How to live with a lumbar disc herniation? What not to do if there is a hernia of the lumbar spine. Is there a small hernia? Is it possible to lift weights?

Heavy physical activity and exercises with axial pressure on the spine are the most important contraindications for intervertebral hernia. Lumbar hernias are much more common than cervical hernias. The disease is accompanied by severe pain, and failure to follow recommendations and improper treatment can lead to immobility and disability.

What should you not do if you have an intervertebral hernia?

It is possible to reduce the risk of deterioration of the condition by introducing a number of restrictions. Lifting heavy objects and keeping the body in an upright position for long periods of time are contraindicated. It is important for a person who is faced with such a problem to reconsider and change the strength of physical activity, analyze their lifestyle and nutrition. Compliance with restrictions, when available, will speed up treatment, namely:

  • reduce the load on the affected area;
  • relax muscle spasms;
  • strengthen the muscle frame;
  • create conditions for the restoration of cartilage tissue.

Prohibited sports

Physical activity is an important element in hernia therapy, but you cannot select a set of exercises on your own. The most harmless and simple sport can lead to limited mobility. Any weight-bearing loads are not permitted. Squats, lunges, and pulling exercises with weights are the main contraindications for a herniated lumbar spine. The following sports are not permitted:

People with this condition should not play basketball.
  • football;
  • basketball;
  • volleyball;
  • jumping;
  • lifting the barbell.


Any exercises for spinal hernia are carried out after preliminary muscle warming up.

Excessive stress on the body is prohibited, since an incorrectly selected complex can cause negative consequences and worsen the course of treatment of the disease. A small number of exercises are allowed; the list of prohibited exercises includes:

  • jumping;
  • strong vertical stretch on the bar;
  • blows to the back;
  • twisting;
  • pull-up;
  • any sudden movements.


Patients will have to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

The daily routine of a person with changes in the spine will have to be reconsidered. Everyday work excludes bending and lifting heavy objects. Mandatory restrictions are added to the usual way of life:

  • You cannot sit with a hernia for more than 15 minutes; it is important to dilute the long-term static position with light gymnastics.
  • You cannot lift weights weighing more than 2 kilograms.
  • It is not recommended to bend over when lifting something from the floor.
  • Ban on alcohol and smoking, as these negative habits impair the blood supply to the spine.

Proper nutrition

Malnutrition of cartilage tissue, as the main layer of intervertebral discs, is the cause of problems with the spine. Improving the supply of problem discs with nutrients and reducing increased load due to excess weight are the main goals of dietary nutrition. The following products are prohibited for consumption:

  • products made from premium flour;
  • sausages;
  • White rice;
  • conservation;
  • sparkling water;
  • White rice;
  • ice cream;
  • foods with high fat content.

Is it possible to heat it?

With such a pathology, heating cannot be done.

Warming provokes a decrease in the tone of the muscle frame, as a result of which the muscle fibers are greatly weakened. Warming up leads to the fact that the vertebral hernia can move with protrusion. This development of the situation is dangerous due to pinching of nerve endings, which will cause severe pain. It is strictly prohibited to treat the disease using warming procedures.

Additional prohibitions

Are they compatible, which can relieve muscle tightness and increase blood flow to the affected area. Massage is prescribed and performed only by a doctor; contraindications for hernia of the cervical spine, lower back or chest are preliminarily determined. The technique for performing it is selected individually and the general well-being of the person is taken into account. Rubbing the body is not recommended during exacerbation of the disease.

Treatment of cervical intervertebral hernia is prescribed by the treating neurologist. In order to determine whether surgical intervention is necessary at this stage of the disease or whether drug treatment of a cervical hernia can be done.

If after the examination it is possible to reduce symptoms without surgery, then therapy is carried out, which is given for 6 months.

If the herniation of the cervical vertebrae has not decreased and continues to put pressure on the spinal cord, then to prescribe an operation, a council of neurosurgeons is assembled and ways to solve the problem are found using a scalpel.


Before you start treating a hernia with folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor. Popular advice will not help with pronounced inflammatory processes and pain syndromes, and if you delay the use of medications, you can worsen the patient’s condition.

For the most part, folk recipes help alleviate the symptoms of the disease and speed up the recovery process. Traditional methods highlight the following treatment options.

  • Honey is considered the most effective remedy.

The first pains in the lower abdomen and lower back began back in 2013 after moving to another apartment. During the day, while I was moving, my lower back did not remind me of itself.

The first signs of an intervertebral hernia appear unexpectedly. Most often, this is acute pain in the arms, shoulders and neck; patients have a headache, weakness, rapid fatigue and dizziness, and swelling of the face.

Depending on which intervertebral disc in the neck is damaged, a variety of symptoms appear. A spinal hernia in the neck can radiate pain only to the shoulder, radiating to the leg, arm, and fingers.

Almost always, an intervertebral hernia radiates to the scapula from the side of the damage to the cervical vertebrae.

Signs of pathology

At the initial stage of treatment, doctors set themselves the goal of preventing further progression of the disease, removing or at least reducing pain.

What not to do to avoid worsening your own condition:

  • take active actions;
  • gain excess weight;
  • supercool;
  • use warming ointments during acute attacks;
  • self-medicate without the knowledge of a doctor;
  • take strong painkillers without prescription.

In most cases, pain can be controlled and symptoms of herniated discs can be eliminated using medication and non-surgical (so-called conservative) methods, without surgery.

Depending on the location of the hernia and the symptoms accompanying it, the doctor may prescribe a drug blockade, carried out using lidocaine, novocaine, trimecaine, etc. This step has several important advantages:

  • gives an excellent analgesic effect;
  • non-toxic and safe;
  • nervous tissue is sensitive to the administered drug.

However, this procedure is considered a surgical intervention, so complications may develop, which you should familiarize yourself with before agreeing to have it performed.

Classic treatment can be supplemented by using folk recipes based on medicinal plants. However, it is important to follow the recipe for preparation and use, use them exclusively as a supplement, and not replace them with classical therapy, and believe in the positive effect.

The most important symptom in this case is pain; it is usually localized in the lumbar region. The pain can be dull or cutting, intensified by sudden movements or heavy lifting.

It is noteworthy that in the lying position the pain disappears. But at the same time, prolonged lying or sitting can provoke increased pain, as well as a feeling of numbness in the limbs or fingers.

A herniated disc is also characterized by weakness that forms in the area of ​​the big toe of one of the feet. Pain from a herniated disc extends to the upper part of the leg, in particular to the buttock and inner thigh.

Sometimes the pain radiates to the knee. At a later stage of the disease, the nature of the pain may change to shooting or dull (aching) pain.

Some people experience increased pain when lifting one of their legs (we are talking about the leg whose lifting provokes increased pinching of the intervertebral nerve).

If the hernia protrudes to the left side, then straight lifting of the left leg will significantly increase the pain. When tapping or pressing on the interspinous spaces, a person also feels a sharp stabbing pain in the leg, and when tilting the head, increased lumbar pain.

READ ALSO: Intervertebral hernia - treatment of spinal disc herniation without surgery in Moscow

It is important to understand that the symptoms of an intervertebral hernia can blur, overlap and change, so it is not always possible to recognize it. Sometimes the pain radiates to the most unexpected places: in the heel, in the foot, in one of the toes, and also in the lower leg.

Indications for the use of thermal treatment include the following factors:

  • initial or uncomplicated form of hernia;
  • rehabilitation period.

In folk medicine, the heating method has been known for a long time; there are different methods of applying heat, but all this is used in the initial stage of the disease, when the first symptoms appear.

The following contraindications include:

  • acute stage of the disease;
  • intervertebral hernia, the size of which is more than 6 mm;
  • the nucleus pulposus of the disc is sequestered;
  • damage to the protective membrane of the spinal cord;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases (cardiovascular, tumors of various etiologies).

A hernia can be treated, you just need to follow your doctor’s recommendations. After all, it is mainly treated conservatively, and only in severe cases is surgery necessary.

For effective treatment, first of all, bed rest or at least without heavy exertion for 8–10 weeks is necessary. You will also have to use NSAIDs (although the course does not exceed 20 days).

This could be Movalis, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Olfen, Voltaren, Dicloberl, Arcoxia, etc. But drugs only relieve pain, and do not treat.

Effective therapy would be:

  1. HILT therapy – it helps to reduce a hernia.
  2. Hiwamat.
  3. Laser therapy MLS.
  4. Electrophoresis of caripazim.
  5. Massage.

But treatment must be accompanied by exercise therapy (if the pain is not very severe) and diet. Since they can be done at home, it is worth talking about these methods in more detail.

You need to pay attention not only to complex and expensive procedures, but also to recommendations that seem simple.

It is difficult to say how long the rehabilitation period lasts, because the recovery period depends on the joint efforts of the doctor and the patient himself. Only an integrated approach after the operation will help you feel the maximum result.

Let’s try to figure out how the rehabilitation period proceeds after recovery. It has its own characteristics and subtleties that will allow you to achieve the greatest possible success after a successful operation.

Recovery stages

Doctors divide the recovery period into early, late and long-term. Each has its own specificity, which flows smoothly into the next stage.

The early one does not last long - about a week to two after the operation. The late one takes over the baton in the third week and lasts for about two months.

Remote begins after the eighth week and lasts for the rest of life. It doesn’t matter in which area the disc herniation was removed, the rehabilitation period will proceed the same.

What is the rehabilitation period?

​You can find out more about this patch by following the link below - “ZB PAIN RELIEF”.​

​Gel "Grandfather's Secret" is the first Russian drug that makes it possible to restore cartilage tissue in joints without surgery or injections.​

The mechanism of action of gymnastics

​every week or 10 days.​

​If these symptoms appear, you should immediately (within 24 hours) consult a doctor. The sooner you realize it, the greater the chances of a full and rapid restoration of your ability to work.

In the most severe cases (for example, pinched cauda equina), immediate surgical intervention is indicated. to the menu​.

Avoid overwork and loss of strength. Only mild fatigue is possible. Only under this condition do the muscles begin to grow and strengthen.​

​Rarely manifests itself with obvious symptoms; often the patient himself may not even realize that he has this pathology.​

  • There is an effective remedy for hernia. Follow the link and find out how Galina Savina cured hernia...​

​Recovery is underway​

Treatment of hernia with medications

There may be pain in the leg, but the lower back does not hurt;

​Bend one leg at the knee, placing the heel of the other on the knee. With the toe of your “upper” leg, stretch towards the floor, as if clasping your knee with your foot, and then pull the toe towards you. After a series of repetitions, switch your legs.​

Radiculitis, as a consequence of intervertebral hernia, occurs quite often. Translated from Latin, “radiculitis” means inflammation of nerve fibers. Severe pathology leads to severe pain when lifting heavy objects, making sharp turns, or even during normal walking.

READ ALSO: Removal of a spinal hernia: consequences of support

Popularly, the disease radiculitis is called “lumbago,” which reflects the nature of its course. Indeed, pain due to inflammation of the nerve roots appears almost instantly. It intensifies with the slightest movement, so it forces a person to take a forced posture.

Radiculitis develops when a cartilage disc prolapses paramedially (near the central part) or medially into the spinal canal area. This location of the hernia leads to compression of the nerve roots emerging from the spinal cord in the area of ​​the prolapsed disc.

If we evaluate the danger of complications of intervertebral protrusion on a five-point scale, we will assign radiculitis a 3rd danger scale. A more serious complication of the disease is paraplegia (muscle weakness) and paralysis (lack of mobility) of the limbs.

​Endoscopic methods of hernia treatment are the newest direction in this field of medicine. Therefore, opinions about him are mixed.

This method helps to reduce the trauma of surgical intervention to a minimum, but has some limitations and contraindications. For example, it cannot be used if the size of the hernia is too large.

The incision during this operation is very small, which allows endoscopy to be called a non-surgical treatment method. Rehabilitation will not be long, the patient begins to get up and walk immediately after the operation, inpatient treatment lasts no more than 3-4 days.

​However, it is important to return to your previous lifestyle as soon as possible, since if the patient remains in a supine position for too long, there is a risk that even a small herniated disc will develop into a chronic form.​

In order to eliminate severe pain, the patient needs maximum rest for several days. The patient is contraindicated to get up and sit down. He should lie on a hard bed.​

​I.p. - lying on your back, legs extended, arms along the body. Without lifting your legs from the floor, you need to raise the upper half of your body, freeze in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the standing position. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, pausing between repetitions for 5-10 seconds.​

If the feeling of discomfort is present, but not too obvious, then its implementation should be carried out as carefully and carefully as possible. The only exceptions are those exercises that cause severe back pain.

If after some time doing this exercise does not bring the same pain, then you are doing everything right. ​

You should also be aware of those types of physical activity that should be completely excluded, as they can aggravate the course of the disease and delay recovery.

In addition, they often lead to increased pain.

As physiotherapy, preference is given to such activities as: electrophoresis sessions, acupuncture procedures and diadynamic therapy.

Electrophoresis sessions

The purpose of this technique is to normalize blood circulation in the lumbar region, promote the regeneration of destroyed cartilage and muscle fibers, reduce hernial protrusion, and relieve severe tension from soft tissues.

Negative manifestations depend on the area of ​​localization of the hernia. Most often, ruptured intervertebral discs are observed in the lumbar region with characteristic symptoms.

Protrusion of vertebral discs is an insidious disease, so it is better to entrust the procedure to a massage therapist with medical education.

With a large number of positive effects from the use of massage movements, they are allowed only as prescribed by a doctor. Massage for intervertebral hernia has a number of limitations. The manipulation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • acute form of pathology;
  • increased body temperature;
  • acute course of ARVI or influenza;
  • skin diseases;
  • malignant formations in the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

After studying the patient’s medical history, the doctor can prescribe a set of necessary measures to treat a vertebral hernia. The use of massage procedures can bring positive results only as part of complex therapy.

Therefore, the appointment of a massage does not exclude the use of medications, gymnastics, dietary nutrition and physiotherapy.

The spinal column is a rather vulnerable part of the body, in which, in the presence of pathology, lumbar hernias can be detected. This occurs due to increased load on the lower back, but this condition can also be caused by injuries, static load, heavy lifting and other reasons.

The structure of this zone has some peculiarities. The rims are relatively high. The center of gravity of the body is projected onto the lower back.

If a lumbar hernia is not treated promptly or incorrectly, it can lead to a host of undesirable consequences. Before selecting a therapeutic complex, the doctor must understand the clinical picture, the location of the tumor, study the medical history, etc.

Only an accurate diagnosis allows you to choose the right drug treatment and auxiliary exercises that will not harm the body.

An intervertebral hernia does not form immediately, but over several months and even years. But usually the first symptoms of pathology: aching pain after prolonged physical exertion, a feeling of heaviness in the affected area are ignored.

At some point, the fibrous ring ruptures, the nucleus pulposus falls into the resulting crack and rushes beyond the vertebra.

The more extensive the formation and the stronger the compression of the nerve endings and spinal cord, the more severe the pathology.

It is most often found in the lumbar region, since this area is the most flexible and mobile.

It is important to know what contraindications exist for a hernia of the lumbar spine, so as not to aggravate an already painful condition.

What is prohibited

The goal of doctors at the initial stage of treatment is to prevent further development of the inflammatory process and reduce the severity of pain.

The fewer movements the patient makes during an acute attack, the greater the guarantee that further attacks will not occur. Therefore, when diagnosing a vertebral hernia, you should:

  • Do not make active movements.
  • Stick to the basics of proper nutrition to avoid gaining excess weight.
  • Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  • Do not use warming ointments during the acute phase of the disease.
  • Do not trust dubious home treatments that the attending physician is not aware of.
  • Do not use strong medications yourself (they are prescribed only by a specialist).

The patient must rely on the help of experienced doctors, because any wrong step can result in serious consequences: paralysis of the limbs and subsequent disability.

Exercise stress

What exercises are contraindicated if a herniated lumbar vertebrae is detected? This:

  • Deep body tilts, the angle of which exceeds 90%.
  • Twisting movements, when the body is rotated around the axis of the spinal column.
  • Exercises that involve only the back muscles.
  • Jumping.

It is forbidden to run or make high kicks. You should avoid hitting the body (this happens when a person loses balance while performing complex movements).


Contraindications to elective surgery of the l5-s1 disc and the adjacent l4-l5 spinal segment apply to those people who:

  • Diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature have been detected.
  • A malignant tumor has been detected ().

It should not be done during the period when the expectant mother is carrying a baby and then breastfeeding it. Intervention in the body at this time threatens complications that can affect not only the woman, but also the baby.


A sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy lifestyle, in which meat dishes predominate and too few foods rich in fiber and vitamins, cause a disorder of purine metabolism, in which excess uric acid does not have time to be eliminated from the body and remains in the joints in the form of hard deposits.

Excessive salt in food causes tissue swelling. Lack of fluid leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the spine - disc tissue loses moisture.

Deficiency in the daily menu of useful minerals: calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron; vitamins: A, B, E, C, D - threatens rapid wear of bone tissue and the beginning of destructive processes in them.

Psychological condition

This is a very important topic, since the rate of development of inflammation in the affected tissues is directly influenced by both the thoughts and emotional state of the patient. If he experiences severe stress, the symptoms of the disease worsen.

Events follow a bad scenario when a person initially does not believe in successful treatment and interferes with the efforts of doctors, believing that they will not be able to return him to his previous healthy state.

Pessimists “delay” the recovery process with such negative thinking, and treatment in this case is long and complex.

This category of people is very wary of everything. Believing that doctors can only harm their body and that restrictions on what is contraindicated should not be observed, such “skeptics” engage in independent treatment, the consequences of which even experienced specialists then fail to eliminate.

It is important to remember: health is a priceless gift that a person can use at his own discretion, and the quality of future life depends on the right choice.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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The most dangerous thing in the development of an intervertebral hernia is the patient’s inaction. The fact is that if not treated in a timely manner, one of the most unpleasant consequences of this disease is radiculitis. When the nucleus pulposus is displaced, an inflammatory process in the nerve fibers may occur. The result is a herniation that puts pressure on the nerve roots that exit the spinal cord at the site of the disc displacement.

Important! The main symptom of radiculitis is the presence of severe pain when turning the body and physical activity.

With late treatment of an intervertebral hernia, a number of more dangerous complications may arise. These include:

  • Paralysis.
  • Paraplegia, which is a muscle disease. The main symptom of the disease is severe muscle weakness.

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Paralysis can develop due to long-term damage to nerve fibers. As a result, muscle damage can become so severe that they no longer perform their functions correctly. The effects of paralysis can be observed in any part of the body, but most often they are reflected in the muscles of the face and limbs.

If a hernia in the lumbosacral spine is ignored for a long time, the pathology increases in size and can affect urination and defecation, sometimes causing numbness of the genitals.

Indications and contraindications

After diagnosing the disease, the doctor determines the range of acceptable and unacceptable actions for the patient. For a complete cure, the patient needs:

  • Rest. Muscles need as much rest as possible. Also, the patient must comply with all contraindications for lumbar intervertebral hernia, which will be discussed below.

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. They help reduce the load on the spine.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Nonsteroidal medications help reduce inflammation and reduce pressure on compressed nerves.

Important! All medications in the treatment of intervertebral hernia should be used only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

A very important technique in the treatment of intervertebral hernia is physical therapy. However, such exercises should be used with great caution. In particular, in case of aggravated symptoms of the disease or the presence of severe pain during exercise, this technique is canceled.

Let's consider the main contraindications for hernia of the lumbar spine:

  • Lifting weights. Patients are not recommended to lift weights exceeding 3-5 kg. But even when lifting small loads, you must follow the rules by keeping your back straight. This is especially true for lifting loads off the ground.
  • Mobility and swimming. Sudden movements and any activities associated with increased activity are prohibited.
  • Physical exercise. General physical activity is also contraindicated.

Important! In some cases, contraindications depend on the specific part of the spine in which the pathology is detected. Therefore, contraindications for each patient are determined by the doctor individually.

Intervertebral herniation is a very serious disease, the symptoms of which cannot be ignored. When you consult a doctor, be sure to follow all his recommendations, only in this case you will be able to forget about the disease once and for all.

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