How to diversify gray everyday life and cheer yourself up. How to quickly cheer yourself up if everything is bad

In this article, I will answer the question of how to cheer yourself up and give you 21 powerful ways that are guaranteed to lift your spirits. And if in the future, you will be in bad mood and wonder how to cheer yourself up, just go back to this article. So let's get started!

How to cheer yourself up?

The first way to cheer yourself up this is your hobby. Make time for yourself and do what you love. Nothing makes you happier than doing what you love. After some time, you will 100% cheer yourself up and feel a taste for life. This method is very powerful and always works!

The second way to cheer yourself up it's about pampering yourself with shopping. Surely you have things that you love very much, but do not often allow yourself for some reason. A bad mood is a case when pampering yourself is not only possible, but simply necessary.

Buy yourself a luxurious bouquet of flowers, visit a cafe and drink a cup of coffee, the price of which was previously unthinkable for you, or in case of fire, buy yourself high-quality chocolate or a delicious cake. Sweets always lift your spirits because they produce endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are considered hormones. Therefore, this method also always works. So eat for your health.

The third way to cheer yourself up this is a fun song. Turn on your favorite song and sing along out loud! Just be sure to choose a joyful composition. Sad melodies will make you even more sad.

The fourth way to cheer yourself up it's a walk. Answer me this question: how long have you been in the park? When was the last time you went out into the countryside? Or at least just walk around the modest corners of your city? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to get off the Internet, drop everything and allow yourself at least an hour of silence, in which you will certainly hear yourself. Get away from the bustle and noise of the city, give yourself a little peace, silence and unity with mother nature, and you will feel with all your skin how Vital energy comes back to you again.

The fifth way to cheer yourself up these are jokes. There are a lot of funny stories on the Internet now. Just surf the internet and start reading funny jokes! Usually, after five funny jokes, the mood lifts and a smile begins to appear on the face.

The sixth way to cheer yourself up this is dancing! Dancing is my favorite way to cheer myself up. Anyway, in kindergarten you danced together as a group "Dance of little ducks". So why don't you remember? And if you start "quack" where it’s needed, it’s absolutely wonderful! You will not only lift your spirits, but also recharge your batteries for many days to come. Tested - it works!

The seventh way to cheer yourself up This . If your bad mood has a specific reason, try to eliminate it as quickly as possible. There is no need to wait for the problem to solve itself. Pull yourself together and solve it. You yourself know very well that there is a way out of any situation. Tell your loved ones about your problems, ask your friends to help you, think about what you can do yourself to solve this problem. The action will return to you, and this will lift your spirits.

The eighth way to cheer yourself up it's going to the cinema or watching your favorite movie at home. Of course, you only need comedy. Watching melodramas while in a bad mood is highly discouraged. But comedy is just what will definitely lift your spirits. You can also find it on the Internet funny videos involving animals and children. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video section. There you will find a lot of interesting things.

The ninth way to cheer yourself up is to treat yourself to SPA treatments. You will please not only your darling, but also your body by visiting a beauty salon and ordering your favorite SPA procedure, especially if you previously regretted money on it. A full body spa massage, spa manicure, spa pedicure, as well as body wraps and various facial spa programs will help you to lift your spirits. Believe that by allowing yourself this luxury, you will feel like a new person.

The tenth way to cheer yourself up This . You can find out more about meditation by visiting the section. A ten-minute meditation will help you restore your strength and... During meditation, imagine that you are filled with the light of joy and... This great way cheer yourself up.

Eleventh way to cheer yourself up this is creativity. Each of us has our own Creative skills. Try to find your talents! Try to draw a picture or write a poem, prepare a culinary exclusive - in other words, do something that will bring you pleasure, and you will certainly feel much better.

The twelfth way to cheer yourself up is to divert your attention. This method is quite simple, but it can be done sometimes. Look at an object and focus all your attention on it. Silently or out loud, describe this item in every detail. I don't know about you, but this method works great!

The thirteenth way to cheer yourself up is to do something useful. I don't mean a hobby. You can eliminate a bad mood if you sign up for Gym, foreign language courses or any other business that will provide you with new knowledge or skills. Why am I confident in this method? Firstly, you simply won’t have time for negative thoughts, and secondly, in this way you will also effectively and quickly drive away the sad mood.

The fourteenth way to cheer yourself up this is to change the image. Sometimes in order to, you just need to refresh your image. For example, try changing your hairstyle to a more fashionable one. But this should be done with a trusted master, and this is very important. And it may turn out that new image will not please you, but will aggravate your bad mood. But high-quality work done by a hairdresser can for a long time provide you with a joyful mood and significantly.

Fifteenth way to cheer yourself up This is a game with pets. It is well known that our pets are the best at lifting our spirits. To do this, it will be enough to pet your cat or play Frisbee with your dog - and you will be in a good mood! If you don’t have a pet, then go to a zoo or dolphinarium, or just go outside and feed a stray animal. Communicating with animals will definitely improve your mood.

The sixteenth way to cheer yourself up this is a dream. Yes, that's not a typo. The cause of a bad mood is often tiredness and exhaustion. The dream is the best way recover. So allow yourself this luxury and go to bed. One hour of sleep per daytime day replaces four hours evening sleep. After you wake up, you will feel different - renewed.

Seventeenth way to cheer yourself up it is doing good deeds. People who give to charity are much more satisfied with their lives. And it doesn’t matter how much you sacrifice for the sake of others. Scientists have found that such people are much more likely to notice and appreciate all the good things in their lives. So join charities and organizations.

Eighteenth way to cheer yourself up It's a cold shower. Yes, it works flawlessly. The fact is that a cold shower is bad for the body. But this is useful stress. You will instantly feel cheerful after taking a cold shower, and your mood will increase many times over. So go ahead and sing... to the bathroom.

The nineteenth way to cheer yourself up this is visualization. or always helped lift my spirits. Surely you have goals that you want to achieve, but they are still far away. So, in order not to wait for the moment when you, just lie down on the sofa and start imagining how you have already achieved your goal. The fact is that a bad mood is sometimes associated with dissatisfaction that arose due to the path to achieving a goal. For example, you were not promoted at work. In this case, you lie down on the sofa and begin to imagine how you were promoted at work. After this, your mood will lift, and the next promotion will be yours.

The twentieth way to cheer yourself up is to remember some pleasant moment from the past. Try to remember an event in your life that made you truly happy. This method is very similar to the previous method, only in this case you do not invent, but remember real events that happened to you. This method will make you understand that you are not what you thought. Pleasant memories from life always lift your spirits.

Twenty-first way to cheer yourself up it's allowing yourself to fool around. My FAVORITE method. You just stand in front of the mirror and start making faces at yourself, making stupid sounds, running around the entire apartment like a three-year-old child. And don't care what others think. Just start fooling around. THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL WAY TO LIFT YOUR MOOD. And if you still find yourself a partner who will make faces with you, then... I won’t even talk about it.

In fact, there are many more ways to improve your mood than are given to you in this article. Try to find your own ways and share them with others, and you will notice that the world it will become happier and brighter.

And at the end of the article, I suggest you lift your spirits right now by watching this video.

how to cheer yourself up, how to improve your mood, how to cheer yourself up



— Causes of moodiness
- How to cheer up? Advice from psychologists
— 7 simple tips, which will 100% improve your state of mind
— How to improve your mood in 10 minutes?
— 2 non-standard ways awaken your emotions
- Conclusion

In every person's life there are moments that we call a bad mood. This state is unsettling and can overshadow any long-awaited holiday or event. Apathy to what is happening, a feeling of anxiety and emotional instability appears.



Psychotherapists talk about simple ways to always be in a good mood. There are a few practical advice, helping to be optimistic and not allow bad thoughts and situations ruin the day.

1) Music.
Listen to music that you like. Psychologists also recommend singing along if possible. When melancholy has settled in your soul, feel free to drive it away with the help of your favorite melody in your headphones.

2) Dance.
This may be a continuation of the first point. This will give you positive energy for the whole day. The main rule is to move actively.

3) Get out.
Often a bad mood comes from a mess. A minimal amount of tidying up will help quickly correct the situation. Make it a rule to start your workday by cleaning your desk. You will feel that neatly folded items significantly improve your mood. If you are at home, start making your home more comfortable. General cleaning and changing bed linen will also help create comfort and thereby improve your mood. Spend a few minutes a day on this. This way you are distracted from bad thoughts.

4) The right attitude.
No matter what happens, always remain optimistic. In any situation, set yourself up for a positive outcome. Assert yourself that everything will be fine, and you can easily overcome the difficulties that arise. When you go into a meeting, always think about a positive outcome. People have an expression: “Human thought is material.” Therefore, by remaining optimistic, you will always solve problems that arise with ease.

5) Talk about the problem.
Talk about what worries you with a friend, mother, relative. Even just saying it out loud brings significant relief and lifts your spirits.

6) Give yourself joy.
Do what you love. Spend a couple of minutes on your favorite game, watch your favorite movie in the cinema or at home, read a book by your favorite author.

7) Make a promise to yourself.
Promise to become an optimist and not pay attention to minor troubles. You can always fight back against a bad mood. Becoming a person with a good and positive attitude is possible, and anyone can do it.

8) Contrast shower.
This is a physiological way to create for yourself good mood. When a person is doused alternately with hot and cold water, then the tension goes away.

9) Get some sleep.
A bad mood often occurs due to simple fatigue. Therefore, put everything aside and relax.

Here are some tips to help you get rid of your bad mood, restore optimism, balance, self-control, and enjoy life.

Tip #1. Remember that you can improve your mood
One of the most effective ways to improve your mood is to always remember that you yourself are capable of doing it. In fact, changing your mood is much easier than you think, and this is... great occasion for optimism.

Tip #2. Determine the causes of deterioration in mood
Don't think that trying to pretend you don't feel anger or envy or humiliation is a sign emotional intelligence. It actually doesn't benefit others and harms you.

Tip #3. Minimize damage
Your bad mood can affect everyone who falls under your influence. hot hand. But you know why you feel irritated, so don’t take it out on others. A dog should not bite a cat just because a person kicked it.

Tip #4. Remember, you are not your bad mood
Sometimes, when driven by strong emotions, people act contrary to all their core values ​​and beliefs.

One might come to the conclusion that during vivid displays of emotion a person shows his true colors, but this is far from the case. After all, anger, fear or despondency are just temporary disturbances in your consciousness that you can learn to control. To do this, you always need to remember who you really are and maintain composure in any situation.

Tip #5. Change your face to change your mood.
When communicating with others, we experience different emotions. One of the means of expressing them is facial expressions - we can frown, wince, smile, etc. We quite rightly believe that when we are happy, we look happy and when we are sad, our face takes on a sad expression. Researchers have found that facial expressions also work the other way.

Research has shown that these changes cause blood to flow not only to the face, but also to our brain. We move our eyebrows when we want to concentrate, and this causes blood to flow from the face to the brain (which may be what helps us concentrate better). Changes in facial expressions affect brain temperature, which is key to understanding why adopting a certain expression can make you feel better or worse.

The metabolic activity of our brain produces so much heat that it needs constant cooling. The air entering through the nostrils helps lower the temperature of the brain, and when it cools, you feel better.

When we frown, the nostrils narrow, which leads to heating of the brain (it was experimentally found that when we wrinkle our nose for just 30 seconds, the temperature of the brain increases fivefold, causing a deterioration in well-being).

At the same time, a smile, even an insincere one, provides an average increase in the volume of air passing through the nose by 29 milliliters over a short period of time, and this pleasantly cools the brain.

That is, we can short-circuit a bad mood by consciously changing our facial expression. So you can smile or retreat to silently say “E” until your mood lifts - your brain will thank you for it.

Tip #6. Improve your mood by taking a walk in nature.
When your mood worsens, it tries to subjugate all your actions. If you do not resist this, your brain will stop listening to you, and you will not be able to overcome depression. In order to get rid of the “emotional brain” effect, you can do crossword puzzles to activate the “thinking brain”, or even better, go for a walk. It has been proven that physical exercise significantly better at helping to get rid of depressive state than drug treatment.

You can go for a walk (or even a jog if you are healthy enough) and, if possible, get out into nature. Recent research has shown that spending time and exercising in natural conditions– even in city parks and gardens – incredibly useful for strengthening mental health, including for quickly lifting your mood and even improving immune functions. Conclusion: Get outside and move!

Tip #7. Relax.
A bad mood requires tension and focusing exclusively on negative feelings to maintain it. So do the opposite! Make it a goal to relax and focus on other thoughts and images outside the narrow confines of your mood.

— How to improve your mood in 10 minutes?

Of course, a glass of champagne, delicious chocolate and watching your favorite comedy warm blanket- a proven method. But, unfortunately, (or fortunately?) we cannot always use it.

In any case, alcohol is definitely not suitable for raising your mood at work, and there is generally a shortage of blankets in the office. Luckily for us, there are other ways to cheer yourself up without leaving the cash register, so to speak.

To begin with, we create a “joyful background” in the workplace (and this, imagine, is possible). Fresh air from a slightly open window, invigorating aromas and cheerful music will help us with this. If there is an opportunity to “sing along” and “dance along” - great, this is generally “what the doctor ordered.”

Citrus scents are best suited to uplift your mood. If you “accidentally” have an orange, tangerine or grapefruit on hand, cut it thinner (just don’t burst it right away, let it sit at least a little on the plate - let it saturate the whole room with positivity). If you don’t have citrus fruits, coffee will do just fine.

Give your head a massage. To do this, it is best to use a “massage comb” (if not available, a regular one will also do). Comb your hair for 2-3 minutes in front of the mirror. At the same time, try to keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders and smile at yourself, your beloved, from the bottom of your heart.

A light massage of the ears and fingers is another proven means of lifting your mood. Twist them in different directions (not ears, fingers!), rub your palms vigorously, then massage biologically active points(on the temples, between the eyebrows, at the wings of the nose).

“Scratching” your arms from wrist to elbow helps to improve your mood. Yes, yes, don't laugh. Although, what I say is LAUGH, of course! Read jokes, watch funny photos of animals, video jokes... In a few minutes there will be no trace of your bad mood!

— 2 non-standard ways to awaken your emotions

1) “Turn on” your sense of smell.
You've probably noticed more than once that the smell of your favorite flowers or cut grass brings back pleasant memories and brings you back to those days when you were happy. And your mood instantly improves! This is not an accident: the area of ​​the brain responsible for smell is one of the most ancient, so memories “fixed” with smells are the most stable.

It is no coincidence that aromatherapy has become so popular today - influencing the body with the help of essential oils. Find the scent that suits you and you can cheer yourself up at any time.

2) Control the color.
Since ancient times, different peoples have used color as part of symbolism during religious or state ceremonies. However, its true significance for human psyche It was discovered only in the 50s of the last century by the Swiss scientist Max Lüscher. He expressed the opinion that each of the colors symbolizes a certain psychological need or inclination.

Therefore, color preferences perfectly characterize a person. There is also Feedback: by betting on one shade or another, we can influence our inner world. Keep this in mind when choosing clothes or interior items.

- Conclusion

A person's mood can change several times in one day. Unfortunately, for most people, it is very rarely good and instantly falls even because of an insignificant detail. However, all is not lost and there are proven ways that will help you lift your mood without putting much effort into it.

For example, it is enough to simply stretch your lips into a smile and keep it on your face for 5 minutes. Before you know it, you will feel much better. And this is just one of the most simple ways influence your internal state. All in your hands. Go for it!

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Make a playlist of your favorite tracks that energize you. No melancholy: sad music will only fuel your already sad mood. If the situation needs to be corrected urgently, and your own selection is not ready yet, turn it on.

Remember the connection between mental and physical health. The American Psychological Association recommends including exercise as part of your psychotherapy regimen. Therefore, dance, jump, do a light warm-up: any physical activity is suitable for producing endorphins.

3. Call a friend

Surely you have chats with friends - write there: a good portion of words of support, jokes and stickers with cats will correct the situation! Even better is to call your loved ones or meet with them. Pleasant social interactions make us happier.

If your friends can’t help you quickly, go in search of something funny on Telegram. Look through LaQeque - a channel with memes from all over the Internet, look at cats in difficult life situations on the channel “Pet the Cat” (an alternative for dog lovers - “Pet the Dog”), take a look at “The Dog Ate” - a channel with ridiculous and funny excuses.

5. Simple goals

Bad mood and apathy deprive you of strength and performance. Don't beat yourself up: if your day is so-so, plan three easy things instead of ten difficult ones. Achieving a goal, no matter how small, will return a feeling of self-satisfaction.

How to cheer yourself up? There are more and more ways to cheer yourself up every day. Scientists are separately studying the level of happiness and the factors that ensure this state, so the choice is quite large; it is worth deciding how much time and resources you have, as well as where you are (it is difficult to pet your beloved dog while on a long business trip).

How to cheer yourself up quickly

When your mood decreases, it is better to find the cause of its decline, eliminate it and carry out full-scale rehabilitation work in your own emotional sphere, but it also happens that deep and serious reasons no, but it’s no longer possible to be sad, and then they look for ways to cheer themselves up in the shortest possible time.

Play with animals, engage in creativity and sports, change your own appearance, wardrobe and the decor in your apartment (if you’re completely tired of everything, change the country), watch movies and talk with friends - any action (not necessarily drastic and very active) affects the change in our mood .

An excellent way to cheer yourself up if you're in a bad mood is to pursue your own hobbies, although to do this you'll have to put aside work, boring but necessary things, or just get off the couch when it's autumn and you want your mood to improve somehow on its own. By doing something that brings you pleasure, after a while you will feel a surge of positive energy, even if your hobby itself is quite energy-intensive, the main thing is not to quit at the very beginning, but to immerse yourself in the process.

There are simpler options, this includes purchases, and they should be aimed at pampering and pleasure (no need to take a bag of potatoes and a bunch of onions - this will not add joy). You can sit in a cafe where you didn’t dare to go and drink a cup of hot chocolate, or you can buy yourself bright yellow gloves - the main thing is that spending is not an everyday routine, but brings a sense of celebration. Bright things and products containing endorphins are excellent helpers in the fight against bad mood, but you should use them with caution, otherwise you can get used to it. similar method and it will stop working, not to mention negative impact large quantity sweets for your figure, and a large number of unnecessary purchases for your financial condition.

Try to be in nature more often, or at least in a city park, walk more and breathe fresh air, choosing even longer, but more picturesque routes. Such contact with nature improves your mood not by raising it sharply, but by gradually filling it with vitality, and provides relief from the daily stress and noise that haunts you everywhere. And if such events become your habit and last at least two hours and with the absence of notifications on all kinds of gadgets, then not only your mood will always be in order, but the entire nervous system will be more stable, which will lead to improved functioning of the whole organism.

Usually, the mood decreases when stress pinches our energy, this happens both on the emotional and physical level, and if you are not always willing and able to deal with your own psychology, then you can relieve physical stress at any time. To do this, it is worth throwing away the critical world and yourself as important, adult and serious and for at least half an hour do what comes to mind. You can run and jump on chairs, throw objects at the wall and smear yourself with food, scream and cry, curl up in a ball and swing, perhaps hit a pillow or cry into it, run a mile or do push-ups. Your task is to follow the example of children who do not particularly restrict their physical activity, for the sake of the standards of decency accepted in society, but to protect your own reputation in advance (i.e., you do not need to roll on the floor in your own office, it is better to do this behind a closed door or in secluded corner of the park). The more varied and crazy your physical outburst is, the better; stop when you feel tired.

It would be good to continue to listen to your physical needs while at rest - you may start to feel sleepy or your appetite will awaken, or maybe you will want a specific product - provide this for yourself. After such a shake-up and unblocking, oppressive emotions are released and stop absorbing energy, this improves the mood and a feeling of lightness appears, new ideas may be born or strength to implement plans may appear.

Feed yourself something tasty - quick and effective way lifting the mood, because food stimulates many analyzers at once, plus even in childhood we are accustomed to receiving the main pleasure through it. But you should be careful with this method and use it rarely and in extreme cases, since the scale of the problem food addiction Today they have spread all over the world, and the main reason for its appearance is the eating of stress and negative experiences. Instead of solving the problem, people eat chocolates and cakes, which improves their mood, but does not remove the source. It is better to take advantage of the surge of positivity and energy received from food and direct it all towards solving the problem.

If you have the Internet at hand, you can find funny videos or funny songs there. Watching the first ones that make you laugh will quickly throw off the program of sadness, and listening to cheerful and dynamic music improves your mood by influencing the subconscious and setting the necessary rhythm. You can go for a relaxing procedure (massage, pool or spa), and if this is not possible while sitting at work, then no one bothers you to plan a wonderful weekend that includes these moments (the very planning of pleasant things improves your mood, and anticipation, as we know, is more pleasant than a holiday ).

How to cheer yourself up at home

How to cheer yourself up if you're tired of everything, you're sitting at home and don't plan to go out anywhere, and the main advice you get is that you need to go out and talk to people and have fun noisy company, is not an insoluble problem. All people are different and what works for extroverts will plunge introverts even more into depression. Increasing your mood at home has many advantages over going out in public, which in their manifestation boil down to one of the main ones - they don’t see you, which means they don’t judge you and you don’t have to watch your movements and facial expressions, and you can behave as you want, even stupidly, even funny.

Dancing has always been considered a therapy for the blues, but only at home you can truly surrender to this process, without worrying about the correct movements and the opinions of others, but simply immersing yourself in the rhythm and throwing out what’s in your soul. An excellent option is to review your wardrobe, just not leafing through the trash in the closet, but high-quality sorting of things, trying on each one, making new combinations, and checking quality. Perhaps the time has come to change the image, and put half of the things up for sale at a symbolic price or remake them into more stylish ones by adding details. In addition to your wardrobe, you can change your appearance - experiment with new makeup, try on new hairstyles (better using online programs rather than cutting your bangs yourself). All this activity will not only help you establish a more adequate expression of your personality, but is also creative and mood-enhancing.

By the way, creativity can be used in any form, whether you are a professional or holding a brush in your hands for the first time. You can draw simply with strokes of paint, expressing your feelings, or you can prepare hand-made gifts for friends for the holiday (whether these are postcards or a video edited from joint photos, again, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you create it yourself, bringing a piece of your soul into it).

Only at home can you afford to spend the evening in a bath with aromatic oils (read and choose antidepressants) with pleasant music and dim lights. Add a glass to this delicious wine or reading your favorite book of your choice. Or you can wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and watch your favorite series or New film, washing it all down with hot chocolate, gradually falling asleep. Giving yourself a day of sufficient relaxation and good sleep helps restore the mood that depends on general level energy in the body.

If you have pets at home, then spending time with them will bring you a lot of joy, especially if there was no opportunity for this before. In general, being at home and doing household chores increases the feeling of security and comfort, which affects your mood. That is why the seemingly not very joyful task of spring cleaning ultimately gives an improvement in mood, when all things are in their places, and the old and damaged are thrown away, a feeling of freedom appears. Moreover, there is a version that when a person puts things in order in the external space, his psyche puts things in order inside, using analogies of cleaning and sorting, prioritizing and searching for new opportunities. So don’t be surprised if, after cleaning, you come up with solutions to many problems that you’ve been struggling with for months.

How to cheer yourself up at work

Cool if you go to work in in a great mood and with the expectation of wonderful events, but not everyone is so lucky. Some haven’t been on vacation for a long time, some are killed by the monotony of the days and the dullness of the office, some are simply bored - there are a lot of reasons for low mood at work besides the work itself, and when strained relationships with the team and management are added, you have to work beyond the norm , then it’s not far from depression.

First, carefully assess the state of your workplace - remove everything unnecessary, spend time organizing things and files, and take care of the ergonomics of the space. This kind of cleaning helps you find everything quickly and not freak out over unnecessary things; in addition, a decent appearance of the workplace makes the work itself more enjoyable. Make your day easier by planning, write down upcoming tasks and put a tick next to completed ones - it really shows that you are not in an unsettled routine, but the process is still moving. By the way, you also need to move yourself, so it’s better to go outside for lunch than to eat your sandwich, staring at the screen and finishing your presentation. Breaks should be of high quality - being in the sun, buying something along the way, drinking coffee in the nearest park is not much of a problem, but it improves your mood.

To make your stay at the workplace easier, you should find sources of recharge, and if they are not available where you are, you will have to take them from remote places. It's easy to do this if you restructure the small breaks a little. Let it be a smoke break, but now during it you don’t need to stare at a gray wall, thinking that there are still four hours of torture left, during this time you can call other people (friends who inspire positivity in you, acquaintances about whom you haven’t heard anything for a long time , loved one or to the best friend). Such conversations distract from workload and bring fresh flows of information, and with these people you can laugh or even gloat over work moments. Besides telephone conversations the same thing can be done via the Internet, and even plan a weekend or choose purchases - the main thing is to ensure that such behavior is unloading and does not constitute the bulk of working time, otherwise you can get a lot of problems. By spending short breaks not on sorting things out with colleagues and gossip, but on optimizing your leisure time, you free up most of it for have fun(if you have already placed an order in an online store, you have saved half a day off, and if you have ordered pizza, you have taken care of your evening; planning a weekend also brings joy through the preparation process itself).

And also, so that your mood at work does not fall to the plinth, take care of your condition not only at work, but also before and after it. Before the work day, it’s good to relieve excess stress in the gym or while jogging by rebuffing an arrogant fellow traveler, instead of remaining silent or lashing out at colleagues. After work, it would be great to visit the pool, spend this evening in silence or in pleasant company. The main thing is to provide a few hours when you can take care of yourself and minimize the consequences of the workday, then the next one will go easier.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad

When the problems do not end, minor troubles begin to drive you crazy because they happen continuously, the blues last for months, thoughts come about antidepressants or the possibility of drowning your sorrows in alcohol and drugs, but there are simpler and useful ways, how to cheer yourself up if you're tired of everything. You can start with what accompanies us every day - with food. You can support the nervous system by adding mint and chamomile to tea, which will soothe and take care of nervous system. As for food, you should stop eating just anything - find interesting recipes, better from various national cuisines and cook yourself some delicious food yourself. The whole process, from choosing food to setting the table correctly, is comparable to a meditative process, and a variety of smells, tastes and colors will nourish your sensory sphere. Basically, switching attention from mental activity the sense of touch very quickly and qualitatively improves your mood, so massage and various wraps, masks and simple sorting of cereals will help a lot.

If everything is bad, rest will help lift your spirits and fill your needs. If there is serious sleep deprivation, turn off all gadgets, get out of sight, stock up on food and sleep all weekend. If life resembles running on a wheel, then go somewhere for the weekend, better for everything than for an hour - the maximum change of environment will bring back the feeling of life.

Make a list of your own desires and goals, determine ways to achieve them and start taking action. Lack of movement is paralyzing emotional sphere worse than fear. Start moving like own desires, and physical - sport, in its pleasant form, is an excellent antidepressant, and warming up in the middle of the day helps flexibility not only in joints, but also in thinking. During physical activity, the hormone of joy is produced, and if you do regular exercise, changes in your own emotional state will become noticeable in a couple of days. If regular exercise doesn’t work out, then add mandatory walks or hiking to your schedule.

How to cheer yourself up every day

The good mood of each day comes from how our morning went. And if it’s the day of the trip, then even getting up at five in the morning is joyful and wonderful, but if the weather outside is dull, the condition is pre-sick, and there’s another rush at work, then getting yourself out of bed will be problematic, and all actions are accompanied by dissatisfied grumbling.

In order to have a great mood every day, you need to take care of its good start: set the alarm clock a little earlier so that you have time to leisurely lie down, and instead of the “alarm clock” inscription on your phone, you can put some kind of encouraging or cheerful phrase. Set aside twenty minutes at the beginning of each day for calm and relaxed thoughts.

Morning is the best the right time for dreams and making plans, for light meditations and newsletters positive wishes loved ones - use it for pleasing things, and not for frantically running around the apartment looking for keys (even if you have to get up a little earlier). Anything negative you encounter along the way can be written down on a separate piece of paper. Those. It’s not this terrible world that turned off the water, burned the scrambled eggs and broke the heel, but it’s you who collect the little troubles that accompany the morning. Turn it into a game, at the end of which, for example, when you get to work, you can fold a piece of paper into an airplane and launch it into the air.

Make sure your every day is filled with physical activity, change of environment and delicious food. These things can be combined, for example, by having lunch at different places or jogging along different routes. Make sure that not only your body, but also your brain does not remain hungry: new knowledge and acquaintances, places and films are a source of mental pleasure, in the absence of which no antidepressant will help.

You can also introduce the practice of fulfilling one wish every day or performing a bright and pleasing act. If it happens that you don’t have your own wishes for today, then fulfill others’ – the joy of those around you will return with even greater joy of your own.

It's a shame when you get upset in the first half of the day, when, in fact, there is still a lot of time that needs to be devoted to work. No worthy thoughts come into your head, you don’t want to do anything, and you immediately feel a loss of strength. What if you are invited to dinner by friends in the evening? Do you really have to sit with a sour expression? I don’t want to infect others with my mood. Whatever the reasons, it is necessary to take measures that can bring you back to life.

Fortunately, there are a great many of them, as they say, for every taste and color, the main thing is not to delay the decision and choose the one that suits you. Consider the degree of despondency, lifestyle, opportunities and, of course, your character. For those who are suited to one, the other will not suit them at all. So from the right choice yours will depend emotional condition. So, let's begin!

How to cheer yourself up

All the methods that I will share with you today can be safely divided into several categories:

  • physical, involving physical activity and nutrition
  • psychological - self-discipline
  • emotional – those that evoke certain emotions


This method of raising your mood is very effective. I even tried it on myself. But not everyone is able to raise their butt and start moving. If you have no contraindications to activity and physical activity, be sure to try some of them. The benefits are enormous and not only as a means of lifting your mood. Are you tired of laziness? Read the article and work on yourself!

It has long been proven by many experiments and studies that movement not only makes a person strong, resilient and healthy, it also has the greatest impact on our consciousness and emotional state.

Bad mood? Put on your sportswear and run laps around the house or on a special treadmill. No opportunity? Go to the gym. For mothers with children or those who for some reason cannot leave the house, home exercises are suitable. Find great workouts with uplifting music and start moving.

You will feel tired very quickly, especially if you are not prepared and have not exercised at all before. But this is just the beginning. The body will begin to recover and produce the hormone of happiness. But that is not all! Self-satisfaction, increased self-esteem, the realization that you did it will lift your spirits even more.

Paradisaic delight!

The blues are afraid of your desires and preferences! Do you like sweets? Please! Treat yourself to your favorite treat if you really want it! Satisfaction brings an extraordinary feeling, thanks to which you will instantly forget about your bad mood. But there are many nuances here. For example, if you want to lose weight and the reason for not better moodexcess weight, then you should limit yourself and eat small piece cake or chocolate. Otherwise, after a moment of weakness, you may become even more depressed due to your lack of restraint and lack of willpower! But, if there are no problems with this, feel free to eat whatever your heart desires!

The most healthy sweet– natural chocolate. It contains the amino acid tryptophan. During processing, it turns into serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

Drink your vitamins!

IN autumn-spring period The body very often lacks vitamins. No wonder they say that these are the most critical times years when many people are exposed to frequent shifts moods. Diseases worsen, immunity declines, bad feeling does not allow you to live fully. It is at such moments that you should especially monitor your health, eat rationally and balancedly, and also take vitamins.

Vegetables and fruits, berries and herbs will be especially useful at this time. Instead of juices, cook compotes and make fruit drinks from cranberries and lingonberries. They are sold frozen in any large supermarket.

This year I stocked up on enough. I eat it myself and give it to my children and husband every day, 1 tablespoon. This is great food supplement, which is better than any synthetic vitamins benefits the body and protects against diseases and bad mood.


Often the cause of a bad mood can be overwork. When our body experiences a huge lack of energy. At the same time, you feel tired and unwell. What a mood we are talking about!

Moreover, it is very important not to cross the line and not make such a situation chronic. On days when you feel blue due to overwork, give yourself a good rest. and calm - best medicine.

And most importantly, in future try not to let similar situations. Manage your body's time and energy wisely so that you always have great mood. Emotional and physical health- above all.

House cleaning and rearranging!

As ridiculous as it may sound, cleaning and order have a huge impact on our mood. As they say, order in the head means order in life.

Constant chaos and scattered things are depressing, do not allow you to fully relax and do not satisfy your needs at all. Not to mention how much nerves it takes to find the things you need. Finally, clean the house and live happily! But this advice is most likely suitable for slobs.

For housewives who love cleanliness and try to maintain it, most likely, it will not help, but there is a slightly different interpretation this advice. Change the environment by rearranging furniture, updating the interior and design. Any changes, no matter how significant, lift your spirits and give you a sip fresh air for new changes.

Have a positive attitude

It is very important to tune in to a positive wave when it comes to raising your mood. If you constantly think about the bad, feel sorry for yourself, and nothing good will come of it, even if you run until you lose strength, eat only vitamins and carry out rearrangements at night.

Literally capable of working miracles and changing the life of a pessimist in general. Remember funny stories that once happened to you or your friends, think about what good there is in your life, besides those events that ruined your mood.

Are there really no things that make you happy? Life is associated with white and black stripes. And it will be black as long as you think about it.

Always think about the good, don't let negative thoughts enter your head. Imagine, dream only what brings you pleasure!

Intimate talk

What could be better than heart-to-heart conversations with your beloved girlfriend or boyfriend. At such moments you feel great support and understanding. All emotions give way, the soul becomes lighter, the mood improves, and the blues go away.

Moreover, it is best to talk with friends not on the phone, but in a neutral, cozy place, like a cafe or diner. Well, if you manage to gather a group of friends, then you won’t be bored at all. A charge of positive emotions, meeting with old acquaintances, new stories from life will lift your spirits. Even if you cry into your best friend’s vest, it will become easier. Such a shake-up will only benefit you; the main thing is to choose reliable and understanding interlocutors.

Fulfillment of desires

Surely each of you has a desire that, in principle, is quite possible, but for some reason you constantly postponed its fulfillment. For example, there was no time, money or the circumstances were wrong. You can cheer yourself up very quickly if you fulfill your desire, which you have been putting off for a long time.

Did you want to go to a concert of your favorite singer or buy stilettos, but you didn’t feel like spending money? Or maybe you wanted to take an extra day off, but didn’t dare ask your boss about it? Give yourself a little shake-up - visit a circus, a show, go to a movie or theater. Against the backdrop of a monotonous life and gray everyday life, you will definitely cheer yourself up and cheer up a little.

Fulfillment of desires and new incredible emotions give a huge charge to move forward, and you definitely won’t have to be sad in the near future.

Do what you love

Perhaps the reason for your bad mood is dissatisfaction and self-searching. How we always want to do what we like and what we are drawn to. Office workers and workers, as a rule, work for money, and completely forget about their hobbies and hobbies.

Being able to realize yourself, even if you only get pleasure from it without monetary reward, is the key to self-respect.

Think if you don’t know for sure what you would like to do besides your main job. Perhaps you have always been interested in collecting or cooking new exotic dishes, or maybe you dreamed of drawing or sewing?

Find like-minded people, share your creativity with others, feel recognized. Some people turn their hobby step by step into a business. The main thing is not to give up, but to move forward.

Well, if you have unfinished tasks and they are weighing on you, plan your coming days so as to complete them completely. The satisfaction that you will get just from not standing still and trying to correct the situation will already lift your spirits and instill self-respect for your person.


Don't hide your emotions and feelings. If you want to cry, cry. Scientists have proven that as tears flow down your cheeks, the body begins to produce the hormone of satisfaction and happiness. This is such a defensive reaction to stressful situations.

And indeed, after the outburst of emotions, one feels such relief, and the problem is no longer as acute as it seemed, and everything seems to be fine. So don’t be shy, show your feelings, all the negativity will pour out along with tears.

Personal care

Dramatic changes in image or simple self-care procedures also entail an emotional shake-up.

If you want, you can change your hair color or hairstyle. Great option, but not the cheapest - change your wardrobe.

Methods are cheaper, but no less effective than the previous ones - go to a beauty salon, do spa treatments at home, for example, take and make a face mask.

Loving yourself is a link that cannot be separated from life. If you don’t love and value yourself, no one will. Self-care is part of self-love and should become a habit.


Many will say how bad moods and dreams are related to each other. It has many advantages. But some people underestimate this technique and do not take it seriously.

To lie down and dream, relax, forget about problems, imagine that you have everything in your hands, all your dreams have come true - this relieves a lot of stress. emotional stress and sort thoughts into categories.

If you are in a bad mood, try to retire, take a comfortable position, close your eyes and think about good things, imagine that all your wishes have come true... You may want to visit other worlds and visit foreign lands. Draw pictures, imagine, and you will soon feel that your mood is rising, everything is returning to normal.

Change yourself

Well last tip, which I would like to give to those who are constantly testing their strength and are on the verge of depression and stress. For those who are constantly in a bad mood.

No matter what happens in life, it nevertheless continues. There is a lot of unknown and unusual things around us. The world is beautiful in its beauty and splendor, and only those who truly want to see it can see it all.

It might be worth thinking about what kind of lifestyle you lead. Anyone can change themselves, create new skills, the main thing is to start and not stop, despite failures.

Analyze everything. Which ones need adjustment? For example, start playing sports, make friends and enjoy the little things.

Find yourself a hobby, if possible, change your unloved job to a more interesting one. Develop yourself, read books, make your life rich and colorful. All in your hands!

How to cheer yourself up using express methods

  • Watch a comedy
  • Read jokes
  • Listen to fun music
  • Accept cold and hot shower
  • Do some good deeds
  • Do something stupid, but only innocent
  • Take a walk in the fresh air

Now you know how to cheer yourself up. How do you deal with the blues? Share your proven methods in the comments! See you again! I kiss everyone and bye!

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