How to write a business letter: types, design rules, style and samples of business letters. Official business style. Types of letters

Official business style in texts. Examples

Every modern person at least once in his life is faced with the need to write a text in an official business style. This is due to modern requirements for communication between legal entities, individuals and government agencies, or individuals and legal entities. Simply put, when contacting an organization as a representative of another organization or as an individual, you will be forced to write text in an official business style.

One of the most common types of texts in business style is commercial proposal.

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In order not to burden you with the rules of writing official business texts, let’s immediately look at a couple of examples.

Example of business text 1. Postponement.

To the director of LLC "..."

Kuznetsov N. S.

Dear Nikolai Sergeevich!

On January 12, we received a commercial proposal from you, in which you offer our company regular supplies of metal for projects implemented by our company.

Our management has reviewed your conditions and is ready to conclude an agreement of intent and, in the future, a cooperation agreement with you. The only obstacle to fruitful cooperation may be the impossibility of supplying rolled metal with deferred payment, which you refuse to provide to us.

We ask you to once again consider the possibility of providing a deferment for large-volume shipments! Otherwise, we will be forced to look for partners for regular supplies of rolled metal products among your competitors.


Head of the commercial department Petryakova I.I.

Business text example 2. Claim

In March of this year, our company entered into an agreement with you for the production and installation of plastic windows for office premises. The total number of windows was 48 pieces, the contract amount was 593,000 rubles.

Following the agreement, the windows had to be installed before September 1st. To date, only a third of the work has been completed, despite full payment from our side.

Considering that our company has fully fulfilled its payment obligations, we demand that the window installation work be completed in full as soon as possible, as well as eliminate the deficiencies described in previously sent claims by November 1, or return the money to us for uncompleted work . We also intend to demand compensation for the damage caused.

If your company fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract, or if it refuses to return funds and pay compensation, we will go to the court of the Russian Federation and also file a complaint with the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation at the location of your company.

See other examples below after reading the rules for writing text in a business style.

Rules for writing business text

Now you can get acquainted with the rules. So, from the examples it is clear that the main rule of a business text is to maintain a business style. What is “business style” in texts? This is, first of all, brevity of presentation, lack of emotion and facts.

In a business text, it is unacceptable to use emotionally charged expressions and colloquial expressions.

The first thing to remember when starting to write a business text in an official style is that your task is to summarize the essence of what you want to write as briefly as possible. Be it a complaint about someone’s actions (or inaction), a request for assistance, a claim, a demand, or something else.

The official business style is most often used in business to draw up commercial proposals, but in private life we ​​often have to present it in a business style when we are talking about communicating with government agencies, or about a conflict situation that has arisen, for example, when purchasing a low-quality product. .

For texts in a business style, it is customary to use certain words, which is clearly visible in all the examples given.

“Following”, “considering”, “we ask you to consider the opportunity”, “we ask you to assist”, etc. The set of these phrases depends on the situation, and of course, you must learn to intuitively feel when to use the phrase “we ask you” and when “we demand”.

Other examples of texts in business style

Official business style in the system of book-written type of speech. Typological features.

Sub-styles: official-documentary, everyday-business.

Business letter. Standardization, unification. Stamps, cliches.

Classification of business letters. Composition of a business letter. Categories Requisites.

Optional components of business writing.

Innovation in Business Writing

The official business style serves legal relations between citizens and the state and is used in various documents - from government acts and international treaties to business correspondence.

The most important functions of this style are message and impact. They are implemented in such official documents as laws, regulations, decrees, orders, contracts, agreements, business correspondence, statements, receipts, etc. This style is also called administrative, since it serves the sphere of official, business relations, the field of law and public policy . Another name for it is business speech. This name indicates that this style is the most ancient of book styles, its origins are in the business speech of the era of the Kievan state, in which legal documents (agreements, “Russian Truth”, various charters) were created already in the 10th century.

The official business style stands out among other book styles for its stability, isolation and standardization. Despite the wide variety of business documents, their language is strictly subject to the requirements of official business presentation: the accuracy of the wording of legal norms and the need for absolute adequacy of their understanding, the composition of the mandatory elements of document design that ensure its legal validity, the standardized nature of presentation, stable forms of arrangement of material in a certain logical sequences, etc.

For all forms of business writing, strict compliance with the literary norm is required at all language levels: the use of lexical and phraseological means of a colloquial, colloquial nature, dialect, professional slang words is unacceptable; non-literary variants of inflection and word formation; conversational syntactic constructions. The official business style does not accept expressive elements: evaluative vocabulary, high or low words (joking, ironic), figurative expressions. The most important requirement for the language of a document is objectivity and “dispassionateness” in the presentation of facts.

The official business style operates primarily in written form, but its oral form is not excluded - speeches by government and public figures at ceremonial meetings, sessions, and receptions. The oral form of business speech is characterized by a complete style of pronunciation, special expressiveness of intonation, and logical stress. The speaker can allow a certain emotional elevation of speech, even interspersing foreign-style language means, without, however, violating the literary norm. Incorrect accents and unliterary pronunciation are unacceptable.

Depending on the scope of use, the official business style is divided into substyles: 1) diplomatic, implemented in the texts of communiqués, notes, conventions, memorandums, and international agreements; 2) legislative (legal), presented in the texts of the law, constitution, decree, charter, civil and criminal acts; 3) administrative and clerical, used in office correspondence, in administrative acts, orders, contracts, various documentation (applications, powers of attorney, autobiographies, receipts, characteristics, protocols, etc.).

For vocabulary official speech is characterized by the widespread use of thematically determined special words and terms (legal, diplomatic, military, accounting, sports, etc.).

The desire for brevity determines the use of abbreviations, complex abbreviated names of government bodies, institutions, organizations, societies, parties, etc. (Security Council, Airborne Forces, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Air Force, Research Institute, DEZ, LDPR, YAZ, PE, CIS, GVMU RF Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health), as well as reductions (illiquid assets, cash (black), federal, etc.). As can be seen from the examples, there are many new words among them; this part of the vocabulary is constantly updated and replenished.

Business texts are distinguished by the use of words and expressions that are not accepted in other styles ( the above, the following, the above, proper, prohibited, preventive measure, deed, punishability and so on.). These include stable phrases: cassation appeal, civil status act, act of disobedience, recognizance not to leave, etc. Regular use of such words and expressions, which do not have synonyms, contributes to the accuracy of speech and eliminates misinterpretations.

Morphological features official business speech is determined to a large extent by its nominal character: there is an absolute predominance of names with little use of verbs.

The inappropriateness of the expressive coloring of official speech makes it impossible to use interjections, modal words, a number of particles, words with suffixes of subjective assessment, adjectives in the comparative and superlative degree. Nouns denoting positions are usually used in the masculine form ( accountant, director, laboratory assistant, postman, controller and etc.).

The high frequency of verbal nouns is a consequence of the consolidation of stable figures of speech (synonymous with verbal expressions): the procedure for drawing up and executing a transportation plan in order to improve the procedure for collecting taxes. In such figures of speech, a “chain” of genitive case forms of nouns often appears ( clarification of the conditions for committing a crime; checking compliance with passport regulations), which gives the phrase heaviness and sometimes makes it difficult to perceive such phrases.

Adjectives and participles in business speech are often used in the meaning of nouns ( sick, resting, the undersigned), short forms of adjectives are productive ( must, obligated, obligatory, necessary, accountable, jurisdictional, responsible). Addressing them is dictated by the prescriptive nature of business speech ( Calling experts is mandatory to establish the cause of death- Code of Criminal Procedure).

The selection of pronouns in business speech is indicative: personal pronouns are not used here me, you, he, she, they(due to the complete lack of individualization of speech, specificity, accuracy of the statement). Instead of demonstrative pronouns ( this, that, such etc.) words are used given, present, corresponding, known, indicated, above, below etc. Indefinite pronouns are not used at all in business speech ( someone, some, something and so on.).

To characterize verbs in official speech, its nominal structure is also important: this determines the high frequency of linking verbs ( is, becomes, is realized), replacing the verbal predicate with a combination of an auxiliary verb and a noun naming the action ( provide assistance, control, care etc.). In comparison with other book styles, the business style has the lowest frequency of verbs: it is 60 for every thousand words, while in the scientific style it is 90, and in artistic speech - 151. The prescriptive nature of the official business style, the predominance of stating in it , descriptive types of speech over narration, reasoning are determined by its static nature, the displacement of verbal forms by verbal nouns.

Among the semantic groups of verbs presented in this style, the main role is given to words with the meaning of obligation: follows, must, imputes, undertakes and abstract verbs indicating being, presence: is, is. For example:

Persons who were in constant care and maintenance are obliged to provide maintenance to the persons who actually raised them, if the latter are disabled and in need of help and cannot receive maintenance from their children or spouses.

In official speech, impersonal forms of verbs are more common - participles, gerunds, infinitives, which especially often appear in the imperative mood ( take note, make a proposal, recommend, withdraw from use etc.).

The present tense forms of the verb perform the function of a prescription: Enterprises are responsible for...; The tenant is responsible for the property(such verb forms of time are called “present instructions”).

The forms of the future tense acquire different shades in the context (obligation, prescription, possibility, close to necessity): The borders will be the same as they existed on October 1, 1941. (that is, established by agreement - “International Law”, vol. I); The military command will allocate...(i.e. it will have to highlight. - “International Law”, vol. III). Another meaning of the future, typical of business texts, is the conditional (unreal) future, usually used in complex sentences with a conditional clause: The insured amount is paid if within a year... permanent loss of ability to work occurs.

The functioning of past tense forms is completely consistent with the tasks of business speech. One of its typical meanings here is the past of an emphasized statement, a clearly expressed fixation of what is being communicated in writing (establishment, agreement, etc.): Finland confirms that it has returned the region to the USSR...(“International Law”, vol. I); We, the undersigned commission... inspected, measured for a sample, compared the drawings and accepted the single-apartment panel house(Act).

Imperfective verbs, as more abstract in meaning than perfective verbs, predominate in genres of business speech of a more general nature (constitution, codes, charters, etc.). Perfective forms are used in texts with more specific content (orders, instructions, minutes of meetings, resolutions, acts, contracts). They are used in combination with modal words in the meaning of obligation and express a categorical command, permission ( must inform, has the right to prescribe, is obliged to convey, obliges to provide), as well as the statement ( The Ministry considered, took measures, made a proposal; organized, paid, completed etc.).

Syntax official business style reflects the impersonal nature of speech ( Complaints are submitted to the prosecutor; Cargo transportation is carried out). In this regard, passive constructions are widely used, which allow one to abstract from specific performers and focus on the actions themselves (By the competition was accepted... 10 patients were accepted; 120 applications registered; The order fulfillment period is extended subject to...).

Syntactic constructions in official speech are full of clichéd phrases with denominative prepositions: for the purpose of, in connection with, through, on the basis of and etc. ( in order to improve the structure; in connection with these complications; through cooperation and mutual assistance; based on the decision made). These syntactic clichés are a specific feature of the official business style. The use of such syntactic constructions is necessary to express typical situations. They make it easier and simpler to compile standard texts.

In official business documents, coordinating conjunctions are more common than subordinating conjunctions ( the law, the charter prescribes, but does not explain, proves). At the same time, a characteristic feature of business speech is the predominance of complex sentences: a simple sentence cannot reflect the sequence of facts to be considered in an official business plan.

Conditional infinitive constructions play a large role in the syntax of official business style (especially in the texts of laws, where this is motivated by the target task - to stipulate the conditionality of the legal norm). A characteristic feature of business speech is also the use of infinitive and impersonal sentences with the meaning of obligation.

In order to achieve laconicism and accuracy in a business style, parallel syntactic constructions (participial and participial phrases, constructions with verbal nouns) are often used.

Business style syntax is characterized by a strict and specific word order in a sentence. This is caused by the requirement of logic, consistency, and accuracy of presentation of thoughts in business texts.

A stylistic feature of business speech is also the predominant use of indirect speech. Direct speech in an official business style is resorted to only in cases where verbatim quotation of legislative acts and other documents is necessary.

In the design of texts in an official business style, paragraph division and rubrication play an important role, details are permanent elements of the content of the document: names, dates, signatures, as well as the graphic design adopted for this document. All this is of paramount importance in office work and testifies to the literacy of the document compiler, his professionalism and culture.

Here are examples of some common business documents for which graphic design is fixed by the standard.


I ask you to allow me to take the exams for the second year ahead of schedule, since during the exam session I will be working at the Moscow International Book Fair.

Power of attorney

I, Yulia Dmitrievna Davydova, live in Moscow on the street. Shirokaya, building 5, apt. 25, I trust Ivan Vasilyevich Petrov, who lives on the street. Yeniseiskaya, building 2, apt. 8, passport series ___ No. ___, issued by whom and when, receive the salary due to me for March 2000.

Signature of Davydova Yu.D. verified

Clerk of DEZ No. 53

(date) (stamp) (signature)


I, Raisa Lavrentievna Zhuravleva, a librarian, received two (2) pairs of skates from the Spartak sports society for the entire winter season. December 5, 1999



I am informing you that it is necessary to purchase new visual aids for physical geography. Please allocate the amount of money (____) required to purchase these visual aids.


Business trip report

On instructions from the Russian Language Department of the Faculty of Philology, from November 25 to December 1, 1999, I was on a business trip to Moscow, where I studied materials in the State Historical Archive and studied in the Russian Library. IN AND. Lenin. I have done the following work: collected archival materials and compiled a bibliography of scientific articles necessary for my work on my dissertation.

Graduate student__________(signature)


Scientific style in the system of book-written type of speech.

Typological features.

Substyles: actual scientific, popular science, scientific and educational, scientific and business.

Lexico-grammatical features of scientific style.

Metaphor, comparison and personification in scientific speech

Writing business style texts in the correct format is not for everyone. The main trap that thousands of authors fall into every day is a completely incorrect interpretation of business texts and a misunderstanding of the principles of their work.

According to official sources:

Official business style text is the main means of communication in business, legal and other environments that involve the exchange of impersonal official information.

Pretty simple definition, right?! And yet, for some unknown reason, thousands of lawyers, economists, managers and even diplomats try every day to add the same erroneous feature to such texts. Do you know which one?

The Fallacy of Modern Business Correspondence is that people deliberately complicate it. For some reason, it is generally accepted that the more complex the message, the more cunning the terminology and the longer the sentences, the more vigorous the material will be. They say you can’t spoil porridge with butter.

In this material we will try to talk about what a truly good business style text should be, what its structure should be, what you should pay attention to and what mistakes you should not make. We promise that after this note you will be able to look at the rules of writing business texts a little differently.

Requirements for business text and its structure

In general, many documents are written in an official business style, from the constitution and state acts to explanatory and dismissal documents. We are primarily interested in texts for business and therefore the main emphasis will be placed on it.

Business text has its own distinctive features that other styles do not have. Here are the main signs:

Conciseness. Creating business text requires pity for the reader. If bureaucrats can afford to create “masterpieces” on many sheets, then this is not welcome in the business environment. Since businessmen are busy people, the texts should be made in such a way that a person can read them without Corvalol. Only facts, only numbers, only important details.

Please understand: brevity does not mean leaving out some important details. All explanations must be given and important points mentioned. Laconism in this case is the rejection of verbiage for the sake of verbiage.

Clear structure. You need to think about the structure of your business letter in advance. There is nothing worse than text in which the meaning constantly jumps from place to place. We recommend choosing a starting point from which to develop your narrative.

If you mention a fact, try to immediately write down everything you want to report about this fact. : There is nothing worse than reading an unstructured “sheet” of text. It is ideal if there is one complete thought in each paragraph. This will make reading much easier.

Lack of emotions. When writing a text in a business style, we recommend remembering the English lords, who cannot be embarrassed even by a bomb explosion. No emotions, just facts with an impartial face. However, there are exceptions here too: if you are corresponding with a person you like, but the format of business communication does not allow special liberties, you can only hint at obvious sympathy.

For example, put exclamation marks in two sentences in a row or introduce some word from the literary style. It seems like a small thing, but a person experienced in business correspondence will understand everything perfectly.

Simplicity of presentation. If you respect the person who will be reading your text, keep the material simple. Not simplified, but simple. Despite the fact that the rules for writing texts in a business style allow the use of bureaucratic language and special terms, you should not complicate the material with complex structures. Alas, sentences are often so confusing and long that at the end you forget the beginning.

Do you see that the proposal is too complicated? Break it down into two or three smaller sentences. It won’t cost you anything, but it will be convenient for the person.

Using prepositions and complex conjunctions. Perhaps business texts are the only format where the massive use of prepositions (based on, in accordance with, etc.) and conjunctions (due to the fact that, due to the fact that, etc.) is allowed. Of course, you don’t need to put them every other word, but to give the text the appearance of a business message, it’s a very, very good technique.

So, let's once again repeat the basic rules for creating business text:

It should be a clearly structured material of small size.

In such a text there is no place for emotions and loss of logical threads.

You should strive for simplicity of presentation, avoiding complex sentences.

Your goal is to convey business information to people, but make it as simple as possible.

Signs of business text

Three examples of mini-texts in business style

Example one. Business letter to client:

Dear Sergey Sergeevich! In response to your request to install a new door, we inform you that a representative of our company will visit you on December 25th. Typically, door installation time is no more than one hour. We hope that you will be satisfied with the quality of our work.

Example two. A short business text for company employees:

On December 5, 2015, Company N begins participating in the annual social marathon “Feed the Cat.” In this regard, the company management recommends that all employees bring 2 liters of milk with a fat content of at least 2.5% to the workplace every day.

If you find a cat of any age, you should immediately give the animal milk. Employees who water the maximum number of animals will receive bonuses at the end of the current quarter.

Third example. Letter to the manager:

I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, from December 5 to February 12 this year, as part of the social marathon “Feed the Cat,” I gave milk to 12 cats and 10 cats. I spent the bonuses I received for winning a corporate competition for personal purposes.

Since the animals are accustomed to receiving milk from me, and I do not have money for their subsequent feeding, I ask you to allocate the amount of 100,000 rubles to purchase milk at the expense of the company.

Rules for writing business letters

If you didn't already know, business style is divided into two different types:

Official business style.

Casual business style.

The first is zero emotions, a jacket with all buttons and the facelessness of the author. The second is more democratic and emotional (if that can even be said about business texts). By the way, most business letters are written in everyday style. Moreover, interestingly, business correspondence often develops as follows:

Stage one. Official business style;

Stage two. Casual business style;

Stage three. Interspersed with elements of informal communication;

Stage four. Informal communication “without ties”.

It is clear that if in your first letter you write something like “Hello, Kolya! What prices do you have for combine harvesters?”, then it will not be properly appreciated. If you go through all stages of business correspondence “by the rules,” then over time the format of communication can change significantly. This is a common trend.

We have already discussed the rules for writing business texts, and therefore we will not repeat ourselves: letters are written in the same way as texts. However, there are also some unspoken rules of correspondence that we have not yet talked about. Since not everyone knows them, it’s worth talking about them separately:

A business letter must contain a subject. It is bad form to leave the Subject field blank.

You should not change the subject of a business letter or delete your correspondence history without a serious reason. Yes, you may remember all the details of the communication, but the person on the other side of the mailbox may not remember them.

Neutral emotionality. Even if you are actually ready to take a sledgehammer to the recipient, this should not be tracked in any way in a business letter. Corporate culture teaches you to “put your interlocutor in his place” using more cunning techniques: “forgetting” to mention a name, avoiding exclamation marks at the beginning of a letter, ignoring some questions, and so on.

Lack of emoticons. No emoticons until the communication format has reached at least the third stage (elements of informal communication).

Sending a letter with errors is the height of ignorance.

Explanation of refusal. It is enough that banks do not explain the reason for refusal when issuing loans. Be more friendly: even if you are forced to refuse, be sure to soften the tone of the letter and explain the reason.

See for yourself:

First example of a business letter

Hello! We are not planning to buy crushed stone this year. All the best.

Second example of a business letter

Hello, Ivan! Unfortunately, our company does not plan to purchase additional quantities of crushed stone this year. This is due to the fact that we have already fully agreed on the entire list of future expenses, and the company has no funds left for the purchase of crushed stone. We sincerely hope that next year we will agree with you in advance on the purchase of crushed stone in order to budget the necessary funds in advance.

I think you can see for yourself that the first version was written by a soulless robot, and the second by a person who sincerely regrets. Two business style letters on the same topic, but they are so different!

There is no need to start from afar. If you have something to say, say it right away. When a person starts coming from afar, it becomes more unnerving.

These are the most important rules for writing letters in business style that you will definitely need. The main thing is to remember that some kind of obvious officialdom is not always expected from you. If you see that a person is not averse to moving to a more informal level of communication, feel free to move on. There's nothing wrong with that.

That's all friends. We told you everything we wanted to tell you about creating texts in a business style. If you have questions, comments or additions, do not be lazy to write a comment. We are sure this will only benefit the material.

Official business style: examples and principles of creating business texts

The official business style of creating texts is not only a useful and necessary thing in everyday life, but also profitable if you are engaged in copywriting. Such texts are now especially valuable, and customers pay good money for them. Don't believe me? Judge for yourself: a well-drafted complaint can sway the decision of certain authorities in your favor, allowing you to gain benefits or avoid costs. This is relevant for everyone, since we live in a bureaucratic society where business papers have the most powerful word. Today we will look at formal business style in practice, study the principles of creating business texts and give examples of business style.

Examples of business style surround us everywhere. Let's say you are a blogger and you have caught another blogger shamelessly stealing your content. What are you doing? You competently write a justified complaint with evidence to the hoster or search engine support service and wait for a positive result. Depending on how competently the complaint is drawn up, how accurately the business style is maintained in it, the decision on your issue will largely be determined.

So, business style is the environment of official relations. Business style is used in:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Economics
  • Government circles
  • Advertising field
  • International relations
  • As you can see, the entire bureaucratic apparatus uses exclusively business style. That is why the ability to create business texts can serve you not only in practical terms, but also bring financial benefits if you compose official texts for other people.

    Like any other writing style, the official business style has a number of characteristics unique to it. These are the ones we will consider now.

    1. Formal business style: quality volume

    The text of an official business style should be as concise as possible: everything is clear, specific, and to the point. There should be no unnecessary details. This is a mandatory requirement, and there is even a logical explanation for this. Imagine that you work in Yandex support service. Mountains of letters come to you every day. Of course, it is in your best interests that these letters be as short as possible and outline the essence of the problem as clearly as possible.

    Example of formal business style No. 1

    Incorrect: And then the embittered Pupkin will speed up and swing his bat at Sidorov’s car, cursing him for all he knows.

    Correct: Pupkin hit Sidorov’s car with a bat.

    2. Formal business style: emotionality

    Official business style should be devoid of emotions. Even if you are writing an angry complaint about your sworn enemy, your texts should not have any emotional overtones. Clarity, precision and composure. It doesn’t matter who writes the text - a diplomat or a carpenter, a professor or a janitor - individuality should not appear in an official business style.

    Example of formal business style No. 2

    Incorrect: And then this scoundrel, this bastard, this half-baked scoundrel Sidorov wrote something on my fence, oh... He wrote something in red paint that you never dreamed of, and then he ran away, can you imagine?!

    Correct: Sidorov, using red paint, wrote a number of obscene words on my fence and disappeared.

    3. Official business style: vocabulary

    Official business style vocabulary often contains verbal nouns, complex conjunctions and fixed phrases:

  • Based…
  • In accordance with…
  • Based…
  • Due to...
  • For the reason that...
  • By virtue of…
  • It is also worth noting that business style tends to use first-person pronouns, which, for example, is unacceptable in scientific style.

    Example of formal business style No. 3

    Based on the written statement of P.P. Pupkin. taking into account his active work activity, and also in accordance with paragraphs. 10.3 and 11.5 CD of OJSC “PupkinsCompany”, I order to provide material support to the project of integrating the “Stealth” technology into the “Spider” system of P.P. Pupkin. in the amount of 1000 (one thousand) basic units.

    4. Formal business style: structure

    The structure of a formal business style is often dictated by the types of documents in which this style is used. For example, the application must be written strictly according to the generally accepted template.

    Business style is distinguished by a rigid logical structure and can contain long sentences in which a logical and semantic connection is clearly visible. This style is also characterized by enumerations and direct word order.

    Example of formal business style No. 4

    In accordance with Resolution No. 5 of April 28, 2011, the provisions adopted at the 35th Congress of the People's Party of Copywriters, providing for the use of ready-made templates for fulfilling orders of individual entrepreneurs who passed state registration before August 22, 2009 and have an identity card, a business contract, are cancelled. , and the right to use the services of a copywriter for at least a year.

    Summary: So, let's summarize. Official business style is characterized by:

  • Rigid logical structure
  • Zero emotionality
  • Specifics and facts
  • Relevant terminology and expressions
  • First person pronouns
  • And the ability to create texts in a business style will allow you not only to solve your bureaucratic issues more effectively, but also to help others solve these problems, receiving your commercial interest for this.

    Business letter in English - sample

    Below is a sample business letter with the main sections that should be contained in it. If the letter is drawn up on the sender’s official letterhead, then all the original data is already contained at the top of the document. This page also provides direct links to other samples and tutorials on writing business documents in English.

    Sample - Business Letter

    Postgraduate Coursework Programs in Business Administration

    6 (greeting)

    7 (the essence of the letter)

    I attach details of our postgraduate coursework programs in Business Administration and related fields at Macquarie. I would be grateful if you would bring them to the attention of any interested students or colleagues.

    As you will see from the brochure we have a range of programs covering a number of fields broadly within Business Administration. In addition, in the Graduate Diploma and Master’s programs we also have very well developed research degrees in similar fields at MA (Hons) and PHD levels. These can be taken externally as can some of the coursework programs. A separate brochure is available from the Department covering our research degree programs.

    Applications for the March 2001 commencement of postgraduate coursework programs are due in early November 2000, although these are possibilities for late registration if places remain.

    8 (final part)

    I look forward to hearing from you, if you have any questions we may be able to answer. Our Postgraduate Studies Office in the Department (address inside the brochure) will also be ready to assist any interested applicants.

    Business text

    Official business style in texts. Examples

    Every modern person at least once in his life is faced with the need to write a text in an official business style. This is due to modern requirements for communication between legal entities, individuals and government agencies, or individuals and legal entities. Simply put, when contacting an organization as a representative of another organization or as an individual, you will be forced to write text in an official business style.

    One of the most common types of texts in business style is a commercial proposal.

    Send a request to write a text in a business style to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    In order not to burden you with the rules of writing official business texts, let’s immediately look at a couple of examples.

    Example of business text 1. Postponement.

    To the director of LLC "."

    Kuznetsov N. S.

    Dear Nikolai Sergeevich!

    On January 12, we received a commercial proposal from you, in which you offer our company regular supplies of metal for projects implemented by our company.

    Our management has reviewed your conditions and is ready to conclude an agreement of intent and, in the future, a cooperation agreement with you. The only obstacle to fruitful cooperation may be the impossibility of supplying rolled metal with deferred payment, which you refuse to provide to us.

    We ask you to once again consider the possibility of providing a deferment for large-volume shipments! Otherwise, we will be forced to look for partners for regular supplies of rolled metal products among your competitors.


    Head of the commercial department Petryakova I.I.

    Business text example 2. Claim

    In March of this year, our company entered into an agreement with you for the production and installation of plastic windows for office premises. The total number of windows was 48 pieces, the contract amount was 593,000 rubles.

    Following the agreement, the windows had to be installed before September 1st. To date, only a third of the work has been completed, despite full payment from our side.

    Considering that our company has fully fulfilled its payment obligations, we demand that the window installation work be completed in full as soon as possible, as well as eliminate the deficiencies described in previously sent claims by November 1, or return the money to us for uncompleted work . We also intend to demand compensation for the damage caused.

    If your company fails to fulfill its obligations under the contract, or if it refuses to return funds and pay compensation, we will go to the court of the Russian Federation and also file a complaint with the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation at the location of your company.

    See other examples below after reading the rules for writing text in a business style.

    Rules for writing business text

    Now you can get acquainted with the rules. So, from the examples it is clear that the main rule of a business text is to maintain a business style. What is “business style” in texts? This is, first of all, brevity of presentation, absence of emotions and facts.

    In a business text, it is unacceptable to use emotionally charged expressions and colloquial expressions.

    The first thing to remember when starting to write a business text in an official style is that your task is to summarize the essence of what you want to write as briefly as possible. Be it a complaint about someone’s actions (or inaction), a request for assistance, a claim, a demand, or something else.

    The official business style is most often used in business to draw up commercial proposals, but in private life we ​​often have to present it in a business style when we are talking about communicating with government agencies, or about a conflict situation that has arisen, for example, when purchasing a low-quality product. .

    For texts in a business style, it is customary to use certain words, which is clearly visible in all the examples given.

    “Following”, “considering”, “we ask you to consider the opportunity”, “we ask you to assist”, etc. The set of these phrases depends on the situation, and of course, you must learn to intuitively feel when to use the phrase “we ask you” and when “we demand”.

    Other examples of texts in business style

    Business letter in English

    I"m writing to you in regard of your enquiry. Please find enclosed our information pack which contains our brochures and general details on our schools and summer centers.

    In England we have two schools, Brighton and Bath, both beautiful locations which I am sure you and your students will like. Our schools are located in attractive premises in convenient, central positions. Brighton is a clean and safe town with a beautiful bay and countryside nearby. Bath is one of the most famous historic cities in England, famous for its Georgian architecture and Roman Baths.

    Accommodation is provided in host families chosen for the ability to provide comfortable homes, a friendly welcome and a suitable environment, in which students can practice English and enjoy their stay. We have full-time Activities Organizers responsible for sports, cultural activities and weekly excursions.

    I look forward to hearing from you and later hope to welcome your students to our schools and summer centers.

    Business letter writing style

    It is customary to write business letters in a business style, which, being an official business style, differs significantly from other styles of language: scientific, artistic, colloquial.

    Official business language has a number of specific features and limitations, which include:

    A business letter is usually prepared on one issue; if you contact the same organization on different issues, it is recommended to prepare separate letters for each of them

    The nature of a business letter is official by observing the chain of command in the text of the letter

    Neutrality, which is characterized by a strict statement of the essence of the appeal without the use of colloquial vocabulary and figurative words; the letter should not contain words with diminutive or increasing suffixes and interjections

    Precision and clarity of wording, excluding discrepancies or double interpretation of the content of the letter

    The use of language (template) formulas used to motivate a particular action, for example:

    We guarantee payment

    According to your letter

    Please consider the issue

    We direct, etc.

    Conciseness of the text of the letter, which is achieved by excluding from the text phrases that carry a dual meaning

    The use of terms and abbreviations, which is ensured by the use of industry terminology and well-known abbreviations in the text of the letter (CIS, CSTO, sq. m, etc.)

    Use of sequential subordination of words in the genitive and instrumental cases (according to the staffing table.)

    In this article you will find information on working with difficult letters that are often found in business interactions, and you will also see samples of business letters. These are letters, the need to write which arises in a situation of violation of business interests: a letter of request and a letter of claim.

    Since the situation in itself is quite difficult, writing a letter in such a situation is a very important issue, in which it is important for the author to be competent, polite, correct, and at the same time, able to firmly defend his business interests.

    Help to successfully resolve the complexities of “difficult” letters:

    • Competent attitude in interaction: a firm but correct attitude towards partnership
    • Choosing the appropriate writing style (formal business or confidential business
    • Competent and logical handling of facts

    Samples of business letters.

    (attitude – partnership, style – official business, convincing handling of facts)

    Dear Colleagues!

    In order to take measures to ensure the quality and reliability of the KIP-12 device under operating conditions, produced by the Optics Institute since 1992, we address you with the following request: consider the possibility of providing the Optics Institute with information on the operating parameters of the device under real operating conditions (details in attachment). The data you send will allow the institute to collect the information necessary for analytics, conduct monitoring, and will contribute to a more prompt solution to issues of improving the quality and reliability of the KIP-12 device.

    Please inform us in your response letter about your decision to assist us. If you need additional information to make a decision, please also indicate it in your response letter.


    Technical Bureau Team

    Institute of Optics

    Business letter. Sample request letter(attitude – partnership, style – confidential and businesslike, convincing handling of facts)

    Dear Colleagues!

    We are very interested in improving the quality and reliability of the KIP-12 device, which we have been producing since 1992 and which has been firmly used in the work of your company since 1995. Therefore, we turn to you with this request.

    To improve the quality and reliability of the KIP-12 device, we need detailed data on the operation of this device under operating conditions. In implementing this task, we really count on your help and direct participation. Considering the long-term and positive cooperation of our companies, we turn to you with a request - an offer: to help us collect and provide statistical information on the operation of the device. We will be grateful if you find an opportunity to collect statistics for us on the specified parameters (details in the application). This will allow us to monitor the efficiency of the device and quickly take measures to improve the quality and reliability of its operation.

    Please let us know if you are ready to assist us in principle. If you need additional comments or have questions to make a decision, we are ready to answer them.

    We will be grateful for your response.


    Ivan Ivanov

    Head of Technical Bureau

    Institute of Optics

    Business letter. Sample letter of request and sample letter of claim.

    Letter - request

    (attitude – partnership; style – confidential and businesslike; convincing handling of facts)

    Letter - complaint

    (attitude – partnership; style – official business; convincing handling of facts)

    Dear Andrey Ivanovich!

    We appeal to you with a request to resolve the situation that has arisen with the implementation of the ABS project.

    Until now, we have not had any problems in interacting with your company; all agreements specified in the Contract have been observed. We are confident that the current situation can still be corrected.

    The success of the ABS project is extremely important for our company. Therefore, we ask you until 08/06/2010. provide information on sending control samples.

    We hope that your response will clarify the situation and alleviate our concerns regarding the success of the project.


    Dear Andrey Ivanovich!

    On behalf of the management of Rosstans OJSC, I am writing to you in connection with the need to resolve the situation that has arisen with the implementation of the ABS project.

    I am forced to report that this situation causes us extreme concern.

    According to the terms of contract No. A-122 dated 02/07/2010. clause 4.3. 60 days before the start of the planned delivery of products, Star LLC must send control samples of products to Rosstance OJSC, notifying Rosstance OJSC of the fact of shipment.

    According to the schedule (Additional agreement No. 1 dated 03/11/2010 to Contract No. A-122 dated 02/07/2010), the start date of the planned supply of products is 10/01/2010. The deadline for sending control samples is no later than 08/02/2010. Today – 08/04/2010. At the moment, we have not received information about sending control samples.

    In this situation, the ability of Star LLC to fulfill its obligations raises serious concerns for Rosstance OJSC and forces it to think about applying penalties provided for in clause 7.2. Contract No. A-122 dated 08/07/2010.

    To prevent this, we offer you until 08/06/2010. inform us about the situation with sending control samples of products.


    Take note of our information and we are sure that the issue of writing “difficult letters” will be much less labor-intensive for you.

    Tamara Vorotyntseva

    Pay attention to our training programs on business correspondence:

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