How to properly pump up your abs at home - so that you have six-pack abs? How to quickly pump up your abs to a six-pack: top best exercises

Even in Ancient Greece and Rome, a sculpted torso was considered a sign of a man’s health and physical endurance. Flawless 6-pack abs adorned statues of the powerful gods of Olympus and other mythological heroes. Modern beauty standards have not undergone major changes, so millions of men strive by any means to get in shape and pump up perfect abs.

The muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity are involved in the formation of posture, support the spine and protect organs from mechanical damage. The side walls consist of the oblique abdominal muscles and the transverse muscle, which is located horizontally, going around the waist. The rectus abdominis muscle is responsible for tilting the torso forward and moving the ribs down, and also raises the pelvis with a fixed body.

Abdominal muscles.

Three or four transverse tendon bridges interrupt the muscle fibers, forming “cubes” on the body. A person may naturally lack a lower abs, in which case there will be not 8 abs, but only 6.

It will not be possible to achieve the desired result in 1 day or in a week; it all depends on the type of figure, the degree of neglect of the abdominal muscles, the presence of motivation and willpower. Six-pack abs appear in 30 days only in thin men. As for overweight people, even “trained” muscles are not visually visible behind a layer of fat; it is losing weight that contributes to the rapid formation of strong relief on the abdomen. Low intensity of abdominal pumping (1-2 sessions per week) or working the muscles to the point of wear and tear removes a man from his cherished goal for at least a month.

You don’t have to go to the gym to get six-pack abs; a man can strengthen his core muscles at home. The main thing is to be systematic, not to rush, and to carefully consider the lesson program.

Basic exercises for abdominal development:

  • Twisting. Performed while lying on your back. Slightly bend your knees without lifting your feet off the floor. The palms are located on the back of the head; if a man has recently been pumping his abs, then it is better to place his hands along the body. Raise your shoulders and torso, trying to reach your right shoulder with your left knee. After a couple of seconds we return to the starting position. We do from 12 to 30 times in one direction, then in the other. In 10 days, you can tighten your stomach with crunches, but to pump up 6, 8 or 10 abs, it will take from 1 to 3 months.
  • Pulling the body towards the legs. Thanks to the exercise, the rectus abdominis muscle is pumped as effectively as possible. Lie on your back, raise your legs straight at an angle of 90° and touch your feet with your hands. Then bend your legs, return your shoulder blades and arms to the starting position, and once again reach your feet with your hands. Repeat the task 20 times, remembering to alternate legs.
  • Exercise “Bicycle”. Allows you to quickly pump up your lower abs. We train the muscles with our palms clasped at the back of our heads, lying on the floor. We begin to “pedal” at a slow pace, raising the right elbow towards the left knee and vice versa. As you inhale, take the starting position. We load the press from 10 to 15 times in 3-4 approaches.
  • Overhead press. The exercise is performed in a sitting position. Bend your knees, holding the dumbbells at shoulder level. Raise your legs at a right angle. Leaning back, we raise our arms above our heads while straightening our knees. After 3 seconds, return to the starting position. To pump up your abs to six-pack abs, 15 repetitions every other day will be enough.

The plank is the most effective exercise for the abs.

Before puberty, boys' muscles are not as strong as those of boys or adult men. They contain a lot of water, little protein and fat, so training at the age of 6-9 years with weights is not recommended. For starters, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, squats and classic push-ups are suitable.

To enhance the effect of drawing six-pack abs, it is best to do the exercises in the morning, on an empty stomach. After waking up, muscle cells contain a lot of glycogen, so the male body is forced to convert subcutaneous fat into a source of energy. Before pumping up the lower and upper abdominal muscles, experienced trainers advise rubbing pre-prepared ice cubes into them. Then we pump up the abs, wait 20 minutes and have a hearty breakfast.

Sports nutrition

Many men, wanting to quickly pump up their six-pack abs, go on a strict diet. This approach to building muscle leads to the opposite result: the body accumulates excess calories and hides the abs deep under fat.

The diet for men training abdominal muscles should include:

  • Liquid (at least 2–3 liters of still water per day).
  • Lean meats and fish.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Dairy products.
  • Porridge with water, oatmeal.
  • Eggs (boiled).

When building six-pack abs, the daily menu should consist of 1/3 proteins and 2/3 complex carbohydrates. It is advisable that the amount of fat entering the body does not exceed 20% of calories taken. Give preference to steamed and boiled food. While pumping up your abdominal muscles, eliminate alcohol, fried foods, white bread, baked goods and honey from your life.

The correct frequency of sports nutrition, namely 5-6 times a day, will eventually relieve a man of metabolic problems and bring him closer to ideally pumped up six-pack abs. A single serving should not exceed 200–250 g of food. A diet to pump up your abs involves drinking protein shakes. The protein mixture can be prepared at home by whipping a glass of yogurt or kefir with egg powder (60 g), adding honey and nuts to taste. The drink helps men of normal weight to “dry” their body within a month without losing muscle mass.

Something went wrong

In 99% of cases, problems with the abdominal press are caused by uneven development of the skeleton. If the ribs are not symmetrical in shape and location, then the cubes will be uneven. Also, the curvature of the press can be associated with the structural features of the abdominal muscles and tendon bridges, when the cubes are located at an angle. Birth defects take a long time to correct or cannot be corrected at all.

The correct shape of the abs can be achieved through the following exercises:

  • Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body. Raise your legs up, then return to the starting position. The pace of training should be slow, breathing should be deep. In 2-3 sets of 10 exercises, the lower abdominal muscles are strengthened.
  • Lying on your back, clasp your hands at the back of your head and bend your legs. Raise your upper body, trying to touch your elbows to your knees. Do 10–12 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 30–40. To correct crooked abs without risking stretched muscle tissue, complete the task every other day.

If you have an asymmetrical cube shape, it is forbidden to do exercises with distortions in any direction. The training program is aimed at straightening your posture and strengthening your back muscles. Control your body position at the table and when walking, keep your neck straight, do not slouch.

A perfectly painted grid of cubes on the stomach gives a man confidence in his strength and attractiveness. Proper nutrition in combination with physical exercise will allow you to achieve beautiful, sculpted abs in a short time. Good luck!

Greetings, jocks and fitness girls! Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the press prepares for us under the fat! Even though I paraphrased the classic a little, it’s really true: often a beautiful and sculpted belly is hidden under a layer of deposits of several centimeters. All that remains is to find out how to free him from this scourge. Today I will tell you the main secret: How to quickly pump up your abs to a six-pack.

But I’ll warn you right away: you won’t find any magic exercise machines, magnetic stimulators, ointments, gels, Barbados toad extracts or other diet pills in this article. My main secret is just to work hard on yourself and control your diet. But you’ll find out below how you’ll need to do it.

You can find a set of 10 abdominal exercises, and even more exercises to do at home.

Did you know:

Cheap gainers often contain a lot of sugar. See the composition. After all, sugar can be bought much cheaper

It's better to warm up and not exercise than to workout without warming up.

All the specialists on our site who write articles and answer your questions are professional trainers and doctors

Muscle pain after exercise is the result of microtrauma in muscle fibers

The ideal weight for women, from an aesthetic point of view, is height minus 113. From a physiological point of view: height minus 110

The ideal speed for gaining weight is 1 kg per week. If it’s faster, then in addition to muscles there will be a lot of fat

Whatever your strict diet, you should not consume less than 1100 kcal per day

The ideal rate of weight loss is 1 kg per week. If you lose weight faster, your muscles will break down

25% of beginners experience a condition close to fainting during the first training session. This occurs due to a sharp decrease in pressure

When losing weight, you need to reduce the total caloric content of your diet due to fats and carbohydrates, but not due to proteins.

Spinal curvatures can be corrected with strength exercises only in childhood and adolescence

You can't force your body to burn fat in just one specific place.

Men's strength decreases after sex. In women they increase. Therefore, it is better for men to abstain before training.

Women's breasts cannot be reduced or enlarged through exercise. After all, it consists mainly of adipose tissue.

Until the 20s of the last century, there were no racks for squats and bench presses in the gyms. And they took the barbell from the floor.

Exercises for the abs and buttocks allow women to achieve orgasm faster and easier

Sports nutrition can increase the effectiveness of your workouts by about 15%

To increase your biceps by 1 cm, you need to build approximately 4 kg of muscle throughout your body

If you feel weak and dizzy during training, then most likely you have low blood pressure. Drink sweet juice between sets

3 – 4 months after the start of classes, a person develops a physiological dependence on training

If you start working hard on yourself and show remarkable willpower, you will see your sculpted abs within a couple of months. By the way, in this case you don’t even need to go to the gym.

How to quickly pump up your abs to six-pack abs at home? No problem! You won't need any equipment other than a gymnastic mat or a regular thick blanket that can be placed under your back. Moreover, the majority of exercise machines are less effective than working with your own weight.

Why can't you see your abs?

It often happens that even with active training and the presence of solid abs, it is still not visible under a layer of fat. Moreover, no matter how fat you are, your muscles have not gone away. It remains only to find out how many layers of fat hide them.

Cardio training is considered the best exercise for weight loss. But the topic of diet for proper weight loss requires a separate article, so here we will learn how to quickly pump up your abs to six-pack size.

What is cardio training?

This is a whole complex of various high-intensity activities that not only burn fat, but also increase the overall endurance of the body, strengthening the heart and blood vessels.

What is the simplest cardio exercise? This is normal running or very fast walking. If you have a lot of excess body weight, you should run in the morning on an empty stomach. It is enough to devote only half an hour a day to this process at least 3 times a week. If you can’t train in the morning, then do it at any time convenient for you.

Interval loads have proven themselves to be the best, that is, those where you run not at the same speed, but at different speeds. For example, first 6 km/h, after 2-3 minutes - 8 km/h and after the same period of time - 10 km/h. This way your body will not adapt and will start working at maximum efficiency.

Another productive option for such exercise is cycling or on an exercise bike. You can add work with a pear and even jumping on a trampoline or jump rope to your collection of ideas.

How to load the press?

The most effective will be the so-called twisting. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, place a comfortable gymnastics mat under your back, it looks like this:

The legs are bent at the knees, and the arms are extended under the neck. Make sure your elbows are out to the sides. Now your task is to raise your upper body and stretch your chest up towards your knees.

Lower yourself slowly to the starting position, trying to feel all your muscles. Pay special attention to the execution technique, it plays a very, very important role, for this, watch the video.

To work your abdominal muscles, you will need to do high-repetition exercises. If you are a complete beginner and have never done a press workout before, you can start with 3-4 approaches and 10-15 repetitions in each approach. This way we put a lot of stress on the upper abs, but we still need to work on the lower part.

For this there are so-called reverse twists.

We remain lying on our backs, stretching our arms along the body. We tense our abdominal muscles and slowly raise our lower limbs along with our pelvis. The higher you take it, the better. When you feel that your muscles are tense to the maximum, begin to slowly lower down. In this series we do 12 - 15 repetitions and 3-4 approaches.

The most persistent ones can also perform the last type of twisting - double. They use absolutely all the muscles in the abdominal area. We do not change the starting position, but the knees are bent at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.

Hands are either behind the head or on the shoulders. At the same time, we begin to pull our arms and legs towards each other, so that they meet at one point approximately in the middle of the body. Relax and do 25 repetitions of three to four sets.

Simple leg raises will also be quite effective. We lie on our backs with our arms extended along our bodies. Now your task is very simple: raise your straight lower limbs to an angle with your body of 90 degrees.

You can also try lifting your right leg first, and then your left. Then do such lifts with your limbs extended at the same time. Make this exercise more difficult by holding your legs raised for 10 seconds. You need to lower them very slowly in order to feel how all the muscles of the upper and lower abs tense.

Now turn first on your right side and lift your left leg up, and then onto your left. 20 repetitions, three sets. Next, we load the transverse abdominal muscles, which are located deep inside, and hold the abdominal walls, as well as the internal organs.

How can a man quickly pump up his abs to a six-pack in order to be able to work even such deep-seated muscles?

In fact, there is one simple exercise that even a woman can master. It's called "vacuum". In this case, I will tell you how to do it on all fours, but there are options for doing it standing, lying and sitting.

We stand on four points of support, the back remains straight. As you exhale, we relax the abdominal muscles, and then pull them inward as much as possible, with all our might, forcing them to literally stick to the walls of the spine. Hold this position for 15 or 20 seconds and then slowly relax. We do from 12 to 25 repetitions.

Another necessary and very useful exercise is the well-known “bicycle”. If you have ever pedaled, then it will not be difficult to imagine the technique of doing it. True, you will have to do this while lying on your back.

We hold our hands behind our heads at the back of our heads. Try to lower your legs as low as possible to the floor while doing this. In this position, the muscles will begin to work most productively.

I know that few will make it to the end, but those who still survive from the previous exercises must complete their training course with the so-called book.

We lie down: arms above the head, legs extended forward. Next, imagine that you are an unfolded book and begin to fold, so that your palms and feet come together at one point in the middle of your body. We return to the starting position.

This is a simple exercise, but there are some nuances to consider. The legs must remain straight, and they must not be spread to the sides when lifting. We finish off the abdominal muscles with 10 repetitions of 3 sets.

If you want to completely “kill” your abs, then do not relax at the bottom point, but freeze literally 5 centimeters from the floor and raise your limbs up again. This way you will load your cubes to the limit.

I know for many it still isn't enough! And they want even more! Even more exercises, even more knowledge about how our abs work, how their muscles work, how to eat point by point with examples of a daily menu.

Moreover, these are not just answers to all questions, but to all, all, all questions. Go ahead and explore.

For motivation, watch a cool video, take the rolls in your hands and practice!

Do you want to know how to pump up your six-pack abs at home or in the gym? Then read and apply our tips to pump up your abdominal muscles and make them sculpted.

Below you will find not the secrets of getting six-pack abs, but the real rules for training your abdominal muscles. These are proven tips on nutrition and training, thanks to which you can achieve results and finally pump up those treasured abs.

Let’s immediately decide that it doesn’t matter where you train, at home or in the gym. It makes no difference where you practice. The main thing is what you do and how in order to pump up your abs. If you are looking for a secret abs exercise or supplement, then immediately leave this matter in the past. With the wrong approach, no training, even the most effective exercise, will produce results. But supplements will only be effective for a while, but we want to look good all year round.

What should you do to pump up your abs?

The secret to pumping up six-pack abs is not in exercises, exercise machines or miracle pills, but in proper nutrition, which will help remove excess belly fat.

The main secret to getting ripped abs, which many people and even trainers ignore, is proper nutrition.

The main rule to remember:

Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

You can do the best ab training program all the time, but if your diet doesn't allow you to burn excess fat, then your six-pack won't show up on your belly. That is, they are already there, perhaps not as prominent as they can become after training, but they are there and hidden under a layer of fat that we have to remove.

Read in more detail to understand what needs to be done. There you will also find nutritional recommendations.

Your success in getting a six-pack is actually 90% dependent on your diet.

You can work your abs hard and they will be very strong, but almost invisible under the layer of belly fat. Instead of looking for the next miracle program or supplement, focus on the principles of proper nutrition. Well, you can’t do without the right training system either, so read our tips and put them into practice.

6 rules for pumping up abs on your stomach

1. Eat enough protein

Protein will help build lean muscle mass and burn excess subcutaneous fat, including belly fat. Of all the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats), protein has the highest thermogenic effect, that is, it helps burn fat best of all. In addition, the process of losing fat mass is accompanied by the consumption of a small amount of calories, which can lead to loss of muscle mass, which we do not need. And it’s protein that will help preserve muscles.

Consume 1 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

That is, with a weight of 80 kg, you need to consume about 150 grams of protein with food.

This is the main supplement you need to take if you want to see six pack belly fat. All professional athletes and competitive bodybuilders eat high protein foods and have better physiques! This applies not only to men, but also to women. We are all humans with the same DNA and muscle fibers, we all need protein to live a full life and also to burn fat!

Sources of protein can be ordinary foods: eggs, meat, fish, cottage cheese, legumes. You can also resort to supplements that can supplement your daily protein intake.

2. Consume Carbs Post-Workout

Many people mistakenly believe that carbohydrates are bad and that they make you fat. This is definitely a myth that needs to be busted!

Of course, eating too much of anything (even protein) can add weight, but natural sources of carbohydrates like buckwheat, rice and oatmeal are actually absolutely beneficial for your abs, especially when consumed after a workout. When you eat carbohydrates after exercise, when all your glycogen stores have been used up, they have little chance of being stored as fat.

Try eating moderate amounts of carbohydrates and vegetables along with other foods. This ensures that your body receives the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fibers it needs to function and stay healthy.

3. Eat healthy fats

“Polyunsaturated fats must be present in the diet. They help fight excess weight more effectively.”

We found out above that in order to see abs on your stomach, you need to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. And here it is important to understand that body fat accumulates more due to the consumption of large amounts of calories in general and excess carbohydrates in particular. That is, we get fat not because we eat a lot of fatty foods, but because we eat a lot of carbohydrates.

Moreover, consuming the right fats (mostly plant-based) helps speed up the weight loss process. Include healthy fats in your diet from the following foods:

  • nuts
  • peanut butter
  • olive oil
  • fish fat

Dietary fats from these sources will keep your insulin levels stable, which is important if your goal is to lose belly fat and reveal six-pack abs. This doesn't mean you should eat exclusively nuts and fish.

This means you don't have to be afraid to include healthy fats in your diet. Excluding fats from your diet will only negatively affect the burning of excess calories. A diet that excludes fats from the diet will definitely not help you lose weight.

The daily intake of fat in the diet should be about 20% of the total calorie content.

By combining protein foods with vegetables containing fiber and slow-burning carbohydrates, you can speed up your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning machine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The best part about all of this is that you can achieve all this without supplements, abdominal machines, or doing 100 useless crunches.

4. Proper nutrition is the key to six-pack abs

To burn fat and show six-pack belly fat, it is important to eat a balanced diet consisting of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Protein helps build additional muscle fibers and maintain existing muscle mass while burning calories intensely. It's arguably the most important macronutrient of all, mainly because your body, if you don't have enough calories, will burn muscle along with fat, thereby slowing down your body's metabolism.

Counting calories can be challenging, so an easy option is to eat most of your carbs after your workouts.

When you eat carbohydrates after a workout, your body quickly absorbs them, using them to restore wasted energy, promoting muscle growth, rather than storing them in fat stores. Such carbohydrates also help your muscles recover quickly, giving you better results faster.

Many people believe that eating fat can make you fat, but in reality, healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as nuts, fish oil and olive oil will actually help you burn more fat than a low-fat diet.

Eating the right fats keeps your insulin levels stable, which helps keep you from storing extra fat in your body.

The final nutrition tip is to include enough fiber and raw vegetables at every meal. Vegetables contain tons of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are very important for building a toned body and sculpted abs.

5. Stop doing abs.

At first glance, this is strange advice, because in order to develop a six-pack, you need to pump up your abs, but in reality this is not the case. To see sculpted abs on your stomach, you need to remove excess fat that hides the muscles underneath. And what will be more effective here is not 1000 crunches on the floor, but heavy multi-joint exercises, which consume more energy and, as a result, lead to weight loss due to fat deposits and help build additional muscle fibers, which help increase calorie expenditure.

It's stupid to waste an hour of your time on a hundred useless crunches when you can spend that hour on exercises that are more productive for burning fat.

How many times a week should you pump your abs?

In general, you should work on your abs for about 20 minutes, two or three times a week. There is no point in pumping your abs more often! Below are the best multi-joint exercises you should include in your fat-burning workout routine:

  • Barbell Squat
  • Lunges with dumbbells
  • Barbell deadlift
  • Standing press
  • Tilts
  • Close grip barbell press
  • Pull-ups
  • Bench press
  • Push ups

6. Use intense cardio workouts to burn fat and reveal six-pack abs.

The best method for burning fat is to do long-term cardio at a slow to moderate pace. This is a suitable method for losing excess weight, however, there is a much better way. Combining interval training with abdominal muscle training will give a better effect.

During the active recovery period after interval training, perform abdominal exercises. For example, if you are doing sprint intervals on a stationary bike or treadmill, run for 30 seconds at your maximum speed.

Step off the machine and immediately perform 20 crunches on the ball. Then get back on the machine and run it again. Repeat 5-8 times.

Workout to burn fat in the gym

You can change abdominal exercises during breaks, such as twists, crunches, planks, etc.

A set of exercises for training the abdominal muscles


In conclusion, the key to getting six-pack abs is eating a healthy, balanced diet, doing basic exercises, and doing intense cardio. This is the secret of how to pump up your six-pack abs, which works when training at home and in the gym.

Abs complex for those who love them

If I haven't convinced you that you need to concentrate on proper nutrition and basic strength exercises to burn the maximum amount of fat, then here is an interesting set of exercises for six-pack abs at home.

You will need:

How to pump up six-pack abs at home? Anatomy

In order to pump up your abdominal muscles properly, exercise alone will not be enough.

To begin, pay attention to the anterior abdominal wall. Here you can find a huge amount of fat deposits. And, no matter how actively you try to pump up your abs, the cubes will not appear, and no one will notice the result of your work. No, they may appear, but, unfortunately, they will be hidden behind a layer of fat.

No matter how sad it may sound, even a couple of centimeters will be enough for camouflage.

What's the solution then? Drying. Of course, following it, you most likely will not be able to pump up six-pack abs in a week. But, while on a diet without carbohydrates, the results will come soon - it all depends on you.

Essentially, a lot also depends on your physiology.

  • If you have abdominal obesity, you can get a sculpted belly by spending a whole six months on it.
  • If you are a thinner person, it may take you one month or even less to achieve results.

Just divide the process into two stages - and pumping up muscles. And in order to pump up all 6 cubes of your abs, you need to work on each muscle group separately. Also, it is important to know how to do it without harming your health.

How to pump up your upper abs

In this case, all exercises in a lying position and lifting the upper body are perfect.

Take the following position - lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, keep your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Then begin to lift your shoulder blades and shoulders, while keeping your elbows in different directions. Do 3 sets, 20 reps each.

You won't be able to pump up your abs if you don't work out your oblique abdominal muscles. Crunching exercises are ideal.

Take almost the same starting position, but straightening your legs and keeping them in the air. Raise your upper body and stretch your opposite elbow diagonally toward your knee. Then bend your knee and bring it towards your elbow, touching it lightly. This exercise is a little difficult, so 6 sets of 6 times will be enough to get started.

How to pump up your lower abs

Now let's try to pump up the lower cubes.

You can use different methods - on the horizontal bar, in a lying position, etc.

It all depends on your athletic training. While in the gym, don’t look for a horizontal bar there, but rather do more useful exercises. And, of course, if you want to pump up your six-pack at home, a lying position is the most suitable option.

Lie on your back, pressing your shoulders and lower back firmly to the floor, and begin to straighten your legs and pelvis. About 20-30 movements will be enough. If we are talking about a horizontal bar, then in this case you will need to raise your legs forward, pulling your knees towards your stomach. These exercises will quickly get rid of your protruding tummy.

Tactics and strategy

To get six-pack abs, there is no particular need to exercise every day. Your body requires time to recover. As a rule, after a good and productive workout, your muscles will ache in the initial stages - give them a rest for 2-3 days. Later, when the slight pain disappears, you can do the exercises daily.

In general, the optimal workout should last 10-20 minutes, with a warm-up and other exercises.

In the process of pumping up muscles, to achieve even greater results, you can combine your strength training with and, which will help burn unnecessary calories.

Many people who want to get a flat, toned and sculpted stomach are interested in the question of how to quickly pump up their abs and achieve the desired effect. Hard training without skipping, your desire and willpower, proper nutrition and drinking regimen will help you achieve quick results.

Today we will tell you how to correctly perform exercises for performance, photos and video reviews of pros who achieved the long-awaited abs.

First of all, a fit and slender body means health, a strong spine and then beautiful abs. You can carry out the training program both in the gym and at home. To do this you need a minimum of space and some available equipment.

Exercise your abdominal muscles up to 4 times a week, rest and don’t forget about proper nutrition. If there is a layer of more than 1.0-1.5 cm on your stomach, then we can disappoint you that in a short time without cardio exercise and diet you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

Workouts should last at least 60 minutes, where 15-20 of them are devoted to the abdominal muscles. By working out intensively for 7 days, you can achieve muscle tone and a toned stomach; after 2 weeks it will acquire ideal shape and bulge, and after a month of training, the long-awaited six-pack.

Exercise on an empty stomach; scientists have proven that fat is burned more intensely and muscles take on the desired shape. In the first half of the day, protein foods, in the second - fiber and healthy carbohydrates.

How to quickly pump up your abs

Everyone can achieve a pumped up belly with gorgeous six-pack abs, but not everyone knows how to do it quickly and efficiently. To do this effectively at home you will need:

  1. Willpower, desire, optimistic attitude towards results and motivation;
  2. Family support;
  3. Free time: no more than 1 hour, including 15-20 minutes for abs / 3-4 times a week;
  4. Stool 2 pcs. (strong, for hanging equipment)/floor/mat.

At first, you should not use weights, but when you still want to improve efficiency, you can use dumbbells (1.5-2 kg), if not, then water bottles or hand and leg devices made by yourself.

You don’t need to do a lot of repetitions in the first workout so that the next day and every other day everything hurts and you can’t continue.

At the initial stages, 3-4 approaches, increasing them with each workout. For people who have experience in physical activity, more approaches can be done in the initial stages (7-8).

Exercises should bring pleasure and pleasant sensations. It’s hard - be patient, it means you’re on the way to a beautiful body. For the long-awaited cubes, pay attention to each section of the abdominal cavity - upper, lower, oblique muscle fibers.

Determine 4 exercises for yourself that will have both static and dynamic approaches. Don't forget about cardio exercises if you need to remove fat deposits.

Warming up your muscles before exercise and stretching afterwards will help reduce the likelihood of injury and improve muscle elasticity.

Basic rules for successful training:

  • Hungry stomach;
  • Cardio training (30-40 minutes);
  • Press (15-20 min.);
  • Monitor your breathing;
  • Warming up before classes;
  • Stretching after them;
  • Good music and mood.

We will tell you below how you can improve your torso and a list of the most effective ways to pump up your muscles.

Up to the cubes

Before you start improving your body, you need to adjust your diet and water consumption per day, it should be at least 2 liters. A protein or low-carbohydrate diet will promote rapid results.

To grow muscle mass, eat healthy carbohydrates after exercise. To the question of how to pump up six-pack abs in 7 days, we can answer that it’s possible if you’ve worked hard on it for at least 3 weeks before.

Many sources write that you need to train your abdominal muscles every day, but professional trainers say that the muscles need proper rest. Therefore, in pursuit of beauty, you should not harm your body.

How to pump up your abs in a short time:

  • For beginners, a minimum of approaches and power load;
  • Don't set a goal to get a six-pack in a week;
  • A good mood is guaranteed with a high-quality approach to the lesson;
  • Perform the first exercises no more than 4-5 times;
  • Train all abdominal muscle groups.

Bodybuilder Tips:

  1. Successful exercise is a pleasant fatigue in the muscles and fighting spirit;
  2. You can and should drink water during training;
  3. It doesn’t matter where you play sports, the main thing is a great desire;
  4. Pump up all types of muscles;
  5. Take full rest;
  6. Exercise in the morning before eating;
  7. Warm up to prepare your muscles for intense exercise without injury;
  8. Don't miss classes;
  9. To properly work out all muscles, increase approaches according to your endurance and strength;
  10. Complicate the set of exercises every week by adding transverse muscles.

Workouts for cubes

  • All types of crunches: reverse, straight legged, oblique;
  • "Bike";
  • "Book";
  • Hanging on the Swedish wall;
  • Pull-ups on a simulator (stool) (20 sec. * 3 sets);
  • Plank straight/lateral/with leg raises (20 sec.*3 times).

At the beginning, these exercises can be performed in no more than 5 stages 10-15 times, increasing with each workout.

Beginners do not need to immediately and sharply strain their muscles; everything should be gradual and enjoyable. You can watch a video tutorial on how to do the exercises correctly.

How to pump up your abs in 7 days

The weekly training program contains a complex aimed at quick results; it will depend on high-quality implementation and adherence to the program.

“Hanging on a machine/stool/bar.” A highly effective exercise that is an order of magnitude superior to twisting, but it is difficult for a beginner to do without prior physical training.

Here you need to correctly focus your attention on lifting your legs and maintain the angle; if you have experience, you can make it more difficult with straight limbs. Pick up bent or straight, raising and lowering them slowly. So, do it to the best of your ability, 2-3 sets * 5-10 times at the initial stage is quite suitable.

"Bike". This exercise is familiar to many from school days; it can be complicated by adding oblique movements. Do 3-4 approaches * 10-15 times.

"Crunches with straight legs." In a lying position, lift your limbs without throwing them high. Do 3-4 repetitions * 10-15 times.

"Torso twists." All types of turns work well on both the lower and upper abs. From a lying position, sit down, then lie down again. Do 3-4 approaches * 15 times.

"Book". This high-amplitude exercise, in which the upper and lower parts of the body are quickly folded, will help eliminate fat from the waist and tone the muscles. Build up, choosing your own fast rhythm for 3 sets * 10-15 times.

"Diagonal twists." The lateral muscles are well worked out. The exercise is done lying down with legs bent. Place your hands behind your neck, lifting your torso, turn alternately, first to the left 10 times, then to the right 10 times. Do 3-4 sets for a beginner. Do the exercise as quickly as possible.

"Schwarzenegger Vacuum" As you exhale, pull in your stomach to the limit of your capabilities so that it “sticks” to the vertebra. At the same time, do not forget to breathe. Do 1-2 times, holding for as long as possible, ideally 20 seconds.

It is quite possible to pump up your abs in a week, tighten flabby muscles, improve your torso and abdominal muscles. By motivating yourself to achieve results, you can achieve beautiful relief, success with the opposite sex and high self-esteem.

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