How to train a dog to use the indoor toilet. Wet matter: how to train a dog to use the toilet outside, and a puppy to use the litter tray and diaper? Depending on age

From our article you will learn ways to train a puppy and an adult dog to use the toilet outside and in the house.

Dogs are considered clean animals who try not to shit in the place where they live. But there are still cases when a pet, despite all the efforts of its owner, shits wherever it wants. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that if you don’t teach your dog to go to the toilet in the same place, then after a while it will be almost impossible to do so.

As practice shows, adult animals are practically resistant to training and, as a result, continue to periodically present unpleasant surprises to their owners. If you want to avoid such problems, then let’s figure out together how to properly train a dog to use the toilet in the house and outside.

How to wean a puppy and an adult dog from going to the toilet at home and accustom it to the toilet outside?

The dog needs help choosing a place to go to the toilet

I would like to say right away that a small puppy, especially if he has just moved to a new place of residence, will inevitably relieve himself wherever he wants. And he will do this not because he wants to spite you, but because he is not yet toilet trained. In view of this, if you do not want to walk through puddles, then try to teach the puppy to do this in the right place from the very first days.

If he has already chosen a place for the toilet, and it does not suit you, then the only correct solution would be to put a bowl of food and water there. Remember, even a small and stupid puppy will never relieve itself where it eats and sleeps. If he chose a place for the toilet where it is impossible to place food, then you can try to ward him off with the help of smells specific to him.

For example, you can wipe the area with rubbing alcohol or ammonia. Also, dogs do not like the smell of citrus fruits, so if you put the peel of an orange, lemon or grapefruit in this place, they will definitely start to avoid it. But in order for the dog not to continue to shit anywhere, at the same time as weaning it off, you must teach it to relieve its needs in the right place. Just keep in mind that this must be done correctly.

If you simply yell at your pet for what he has done, then after some time he will begin to do this in even more secluded places, thereby trying to avoid your anger. Therefore, it will be better if you put, for example, a newspaper in the place that he likes, and when he empties on it, just take it and move it to a more convenient corner for you. Since all dogs have a well-developed sense of smell, they will smell themselves in another place and after some time they will begin to go to the toilet where they need to go.

When does a puppy begin to endure and ask to go to the toilet?

A properly trained puppy can ask to go to the toilet as early as 2 months.

As was already mentioned a little above, small puppies, due to their lack of intelligence, relieve themselves in unsuitable places in the first days. And if you consider that they do this very often, then this becomes quite a serious problem. In view of this, if you want your pet to be toilet trained from a very young age, then start training him as early as possible.

Although there is an opinion that only from the age of 6 months does a puppy begin to ask to go to the toilet, with proper training you can achieve such a reflex much earlier. This can be done quite easily, just by playing with it. The physiology of puppies is such that after intense movements they always go to the toilet. Therefore, if you play outdoor games with him and then leave him on a diaper for a couple of minutes, he will very quickly learn to go to the toilet in the right place.

And if you play with him at the same time, he will try to wait until you come and take him outside, and only after that he will defecate. If you follow these simple rules, you can train your pet to ask to go to the toilet even at 2 months of age.

How to understand that a puppy wants to go to the toilet?

Signs that your dog needs to go to the toilet

If you don't want your puppy to leave puddles all over the house, then at first try to monitor his behavior. If you are as attentive to him as possible, you will be able to catch the moment when he wants to go to the toilet, and all you have to do is take him outside or to the diaper.

Signs that your dog needs to go to the toilet:

  • The animal stops the game that was captivating it and begins to walk intensively in circles
  • Tucks his tail and freezes for a couple of seconds (this indicates that he is trying to restrain himself)
  • Can take a characteristic pose (keep in mind that boys relieve themselves in a vertical position, and girls in a horizontal position)
  • He begins to intensively sniff the surface and whine quietly (this is how he tries to find the place where he used to go to the toilet)

How to train a German Shepherd, Staff, Labrador, Cocker Spaniel, Alabai, Basset, Husky puppy to use the toilet outside?

Recommendations to help you train your dog to go to the toilet outside

If you are the owner of a large dog, then whether you like it or not, you will have to teach your pet to relieve itself outside. Just keep in mind that you need to start doing this as early as possible. It will be better if you start taking him for walks from a young age and do everything to ensure that he has a bowel movement there.

To do this, you can use its physiological characteristics. It has been verified that all dogs, regardless of breed, relieve themselves literally 15-20 minutes after they eat or drink. Therefore, if you feed your dog just before going outside, then by the end of the walk he will definitely go to the toilet.

As for water, you can take it with you for a walk and give it to your dog while playing. This will also help ensure that she empties at the right time. If you take your dog for walks at the same time every day, then after a while he will develop the habit of going to the toilet at certain hours, and he will stop pooping anywhere.

  • Before going for a walk, be sure to feed and water your pet
  • Take him for a walk to the same place
  • Initially, you can choose a place for the toilet yourself and give the dog a command, for example, “Go to the toilet!”
  • After your dog has bowel movement, be sure to praise him or give him his favorite treat.
  • If your pet doesn't like the place you choose for him, let him do it himself
  • At the end of the walk, be sure to bring him to the place where he has already emptied.

How to train a Chihuahua, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier, Spitz, Husky, Pug, Toy Terrier, Pinscher puppy to use the toilet at home and on a diaper?

Ways to train a dog to go to the toilet in a diaper

As you probably already understood, in order for a dog to go to the toilet in a certain place, it must be accustomed to this. Therefore, if you see that your pet leaves puddles all the time in different places, then help him decide.

This can be done in two ways, just with a little patience. Yes, and if the dog refuses to go where it needs to go, try rewarding it for peeing in the diaper. This way you will let her know that she will always receive a treat for obedience.

First way

If the dog poops in the wrong place, then place a film there and let him defecate there again. Under no circumstances should you yell at her for this, as this will lead to her starting to ignore the diaper. You can, on the contrary, praise her for what she did. The next day, move the diaper a little further and allow your pet to defecate again. This way, gradually moving the film to a place that suits you best, you will show the dog where it can empty itself without problems.

Second way

In this case, you will have to fence off a small area and cover it all with diapers. After this, you will need to bring the dog to this place (as soon as it runs intensively), and wait until the animal defecates. After some time, you will be able to remove the diaper from there, and you will do this until there is only one left there. As practice shows, during this time the dog will get used to this place well, so even after you remove the fence it will continue to go there to the toilet.

The dog started shitting at home: what is the reason, what should I do?

The dog started shitting at home: reasons

If you do everything to ensure that your pet goes to the toilet in a certain place, but he still shits wherever he wants, then under no circumstances try to punish him for this. By such actions you will only further aggravate the unpleasant situation and, as a result, you will have to seek help from qualified trainers. In view of all this, it will be better if you try to understand the reason for this behavior and try to eliminate it.


  • Wrong upbringing. If you spend little time raising your pet, then it will definitely not develop all the necessary reflexes on its own and, as a result, it will choose its own toilet.
  • Rare walks. If you very rarely take your dog outside, he will have to look for a toilet in a living room.
  • The character of the dog. Some pets have a very hard time withstanding punishment and various stresses. If a dog is in constant excitement, then it loses control of itself and begins to shit wherever it wants.
  • Health problems. If your pet has problems with the digestive or urinary system, then he may simply not feel like he has a bowel movement. A recent operation may also be the cause of this problem.
  • Take your pet to the vet regularly
  • Try to extend your walks at least a little
  • Feed your pet food intended for dogs
  • Don't forget to praise your pet for doing the right thing.
  • Make sure he runs actively at least once a day

Spray for toilet training a puppy: how to use?

Recommendations for using the spray

If you want to teach your pet to go to the toilet as quickly as possible, then you can try doing this with a special spray. Its action is based on a specific odor, which encourages animals to defecate in the area where it is sprayed. As practice shows, when using this product, the dog stops shitting in the house after about 10 days.

  • Choose a suitable location for the toilet
  • Put a diaper there or put up artificial turf
  • Apply spray in this area
  • In order for the dog to smell the smell, literally 2-3 clicks on the can are enough.
  • Bring your dog in and let him sniff the treated area.
  • Do this until she goes to the toilet in this place
  • After emptying, be sure to treat your pet with something tasty.
  • Spray the selected area with the spray until the puppy develops a strong reflex.

Video: How to train a dog to use the tray/toilet?

With the appearance of a small puppy in an apartment or house, the question becomes urgent: how to teach a baby to go to the toilet outside the house?

When creating the dog, Mother Nature did not imagine that the animal would live in a city apartment. The ancestors of modern dogs, who lived for thousands of years next to people outside of the concrete jungle, did not bother at all about where to empty their intestines and bladder. Ideally, the dog should not endure; reflexes tell it to relieve itself as soon as such a need arises. However, this state of affairs does not suit its civilized owners and their neighbors at all.

Our dogs are quite clean animals. Until they are one month old, due to their infancy, they do their “business” wherever they need to. But at this time they are usually near the mother, and the bitch herself “cleans up” after her offspring. After weaning from the mother, the problem of home hygiene is solved by the owner of the animal.

In order not to turn the apartment into a dog toilet and not to listen to the complaints of the neighbors at the entrance, you must immediately engage in upbringing, without waiting for the baby to grow up.

Veterinarians do not recommend allowing unvaccinated babies to interact with other dogs. This means that during the quarantine period it is better not to go outside, unless there is a clean area near your home (not visited by any animals). At this time we begin preparing for the outdoor toilet.

Where to begin?

A puppy who is one month old will never “poo” in the place where he eats or sleeps. This means that you first need to determine the place where his bowl and bedding will be located. The puppy cannot endure it for long; at first he will “go to the toilet” not far from his place. It is important to observe the animal. The first signs that the puppy is about to “poo”: sniffs the floor, squeals, spins, and chooses a more comfortable place. At this moment, you need to place a rag under the baby. After the puppy gets used to going to one place on a rag, you need to change the plan of action.

The puppy usually experiences urge after eating, drinking heavily, sleeping or intense play. At the first sign of discomfort, you need to carefully pick up the puppy and a cloth and take it outside. Spread a rag on the grass (or on the ground away from asphalt and paths) and lower the puppy. After your pet does its business, be sure to praise it. He must understand that the owner approves of such behavior.

At the same time, you need to deal with puddles in the house. As an option, you can offer the animal a tray with soil or sand, not with cat litter, but with soil, so that it gets used to it.

Grown up puppy

Over time, the animal will get used to the fact that all work needs to be done during a walk, and not in the apartment or in the entrance. Every dog ​​owner should take a responsible approach to the process of walking their dog. Special places for walking animals is more a myth than a reality, so dogs go to the toilet where they walk. When training a puppy to use the toilet outside, you must immediately correct his behavior. The dog should not be allowed to pollute the sidewalk and paths along which people walk. It is better to immediately teach the dog to move to the side (to the side of the road, under the trees) and do his business there.

A dog that has mastered these rules well, in case of need or with an upset stomach, will itself ask to “go outside” (the main thing is that the owners also learn to understand the signals given by the pet). And during a walk, she herself will leave the asphalt to the side to go to the toilet.

How long should you walk your puppy?

An important aspect in matters of toilet hygiene is the dog's walking schedule. It is advisable to walk a puppy five to six times a day; for an adult dog, two or three walks are enough. The more often your dog walks outside, the less you run around the apartment with a rag. This rule applies to both babies and adult pets. Don’t forget that a dog’s body is not initially adapted to long periods of waiting, and a puppy’s bladder cannot accommodate and hold a lot of fluid.

If you leave a small pet alone for several hours without going for a walk, be prepared to clean up after him!

However, we must take into account that all advice applies only to completely healthy animals. However, dogs are also susceptible to various types of diseases. She may eat something inappropriate, cause a cold in the genitourinary system, or “catch” an infection. In this case, the animal can no longer tolerate it, or cannot tolerate it for very long (waiting for the owners to come home from work) and embarrassment occurs. A well-mannered dog itself understands that it has done something wrong, so it is useless to scold it. If the “toilet” problem recurs, it is often necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian and undergo a course of treatment.

There is no difference in this matter between dog breeds. It is no more difficult to train a Rottweiler to toilet outside!

A properly raised dog brings only joy and positive emotions to its owner. And it is not a source of irritation and displeasure for neighbors in the entrance and vigilant janitors. A dog should be your best friend, not a source of problems.

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    I'll tell you how I taught the puppy to do things outside. My son lives separately and decided to adopt a puppy from the shelter. Imagine leaving at 8 and coming back at 8 - how can you get a puppy!? But that's another story.
    He called me and begged: “I don’t know what to do, I’ve been walking with him for 2 hours, he endures it, but he comes home and immediately reveals everything. Mom, help.” For 3 days I suffered with the dog, everything was the same as with him. Of course, the dog is 6 months old, she is used to it.
    This is what I came up with. The dog has never eaten anything other than dry food in its life. I went, bought minced meat, rolled into small balls, boiled them and threw them into a colander. The balls dried out and became so hard. I immediately gave one to try, the dog was delighted.
    I took a few of them for walks, watched at home, as soon as he started walking in circles, I immediately took him outside. As soon as he does something, I pet him, praise him, and then give him a bun, but remember exactly in that order. First praise, then reward. At home, she scolded me for puddles and heaps and spanked my butt with a newspaper. After 2 days I had no problems, unless I left for a long time. Try it, it might work for you too!!!

  1. Our baby is almost 4 months old. We walk with her, but there is a problem with the toilet! in the village he walks calmly on the street, in the city - not at all. endures until victory.
    they took treats, gave her treats after peeing (this required walking for 2 hours). They took diapers and scolded me at home. horror! He doesn’t want to pee on the street at all.
    I understand that I’m still small, but there were no such problems with my first dog... let’s panic)

  2. Is it possible to train a dog to go to one place on the street? Our dogs live in the yard, the area is quite large, they are outside almost all the time, only at night they can go onto the warm veranda. There are two dogs - an old (13 years old) Dalmatian, who previously lived in an apartment, and only recently, for a month, moved to a private house, and a Polish Podgalian Shepherd puppy, 2.5 months old. How to make it possible to calmly walk around the site without fear of stepping on a “mine”...

  3. I have a 5 month old girl, a pug breed. She is hyperactive, on the street she puts everything in her mouth, she has to pick up all sorts of small things (pebbles, leaves, sticks) every 2-3 minutes, but this is not the most problematic thing. There are several problems: 1) he mostly walks on the asphalt, although he pees exclusively on the grass; 2) we walk 2-3 times a day because we are busy. We poop mostly on the street, we pee on the street too, but in the house 3-4 more times, and sometimes after a walk he goes to pee 2 times in a row, within a few minutes. I walk around the apartment with a rag. The dog has his own place, there is always a clean diaper there, if he is in his place, then he goes to the diaper, or next to it. But when he leaves his location, he goes wherever he needs to. He also bites the legs, as if playing, attacks, makes sounds, gets hit in the butt, runs away, but attacks again and bites. On the street she tries to dominate all the dogs, literally jumping on them and leaning on them, trying to play. We don’t have dogs the same age as the pug breed, but the dachshund and Yorkie are afraid of her because of her temperament. I have a dog for the first time in 39 years, I bought it for my daughter’s 13th birthday, but like all children, the interest quickly faded. I’m taking care of the dog myself, but apparently I don’t have enough experience in dealing with animals. Although we still have a Cornish Rex cat living in our apartment for 1.5 years, she and the dog are friends and play. But with cats everything is much simpler. I will be looking for advice on raising our pug girl.

    • Three or four walks a day are excellent for a puppy. Nina, you explained and defined everything very correctly: hyperactivity and dominance. Those. The problem of indoor peeing has nothing to do with the fact that your pug does not ask to go outside. Does she pee a lot after walks? Does it look like the dog is marking (yes, bitches do this too). I would advise you to do 3 things:
      1. Choose a weekend and tire her out with walks both days. So that you don’t have the strength to frolic at home. And the day before, thoroughly wash the places where she urinated before.
      2. Read this question: and watch the video.
      3. Start applying new knowledge immediately.

      • I think that the dog is marking - this is excluded, because... it leaves significant puddles. Regarding cleaning, I wash immediately with Domestos. And lately she has learned to jump onto the sofa, pull off pillows, make herself a bed, put plush toys around it, which she also throws off, and thus spends time in our absence. She goes to the toilet in her special bed (bought at a pet store), so I washed it and put it away until she understands its purpose. And three or four days ago I was very upset: for the first time I pooped on the sofa, and the next day I peed. Because They didn’t catch her doing this, they didn’t scold her, but now we don’t allow her to jump on the sofa; if she resists, she gets hit in the ass. There were no more incidents, but it’s slowly starting to get boring and very frustrating that I don’t have the “brains” to teach the dog to ask and go to the toilet where it’s supposed to. At what age does a dog understand what its owners want from it, it begins to tolerate it, not to go to the toilet in the apartment, but only on the street. When asking dog owners, they say different ages from 6 months to 1.5 years. Maybe I’m panicking in vain and everything will come with time. And how many times can a 5-month-old pug go to the toilet in a small way? Ours pees 5-8 times a day, is this the norm or a deviation from it. Maybe he's catching a cold?

        Good afternoon or evening. My family and I live in an apartment, we adopted a 2.5 month old Doberman puppy.
        I can’t teach him to go to the toilet, we go for walks 3-4 times a day, come home and relieve ourselves in new places each time. He seems to understand everything, knows the commands near me, the place (learned it in 3 days), but there are problems with the toilet. Please tell me what we should do.

      • Good afternoon, such a problem. The puppy is 5 months old, husky breed, girl. Affectionate and obedient, knows the commands of the place, nearby, after a walk she goes home on her own. I walk 4-5 times, sometimes less, on the street he does all his business. We don’t go home until he poops, but at home there are either beds or piles in the same place. The husband is already swearing, you can’t let the child crawl without checking the corridor, and there’s no guarantee that a new one won’t appear right away. If I take it by the collar or pet it, it’s also a puddle, I’m already tired of washing everything with Domestos. Realizes she messed up, but continues anyway

  4. Good day!
    I really need advice! A week ago we purchased a 4-month-old female Briard puppy (French Shepherd). Previously, she lived in an enclosure, naturally they let her out, did her business and everything was OK. But we can’t train her to use a toilet and a leash.
    I was at home for one day - they took me outside on a leash and walked for about an hour. I didn’t do anything, but went straight home. afraid to walk in the city, shy away. They brought her to the dacha - she walks without a leash and doesn’t go anywhere, does all her business on the street, although she managed to pee in the house - she drank water. They just put her on a leash - that’s it, she doesn’t do anything, she just walks and walks. As soon as they take it off, it runs around, frolics and does its business. What should we do? We can't live in the country forever. A week later we are going to the city, home and I’m scared - how to teach peeing and pooping on a leash?
    Thank you.

  5. Good afternoon, please tell me, I adopted the puppy when he was 1 month old, very early, but it turned out that way, now he is 3 months old, I have never taken him outside, because I am waiting until we get the full range of vaccinations (the last one will be on December 12), all this I put diapers in the playpen for a while, he walks on them, but when I let him run around the apartment in the evening, sometimes he also walks on the floor, I scold him, I say “ugh”, so far it hasn’t really helped, only 2 times while running around the room I ran into the playpen to pee on the diaper ...the question is: after vaccination, I want to accustom him to the street, what is the best way to do this? (mixed breed: toy terrier and dwarf spaniel)

  6. We took a puppy from the street. She's kind of frightened, she shits more at home than on the street. She’s afraid of everything and everyone, which also makes her wet herself. They took her when she was about a month old, now she’s about three. We are already starting to regret what we adopted. There were no such problems with the previous dog. We don’t know what to do.

  7. Hello, I have a Doberman puppy who recently turned 4 months old, we were walking in the city not long ago, but he refuses to go outside... he tolerates it, when we get home he gives everything away. Mom panics and swears because of this, but I understand that the dog is here nothing to do with it. Time must pass, because he is still afraid to even go for a walk and all the time he hugs his feet and tucks his tail, does not allow other dogs to sniff him, runs away. Can you tell me what to do?

  8. Hello, my dog ​​is 9 months old, he is a griffon, a boy, we have been trying to accustom him to the street for several months now, and we walked him until he was blue in the face, and praised him, and took him a treat, but he does not do his business on the street, he tolerates it. He still can't lift his paw. I can’t leave him at home for 5 minutes, he will definitely make a puddle and chew on something. I no longer have the strength and I don’t understand what’s wrong with the dog. And they took tests, everything was normal. I already had a griffon and it is a wonderful breed, so this behavior is amazing to me. I never hit a dog. Tell me, how to properly punish a dog for puddles? Because she caught him at the moment of dirty tricks and scolded him and nothing affected him. Hands up.

  9. Good afternoon I have a Husky and Alaskan Malamute cross puppy. Now he is a little over three months old, he has been living with me since he was 1 month old. As soon as we finished all the vaccinations, I started trying to accustom him to the street, but he doesn’t even want to go outside the apartment, he resists, you have to pull him or pick him up and carry him out yourself (although he’s already quite heavy). He also doesn’t want to go for walks on the street, he starts whining, immediately lies down on the asphalt or rolls on the ground, at most he spins in place, but he still doesn’t get a full walk. Naturally, he also doesn’t want to go to the toilet outside, and upon returning home he does all his business. I go home with a rag. I set aside a separate room for him, where he sleeps and spends time when I’m at work. He doesn’t shit there, but if you let him out of the room, there will be a puddle or a pile. What to do, please advise.

  10. We have a golden retriever. After all the necessary vaccinations, they began to walk outside (3 months). Sometimes they manage to do some things, in the morning they whine a lot on the street and want to go home, it is impossible to lure them with anything (does not respond to treats). At lunch it’s the same, in the evening it’s easier, but he’ll still come home and make a puddle. Mostly for diapers, but sometimes it happens. I don’t know if at the moment it’s worth removing the diaper from the house completely and scolding him, especially if the puddle happened at night.

    Good afternoon. Maybe you can help me? I have a boxer puppy, 5 months old, who doesn’t want to go to the toilet outside. After the vaccinations, we waited 12 days and started taking her outside, there was still snow, she seemed to start peeing, but not every time, depending on her mood, then the snow melted and she stopped doing anything outside at all, she endures an hour, an hour and a half, comes home and that’s it gets things done almost immediately. We went right after sleep and right after eating and with a rag with her smell on it, all to no avail. Tell me, is there another way?

  11. Hello, we have a male Chihuahua puppy. 4 months
    lives outside the city in a private house, we want to teach him to only use the toilet outside.
    We take him for a walk after sleeping, eating, playing, he relieves himself as needed, but he also relieves himself in the house. And so it has been for 2 months. They write that a puppy should be scolded as soon as he relieves himself in an inappropriate place, but there are 3 rooms in the house and you can’t always keep track of when he does “this.”
    Please advise something

  12. Hello! We recently adopted a Russian spaniel puppy, he is 2 months old. The puppy quickly adapted, actively communicates with everyone in the household and plays. Two problems arose - feeding and toileting. I didn’t cook anything, I only drank milk and a little stewed liver. And then two in general I drank only water for the day. I don’t want to get him used to food, I don’t know what to feed him, he’s losing weight right before my eyes. I cooked chicken meat and ate it. But I can’t feed him like that all the time. The breeder said that the puppy already eats everything, but it seems to me that he’s being disingenuous . As far as I understand, there is no need to worry too much about the toilet, it’s still small. The more often we walk, the fewer puddles and heaps there are.

  13. Good afternoon. Vest, 3.5 months, at home for two weeks, hasn’t walked before. He understood everything quickly - what they wanted from him, what he needed to do on the street (he was treated kindly after each time, like the Prince of Persia). I wouldn’t bring it home, just to anyone on the street. BUT. This does not prevent him from doing everything perfectly at home during breaks. I walk for three hours - an hour in the morning, afternoon and evening, more often it doesn’t work out. Moreover, if at first you didn’t complete all the mandatory “exercise” and started playing, you can trample your feet - no matter what. Well, the opposite is normal. I'm more worried that he will get used to it - that he needs to go outside, but he can do it at home. My parents still have an adult bobtail - he just carried everything home, but after the first time on the street - without practically a single mistake... It seems that I’m doing the same thing, but maybe I’m wrong about something? How can I explain to him that he can only do it on the street? And can he even understand that if I clean both here and there, then in principle it makes no difference? Well, my lawns are just very European everywhere, that’s how it’s done

  14. Hello. I have a 2.5 year old Yorkie boy. Two weeks ago he was neutered because he regularly marked him at home. After castration, I only wore diapers for 2 weeks, without a single mark. We have now moved to a new apartment. I put a diaper on him and want to gradually accustom him to the street. I walk three times, 2 times after meals and before bed. But in the new apartment he pees not on the diaper, but in another place not far from the diaper. How can I explain to him that he needs to pee on his diaper at home? They have already scolded and poked their noses at me. And how to teach him to write only on the street?

  15. Hello, please give me some advice! We got a dog, now she is 5 months old, we adopted her a month, at first we lived in the country, she quickly realized that she needed to walk outside, and when we moved into the apartment, the fun began, a rag is constantly in her hands. She pees everywhere, on the sofa and on the floor, she doesn’t need a specific place, she avoids diapers. We take her for walks 3 times for an hour. She also goes out into the street and does all her business and continues at home. The whole apartment is in flight. She starts doing dirty tricks and runs. I don’t know what to do anymore I'm a neat freak and the smells really irritate me. Please tell me. On the street we praise, but at home he scolds everything to no avail.

    Good morning. We have such a problem. The puppy is 4 months old, a cross between a Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) and a German Shepherd. We cannot train him to go to the toilet outside. We have been walking for only a week (two weeks after the second vaccination) and he does not go to the toilet outside. We walk for two hours after eating, he endures it and carries everything home. At home he wears a diaper, in one place. We tried to take the diaper outside, he doesn’t pay attention to it, doesn’t even smell it, they did an enema, went, then they praised him, gave him a treat and that was the end of it, he still doesn’t walk. Help!!!

  16. Good afternoon I also had to adopt a puppy at 1 month. Shih Tzu breed. I allocated a place for her, every time after sleep and food I put her on a diaper. But more often he pees anywhere, it’s hard to keep track, because... does not sniff or sit down yet. I understand that it’s probably too early to train her (she’s 6 weeks old now), but she doesn’t want to sit in a box anymore, she runs around the whole apartment. Is it possible to put her in diapers during playtime until she grows up?

    Good afternoon We have a mixed-breed shepherd dog, he’s almost 4 months old, we’ve been going for walks for 2 weeks every 2-3 hours, he tolerates going to the toilet all the way home, he tags along at home, in fact, he’s never gone in front of me, only on the balcony - he immediately shitted himself. We tried everything, he flatly refuses to go outside, but loves to go for walks. My husband is already on edge. What to do?

    Good afternoon Three days ago we got a puppy (Pembroke Welsh Corgi), age 5.5 months. Before that, he lived with a breeder in a private house and was free-ranged in the yard with other dogs. They immediately started teaching him to walk on a leash, but the problem is that he got used to the leash pretty quickly, but he walks, but at home he comes and does his little things in different places. If this happened before my eyes, I would immediately reprimand her with a stern intonation of “ugh,” “no,” and give her a quiet warning spank. I tried to take the diaper with her pranks outside, but she doesn’t show much interest in it. Twice during the walks they did some big things, after which they received intense praise from me! But I wrote it at home. This is my first dog, I try to read a lot about how to do it correctly, but I’m worried that we got her at such an age and whether the training moment has been missed? And is it possible to correct this problem?

  17. Good afternoon I have Petit Brabançon, he is 4.5 months old, I can start the text with the words - I have no more strength.
    We have a house, the puppy lives in the kitchen, the doors there are closed because when you go into any other room he starts peeing. In the kitchen he has a cage, in it there is a diaper and his bed for the night, they are cutting it next to each other. During the day, the cage is open and he goes there to pee, provided that I change the wet diaper on time. Kaki does it exclusively on the floor. I can’t understand why he doesn’t go outside because I leave the door to the garden open for him. If he is in the mood, he can go outside, run around and go to the toilet, but I noticed that if it is cool outside, he does not deign to go out even to pee.
    I feed him and take him outside, he’ll go for a walk, he’ll sit at my feet and shiver if it’s cool, he’ll definitely pee before that, but then he’ll come back and rush out of the street.
    He also eats his fixli, if I suspected it before, I saw it yesterday, I felt very unpleasant, because he goes near the children, licks them.
    I ordered special pills, I’m waiting, I hope for them.
    It seems to me that he started eating kaki after I switched him to Acana, before that he ate Canin, but a friend says it’s not of the best quality, that’s why she switched. And the smell of feces has changed, it has become more smelly, either on the new food or due to the age of the puppy. We adopted the puppy when he was 12 weeks old, but unfortunately he still doesn’t understand the clear rules. Sometimes it seems to me that he does things in the house out of spite because we don’t entertain him.
    I took him to my room a couple of times, wearing a special dog diaper, it only covers my boy’s peepers. I fed him, took him outside, he peed, but he didn’t want to, he sat down at my feet and looked at me. He usually does this when he doesn’t want to go to the toilet at the moment, well, I think he probably went while I was fussing around in the kitchen, the door was open... but no, I put on a diaper, took it to my room, 15 minutes and a pile on the carpet.
    I praised him before and scolded him and spanked him, he seems to be just stupid.
    Then he will come to the bed to piss when we take him to our TV room, although before that I always take him out to pee and he pees.
    By the way, he has a hernia the size of a hazelnut, maybe it’s putting pressure on his head to think? I’m exaggerating this, of course, it’s an umbilical hernia.
    I put a penny on the hernia, the hernia pushes the penny away and comes out, the size of the penny was the size of the hernia.
    When should surgery be done?
    The operation is even 1.5 times more expensive than a puppy 🙁

    Good day.
    Tell me what to do?!
    Frenchie, just turned 4 months old, started going for walks after 3 months, after quarantine.
    We took him in without a week or two months, and he adapted well at home.
    The puppy is active, social, loves attention, plays, and can be trained quite well (“place”, sit, lie down, “ugh” we know well).
    He doesn’t perceive the street and walking in any way... he doesn’t ask to go for a walk and doesn’t want to go for a walk when you take him out, he just walks on the asphalt, without enthusiasm... and apparently he doesn’t even suspect that he needs to do things on the street. Happened several times, probably by accident, once in a big way, and sometimes he re-marks other people’s marks... and they praised him and gave him nice treats, but the cases are not repeated consciously.
    He walks in the morning for about 20 minutes, and in the evenings and on weekends for an hour and a half, endures it and brings everything home.
    And for a couple of days in a row he demonstratively makes a puddle on the sofa in the absence of the owners of the house, despite the fact that he knows perfectly well what will follow, and has not done this since a more conscious age (from 2.5 months), either for attention, or for some reason - an insult that didn’t exist...
    For now we continue in the spirit of “scold him at home for puddles and heaps, encourage him in every possible way outside,” but something doesn’t help.
    And another small problem: we “spud” a puddle during the joyful meeting of the owners after a working day, of course it’s not scary, but sometimes it happens on shoes or on the sofa. Is it also possible to somehow make it clear that you shouldn’t do this?

    Good afternoon. We got a dachshund puppy. Almost 3 months old. We started going for walks. But she doesn’t understand that she needs to go to the toilet outside. She behaves restlessly while walking - she sniffs everything, tries to run after everyone. That is, it’s as if she has the impression no time to go to the toilet. As soon as we get home, it can immediately make a pile and a puddle. It can go in different places. I try to scold. What should I do?

    Good afternoon.
    I read all the tips. But the problem is that they are all for purebred dogs, and if the puppy is a purebred “Nobleman” and is accustomed not to think, but to manage his affairs wherever necessary. How to teach him to go to the toilet outside? Our Greychik is 2 months old.

  18. Good day!
    I have a Newfoundland, 4 months old. The fact that he sometimes walks around the house is not a problem for me; he will slowly get used to the street. The problem is that she is terrified of going far from the entrance. We have already gone out with the whole family, still the same result. He will walk away, forget himself, and then run back. And he’s also afraid of various sounds, God forbid, a dog barks somewhere, that’s it, hysterical.... I’m very worried about this... It’s not destiny to go to a quiet place. Can you tell me what to do??? How to help a “child” get comfortable on the street???

    Good afternoon We have York! He is already 4 months old, we want to go outside and he walks there for small periods without any problems, but for large periods he comes home from the street and walks at home! She poked her nose at it, but it seemed like she was doing it out of spite! Maybe this is also due to the fact that it is cold outside? Please give me some advice?

  19. Hello! Help please, I really need advice from a knowledgeable person!
    On January 3, we adopted a Shiba Inu puppy, a boy, on January 16 he will be 5 months old. Before this he lived on a large breeders' farm, lived in an enclosure, almost always on the street. Unaccustomed to home conditions and, accordingly, tolerating the toilet, too.
    So he doesn’t show ANY signs when he wants to go to the toilet! At all. He doesn’t sniff, doesn’t spin, doesn’t sit down, absolutely NOTHING ((((He just walks around the apartment, stood up abruptly and started peeing. He doesn’t even lower his butt, he pees while standing and that’s it. We stop him and take him straight to the street and so on every time . And this can happen 2 hours after the party, and after 4. Help, what should I do? I don’t have the strength to scrub the carpets, soon they will start to stink, he ignores diapers... on the street, when he goes to the toilet, we praise him, we give him a treat. He especially cares not before that(((

  20. Good afternoon Our Frenchie is almost six months old, there is a problem with the toilet. He goes outside without any questions, but at home he also likes to eat (although he has a certain place). He goes often, after all his affairs he receives encouragement and already knows what they will give him, but he is there I need to take him away; he’s not running. What should I do?

The second most important problem after that is teaching him to relieve himself in the right place. How quickly the baby will understand what his owners want from him depends on many factors. Let's find out how to toilet train a puppy by approaching the process with a lot of optimism and resourcefulness.

Basic rules for toilet training a puppy

When purchasing a dog, every future owner simply must realize that toilet training a puppy is a long, often complex and energy-intensive process. And the main part is not the cleaning of puddles and piles, but the moral side of the issue. After all, we don’t punish our kids for getting their pants dirty; we don’t require them to be able to ask to use the potty until a certain age. So it is here - it is necessary to understand that only time and painstaking efforts on the part of a person will bring long-awaited results in the form of clean floors.

Depending on the age at which the puppy came to your home, you should begin toilet training. So the question of many dog ​​breeders – when can puppies be toilet trained – is very relevant. It is known that teaching a one-month-old baby is simply pointless - he is not yet able to control his sensations. But don't despair! Within a few weeks, the owner will begin to notice that urination and defecation occur less frequently and it is quite possible to “catch” them.

Teaching a two-month-old puppy is another matter. He already understands much more and his chances of productive learning increase every day. However, experienced dog breeders still recommend waiting until 3-4 months, since this is the age that is considered ideal for learning any commands, including toilet training.

So, no matter what decision you come to - to hold off or start training “from the cradle”, let’s find out the rules that should be followed in the coming months so that the dog learns to relieve itself as soon as possible where the owner has indicated to it:

  1. Until the dog is quarantined and is over, there is no talk of any walking. So you will have to be patient for the next 2-3 months and allow the dog to relieve himself at home.
  2. The baby needs to allocate a small space for life activities. This could be a kitchen, a hallway, or a corner of the room, fenced off like an enclosure. The less space the dog has, the easier it is.
  3. Where the puppy will live, all carpets and rugs should be removed, leaving a bare floor, to avoid damage to property.
  4. You need to catch the moment of urination immediately after the puppy wakes up, after eating, and also during active games.
  5. When moving on to walking on the street, you should devote a lot of time to this activity. At first, you will have to walk 5-6 times a day, because only by the age of one year can a dog hold large portions of urine for a long time. The puppy needs to go to the toilet much more often.

Important! Never scold your ward for a puddle on the floor. At a young age, the puppy is unable to control his body. Over time, there will be fewer of these incidents, and learning will become easier.

How to toilet train a puppy in an apartment?

Do you know that there are some dog breeds that are hardly ever walked? That is, they do not walk with them on the street with the purpose of taking them to the toilet. These are miniature breeds, such as toy terriers, and other miniatures. Therefore, the question “how to train a puppy to use the toilet in the house” is relevant for them, like for no one else. After all, for the rest of its life, such a dog, like a cat, will relieve itself in the tray.

In the same way as miniature dogs, puppies of any breed are trained to use the toilet at home. After all, until the end of the post-vaccination quarantine, they are destined to sit within four walls. You can train your dog to go to the toilet at home:

  1. Newspapers. With their help, they completely cover the floor in the apartment, that is, in the room where the puppy is kept. The dog soon gets used to the newspaper and gradually does its business in a certain place. Gradually, the floor is cleared of newspapers, removing one at a time. In the end, one or two newspapers remain, which will become the dog's toilet. But this option has already become obsolete, since there are better means at hand.
  2. A rag. This is an option similar to the first, but instead of newspaper they use old rags (terry towels are better). Unlike paper, fabric has better absorbency and the dog is more happy to walk on a soft surface than on a rustling surface.
  3. Disposable diaper. It is very convenient to train a dog to wear a diaper. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. It's better to take a larger size. Having stepped on it, the dog experiences a more comfortable sensation, since it does not put its paws on wet things. In addition, the diaper is suitable for use for a long time, since the internal contents, absorbing urine, turn into a gel. The only disadvantage of such a diaper may be the puppy’s tendency to tear the diaper.
  4. Reusable diaper. Can be purchased at a specialized pet store. It is similar to a rag but with increased ability to absorb liquid. Having bought two of these for a shift, you don’t have to worry about the dog toilet. Dogs quickly learn to walk on such a diaper, which is much more comfortable than the bare floor.
  5. Tray. Used for small, light weight dogs. It is already being given to an older dog who clearly goes to the toilet in one place. It is important that the sides of the tray are not high, and that it itself is stable and suitable in size for the dog. But the grille in it will be superfluous, as it creates discomfort for the pet. To attract the dog's attention to the tray, you can sprinkle litter on the bottom at first. There are special dog trays for older males with a post on which the dog will raise his paw.
  6. Artificial turf. It is the latest advancement in dog toilet training. It is based on a plastic tray, and the filler is soft, pleasant to the touch, artificial grass. The feces are absorbed inside, which allows the smell to linger inside without spreading. This device is very easy to clean under running water.

Pay attention to your dog's ability to remember sounds and commands, using this to your advantage. You can use a clicker to train your puppy to go to the toilet. As soon as the dog starts doing its business, a click is heard. After a couple of weeks of such training, the dog will begin to associate the sound with its actions. Then all that’s left to do is put the puppy on the diaper and click the clicker again. The developed instinct, as a rule, works flawlessly. Instead of a device, you can use any sound or command.

Important! Do not punish your pet for wrongdoing, especially if the trouble occurred in your absence. The puppy will not connect the punishment with his action that happened some time ago, but he will harbor a grudge against the owner and then it will be more difficult to train him.

You can toilet train not only a puppy, but also an adult dog, although with the latter it will be more difficult due to already established habits. How quickly this happens depends directly on the time spent. It is ideal to set aside a vacation for training so that you can keep your dog in sight at all times. As soon as she starts looking for a secluded corner, whining or showing an overall desire to relieve herself, you need to immediately pick her up and take her to the right place. As soon as the dog does its business, it is necessary to praise it and even give it a treat so that it associates its actions with pleasure.

How to train a puppy to toilet outside?

If you have purchased a large or medium breed dog, then sooner or later you will definitely need to teach it to go outside to the toilet. It is not difficult to train a domestic dog that has mastered toilet science in an apartment. In order not to completely adapt the puppy to new actions, you should initially establish his toilet in the hallway, near the front door. Of course, this is inconvenient for many reasons, but when the place for the toilet is next to the door, it will be easier for the dog to find his way.

So, quarantine is over, you bought a collar and leash and even taught your dog to walk around the apartment with their help. The time has come to move the walk to where it should be - to the street. As soon as you see that the baby is spinning around his rag/diaper/newspaper, you should interrupt him and quickly carry him outside, putting on his equipment at the same time. You will have to walk for a long time until the dog does its business. Don't forget to praise her when doing this.

If you are a person who spends most of your time at work, there is the expected difficulty of potty training your dog at home. The process will require time and sufficient patience. But when you come home, you will no longer find piles on the palace and puddles in the corridor.

Looking through the advertisements of breeders for the sale of puppies, we notice: it is indicated that the small dogs are clean and litter trained. But after taking the puppy home, it turns out that the dog makes puddles everywhere except in the right place. Let's talk about how to accustom a dog to a diaper, tray or newspaper.

How to arrange a toilet

There are three options for arranging a toilet for a dog:

  • use newspaper;
  • tray with special filler;
  • disposable diaper.

It is advisable to place the newspaper and diaper in a special tray. It is better to use a regular pallet without a mesh. Then no excess will leak onto the floor or under the baseboard before the owner arrives.

If we talk about a litter tray, this is more of a cat option. Cats, due to their reflexes, want to bury waste. Dogs are not endowed with such an instinct; they prefer to do things with a newspaper.

When installing the dog tray, make sure that there are no high sides and that it is level and without wobbling. It often turns out that sellers claim that the puppy is toilet trained. A considerable number of breeders teach puppies to toilet on a newspaper or diaper. Be sure to ask which toilet the dog is trained to.

Even a small dog chooses a place based on natural instincts. Often dogs prefer to go to the toilet near doors, loggias, and under windows. It may be possible to initially choose the right place, and the puppy will only go there.

It is advisable to temporarily remove carpets, rugs and runners from rooms. If your pet one day manages to pee on the mat, the dog will immediately feel the pleasure of having a soft and fluffy carpet under his paws that instantly absorbs the liquid. Keeping your pet away from carpets will be difficult. In addition, the smell lasts longer in a soft coating.

Try not to change the tray, but keep it clean. It is not recommended to change the location of the container.

When to toilet train

It is impossible to toilet train a puppy immediately. The process will require patience. You should start teaching your animal to go to the toilet in an appointed place from the moment the puppy enters the house. Remove rugs and carpets - the coverings attract children and retain the smell.

Remember, the older the dog, the more difficult it is to train the animal to use the toilet on the street or in a certain place in the house.

Try to take a closer look at the baby's behavior. The puppy chooses a toilet location, guided by instincts indicating the boundaries of the territory that should be marked. Favorite places are places near the door, balcony, under the window. Perhaps the dog constantly runs to the bathroom or prefers to pee in a dark corner, closed from prying eyes. Place trays there. If we are talking about the bathroom, try to provide your pet with unrestricted access there and remove the rugs first.

If you had to put out several trays to toilet train your dog, do not remove the containers until the animal is older. Small individuals may simply not have time to reach the right place. As your pet becomes an adult, reduce litter boxes to two. Sometimes a dog, in the absence of its owner, does not pee in the designated place. A miss can be caused by several factors.

  1. Take a closer look; perhaps the tray has become small and inconvenient for an older animal.
  2. Perhaps the person has been away for too long. Dogs do not like to go to the dirty toilet; they have to relieve themselves in another place. In this case, install an additional tray.

To make the process of toilet training your dog easier, take the advice of experienced breeders. For example, if you do not want your dog to relieve itself in a certain place, use the special Antipis product, sold at any veterinary pharmacy. Spray the described area with the preparation and periodically renew the anti-odor.

To stop your pet from peeing in a certain corner, place a bowl of food there. The animal will not mess up where it eats.

If you are away for a long time, limit the free area for the puppy to move around. Ask the breeder what kind of toilet the puppies' mother and babies are accustomed to. At first, stick to the already familiar option for your baby.

How to teach a dog to ask to go outside

The option with a diaper is a temporary method. If you think that the dog is obliged to relieve itself on the street and there is no talk of a home toilet, use the advice of dog breeders:

Don't lose the trust your dog has. Don't take your anger out on the animal. Try to analyze your own behavior if the process of toilet training an animal does not get off the ground. The dog's behavior is only the consequences of your actions, and not a desire to be punished. Seek advice from the breeder, correct the errors, and the result will be obvious.

Getting a puppy used to a diaper

Diapers for dogs

In the modern world, it is difficult to keep up with the innovations offered, and this also applies to animal care. Today, veterinary pharmacies or pet stores can easily find a wonderful thing - absorbent diapers for dogs. The purpose of the item is to facilitate the process of toilet training. Recently, some breeders have been using the diaper as a toilet.

If the animal ignores the diaper placed in the tray, do not rush to get upset. A small dog that finds itself in a new home with a stranger is quite capable of becoming upset and confused. Give time and observe, but don't forget to guide. This is important when the breeder assures buyers that the puppy is already diaper trained!

Two types of diapers have been developed:

  1. Disposable ones that are thrown away after the job is done.
  2. Reusable - items are washed in warm water, dried and reused. The mentioned diapers are not recommended to be washed in an automatic washing machine.

Application in practice

So, we chose a place and purchased reusable diapers for dogs. Please note that devices vary in size, choose the appropriate one based on the information on the packaging. Try to allocate a place for the dog where the pet can calmly relieve its needs. Remove the unnecessary stuff from there. A suitable option is the kitchen or hallway.

Most babies would prefer to do natural activities on a soft diaper rather than on a hard, smooth floor. Most, under the proposed circumstances, begin to write for the device on their own.

It is permissible to implement an alternative option. A small dog is given a place to sleep and rest. Place a box or mat near the intended litter area. Create a small fence around the designated area. At first, 2 square meters will be enough. meters. In the fenced area there should be only bedding and a diaper for toileting.

The situation turns out to be: the dog wakes up and wants to pee. This can be done either on a bare floor or on a soft diaper. The baby will certainly prefer a softer option. As the puppy grows up, it is recommended to increase the territory.

Carrot and stick method

It is necessary to make comments in a serious voice when the dog does business in an unintended place. You cannot use the method when you discover a puddle after a while. The pet will not be able to correctly understand the subsequent reprimand. The wrong conclusion is likely: the puppy peed in the wrong place, the owner saw and scolded. Consequently, traces of the “crime” are supposed to be hidden.

If the dog has gone to the diaper, praise the pet and offer a treat. Encouragement and praise only bring benefits. The main thing is not to overdo it; this applies to owners with an extremely gentle character.

Use the advice of experienced dog breeders to make the process of training your pet to a diaper easier. Place your dog in an enclosed area immediately after eating. Young individuals discover the need to relieve themselves after eating and after sleep.

After lunch, feel free to sit him in the fence and wait until the puppy pees. Then take it out and play. It is advisable to provide the dog with free access to the place with the diaper, so that if necessary, the dog can quickly go to it.

If it turns out that the dog did not have time to reach the place and peed on the floor, you should wipe the floor with a diaper and let the dog sniff. Try to wash the area of ​​the puddle on the floor more thoroughly.

Try to bring your dog to the place where you put the diaper more often. Notice the moments when it is clear that the puppy wants to pee. The baby begins to spin around in one place, sometimes whining and sniffing. Lead your pet to the diaper tray.

The dog's toilet diaper should remain clean. Most puppies will not use a dirty litter box.

Make no mistake about spanking or yelling at your puppy. Dogs at a young age are extremely sensitive; a stern note in their voice is more than enough for kids.

Possible troubles

Sometimes it turns out that when using the agreed methods, the dog does not go to the diaper, continuing to do nasty things on the floor. It is recommended to try changing the diaper to a different material. Try laying down a newspaper or a rag. Carefully treat the place chosen by the dog with special means. They are purchased either in pharmacies or in pet stores.

If you plan to train your dog to toilet outside, try to walk with the animal for a long time, do this after sleep or food.

To train a dog to properly cope with its natural needs, a person will need:

  • have positive motivation;
  • have strong nerves and patience;
  • Do not lose your trusting relationship with your dog.

If you manage to implement the above conditions, complete victory awaits you.

Tray training

Relatively recently, people with large dogs were often encountered on the street. Due to the difficulty of caring for, large dogs have given way in increasing popularity to small “pocket” pets. Such breeds do not force the owner to get up early in the morning for a walk; they try to train the dogs to a specially designated place.

What dogs are able to go to the litter box?

When starting to train your pet, find out which dogs use the litter box. Not every pet will happily agree to relieve itself in a place indicated by a person; training will have to begin from an early age. Popular dog breeds that go to the litter box are:

  • Terriers, most often Yorkshire;
  • Chihuahua;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • Pekingese;
  • Pomeranian and dwarf spitz.

And many other small dogs.

Elements of training

It is necessary to select and designate a place that implies a toilet. When teaching a dog to go to the litter box, you have to learn to understand when your pet wants to relieve itself. Track behavior. In most cases, animals begin to get nervous, crouch down and look for a secluded place. It is important not to miss the right moment. If you notice such changes in your pet’s behavior, urgently take the dog to a place with a tray and wait for him to relieve himself.

The puppy is ready to go to the toilet after sleeping, eating or active play.

When the process is completed and the puppy is happy, the dog should be praised in a joyful voice, and it is permissible to treat the baby with something tasty.

Corral against the clock

A simple and affordable way is to keep the puppy in sight. To prevent your pet from pooping anywhere, dog handlers recommend minimizing the number of suitable places in the apartment. The best solution to this difficulty would be to limit the animal to free space. Select a room in the house or make a specialized enclosure, for example, from chipboard, or purchase it in a store.

In doorways, it is enough to hang or install a special metal fence. Overcoming an obstacle is a piece of cake for a person, but for a baby there is an insurmountable obstacle. The owner can build a kind of enclosure from fences where the puppy can be left while the owners are away. The area of ​​the pen (there is dog bedding, toys and a toilet inside) depends on the size of the dog; for small dogs one and a half to two square meters is enough.

So that happy day has come when a little fluffy ball (or not so fluffy, or maybe completely naked) crossed the threshold of your home. Together with him, great love, fun and an endless stream of positive emotions came to your family. But in addition to the puppy, there are also endless piles and puddles that will appear in the most unexpected places. Now the main thing for you is to be patient and always keep in mind the idea that toilet training a puppy will take more than one month. Owners who are convinced that the puppy can already do everything (after all, the breeder said so!) will be disappointed. In a new home, surrounded by new people, hundreds of new smells and sounds, the puppy will certainly become confused.

He who is forewarned is forearmed!

To reduce the level of stress and minimize losses, you need to prepare in advance for puddles and piles: remove carpets from the floors, stock up on paper towels, absorbent diapers, a special dustpan, and safe cleaning products to remove stains and odors (it is best to purchase a special product at a pet store). Whether it is worth buying a tray for a puppy right away is a controversial issue. If in the future (when the baby grows up) you plan a full-fledged walk, then the tray will definitely be superfluous. But if you are absolutely sure that you want to “place” your dog in a tray, you can immediately buy this simple unit. However, a very small puppy (up to 3 months) is hardly worth putting in a litter tray, because even low sides can become a difficult obstacle for the little one.

A tray for a puppy is no different from a tray for an adult dog - the same wide “tray”, preferably with a diaper lock that holds the “bedding” at the bottom, preventing it from crumpling. For a male dog, immediately buy a tray with a twist-off post, which the dog will need from about six months of age (as soon as the male starts peeing by raising his paw).

Separately about diapers: Many owners completely ignore diapers and train their puppies to pee in an empty litter box, but saving on diapers is hardly reasonable. Firstly, it is unpleasant for a puppy to pee when a puddle spreads under his paws, and the owner will have to wash the baby’s paws every time or endure the unpleasant smell. The diaper immediately absorbs urine, so training your puppy to use the litter box will take less time. Secondly, the smell of urine spreads less when it does not spread over the plastic, but is immediately absorbed into the cotton layer of the bedding. Thirdly, absorbed urine decomposes more slowly, which means less negative flora spreads through the air (and we inhale it, which can lead to infection with tiny helminths, especially for preschool children and people with weakened immune systems). Fourthly, it is always easier to remove a puppy’s feces from the diaper than from the surface of the tray (after all, the tray will also have to be washed, which is especially “pleasant” when the baby has loose stools). And lastly, it’s easier to take several diapers on a trip than to try to fit a tray into a suitcase. Many “hawkers” flatly refuse to relieve themselves on the street and tolerate it until the last moment, which is very harmful. Taking a diaper with you (on a visit, to the country, to the forest, to the shops) can easily solve this problem. But dragging the tray along with you to barbecue - you must agree, is not very convenient.

Training the puppy to use the litter box

So, everything is ready, the puppy arrived at the new house, ran around the rooms a little, and here it is important to seize the moment! From an overabundance of emotions, the baby will make a puddle right where he stands in the first few minutes in the new house. As soon as you notice that the baby is settling in, take him to the diaper. There is no need to give in to emotions and convince yourself that the puppy is still small and so unhappy from being separated from his mother and littermates that you can let him “do business” wherever he pleases for a couple of days. Toilet training a puppy should begin as soon as the baby is in its new home.

Important: The longer and more closely you watch your baby in the first days, the faster he will learn all the “rules of good manners.” Therefore, it is advisable for one of the adults to take at least a couple of weeks off.

Since it is unlikely that you will be able to accustom your puppy to the litter box right away, first you need to cover the floor with absorbent diapers. Place the tray in its permanent place, and lay out the diapers so that they form an imaginary path to the tray. There are enough 3-5 diapers in each room, plus one in the corridors. It is advisable to stain the diapers a little with the puppy’s urine - it will be easier for him to navigate by his own smell.

At first, you need to constantly monitor the puppy. As soon as the baby begins to walk in circles or settle in, you need to pick him up and take him to the diaper (even if he is already in the process!). It is unacceptable to hold a puppy in a diaper by force. This way you will form an incorrect reaction in the baby to the diaper (tray) - he will instinctively resist and try to escape. If the puppy “finished the job” in the diaper, you need to praise him in a joyful voice (don’t be afraid to exaggerate your emotions, but don’t make a fuss) and reward him with a treat.

Important: It’s easy to overfeed a small puppy, especially since they pee very often. Therefore, the pieces of treats should be tiny, literally half the size of the little finger. It's not food, it's a reward! It’s great if the plate with the treat is placed close to the diaper and so that the puppy can see it, but cannot reach it. The baby will quickly understand how to get the treasured piece. Some even pretend to pee on the diaper to get the owner to give them a treat. Encourage such tricks, but in other situations not related to toilet training, never give the baby a treat from this bowl!

When leaving your baby alone at home, be sure to limit his movements. Ideally, you need to separate half the room with a partition or install an enclosure (which must include bedding, a diaper, food and water, toys, and for very young children a mechanical alarm clock that calms the baby with its ticking). A small puppy gets lost in a large space and will be more psychologically comfortable in a cozy makeshift home, where everything is “at hand.” Tray training a puppy will take much longer if the baby wanders around all the rooms in the absence of people.

You need to scold puppies up to three months of age very carefully, without physical force or shouting, even if the puppy has been peeing at home for several weeks and does not want to get used to a certain place. Just shake your finger at him, frown your forehead dramatically (facial expressions are extremely important!) and say: “what a bad guy!”, and then leave and avoid communicating with the baby for a while. Ignoring the owner of his dog is the worst punishment for representatives of most decorative breeds.

When you notice that the puppy misses 90% of the time, you can start removing the extra diapers. But do this gradually, you don’t need to leave just the tray at once - the baby may get confused and have to start all over again.

By five to seven months, the baby should already clearly know where to “do things”, and if the puppy craps in the wrong place at home, you can punish him a little more roughly. But still, preferably without physical violence (panicking, the baby is unable to learn anything, he is overcome by one desire - to run away as quickly as possible).

We train a puppy to use the toilet outside

Truly lucky are those dogs whose owners have the opportunity to walk their pets every day. After all, a dog living “on a tray” often becomes nervous, easily excitable, gets sick more often and, alas, lives less. A simple comparison: an athletic person who regularly jogs and walks, who has many friends and acquaintances, or a homebody who has flabby muscles (and therefore weak blood vessels and heart) and is slightly crazy due to his isolation from society. It is obvious which of them is happier. Therefore, think several times before deciding to train your dog to use the tray.

Before the puppy is vaccinated, you can only walk him in your arms, without the slightest contact with strangers or objects. This is extremely important, since an unvaccinated puppy, having contracted any infection, fades away very quickly! But after vaccinations, usually at 2.5-3 months, you can begin to teach your baby to use the toilet outside. But how to wean a puppy from peeing at home, because until now he relieved himself in safety, and there are so many smells, so much noise outside! The baby may be scared at first and, which happens quite often, the puppy will endure until the last minute to make a puddle at home. If this is your case, long walks near your home, perhaps a light jog, will help. The baby will be distracted and not even notice how he makes a puddle. At this moment, you need to praise him, treat him with a treat and congratulate yourself on your first success.

Another situation is that the puppy is not afraid of the street, but does not understand what you want from him. In this case, you need to take a diaper with you outside (or a small piece of a diaper soaked in the baby’s urine), put it in a secluded place away from prying eyes and walk around it. Let the baby come up and smell, recognize his scent.

Quite a lot of help in teaching a baby to use the toilet outside is provided by... other dogs! Find someone of your own temperament and size, and try to walk together as often as possible. Dogs copy each other's behavior, so the puppy, looking at his new friend, will quickly understand why he is being taken for a walk.

Since it is unlikely that you will be able to train your puppy to use the toilet outside in just a few walks, do not rush to remove the diapers. Leave at least one diaper in each room, but try to take your baby for walks more often, so that 80% of toilet chores in a day are done outside.

Some owners get nervous when faced with the stubbornness of the baby, and do not understand how to stop the puppy from littering the house, because all the methods have already been tried, but there is still no result. If it seems to you that you are doing everything as it should be, but your baby still dirty the floor with enviable regularity, calmly and with a cool head, “sort out” all your actions. It happens that a dog gets dirty in the house for years, and the instructor solves the problem in just a couple of lessons. Do not rush to shift the blame onto the little puppy. In 99% of cases, the baby does not understand what they want to achieve from him, precisely because of the wrong actions of the owner. Maybe you spend too little time training, maybe you scare the baby too much, or maybe you don’t praise enough - every little thing is important!

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