this case, an action plan for risk management is drawn up: formulation of the risk, definition of its consequences, description of the risk management strategy, sequence of actions for its implementation, identification of those responsible for implementing the risk management strategy, development of a backup strategy in case the initial strategy turns out to be ineffective.

8 4. And finally, the last stage is control and monitoring of the effectiveness of personnel risk management. At the same time, it is advisable to divide control over personnel risks into three groups, namely: control over expected risks, control over realized risks and control over existing risks. For risks that are manageable and poorly managed in practical activities, enterprises can use the following tools for managing personnel risk. 1. Diversification, erosion, distribution of risk between different areas of activity, suppliers, consumers, recruitment agencies, employees. For example, diversification of control risks occurs through separation of duties or dual control: the functions of issuing checks, making payments, checking bank statements, receiving cash should not be performed by one employee, one person should not have uncontrolled access to finance, should not work alone one with clients. Diversification of risks can also apply to investments in human capital: distribution of risks across various projects in the field of personnel management, social programs, types of training, etc. Another area of ​​risk diversification is the creation of a single data bank, knowledge bases, corporate library, single information space that reduces the risk of business “sagging” with the departure of any one valuable employee. At the same time, the company must have procedures and technologies that automatically record new knowledge and work methods for their subsequent use by all employees. The most advanced type of diversification of human resource risks is outsourcing and outstaffing of personnel: 1) outstaffing involves removing employees from the company’s staff and simultaneously placing them on the staff of the provider company

9 (private recruitment agency) with employees retaining their usual (former) workplace and job responsibilities. 2) outsourcing (outsourcing) hiring of employees by a specialized company with their subsequent provision to other customer companies of labor to perform certain work (services) provided for in the contract for the provision of labor to the employee (personnel). Outsourcing and outstaffing are new technologies for working with personnel, suggesting that the organization’s personnel policy should be aimed at increasing the efficiency of use of human resources, the implementation of such activities and technologies that will allow the organization’s personnel potential to be used more productively. In this case, outstaffing is of greater interest, since this form of agency labor is relatively new and the most attractive for our country. According to employers, outstaffing allows them to free themselves from the burden of additional expenses, since it involves removing from the staff permanent employees who, although subordinate and fulfill the labor duties of the previous employer, still have all the issues related to the payment of wages, tax deductions to the budget, HR records management is taken over by the new employer, a private employment agency, to whose staff the personnel are transferred. This allows you to diversify the company’s risks by partially transferring them to a private employment agency for the new employer to fulfill the withdrawn part of the employees. Firstly, outstaffing has become a solution to problems caused by the costs of a legally regulated market, in which the number of laws and regulations governing labor relations is growing at an unimaginable pace, as a result of which companies are forced to deal with them and spend at least 25% of your time. A private employment agency takes on the risks of tracking ongoing changes and ensuring correct documentary and legal

10 personnel support. The acquisition of additional time will allow the HR departments of the enterprise itself to redistribute working time, master and apply the latest methods of training and personnel management. Secondly, many small and medium-sized companies do not have the opportunity to provide their employees with so-called benefit packages of social benefits and insurance due to the high cost of contracts with insurers. Here, too, a private agency takes on the risks of staff dissatisfaction with these aspects and solves this kind of problem. Thirdly, the provider assumes the risks of conflicts and disputable situations with personnel, the risks of checking personnel during hiring and dismissal. 2. Risk insurance is a relationship to protect the property interests of individuals and legal entities upon the occurrence of certain events (insured events) at the expense of monetary funds formed from the insurance contributions (insurance premiums) they pay. Personnel insurance programs in companies, as a rule, concern health and life insurance of personnel, the provision of a different range of medical and dental services depending on the rank of the employee. They can be carried out either entirely at the expense of the employer or through contributions from the employees themselves (pension insurance savings). A unique instrument for insuring personnel risks can be recognized as the establishment by a recruitment agency of a guarantee period for the proposed specialist. The guarantee period, during which a candidate hired for work is replaced free of charge, is usually set equal to the probationary period specified by the customer in the application for the selection of a specialist. The replacement guarantee is valid provided that the customer himself did not violate the candidate’s working conditions described in the application for the selection of a specialist. When selecting top managers, when it comes to a high level

11 responsibility and cost of the project, the warranty can reach 1 year. By default, it is assumed that the contractor will present at least 3 candidates, most corresponding to the profile of the position previously agreed upon or specified in the application. Priority programs for occupations that pose a threat to health and life include life insurance programs. Contributions to the life insurance fund range from 0.5 to 1% of the employee’s annual income. Employees are given confidence in the future and in their secure retirement existence by pension programs that guarantee them a secure old age and payment of a corporate pension in full or a limited amount depending on age, length of service and the number of years of work in a given organization. So, the company’s work on personnel risk management goes through the following main stages. Threat Vulnerability Risk: identification of risk, determination of the source, causes, nature and level of losses Risk assessment: qualitative and quantitative Risk management: development of strategy, principles, methods Uncontrollable risks Poorly controllable risks Manageable risks Creation of a system for adaptation to risk and its consequences Risk management: diversification, outsourcing, outstaffing, insurance Analysis of the results of the actions taken and prospects for their use in the future Fig. 3. Stages of personnel risk management

12 In the authors’ opinion, the nature of the enterprise’s activities will correspond to the market environment if the enterprise is capable of producing and selling products that are in demand on the market and the achieved result will correspond to the goals of the enterprise. This state is ensured by the high-quality and timely execution of all management functions at the enterprise, as well as by the appropriate level of necessary potential: the qualifications of employees, the availability of material and technical base and socio-economic guarantees. To summarize, risk and uncertainty are an integral part of business today. The organization's personnel are both the most important resource for entrepreneurial activity and a source of large losses, including bankruptcy and liquidation of the company, i.e., they act as the main source of risk. In the author’s opinion, Russian companies should pay more attention to such aspects of personnel development as systematic, proactive and innovative training and advanced training of personnel. It is obvious that innovative improvement of the personnel management system and personnel risks in particular, the search for new approaches to risk management are becoming increasingly important as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the enterprise’s economy and are necessary attributes of its successful functioning. Personnel risk management is an important component of increasing the competitiveness of any organization, ensuring its personnel security and requires the inclusion of sections of analysis of personnel risks and features of managing such risks in the organization’s in-house training programs. 304 pp. References 1. Alaverdov A. R. Personnel management: textbook. allowance. M.: “Market DS”, 2009.

13 2. Borzunov A. A. On the question of the essence of the concept of “personnel risk” // Economics and modern management: theory and practice: collection. Art. based on materials from XL international. scientific - practical conf. Novosibirsk: SibAK, (40). S Katargina N.A. Formation of innovative personnel potential as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise // Bulletin of the Volga State University of Service. Ser. "Economy". Togliatti: Publishing house-polygraph. PVGUS center, (27). S Katargina N.A. Outsourcing and outstaffing of personnel: essence and legal consequences // Development of science and education in the modern world: collection. scientific tr. based on materials from the international scientific-practical Conf., March 31, 2015 Part II. M.: AR-Consult, S. Mitrofanova A. E. The concept of personnel risk management in working with the organization’s personnel // Competence S. Panfilova E. A. The concept of risk: a variety of approaches and definitions // Theory and practice of social development S. Sennikova I. L. ., Katargina N. A. Innovative management of human resource development as a competitive advantage of an organization // Almanac of World Science: collection. scientific tr. based on materials from the international scientific-practical Conf., January 31, 2016. M.: AR-Consult, (4). S Solomanidin T. O. Personnel security of the company. M.: Alfa-Press, p. KATARGINA Natalya Aleksandrovna senior lecturer of the department of state and municipal administration, Vyatka State University, Kirov, st. Moskovskaya, BELTYUKOVA Tatyana Vasilievna fourth year student, Vyatka State University, Kirov, st. Moscow,

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This chapter is devoted to personnel risks of oil companies, examining the concepts of personnel risk, its types, and the associated consequences. Personnel risks are the likelihood of causing material or moral damage to an enterprise in the process of making and implementing personnel decisions. And the situation that has developed in the domestic labor market in the oil and gas industry is such that the task of providing business with the necessary human resources in the context of the current imbalance in the labor market becomes one of the highest priorities for any company. Therefore, HR-related activities should be given more precise and continuous attention.

The chapter highlights the main types of risks for most oil companies in Russia and presents their minimization.

The oil industry is a perfect example of a high-risk business. The main personnel risks that can be attributed to the industry include: the occurrence of accidents and emergencies in the fields, information security and protection of trade secrets, staff turnover and lack of qualified resources, and decreased employee motivation. When examining the labor market in the Russian oil and gas sector, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the specificity of the oil and gas industry is the presence of a fairly large number of single-industry towns that are built around giant oil and gas fields, primarily in Western Siberia. In this regard, when attracting young workers, a number of additional problems arise in terms of personnel mobility, career and financial expectations, and psychological factors.

The situation in the domestic labor market is such that the task of providing businesses with the necessary human resources in the context of the current imbalance in the labor market is becoming one of the highest priorities for any company.

At the same time, the problem of personnel shortages and ever-increasing competition for highly qualified personnel extends beyond the boundaries of individual industries or regions.

However, despite the fact that the demand for highly qualified personnel in the industry is constantly growing, the requirements for the level of professionalism of oil workers are increasingly stringent.

The rate of change in the external environment has increased so much that corporations can no longer afford not to change: they are looking for the most effective management approaches, revising the organizational structure, expanding the scope of their activities, and improving the system of training specialists. However, there are barriers to change, which mainly include:

Resistance from employees (from ordinary performers to top managers);

Lack of a corporate culture that supports change;

Poor communication between employees;

Failure to complete assigned tasks;

Failure to strategize.

For many oil companies in Russia, the following types of personnel risks can be distinguished; first of all, the main ones include the risk of personnel shortages, namely:

1. Lack of qualified resources;

2. The risk of skilled workers moving to other companies, or the most “fashionable” sectors, in particular to the production of renewable energy sources.

3. Risk of indispensability of more mature personnel. As many senior engineers, senior managers and other professionals are approaching retirement age, there may be a risk in the future that the organization will not have enough young professionals to replace them and take their places. And also when attracting young workers, a number of additional problems arise in terms of personnel mobility, career and financial expectations, and psychological factors.

4. It should also be noted the risk associated with an incorrect assessment of the personal and professional qualities of a job candidate, i.e. qualification and educational risk. In this regard, there is a possibility of financial and temporary losses.

5. It is necessary to highlight the risk of decreased employee motivation, which is associated with a drop in his productivity; this may affect the results of performing functional duties, including a negative impact on employees interacting next to such an employee. A high degree of risk is associated if a key employee of the Company loses motivation, then indirect losses from the realization of such a risk can increase many times over.

6. Many companies prioritize the development of research and development, and they invest heavily in this, which is associated with the risk of information security and protection of trade secrets.

7. Undoubtedly, there is another personnel risk associated with the remoteness of the fields, the risk of employee adaptation to difficult environmental conditions, and the lack of personnel to work on a rotational basis. All this is associated with the negative factors of the Far North: a long period of low temperatures, daily fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, strong winds, a deficiency of ultraviolet rays, strong winds, water features, background radiation and much more, all this is characterized by significant stress on the main body systems: cardio-respiratory , endocrine, vegetative, nervous.

8. Since the main oil resources are concentrated in the West Siberian oil and gas province, where, as noted above, there are difficult natural and climatic conditions and work in not fully explored areas, therefore, for personnel working in the fields, there is a risk of accidents and emergencies during operating conditions (risk to the health and safety of personnel) that do not allow easy exit from the hazardous area, because These personnel are located in close proximity to the production area.

Before making recommendations for minimizing risks, it is necessary to identify which personnel risks can most significantly affect the Company’s activities. Thus, Table 6 presents an analysis of risks using expert assessment and identifies the most significant ones.

Table 6. Collection of expert assessments for personnel risks of oil companies in Russia

Risk name

Average value

Lack of qualified resources

Staff turnover

Decreased employee motivation

Information security and protection of trade secrets

Adaptation of an employee to difficult environmental conditions

Occurrence of accidents and emergencies

Through expert assessment, it was found that the most critical risk associated with personnel is the occurrence of accidents and emergencies. The second most important is the lack of qualified personnel, which can lead to various losses and lead to other, for example, operational risks. From the presented risks, a relationship can be identified, for example, a decrease in employee motivation can lead to staff turnover to other companies, as a result of which there is a risk of either a shortage of qualified personnel or the absence of the right candidate altogether. Dissatisfied staff, after leaving the company, can contribute to the disclosure of trade secrets.

Minimizing personnel risks, perhaps, should begin with those personnel risks that have the greatest impact on the company’s activities.

1. From Table 6, the first risk is associated with personnel working in the fields, there is a risk of accidents and emergencies during operation (risk of health and safety of personnel), in order to avoid serious negative results you need to:

o careful selection of candidates who know, first of all, all the theoretical foundations of the specialty;

o vocational training and education;

o assistance from mentors to young professionals;

o constant monitoring of the state of technological installations, equipment renewal program;

o increasing the level of automation of process control so that personnel are kept in close proximity to the production area to a minimum;

o maintain archives of equipment operation and create reports.

2. The second no less important and possible personnel risk is the lack of qualified resources. This risk is associated not only with the transition of qualified workers to other companies, or the most “fashionable” sectors, in particular in the production of renewable energy sources, but also with the fact that many company personnel will soon reach retirement age, and therefore will leave their jobs. To be exposed to this risk you must:

o because Since many companies cooperate with many educational institutions, it is worth regularly holding events aimed at popularizing the professions and specialties of the oil and gas complex. To do this, conduct thematic classes on the areas of activity of the companies, organize study tours at production facilities.

o maintaining targeted personnel training;

o annual holding of a scientific and technical conference of young scientists and specialists, which makes it possible to attract young personnel to improve technological processes, introduce new technologies, and increase production efficiency;

o maintaining an effective system of remuneration and staff motivation;

o formation of a personnel reserve;

o professional retraining and training.

3. Staff turnover is the third risk analyzed. To reduce it, the following minimization options are offered:

o maintaining a corporate culture and a friendly team that clearly understands the company’s goals and strategy;

o conducting research on satisfaction with one’s job and the working conditions of employees, in this way it will be possible to find out what does not satisfy employees, which in the future will help to avoid dismissal of personnel at their own request;

o identifying the reasons for the dismissal of each employee and maintaining statistics of these reasons, and as a result, the formation of a new system for selection and adaptation of employees. For an effective selection and assessment system, it is necessary to have: job descriptions, regulations on structural units, clear criteria for selecting and assessing candidates, valid and reliable methods for assessing candidates, qualified selection and assessment specialists;

o maintaining the company's image.

4. The next risk considered is the adaptation of personnel in difficult environmental conditions, in particular, natural and climatic factors and the lack of infrastructure in remote fields. It is unrealistic to influence the environment, namely natural and climatic conditions. However, you should consider some options to reduce this risk:

o an important factor influencing the course of adaptation is the subjectively perceived ability of people to realize their needs (“social expectations”), taking into account the time of their implementation.

o a wide geography of places for recruiting personnel, for example, rotational teams, correlates with the constant improvement of the organizational infrastructure. Thus, the transport system should provide for the delivery of personnel to base cities and on shifts by road, rail and air transport.

o if we consider the rotational method as the most popular for working in remote fields, then rotational camps must be provided with the necessary inventory and equipment and staffed with service personnel.

o decision at the official level on the issue of special training of direct line managers of rotation teams: foremen, heads of sections and workshops.

5. Of the risks analyzed, the risk of reducing employee motivation for companies is in penultimate place. This is due to the fact that companies attach great importance to this. To attract and retain highly qualified specialists and ensure their interest in the labor process, the company uses an effective system of remuneration and staff motivation. The material interest of company employees is based on a wage system with annual indexation, a system of annual and quarterly bonuses for meeting production and technical and economic indicators, as well as on methods of incentives for rationalization work and innovation activities, the development of new technological processes. However, the risk still exists, so it should not be ignored. The most effective option for minimizing risk: regularly hold various professional skills competitions, where employees will be given organizational, municipal, district and regional, departmental, as well as state awards for winning. This system is one of the incentives to increase labor efficiency and productivity and promotes the active participation of workers in the production activities of companies.

6. The last risk considered is related to information security and protection of trade secrets. Minimization:

o disciplinary, material, administrative, criminal and civil liability for disclosure and loss of information constituting a trade secret.

o organizing control over the handling of information of company employees. Constant internal and external control. Legal, ethical, psychological and technical problems of organizing control. Contents of the regulations for monitoring the use by employees of means of storing, processing and transmitting information.

Operational risks: causes of occurrence

Operational risk occupies a special place among the company's risks and is formulated as the risk of direct and indirect losses due to distorted design of business processes, ineffectiveness of internal control procedures, technological deviations, unauthorized actions of personnel and external influences. Since these risk-generating factors are partially within the sphere of influence of the company’s management, there is the possibility of limited influence on the source of operational risk. For this reason, the main direction in managing a company’s operational risks is their minimization, rather than optimization, which is typical for other types of risk.

The dominant role in the emergence of operational risk is played by the internal uncertainty of the company’s functioning process, which is associated with the inability to accurately predict human behavior during work (human uncertainty), with the complexity of the technology used, the level of equipment reliability, the pace of technical re-equipment of production, etc. (technical uncertainty) and with the desire of people to form social connections and groups, to behave in accordance with accepted mutual obligations, roles, traditions (social uncertainty).

The potential opportunity to increase the company's competitiveness lies in the area of ​​operational risk management by minimizing risks associated with the technologies used, but primarily with its own personnel.

The process of managing a company's labor resources is continuous and should include: formulation of goals, objectives and requirements for personnel, selection and hiring of workers, performance evaluation, development and training, personnel movement, rationalization of the system of labor motivation, remuneration and incentives. It is necessary to take into account the fact that relevant risks arise at each stage of the management process, but at the same time there are conditions for their minimization. For example, at the stage of developing requirements for personnel, job risks may arise as a discrepancy between a specific position and the types of activities, functions, goals, objectives, and technology. The cause of job risk should be sought in the irrational distribution of functional responsibilities in the company's staffing table or in a distorted job description. To minimize this risk, a reasonable structure of positions, powers and responsibilities should be created and the tool should be used not a job description describing the main functions of an employee, but a description (model) of the workplace - the main document, which allows, among other things, to assess whether a candidate is capable of filling a vacant position perform relevant functions.

Company management considers a person working simultaneously as “economic” (subject to the need to perform assigned work for a certain material reward), “psychological” (psychologically ready to work), “technological” (subordinate to work operations) and “ethical” (subject to the requirements of professional ethics). At the same time, in an organizational environment, a person working is both “acting” and “communicating.” The “acting” person manifests himself in interactions and reactions, and the “communicating” person feels included or alienated in the communicative space of the company. Interaction in the organizational environment and a person’s involvement in the organization create conditions for the development of cooperation, and alienation from the organization causes confrontation. A person’s involvement or alienation from an organization is largely the result of his socialization into the organizational environment, which can be of the nature of merging with the environment, cooperation or conflict. Merger indicates the employee’s loyal behavior. Cooperation is associated with the need for the employee to enter the organizational environment to participate in joint activities and achieve personal goals, but does not guarantee a loyal attitude to the organization. Conflict deprives a person of the opportunity to unconditionally enter into the organizational environment.

The absence or low level of employee involvement in the organization is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of personnel risks. Numerous studies of corporate relations indicate that no more than 30% of employees are absolutely loyal to their company, but about 50% of employees are ready for illegal behavior and are capable of causing damage to their company if this does not lead to negative consequences for them, and 20% are willing to in order to satisfy their needs, cause damage to the company, even at risk to themselves. Management practice states that only 20% of attempts at unauthorized access to confidential company information are carried out from the outside, and hacking of computer networks is carried out equally by both independent hackers and dissatisfied company employees. About 80% of companies' property damage is caused by their own personnel.

Operational risks arise as a result of actions or inactions of company personnel. Among the reasons for their occurrence, three main ones can be distinguished:

· insufficient (or excessive for some representatives) level of human capital of personnel;

· the human factor as a reflection of the psychological portrait of the individual, inadequate to functional or job responsibilities;

· low level of involvement of a person in the organizational environment as a result of the absence (or unacceptability for everyone) of a unified business culture of the company.

Formation of the company's internal control system

The starting prerequisite for creating an effective mechanism for minimizing all types of operational risk is the formation of an internal control system (personnel audit) of the company, which should ensure:

· unity of the personnel audit system within the organizational structure of the company;

· continuous monitoring of the current activities of the company’s personnel;

· prompt identification and assessment of risk factors;

· availability of reliable, timely and complete information for assessing current activities and making decisions.

Due to the fact that the basis of the competitive advantages of any company is its key and unique competencies, reflecting the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of its personnel, the internal personnel audit system contributes to:

  • real assessment of the company's market value;
  • assessing the company’s place in the competitive environment and market prospects;
  • improving management methods;
  • dynamic response to changes in the competitive environment;

· timely release from “personnel ballast” and increase in labor productivity.

Building a company personnel profile

The personnel audit system should be based on the company’s personnel profile, which, based on the understanding of the organization as a socio-technical system, should be built separately for the production and management personnel of the company (business unit). In our opinion, the construction of a company’s personnel profile should be based on the theories of a specific idea of ​​the object of motivation by D. McGregor (theories “X” and “Y”) and V. Ouchi (theory “Z”). Following these theories, the personnel profile of any company, regardless of the field of activity, the adopted management system, the complexity of the organizational structure, etc. can be represented by three categories of personnel:

  • category “X” (resistant workers), unable and unwilling to work;

This assumption is confirmed by the situational leadership model of Harsay and Blanchard, which operates with the concept of “follower maturity” as the degree to which people have the ability and desire to carry out the task set by the leader. The model identifies four stages of follower maturity:

M1 - the group is unable and unwilling to work due to its incompetence or lack of self-confidence;

M2 - group is not capable, but wants to work, having motivation to act, but lacking skills and abilities;

M3 - the group is capable, but does not want to work, since it is not attracted to the proposed work;

M4 - the group is capable and willing to do what is suggested to it by the leader.

The company's personnel profile can be considered as a combination of four categories of personnel: personnel, personnel, personnel-resource, personnel-capital, in which it is easy to trace the correspondence to the stages of maturity of followers.

Due to the fact that the maturity of a person in a group is a stable characteristic that slowly changes under the influence of investments in human capital, it can be argued that:

  • category “X” corresponds to group M1 (frames);
  • category “Y” corresponds to groups M2 and M3 (personnel and resource personnel);
  • Category “Z” corresponds to group M4 (personnel-capital).

A rational personnel profile of the company’s personnel should reflect a level of personnel qualifications sufficient to perform labor functions and a high degree of motivation for productive work while minimizing the number of employees who are unable and unwilling to work. These features of the group of employees of category “X” are not a stable characteristic, but are inherent in any employee during the period of industrial and social adaptation to the organizational environment. Qualification and educational risks in this case have the highest probability, but with an insignificant degree of impact due to the fact that the new employee is under the supervision of a mentor and the level of official influence of the employee is extremely low. The main conditions for successful adaptation of an employee should be to ensure that the employee merges with the group, to overcome the stereotype of avoidant motivation in his mind and to consolidate patterns of incentive motivation.

The core of the company's workforce is made up of "Y" category employees - these are usually middle-aged people who are actively building their human capital, knowledge and skills. The level of probability and degree of impact of qualification and educational risks in this group are average.

It is generally accepted that category “Z” employees who are able and willing to work should include highly qualified workers and senior management personnel, and the number of such employees is limited by the list of existing positions in the company’s staffing table. Due to high qualifications, the likelihood of risk in this group is relatively low, but the degree of exposure is extremely high. In our opinion, workers in this category are unevenly distributed at all levels of company management without taking into account their placement in the organizational management structure. These are individuals with incentives, mentors and members of the personnel reserve at all levels. In addition, the content of personnel work aimed at preventing personnel risks should contribute to the professional and social development of any employee, instill in him an interest in work, the ability and desire to work. The principle “If you know, you are warned” promotes a positive employee perception of technological discipline, which reduces the likelihood of risk situations occurring. For this reason, the more widely “Z” category employees are represented in all divisions of the company at all levels of management, the higher the competitiveness of the company’s personnel as a whole.

Method of comprehensive personnel assessment “assessment center”

To compile a personnel profile of a company's personnel, you can use a variety of personnel assessment methods that have been widely tested in practice. Despite the fact that numerous scientifically based methods of both initial and subsequent personnel assessments are available to company management, in Russian practice only a limited part of them is used, primarily interviews and testing. It seems to us that when drawing up a risk personnel profile, a company should focus on the method of comprehensive personnel assessment, called the “assessment center.” Psychological assessment in the selection and placement of personnel is a relatively new form of working with management personnel. The peculiarity of this method is that it allows you to simultaneously solve such specific management problems as identifying optimal candidates for leadership positions, developing recommendations for improving leadership style, reducing the risk of losing valuable employees and motivational risks. According to foreign psychologists, the criterion validity of the assessment center reaches 0.75.

The structure of the assessment center includes three groups of methods:

· background diagnostic methods, i.e. diagnostics of general behavioral traits (personality and intellectual tests, tests of interests and achievements, etc.);

· methods focused on “past” behavior (interviews to study attitudes, analysis of bibliographic data, use of the results of observations of the person being assessed by colleagues from the immediate environment, i.e. analysis of references - judgments of colleagues);

· methods focused on actual behavior (observation of the behavior of those being assessed in specially created situations - business games, analysis of labor behavior in real activities).

The selection of specific diagnostic indicators, diagnostic methods, and evaluation criteria is carried out on the basis of a professionogram (list of requirements) corresponding to the specific job position of the person being assessed in the organizational structure of the company's management. Professionograms form the system basis of the assessment center and are the basis for designing assessment procedures. The assessment center technology includes the following main methodological stages:

· analysis of the requirements put forward by the position (profession) and drawing up professional charts;

· choosing a method for making value judgments;

· planning and conducting an assessment center;

· aggregation and interpretation of the obtained data.

The results of building a risk personnel profile of the company’s personnel allow us to develop a set of personnel strategies to prevent (minimize) risks. The validity of decisions made on personnel strategies is determined by the use of appropriate risk management methods and a personally oriented system of personnel motivation. Well-known risk management methods, each of which may be associated with a specific personnel strategy, include: evasion (avoidance), transfer, division, self-insurance, consolidation, localization, diversification, limitation, compensation, prevention. In our opinion, in modern Russian conditions, company management should pay special attention to the development and implementation of strategies to prevent (minimize) demographic, qualification, educational and motivational personnel risks.


In the conditions of the emergence of a market economy in our country, planning an enterprise’s personnel needs is a rather complex type of forecast, because it requires taking into account: the level of education, professional skills and abilities of the personnel that the enterprise needs.

In the system of measures for implementing economic reform, special importance is attached to increasing the level of work with personnel, placing this work on a solid scientific foundation, and using the domestic and foreign experience accumulated over many years.

Personnel planning is defined as “the process of ensuring that an organization has the right number of qualified personnel recruited into the right positions at the right time.” According to another definition, personnel planning is “a system for selecting qualified personnel, using two types of sources - internal (employees available in the organization) and external (found or attracted from the external environment), with the goal of meeting the organization’s needs for the required number of specialists in specific time frame".

Personnel planning, as one of the important functions of personnel management, consists of quantitative, qualitative, temporal and spatial determination of the need for personnel necessary to achieve the goals of the organization. Personnel planning is based on the development strategy of the organization and its personnel policy. The workforce planning function is becoming increasingly important in supporting the organization's strategy, since accurate accounting of future needs allows for clear guidance when developing plans for advanced training and work with the reserve. However, it should be noted that the planned economic growth programs of the organization are increasingly not supported by appropriate management personnel, and more attention is paid to issues of financing and investment.

The relevance of the topic is related to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, since in our country if the activities of personnel management do not carry out accurate planning in accordance with its needs, then this activity is less effective. Only with proper organization of personnel records and monitoring of employee labor results can high productivity and quality of work be achieved, and as a result, a competitive company.

The concept of personnel risk. Types of personnel risk, their classification

personnel risk probability threat

In practical activities, modern enterprises, in order to streamline business processes related to personnel, form a personnel management system. An important component of an effectively functioning personnel management system of an organization is the mechanism for managing personnel risks.

Personnel risk is a situation that reflects the danger of undesirable developments of events that directly or indirectly affect the functioning and development of the organization, personnel, society as a whole and the occurrence of which is associated with objectively existing uncertainty due to a number of reasons: ineffectiveness of the personnel management system; behavior, action (inaction) of personnel; external environment of the organization.

Based on the above definition, subjective and objective personnel risks can be distinguished. Objective personnel risks occur regardless of the actions and against the will of the organization’s personnel. In the case of subjective personnel risks, the occurrence of any adverse events depends on the actions of a specific employee of the enterprise. Personnel risks occupy an important place in the system of business risks, which is due to a number of their features. Firstly, the direct relationship between the level of personnel risk and the rate of profit is not obvious, that is, an increase in the level of personnel risk does not lead to maximization of the enterprise’s profit function. Secondly, the source or object of personnel risks is the organization’s personnel or an individual employee. Thirdly, the impossibility of completely transferring personnel risks to other market entities.

An approach to the classification of personnel risks has been developed that reflects the socio-economic essence of personnel risks and allows one to plan and organize the process of managing them on a systematic basis.

In modern theory and practice, there is no systematic approach to resolving issues of classification of personnel risks. At the same time, the reliability of the organization’s security is directly related to the completeness of the understanding of personnel risks, which, in turn, requires an exhaustive, systematically presented classification of personnel risks. Classification of personnel risks, which involves dividing them into groups according to certain criteria, makes it possible to assess the place of each risk in the overall system and creates the potential for selecting the most effective appropriate methods and techniques for risk management.

Based on the above, a classification of personnel risks is proposed in the form of a table.

Table 1. Classification of personnel risks (CR)

By localization area

Internal risks

External risks

By source of risk

Personnel risks

Risks of the personnel management system

By risk object

Employee risks

Risks of the organization

State risks

According to the systematicity of manifestation

Systematic risks

Unsystematic risks

By type of activity of the organization

Risks of production activities

Risks in financial activities

Risks in commercial activities

Risks in innovation activities

Risks in management, etc.

Based on performance results

Pure risks

Speculative risks

According to the possible extent of damage



Global (strategic)

According to the degree of regularity of potential manifestation

One-time (random) risks

Regular risks

Constant risks

According to the degree of sensitivity to CI of various groups of stakeholders

Acceptable risks

Acceptable risks

Unacceptable risks

According to the degree of legality

Justified risks

Unjustified risks

For reasons of occurrence

Random (unintentional) risks

Non-random (targeted risks)

Random articles
