How to massage your eyes with a glass rod. The most effective eyelid massage techniques. How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes at home

In this article we will look at the massage procedure for blepharitis and talk about contraindications.

The eyes are one of the most important organs of the human body, and at the same time the most vulnerable. They are constantly exposed to negative environmental influences, which leads to the development of ophthalmic diseases. One of them is blepharitis. This is a disease in which inflammation of the eyelids occurs.

Today there are many ways to get rid of this disease. But treatment of blepharitis is a long and complex process, usually requiring an integrated approach.

Experts recommend to their patients the use of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, and it is possible that treatment using folk remedies is also possible. In addition, eyelid massage is also useful for blepharitis (and in combination with medications, it will increase the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment).

  • improving blood flow in the eyelids;
  • discharge of purulent deposits;
  • increased tone of the neuromuscular system;
  • eliminating stagnation;
  • reduction of hyperemia, swelling of the eyelids;
  • eliminating loosening of the mucous membrane.



Use a cotton swab (impregnated with syntomycin emulsion) to perform stroking movements over closed eyes for two minutes (this must be done every two to three days).


You also need to carry out acupressure, which will help improve metabolic processes. First you need to find the necessary points:

  • The first two points are located above the middle of the eyebrows: step back from the eyebrows by the width of your thumb. You need to press firmly on the points above the eyebrows (until pain appears).
  • The other two points are on the temples (below the end of the eyebrows, in the recess of the forehead and cheekbone). These points are massaged with your fingertips.

Massage with a glass rod

This stick can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. One end of the stick is made in the form of a ball, and the other - in the form of a spatula (the spherical end of the glass rod is intended for putting ointment behind the eyelid, and the spatula is for doing massage). The essence of this technique is as follows:

  • to begin the procedure, you first need to drip a painkiller (anesthetic) behind the eyelid;
  • Place the eye stick towards the fornix of the conjunctiva (the side that is shaped like a scapula);
  • Place your finger on the skin of the eyelid (in the place where the stick is inserted) (turning it towards the skin with your nail);
  • perform pressing movements on the eyelid (when performing these manipulations, a clear liquid or discharge of a more viscous white consistency will come out - in case of advanced blepharitis);
  • move the spatula and perform massaging movements over the surface of the entire eyelid;
  • make massage movements on the lower and upper eyelids of the eye;
  • at the end of the procedure, use a cotton swab moistened with alcohol-ether to treat the edges of the eyelids;
  • After treatment, you should drip your eyes with drops or apply an ointment prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Massage actions using a glass rod should be performed every day for two to three weeks.

We described the massage procedure for blepharitis with a glass rod for your information. It is best to carry it out in a clinic, seeking help from experienced specialists.

Performing finger massage

To perform this procedure you should:

  • First, drip the anesthetic (one or two drops three times with an interval of two to three minutes).
  • You need to close your eyes and squeeze them a little.
  • Use pressing movements to squeeze fluid out of the eyelids.
  • After finishing the massage, you need to treat your eyes and drip them with eye drops or apply ointment (this process is identical to the procedure with an eye stick).
  • After completing the procedure, you must wash your hands very well.

This procedure can be performed at home yourself. Just before doing this you should clean your face and wash your hands. To perform the treatment correctly, you can watch the following video:

It doesn’t matter where and how you perform the massage (using a glass rod or your fingers, at home or visiting a medical facility), before and after the procedure you should definitely treat your eyes, hands, and equipment with disinfectants. Carry out the massage with antibacterial agents.


Treatment of blepharitis with the secretory stimulating method is not recommended:

  • People suffering from a feverish condition.
  • Patients with suppurative processes in the eyes.
  • Patients suffering from complicated myopia.
  • People with malignant formations in the eyes.

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Modern beauty salons often offer clients a procedure called "eyelid massage".

It represents a stimulating effect on lymph circulation, or lymphatic drainage.

With its help, the lymphatic system improves its function, leaving the body toxins go away, excess fluid, swelling subsides.

The duration of the massage is approximately 10-20 minutes. Swelling of the eyelids subsides after about 7-10 days of regular morning procedures. After this, to maintain the effect, it is useful to perform a massage approximately once a week.

How is eyelid massage performed at home?

First you need to do cleansing procedures for problem areas. Wash your face using foam or gel, wipe the area around your eyes with tonic. Apply a special cream, cosmetic oil or nourishing mask to this area.

Massage start simultaneously for both eyes. Place your index and middle fingers in the temple area on the outer corner of the eye, perform 10 circular movements, clockwise.

Now use your fingertips to lightly press the skin of your eyelids in the direction from temple to nose. In this case, you need to make sure that the skin does not move. We perform the movements three times for the lower eyelid, then for the upper eyelid - movements from the nose to the temple.

Place four fingers in a row on the eyelid, press the pads against the skin for a few seconds, then move your fingers to the upper eyelid and repeat the same steps. Index and middle fingers perform patting movements over the skin, moving from the temple to the nose along the lower eyelid, then along the upper.

Apply pressure with your middle finger near the outer corner of the eye. Then, using the pad of your finger, we press along the bone near the eye towards its inner corner. We apply pressure again near the bridge of the nose – 10 times. Light pressure again on the corner of the eye.

Using your index and middle fingers, do circular movements along the orbicularis ocular muscles, while trying to capture the upper part of the cheekbone and superciliary area. Start the exercise from the outer corner of the eye, moving from the temple below to the nose.

To complete lymphatic drainage effect Perform light tapping with your fingertips, moving in the same way as in the previous paragraph.

Wash your face again - it will take longer than at first. We wash our face with cold water for 10 seconds, then with warm water for the same amount of time. The procedure must be performed 8-10 times, it should take approximately 3 minutes.

Massage the eyelids with a glass rod

Eyelid massage using a glass rod preferably carried out in a clinical setting.

Before starting the procedure, you can ask the specialist what the manipulations will be, clarify their essence, and find out how safe they are. The massage should be carried out wearing disposable clean gloves.

The patient is seated in a more comfortable chair. Then under the lower fornix of the conjunctiva anesthetic is instilled- a couple of drops. The instillation will need to be repeated three times, with an interval of two or three minutes.

The eyelid is carefully taken by the edge and pulled back. Introduced glass rod spatula– towards the conjunctival fornix. At the site of its projection, the index finger of the free hand is applied to the skin of the eyelid.

You need to lightly press on the edge of the eyelid to apply it to the eyelid massage effect During the process, the glass rod moves continuously. Massage is performed for each eyelid.

Finally, a piece of cotton wool is wrapped around the tip of the stick, moistened in alcohol-ether, and then eyelid treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among good sides The procedures can be listed as follows:

  • crow's feet are reduced;
  • swelling goes away;
  • has a preventive effect against the formation of new wrinkles;
  • skin sagging is reduced.

Regular eyelid massage helps maintain youthful eyes and reduction of dark circles and bags under them due to increased blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries.

The disadvantage of the procedure is primarily that it may turn out to be somewhat painful. Carrying out a course of massage in the first days can cause increased lacrimation and pain after the procedures.

Hello, dear readers! One of the ophthalmological problems that is increasingly common among modern men, women and children is inflammation of the eyes, or more precisely, the eyelids.

This disease is called “blepharitis”. Its danger is due to the high risk of serious complications and infection of the eye.

Today, patients with this problem are prescribed various medications and therapeutic procedures. In parallel with this, eyelid massage is performed for blepharitis, which helps to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment and speed up the recovery process.

The main purpose of massaging the eyelids for blepharitis is to improve blood circulation in the eye and nearby tissues. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve better nutrition of the eye, which helps it more effectively fight the inflammatory process. With normal blood circulation, congestion accelerates and the tone of the eye muscles increases.

Due to the circulation of lymph that occurs during massaging of the eyelids, it is possible to achieve normal outflow of intraocular fluid, remove toxic substances and reduce swelling.

It is also important that, thanks to rubbing, medications penetrate better into the skin, alleviating the symptoms of the disease and accelerating the relief of inflammation.

Other benefits of massaging the eyelids for blepharitis include:

  • rapid discharge of purulent deposits;
  • relieving swelling and redness of the eyelid;
  • beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • stimulating the work of nerve fibers, which ensure the normal functioning of the organ of vision;
  • increased tone of the neuromuscular system.

Rules for rubbing the eyelids

Speaking about how to do a massage correctly, it is worth mentioning the main rule: before starting the procedure, be sure to wash your hands to eliminate all possible ways of infection getting into the eye.

The technique of eyelid massage for blepharitis is extremely simple, so you don’t have to resort to the services of an ophthalmologist for this, but it’s still worth consulting with a qualified specialist first.

All exercises that this procedure includes are absolutely safe and virtually painless if performed correctly.

Here's what you need to know about rubbing the eyelids for patients with blepharitis:

  1. Before starting the treatment procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the eyes with boiled water, and then blot them with a terry towel.
  2. The inflamed area of ​​the eyelid must be treated with an anesthetic to reduce discomfort. For this purpose, Dicaine or Alcaine eye drops are usually used.
  3. The duration of 1 massage procedure should not exceed 8 minutes.
  4. You can start rubbing your eyelids only after they have been treated with an antibacterial agent.
  5. If you are giving yourself a massage, sit back and relax. All movements must be smooth and accurate. Make sure that there is no squeezing of the eyelid.
  6. After completing the procedure, the inflamed area should be treated with ointment or eye drops prescribed by the attending physician.

What are the causes of blepharitis, read

Features of massage using a special stick

The most popular type of rubbing for blepharitis is considered to be a procedure during which the eyelids are massaged with a special glass rod. It is a device, on one side of which there is a spatula, which is used to massage the inflamed eyelids, and on the other, a ball for applying ointment.

The essence of rubbing is this: carefully pull back the movable fold of skin around the eye and insert a spatula under it. Next, press it with your finger and begin making light squeezing movements, gradually moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

Don't be alarmed if fluid comes out of your eye - this is completely normal. Both the upper and lower eyelids should be massaged. Patients with bilateral blepharitis should first massage both eyelids of one eye and then do the same with the other eye.

Important! At the end of the procedure, the eyes are treated with a solution of essential alcohol.

How is acupressure performed for inflammation of the eyelids?

Acupressure of the moving skin folds around the eyes with blepharitis helps improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye.

The main task for those who perform it at home is to correctly determine these points. So, the location of the first 2 points is the middle of the eyebrows, from which you should move 1.5 cm up.

Massaging is carried out by applying increased pressure with your fingers until pain appears. The other 2 points are located in the temporal region, approximately 2 cm from the end of the eyebrows. Massage of these points is carried out with fingertips.

Procedure for finger massage

And now I will tell you how to massage your eyelids with your fingers:

  1. Wash and sanitize your hands.
  2. Instill the anesthetic (1 drop 3 times, with a break of 2-3 minutes).
  3. Close your eyes tightly and squeeze them a little.
  4. Press on the moving folds of skin around the eyes to squeeze out the fluid.
  5. Treat eyes or ointment.
  6. Wash your hands.

As you can see, this is a simple procedure that can be performed independently, without medical assistance.

What do they say about the effectiveness of massage for blepharitis?

Today you can find numerous reviews from patients with blepharitis who talk about whether massage helped them get rid of this unpleasant disease or not. Here's what they write about this procedure:

  • “I struggled with blepharitis for many years and finally came to the conclusion that eyelid massage by an ophthalmologist helps to achieve the best effect. This is a procedure in which pus and congealed fluid are squeezed out of the meibomian glands.

There is no pain during the massage, but in some places it can be unpleasant. The positive effect after the procedure lasts for 6-10 months,” Svetlana, 35 years old.

  • “When I was diagnosed with blepharitis, the attending physician immediately prescribed a 10-day course of eyelid massage. Its essence was to treat the upper and lower eyelids with antiseptic drugs and massage with a glass rod to squeeze out pus.

At the same time, I took vitamins to strengthen my immune system. After 2 courses, I forgot to even think about blepharitis, although many said that it was almost impossible to get rid of this disease,” Elizaveta, 41 years old.

Modern beauty salons often offer clients a procedure called "eyelid massage".

It represents a stimulating effect on lymph circulation, or lymphatic drainage.

With its help, the lymphatic system improves its function, leaving the body toxins go away, excess fluid, swelling subsides.

The duration of the massage is approximately 10-20 minutes. Swelling of the eyelids subsides after about 7-10 days of regular morning procedures. After this, to maintain the effect, it is useful to perform a massage approximately once a week.

First you need to do cleansing procedures for problem areas. Wash your face using foam or gel, wipe the area around your eyes with tonic. Apply a special cream, cosmetic oil or nourishing mask to this area.

Massage start simultaneously for both eyes. Place your index and middle fingers in the temple area on the outer corner of the eye, perform 10 circular movements, clockwise.

Now use your fingertips to lightly press the skin of your eyelids in the direction from temple to nose. In this case, you need to make sure that the skin does not move. We perform the movements three times for the lower eyelid, then for the upper eyelid - movements from the nose to the temple.

Place four fingers in a row on the eyelid, press the pads against the skin for a few seconds, then move your fingers to the upper eyelid and repeat the same steps. Index and middle fingers perform patting movements over the skin, moving from the temple to the nose along the lower eyelid, then along the upper.

Apply pressure with your middle finger near the outer corner of the eye. Then, using the pad of your finger, we press along the bone near the eye towards its inner corner. We apply pressure again near the bridge of the nose – 10 times. Light pressure again on the corner of the eye.

Using your index and middle fingers, do circular movements along the orbicularis ocular muscles, while trying to capture the upper part of the cheekbone and superciliary area. Start the exercise from the outer corner of the eye, moving from the temple below to the nose.

To complete lymphatic drainage effect Perform light tapping with your fingertips, moving in the same way as in the previous paragraph.

Wash your face again - it will take longer than at first. We wash our face with cold water for 10 seconds, then with warm water for the same amount of time. The procedure must be performed 8-10 times, it should take approximately 3 minutes.

Massage the eyelids with a glass rod

Eyelid massage using a glass rod preferably carried out in a clinical setting.

Before starting the procedure, you can ask the specialist what the manipulations will be, clarify their essence, and find out how safe they are. The massage should be carried out wearing disposable clean gloves.

The patient is seated in a more comfortable chair. Then under the lower fornix of the conjunctiva anesthetic is instilled- a couple of drops. The instillation will need to be repeated three times, with an interval of two or three minutes.

The eyelid is carefully taken by the edge and pulled back. Introduced glass rod spatula– towards the conjunctival fornix. At the site of its projection, the index finger of the free hand is applied to the skin of the eyelid.

You need to lightly press on the edge of the eyelid to apply it to the eyelid massage effect During the process, the glass rod moves continuously. Massage is performed for each eyelid.

Finally, a piece of cotton wool is wrapped around the tip of the stick, moistened in alcohol-ether, and then eyelid treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among good sides The procedures can be listed as follows:

  • crow's feet are reduced;
  • swelling goes away;
  • has a preventive effect against the formation of new wrinkles;
  • skin sagging is reduced.

Regular eyelid massage helps maintain youthful eyes and reduction of dark circles and bags under them due to increased blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries.

The disadvantage of the procedure is primarily that it may turn out to be somewhat painful. Carrying out a course of massage in the first days can cause increased lacrimation and pain after the procedures.

Eyelid massage can be prescribed as a cosmetic or therapeutic procedure. In these two cases, the technique is very different. This treatment procedure must be performed by a qualified massage therapist or ophthalmologist, since it has a direct effect on the visual organ. This treatment is often prescribed for dysfunction of the meibomian glands. If they do not produce enough secretion, the eyelids and mucous membranes may become inflamed.

The effectiveness of massage

Eyelid massage is a fairly effective cosmetic and health procedure. Thanks to massage, blood circulation in the tissues of the eye improves. Normal nutrition of the visual organ is ensured, which leads to a reduction in inflammatory processes. Congestion is eliminated and the tone of the eye muscles increases. The nerve fibers that are responsible for the normal functioning of the visual organ are stimulated.

Massage helps improve lymph circulation, improves the outflow of intraocular fluid and eliminates swelling. Eye massage accelerates the penetration of various medications into the tissues of the visual organ, and therefore the inflammatory process quickly stops. Due to eye massage, the eyes are quickly cleared of purulent contents, which speeds up recovery.

For purulent blepharitis, massage can only be performed as prescribed by a doctor. In some forms of the disease, such procedures are strictly prohibited.


It is worth remembering that eye massage cannot always be performed. There are a number of contraindications to such procedures. These include some diseases and conditions:

  • heat;
  • any infectious and chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • purulent diseases of the visual organs;
  • severe myopia;
  • oncological diseases of the organs of vision.

People with retinal detachment, as well as cataracts and glaucoma should avoid this procedure.

You can start doing massage only as prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

The main goal of such a massage is to restore the normal functioning of the meibomian glands and quickly remove secretions that have stagnated in the tissues.

Execution Rules

Performing a massage requires compliance with certain rules. Only in this case can we expect a positive effect from the procedure:

  1. Hands are washed well and wiped with an antiseptic composition. You can wear sterile medical gloves.
  2. A couple of drops of an anesthetic solution are instilled into the eye to reduce discomfort during the procedure.
  3. The duration of one procedure is about 7 minutes. A similar massage is performed in the treatment of blepharitis in courses lasting 7–10 days.
  4. Before the procedure, wash the eyes with an antiseptic composition and treat the instrument if a glass rod or massager will be used.
  5. After a therapeutic massage session, the mucous membrane is treated with drops prescribed by the doctor.

You can perform a massage independently or in the treatment room of a clinic, it all depends on the type of procedures prescribed. If massage sessions are carried out at home, you should sit comfortably and relax as much as possible.

Eyelid massage is an unpleasant but tolerable procedure. Some people even like this treatment.

Massage technologies

There are several massage technologies. The classical technique is most often used, but for blepharitis, the procedure can be performed using a small glass rod.

Traditional manual method

This procedure should begin with light stroking movements. You need to perform such techniques from the inner corner to the outer one. This technique is done for a couple of minutes, after which light pressure is applied to the edge of the upper eyelid with your fingertips to release the liquid.

Press carefully; you can help yourself with the eye muscles, closing your eyes tightly. After such techniques, the eyes should be stroked again for a few minutes, this helps to relax them. After the session, the edge of the eyelids is treated with an alcohol-containing composition, and the eye is washed with a solution of Furacilin or Miramistin.

All massage movements must be done with extreme caution so as not to cause pain to yourself.

With massager

Jade and tourmanium rollers are used to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. Before using this massage roller, you should carefully read the instructions for use. First, massage the upper eyelid, and then the lower. Finally, moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Glass rod

For blepharitis, massage using a special glass rod gives a good effect. One tip of the stick is made in the form of a small spatula, and the second is in the shape of a ball.

The upper skin fold is pulled back a little and a part of the stick, which looks like a spatula, is inserted under it. From the side of the eyelid, press the stick with the tip of your finger and gradually massage the entire area of ​​the eyelid. During the procedure, a transparent or whitish secretion is separated from the eyelid.

It is better to entrust such massage procedures to an experienced specialist. It is important to complete the full course of treatment. Therapy should not be interrupted, even if the inflammation has already passed.

Eyelid massage for blepharitis

For blepharitis, it is necessary to massage both the upper and lower skin folds. First, a glass rod is inserted under the upper eyelid and gently massaged until the secretion is abundant, after which they move to the lower eyelid and repeat the massage movements. Before the procedure, a couple of drops of anesthetic drops should be placed in the eyes to eliminate discomfort.

For blepharitis, massage both eyes. After the manipulations, the edges of the eyelids are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in essential alcohol.

Procedures using a glass rod should be carried out in a treatment room.

How to properly massage the eyelids of children

Children can also undergo eye massage. In this case, a doctor should do it. The classical technique is more often used to treat children. All massage movements are done with fingers, which are slightly lubricated with baby cream for better glide. The procedures should be carried out when the baby is absolutely calm.

Massage of the upper and lower eyelids is a safe medical procedure, which results in improved metabolic processes and blood circulation. It is used for medicinal purposes for blepharitis and for preventive purposes - for age-related changes in skin elasticity.

The main therapeutic effect is to cleanse the meibomian glands of excess secretion, along with which pathogenic microorganisms and decay products are released. Excessive accumulation of secretions in the glands provokes inflammation of the eyelids and conjunctiva.

The massage is performed by a qualified specialist in a medical facility in compliance with all aseptic rules and lasts about 20 minutes. Positive results become noticeable after 7 sessions.

There are 2 ways to carry out the procedure: using a glass rod or using fingertips.

Main indications

Eyelid massage is prescribed for the following indications:

  • chronic inflammation of the eyelids;
  • chronic exogenous and endogenous conjunctivitis;
  • corneal diseases;
  • inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis);
  • rehabilitation period after surgical correction;
  • paralysis of the extraocular muscles;
  • wrinkles;
  • dark circles around the eyes;
  • bags under the eyes.

How to prepare for the procedure

The patient needs to calm down to completely relax the eye muscles and take the most comfortable position - sitting on a couch or in a chair.

Women should clean the skin around their eyes from cosmetics, and their eyelashes should also be clean. If the patient wears contact lenses, they must be removed and placed in a special container during the procedure.

Features of the procedure

Massage techniques using a glass device and using pressure with fingertips differ.

The procedure using a glass rod is carried out as follows. First, drops with an anesthetic effect are instilled into each eye through the lower fornix of the conjunctival sac. Instillation is performed three times, every 3 minutes.

Then the edge of the eyelid is pulled back and a special instrument is inserted in the direction of the conjunctival fornix. A glass rod is felt on the outside of the eyelid with your fingers, and the specialist applies light pressure with the nail side of the index finger. Thus, pressure is applied internally by the tool, and externally by the fingers.

To affect the entire surface, the wand must be constantly moved along the eyelid throughout the entire procedure.

Massage movements are performed alternately on one and the other eye. Upon completion of the procedure, the eyelids are treated along their edges using an instrument at the end of which there is sterile cotton wool soaked in an alcohol-ether mixture. This manipulation prevents the development of inflammation and infection.

Massage using the fingertips also requires the prior use of anesthetic drops.

The specialist places the thumbs of the left and right hands on the upper and lower eyelids so that the surface of the nails is at a distance of 5 mm from the edges of the eyelids. Then the eyelids are completely closed with the fingers, as a result of which the contents of the glands begin to come out.

After this procedure, the massaged areas are also treated with alcohol-ether.

The manipulation is practically painless and has no complications. Contraindications to it include injury to the skin around the eyes with loss of integrity (scratches, wounds, cuts), inflammatory processes of the eyes in the acute stage, neuralgia of the trigeminal and facial nerves.

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