How to make lip balm? How to make your own healing rejuvenating balm at home. Proven methods and recipes for making balms for body rejuvenation

Balms can be consumed as a stand-alone drink or in combination with vodka, white wine, and mineral water. Tea or coffee with balm not only has a pleasant taste and aroma, but also has a tonic and restorative effect on the body.

For preparing balms Mainly various medicinal herbs are used, which are infused with alcohol or vodka.

In order to give balms a more pleasant taste, they often add sugar, honey and various liqueurs.

We offer you several balm recipes, the preparation of which does not require much effort or expense.


Required: 10 g of dry herb St. John's wort, 10 g of dry herb of oregano, 10 g of dry sage (flower and herb), 30 g of mint, 0.5 l of vodka.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the herbs and leave for 1-2 weeks. Then strain, squeeze the herb through cheesecloth. If desired, you can pour 0.5 cups of any jam syrup into the balm.


Required: 300 g of sea buckthorn berries, 0.5 l of vodka, 2 tbsp. l. honey

Cooking method. Rinse and dry the berries, pour vodka and leave in a sealed container for 2-3 weeks. After this, strain the balm, add honey and leave for another week.


Required: 30 g of fresh wormwood flowers, 30 g of almonds, 10 g of parsley root, 30 g of tansy flowers, 1 liter of vodka.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the parsley root, peel and finely chop. Pour vodka over all components and leave for 3-4 weeks. Then strain and filter through cheesecloth.


Required: 20 g of oregano herb, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, lemon balm, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of cognac, 10 g of honey.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the grass and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then add cognac and honey and leave for another 2 weeks. After this, strain the balm.


Required: 10 g of calendula flowers, 10 g of immortelle flowers, 20 g of lemon balm herb, 10 g of valerian root, 10 g of oregano flowers, 20 g of red and black currant leaves, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Place all the ingredients in the container in which you will prepare the balm, and fill with vodka. Leave for 3 weeks, then strain and add honey.


Required: 200 g of young walnuts (in green skin), 50 g of walnut partitions, 10 g of dandelion root, 0.5 l of vodka, 20 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over the nuts and nut partitions and leave for 2 weeks. Wash the dandelion root, chop finely and dry in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Add it to the balm and leave for another week. After this, strain and add sugar.


Required: 100 g of coffee beans, 50 g of chicory root, 200 g of thick coffee liqueur, 0.5 l of vodka, 10-20 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Wash the chicory root and dry it in the oven until it becomes brittle. Pour vodka over the coffee beans and roots and leave for 2 weeks. After this, strain, add liqueur and sugar.


Required: 50 g of St. John's wort, oregano, linden blossom, raspberry, red and black currant leaves, mint, lemon balm, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of sugar, 5 g of ginger.

Cooking method. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over all herbs and keep in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth. Mix this infusion with vodka and add sugar and ginger.


Required: 100 g of young pine needles, 50 g of birch buds, 10 g of mint and lemon balm, 0.5 l of vodka, 10 g of honey.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over pine needles and birch buds and leave for 2 weeks. Pour mint and lemon balm into 1 glass of hot water and boil until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Strain and pour into the balm (after it has steeped). Then add honey and leave for another week.


Required: 100 g of red and chokeberry, 100 g of viburnum berries, 50 g of juniper berries, 100 g of lingonberries, 100 g of rose hips, 0.5 l of vodka, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Rinse the berries, pound with a mortar so that they release juice, and mix. Then wrap this pulp in gauze, put it in a bowl and fill it with vodka. Leave for 3-4 weeks, then remove the gauze and squeeze. Add honey.


Required: 50 g ginseng root, 10 g chicory root, 4 tbsp. l. immortelle flowers, 30 g of red rowan berries, 30 g of rose hips, 1 liter of vodka, 30-40 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Finely chop the ginseng and chicory roots and dry them in the oven for 5-10 minutes (be careful not to burn them). Pour vodka over all components and leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Then strain and filter through cheesecloth. Heat the sugar over low heat until it turns brown and pour it into the balm.

Required: 100 g of green and black leaf tea, 50 g of mint and lemon balm, 50 g of linden blossom, 50 g of orange and lemon zest, 30 g of oregano flowers, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of cognac, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Place all ingredients in a bowl and fill with vodka. Leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, add cognac and honey and leave for another 2 weeks.


Required: 20 g of hop cones, 20 g of oak bark, 20 g of sage, 20 g of St. John's wort, 30 g of mint, lemon balm and linden blossom, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of cognac, 30 g of honey.

Cooking method. Grind all the ingredients, add vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain and filter through several layers of gauze. Add cognac and leave for another 2 weeks. Then add honey.


Required: 50 g of sorrel root, 50 g of burdock root, 30 g of motherwort herb, mint and horsetail each, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of cognac, 30 g of honey.

Cooking method. Wash the burdock and sorrel roots and dry them in the oven. Pour vodka over all ingredients and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Then strain, add cognac and honey.


Required: 50 g ginger, 50 g sage, 50 g anise, 100 g red rowan berries, 30 g mint, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g strawberry or raspberry syrup.

Cooking method. Pour all the ingredients with vodka (pre-pound the rowan in a mortar) and leave for 3 weeks. Then strain and add syrup.


Required: 30 g of calendula and chamomile flowers, 20 g of yarrow herb, 40 g of rose hips, 30 g of nettle leaves, 30 g of sage herb, 20 g of motherwort herb, 0.5 l of alcohol, 40 g of honey.

Cooking method. Place all the herbs in a thermos, pour boiling water and leave for a day. After this, strain, filter through cheesecloth and mix with alcohol. Add honey. The balm should be infused for a week, after which it can be used.


Required: 30 g hop cones, 100 g sea buckthorn berries, 50 g oak bark, 30 g dandelion root, 50 g viburnum fruits, 0.5 l vodka, 100 ml cognac, 50 g sugar.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over hop cones, oak bark, and dandelion roots and leave for 2 weeks. Crush the fruits of viburnum and sea buckthorn so that the berries give juice. After the balm has infused, strain it and add viburnum juice, sea buckthorn, cognac and burnt sugar.

Required: 50 g of valerian root, 25 g of motherwort herb, 10 g of mint and lemon balm herb, 10 g of hop cones, 20 g of chamomile flowers, 0.5 l of vodka, 50 g of sugar.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over all components and leave in a sealed container for 3 weeks. After this, strain and filter through cheesecloth. Pour sugar into 0.5 cups of water and boil until the syrup thickens. Pour the finished syrup into the balm.


Required: 300 g of rose hips, 100 g of viburnum and lingonberry berries, 30 g of oregano, St. John's wort, yarrow, linden blossom, 1 liter of vodka, 50 g of honey or syrup of any jam.

Cooking method. Wash and dry the berries of viburnum, lingonberries and rose hips. Then pound in a mortar, mix with the rest of the ingredients and fill with vodka. Leave for 2-3 weeks, then strain, add honey or syrup.


Required: 20 g of dandelion root, 20 g of anise fruit, 20 g of dry herb yarrow, St. John's wort and mint, 50 g of raisins, 0.5 l of vodka, 20 g of honey.

Cooking method. Finely chop the herbs and raisins, add vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain and add honey.


Required: 50 g of motherwort herb, 50 g of valerian root, 50 g of sage herb, 50 g of lemon balm, 25 g of oak bark, 0.5 l of vodka, 10 g of honey.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over all components and leave in a sealed container for 3 weeks. Then strain, filter through cheesecloth, add honey and leave for another week.


Required: 100 g of orange and lemon zest, 100 g of coffee beans, 3-4 bags of black tea, 50 g of linden blossom, 0.5 l of vodka, 100 g of cognac, 50 g of honey.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over lemon and orange zest, coffee beans, and linden blossom and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, add honey, cognac and tea bags. Insist for another week.


Required: 50 g of raisins, dried apricots and prunes, 100 g of lemon peels, a few drops of mint or menthol oil, 100 g of any sweet liqueur, 0.5 l of vodka, 5 g of vanilla.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over dried fruits and lemon peels and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain, add liqueur, mint oil and vanilla and leave for another 2 weeks.

Before you make your own lip balm, you need to acquire the appropriate ingredients, starting from one of the suggested recipes. It’s not at all difficult to create a natural cosmetic product at home, and the benefits from it are enormous - a balm made by yourself completely eliminates the presence of harmful substances in the composition. Components can be selected based on personal preferences, different scents can be combined and oils can be added based on the properties of the skin.

With Vaseline

You can make lip balm from different ingredients. Vaseline is suitable for those who have very dry skin. It helps soften lips and prevent chapping. You can do it like this:

  • Heat a small spoon of Vaseline for a couple of minutes;
  • add half a spoon of almond oil and 2-3 drops of jasmine essential essence;
  • Place the well-mixed ingredients in a small glass container and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Tip: It is advisable to store non-solid lip balm in a glass, hermetically sealed container, preventing moisture from getting inside.

Recipes without Vaseline

There are many homemade recipes without Vaseline. They can be made on the basis of butter oils (in this case the balm will be solid) or vegetable oils (the product will have a creamy texture). The aroma is added using ethereal extracts, which can be used one at a time or several at once, resulting in interesting combinations. Here are some examples:

  • ylang-ylang + grapefruit;
  • lemon + mint;
  • bergamot + lavender;
  • juniper + rosemary.

You can make the balm fragrant using special cosmetic fragrances, which are absolutely safe and do not cause allergies. The range of produced scents is very extensive; manufacturers offer a completely different variety - from the smell of cookies to subtle green tea.

They will help give color natural crushed berries(cranberry, currant, sea buckthorn) or cosmetic dyes. The latter are available in the form of gel and dry pigment. You can also add it to lip balm beneficial herbal extracts(cornflower, chamomile, calendula, lavender) or spices (cinnamon, cloves). But it is better to avoid coarse scrubbing particles, remembering that the skin of the lips is very thin and easily injured.

Based on these components, you can make your own lip balm. Below are two recipes, the components of which can be replaced with any others from the list already indicated.

Solid balm

Make a decoction of calendula flowers: pour 3 grams of flowers, add a third of hot water, let steep for 20 minutes. Strain to remove liquid.

Take a tablespoon each of cocoa and macadamia oils, bring them to a liquid state, briefly heating them on the stove. Remove from heat, let cool and pour in a small spoon each of sea buckthorn and olive oils. Add 2 drops of rose essential extract. Add calendula flowers. Mix everything and pour into the prepared lipstick tube. There is no need to put this balm in the refrigerator; it will harden on its own in a short time.

Tip: the container in which the finished lip balm is placed needs to be thoroughly cleaned of traces of the previous product (this can be done with alcohol), or even better, use a new one.

Berry balm

Grind the dried currants in a coffee grinder. On the stove, heat equal amounts of mixed cocoa and shea butter (5 grams each). Let cool, pour in ½ tsp. vegetable oils of sea buckthorn and evening primrose. While stirring the mixture, pour in the currant extract. You can make a fragrant balm by adding a couple of drops of ether of the same berry.

With wax

Wax helps keep the balm in its solid form, but it is recommended to use products containing it only before going outside. Indoors, it has the opposite effect, drawing moisture from the skin of the face and drying it out. The preparation of balms based on it is similar to the previous ones:

  • Melt a small spoon of wax, pour in 3 grams of avocado and almond oils;
  • add 2 drops of orange ether;
  • pour a couple of drops of retinol and the same amount of tocopherol (liquid vitamins in capsules are sold at the pharmacy);
  • pour into the mold, leave until hardened.

Tip: wax can be beeswax or vegetable wax. The first is also divided into yellow and light. For cosmetics, it is better to choose white bee or vegetable ones - they make lips softer and nourish the skin. In addition, yellow has a subtle honey smell, which can interfere if you want to make a balm with a different scent.

Recipes without wax

You can make a balm without using wax, but by adding components that will make your lips soft and saturate them with nutrients.

Chocolate balm

Heat 5 grams of Vaseline. Add dark chocolate to it (for this it is better to take a product with a cocoa content of at least 75%), let it melt. Remove from heat and add a pinch of cinnamon powder.

Cranberry balm

A product with cranberries can make lips brighter and replenish vitamins. Mash a handful of berries until puree. Pour in melted Vaseline, a little avocado oil and the same amount of almond oil. Mix the ingredients. Store only in the refrigerator.

From honey

Bee product is famous for its antiseptic properties, so you can also make a lip product with it. It will be especially useful if there are cracks. In this case, do not add essential essences; if honey is used to give elasticity to the skin, then you should not exclude them from the recipe.

  • Bring honey and wax to a liquid state;
  • add avocado and almond plant extract to the slightly cooled mixture;
  • pour in 2 drops of lemon ether and the same amount of mint;
  • pour into molds.


You shouldn’t get carried away with eating lipstick, but if you accidentally lick this product with an appetizing smell from your lips, then nothing bad will happen.

  • Melt 5 grams of cocoa butter, gradually introducing dark chocolate into it in small pieces;
  • Remove from heat, add a pinch of cinnamon and cocoa powder.


A fruity scented balm can be made by adding appropriate oil extracts. In this case, it is better not to use cocoa butter or beeswax as a basis - they have, although light, a smell that can mix with the aroma of fruit.

  • Heat Vaseline or white wax;
  • pour in a little almond and olive oil;
  • add a couple of drops of lemon and orange extracts.

You can add vanilla extract to fruit balm - it goes well with fruit.

Useful video

Several more natural and healthy recipes are presented in the video.

Making homemade lip balm is not at all difficult - just choose a base (vaseline, wax or butter), add the accompanying ingredients to it, and mix them in the correct quantities. Self-made balms are much healthier than those sold in stores, and a nice bonus is that they allow you to save money and combine ingredients and scents depending on your preferences.

Homemade cosmetics based on natural ingredients are much more beneficial for caring for delicate lip skin. The moisturizing base for the balm can be one of four types of ingredients: solid oil, paraffin, petroleum jelly or beeswax. Due to the fact that natural ingredients have a higher cost and limited shelf life, manufacturers prefer to use paraffin. It, in turn, does not nourish the skin, but remains on its surface in a dense layer.

In stores, natural cosmetics using solid oils and beeswax are much more expensive than mass-market paraffin, but its main components really moisturize the lips.

Fortunately, balms based on natural ingredients can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to select a suitable set of components and follow the rules for the preparation and subsequent storage of the product.


The main component of the balm is the nutritional base. You can use beeswax or solid types of oils, such as cocoa butter or Shea butter. The nutritional base is supplemented with aloe extract, coconut, apricot kernel, olive and avocado oils. These components saturate the skin of the lips, deeply moisturizing them, so that they remain soft throughout the day.

Additionally, you can add essential oils to your homemade lip balm. They can serve different purposes. For example, tea tree oil helps heal small wounds on the lips, and orange or lavender oil are suitable for giving the balm a pleasant aroma.

Liquid vitamins A and E can make the balm even more useful.

All the necessary ingredients for making lip balm can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Rules for making homemade lip balm

Ready-made homemade lip balm should be poured into small metal jars or special bottles for lipsticks. It will be stored in them while you use it. Before using this jar again, wash it thoroughly with warm water and baking soda.

Remember, if you are allergic to one of the ingredients listed in the recipe, it is best not to add it.

If you are unsure if you are allergic to any ingredient, be sure to get an allergy test. To do this, apply a little product to the inside of your wrist or elbow and observe the reaction. The presence of allergies is indicated by:


  • Rashes

In addition, it is better to avoid using products that cause headaches, nausea, weakness, or fever.

To ensure that the ingredients in your homemade lip balm work together, you can use one of the recipes below.

7 best recipes

We bring to your attention 3 recipes for homemade balm based on beeswax, 3 recipes based on solid oils and a special recipe for lovers of decorative cosmetics.

Coconut scented lip balm

The sweet aroma of this balm will lift your spirits, and the moisturizing properties of beeswax in its composition will help take care of the beauty and health of your lips.

We will need:

    2 teaspoons beeswax

    1 drop vanilla essential oil

    1 ampoule of liquid vitamin E

Melt the beeswax in a double boiler, add coconut oil and heat the mixture for a few minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, mix well, then pour the mixture into a balm container. Let the product harden at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator.

Pink Berry Lip Balm

This lip balm has a nice pink color and slightly tints your lips when applied.

We will need:

    1 teaspoon natural berry juice

    1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil

    3 teaspoons beeswax

Heat the apricot kernel oil in a water bath. Add the beeswax and continue heating the mixture until it melts. Then add berry juice and mix thoroughly. Pour the liquid balm into a container for further storage. Let the product cool and only then put it in the refrigerator.

Healing lip balm

A balm made according to this recipe is suitable for caring for chapped lips. He will return them beauty and health.

We will need:

    5 teaspoons beeswax

    3 drops tea tree essential oil

    1 ampoule of vitamin A

    1 ampoule of vitamin E

Melt the beeswax in a double boiler and add the remaining ingredients to it. After mixing well, pour the finished product into a storage container and let it cool.

Balm for lips prone to dryness

If your lips often become dry and chapped, this balm will help restore their lost softness.

We will need:

    2 teaspoons Shea butter

    2 teaspoons cocoa butter

    1 teaspoon avocado oil

    1 ampoule of vitamin A

    1 ampoule of vitamin E

Melt Shea butter and cocoa butter in a water bath, then add the remaining ingredients to the mixture one by one. The finished balm should cool at room temperature. It should then be stored in the refrigerator.

Chocolate lip balm

The balm according to this recipe has a charming aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent.

We will need:

    4 teaspoons cocoa butter

    3 drops sweet orange essential oil

    1 ampoule of liquid vitamin E

Melt the cocoa butter. To do this, you can use a water bath or microwave. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.

A very simple lip balm

This recipe contains only the most necessary ingredients to care for delicate lip skin. It is ideal for those who do not like scented formulations.

We will need:

    6 teaspoons Shea butter

    1 ampoule of vitamin A

    1 ampoule of vitamin E

Melt Shea butter in the microwave or in a water bath. Add vitamins. Let the mixture cool for a few minutes, then put it in the refrigerator.

Making your own lip gloss using a recipe

To make your lip balm decorative, you can use small dry glitter from a cosmetic store. Transparent glitter visually enlarges the lips and looks appropriate in any situation, while gold glitter makes the lips visually brighter and creates an elegant look. Choose the color that you like best.

We will need:

    1 teaspoon beeswax

    1 teaspoon coconut oil

    1 teaspoon Shea butter

    2 teaspoons glitter

Heat the wax and oils in a double boiler until they are completely melted. Mix thoroughly. Let the mixture cool slightly. Add glitter when it thickens, after about 3-4 minutes. Mix thoroughly again.

If you want your lip gloss to be colorful, add a teaspoon of berry juice to it. The color will depend on what berries you use. Raspberries will make the balm pink, and sea buckthorn will give it an orange tint.

The finished lip balm should be stored in the refrigerator - this way it will remain usable for six months.

Have you tried making lip balm at home? What flavorings did you use? Share your reviews of your favorite recipes in the comments.

Modern hygienic lipsticks do not always have the necessary qualities. The fact is that most manufacturers replace natural ingredients with cheaper ones, and therefore not as useful. Therefore, many girls are thinking about preparing moisturizing balms at home.

Benefits of homemade balm

All store-bought balms practically do not nourish or moisturize the lips, simply creating a film on top. This film disappears, at best, an hour after applying the balm, so lips, especially in winter, often dry and peel. To prevent this, it is better to use natural homemade remedies.

Cooking secrets

Any balm prepared at home does not require much time or expensive ingredients. Everything can be prepared very quickly, and all the ingredients can be purchased at any pharmacy. The main thing is to check for allergies before using the components. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inner bend of the elbow and observe whether a rash, irritation or redness appears.

Most often, to prepare a nourishing lip product, they use:

  1. Beeswax. It is best to purchase it on the market from beekeepers who guarantee the naturalness of the product. It not only acts as a base for the balm, but also has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Shea Butter. This lip emollient component is also called shea butter. It is often sold in pharmacies, so finding it is not difficult. Shea butter is a universal component of any balm, as it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry lip skin.
  3. Cacao butter. It must be added to the balm, which will be used during the cold season. The fact is that cocoa butter softens the skin and protects it from aggressive environmental influences.
  4. Vegetable oils. For the balm, you can choose one or more oils such as sea buckthorn, almond, olive oil, etc. Each of them has unique properties that help restore and protect damaged lip skin.
  5. Additional ingredients. These can be liquid vitamins, essential oils, honey, etc.

  1. In order to melt the wax, you need to place it in a container and place it carefully in a water bath. The heat on the stove must be very low, otherwise the mixture will burn. It is not recommended to melt any ingredients in the microwave.
  2. It is important to ensure that there is little wax in the balm, that is, no more than 30%, otherwise the product will be too hard.
  3. Other solid components must be added to the wax once it has become liquid. There is no need to overcook the composition on the stove, otherwise all the beneficial substances will evaporate.
  4. Liquid oils and various essential oils are added at the very end, after the balm is removed from the heat.
  5. Not all essential oils can be mixed with each other when preparing cosmetics, so these nuances need to be clarified.
  6. It is not necessary to use special jars as molds. These could be old lipstick tubes, cream containers, etc. The main thing is that they are opaque, since many oils tend to oxidize due to sunlight.

Lip balm recipes

The peculiarity of the home remedy is that it can be prepared from your favorite products, and the product itself effectively protects the skin of the lips. There are a lot of recipes and cooking methods, so you can always find a couple to suit your taste.

Chocolate balm
To prepare the product you will need shea butter, cocoa butter, any liquid oil (for example, almond) and beeswax. All other harder components must be carefully melted in a water bath. For a small amount of balm, just take a teaspoon of all the ingredients.

After the butters are melted, you need to add cocoa butter and almond butter. Mix everything thoroughly and carefully pour into a suitable container. This balm can be stored for a very long time. The advantage of this chocolate balm is that it quickly heals chapped lips and has a very pleasant taste.

Lip balm with vitamins
In order to prepare this cosmetic product, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. cocoa butter, a few drops of liquid vitamins, and tsp. shea butter, sea buckthorn oil and any other liquid oil of your choice. Melt the solid ingredients by stirring them with a wooden stick. Then pour liquid oils into the well-melted mixture and stir thoroughly again.

Vitamins should be added to the balm with a pipette, as you only need a little. Until the balm hardens, you need to carefully pour it into a jar and leave it in the refrigerator. As soon as it hardens, and this happens quite quickly, the product can already be used.

Balm with coconut oil
You will need a teaspoon of coconut oil, cocoa butter, and wax. You will need to add 1.5 tsp. castor oil. If you couldn’t buy rare coconut oil, you can make it yourself. It is necessary to grate the coconut flesh on a fine grater, pour boiling water over it and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, pieces of coconut oil will appear on top of the water.

Carefully melt the wax and add the remaining ingredients. Everything is mixed very thoroughly and placed in a suitable container. The advantage of this balm is its unique healing properties and the unusual smell of chocolate and coconut. Especially if coconut oil was extracted yourself.

Balm with honey and mint
You need to take beeswax (1 teaspoon is enough) and quickly melt it in a regular water bath. Then add 1-2 tsp. almond oil and a few tsp. honey Mix everything well and cool. Then add a few drops of essential mint oil to the balm and place the composition in a previously prepared container.

Balm with cranberries
Fresh cranberries (10 berries) must be crushed and mixed with any liquid oil and honey (both ingredients must be taken one teaspoon at a time). Heat the mixture slightly and strain. Meanwhile, melt a teaspoon of beeswax. At the end, add a few drops of vitamin E and pour into a jar. Cranberries can be replaced with other berries if desired.

Fruit balm
This product heals and softens the skin of the lips well thanks to calendula. To prepare, you need to take wax, 1 tsp. calendula oils, apricot and orange oils. You need to melt the beeswax as usual and add all the other ingredients to it. Essential orange oil is added at the very end. That's it, the orange scented balm is ready.

Extra flavor

Creating homemade cosmetics allows you to feel like a real perfumer, because by experimenting with certain components, you can easily create a masterpiece. The balm can be given a unique smell and beneficial properties using the following components:

  1. Citrus essential oils. They will add a refreshing note to the balm.
  2. Peppermint oil. It has cooling properties, which is especially necessary in the summer.
  3. Cinnamon, clove and ginger oil. Gives the product spicy notes and has a warming effect.
  4. Lavender or vanilla oil. With its help, the balm acquires a sweetish aroma.

If clear lip balm seems very boring, you can add a bright and rich color. For this we use:

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. But you need to add very little, otherwise the balm will have a bright carrot color.
  2. Food colorings. The main thing is to add them to the product at the thickening stage and stir thoroughly.
  3. Berries. It is enough to boil a few red berries in oil, which will then be included in the balm. As soon as the berries give off color, they need to be removed and the oil strained.

How to properly store lip balm

Properly prepared balm can easily be stored for about a year. To do this, the product must be placed in a special container, for example, a jar with a lid. Under no circumstances should the balm be left in the sun, as it will melt and deteriorate. It is better to store it in a cool, dark place.

Making the balm yourself does not require expensive ingredients or specific skills. The main thing is that all the ingredients are natural and fresh, and their proportions are kept correctly. You can safely experiment with the ingredients, coming up with your own unique recipes. One small jar of balm is enough for 4-5 months.

Video: how to make EOS balm

You can use a variety of masks and balms to care for your lips. Learn how to make your own lip balm using natural ingredients.

To preserve the natural beauty and natural shade of your lips, you need to try to reduce the amount of decorative cosmetics you use and use natural and completely safe products that you prepare yourself for lip care. At home, you can easily make a balm that will provide gentle and high-quality care for the delicate skin of your lips.

If you carefully examine the composition of store-bought hygienic lipstick, you will notice the presence of synthetic paraffin, since it is much cheaper than natural wax. It is this substance that densely covers the surface of the skin of the lips, creating the thinnest protective film, but the lips do not receive proper care.

A hygiene product should not only care for, but also moisturize, nourish and saturate the skin of the lips with valuable substances. Of course, if you set a goal, you can find a quality product among ready-made store products, but it would be much better to prepare it yourself, using only natural ingredients.

Advantages of homemade cosmetics

Self-made lip balm has many advantages over ready-made store-bought products. The main advantages of homemade cosmetics include:
  • During manufacturing, only natural ingredients are used;
  • the finished product has a low cost;
  • you can completely eliminate the possibility of adding components to the balm that can provoke allergies;
  • you can not only select, but also combine various ingredients yourself;
  • the delicate skin of the lips receives the necessary nutrition and hydration;
  • such products can be used every day.

Mixing various ingredients to make homemade lip balm is quite easy and anyone can do this task. But it is important to follow certain rules and recommendations that will be useful for beginners in the field of home cosmetology:
  1. You need to dissolve the wax in a water bath, but it is strictly forbidden to use a microwave oven for this purpose. If you grind the wax, it will be much easier and faster to melt it.
  2. Liquid ingredients must be added to solid ingredients. First of all, you need to prepare the wax and only after that oils will be added to it. Almost at the very end of preparing homemade lip balm, food coloring (this is an optional ingredient) and essential oils will be added.
  3. If the lip balm is prepared according to a recipe that contains all odorless substances, if desired, you can add a little cinnamon or vanillin, but only in small quantities.
  4. Before you start preparing lip balm, you need to check that the recipe does not contain components that can cause severe allergies.
  5. The finished balm can be poured into an empty lipstick tube, but it must be perfectly clean and dry. It is also important that the container in which homemade lip gloss will be stored has a tight lid.
  6. The balm must necessarily contain various nourishing oils and glycerin, as they create a thin film on the surface of the skin of the lips that protects from cold, wind and heat.
  7. You should always pay attention to strict adherence to the dosages indicated in the recipes. It is important to be very careful when using beeswax, since its mass part should not be more than 30% of the total mass of the finished product. If you add too much wax, the balm will be very hard and make it much more difficult to apply to your lips. If you do not add enough wax, the finished balm will be too liquid and will simply start to flow off your lips.

Ingredients for making lip balm

The composition of caring lip balms must include the main ingredient - beeswax. This component is also used in the production of store-bought cosmetics. It is beeswax that gives the balm the desired solid consistency. If you do not add wax, the balm will remain liquid and will simply spread on the lips. Also, natural beeswax has a strong antifungal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

You can purchase beeswax in specialized stores to be completely confident in the high quality of the product. Quite often, wax can contain various impurities, which can be easily removed on your own. First, the substance is dissolved in a steam bath, after which all specks are carefully removed and the product is filtered and poured into any molds.

Another popular ingredient for making lip balm is natural honey. This product perfectly nourishes the delicate skin of the lips and gently cares for it, as it has excellent softening properties. But honey must be used with extreme caution, as it can cause severe allergies.

Oily vitamins E and C. Retinol perfectly moisturizes the skin, helps relieve flaking and irritation. Tocopherol acetate prevents premature aging of the skin of the lips and improves its tone. These substances provide the greatest benefit when working together, which is why it is recommended to use them in combination.

Essential and base oils. If you add them to lip balm, the skin is saturated with valuable vitamins and microelements, and the product acquires a pleasant light aroma. To make homemade lip balm, it is recommended to use olive, almond, peach and coconut oil, including cocoa and shea butter.

Homemade lip balm recipes

To prepare homemade cosmetics, if you have no previous experience in this area, it is recommended to use simple recipes.

Chocolate balm

  • essential orange oil - 4–6 drops;
  • dark natural chocolate - 1 cube;
  • grape seed oil - 1 tsp;
  • beeswax - 2 tsp;
  • castor oil - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon powder - 0.25 tsp.
You need to prepare lip balm according to the following scheme:
  1. Melt the beeswax in a steam bath, then add the grated dark chocolate.
  2. Castor and olive oil are introduced, grape seed oil is added.
  3. Cinnamon powder is added to the composition, and all components are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The mixture is removed from the water bath and left for a while until it cools down and becomes slightly warm, but not more than 40 degrees.
  5. At the end, orange essential oil is added and the product is left to cool completely.
  6. The finished balm is poured into prepared containers and placed in the refrigerator for several hours until it completely hardens, after which it can be used.
Lip balm prepared according to this recipe can be stored for some time in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator, but no longer than six months. If the product will be stored for a long time, you need to add two rather than one tablespoon of wax to its composition.

Balm with almond oil

To prepare the balm you will need to take:
  • beeswax - 25 g;
  • tea tree oil - 1 drop;
  • almond oil - 30 g;
  • vitamin E - 12–15 g;
  • solid cocoa butter - 12–16 g;
  • hard shea butter - 22–26 g.
Lip balm is prepared according to the following scheme:
  1. The beeswax softens in a steam bath.
  2. Cocoa butter is added to the resulting composition, and all components are mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Shea butter is introduced and the product is left in a steam bath until all the oils are completely dissolved.
  4. Almond oil is added to the mixture. Again, all the ingredients are mixed and the mass is removed from the steam bath.
  5. Without ceasing to stir, you need to give the mixture some time to cool and add vitamin E.
  6. The mixture is stirred until it cools completely, so that the finished balm will have a uniform consistency and no lumps will appear.
  7. Once the balm has cooled, tea tree essential oil is added to give the product a pleasant light aroma and antiseptic properties.
  8. The finished balm is poured into containers and left until completely cooled and hardened.

Balm with honey and lemon

To prepare the balm you will need to take:
  • natural beeswax - 22–25 g;
  • honey - to taste;
  • lemon oil - 4–5 drops;
  • avocado oil - 12–16 g.
To prepare lip balm, you need to follow the following instructions:
  1. The wax is placed in a water bath and left until completely dissolved.
  2. Avocado essential oil is added to the melted wax and the mixture needs to be stirred for several minutes.
  3. As soon as the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, remove it from the water bath and add a little honey. All components are mixed.
  4. Add lemon oil to the mixture and mix well.
  5. The balm is poured into prepared containers and placed in the refrigerator until it completely hardens.
This product contains a large amount of vitamins E, D and B; its regular use helps strengthen and refresh the skin of the lips, protecting it from the negative effects of external factors. This balm will help you forget about the problem of dry and chapped lips forever.

Using and storing lip balm

This homemade lip balm is completely natural and can be used every day. A small amount of the product is applied to the skin and distributed evenly over its surface.

It is convenient to pour the finished solution into small jars and tubes, but they should not be stored in the sun or near heat sources. Homemade cosmetics do not contain preservatives, so they tend to deteriorate quickly. The ideal option for storing lip balm would be the refrigerator, but not in the freezer, otherwise the product will lose all its beneficial qualities. If stored properly, this balm can be used for 6–12 months.

Making lip balm at home is very simple and the entire preparation process will not take much time, and you will also use quite affordable ingredients. If desired, you can add a small amount of essential oils to the balm to give it a pleasant aroma. Regular use of this product will help protect the delicate skin of your lips from cold wind and hot sun.

You can prepare an effective, restorative lip balm yourself after watching this video:

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