How can you get pregnant after laparoscopy? Is it possible to get pregnant after diagnostic or therapeutic laparoscopy of the ovaries and uterus: when pregnancy occurs - immediately or after how long. Conception during complications after laparoscopy

Nowadays, laparoscopic operations are widely used to treat all kinds of diseases of the reproductive and reproductive systems of women, and are also an advanced method that allows eliminating some causes of female infertility.

Treatment laparoscopy Recovery
neoplasms in pregnant women Dopplerography is performed on a pregnant woman using ultrasound
Gynecological examination using ultrasound Importance after childbirth

Until the discovery of this surgical method of therapy, not a single doctor would have prescribed surgery for a pregnant woman unless there was a direct threat to her life. At the moment, pregnancy after laparoscopy is a very common occurrence.

Features of the “interesting position” after surgery

Almost all women are concerned about the question of when they can plan a pregnancy after laparoscopy. Experts give quite favorable forecasts:

  • this operation cannot cause a woman’s infertility, it does not affect the ability to conceive, if, of course, it was performed successfully;
  • pregnancy after laparoscopy and hysteroscopy can be planned within a month, if there are no contraindications, it is advisable to wait until the first menstrual cycle and immediately try to conceive a child;
  • pregnancy does not occur only when a woman initially has some problems with the reproductive system;
  • according to statistics, of all women who underwent surgery, 20% are those who became pregnant after laparoscopy within a month, only 15% of the total were unable to conceive within a year;
  • if you are planning a pregnancy after endometriosis laparoscopy, you must undergo all tests before this (this may take some time, but it is better to take full responsibility for your own health in order to avoid serious consequences).

Treatment of the female reproductive system

What kind of tests should be taken when planning a pregnancy after some time as a result of laparoscopy - you need to ask your doctor. As a rule, all doctors prescribe the following types of tests.

  1. Blood for infection.
  2. General blood and urine analysis.
  3. A smear on the state of microflora from the vagina.
  4. Smear test for sexually transmitted diseases.

This list can be much wider if a woman has health problems. Additionally, the following may be prescribed:

  • consultation with an endocrinologist;
  • hormone tests;
  • consultation with a geneticist;
  • examination of a man.

Separately, it is worth highlighting those cases when pregnancy is planned after surgery with one tube. This is where the formation of adhesions takes place. To ensure conception goes smoothly, doctors recommend that such patients undergo a full examination. Banal waiting in this case will only reduce the chances of successful conception.

There are some rules that will help you get pregnant quickly as a result of ovarian laparoscopy. For this it is necessary.

  1. Strictly adhere to the menstrual cycle - the likelihood of conception is maximum a few days before ovulation and a day later. You can calculate the day of ovulation using a calendar, but it is better to use special tests.
  2. Engage in the “creative process” every other day - frequent ejaculations significantly reduce the likelihood of conception, as sperm activity decreases.
  3. Take multivitamin complexes - taking folic acid and some vitamins is indicated at the stage of pregnancy planning. It also significantly improves sperm quality.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Quit cigarettes - smoking reduces sperm activity and the ability of an egg to fertilize.
  6. After love games, lie on your back for 20 minutes - according to research, those women who managed to get pregnant the first time maintained a horizontal position for a certain period of time. This way, sperm does not leak out of the vagina, which increases the chances of successful conception.
  7. Do not constantly think about pregnancy - it is known that the cause of unsuccessful attempts can be a psychological factor. When a woman always thinks only about conception, it becomes her obsession - then nothing will work out. During experiences, stress hormones are produced, and changes in hormonal levels make fertilization difficult.
  8. Visit a doctor - if conception does not occur within a year of active attempts, you need to consult a specialist. The doctor will identify the cause and prescribe the necessary procedures to help resolve the problem. This also includes stimulation of ovulation.


After tubal surgery

This type of surgical intervention allows you to restore the structure of the fallopian tubes and remove adhesions. The operation can be prescribed as an independent study, or as part of a complex of other procedures, for example, hysteroscopy.

According to reviews from women, pregnancy after tubal surgery occurs within 5-6 months.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy will be successful if you perform the following procedures:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • the most complex cases require IVF.

This type of laparoscopy allows you to operate on an ectopic pregnancy, when, due to adhesions in the fallopian tubes, the fetus is not attached to the walls of the uterus, but remains in the tube and develops there. This leads to its rupture and bleeding.

Planning a pregnancy after this operation depends on the type of pathology that was diagnosed.

  1. If the operation was performed to remove and separate adhesions in the fallopian tubes, conception can be planned 5 months after the surgeon’s intervention.
  2. If the operation was performed to remove adhesions in the pelvis, then conception is recommended no earlier than 1 month after menstruation.
  3. If the operation was performed to remove fibroids, it is prohibited to plan conception for 8 months. You should take precautions throughout this period.
  4. After the endometriotic tissue is eliminated, additional treatment will be required. You can plan conception only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Laparoscopy after an ectopic pregnancy allows you to normalize your periods, which means it increases the chances of successful conception. If there is no pregnancy for a year after surgery for labor obstruction, IVF is recommended.

After ovarian surgery

Every woman who is planning a pregnancy after laparoscopy of the ovaries for polycystic disease should know that after removal of the cyst, the most important thing is to prevent the formation of adhesions in the pelvis. This operation reduces this probability to zero, which cannot be said about abdominal surgery.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst has a number of features:

  • You can plan to conceive no earlier than 6 months after surgery, it all depends on the severity of the disease;
  • if adhesions or cysts were removed, conception can begin a month after rehabilitation; as a rule, the long-awaited pregnancy occurs within six months;
  • 85% of patients left positive reviews about this operation, since the recovery process does not take much time, and the opportunity to conceive and bear a healthy child increases.

Why does conception not occur?

According to reviews from most women, pregnancy after surgery occurs in the coming months. It is also worth noting that after surgery, the woman is closely examined by a gynecologist; there is the possibility of hospitalization for more careful monitoring. Moreover, after surgery, medications may be prescribed to restore and maintain hormonal levels.

However, there are cases where conception did not occur after this operation. Let's take a closer look at why pregnancy does not occur after laparoscopy.

1. All foci of the disease have not been eliminatedPerform surgery again.
2. Failure to comply with doctor's recommendationsVisit a specialist again to clarify the prescription, and then strictly follow it.
3. State of depressionMaintain a positive mood, find a reason to be happy. When a woman is cheerful and tuned to positive emotions, the body heals itself and helps eliminate all foci of the disease.
4. No faith in a positive resultAccording to psychologists, in order to speed up the onset of the desired result - pregnancy, you need to imagine yourself as a mother more often. That is why you should tune in to the positive, fantasize and imagine yourself as happy parents.
The use of folk recipes

Douching with alder root infusion:

  • take dried alder root - 3 tbsp. spoons, 1 liter of water;
  • to boil water;
  • Grind the herbs using a coffee grinder;
  • place the resulting powder in a thermos;
  • pour boiling water;
  • leave for 10 hours;
  • cool to body temperature;
  • strain.


  1. Douche with the resulting infusion.
  2. Perform the procedure before going to bed.
  3. The course of therapy is 21 days.
  4. Take a break for a week.
  5. Repeat the course.
  6. If adhesions are present, a minimum of 5 courses are required.

Decoction of dill and parsley:

  • take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dried dill and parsley, 1 liter of water;
  • to boil water;
  • reduce heat;
  • add herbs to boiling water;
  • simmer for another 15 minutes over low heat;
  • pour the resulting broth into a thermos;
  • leave for a day;
  • strain.


  1. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  2. The course of therapy is from 2 months.

Let's consider several reviews from women, one of whom became pregnant after laparoscopy of an endometrioid ovarian cyst.

Alesya Tikhonova:

My husband and I have been dreaming about having a baby for a long time – more than 3 years. We went through a lot of examinations, tests, and consultations. The problem turned out to be me. A diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome was made. The doctor prescribed stimulation for me. The first course did not produce results, and a routine ultrasound revealed an endometriotic ovarian cyst. They immediately gave me a referral for laparoscopy. 6 months after the operation, I saw the cherished 2 stripes!

Margarita Terekhova:

My first pregnancy was ectopic. I suspected something was wrong when I started bleeding and had a severe stomach ache. The doctor immediately referred me for laparoscopy. There was no choice, since this diagnosis was very serious and required immediate action. Everything was done quickly and painlessly. However, a week after laparoscopy of an ectopic pregnancy, brown discharge appeared. The gynecologist said that this could be residual, so there is no need to worry. After 3 days everything went away, and a year later I found out again that I was pregnant.

Laparoscopy has become a popular method of treating and diagnosing women's diseases. Complications after such an intervention are extremely rare, and the indications for its use are extensive. However, laparoscopy is an operation and can have unpredictable effects on the female body. How possible is pregnancy after laparoscopy, is it easy and when is the best time to get pregnant after laparoscopy?

Laparoscopic operations are performed through micro-holes in the abdominal cavity using a device called a laparoscope. A laparoscope is a very thin (5-10 mm) and flexible telescopic tube equipped with an optical system and illumination. This device is connected to a video camera, which displays the organs being examined on a computer screen.

Laparoscopic operations are performed only under general anesthesia, as they are accompanied by the injection of special carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity, which makes spontaneous breathing difficult.

Laparoscopy in gynecology

With laparoscopy, it is possible not only to diagnose various female pathologies (cysts, tubal obstruction, uterine tumors, ectopic pregnancy, infertility), but also to perform simple surgical interventions for some female pathologies. Often the main goal of laparoscopy is to relieve a woman of infertility. This usually works when:

  • removal of an ovarian cyst;
  • dissection of adhesions;
  • removal of endometrioid nodes;
  • restoration of tubal patency;
  • removal of myomatous formations;
  • dissection of the ovarian membrane in polycystic disease.

Possible complications of laparoscopy

The minimal trauma of laparoscopy allows the patient to be discharged home within a few days. At the same time, the work of all the woman’s systems quickly improves and she can return to work in a few days.

The absence of scars after surgery allows you to do without painkillers and return to your usual routine as quickly as possible.

The most common complications during laparoscopy are:

  • traumatic damage to blood vessels or internal organs (usually the intestines);
  • electrical burns with perforation of internal organs and the development of peritonitis;
  • subcutaneous emphysema due to carbon dioxide ingress;
  • carbon dioxide intolerance by patients and the forced need to switch to conventional surgery;
  • the appearance of infectious complications after undetected microtraumas of organs.

However, complications after laparoscopy are much less common and less dangerous for patients than with conventional surgery. With this type of treatment, there is always an additional option to switch to direct surgery.

Regimen after laparoscopy

Full recovery after laparoscopy usually takes 2-4 weeks. In the hospital, the woman will still feel discomfort after the operation and she should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. The patient's sutures are treated with antiseptics daily and the bandage is changed. Most often, a woman is discharged 4-6 days after surgery.

Sexual activity is prohibited for 3-4 weeks after the study. This is important for the restoration of internal female organs. For the same period, it is necessary to exclude any sports activities. These methods of physical restraint are required due to the need to keep the abdominals at rest.

The only physical activity allowed for one to two months is walking. During this time, lifting any heavy objects is strictly prohibited. The maximum permissible weight for a woman after surgery should not exceed 3 kg for 2-3 months. Long travel, visiting saunas or steam baths, solariums, and swimming are also prohibited after such a procedure.

Menstruation after laparoscopy

After a successfully performed laparoscopy, menstruation begins within a month. Normalization of the monthly cycle indicates complete restoration of ovarian function and successful treatment.

The first few days (usually 2-3) after laparoscopic surgery, women usually experience bloody or mucous discharge with clots. This is due to natural damage to the blood vessels of the reproductive organs. Then the vaginal discharge brightens and becomes sanguineous. Minor discharge can be observed for up to three weeks, until the onset of menstruation.

A shift in menstruation by a few days after the intervention is absolutely normal. Such a shift at the onset of menstruation can last up to 2-3 weeks. If menstruation does not appear during this time, the patient must be examined by a doctor.

The first menstruation after laparoscopy may be longer, heavier or scanty. If there are no other unfavorable symptoms (severe pain, fever, deterioration in health), then there is no cause for concern.

Is it easy to get pregnant after laparoscopy?

Many women after laparoscopy begin to plan a future pregnancy. Often it is because of problems with the onset of pregnancy that it is carried out.

It happens that women worry that laparoscopy may lead them to infertility. However, a normally performed operation does not have the most positive effect on the ability to conceive.

According to statistics, 20% of patients can become pregnant within a month after such an intervention. However, some women cannot become pregnant in the first year after laparoscopy. This is due to the gynecological problems that they had before the operation. The length of pregnancy after such an operation depends on:

  • the safety of the laparoscopy performed;
  • features of the postoperative period and the woman’s compliance with all restrictions;
  • concomitant diseases of the woman;
  • presence of ovulation before laparotomy;
  • age.

When is pregnancy possible after laparoscopy?

Doctors usually allow women to become pregnant a month after diagnostic laparoscopy. This is due to the need to give time to the internal female organs to fully recover from microtraumas.

However, if laparoscopy is performed for serious chronic diseases, it requires a longer period for full recovery.

Regarding obstruction of pipes

If laparoscopy is performed for obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions are usually dissected for this diagnosis. Subsequently, it is allowed to plan a pregnancy no earlier than 3 months after the manipulation. What is this connected with? One month is necessary to relieve swelling from the tubes and regulate normal ovarian function.

You can, of course, get pregnant immediately after laparoscopy. However, pregnancy in a situation while the ovaries are still swollen, hyperemic and in a “state of shock”, in most cases, is pathological (ectopic).

After polycystic ovary syndrome

With polycystic disease, many small cysts form on the ovaries. With this diagnosis, surgical treatment is possible in three ways, associated with various methods of removing the ovary with its capsule (decortication, wedge resection, cauterization). The peculiarity of pregnancy after treatment of polycystic disease has one peculiarity: conception in this situation lasts only for a short time - usually no more than a year.

After cyst removal

Doctors do not advise rushing into pregnancy even after laparoscopy after cyst removal. This method of treatment allows you to remove the cyst in a very gentle way without damaging healthy tissue. After this, the interval before pregnancy is advised to be at least 3 months, and preferably up to six months. During this time, the woman is also prescribed oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. This time is enough for the ovaries to rest and at the same time restore hormonal levels.

If pregnancy occurs earlier than 3 months after surgery to remove a cyst, then it can occur with problems, and therefore requires the earliest possible registration of the pregnant woman for consultation.

After an ectopic pregnancy

For an ectopic pregnancy, surgical treatment can occur in two ways: with the entire tube removed or with the husking of the fertilized egg while preserving it.

Regardless of the surgical technique, after an ectopic pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to become pregnant for 6 months. This is exactly how much time is needed for the complete restoration of the body and its hormonal levels.

If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy that resulted in the removal of one tube, then such a patient must undergo a full examination before planning a pregnancy. This is necessary in order to preserve the remaining pipe and make sure that it does not have pathological changes (adhesions, etc.).

After fibroids

Uterine fibroids can be quickly cured with complete removal of the uterus (amputation) or with the help of conservative myomectomy, when the female reproductive organ remains after removal of the fibroids. If there is no uterus, then there will be no pregnancy.

If the uterus is still preserved after treatment of fibroids, then after laparoscopic surgery it is recommended to wait about 6-8 months before pregnancy. This period is important for several reasons: for the formation of reliable scars in the uterus and for the complete restoration of the ovaries.

This period is also called the “rest period” and at this point oral contraceptives are often prescribed. At the end of the “rest period”, an ultrasound examination of the uterus is usually prescribed to make sure that good scars have formed on it.

If the uterine scar has not yet fully formed, pregnancy can cause uterine rupture at the site of the scar.

After endometriosis

After endometriosis, laparoscopic surgery can also have several techniques. In this case, endometriotic lesions can either be cauterized with parallel dissection of the adhesions, or removed with a trocar.

After surgery for endometriosis, it is not recommended to become pregnant for 3 months. Sometimes this period is increased - for example, if a course of hormone therapy is recommended after surgery, which can take up to six months.

The onset of pregnancy itself is especially favorable for endometriosis, as it inhibits the process of formation of endometrioid lesions.

Rules to help you get pregnant

It happens that after laparoscopy, pregnancy has already been resolved, the treatment results are good, the course of medication has been completed, but the long-awaited conception is still not possible. What to do in such a situation? In this case, you can use some tips to speed up pregnancy:

  1. Stop smoking, as nicotine reduces sperm activity and their readiness to conceive.
  2. Don't "obsess" about pregnancy. If pregnancy becomes an obsession, it can make the dream of having a child unattainable. Stress changes hormonal levels and makes pregnancy unlikely.
  3. Make the most of favorable days for sex. Such days are the period a few days before ovulation and the first days after it. For calculations, you can use the temperature method or special tests.
  4. Protection from stress for both partners.
  5. Taking vitamins (including for men) that increase the chance of conception: folic acid, vitamin E, multivitamin complexes.
  6. Do not overuse sex, as constant ejaculations reduce the quality of sperm. To conceive, it is enough to have sex 2-3 times a week.
  7. A man should avoid visiting baths, saunas and steam rooms while planning a pregnancy. This is due to the negative effects of high temperatures on sperm.
  8. Use the correct positions when conceiving. For example, when the uterus is bent backwards, a woman is recommended to use the rear, knee-elbow, or classic pose. After sex, the partner is recommended to lie horizontally or be in the “birch tree” position to avoid sperm leakage. After this, the woman is recommended to turn on her stomach and lie quietly for 15-20 minutes.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy is an absolutely predictable and natural process. At the same time, it is important for a woman to take seriously all medical recommendations before conception. And for all the forced suffering, the expectant mother will pay for the birth of a healthy baby. Health to you and your children!

Every woman wants to have a child and strives to experience the happiness of motherhood. But not everyone succeeds immediately and quickly. An obstacle to this can be for a variety of reasons. Infertility is the result of various gynecological diseases, both inflammatory and hormonal. Congenital pathologies of the female genital area play an important role. The introduction of modern methods of examining and treating women using laparoscopy greatly increases the likelihood of conception. The issue of laparoscopy and pregnancy is very important. Let's try to figure it out.

Laparoscopy is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. A low-traumatic operation gives a good chance of getting pregnant after laparoscopy. Indications for the operation are:

  • endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • volumetric process of the uterus and appendages;
  • infertility;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Laparoscopy is a gentle operation, lasting about an hour, which is easily tolerated by patients. In this case, the abdominal cavity is not opened. Access to the pelvic organs is through a puncture into which a laparoscope is inserted. All actions of the surgeon are displayed on the monitor. This gentle method of solving women's problems allows you to completely restore your health within a month and increase your chance of conceiving a child. When can you get pregnant after laparoscopy and how quickly? This problem for women who have undergone examination or surgery is very relevant.

When pregnancy occurs

How long after laparoscopy can you get pregnant? Planning the birth of a child is important and is regulated by a doctor. After laparoscopy, the doctor prescribes treatment under the supervision of laboratory tests. It is imperative to consider how the restoration of ovarian function proceeds, when menstruation comes after laparoscopy and their nature. Basically, after laparoscopy you can get pregnant within a year. In each case, this period is considered individually.

1. When removing a cyst

Laparoscopy to remove the cyst is performed very carefully. It is peeled out of the capsule while preserving nearby tissues. Cyst formation occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Therefore, after its removal, it is necessary to bring the hormone balance back to normal. The gynecologist prescribes corrective treatment after surgery. Restoring ovarian function requires some time. It is allowed to plan a pregnancy no earlier than three months later. During this period, the body “comes to its senses” and restores hormonal levels. Pregnancy after removal of an ovarian cyst occurs within three to six months from the date of surgery. During this rest period, monophasic oral contraceptives are prescribed to prevent pregnancy. This “quiet time” for the ovaries will be sufficient for the body’s hormonal balance to return to normal. If conception occurs earlier or the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, problems with the course of pregnancy may occur.

2. For polycystic ovary syndrome

Laparoscopy for polycystic disease is a more complex operation, both in terms of technique and time. The disease is presented as a pathological process characterized by the development of many small cysts on the surface of the ovary. Depending on the anatomical and individual characteristics of the woman, laparoscopy can be performed in one of three ways.

  1. Carrying out incisions in large quantities on the ovarian capsule.
  2. removal of part of the hardened ovarian capsule
  3. partial removal of the ovarian capsule along with tissue.

In this case, ovulation after laparoscopy is restored quickly, but for a short time. This period may last one year, or less. Therefore, pregnancy after ovarian laparoscopy for polycystic disease is possible immediately after the end of the recovery period, that is, after a month. A doctor’s consultation is necessary to confirm permission for a woman’s intimate life due to her health condition.

3. For uterine fibroids

fallopian tube laparoscopy reviews after surgery photos

Laparoscopy for uterine fibroids is performed to remove pathological nodes from it. To conceive a child, the scars on the uterus after surgery must be strong, that is, fully formed. Conception should be delayed for 6 to 12 months and only then the doctor allows you to plan a pregnancy. During the “quiet” period, in order to prevent pregnancy, oral contraceptives are prescribed. After a control ultrasound analysis to determine the consistency of uterine scars, pregnancy planning is allowed.

4. After laparoscopy on the fallopian tubes

The pathology of the fallopian tubes can be very different. Therefore, the approach to treatment and pregnancy planning is always individual. Pathology of the fallopian tubes develops against the background of:

  • adhesive process.
  • ectopic pregnancy.
  • fallopian tube resection.

In any of these cases, planning for conception should be delayed from six to twelve months.

Restoring ovarian function

Often after laparoscopy, women are concerned about the question: how to restore ovarian function and when conception will occur. For most women, menstruation comes on time after surgery. This indicates normal ovarian function and the absence of hormonal imbalance. After ovarian surgery, it is normal to have spotting for two to three weeks. This discharge smoothly turns into menstruation. There may be a slight delay, from a few days to a few weeks. Then the cycle improves and conception becomes possible. After laparoscopy for ectopic pregnancy, menstruation appears within a month.

In the postoperative period, minor bleeding is considered normal. Stimulation of ovarian function after laparoscopy is carried out according to indications and strictly as prescribed by the doctor. With a normal menstrual cycle, planning to conceive a child, delayed for 3 to 6 months, is supplemented by taking oral contraceptives that inhibit ovulation. After abrupt withdrawal of the drug, a hormonal “explosion” occurs and the chances of pregnancy increase significantly.

Lack of ovulation

Sometimes, after laparoscopy, women experience a lack of ovulation. This problem mainly occurs in women suffering from infertility. This is precisely the contingent of patients who come for surgery in order to get a long-awaited pregnancy. The reasons for the development of this pathology are most often obstruction of the fallopian tubes and cystic lesions of the ovaries. Laparoscopy helps relieve hormonal imbalance and restore ovulation. How to restore ovarian function and what to do in such a situation? As a rule, this contingent of women suffering from infertility have already received appropriate treatment in a clinic. If conservative treatment fails, laparoscopy is indicated. To stimulate ovulation, hormonal medications are prescribed before and after surgery, under the strict supervision of a doctor and laboratory tests. Often this pathology is eliminated by a gynecologist in a clinic. The sooner a woman consults a doctor with complaints of menstrual irregularities

Pregnancy is a natural and expected process in the female body. However, not all women are lucky enough to get pregnant the first time they try to conceive: many have to wait months or even years to become a mother. The reproductive system is a very complex mechanism that can fail under certain circumstances. Often, women are forced to resort to various methods of modern medicine in order to bring the long-awaited moment closer - for example, many manage to successfully become pregnant after laparoscopy. However, laparoscopic intervention is prescribed according to strict indications, and, moreover, the very fact of pregnancy after laparoscopy raises many questions among patients. We hope that we can answer the most common ones.

Pregnancy statistics after laparoscopy: what are the chances of getting pregnant?

If we consider the available statistical information, then among all the patients who, for one reason or another, underwent laparoscopic surgery, pregnancy occurred in every fifth woman during the first monthly cycle. Approximately 15% of operated patients were unable to become pregnant even 12 months after laparoscopic surgery, and about 85% of women achieved a long-awaited pregnancy within a year.

If the expected pregnancy after laparoscopy did not occur within 12 months, then women often agreed to a repeat operation. Many gynecologists pay attention to the fact that the longer the period of time passes after laparoscopy, the less chance a woman has of pregnancy. Therefore, if pregnancy has not occurred within a year, then it is necessary:

  • perform repeat laparoscopy;
  • resort to other assisted reproductive methods.

When can you plan a pregnancy after laparoscopy?

A method such as laparoscopy is considered one of the least traumatic surgical interventions, however, this procedure can also temporarily disrupt some body functions. As after any other surgical procedure, the patient may need some time for the functional ability of all organs and systems to resume.

Regardless of how long the woman spent in the hospital - 2-3 days or a week, the body after the operation will definitely be weakened, so it will be difficult for it to immediately “rush into battle.” And, although the functionality of the female reproductive system usually returns to normal within a week, experts do not advise engaging in intimate relationships for at least another 4 weeks.

It is optimal, according to doctors, if pregnancy after laparoscopy occurs 90 days after laparoscopic intervention: this period is quite enough for external and internal tissue damage to heal and hormonal balance to stabilize.

It is necessary to separately indicate the following cases:

  • if laparoscopy was performed for an ectopic pregnancy or fibroids, then the woman is allowed to begin planning no earlier than six months after the intervention;
  • if during laparoscopy the surgeon removed a large number of dense adhesions, then it is better to delay the onset of pregnancy by six months;
  • If laparoscopy was performed for malignant tumors, then pregnancy should be waited for at least a year.

How long does it take to become pregnant after laparoscopy?

What are the chances of getting pregnant in patients who have undergone laparoscopy? When can you “count” on successful conception?

After laparoscopy, as after any other operation, it is impossible to give an unambiguous guarantee that pregnancy will occur in the very near future. The fact is that women come for the procedure with different diagnoses, have different indications and contraindications, so it is very difficult to answer the above questions unambiguously. However, a preliminary prognosis can be made, depending on the reason for which the woman underwent laparoscopy.

  • You can expect pregnancy after tubal laparoscopy no earlier than 90 days after the procedure. The same applies to cases where the operation was caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes (as a variant of peritoneal-tubal infertility). Why should you wait so long - three whole months? During laparoscopic examination of the fallopian tubes and removal of adhesions that make it impossible for the egg to move forward, the tissues need to be restored. As a rule, the pipes remain swollen for some time after the intervention and are gradually restored. In addition, the whole body needs rest - hormonal levels, immune defense, and the monthly cycle must be restored. Of course, you shouldn’t take too long a rest period either, since over time the chances of successful conception decrease. However, there is no need to rush: with swollen, incompletely restored tubes, there is a high risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst is theoretically possible within 1-1.5 months. But doctors do not recommend rushing in this situation either: it is optimal if pregnancy after ovarian laparoscopy occurs within 3-6 months. Despite the fact that the surgeon removes the cyst quite carefully, there is still minor damage to healthy tissue on the ovary, which must have time to regenerate before pregnancy. If the ovaries do not have time to recover, then in the future there may be certain problems with the process of bearing a child.
  • Pregnancy after laparoscopy for polycystic ovary syndrome should be planned as soon as the doctor allows you to be sexually active. The fact is that polycystic disease occurs with the formation of numerous cysts in the ovaries, and after the laparoscopic procedure, reproductive ability is restored for a relatively short time (usually no more than 12 months). In order not to lose the chance and get pregnant, a woman should start planning - the sooner the better. It is optimal to start planning 1-1.5 months after laparoscopy, regardless of which laparoscopic method the operation was performed (cauterization, decortication, or wedge resection).
  • The next pregnancy after laparoscopy of an ectopic pregnancy should not be planned for at least six months after the procedure. Moreover, regardless of how exactly the operation was carried out: by removing the tube, or by husking the fertilized egg while preserving the tube. Why? The fact is that the woman still had a pregnancy, albeit an ectopic one. This means that the hormonal level has been brought into a state of readiness for the development and strengthening of the embryo. Now, after laparoscopy, it is necessary for the hormonal balance to return “to the original”, as it was before the onset of ectopic pregnancy. Otherwise, future pregnancy may be in doubt.
  • It is recommended to plan pregnancy after laparoscopy for endometriosis no earlier than 90 days after the procedure. If after the intervention the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy, then planning is “pushed back” until its completion. This applies both to cases of removal of endometriotic lesions and to laparoscopic removal of endometriotic cysts.
  • Pregnancy after laparoscopy of fibroids with removal of myomatous formations and preservation of the uterine organ is usually planned after 6-7 months. After laparoscopy, the uterus should “rest”, the tissues should regenerate, and the ovaries should improve their function. As a rule, the patient is prescribed oral contraceptives for six months from the date of laparoscopy. In addition, she periodically undergoes ultrasound to monitor the condition of the reproductive system after surgery. If these recommendations are ignored and pregnancy is allowed to develop ahead of schedule, then uterine tissue can rupture at the site of scar formation. This is a very serious complication, which often ends in removal of the uterus.

Signs of pregnancy after laparoscopy

The signs that a woman was able to conceive a child after laparoscopy are the same as during a normal pregnancy:

  • absence of menstruation, provided that it resumed after laparoscopy;
  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen (some women may experience lower back pain);
  • increase in basal temperature;
  • slight tension in the mammary glands (as during menstruation);
  • changes in mood (both unexplained cheerfulness and drowsiness may occur);
  • change in culinary preferences;
  • increased sense of smell.

In order to make sure that pregnancy has occurred after laparoscopy, you need to take a blood test for hCG, or use a regular test strip to determine pregnancy.

Pregnancy in the first cycle after laparoscopy

Despite the fact that doctors do not particularly recommend rushing into pregnancy immediately after laparoscopy, theoretically, conception can occur in the first cycle after surgery. Each woman has her own body characteristics, and the recovery period is also different for everyone. It is possible that in some patients reproductive function is normalized after the first ovulation.

However, it is not recommended to become pregnant immediately after an ectopic pregnancy or removal of a fibroid tumor. Although, if laparoscopy was performed for endometriosis or polycystic disease, then pregnancy in the first cycle after surgery is the best scenario.

One conclusion can be drawn on this issue: each case is individual, so it is better to consult with your doctor.

Pregnancy with one fallopian tube after laparoscopy

Is it possible to get pregnant if one of the fallopian tubes was removed during laparoscopy? It all depends on how timely the laparoscopy was performed, as well as on the condition of the second surviving tube.

If the laparoscopy was late and the fertilized egg managed to rupture the oviduct, it is removed, which significantly complicates the onset of further pregnancies, since only one tube remains. However, a huge number of women, after removal of the oviduct, retain the ability to reproduce: they manage to get pregnant, and even more than once. The main condition is the presence of a healthy patent second tube with a normal functioning ovary.

Unfortunately, according to statistics, women over 35 years of age are much less likely to become pregnant if they have one fallopian tube, since with age the capacity of the ovary decreases, endometriosis and adhesions, as well as other chronic pathologies of the genital area, may appear. In such a situation, women often resort to in vitro fertilization (IVF), in which it is possible to become pregnant even if the remaining tube is completely blocked.

Before planning a pregnancy with one tube, you must remember that in such a situation the risk of developing a repeat ectopic pregnancy increases significantly. Therefore, if a woman becomes pregnant with one fallopian tube, then she needs special supervision by a gynecologist, with constant monitoring of hCG and ultrasound.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy and hysteroscopy

Many patients, after combined endoscopic surgery - laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, worry about the possibility of becoming pregnant. Doctors reassure: there is no need to worry too much, since both methods in most cases only contribute to pregnancy, as they help to detect and eliminate serious problems that lead to infertility. Laparoscopy with hysteroscopy is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Such methods of intervention are especially recommended for infertility of unknown origin, when other studies do not allow us to establish a clear reason that a woman cannot become pregnant.

When can you start planning after such a complex procedure?

After the operation, it is necessary to take a break from sexual relations for about 3-4 weeks. Further, sexual intercourse with the use of contraceptives is allowed. Unless the attending doctor thinks otherwise, most operated women are allowed to become pregnant 2-3 months after the intervention.

After an abortion or laparoscopy, when can pregnancy occur?

After an abortion and laparoscopy, you should abstain from sexual intercourse for four weeks until the next monthly cycle. If you begin to be sexually active earlier than the recommended time, you are unlikely to get pregnant, but the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the genital area increases sharply.

In the future, pregnancy can occur starting with a new monthly cycle.

Frozen pregnancy after laparoscopy

The likelihood of miscarriage in patients after laparoscopy is no higher than in those who did not undergo the operation. There can be a lot of reasons for this, and they are all varied. For example, a frozen pregnancy is possible if conception occurs too early, when the hormonal balance has not yet been restored after laparoscopy. Other probable reasons may be:

  • chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus;
  • infectious diseases in women, including chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes;
  • drinking alcohol and/or smoking;
  • taking certain medications;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • external reasons (heavy lifting, excessive physical activity, long travel, etc.).

Often, women who have experienced laparoscopy and a frozen pregnancy experience fear before further planning for conception. Many begin to doubt their ability to have children in the future.

Doctors clearly recommend: there is no need to worry, since the vast majority of women subsequently become pregnant normally and give birth to a child. Only in the case of repeated episodes of pregnancy loss can a loss of reproductive capacity be suspected.

Normal pregnancy after laparoscopy occurs in 85% of patients - and this is a fairly high figure. However, doctors insist: it is necessary to start planning a pregnancy within the first year after the operation - it is during this period that the chances of becoming pregnant are highest.

Many women have to face some problems during the planning stage of pregnancy. When everything is fine with your health, you can limit yourself to undergoing examination by specialists and undergoing standard tests. Difficulties with conceiving sometimes arise if a woman, shortly before planning a pregnancy, has undergone a disease or even surgery. But this is not always what causes infertility.

Laparoscopy and indications for its implementation

One of the most common operations is laparoscopy. This type of surgery is considered quite young. In some cases, it successfully replaces abdominal surgery. Laparoscopy is the most gentle method of surgical treatment of patients.

After such an intervention, pregnancy is possible. If no complications arise during laparoscopy, this operation does not reduce a woman’s chances of successful conception or reduces them slightly.

Indications for laparoscopy are:

  • fallopian tube obstruction
  • myoma
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • the presence of adhesions in the fallopian tubes
  • fallopian tube obstruction
  • infertility
  • ovarian cyst

Laparoscopy can be performed not for therapeutic purposes, but for diagnostic purposes. This occurs in cases where it is difficult for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis.

How is laparoscopic surgery performed?

During the operation, the doctor inserts a laparoscope through small incisions. A laparoscope is a thin endoscope with a video camera attached to its end. Its diameter is only 5-10 millimeters.

The woman is recovering quickly from the operation. The next day after the intervention, she can get up, eat, and go to the toilet. Stitches are usually removed only after a week.

After laparoscopy, you should not lift heavy objects for about 3 weeks. Intimacy is contraindicated for 2 weeks. For some time, a woman may experience bloody discharge from the vagina. This is the norm. If the discharge continues for a month or more, you should urgently make an appointment with a doctor.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy

After the operation, many women are very concerned about the further occurrence of pregnancy. Experts give quite favorable forecasts in this regard. Laparoscopy itself cannot cause infertility. It has virtually no effect on the ability to conceive a baby, if, of course, it is carried out successfully.

It may not be possible to get pregnant after laparoscopy only when the woman initially had some problems with reproductive function.

Medical statistics are very encouraging in this case. Of the total number of women who underwent laparoscopy, 20% were those who became pregnant within a month after the operation. Only 15% of women were unable to conceive a baby within a year. But doctors attribute this specifically to gynecological problems that patients had before surgery.

When can you plan a pregnancy?

Many women are interested in the question of when to plan conception. They often look for answers to questions that concern them on forums, asking who and when became pregnant after laparoscopy, and how successful the pregnancy was.

There is an opinion that after surgery you should refrain from trying to conceive a baby for several months. This is not always true. You can plan a pregnancy a month after laparoscopy, if there are no contraindications. Doctors advise in this case to wait for the first menstruation and try to conceive a baby in the first cycle.

Before this, it is recommended to undergo the necessary tests. It may take some time to get tested, but it is better to take responsibility for your health. This will help to avoid severe consequences in the future.

It is better to ask your doctor about what tests to take after laparoscopy and what examinations to undergo. Most often, doctors advise taking the following tests:

  • blood test for infections
  • general blood test, urine test
  • vaginal smear for microflora
  • smear for sexually transmitted diseases

This list may be more extended if a woman has health problems. Additionally, you may need to consult an endocrinologist with tests for hormones, or a consultation with a geneticist. The doctor may recommend that a man also be examined.

Separately, it is worth highlighting those cases where laparoscopic surgery was performed on the fallopian tubes. After such operations, adhesions may form over time. To get pregnant without any problems, doctors advise such patients to undergo examination and plan conception after the examination. Waiting time in this case can only reduce the chances of successful fertilization.

How to get pregnant quickly after laparoscopy

There are certain rules that you can follow to get pregnant after laparoscopy quite quickly. First of all, you should focus on your cycle. Accurate calculation of ovulation helps to significantly increase the chances of conception. To get pregnant quickly you need to:

  • stick to the cycle

Pregnancy occurs after the fusion of sperm and egg. The egg matures only once a month. On this day the probability of fertilization is maximum. You can also plan to conceive a few days before ovulation and a day after it occurs.

  • don't overdo it with lovemaking

Sperm activity decreases significantly with frequent ejaculation. Many married couples calculate the favorable period and make love several times a day to increase the chances of conception. There is no need to do this. It is quite enough to have sex every other day.

  • take vitamin supplements

For successful conception and prevention of diseases in the unborn child, it is recommended to start drinking folic acid and some vitamins already at the planning stage. It also helps improve the quality of male sperm.

  • avoid stressful situations

Smoking reduces the activity of sperm and the ability of the egg to fertilize.

  • After intercourse, lie on your back for 15 minutes

Scientists conducted research and found that among those who became pregnant the first time, there were mainly women who maintained a horizontal position for some time after intercourse. After artificial insemination, doctors advise patients to lie on their backs. In this case, sperm does not leak out of the vagina, which doubles the chances of successful fertilization.

  • don't think about pregnancy

It is known that even a psychological factor can be the cause of infertility. When a woman constantly thinks about pregnancy and this becomes the meaning of her life, there is a chance that nothing will work out for her. During stress, stress hormones are produced in the body. Changes in hormonal levels prevent fertilization.

There is no need to rush things. In healthy couples, pregnancy can occur within six months and this is completely normal. To speed up its onset, you just need to distract yourself from this topic. It might be worth going on vacation or changing your surroundings.

  • lead a healthy lifestyle

To speed up pregnancy, you should lead a healthy lifestyle. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time and get a good night's sleep. The same principles must be followed after conception.

  • consult a doctor

If pregnancy has not occurred within six months of active attempts, it is worth visiting a gynecologist. The doctor will help determine what exactly is preventing conception. He may also prescribe some procedures that may help solve the problem. Such procedures include ovulation stimulation.

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