How to do breast reduction surgery. Features of breast reduction surgery

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Breast reduction

The main goal of reduction mammoplasty is to change the shape and reduce the size of the breast. This procedure is performed if large breasts cause physical discomfort and your body does not look proportional. Most often, breast reduction surgery has the dual benefit of relieving the physical and emotional stress of overly large breasts, as well as improving overall appearance.

The content of the article:

Breast reduction: pros and cons

In what cases can plastic surgery for breast reduction be considered justified?

If a too large bust causes pain in the spine, neck or shoulders.

Heavy, saggy breasts with large nipples and areolas (pigmented area of ​​skin around the nipple) pointing downward.

If one of the mammary glands is much larger than the other in size.

If you feel self-conscious about your large breast size.

Related procedures

Many women, along with breast reduction, also consider the following procedures: breast lift, liposuction, postpartum breast surgery, nipple and areola surgery, correction of breast asymmetry, breast lift with threads.

Advantages and disadvantages of breast reduction surgery


Your breasts will become firmer and more proportional to the rest of your body.

After reduction mammoplasty, pain in the spine and shoulders is noticeably reduced, and breathing is also easier.

The problem with choosing the most suitable clothes disappears, which adds even more self-confidence to the woman.


There may be decreased sensitivity in some areas of the skin, including the nipples and areolas.

Sometimes women complain of slight unevenness of the mammary glands and nipples.

There may be problems with breastfeeding.

These are the main factors that need to be carefully considered before making a decision about breast reduction surgery. In order to take into account all the individual characteristics of the body, you should consult with your plastic surgeon.

Breast reduction surgery: before and after photos

Do you need breast reduction surgery?

Women who need surgery usually already have children, are overweight, sensitive to estrogen, or have a family history of large bust size.

Based on the foregoing, breast reduction surgery is performed in the following cases:

Pain in the back, neck or shoulders, as well as irritation of the skin in the inframammary folds.

Difficulty breathing and grooves on your shoulders from the pressure of your bra straps.

Poor posture or numbness in the chest and upper chest due to excess weight of the mammary glands.

You are experiencing certain difficulties in buying clothes of the right size.

You feel insecure and embarrassed about your appearance due to your large breast size.

You do not have any health problems, do not suffer from any acute diseases, and also do not have any medical contraindications to the operation.

You really assess the consequences of this procedure. You need to discuss all issues with your plastic surgeon in order to understand what the expected result will be.

Your skin is elastic enough to return to normal after surgery.

You are physically and mentally stable. Surgery to reshape your glands requires patience and self-confidence in order to cope well with the post-operative period.

Your age - you are already quite an adult woman and your mammary glands are formed and have stopped growing.

You no longer plan for childbirth and breastfeeding, since in some cases this leads to unintended consequences (breasts may again change size and shape). However, many women decide to have surgery before the baby is born, knowing that they may encounter unforeseen problems. Those planning to breastfeed in the future should discuss this issue with their plastic surgeon.

Contraindications to plastic surgery for breast reduction:

Mammogram that does not meet generally accepted standards
- neoplasms (lumps, tumors)
- severe stages of obesity
- diabetes
- poor blood clotting
- breast-feeding
- smoking
- problems with wound healing.

So, if you are in good health and have a positive attitude, and are realistic about the results of your upcoming breast surgery, you may be considered an ideal candidate for this procedure.

About the procedure

How is breast reduction surgery performed?

Breast reduction surgery is performed in a hospital or specialized surgical center and usually lasts 3-5 hours. The length of subsequent hospital stay is usually discussed with the surgeon.

The surgical procedure itself works as follows: after the surgeon removes excess glandular breast tissue, fat and skin, the nipple, along with the areola, is moved to a higher position. The size of the areola can also be reduced.
To improve the shape of the breasts, liposuction (removal of fat deposits) is performed near the armpit.

The plastic surgeon uses a special surgical marker to mark the location of the incisions. This marking is important in preparing for surgery because the shape of your breasts will change when you lie on your back on the operating table.

Most often, plastic surgeons prefer to use general anesthesia for surgery. Intravenous sedation, also known as "intermittent" anesthesia, is sometimes used.

The configuration of the incisions will directly depend on the size of the breast, the degree of sagging and the location of the nipple and areola complex. Any technique for performing this operation involves reducing the areola if necessary. The procedure for reducing the nipple-areola complex involves the use of a special round template with a diameter of 38 to 45 mm.

There are the following types of surgical incisions:

Micro-incisions are performed if the patient's breasts do not sag, but require fat removal. Liposuction is performed to reduce the size of the mammary glands. A special catheter is inserted into the mammary gland through a small incision to remove fat deposits.

The periareolar incision is made only along the edge of the areola.

A keyhole incision is made along the edge of the areola and vertically down from the areola to the inframammary fold.

The most common technique for performing the operation is an “anchor” incision, consisting of three stages: along the contour of the areola, then vertically from the areola to the inframammary fold and then along the inframammary fold.

The plastic surgeon removes skin and fat using a scalpel or cautery, and if the breasts are asymmetrical, the doctor will remove more glandular tissue from one breast than the other. The remaining skin and fat are then used to create a new, firmer breast and lift the nipple complex upward.

In most cases, drainage tubes are installed to drain the fluid. Then sutures are placed both on the deep layers of the gland tissue and on the superficial layer (on the skin).

The main goal of your plastic surgeon and the entire clinic staff is to change your appearance, as well as eliminate the discomfort associated with a large bust size.

What options do you have?

The doctor chooses the surgical technique depending on the existing size and shape of the breast, as well as the desired result. In some cases, it is possible not to make vertical incisions from the lower edge of the areola to the inframammary fold or a horizontal incision under the breast (one of the elements of the “anchor” incision). In rare cases, women with very large breasts may have to completely separate the nipple complex (nipple and areola) in order to move it to a higher position. Such a patient should be prepared for a lack of sensitivity in the areolar zone, as well as for refusing breastfeeding.

Liposuction as a method of breast reduction

The main aspects of this procedure:

Liposuction is suitable for women who want to significantly reduce their size without post-operative scars or loss of sensation. In this case, it will be impossible to get rid of sagging breasts.

In the initial stages of menopause, breast tissue degenerates into fatty tissue, which is why postmenopausal women are the most suitable candidates for liposuction.

Contraindications to liposuction are also sagging breasts, lack of skin elasticity and low nipples.

Liposuction is sometimes used to reduce breast size by one size in cases of breast asymmetry.

As a result of removing fat deposits using liposuction, it may be necessary to change the contour of the breast.

What do the incisions and scars look like after reduction mammoplasty?

The appearance of surgical scars will depend on the type of incisions made by your plastic surgeon. Some scars may be hidden by the natural contours of the breast, but other scars will still be visible. Although scars will remain along the incision line, in most cases they gradually become less noticeable. Plastic surgeons make every effort to minimize the number of incisions. Thanks to a special suturing technique, it is now possible to reduce the number of possible postoperative scars. For more information, see the section “How is breast reduction surgery performed?”

A. The general appearance of the “anchor” shaped incisions, which follow the natural contour of the gland, determines the new location of the nipple.

B. After removing excess tissue, skin and fat, the remaining skin is pulled down and a new breast shape is created.

C. Sagging large breasts are often associated with pain in the spine, and they also cause physical and emotional discomfort.

D. After surgery, the size will be proportional to your body and the scars will become less noticeable over time.

Preparation for breast reduction surgery and its implementation

What needs to be done before undergoing reduction mammoplasty?

On the eve of the operation, the surgeon will answer all your questions in detail, fill out an outpatient card and conduct a full examination to determine your health status. You may have a mammogram (if you are over 40 years old), an electrocardiogram, and a chest x-ray. If your surgeon suggests you change your lifestyle, be sure to listen to such recommendations - this way you can ensure the most favorable outcome of the operation and minimize the possibility of any complications.

Before the operation you will be given the following recommendations:

1. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and some homeopathic remedies that may cause bleeding.

2. Quit smoking at least six weeks before surgery - this is necessary to improve the rehabilitation process.

3. Replenishing the body’s water balance before and after the procedure is necessary to facilitate the postoperative period and prevent various critical moments.

5. Your refrigerator should be stocked with high-protein foods, low-sodium foods, processed foods, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as water and plenty of non-caffeinated beverages. During the postoperative period, salty foods should be excluded from the diet.

6. You will be somewhat limited in movement after the breast reduction procedure, so you need to place all the necessary items and household appliances in easily accessible places in advance.

7. Prepare videos, books, magazines, headphones, and a TV remote control in advance and place them by the bed.

8. Try to ensure maximum safety for yourself - if you have children under the age of five, you need to take care of a nanny for one to two weeks. You will also not be able to do household chores for the first two weeks.

9. During rest and sleep, your body should always be in an inclined position (at an angle of 25 to 45°). You can use wedge-shaped pillows or a reclining chair.

10. It is prohibited to take a hot shower, bath or visit the sauna for the first two to three weeks.

11. Prepare the most comfortable clothes with a front closure and slip-on shoes.
Breast reduction surgery is most often performed on an outpatient basis, so you will need to arrange for a friend to drive you home and stay with you for the first night after the procedure.

What to expect on the day of breast reduction surgery?

Reduction mammoplasty is usually performed in the surgical department of a city hospital or medical clinic. The plastic surgeon will walk you through some of the details of the planned operation.

You may be asked to cleanse your body with an antibacterial soap solution.

Remove any cosmetics, including nail polish, and do not use lotions, perfumes or other products.

Bring comfortable clothing that fastens in the front.

Prepare only the most necessary things - passport, insurance policy, mobile phone. Jewelry and other personal items must be left at home.

Most often, general anesthesia is used during the operation, but, in some cases, local anesthesia or intravenous sedatives are allowed.

Throughout the operation, your condition will be monitored by various devices that monitor your pulse, blood pressure, cardiac activity and blood oxygen levels.

Breast reduction surgery is performed according to a plan that is previously discussed between the surgeon and the patient. To achieve the best result, your doctor may modify or combine different surgical techniques.

After completion of the procedure, the patient is transferred to the recovery room, where her condition will also be carefully monitored.

After surgery, a cotton-gauze bandage (bandage) is applied to the chest, which can be replaced with a special surgical bra. There may also be drainage tubes attached to the chest, from which accumulated fluid must be removed before discharge.

Before you leave the clinic, you should be confident that you can clean the drainage tubes yourself.

After a short examination and consultation with the surgeon, you will most likely be allowed to go home - unless your surgeon has other plans for your post-operative rehabilitation.

Postoperative period and rehabilitation

The doctor gives preliminary predictions about how long it will take you to return to your normal lifestyle. Immediately after surgery, you or your caregiver will be given detailed instructions for your care throughout the postoperative period, including information about drains (if any), typical sensations and symptoms, and a description of the first signs of possible complications.

What can the patient expect immediately after the operation?

After the procedure under general anesthesia, the woman may feel clouded in consciousness.

You will be wearing special surgical dressings and compression sleeves to ensure proper blood circulation in your lower extremities.

Drainage tubes may be placed in each breast.

If there is unpleasant pain, the doctor will prescribe special painkillers.

Medical staff will monitor your condition for several hours. If there are no complications, you may be discharged home. Before you leave the surgery, your nurse will show you how to care for your stitches and change your bandage and drains correctly.

After the anesthesia wears off, you may experience pain, which can be controlled with medications. If the pain does not stop for a long period of time, you should consult a doctor.

Changes in breast size will be visible immediately after surgery, but significant swelling may occur for several weeks or even months.

If skin redness, acute pain and swelling appear during the rehabilitation period, you should consult your doctor.

The period after surgery - breast reduction

It is extremely important to follow all the surgeon's instructions, including instructions for using compression garments, drain care, antibiotics, etc. Your plastic surgeon should also alert you to possible symptoms and signs of post-operative complications. You need to understand that the amount of time required for complete recovery directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

So what awaits you?

1. Drainage. Most likely, the drainage tubes will be removed during your first visit to the doctor, which usually occurs within the first week after surgery.

2. Caring for seams. Your plastic surgeon should advise you on how to care for the incision sites (behind the stitches). The seams must be dry. Also try to avoid getting cream, lotion or other cosmetics on the incision sites.

3. Removal of seams. Approximately ten days after the operation, the doctor checks the incision sites and removes the stitches.

4. Regular measurement of body temperature. Don't forget to measure regularly
body temperature, as its increase may indicate the presence of infection.

5. Painful sensations. You may experience pain during the first few days, which will gradually decrease. Remember to take your prescribed medications and follow all your surgeon's recommendations. The doctor may also install a special catheter that will deliver painkillers directly into the wound without causing you much discomfort. Not all surgeons offer this procedure, so you should check with your doctor.

6. Edema. As a result of any surgical intervention, swelling appears. It may remain for three to four months, but such swelling may only be noticeable to you. After surgery, your breasts will change shape and decrease in size, so you may not notice any swelling. To treat prolonged swelling, drinking plenty of fluids and physical activity, such as light walking, are recommended.

7. Hematomas. The appearance of postoperative hematomas depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and on the method of performing the operation. Other side effects include numbness or partial loss of sensation in the nipples, itching at the incision sites, and hardening and swelling of the breast tissue. These side effects decrease over the next few weeks, but some residual effects may persist for several months.

8. Sleep. When sleeping, be sure to place several soft pillows under your head and upper back, and you can also use a reclining chair, as your body should be in an elevated position while sleeping. This body position helps alleviate pain and reduce swelling. Many patients place pillows under their knees and on their sides to prevent them from turning over during sleep and to avoid injuring their chest.

9. Swimming. It is recommended to wipe the body with a wet sponge until the stitches are completely removed. You will also not be able to raise your hands above your head, so you will not be able to wash your hair yourself - you will need the help of a loved one or friend to do this.

10. Physical activity. Your doctor will probably recommend walking to help prevent blood clots and reduce swelling. However, try to avoid excessive exercise for the first three to four weeks after surgery. Do not lift heavy objects, and try not to lift anything above your head until your surgeon allows you to increase your physical activity. Try to make the rehabilitation period as comfortable as possible for yourself. Depending on individual characteristics, it will take six to ten weeks for the body to fully recover. Either way, in six months you'll be able to do all the things you couldn't do before because of your extremely large breast size.

Breast reduction surgery is no less popular than breast augmentation surgery. It would seem, why might women need this? This is difficult to understand for those who only a woman with really large breasts can fully understand this.

Is it advisable to reduce breasts?

To some, the very phrase “breast reduction” may seem absurd. Why reduce breasts if large breasts are practically synonymous with female attractiveness? But large breasts cause the following inconveniences:

  • in summer the skin always sweats;
  • walking without a bra is uncomfortable and even painful;
  • most of the wardrobe seems vulgar;
  • it quickly loses its shape and sags;
  • it is difficult to choose clothes; they often have to be sewn in at the waist and hips;
  • if the breasts are too large, the figure often looks disproportionate;

Many celebrities have decided to undergo breast reduction surgery, for example Alena Vodonaeva and Drew Barrymore. And, apparently, they are only happy.

A bust that is too large visually makes your figure look fuller. In the photos before and after breast reduction, you can see that after the procedure, girls often look slimmer.

Breast reduction surgery will help in the following cases:

  • with loss of breast shape, sagging;
  • with congenital or acquired breast asymmetry during lactation;
  • if the nipple areolas are too large;
  • if correction is necessary after unsuccessful surgery.

Therefore, if such breasts cause some discomfort to the owner, surgery is quite advisable. It is worth mentioning that those who are usually dissatisfied with their size are not the third size, but the seventh or more, because such breasts are really difficult to wear.

But not only women need such an operation. There is a rather rare deviation from the norm in men - gynecomastia. This growth is unusual for the male sex. In these cases, plastic surgery for breast reduction is also indicated.

Preparing for surgery

And this is precisely the medical term for breast reduction surgery, which is one of the simplest operations in aesthetic medicine. However, this is a full-fledged surgical intervention using a scalpel, which is done under general anesthesia, so serious preparation is necessary.

At the first consultation, the plastic surgeon will examine you and tell you whether surgery is possible and what the expected result will be. If surgery is possible, you will need to undergo the following tests:

  • blood for clotting;
  • blood from a vein for AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis C;
  • general blood test, urine test;
  • undergo fluorography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands.

This list may vary in different clinics. In addition to taking tests 2 weeks before the operation, you will need to stop taking all medications, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. During this period, it is advisable to eat as healthy as possible and get enough rest so that your immunity is normal.

At the same consultation, the doctor will clarify whether there are any contraindications.

The doctor will help determine the final result based on the patient’s request. In modern clinics, you can see on the monitor in a 3D modeling program exactly how the appearance of the mammary glands will change.

You need to stop eating a day before surgery and stop drinking a few hours before surgery.

How is the operation performed?

The operation takes place exclusively in a hospital setting. It involves the plastic surgeon himself, his assistant, an anesthesiologist and a nurse. The progress of the operation can be described as follows:

This is what the progress of a standard operation without complications looks like. But in some cases it is necessary to completely reconstruct the nipple and areola. With large volumes of removed glandular tissue, transplantation of vascular and nerve complexes may be required. Naturally, all this will be discussed during the first consultation.

Rehabilitation period

If the operation was completed without complications, the patient is kept in the hospital for observation for no more than a week. On the first day he recovers from anesthesia. This time is the most dangerous in terms of possible complications, so bed rest and proper sleep are strictly recommended on the first day. Further, when the main danger has passed, they can extend the sick leave for another couple of days to check whether sepsis and other complications have begun. If everything is in order, the patient is sent home. But pain can persist for quite a long time, so strong analgesics are prescribed.

The second rehabilitation period will last about 2 weeks, during which time the following recommendations must be followed:

  • do not remove your compression bra or get your breasts wet;
  • sleep exclusively on your back;
  • do not raise your hands;
  • do not drink alcohol, do not take medications.

After this period, a visit to a plastic surgeon is required so that he can remove the stitches and evaluate how the tissue is healing. If the patient's bruises do not go away well and the swelling does not subside, the doctor prescribes medication and schedules another appointment.

  • do not sleep on your chest;
  • do not visit the sauna or take a hot bath;
  • Wash your breasts only with your hands, no washcloths;
  • do not swim or play sports;
  • try to keep your weight at the same level, not to lose weight or gain weight;
  • wear a compression bra most of the time.

If you follow everything strictly, then after six months you can return to your usual way of life. But you should protect yourself from pregnancy for another year.


The price may vary significantly depending on the qualifications of the clinic and the city in which it is located, as well as on the level of the plastic surgeon himself. The minimum cost of a high-quality operation starts from 150 thousand rubles. The maximum can reach 500 thousand rubles and higher for an individual trip.

In addition, forced hospital stay and possible rehabilitation measures are additionally paid. Some clinics offer surgery for 70 thousand rubles, but most often their reputation is either dubious or non-existent, and this is a serious risk.

Is it possible to breastfeed after surgery?

If the operation was successful, then after a year you can become pregnant and successfully breastfeed your baby. But the fact is that the breasts will probably lose their shape, which means that the operation was in vain. If reduction mammoplasty is planned, then it is more advisable to plan it after the birth of the desired number of children. Sometimes the milk ducts are damaged by an inexperienced surgeon, making breastfeeding impossible.

What scars will remain?

Incisions can be made in several ways:

The type of incision that is made determines how noticeable the surgical intervention will be. In any case, cosmetic stitches are made, and after a certain time they will become almost invisible. But if you look carefully at the breasts without underwear, you can still see them. You can try to remove them using laser resurfacing, but this will be an additional cost.


For reduction mammoplasty they are as follows:

  • oncology;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy and incomplete lactation;
  • diseases in the acute stage;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • severe obesity.

Some contraindications are temporary, that is, after they are eliminated, surgery is possible (for example, diseases of the endocrine system, obesity).

Possible consequences and complications

The most serious complications begin almost immediately. This:

  • blood poisoning;
  • inflammation and suppuration of sutures and mammary glands;
  • necrosis of breast tissue and surrounding soft tissues;
  • seroma.

Other aesthetic consequences may not be noticeable at first. They happen either due to failure to follow recommendations or due to the fault of the plastic surgeon. These are the following consequences:

  • breast asymmetry;
  • resumption of breast ptosis;
  • scars that are too rough and noticeable;
  • disproportionately large or small nipples;
  • complete loss of sensation in the breasts and nipples;
  • damage to the milk ducts.

Breasts after breast reduction surgery may become less sensitive in the nipple area. Unfortunately, few people manage to avoid this trouble. Over time, the nerve roots will recover, and sensitivity will return, but not completely.

How to choose a clinic

It’s better to do this based on reviews, preferably from real and familiar people. Choosing a good clinic is already half the battle, since good institutions value their reputation and carefully select the staff to work with. And in case of any possible complications, they will try to help the patient, even if it is not the fault of the clinic itself. Because good reviews are extremely important to them.

Having chosen a clinic, you also need to choose a doctor, since specialists of different levels can work in the same clinic. Then make sure that his diploma is genuine and his reputation is clean. Next, try to search the Internet for a photo of a breast reduction in his hands. After all, even if he performed a successful operation on five acquaintances, it is possible that he had several unsuccessful ones behind his back. If a plastic surgeon made mistakes, then this has probably been discussed online, more than once. People are more likely to write reviews about negative experiences than positive ones.

Many women dream of enlarging their breasts to become more attractive to men. However, large breasts are not only beauty, but also unnecessary health problems. Large mammary glands create additional stress on the spine. Due to greater weight, breasts tend to sag, making them unattractive. Moreover, it can lead to the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

If only women strive to increase breasts, others seek to reduce them. How to do it? There are different ways, for example, you can use shapewear. But the most effective way is surgical breast reduction.

Pathological breast enlargement is called macromastia. This pathology manifests itself as an excessive increase in the weight and volume of the glands.

Girls' breasts begin to grow rapidly at the age of 11-14 years during puberty. Moreover, this process does not stop subsequently. Breasts can grow throughout your life. This process is strongly influenced by female sex hormones.

Women's breasts undergo the greatest changes during pregnancy and lactation. The mammary glands sag, increase in volume and change shape. Sometimes they reach such sizes that they begin to cause serious discomfort. It is not surprising that many women who have given birth turn to plastic surgeons for help.

Pathological enlargement of the mammary glands can occur for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Rapid weight gain.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Genetic predisposition.

The combination of the above reasons can lead to a disease such as gigantomastia. This disease is characterized by a serious disruption of the endocrine system.

For gigantomastia, breast reduction surgery is combined with a course of hormonal therapy.

There are several types of classification pathologically enlarged female breast. The following parameters are taken into account:

  • Origin.
  • Structure.
  • Location.
  • Degree of expression.

Based on their origin, they include pregnant macromastia, teenage macromastia, breast enlargement due to a curved spine, and macromastia due to obesity.

According to its structure, this disease is divided into only two types: fatty and glandular. In the first case, the breasts grow due to an increase in the volume of adipose tissue. In the second case, pathological changes occur due to the proliferation of glandular tissue.

According to its location, macromastia can be unilateral or bilateral.

Depending on the severity of the pathology, it can be:

  • Insignificant.
  • Average.
  • Big.
  • Very big.

As for the mass of the mammary glands, with a slight increase it does not exceed 200 g. With an average increase, the mass of the breast can reach 500 g. If the mammary glands weigh more than half a kilogram, but less than 1000 g, then we are talking about a large increase. With gigantomastia, the weight of the bust can reach 3 kg.

In adolescents, macromastia is most often unilateral. Moreover, 80% of women have mammary glands of different sizes, but the difference is so insignificant that they do not pay attention to it. Doctors even attribute this to the physiological characteristics of every woman.

Breast reduction surgery is called reduction mammoplasty. It is carried out not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for medical reasons. In a number of Western countries, such an operation is included in the list of surgical procedures covered by health insurance, since the indications for it are considered quite significant.

Indications for reduction mammoplasty are also:

  • Large breasts that do not match the proportions of the body.
  • Various inconveniences associated with too large mammary glands.
  • Significant difference in the size of the mammary glands.
  • Ptosis of the female breast.

It is worth noting that in medicine there are no parameters for determining a normal bust. When assessing indications for surgery, doctors take into account the patient’s height and weight, her age, as well as individual physiological characteristics.

Contraindications for surgery

Reduction mammoplasty is never done before giving birth. If a woman has never given birth, she will be denied the operation. The exception is the need for surgical intervention for health reasons.

Absolute contraindications to surgery are:

  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Endocrine disorders that cannot be eliminated by therapeutic methods.
  • Slow blood clotting.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Severe infections.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Hypertension.
  • Enphysema.

If obesity has developed against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, then the operation is postponed until they are eliminated. Otherwise, surgery will be ineffective.

Reduction mammoplasty will not cause complications only if the patient undergoes a full examination, and doctors identify or exclude possible contraindications.

Before sending the patient to the operating table, doctors prescribe the following tests:

  • Preliminary consultation with a surgeon.
  • Examination by a therapist.
  • Ultrasound examination of the bust.
  • Fluorography.
  • Blood test for general indicators.
  • Biochemistry of blood.
  • Tests for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis.
  • Blood clotting test.

14 days before the scheduled day of surgery, the woman should stop using contraceptives and medications that change blood clotting. She will also have to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Methods of performing bust reduction surgery

This is a rather technically complex operation. The surgeon will have to remove excess breast tissue and give it the correct shape. To achieve the latter goal, doctors often combine mammoplasty with mastopexy.

There are 2 methods of surgical breast reduction:

  1. Vertical seam. Plastic surgeons love this method for its simplicity and short execution time. It allows you to maintain the natural shape of the breast and does not affect the sensitivity of the nipples. The vertical seam method is used only in cases where the weight of the bust does not exceed 500 g.
  2. Classic seam. This technique was developed to remove large volumes of tissue. It is great for breast reduction weighing up to 3 kg. The disadvantages of this technique include frequent loss of nipple sensitivity.

The chosen method determines how much breast reduction surgery costs the patient. The vertical seam technique is cheaper, since the volume and complexity of the work performed is less.

Both surgical options are performed under general anesthesia. It takes no more than 4 hours to change the size of both mammary glands.

It should be understood that after breast reduction surgery, in any case, clearly visible scars will remain on the skin. To reduce their visibility, a woman after the procedure will have to undergo several courses of hardware procedures. But you won’t be able to get rid of scars completely.

Rehabilitation period

After surgery, the operated woman will have to stay in the hospital for several days. At this time, doctors will watch closely for her condition. The fact is that during the first day the likelihood of complications remains. In the following days, these risks decrease, but doctors continue to monitor the patient and provide symptomatic treatment.

In the first days, the patient may experience severe pain. Analgesics are used to relieve them.

The feeling of discomfort and swelling is a temporary phenomenon. Usually there is no trace of them left after a few days.

After surgery, nipple sensitivity may change. Sometimes they stop feeling anything, but it also happens that the nipples become hypersensitive.

Discharge is not the end of treatment. After discharge, the woman will have to visit doctors every day for 2 weeks for dressings and examination.

In the future, the patient will need to undergo courses of hardware and physiotherapy.

All complications after surgical intervention Based on bust reduction, they are divided into early and late.

Early complications include:

  • Hemorrhages in the tissue.
  • Seroma.
  • Postoperative infections.
  • Seams coming apart.
  • Necrotic destruction of soft tissue.

Hematomas occur in all patients. They appear within 12 hours after surgery. Their danger is that they can cause a more serious complication - tissue suppuration.

Seroma is also a common complication. It develops more often in overweight women. To eliminate complications, doctors install drainage systems.

Necrotic destruction is extremely rare. The main reason for this complication is the removal of a large volume of the mammary gland, as a result of which the blood supply to nearby tissues is disrupted.

Late complications include:

  • Partial or complete loss of nipple sensitivity.
  • The appearance of rough scars.
  • Nipple deformation.
  • Sagging of the mammary gland.

There is no need to be afraid of sensory disturbances. As a rule, it recovers within several months.

As for the formation of rough scars, they can be partially eliminated through various procedures, but this can only be done one year after the operation.

Cost of the operation

A woman who has decided to undergo surgery is concerned with the question: how much does breast reduction cost? Prices for surgery cannot be called stable. They depend on the status of the clinic where the surgery will be performed, the experience of the surgeon, the volume and complexity of the work, and the number of additional studies.

The minimum price for breast reduction rarely falls below the threshold of 150,000 rubles. The maximum cost is 400,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that the general price level is the same for both domestic and foreign clinics.

Breast reduction or reduction is rightfully considered a complex operation and a challenge for a plastic surgeon. Reduction mammoplasty is a clear example of the interaction between reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery, the main goal of which is not only the reduction of breast weight and volume, but also aesthetic improvement. During this operation, great emphasis is placed on the technique of its implementation. Strict adherence to the recommendations of international professional societies makes it possible to increase the safety of the intervention, easily predict the final result, ideally position the nipple and areola and reduce the number of scars to a minimum. At the same time, maintaining the natural function of the mammary gland and skin sensitivity after surgery is of particular importance.

Before and after photographs differ in the initial size and shape of the breast, and the choice of incision lines made by the surgeon. For the surgeon, an important task is the correct choice of location of the nipple and areola. Only then can high results be achieved. The specifics of the operation, future shape and volume are discussed with the doctor.

Today, the main goal of surgical interventions for reduction mammoplasty is considered to improve results - after the procedure it should look natural and attractive. It is also important to leave as little scarring as possible.

The process of breast reduction surgery

  1. An incision in the tissue around the nipple;
  2. Removing excess tissue;
  3. Skin junction;

Often women strive to reduce breast size and look more attractive for both physiological and psychological reasons. Breast reduction surgery may be recommended for women with large bust sizes that cause physical discomfort in the form of neck and back pain, shortness of breath, breast pain, stretch marks on the skin and irritation in the fold under the breast. Also indicated is asymmetry of the mammary glands or their enlargement and ptosis after childbirth and breastfeeding. In all cases, along with breast reduction, a breast lift is performed. Although there is a fundamental difference between a breast reduction and a breast lift, the end result is very similar and the breasts should look natural and attractive. After reduction, the iron differs in its original size and shape.

Breast reduction or lift is a universal technology. The best technique is considered to be one that will individually provide a woman with attractive forms and help prevent adverse consequences after surgery. For each patient, a personal reduction mammoplasty technology is selected, which provides a beautiful result and allows breast reduction to the optimal option. At the same time, the number of scars will be minimal.

Indications for surgery

  • pathological increase in size of the gland, provoked by hormonal stimulation;
  • change in the number of cellular elements of glandular tissue;
  • proliferation of elements caused by hormonal imbalance and leading to an increase in breast size;
  • prolapse of glandular tissue (age-related, post-lactation, may be unilateral or bilateral);
  • different breast sizes (a consequence of ptosis or pathological processes).

Preparing for surgery

The main point is the meeting with the doctor before the operation, during which the patient must express his complaints and demands, the doctor evaluates the personal qualities of the mammary gland, the amount of tissue and skin characteristics. The surgeon takes measurements of the breast and draws up a plan to reduce the number of scars.

The method of performing such operations is complex, but the result is worth it. If you want to lose weight, it is better to do this before reduction mammoplasty surgery. A feature of all operations in the clinic is a complete check, tests, and examinations for the presence of oncology. You will definitely be given a consultation with a mammologist.

Stages of breast reduction surgery

Before the operation, the surgeon applies preoperative markings to the skin according to a predetermined plan. Through an intravenous catheter, the anesthesiologist administers drugs to prepare for surgery. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the average duration is 2.5 - 3 hours.

The choice of method depends on the initial size of the breast and the wishes of the patient. During the operation, part of the gland and skin is removed, while the nipple and areola are transferred to a normal aesthetic position. Depending on the type of reduction, the recovery time after plastic surgery varies. Upon completion of the operation, small elastic drains are usually left in the area of ​​the postoperative wound for the next 1-3 days. Sutures are placed intradermally for a smooth and invisible scar. We do not skimp on suture material and use only products from world leaders. This absorbable suture material does not require removal and does not leave rough scars.

Rehabilitation after surgery

After surgery, the patient stays in the clinic for a couple of days, after which he is discharged for outpatient observation. To help patients recover faster, special programs were created using unique cosmetic procedures and equipment. After surgery, you are required to wear a special bandage for 6 weeks. After 5 days from the date of surgery, the underwear can be removed for showering. The sutures dissolve on their own.

Contraindications to breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery is prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as persons under the age of majority. The opinions of surgeons differ, as some consider this age to be mandatory, while others believe that it is necessary to reach puberty. Also, operations are not carried out if there is:

  • mastopathy,
  • tumors,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • problems of the circulatory system.

Moreover, if you have chronic or acute pathologies, the operation will have to be delayed.


As a result of plastic surgery, the patient receives beautiful breasts of the desired size, shape and symmetry. The cost of breast reduction surgery depends on the volume and clinic. You get professional and high-quality breast reduction surgery at an affordable price. To make an appointment, call and the manager will schedule you at a convenient time.

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