How long can you wear elastic stockings? Compression jersey for men. How long to wear compression stockings after surgery

Compression jersey is widely used to maintain correct, from a physiological point of view, pressure in the lower extremities of a person. Such stockings are used in a complex treatment scheme, as well as for the prevention of this disease. In medicine, special underwear for veins is usually called medical knitwear. It is also called compression or anti-varicose underwear, therapeutic knitwear.

Phlebologists recommend wearing tights, socks, and compression socks for varicose veins. Such underwear should be worn even when lymphedema and for other problems with the blood vessels of the extremities.

What types of compression underwear are available, what is better - compression tights or stockings, the doctor will tell you and recommend during your appointment.

The therapeutic effect when using such underwear is manifested due to the fact that stockings, leggings or tights support the blood vessels and compress the dilated vein. This, in turn, evenly redistributes blood flow from dilated vessels to healthy ones.

Such underwear helps to activate blood circulation and improve tissue nutrition.

If you choose the right compression hosiery, it will help reduce the risk of developing blood clots .

Another important argument in favor of using such underwear is that there are almost no contraindications to the use of therapeutic knitwear. It does not cause side effects, but at the same time it is a good method of preventing the progression of varicose veins and helps maintain veins in a physiological state.

How do compression garments work for varicose veins?

Previously, when therapeutic knitwear was not produced, they used for varicose veins elastic bandages . However, their use has several significant disadvantages.

  • First of all, elastic bandages take a long time to apply, and in order to get the desired effect, this must be done correctly.
  • An important disadvantage is the inability to wear an elastic bandage all the time. The unaesthetic appearance does not allow wearing it every day, whereas, for example, compression garments Medi and knitwear from other modern manufacturers looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Despite the fact that bandages have a low price, you won’t be able to save money when wearing them. After all, such a bandage very quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, it is better to find out how to choose high-quality knitwear and buy compression underwear for varicose veins.

Why do you need compression underwear and what is its effect? By squeezing dilated veins, such knitwear provides acceleration blood flow through the deep veins. Eventually eliminated venous stasis , which is a prerequisite for the development of varicose veins. Those who are interested in which compression garments are best for varicose veins should take into account that it is worth buying quality products. After all, branded high-quality knitwear provides a graduated, that is, gradual decrease in pressure from the hand to the shoulder or from the shin to the thigh.

For example, a good online store for compression garments for varicose veins offers stockings that provide maximum (100%) pressure at the bottom of the calf and partial (40%) pressure in the thigh area. It is this distribution that is most correct from a physiological point of view, and therefore provides the greatest therapeutic effect. With this mode of pressure distribution, blood outflow is normalized due to the following effects:

  • The functioning of the valve apparatus improves and returns to normal.
  • The expanded lumen of the peripheral veins of the thighs and legs, especially the subcutaneous ones, decreases.
  • The muscle pump effect increases. When muscles contract during exercise, blood is pushed upward.

Effective compression garments for pregnant women. But when choosing such knitwear, you need to be guided by the individual recommendations of a doctor.

How to choose compression hosiery?

Before choosing compression hosiery for varicose veins, you need to clearly understand that such underwear cannot eliminate the serious causes of venous insufficiency. Therefore, it is used before radical treatment. Medical knitwear simulates the situation as if veins that have dilated, been removed or sealed.

In addition, it is important to understand that non-surgical treatment of leg diseases should always be comprehensive. Only in this case the effect will be maximum. It is very important not only to wear compression garments, but also to use ointments and creams prescribed by your doctor, practice folk remedies for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, and also lead a healthy lifestyle.

In order for the effect to be most noticeable, it is important to choose the right medical underwear. In this case, you need to take into account not only the reviews that you can read on the Internet and the prices of underwear, but also its quality and compression classes.

Compression knitwear is usually divided into three types:

  • hospital – that is, one that is used exclusively in a hospital setting;
  • medicinal ;
  • prophylactic .

But, regardless of whether knitwear is needed for treatment or prevention, it should be purchased exclusively in specialized stores or in retail outlets that are official dealers of medically recognized manufacturers of such underwear. It is important that in such stores consumers are always helped to choose the correct size of knitwear, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on this. To find the perfect underwear, the seller first measures the leg in four places. Next, a special table of sizes is used, according to which stockings or tights are selected.

As for different manufacturers, reviews of their products can often be found on the Internet. Many women write about how high quality the Sigvaris knitwear is, which costs between 4000-5000 rubles. But there are many positive reviews about “Copper” knitwear, the price of which is lower - about 3,000 rubles. You can learn more about this underwear and choose “Medi” compression hosiery on the company’s official website. Compression underwear from Venotex and Ortho is also of high quality, the prices for which are slightly lower - from 2000 rubles.

You can purchase underwear in four levels of compression:

  • First compression class (18-21 mm Hg) – preventive knitwear, wearing which is indicated in the following cases:
    • during pregnancy ;
    • with a tendency to varicose veins ;
    • in the presence of initial symptoms of varicose veins: if the veins are noticeable under the skin, after prolonged standing or sitting the legs hurt, pronounced spider veins can be seen on the legs, and swelling appears in the evening;
    • if a person leads a lifestyle in which he is forced to sit or stand a lot - in the office, driving a car, behind the counter, etc.
  • Second compression class (23-32 mmHg) – the most popular underwear. Compression hosiery of class 2 compression is used for treatment purposes. varicose veins , thrombophlebitis . Hospital knitwear of class 2 compression is also used in the hospital.
  • Third compression class (34-46 mm Hg) – compression tights of this class are used for patients with trophic disorders and severe venous insufficiency.
  • Fourth compression class (from 49 mmHg) - this class is used very rarely - for men and women with lymphedema.

Before purchasing stockings or tights for varicose veins, you should decide exactly what kind of underwear is best to buy. Those who are buying anti-varicose tights for the first time should not immediately choose compression class 2. After all, it may well be that this will be too strong a compression for the vascular system.

First, it is better to purchase inexpensive underwear - the price of class 1 compression tights from some companies will be quite acceptable. After wearing it and gradually getting used to such underwear, you can later buy more expensive orthopedic tights for varicose veins.

For the purpose of prevention, only class 1 underwear is used. If a person is already developing varicose veins, then a phlebologist will help you choose tights. You should also ask your doctor about how to choose compression tights for pregnant women so that the expectant mother feels good while wearing such underwear. In this case, it is important to choose the size of anti-varicose tights or stockings so that they do not cause noticeable discomfort.

But no matter how enthusiastic the reviews about this or that underwear are, you need to understand that it will not be possible to cure varicose veins with its help, since wearing underwear does not eliminate the causes of the disease. Compression hosiery helps stop the progression of the disease and prevent the appearance of new veins affected by varicose veins.

In hot summer weather, it is impossible to wear such underwear, so during the summer you need to take medications for varicose veins and use other methods to combat this disease.

In order not to damage the product and get the greatest effect, you need to know how to put on compression tights correctly - this is indicated in the instructions.

Regardless of the price of such underwear, it can maintain compression for about 5-7 months.

Before purchasing such underwear, you need to clearly know how to choose compression stockings correctly for varicose veins. Special quality standards for compression garments have been defined. The most important and strict among them is the European RAL-GZ-387 .

Any manufacturer seeking to produce knitwear that conforms to it must initially undergo very strict certification in Switzerland or Germany. Therefore, if elastic orthopedic stockings for varicose veins have such a certificate, this indicates its high quality. Knitwear with such a certificate provides pressure that is distributed over the limb (40-70-100%) and is therapeutic. The standard is evidenced by the packaging of the product, as well as the presence of a special label.

To choose a good product, you need to focus not only on how much such socks or stockings cost, but, above all, on the manufacturer and a proven point of sale of the product. After all, on the domestic market it is very easy to make a mistake and buy fake medical stockings or tights. In addition, in specialized stores they will definitely tell the buyer how to determine the size for both men and women. You should also buy compression hosiery for pregnant women from trusted stores.

Since therapeutic underwear is worn daily, it is very important to choose a hypoallergenic model. Therefore, you need to focus not on user reviews, but, above all, on personal feelings. The linen must have a sign of the European eco-safety standard Oeko-Tex Standard 10 – this guarantees that the product is made of a material that does not cause .

How to put on compression stockings correctly?

When buying treated knitwear, you need to know how to put on and how to wear such underwear correctly.

Most often, people trying to prevent the progression of varicose veins wear compression stockings of compression class 2. After all, both the effectiveness and the price of compression stockings of compression class 2 often turn out to be the most acceptable for the patient. However, it often happens that products of the 2nd degree of compression are very uncomfortable for a person to wear. Moreover, most often, class 2 compression for men and women turns out to be uncomfortable precisely because a person puts on such a product incorrectly. After all, you can’t put it on like tights for a child, gathering them into an accordion and pulling the stocking up to the thigh. Both tights and knee socks or stockings should be put on slowly, gradually straightening them on the leg.

Such underwear will be difficult for obese people to wear. To facilitate this process, you can purchase special devices in the store. How much such devices cost depends on the manufacturer. Compression hosiery should be worn with gloves to avoid damaging the underwear with your nails. In addition, if a person is wearing medical or other gloves, then the underwear glides better.

If wearing compression underwear of the second class is uncomfortable, in some cases you can limit yourself to the first class. Moreover, the price of compression stockings of 1st compression class for women and men (Ortho, etc.) is lower. However, the price of stockings for varicose veins on the legs depends on other factors.

A person who wears therapeutic knitwear should have smooth feet - without roughness or calluses. It is necessary to cut your toenails short and file them to avoid the appearance of puffs on your underwear.

It is better to put on such underwear in the morning, on rested and, therefore, not swollen limbs. In this case, both legs and jerseys must be completely dry.

Those who are interested in whether it is possible to sleep in such stockings need to understand that this is not necessary, since during sleep the load on the limbs is minimal.

If the phlebologist prescribed the patient to wear class 3 products, putting them on will be more difficult and, accordingly, more time will have to be spent on it. For this it is better to use special devices.

If the size chart provided on a particular website seems unclear, it is better to ask a specialist about how to choose the size of compression stockings for surgery or for everyday wear. After all, if the size is chosen incorrectly, it will be extremely uncomfortable to put on and wear such underwear.

It is important to properly care for such products and know how to wash and dry them.

Caring for compression garments

When buying orthopedic underwear for women and men, you need to take into account that it is most convenient to have at least two pairs of such knitwear. After all, you need to wash it daily to get rid of dust, debris and dead skin particles, which can very quickly damage the fibers of the laundry.

Washing is carried out only by hand, using baby soap. This type of laundry cannot be washed in a machine. It must be washed at a temperature of no more than 40 C. It is forbidden to iron or bleach it. Conditioners and rinse aids should also not be used. After all, they also destroy the structure of the contracting tissue.

Dry the compression jersey by spreading it out on a horizontal surface. You cannot twist it or wring it out; you can easily blot it with a towel. Drying knitwear in the sun or in a vertical position is not allowed.

You need to be very careful with silicone strips, which are important for securing the laundry. When washing, it is better not to wet them and wipe them with a disinfectant wipe.

What to wear with such products depends on the woman’s taste. But, as a rule, knitwear from modern manufacturers is very beautiful and elegant.

Contraindications for wearing compression garments

Before choosing compression socks for varicose veins, you need to clearly know whether the patient has any contraindications to wearing them. Medical knitwear has several such contraindications.

Wearing medical knitwear is absolutely contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • endoarteritis ;
  • orthoarteritis ;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans .

In such conditions it decreases vascular lumen , and the systolic drops to 80 mm. Hg Art., therefore it is strictly forbidden to reduce the pressure in the lower extremities.

Compression garments should be worn very carefully by those who have skin problems and high skin sensitivity.

You should not wear stockings or tights if you have allergies and inflammatory processes on the skin, as well as with bedsores or open wounds.

If varicose veins appear due to a disease diabetes , such underwear cannot be used either. Compression hosiery is not used in cases of septic phlebitis , cardiopulmonary failure in severe form, if problems with blood circulation occur at rest.

You can also come across the opinion that knitwear can provoke atrophy of the muscular layer of the vein walls . When a person stops wearing therapeutic underwear, the opposite effect is likely, as a result of which the venous wall will stretch, and varicose veins will progress even more.

Of course, there is no way to check the condition of every vein in a person wearing such underwear. However, most phlebologists consider this theory to be erroneous, citing the following evidence in favor of this:

  • a person cannot wear therapeutic knitwear around the clock;
  • if the veins are subjected to compression, then the flow of blood in them decreases, but it does not stop;
  • as a rule, atrophy of the muscle wall develops if a person has a genetic predisposition, as well as if a local specific inflammatory process develops during venous stagnation, and when using knitwear, these phenomena are reduced;
  • sometimes, after stopping the use of underwear, a person initially feels a little worse, since the tone of the venous wall decreases for a while, but there is no talk of atrophy.

Also, after the end of the period of wearing such underwear, people with varicose veins may feel that it has become more difficult for them to walk. Therefore, many people prefer not to give up wearing it.

Thus, compression garments, which have been used for many decades, are a convenient and effective method for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. However, before you start using it, you need to consult a phlebologist. The doctor will determine what the patient's condition is and help choose the most suitable product.

Varicose veins are one of the most common diseases of the circulatory system of the lower extremities. With this disease, the valves of the veins stop closing normally. The result is impaired blood flow, which leads to swelling, fatigue and pain in the legs, which can provoke serious complications.

Anti-varicose stockings are compression stockings, wearing which helps stop the progression of the disease and improve the condition of the veins. They normalize blood flow and eliminate almost all symptoms of the disease. To achieve an optimal therapeutic effect, you need to clearly know how to wear compression stockings for varicose veins.

How compression stockings work

The principle of operation of compression hosiery is to create uniform pressure (compression), the value of which differs in different parts of the leg. If the pressure in the ankle area is 100%, then in the knee area it decreases to 70%, and in the hip area - to 40%. Due to this pressure difference, an optimal mode of operation of the veins is ensured, in which the blood does not stagnate and is easily pushed upward.

In addition, anti-varicose veins stockings reduce the diameter of the veins, which increases the speed of blood flow and normalizes the functioning of the venous valves. As a result, stagnation is prevented and effective prevention of blood clots is ensured.

  • varicose veins, vascular network, lymphedema;
  • pain and spasms in the calf area;
  • symptoms characteristic of venous trophic ulcers;
  • dermatitis, eczema in the vein area;
  • tendency to thrombosis, post-thrombotic syndromes;
  • swelling of the legs, feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, etc.

Important! There are diseases in which wearing anti-varicose vein stockings is prohibited. Consult a doctor before use!

In particular, compression hosiery is contraindicated for:

  • any arterial diseases;
  • polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, for example, developing as a result of diabetes mellitus;
  • phlebitis with septic complications;
  • trophic ulcers that are not of venous origin;
  • swelling of the legs due to cardiovascular insufficiency.

A contraindication is also the presence of an allergy to any of the materials from which the knitwear is made.

How long should you wear stockings for varicose veins?

One of the main questions is how long to wear compression stockings and how often to put them on. The duration of wearing depends on the stage of the disease.

In the initial stages, compression stockings are usually prescribed for 3-4 months. After this you need to go through it regularly. If the symptoms of varicose veins do not recur, you can stop wearing stockings. If the veins are deep, lifelong wearing of compression stockings is recommended. If the condition of the veins improves, the doctor may reduce the recommended level of compression.

You also need to have an idea of ​​how many hours to wear compression stockings for varicose veins to ensure the best therapeutic effect.

  1. It is best to wear stockings all day. In any case, the duration of wearing should not be less than 5-7 hours a day.
  2. It is important to wear stockings correctly. This is done in the morning, without getting out of bed, while swelling has not yet appeared on the legs. If it is not possible to perform this procedure in the morning, then before putting on stockings, you need to lie down for 10-15 minutes with your legs elevated.
  3. Compression stockings can be removed at night. They should also be removed during water procedures and after their completion, while the skin is still wet.


Compression stockings serve as an effective means for the prevention of varicose veins, its treatment in the early stages and alleviation of the patient’s condition with deep damage to the veins. To achieve the optimal effect, you need to choose the right high-quality compression hosiery and follow the recommended wearing regimen.


How long to wear compression stockings?

The question of how long to wear compression stockings after surgery and whether to take them off at night is one of the most popular questions that patients ask phlebologists. Manufacturers of compression hosiery recommend strictly adhering to the doctor’s instructions, because the success of the surgical intervention largely depends on compliance with subsequent instructions.

Phlebologists categorically do not recommend that patients decide for themselves when to remove stockings after surgery. After radiofrequency obliteration (RFO) and endovasal laser coagulation (EVLC), the following scheme for wearing special underwear is usually proposed:

  • In the first week after surgery, you will have to wear compression stockings around the clock. It is strictly not recommended to remove stockings at night after surgery during this period.
  • Over the next seven days, you are allowed to gradually increase the time spent without compression stockings. Initially, these periods can reach several minutes, and then they can be increased to an hour or more at a time.
  • The third week usually becomes a transition period to the patient's normal life after surgery. It is enough to wear compression products only during particularly intense exercise: if you have a long walk, climbing stairs or other physical activity.

For patients who practice sports, there are their own recommendations on how long to wear compression stockings after surgery A special type of such underwear is made for training and active activities. It is best to use it over a long period, and possibly throughout life. This will help avoid complications and relapses of the disease.

If the operation was performed at a late stage of varicose veins, the patient could develop serious trophic changes and persistent swelling of the extremities. In this case, the doctor’s recommendations will be slightly different and compression hosiery will have to be used for several months with a gradual decrease in the time spent in it.

On the contrary, if surgery was performed at an early stage of the disease, the use of compression stockings can be limited to a few days. In such cases, the walls of blood vessels retain their properties and are more likely to be rehabilitated, and the blood flow in them is restored.

An indispensable remedy for the prevention of thrombosis during childbirth or cesarean section. Stockings normalize blood flow in the lower extremities, protect against swelling and help avoid serious complications during childbirth.

All compression garments are divided into two categories:

  • Hospital knitwear is made with the expectation that the patient in it is in a horizontal position. The function of hospital linen is the prevention of thrombosis in the first hours after surgery or in patients who are prescribed long-term bed rest.
  • Everyday compression garments are thicker and are used in everyday life. Such products allow you to ensure a comfortable, familiar life, while simultaneously guaranteeing the correct course of the postoperative period and speedy rehabilitation.

The choice of modern compression garments is huge and varied. Externally, therapeutic knee socks, stockings or tights are practically no different from ordinary ones and they do not have to be hidden behind long skirts or trousers and disguised from others or work colleagues. In modern compression hosiery, you can lead an active life and do your usual activities: work and study, take children to school and do housework, travel on public transport and drive, and even do physical exercise.

To date, manufacturers of medical devices have invented a large number of different compression hosiery. Such products are knee socks, thigh-high and buttock-length stockings, tights and simply compression bandages.

These devices have gained wide popularity among patients suffering from chronic venous insufficiency and, probably, every vascular surgeon prescribes them for different indications. The stockings are easy to use. Often they are indistinguishable from ordinary tights. But are these products really that safe? Is it harmful to wear compression stockings? It’s worth finding out.

Compression knitwear consists of a fabric base, most often of synthetic origin (for example, polyamide) and elastic fibers (elastane). Manufacturers have invented different types of thread weaving and component ratios, which is why they managed to achieve varying degrees of compression on the lower extremities.

Stockings can be prescribed for preventive or therapeutic purposes for varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, pregnancy, surgical interventions and after thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities.

Types of compression stockings

All companies produce men's and women's underwear. The latter can be complemented with lace or pattern. You can also choose according to the patient’s skin color type. Manufacturers also take into account the fact that people have different heights and weights. There are five sizes of stockings for this purpose.

To determine it, you need to change several parameters: the circumference of the lower leg in the place where its largest diameter is, the circumference of the thigh in its middle third, the length from the beginning of the lower leg to the knees and the distance from the heel to the groin area. Next, according to special tables, the size of the required stockings is determined (XS, S, M, L, LX, XL).

But the main classification is the division according to the degree of compression that the underwear exerts on the lower limb.

There are several classes of compression garments:

  1. Preventive - pressure on the limb up to 18 mm Hg. Art. They are used primarily to prevent the development of varicose veins in a group of people who are predisposed to it. These are overweight patients, pregnant women or people whose work involves excessive stress on their legs.
  2. The first compression class is compression at the level of 19-22 mm Hg. Art. Used in the initial stages of varicose veins. They effectively help with tired leg syndrome, swelling, minor dilation of the veins in the lower extremities, and vascular network.
  3. Second class - pressure is about 23-32 mm Hg. Art. Used only as prescribed by a doctor. Indications are pathological conditions accompanied by chronic venous insufficiency, but provided there are no trophic changes in the skin.
  4. Third class - compression is 33-45 mm Hg. Art. To use them, you must obtain a prescription from a doctor, since it is impossible to simply buy these stockings at a pharmacy. Indications for use: severe trophic disorders, lymphostasis, deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, postthrombophlebotic syndrome.

The last is the fourth class - compression over 45 mm Hg. Art., are used in rare cases and only in surgical hospitals under the supervision of a physician.

Mechanism of action of products

Varicose veins are a disease that primarily affects the venous vessels of the lower extremities. Occurs when veins are severely stretched due to decreased elasticity of the walls.

In this case, the valves located on the inside of the vessels lose their ability to completely close the lumen, and blood begins to flow in the opposite direction. This, in turn, starts the process of even greater stretching of the venous wall.

The lower extremities become refilled with blood and varicose veins begin to protrude on the surface of the skin. Gradually, the liquid begins to seep through the vessels and penetrates the surrounding tissue. This is how patients develop swelling.

Thickened blood can form clots inside the vessels or embolize away from the primary site of thrombosis. These conditions have life-threatening consequences. The reasons for the development are:

  • hereditary factors;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • flat feet;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • uncomfortable shoes, especially high heels;
  • prolonged sitting;
  • work standing;
  • inactive lifestyle.

To prevent the progression of varicose veins, surgeons prescribe the patient to wear stockings. Through the pressure that the product exerts on the leg, an artificial narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels occurs.

Under the influence of pressure, the functioning of the valve apparatus improves and blood regurgitation does not occur.

Useful properties of compression stockings

The benefits and harms of compression stockings depend, first of all, on whether the doctor prescribed the correct compression class, and also on whether the patient adheres to the recommendations for use.

Scientists have conducted studies, and based on them, meta-analyses, which have proven that medical knitwear is effective for chronic venous insufficiency.

Stockings perform a number of useful functions - they narrow the lumen of venous vessels and prevent the development of varicose veins in pregnant women. In addition, they reduce swelling in the lower extremities and improve lymph flow.

Additional compression stockings:

  1. prevent the development of infectious diseases on the legs;
  2. improve skin trophism;
  3. prevent thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  4. reduce the risk of developing pulmonary embolism;
  5. eliminate pain and cramps in the legs;
  6. prevent the likelihood of the formation of trophic ulcers;
  7. improve the course of postoperative periods.

In addition, stockings have an advantage over other types of compression garments. For example, elastic bandages require certain skills to use. They may slip during the day, causing discomfort to the patient. Also, bandages do not always match the style of clothing, especially if the patient needs to work in an office and wear a certain uniform.

Stockings are practically no different from ordinary clothes and are very easy to use.

Harm from compression garments

Of course, medical stockings are a useful product, but even they have their negative sides and can harm the patient. Damage to compression hosiery for varicose veins occurs when used incorrectly.

If the degree of pressure is chosen incorrectly, signs of tissue ischemia may occur on the leg. The patient will experience limb numbness, discomfort, or pain. If the compression is low, the effect of this therapy will not appear. Therefore, before starting to use medical knitwear, you should definitely consult with a vascular surgeon.

The length of stay in stockings depends on the degree of chronic venous insufficiency. For example, at the third stage of varicose veins, it is recommended to wear the product constantly, even while sleeping. The most common complications that arise are: ischemia of the underlying tissues, bedsores at the site of compression due to improper dressing, allergic reactions to the material.

Compression products can cause harm when there are contraindications to their use:

  • infectious skin diseases;
  • open ;
  • individual sensitivity to product materials;
  • wounds on the limbs;
  • burns;
  • presence of diabetic foot;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • cardiovascular failure in the stage of decompensation.

But, more patients respond positively to compression stockings. The result becomes noticeable even on the first day of use.

Also positive is the moderate cost of the product. The average price of stockings is 1,500 rubles.

Rules for using stockings

A large part of the effect depends on whether the patient wears medical knitwear correctly. They need to be put on in the morning before the patient plans to get out of bed. 10 minutes before this, it is recommended to raise your legs to an elevated position to ensure maximum blood flow. Next, the underwear is gradually put on; you need to make sure that it does not twist or form wrinkles, because in these places there will be additional compression on the skin. Stockings must be worn all day.

In order for the product to serve as long as possible, you should properly care for it. Medical knitwear cannot be washed in a machine, only by hand washing. It is not recommended to use aggressive detergents; only laundry soap is allowed. They need to be dried on a horizontal surface, avoiding excessive heat radiation and direct sunlight. Stockings should be stored folded and straightened.

1. Should I wear compression stockings after deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?
Unfortunately, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) cannot be completely cured. Modern antithrombotic therapy reduces the risk of progression or recurrence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary thromboembolism to almost zero. Circulatory disorders in the veins of the legs are best treated with external compression of the leg immediately after the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is confirmed. Most of these patients are suitable for compression stockings made of natural rubber 503. Sometimes patients with severe swelling, concomitant arterial, neurological or skin pathology first need elastic bandaging, which is also recommended for those patients who cannot put on stockings. Patients need to be convinced of the need for walking, which improves venous outflow from the legs and stimulates the resorption of the blood clot. Compression stockings can prevent the development of chronic venous insufficiency, the so-called post-thrombotic syndrome. Compression stockings should be worn constantly and strictly follow the recommendations of a phlebologist.
2. Are calf cramps a sign of chronic venous insufficiency?
Cramps in the calf muscles may be a manifestation of chronic venous insufficiency. However, they only appear in combination with other typical symptoms of vein disease. Often, cramps in the calf muscles are caused by disturbances in the electrolyte composition of the blood, a lack of calcium or magnesium, diseases of the bones, joints and spine.
3. Are saunas and hot baths allowed in case of venous disorders?
Any overheating (saunas, hot baths and tanning) dilates the veins and leads to venous stagnation. If it is difficult to avoid or you use hot baths/sauna/bathhouse for weight loss, stimulation of blood circulation, treatment of rheumatism, etc., then try to reduce the procedure time. During breaks and after the procedure, pour cold water over your legs from the shower, raise them above heart level and actively contract your calf muscles.
4. Do contouring and branching veins pose a threat to life?
5. Is it dangerous? varicose veins veins for pregnant women?
Very often, varicose veins appear during pregnancy, but, as a rule, after the birth of the child they disappear almost completely. Depending on the area where varicose veins occur and the pain they cause, wearing compression stockings is advisable. In rare cases, varicose veins develop in the groin and perineum. Such veins cause discomfort, but are life-threatening.
6. Are varicose veins inherited?
7. Can varicose veins appear again?
Even at the current level of development of medicine, it is impossible to control all risk factors for venous diseases and, in particular, genetic predisposition (heredity). This is why varicose veins can reappear even after surgery and sclerotherapy. It is true that cured varicose veins never reappear, but new ones may appear.
8. Is it possible to have varicose veins in the scrotum?
Varicose veins in the scrotum are called “varicoceles.” This pathology has nothing to do with diseases of the leg veins. Varicoceles can lead to infertility in men and must be treated.
9. Is it possible to prevent the appearance of varicose veins?
Not at all, but you can reduce the risk. Move more! Walk more often, use a car less often. Try to walk up the stairs rather than take the elevator. Do sports that stimulate the venous system: cycling, swimming, walking. Find time to walk at least a few steps every hour. If possible, lift your legs and move them often. Douse your feet with cold water from the shower and be sure to wear compression socks (stockings, tights) with dimensions of 15–30 mm. Hg Art.
10. Can women take contraceptives or hormonal medications if they have venous disease?
Medicines prescribed to women, such as birth control pills or menopausal hormones, are usually taken in very small doses, with little harm to the venous system. At the same time, if you have a serious venous disease (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism), you must first consult with a phlebologist.
11. Does the use of elastic bandages or compression products interfere with proper blood circulation?
Compression therapy is a mechanical treatment that applies external pressure to help reduce the diameter of varicose veins. The valves are more compressed and perform their function better. Venous circulation improves, outflow increases, and stagnation decreases. The venous system works better. Correctly selected compression treatment does not affect arterial blood flow.
12. Who suffers more often from varicose veins: women or men?
Women are more likely to suffer from varicose veins.
13. How often do thrombosis or pulmonary embolism occur after surgery for varicose veins?
Often enough. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct a thorough preliminary examination to exclude even the potential threat of deep vein thrombosis. The risk of complications from varicose vein surgery is greater than from any other surgery. In addition, after surgery, an elastic bandage or compression stockings are placed on the legs, and the patient is prescribed physical exercise.
14. How to find a good specialist in the field of vein diseases? (surgeons, vascular surgeons, phlebologists)?
In Russia, a phlebologist must have a certificate issued by postgraduate improvement faculties of state medical universities, confirming his specialization in the treatment of venous diseases. Many doctors actively involved in the treatment of venous diseases are members of the Russian Association of Phlebologists. You can get information about a specific specialist or specialized medical center on the website
15. How does deep venous thrombosis begin?
A blood clot forms in the deep veins and quickly increases in size. It or part of it can break off and quickly travel through the bloodstream to the heart. If this blood clot is so large that it can block the pulmonary artery, that is, cause pulmonary embolism, then a real threat to life arises.
16. Does constant wearing of compression stockings weaken the leg muscles?
Compression stockings and bandages do not have a negative effect on the muscles. On the contrary, patients using compression treatment are able to move and exercise a lot, despite the presence of vein diseases, which, on the contrary, helps strengthen the muscles of the legs.
17. Do patients with venous disorders have to follow certain rules while on vacation? If they must, what are the rules?
Any activity that gets you moving is recommended - jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, etc. It is recommended to avoid sunbathing, because... it is harmful to the venous system. If you still prefer to be in the sun, regularly refresh your feet in the pool, in the sea or under a jet of water.
18. Can I travel by plane immediately after giving birth?
New mothers are advised not to travel by air for at least 6 weeks after giving birth.
19. Should I go to the doctor if my legs are constantly swelling?
20. Is it possible to drink alcohol for those who suffer from venous disorders?
Strong alcoholic drinks dilate veins, thicken the blood and impair venous outflow. At the same time, moderate consumption of alcohol, especially dry red wine, does not harm people with vein diseases.
21. Should you give up tea or coffee because you suffer from venous diseases?
As a rule, no. Tea or coffee does not affect venous thrombosis or postthrombophlebitis syndrome, provided that you do not take indirect anticoagulants (phenyline, syncumar, warfarin). If you are taking these medications, first discuss with your doctor what drinks and foods you can consume.
22. Is it possible to smoke if you suffer from venous diseases?
Although nicotine does not have a direct harmful effect on the veins, it seriously damages the arteries, lungs, and heart. So smoking is dangerous for the cardiovascular system as a whole and for health.
23. Is it possible to travel if you have serious venous diseases? What rules need to be followed?
Even if you have severe venous disease, you can travel. To travel to other cities, it is better to choose a train, which will allow you to move freely during your trip. Sitting immobile for long periods of time damages the veins and can cause deep venous thrombosis (formation of a blood clot in the deep veins). If, however, you need to drive, then stop regularly, walk and massage your feet. If you are traveling by plane, try to get up and move around periodically if possible. Don't forget to drink plenty of water. Be sure to wear compression socks (stockings, tights).
24. How are trophic ulcers treated?
Before treating an ulcer, the reasons for its formation are first determined, and then appropriate treatment is started. Your leg can only be cured if the cause of the disease is determined. In most cases, trophic ulcers occur due to chronic venous insufficiency, especially if there is swelling, accompanied by discoloration and thickening of the skin. In this case, it is necessary to solve the problem of venous stagnation. Along with appropriate wound treatment, wearing compression stockings (or bandages) is necessary. The patient should move more. All venous ulcers are cured if compression therapy is used. It is very important not to lubricate the wound with cream or treat it with powder, since they do not promote healing and cause allergies or eczema. Never treat an ulcer yourself using a cream or other product from your personal first aid kit! An ulcer should only be treated by a doctor. This is the only way for the ulcer to heal. Skin grafting can help the ulcer heal faster. This is a minor operation that can be performed on an outpatient basis. Once the ulcer is treated, appropriate therapy is necessary to avoid recurrence. You should wear medical compression stockings at all times throughout your life. This is the only way to prevent another ulcer.
25. What is DVT?
This is deep vein thrombosis.
26. Which compression method is most effective after severe venous thrombosis?
Compression bandages are used in the first stage of treatment for deep vein thrombosis until significant swelling subsides. Compression stockings are then prescribed. Compression stockings should be worn daily to prevent venous stasis. In most cases, knee-length stockings (knee socks) are sufficient. Your doctor will advise you which model: knee socks, stockings or tights is more preferable for you.
27. When do varicose veins appear?
Varicose veins can be detected in early childhood, but, as a rule, they appear after 20 years.
28. You had surgery for varicose veins and the veins were removed. Will these veins be needed in the future for heart or artery surgery?
No. In modern operations, only diseased veins are removed, which cannot be used in operations on the heart or arteries.
29. What are the signs of a venous ulcer?
Venous ulcers often occur due to improper treatment of varicose veins or the consequences of deep vein thrombosis. First, swelling appears, then the skin begins to darken, itching occurs and eczema appears. Over time, the skin becomes denser and a small wound or inflammation due to a mosquito bite leads to a trophic ulcer. With proper treatment, all skin changes disappear completely.
30. You have had varicose veins for a long time. There is no pain or swelling. Do I need treatment?
Varicose veins cause serious circulatory problems. Even if they do not cause you any concern now, in the future venous congestion can lead to skin changes (redness, brown spots), venous eczema and trophic ulcers. That's why the sooner treatment for varicose veins begins, the greater the chance that your venous system will fully recover. Do not put off visiting a doctor for too long; when the first signs of varicose veins appear, start wearing compression products to help the normal functioning of your venous system.
31. What treatment methods are there for CVI?
The main methods are: surgery, sclerotherapy and compression. At the same time, compression is a mandatory component in all types of treatment. Additionally, various medications, injections, tablets and ointments can be used. A phlebologist will help you choose the right treatment method after consultation.
32. I was prescribed pills and ointment. I heard about compression from a friend. Please tell us more about compression.
Compression therapy is mandatory for any type and treatment of venous diseases. Compression is a treatment aimed at suppressing the development of chronic venous insufficiency. Therapeutic compression hosiery, selected individually, creates an additional frame around diseased veins, accelerates the outflow of venous blood, reduces the risk of blood clots, prevents the development and progression of edema, and protects problematic skin from mechanical trauma. Medicines - ointments, injections and tablets - for chronic venous insufficiency eliminate only individual symptoms of the disease, such as a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.
33. How long should I wear compression stockings after vein surgery?
Since varicose veins are a chronic disease and it is almost impossible to completely avoid all risk factors that can cause its relapse (prolonged sitting or standing, hot shower, sauna, sunbathing, excess weight, pregnancy, leg injuries), therefore preventive compression is necessary constantly.
34. I have varicose veins. I don’t want to have surgery; I was prescribed compression stockings. How long do I need to wear it?
In such a situation, it is necessary to wear therapeutic compression hosiery daily and constantly, except for night rest.
35. How long do compression stockings last?
When used correctly, compression hosiery retains its therapeutic effect for 6–8 months.
36. I bought stockings and developed an allergy on the skin of my thigh. What to do?
It is necessary to consult a dermatologist and replace the stocking with products made from cotton threads. Knitwear series 200 (cotton) is suitable for the most sensitive skin. Pay attention to the fact that not only the compression product could cause an allergic reaction: much more often, allergies occur to food, medications, creams, decorative cosmetics, etc.
37. How should I care for my compression stockings?

  • Wash knitwear daily by hand at a water temperature no higher than 40°C. Do not machine wash;
  • use mild soap for light fabrics or special SIGVARIS shampoo (do not use washing powders, stain removers and other chemicals);
  • rinse the product well in warm water, wrap it in a dry towel and wring it out;
  • dry at room temperature;
  • protect from sunlight;
  • do not use electric dryers or heaters;
  • It is prohibited to iron the product.

38. What should I do if I can’t put on a stocking myself?
You may not be following the recommended usage guidelines. We recommend that you carefully follow the instructions included with the product, or contact our salons again for expert advice. If, after consultation, putting on a compression product still remains difficult, we recommend purchasing additional accessories: devices that facilitate the putting on process (rubber gloves, SOS and Easy Slide).
39. My stocking tore. Why?
Most often, stockings are torn or frayed in the foot area. This can be caused by defective shoes, calluses on the feet, or long toenails. Long fingernails, rings and bracelets can also damage the compression product when you put it on, so before putting on or taking off the product, you must remove jewelry from your hands and put on rubber gloves! Do not pull or cut any threads on the wrong side of the garment.
40. What to do if the stocking falls down?
The following reasons may lead to this:
- incorrectly selected size;
- improper care of knitwear (washing, drying);
- reduction of leg swelling.

41. What is covered by the warranty and how long does compression last?
The guarantee extends to the preservation of the therapeutic effect of knitwear, i.e. to the preservation of the product’s compression properties. After 6 months, the products lose 50% of the compression (from the original starting value).

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