How to remove damage yourself and get rid of negativity. How to determine who caused damage: real ways to get rid of black slander

This treatment to remove damage is provided free of charge; strictly follow the procedure for these rituals and all the necessary rules.
how to find out if there is damage is very well described in the article at the link:
The myths of “gypsies” and cracking candles are also debunked there.

To cleanse yourself of any negativity, or perhaps remove damage, you can try these methods described below.

Any time is suitable for removing damage, but it is generally accepted that it is most effective to remove damage on the waning moon. Each spell to remove damage is pronounced at least three times in a row every day for some time, if we take an average of 15 days in a row. It is advisable to read them specifically on water and then sprinkle it on the patient and give him to drink - but if this is not possible, then you can simply read spells against damage on his photo.
during treatment - completely eliminate any animal food, alcohol and tobacco for 3 months.
In order to remove damage, the order of reading the following conspiracies must follow exactly the sequence in which it is given here. If you fail to do anything from the spells to remove damage purely for reasons of the absence of a second person, then you can skip this plot and read the next one following it. For those who are familiar with the use of “doubles” - in the absence of a person, they can make his “double” (a doll, an image transferred into an object) and pour the spoken water on the “double”, and not on the damaged one.

1)remove weak types of damage or evil eye using breathing exercises (promotes burning of negativity and returning it to the one who sends it)
Sit down and put a watch with a second hand in front of you. back straight, hands on
legs or hanging straight, exhale all the air from yourself without a trace, hold
breathing for 15-20 seconds, then catch your breath and repeat again.
Perform the operation at least 5 times per session.
do this as often as possible within a month so that any damage and evil eye comes off immediately at an early stage.

2)remove damage using candle cleaning:

2.1) if you are a baptized person:
buy a candle in church, take it in your right hand and move it from top to bottom and bottom
up yourself, while reading the “Our Father” prayer, then baptize yourself with this candle.
if the candle starts strong and constantly!!! to crackle or smoke somewhere, namely to crack loudly and constantly, small uniform crackling sounds are just accumulations of fat on the candle and you shouldn’t pay attention to them. Then make a candle in that place
crosses and repeat “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen” - so cross
exactly 7 times, then continue to read the prayer and move the candles from top to bottom.
It will be very good if someone rubs your back in the same way.
An option is possible both for yourself and for the patient.

2.2) if you are not baptized, then using foreign prayers you will plunge yourself even more into slavery, so the option is a little different, the same option is suitable for the baptized: buy the same wax candle in a church or in any other place, it is important that the candle is made of wax. Baptize yourself with it, reading arbitrarily any bright words, for example, “health, cleanliness...”, etc.

2.3) if you belong to any other faith, then use their internal techniques. It is unacceptable to use the technique of an egregor that is foreign to you, for example, Buddhism, without being faithful to Buddhism, or to use the technique of Christianity, without being a Christian (who was sacrificed on the altar during baptism), if you do not turn to your roots, then alien religions will begin to suck with you energy as payment for helping you cleanse, and you will feel bad again.

3) also, to remove damage, Christians can order a prayer service in church for health for themselves (or the sick) for 40 days. For non-Christians this will again drain energy, use your religions.

4) eliminate any animal food from your diet, become vegetarians and eat less food in general, more spring water.

5) put a pin on yourself and wear it constantly. the head of the pin (the place of fastening) should look down, fasten it at the level of the heart under the clothes so that no one can see it.

6) buy a rock crystal, a pendant made of it or a small ball, carry it with you
constantly for a year, then bury it deep in the ground for 6 months - then
you can wear it again for a year, etc. - it cleanses you of negativity.

I remind you that prayers addressed to Christ and God belong to the Christian egregor, this egregor punishes the servants of God for turning to sorcerers, if they pray not to God but to someone else - see the 10 commandments, until you follow them - you will be punished and send illnesses, this applies to all baptized people, non-Christians, i.e. illnesses are not terrible for unbaptized people, unless, out of stupidity, of course, you yourself begin to call Christ to you. To get rid of the attachments and diseases sent by Christianity, you will need debaptism, but if you foolishly prayed to someone else’s god without being baptized, go to the temple and leave a ransom there. The same thing, but on the contrary, applies to a Christian - if a Christian prayed to a demon, then he must leave a ransom to the demon.
These are two opposing clans, if you are not with them, then you are against them. Be careful when using conspiracies, it is still unknown what disease the Christian egregor will send you for this, read the Bible, in their arsenal they have a lot of different punishments for disobeying the master-god by a man-slave belonging to him (i.e., a believer in God or a person baptized in the faith god Yahweh Jehovah).

Removal of damage in certain cases is carried out through prayers. Often removing damage is difficult, because when people begin to remove damage from themselves, they do not hide it from others. This can motivate the witch to strive to finish off her victim to the end. The essence of all conspiracies is to expel damage and restore health to the sick. Treatment for damage begins with the prayer “Our Father” being read over the water three times, then a request and appeal to the saints with a request to pray to God for the forgiveness of sins, healing of the servant of God (the name is indicated), then the prayer to the Cross is read, and only then the conspiracy is read.
Before any conspiracy, a prayer is usually said: “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You in the field, you in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil.”

The most powerful ritual for removing severe damage through a wax doll
In order to remove the damage for free yourself, or with the help of a magician you know who will agree to help you without advance payment (or completely free), you should strictly follow these instructions!
how to remove damage from yourself using a wax doll:
1) light a yellow wax candle;
2) take your photo and burn it completely in the flame of this candle, collecting the ashes;
3) melt new wax to the level of plasticine and mix the wax with the ashes from the photograph;
4) fashion a doll from this wax, then put a gold ring on this doll’s head, like a golden crown to attract solar energy from space;
5) anoint the doll with your saliva, urine and blood (women can use menstrual fluid);
6) cross the doll, giving it your name;
7) to protect against the return of this damage, place an open gold chain on the table and place a doll in the middle on this chain;
8) wrap a chain around the doll - wind one half of the chain in one direction, and the other half in the other;
9) when you wrap it, before fastening the chain, say the following spell:
“I bound you with the golden light of the sun, drove away the darkness forever, amen”;
10) wrap in black fabric, preferably silk or wool;
11) place the dolls wrapped in cloth on the magician’s working altar for a week
12) then, after a week, throw this package into a river with a good current.
Explanation for this free ritual for removing damage:
The doll must be made exactly small in size in order to be able to wrap the chain around it well.
Gold is energetically connected with the energy of the sun, which will attract warm and bright energy of goodness, positivity, as well as love, affection and warmth into your life. Gold represents solar energy, and at the same time it will cleanse you from other people’s attempts to harm you. (let the light of the sun destroy the darkness).
The risk of a lack of results here is likely, since you will be making the doll yourself, and, moreover, without proper self-preparation. Naturally, it is best for you to find a magician who will agree to help with this ritual for free. Or practice on your own, accumulate the light of love within yourself to cleanse the negative. to avoid its reappearance, return in life.
One more point: to perform any ritual actions, a person must be in an alpha state, close to sleep. Therefore, again, I recommend that you carry out any rituals for removing damage not on your own, but together with a magician you know, an esotericist who can enter this alpha state.
Please note that any business, including working with universal energies, needs to at least train in advance in order to saturate your energy with positivity. You can’t, while cleaning from dirt, shed tears and grieve that supposedly nothing is working out in life. Otherwise, instead of positivity and purity, you will attract completely opposite forces and energies.
That is why, it is best to find a magician and let him help you remove the damage, even for a purely symbolic fee.
Questions were often asked, so I’ll add: yes, the moon is waxing, the day of the week is preferably either Friday (the day of Venus - the planet of love) or Sunday (the day of the Sun). On other days the effect will be less pronounced. It is forbidden to carry out the ritual of removing damage on Tuesday - the day of Mars (war), and on Saturday - the day of Saturn (destruction). It is better to choose the time of day together with the magician, but if you have not found anyone to help you, then focus on the inner state of your soul. When the sun shines in your heart, when you feel that love is overwhelming you - then the time has come to cleanse yourself from damage. Never do cleansing with thoughts about the negative, negative past, because what you think about, thought about on this day, is what you will attract according to the law of the universal boomerang.
ATTENTION! we can help you perform this ritual, but only if you also help us with something. Write and suggest how you can help us. We do not respond to letters with questions “what do you need in return” or “tell us what you want to get in return”, the initiative for the proposal must come entirely from you, with respect, Sergey Boltenko. Reprinting or duplication of this material is permitted only with an active, clickable and open link to this page for search engines.

Prayer to the cross to remove damage

Removing damage - a folk method:

For 3 consecutive days after this, it is recommended to light one yellow candle daily near the patient’s photograph.

Conspiracy to remove damage
It is recommended to read either over the patient or over a photograph of the patient for 3 days in a row, while burning a yellow candle in the left hand
“Lord bless. An Angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the Khvarin fence, on a steep mountain there is a table. And on the throne stands Mother the Most Holy Theotokos and holds a sword and a saber over the sick person (name). He kills with a sword, cuts out with a saber (this phrase twice ).Put, Lord, your heart in its place, strengthen it, close the gates tighter, the keys into the water. Amen, amen, amen. Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, the belly, from the shoulders, from the eyes. Not If you come out good, then you will go bad: Yuri's retinue will come and overtake you with a whip, Saint Yegoriy will come and stab you with a spear - And Saint Michael will cut you with a chopping block, burn you with fire, and spread your ashes throughout the world. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, seven-arrowed. Shooting with your seven arrows and cutting with your four with damask knives (here three times in the form of a cross, cut the water with a knife) in the servant of God (name) all the pains, all the sorrows, tributaries, capes, clamps, nets, keels, undercuts, clothes, weakness, headaches, insomnia, lack of sleep, all the pains ... take away all sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness. Mother Most Holy Theotokos with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

spell against damage, read to the wind.
They take water from three wells (or 3 ice holes) and pour it over the patient 3 times; when scooping up water, they say: “King of the river. Give the water that has been shaken for ease and health to the servant of God (name of the servant).” When they carry water, they don’t talk to anyone or even say hello.

another conspiracy to remove damage from a sore spot on the body, if the damage is local.
While circling the fallen twig around the sore spot, say:
“Just as Mother’s dry pine trees dry up and the branches and roots made of white logs and red hearts dry up, so would (name’s) lessons and prize-winners, and the inflows from the wild head from the brown hair, from the hot blood and trembling body, dry up and dry up.”

An ancient conspiracy to remove damage
“Water flowed from the water pipe through the city of Jerusalem from the sorcerer, from the witch, from the heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhoid and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from melancholy. , prickly thorns, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, wind, water, sown and sent (here we must baptize the water and say): and in the city of Jerusalem before the throne the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Elijah the prophet with his golden rod, slays the demons, holy fire-flame, Jordanian water. With passionate fire I challenge you - I expel you: come out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach, from the kidneys, from the liver, from the green, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the intestines, from the arms, from the legs, outlived, laid out, from the fingers and joints. you will not be, you will not drink red blood from the begotten, prayer-baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen".

Removing the "tie"
It is performed during damage, when the sorcerer wrapped a small wax figurine depicting the victim with a braid or cord, casting spells and sticking an awl, as well as during damage, when the groom is damaged in the morning after the wedding with the words “until it is tied, you will not straighten up.” To prevent this damage, put Thursday salt in your pocket, or you can rub the threshold, door and jambs with wolf lard.

Papa Leo's spell (to remove a spell, or to remove severe damage)
6 yellow candles are taken and placed either around the patient or around his photograph, the first is preferable. then the sick person himself reads this spell to remove the damage.
The candles must burn out completely.
Lasgaroth + Aphonidos + Palatia + Urat + Condion + Lamacron Fandon .+ Fahagon + Alamar + Bourgasis Vcmat Serebani- This spell contains great power. (The crosses indicate that one must be baptized and bow). The main thing in a conspiracy is the powerful, closing power of the word itself, so it is necessary to accurately remember the word order itself, because This word is confirmation and strengthening, it is also confirmed and closed by nothing: neither air, nor storm, nor water can open this matter.

The salt of life and the lamp of life are also used to remove damage.
A waning moon is preferable. Do the same for yourself.

Holy salt, blessed salt, take all the nasty things from the servant of God (name) and give them along the flowing water to the island of Buyan, to the sea - Okiyan.
After this, pour hot salt onto a saucer and place it in front of a photograph of the person from whom the damage is being removed. Every day, heat this salt in a frying pan and leave it on the same saucer before taking a photo. Do it for seven days.
On the eighth day, pour the salt into the river.

remove damage through a lamp:
Take a clean lamp, pour oil, light the wick, read the “Our Father” once, then say three times:
Like a flame burns evenly, so that the life of God’s servant (name) is bright and pure.
Maintain the fire for seven days.

When removing the evil eye or mild damage, it is enough to use one salt. When removing serious damage, it is necessary to make salt and a lamp at the same time.
It is also recommended to put next to a photograph of the person from whom you are clearing the damage, and place 4 yellow cubic zirconia candles on either side of it in the cardinal directions.

Method of removing damage "Crystal Vase"
It is done in the evening before bed. To do this, take a photo of the damaged person (preferably a glossy one, from a regular film, so that the water does not deteriorate. If you do not have a normal photo, then you can use a digital one, from a digital camera, just laminate the photo first so that the paint from the water does not peel off the paper photographs), take a crystal (or glass) vase and water. The vase is washed thoroughly, then pour water into it with a spell: “Cleanse me, Mother Water, from everything evil, superficial, black. So be it!” Place the photograph in the water so that it completely hides it overnight. In the morning, when you wake up, take out the photo, put it on a white sheet of paper on the windowsill in the sun to dry, and drain the water into
toilet or where no one goes with the words: “Mother Earth, take all the dirt, all the damage and evil from me, so be it!” Rinse the vase thoroughly under running water. Repeat in the evening.
Depending on the severity of the damage, do either three days after three, or seven times after seven days (seven days - remove, seven days break, and so on seven times)
Using this method, you can remove damage both from yourself and from any other person.

Another good method of not only getting rid of damage, but also the opportunity to relax in the best place for you.
"creation of shelter"
This technique requires a good imagination, and if it is still in the development stage, then “Creating a Shelter” develops this very imagination well.
1. Sit down, wherever you are (in transport, at work, at school, and at home you can lie down) and relax. You don’t even have to relax, just detach yourself from reality. During the exercise, you will already achieve a relaxed state.
2. Imagine a place that is most favorable for you. The place can be absolutely any, either real or created by your imagination. (and any image created by our imagination exists, albeit in astral reality)
3. Take a good look at this place. To begin with, you can imagine it small so that you remember all its nuances and the smallest details.
4. Fill this place with items that are useful to you: for example, a fountain to relieve a headache, a lake to heal the soul... Turn on your “dreambox” to the fullest. In your little world everything comes true instantly!
5. Stay in this place as long as you want. Do everything that you didn’t allow yourself to do in reality. Break away, in a word.
6. Gradually stop concentrating on this place. Let the image calmly dissipate.
7. Open your eyes, stretch (the latter is not necessary, especially if you were traveling in transport, but if possible, after a good stretch you will feel invigorated)
Good luck on your Dream path!

Another method of cleansing energy from spoilage:
"Cleansing bath" to remove spoilage
Several variants:
1) swim in a lake or river. When swimming, relax in the water (if you know how to lie on your back, lie down), relax as much as possible - surrender yourself to the water, let it gently support you. At the same time, it is good to lower your head into the water so that water fills your ears, and you find yourself in silence and hear only the mysterious and mesmerizing rustle of sand under the water. All this almost instantly puts you into a state of some kind of trance, you can close your eyes or open them and look at the sky - lie as long as you want, then I advise you to go ashore, lie down on the sand or grass (whatever will happen), and lie there for as long as you think necessary.

2) The second method is more adapted to the modern life of most people.
Buy chamomile at the pharmacy. if possible, collect it yourself in the garden or forest. chamomile can be replaced with pine needles (just don’t strip the trees too much, and in general try to treat plants as living beings that can feel and think), you can pick up birch leaves or nettles.
Place the plants you have prepared in a basin, fill it with hot water, and while it sits, draw water into the bath. Add water at a temperature that makes you comfortable. When the water is full, pour a decoction of plants into the water, maybe even with the plants themselves (make yourself like a wonderful forest lake (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))
You can also speak this water something like this:
“Mother water, wash my body, cleanse my soul, give me health and a good mood.” You can say the words you want, the main thing is that they be sincere, the water will perfectly understand what you want from it
lie in this healing bath as long as your soul pleases. When you get out, do not wash off the healing solution. Walk wet and naked around the apartment until you dry yourself (of course, if you are alone, or with understanding people) - this way all the healing broth will be absorbed into your skin, and at the same time your body will take a break from clothes and breathe. You will feel lightness and health in your body and soul (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif))

There are options for bathing in salt water (bath salts). Also with a conspiracy. In general, you can try to charm any water you consume into your desire.

blue clay also cleanses the body and soul well (also sold in pharmacies, but it’s better to find it on the banks of swamps or reservoirs, dig it up yourself, roll into balls about 3-5 cm in diameter and dry them in the sun. This way the clay will also be recharged with solar energy ) Clay drives out sores and absorbs negative energy.
Dilute the clay into the bath with approximately three of your fists per bath. Although you can choose the dosage yourself - here excess is only beneficial.

After bathing in a salt or clay bath, it is MANDATORY to wash off in the shower!

Do not mix all of the above methods of cleansing with water. That is, swim either in broth, or in salt, or in clay, or in a lake/river.

from FASH
Good morning!
Here is a simple and accessible ritual to remove damage.
1 - Candle.
2 - Cassette with music or songs.
Preferably light classic.
- you must remember the situation.
If you were sitting with friends around the fire (but not drinking), you felt peace, a friendly atmosphere in the relationship....
Choose a situation for yourself.
Feel it, is there any anxiety, unpleasant pressure,...
We have decided.
This is the initial stage of MATERNITY.
2 - Part of the situation (chosen by you) + listen to music, being in the state of that situation, does not harmonize with you, with feelings, which means the music is not suitable, look for it, find ....
It may take time, but everything will work out successfully.
And here is mutual harmony in fluidity (situation and music).
Now the candle.
Challenge yourself to the situation you have chosen; if there is no one in the house or apartment, turn on the music
Place a candle (safely), come up with a formula for yourself, in the name of what, why you are doing this, light the candle, stand near it.
Then sit down, relax and relive the situation.
Remember the image of a person, but do not think about him, if he feels in your projection of energy onto him, your = I = this, he will reject it.
Also, in the entire ritual there is no your presence, you, like -I-
The more you achieve a state of absence, the more quickly what you want will come into your life.
The enemy can be de-energized, weakened.
This leads you to develop personal power, after which small (negative) situations are resolved in the blink of an eye.
Absorb his negative projection into yourself, cope with it, it...becomes yours, empty his vessel.
It's more difficult here
Patience is required.
It can be tough.

treatment for damage is a breathing technique... after that they will be strangled, not you.
also carry natural quartz with you (rock crystal), then bury it in the ground for a week for cleaning... maybe in a flower pot on the window... drink blessed water more often, pray to the angel for protection (there are many of them in the prayer book)

order a free cleaning from a magician- in exchange for your video review, write, we’ll agree, the email is listed at the top of the site. Plus, you can cleanse yourself of damage for free in exchange for your commenting on our articles, at least 1200 comments.
the paid cleaning option will cost from 50 to 200 dollars. Most often, in most cases, cleaning costs $100. For paid cleaning, a guarantee can be concluded between the magician and the client: a receipt stating that the service will be provided.
link to reviews from real people - videos, written (photos of letters) - see the "reviews" link at the top of the site.

How to remove damage

The procedure for removing damage is as follows:

Even a grandmother who knows what to do can remove damage, and various objects can be used to remove damage, ranging from prayers, eggs and ending with magic words. Any time is suitable for removing damage, but it is generally accepted that it is most effective to remove damage on the waning moon.

A conspiracy to remove damage is pronounced at least three times in a row every day for some time, if we take an average of 15 days in a row.

It is recommended to read them specifically on water and then sprinkle it on the patient and give him to drink - but if this is not possible, then you can simply read spells against damage on his photo. during treatment - completely eliminate any animal food, alcohol and tobacco for 3 months. In order to remove damage, the order of reading the following conspiracies must follow exactly the sequence in which it is given here. If you do not manage to do anything on your own from the conspiracies to remove damage purely for reasons of the absence of a second person, then you can skip this conspiracy and read the next one following it. For those who are familiar with the use of “doubles” - in the absence of a person, they can make his “double” (a doll, an image transferred into an object) and pour the spoken water on the “double”, and not on the damaged one.

How can I return damage?

You can remove and try to return the damage with the help of breathing exercises (it helps burn the negativity and return it to the one who sent it). To do this, place a clock with a second hand on the table in front of you, sitting, back straight, hands on your knees or hanging straight down, exhale all the air without a trace, hold your breath for 15-20 seconds, then catch your breath and repeat again. Perform the operation at least 5 times per session. do this as often as possible within a month so that any damage and evil eye comes off immediately at an early stage.

Removing damage with candles

If you are a baptized person: buy a candle in church, take it in your right hand and move it from top to bottom and from bottom to top near you. At the same time, you need to read the prayer “Our Father”, then baptize yourself with this candle.

Signs of cleansing from damage will be crackling and black smoke from a candle flame. Minor crackling is also possible - these are simply accumulations of fat on the candle and you should not pay attention to them. If you find a place where the candle makes a strong crackling noise and smokes, then in that place you need to make crosses with the candle and pray “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen” - so you need to cross exactly seven times, then continue to read the prayer and move the candles from top to bottom as before.

Also, to remove damage, Christians can order a prayer service in church for health for themselves (or a sick person) for 40 days. For non-Christians, this will again bring a drain of energy, use your religions. Removal of damage in certain cases is carried out through prayers. Often removing damage is difficult, because when people begin to remove damage from themselves, they do not hide it from others. This situation remains open, and may well direct the witch to strive to finish off her victim to the end. The essence of all conspiracies is to expel damage and restore health to the sick.

Treatment for damage begins with the prayer “Our Father” being read over the water three times, then a request and appeal to the saints with a request to pray to God for the forgiveness of sins, healing of the servant of God (the name is indicated), then the prayer to the Cross is read, and only then the conspiracy is read. Before any conspiracy, a prayer is usually said: “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You in the field, you in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil.”

Prayer to the cross to remove damage

(When reading, they mark themselves with a cross) “Let God rise again, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are signified with the sign of the cross, and joyfully saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Drive away the demons with the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable One and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen"

Removing damage - the folk way

Scoop up some water with a ladle and put spoons into it (as many as you can grab). Then, leave one and, scooping it out of the ladle with this spoon, pour it into it three times through the door bracket or handle, and through three handles in total. Suddenly sprinkle this water on the patient and give him to drink. Use the remaining water for washing in the bath. If you are talking about a child, then before you spray him, you need to press his arms to his body so that he does not “start up.” If this does not help, you need to take some earth or snow from a fresh footprint left by the evil eye and drink it in water with a prayer. To prevent the evil eye from working, you need to bite the tip of your tongue and mentally send the damage back.

“Lord bless. An Angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the Khvarin fence, on a steep mountain there is a table. And on the throne stands Mother the Most Holy Theotokos and holds a sword and a saber over the sick person (name). He kills with a sword, cuts out with a saber (this phrase twice ).

Lord, put your heart in its place, strengthen it, close the gates tighter, the keys to the water. Amen, amen, amen.

Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, the stomach, from the shoulders, from the eyes.
If you don't come out good, you'll go bad:

Yuri's retinue will come and be overtaken with a scourge; Saint Yegoriy will come and stab you with a spear; and Saint Michael will cut you with a whip, burn you with fire, and spread your ashes throughout the world.

Mother Most Holy Theotokos, seven-shot. shooting with your seven arrows and cutting with your four damask knives
(here, three times in the form of a cross, cut the water with a knife) in the servant of God (name) all the pains, all the sorrows, tributaries, capes, clamps, nets, keels, undercuts, clothes, weakness, headaches, insomnia, lack of sleep, all the pains. All sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness go away. Mother Most Holy Theotokos with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

Salt of life and lamp of life - also for removing damage

A waning moon is preferable. Do the same for yourself. Salt:
Buy a pack of coarse sea salt and bring it home.
Open the pack, pour a handful of salt into a frying pan and heat it up. At this time, read “Our Father” once, then say 1 time:

Holy salt, holy salt,
take all the nasty things from God's servant (name)
and give according to the flowing water
to Buyan Island, to the sea - Okiyan.

After this, pour hot salt onto a saucer and place it in front of a photograph of the person from whom the damage is being removed. Every day, heat this salt in a frying pan and leave it on the same saucer before taking a photo. Do it for seven days. On the eighth day, pour the salt into the river.

When removing the evil eye or mild damage, it is enough to use one salt. When removing serious damage, it is necessary to make salt and a lamp at the same time. It is also recommended to put next to a photograph of the person from whom you are clearing the damage, and place 4 yellow cubic zirconia candles on either side of it in the cardinal directions.

How to remove damage with wax
To remove damage using wax, you need to cast it with wax. During this ritual, not only the presence of the disease is established, but also who did it and when. The essence of removing damage with wax is to pour molten wax into cold charged water. Water and wax must be in the energy flow from the head of a person with damage. He should be as relaxed as possible, the magician should be concentrated, his energy directed into his hands.

What is required to remove damage with wax?
Church wax 150 g.
Water is holy (cold) It is collected before sunrise, while no one has drawn it yet. At the same time it is said: “The well of Abraham (Jacob), let it collect water from all evil spirits, from all witchcraft, from all creatures, from all pains, for the good health of the servant of God (name). Amen.”

If you cannot take unopened water, then use ordinary water, but with the following spell:

“The Lord goes forward, the Mother of God is in the middle, angels are on the sides, And I, the baptized one, am behind, holy, to take water. Good evening to you, water of Ulyano, land of Tytyano and night of Maryano, give me holy water from dashing troubles.”

When the water is brought into the house, before the start of the ritual they say: “The first day is Monday, the second day is Tuesday, the third is Wednesday, water comes to your aid. You, Water of Ulyano, cleansed the roots and flints, cleanse the heart of the servant of God (name) from blood, from bones, from the insides of the stomach."

How to remove damage at home
How to remove damage yourself at home? The ritual presented below is quite simple to perform. It can be classified as village magic. The main advantage is that you do not need numerous magical equipment, such as in ceremonial black magic, and you can remove damage at home yourself without resorting to outside help.

How does damage work?

Damage is usually caused to a photograph of the victim, and many other objects. Damage can be compared to the evil eye, but damage is of a much higher order, it strikes a specific target and with special witchcraft sophistication.

Damage that is not removed gradually begins to destroy a person. Even a healthy person withers and fades away for reasons unknown at first glance; medical devices will not find changes in the body, since they cannot detect the energy structure (aura) and other astral bodies.

If fading does not occur, then a change in character begins, which surprises the person who has been damaged; he behaves completely differently to the general surprise of those around him.

Lovers who have done light damage should know that its impact, as a rule, does not last more than a year, but such negativity goes back to the one who committed it, and here the blow will be threefold.

What are the signs of damage?

Emotions – malaise, nervous breakdowns, eternal irritability, fatigue, fears, stress, psychosis, phobias, tearfulness, hysteria. You have dreams full of nightmares, the world appears only in black colors, behavior becomes inappropriate, depression and pessimism become total, and there is a clear tendency towards scandals, aggression and conflicts.

How to remove a spell

Lord, Savior and Deliverer, save and deliver your servant...
remove the curse from him, all the spells from the first word to the last.
I remove the words dashing, spell and curse, windward and door,
loud and whispery, with and without blood.

Related and foreign, old and small. Secret and obvious, hidden and open:

everything the sorcerer boasts about and is silent about, speaks in a whisper and shouts about.
Yesterday and long ago. In the eyes and behind the eyes.
I remove from the servant of God…. every spell, every curse.
My word cannot be interrupted or remade. As I said, it will be so.

The pace of life in modern society does not leave people the opportunity to stop and analyze the reasons for their failures and illnesses. And this must be done constantly, because a banal coincidence of circumstances can be the result of witchcraft.

Yes, no matter how people deny the existence of magic, spirits and otherworldly forces, they constantly influence our lives. And people who know how to interact with this ephemeral world can help or harm others.

If unpleasant events have become more frequent in your life, you may have been subjected to an energy attack by a sorcerer. Is this so you will find out from my article.

What kind of damage happens?

The term “damage” itself indicates destruction. In ordinary life, we often hear the phrase “damage to property,” that is, an item has been intentionally damaged and its further use for its intended purpose is no longer possible.

In the world of magic, “damage” is deliberate harm to a person by influencing his energy flows. The consequences of such witchcraft can be very different: from constant minor troubles to serious long-term illnesses or death. As a result, the victim may have problems communicating with people or at work.

Carefully! Energetic vampire

Among the variety of types of damage, we can separately distinguish such people as energy vampires. In essence, these are people who feed on someone else’s energy. If they find themselves next to a cheerful, active, healthy person, they try to constantly be nearby in order to be able to feed from him. For the donor, such communication can result in a general weakening of health, a feeling of constant fatigue and emptiness.

To identify an energy vampire in your environment, it is enough to analyze which person’s communication with you is most exhausting. Having discovered him, you should immediately stop communicating with him, or put up strong protection against him. You can block a vampire’s access to your energy channels yourself. Simply, draw runic staves on your hands, and no one else will be able to feed on your energy.

Ritual corruption

There are very few people who have the natural ability to connect to the energy flows of the victim and feed from them. Therefore, if one person wants to harm another without physical participation, then special rituals are used. They help the magician open a portal to the Lower World and summon evil spirits who will ruin the life of the chosen person. To indicate to these malicious entities the target of influence, the magician uses personal belongings or photographs of his victim during rituals.

Black magic, in all its manifestations, has a very strong influence on the biofield of any person. And only the integrity and density of this energy shell can affect the strength and spread of witchcraft throughout the victim’s body.

No one is safe from damage. Therefore, all people living in society need to know how to remove damage from themselves or their loved ones. This will help you eliminate negative attachments in time and return to your usual, happy life.

Simple ways to diagnose spoilage

It is difficult for a person who is far from magic, in all its manifestations, to accept the fact that one can diagnose the presence of witchcraft on one’s own. There are quite simple rituals for this.

  1. Hold a burning wax candle in your hands. If it burns evenly, without soot or crackling, then there is no damage to you.
  2. Warm a fresh chicken egg in your hands. The hands should be positioned in this way: the right hand holds the egg below, and the left hand covers it from above. Then place the egg under the bed and go to bed. The next day, break the shell and pour its contents into a glass of clean water. An unchanged yolk indicates that there is no spoilage.
  3. Swipe your wedding ring across your face. If dark marks remain on the skin, it means you are damaged.

These rituals can be performed by anyone. They don’t take much time, but the results show almost immediately.

What methods help remove negativity?

Getting rid of damage on your own can be compared to self-medicating cancer. Therefore, if you do not have any experience in magic, and do not even remotely understand the principles of its operation, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​removing damage from yourself or loved ones on your own. Such arbitrariness can cause much more serious consequences.

If you have diagnosed yourself as being affected by light witchcraft, you can try to force your body to cleanse itself of the negative program. For this, it is better for beginners to use:

  • mantra of the goddess Kali;
  • cleansing breathing techniques;
  • fire purification rituals;
  • visiting a steam room using essential oils;
  • audio recordings of cleansing prayers, which can be easily found on the Internet and downloaded to your mobile phone.

Water, wax and Christian prayers are proven ways to eliminate negativity from the energy shell. They help many people regain their former confidence and strength.

Prayer for corruption

If corruption is the action of black magic, evil spirits, then it is quite logical to get rid of it with the help of God, Jesus and the saints. To do this, you need to use special prayers that will notify the divine powers of your misfortune and will contain a request to deliver and protect you from it.

The most important rule for getting rid of damage through prayer is sincere faith in divine powers. People who are not confident in themselves should read prayers during services in churches and temples. If your faith in God is sincere and unconditional, then you can read the prayer at home.

Prayer should be used as medicine: a certain type of damage - a certain text of the prayer. If you decide to get rid of witchcraft on your own and cannot determine the type of damage, then read the “Our Father.”

“Our Father” is a universal prayer that will help protect against any witchcraft. If you want to defeat the evil within yourself completely and for sure, then for 40 days you need to retire to a room with a glass of water and say words of prayer over it. You need to wash your face with enchanted water. You need to repeat it morning and evening.

Other prayers that help reduce witchcraft to zero include:

  • appeal to the Life-Giving Cross;
  • appeal to Saint Cyprian;
  • reading “Live in the help of the Most High” (Psalm 90).

It is not necessary to learn the prayer by heart. It is enough to read it from the original source, the words of which are most effective and efficient.

How to read a prayer correctly

You need to understand one simple truth: without the right attitude and real faith, prayer will not give the desired result. Before reading, clear your thoughts of everything extraneous and leave only the firm belief that the Saints will help in the fight against witchcraft.

To facilitate the preparation process, you can create an appropriate environment around you: remove animals from the room, place candles, icons of saints. The best time to conduct a prayer ritual is early morning or late evening. That is, at a time when relatives are still sleeping and have already gone to bed.

How to remove damage in a bathhouse?

A bathhouse is not just a place for a pleasant time with friends. Our ancestors firmly believed that the ritual of bathing in a bathhouse helps to get rid of physical and spiritual evil spirits.

But for the ritual to work, you need to prepare for it. First of all, you should take care of the broom. Of course, you can buy it ready-made in the store. It is unlikely to be suitable only for removing damage in a bathhouse. For a ritual broom you need to use one of the proposed compositions:

  • wormwood, St. John's wort and spruce;
  • pine branches, anise and Chernobyl.

Wait until the waning phase of the moon and on Tuesday you can go to the bathhouse. Undress and sweep the prepared broom over your body, saying the following 12 times:

I sweep it, blow it, remove the damage from myself! Let it be so!

After this, steam the broom for 10-15 minutes and you can steam as usual. Just remember to follow two simple rules:

  1. Every time you get hit with a broom, say to yourself:

    I will steam off what is swept away, I will remove what is swept away, I will remove damage from God’s servant (name). May it be so from now on and forever and ever!

  2. After each visit to the steam room, douse yourself with cold water. Better yet, dive into the mud.

Upon completion of the procedure, clean yourself up and take a broom with you. It needs to be buried in a quiet and deserted place.

Amulets from damage and the evil eye

There are many more ways to get rid of witchcraft. But the most effective method of combating witchcraft is protection against it. We are talking about protective amulets that you should always carry with you if you are afraid of magical sabotage.

The simplest amulets are considered to be a red woolen thread on the wrist of the left hand and a pin pinned to the underside of clothing.

Important: The thread or bracelet on your hand should be tied by a person you completely trust. You need to be sure that he does not wish harm when tying a red thread on his hand. If there are no such people, entrust this matter to a priest.

To protect the house from the attacks of sorcerers, you need to stick two sewing needles above the front door. Their position should form a cross.

But please note: The amulets do not remove existing damage. Therefore, you first need to undergo a cleansing ritual, and then apply amulets.

How to learn how to properly get rid of witchcraft

If you want to get rid of damage yourself, but don’t know where to start, do some general cleaning in your house:

  • everything that can be washed, wash it;
  • get rid of everything that has been lying motionless on the shelves of closets or pantries for a year;
  • sweep the floor thoroughly.

This will help not only to clean up the house, but also to detect linings. As a safety precaution, be sure to wear gloves. After cleaning, all garbage, brooms, dustpans and rags, gloves used for cleaning should be taken away from the house and everything should be burned.

When putting things in order, pay attention to:

  • dry soil in places where it should not be;
  • threads;
  • dried flowers;
  • remnants;
  • needles;
  • toys.

If something like this is found in places where it should not be, collect the find on a dustpan with a broom. In this case, you need to sweep with a broom in the direction away from you. As if sweeping aside someone else's witchcraft.

Now you know what to do if strange things begin to happen in life. But if the proposed advice did not help or only weakened the influence of the magicians. I advise you to find a strong sorcerer.

You can write to me for consultation or rituals.

What is damage and how to get rid of it

In this article:

Damage is a strong slander against a person with the aim of destroying well-being. An obstacle to his plans and the fulfillment of his desires. Damage is easy enough. The basis of such conspiracies is anger, envy, a feeling of hatred, and a desire for revenge. More often, young girls and older women resort to spoiling plots, dreaming of doing as much harm as possible to their rivals. But sometimes among men there are those who want to put a spoke in the wheels of their competitors both in business and in their personal lives. There are many witches who undertake such acts.

But, to be honest, a conspiracy to damage is a double-edged sword, and the other end hits the conspirator’s head without missing a beat. If you find a woman who agrees to help you in a conspiracy of corruption, remember: she knows how to shift the punishment from herself and throw it on you. After all, it is you who order your revenge, and she is only a conductor. Damaging someone is sinful and always punishable. We are all equal before God, and only he can decide when and which of us should be punished for our actions. Know that when you cause damage, you are committing an act for which you will later pay for a long time, joylessly and in full.

If you think that you have already been damaged, then you need to learn how to get rid of it as soon as possible.

How can you damage a person?

In order to damage a person, you don’t need any work, no intelligence, no conscience. You need anger and resentment, the right words and a powerful energy flow. Just in case, you can take any photo of the person who is being damaged or one of his things.

Damage is not a method of protection or defense. A protective mirror is a shield that protects you from harm. Damage is a blow to one like oneself. If you motivate damage by a response, this means admitting that you yourself have sunk to the insignificant state of a person capable of offending, humiliating, and rejoicing in the defeats of others. The ability to do something bad and harm health is punishable not only in the world of magic. Intentional causing of harm is a criminal offence.

Damage is induced accompanied by similar words:

“My troubles are dear to you, my pain is dear to you, my poverty is dear to you. For me there is nothing of yours near me. Live and suffer. So be it."

Damage to death is caused by casting spells on raw potatoes, burying them in the ground on the waning moon. They bury the photo in a cemetery and cut the image with scissors heated over black candles. They cause illness by piercing the eyes with needles in the photo. They sew dolls, inserting personal items into them and read the necessary spells, also piercing the dolls with needles or burning them in the fire.

There are a lot of options for causing damage. But in order to remove damage, there are only a few proven accurate methods.

Symptoms of damage

You are spoiled if:

  • You have a clear sleep disorder;
  • You have nightmares too often. Often one and the same or all terrible dreams are interconnected and the same person takes part in them;
  • You get sick from everything and you can’t understand why. Doctors shrug their shoulders;
  • A dark streak has come in your personal life;
  • The money has run out, work is tight;
  • You have lost your appetite or, on the contrary, it has become too stingy and harmful;
  • You think one thing, say another, often lie, get angry, take it out on your family;
  • Stopped loving your reflection in the mirror.

Such symptoms are nothing more than the first signs of damage. Corruption does not provide light or hope, all your hours of rest are in vain, and good intentions are instantly generated into negative emotions. Everything falls out of hand and crumbles into dust.

First of all, give yourself some immediate relaxation. First, turn off all devices, sit in front of the clock and relax completely. Relax even your face. While watching the arrow, drive away all thoughts from yourself and do not get hung up on any idea. Follow the arrow for a minute, two. Stand up, brush yourself off like a pet, shake your hands as if you were shaking water off them. Now you really need water.

How to remove damage

Damage is very afraid of water, especially charmed water. You can take a shower or take a bath with aromas. Light light or red candles throughout the house and take a water procedure. You will feel relief instantly. In this case, you can say the following lines:

“Hello, young Zarnitsa is a red maiden, water is a sister. You worry endlessly without edge, without knowing troubles and tears. Take away my thinness and nakedness from the water. Take the river away my misfortunes and illnesses. And let whatever drains from me return to its origins.”

After taking a bath, take a clean towel, dry yourself with it and immediately put it in the wash.

The next day, if you don’t mind, go to church and light a candle for Nicholas the Pleasant so that every single one of your ill-wishers will find something good to do and be happy in their new endeavors.

In order to protect yourself from further exposure to the evil eye and damage, tie a red woolen thread around your right wrist. This bracelet will help you reflect the perception of negativity on your body and prevent a new wave of damage.

How to determine who is spoiling you.

There are several ways to determine who caused the damage. The first of them again leads to the church. You should order an akathist for your family, friends and for those with whom you do not have friendly relations. In the church they will explain to you in detail how and for what purpose you need to correctly order an akathist for the date you have chosen. In the prayer said at the specified time, those people for whom you ordered the prayer service will be mentioned.

The Nine Egg Ritual is a very gentle remedy and is suitable for regular use.

After a little more than a week, prayer for your family and friends will work to improve well-being, and prayer for the enemy will bring him the meaning of life, other interests, those things that will become more important to him than sitting and offending you. These can be completely different things. The Lord himself will determine for your enemy the fate that he deems necessary. But you yourself will recognize the person who prepared a bad life for you with his words, since his soul will rush to meet you, subconsciously apologizing for the fact that his mind has overshadowed all human feelings. This behavior does not depend on the person himself (the desire to apologize), it happens at a higher level in the depths of consciousness, which was originally given to us by the Universe or the Lord.

Another way, without church rituals.

Take 9 fresh chicken eggs. Break one into a bowl of water at night and place it next to your bed. Ideally, the bowl should spend the night under the bed, right under your head. Overnight, a raw egg will draw out all the negative energy from you. In the morning, as soon as you open your eyes (even if this is an intermediate trip to the toilet, but it’s already dawn outside the window). Take a bowl with you and pour it into the toilet or far beyond the threshold of the house. Hold the cup against your chest with your thumbs and nails facing your chest. Pour the bowl of egg away from you with the words

“Where you came from, go there.”

The procedure should be repeated for 9 nights. During this time, the person who caused the damage will be completely exhausted, will get sick from his bile and will constantly loom before your eyes. You should try to forgive such a person.

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Reviews and comments

Removing the damage yourself or getting rid of the evil eye at home will not be difficult. To remove damage and the evil eye, just select the desired magical ritual and follow all the instructions exactly.

Sometimes, completely unconsciously, we explain all our failures and bad luck as damage or the evil eye. This is usually done as a joke. But in every joke, as they say, there is a grain of joke, and the rest is true.

The evil eye and damage have a scientific explanation. And the science that studies energy-information exchange is called eniology. It is believed that thought is material.

And if positive thoughts are not just pleasant for a person, but also have a beneficial effect on his well-being and the people around him, then hostile and negative thoughts are a real blow that can pierce a person’s energy shell, leaving a hole in it.

Such a hole does not have the best effect on a person’s condition, his well-being and sensations. There are many magical ways to remove damage and the evil eye yourself, at home.

However, first, you need to understand the difference between these negative influences, and only then look for signs of damage to a person or the effect of the evil eye.

Distinguishing between two strong negative influences

Damage and the evil eye belong to black magic. The main difference between them is their intentionality. If damage is caused to someone specifically with the help of a black ritual, then the evil eye is created unconsciously and can be done by a person who has too strong energy.

Damage is most often caused to the following areas of a person’s life:

  • health;
  • happiness;
  • death;
  • luck or luck;
  • loneliness.

The evil eye is usually most noticeable in the area that the “evil eye” person envied. Even if it is believed that these two effects are quite strong, you can remove them yourself.

How to remove damage and the evil eye - rites and rituals

Ritual with salt

You can independently remove the evil eye and damage at home using ordinary salt.

The strong energy of this product allows you to get rid of negative influences quite quickly.

The ritual must be performed for seven days in a row; under no circumstances should you miss a single day.

To remove any negative impact, the “spoiled” person must hold salt in his hands and read the following plot:

“Save me, save me, white salt, pure salt!

You need to repeat the words of the spell three times, after which this salt should be thrown away as far as possible from the house. Relief usually occurs after two to three days of performing the ritual.

However, it is best to do it for seven days. This way the result will be fixed and the evil eye will go away forever.

Ritual for water

You can remove damage and get rid of the evil eye yourself using water.

To perform this ritual, it is best to collect spring or holy church water. If this is not possible, then you can use rainwater.

In addition to water, you will need three matches from a new box. The ritual should be done on the waning moon, but if this is not possible, then give preference to Sunday.

At noon, water is poured into the jar and the spell is read on it:

“Clean water, pure blood, save and preserve the servant of God (name of the corrupted one)
From the evil eye, from a bad hour, from the hated and bad.

After reading the plot, the water is baptized three times with a burning match, and the burned part of it is broken off into the water. This ritual is repeated with each of the three matches. Now the patient needs to be sprinkled with this water and given to drink several times a day. It will be possible to remove the damage and remove the evil eye after several sessions.

Ritual at the crossroads

This ritual will help get rid of damage and the evil eye, but you can only remove the negative impact from yourself. For the ritual you will need four medium-denomination white coins. At dawn, with coins you need to go to a deserted intersection, where a conspiracy is read on each side:

“I’m reading a conspiracy against damage and the evil eye, for every line.
Black devils, take everything bad from me, take it away,
In dark forests, in deep rivers, in distant distances.
So that health and strength return, luck and luck return.
I didn’t come to you empty-handed, here’s some coins,
Yes, help me.

After reading the plot, you need to throw one of the coins in the direction in which the ritual was read.

Everything is repeated with each side separately. You can remove the damage and the evil eye almost immediately, relief will come the next day. However, if a very serious curse was being created or damage was done to death, you will have to repeat the ritual twice more.

Getting rid of black magic done by a professional magician, or removing the dark influence of an energetically strong person on your own will be a little more difficult. But if you believe in the result, then everything will definitely stabilize.

Birch ritual

To remove negative magical effects and get rid of the evil eye and damage, you can perform a ritual on a birch tree. It is performed at dawn. On a street where there is no one, you need to find a birch tree and read the spell on it:

“White birch, beautiful birch. Everyone envy and admire her.
She is not afraid of wind, rain, slush, or thunderstorms.
So that I wouldn’t be so afraid of anything, and what was bad would all go away.

The plot is repeated three times, after which you need to leave without looking back. If you don’t feel better the next day, repeat the ritual several more times. Sometimes it may take time to remove damage and get rid of the evil eye.

Ritual for bread

You can get rid of the negative black influence by performing a ritual with bread. To complete this, you will need a piece of black bread, on which the plot is read:

“Heaven is my father, earth is my mother, bread is the breadwinner and the main helper.
Help, take the evil eye away from me.
Give me wisdom, but not cunning.

You need to repeat the words three times, after which, in order to get rid of damage or remove the evil eye, you need to eat bread. Depending on the strength of the impact, you may have to repeat the ritual.

As can be seen from what is described above, removing damage and the evil eye on your own is not so difficult. It is very important to believe in a positive resolution to your situation and the power of a magical ritual.

Any impact is based on faith in its effectiveness!

So, if you do the ritual without hoping for a result, you will not be able to remove the negative impact. Carefully follow all the wishes and instructions of the ritual, and happiness and prosperity will return to your life.

Negative energy interference in a person’s life is not uncommon and can lead to dire consequences. Finding out about spoilage in a timely manner and getting rid of it is extremely important for your well-being and health.

Unfortunately, it rarely happens that we are on good terms with all the people around us. Among the ill-wishers there may be a person who has innate abilities, or who is simply extremely envious and wishes harm to you and your family. Such people can “cast” the evil eye or damage on you or your home.

What is damage

Damage is a directed negative impact on a person’s energy field. They always “spoil” consciously and intentionally: it is impossible to cause damage simply on emotions; it requires a special ritual action.

The most common signs of damage:

  • sudden onset of ailments and illnesses;
  • family quarrels;
  • a series of failures;
  • unexpected financial losses;
  • obsessive fears;
  • nightmares.
  • Damage can be of different directions and strengths: for example, if they want to deprive you of material wealth, they will damage your money, and if you take away your health, they can make you seriously ill, or even damage you to death.

    What is the evil eye

    The evil eye is also a negative effect, but much weaker in comparison with damage. You can jinx it accidentally - in a fit of anger or resentment. A smooth person may experience malaise, causeless anxiety, sometimes things fall out of their hands or the temperature rises.

    The most accurate indicator of the evil eye is bruises, wounds and sores on the body that appear unexpectedly and in large numbers.

    How to remove the evil eye and damage yourself

    It is possible to remove the negative impact on your own. There are several ways to do this:

    • special rituals;

    The simplest and most effective way is a cleansing ritual from negative influences, which can be done at home.

    For cleaning you will need:

    • dried wormwood;
    • a large piece of new soap;
    • new white towel;
    • wax candle.
    • First of all, you need to be alone. You can cleanse at any time, but the best effect on energy occurs at night. Light a candle, focus on its flame and imagine how the fire surrounds you in a dense cocoon, without causing harm or discomfort.

      Holding this image in your mind, say: “I burn it out with a flame and leave behind: all envy, anger, slander, whispers, damage, evil eyes, unnecessary connections! The candle will burn - the evil will stop! Truly!

      Say this spell seven times. Leave the candle to burn out and fill the bath with a few sprigs of wormwood. Lie in the water with wormwood for a while, imagining how everything bad is carried away by a fast mountain river.

      After you have lain in the bathroom for a while, lather yourself with new soap, saying: “Water-sister, wash away and take away everything evil, everything bad said by enemies in the back or in the eyes! Be pure for me, not subject to evil! Truly!”

      Dry yourself with a new towel, which you will then need to take away from the house and burn along with the candle stub.

      Such cleaning will even help against damage to death or a curse on your family. We wish you never to fall under the negative influence of damage or the evil eye and to be on good terms with everyone. Smile more often, be happy and don’t forget to press the buttons and

      26.10.2016 07:07

      Every person can be influenced by evil people who emanate negative energy. To avoid this...

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