How do menstruation occur in cats? How long does a cat go into heat? What should cat owners watch out for?

There comes a time in the life of any cat when it is ready to reproduce future offspring. Puberty in an animal occurs regardless of the wishes of the owner. And if you did not castrate your pet as a child, then be prepared for some difficulties that the onset of estrus will cause.

What is estrus and how often does it happen?

Estrus is an animal's reproductive cycle. At this time, the cat is ready to mate and conceive offspring.

For the first time, this phenomenon can be observed in a pet at the age of 5-12 months.

This cat is 5 months old and she can already physiologically begin to ask for a cat.

Readiness for mating depends on many factors, for example, on the breed of the animal, on its genetic predisposition, on the individual characteristics of the organism and other factors.

How many times a year?

The estrus period can last 6-20 days.

Such a desire haunts the cat once every 3-5 months, and can last 6-20 days. If during estrus the female becomes pregnant, gives birth and feeds her kittens, then the next estrus will occur in 4-6 months.

If the offspring died or were removed by the owners, then the cat is ready for mating after 2-3 weeks.

Attention ! If your cat's heat is accompanied by spotting and occurs more than once a month, consult a doctor immediately.

Such symptoms may be harbingers of serious health problems .

Symptoms of estrus in a cat

Loss of appetite may be a warning sign that your cat is in heat. But appetite is also lost in many diseases.

You need to be attentive to your animal and you can easily determine a cat’s sexual readiness by certain signs:

  • During heat The cat's vagina becomes slightly larger than usual . In addition, transparent discharge appears. It will not be difficult for the owner to notice the spots left by his pet.
  • The cat starts lick often and for a long time , and also visits the litter box more often than usual.
  • Sometimes estrus is accompanied loss of appetite .
  • The cat becomes affectionate . She caresses her owner, as if asking him to stroke her. The animal can roll around on the floor, attracting attention.
  • Many females during this period trying to escape into the street . No matter how much attention you pay to your pet, he will always look for a way to escape to the street where the cats hang out.
  • The cat starts scream and purr pitifully . This happens not only during the day, but even at night.
  • Cat often lies on the stomach, raising the back of the body , raises his tail and .

You should not offer a cat to a cat that is too young. In such cats, the genital organs have not yet developed, and pregnancy can cause a number of complications that can only be eliminated by surgery.

Stages of heat

Veterinarians call estrus Estrus, which occurs in 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus– this is the first period of estrus. It lasts from 1 to 4 days. During this period, the cat becomes very affectionate, demands more attention to itself, rolls around on the floor, and the first slight discharge can be noticed. During the first period, the cat does not allow the cat to approach her, as she is not yet ready for fertilization.
  2. Estrus– this is the second period of estrus. The duration of this period largely depends on the breed of cat and its individual characteristics, but on average this stage lasts 1-1.5 weeks. The second stage is determined by your pet's behavior. The cat starts screaming day and night. The moment you stroke it, it begins to raise its tail and the back of its body. Visible transparent discharge appears
  3. Metestrus or post-estrus is the third period of estrus. It occurs at the moment when signs of sexual readiness begin to fade. This period lasts for 2-15 days. If a cat has mated with a cat, then pregnancy occurs at the moment of metestrus. Interest in cats is replaced by aggression
  4. Anestrus– the fourth and final period of estrus. During this period, the cat returns to its normal state, it becomes calm and no longer shows signs of sexual readiness. If a cat does not become pregnant during estrus, then estrus repeats after two to three weeks.

A cat is in heat, how can I help her if there is no cat?

One of the ways to stop estrus is hormonal pills. Frequent use is harmful to the cat's health.

There are three options to reduce your cat's distress:

  1. If the cat is old enough and you are ready for kittens to appear in the house, then you can find cat for mating.
  2. Give your pet hormonal medications . But this also has its own characteristics. Such medications should not be given to a cat more than twice a year. An excess of hormones in a cat’s blood can lead to inflammation and malignant tumors of the genital organs.
  3. Sterilization . This option will permanently rid your cat of heat and its symptoms.

What are the deviations from the norm during estrus?

Estrus is a natural process in a cat’s body, however, some deviations from the norm are possible.

It happens that a pet may not have obvious symptoms of estrus; veterinarians call this phenomenon Anaphrodisia . This happens due to an insufficient amount of hormones in the animal’s body. This disease is treated with a course of injections containing hormones. After 1-2 weeks of treatment, estrus occurs with all its natural symptoms.

A delay in estrus for up to three weeks is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Another violation of this process is called prolonged estrus.

This happens when the duration of sexual readiness is delayed beyond 3 weeks.

This can happen to an animal at any age, however, in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor. When contacting the clinic, the veterinarian conducts an examination and tests for various ovarian pathologies. This is curable.

How to relieve a cat's suffering during heat at home without medications?

During the period of heat, you need to pay more attention to your cat: pick her up more often, stroke her, talk to her, scratch her fur. This will not relieve all symptoms of sexual readiness, but it will slightly alleviate the pet’s condition.

If your cat bothers you by meowing day and night, no need to scold her. Treat it with understanding, because your pet has a lot of energy that he needs to splash out on something. At such times, active games will help. You can buy your cat a new toy, or, most importantly, exhaust your pet. Playing with the owner or a toy will slightly distract the cat from its physiological urges.

If the cat “calls” the cat too actively, then you can wet it. This should distract her for a while.

During heat, it is better not to let your cat sleep and eat a lot during the day.

The best thing is it will be tight feed her in the evening so that she, tired and well-fed, quickly falls asleep. You should not lock a cat alone in a room at night because of its screams; you should not punish or scold it.

During estrus, the animal's diet should be balanced. Do not overfeed your pet to avoid obesity or other health problems.

If, after all that has been done, the cat does not calm down and continues to bother you at night, then you should think about sterilization or taking special medications that will relieve the symptoms of estrus.


If you don’t want to watch your pet suffer during heat, then know that you have the power to help her. If you are not against her offspring, then find a cat for your pet. But the main thing to remember is that giving birth too often can lead to complications.

If you are tired of the daily screams of the cat, but don’t want kittens in the house. Then do not torture the animal, and consider the option of sterilization. This method will not only provide you with restful nights, but will forever relieve your cat from the torment associated with sexual readiness.

Whatever you prefer, try to treat your cat with understanding and care during this period. It's not the pet's fault that this happens to him. Only your care and love will help the cat return to normal.

I will talk about what estrus is in cats and when it first starts at home and how long it can last. I will consider the phases and symptoms of sexual heat, the frequency of estrus and how to help your pet and what to do during this period.

When and at what age do cats start their first heat?

On average, estrus begins at 7-10 months in cats of medium and small breeds (,), as well as ordinary outbred animals. At this age they reach sexual maturity and are capable of bearing kittens.

However, physiological maturity occurs at 1.5 years. Pregnancy that occurs before one and a half years of age entails certain consequences - kittens are born weak. The birth occurs with serious complications. Therefore, mating cats during their first heat is strictly prohibited!

The minimum period for the onset of puberty is 6 months.

Estrus at this age is considered a deviation from the norm. As a rule, this feature is inherited and signs of early maturation can begin and appear in the offspring.

“Precocious” cats are removed from breeding.

The maximum period for estrus is one and a half years.

In some animals, desire continues for more than 10 days, which indicates functional impairment. In this case, you need to visit a veterinarian. Most often, prolonged estrus is eliminated by sterilizing the animal.

Cat desire is a natural physiological process for all mammals, including cats. Therefore, owners need to be understanding of their pet’s condition and try to help in every possible way.

These pets attract us with their softness, grace and endurance. In this article you will find out how long British cats live, what diseases they have, as well as what vaccinations and vitamins they need to maintain health. The care and attention of the owner will help maintain the naturally strong health of these animals.

Diseases of British cats

Vaccinations for British cats

During the first year and a half, British kittens, due to their weak immunity, can easily pick up various infectious and viral diseases. To prevent this from happening, Britons need to be vaccinated against:

  1. infections in the respiratory tract;
  2. ringworm;
  3. panleukopenia;
  4. rabies.

The first vaccination is usually done in the nursery, when the baby is only 9-12 weeks old. Vaccination helps protect Britons from diseases such as panleukopenia, tracheitis and calcivirosis. The vaccination is repeated after about 2-3 weeks, adding an anti-rabies drug. Then the event is held once a year.

If the breeder at the nursery has not vaccinated the animal, do it yourself or with the help of a veterinarian in a new home, at the age of 2-2.5 months. After 2 weeks, repeat the procedure again.

If you want a pet, make sure that all vaccinations are stamped in the veterinary passport.

Vitamins for British cat breeds

Note! In order for a Briton to always look healthy, his diet must contain special vitamin supplements.

Water-soluble vitamins, such as Kitzel, are especially suitable for British cats. Biotin, calcium and other minerals contained in these vitamins help form strong bones, healthy teeth, as well as improve shedding cycles and prevent matting of your pet's fur, especially in the body, and trembling.

Vitamins produced by Jimpet and 8 in 1 have also proven themselves well. However, they should be used only as needed - an excessive amount of drugs can lead to a disease such as hypervitaminosis.

Puberty in the British

Active puberty of British breed cats begins at the age of 8-10 months. It is at this age that cats begin to walk and ask for a cat.

A British cat is in heat

On average, the first heat in cats of the British breed begins at the age of 7-9 months. However, it is impossible to determine the exact period; it all depends on the individual genetics of the British woman, the conditions of her keeping and feeding. In addition, premature estrus can be caused by an adult uncastrated cat with its “calls” if it is somewhere nearby.

The duration of one heat is 8-10 days, the first – 4-5 days. The break between them usually lasts about 20 days, but again it all depends on the hormonal level of the animal.

You can determine when a British cat is in heat by the following signs:

  • frequent loud meowing and purring;
  • changes in gait (the cat coquettishly bends its knees);
  • friction against various objects and the owner’s legs;
  • rolling on the floor;
  • a sharp change in character;
  • demand for increased attention to one’s person.

So the British woman starts asking for a cat. You can help your cat in one of the following ways:

  1. Let go for a walk;
  2. Give sedative drops;
  3. Sterilize.

Mating of British breed cats

Crossbreeding of British cats is recommended at the age of 1 to 2 years. The first mating of a British breed cat up to a year old can lead to an interrupted birth process or even death, and cats can lose the ability to reproduce by the age of 2 years. Therefore, it is recommended to skip the first 2 heats of a British female. However, mating should not be delayed too much - after 2 years, the cat may become so aggressive that it will not allow the cat to come near it.

In most cases, the cat is brought to the cat on the 2nd day of estrus and left for 2-3 days. Remember that officially the British cat breed does not allow mating with other breeds, so if you want purebred kittens, breed only straight-eared British cats.

If your cat doesn't get pregnant the first time, don't despair, just wait for the next heat and try again.

British cat pregnancy

Don't think that when you take your cat home after breeding, you will immediately notice that she is pregnant. The British woman will continue to flow for the entire time allotted by nature, and the first signs of pregnancy may appear only after 2-3 weeks. First of all, your pet's nipples will increase in size and take on a bright pink hue. The cat will also begin to sleep a lot, eat less, and demand affection from the owner.

On average, British cats stay pregnant for 68 days. Pregnancies that last less than 60 days most often result in obstructed labor, which results in the death of the kittens. You can determine the exact gestational age and the time when your pet is due to give birth by drawing up a special calendar, taking into account that conception occurs 25-48 hours after coverage.

When cats of the British breed carry kittens already at 9 weeks, they independently arrange a “nest” for childbirth and try not to lose sight of the owner.

During this period, a happy owner must properly care for the British cat: limit physical activity, ensure proper nutrition (especially if the cat sheds heavily) and show your care and attention!

British woman giving birth

If a British cat begins to secrete a yellow, pus-like fluid from under its tail, these are the first signs of the onset of labor. In addition, any cat before giving birth begins to scream unnaturally and refuse to eat.

The first time British women give birth is quite difficult, and they may call the owner to deliver the baby. Therefore, it is recommended to be at home on a pre-calculated day and stock up on:

  • veterinarian's phone number;
  • clean scissors;
  • surgical gloves;
  • Vaseline;
  • nylon thread;
  • any antiseptic.

A serious complication of the approaching birth can be premature release of water and a kitten stuck in the birth canal. In this case, you will need the help of a veterinarian; under no circumstances try to get the kitten yourself!

On average, the first birth lasts about 10 hours. In some cases, it can last 24 hours, but no more.

In one litter, a British cat gives birth to up to 6 kittens. After giving birth, the “new mother” sometimes behaves unpredictably - she does not agree to feed the kittens or even turns away from them. In this case, the owner just needs to help his cat by placing the babies one by one on her nipples. After some time, she will feel a familiar smell, begin to lick them and, finally, “recognize” them.

Castration and sterilization of the British cat breed

It's no secret that cats that are not allowed out for walks almost always mark the territory in the house, leaving behind a terrible smell. Therefore, if you are not going to have offspring, it is better to castrate a British cat and sterilize the cat. This can be done at the age of 8-10 months, waiting until the body is fully formed. In addition, castration and sterilization must be carried out before mating. Otherwise, reviews of the procedures remain negative - the pet continues to ask for a “walk”.

Good health and long life expectancy of a pet are the result of the owner’s literacy. Take care of British cats, and they will delight you and your relatives with their presence in the house for a long time.
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The mating season in cats is very stormy, intense, with mood swings and loud “singing”. In this article, the site will tell you what to do if the cat is in heat: what to do in such a difficult situation.

When does a cat's first heat start?

Cats become interested in the opposite sex at approximately six months. It is during this period that the animal is ready to mate, as the body begins to reproduce mature eggs. It is important to know that in cats puberty occurs 6 months earlier than physical maturity, in males it occurs almost simultaneously. Therefore, conscientious veterinarians and breeders recommend allowing the cat to “walk” for the first time when it is one and a half years old.

Estrus can last from several days to several weeks (on average 10-14 days). The periods between heats are very individual and depend on many factors: feeding, care, health, breed, etc.

Cats are sexually active throughout the year. But for many of them this period occurs in the spring and summer months. Because at this time the daylight hours increase, which has a direct impact on the mating season.

When a cat is in heat, her behavior changes and she can be quite a nuisance to her owners!

What to do if your cat is not in heat?

It is worth noting that the absence of estrus can be caused by the animal’s emotional state, illness, or deviation from the norm. Let's look at the most common reasons:

  • Each breed has its own mating season;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • The thyroid gland produces few hormones;
  • If the cat is domestic and has never been in contact with or seen other cats in its life, then its natural instincts may be “atrophied”;
  • Unformed or absent ovaries;
  • Hermaphrodite cat: instead of ovaries, underdeveloped testes;
  • Ovarian pathology: cyst or tumor;
  • Invisible or “erased estrus”, when the symptoms are almost invisible.

In any case, only a veterinarian can determine the cause and understand the absence of estrus. Therefore, there is no need to risk your pet’s health and ignore visiting the veterinary clinic.

A cat's first heat: symptoms

  • Sudden change of mood. The cat can become very affectionate or very aggressive towards members of the household;
  • The cat periodically “sings” loudly. This manifests itself either in purring or in screams, which serve as a kind of signal and call for the opposite sex;
  • If the cat has become affectionate, then she will willingly respond to caresses and strokes. If she is aggressive, then any touch will irritate her. Special during this period are stroking the lower back;
  • The animal rushes around the house in search of a way out. In this state, the cat may crawl out the window or jump from the balcony. But you shouldn’t be too offended by your pet, because at this moment she is driven by the instinct of reproduction, launched by a huge portion of hormones;
  • Due to stress, the animal loses its appetite. Such a hunger strike can last until the end of estrus;
  • The cat often licks its genitals, which indicates the presence of discharge, which should be clear and without a strong odor. At the slightest deviation from the norm, immediately contact a veterinarian, as this may be the cause of the disease;
  • In addition to frequent urination, the animal may mark its territory. Moreover, the marks can be in any place she likes.

What to do when your cat is in heat?

If you do not plan for your pet to give birth to kittens, then it is better to take care of this in advance. Sterilization or castration is the most effective method for preventing the birth of offspring. In addition, these operations eliminate the risk of numerous diseases. Both hormonal drugs and simple abstinence can cause irreparable harm to the health of your pet. For example, cause inflammation or tumors of the animal’s reproductive organs. Therefore, the site will share with you the most harmless ways to solve this problem.

Sedatives (stop-stress, cat-bayun)

When a cat is in her first heat, screaming, meowing and restless behavior helps her “blow off steam” in the absence of a partner. Besides, just imagine the pressure she is under under the influence of so many hormones. Sedative drops (tablets) based on herbs will help your pet not only calm down, but also more easily survive the attack of love pheromones.

You should start giving your cat a sedative a few days before the mating season or at the beginning of estrus three times a day. The course of taking such drugs can be renewed with each subsequent onset of “sexual heat”.

You can also use a decoction of chamomile or thyme flowers as a sedative.

What to do if your cat goes into heat? You need to have her full attention

Can redeem favorite in warm water with the addition of chamomile infusion. This aromatherapy will both distract and calm you.

You can reduce portions due to this increase the number of feedings kitties.

You can pay more attention active games and caring for your pet.

Whatever method you choose to capture your cat's attention will benefit her in any case.

Now you know when it starts cat's first heat, age and signs of mating season. We hope that the above recommendations will help you and your pet get through this time calmly.

Bruslik Maria - especially for - a site for those in love... with themselves!

Many owners of mustachioed tabbys prefer to get a kitten rather than a cat. It is believed that they are more affectionate, clean, more attached to their owner and much less hooligan. This means that you should be aware that at a certain time the grown-up pet will begin to have “special” days - a period when the animal will need all the love of the owner, his patience and understanding.


The scientific name for this phenomenon is estrus.

It indicates the cat’s readiness to mate, bear offspring and give birth.

At this time, follicles mature in the animal’s body, which causes changes in the cat’s physiology and psyche due to changes in hormonal levels.

Age at first heat cats - approximately 7 months. In some cases, it comes later, closer to 1 year, but there are also early maturing individuals. The onset of estrus depends on the conditions of detention, breed, health of the animal and even the time of year. It is believed that the presence of a cat in the house also stimulates the early development of kitty cats. But this is not a reason to allow mating at such an early age: the cat is not physically mature, which means that her body is not ready for the stress associated with bearing kittens and giving birth.

If the cat is older than 1 year no heat- A visit to the doctor is mandatory. A delay in estrus at this age indicates serious hormonal imbalances.

A qualified veterinarian will examine you and make recommendations on how to solve the problem.


  • most often a cat becomes surprisingly affectionate, tries to be closer to the person, asks to be stroked continuously, rubs her head, rolls on the floor. Aggressive behavior is less common; the animal is irritated and reacts negatively to affection and stroking;
  • the cat becomes “talkative”: this is expressed in non-musical screams (usually at night) calling for the opposite sex, but may look like continuous purring;
  • decreased cleanliness: along with frequent urination, the cat may begin to mark, and during this period the smell becomes especially pungent;
  • the animal sleeps little and refuses food. This voluntary fast may continue until the end of the heat;
  • The cat devotes a lot of time to personal hygiene. This is due to the appearance of discharge from the genitals. Normally they are transparent, odorless and without blood. The slightest deviation requires a visit to a doctor;
  • The gait changes: during this period, the cat’s hind legs are slightly bent, and the tail is directed upward.

Video: what signs to look out for

There are known cases of the so-called "erased" heat, when its symptoms appear rather weakly outwardly. This should not cause concern: the cat simply has such a sexual constitution. The owner will not have to listen to cat “songs” at night, and during the day be sympathetic to the increased sociability of his pet.

The first heat lasts about 10 days. Its initial stage lasts 1 or 2 days, the next one is a little longer, 5-7 days, but in some cases the process can last up to 20 days.


If no problems arise, nothing, you should just survive this period. The owner's only task will be preventing your pet from meeting a cat.

In the future, it is worth deciding on the issue of sterilization, unless, of course, breeding work is planned. The behavior of a cat during heat can be tolerated, especially since this happens no more than 2 times a year.

But in cats that are regularly denied a cat, the intervals between heats are significantly reduced and these “magic” days can occur monthly. Therefore, for some cats, sterilization is only beneficial. The operation is carried out after the end of the first heat, but best of all - after the second: by this time the cat’s puberty will be completely completed.

To alleviate the condition of the animal during estrus, you can use special medications.

A veterinarian will help you choose the right ones; you should tell him about all the features of the cat, her behavior during the period of heat and, of course, her state of health.

This will make it easier to choose the appropriate remedy to help the animal survive this difficult period.

You should not use hormonal drugs: in the future, they can serve as an impetus for the development of various types of tumors, which will lead to abdominal surgery, which is associated with a certain risk.

Video: what to do when your cat is in heat

Useful tips

The period of estrus (especially the first) – serious stress for a cat. To calm her down, you should:

  • show as much care as possible by simply communicating with your pet;
  • distract her with active games;
  • feed in small portions, but often;
  • If the cat tolerates water treatments calmly, you can bathe her by adding chamomile decoction to the water. This will relax the animal, distract it and calm it down.


You should never raise your voice to a cat that screams, demands attention and is continuously petted. Especially, there is no way to punish, no matter how tiresome she is with her behavior. During this difficult period, she cannot control her emotions, so even a shout will cause her additional trauma. Also, you should not lock your animal in a room - limiting the space will only increase stress.

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