How to remove dark circles under the eyes at home. How to get rid of dark circles (bruises) under the eyes, quickly and effectively Dark circles under the eyes remedies

Dark circles are a familiar problem for all women due to the formation of swelling, bags, and dark circles under the eyes. On the portal in our article we will look at: the causes of dark circles under the eyes in women and men, how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, the use of remedies against dark circles under the eyes. By reading this article, you will find all the answers you need to your questions.

Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that puffiness and circles appear from inadequate sleep, fatigue, and constant stress at work and at home. You can eliminate the problem with good sleep - approximately eight hours a day. A good rest is necessary - perhaps with friends, family in nature. In reality, the appearance of dark circles may indicate more serious reasons. Let's look at them in detail.

  • Irreversible age-related changes. At the age of thirty, the body stops producing collagen in large quantities. The skin of the eyes was initially thin compared to all areas of the skin of the face, but now it has become thinner, losing elasticity, firmness, and density. Due to the small density of the skin, dark circles can seep and penetrate in people who are not at all familiar with this problem.
  • Constant overwork, lack of sleep. In people who sleep little, dark circles around the eyes are more noticeable, and the cause is impaired blood vessel function.
  • Genetics. If your relatives: mother, father, grandfather, grandmother had dark circles, then the problem is hereditary in nature - fragile blood vessels, transparent skin, a tendency to hyperpigmentation.
  • Allergic reactions. If you use low-quality cosmetics, or if the components of the product are not suitable for you, the release of excess histamine hormone can cause swelling, irritation of the mucous membranes, itching, and an allergic reaction.

Let's figure out why the eye circles come in any color, why does this happen?!

  • Purple, blue color. The reason for the appearance of exactly this shade is lack of sleep and age. The older a person is, the more fragile and tiny the vessels become. Use creams containing caffeine and vitamin C.
  • Brown, yellow. The formation of this color occurs due to changes in hormonal levels, active production of melanin, genetic characteristics of a person, and excessive love of tanning. Buy creams with the following components: procysteine, vitamin C, eperulina, retinoid.
  • Red means: abundant filling of blood in the vessels due to blood stagnation, release of histamine into the general bloodstream. The main causes are: allergies, severe overstrain of the eyeballs.
  • For prevention, to avoid troubles, select products with B vitamins containing nicotinic acid; against allergies - panthenol, allantoin.

Why do bags appear under the eyes?

Know that genetics is responsible for almost everything in our body. But the appearance of bags and swelling in the morning can be caused by drinking liquid, salty, spicy food before bed. If you know you experience swelling, try to control it. Scientists have proven that eating sweets before bed provokes the appearance of bags. Cosmetics containing caffeine have a good drainage effect. The products must be at home, in a visible place, they must be used constantly if this problem applies to you.

Remove dark circles under the eyes

  • Get more sleep. If your circles are due to lack of sleep, sleep eight hours every day. Ventilate the room before going to bed. When a person sleeps, the hormone melatonin is produced in the required amount for the body, and the outflow of venous blood increases.
  • Do not drink liquid at night. Products: coffee, tea, juice, water retain water in the body. If you're a coffee drinker, drink it a couple of hours before bed to prevent dark circles around your eyes.
  • Don't eat salty foods. Salt retains moisture and impairs blood circulation in the body. The vessels begin to become visible through the stretched tissue with water.

  • Well-nourished skin regenerates faster, age-related changes and dark circles slow down.
  • Wear contact lenses and glasses. Squinting contributes to many wrinkles and red circles in the eye area. You can guess for yourself about the danger of neglecting glasses and lenses.
  • Apply eye cream correctly. Many people make the mistake of applying the product close to the mucous membrane of the eye. Some elements interact, other components provoke allergic reactions.

The texture of the cream is selected according to the number of wrinkles, for example, the fewer there are, the lighter the product. When you're thirty, you don't need to buy a strong anti-aging cream.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

It is impossible to get rid of dark circles at the genetic level. Only by following a few tips can you help.

General recommendations for eliminating dark circles under the eyes

You won’t be able to completely get rid of it at home, but you can take some steps. The main condition is the correct choice of cosmetic product. Ingredients: look for: dextran, caffeine, escin, horse chestnut, seaweed.

These components help thin the blood and remove venous blood from the capillaries around the eyes. Yellow type pigmentation, hydration, and activation of synthesis will help lighten vitamins of groups C and A.

Carefully protect your facial skin from the sun with special means, ultraviolet rays provoke the appearance of peeling, freckles, destruction of collagen, elastin, etc. Buy sunglasses and creams to avoid deterioration of your skin condition.

Dark circles under the eyes - cosmetology

The most common problem in humanity is dark circles. Cosmetologists offer various services that solve this problem. Popular procedures:

  • Dermotonia. Special massage in the eye area with vacuum. This procedure reduces swelling and accelerates the synthesis of hormones, the lack of which leads to unwanted dark circles.
  • Lipofilling. The emptiness of the eye area is filled with its own fat layer. First, the specialist will remove fat from the hips and knees, and then clean it and inject it into the problem area with an injection. This method will be useful for those who have thin eye skin. Know that fat is burned over time, and the emptiness will appear again.
  • Mesotherapy. Cocktails with hyaluronic acid, amino acids, and vitamins are used, injected under the skin of the eyes. This method is better and allows for faster work than using the product.

Dear women, remember that eyes are considered the most beautiful, expressive part of the face. Know that the skin around the eyes is the thinnest in the body, sensitive, and requires special care. Follow with increased attention all its changes. The sooner you notice defects, the faster they can be eliminated. Putting it on the back burner does nothing to help your body or facial skin.

Where do dark circles under the eyes come from and are there ways to get rid of them at home? So we'll find out!

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a common phenomenon that few people are happy with. Why do they appear?

In some people, a few, this is an innate feature. It is inherited from parents or other relatives. It is more common in people with dry or dark skin.

Everyone knows that bad habits () and an unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep, poor diet, insufficient rest, sitting at the computer for a long time) can lead to health problems and harm appearance.

Chronic diseases can cause dark circles. Before buying various creams that only outwardly hide the problem, you should think about your health. Consult your doctor, the problem may be in your body.

Massage and exercises for dark circles under the eyes

Finger “shower” - use the pads of your fingers to lightly massage the area around the eyes with tingling movements. We move to the bridge of the nose from the temple along the lower eyelid. In area Between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye there are central venous and lymph nodes, where interstitial fluid tends. We continue the massage for 2-3 minutes. To avoid unnecessary stress on the eyeball, we do not massage the upper eyelid.

After a finger shower, apply a special gel or cream to the skin around the eyes, gently whisk it with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes. Make sure that the movements do not stretch or move the skin. To ensure that interstitial fluid flows normally, we pay special attention to the central venous and lymph node.

Dark circles under the eyes do not make anyone look bad. A person with such a flaw looks sick and tired. If the circles are noticeable to others, their owner begins to feel awkward. Everyone around me keeps asking: “Why do you look so unhealthy?” “What happened, didn’t you get enough sleep?” etc. Most often, circles under the eyes signal some problems in the body. This could be a simple lack of sleep, allergies, or even more serious problems such as diseases of the kidneys, liver, and other internal organs. However, you shouldn't worry too much about this. There are many wayshow to get rid of dark circles under eyesusing cosmetics, natural remedies, and various procedures. Let's take a closer look at them.

Choose the necessary concealer - a product for masking imperfections on the face. It needs to be a couple of shades lighter than the skin on your face. Currently, on store shelves you can find many concealers designed specifically for masking dark circles under the eyes. The main thing is that it is sufficiently dense and durable, but at the same time does not get caught in wrinkles and looks natural.

Take a suitable color. Most often, dark circles under the eyes have a blue or purple tint, so you can neutralize them with a yellow concealer.

Apply the product to the skin around the eyes. The concealer should only apply to the circle area: from the corners of the eye to the cheek. Apply the product a little at a time, gently patting it into the skin with your fingers or using a special brush. After application, the product should be blended with your fingers or a sponge.

Cover the skin with concealer with powder. Use a light translucent powder as a finishing touch. The powder is applied to the entire face, fixing foundation, concealer and other products that were applied during the makeup process. Use a wide brush or sponge to blend.

Line your eyes with a dark pencil. This will highlight your eyes and distract from dark circles under your eyes. You can also use liquid eyeliner. Emphasize the lower and upper eyelids with a brown pencil, and make the arrows dark blue.

Apply waterproof mascara to your eyelashes. It doesn't flake or smear like regular mascara. Traces of cosmetics are of no use to you. They will only emphasize the bruises and make you look even more tired. Apply mascara in two layers.

Buy a highlighter. This is a product that allows you to lighten areas on the face, giving a slight glow. It is mainly produced in pencil. Apply a little highlighter to the dark areas under your eyes in large strokes and spread with your fingers.

Method number 2: how to get rid of dark circles around eyesusing natural remedies

Apply a cold compress. It will help narrow the blood vessels that are responsible for the formation of dark circles in the eye area. To do this, take a face towel and soak it in cold water. You can use a spoon, which must be cooled in the freezer in advance. Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and apply your version of a cold compress. Keep it for 10-15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated three to four times a day to enhance the effect.

Use fresh cucumber as a mask for the eye area. This vegetable has beneficial properties that tone the skin and give it a radiant, rested look. Cool the whole cucumber and then cut two thin slices. Lie down and place them on your closed eyelids so that the circle covers them and the area under the eyes. Leave for 15-20 minutes. You can dip cotton pads in cucumber juice and place them on your eyes. After using this mask, dark circles will become less noticeable and swelling will go away.

Try mint to combat dark circles. Take some leaves and grind them using a blender or knife. Add lemon juice to the resulting mixture and apply under the eyes. After 15 minutes, rinse and pat your skin dry with a towel or paper napkin. For best results repeat 2 times a day.

Green tea bags can come to the rescue. Green tea contains antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the body and give vitality. Lotions from bags will get rid of dark circles and swelling. To do this, brew two bags, leave them in hot water for a few minutes, and then take them out and put them in the freezer. Once cool enough, remove the bags and place them over your closed eyes. Leave them on for about 15 minutes and then wash your face with cool water.

Get a neti pot. A neti pot is a sinus-cleansing device similar to a teapot. Pour sea salt into warm water (you can use other salt, just not iodized) at the rate of one teaspoon per half liter of water, and then pour it into the device. Tilt your head and pour the solution into one nostril. If water pours out of the other, then you did everything right.

Try other natural remedies. There are many recipes on the Internet using various natural ingredients. Choose what's right for you. Very good remedies for combating dark circles are chamomile, almond oil, rose water, parsley, avocado, etc. Look at what you have on hand at the moment.

Method number 3: reconsider your lifestyle

Give yourself enough time to sleep and rest. Lack of sleep is the most common cause of dark circles under the eyes. For proper rest, you need seven to eight hours of sleep. This will not only help you cope with dark circles, but will also improve your overall health. Observe the position in which you usually fall asleep. If it is the side or stomach, then dark circles are formed due to fluid that is drawn under the eyes. Try sleeping on your back. It is also healthier for internal organs. To prevent fluid from accumulating in the area under the eyes, use extra pillows.

Determine what you may be allergic to. Very often, the eyes become swollen and watery during an exacerbation of allergies. It can manifest itself both seasonally (for flowering, pollen, frost, sun, etc.), and every time an allergen appears nearby (dust, animal hair, etc.). If possible, protect yourself from encounters with allergens. If this cannot be done, take special medications after consulting your doctor. If allergies are caused by foods, exclude them from your diet. Allergies can also be caused by various cosmetics. Pay attention to this.

Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Bruises under the eyes can appear due to a lack of vitamins A, E, B 12 and others in the body. To compensate for this deficiency, introduce more green vegetables and fruits into your diet, and also reduce your intake of salt and salty foods. Retain salttons of water in the body, as a resultwhat causes swelling to form. Also, do not overuse fried and spicy foods.

Avoid alcohol. Any alcoholic beverages have a negative effect on the body and, as a result, on appearance. The skin becomes thinner, causing dark circles to appear. Moreover, alcohol causes puffiness, which results in puffiness under the eyes.

Quit cigarettes. Smoking also has a negative impact on your skin, as nicotine and smoke impede collagen production. It is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Passive smoking should also be avoided. Stay away from smokers.

Protect the skin under your eyes from the sun. To do this, use sunscreen with a high protection factor. It will help repel the negative effects of sun rays and save you from premature wrinkles and dark circles. It must be applied 10-15 minutes before going out into the sun and repeated every two hours. The use of sunglasses is also recommended.

Method number 4: circles under the eyes: how to get rid of themfrom them using face creams

Use retinol. It helps the body produce collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin. Retinol cream can be purchased at pharmacies and in cosmetics and perfume stores. The cost of such funds is from 300 to 6,000 rubles. Apply a small amount of cream to the area around the eyes and gently massage in with your fingertips. Repeat the procedure daily. According to experts, visible results after using retinol are visible only 3 months after use.

Visit a cosmetologist. He will select a cream suitable for your skin type that will reduce the appearance of bruises and swelling.

Use skin lightening creams. They usually contain lemon, parsley, and soy. The effect will not be visible immediately, but after several weeks. Do not use a cream that contains hydroquinone; it is too harsh on the delicate skin around the eyes.

Method number 5: dermatological procedures

Try laser therapy. This treatment lightens dark circles under the eyes, breaks down fat deposits and strengthens thin skin. Such procedures are performed in special cosmetology clinics. Before passing, carefully study the contraindications.

Do a light chemical peel. This procedure removes the top layer of skin, revealing the next, healthier one. You can try a glycolic or alpha hydroxy acid peel.The acids they contain are notThey are aggressive, so they can be used in the area around the eyes. The effect will be noticeable after several procedures.

Try intensive phototherapy (IPL)― or Intense Pulse Light). The procedure is as follows: pulses of light break up fatty deposits under the eyes, making the skin softer and more elastic. Phototherapy is a fairly expensive procedure. It will take several sessions to achieve the desired result.

Consider a surgical solution to the problem (blepharoplasty). This is a last resort measure that you can resort to if other methods do not help. As a result of surgicalinterventions from areasFat deposits under the eyes are cut out. As a result, bruises and swelling under the eyes will disappear. The procedure has some disadvantages. Firstly, after the operation there may be complications in the form of swelling and hematomas, which will not go away immediately. Thus, during the rehabilitation period it will be necessary to stay at home or wear dark glasses. Secondly, the procedure is quite expensive and has a number of contraindications. Weigh the pros and cons before you decide.

  • Don't despair if you have tried all the methods, but none of them gave the desired result. No one has yet canceled the hereditary factor and natural aging. Try to love yourself as (as) you are. Perhaps you are exaggerating too much, and people around you do not notice any dark circles under your eyes at allmi. In any case, the methods presented above will helpcan make circles and swelling less noticeable. Choose the most suitable one for yourself.


Be careful with the skin around your eyes as it is very delicate and thin. Before applying cream or other cosmetics to the area, do a test in the crook of your arm. If there is no reaction, apply under the eyes. Do not apply harsh substances that may burn the skin or cause irritation.

Why do we hate dark circles under our eyes so much? This gives a pale and unhealthy appearance to the face as a whole, and is a sign of lack of sleep and some health problems. Some people inherit bruises as a gift as an individual trait, while others acquire them due to chronic fatigue. However, modern society is confident that a beautiful woman does not have bruises under her eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to fight circles. For my own pleasure, health and beauty.

The skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, so it is the first to react to any stress and discomfort. But returning to an ideal state is much more difficult for her. Bruises and circles under the eyes appear due to:

  • hereditary predisposition,
  • infectious diseases of the eyes and eyelids (styes),
  • sinus diseases (runny nose, etc.),
  • microvascular injuries near the eyes,
  • kidney problems,
  • stress and lack of sleep, fatigue.

In each case, you need to solve the main problem in order to achieve an impressive result. It will be difficult to ignore the cosmetic side of the issue. It will have to be dealt with simultaneously with the treatment prescribed by a specialist.

What to do?

Eye care cream

  • If the problem is relevant to you, choose products labeled “for dark circles.” They contain reflective particles, which partially solve the problem.
  • It is better if your daily skin care for your eyelids also includes protection from ultraviolet radiation, because sensitive skin can also be damaged due to solar activity.
  • Plant extracts of daisies, licorice, arbutin, and vitamin C will be beneficial to your skin. Caffeine will also be “fashionable.” All of them inhibit the production of their own melanin, which gives “color”.

Metal "rollers"

Manufacturers advertise eyelid cream packaging with a metal or roller applicator, which has a slight cooling effect. Such attachments have some useful benefits, because our grandmothers often used chilled ones to eliminate dark circles, applying cool metal to their eyelids.

Retinol and retinoid cream

Vitamin A is an effective anti-aging agent that improves microcirculation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, slightly brightening the skin around the eyes.

There is a nuance in its use: it is more suitable for night care, since it can pigment in the sun. Combine only with SPF protection!

High-quality and effective cleansing

Oil, two-phase lotions containing oil remove makeup and mascara more gently. This allows you to remove decorative cosmetics from the eyes in a few movements, without injuring or stretching sensitive skin. It is this factor that needs to be taken into account when choosing a makeup remover - the quality and gentleness of cleansing.

Cold water and ice cubes

  • Beauties use parsley, dill, cornflower petals and more frozen in ice cubes.
  • The easiest way is washing with cold water, which allows the skin to quickly recover after a restless night or short sleep.
  • Simple ice cubes also have a tonic effect.
  • Gently massage the skin around the eyes (literally 2-3 movements) along circular lines.

Do not steam!

Bruising and swelling may become worse from exposure to heat. When you have a predisposition to the “panda” effect, you should refuse cosmetic steaming, reduce the time in the steam room and sauna, or completely abandon hot water procedures.

Good and fresh cosmetics

Not necessarily branded and expensive. Cosmetics with an unexpired shelf life that applies well and does not fall off or smudge (eye shadow, mascara, pencil, liner). Old mascara and crumbling eye shadow can enhance natural circles and cause allergies and eye infections.

Secrets of makeup artists

  • Special foundations, luminizers and highlighters will help hide bruises.
  • If this is not enough, then you can use shimmering shadows of a “natural” color.
  • For the effect to be correct, you need to use a color slightly darker than your natural skin tone.
  • The quality of cosmetics is also important: shadows should not roll off.

Grandma's secrets

The problem of dark circles has been known for a long time. How else did they cope with it when there was much less cosmetics? They made compresses. In addition to the options described above, the following are also used:

  • Cucumber masks. Place circles of fresh cucumber on your closed eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Tea bags (used or soaked), compresses from tea leaves on the eyes. Active substances, such as tannin, have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Grated potatoes have a lightening effect. It is often included in whitening masks. For a mask on the skin around the eyes, you can grate or grind a small fresh potato in a blender, put the pulp in a gauze and place it on closed eyelids. Rest for 20-30 minutes, lying down with a potato compress.
  • Decoctions of parsley and dill. Baths and compresses based on a decoction of these herbs were often used to lighten the skin.
  • Clean fresh and washed mint leaves as a compress.

The choice of method is individual. Try doing it twice a week until the effect is achieved, and then you can use it as a prophylactic.

Grandmothers also advised to touch your eyes less and not rub them, so as not to needlessly disturb the skin of your eyelids.

Breathe deeply!

Often, lack of oxygen and stress become the source of many appearance problems. In this case, there won’t be many recommendations, but they are very pleasant and useful:

  • Take a walk in the fresh air. A short walk before bed will refresh you, get rid of unpleasant thoughts, and strengthen family relationships. Choose parks and alleys close to your home so that the air is at least a little fresh.
  • Ventilate the room before going to bed. For the nighttime recovery process to be truly effective, fresh air during sleep will be very helpful.
  • No smoking! Smoking (including passive smoking) disrupts skin respiration and slows down cellular metabolism. Want to get rid of dark circles? You know what to do!
  • Relax and treat yourself to a spa, find a reason to relax and unwind. At the same time, try making one of the eye masks.
  • And go to bed early. Every day! It is very important.

Not everything is so fast

Unlike cosmetics, creams, cold applications do not give a rapid effect, although you will notice the improved condition of the skin of the eyelids quite quickly.

It will take 1.5-2 months for the procedures to give the desired result, then you can carry out preventive masks a couple of times a month.

Beauty requires certain sacrifices and efforts, but it is often a matter of time and consistency, rather than physical sensations. Do you want to be fresh and radiant? Take matters into your own hands!

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Around the eyes a person has very thin skin; the collagen fibers in it are arranged in a mesh pattern, which leads to increased extensibility of the integument. In addition, the area is characterized by increased facial activity, swelling, and bruising. You will learn further about the causes of dark circles under the eyes and possible ways to eliminate the problem.

To get rid of unaesthetic circles forever, you must first find out why they appeared.

Lack of sleep

An adult needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you devote much less time to rest at night, this will immediately affect the color of your skin, it will become pale, and blood vessels will appear. So get enough sleep, don’t drink large amounts of liquid before bed, and start doing a massage with ice cubes (make your own ice from green tea, a mixture of medicinal herbs, or buy ready-made ice in the store).

Overwork and stress

The appearance of bruises under the eyes is caused by constant stress, sitting in a stuffy room at a PC, and overwork. Normalize your sleep and rest schedule, walk more and get enough sleep. Taking sedatives and tonic teas may be beneficial.

Helpful advice. Are you constantly not getting enough sleep, are you very tired, and the reflection in the mirror doesn’t make you happy at all? Make a compress with boiled milk (a quarter of an hour will be enough for a magical transformation).

Bad habits

Alcohol and smoking cause intoxication (and chronic) of the body and have a negative effect on all tissues of the body. This is why the skin of people who drink and smoke looks worse and is more susceptible to aging and swelling. In this case, there is only one recommendation - giving up addictions.

Poor nutrition

A love of fried, smoked and pickled foods, a lack of minerals and vitamins in the diet, and late tea drinking negatively affect both the overall health and the appearance of the skin. Balance your diet, start taking vitamin complexes, and if necessary, consult a nutritionist or family doctor - and the problem will go away.

Incorrectly selected or low-quality decorative cosmetics

In women, dark circles under the eyes can also appear due to improper care, choice of inappropriate or simply poor quality cosmetics. That's why:

  • always remove makeup in the evening;
  • do not use a cream not intended for this purpose under the eyes;
  • Buy only high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Every time you introduce a new cosmetic product, carefully monitor the skin reaction - there is always a risk of allergies.


Dark circles can be an indicator of diseases of the following internal organs:

  • kidneys - in this case, shadows are usually accompanied by swelling;
  • gall and liver - the circles will have a yellow tint; with pathologies of these organs, patients complain of pain in the right side of the abdomen;
  • pancreatic – pathologies are accompanied by vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea;
  • thyroid gland – the disease is characterized by constant mood swings and thirst;
  • heart and blood vessels - dark circles will be cyanotic, other characteristic symptoms appear (migraines, dizziness, fatigue, etc.).

Also, the cause of the development of pathology can be anemia, inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, and untreated teeth.

Are there dark circles under your eyes that weren’t there before? Get a comprehensive examination - it may be a case of helminth infection.


Often unsightly dark circles “delight” us with age - in this case, the reason is the close proximity of small vessels under the skin, which thins over time and begins to become more translucent. Traditional methods of coping with the problem will not help, but courses of massage (lymphatic drainage, acupressure), mesotherapy, and laser treatment give good results. It will also be necessary to choose competent care.

In children

If the child does not have the appropriate heredity, the appearance of bruises indicates the presence of some disease. The main options are helminths, infection, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and endocrine glands. Don't wait for the bruises to go away on their own - contact your pediatrician.

How to disguise

Complete elimination of the problem is only possible by eliminating the cause that caused its occurrence. But there are effective ways to disguise unsightly bruises that will make your look open and fresh in literally no time.

Cosmetic procedures

If you have the time and money to visit a cosmetologist, you can try the following procedures aimed at eliminating dark circles:

  • UV lifting, professional facial massage, microcurrents are lymphatic drainage procedures that improve blood circulation and relieve fluid stagnation.
  • and – give a pronounced brightening effect due to the deep penetration of rejuvenating fortified serums.
  • ELOS rejuvenation, mesotherapy and biorevitalization - a course consisting of 3-5 procedures is needed, but you will notice the first results much earlier.

Ointments and creams

On sale you can find special cosmetics for dark circles under the eyes - they contain whitening and skin tone-increasing components, due to which a pronounced effect is observed with constant use. The main active ingredients are cucumber extract and lactic acid. Gels with a roller massager-applicator, which improves blood circulation in the problem area, have a good effect.

If you are regularly bothered by dark circles and swelling in the morning, buy a lightening gel with a massage roller - it will not completely remove the problem, but it will significantly improve the appearance of your skin.

Concealer for dark circles

Concealer is a decorative cosmetic product similar to foundation, but has a denser structure and a high pigment content to correct pronounced skin imperfections. It can be produced in the form of cream, mousse, pencil, or liquid product. Liquid correctors are optimal for the area around the eyes - they do not dry out the skin, create a thin, invisible film, and may contain substances that are beneficial for this area (caffeine, arnica extract).

Color selection rules:

  • yellow concealer hides bluishness well;
  • pink pigment applied under the eyes gives the face a rested look;
  • green corrective agent masks broken capillaries;
  • regular concealer is also suitable for hiding dark circles - buy a product that is a little lighter than the foundation (and choose the tone strictly according to your skin color).

You will learn how to properly mask dark circles under the eyes, what exactly is best to use for this, and how not to overdo it in the desire to improve your appearance:

How to remove dark circles

The last issue we would like to consider in our beauty review is ways to eliminate circles under the eyes.

Massage and gymnastics

Daily eye exercises and a light massage will help you forget about the problem forever. After washing your face in the morning, with light movements of your fingertips, “walk” along the problem area of ​​the lower eyelid in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. 2-3 minutes of self-massage will be enough. Along the same lines, you can massage with ice cubes - from mineral water and juice or herbal decoctions.

Gymnastics for this zone are as simple as possible - roll your eyes in different directions, close your eyes sharply and relax, blink quickly for 30 seconds. 3-5 minutes of such warm-ups during your lunch break at work - and the delicate skin around the eyes will noticeably transform.

Traditional methods

Traditional recipes give good results if you use them constantly:

  1. Compress with parsley herb - grind a spoonful of herb, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour, filter. Apply gauze compresses for 15 minutes.
  2. Lotions with tea leaves - brew black or green tea, let it brew. Soak cotton pads in it and apply them to your eyelids.
  3. Cucumber masks - rub a cucumber, soak gauze or a cotton pad with the resulting juice and make small compresses.
  4. Potato compresses – finely grate the raw root vegetable, wrap the mixture in gauze and place on your eyelids for 10-15 minutes. After this mask you will need to wash your face.

Tea can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chamomile and linden are ideal for the eyelid area.


If bruises under the eyes appear, it is very advisable to consult a therapist to rule out the presence of serious pathologies of internal organs. In this case, you may be prescribed medications to treat specific pathologies - strictly adhere to the treatment regimen, and you can forget about the unpleasant problem. Remember that only a doctor should prescribe medications.

Dark circles under the eyes can appear for various reasons - diseases of internal organs, lack of sleep, stress, bad habits. For quick camouflage, concealers, special creams and ointments are used, and cosmetic lymphatic drainage and lightening procedures are used; a comprehensive solution to the problem requires an in-depth examination.

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