How to terminate a contract or complain about Rostelecom: sequence of actions and necessary documents. How to terminate a contract with Rostelecom for home telephone and Internet

With Rostelecom? Many people have to face this question for various reasons: a competitor of the provider offers more favorable terms for the provision of services, relocation, dissatisfaction with the quality of television (Internet or telephony), etc. Whatever of the above situations arises, subscribers using the services of Rostelecom You should know that the principle of termination of contractual obligations is the same. In this article it will be discussed in detail. Also below are some nuances that all users of the provider should remember.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom: four simple steps

  1. We are preparing documents (a detailed list will be given below).
  2. We go to the office and write a statement. The form will be provided by a service center specialist. You can also fill it out in advance by downloading a sample from the provider’s official website. You should avoid third-party web resources, as they may not have the most up-to-date document layout.
  3. We return equipment. This point is relevant in cases where a TV set-top box, router or other equipment was rented. If the subscriber uses his own set-top box, for example, or purchased it (including in installments) from Rostelecom, then proceed to the point below.
  4. We pay the received invoice. The payment document will arrive early next month. For those who use communication services from the operator in question, they know that charges for communication services provided, for example, in the current month will be made on the first days of the next month.

Who can terminate the contract?

Only the person whose data was used when concluding the contract can terminate the contract with Rostelecom for the telephone (as well as for the Internet and TV). Cases cannot be excluded when:

  • the subscriber does not have the opportunity to contact the provider’s salon due to busyness/remoteness from his place of residence;
  • the subscriber died.

In the first case, you can send documents by mail. In order not to lose the original documents when sending them, you should make copies of them. Waiting for a response when submitting an application this way can take a long time, so it is not recommended to resort to it. It is safer to visit the office and fill out an application in person.

For those subscribers who are interested in how to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom without contacting a company branch, it will be good news that you can send your relative or friend in your place. In this case, you must first issue a power of attorney (this can be a “general” power of attorney to perform any actions or a power of attorney to terminate a contract for communication services) with a notary.

If a subscriber who has entered into an agreement with Rostelecom has died, then his relatives also have the right to contact the provider’s service center and write a statement. What documents you will need to take with you will be described below.

List of documents required to close the contract

When visiting the office in person:

  • original passport;
  • a copy of the communication services agreement (if it is missing, you can do without it, since the second copy is in the archive of the provider);
  • certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment (such a document is issued every time a subscriber purchases equipment or leases it from a provider when concluding a contract for the provision of services);
  • equipment listed in the act (this item is required for those subscribers who previously rented a TV set-top box and/or router).

The equipment must be returned in any case if the contract specifies its rental. Failure to return will result in the customer continuing to be charged a higher monthly fee than previously accrued, although services will no longer be provided by the provider.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet or another service if the subscriber who entered into the agreement has died?

Relatives, having a death certificate in hand, can contact the service center and write a statement. You will need to have an identification document with you. If the contract includes “equipment for rent,” then it will be necessary to return it. Having other documents will be a plus.

When contacting the authorized representative service center, you must have a complete package of documentation plus a power of attorney to perform operations.

Where to apply with documents?

Not every salon with a Rostelecom sign above the entrance should be approached to perform such a complex procedure as terminating a contract. You can find out where to terminate the contract with Rostelecom on the provider’s website or find out by calling the toll-free support line number. Most often, such actions are performed at service centers. Sales offices and information desks will refuse to perform this operation. Rostelecom has combined salons where it is possible to conclude a contract, obtain information on it, and also terminate it.

Return of equipment

The Rostelecom company provides its clients with the opportunity to use the company’s equipment (rent it) and buy it (immediately or in installments). In the first case, when a TV set-top box or router is taken for temporary use, they will need to be returned upon termination of the contract. The functionality of the equipment will be checked by a company specialist upon delivery of documentation and equipment.

It is possible that the equipment is purchased by the client. Payment for it can be made one-time (in full) or monthly (in installments).

The type of equipment purchase is specified in the contract. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully read its contents so as not to receive an unpleasant surprise later.

In what cases can termination of a contract be refused?

Often, subscribers who want to stop using the services of the provider we are considering have to face a number of difficulties when closing their personal account. Many people complain that they are denied termination, citing debt. Indeed, the only reason why a service center specialist can refuse to accept an application is the presence of a debt. Lack of payment for the previous period is not considered a debt (after issuing an invoice, receipt of funds before the 25th of the month is acceptable).

Other nuances

  • As mentioned earlier, it is possible to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for home Internet only if there is no debt on the account. Therefore, it is recommended to repay it immediately and only then go to the branch to terminate the contract.
  • In case of early termination of the contract, a recalculation for communication services is possible for those users who connected to the provider during the promotion period. The use of the recalculation mechanism in a particular case should be checked with the company’s specialists.
  • After termination of the contract, it will be necessary to pay the accrual for the previous period. An invoice for payment will be received in paper or electronic form at the beginning of the next month.
  • If you want to refuse one of the company’s services and continue to use the second (with a complex connection), you should also contact the communication salon and write a corresponding application.

How can I find out if I have a debt?

Before contacting the company’s office and writing an application to terminate the contract, you should make sure that there is no debt on your personal account. This can be done by phone, by calling the company’s hotline, or viewed in your personal account (on the official website or in the mobile application). Also, during a personal visit to the provider’s office, you can find out whether there is a debt. Only after this will it be possible to receive a form to fill out an application for termination of the contract. By the way, most branches of the company have ATMs and special payment terminals, using which you can not only pay off your existing debt, but also make a monthly payment on your personal account for any of the services used under the contract.


In this article, we looked at how to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for television, telephone and Internet services. Regardless of what service is used, the method for disabling it is the same - you must contact the provider’s service center. This also applies to situations when it is necessary to terminate the contract with Rostelecom for a home telephone.

You can also send your application by mail, but in this case you cannot be sure that it reached the addressee and was considered by him. To perform such serious operations, it is recommended to contact Rostelecom salons.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom for the Internet and other services - this issue will be discussed in the article. It is important to study all the nuances and subtleties of this process so that problems do not arise in the future.

The client has the right to withdraw from the agreement unilaterally at any time. There may be several reasons for terminating a contract:

  1. Low network access speed when using the Internet.
  2. Low quality of services.
  3. Frequent occurrence of various problems that are resolved over a long period of time.
  4. You are not tired of tariffs.
  5. There are better offers from competitors that you would like to take advantage of.

But how to do that? You will have to go to the office to refuse further participation in the agreement. You can only submit a request online, but not terminate the contract.

How to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom and return equipment

When terminating a contract, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account in the future. They may affect the immediate procedure, so you should carefully study all the conditions.

How to terminate?

  • You will need to view a map of the offices to visit. Please note: not all branches can process customer complaints! Therefore, check in advance whether your request can be accepted at a specific office.
  • You need to prepare an application for termination of the contract for Rostelecom, but it is not necessary to look for a sample. If you do not want to deal with the procedure and print documents in advance, then it is better to come to the office immediately, where employees will carry out all the stages themselves.
  • The documents are filled out and you sign.
  • If there are no factors that would impede the termination process, then the contract terminates.
  • There is a direct shutdown of services.


The main problem when terminating a contract is the presence of debts. When accepting the application, the employee checks the account status. If the balance is negative, he will send the client to make payment, after which he needs to come to the office again.

Therefore, check your balance in advance before contacting the branch. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Go to the website, log in to your personal account. Next, select the appropriate section - television, Internet, etc. You will find yourself on the Personal Account page, the balance is indicated in a special window.
  2. Call the contact center to clarify the details.
  3. Use the My Rostelecom application. This is an analogue of a personal account for a smartphone; the program provides basic functions to the user. After logging in you will be able to see your balance.

If you have a debt, then you need to top up your account. How to do it:

  • At Russian Post offices.
  • In the terminal.
  • Pay with a bank card.
  • To Sberbank Online. The system has a special point for paying for Rostelecom services.
  • You can transfer funds from WebMoney and Yandex Money.

Problems when handing over equipment

When you know how to terminate a contract with Rostelecom for a home telephone, Internet and other services, you can talk about possible problems during this procedure. Often clients receive equipment upon connection; several schemes are used:

  1. Free rent. You can use the equipment for the entire duration of the contract completely free of charge.
  2. Rent with payment. Typically this option is used for expensive equipment.
  3. Purchase by installments.

When renting, the client is obliged to return the equipment after termination of the contract. A company specialist accepts the device, examines its external condition, and determines its serviceability.

If the equipment fails, then additional inspection is necessary. When a breakdown occurs due to the subscriber’s fault, he is obliged to reimburse the cost of the equipment. If the malfunction occurs due to factors independent of the client, then compensation is not awarded.

The company sells some expensive equipment, for example, TV set-top boxes, in installments. For several months, a payment for equipment is also added to the subscription fee. After repayment of the entire amount, the equipment becomes your property.

In this case, it will not be possible to sell the equipment back to the company. It is not profitable for a company to purchase used equipment that has a certain level of wear and tear and may fail in the future.

You can write statements and complaints, but the process will end in nothing. The purchased equipment is your personal property; the company only acted as a seller. No one can force the organization to buy the equipment. According to current legislation, a purchase and sale agreement can only be voluntary; the parties independently decide on its further conclusion.

Another factor is the client's repurchase obligations. When selling, installments are provided for a certain period, depending on the current connection conditions in the company.

If you decide to terminate the contract before the end of payments for the equipment, you will still have to buy it back! You will either need to pay the remaining amount in one lump sum, or agree to transfer it in installments.

You can try to threaten the company with contacting regulatory and law enforcement agencies. There is a possibility that the employees will not want to start proceedings and will terminate the agreement.

If the specialists refuse to compromise, then in any case you will be obliged to buy the equipment. You independently signed an installment purchase agreement and agreed to its terms. If the client refuses to pay, the operator will go to court, after which the bailiffs will handle the collection.

As you can see, serious problems can arise when terminating a contract. Purchasing equipment in installments “ties” the client to the company for some time. It becomes unprofitable for him to terminate the contract to switch to another operator.

There are plenty of complaints from Rostelecom subscribers online. This includes low connection speed, additional paid services connected without the client’s knowledge, and many other very compelling reasons for parting with the provider. In this regard, many subscribers are wondering how to terminate the contract with Rostelecom and no longer use the company’s services?

If you became a Rostelecom subscriber, then you entered into service agreements for your home telephone, cable television and cellular communications. Accordingly, you must have all original documents in your hands.

Giving up your home phone

To cancel home phone services, you must take a standard service document and visit the Rostelecom claims office. Pay attention to this point! Not every branch has the right to disconnect services!

If the contract cannot be found because it was drawn up a long time ago, then remember who drew it up. Only the citizen with whom the service document was signed has the right to terminate it. On his behalf, you must write an application to disconnect the service. If for some reason this person is not able to do this himself, then a written power of attorney with the authority to disconnect can be issued. The application must be accompanied by photocopies of both passports - the owner of the agreement and the authorized person.

If you do not have time to visit the office, you can send your application by registered mail with the following documents:

  • An arbitrarily written statement with the wording - I ask you to disconnect and terminate the previously concluded service agreement.
  • A photocopy of the civil passport of the owner of the number.
  • Photocopy for Rostelecom service.
  • A photocopy of the power of attorney.

At the end of the application, provide contact information - a telephone number where you can be reached.

Termination of the Rostelecom telephone contract will be carried out if:

  1. You are not a debtor to Rostelecom, and you have paid all previously issued invoices.
  2. Even if you have already submitted an application, but the company has not yet terminated the contract with you, you also need to pay for using the phone.

If you use a telephone communication channel to access the Internet, then when you turn off your phone, you will also lose access to the World Wide Web.

The steps for termination in this case are similar to the previous option: filing an application on behalf of the owner. All invoices issued must be paid, otherwise penalties will be assessed, which you will have to pay additionally.

The process of terminating a contract for Internet and cable TV

If an agreement was drawn up for Internet and cable television services, then termination is a little more complicated.

Rostelecom, along with a package of Internet services, offers to rent equipment that is fully compatible with the provider’s transmission lines. Company employees sometimes impose penalties for early termination of a contract in the amount of 500 rubles. And for the use of equipment you also need to pay a rental fee, or buy it out completely - it all depends on the conditions specified in the contract.

But! There may be a fraudulent scheme here - you need to read the document being signed very carefully! The standard samples for the use of equipment by a subscriber say that the client can sell it to the company until the full cost is repaid.

It is not profitable for employees to accept even serviceable equipment, and they may refer to some internal order that does not allow them to do this, that is, the equipment was purchased under a purchase and sale agreement (on enslaving conditions).

What needs to be done to avoid buying back used equipment?

  1. Write an official complaint addressed to the General Director of Rostelecom in 2 copies.
  2. In the text of the complaint, pay special attention to the employee’s reference to an internal order that does not allow the equipment to be handed over, which is contrary to consumer rights.
  3. Indicate the period for consideration of your claim, after which you reserve the right to go to court to protect your interests.

After these actions, the employee usually changes his mind and decides not to complicate matters, agrees to termination after the delivery of all additional network equipment leased. It is necessary to hand over the equipment in order to avoid paying rent for it in the future.

There are many complaints about the quality of Internet services provided by Rostelecom. Subscribers are dissatisfied with slow page loading, frequent crashes, rude support service, and unreasonably high service costs. You can easily forget about such troubles with your own money by learning how to terminate an agreement with Rostelecom and then doing it.

Termination procedure

The Consumer Rights Protection Law (Article 32) allows citizens to refuse services with which they are dissatisfied at any time. The main thing is to fully pay him for the work already completed and compensate for the actual monetary expenses incurred, if any.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do in order for the contract to be terminated without problems is to pay off all debts. Then you need to collect a small set of documents, which includes:

  • internal passport;
  • agreement with Rostelecom for the provision of services;
  • act of acceptance and transfer of technical equipment (if it was transferred to the subscriber);
  • (about property);
  • contract for its purchase and sale.

The last two documents raise questions. Their necessity is questionable. Moreover, not every apartment where Rostelecom subscribers live is owned or acquired through purchase and sale. However, this is exactly the list posted on the provider’s official website. And citizens who tried to part with the company without these documents warn about the inflexibility of Rostelecom employees.

The documents are attached to the application, which is written to the deputy director for commercial work. Citizens are asked to verify his full name on their own, although the form is posted on the organization’s website. Although the statement is not written with the purpose of complaining about Rostelecom, the drafters of the template ask the eluding clients to indicate the reason for terminating the contract. You should also report:

  • his number;
  • conclusion date:
  • on what day the contract is terminated (at least 10 days from the date of filing the application).

It is not possible to terminate the contract remotely. With an application and a set of documents, the subscriber will have to go to the nearest Rostelecom office, having previously clarified whether they are engaged in terminating contracts. The company warns that this service is not available at all locations.

The contract must be terminated from the date specified by the subscriber. If Rostelecom employees unreasonably refuse to do this, the subscriber has the right to draw up a letter of claim.

Subscriber complaint filing

When faced with a violation of consumer rights, a citizen needs to write a complaint against Rostelecom - addressed to the head of the territorial division of the company. The complaint details the following facts:

  • what happened;
  • When;
  • which employee he communicated with;
  • in which branch;
  • how the employee justified his position (or did not justify it at all);
  • what the subscriber sees as a violation of his rights.

In conclusion, the applicant’s demand is made - how he proposes to resolve the situation. His signature and date are placed.

It’s easy to make a claim to Rostelecom using the following template. The statement should not contain emotions, insults, or unnecessary details - only dry facts and a specific proposal. Within 10 days after receiving the complaint, the company's management is obliged to respond to it.

If the consideration of the letter of claim is delayed, the Rostelecom client has a reason to appeal:

  • to the company's head office (in Moscow);
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the judicial authorities.

A few nuances

Let's look at a few situations you should be prepared for.

The terminated contract is issued to another person

It often happens that the contract is drawn up for a family member who does not use the Internet. For example, for a retired mother, who, unlike working children, is always at home. But it is one of them who will want to terminate the contract with the provider if the quality of service is low.

Without a power of attorney from the person specified in the agreement for Rostelecom Internet services, or his personal appeal to the provider, termination will not take place. No matter who actually uses the Internet or telephone communications, only the customer or his authorized representative has the right to terminate relations with the service provider. The client representative must have with him:

  • notarized power of attorney:
  • two passports (your own and the principal’s);
  • service agreement (if any).

Lost my own copy of the contract

The loss of the contract by the subscriber does not prevent its termination. Arriving at the company’s office, a citizen simply needs to present a civil passport so that, using its details, employees can find a second copy of the document stored in the organization. The employee’s refusal to terminate the contract on this basis is unlawful.

“Free” equipment turned out to be paid

Inattentive reading of the agreement concluded with Rostelecom often leads to an unpleasant surprise. Having decided to leave this provider, the subscriber learns that he must fully or partially pay for the “free” equipment provided.

How fair this requirement is can be determined from the contents of the contract. If the text indicates that all “gadgets” are transferred for sale and purchase, the client must actually buy them back. He must pay the full cost, or only part of it, depending on the terms of the contract under which the equipment was transferred - in installments or deferment. If in installments, then it is necessary to calculate whether he managed to fully pay the seller by the time the contract was terminated, and, if necessary, pay the balance. If the equipment was sold on a deferred basis, the subscriber will have to reimburse the full cost to the provider upon termination of the contract.

When the contract states that the equipment is leased to the client, the subscriber does not owe the company anything, since throughout the use of Rostelecom’s services, rent was regularly collected from him. In this case, the citizen should only hand over the borrowed equipment in good condition and fully equipped.

Communication with Rostelecom employees when terminating a contract does not always go smoothly. However, having thoroughly prepared for it, the consumer has every chance to defend his rights. By showing persistence and activity, he will be able to easily part with the problematic provider and move to a more reliable service provider.

Knowing how to terminate a contract with Rostelecom will help you, if the need arises, to solve the problem without accusations or offense. This is a standard procedure based on the client’s choice of a more attractive offer or dissatisfaction with the provider’s services. If you want to start the process, look at the previously concluded contract, which outlines your rights and responsibilities. Your task is not to go beyond them, since by violating the agreement, you will give Rostelecom the right to apply sanctions established by the agreement against you. In this case, the Law will be on his side.

Subscriber procedure

If your provider is Rostelecom, termination of the contract should be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Find your version of the Rostelecom agreement in the family archive. You must have this document with you when you go to the company office.
  2. Have your passport ready and check that the contract is in your name. Only the person who entered into it or an authorized representative can terminate the contract with the service provider. In the latter case, you must provide a notarized power of attorney along with your passport.
  3. Look in your home archive for the equipment acceptance and transfer certificate. This document is not always provided to clients. However, if you have one, you should take it with you.
  4. Collect and check for serviceability all devices that were provided to you after the conclusion of the contract.

All this should be with you when you go to the Rostelekom office to write an application for refusal of services. If you do not find your copy of the contract, this will not prevent you from achieving your intended goal. The provider's office must have a second copy with your signature. The absence of a copy of the contract from a client wishing to apply to disconnect the Internet, television or telephone does not give the service provider the right to refuse the subscriber’s request.

What else should you do before visiting the office?

Before terminating an agreement with Rostelecom, make sure that you have paid for all services received from it. The answer to the question whether you have contributed funds to your home telephone, Internet and TV is extremely important. In order for a company to terminate a contract with you, you must be clean before it. As long as there are minuses on your accounts, your relationship with the provider will remain in force, and accordingly, charges for services, even if you no longer use them, will still be made. To avoid paying extra money, notify the company in advance of your intentions to apply for disconnection.

Common problems

So, you were interested in the services of, for example, Online, you connected them, but did not contact Rostelecom with a request to terminate the contract. Logically, Rostelecom is disabled for you, therefore, you are not obliged to pay for Rostelecom’s Internet, which you do not use, for television, etc. In fact, everything is not so simple. There is a legally legitimate agreement that continues to be valid regardless of whether your computer consumes traffic from Rostelecom or not, whether you watch its channels or have long abandoned them. Payment for all agreed services will be charged until you, by mutual consent of the parties, terminate the previously concluded agreement. If a client does not pay for services for a long time, they are disconnected, according to the agreement. However, in addition to the services, you use a set-top box, a router, and other devices provided by the operator. Rent, according to the contract, is also not provided free of charge. In order for the accruals to stop flowing, you need to return the equipment safe and sound. Having abandoned Rostelecom, end the relationship in accordance with legal norms.

Purchase of equipment

With regard to equipment from Rostelecom, various agreements provide for different conditions. It may happen that you expect to hand over the equipment, but find out that you will actually have to purchase it. This comes as news to those who did not carefully read the contract when it was concluded. If it states “purchase and sale” in the paragraph on equipment, and then underlines a form such as “Delayed or installment payment”, you have signed for the fact that you will buy the equipment provided by the company at the price requested by it. Depending on which type of payment is chosen, you will either have to pay the remaining amount in installments or pay the full cost of the devices provided by the company. Rostelecom has legal grounds to demand the required amount from you. There is no excuse for your inattention

Activities in the office

Before you go to submit an application for termination of the contract, go to your personal account on the provider’s website. Here you can carefully study the clauses of the standard contract. This is especially important if you cannot find your copy. In addition, you can download the application form and study its already completed sample. In addition to responsibilities, you also have rights. If you decide to refuse Rostelecom’s services because they do not meet the declared quality, for example, the Internet is supplied at a speed lower than promised, or television is supplied in poor quality, it is better to document the facts of violations of the contract by Rostelecom. In this case, you can justify your refusal of services and return the equipment without paying its cost.

To ensure that the company, in the event of your justified dissatisfaction, renounces its claims to your money, consult a lawyer who will tell you how to return the equipment and close the contract without making payment for what did not satisfy your needs for communications, Internet or television. It is advisable to come to the office with a completed application. Please note you will need to provide the following:

  • the surname of the employee in whose name you will draw up the document;
  • contract number;
  • information about yourself;
  • the reason for termination of the agreement.

By submitting an application and paying the provider everything that is due under the contract, you can be sure that the relationship with them is severed and you will no longer be charged for services. You can break off relations with the service provider even if you are not physically able to come to the office. For example, you moved to another city. To do this, copies of all the above documents must be sent to the office you need by post, filling out a valuable letter. At the same time, be sure to keep the receipt in case your request stated in the application is not satisfied in the near future.

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