How to effectively train a German Shepherd? Proper training of a German Shepherd

At what age should you start?

Dog training begins early: already in the first days after arriving at its new home, the shepherd dog gets used to the place, the toilet and begins to learn the first simple commands, such as “Come to me” or “No”.

Later, the growing dog must learn other basic commands, as well as learn how to behave correctly in a given situation.

Experts recommend moving on to more serious general training courses at the age of about six months, and it is better to train a shepherd dog in a group or individually under the guidance of an experienced dog handler.

Where to start education

Training a puppy should begin with the simplest commands. First of all, the shepherd dog must get used to its name, place and keeping the house or apartment clean.

Learn more about monthly training.

If desired, this dog can be trained in almost any special training course. For example, the search service or the guard service.

Shepherds are used in a wide variety of jobs in the military, law enforcement, and also serve as rescue dogs or guide dogs.

Also, they can engage in almost any sports discipline, for example, triathlon or agility.

Any special training should be carried out under the guidance of an experienced trainer..

Types of reflexes

Dog reflexes are divided into two large groups: unconditioned, which are inherent in all animals from birth, and conditioned, developed during the learning process.

Unconditioned reflexes help dogs survive.

They work regardless of the wishes of the pet or its owner.

Unconditioned reflexes, in turn, can be divided into several categories.:

  • Defensive. In the wild habitat it is necessary for the animal’s self-defense. It can be active or passive.
  • Food. Thanks to him, the dog feels the need for food. It is this that is mainly used when training an animal.
  • Sexual. It interferes more with training: male dogs, when they see a female dog in heat, become distracted and may even run away, chasing her.
  • Approximate. An animal's reaction to something it encounters for the first time in its life.

In addition to them, there are many other unconditioned reflexes, such as gregarious or maternal.

Conditioned ones are acquired by a shepherd throughout its life, and the main goal of any education and training is precisely to develop conditioned reflexes that make the dog’s service use possible and shape its correct behavior.

Conditioned reflexes are divided into natural and artificial. Natural ones are produced on their own: these include, for example, a dog’s reaction to the smell of a favorite treat. Artificial conditioned reflexes are developed in the process of raising and training a pet.

Basic rules of education

When training a German Shepherd, you need to follow certain rules.:

  • The dog is first taught simpler commands and only later moves on to more difficult ones.
  • At the beginning of training, it is recommended to reinforce any command with a nickname, which serves as a call for attention.
  • All commands, with the exception of prohibiting ones, are pronounced in a neutral tone.
  • Commands should not be distorted: for example, instead of “Come to me!” say “Come here!”
  • It is necessary to be reasonable about rewards and punishments: do not use them excessively, but do not ignore them either.
  • During classes, it is unacceptable to hit the dog or shout at it.
  • During classes, commands should be alternated, and not constantly repeated.

Only one person should be involved in training a shepherd dog, whom the dog trusts and obeys unquestioningly.

What treat to give and how much?

Suitable treats include low-fat varieties of hard cheese cut into small cubes, small homemade crackers, unsweetened small biscuits, and also dry food that is especially beloved by your pet.

A treat in itself is not an encouragement: the owner’s attitude towards the pet’s actions is no less important.

The shepherd dog must see that the owner is truly happy and proud of her successes, and therefore the giving of treats must be reinforced with verbal praise.

How to teach street behavior

Already in the first days after the puppy appears in the house, it is recommended to carry the puppy outside in your arms so that it can get acquainted with the street noise and get used to the sight of passers-by rushing about their business.

As soon as the dog can start walking, it should be taught to walk next to its owner.. Naturally, the puppy should already be familiar with the leash and collar and not pay attention to them.

It is better to take your first walks in a quiet and secluded place, where there are no strangers, strange dogs, cats and, of course, transport.

Later, you can walk with your growing shepherd on crowded and noisy streets. If the pet is frightened, you need to calm it down, then take it to the frightening object and show it that it is harmless.

The owner must teach the pet to cross the street only with him. At the same time, the shepherd should perceive this as a normal part of the walk.

Crossing the road should not frighten or bother her.

It is very important to teach your shepherd to be calm around strangers, as well as cats, strange dogs and birds..

The slightest manifestations of aggression should be strictly suppressed, after which the dog should be calmed down and its attention diverted to something else.

How to stop eating anything on the street

Weaning a dog from picking up tasty, and often not very appetizing, pieces from the ground is one of the main tasks of any responsible owner, since a dog that pulls everything that is more or less edible into its mouth can easily become poisoned.

In order to stop your pet from grabbing anything on the street, you should ask an assistant to scatter pieces of meat or other food around the area of ​​your private home. After this, take your pet on a long leash, bring him to this place and give the command “Walk!”

As soon as the shepherd reaches for the meat, you need to say “Ugh!”, and if the dog continues to try to eat the scattered food, then you need to sharply pull the leash. Repeat this every time until the dog stops trying to take the food.

After this, you need to practice the same skill, but without a leash. To punish your pet from a distance, you can use an electric collar or throw small stones at the dog.


You cannot teach a dog to pick up food from the ground before it has been trained to track or search the area.

How to stop barking all the time

A service dog should generally bark only at the command of its owner.

In order to wean your German Shepherd from barking at the slightest noise, you can use several methods:

  • Divert the dog's attention to something else: for example, show the puppy a toy, but not give it away for a while, so that he does not decide that the owner wants to reward him with a game for barking so menacingly.
  • Spray the dog with water from a spray bottle.
  • Approach the dog and, holding your hand over its mouth, sternly say: “Be silent!”
  • Ignoring. Make the shepherd silent, and then ignore it for a while. The owner's reluctance to communicate with the pet is a serious punishment for such a people-oriented dog as a shepherd.
  • Silence using the “No!” command. After this, you need to send the dog to the place and force it to stay there for some time.

When weaning a shepherd dog from barking constantly, you cannot use forceful methods of influence.. It is also unacceptable to shout at your pet.

How to teach basic commands


It is given to the puppy immediately after its acquisition. The shepherd dog will quickly get used to it if you repeat it by showing the pet a bowl or playing with it.


Pronounced when the dog wants to pick up something from the ground or has already grabbed it. In order to teach it to a shepherd, you need to say “Ugh!” in a stern tone, and then sharply pull the leash.

"It is forbidden!"


To teach it to a shepherd dog, you need to take him to a bed and, holding him there, say “Place!” If the dog tries to leave, the command must be repeated more strictly.

"To me!"

The puppy is shown a treat and given the command “Come to me!” After the baby runs up, the owner praises him and gives him a treat.


The treat should be raised above the puppy’s head and said “Sit!” The little shepherd will reach for it and sit down.


The hand with the treat is lowered down and slightly forward, after which the word “Lie down!” is said. The baby, reaching for it, will lie down.


First, the command itself is given, after which you need to tighten the leash so that the withers of the shepherd dog are near the left leg of its owner. Then the owner, together with his pet, begins to move in a straight line.

If the puppy runs ahead, lags behind the owner or rushes to the side, the command is repeated more strictly, after which you need to sharply pull the leash.

When teaching a dog commands, you need to use measured physical pressure on the puppy..

How to teach guard duty

It is necessary to train a shepherd dog according to the course of protective guard service only after the pet learns to perfectly carry out the commands “Come to me!”, “Ugh!” and “Nearby!”

It is not recommended to conduct such classes on your own, since it is very easy to embitter a dog or intimidate it, which will greatly complicate its further official use and can even ruin its psyche.

Therefore, it is necessary to take care of finding a suitable dog handler who will teach the shepherd the basics of protective guard duty.

The start of special training must be at least 1.5 years.

What to do if your pet bites?

The German Shepherd is too serious a dog to be bitten by. That is why all attempts by a puppy to bite its owners must be strictly suppressed, and the pet must be punished and sent to its place.

If a shepherd dog deliberately tries to bite its owners during play, then you can wean him off this using one of the following methods:

  • Ignoring. The owner stops the game and goes into another room for about 20 minutes. All this time he does not pay attention to the dog. This way he lets the puppy know that they will play with him only if the pet does not behave aggressively.
  • You can hold the dog's muzzle and hold it until the shepherd stops growling at its owner.
  • Lift the puppy by the collar and shake it slightly.
  • An older dog, who is already difficult to lift, needs to be grabbed by the collar and pressed to the floor, forcing him to lie down on the floor. It is necessary to hold him for some time, not allowing him to rise without permission.

A young shepherd dog should only be punished for intentional aggression.. If a puppy, while playing, accidentally grabbed the owner with his teeth, then it is better to simply stop this game and switch the animal’s attention to another, more harmless one.

Training scheme

Shepherd puppies usually go to their new homes at the age of 1.5 - 2 months.

In order for your baby to grow up smart and well-mannered, you need to immediately begin his education, while experts recommend adhering to the following scheme:

  • 1.5-2 months. At this age, the puppy gets used to its nickname and during the same period the correct relationship between the pet and its owners is established. The shepherd dog is also taught to keep the house clean. Training begins on the commands “Place!” and “Come to me!”, but since the pet is still too small, you should not demand unquestioning obedience from him when performing them.
  • from 2 months to. The puppy is taught to compulsorily follow the previously learned commands “Come to me!” and “Place!” In addition, the shepherd is trained to use a leash and collar. After the completion of quarantine, which falls in the middle of this period, you can walk the shepherd dog on the street, therefore, at the same age, the puppy is taught to behave correctly on the street and do its business there, and not at home.
  • from 4 months to. The main emphasis is on commands such as “Near!”, “Lie down!”, “Sit!”, “Stand!” It is very important during this period to teach the growing shepherd dog endurance. Therefore, each command must be worked out so that after the pet completes it, it remains in this position until the owner tells it “Go for a walk!”
  • From 6 months. A six-month-old shepherd dog can begin to be taught such commands as “Face!”, “Voice!”, “Aport!”, “Stranger!” At this time, further socialization of the dog occurs, in particular, it continues to be taught the correct behavior in various situations.

Under no circumstances should you anger your pet or set it against strangers..

The shepherd dog must learn protective skills, including detention, at special courses in protective guard service.

Basic mistakes

The most common mistakes when training German Shepherds:

  • Classes are conducted without taking into account the individual characteristics of the dog.
  • Lack of consistency: This occurs if the puppy is taught complex commands first and then simpler ones.
  • Classes are held in an inappropriate place where there are many distractions, which is why the pet cannot concentrate.
  • Commands are given in a certain sequence, which is why the shepherd dog has an algorithm for their execution. And, having heard, for example, the command “Sit!”, she immediately lies down on her own.
  • All commands are given in a threatening tone, although the puppy is not doing anything wrong.
  • Classes are held with long breaks, which is why the pet manages to forget what was previously learned within a few days without training.
  • The demands placed on the dog are too great.

After three months, you need to give the dog a treat only the third time after correctly executing the command, and the remaining times just praise him.

How much does training cost?

Depending on the region, the cost of one lesson in a general training course starts from 400 and can reach up to 1000 rubles. Special courses are more expensive, as is training to correct unwanted behavior.

A well-trained shepherd is distinguished by self-control and balance, and shows aggression only when necessary.

Such a dog will become not only a reliable guard and protector of the whole family, but also a pleasant and comfortable companion with whom it is pleasant to walk down the street.

A shepherd dog can be trained in any canine profession, since due to its versatility, intelligence and intelligence, representatives of this breed are excellent at learning everything new.

But in order for the dog to grow up smart and balanced, the owner needs to raise and train the puppy from an early age.

The German Shepherd is an almost universal dog breed with great intelligence. She is easy to train, so even a beginner in dog breeding can train with her, having studied the training instructions in detail in advance. Read about how to properly train a German Shepherd and raise a puppy in a detailed review below.

German Shepherds behave boldly, decisively and confidently in any situation. It is very difficult to knock them off balance; they are always in control of the situation. A German Shepherd will make an excellent protector, guard, guide and simply a loyal friend. If the owner is in danger, the pet will rush to defense without hesitation and will fight to the last strength.

A lively mind allows the dog to quickly remember commands and even make decisions on its own. Given these qualities, training a German Shepherd at home can give excellent results.

Germans . A private house with a plot will always be under the supervision of a furry security guard; not a single stranger will sneak into the territory. Strangers make the dog suspicious even after the owner has made it clear that the new person is not dangerous.

Important! Taking into account the innate skills of German Shepherds, they are bred specifically for service and investigative activities.

Raising a puppy

From the very first days after arriving in a new home, you should begin raising a German Shepherd puppy and accustom it to the rules of behavior. He should not immediately be allowed to do those things that are unacceptable for the owner (for example, jumping on the sofa, bed).

How to raise a German Shepherd puppy? First of all, he is accustomed to. At the age of two to four months, the puppy is accustomed to its place.

From the age of two months he is carefully accustomed to a leash and collar. You cannot use violence, everything should be smooth and gentle. Every day they put a collar on him and he walks around with it for a while.

At first fifteen minutes, and every day add a little time. At the same time, they are sure to praise. After the baby gets used to the collar, they accustom him to a leash. Every day the puppy and I walk around the apartment a little on a leash. It is necessary to accustom your pet to a muzzle in the same way.

While the puppy is not walking outside, he goes to the toilet at home. After eating, sleeping and playing, be sure to take your baby to this place. As soon as he goes to the toilet in the diaper, reward him.

And after quarantine, they begin to take the puppy for walks. After getting used to the collar and leash, they go outside with it. The baby is slowly taken away from prohibited places on a leash.

Starting from three months, the walking distance can be increased to four kilometers. During walks, the puppy is taught to be indifferent to passers-by, cars, and children. In order for the baby to get used to the sounds of the street, he is taken to crowded places (gradually moving to busier streets).

If a city has a clearing for walking dogs, that's just great. There you can let your puppy off the leash so that he can frolic and play with his friends.

The puppy must be accustomed to being examined so that he will feel calm later at the veterinarian. To do this, regularly examine your pet yourself. Look at your teeth and ears calmly and carefully.

How to train a German Shepherd?

Start training the puppy from three months.

Attention! Classes are held regularly and last no more than two hours.

How to train a German Shepherd correctly? The owner must adhere to basic principles of successful training:

  • accurate execution of a command is followed by praise and encouragement;
  • the command is voiced once, accompanied by a gesture;
  • sequence of giving an order and demonstrating a gesture;
  • the first time you practice in a familiar place, then you can change the environment;
  • presence of a positive attitude between the owner and the puppy;
  • The lesson ends with the command that the puppy performs better than others.

The sequence is different for each dog and owner. How to train a German Shepherd puppy? First of all, the puppy masters the command “Come to me!” and “Ugh!” These commands are simply necessary for a calm walk. includes the following:

  • "Near!";
  • "Sit!";
  • "Lie!";
  • "Stand!";
  • "Give!";
  • "Walk!";
  • “Aport!”;
  • "Fas!"

Reward and Punishment

They reward the pet with treats, stroking and approval from the owner. As a treat, high-quality dry food that does not get your hands dirty is suitable. They also now sell special biscuits for dogs.

Important! Cruel physical punishment is strictly prohibited. You can't hit a dog.

Violence will only breed violence and cowardice. You can punish a puppy with a light spank or a slap on the withers, and you can also take offense at it. Dogs want to please their owner, and his resentment will definitely have an effect on the pet.

Significant errors

During upbringing and training, you need to avoid mistakes in order to ultimately get a cultured and balanced pet.

Attention! You should not confuse the concepts of “education” and “training” and start doing something earlier or later than the required time.

There are owners who believe that it is enough to feed and walk the dog, and the pet will grow up well-mannered. This is a completely false statement. The puppy needs a lot of time and regular exercise. Only then will you get a cultural friend. You can't ignore your furry friend. He needs attention, otherwise an affectionate and gentle dog child will grow into an aggressive pet.

List of main mistakes in education and training:

  • cruel punishments;
  • irregularity of training;
  • insufficient attention to the puppy;
  • little physical and mental stress;
  • allowing the unacceptable;
  • inconsistency in prohibitions.

Proper upbringing and competent training will turn a small German Shepherd puppy into a balanced and obedient pet that will delight its owner for many years to come.

Additionally, check out the video, which describes in detail how to raise and train a German Shepherd:

Dogs of this breed are considered very smart and easy to train. Initial training of a German Shepherd in basic commands can begin from the very first days of its appearance in your home. With a friendly attitude and persistence, the dog will soon not only carry out all your orders, but also do it with great pleasure.

How to teach a German Shepherd commands

The main command that a puppy must learn as the “Our Father” is the command “Come to me.” It is best remembered when the puppy is called to a bowl of food with it. Even in his sleep, he can hear it and run up to your call. At the very beginning, it is better to pronounce the command along with the puppy’s name and accompany it by tapping the bowl. On a walk, give your puppy a treat for successfully completing a training lesson. Do not test the patience of your little pet: do not force him to perform this command very often - no more than 4-5 times per walk.

If the puppy, due to its mental characteristics, upon hearing “Come”, runs up to you reluctantly, try using a long leash when training. After saying the command, use it to pull the puppy towards you. In the future, training puppies becomes more complicated: the shepherd dog should not just come up to you, but go around you from the back and sit near your left leg.
The puppy should also be one of the first to master one more command – “Place”. The team will be strengthened by a sugar bone, which he will be allowed to chew on the bedding.

Teaching your German Shepherd other commands

The puppy must learn to follow commands such as “Sit”, “Stand”, “Lie down”. The first can be practiced when training a German Shepherd puppy at home, for example, when you prepare food for him. In this way, you will make life easier for yourself and teach your puppy self-control.

On the street, make it more difficult to execute the command: sit the dog down and move away from it at a minimum distance. The puppy needs to understand that he must not move from his spot until the next command.

These three commands can be taught to the dog simultaneously, since they do not require him to move in space and logically follow one from the other. It is necessary for the puppy to carry out the “lie down” command from different positions, that is, from a sitting position and from a standing position.

How to teach a puppy the command “Fetch!”

Learning happens while playing. When the puppy drags toys around the apartment, call him to you with the command “Come to me” and take the toy from him, repeating “Give!” Then throw the toy, say “Fetch” and repeat all over again. The puppy will quickly understand what you want from him if you give him a treat every time.

Teaching a German Shepherd the “Near” command

Command training is carried out only after accustoming to a collar and leash. There are age restrictions here. Only at 6 months will training be more or less successful, since a very small shepherd puppy is too impatient and is often distracted by extraneous sounds.

These are the basic initial training commands. Also master such commands with your pet as “Voice”, “Silence!” and “Ugh!”, and also learn how to avoid the main mistakes when training at home.

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A dog breed with virtually no disadvantages. Belongs to one of three dog breeds distinguished by special intellectual abilities.

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Dogs of this breed are considered very smart and easy to train. Initial training of the German Shepherd in basic commands can begin from the very first days...

If you want to acquire a loyal friend and at the same time a reliable protector, pay attention to the German Shepherd - it is easy to train, smart and devoted to its owner. This is the real pride of Germany! However, raising her has its challenges. Let's learn how to train a German Shepherd.

A well-trained German Shepherd combines intelligence and a balanced character. She always tries to be close to her owner and is ready to protect him until her last breath. He will be an excellent watchman in a private home.

It is important that the upbringing and training of a shepherd dog takes place in accordance with its pace of development. There are different opinions regarding at what age you can adopt and start raising a German Shepherd. Some call it 1 month, but this is harmful to the dog’s mental development: from 4 to 7 months, he is socialized by imitating his mother, playing in the company of other puppies, etc. At this time, interaction with different people is important, otherwise a stranger will cause The dog is afraid or aggressive.

It is best to pick up a puppy at 8 months. At this time, he willingly makes contact and begins to become attached to one person. It is at this age that “Germans” demonstrate a high level of learning ability. However, now the puppy is very vulnerable; he is still unfamiliar with someone else’s home. You need to expose him to stressful situations less often, show care and affection. At about 3 months, the “transition period” begins: the dog tries to lead, becomes aggressive, and may begin to bite. This is the most important period in the formation of the dog’s character: he must understand that the owner, as well as all household members, have power over him.

At 6 months, dogs begin to “rebel” even in cases in which they obeyed before. In bitches this period ends at 7-8 months. In males, a new period of aggression may begin after the first mating. At the same time, from 6 to 11 months, the dog periodically experiences increased anxiety and attacks of fear. Depending on the skills of the trainer and the characteristics of the dog, it will take from 1 to 4 years to develop character.

Socialization continues - a stranger should not cause unreasonable aggression. When a difficult period begins, it is important to train the dog to be completely obedient. She must give toys and food upon request, not snap, and not ignore commands. If you are not sure that the dog will obey on the street, it is better not to let him off the leash. Attempts to bite must be stopped abruptly, otherwise you will not end up with problems with an adult dog.

It is important to regularly train your pet, maintain a balance of rewards and punishments, behave confidently and calmly, without yelling or beating, even if he starts to bite.

When a male dog begins puberty, you cannot scold him for trying to imitate mating with foreign objects; it is better to distract him, otherwise the dog’s sexual instinct may fade away. This is especially undesirable for dogs intended for breeding. During a period when a stranger or an unfamiliar object causes fear, you need to get as close as possible, show that there is no danger, and allow the dog to sniff the “threat”. If training your German Shepherd is difficult, especially if it bites frequently, you should contact a dog trainer as soon as possible.

We teach commands

House training of a German Shepherd can begin as soon as the puppy is brought into the home. By then he will have learned his nickname (this is the breeder’s business). Let's look at how to teach a shepherd the basic course commands and where to start.

At 2 months, you should teach your shepherd the “Place!” command: carry the baby to his bed yourself and praise him. Put a treat there to give him an incentive to come over. We teach the command “Come to me!”: you can show a treat or tap a bowl. Must be combined with nickname. Team "Voice!" They teach when the dog starts to bark. Teaching the command “Silence!”: Close the dog’s mouth while barking.

“Sit!”: Raise the treat above the dog’s head and press on his croup. Don't let him jump for a treat. “Stop!”: Stop with a leash when walking, and if the dog is lying or sitting, push from below. Training necessarily includes the command “Ugh!”: suppression of an unwanted action with the help of a leash or punishment. Teaching the command “Near!” starts at 6 months while walking with a leash.

Yank your dog back to you if he tries to run ahead. To take a training course to become a bodyguard or watchman, it is recommended to contact a canine training center: a specialist will tell you how to properly train a German Shepherd in this case. You need to practice an attack (“Alien!” or “Face!”) under the supervision of a specialist.

We train a shepherd

Let's figure out how to train a puppy to achieve obedience. When training your dog, do not forget about the reward that should follow immediately after the command is completed. The dog should be trained first at home, in silence, then on the street and in the training area. Each command must be accompanied by a characteristic gesture. First comes the command, then the push to action (pressing the croup, etc.), but not vice versa.

Finish the training with the command that the baby performs best. You need to train a German Shepherd puppy patiently, without forcing events. You can’t scold a small dog if he hesitates or gets confused - he’s just a child, everything will come later.

Training should not take long, 10-15 minutes, but several times during the day. It is recommended to practice several commands in one approach. German Shepherd training should not be carried out in a bad mood - this will negatively affect the results.

Rewards and punishments

Rewards when training a German Shepherd puppy should include both special treats that should not be given outside of training, and praise. Up to 3 months you need more treats, then use the 1 treat - 3 praise scheme. As punishment, you can grab the puppy by the scruff of the neck and press it to the floor, or imitate a bite by grabbing it by the top of the muzzle and squeezing. This must be accompanied by the command “Ugh!” When scolding your dog, use an icy tone rather than a scream.

Newbie mistakes

Many years of practice show that beatings sharply worsen character and learning ability. Workouts cannot be started. The boundaries of what is permitted must be inviolable; the dog cannot be allowed or prohibited from doing anything (for example, jumping on the owner) “according to his mood.”

The German Shepherd is considered the most trainable breed, and in order to teach your pet simple commands, it is not necessary to visit a training ground. Training a German Shepherd puppy can also be done at home. Intensive training from the first day of stay at home will help the baby learn and remember the most important words for him.

Dog handlers claim that the period from 4 weeks to 2 months is the most important for the puppy, at this time he is able to perceive the maximum amount of information. The connection with your pet established at this time remains for life.

Even a two-month-old puppy can be taught simple tricks if they are repeated and reinforced daily. Several conditions are required for success:

  1. The pet's trust in its owner. It is important to be consistent and patient, and not to get irritated or yell at your puppy, even if he is acting out or uncooperative. A test of trust is the cry “come to me!” The puppy should run as fast as he can joyfully and cheerfully towards the owner and sit down in anticipation of a treat.
  2. Must have treats in your pocket. The pet should receive a reward for its work. Always and under any conditions, fulfillment is encouraged with a small piece of your favorite cookie, cheese or sausage.
  3. Pet's well-being. The puppy should not be sleepy, tired or hungry. The ideal condition for learning is the morning hours or an evening walk.
  4. Before class, even if it is carried out on a walk, the puppy must be told the word “study!” in a stern and calm voice, take him on a leash and sit him next to his left leg. After just a few lessons, pronouncing this word will put the dog in a working mood.

The age of training a German Shepherd is not important, regular training Can be started as early as 4 months, and even an adult dog can be taught anything, if the owner has the desire.

Patience will be needed when practicing commands that require perseverance and endurance, since young German shepherds are active and temperamental animals that find it difficult to sit still.

Team training « voice »

The most fun, favorite among German shepherds, and although it is not mandatory and is not required when passing a general training course, almost all dogs know it. Puppies learn the easiest way, after which they are happy to demonstrate their skills to everyone.

For testing:

  1. The puppy is called over and shown a piece of treat held in the palm of his hand.
  2. The baby shows interest, after which the treat is raised above his head, repeating in an excited tone "voice!". Most often, the puppy begins to jump, trying to get to the tasty morsel, then, disappointed, sits down and begins to yelp.
  3. That’s when you need to praise the baby, rejoice wildly and give him the cookies.
  4. Immediately fix it by repeating everything from the beginning.

If your puppy is not interested in food enough to get it, you can try the same trick with a toy. A ball that cannot be taken from its owner is no worse than a cookie. After trying to bark, even if it is a thin squeak, the puppy is praised and given a toy, after which you need to play with it a little.

There is another way to learn using clicker. This is a small clothespin that makes a clicking sound when you press it. This sound encourages the correct action of the puppy, performed voluntarily. For example, a puppy barks during play, the owner clicks the clicker, says the command “voice!” and treats the pet. This happens several times, after which the baby carries out the command independently, upon request.

« Sit »

The “sit” command is necessary in various situations; it is included in the list mandatory OKD course. Teaching a dog to sit by word or gesture is very simple using the contact or non-contact method.

  1. When called, the puppy usually runs up and sits or stands in front of the owner, waiting for a treat.
  2. After the puppy approaches, say "sit!", taking him by the collar with one hand and pressing on the croup with the other. The dog will sit down, after which it will be treated. IN
  3. the next calls of the pet are sure to force him to sit down, and after several repetitions the order is carried out automatically.

To teach the “sit” command in a non-contact manner, a treat is raised above the puppy’s head and repeated. After the baby sits down, he is praised and treated.

« Lie »

The “lie down” command is more difficult to teach a puppy, so it is recommended to master it after 4 months.

  1. The dog is seated at the left leg, held by the collar with one hand, pressing lightly, and with the other hand offered a piece of treat near the ground.
  2. When an animal lies down to take a treat, you should immediately praise it for this, but do not allow the pet to get up.
  3. If the puppy tries to jump up immediately, you need to hold him back, sternly saying "lie".

If the dog is sitting in front of the owner, then he is offered a treat at arm's length, taking a step in the direction of the animal. This forces the dog to lean back, as if folding at the joints, and lie down. For control, the leash is held in the hand, and if the dog tries to jump up, it is held back.

« Near »

The German Shepherd is a strong dog that is physically impossible to restrain when attempting to attack a person or animal. That is why these dogs need to be trained. A trained animal will not cause problems during a walk and will not force the owner to drag the leash through the bushes.

The command "near!" quite difficult for puppies, so you can only train them to walk with the left leg six-month-old dogs. For training, you need a short leash, a strict collar for strong and aggressive dogs, as well as a constant treat.

  1. The dog is seated nearby, after which the command is pronounced "near!", make an encouraging jerk with the leash and begin to move.
  2. For the first time, the dog will not pay attention to jerks of the leash and voice commands.
  3. The owner’s actions must be consistent: first the command is pronounced, then a short strong jerk is made. There is no need to pronounce the command often; it is best to do it periodically, combined with a strong jerk.

Even if the dog is absolutely untrained and does not know how to walk the streets, it is necessary to begin training by going outside the house or yard. The difficult beginning will gradually give way to the dog’s calmer behavior, and after just a couple of walks, or even during his return home, when the dog has released his energy, he will become more obedient.

For pets who are used to regularly walking on a leash, “close!” easier to learn. A dog kept in an enclosure for up to six months cannot cope with emotions, so it will need more time to train.

Final processing

For the first time, any new command is studied in conditions familiar to the dog, and gradually the dog is accustomed to performing it on the street, surrounded by people, among animals or cars. The German Shepherd must obey its owner unquestioningly, both the safety of the dog itself and the safety of others depends on this.

In the process of working out commands, it is advisable complicate execution, complement and combine with other tricks. For example, walking side by side in a straight line is periodically interrupted by the dog sitting down and laying down. After a minute's exposure, movement continues again.

Approaching the road, the dog is given a command "road!" "sit!". The owner stops, after waiting for about two minutes, even if there are no cars, the movement continues. This ritual can save a dog's life.

By the way, if the dog suddenly finds himself on the other side of a busy road, you should not call him, but give him a command "sit" and approach the dog as quickly as possible.

Home protection teams

House training does not involve teaching protective guard commands, but the German Shepherd is a service breed that does not require additional training for aggression. A one-year-old pet is quite capable of guarding its territory on its own and lunging at strangers on the street.

If the dog acts aggressively towards people around him, you cannot slow him down by pronouncing a prohibiting command, but you need to make a jerk and force the pet to walk or sit next to him.

Teaching the command “face” or “take!” impossible at home, but a warning "stranger", which the owner gives to the dog when there is a real or training threat, also causes the German Shepherd to show aggression. But still, you shouldn’t train your dog to attack people on your own, without the help of an instructor, because aggression can get out of control.

In addition to the commands of the general training course, the German Shepherd can be taught many interesting tricks at home. Dogs of this breed love to exercise, learn something, and in play they master the commands they need in everyday life.

Many pets, without special training, are able to fetch slippers or present toys and objects, knowing their names. They carry a leash after the word "walk" and bowls at the word "eat", waiting outside the store and looking for car keys in the dark hallway. German Shepherds are so smart that they intuitively understand the owner's intentions and strive to help him. But this happens only and exclusively in the case of full contact and mutual understanding with the dog.

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