How to tame a dog, an adult or a puppy, from the street, from a kennel, from another owner. How to retrain a dog with behavioral flaws. How to teach your dog simple commands How to train an adult dog on the street

Pets can end up outdoors for a variety of reasons. They can be lost, run away, or abandoned by irresponsible and ignorant owners. As a rule, the fate of these unfortunate animals is deplorable. On the street they may encounter new problems and circumstances that threaten their health and even life.

Many people, often children, who understand and empathize with the plight of such a lost or abandoned animal, pick it up. In order to find a lost owner or make friends and gain a friend in life. Such a dog or cat will appreciate your gesture as if you saved his life, and will be grateful to you for your love and care. People who adopt them temporarily or permanently often ask themselves the question: how to tame a dog from the street?

Sooner or later, four-legged friends may appear in the house, be it a planned acquisition or an accidental circumstance. If this is a long-awaited event, then preparations take place according to plan and long before the four-legged friend crosses the threshold of the house. But, often we are faced with preparation already by the fact that we have a new family member in our house. Therefore, you should know what needs to be done first so that a new friend can easily join the ranks of the family. How to tame a dog from the street, and what are the first steps to making friends with him?

Searches for previous owners

You finally picked up a four-legged friend from the street, choosing the one who followed you and you could not resist the charm of the new “buddy” or you simply took pity on the animal that had lost care and shelter.

First of all, you should determine the animal’s health condition and whether it requires emergency veterinary care. You should also determine the age, gender and suggest the reason why this cat or dog remained on the street. Perhaps he simply ran away from his owners and ran into your yard. Or this dog was left on the street for another reason, such as illness or aggressive behavior, or he was already born homeless. Often the reason can be trivial - the previous owners did not have time for the dog and they kicked it out the door or it simply ran away during a walk. We will never know the reason unless we find the owners themselves. Therefore, the search for owners should begin immediately.

Post a notice in the places where you found the dog, ask passers-by whether they have seen the dog before and whether they know about the owner. If you manage to find the dog's owner and reunite the lost loving friends, you will be very grateful. Adult cats are less likely to be put outside the door and, as a rule, some can walk on their own in a city or town. Therefore, if there are clear signs that this is a homeless animal, hungry and dirty, then in such cases you can pick it up. Most often, these homeless animals are kittens.

What needs to be done first

Well, you started searching for the owner, and the dog is already at your home. If she is not injured and does not require veterinary care, then first of all you should feed the animal and equip a personal place. The dog should get a good night's sleep and rest. It's unlikely she's had anything like this since she ended up on the street.

After which, you should feed the dog. But, make sure that the first feeding is light. Otherwise, if your dog is not used to it, you can harm the animal’s digestive system. Treat your new friend to some broth, porridge or cottage cheese. Place a container of water nearby so your dog can get enough to drink.

Do not demand strict obedience from the dog for the next couple of days. For a dog that has been abandoned on the street, everything that happens will result in great stress. Therefore, it is not worth tugging at her, playing with her and training her right away.

First try to establish friendship and trust through food and care. After 3-4 days, take your dog to the vet. The veterinarian will be able to tell you a lot about the dog: its age, breed, health status, etc. The veterinarian will tell you what vaccinations need to be given and carry out some sanitary and therapeutic procedures: to drive away worms and fleas. You should treat your dog with a spray, powder, or put on a tick and flea collar after you wash the new four-legged animal that has arrived at your home.

Protect from freedom instincts

Having information on how to tame a dog from the street, you can easily acquire a new friend for yourself. The dog from the street will be very grateful to you for your care. But if she was born on the street, she may miss freedom. In this regard, you first need to monitor the dog so that the instinct of freedom does not again lead it to the yard and wander. Don’t leave your dog alone for a long time, give it your friendship and care, and then it will be your most devoted and faithful friend in life.

Read the continuation of the topic about dogs from the street - and. Where you can find out which names are best for your new friend, taking into account his past life. And also where to start raising a pet.

Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and the care of companion animals. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. He has been working at the same animal clinic in his hometown for over 20 years.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Stray animals can be quite dangerous, and you should always remember that animals can get scared and even attack! But if you still want to get to know a stray animal better, follow a few simple rules, which we will discuss in this article! Perhaps the animal will begin to trust you and become completely tame!


Part 1

How to attract an animal's attention and approach it

    Beware of aggressive dogs. Aggressive animals give special signs that it is better not to approach them. For example, their eyes are very bulging, they twitch their lips, exposing their teeth, their ears are raised and directed forward, their tail is tense, and the hair on the back of the neck can stand on end. Pay attention to these signs. If you notice them, stay away from the dog.

    Avoid prolonged visual contact with the animal. Look not straight into the eyes, but slightly to the side, as dogs perceive direct gaze as a sign of dominance. They interpret it as some kind of challenge, and this can lead to aggressive behavior. The dog may think that you are going to fight him. You should avoid making eye contact with your dog because it can frighten or anger the animal.

    Stay away from dogs showing symptoms of rabies. Rabies can affect many mammals, including dogs. An animal with rabies appears slightly anxious and possibly aggressive. It can bite or attack a person for absolutely no reason. It is important to know that rabies is spread through the bites of infected animals. A dog can get rabies if it licks another dog's toy that is already infected. If you notice that your dog has a fever or fever and is reacting strongly to light, sound and touch, stay away from the dog, or rather call a professional to save others from danger.

    • An infected dog may have a paralyzed jaw and foam at the mouth.
    • There may also be spatial disorientation and convulsions.
  1. Attract the animal's attention by lightly clicking or clicking your tongue. You can get your dog's attention by calling him. It is important to do this calmly so as not to scare the animal, otherwise it may run away or even attack you! Move slowly and calmly, speak in a low voice. This way you won’t scare the dog and protect yourself!

    Slowly approach the animal. If you have already attracted his attention, approach him very slowly, as if you were sneaking. If you do not want to scare the animal, do not make sudden movements.

    • You should not crouch, otherwise it will be difficult to jump away if the animal decides to attack. Get 3-4 meters closer to the animal.
  2. Now wait until the dog comes to you. As soon as you get within 3-4 meters of her, stop. Beckon your dog to you and call him in a calm, gentle tone. If the dog wags its tail and shows its friendliness, extend your hand towards it. Gently tap your palm directly in front of you. You can bring something tasty with you, such as tuna or canned dog food, so that the animal will definitely come to you.

    If your dog begins to growl or bare his teeth, try to remain calm and back away slowly. Don't run! If you run, the dog will take it as a challenge and chase you. Be very careful not to turn your back on the dog, just back away slowly.

    • Don't look the dog in the eyes
    • Move very slowly and smoothly
  3. Allow the animal to calmly complete its exploration of your hand, and then slowly move your hand toward the animal's shoulder. Do not try to immediately pat the animal on the head, as this may frighten it and it may bite you. Remember that many animals do not like to be petted or touched on certain parts of their body. So go slowly and watch the animal's reaction to see if you're doing it right.

    Look to see if the dog is wearing a collar or other identifying mark. Wait a while, once the animal feels comfortable around you, inspect the collar (if there is one). Speak and move calmly and slowly so as not to scare the dog. If the animal does not have a collar and ID tag, think about where you could give the animal for a while. For example, to a shelter or animal rescue center. If the dog is very friendly and calm, you can even adopt him.

    Check to see if your dog has a microchip. Many owners microchip their dogs so they can be found. Contact your veterinarian or animal rescue service to have them use a scanner to check whether your dog has a microchip implanted in it. If you find the owner's information on the collar, be sure to contact him. You can place an advertisement on the Internet or in a newspaper about the found animal. As a last resort, you can keep a stray animal.

  • Never try to corner an animal. This risks causing it to feel trapped and, out of desperation, attack you in self-defense.
  • Even when the dog has realized that you do not pose a threat to it and do not intend to cause it any harm, do not relax, do not make sudden movements and do not frighten the animal. Remember that you need to move as slowly and smoothly as possible.
  • If you are unable to gain the animal's trust but fear for your life or safety, the best thing to do is call your local animal shelter. They can advise you over the phone and explain how you should handle this particular situation.
  • Try to communicate with the animal using basic commands (“sit”, “stay”). Perhaps the dog understands these commands because it was once a pet.
  • If you notice that the mouth is filled with foam, move away immediately! Because this dog has rabies. Call animal control immediately.
  • Never approach a dog that is acting aggressively. If you notice that the dog's hair is standing on end, that he is growling and taking a defensive position, slowly back away.
  • Be very careful when feeding stray dogs!
  • A frightened or sick animal may behave unpredictably. A sudden, sudden movement on your part (such as opening a car door) can startle your dog and cause him to jump out of the car and onto the highway. If the animal looks threatening, stay in the car.

A dog can become a loyal friend, protector and helper, but for this you need to establish a certain relationship with it. But how to tame a dog if it has not been trained for obedience? There are several simple ways to make friends with a puppy, a dog from a shelter, from the street or from other owners.

Will there be a dog in the house soon? You need to prepare for this event not only mentally. To make your pet feel comfortable, safe and unable to damage things, you need:

Video - before getting a puppy

Attention! Find a qualified veterinarian to examine and treat your dog in advance. It is important to know the opening hours of the veterinary office and emergency contacts.

All family members need to be prepared for new duties and responsibilities. You can’t give your child a puppy and then withdraw yourself - most likely, you will have to walk with the pet. Distribute duties and responsibilities for caring for the dog - walking, washing, feeding, going to the veterinarian, playing, etc.

Table 1. Basic dog toys and their purpose.

Type of toyExamplePurpose
EducationalChewing bonesHelp the dog know if it is behaving well and following commands correctly
PuzzlesBoxes with hidden foodProvides mental development for the dog and relieves boredom during the owner’s absence
InteractiveTug of war ropeHelps create a bond between you and your dog through active play together.
For independent gamesDurable rubber ballsAllow the dog to have fun on its own, without the participation of humans and other animals
CozyPlush ToysFavorite toys for psychological comfort, which dogs often carry with them, put on their sleeping place

In addition to toys, you need to prepare for the dog:

  • suitable food and utensils. The diet is selected based on size, breed and health status. There should be a couple of bowls (preferably separate) for water and food. Each pet should have its own dishes;

Before you adopt a dog, you need to understand that pets are not omnivores. Feeding them inappropriate and sometimes harmful foods is dangerous. You can find out more about what you should not feed your dog in our separate section.

In order for friendship with a pet to bring joy, you need to raise a dog from the first days of acquaintance. Dog handlers assure that the success of the training process depends on the character and age of the dog. The patience of the owner himself will also be important. You can learn more about how to accustom a puppy to a leash in our separate

  • collar. It is not just a piece of leather or metal to which the leash is attached. It should have an insert (ideally metal with engraving) with the dog’s name and owner’s contact information.

Attention! A dog can be microchipped (a chip with information about the owner is inserted under its skin). It is not painful, safe and will increase the chances that your lost pet will quickly return to you.

Taming a puppy

Did you buy a puppy and bring it home? It's time to start introducing your new pet to the house and its inhabitants!

Video - the puppy’s first day in a new home

Taming a stray or shelter dog

If you adopted a pet from the street, you need to start by searching for the previous owners of the animal. Even if you want to keep the “foundling” with you, it would be a good idea to find out the dog’s health characteristics:

  • age;
  • vaccinations;
  • heredity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • injuries;
  • drug intolerance, etc.

A dog from the street should be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible and, if necessary, treated. A stray dog ​​will almost always require expensive comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation. Therefore, if you want to help a homeless animal, but cannot seriously spend money on it, adopt a shelter dog. She will be treated and vaccinated, and they will also be able to tell you in advance about the characteristics of her health and behavior.

A stray dog ​​needs adaptation. Living in a family can be a completely new experience for her. The animal will not know the rules of behavior in the house; it will have to be taught to communicate with humans. Sometimes a stray dog ​​will not allow itself to be walked on a leash or even petted at first.

A shelter dog may already have experience living in a family, but its behavior is also influenced by negative factors - the loss of its owner and familiar living conditions. She can also behave warily and sometimes aggressively.

Rules for meeting a stray or shelter dog:

  • approach the dog slowly;
  • don't get too close;
  • no sudden movements or loud sounds;
  • do not try to pet if the animal does not want it;
  • offer small portions of aromatic wet food, not by hand;
  • speak softly and quietly, act confidently;
  • respect the dog’s personal space, let him get used to you;
  • do not wear a collar and leash - the dog is more likely to go into your arms or into a carrier for a treat.

Table 2. How to establish trust with a street dog.


Don't hover over your dog, sit next to him

Don't corner your dog

Don't look your dog in the eyes - it provokes a conflict

Wait until the dog comes to you

Reach out your hand and let your dog get acquainted with your scent

A stray or shelter dog has probably experienced many unpleasant moments in life. She has a hard time trusting people, so be patient. Be gentle, courteous and attentive, and the dog will appreciate your efforts. The animal will understand that you saved its life and will become very attached to you.

Aggression in stray or shelter dogs

If a dog snaps, bites or growls, it is afraid or dominant. Fear is common in homeless and shelter dogs who are not used to seeing kindness from humans. Such an animal needs to get used to you and develop a new reflex “the owner is good.” To do this, you must be confident, calm and friendly. You cannot be too persistent and immediately demand tactile contact. Treats and positive experiences from playing together will help establish friendship.

A dog with dominant behavior seeks to protect and control you. You must become an authority for her, then the pet will yield leadership to you and obey. To do this, do not be afraid to drive the dog away from its “home”; pull it back gently and calmly, but persistently. Don't let her get ahead and pull you along with her on walks. Do not allow your dog to snap and growl at guests, relatives, or other pets.

Why it can be difficult to train a dog

Communicating and interacting with a dog is quite simple if you know how it “works”. She has her own instincts and needs that are different from human ones.

The main mistakes regarding dogs that prevent taming:

  • humanization;
  • misinterpretation of behavior.


A dog does not understand human speech - it is useless for it to read notations and explain what it is wrong about. Praise also needs to be associated with specific actions.

A dog cannot be considered an unreasonable little child who will “grow up and understand everything.” Even if an animal is very smart, it thinks differently and does not have human logic. From the very beginning, you need to behave “like an adult” with your dog, without making allowances for size, age or physical condition.

It is important! The animal reacts to your emotional state and body signals - this is how it understands what can and cannot be done.


Misinterpretation of behavior

Dogs do not distinguish between “good” and “bad” unless the rules of behavior are explained to them. The animal acts in accordance with its instincts - it hunts, gets and hides food, tries to find its pack and determine its place in it.

It must be remembered that a dog does nothing “out of spite.” If it doesn't behave as you expect, it's likely:

The positive side of a “dog’s” character is that the animal will not cling to unpleasant memories or rules - it can always be retrained and adapted to life with a new owner.

As a rule, a dog appears in our house deliberately. This is always preceded by the desire to have a small defenseless pet. And we are firmly confident that when he grows up, he will become the most devoted and loyal friend. But it happens that friends appear in our lives completely by accident. One day, looking into the eyes of a lonely dog ​​abandoned by someone, you suddenly have a desire to take it with you. Puppies get used to it quickly, but what about adults? How to tame a homeless stray dog?

How to train an adult dog?

It is very difficult to tame a dog that is used to the street. In the first days of her stay in your home, her instinct of self-preservation and craving for freedom will constantly dominate. Therefore, your heart and intuition will most likely tell you how to tame a wild or feral dog accustomed to living in the wild.

Such animals should not be left alone for a long time. Despite affection and plenty of food, they can escape. However, you need to be very careful with food. Having freedom, the dog, as a rule, lives from hand to mouth and should be accustomed to normal food gradually, otherwise there will be problems with digestion.

Set aside a corner for your new pet where he can have a good rest. Come up with a name for it. Put off games, fun and training lessons for a while until the dog gets used to you and begins to respond to the new name. Arm yourself with patience, affection, love and you will succeed.

Do not forget that an animal from the street can pose a threat to human health. Therefore, do not neglect the examination of the veterinarian and do the necessary. In addition, the doctor will give you advice about the breed of the dog. It is known that each breed has its own character, and some guard dogs are difficult to train. Having comprehensive information will make it easier for you to make friends with a new family member.

Sometimes we take in a relative's or friend's dog. In this case, its owner will tell us how to tame someone else’s dog. Ask about habits, favorites, and it will be much easier for you to establish contact. Since dogs are closely attached to people, you will have to see her sad eyes for a long time. But, there is no need to despair. Talk, walk together and they will respond to your affection with their devotion.

How to tame an angry dog?

An angry dog ​​will cause you the most trouble. Taming such animals will require special endurance and restraint. If you want to become her master, never show your fear. An even and calm voice, tasty food that arouses interest, and lo and behold, after a while the dog will turn from an evil one into a loyal friend.

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