How to wash women properly after. Gels for intimate hygiene. How to wash yourself for pregnant and nursing mothers

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In a woman’s intimate environment, everything is quite harmonious. There lives a whole kingdom of beneficial bacteria - lactobacilli. Without them, we face all sorts of troubles and infections. But, probably, women will agree that it is better not to know about infections, not, for example, but to know about the rules of intimate hygiene. The main rule is cleanliness. In fact, most women don't know how to do it correctly. Therefore, washing today is an art. Follow our advice and be healthy!

You will need:

The main rule

Washing implies WASHING the external genitalia not from the inside, but from the outside. Therefore, the issue of douching and washing inside is strictly prohibited.

You must remember this rule and never break it. Otherwise, you can harm your health.

In standing water, do not wash with standing water

You cannot wash yourself while lying in the bathroom. The reason is that the water you washed in is not very pure. Washing with this water can lead to changes in the vaginal microflora. This causes the disease vaginosis, as well as cystitis, which are associated with the possible presence of E. coli in this water. This should not be neglected.

After all, E. coli lives in our small intestines, and during bathing it can very easily get into the urinary system.

Running water

You only need to wash with running water. You can use the shower. But the stream should not be strong. The water stream should be directed from front to back. To prevent E. coli from approaching the urinary and genital tracts.

Cleaning products

  • It is advisable to use either special gels or liquid soap to wash the external genitalia. The water should be warm, never hot. This procedure must be done carefully, the skin there is very delicate.
  • It is advisable to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet. Toilet paper should also be used from front to back.
  • The towel should be clean and fluffy. Only yours. Hard towels can only irritate the skin and even injure it. The towel should only be used for intimate hygiene.

Every woman strives for an ideal appearance in the eyes of both men and women. Only a few do not resort to cosmetics to give greater expressiveness to their facial features. The image of a woman has become a kind of ideal in our hearts; a girl should always be irresistible, clean and smell delicious. But in fact, the boundary of the circle of personal hygiene does not end with appearance. Any girl should pay attention not only to the external component, but also to the intimate area of ​​her body. Surprisingly, not every woman in these places can boast of cleanliness. Even today, seemingly well-groomed ladies do not pay any attention to the hygiene of the intimate area; some do not even know that some care is also required there. Even those ladies who keep their vaginal area clean make a number of mistakes and do it completely wrong. And only a few take proper care of the vagina.

Therefore, the topic of our article will be devoted to female intimate hygiene, rules of vaginal care, mistakes and consequences of incorrect or impaired vaginal hygiene.

What is feminine intimate hygiene and why is it needed?

Caring for the intimate area is not just regular washing of the vagina, which, by the way, many do fundamentally wrong - it is a whole series of actions aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of the intimate area, and the list is not limited to water procedures. Parents should instill intimate etiquette in girls from childhood. This will, in particular, help avoid many diseases that develop due to improper hygiene of the intimate area. But bad luck, often even parents have an erroneous idea about these procedures.

So if washing your pussy is not enough, then what else should you do? Hygiene of female genital organs is a whole system, a single cycle of interconnected things that must be observed:

  • Of course, washing is one of the main actions that must be performed every day. But everyone has their own opinion about how this should be done. Below we will dwell on this point in more detail and tell you everything
  • Maintaining hygiene during menstruation - as it turns out, some women have no idea what this means. Many people think that you just need to wear pads for everything. But this is far from true
  • Compliance with the rules of wiping both after urination and defecation
  • It is necessary to choose the right underwear. It also plays a significant role in the hygiene of your intimate area.
  • It is necessary to find a compromise between fashion and comfort when choosing clothes. You also need to follow the rules of wearing clothes
  • Long hair on women is beautiful only on the head. But in the intimate area they are not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also create a favorable environment for the development of bacteria
  • Proper sexual hygiene will also reduce the risk of developing a number of unpleasant diseases of the female genital organs
  • Physical exercises aimed at maintaining vaginal tone
  • Nutrition. At least periodically you need to eat foods that help maintain proper microflora inside the vagina

As you can see, intimate hygiene is a whole complex. But this does not mean at all that you need to abandon everything and focus only on the vagina. These procedures do not take much time. Below we will talk in more detail about each of the above points and find out what is included there.

Vagina care rules

Water treatments

Of course, you can’t do without water procedures. But many people do it wrong. The vagina has its own microflora, which is not recommended to be disturbed. There is no need to wash anything inside, just wash the outside of the pussy. If you wash the inside of the vagina, you will disrupt the microflora, making the organ more vulnerable to bacteria, which can contribute to the development of various diseases. If it is necessary to wash the penis from the inside for any reason, then there is no need to use soap, it upsets the natural balance and pH. An imbalance, as we have already said, leads to infections. Irritation and an allergic reaction may also occur. You can say that you always do this and nothing happens, everything is fine with you, but it doesn’t happen every time.

The water must have an optimal temperature and be running. It is not recommended to wash yourself in a basin, since with this approach bacteria and feces particles can get inside the vagina, causing microflora disturbances. Surely you have seen advertisements on TV for anti-thrush products; this disease appears precisely because of this.

Intimate vaginal hygiene during menstruation

During menstruation, it is recommended to pay more attention to vaginal hygiene. Wash frequently and change pads or tampons promptly. Quite often, the rules for using these products are violated; girls do not observe the frequency of changing pads and can wear one all day long. If you do not have a lot of discharge during your period, this does not mean that you need to replace it only when it is completely wet. Even if the gasket appears clean, it must be replaced. Replacement must be done every 2-3 hours. Blood in the vagina disrupts the internal balance, you already know the consequences. It also promotes the development of various kinds of microorganisms, and with prolonged contact of your pussy with the pad, they can penetrate inside.

Rules for wiping

After you pee, you need to get rid of any remaining urine. To do this, a girl should always have sanitary napkins with her. Give preference to non-scented products, since chemicals and perfume components entering the female genital organs is extremely undesirable. you need to strictly point towards the anus, this way you will avoid getting feces inside.

What underwear helps maintain intimate hygiene?

The intimate area must be ventilated. There are many sebaceous glands and elevated temperature; together these factors create a favorable environment for bacteria. Therefore, you need to choose underwear made from natural materials - cotton. It is not recommended to wear tight-fitting panties; give preference to more spacious and comfortable underwear. Panties should always be dry; if you are wet to the skin, then if possible you need to change clothes; wet underwear contributes to the development of fungal infections.

What clothes should you prefer?

As mentioned above, the intimate area needs ventilation. But not all clothing meets the requirements for caring for the intimate area. Try to wear tight clothes less often and give preference to loose-fitting clothes. Wear skirts more often.

Pay attention to pubic hair

Long hair in the intimate area is not only unsightly, but also unhygienic. Bacteria linger on the hair. Also, excessive vegetation in the genital area creates a greenhouse effect and increases the temperature, preventing ventilation. Especially on hot days, due to densely growing hair, active reproduction of microorganisms begins.

It doesn’t have to be bald, you can just shorten them with scissors, which will be good.

Maintaining hygiene before, during and after sex

If this is not possible, then use a condom. Many people think that it is only intended to prevent unwanted pregnancy or reduce the risk of contracting some kind of sexually transmitted diseases. But in fact, it can also save you from other diseases associated with poor intimate hygiene.

After sex, you also need to take a shower and pee. During sexual intercourse, microorganisms enter the urethra and can provoke inflammatory processes - urine will wash them away.

If you do not use a condom, then it is necessary to wash the sperm from the vagina after the end of sexual intercourse. The fact is that it changes the microflora inside the female genital organs, and we have already talked about the consequences of these violations more than once.

Train your vagina

Vaginal care includes more than just measures to keep the intimate area clean. You also need to pay attention to the physical shape of your genitals. With simple exercises you can strengthen your vaginal muscles. In turn, stronger intimate muscles will make your sex life more vibrant.

To do this, you need to do the following: imagine as if you need to interrupt the process of urination. At this time, exactly the muscles that we need are activated. Try to train every day by tensing your vagina, first for 3 seconds, then for a longer time. Over time, you will begin to feel and control these muscles better.

Trained intimate muscles allow you to forget about such a common problem among women as.

Nutrition to maintain vaginal microflora

The majority of diseases occur precisely because of microflora disturbances. Therefore, it is necessary not only to take measures to prevent uninvited guests from entering your cave, but also to strengthen the defense, so to speak. To do this, you need to eat foods that help maintain microflora, and these are yoghurts and other dairy products.

Eating garlic is useful not only in preventing the appearance of worms, but also in preventing the development of fungus in the vagina.

As you can see, the range of vaginal care is very wide, but despite the fairly large number of procedures necessary to maintain the hygiene of a woman’s intimate area, they will not take much time. Remember that hygiene of the female genital organs is, in particular, the key to the health of your reproductive function.

On the air and we are always glad to see you.


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In some families there are subjects that are off-limits to discussion. For example, the rules of intimate hygiene. Some parents consider it shameful to talk to their children about this topic, others do not think about such “nonsense” at all. At the same time, both groups do not understand that a lack of information on hygiene issues leads children, and then adults, to an unkempt appearance, problems in their personal lives, and even diseases. Communication on intimate topics is an integral stage of education. Get ready for it!

Genital hygiene

An unkempt appearance is a guarantee of a person’s unpopularity in “normal society,” and the smell in the intimate area will certainly lead to problems in relationships. Failure to comply with hygiene negatively affects appearance and psychological health, and contributes to the development of infectious diseases. In half of the cases, inflammation of the bladder - cystitis - occurs “thanks” to improper intimate hygiene.

How to properly wash a woman's face

Compliance with the basic rules of intimate hygiene should become as basic as brushing your teeth:

  1. It is advisable to wash yourself twice a day. Those who are sexually active - even more often: before and after sex.
  2. Wash your hands with soap before the procedure.
  3. Use warm water. The intimate area is not a place that needs to be hardened.
  4. Women wash themselves from front to back, towards the anus. If the procedure is carried out in the opposite direction, there is a chance of introducing E. coli into the genital tract.
  5. Do not direct the shower stream into the vagina, so as not to wash away the natural lubricant, which helps resist the attack of harmful microbes. Therefore, it is prohibited to douche without a doctor’s prescription.
  6. Do not rub the intimate area with a sponge; microorganisms accumulate in it. In addition, a rough washcloth will easily damage the delicate mucous membrane.
  7. Don't use regular soap. Feminine hygiene includes products only with a neutral acidity level.
  8. A towel for intimate hygiene is separate, clean and soft. It is recommended not only to wash it, but also to iron it.

Penile hygiene

Many men, not accustomed to this since childhood, believe that the rules of intimate hygiene exist only for women. However, for brutal machos, keeping their genitals clean is the key to health and a normal sex life. In old age, mandatory visits to the urologist are added to everyday intimate hygiene procedures (at least once every six months).

Men's sexual hygiene has its own characteristics. These rules must be taught from childhood:

  1. Babies are washed at least once a day. A boy should take care of his genitals independently from the age of four, but under the supervision of his parents.
  2. After washing the baby's skin, dry it with a diaper and treat it with powder. The penis does not need to be lubricated with baby oil or cream.
  3. After water procedures, it is advisable to carry out air procedures - leave the baby naked and completely undressed for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Some men like to “disinfect” their scrotum under a hot shower. In vain. This area must not be overheated!
  5. During intimate hygiene, thoroughly rinse the penis between the foreskin and the head. This area is very delicate, so don't use shower products - just water.
  6. Don't forget the base of the penis and scrotum. They can already be tidied up using detergents for intimate hygiene.
  7. While showering, regularly examine your reproductive organs. If you notice rashes, lumps, or bleeding, see a doctor!
  8. Women already know this, but it’s better to remind men: after a shower, wear clean underwear.
  9. Briefs are made only from natural fabrics, not tight.
  10. Complete the urination process by gently squeezing the foreskin, which will prevent urine from accumulating in the genital area.

Intimate hygiene for girls

The vaginal mucosa has been secreting secretions since childhood. During puberty, the process intensifies. These so-called pubertal leucorrhoea accumulate on the external genitalia and underwear, and with regular absence of a shower, cause skin irritation, itching and inflammation. A teenage girl should know everything about observing the rules of intimate hygiene:

  1. If you use panty liners, change them twice a day.
  2. Do you like thongs? It's a pity! These mini panties are dangerous. Firstly, like any shapewear, they interfere with blood circulation. Secondly, along the “thin thread” it is easier for microbes to “cross” from the anus to the vagina.
  3. Teenagers have active sweat glands, and if you don't shower twice a day, they can become clogged—you'll know this by the horribly unpleasant smell. Or maybe you won’t recognize it, unlike those around you.

Intimate hygiene products for women

What is the best way to wash? Give soap a definite no. It contains a large amount of alkali, so it destroys the natural microflora that protects the vagina from bacteria. There are special products for intimate hygiene. You will learn about them below. Another important tip - do not take the product from a street tray. Go get them at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

Intimate gel

Instead of the usual soap for many, it is better to use intimate hygiene gel. Thanks to its neutral acidity level (pH), it preserves the natural environment of the vagina and protects the genitals from bacterial growth. The basis of a high-quality gel for intimate hygiene should be natural ingredients; dyes and fragrances are unacceptable.


This product for intimate hygiene, according to marketers, is more gentle than gentle in cleansing delicate areas of the body while taking a shower. To produce high-quality oil, only natural ingredients are used. Plant extracts and essential oils are a noble composition that will quickly restore the natural microflora, relieve inflammation and itching. In the latter case, you cannot place all your hopes on the oil - find out the reasons for it at an appointment with a gynecologist.


Deodorant is the most common and controversial product for intimate hygiene. Ladies argue on forums about why it is needed, considering it an obvious marketing ploy to increase consumer spending. For long trips, wet wipes provide better refreshment. For unpleasant vaginal odor, you should seek relief from a doctor, not in a perfume store. Do you want to be fully prepared on a date with your loved one? There are longer-acting remedies here.

Intimate area cream

One of the fashionable products today is the Swiss cream “Neogin”. Young girls can easily do without it. But for older ladies, this care for the intimate area will help moisturize the skin and relieve irritation. In addition, the antiseptics contained in the cream will reliably protect the microflora from the invasion of various microbes - useful before going to the pool or the beach. It is better not to use it during pregnancy.

Wet wipes

Adults and children are familiar with this option. Intimate hygiene wipes are a great way to maintain intimate hygiene rules when traveling when there is no access to water. They will not take the place of the shower, but will temporarily restore the feeling of freshness. The wipes are soaked in an aqueous solution with additives based on lactic acid and herbal extracts. They never contain alcohol or harsh aromatic compositions.

Intimate hygiene product for men

The line of products for men's intimate hygiene is much narrower. Pharmacists and cosmetologists, who devoted all their efforts to maintaining the beauty of women, for a long time deprived the representatives of the stronger half of humanity of attention. The situation is changing, however, as statistics show, men's hygiene is more of a women's issue. In 70% of cases, caring wives buy these products for their spouses.


Men's cream for intimate areas has recently appeared on the market. Its main purpose, in addition to moisturizing, is to increase the sensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes and enhance erection during sex. The miracle product contains herbal extracts that improve microcirculation. The cream for intimate comfort is applied with light movements. Taking into account the specifics of the application, manufacturers have made a composition that is fully compatible with condoms.

Intimate soap

In the top of unpopular products for men, special soap is in the top positions, sharing first place in the list with deodorant for intimate hygiene. Brutal guys find it difficult to come to terms with its presence. Women and cosmetologists hope for complete recognition of the product. Intimate soap contains no alkali, very few perfume additives, but many useful substances.

What are panty liners for?

Unlike their predecessors - pads for critical days - "daily panty liners" have not gained widespread recognition. At least, there is still debate about their necessity - many gynecologists believe that a healthy woman does not need them, and to feel fresh, you need to take a shower on time and wear high-quality underwear. But a shower is not always nearby, and the pads do a good job of their purpose - to provide a feeling of comfort.

Hygiene rules during menstruation

  1. Try to shower 4-5 times a day, changing pads or tampons each time.
  2. No way to wash? Change at least the pad, after performing intimate hygiene of the genitals with a damp cloth.
  3. Before inserting a tampon for the first time, read the instructions. Even better, go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
  4. On “women’s” days, baths, swimming pools, and especially open bodies of water are prohibited.

Vera Shtukensia talks in this video about how to maintain hygiene, what is the best way to wash yourself, who can panty liners help and why some intimate hygiene products are really harmful. Research by gynecologists, the fashion beauty blogger’s own experience, as well as comments from her subscribers will instruct you. You can easily and accessiblely learn about the most secret things from the video below.

We agree that feminine hygiene is a very uncomfortable topic to talk about (even during a visit to the gynecologist). But ignoring this issue can lead to much more serious consequences than a blush of embarrassment on your face. It’s unlikely that you attended lectures on “How to clean a vagina” at school, and who knows how far you have advanced in your knowledge about the female body since then. And this despite the fact that proper cleansing of this delicate and sensitive part of the body is of paramount importance for women's health!

Everyone knows how to keep their hair, face and other parts of the body clean, but when it comes to intimate hygiene, most women are very ignorant. Do I need to use certain products for THIS? What should you do to properly clean this area? Why do people act as if this is one of life's great mysteries?

Down with unnecessary secrets! Right now we will try to give you the answer to three important questions:

1. Why do you NEED to wash yourself?

2. How to wash yourself CORRECTLY?

3. How NOT to wash your face?

Question 1: Why do you NEED to wash yourself?

The genital area is very delicate and vulnerable. The uterine cavity is sterile. If viruses or pathogens enter it, they begin to multiply unhindered, causing inflammatory processes and women's diseases.

Gynecologists believe that washing is a mandatory hygienic procedure, but it must always be performed in compliance with certain rules.

Question 2: How to wash yourself CORRECTLY?

You should know that you only need to wash the INSIDE in extreme cases. The vagina cleans itself very well on its own. If you upset the delicate pH balance, it will make it a breeding ground for hostile bacteria. Typically, the vagina has a low pH because it is designed to prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria that can cause vaginal infections.

What you absolutely MUST do when washing is to wash your labia with a very mild soap or cleanser. However, gynecologists consider simple colorless and odorless baby soap to be the most recommended hygienic product for such washing. Yes, it's boring, but it's safe! After showering, be sure to dry your external genitalia to remove any excess moisture from the folds, which can lead to a yeast infection. And don’t forget to allocate a separate towel for this hygiene procedure, which should always be clean and dry!

Question 3: How NOT to wash your face?

Remember that no matter how large cosmetic companies describe their intimate hygiene products, you do not need to wash the inside of your vagina unless absolutely necessary. Store-bought intimate hygiene products (as well as douching) can not only disrupt the internal pH, but also dry out natural lubrication. It has been clinically proven that changing the pH of the vagina promotes the rapid growth of all types of bacteria. We readily believe that the packaging looks very beautiful, but please put the bottle back on the shelf!

Ultimately, you shouldn't think too much about cleansing this part of your body. In truth, taking care of the natural functions of your body has long become a business, and buying expensive cosmetic products most often results in unnecessary and completely unnecessary financial expenses. Better buy yourself a delicious lunch or get a manicure with this money, because your vagina will take care of itself!

There should be no deviations from the rules in matters of personal hygiene. Any woman needs to wash her genitals regularly. If you do this incorrectly, you can accidentally introduce pathogenic bacteria. Sensitive female microflora is susceptible to various types of infections. Violation of basic rules can provoke the development of the disease.

Intimate hygiene products

For genital hygiene, you cannot use ordinary gels, shampoos and soaps. The alkaline pH composition of these products dries out the skin, as a result, the balance of the vaginal microflora is disrupted. Microcracks may appear on the surface of the mucosa, which leads to inflammation. For personal hygiene, it is best to use special gels.

How often should you wash your face?

You need to wash yourself daily, no more than twice a day. One minute is enough for water procedures. This is enough to wash away secretions and sweat. You need to know how to properly wash a woman during her period. On critical days, you need to take a shower after each pad change, i.e. at intervals of 3-4 hours. At the end of the water procedures, the skin should be gently blotted with a towel. It is recommended to use a personal towel.

Water treatments

You need to wash with running water. Do not use standing water because... it may contain pathogenic bacteria. For hygiene procedures, it is recommended to use warm water, never hot. Otherwise, you may damage your delicate skin.

The entrance to the vagina is located next to the anus, a source of pathogens. The infection should not get inside the vagina; the stream of water should be directed from the pubis to the anus. You should wash yourself with your hands. Do not use washcloths or sponges. They are not suitable for delicate skin.

Only the external genitalia should be washed. This is the area around the clitoris, pubis, labia. You should not try to clean the vagina; you may accidentally damage the mucous membrane. It is recommended to watch a video on how to wash yourself properly. Regulating the self-cleaning of the vagina is excellent at eliminating bacteria without outside help.

Completing the procedure

After washing, you need to blot your genitals with a towel and put on clean, dry underwear. To maintain normal women's health, it is recommended to use cotton underwear that allows the skin to breathe.

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