What does a German Mastiff dog look like? Smart, strong and reliable friend: Tibetan Mastiff. English Mastiff Training

The Tibetan Mastiff dog breed is one of the largest breeds in the world. A voluminous head, a powerful body, developed muscles of the limbs, enormous weight, a long life expectancy - these dogs have these features. Today we will talk about the main parameters of the standard of this breed: height, color, proportions and others.

The Tibetan Mastiff breed standard includes the following standards:

  • general appearance and basic proportions;
  • temperament;
  • head;
  • frame;
  • limbs;
  • movements;
  • wool cover;
  • color;
  • dimensions: height, weight;
  • defects and vices.

Some owners, in addition to the basic parameters of the standard, may be interested in how long a Tibetan Mastiff dog lives. Her average life expectancy is fourteen years. Under good conditions, the lifespan of such a pet can reach sixteen years, or even more.

Wide-set eyes should be medium in size, oval in shape and slightly slanted. The eyes of a dog of this breed have a proud and impressive expression. The eyelids are in very close contact with the membrane of the eyeballs.

At the level between the eyes and the skull there are pendulous ears, triangular in shape and of medium size. The ears of dogs of this breed droop slightly forward, rising when excited. They are covered with short hairs that are very soft to the touch.

The powerful neck of the Tibetan Mastiff has developed muscles and an arch shape, with small skin folds (dewlap).


The powerful body of a dog of this breed consists of a muscular back and a straight line of the spine. The croup is voluminous, flat in shape. The deep chest of medium volume reaches the elbow joints, the bend of the compressed ribs resembles the shape of a heart. The body length of the Tibetan Mastiff is slightly longer than its height.

The Tibetan Mastiff's tail is of medium length and high set. It is located at the level of the straight line of the spine. When alert or excited, the animal raises its tail quite high, easily throwing it over its back.


The straight forelimbs have an ideal angle of articulation, that is, the elbow joints are not turned in different directions. Forearms are straight. Powerful pasterns should have a slight slope.

The hindquarters are well-muscled, with well-bent knees and powerful, low hocks. If you look at the hind legs from behind, you can see that they are parallel to each other. The thighs are of moderate length and well developed.

The compact, rather long paws of the Tibetan Mastiff should be round in shape and with slightly curved toes. According to the standard, dogs of this breed are allowed dewclaws.


The Tibetan Mastiff moves easily and naturally, but the shock of its steps is quite strong and elastic. While running, the hind legs take the place of the front legs that just pushed off. A dog of this breed can cross long distances over any terrain without losing its strength. This speaks of enormous endurance.


For the Tibetan Mastiff, the quality of the hairs is more important than their quantity. Bitches have fewer of them than males. The outer coat of medium length consists of an undercoat (dense, rather thick) and guard hairs (thin, sticking out, hard to the touch). The coat should not have any waves or curls. Also, it cannot be silky and soft to the touch.

A luxurious mane, similar to a lion's, abundantly covers the neck and shoulders of the Tibetan Mastiff. The animal's tail is well furred. The upper part of the hind legs is covered with a kind of “pants”.


You can find Tibetan Mastiffs with coat colors such as:

  • black;
  • black and tan;
  • blue;
  • blue and tan;
  • golden (from fawn to rich red);
  • sable

The intensity of tan marks varies from dark brown to reddish. Markings may be in the area of ​​the upper part of the eyes, on the paws, or on the tail. Despite the markings, any coat color in dogs of this breed should be clear, without blurring. White color is acceptable in the chest area in the form of a small spot, as well as in the lower parts of the limbs.

Depending on the coat color, the Tibetan Mastiff's eyes may have a brown tint. According to the standard, the darker the eye color, the more preferable it is. Nose is black. Lips are black. The absence of black pigmentation in these places is considered a flaw.

Departing from the standard parameters, it is worth noting that the rarest dog of this breed is the white, unspotted Tibetan Mastiff. There are very few of them in the world, as there are great difficulties with breeding. Because of this, the standard does not accept this color.

However, an individual with this coat color is the most expensive among the rare breeds in the world. Its cost can reach one million dollars.


The height of Tibetan Mastiff males starts from 66 cm, the height of females - from 61 cm. The weight of males varies from 72 kg to 80 kg, the weight of females - from 60 kg to 75 kg. The weight of the largest dogs of this breed can reach ninety kilograms, or even more.

Let's move away from the norms of the standard. Interesting information: the official registration of canine records recorded the fact that the world's largest dog of this breed weighed 113 kilograms.

However, some experts of the breed claim that the largest representatives of this breed already existed in the world. For example, the weight of the largest Tibetan mastiff named Lio Chang, who lived in the twentieth century, was 155 kilograms.

Defects and defects

Any deviations from standard standards are considered defects. The level of deviation is determined by the judges.

Physical and mental inconsistencies with the parameters of the standard may be counted as disqualifying defects. The most striking vices can be considered manifestations of aggression or cowardice, non-standard color, undershot or undershot.

Does your dog fit the standard?

At first glance, the same mountain mastiff, Belgian mastiff, “Asian” or Russian mastiff may seem quite calm and even phlegmatic. In fact, behind external indifference lies a strong character. The Mastiff is the ancestor of all types of working dogs. But before you buy a puppy of this breed, it’s worth understanding in more detail what types of mastiffs there are.

It is recommended to study the description of the breed and basic characteristics carefully. This way you can properly prepare for caring for your acquired pet. The first thing you need to know: it is classified as an ancient dog breed. There are only 14 varieties of dogs in the entire world that are considered ancient. The reason for this is their amazing similarity to wolves, the ancestors of modern dogs.

For a very long time, the purity of the mastiff breed was preserved by breeders, so even today’s dogs are in many ways reminiscent of wolves. What are their varieties? There are the most common and much rarer ones. Consider the features of each of them to choose a pet that is suitable in appearance and character traits.


English, Scottish or Irish mastiffs are considered one of the oldest dogs. Their ancestors were favorites of the Egyptian and Babylonian kings. These powerful dogs were bred not only to guard homes, but also to hunt wild animals. Officially, the breed was bred in the 19th century by breeders from Ireland. The Irish Mastiff's coat is short, but not harsh to the touch. The coat color can be apricot or brindle.

A characteristic feature is the predominance of black hair on the dog’s face. The pet's eyes are usually dark and diamond-shaped. The tail set is high, and the Irish dog's bones are very powerful, which makes the four-legged friend a real strongman.

Even now the animal has retained its guard abilities. However, this does not mean that the dog will not take root in the family environment. The Irish Mastiff is naturally kind, will certainly find a common language with children, and will never offend them. The only nuance that should be taken into account by those wishing to have such a pet in their home is the cost of feeding.

Otherwise, do not be afraid to buy a puppy of this breed: he is a family pet, sincerely and deeply attached to the owner, as well as members of his family. Do not forget that the Irish Mastiff weighs quite a lot, so a one-year-old child should be kept away from the domestic giant, who can accidentally crush the baby if left alone with the dog.

The Mastiff from Brazil has a very graceful gait, despite its impressive size. The dog's coat is short and smooth to the touch. There are folds on the skin. Interestingly, this pet has a violent temperament, but always obeys its owner. It must be trained, and then you will not have problems with your pet.


This is a British dog breed that was developed in the mid-19th century. Just by the name alone, it is not difficult to guess which varieties were crossed with each other to breed bullmastiffs - these are English mastiffs and Old English bulldogs. This type of dog breed, called the mastiff, was originally bred to protect game from poachers. This animal easily tracked down the intruder, because despite its large size, the dog is very agile and develops a good running speed.

If you are in doubt about whether it is worth purchasing a puppy of this breed, you do not need to worry about possible manifestations of causeless aggression from your pet. He is always balanced and calm, naturally intelligent and will not attack a person unnecessarily. Your four-legged friend will show his character only if his family is in serious danger.


This type of service mastiff is also considered one of the largest in the world: the height of a mature animal is about 80 cm, and its weight is up to 85 kg. Such a dog once guarded cow pastures in Spain. The pet has not lost its guarding abilities to this day.

The “Spaniard” has a stable psyche and high intelligence. He will be able to get along well in any family, but serious attention must be paid to the socialization of the puppy. What’s interesting is that this large and, at first glance, formidable dog loves its owner and household members infinitely. She generally perceives children as a “herd”, which is why she will do everything to provide them with comfort and protection.


What are the characteristics of the Himalayan (Mongolian or Chinese) dog? Even a novice dog breeder will recognize a representative of the Mongolian breed from China, if only by its incredibly thick and lush coat. The Mongolian pet has highly developed watchdog and security qualities.

In the family, the four-legged friend behaves affectionately and benevolently; he does not have one owner and leader, since he perceives and loves all household members equally. Interestingly, the Mongolian dog reacts very sensitively to the atmosphere in the house. If there is discord in the family, the Mongolian Mastiff may become upset and withdrawn.


Another name for this species is Dogue de Bordeaux. This dog was first presented at an exhibition in the city of Bordeaux back in the middle of the 19th century. This pet behaves emphatically nobly and has high intelligence. If the need arises, he will be able to protect himself and his master. As for the key external characteristics, these include the standard red coat color, an abundance of folds on the skin, as well as impressive weight (a mature dog can weigh 90 kg with a height of 70 cm).


What is interesting about the Japanese mastiff is its good fighting abilities. In battle, this pet will show all its irrepressible strength. However, it is not difficult to train him. The Japanese Mastiff (also called Tosa Inu) was developed by crossing Bull Terriers, Mastiffs and Bulldogs. As a result, an animal appeared, for which a worthy opponent still needs to be found.

Rare and unrecognized species

What other types of mastiffs are there, and why have some of them never been recognized as a breed standard? If the English Mastiff dog breed is considered one of the most common, then there are many more species that are worth paying attention to. Among the rare and unrecognized breeds of mastiffs, the following stand out:

  • alpine mastiff. There are whole legends about the incredibly large size of this creature. But this pet belongs to an extinct breed. The Alpine Mastiff closely resembles the Saint Bernard;
  • Pakistani Mastiff. The height of this four-legged dog can reach 110 cm. Such a large pet is difficult to train, so it needs to be raised from an early age. This breed is gradually gaining wide popularity in the world, but has never been officially recognized;
  • Russian mastiff. Among the varieties of this breed, it is the Siberian Russian Mastiff that endures severe frosts and is considered one of the largest. It is mostly maintained by owners of private houses. However, the Russian mastiff was not bred into a separate species, since the Siberian species is still considered unrecognized;
  • Argentine Mastiff. The Argentino is a large and well-trained dog;
    • Belgian Mastiff. Interestingly, the Belgian Mastiff is very similar in appearance to French pets, since it was bred from them. Today this species is one of the rarest, so it is very difficult to become the owner of a Belgian Mastiff dog. And the Belgian Mastiff requires a lot of attention;
    • Korean Mastiff. Outside the country, the Korean mastiff has long lost popularity. The thing is that caring for it is a very painstaking and expensive task. Consider the need to wipe the folds of skin on the face every day to reduce the risk of infection, or the amount of diet. In general, the Korean mastiff is a powerful and very large dog;
    • Danish Mastiff. It is believed that these are the pets that accompanied the Vikings on their campaigns, and this breed is the ancestor of today’s watchdogs;
    • German. Among the common names of the German Mastiff, it is worth highlighting the Great Dane and the Danish Hound. Once upon a time, German dogs were bred exclusively for hunting wild boar and deer. Now the German mastiff will become a family pet;
    • Turkish Mastiff (Malakly).

    Whatever type of mastiff you like (Russian, Caucasian or Asian, royal pet from Denmark, Great Britain, Turkey, Belgium or Mongolia), you can always raise a real guard king from a puppy.

    Video “Tibetan Mastiff - the most expensive breed in the world”

    From this video you will learn about the amazing Tibetan breed, which is considered the most expensive in the world.

The English Mastiff is a dog that involuntarily evokes a deep sense of respect. This is a large, powerful animal with deep historical roots and multiple rebirths. How did a gladiator fighter turn into a domestic dog, a family pet and protector of the weak?

The English, or unofficially Old English, Mastiff, a native of England, is the largest European Great Dane and the largest representative of the mastiffs.

Its origins are so deep that scientists are still wondering where the name of the breed came from. According to one version, this is a somewhat distorted interpretation of the phrase, which in translation means “lord of thieves.” It is associated with ancient customs when these dogs were chained during the day so that they would be more ferocious at night.

Another option - mastiff comes from the word masty, which means “stylish”, “quality”. This concept most accurately reflects the essence of these animals. These are not all interpretations, but the most common.

Many questions remain about the origin of these dogs, but most likely, their ancestors are the dog, which originally lived in the mountains and then spread throughout all the ancient states - Assyria, Egypt, Persia, etc.

Archaeological excavations have confirmed that dogs similar to the mastiff existed in the 6th century BC. The same animals, dressed in armor, were used in battles by the great commander Alexander the Great. Dogs came to England thanks to the Celts, who moved here from Asia in the 3rd-4th centuries BC.

Pictured is an English Mastiff.

There is a mention by Caesar of the giant dogs of the Britons, who participated with their owners in battles with Roman legionnaires. The Romans dubbed the dogs mastiffs and began releasing them into the gladiator arena.

At the beginning of the 5th century, Germanic tribes invaded England with their war dogs. For the most part, the natural assimilation of the two animal species led to the formation of a new type of dog - with a dark color and a fierce temperament.

By the 11th century, mastiffs had changed their appearance somewhat and, having left fighting, began to be used in military affairs, for hunting large game and as overseers of slaves. Mastiffs were very much valued at that time, because one such dog could replace two dozen hounds and greyhounds. This is exactly the cost of these dogs. Naturally, mastiffs became available only to the privileged classes, since their price was quite high, in addition, their maintenance was taxed.

In the 60s of the 11th century, the Normans, who attacked Great Britain, brought the Alans, a hunting mastiff from Europe, into the country. Again, there was a mixing of blood, as a result of which several types of mastiff appeared. In the early 15th century, the Duke of York left records in which mastiffs appeared as watchdogs.

What does a purebred mastiff look like?

Dog breed English Mastiff photo

If we consider appearance, then modern mastiffs are large, powerful, heavy animals with strong bones. They exude strength. The skin has high elasticity and fits tightly to the body. In the head area, with strong excitement, the skin may form folds.

According to the requirements of the standard, mastiff males must have an average height of 76 cm, females - approximately 70 cm, the weight of animals can vary from 80 to 86 kg.

The coat of mastiffs is dense, hard, the hairs are short, but the undercoat is also thick, but softer. The coat color must necessarily include fawn - silver, dark brindle, apricot.

The generally accepted standard describes a purebred pet as follows:

  • Head in mastiffs it is large, square-shaped, with pronounced muscles in the temporal part, as well as in the area of ​​the cheeks and crown of the head. Cheekbones pronounced, but not protruding. When the pet is in a concentrated state, the skin on the forehead wrinkles, and the skin folds seem to hang over the eyebrows, this makes the pet look stern.
  • tip of the nose in mastiffs it is large, slightly flattened, and black in color.
  • Dogs of this breed have strong jaws, fleshy, thickish, lips with black edging.
  • Ears They have a wide and high seat and are in a hanging position. They are quite thin, black or dark in color, medium in length, and rounded at the tips.
  • Eyes round, with a dark iris, widely set. Mastiffs have a serious, attentive look.
  • Teeth Round, bright white, incisors of the lower jaw have a linear arrangement. The bite can be scissor-shaped or straight. The standards allow the arrangement of the lower incisors in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Neck The dog's coat is strong, short, has clearly defined muscles and tight-fitting skin. In the throat area, the skin forms two folds.
  • Back English mastiff, loin and croup, wide, strong, with well-developed muscles.
  • Tail sickle-shaped, high-set, lowered down, raised during movement.
  • Rib cage massive, decent width and depth, convex ribs, rounded in shape. Stomach tucked up, inguinal folds tucked in.
  • Front paws They have a wide and straight stance, strong bones and prominent muscles. The hind legs are well developed, with a massive lower leg, slightly shortened and set back. The paw pads are impressive, round, and gathered into a ball. Mastiffs have black claws.

Dogs move freely, without fuss. The characteristic gait is the trot, which during acceleration turns into a gallop.

The defects of the breed include the following conditions:

  • Identicality (cryptorchidism).
  • Color not included in the standard list.
  • Aggressive behavior towards people.
  • Lack of dark pigment on the nose, eyelids, lips.
  • No mask on the face.
  • Erect ears.
  • Eyes of different colors, including blue.
  • Malocclusion – if the tongue or teeth are visible from the closed mouth.
  • Unilateral rearrangement of paws while walking (ambling).
  • Males are below 74 cm at the withers, for females the lower limit is 68 cm.

What is the character of the English Mastiff?

Naturally, each dog has its own unique character, however, there are common features that apply, if not to all pets of this breed, then to most of them.

Looking at mastiffs at the dawn of the breed, one can guess that they were ferocious dogs with an evil disposition. Such dogs mercilessly tore gladiators to pieces and fearlessly fought with the largest predators.

But many years of evolution have completely changed the evil disposition of dogs of this breed. If the size of the mastiffs became even larger and larger, then the emotional state, on the contrary, became more stable and calm. The work of the breeders was successful and today the English Mastiff is an excellent pet.

As soon as the dog got rid of his hot temper, he became noticeably calmer and more restrained. Her patience can be the envy of many, because the mastiff is a model of calm and confidence. To make a dog panic, you need to try very, very hard. These dogs do not have the habit of barking for no reason, and do not show violent joy when jumping on new people.

Despite its menacing appearance and apparent independence, it is almost impossible for such a dog to survive on the street. Over many years of domestic life, mastiffs have become accustomed to the comfort and warmth of a human home and have fully adapted to living together with a person. They are not prone to squabbles and arguments, and if they don’t like something, the pets prefer to proudly retire.

English mastiffs have not lost their courage over time. They are able to protect both themselves and their owners. But there must be good reasons for this. These pets love to be in a calm state, lie down, and sleep. Their movements are slow, but this does not prevent them from being active.

The dog knows the boundaries of his territory and always keeps everything under control, even during sleep. Even just waking up, he can quickly assess the situation and react appropriately.

In many ways, the behavior of an animal depends on its timely socialization. If, as a puppy, he successfully passed socialization, then as an adult he is not just a pet, but a full-fledged member of the family, loving kind attitude and affection.

He can sacrifice himself for the sake of any member of the family, in addition, he will be simply happy to accompany his owners on trips or on vacation. The mastiff really, really doesn’t like to be left alone.

The English Mastiff can act as a caring nanny, but it is still not recommended to let it near babies. This does not apply to possible aggression, but is associated only with the large size of the pet. Playing with such a voluminous friend may not end very well for a baby.

This huge dog loves to play with older children, showing amazing caution. Moreover, if you play catch-up, then there is no chance of escaping from the mastiff. Despite their clumsiness, these dogs can develop unprecedented speed.

All other pets living in the house also fall under the protection and care of the dog. Even cats, and especially kittens, will be protected with the same zeal as the owners themselves. Only another male can challenge a male mastiff to a conflict; in this case, the natural instinct of dominance manifests itself.

When walking, they behave calmly, and even without a leash they will nobly walk alongside. While walking on the street, this pet will show all its restraint and will not rush after a street animal, be it a dog or a cat.

What these large dogs are not suited for is sport; doing something quickly and very quickly is unnatural for the phlegmatic mastiffs. Mastiffs are perfect for apartment living and even love such comfort.

How to care for and maintain a pet mastiff

Due to their short coat, mastiffs cannot live outdoors; it is recommended to keep them indoors, be it an apartment or your own home. This also needs to be taken into account when walking - in harsh winters you need to take care of special clothing for dogs.

A mastiff must have its own place to sleep and rest. Sofas, beds and other furniture should be taboo from the very early age of the pet.

Such a huge dog requires special nutrition, enriched with calcium. You should definitely include dairy products in your diet. It is forbidden to feed your puppy dry food until three months of age.

Mastiffs must be vaccinated regularly, and this should be done on time. The dog needs walks, although you can’t tell by his bored appearance. Nevertheless, the pet must receive the necessary physical activity.

The mastiff's coat does not require any special care from the owners; usually it is enough to treat it with a special brush once a week, and only during the molting period do this much more often.

Photo of English Mastiff

Mastiff video

English Mastiff price

Getting an English Mastiff puppy as a pet is not difficult - the breed is quite common, there are a large number of kennels in the Russian Federation, and they are also sold second-hand. Of course, certain difficulties may arise with this on the periphery, but they can still be resolved.

A puppy without a pedigree can be bought for a modest price of 5,000-8,000 rubles, a dog with a pedigree will cost much more, here the cost starts from 30,000.

A puppy from titled parents will cost no less than 60,000 rubles and this is only the starting price. The owner decides which puppy to buy and how much to pay for it. The price is not so important, what is important is that you are acquiring a sincere and devoted friend.

English Mastiff Kennels:

The best kennel of English mastiffs: http://www.mastiffhills.ru

Another wonderful nursery: http://www.englishmastiff.ru/englishmastiff/

All dogs of the English Mastiff breed are Molossians - this is a noble breed descended from very ancient Assyrian dogs. The Molossian type of dog is considered to be one of the most powerful and powerful breeds, which by their very appearance instills fear in even the strongest and most fearless people.

The name "mastiff" comes from the English word " mastiff",What does "large pug" mean?ancient mastiff dogs, stoic, fit and elegant. Each of us has dreamed of such strong and fearless European modern Danes-protectors since childhood. Only these dogs with a royal pedigree, a kind and brave heart, looking at which you begin to involuntarily tremble with fear, are able to protect from any danger.

History of origin and description of the breed

The English Mastiff is one of the largest and most powerful dog breeds, the ancestors of which, according to one version of its origin, were the favorite animals of kings in ancient Egypt and Babylon. These were the very first breeds of mastiff-type dogs. A vase with their image was discovered by archaeologists during excavations of the capital of the ancient Assyrian state of Nineveh. The bas-relief depicting a massive dog in armor dates back to 612 BC. It is also known that the king of Macedon, attacking the Persians, used mastiff-like dogs in the war against them, clad in armor.

Mastiff from the Latin word means “mastinus”, i.e. "dog - horse." The dog has nothing to object to such a name, because this is how this ancient breed can be characterized. Even in ancient times, the Assyrians revered mastiffs, calling them guards and skilled hunters. In addition to protecting their homes, the ancient Babylonians took mastiffs with them on hunts, as they were well aware that these strong dogs cope well with any prey and predators, including wild lions. That is why, bowing before the power of these animals, the Assyrians made terracotta images of these dogs and specially hung them in front of the entrance to their homes.

The ancient Babylonian mastiff protected livestock from attacks by predatory animals, and he coped with them just perfectly. It is noteworthy that the English Mastiff breed was developed in the nineteenth century by Irish breeders. Nowadays, these dogs serve as smart watchdogs. Many centuries have passed, and the wild morals, severity and bitterness of the English mastiffs have diminished a little, and they have been replaced by completely different breed standards. However, as before, English mastiffs were and remain the most powerful and fighting dogs, standing out significantly among mastiffs with their grandeur and grace, just as a royal lion stands out among cats. Despite the fact that the size and dimensions of the English Mastiff amaze our imagination and fantasy, these dogs are the kindest and most gentle animals. No matter how strange it may sound, this is a true friend and companion who is ready to support his beloved owner in any difficult moments of life. English Mastiffs are calm, self-controlled and obedient dogs., they will never bark and get angry without a reason.

You should not be afraid to leave mastiffs alone with children, as they love children very much, will never harm them, and will even help in raising them. But, there is one “but”, since mastiffs are very large, and accordingly, they need to eat a lot, a lot. Therefore, before you decide to get an English mastiff, think about whether you can feed him, because in our time keeping such a breed is not a cheap pleasure.

What does an English Mastiff look like?

Mastiff is one of the largest breeds on the planet. According to the Fédération Cynologique Internationale stamps, the size of this breed is not specifically established as it is not a completely standard breed. Some individuals of this massive breed, with a height of 70 centimeters, weigh over one hundred and fifty kilograms (the female weighs 130 kg). All English Mastiffs have a proportional build, imposing, strict and powerful. Due to their large size and weight, mastiffs have been included in the Guinness Book of Records several times.

This is interesting! The length of the English Mastiff's body significantly exceeds the height of the dog's body at the withers.

The English Mastiff has a loose coat, short and not at all harsh. The coat color is more apricot or brindle. The dog's face is covered with a black mask. The breed's head is wide, however, the proportions of the head and muzzle circumference are different - 3 to 5. The eyes are dark and small, diamond-shaped, widely spaced from each other. The ears are thin, as well as the eyes, too far apart from each other. Thanks to this arrangement of the ears, if you look closely, the top of the skull visually appears larger. The tail is set high, and the dog's limbs have excellent bones, due to this the animals are strong and powerful.

Character and behavior

Thanks to Mastiffs have a balanced and calm character, they are suitable for family people. English Mastiffs are deeply family dogs, sincere and loyal. They love children very much, but it is better to limit communication with them to those families who have newborns or one-year-old babies (a dog can accidentally crush a child due to its large size).

This is interesting! Mastiffs love to raise children. If they don’t like something, they will not show their aggression to the child, but will simply lightly take his hand.

English mastiffs, without exception, are excellent guard dogs. They will never attack a stranger if they are completely sure that the stranger does not pose a danger to his owner or owners. Initially, when the owner of the mastiff communicates with a stranger, the dog will stand between and watch the stranger; if he is personally convinced that the stranger is not dangerous, he will step aside so as not to interfere with the conversation. Also, in addition to the life of the owner, the dog will also protect his property. Therefore, it is better not to “accidentally” enter a house where a mastiff lives, since you can easily end up, at best, without pants.

A dog does not bark or bite unless its life or the life of its owner is in danger. Sometimes he is even too lazy to play and jump. He prefers a quiet home life, so he is unlikely to agree to run with you in the morning. Wandering around, disappearing somewhere or roaming the streets outside the house is not in the style of the English noble dog. He simply does not like dirt and being dirty himself. He is so clean that he will swim and splash in the water with great pleasure. Although this strong breed has some major drawbacks - the dog slobbers a lot, snores and sheds often.

English Mastiff training

Someone, here It doesn’t seem difficult to teach an English Mastiff any commands., since these dogs can be raised and trained as appropriate. But... mastiffs are dogs that need to be interested in raising and training. The dog must understand that it must obey because it must, and not because it is forced to do so. It is enough to gently encourage the dog, give it its favorite treats, then it will feel the owner’s love for itself and will easily follow any command in order to please. Motivate your pet, but just try not to spoil him, otherwise the dog will get lazy and won’t want to do anything, even play with you.

Diseases of English Mastiffs

Mostly English Mastiff rarely gets sick. However, like any animal, it is prone to some non-dangerous diseases, which manifest themselves mainly at the genetic level. Among the diseases, one should highlight cataracts or dystrophy of the ocular cornea, gonarthrosis, cardiomyopathy, urolithiasis, flatulence, bone cancer, leukemia and skin infections. And almost all mastiffs suffer from obesity, arthritis and elbow dysplasia. Bitches can develop vaginal hyperplasia.

Caring for English Mastiffs

Caring for mastiffs is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the fact that these dogs are very heavy and large. You should brush your Mastiffs daily to avoid seeing fur all over the house. When bathing your dog, use only special shampoos purchased at a pet store, as human shampoo can cause allergies and skin irritation in mastiffs. Don't forget to trim your dog's nails on time.

Remember to the dog was easily amenable to bathing and manicure procedures, teach her hygiene from an early age.

English mastiffs are lazy creatures by nature, but you can change the dog’s character yourself if you teach it to a wide variety of commands and physical activity from puppyhood. Even inactive mastiffs that never hunt can easily become accustomed to regular daily walks in the fresh air. For them, a walk in the park near ponds is already an important burden, this is the only way the dog becomes cheerful and cheerful. But do not walk with mastiffs in hot weather, they cannot tolerate high temperatures, it is better to take him for a walk on a brisk morning or a quiet evening, when it is no longer so hot.

Important! The most comfortable air temperature for a mastiff is 15 degrees above zero.

According to dog breeders, English mastiffs should be fed only balanced and expensive food. Food must be completely fresh, consist of high-quality food with the addition of vitamin complexes. Dry food should include natural, lean meat and vegetables. Also, do not forget about fish and artificial additives.

Where to buy an English Mastiff

English Mastiff puppies are sold freely in any nursery; there are many of them in our country. They can also be purchased on any international or domestic animal website, where all the necessary information about English mastiff nurseries is provided.

English Mastiffs are expensive dogs, on average the price of one puppy is 1000 - 1500 dollars.

Video about the English Mastiff

One of the oldest and largest family of dogs is the Mastiff breed. Who are these huge dogs, how to care for them and what is their main feature?



Experts have proven that the entire Mastiff family originated from Molossian Great Danes in Europe in the Middle Ages. To this day, breeders argue about how the breed appeared in Europe. Some believe that all species came from the English mastiff. Others claim that, together with nomads, these puppies traveled from Asia to Europe.

Breed variety

Today, there are several varieties that differ in their size and rather peaceful nature. One common feature: a large, wide mouth and saggy skin, just like in the video.

Spanish Mastiff

Puppies were used to protect against large animals in agriculture. This is a faithful, dedicated and reliable guard.

Neapolitan Mastiff

It was Mastino-Neapolitano who was valued in Rome for his fighting qualities. Today they are excellent watchmen, wary of strangers, and have not lost their fighting nature.

English Mastiff

This representative is a homebody and is considered the largest in the family. He is majestic, calm and kind, an excellent companion, a good watchman with an innate bodyguard instinct.

French Mastiff

Homeland France, where he is called Stress-free, self-confident, formidable, loves to demonstrate superiority, and at the same time takes actions deliberately.

Japanese Mastiff

Tosa Inu is calm and silent, with his fighting character as a samurai. If brought up incorrectly, he can become aggressive towards others, although he will protect his family with all his might.

Brazilian Mastiff

Fila Brasileiro is a herding and hunting companion dog. He is distinguished by courage, determination, special devotion, intelligence and laziness.

Tibetan mastiff

A unique representative of the family - the most balanced companion and watchman. They do not tend to show aggression, although they are excellent guards. Puppies love their family and owner, are trainable and very clean.


The kindest of the family, he is distinguished by balance, tenderness and affection for all family members, as well as intelligence and prudence. Independent and attentive, does not need long walks, although he loves them.

Pyrenean Mastiff

Very kind, loyal and reliable, like a watchman. These puppies are active, have difficulty reacting to separation from their owner, and are intelligent. With proper upbringing, they can be nannies for children or an excellent service dog.


Each variety of Mastiff has its own standard for describing the breed.

There are a number of required characteristics for everyone:

  • weight from 75 to 150 kg;
  • height up to 80 cm, although some reach 86 cm;
  • wide, powerful mouth, capable of tearing anything;
  • loose skin on the face and neck;
  • square head shape with floppy ears;
  • large and muscular build, flexible and quick to react;
  • powerful, strong and heavy paws.

Imagine a horse in an apartment, and this is exactly what the grown-up puppies will look like, and also walks for at least 3 hours a day. They need an enclosure, a yard, or just a lot of space to be active.

It is mandatory for all members of the family to be vaccinated, especially against rabies, and also to protect the pet from ticks, fleas and mosquitoes. Special care is required for the coat and skin, inspection and cleaning of ears, eyes and teeth.


It seems that such a large pet should eat everything in the house, but they don't eat that much. Veterinarians recommend switching an adult to two meals a day, which should be given in the morning and evening. The most suitable would be a well-balanced, properly selected high-quality dry food.

What foods can be given with a natural diet:

  • low-fat fermented milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir;
  • fish, fish oil;
  • lean meat, offal;
  • cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • meat and bone meal;
  • eggs;
  • yeast;
  • vegetables;
  • definitely minerals and vitamins.


Basically, Mastiffs are short-haired dogs with fairly coarse hair. However, Tibetan representatives have long hair, which requires special care and grooming.

It is enough to wash your paws every day after walks, comb out accumulated dirt, sometimes with a damp mitten. It is inconvenient to bathe such a large pet, and it is impossible more than once a month, because a fatty layer forms on the skin, protecting it from external irritation.


Mastiffs are healthy dogs, but are prone to the following diseases:

  • skin irritation;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • dislocations of paw joints;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • obesity.

Character and attitude towards people

Mastiffs, despite their large size, are very good-natured, active and energetic. By nature, they are confident, self-sufficient, intelligent, quick-witted and attentive. Their special feature is to keep everything under control and show their watchdog qualities.

Puppies show exceptionally kind and gentle character traits towards their owner and family, they are loyal and will never run away from a good owner. They love children, play with them, babysit. They show wariness towards strangers, and with insufficient upbringing they can even become aggressive.

Education and training

These puppies are not suitable for an inexperienced dog breeder. Here you need a firm, confident, strong and respected hand and the same character. Training this breed is necessary, but it will take a lot of time, as the dogs are lazy and willful. You can watch videos on this topic on the Internet.

Standard obedience training, without breaking the dog's character or showing aggression, can teach this bully something. In upbringing and maintenance, the main thing should be respect and equality, as well as patience and consistency. It is important to raise a puppy correctly so that instead of an excellent watchdog, you do not end up with an aggressive and uncontrollable tyrant.

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