How to use apricot kernels. Apricot kernels: benefits in oil. Calories and nutritional value

The homeland of apricot is China. Approximately 2000 years ago this sweet fruit came from far away eastern country to Europe. Apricot began his journey and acquisition of permanent residence in Armenia. That is why it is also called the “Armenian apple”.
Apricot- a delicacy for both children and adults. But it is not only very tasty, but also healthy. I hasten to inform you that not only the fruit itself is useful, but also apricot kernels . They can confidently be called a healer of human cells, since they have proven themselves in the treatment cancer diseases. Apricot kernels contain the rarest vitamin B17. In turn, vitamin B17 is valuable because it contains cyanide. When cyanide enters the human body, it cancer cells either they die or they are healed.
Yes, cyanide and benzoaldehyde are poisons when released as pure molecules and not bound in other molecular formations. Large amounts of food contain cyanide and are safe because the cyanide is contained in another molecule and cannot cause harm.

In the middle of the last century, the American doctor Ernst Krebs argued that vitamin B17 has valuable beneficial properties and is completely harmless. He argued that amygdalin is not capable of causing harm to a living organism, since its molecule contains one cyanide compound, one benzenedehyde compound, and two glucose compounds, reliably connected to each other. For cyanide to cause harm, intramolecular bonds must be broken, and this can only be done by the enzyme beta-glucoside. This substance is present in the body in minimal doses, but in cancerous tumors its quantity increases almost 100 times. Amygdalin, when in contact with cancer cells, releases cyanide and benzenedehyde (another toxic substance) and destroys the cancer.
Some specialists and herbalists believe that beneficial features Vitamin B 17 specifically does not want to be officially recognized, since the industry against cancer diseases has a multi-million dollar turnover and brings profit to both doctors and pharmaceutical companies.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of apricot kernels are obvious. You just have to learn how to use the gifts of this wonderful tree called apricot.

Chemical composition apricot kernels

The table shows the contents nutrients(calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of edible portion.

The nutritional value
Calorie content 519.1 kcal
Squirrels 25 gr
fats 45.4 g
Carbohydrates 2.8 g
Water 5.4 g
Unsaturated fatty acids 39.91 g
Saturated fatty acids 2.88 g
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent) 4.15 mg
Calcium 93 mg
Magnesium 196 mg
Sodium 90 mg
Potassium 802 mg
Phosphorus 461 mg
Iron 7 mg

Apricot is a delicious fruit.

It contains many vitamins and useful substances.

Not all people know that apricot kernels contain healing kernels.

They include a large amount of nutrients.

Beneficial features

The benefits of apricot kernels are invaluable.

The product is used in cooking, it is added to confectionery, ice cream, icing and other sweet dishes.

To the very important property The benefits of apricot kernels include the fight against many diseases, including incurable ones.

Also, oil is prepared from apricot kernels, which serves as the basis for some medicines and is used in cosmetology.

Apricot kernels came to Europe from China almost two millennia ago.

They first came to Armenia, which is why apricots are sometimes called the “Armenian apple.”

IN Ancient China kernels were used only in the emperor's family, since the process of obtaining the seeds was very labor-intensive.

The positive properties and healing effects of the use of seeds have led to the development of new technologies for the removal of this product.

Today, apricot kernels and their oil are available to all segments of the population.

There are certain varieties of apricots from which the kernels are extracted.

The fruit contains a large stone, which is often used instead of almonds. Not all apricot kernels are tasteless; some are sweet.

They are especially tasty when fried. The shape of the nucleoli resembles peach or plum seeds.

Chemical composition

Apricot kernels contain a whole treasure trove useful vitamins And mineral elements. These include the following:

Healing power

Fighting cancer

This fact has been confirmed by scientists; it is explained by the fact that the nucleoli contain vitamin B17. It includes a small amount of cyanide.

This element, when interacting with cancer cells, promotes their healing or destroys them. However, cyanide is safe for healthy cells.

Oncologists agreed that cancer develops due to an imbalance of vitamins, microelements and minerals.

Apricot kernels help in the fight against these abnormalities.

For weight gain

Apricot kernels are excluded from the group of dietary products.

Apricot kernels contain a large amount of quickly absorbed oil. This promotes easy weight gain.

Many athletes include nucleoli in their diet, which provides the body with energy for for a long time.

Against helminths

For heart disease

Apricot kernels can be brewed as tea. This wonderful remedy, strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Apricot kernels are effective in combating a number of other diseases:

Apricot kernels help improve blood formation, they successfully fight anemia, joint diseases, skin and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

They are used as prophylactic for problems with the pancreas, liver and gall bladder.

Application in cosmetology

Healing apricot oil is obtained from the kernels (). It was already known in the territory

Ancient China, then the oil was brought to European countries. In the 15th century this product equated to gold, this was due to beneficial influence oils on human skin.

Today, the oil is added to shampoos, lotions, body scrubs and other expensive body care products.

Calorie content of the product

One hundred grams of apricot kernels contain 519 kilocalories.

Nutritionists do not recommend consuming this product for overweight people.

But those who want to gain a couple of kilograms can include apricot kernels in their diet.

100 grams of seeds contain 25 grams of protein, 47 grams of fat and 7 grams of carbohydrates.

Contraindications for use

Apricot kernels can cause harm to the body. This is due to the fact that the seeds contain vitamin B17.

Under the influence gastric juice amygdalin is broken down into hydrocyanic acid.

This substance can cause serious harm to the body if it is in excess.

  • 40 - 50 grams for adults (about 20 seeds);
  • 20 grams for children (10 medium kernels).

Apricot kernels - medicinal product who came from the East. They contain many useful vitamins and minerals.

The nucleoli contain rare vitamin B17, which helps fight cancer cells, acting as a kind of natural chemotherapy.

Apricot kernels may be harmful if regular use It is advisable to consult a doctor.

Healing cancer cells with apricot kernels, watch the tips in the video.

The call of thrifty owners “Waste into income!” It doesn’t always work, but not in the case of apricot kernels. What we all mercilessly throw away after enjoying the taste and aroma of apricot pulp, it turns out, should not be thrown away under any circumstances. It’s just stupid to throw away a lot of vitamins, minerals, valuable acids, along with nutritious product with exquisite culinary properties.

Of course, many have heard that apricot kernels are tasty and somewhat similar in this regard. But at the same time, there is a strong opinion about their toxicity. Moreover, they are supposedly poisonous to such an extent that their use is fraught with death.

Therefore, the vast majority of apricot lovers prefer to throw away the pits “out of harm’s way.”
In fact, apricot kernels are not only possible, but also necessary to eat, while observing simple rules, which will be discussed later.

Did you know? For the first time in a cultivated form, the apricot appeared, apparently, about three thousand years ago on the territory of modern Armenia or, according to another version, somewhere in the Tien Shan. Scientists today are unable to say more precisely.

Composition analysis

When you get acquainted with the enormous taste, culinary, healing, cosmetic potential of this product, you feel somehow uneasy at the thought that all this wealth most often ends up in the trash.

The kernels of the seeds contain a whole bunch of vitamins, some of which are very rare. In addition to the common and extensive ones, there are also more rare ones presented there.
But Special attention attracts a specific product inherent in this particular product, which is also called amygdalin. It is this that gives apricot kernels their characteristic bitter taste.

This product is saturated with microelements in the form of, and.

Calories and nutritional value

The high content of fats and carbohydrates in the product determines its high calorie content and, accordingly, nutritional value. 100 g of apricot kernels contain more than 500 kcal. The experience of Eastern residents shows that eating a few kernels saturates the body with calories and nutrients so much that it lasts for several hours. active work person.

Unique and distinctive balanced composition product allows it to actually participate in the fight against inflammatory processes in the human immune and respiratory systems.
This is facilitated by its pronounced mucolytic capabilities, which help to actively dilute sputum and remove it from the body.

The product's ability to counteract cramps and even eliminate hiccups has been recorded.

That same insidious hydrocyanic acid, which makes so many people wary of eating the delicious core of apricot kernels, is indeed present in them. However, it can cause truly fatal harm only with excessive consumption of the product - more than 40 g at a time.
Amygdalin, that is, vitamin B17, when entering the body, releases this toxic hydrocyanic acid. The more bitter it tastes, the more it is in the nucleolus.

Important! Drying the seeds in the oven or boiling in a saucepan almost completely eliminates the toxic substances in them, which when high temperatures break apart.

Since apricots are quite strong allergens, naturally, the contents of their seeds are contraindicated for people in whom this fruit causes allergic reactions.

Features of the use of apricot kernels

This product is not limited only to its taste, nutritional and medicinal properties. It is used, and especially the oil from it, in cosmetics. That is, each consumer, depending on age, gender and health status, is free to choose the most preferable qualities of this product from among many possible ones.

Traditional healers especially advise medicinal products with the addition of apricot kernels when eliminating problems in respiratory system person.
To combat cold cough , pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis And tracheitis It is recommended to add 10 g each of wild rosemary and knotweed to 20 g of kernels. Finely grind all this, pour in 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour and strain using a fine sieve. The infusion should be taken 50 ml three times a day.

For the treatment of colds, eliminating seizures And fight against conjunctivitis You need to pour 10 g of highly crushed kernels into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for four hours. After filtering, the product should be applied orally three times a day, 50 ml. When treating conjunctivitis, the solution is applied externally to the eyes using tampons soaked in it.

Will they help you lose weight?

High saturation of fats and carbohydrates and high calorie content make this product undesirable for overweight people.

But the contents of apricot kernels are in great demand among cosmetologists. They appreciated them unique composition, widely using beneficial properties in the compositions of various creams and ointments for healing and rejuvenating the skin, as well as maintaining hair in good condition.

Actually, it is not the kernels themselves that are used for this, but the oil extracted from them by cold pressing.

For face

Apricot oil very useful for facial skin and pure form, however, it can be used to make highly effective products for moisturizing, toning and rejuvenating the skin.

Cleansing mask

Tablespoon ground in a coffee grinder oatmeal pour two tablespoons of milk for five minutes, after which a teaspoon of apricot oil and the same amount of honey are added.

Moisturizing mask

One small spoon of oil needs to be added to a well-pounded egg yolk, mix the mixture thoroughly and apply it to the face along the massage lines for half an hour.

Moisturizing toner

In 100 ml mineral water without gas, add two teaspoons of oil and a spoonful of glycerin. It is recommended to wipe your face with this mixture in the mornings and evenings.

For hair

This oil is very suitable for maintaining healthy hair. It effectively nourishes the roots, makes hair shiny and silky. When washing them, the oil can simply be added to the shampoo.

Mask for dry hair

Just add a few drops to a spoonful of oil. lavender oil, and then apply this mixture to your hair for half an hour before washing your hair.

Did you know? The apricot tree grows for a long time, bears fruit for almost forty years in a row and lives up to a hundred years.

Mask for oily hair

Mix a tablespoon of butter and the same amount of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey.

Classic night mask

Heat the oil and rub it into the scalp, massaging it at the same time. Then lightly oil the hair strands, then collect the hair and cover the head with a towel.

Features of product selection and storage, can apricot kernels spoil?

When choosing seeds, you should pay attention to their appearance and especially on the content. There should be no traces of pests in the form of food moths. They should not be obtained from unripe fruits, since in this case the kernels are wrinkled and unsuitable for consumption.

The pre-dried product can be stored both in shell and in peeled form. The kernels are better stored in the thin shell in which they are located and which can be removed before use.

If apricot kernels are covered in a thick layer during drying, they may begin to mold, which irrevocably leads to their loss of consumer qualities. The seeds of unripe fruits can also completely deteriorate.

There are much more toxic substances in such a product than in fresh ones.

Harvesting the internal contents of ripe apricots is simple and straightforward. Dividing these necessarily already ripe fruits in two, we take out the seeds from them and put them in a suitable container. Then wash them thoroughly, removing any remaining fruit fibers from their surface, place them on a tray or baking sheet in a single layer and leave them somewhere to dry.
It's best to do this on fresh air, but definitely not in direct sunlight. They should be stored in glass or wooden containers without access to pests.

You can remove the kernels from the seeds and store them. Some people roast them immediately in the oven to eliminate toxic substances.

The unique taste and smell of apricot kernels have long attracted the attention of culinary experts, who widely and actively use them as additives in ice cream, creams, yoghurts, cakes, syrups and baked goods.

Chopped kernels have proven especially good for housewives when making jam or marmalade. When these ingredients are added, the products acquire a very piquant taste and smell, which, according to housewives, simply cannot be compared with anything else.
This truly potentially toxic product, if basic precautions are taken, turns into a truly unique product. useful qualities product for cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Once recently, one of my relatives saw how I, having eaten a couple of apricots, did not throw away the seeds, but without thinking twice, broke them from the meat with a nearby hammer, and, having separated the shells, ate the kernels from these seeds. This brought her into some kind of indescribable horror. Making scary eyes, she tried to convey to me that because of the hydrocyanic acid contained in the bone, I was about to die in the next 5 minutes. Or maybe even earlier.

I’ve heard these horror stories before—even as a child. Then I studied chemistry for a long time, then I made dissertation and worked a lot. Well, here it is. I had to carry out some educational training, a brief summary of which I want to publish here.

So, is it possible to eat apricot pits and kernels, do they really contain hydrocyanic acid, and what will happen if you do eat them?

The answer to this question lies not only in chemistry, but also in medicine and pharmaceuticals. And let's start by dispelling the main myth - apricot kernels do not contain hydrocyanic acid in its pure form. Or rather, it is contained in such insignificant quantities that we can only smell it, and even then, if you really look at it, it’s not really her.

So where did this myth come from? Most likely because they were actually recorded isolated cases deaths caused by eating large quantities of pits, mainly by children, the symptoms of which are very similar to hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

But where could it come from if - as I already said - neither hydrocyanic acid nor potassium cyanide And is sodium not contained in apricot kernels, or is it contained in absolutely insignificant quantities that cannot affect anything?

The answer lies in the apricot kernels. organic compound, including a nitrile group - the so-called Amygdala - a glycoside, sometimes also called a vitamin-like preparation B17 (since, in fact, it is not a vitamin at all, and in complexes vitamin preparations Excluded):

To be precise, the seeds of plums, apricots and peaches also contain a certain amount of its predecessor, prunasin, but in our case this is no longer so important.

So, that's the one Amygdalin, entering not only the stomach, but already into the human mouth, it begins, under the influence of a special substance, the enzyme beta-glycosidase, to first hydrolyze to form mandelonitrile (I do not draw the glycosidic residue, it is not important in our case):

and then split into its component parts, which include substances such as benzaldehyde (mainly responsible for the almond smell) and hydrocyanic acid. But they are the ones who begin to spoil all our raspberries. Or rather, it’s mostly hydrocyanic acid; a person can eat about ten grams of benzaldehyde (not without consequences, most likely, but not fatal).

But hydrocyanic acid is a poisonous thing. Mice are poisoned by 50% in an amount of 3.7 mg/kg body weight, but for humans the minimum published lethal dose(ORL-MAN LDLo) ~ 1 mg/kg. By the way, about the same as nicotine. Apricots contain 1-2% amygdalin (peach contains more, about 2-3%). The weight of one seed can vary greatly, depending on the size of the apricot itself - from 1 to 6 grams. But let’s consider everything to the maximum - that we have a huge bone weighing 6 grams, which produces a nucleolus weighing 4 grams. This means that it contains 80 mg of amygdoline. Molecular mass amygdoline is 457 g/mol, respectively, we have 0.175 mmol of a substance that, upon decomposition, will give, ideally, something like 5 mg of hydrocyanic acid. Weight healthy person(let it be a girl) we have 50 kg, so to die you need to eat minimum 10 grains.

And this is taking into account the fact that we calculated everything according to the extreme limits - the minimum dose was taken a couple of times less than required, the size of the seeds was twice as large, the amygdalin content was at the maximum (in cultivated apricots there is actually not that much of it) . And most importantly, they did not take into account that we eat the pits, as a rule, immediately after the apricots themselves - which contain a wild amount of sucrose, which neutralizes hydrocyanic acid.

Well, in fact, even if you eat 10-20 grains, you won’t get anything. And even without the apricots themselves. With children it’s a little more complicated - but even there, about five bones for a ten-year-old child will not do any harm, and for those who are older - up to ten. If your age or weight is less, then it is better to limit yourself to a smaller amount.

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