How to cook pearl barley in water without soaking? How long should you cook pearl barley to preserve all the vitamins?

Some cereals often remain undeservedly underestimated by consumers, and therefore rarely appear on our table. But you only have to cook pearl barley porridge correctly once in a slow cooker, and this dish will firmly become part of your daily menu. This product is highly beneficial for the functioning of the entire body. But this is not the only advantage of pearl barley. The cereal is attractive because it can be prepared both as a sweet dish and as a full-fledged side dish. It turns out very tasty with mushrooms, chicken, stew, vegetables, and meat.

How to cook hearty pearl barley with onions in a slow cooker

The proposed recipe for cooking pearl barley porridge with onions in a slow cooker is an excellent example of a lean dish. The crumbly and tasty cereal not only saturates perfectly, but also enriches the body with a complex of vitamins, proteins and microelements. No wonder it is often called pearl. After all, thanks to it, both skin and hair acquire a delightful glow.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Number of servings - 6.


To cook a simple but satisfying side dish you need the following products:

  • pearl barley - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 2.5 tbsp.

Per serving

  • Calories: 112.02 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.28 g
  • Fat: 4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 18 g

Cooking method

Cooking pearl barley with onions in a slow cooker is as simple as “twice two.” You just have to try it!

Ready! Pearl barley porridge with onions turns out fragrant and very tasty.

How to cook aromatic pearl barley porridge with mushrooms - a million-dollar recipe

Preparing a hearty and healthy lunch using the recipe for making pearl barley porridge with mushrooms in a slow cooker is as easy as shelling pears. Step-by-step photos will help you do everything right!

Cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes.

Number of servings - 5.


To prepare a nutritious and tasty meal for every day, you need to prepare the following components:

  • pearl barley - 2 tbsp;
  • champignons - 1/2 kg;
  • water - 5 tbsp.;
  • ground black pepper - 1/3 tsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

On a note! It is important to note that the items in the list above are measured in multi-cups.

Per serving

  • Calories: 90.39 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.86 g
  • Fat: 2.94 g
  • Carbohydrates: 14.08 g

Cooking method

Following the step-by-step recipe with photos, it will not be difficult for you to prepare pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker. Mushrooms will add a unique flavor to this dish!

On a note! By the way, you can cook pearl barley with stew using the same principle.

The finished pearl barley porridge with mushrooms turns out to be quite crumbly, and its rich aroma will conquer any gourmet!

Cooking aromatic pearl barley porridge with meat

For those eaters who love the most nutritious dishes, we offer a recipe for pearl barley porridge with meat. By the way, you can cook it not only with pork. Veal, beef, turkey are suitable. It all depends on what products you have.

Cooking time: 1 hour 25 minutes.

Number of servings - 6.


To cook a simple but very appetizing pearl barley porridge with meat, you should use the following products:

  • pork - 400 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • pearl barley - 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 5 tbsp.;
  • spices.

Per serving

  • Calories: 127. 63 kcal
  • Proteins: 5.01 g
  • Fat: 5.95 g
  • Carbohydrates: 14.49 g

Cooking method

Anyone can prepare healthy porridge from pearl barley with meat. After all, the multicooker does all the main work for the cook, and there is no need to worry about the cereal getting burnt or remaining hard.

On a note! When the program is completed, you need to stir the porridge and leave it covered in the multicooker for another 10 minutes.

It’s not difficult to cook pearl barley with meat, but the finished result will definitely not disappoint even very picky eaters!

Delicious recipe for pearl barley porridge

You can cook pearl barley in a modern “miracle stove” not only as side dishes, but also as sweet cereals with milk. If desired, the dish can be supplemented with pieces of fresh or dried fruit or berries.

Cooking time: 2 hours.

Number of servings - 6.


To prepare sweet milk pearl barley porridge, you will need a minimum of products from which you can get the maximum benefit:

  • pearl barley - 2 tbsp;
  • milk - 3 tbsp;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 3 tbsp;
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.

On a note! When cooking, you can add a pinch of vanillin to the porridge, but it is recommended to use cow's milk, preferably with a minimum fat content.

Per serving

  • Calories: 109.16 kcal
  • Proteins: 3.25 g
  • Fat: 1.73 g
  • Carbohydrates: 21.33 g

Cooking method

Preparing sweet pearl barley porridge with milk for breakfast is a simple matter. If you have never worked with this product before, strictly follow the photo recipe.

Ready! It is suggested to serve sweet barley milk porridge with honey, jam, dried fruits, raisins, and condensed milk. The dish will be no less tasty if added with berries or pieces of fresh fruit.

How to cook pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker: video recipes

It is very easy to prepare pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker - a step-by-step recipe with photos will help cooks. But the videos will give the necessary tips and allow you to grasp all the subtleties of cooking this cereal, which is so beneficial for the body:

Pearl barley is an extremely healthy and tasty product. It was also known in Ancient Rus', where it was served to the upper classes. Often she ended up on the royal table. Now this cereal has become familiar to wide sections of the population in Russia. Boiled in milk, it has an extremely delicate taste and high nutritional value. In order for the cereal to be like this, you need to take into account several subtleties. In particular, you need to know how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker. These modern devices have become truly popular.


Once upon a time, crushed grains were soaked for ten hours, then poured with milk and placed in the oven. But now they are prepared a little differently, because progress has long stepped forward. To understand how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker with soaking, you need to take into account its age and a number of other qualities. Of course, the process will take much less time than ever before. After all, the oven has long been replaced by an oven, and more recently by multicookers.


Since pearl barley porridge is a valuable source of fiber and vegetable proteins, you need to determine how long to cook barley in a slow cooker or pressure cooker so that it does not lose these properties. But the unique qualities of pearl barley do not end there: it contains many vitamins (A, B, E, PP). In addition, it contains a large supply of useful microelements. It brings great benefits to the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes proper brain function;
  • protects against viruses;
  • improves metabolism;
  • removes harmful toxins from the body;
  • keeps the skin in excellent condition.

Plus, it is not high in calories. It contains only one hundred and five calories per hundred grams. Therefore, even if you follow a diet, you can safely eat it without worrying at all about how many calories were eaten.

Under no circumstances will pearl barley cause harm to the human body. But if you incorrectly calculate how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker, or violate the cooking recommendations, it will be tasteless and its beneficial properties will be reduced.

Dietary product

Lenten pearl barley is always recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is extremely useful for anyone who has allergic reactions, chronic colds, or herpes. Traditional medicine recommends including it in the daily menu.

Since pearl barley contains a large amount of useful substances and is not high in calories, it is eaten by both those losing weight and athletes. This cereal has proven itself as a tasty side dish for vegetable and lean meat dishes.

It is most popular in the cold season, as it helps maintain energy and vigor in case of vitamin deficiency.

Pearl barley porridge is a wonderful dish, rich in amino acids, lysine. The last component helps the skin look healthy and smooth. Among its merits is the chic appearance of nails and hair for those who constantly eat this cereal. Having figured out how to cook pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker, you should definitely try it to evaluate both its taste and the effect for yourself.

How long to cook

Every chef faces this question. How long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker or pressure cooker? After all, these devices are able to prepare it much faster than traditional methods. Usually, taking into account the additives, the cereal is cooked for about an hour to an hour and a half.

But the answer to the question of how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker with soaking sounds different. The thing is that this procedure reduces the cooking time due to the fact that the grains are pre-softened. Whereas in their original form they are very hard.

If the question of how long to cook pearl barley in a multicooker refers to steamed semi-finished products in a finished package, the cooking time is reduced. Usually it is about forty minutes.

How to cook pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker is also influenced by the additives that are used with it. After all, pearl barley is prepared with all kinds of meat and mushrooms.

Most often, children prepare porridge with milk and add turkey to it. Vegetarians prefer to add vegetables to it, and those who fast - mushrooms.

One of the traditional dishes is meat porridge, which is very easy to prepare using modern appliances. Carrots, onions and tomato juice added to it make it especially aromatic and beautiful. The whole family will enjoy a meal with this dish.


Preparing pearl barley porridge as a side dish is not at all difficult. You don’t need a lot of fuss, and it goes well with both fish and meat. What also attracts attention is how long it takes to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker. As a result, the time spent on cooking will not be long.

To make the dish crumbly, you must first rinse the grains. The best solution is to soak them in advance. When determining how long to cook pearl barley without soaking on the stove and in a slow cooker, you should always add at least twenty minutes to standard cooking. Otherwise, it will not have time to boil, and the dish will turn out to be harsh.

But it will reach the desired condition much faster if you put it in warm water overnight or for a couple of hours. The grains that have absorbed moisture will be much more tender and pleasant to the taste.

You will be pleased with how long it takes to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker with a step-by-step recipe - only two hours. There is no need to waste time processing ingredients. The recipe looks like this:

  • rinse the cereal and put it in the multicooker immediately with the other ingredients, and then turn on the “Porridge” mode;
  • mix all the ingredients and set the cooking time to two hours;

After waiting until this time is over, you will receive a tasty and healthy side dish.

With meat

You can experiment with how long to cook pearl barley in the Redmond multicooker, and on what mode. So, it will be tastiest to make it with meat broth. If you add pieces of beef or pork to the cereal, it will become very satisfying and flavorful. This recipe is one of the best options for how long to cook pearl barley in a Redmond multicooker and how.

To prepare the dish you need to stock up on only six ingredients:

  • two multi-cups of pearl barley;
  • two hundred grams of pork fillet;
  • one carrot;
  • small onion;
  • four and a half multi-glasses of water;
  • salt.

When determining how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker in order to cook it deliciously, you don’t need to count on a time much longer than an hour. This time will be quite enough. The calorie content of the dish in this recipe is 101 kcal.

How to cook:

  • Leave the washed grains in water for fifteen minutes;
  • chop the onion, grate the carrots;
  • chop the washed meat finely;
  • grease the bowl with oil, fry the meat in the “Fry” mode for five minutes;
  • add vegetables and fry for another ten minutes;
  • then add the cereal, add water to the ingredients and add salt and spices;
  • mix everything, and then set it to the “Grain” mode for forty-five minutes.

During this time, the smart device will do its job, and the dish will turn out satisfying and unusually aromatic.

With mushrooms

This recipe is suitable for all fasting people, as well as vegetarians. Pearl barley is good to combine with many foods, including meat, vegetables and mushrooms.

You will need:

  • one multi-glass of pearl barley;
  • four hundred grams of champignons;
  • one small onion;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • two multi-glasses of water;
  • spoon of sunflower oil.

If you figure out how long to cook pearl barley in water in a slow cooker according to this recipe, it will take no more than an hour. The calorie content of the dish will be 109 kcal, so this dish with mushrooms will be almost as satisfying as the meat one.

It is best to soak the grains in advance, overnight. This will soften the pearl barley well, but if this has not been done, a couple of hours of soaking will be enough to achieve the same goal. After this mandatory procedure, you can begin.

  • The first step is to chop the onion and fry for seven minutes. It should turn golden.
  • Then wash and chop the mushrooms. Fry with onions for another fifteen minutes;
  • Next, place the products in the multicooker, fill everything with water and add grains, changing the mode to “Pilaf” or “Rice”. This will ensure that the cereal is cooked so that the dish turns out crumbly. Set time - forty minutes;
  • Then you can take it out and eat delicious mushroom pearl barley porridge.

To make the dish truly royal, water is replaced with meat broth and sour cream is added to it.

Delicious and healthy breakfast

In the morning, how many minutes to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker is very important. It should be quick and easy. You need to have time to have a hearty and good breakfast so that you have enough energy for a long time. Cooked for breakfast, porridge will become the most important source of energy for the whole day and will give you a lot of strength. To understand how long to cook pearl barley in the Polaris multicooker, you should use this recipe.

Have to take:

  • one glass of pearl barley;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • three teaspoons of sugar;
  • salt;
  • butter to taste.

The porridge takes no more than two hours to prepare, and its calorie content is about 156 kcal.

The recipe looks like this:

  • Rinse the grains and then leave them in water for an hour. Or just soak overnight.
  • Add all ingredients except butter to the washed cereal, then mix everything and place in a slow cooker;
  • Set the “Milk porridge” mode and set it to sixty minutes, and then keep everything in the “Stew” mode for another hour;
  • When the pearl barley is ready, you need to add butter to it;

To add special notes to the porridge, you can add fruits and berries to it.

Rassolnik with pearl barley

The oldest Russian dish is rassolnik. The recipe has reached our times and remains as popular as ever. It is impossible to imagine it without the main component - pickled cucumber. There are many different variations of this dish in modern recipes. But the most delicious and classic must be the recipe for this soup with pearl barley. It should be thick, sour and satisfying. What’s also attractive is how long it takes to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker to get a flavorful pickle: this process won’t take much time.


  • one hundred grams of pearl barley;
  • one carrot;
  • small onion;
  • four potatoes;
  • three hundred grams of meat;
  • two hundred grams of pickles;
  • two liters of water;
  • one hundred grams of celery;
  • one hundred grams of parsley;
  • salt and spices.

You can prepare the soup in just an hour and a half, and the calorie content of the dish is 45 kcal.

First of all, the meat and grains are soaked in water an hour or two before cooking. This is done so that the broth turns out transparent and the pearl barley softens faster.

Fry the meat for seven minutes in the “Frying” mode. Then fill it with water and turn on the “Soup” mode, setting the time to forty minutes.

The onion is chopped and the carrots are grated;

Pickled cucumbers are chopped finely. Then do the same with celery, parsley, and potatoes.

Fry the onions for seven minutes and then add the celery and parsley. Fry for another five minutes. After this, add carrots and simmer again for the same amount.

Salted cucumbers are simmered with vegetables for seven minutes.

As soon as the cooking time for the meat has expired, it is removed from the broth and vegetables and cereals are added to the bowl, setting it to the “Soup” mode for another hour. Twenty minutes before final readiness, add cucumber brine and meat.

The dish turns out aromatic and is best eaten with bread and sour cream. This soup is truly luxurious and the whole family will love it.

With stew

When determining how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker without soaking, many recipe books advise cooking it for at least an hour. A recipe for porridge with stew is often found.

These canned meats keep for a long time, which is why they have become popular: you can stock up on them in advance. If you cook porridge with stew, it will be nutritious and will serve as a very good source of energy for a long time. During cooking, the grains are perfectly steamed. Those who are not too fond of such cereals will also love porridge.

At the moment, there is a wide range of stewed meat in stores, so you can choose it to suit every taste. To prepare this dish you will need pork stew. It is quite fatty, so there is no need to add vegetable oil when frying vegetables with it.

This dish will be an excellent lunch or dinner, and in the warm season it is useful to combine it with tomatoes. This recipe will tell you how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker and in what mode.

First you need to stock up on the following components:

  • one can of stew;
  • three glasses of water;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill;
  • small carrots;
  • a glass of pearl barley;
  • two sprigs of parsley;
  • a teaspoon of ground coriander;
  • medium bulb;
  • salt to taste.

How long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker will depend on the time of its pre-soaking. Regular cereals need to be cooked for at least 1 hour.

  • First you need to open a can of stew and place it in the bowl of the device. You can remove excess fat from it to make the dish leaner. This is done to taste.
  • Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots, and then fry these vegetables in the “Fry” mode for seven minutes.
  • Rinse the grains and then add to the finished roast.
  • Salt everything, add dry herbs.
  • After sprinkling everything with fresh herbs - parsley, coriander, close the multicooker and set the “Rice” mode for thirty-five minutes.

The already prepared porridge can be simmered for another fifteen minutes so that it steams better. Then serve hot.

When determining how long to cook pearl barley in a pressure cooker, you must always take into account that overcooked porridge will stick together. Care must be taken that it does not become a solid mass. When soaking the cereal, you also need to make sure that there is not too much time for it to soften. Different types of grains will require different amounts of time for this procedure. Usually 3 hours is enough.

The finished dish must be served hot. It doesn’t matter how long the pearl barley was cooked in the slow cooker. Even if it takes a long time, you need to find a few more minutes to warm it up properly. So it will not only be tasty, but also more healthy. A cooled dish will not be digested as well.

Cooking secrets

Why does how long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker differ from recipe to recipe? The thing is that the grains are initially hard. And different combinations of dish components may require different degrees of softness from the cereal. Placed in water, it swells and softens quite quickly.

It is best to mix water with grains in a 3:1 ratio.

Soaked grains can be cooked for forty minutes, but without soaking it is better to double the time.

Barley is compatible with many ingredients. This is a universal side dish in Russian cuisine, the meaning of which is reminiscent of the role of rice in Asian cuisine. You can combine it with anything you have enough imagination for.


Barley pilaf is very tasty and healthy. You will need:

  • five hundred grams of cereal;
  • half a kilo of bacon;
  • one onion
  • small carrots;
  • a tablespoon of tomato paste and spices;
  • a stick of butter.


  • Fry vegetables with bacon in a multicooker bowl until golden brown;
  • Add tomato paste with spices here;
  • Add the soaked pearl barley to these ingredients and set the “Stew” mode for fifty minutes.

After this, serve the aromatic dish hot.

Barley with pickles

A very tasty traditional Russian dish is pearl barley porridge with pickled cucumbers. Today it is also often prepared in a slow cooker. According to some historians, this dish was especially loved by Peter the Great. Not everyone today considers pearl barley a dish worthy of an imperial table, but once upon a time this was the case.

The porridge began to be called “soldier’s”. Often male representatives after the army do not want to see it or hear about it, since they ate it too often. However, when years pass since that time, nostalgia takes over, and in fact, pearl barley itself is very tasty if you cook it correctly.

The main secret to preparing this dish is soaking the cereal. According to some recipes, it needs to be kept in a water bath for about 6 hours, which will give it a special taste.

But with the invention of the multicooker, the process was greatly simplified.

However, it is better to pre-soak the grains even for a minimum period. It's easy to check the difference in taste between soaked grains and harder grains.

To make it tasty in combination with pickles, you need to cook it like this.

First of all, you need to stock up:

  • one and a half cups of pearl barley;
  • three multi-glasses of boiled water;
  • one liter of cold water to soak the grains;
  • two carrots;
  • three onions;
  • four pickled cucumbers;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper.

It is important to note that cucumbers should not be pickled.

  • The cereal must be washed with special care, and then placed in a separate bowl and filled with a liter of water, leaving it in this form for twelve hours (it is most convenient to do this overnight). The water does not have to be boiled, but it must be filtered.
  • Wash the onions and carrots, then peel them. Cut the onions in any way, and grate the carrots and pickles on a coarse grater. Be sure to leave the cucumber pickle.
  • Pour a little odorless vegetable oil into the bowl, and then turn the device on to the “Baking” mode for twenty minutes. The “Frying” mode is also suitable; do not cover the multicooker with a lid. Place onions and carrots in a bowl and fry.
  • After eight minutes of frying these vegetables, add grated cucumbers, pouring in the brine along with them. Fry the mixture for five minutes, and then turn off the device. Pepper mixture.
  • The soaked cereal is thrown onto a sieve, washed with cold water, then poured into a bowl with the vegetables, pouring boiled water over everything. If the water is warm, it will boil faster. The mixture must be stirred, pepper and salt to taste. But it is important to take into account that it already contains pickled cucumbers. Everything is covered with a lid, blocked and cooked on the “Porridge” program for half an hour.
  • When the time is up, the porridge is checked. Stir, if necessary, add salt again. Heat for another fifteen minutes. But if everything is in order, she is ready.

Such aromatic and healthy food will be an excellent independent dish or side dish for anything.


It is noteworthy that pearl barley is also actively used by fishermen. It acts as bait due to its special advantages: it has a low price, it is effective, it can be prepared independently at home and in any quantities.

Carp, crucian carp, bream, ide, tench and roach bite well on such baits. But to achieve this, you need to stock up on aromatic and soft bait.

Due to inexperience, you can undercook or overcook the cereal, and the effect of its use will be zero. Even if two fishermen, who prepared the grains differently, sit next to each other, their catch will be very different. How long to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker with soaking? This usually takes about forty minutes.

How to quickly prepare cereals for fishing

First of all, you need to choose the appropriate type of pearl barley. The grains must be completely free of bran, white in color and large. It takes longer to boil cereals from last year's harvest, and less time for fresh ones. Under no circumstances should pearl barley that has been damaged by rodents or insects be used.

Excessively boiled grains will cause little interest to the fish. To enhance the effectiveness of the bait, sprinkle it with salt during the cooking process. One pinch of salt is enough for a liter of water.

Forty minutes are enough to prepare bait in a slow cooker to achieve the effect of an attractive delicacy for fish.

The cereal must be pre-soaked for two hours. Before you start cooking, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • You should never use tap water when cooking, as the smell of chlorine in it will repel fish.
  • To steam cereals, you should not use thermoses that previously held tea or coffee. The fish will also feel this smell;
  • When the bait is ready, you must store it exclusively in the refrigerator.

The most effective baits are cooked using a range of spices.


Have to take:

  • a glass of pearl barley;
  • two and a half glasses of water;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • two to three drops of anise oil.

Before cooking, you need to clear the grains of debris. And then:

  • rinse the cereal in cold water;
  • soak for one and a half hours;
  • then transfer to a slow cooker, add water;
  • closing the lid, set the “Extinguishing” mode for forty minutes;
  • when the time is up, put the bait in a glass container and let it brew for three to four hours.

Before you go fishing, you should add a couple of drops of anise oil to the cereal along with chopped garlic and mix the ingredients.

It is necessary to take into account that to give the bait a special taste, you can add a little breadcrumbs or feeder bait, cinnamon, and vanillin.

To attract crucians and carp, you need to drip raspberry syrup or concentrators onto the grains. Under no circumstances should you rinse the cereal after cooking because of the beneficial properties of the mucus in which it remains: it will also attract cold-blooded people.

The smaller the fish, the harder the grains should be. You cannot store the bait for longer than 2-3 days; after this period, it is only suitable for bait.


Pearl barley is a fairly satisfying food in itself. Just a couple of spoons of porridge can satisfy your hunger and stock up on enough energy for a couple of hours of work. It is very simple to prepare and does not require any special culinary talents. When you combine it with various components, you can achieve unique taste properties that will appeal to anyone. There are different cooking options. Some are suitable for those who are always busy and in a hurry, while others are suitable for those who like to enjoy the process.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking pearl barley porridge in a multicooker with water and milk, with meat, chicken, mushrooms, vegetables, stew: how to cook pearl barley porridge in a Redmond or Polaris multicooker

2018-04-06 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

6 gr.


23 gr.

155 kcal.

Option 1: Pearl barley porridge with water in a slow cooker - a classic recipe

Just barley, the most ordinary one, an excellent side dish for goulash and other meat dishes with a lot of gravy. If your menu includes cutlets or roast beef, add a little more oil to the finished, hot porridge.


  • high-quality pearl barley - one multi-glass;
  • a slice of butter;
  • “Extra” salt;
  • pure water.

Step-by-step recipe for pearl barley porridge with water in a slow cooker

Sort the grains, carefully separating all the debris and unhulled grains, and pour the clean ones into a colander and rinse under the tap. Fill a saucepan or bowl with cool water. Leave for three to twelve hours, depending on the time available.

Drain the water and quickly rinse the barley again. Place in a bowl and pour two multi-cups of water into it. Cooking mode - “Grains” or, optionally, “Pilaf” or “Buckwheat”, depending on what is available in your model.

Lower the lid and use the timer control panel to set the cycle duration to 40 minutes. After about half an hour, open the lid and check how much the cereal has cooked. It is very difficult to indicate the exact time, since it depends on the quality of the specific grain, the duration of soaking, and even on the hardness of the water.

As in the case of pilaf, it is extremely undesirable to add water to the porridge being prepared; in extreme cases, add boiling water, and in small portions. Season the finished porridge with oil and add salt to taste.

Option 2: Milk pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker - a quick recipe

Milk barley can be recommended by a nutritionist, or simply included in the family menu for the sake of variety. If you have kids, be sure to treat them to this dish. It is very good to include it in the children's menu if there are no objections from the pediatrician.


  • cereals, pearl barley - two glasses;
  • liter of 3.5 percent milk
  • “Peasant” oil - to taste;
  • water - 500 milliliters;
  • salt and a spoon of sugar.

How to quickly cook pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker

Even the highest quality cereal needs at least a superficial inspection. Scatter it over any surface, level it into a thin layer, start from the edge closest to you, separating about a handful each time. After viewing and selecting debris, pour the cereal into a bowl and separate the next portion for inspection.

After completing the inspection, pour the pearl barley into a sieve or fine-mesh colander, rinse lightly under running water, pour into a clean bowl and fill with water. Leave for at least an hour and rinse again.

Rub the bowl thickly with a slice of butter, add the cereal and pour in the milk mixed with water. Sprinkle with half a spoon of salt and two of sugar, add salt and sweeten when ready.

Lower the lid and select the “Milk porridge” cooking mode or, depending on the model, simply “Porridge”. Set the duration to exactly one hour, unless you soaked it longer than specified. In any case, after forty minutes of cooking, check the porridge for readiness. Once sufficiently softened, add the required amount of sugar and lightly season with butter.

Option 3: Hearty pearl barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker

We offer you to prepare a wonderful, hearty pearl barley with meat without any extra hassle. The multicooker operating modes are selected so that the recipe does not depend on the model and manufacturer.


  • 1.3 cups pearl barley;
  • 250 grams of pork pulp;
  • onions and carrots for frying - one medium vegetable each;
  • 50 grams of sunflower oil;
  • half a liter of water;
  • seasoning for fried pork dishes.

How to cook

Pour the cereal into a colander, shake so that small debris wakes up. Large specks usually rise up in this case, collect them, rinse the cereal and soak for three hours in ordinary clean water.

Cut the meat into small cubes, peel the carrots and grate with a coarse grater. Remove the peel from the onion, loosen it into quarters of rings. Start the “Frying” program for twenty minutes, warm up the bowl quite a bit and pour in the oil. After a minute, first put all the vegetables in it, and as soon as the onion begins to lose its matte hue, add the pork and add a little salt.

Stirring occasionally, fry the vegetables and meat until the set program is completed. Pour the pearl barley, along with the water in which it was soaked, into a colander and rinse, allowing the moisture to drain completely. Mix the cereal with vegetables and meat, sprinkle with spices and salt.

Pour in heated water to a level one centimeter above the food. Turn on the crumbly porridge cooking mode and set the timer to fifty minutes. With the lid closed, let the porridge first cook on the main program, then cook for another twenty minutes on “Preheat” until ripe.

Option 4: Barley porridge in a Redmond slow cooker with vegetables

The spring diet pleases with an abundance of vegetables. As soon as the so-called ground tomatoes and zucchini grown in the open air appear on the shelves, without delay, treat your homemade pearl barley with vegetables. It is prepared in exactly the same way with eggplants, only cut off the peel from them to get rid of the bitterness.


  • young zucchini - 300 grams;
  • 180 grams of tomatoes;
  • pearl barley - 200 grams;
  • large onion, onion variety;
  • five tablespoons of butter;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • coarse salt;
  • feathers of young green onions.

Step by step recipe

As with almost all of the above recipes, start with the simplest but longest stage - soaking the pearl barley. After sorting, collect it in a colander, rinse and fill with clean, cool water. The optimal exposure is 12 hours, but the minimum sufficient time is three times less.

You need young zucchini, with delicate thin skin. We won’t clean it, just wash it thoroughly. We do the same with tomatoes, and remove the husks only from garlic and onions.

Slice the onion into small checkered squares, simply crush the garlic with a special press, and dissolve the zucchini and tomatoes into 1.5-centimeter cubes. The multicooker operating mode is whatever is convenient for you, in which you are used to frying foods, for example, “Baking” or the standard “Frying”. Set the duration to 20 minutes.

Sauté the onion, laying it out after heating the oil for a minute. After slightly browning the onion slices, add all the vegetables and garlic, mix and fry until the cycle is complete. Temporarily transfer the vegetables to a bowl.

We switch to the cooking mode for crumbly porridge, for example “Buckwheat” or, in its absence, “Pilaf”, set the timer for 50 minutes. After draining the pearl barley, rinsing it and drying it slightly, put it in a bowl, add a liter of clean water, add salt and lower the lid.

At the end of the main program, switch the appliance to heating, add and stir vegetables into the porridge. Leave covered for up to eight minutes and serve sprinkled with chopped onion.

Option 5: Barley porridge in the Polaris multicooker with mushrooms

If you cannot purchase the recommended type of mushroom, use classic champignons. Well, if you have mushroom pickers among your friends or relatives, order them a box of wild mushrooms, preferably an assortment. Be careful with wild mushrooms; some types require special preliminary preparation.


  • fresh oyster mushrooms (caps without stems) - 700 grams;
  • two glasses of pearl barley;
  • onions - 120 grams;
  • three tablespoons of oil;
  • salt, coarse - to taste.

How to cook

Sort the barley if necessary, then rinse it several times and leave it in clean water for now. Wash the mushrooms, cut off all suspicious parts, and cut the remaining pulp into fairly large slices. Remove the husk from the onion and cut it into rings into quarters.

We heat the oil in any mode with customizable parameters, setting the thermostat to 160 degrees. First, fry the onion for up to five minutes, then add slices of mushrooms to it. Cook, stirring, for another ten minutes, and put the whole roast in a bowl.

Do not rinse the bowl, just transfer the slightly soggy cereal into it and pour in four glasses of water. Reset the temperature to 140 degrees, lightly salt and cook for half an hour.

Place the porridge in a colander to drain most of the moisture, but a little remains, return to the bowl, add and stir the mushroom frying. Reduce the temperature to eighty degrees, cover with a lid and program the shutdown after forty minutes. Serve pearl barley with mushrooms, sprinkled with chopped young onions.

Option 6: Delicious pearl barley porridge in a Redmond slow cooker with chicken

In the finished barley with chicken according to this recipe, you may need to add a little oil and sprinkle with herbs. Combine both components: let half a stick of butter soften well, in a warm place, always in a closed container, chop and then finely chop a clove of garlic, chop a handful of dill, the most tender one you can find. Mix and add salt, spoon out small portions onto parchment paper and freeze. It’s very good if you find a shaped plastic insert from a box of small chocolates, filling the empty cells with green butter, you will also get an elegant design.


  • white fillet of medium-sized chicken (approximately 700 grams);
  • two full multi-cups of pearl barley;
  • large salad onion;
  • half a spoon of turmeric;
  • two tablespoons of pure oil;
  • medium-sized carrot - one piece;
  • salt, spices and pepper.

Step by step recipe

After peeling the carrots, rinse the root vegetable and cut it into four pieces along its entire length. Cut crosswise into thin slices and set aside. We cut the peeled onion into small strips; it is convenient to first dissolve it into half rings, and then cut them a couple more times.

Sparing no water, rinse the cereal and leave it to drain directly on the sieve. Rinse the chicken, pat dry with paper towels and cut into cubes four centimeters long and one centimeter thick.

We start the frying mode, slightly warm the oil, fry the vegetables in it until they turn a deep brown color and temporarily place them on a plate. For five minutes, until lightly crusted, heat the slices of chicken meat, stirring with a spatula, and remove it to another plate.

It is necessary to add products according to the recipe in the following sequence: return the vegetables to the bowl, add a little salt; spread the cereal evenly; on top of the pearl barley - chicken, sprinkle with spices and add a little more salt.

Fill with water, it’s better to take cold, bottled water, in the amount of six multi-glasses. We prepare pearl barley in the “Express cooking” mode, setting the timer to 50 minutes.

Option 7: Pearl barley porridge in the Polaris multicooker with stew

Almost such a treat is distributed at military-historical holidays from the field kitchen. Yes, we will get pearl barley without any smoke, but you can taste it any day, and they are unlikely to refuse more.


  • washed pearl barley - two measuring cups;
  • stew, lumpy, pork or beef - half-liter jar;
  • one large onion and one sweet carrot each;
  • broth, meat and bone - 800 milliliters;
  • coarse pepper, bay leaf, a spoonful of chopped garlic and salt.

How to cook

Two products require advance preparation: cereals and stew. Place a jar of canned meat in the freezer for an hour and a half, put the washed barley in a large thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, and let it sit for the same amount of time as the stew.

Turn on the multicooker to heat up, in stewing mode. Transfer all the fat from the canned food into a bowl, being careful not to touch the frozen jelly. We will send the peeled vegetables directly from the cutting board into the bowl, so we act quickly and deftly. First, loosen into half rings and place the onion in the bowl, then quickly grate into coarse shavings and add the carrots.

Sauté slowly until it turns a deep blush; if there is not enough fat in the jar, after adding the onion, immediately add a spoonful of pork lard or two of vegetable oil. Add the stew to the vegetables and knead the stew right in the bowl, season with spices, add garlic and bay leaves. Simmer under the lid.

When the broth in the multicooker begins to thicken noticeably, switch it to the pilaf cooking mode. Place the pearl barley on a sieve, rinse with running water, then transfer to a bowl and mix with vegetables and meat. Pour in the cold broth, lower the lid and cook until the end of the cycle.

Pearl barley and dishes made from it are perhaps the rarest of the cereals on our menu. Unfortunately, many housewives are not aware of the enormous benefits of this product. In fact, you can prepare delicious, simple and healthy dishes from pearl barley. Using a multicooker, we simplify the preparation even more and preserve the beneficial properties of the cereal. We will discuss how to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker a little later, but for now, a short digression.

What is barley

Pearl barley is made from barley. Yes, yes, barley porridge is directly related to it, because it is cooked from barley groats, which in fact is nothing more than chopped pearl barley.

Another variety is Dutch. This is a processed pearl barley grain from which the shoot (awn) has been removed. Thanks to this, Dutch has almost the same properties as pearl barley, but the porridge from it is more tender, and the cooking time is noticeably reduced.

Pearl barley itself is a minimally processed grain, from which only the top shell has been removed. It is clear that this allows you to preserve more nutrients. Therefore, when choosing a recipe for barley in a slow cooker, decide what is more important - simplicity and speed of preparation or the benefits, and only then choose what - barley, Dutch or just barley - you want to use.

As you can see, porridge is most often prepared from this grain. Therefore, the simplest answer to the question of how to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker is to fill it with water and cook. But we will not limit ourselves to this advice and will try to diversify its use in cooking.

Useful qualities of cereals

Well, for starters, pearl barley is a cereal. And cereals, as you know, are an irreplaceable source of fiber and carbohydrates. What are their benefits? More than one article could be devoted to answering this question. Our topic - how to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker - does not allow us to reveal it completely. Let us list, without going into detail, what is affected in the human body by regular consumption of cereals. Eating porridge helps to maintain good physical shape, and if you are overweight, reduce it. This happens due to the improvement of intestinal function. Fiber accelerates the removal of toxins from the body and also helps maintain the necessary levels of cholesterol and blood sugar.

The benefits of pearl barley

Possessing all the properties of other cereal derivatives, it complements them with individual, no less useful qualities. It is not for nothing that pearl barley is present in large quantities in medicinal cuisine and on the menu of children's canteens. It contains almost all the substances necessary for life: calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, bromine, vitamins of various groups (A, B, PP, E). Thanks to its lysine content, pearl barley is an excellent helper in the fight against wrinkles. Its high protein content makes it indispensable in the fight against allergies. In addition, dishes made from this cereal are low in calories.

As mentioned above, the benefits of cereal dishes, including pearl barley, are a separate big topic. Having briefly skimmed over the main points, we move on to the main issue. So, how to cook pearl barley in a slow cooker?

Pearl barley dishes

Dishes made from it are very easy to prepare, and with the help of various flavoring additives they can be given very original flavors. Boiled pearl barley itself does not have a distinct taste or smell; many consider it tasteless. The biggest inconvenience in preparing this cereal is the processing time. Before cooking pearl barley in a slow cooker, it must be soaked in water for 2-3 hours. During this time it will swell, and only then will it be ready for use. If you don’t want to soak it for so long, you can increase the cooking time, but don’t forget about its ability to increase in size several times.

Barley porridge

Porridge is the easiest dish to prepare. It is prepared in water, so it is considered an ideal dietary product. To achieve an “interesting” taste, add garlic to it. Pearl barley porridge with garlic can be used as a side dish. To prepare, pour 2.5 multi-cups of pre-soaked cereal into a bowl, fill it with 3.5 cups of water, add 25 g of butter, a little salt. Don't forget the garlic. This amount of cereal will make a lot of porridge, so you can also add more garlic, for example 4-5 cloves. We turn on the “Rice” or “Porridge” mode and wait for the signal that the dish is ready.

Barley with meat

In a slow cooker you can prepare a more complex, but thanks to this, very interesting dish that everyone will like - pearl barley porridge with meat. This dish can hardly be called dietary, since it contains various types of meat, and quite fatty ones. For cooking, we need meat on the bone, such as lamb or pork ribs, in the amount of 1 kilogram. Also take about 100 grams of smoked pork breast. Prepare 350 grams of cereal, do not forget to soak it in advance. In addition, take 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of wine (red), 2 tomatoes, a liter of water or broth, salt, spices.

To begin, turn the multicooker to “Baking” mode and fry the pork breast in oil for 5-7 minutes. Then add finely chopped onion to it and continue frying for about the same time. Next, add the pre-washed and dried meat ribs and, stirring the contents of the multicooker bowl, wait until they are slightly browned on each side. Now you can add chopped garlic and finely chopped tomatoes without skin. Fry the resulting mixture a little more, no more than 5 minutes, and add pearl barley. Pour in the prepared broth, add wine, salt, and spices. The latter include black pepper, thyme, rosemary, and cinnamon. Now that you have prepared everything, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for three hours. It will take a long time, but the result will be excellent!

Of course, these are not all the dishes that can be prepared from pearl barley using a slow cooker. The imagination and possibilities of the miracle pan are unlimited! Do not forget about the need to pre-soak the grains - this will reduce the cooking time and see in advance the volume of grains that have increased in size. Pilaf, pickle, and much more can be prepared from pearl barley using a multicooker.

Pearl barley is one of the most affordable and healthy among its varieties. And porridge prepared from these grains is a hearty lunch, saturating the body with a whole arsenal of essential vitamins.

A little history

Even in the times of Ancient Rus', pearl barley porridge was loved and respected. Not only was it consumed daily, but the holiday table was rarely complete without dishes prepared using these kernels.

No matter how surprising this fact is, pearl barley was then called royal cereal. And all because only the rich and socially influential castes could afford such a healthy delicacy.

But in our time, on the contrary, dishes from pearl barley are cooked extremely rarely. After all, we are used to the fact that such a mess is associated with the time of service in the ranks of the state army.

Undoubtedly, many servicemen they knew complained that army cooks only indulged in other drugs on holidays, and even then not always. This state of affairs is very regrettable, because pearl barley is a storehouse of life-giving microelements and vitamins.

Such positive properties are bound to bring this cereal to a new popular level, especially in our era of prosperity of preservatives, GMOs, stabilizers and harmful food additives, which, naturally, only bring harm to the body.


Often such porridge is prepared by cooking on a regular gas stove. And the time required for this process depends on the age of the grains. Accordingly, the older the cereal, the more minutes the procedure will take, on average, approximately from half an hour to an hour and a half.

And with the development of scientific progress, preparing this dish has become even easier, because the multicooker can do everything itself, you just need to load the food into it. Don’t be afraid to experiment with ingredients and see from your own experience that this porridge is incredibly tasty.

A simple recipe for pearl barley porridge in a slow cooker

  1. Before you start cooking, pearl barley must be sorted and separated from good grains from unsuitable grains and various debris. Next, rinse the kernels under cold running water and soak for several hours. If possible, it is better to leave it like this overnight. But if you don’t have that much time to wait, then you can do without soaking;
  2. It doesn’t hurt to lightly grease the multicooker bowl with oil, and the prepared pearl barley is sent there. Next are two measures of water;
  3. The electric sorceress is turned on and the “Porridge” mode is selected, and the time is set to 60 minutes;
  4. After the treasured signal, the multicooker is opened, the almost finished dish is seasoned to taste and mixed thoroughly;
  5. The food can be left in this miracle technique for infusion or served immediately.

How to cook barley porridge with meat


  • Favorite type of meat in the amount of 350-400 g;
  • Pearl barley – 2 measuring containers;
  • Water – 5 measuring containers;
  • 2 onions;
  • One medium carrot root;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Spices - as needed.

Calorie content depends on the type of meat chosen, so, per 100 g of finished dish:

  • Pork – 130 kcal;
  • From poultry – 90 kcal;
  • From veal – 180 kcal.

Cooking steps:

    1. First of all, the meat should be cleaned of possible films and veins and cut into small cubes;

    1. Onions and carrots must be peeled and peeled, washed thoroughly and chopped in any way;

    1. Now it’s the turn of the pearl barley grains. Using the sorting method, it is important to remove debris from the cereal and rinse it several times under running water;

    1. When the preparatory procedures are completed, you can begin the preparation itself. Set the multicooker to “Frying” mode and set the timer to 15 minutes. The container in which the dish will be prepared should be greased with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Next, the chopped meat is sent there and fried for a given period of time;

    1. After the allotted period, chopped vegetables are loaded into the multicooker bowl. Now the timer is 10 minutes;

    1. The signal has sounded - add pearl barley, add hot water and season with the necessary seasonings;

  1. The lid of the miracle helper is closed and the following task is given: “Baking” for 50 minutes;
  2. Wait for the desired signal indicating the completion of the manipulations, mix everything thoroughly and leave it alone for 10 minutes.

Pearl barley porridge with stewed meat: cook in a slow cooker

To prepare this delicious concoction you will need:

  • Pearl barley – 2 cups;
  • Stewed meat – 1 can, approximately 500 grams;
  • Medium sized onion;
  • Small carrots;
  • 5 corresponding glasses of water;
  • Oil for frying;
  • Favorite seasonings.

Cooking time: one and a half hours.

Calorie content of 100 g of ready-made porridge is 140 kcal.

Cooking begins by preparing the cereal. First of all, it is extremely important to sort it out, thereby separating the good grains from the unnecessary garbage. Then you must rinse thoroughly, preferably under running water. To make the porridge much softer, if desired, the pearl barley can be soaked for a couple of hours or even overnight.

Well, the cereal is prepared. Now it’s the turn of vegetables, which must first be removed from the upper contaminated layers and husks. The washed onions and carrots are chopped. The onion head is cut either into half rings or medium cubes, and a grater is perfect for root vegetables.

The cooking container of the multicooker is covered with frying oil, and chopped vegetables are immersed in it. The Redmond magician is turned on by setting the “Frying” mode for only 5-7 minutes.

When the contents of the bowl are stewed a little, the stew is sent there. Next is the prepared pearl barley and the required amount of water, as well as seasonings and spices. The choice of mode depends on the type of multicooker. If there is a task such as “Porridge”, “Pilaf” or “Stewing”, then this is the one that is selected. In the absence of the above commands, the mode most similar to them is set. As for time, 80 minutes is enough.

When the countdown on the timer ends, you need to stir the porridge and let it simmer for another 10 minutes.

How to make the simplest one, read the most interesting cake recipes prepared according to our recommendations.

How to cook pearl barley porridge with mushrooms


  • 1 measuring container of pearl barley;
  • 4 same water containers;
  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • One large onion;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Spices - optional.

Cooking time: 60-70 minutes.

Calorie content: 55 kcal per 100 g.

Before starting cooking, it is advisable to soak the cereal for a period of time from a couple of hours to the whole night. This procedure will allow the porridge to become softer and take less cooking time. However, if there is a time frame, then you can freely skip this point.

It is better to do all the preparatory procedures first. Namely:

  1. Sort the cereals, rinse;
  2. Peel the onion and mushrooms and cut them in a suitable way, preferably into half rings.

The mode on the Polaris multicooker is set to “Frying” or “Baking,” depending on availability. The bowl is covered with a thin layer of sunflower oil, and then chopped onions are poured into it. 10 minutes is enough to achieve a golden color.

Then chopped mushrooms are added to the sauteed onions, and everything is fried together for the same time. Next, you need to load the main ingredient – ​​pearl barley – into the multicooker container. It is also worth seasoning and filling everything with water. The contents of the bowl are carefully mixed and cooked in the “Stew” mode for 40-45 minutes.

How to cook pearl barley porridge

For this you will need:

  • A glass of barley grains;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • Also 3 glasses of milk;
  • 3 teaspoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt.

Cooking time: minimum 3 hours.

Calorie content directly depends on the fat content of milk and can range from 100 to 130 kcal per 100 g.

Rinse the cereal thoroughly under running water and repeat the procedure several times until the water becomes clear. You should definitely let the barley stand in the water for at least a couple of hours.

The prepared ingredient is then sent to the bowl of the electric assistant, poured with milk and water, granulated sugar and salt are added. Then the finished mixture is thoroughly mixed. Set the multicooker to “Porridge” mode for a whole hour. Next, they just wait for the sound signal notifying the end of the selected program.

Now the semi-finished milk barley needs to be mixed and then sent to prepare. But the “Extinguishing” program is already selected, and the time is 120 minutes. As soon as the desired signal is heard, you can add butter, this is not necessary, purely optional. And, of course, the finished treat is left undisturbed for 10 minutes.

If pearl barley has not been used in cooking before, then it’s worth putting aside your prejudiced attitude towards it. You just need to cook something with it at least once, and that’s it - now it’s one of my favorite products.

Bon appetit!

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