How to care for a miniature pinscher. Features of feeding a miniature pinscher Pinscher puppy 2 months

When purchasing a pinscher puppy, you need to remember that you will have to train him seriously, and discipline begins not with the ability to follow commands, but with nutrition. The dog must clearly know its norm, feeding time; “pieces from the table” with a large amount of fat, which can disfigure a toned, muscular figure and irrevocably spoil the exterior, are unacceptable.

From the first days a miniature pinscher appears in your home, you need to treat its diet with care and attention, remember how much to feed and what to feed.

The Miniature Pinscher is a service dog, albeit a small one, and it needs the right diet.

The main parameters here include:

  • adaptation - after weaning the puppy from its mother, you need to carefully listen to the breeders’ advice about feeding, the foods that were used to start complementary feeding, so that during the first 10 - 14 days you feed as similar as possible;
  • consistency - it is necessary to strictly adhere to the type of food that is chosen for the puppy: natural products, canned food or dry food;
  • caution - introduce any new product in small portions, without changing the main diet.

The food must contain:

  • meat - at least a third of the rest of the products, it is better to give beef raw, poultry is acceptable for the baby;
  • plant food - from ¼ to 1/3 depending on the individual preferences of the pinscher; they happily eat carrots, beets, cabbage both raw and stewed with a small addition of vegetable oils;
  • cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat and other porridges should also make up at least 1/3 of the diet;
  • fish is a product that should be given at least 2 times a week instead of meat, carefully removing the bones.

Important. One of the main rules is the portion size: the dog must eat it at once, and there should be no food left in the bowl. You can calculate the approximate portion according to the principle: for 1 kg of weight - 25 g of food at one time.

The diet will help the pinscher quickly learn that food appears at the same time, and after 10 - 15 minutes it is no longer there, that is, the baby will not be distracted, play, turn up his nose in disgust, waiting for something tastier. This will make caring for your pet much easier.

The miniature pinscher's bowl is placed for 15 minutes, after which it is taken away until the next feeding.

The Pinscher is a working dog, and the word dwarf refers to the portion size, not the food, this must be remembered when deciding how to feed the Pinscher with his simply irrepressible energy and thirst for activity.

Feeding a puppy and an adult dog - what are the differences?

If in the first days of life in a new home the puppy is best fed in the same way as he was fed at the breeder, then from 8 to 10 days it is worth starting to accustom him to a constant diet, gradually introducing new foods for him. Another peculiarity of the breed is that the baby does not eat much more than an adult dog. But the required daily amount of food should be divided into 5 – 8 servings.

Feeding frequency by age:

  1. Up to 8 weeks – 6 – 8 times.
  2. From 2 to 3 months – 5 times.
  3. From 3 to 4 months – 4 times.
  4. From 4 to 6 months – 3 times.

From 6 months (sometimes 2–3 months later, depending on the characteristics of the pinscher’s body), the dog is transferred to adult food; from this period until old age, feed it no more than 2 times a day; water should be in the bowl at all times.

Babies need minerals and calcium more than adult dogs, so the diet for up to a year must include dairy products, cottage cheese, calcium can also be added to porridge. Most of the baby's food should be meat, which is added in small pieces to porridges and soups.

The majority of your miniature pinscher's food should be shredded meat.

Approximate menu for a puppy at 1-2 months

At 1 month, if the baby is taken away from his mother, you need to give him liquid food: milk (preferably goat's and warm, but cow's milk is also possible, diluted a little with water if the fat content is high), very liquid porridge, starting with semolina, gradually moving to harder ones.

At this time, the transition to feeding from a bowl begins, so you will have to tinker to teach the baby not to suck, but to lap up food. Very little water is required, since liquid is abundant in food. Food should be warm, but in no case hot; 36 - 40 degrees is enough.

At 2 months old, the Pinscher begins to be fed minced veal or beef.– literally one tablespoon is enough for 1 day. The minced meat is mixed drop by drop into the porridge, crushed and carrots and other vegetables, raw or steamed, are added to them.

You can try giving a “salad” of herbs and vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil and sour cream, once a day. Give cottage cheese once a day, 2 times a week.

Puppy menu from 3 to 6 months

At 3 months, the puppy is fed 3-4 times a day.

At 3 months, the pinscher is given daily up to 40 g of finely chopped raw meat (in addition to beef, veal, horse meat, and offal are good), also mixing them into porridge. It is worth replacing meat products with fish fillets 1 – 2 times a week, but not with ice cream, but with warm ones. It is better to give sea fish.

Here is an approximate feeding plan for a puppy at this age:

  1. At 7 - 8 o'clock in the morning after a walk - porridge with milk and vegetables.
  2. At 12 o'clock - stewed or steamed vegetables with meat.
  3. At 16:00 - porridge with meat and fruit (pinschers love sweets, but they should not be given, so dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears are quite suitable for them as a treat)
  4. At 19 – 20 o’clock buckwheat, oatmeal or rice with meat.

Miniature pinscher nutrition after six months (6 months)

At 6 months the dog is almost an adult, so you can switch to an adult diet:

  1. In the morning - any porridge on water with meat or fish.
  2. In the evening - boiled or raw vegetables, sprinkled with vegetable oil or sour cream, with the addition of meat.
  3. 2 – 3 times a week in the morning you can give 1 egg, raw or boiled, this is considered very beneficial for the dog’s stomach.

Few people can resist feeding the dog at lunch when the family gathers around the table. For lunch, you can make a “fruit cocktail” from apples; many dogs willingly feast on the berries, which are added to such salads. You need to walk your six-month-old pinscher in the morning before meals, and in the evening - 30 minutes after dinner.

What to feed your miniature pinscher: dry or natural diet

The diet of an adult dog must contain the necessary set of vitamins and minerals, the proportion of meat is reduced, and fish, cottage cheese, eggs, and greens are actively introduced into the food. The dog's preferences are well understood by the owners, and, as practice shows, the pinscher is more likely to teach the owners what and how to cook.

The diet of an adult miniature pinscher includes meat, fish, and vegetables.

You need to make sure that your diet is simply balanced: vegetables, fish, and cereals are a must. Many dogs do not digest dairy products well, but kefir or fermented baked milk should still be poured into the bowl periodically.

A hard, raw green apple will perfectly cleanse the teeth, carrots or beets will cleanse the intestines, so it is better for the owner to insist on his own and force the pinscher to eat vegetables or fruits, rather than gnawing on a beef bone all day, which is more suitable for playing.

When choosing the type of food for your dog, there are many nuances to consider. Much depends on the financial situation of the owners and their preferences.

Natural food from vegetables, cereals and other products takes time to prepare, but it is certainly fresh and requires less financial outlay. However, you will need to additionally purchase vitamin and mineral complexes so that the dog grows and develops normally, receiving everything it needs.

Dogs eat wet canned food very willingly; the norms and age categories are clearly written on each package, so it is impossible to make mistakes with the calculations of portions, calories, vitamins and minerals. They are convenient to store in refrigerators, buy for future use, and divide into portions. Such food is produced for dogs from 1 month of life, so there is no need to buy fresh milk every day or prepare porridge.

Dry food is the most convenient from the owner’s point of view; pinschers themselves adore it. They can be stored for a long time, are convenient for travel, and contain everything necessary for energetic kids and adult pets. It will take some time to accustom the puppy to them, soaking them in milk or warm water in the first weeks of complementary feeding.

When starting to feed your dog according to one type, you should not mix canned food with natural food or dry food, or transfer from one type to another, so as not to spoil the dog’s stomach or intestines.

Feeding your miniature pinscher with natural products

The natural type of feeding is closest to natural nutrition, but requires time for cooking every day, since the maximum storage time for food is 24 hours.

The photo shows prepared natural food for a miniature pinscher.

For 100 g of dry porridge you need 40-60 g of meat (fish), 100 g of steamed or raw vegetables, 1 egg 2 times a week, 100 g of cottage cheese (kefir, fermented baked milk) 1 - 2 times a week. Bones (beef or large pork, so that the dog cannot chew into small, life-threatening fragments for the little brave man) can also be given no more than once a week.

Feeding your Miniature Pinscher dry food

When deciding what to feed your miniature pinscher, many people choose dry food. “Drying” is good for many things: it is convenient to store and use, it contains everything necessary for a balanced diet. I just poured it into a cup and the animal contentedly gobbled up everything down to the crumbs.

You should not believe everything that is written on the packaging. And even if a product is positioned as consisting of natural meat, it contains all the microelements, this does not mean that this is true.

Here are the main criteria that you should rely on when choosing food:

  1. Good food is perfectly digestible, that is, the pinscher will not be bothered by gases, he will eat well and will last until the next feeding, and there will be a minimum of discharge during bowel movements.
  2. You should not buy food from manufacturers who produce food for people, this can only mean that all the production waste that belongs in a landfill, after being processed, has become food for dogs. Well, if there is simply no benefit, such products often cause harm to pets.
  3. Not promoted, but professional food (veterinarians will tell you about them) is necessary for the dog. This food is not cheap, but it allows you to save on visits to veterinarians.

Choosing dry food for your miniature pinscher is a crucial step.

High-quality food can be found in pet stores (not all), or rather, in stores specializing in food. There are specialists here who will select food that is ideal for the dog, depending on its age and individual characteristics.

Dry food comparison

Food with an unclear composition: poultry, offal, soy flour - all this means only one thing - there is no real meat, no nutrients, only low-quality protein filler.

You can buy a lot of cheap food and calm down for a long time, believing that the dog is getting everything it needs. But basically they are made from corn or soy flour, legumes, instead of meat and offal, introducing chopped chicken paws, feathers, skins, using those obtained from dead or sick animals as a fat filler.

Only a few manufacturers include real and healthy meat and fish products that dogs need so much. They are much more expensive, but they have a truly balanced composition.

Purina food contains, for example, corn flour, offal, and beef fat, which means it is unlikely to contain meat. But Timberwolf Organics, a lesser-known product, but much more expensive, includes elk meat, salmon, potatoes, as well as oats, spinach and many other ingredients, all clearly and clearly stated.

There are several classes of dry dog ​​food: economy, premium, superpremium, holistic.

Science Diet, the first to include grain, does not hide the fact that the fee is taken mainly for a cheap filler, which gives only a short-term feeling of fullness. It's hardly worth paying for such a product.

Dry food of the “holistic” class, it is better to focus on those that are a step lower, but balanced in composition, made from high-quality raw materials.

The Czech Brit Premium, the Swedish Bozita, of high quality, and the American Diamond, also of high quality, are perfect for pinschers.

Many miniature pinscher owners feed their pets Hills dry food.

It is worth paying attention to the American Nutra Gold (super-premium) and the Italian Almo Nature of the same class.

Prohibited Products

There is a certain list of foods that should never be given to a miniature pinscher:

  1. Sweets - this breed is prone to diabetes, the liver and pancreas suffer.
  2. Bird, rabbit, any other tubular bones.
  3. Poor quality food.
  4. Salt.
  5. Legumes.
  6. Alcohol (even if you are sick).
  7. Eggshell.

Only a healthy pet can grow, develop normally, enjoy life and please its owners; proper nutrition is the best assistant in this matter.

miniature pinscher – this is an ideal dog breed for those who are smitten by grace, agility and aristocracy dobermans, but, alas, he cannot afford such a large dog. miniature pinschers, essentially reduced replica Doberman, not much different from its larger brothers. They are equally energetic and active and love long and active walks. They have very developed muscles and a fighting disposition. Despite their small size, these dogs are always ready to stand up for themselves and their owner, they are unusually curious and always try to defend their place in the sun. If you decide to get a dog of this breed, you need to know its characteristics, the required care and how much should a miniature pinscher weigh? in adolescence and adulthood.

History of the breed

Minipins , as the dog of this breed is also called, have a rich history dating back to the distant fifteenth century. It was from this period that mentions began in the paintings of famous artists about the brave assistants of grooms and rat catchers. Dogs are distinguished by their speed of reaction, agility and hunting abilities.

In addition to their function as rat catchers and stable guards, dogs are mentioned as faithful companions of royal and noble carriages. At that time, it was considered the height of prosperity and luxury if a carriage or cart was accompanied by the ringing and piercing bark of these animals. You can often see the royal couple with a mini pet proudly in their arms or near them.

Breed Features

miniature pinschers – are unique in their kind. Such dogs with a huge soul, heart and inner world. Males are active guys whose energy spills over the edge. They infect you with optimism and the desire to move. But along with their activity, they are wayward and characteristic. If you do not start training your dog in time, serious discipline problems may arise in the future.

Bitches, on the contrary, are more tender and sensual. For them, the relationship with the owner and his attention are more important than four daily walks and sports activities and training. Besides, girls are easier accustom To home toilet or a diaper, and then the need for daily walking disappears by itself. But this does not mean that you can completely lock your dog within four walls. In addition to the fact that the animal will lose physical shape and gain excess weight, serious health problems may also arise. By the way, miniature pinscher weighs neither more nor less - from four to six and a half kilograms. Usually, miniature pinschers weigh Males are larger than females due to their more developed muscles.

Miniature Pinscher weight table

To make it clearer, how much does a miniature pinscher puppy weigh? and an adult dog, let's take a closer look miniature pinscher weight chart by month .

Dog age (months) Miniature Pinscher weight (grams)
0 360 — 440
1 440 — 800
2 800 — 1300
3 1300 — 1900
4 1900 — 2900
5 2900 — 4000
6 4000 — 6500

As you can see for yourself thanks to table, miniature pinscher weight by month changes systematically. It is considered normal if a puppy gains an average of five hundred grams to one kilogram per month. If the baby is not gaining weight well, has become lethargic and inactive, he may be sick, infected with viruses, bacteria or worms. Be sure to contact a veterinary clinic for advice and diagnosis.

Depending on the characteristics of a particular individual miniature pinscher, adult dog weight can vary from four to six and a half kilograms. This is a norm that is confirmed by international standards and the requirements of the International Association of Cynologists.

Caring for a Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinschers – short-haired dogs, so they practically do not need special care and daily washing. But, this does not mean at all that you can not care for your pet at all. You need to bathe your dog twice a year, and wipe the fur with a damp towel as needed.

Seasonal shedding is inevitable even for such sleek babies. You can also quickly get rid of excess hair with a damp cloth. Thanks to this procedure, the wool will not scatter throughout the apartment, as when combing, but will remain on the fabric. Also, don’t forget about combing. At least a couple of times a week, go through your pet's fur with a medium-tooth comb.

Be sure to monitor the condition of your eyes and ears, especially in the summer. Due to the fact that the dog is short, the eye may be injured, for example, by blades of grass during a walk, or a tick may enter the ear. Therefore, in the warm season, each time you return home, carefully examine your entire body, paying special attention to the area of ​​your ears, behind them and around them.

The Miniature Pinscher is a miniature dog, a breed that has a 300-year history. In many European countries these creatures are known as miniature pinschers. Currently, noble animals have not lost their popularity. Dogs of this breed have a cheerful character and live well in indoor conditions. They are perfect for families with children and other pets, but before you get this animal, you should carefully study all its characteristics and prepare for the need to spend a lot of time in the future to raise it correctly. If a miniature pinscher acquires bad habits at an early age, it will be almost impossible to get rid of them in the future.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, representatives of this breed are now not uncommon. In nurseries, the price for puppies ranges from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. Young representatives of the miniature pinscher dog breed can be purchased from private breeders for approximately 2–7 thousand rubles. In this case, the owners of the animals usually do not provide a pedigree, so the chances of future participation in exhibitions and breeding work are low. At the same time, if a dog is purchased exclusively as a pet, you can purchase a puppy with parameters that fully satisfy the future owner.

History of the breed

Germany is considered the birthplace of the miniature pinscher. It is currently unknown where exactly the ancestors of these unique dogs came from. It is believed that their possible ancestors were dogs that were brought from Scandinavia, England or Switzerland. There is no more accurate data regarding the animals that could serve as the basis for breeding these small dogs. Considering that miniature pinschers are a miniature copy of Doberman Pinschers, for a long time there was an opinion that the breed was obtained through long-term selection work. However, this statement is not true.

It is currently known that the Doberman Pinscher and the Miniature Pinscher go back to different lines and are not directly related. Decorative dogs appeared earlier. It is not known exactly which German breeder put in the effort to produce this breed of companion dog. It is believed that the miniature pinscher dog was first described in the 15th century. Initially, people saw pinschers as excellent protectors of stables from various rodents. They are distinguished by their fearless character and dexterity, so they could catch rats that greatly harmed horses. Around the end of the 17th century, small pinschers began to gain popularity as indoor companion dogs.

Among professional dog breeders, people started talking about the Miniature Pinscher breed only at the end of the 18th century. At this time, some clubs began work on improving miniature pinschers. In 1900, animals were first presented at an exhibition that took place in Stuttgart. Despite such a late publication, the first breed standard was published much earlier, in 1880. At the beginning of the 20th century, this breed gained considerable popularity due to its resemblance to the larger and more aggressive Dobermans. Currently, dogs have become typical representatives of urban breeds. Due to their modest size, they are often adopted by people living in apartments where there is simply no room for a larger dog.

Standards and appearance of the Miniature Pinscher breed

Despite the fact that selection work to improve this breed has been carried out for a very long time, miniature pinschers have undergone only minor changes since the times when they were used to guard horses. If a person wants to have a pet such as a miniature pinscher, the description of the pet should be studied in advance. These dogs have a slender and elegant build. They have strong bones and powerful muscles. The height of the animal is usually from 25 to 30 cm.

The weight of an adult varies from 4 to 6 cm.

When it comes to an animal such as a miniature pinscher, the description of the breed even now does not take into account some important parameters. It is worth considering the standards for miniature pinschers. Outwardly, these animals resemble a greatly reduced fawn. Both adults and Zwengpinscher puppies are distinguished by a special dancing gait, which is the result of the pet raising its legs quite high while moving. Miniature Pinscher puppies from private breeders often have some characteristics that do not correspond to the parameters set aside for this breed. A standard pinscher can only be purchased in nurseries, where they strictly monitor this and carry out the necessary culling.

The body of the animal usually has a square shape, although in females some elongation of the body is allowed. The neck is proportionally long, well muscled and slightly arched. The withers are distinct. The shoulder girdle area should be slightly higher than the croup, which gives the impression of a slight slope. The animal's limbs should be straight and proportional to the body. The muscles on them should be well expressed. The tail is usually docked to the length of 3 vertebrae.

The head of a purebred miniature pinscher is neat and has a slightly elongated triangular shape. The frontal part is wide and slightly rounded. According to the standard, it is approximately 2 times longer than the muzzle. The transition to the bridge of the nose does not have a sharp angle, but is quite pronounced. The cheekbones and eye sockets are well developed, but do not stand out too much from the general background. The area of ​​the bridge of the nose in animals is almost flat and has a smooth narrowing. The jaw is deep and has well-developed chewing muscles. The animal's lips are thin, but at the same time completely hide the even teeth. Animals have a scissor bite.

The teeth are very strong and sharp.

The nose of miniature pinschers is usually black, but the standard allows this part to be pigmented to match the base color of the coat. The eyes have a regular oval shape. They are set wide, but low: the animal should look straight ahead. The eyelids are dense and should hide the white and third eyelid. The ears naturally point to the side and slightly forward. This makes the animal's features softer. To achieve greater resemblance to Dobermans, miniature pinscher ears are often cropped. In this case, they should have a clear edge and a pointed tip.

The coat is hard and lies tightly to the body. This characteristic of the breed was inherited from its distant ancestors. Standard colors include red and black and tan. In the first case, the wool is evenly colored. In the second, there are spots of rich brown color on a black background. The markings are arranged like a Doberman Pinscher. How much a miniature pinscher costs depends largely on whether it meets these parameters. Animals close to the standard have a good chance of successful participation in exhibitions and breeding work.

Temperament of the Miniature Pinscher breed

Considering that these dogs were originally yard dogs, they have a strong, stable psyche. The character of the miniature pinscher is pleasant in all respects. These creatures are very active and friendly. They constantly seek affection and approval from their owners. Due to their character traits, the Miniature Pinscher breed is perfect for both single elderly people and large families with children and other animals. These indoor dogs are very smart. Miniature Pinscher puppies are more amenable to training, but rules of behavior must be instilled from childhood. At the same time, this domestic dog is distinguished by significant self-confidence, and therefore requires special attention in the first year of life.

Proper upbringing during this period allows you to make a dog a faithful friend and companion.

Such a pet requires early socialization, otherwise the dog on the street may begin to behave aggressively towards other animals. Despite the fact that it is a dwarf breed, the Pinscher is distinguished by its fearlessness. If necessary, he can stand up for the owner, using his strong teeth. Pinscher puppies, like adult animals, are very vocal and ready to bark incessantly. Even under normal conditions, when there is no danger, an animal can express its emotions by constantly vocalizing. The Miniature Pinscher breed has good guarding qualities. Sensitive hearing and loud barking allow them to warn the owner that an intruder has entered his territory. With age, the hyperactivity of representatives of this breed declines. They become calmer and quieter.

Training possibilities for miniature pinschers

It is recommended that puppies be completely weaned from their mother and given to a new family at the age of 2-3 months. Starting from the first day, it is very important to teach the dog to understand what is possible and what is not. A Pinscher puppy should be immediately familiar with the house in which he will live, as well as the location of his place and feeding trough. Raising an animal should be done in the form of play. The animal should not be allowed to bite hands or try to pull the owner or strangers' clothes. Inexperienced breeders make a mistake when raising a puppy by indulging it in begging for treats. This, of course, should not be allowed.

Miniature Pinscher training should begin from an early age. These animals are very smart, so they can master many tricks and master most dog sports. By properly training your pet, you can make it a real hunting dog. These creatures are quite self-confident, so if the owner does not take the initiative, they can quickly take it upon themselves. This will lead to the development of bad habits in the animal. The Miniature Pinscher breed is cunning, so its representatives can quickly identify the weak points of their owners and use them in the future. If desired, in the form of a game, you can teach your pet everything he needs in the shortest possible time.

You should not scold your pet or use physical force against it, as any punishment will make it angry.

Care and maintenance of representatives of the miniature pinscher breed

These animals are quite unpretentious. In addition to the sleeping place and arranging the place where the pet will be fed, it is imperative to prepare a tray with filler. Adult animals can easily tolerate it until the owner takes them out for a walk, but for puppies this is very difficult. Thus, from the first days of the animal’s appearance, it should be toilet trained.

These dogs have short fur, but it is still recommended to brush it periodically to remove dead hairs. This will make the cover healthier and shiny.

Caring for a miniature pinscher also involves bathing as needed. Usually animals calmly survive water procedures. Nails are usually trimmed with a guillotine nail clipper 1-2 times a month. To clean your teeth, you need to purchase dental bones in advance. Both puppies and adults love to chew on something, so you should immediately acquire the necessary set of toys. The Miniature Pinscher dog breed is extremely sensitive to low and high temperatures. Because of this feature, in summer it is better to walk early in the morning and evening to avoid overheating. In winter, before going for a walk, you need to dress the animal in warm overalls. It is very important to figure out in advance what to feed your miniature pinscher. The diet of these animals can consist entirely of natural products, namely:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • offal;
  • chicken;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

An adult animal needs to be given food 2 times a day. Miniature Pinscher puppies should eat 4-5 times a day. It is best to feed the animal following a previously developed schedule. The amount of food in the bowl should be such that the animal can eat it completely by licking the bowl. If there is food left over, next time you need to reduce the portion a little. If the animal does not go to play after eating, but looks at the owner with pitiful eyes, this means that the amount of food can be increased slightly so that the pet can get enough.

If your financial situation allows, it is better to switch your animal from puppyhood to premium dry food intended for decorative dogs. It contains all the nutrients necessary for the animal. This way the diet will be balanced and there will be no need to add vitamin supplements to the diet.

Filtered or boiled water must be present in the dog's bowl.

Common Diseases in Miniature Pinschers

Considering their origin, it is not surprising that these indoor pets can boast of excellent health. Few toy dog ​​breeds can compare with them in this regard. The most common disease in this breed is a cold, which develops when the coat is not sufficiently dried after bathing. With proper care, pets can live more than 15 years without experiencing serious health problems. It is very important to monitor your dog and provide it not only with proper nutrition, but also with the necessary physical activity. Like any other pinscher, the miniature pinscher must be able to expend energy during active play. Otherwise, the animal may develop obesity and cardiovascular disease. At the same time, representatives of the Miniature Pinscher breed may have a genetic predisposition to such pathological conditions as:

  • joint dislocations;
  • diabetes;
  • corneal dystrophy;
  • retinal degeneration;
  • glaucoma;
  • pannus;
  • cataract;
  • epilepsy.

Whether a pet will have these diseases depends on the genes that were passed on by its parents. Most often, sick offspring occur in closely related matings. In order for the Miniature Pinscher dog breed to maintain its excellent health, breeders are not recommended to use related females and males in breeding work. If you create the conditions necessary for the animal, you can minimize the risk of serious diseases.

If you look at the babies of the most popular Miniature Pinscher breed, you will immediately understand why Miniature Pinscher puppies become the object of desire for many, many people. They are so charming and cute that we couldn’t resist the pleasure of describing them and talking about the intricacies of caring for puppies and how to feed a miniature pinscher puppy. You will learn how to buy a puppy correctly and not get into trouble, and at the same time you will admire the beautiful photographs of the cuties.

How to find out who is in front of you

As an inexperienced future owner of a beautiful breed, you may not understand it and may confuse it with several other breeds like Doberman or Toy Terrier. But the color, as a rule, makes it clear right away that this is a miniature pinscher of pure water. We will talk about the breed standard a little lower, but now we will find out how to choose a puppy so that he is healthy from the very beginning. This can be determined by appearance and behavior. First, let’s find out the character and habits of a purebred puppy.

The miniature pinscher was originally famous for its hunting (hunting rats) and security qualities (guarding documents). It follows that a real guru of his business, so to speak, a real service dog, will live in your house. These traits endowed the dog with calmness, moderate perseverance and moderate severity. Even in puppyhood, the dog’s gaze is slightly concentrated, and in this concentration he is quite likely contemplating a cunning plan.

At the same time, he has an athletic build and a sporting interest in everything; he knows how to achieve success where other breeds fail. For example, if you compare a pinscher with a toy, you can find great similarity. And the colors and everything else seem to be similar, but if you look closely, you will see that the Pinscher’s bone is wider and more powerful, while the Pinscher’s is bony and more fragile. This does not mean that the Miniature Pinscher looks rough; it grows graceful. But strong build.

But this is purely external, but inside they are completely different. This terrier is a purely decorative breed, its qualities of serving people are reduced, it is more of a pet and brightens up the owner’s gray everyday life. And the Pinscher is a real helper, a companion, a playful puppy, and in adults it becomes a travel companion and protector, despite its miniature size. It is better to get a Pinscher if the family has children over 12 years old; a teenager will do an excellent job with a strong but small dog on the street. After all, the pinscher is quite strong and active and can escape from your hands.

And finally, let’s talk about what we mentioned at the beginning, how to choose a puppy so that he is healthy. These criteria apply to all mini breed puppies, but you need to know about them. The eyes secrete only a clear liquid. But they don’t make your eyes water too much, your ears don’t stink, and the same goes for your mouth.

The ears are clean and the teeth are white and straight. The coat is clean and smooth, the anus is clean and around it too. The nose is cold with virtually no discharge. The abdomen should be soft to prevent bloating and helminths. Skin without redness, especially on the ears and stomach. And now more about the breed and possible flaws.

Breed standards

You should pay special attention to deviations if you want to attend exhibitions with your puppy. If you just want to take care of him, it won’t hurt you to find out what defects there may be in his appearance, what they can talk about, but these could also be signs of illness. Pay attention to curiosity, any puppy will approach you with interest, but the cowardly one will be left behind. It’s better not to take the ones that are too aggressive, as they tend to bite every now and then.

The conditions in which Miniature Pinscher puppies are kept greatly affects their health. For example, the place where they are most of the time, located on a passage, in a draft, or in a dirty environment, indicates the owner’s untidiness and careless attitude towards pets in general. Examine the mother and puppies; the latter should have a more or less stable gait, but without lameness!

If you choose a pinscher puppy at the age of 3-4 months, it has already teethed and should have six incisors - above and below, as well as canines. The latter fit tightly, and the puppy has a scissor bite. The pinscher's head is proportional, that is, the length of the muzzle is equal to the length of the skull. And the lines of the skull, muzzle and back are parallel to each other. The back is strong without arching, and the paws are parallel to each other and even. The tail can be docked or remain longer, but it should be smooth without breaks.

Also pay attention to the color of the coat - there should be no light inclusions, especially white. The skin pigment is only dark - around the nose, eyes, paw pads and claws - everything is black. And of course you should be aware of the disadvantages. If you notice an overly large skull and large round eyes, these are exterior defects. Also, a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle or too smoothed are signs not of a purebred animal, but of a “fake”, so to speak. In addition, various defects can affect the health of internal organs. Keep this in mind when buying a puppy.

Puppy at home

If the puppy is already at home and delights the household with its appearance, do not flatter yourself and hope that you do not need to look after it. Even though he is short-haired, his coat and skin also need care. It is necessary to massage the skin once a week to make the fur shiny and dead hairs to fall out better. In their place, stronger and stronger hairs will grow. This is also important to consider when shedding - then you need to comb and massage every day.

You need to bathe your puppy carefully, but rarely and when dirty. Special protein products for bathing short-haired breeds are suitable for this. As you already understood, he does not need to buy conditioners used for the wool of Pekingese and lap dogs, and it is not necessary to dry him with a hairdryer. Just don’t wash it before a walk, especially a small one, so as not to catch a cold. After a walk, you can dry the puppy with a towel and wash its paws before entering the house.

Don’t forget about your dog’s hygiene, because cleanliness is the key to health. Of course, this does not cancel the regular intake of anti-worm medications by mouth - once a quarter is mandatory! There are many anti-flea drugs on sale, after consulting with the seller, you can easily select the one you need, they will tell you drops or spray, or powder for fleas and ticks. Your puppy should be vaccinated regularly according to age.

Hygiene also includes gently cleaning the ears with a cotton ball, because the Pinscher has soft ears, and with a cotton swab and lotion. The Pinscher needs to have its nails trimmed as it grows, and its teeth need to be brushed regularly with special toothpastes for dogs. Dogs love grooming and massage and will quickly get used to you asking him to sit still and not play around. You will see that your Pinscher will serve you faithfully, anticipating contact between you...

Nutrition and education

Education, as you already know, depends on the strong character of the owner, and spoiling a dog is as easy as shelling pears; all you need to do is do nothing. A well-mannered dog will always eat right, look healthy and athletic, and have a cheerful disposition. Eliminate table feeding from the list of dog care rules once and for all.

The Pinscher puppy is a very smart little guy and therefore everything will be given to him faster and training will be easy. Without multiple repetitions and punishments. To begin with, teach your Pinscher to respond to your name and train him to go to the toilet, know his place and play only in the playground. And not chew the furniture when he wants to play. To do this, stock up on the necessary toys and lay a soft rug for him.

In nutrition, it is important to maintain a balance between fatty foods and not so much. After all, whatever one may say, the miniature pinscher is a service dog, and he needs strength in the form of animal protein.

Of course, you can’t completely exclude fruits and vegetables either. Eating enough calcium is an important rule; if you feed your dog natural food that you prepare yourself, it is better to use additional vitamins and minerals. We have already mentioned how to feed a puppy and will remember again - the portion should be balanced and at 3 months stick to 5 meals a day.

And I would also like to say about walks in the fresh air - this is important for a pinscher and not for 10 minutes, but for an hour or an hour and a half. Daily walks allow the dog to toughen up, play enough, find contact with the owner, strengthen its muscles and, of course, bring a lot of pleasure.

If you want to get a breed or have already bought a puppy, remember that love does not mean cherishing and kissing a dog only at home. Your dog will truly love you if you walk him outside; by the way, you can learn a dozen more commands there by taking a treat with you.

The Miniature Pinscher (Miniature Pinscher) is a small dog, but what it has in common with its decorative relatives is only its compact size. This is a pet with strong nerves, a strong character and irrepressible energy. All this must be taken into account when choosing the appropriate diet for your little pet. What should you feed your miniature pinscher to keep him in good physical shape and active and positive?

A puppy in the house is a sea of ​​positive emotions, joy and delight. But owners should not forget about responsibility. The dog needs care, walks, and quality food. Unfortunately, veterinarians and experienced breeders note that not all owners approach this issue with due attention, and four-legged babies often suffer from neglect, poor nutrition, and lack of regular walks and routine.

As for representatives of small breeds, the situation is aggravated by the fact that dogs are perceived as toys, are constantly fed from the table and pampered with various delicacies. If you do this constantly, then soon the pet will end up on a hospital bed... Miniature pinschers have a tendency to obesity and urolithiasis, but most often the signs of these pathologies appear as a result of flaws in feeding.

Features of feeding a miniature pinscher

Although every dog ​​is different, there are a number of common aspects to feeding each breed. It is important not only to choose the right food, but also to adhere to the regime. The main principle of nutrition for the miniature pinscher is stability:

  1. Having chosen one or another type of feeding, the owner should focus on it - a mixed diet is not suitable for miniature pinschers, and frequent switches from industrial food to natural food and back can negatively affect the health of the pet.
  2. It is important to adhere to the regime - it is advisable that the pet receives food at approximately the same time; This is not only useful for the functioning of the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, but will also help to quickly accustom the dog to the street - he will relieve himself on time, and you can forget about puddles and piles.
  3. When taking a puppy to a new home, it is preferable to feed it in the first 10-14 days with the same food that it received in its previous family - this will speed up the adaptation process, and the baby will quickly get used to the new conditions.
  4. Walking your pet should be done at least half an hour after feeding - it is undesirable for your pet to be active with a full stomach, as this can lead to gastric volvulus.
  5. Regardless of the type of feeding, all food left behind should be removed - the bowl should remain empty between meals.
  6. Water – the dog should have round-the-clock access to water, and it should be changed to fresh in the morning.

Miniature Pinschers are not very picky eaters, but the wrong approach of the owner can change this situation. When a dog has a bowl full of food around the clock, and every now and then table scraps or other “goodies” end up in it, he becomes more selective and, accordingly, capricious.

Normally, meals should take place according to a schedule, last no more than 15 minutes, and after the meal the leftovers should be removed - then the dog will be interested in food, and there will be little to distract him from the process of absorbing food.

What type of feeding is best for miniature pinschers?

The owners of this active baby have a choice - everything is suitable for pinschers, except a mixed type of food.

Dry diets

The simplest option for the owner, which does not require cooking or creating a menu yourself - the manufacturers have already included everything necessary in it and in the right proportions. However, this only applies to premium or super-premium products that are made from high-quality healthy raw materials. Another point - dry granules already contain vitamins and microelements, so the pet will not need additional feeding.

You should not feed your dog low-quality food that is sold in regular supermarkets or food markets. Typically, the main ingredients of such “drying” are not meat components, but grains, which dogs can eat, but in small quantities. In the first place in the composition there should be meat, fish, offal - the miniature pinscher, although small, is still a dog, in fact, a predator.

It is recommended to purchase food at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. The packaging must be tightly sealed, production and storage times are indicated on the label and strictly observed. You should not buy granules by weight - there is a risk of getting a low-quality, spoiled or expired product.

When choosing a suitable brand of food, you should focus on the size, coat type, and age of the pet. You should not feed an adult dog puppy kibble, and vice versa. If your pet has health problems, you should consult a veterinarian. He may recommend giving your dog a therapeutic diet or holistic food.

If the owner does not want to take risks when choosing a “drying”, because sometimes it will be necessary to go through several options, then you can find out from the breeder what brand of diet he feeds his charges and settle on it.

Wet and canned food

The manufacturer offers various products, and in the premium and super-premium segment they meet the high requirements of veterinarians and experienced breeders. But if you feed your pet only canned food, then even in the case of a small pinscher, the food will be quite expensive - such diets are less concentrated, and the dog will need quite a lot of food for one meal.

You can feed your pet such food periodically, as a treat or reward. It is also useful to give wet food during the recovery period of your pet - after surgery or illness. Experts recommend choosing canned food of the same brand as the main dry food.

Natural products

“Natural” has both advantages and disadvantages. The first include the opportunity to create a varied menu for your four-legged friend, in some cases save money, treat him with healthy treats - crackers, pieces of vegetables, fruits, nuts. In addition, if you include only healthy foods in your diet, the food will be well absorbed.

But there are also certain disadvantages, which include the following:

  • It is quite difficult to create a balanced diet on your own so that your pet receives all the important components in the right quantities;
  • You will have to prepare food every day, which requires a significant investment of time and effort;
  • the dog will have to be given additional supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • Determining the serving size is more difficult than in the case of ready-made food - it is important that the dog does not starve or overeat.

When choosing the appropriate type of feeding, the owner should pay attention to the pet’s preferences - often by its behavior and well-being it can be understood that the food is beneficial.

Transfer from one type of feeding to another

If the owner decides to feed the Pinscher other food, then it is important not to rush and pay due attention to adaptation: when, instead of the usual food, the dog begins to receive a completely different product, this will turn out to be extremely stressful for its body. The pet may have problems with digestion, stool, vomiting, bloating and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

When it is necessary to introduce a dry diet, it is included in the menu gradually, first replacing part of the portion, and then completely. When changing the drying brand, you should proceed in exactly the same way.

When switching your pet from a commercial diet to a “natural” diet, you can gradually feed the dog canned food without removing the granules. Then add pieces of meat and other products to it. And then offer the dog ready-made meals made from natural food. On average, the entire translation process can take from 7 to 14 days.

Foods suitable for feeding your Miniature Pinscher

The owner who has chosen the option of natural feeding should know what products his dog can eat. This list includes the following:

  1. Meat– it is given raw (1/3 of the total quantity) and boiled (2/3 of the quantity). If the dog refuses the raw product, you can first scald the pieces with boiling water. Lean beef and veal are most suitable, but it is better to avoid pork.
  2. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal)– the dish should be given to puppies well boiled, but for an adult dog the porridge can be cooked less or even filled with broth and left to swell until it swells, as the product will retain more nutrients.
  3. Fish– it is desirable that it be sea fish, lean, slightly boiled and deboned; it is given 2-3 times a week, replacing one serving of meat.
  4. Vegetables– boiled carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin must be present on the menu of your four-legged friend. They are cut into cubes or grated. To make food better digestible, it is seasoned with a small amount of cream or butter. It is also useful to treat your pet with pieces of raw vegetables.
  5. Crackers– preference should be given to rye ones, they are better digestible, and chewing them is an excellent prevention of plaque and tartar.
  6. Eggs– they are included in the menu, but no more than 2 chicken or 4 quail per week. At the same time, they are pre-boiled, and if the pet refuses to eat, you can chop the eggs and add them to the main dish.
  7. Fruits and dried fruits– are an excellent treat for a miniature pinscher. Few dogs will refuse a piece of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, a slice of pear, kiwi, melon, watermelon, or 2-3 currants, or 1 strawberry.

The owner should not think that the dog needs a varied diet. In fact, what matters more is the balance of the ingredients and their usefulness. The fact that the dog is eating properly is indicated by its shiny coat, activity and cheerful disposition.

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