How does an allergy to dental crowns manifest? Allergy to crowns: types, symptoms and what to do. Proper care of metal ceramics

An allergic reaction is the sensitivity of the human body to a certain type of material that is used for dental prosthetics.

It is manifested by a deterioration in general health, inflammatory processes and other unpleasant symptoms. The immune system thus tries to get rid of an unwanted element that interacts with the body.

Most often, allergic reactions occur to removable dentures.

The reaction occurs to certain types of metals that make up the prosthesis:

  • Chromium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Copper;
  • Nicole.

Allergic reactions can occur not only to a specific type of metal, but also to a combination of several metals in one product.

In this case, when replacing one combination of materials with another, the reaction may disappear.

What other types of allergies are there?

  • Acrylic;
  • Zirconium;
  • Plastic;
  • Metal-plastic;
  • Nylon;
  • Ceramic;
  • Clasp dentures.

Studying the effect of prosthetic materials on the human body helps to identify and eliminate combinations of materials that most often cause allergies.


An allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the materials that make up the prosthesis is accompanied by a certain set of symptoms that can appear at any time after installation.

Color change. The area next to the prosthesis takes on a rich red color. Any surface that comes into contact with foreign bodies can change color (cheeks, tongue, mucous membranes, gums, etc.). The reaction may appear on the lips or tongue.

Discomfort in the oral cavity. There may be soreness, severe dryness, discomfort, bitterness on the tongue, a feeling of the constant presence of a foreign body (does not go away for a minute), pain in any part of the oral cavity (tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, etc.).

Problems with the respiratory tract (exacerbation of asthma and other chronic diseases of the nasopharynx or oropharynx).

Rash. After installation of a prosthesis, rashes, redness, hives and other manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear on any part of the body.

Edema. Swelling of the tongue, gums, cheeks and other parts of the oral cavity may appear on the lips, near the site where the prosthesis is installed.

Temperature. Body temperature may increase significantly. If the allergy is severe, the temperature may rise above subfebrile (more than 38 degrees).

Quincke's edema (severe swelling of the larynx).

Anaphylactic shock. Occurs during a severe allergic reaction. It causes instant itching, difficulty breathing and a severe drop in blood pressure.


What to do if you are allergic to dentures

An allergic reaction may occur immediately after installation of the prosthesis. Within a few minutes or hours, the first symptoms of a reaction appear.

When they occur, it is necessary to remove the main irritant as quickly as possible.

The removable denture should be removed and you should consult a specialist (dentist, orthodontist, allergist).

If the prosthesis cannot be removed on your own, you need to contact the nearest dental clinic.

An allergic reaction can take months or years to develop. A person feels minor symptoms of its manifestation and does not pay attention to it.

If after installing a new prosthesis a person feels discomfort for a long time, you should immediately contact the specialist who installed it.

It is also necessary to consult with an allergist to find out which of the materials caused the reaction.


Only the symptoms of an allergic reaction can be eliminated. The allergy itself cannot be cured, because it is the effect of an irritating factor (one of the prosthetic materials) on the body, from which the human immune system is protected.

It is impossible to completely get rid of it.

Stages of treatment (antiallergic therapy)

Second generation antihistamines (Semprex, Fenistil, Claritin, Histimet). The medicine blocks allergy symptoms.

Antiallergic - antihistamines (dimelrol, suprastin, tavegil, fenkarol).

Adsorbents (polysorb, activated carbon, diosmectite, smecta, filtrum). They improve overall well-being by removing harmful substances and toxins from the body.

Plasmapheresis procedure. Blood plasma is filtered through special membranes, which allows you to quickly get rid of all allergy symptoms, because “blood renewal” occurs. Used for severe allergic reactions;

Immunosorption procedure. Another option for purifying blood in the body. Used when the body reacts strongly to an allergen.

The use of ointments for the oral cavity (Cholisal, Dentamet, Metrogil Denta, Vokara). This is especially true for concomitant stomatitis.



Dentures should be selected based on the condition and number of your own teeth.

Removable dentures on implants are installed on special fastenings (buttons or beam). The attachments are implanted into the jaw, so removing them will be quite difficult.

Clasp dentures are an excellent method of partial dentures. The bridge fits onto adjacent teeth, which hold it in the desired position.

Users note the ease of removing such a prosthesis and the low likelihood of allergies.. If it is impossible or not desirable to undergo prosthetics with fixed prostheses, clasp bridges will be the solution.

Plastic acrylic dentures suitable for people with complete absence of teeth. They fit tightly to the jaw, which prevents pieces of food and dirt from penetrating under it.

The plastic is durable, lightweight and does not require careful maintenance.

Nylon dentures are an anti-favorite.

Most users note the expensive cost, which does not correspond to the quality of the material. It is inconvenient to eat, drink, and brush your teeth with them. Another huge disadvantage is the difficulty of getting used to the prosthesis.

Most people who have had nylon prosthetics have never been able to get used to their prosthesis.

Features of metal-ceramic prostheses

A prosthesis that replaces a lost tooth is made of metal and ceramic. The metal base can be created from precious, base or semi-precious metal (depending on the patient's choice). Metal ceramics based on a gold-platinum alloy are best absorbed by the body.

The ceramic base used in metal ceramics is usually a thin layer of hypoallergenic ceramic material that “gets along” well in the body.

Metal ceramics do not fade over time. Even regular consumption of coloring drinks (for example, coffee, tea) does not affect the color pigment of the ceramic base of the prosthesis.

A metal-ceramic prosthesis can be removable or non-removable. A removable type of prosthesis is usually used in cases where the installation of a permanent prosthesis is not recommended for the patient. Sometimes, depending on the type of prosthesis, the composition of the material itself may differ. For example, in removable metal ceramics (also called a clasp prosthesis), elements such as the frame and arch have a metal base.

Disadvantages of metal ceramics

Despite the numerous advantages and disadvantages of metal-ceramic dentures, they have some disadvantages that anyone interested in dental restoration should know about:

  • the metal frame of the prosthesis can be translucent, especially when installing metal ceramics in place of the front teeth;
  • during receding gums, the metal part of the denture may be noticeable;
  • Metal-ceramics require mandatory grinding of adjacent living teeth to install a crown.

Reliability of metal-ceramics

The predecessors of metal-ceramic prostheses were ceramic crowns. Oddly enough, unlike modern metal-ceramics, they were used very rarely and were not particularly popular. This was due to the fact that ordinary ceramic material is very brittle and easily breaks down over time or under stress.

Therefore, dentists often choose metal-ceramic prostheses. However, the strength of cermets has its downsides. For example, because the denture material is too hard, living teeth may suffer. This happens when they come into contact with them during closure. The hard metal-ceramic material gradually “erases” tooth enamel, which ultimately leads to a deterioration in its condition.

But metal-free ceramics are identical in hardness to a human tooth, so tooth enamel is practically not damaged.

In what cases does metal ceramic cause allergies?

The materials that make up metal-ceramic prostheses are hypoallergenic. Their safety has been repeatedly proven in practice. However, there are some subtleties that every doctor should warn about.

The metal-ceramic frame contains metals that can cause allergies. But this is a rare case, since during production experts specifically use metals that are not prone to oxidation under the influence of saliva.

To identify a tendency to allergies to metal ceramics, you should pay attention to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • slight burning sensation in the area where metal-ceramic dentures were installed;
  • metallic taste in the mouth (under frequent exposure to saliva, metal ceramics can oxidize);
  • inflammatory processes in the gum area (next to the area of ​​installed metal ceramics);
  • swelling or swelling of the gums.

If the patient experiences one of the listed allergic symptoms, the metal ceramics are replaced with a conventional all-ceramic crown. Such a crown should not contain any metal elements, since an allergic reaction can only occur as a result of the oxidation of metals.

How long does cermet last?

The service life of metal-ceramic dentures depends on the quality of the metal itself. If the composition of metal-ceramics includes non-precious metals, then, most likely, the prosthesis will last about 7-8 years. Semi-precious metal will extend this period by another two to three years (that is, the service life will be approximately 10-12 years).

When installing metal ceramics, the specialist needs to rely on the individual characteristics of the patient’s teeth: pay attention to their structure, location, shape, etc. Depending on the choice of metal-ceramic prosthesis, the expert determines which type is best suited for the patient: removable denture or permanent metal-ceramic.

The doctor’s tasks also include additional consultation with the patient, since after installing a metal-ceramic prosthesis, the patient will need to learn about all the features of caring for them, hygiene rules, etc.

The warranty period for metal ceramics depends on the material used. On average this is a 1-3 year warranty. It must be taken into account that the warranty conditions include mechanical damage as a result of the development of caries. To prevent the process of its occurrence, it is necessary to visit a specialist more often. With regular inspection of metal-ceramics, the dentist will be able to identify any damage to the material in a timely manner.

Color features of metal ceramics

To install metal-ceramic dentures, experts use ceramics whose color will match the natural color of the patient’s teeth. For maximum matching accuracy, the expert selects the color of the metal ceramics using a shade scale.

Ceramic material has a great advantage: its color does not change under the influence of external factors or time. Also, ceramic material is not able to absorb any coloring substances that we receive while eating food. There is no noticeable plaque or tartar on metal-ceramics, so visits to a hygienist will become less frequent.

Metal ceramics and other types of prostheses

You should not decide on the type of prosthetics on your own; it is best to entrust this to a specialist. However, there are some things you need to know long before visiting the dentist.

Firstly, when choosing dental prosthetics, you need to pay attention to the aesthetic features of the material, as well as its functions. Metal ceramics replace the lost tooth, so the prosthesis must perform the same functions as a living tooth.

The advantage of metal-ceramics is that it has a high degree of strength and allows you to restore teeth in the “smile” zone (the front teeth and those close to them). Therefore, metal-ceramics will be the best choice for high-quality and effective prosthetics of anterior teeth.

Secondly, despite all the advantages of plastic material, it is not as durable as ceramics. Also, unlike metal-ceramics, plastic dentures do not always match the color of living teeth. Therefore, it is not surprising that a plastic frame will be appropriate only for temporary crowns, which will soon be replaced with permanent dentures.

Thirdly, if we compare metal-ceramics and all-metal crowns, then here too it will be possible to identify significant differences in quality. All-metal crowns do not look as aesthetically pleasing and neat as metal-ceramics. In addition, they do not have a complete color match with the natural shade of tooth enamel. Another advantage of metal-ceramics is that the enamel does not wear off as much as it does with one-piece crowns.

Metal ceramicsgold based

Gold alloy is the best material for installing metal-ceramic prostheses. This metal-ceramic design is the most durable and reliable. The gold alloy may contain palladium and platinum, but gold always predominates.

Unlike other metals, gold is not prone to oxidation under the influence of saliva, therefore, does not cause an allergic reaction. Gold-based metal ceramics have the highest degree of biocompatibility, that is, the body does not perceive it as a foreign object, and therefore does not reject it.

Features of installing metal ceramics

Installation of metal-ceramic prostheses is a multi-stage procedure that should be taken with great responsibility. Metal ceramics can be installed in one operation, but sometimes the doctor needs several days to install.

  • The first stage involves consultation and diagnosis.
  • At the second stage, the doctor prepares the supporting teeth and takes impressions, which will be needed for the further production of metal-ceramics.
  • Due to the fact that the width of the crown walls should be relatively small, a specialist needs to make certain calculations.
  • Before installing metal ceramics, the nerve is depulped and the dental canals are cleaned. If the supporting teeth are healthy, then the doctor should preserve them.
  • Metal-ceramics are installed on the teeth after grinding down the tooth enamel. Then the specialist models the ledge so that the prosthesis frame does not interact with the gum and does not injure it.
  • After installation of metal-ceramics, the patient must visit the doctor several times to determine how the prosthesis has settled into the new location. In most cases, the installation is successful and without consequences.
Proper care of metal ceramics

To understand how to care for installed dentures, it is not necessary to spend time on training. You don't need any special knowledge or skills for this. Experts recommend brushing metal ceramics in the same way as regular living teeth. Morning and evening oral hygiene will be quite enough to fully clean your teeth and dentures.

When brushing, you should move the toothbrush away from the gums. Doctors also urge their patients not to ignore dental floss, which will also be important for regular cleaning of metal ceramics. The choice of toothpaste that is best suited for cleaning dentures should be discussed with your doctor.

Electric toothbrushes may also be acceptable. You just need to make sure that the metal-ceramics are not injured while brushing your teeth.

Daily hygiene of the oral cavity in which dentures have been installed should not cause discomfort. If the patient experiences painful symptoms while cleaning metal ceramics, they should definitely consult a doctor. Any inflammatory processes and allergic reactions must be detected in the early stages. Fortunately, this type of prosthesis can lead to similar consequences in very rare cases.

Metal ceramics and magnetic resonance imaging

The MRI procedure requires the complete exclusion of metal components. However, after installing metal-ceramic based prostheses, this will become impossible. However, any specialist will guarantee that the prostheses are not prone to any modifications during an MRI. The only drawback of metal-ceramics that can interfere with a high-quality MRI result is a defect in the image. It is necessary to first tell the doctor about previously installed prostheses.

Which cermet is better?

The quality of the prosthesis depends, of course, on its service life, the strength of its structure, comfort and aesthetic component. Basically, most experts opt for a gold-platinum frame. They believe that this particular type of alloy, despite its high cost, will provide reliable and durable service for metal-ceramics.

In addition, many patients also believe that it will be more economical to install an expensive prosthesis than to re-install a new metal ceramic after 7-8 years. A prosthesis based on a gold-platinum alloy can last 15 years or more.

How much does high-quality metal ceramics cost?

If we compare metal-ceramic and all-ceramic prostheses, the former will cost much less than the latter. However, the price in no way affects the quality of the installed metal ceramics.

Typically, the cost includes consumables, manufacturing and installation of the prosthesis. Each clinic has its own price, but on average in Moscow, metal ceramics will cost from 7,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Dental prosthetics is considered the most affordable way to restore lost teeth. If only because the number of contraindications for it is tens of times less than for dental implantation. However, dental prosthetics also poses some dangers, and among the most unpleasant and most common complications of dental restoration are allergy to dentures.

An allergy is a reaction of our body to elements of any materials. Alas, until the moment of dental prosthetics, we may not even be aware of a possible reaction, but after the installation of dentures, unpleasant sensations arise that signal us about the need to remove the source of the inflammatory reaction from the oral cavity.

Allergy to dentures: symptoms

What materials can you be allergic to?

Most often, allergic reactions occur to various metals that are used to create prostheses: cobalt, nickel, chromium, copper and a combination of these materials - they are used to create inexpensive metal-ceramic dental crowns and bridges, as well as as a basis for clasp removable structures.

Gold and other precious metals do not cause allergic reactions, but their cost is quite high and not every patient, for financial reasons, will be able to install gold artificial teeth. Modern titanium is used to create implants and a number of prostheses - it also does not cause allergies, and is also completely compatible with the human body.

So-called " galvanic syndrome“can also occur if there are several metal products in the oral cavity - dissimilar materials will “conflict” with each other, which will lead to the formation of galvanic currents. This is a very harmful process for the body, since sleep is disturbed, excessive salivation and intoxication of the body occur.

Allergic reactions can also occur to non-metals. For example, ceramics are completely safe for the body. But plastics, which contain various monomers, can in rare cases cause allergies. By the way, modern nylon or Quadrotti prostheses, created from soft and safe plastics, are also safe for the human body.

In addition, patients may experience allergic reactions to various dyes, which are often used in restorative or prosthetic dentistry to recreate the aesthetics of the dentition.

Allergy to dentures: what to do?

An allergic reaction can occur in just a few minutes or take several years to develop. In any case, if unpleasant sensations occur, it is necessary to immediately eliminate the source of irritation - if it is a removable denture, you should immediately remove it from the oral cavity. If it is permanent, you need to urgently go to the nearest dentist to have the prosthesis removed. It is important not to delay treatment, since allergic reactions are completely unpredictable and serious and irreparable consequences can occur in just a few minutes.

After eliminating the source of the allergic reaction, it is important to establish what exactly the allergy occurred to, since several different materials are always used in the manufacture of any prosthesis. Allergy is an incurable disease, so after identifying the cause of the reaction, it is worth choosing an alternative method of restoring teeth using other materials.

Indications for prosthetics

The absence of even one tooth in a row can lead to negative consequences. If it is lost, the patient is advised not to delay contacting the dentist for prosthetics. If we talk about absolute contraindications, there are none. The variety of modern methods of restoring dentition and the wide range of materials used make it possible to choose a suitable design for any patient. Indications for the procedure include:

  • Edentia. If a person is completely missing a tooth, this becomes an indication for the procedure. The doctor will determine the most appropriate technique based on the characteristics of the defect. If there is a “hole” left between existing healthy teeth, then you can implant an artificial element, use a removable denture, or install a fixed structure.
  • Completely destroyed crown part of the tooth. If only the root remains, then prosthetics using pins is recommended.
  • Pathological abrasion of teeth. In this case, the doctor will recommend installing crowns or veneers.
  • Multiple dental defects. This problem occurs in older people. The choice of prosthetic method is made by the doctor together with the patient, taking into account the individual characteristics of the dentition.
  • Significant destruction of the crown (this often happens with advanced forms of carious lesions). Microprosthetics with inlays is usually recommended, which can be combined or replaced by installing crowns.

Metal-ceramic dentures

Metal-ceramics is a common modern material used in the manufacture of crowns and dentures of various designs.

The frame of the prosthesis can be made not only from simple metals - semi-precious or precious varieties are often used. The ceramic layer is applied by casting or spraying. Metal-ceramics are used for prosthetics of chewing teeth, since despite the natural color of the ceramic coating, sometimes the metal frame is visible through it.


Metal-ceramics are used for the manufacture of various designs of prostheses for almost any defect in the dentition. The widespread use of this material in dentistry and orthopedics is explained by the complex of advantages inherent in metal-ceramic prostheses and crowns, including:


In addition to a number of advantages, metal-ceramic dentures also have disadvantages that you should be aware of before choosing them. These include the need to remove the dental nerve (depulpation), significant grinding, in addition, the surfaces of living teeth adjacent to the crown or prosthesis wear out faster at the points of contact with them.

Installation Features

Prosthetics using metal-ceramics is carried out in several stages:

  1. first, diseases of the oral cavity are treated, damaged and non-viable teeth are removed, and the type of crown is determined;
  2. then the supporting teeth are ground down (during the preparation process, the dentist will try to preserve the maximum possible amount of tooth tissue);
  3. A prosthesis is made based on the impression of the dentition - on average, this takes about 7 days;
  4. the finished structure is fixed with temporary cement;
  5. If after 12 weeks the patient feels comfortable, the prosthesis is removed, cleaned and finally secured.

You can see what a metal-ceramic crown looks like on a front tooth before and after installation in the photo accompanying the article.


It is not difficult to care for metal ceramics. The usual daily hygiene procedures are sufficient, during which you need to use toothpaste and a brush recommended by the dentist. Particular care must be taken to clean the interdental spaces, as well as the surfaces where the prosthesis comes into contact with a living tooth. Once every six months you need to visit a specialist for professional teeth cleaning and a preventive examination.

Metal-plastic bridges and crowns

Another modern material actively used in the creation of dental structures is metal-plastic. Metal-plastic crowns are similar in manufacturing principle to metal-ceramic systems. The main difference between the former is that instead of a layer of ceramics, non-toxic, high-strength dental plastic is applied to the metal frame.

Advantages of metal-plastic

Metal-plastic crowns are inexpensive (compared to similar structures made from other materials). In addition, prostheses and crowns made of metal-plastic are quickly manufactured, and their installation is accompanied by minimal trauma. Another advantage of metal-plastic crowns is that if you need to repair them, this can be done quickly, simply and inexpensively.


Crowns with plastic lining are also characterized by a number of disadvantages, which often force patients to choose another material for the manufacture of dental structures. With careful handling and proper care, teeth made of metal-plastic will last no more than three to five years. There are other disadvantages of metal-plastic crowns:

  • the metal-plastic denture does not fit tightly, pieces of food often get stuck under it, which leads to an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • this is a porous material, so it quickly becomes stained when eating certain foods, then the appearance of the prosthesis deteriorates significantly;
  • plastic coating can cause allergies;
  • Metal-plastic is characterized by a low level of strength, so it is often deformed and chips may form.


Before installing a metal-plastic crown, dental diseases are treated. The supporting teeth are ground down by 1.5-2 mm. The dentist selects the shade of the future prosthesis that imitates the color of the enamel. A plaster copy of the prosthetic area is formed. Within 2-3 days, a structure is made, which is then attached to supporting elements. If we are talking about a permanent restoration, then first the fixation will be temporary (for 2-3 weeks), then the metal-plastic structure will be permanently installed.

Rules of care

To extend the life of metal-plastic dental products, they need to be properly cared for. Avoid mechanical damage to the oral cavity (including during training or physical activity), use special tools for caring for metal-plastic dentures (they can be found in some pharmacies), the toothbrush should have soft or ultra-soft bristles. It is also recommended to select toothpaste without abrasive particles and to minimize the consumption of solid foods (seeds, nuts, crackers).

Comparative characteristics of metal-plastic and metal-ceramics

The location of the tooth that is planned to be replaced also plays an important role. It should be borne in mind that durable, reliable designs that look natural are made from expensive materials, which means they are not cheap.

Allergic reactions and other complications

Both metal-plastic and metal-ceramics can cause an allergic reaction in patients with individual intolerance to metals contained in the alloy of the main frame. Much more common is intolerance to the plastic coating used in the corresponding crowns. Allergy symptoms - redness of the gums, tongue, palate; swelling, pain and itching in the mouth.

Wear resistance

In terms of this indicator, metal-ceramic crowns definitely win. Due to the high strength and reliability of the structures, they can be used for up to 15 years, while their appearance will not change. For metal-acrylic prostheses, the service life rarely exceeds 4-5 years, and due to low strength, the structure will have to be periodically repaired.


The final cost of the finished structure will directly depend on the individual characteristics of the patient’s jaw structure, the type of prosthetics and the materials used. On average, you will have to pay from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles for metal-plastic crowns, while a metal-ceramic structure will cost much more. The average price of metal-ceramic crowns ranges from 4,500 to 17,000 rubles (if a gold-platinum or gold-palladium alloy is used).

How to distinguish a ceramic prosthesis from a plastic one?

It is difficult, but possible, for a person who is not a professional dentist to visually distinguish a plastic prosthesis from a ceramic one. What are the differences? A metal-ceramic crown is characterized by the most natural appearance and shine. If the shade of the crown is not chosen very well, it will look like a natural tooth, but the gums around the crown may become a little bluish.

Metal ceramics and allergies.

A metal-ceramic crown installed in the oral cavity consists of a porcelain lining and a frame made of a metal alloy of nickel, chromium, cobalt, beryllium, molybdenum, and gallium. Nickel, being a powerful allergen, has a toxic effect on the body. In the oral cavity, the metal undergoes corrosion and contributes to the formation of nickel oxide and other chemical compounds that are easily absorbed by the mucous membrane of the body. According to scientists, nickel compounds can cause decreased immunity, headaches, kidney and liver diseases. If a person is prone to an allergy to nickel, he experiences a feeling of discomfort in the mouth, burning, pain, swelling and redness of the gums.
Most people who suffer from this type of allergy have contact allergies. Prolonged contact with nickel causes a reaction that can lead to the development of dermatitis. As a result, the skin turns red, dries, swells and begins to peel and crack.

The problem is that many people may not know their diagnosis for years, attributing the skin reaction to all sorts of factors. That is why it is important for people suffering from dermatitis to promptly consult a dermatologist to conduct a special test to determine the actual irritant affecting their health and receive adequate treatment. This metal can be found anywhere - in some types of coins, jewelry, watch straps, bra fittings, buckles, etc. Nickel may also be found in some foods.

When installing such crowns, the dentist is obliged to inform the patient that an allergy to metal ceramics is possible. To avoid allergies, they came up with materials for making crowns that do not cause allergies. These include titanium ceramics, gold ceramics, glass ceramics, and zircon ceramics. However, a glass-ceramic crown is quite fragile, a zirconium crown is heavy, and a gold and titanium crown is expensive.

For your information, about 80% of lawsuits filed by patients against Russian doctors are brought against dentists. 40% of the population is allergic to nickel. If women of childbearing age fall into this category, there is a risk of inheriting the allergy to their children.

An allergy to metal ceramics is manifested by a burning sensation in the mouth, especially the tip of the tongue, a metallic taste, redness of the edges of the gums and swelling. To determine whether a patient is allergic to metal, it is necessary to measure the potential difference in the oral cavity with a special device. There will be no allergies if the crowns in the mouth are made of titanium, gold and noble alloys of these metals. If other metals are used, there is a possibility of a sour taste, inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums, darkening of the metal, and destruction of teeth under the crown.

Remedy for allergies without drowsiness Ointment for allergies in the nose

), Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of KSMA, Assistant Head. Department of Academic Affairs. Awarded the medal "Excellence in Dentistry" in 2016.

Prosthetics is the simplest, fastest, most affordable way to restore lost teeth. The procedure contains very few contraindications and causes virtually no side effects. The only thing that can arise after dentures is an allergy to dentures.

Allergy is understood as a certain reaction of the body to a foreign object, which manifests itself in the form of irritation of the mucous membrane and painful sensations.

For 10 years now, allergies have been a real problem among the population and doctors. The number of cases is increasing every year. Ten percent of the world's inhabitants suffer from various forms of allergies. Moreover, the disease occurs everywhere, regardless of climate, country and region. Monetary wealth also does not play a role here. Allergies can bring severe discomfort to a person's life. It can even make him unable to work and significantly reduce his quality of life.

An allergic disease is a certain form of disease in which the body's immune system reacts to an allergen.

In almost 99% of cases, before prosthetics, a person is unaware of the possibility of such a reaction. Symptoms appear after the procedure. In this case, there seems to be only one way out: removing the source of irritation from the oral cavity.

Symptoms of denture allergy

As mentioned, a common problem with dentures is an allergy to dentures, the symptoms of which are given below:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Attacks similar to bronchial asthma.
  • A red rash that appears on the oral mucosa.
  • Skin rash that may appear on the face and arm.
  • Impaired sensitivity.
  • Redness of the oral mucosa.
  • Swelling of the mucous membrane, gums, tongue, inner lips and surface of the cheeks.
  • Characteristic Quincke's edema, which manifests itself in the form of a tumor of the larynx and impaired respiratory function.
  • Painful sensations in the mouth, which are accompanied by dryness, pinching, bitterness, soreness and salivation.
  • External swelling of the lips, nose, eyelids.

Allergen components

An allergic reaction occurs due to the composition of the prostheses. The body begins to react to the components of the metal. To reduce the cost of devices, the following chemical elements are often added to them: chromium, nicol, copper and cobalt. The elements react with the body and give the listed symptoms. Metal with such components is often used in inexpensive metal crowns, dental bridges, etc.

At the same time, gold and other expensive precious materials are not capable of causing allergic reactions. But their cost does not allow some patients to install them at home. Therefore, people often resort to cheap dentures with allergenic elements.

It has long been proven that titanium material does not cause allergies. It is especially good because the body practically does not react to it. Ceramics and products made from it have the same properties.

Unpleasant allergies can occur due to the incompatibility of different materials. The presence of various metals in the mouth provokes the appearance of so-called galvanic currents, which greatly poison the body, disrupt healthy sleep and provoke increased salivation. This phenomenon is called “galvanic syndrome”.

Hypoallergenic requirements for dentures

  • Firstly, orthodontic ones must be very durable.
  • Secondly, the design as a whole must be aesthetic.
  • Thirdly, prostheses must be chemically resistant to their environment.
  • Fourthly, they should not react to components of saliva and food products.
  • Fifthly, dentures must be safe not only for the oral mucosa, but also for the entire body.

Summarize. Allergies can occur to different elements and be unpleasant for the patient. The main thing is not to panic and visit the doctor's office in a timely manner. In addition, it is recommended to listen to the advice of an allergist.

Sources used:

  • “Removable dentures: a textbook” (Mironova M.L.)
  • "Dental art: A French dentist showing his artificial teeth." British Dental Association.
  • “Orthopedic dentistry. Textbook" (Trezubov V.N.)

Dentistry has many types of dental prosthetics. This is one of the effective and easy ways to restore the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the oral cavity.

Prosthetics has fewer contraindications than other types of restoration of lost teeth. The human body tolerates interaction with various materials well, but some materials in dentures can cause allergic reactions.


An allergic reaction is the sensitivity of the human body to a certain type of material that is used for dental prosthetics.

It is manifested by a deterioration in general health, inflammatory processes and other unpleasant symptoms. The immune system thus tries to get rid of an unwanted element that interacts with the body.

Most often, allergic reactions occur to removable dentures.

The reaction occurs to certain types of metals that make up the prosthesis:

  • Chromium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Copper;
  • Nicole.

Allergic reactions can occur not only to a specific type of metal, but also to a combination of several metals in one product.

The body can react normally to each individual element, but a combination of two or more elements will lead to the appearance of allergy symptoms.

In this case, when replacing one combination of materials with another, the reaction may disappear.

What other types of allergies are there?

  • Acrylic;
  • Zirconium;
  • Plastic;
  • Metal-plastic;
  • Nylon;
  • Ceramic;
  • Clasp dentures.

Studying the effect of prosthetic materials on the human body helps to identify and eliminate combinations of materials that most often cause allergies.

In addition to the materials that make up the denture itself, the body can react to the dyes with which it is coated or to the glue with which the removable denture is secured to the jaw.


An allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to the materials that make up the prosthesis is accompanied by a certain set of symptoms that can appear at any time after installation.

Color change. The area next to the prosthesis takes on a rich red color. Any surface that comes into contact with foreign bodies can change color (cheeks, tongue, mucous membranes, gums, etc.). The reaction may appear on the lips or tongue.

Discomfort in the oral cavity. There may be soreness, severe dryness, discomfort, bitterness on the tongue, a feeling of the constant presence of a foreign body (does not go away for a minute), pain in any part of the oral cavity (tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, etc.).

Airway problems(exacerbation of asthma and other chronic diseases of the nasopharynx or oropharynx).

Rash. After installation of a prosthesis, rashes, redness, hives and other manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear on any part of the body.

Edema. Swelling of the tongue, gums, cheeks and other parts of the oral cavity may appear on the lips, near the site where the prosthesis is installed.

Temperature. Body temperature may increase significantly. If the allergy is severe, the temperature may rise above subfebrile (more than 38 degrees).

Quincke's edema (severe swelling of the larynx).

In particularly difficult cases (if left untreated), this symptom can be fatal.

Anaphylactic shock. Occurs during a severe allergic reaction. It causes instant itching, difficulty breathing and a severe drop in blood pressure.


What to do if you are allergic to dentures

An allergic reaction may occur immediately after installation of the prosthesis. Within a few minutes or hours, the first symptoms of a reaction appear.

When they occur, it is necessary to remove the main irritant as quickly as possible.

The removable denture should be removed and you should consult a specialist (dentist, orthodontist, allergist).

If the prosthesis cannot be removed on your own, you need to contact the nearest dental clinic.

Delay can worsen the allergy, even leading to the development of Quincke's edema.

An allergic reaction can take months or years to develop. A person feels minor symptoms of its manifestation and does not pay attention to it.

If after installing a new prosthesis a person feels discomfort for a long time, you should immediately contact the specialist who installed it.

It is also necessary to consult with an allergist to find out which of the materials caused the reaction.


Only the symptoms of an allergic reaction can be eliminated. The allergy itself cannot be cured, because it is the effect of an irritating factor (one of the prosthetic materials) on the body, from which the human immune system is protected.

It is impossible to completely get rid of it.

Stages of treatment (antiallergic therapy)

Antihistamines second generation (Semprex, Fenistil, Claritin, Histimet). The medicine blocks allergy symptoms.

Antiallergic– antihistamines (dimelrol, suprastin, tavegil, fenkarol).

Adsorbents (polysorb, activated carbon, diosmectite, smecta, filtrum). They improve overall well-being by removing harmful substances and toxins from the body.

Plasmapheresis procedure. Blood plasma is filtered through special membranes, which allows you to quickly get rid of all allergy symptoms, because “blood renewal” occurs. Used for severe allergic reactions;

Immunosorption procedure. Another option for purifying blood in the body. Used when the body reacts strongly to an allergen.

Using oral ointments(cholisal, dentamet, metrogil denta, vokara). This is especially true for concomitant stomatitis.


During the period of adaptation to dentures and crowns, you need to carefully monitor yourself to understand how you get used to a foreign object. Very often the body develops an allergy to the prosthesis. This is an extremely unpleasant and even dangerous moment that needs to be tracked in time.

The reason lies in the materials. Plastic, some types of metal and dyes provoke a rash, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. What to do in such cases? We'll figure out.

Requirements for dentures

Hypoallergenicity is one of the main requirements for removable structures, crowns, pins, core inlays. Dentures must be durable, resistant to external factors (not change color when exposed to saliva and food), and not lose their aesthetic appearance. Of course, this is provided that they are manufactured in compliance with the rules, and their owners use them carefully and carefully monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity and the devices themselves.

Which dentures are the most allergenic and which are not?

Let us immediately note that there is no such rating of allergenic devices, because the reaction to the design components is individual for everyone. But the collected statistics show that there are still “leaders” who more often caused allergies in patients. These are structures containing the following components:

  • acrylic;
  • zirconium;
  • metal ceramics;
  • plastic.

Nylon and ceramic prostheses are the least likely to cause a reaction. Designs using titanium are also considered hypoallergenic. But we do not forget about the individual characteristics of each person, so the list of risks can be continued.

It also happens that the patient has no reaction to one component, but when mixed with others it becomes allergenic. Often metals such as nickel, manganese, chromium, cobalt and copper come under suspicion.

Causes of allergies to dentures

In addition to incompatibility with materials, there are other factors that cause a reaction to the device. An allergy to plastic crowns and dentures may not occur immediately, although this is what most often happens. Sometimes the patient complains of a rash, swelling or other symptoms after wearing it for a long time. What happened?

  • Wear of the structure sometimes manifests itself with the symptoms described;
  • increased acidity of saliva;
  • a change in heat exchange between the prosthesis and the gum, due to which the tissues become more receptive and the monomer penetrates into the blood more easily;
  • mucosal injuries.

Inflammation of the oral mucosa

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to a denture

Rash, itching and swelling are the most common manifestations of allergies. What other signs are there that you should immediately pay attention to?

  • Severe redness at the junction may also appear on the tongue, lip or cheek;
  • pain - inexplicable at first glance, severe discomfort in the mouth;
  • burning, dryness, soreness, feeling as if something is constantly in the way;
  • labored breathing;
  • rhinitis;
  • gastritis;
  • temperature rise, both local and general.

It is important to remember that an allergic reaction is life-threatening, and if no action is taken, it can lead to angioedema, anaphylactic shock and death.

What to do about allergies at home?

The main task is to remove the source as soon as possible. If we are talking about a removable device, then everything is simple. And if there is a problem with implants or dental crowns, then you cannot do without an early visit to the dentist.

As soon as you notice that you are allergic to metal-ceramic crowns or other prosthetic structures, take an antihistamine (Claritin, Zodak, Fenistil, Tavegil, Loratadine). If the reaction is severe, it is worth injecting the drug Suprastin. You can call an ambulance; allergies are no joke.

Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta and other sorbents will help quickly remove the allergen from the body.

The mouth can be rinsed with antiseptic solutions. After this, apply healing ointments and gels (Cholisal, Metrogyl denta) to the affected areas.

Doctor's help

The situation is under control, and now it’s worth seeking advice from specialists. Who should I visit besides the dentist? An allergist, immunologist, endocrinologist and dermatologist will help to identify the culprit and cope with the problem.

For diagnosis, doctors may offer an exposure and elimination test (return the prosthesis and observe the reaction), patch tests (the allergen is applied to the skin), or a blood test.

The dentist may suggest remaking the device without “suspicious” materials or shielding the device, this is when a special metallized anti-allergenic coating is applied.

Fitting a denture in a dental laboratory

How to avoid allergies to dentures?

You need to choose a device taking into account the characteristics of the body, and do not strive for cheapness. A good hypoallergenic design is less of a hassle than one made from inferior materials.

A qualified orthopedist will strive to tailor the design to the patient as accurately as possible, take into account all the subtleties and features, and offer only biocompatible materials for the manufacture of the device.

But you can also prevent an allergic reaction or at least mitigate its manifestation by following simple rules. What do we have to do?

  • Maintain oral hygiene, use an irrigator, rinses, and suitable toothpaste;
  • avoid too solid foods in the diet;
  • Clean the device well, use special products for this.

There is always a risk of an allergic reaction, but you can’t refuse a prosthesis completely either. Approach the issue with common sense, arm yourself with information, and then getting used to the design will be much easier.

Dentistry has long used the method of restoring decayed teeth by installing crowns. This is a budget option for preserving your smile and does not require long, painful and expensive procedures.

When making the final decision to install crowns, do not brush off your dentist’s questions about your general health and susceptibility to allergies. This is not the doctor’s idle curiosity, but mandatory precautions. You should be aware that you may be allergic to some of the materials used to make crowns.


The reasons for a possible allergy to crowns are obvious, because their production does not use hypoallergenic materials, but metal, metal-ceramics, ceramics and synthetic polymers. The immune system can react unexpectedly to any of these components. Quite often, an allergy to the crown makes itself felt during the first week.

The appearance of its symptoms is a reason to urgently contact a dentist who performed dental restoration. A visit to an allergist is also required.

The main causes of irritation of the body, leading to an allergic reaction, directly depend on the material of the crown:

  1. Synthetic polymers. It is not recommended to use this type of crown if you have an irritant reaction to artificial polymers.
  2. Nickel. This material is part of stainless steel and is often used in prosthetics. The antigen is awakened by saliva. If the first symptoms are detected, the crown should be replaced immediately.
  3. Lead and copper. Both materials can cause toxic reactions and also activate the electrochemical process.
  4. Chromium. Cobalt-chromium alloys are often used in dentistry. This is a rather allergenic composition and often becomes an irritant to the body.
  5. Zinc. When a dental crown corrodes, it dissolves very quickly, which has a toxic effect on the body.
  6. Cobalt and manganese. The main symptom of allergies from these components is stomatitis. If such an ailment is detected, you should take a blood test - manganese will certainly be found in it.

A few more reasons, regardless of the type of crown:

  • Dyes. Very often there is a reaction of rejection by the body of prostheses painted for aesthetics. In this case, it is recommended to change the crown, choosing one without adding dyes.
  • Electrochemical process. Here, both the structure of the materials used and the chemical composition of saliva play a role. This reaction is also called corrosion.
  • Arsenic. Has the greatest toxicity.

The listed irritants can cause harm to the body and provoke an allergy to the crown.

Symptoms of an allergy to crowns

If during the first week after the installation of the crown any of the ailments described below begin to appear, you should not attribute them to the period of adaptation of the body. Do not hesitate to visit the doctor and take the prescribed tests.

Symptoms characteristic of a crown allergy:

  • Temperature increase.
  • Redness and inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  • Impaired sensitivity.
  • Metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Rash on the skin of the face and hands, accompanied by itching.
  • Difficulty breathing and attacks of bronchial asthma.
  • Swelling of the gums, tongue, cheeks, eyes, nose and lips.
  • Tumor of the larynx and symptoms of Quincke's edema.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, accompanied by a feeling of bitterness, soreness, pinching and increased salivation.

To avoid complications, do not delay calling a doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Hypoallergenic crowns

To avoid the above symptoms, it is recommended to install hypoallergenic crowns:

  • All-zirconium.
  • With the coating of zirconium or gold, when using a different coating material for a metal crown, allergies may occur.

By choosing these types of crowns, you will never encounter problematic allergic reactions.


Examination and consultation of the following specialists:

  1. Gastroenterologist.
  2. Endocrinologist.
  3. Dermatologist.
  4. Immunologist.
  5. Allergist.

If you suspect an allergy to a crown, it is important to evaluate:

  • Visible defects.
  • Moisturizing the oral mucosa.
  • Composition, viscosity of saliva.
  • Stages of wear of fillings, crowns or dentures.
  • Changes in crown color.

The composition of the product and the time it is worn are also taken into account. To confirm medical assumptions and final conclusions, tests are prescribed: intradermal, provocative, application or scarification.

Based on the medical reports of the doctors examined by the patient and the results of laboratory tests, the doctor prescribes therapy and prevention of allergies.

Treatment and prevention

First of all, you should remove all crowns or agree to shielding- chemical silvering of the prosthesis. There's more you can do electroplating– applying gold to crowns.

If eczema or stomatitis is diagnosed, you need to start taking symptomatic medications and antihistamines, the latter are more effective in injection form. Tavegil or Suprastin are mainly prescribed. If the patient has swelling, bronchospasms, his serious condition is difficult to relieve, an erosive process is diagnosed, glucocorticoids are prescribed: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, Diprospan and Celeston.

Allergic processes lead to painful and unpleasant sensations in the mouth, which makes it difficult to eat. In such cases, antihistamines block H1 receptors, which will produce the expected pharmacological effect within half an hour. If pain is not observed, you can use H1-antihists, for example: Telfast, Claritin, Zartec or Erius. The entire group of drugs is sold exclusively in tablet form.

If you have difficulty swallowing or chewing, you should use toothpaste that contains an anesthetic. An alternative is soda rinses. Complete care of the oral mucosa is complemented by washing it with a weak solution of furatsilin. To relieve itching and treat epidermal complications, ointments and creams from the group of glucocorticoids are used: Elokom, Triderm, Celestoderm, Garamiciton and Advantan. Ceralip is used for lips.

In case of complications, antibiotics may be prescribed: Sumamed, Rulid, Rovamycin, Tarivid, Maxaquin or Tsiprobay. To clarify the cause of the deterioration in health while following the therapy prescribed by the allergist, a bacterial culture from the oral cavity should be taken to determine the presence of fungi and the balance of microflora, as well as to determine the sensitivity threshold to the prescribed antibiotics.

Allergic reactions to crowns, if prescribed therapy is followed, have a good prognosis. All medications should be used only after consultation with an allergist or immunologist and only according to the prescribed dosage.

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