Which cat breed is the kindest and most affectionate? Cats: the most favorite breeds. Which cat is the most aggressive, loyal, hypoallergenic, stupid, evil

The article offers answers to frequent and most popular questions about cats, kittens and cats. We will talk about the best and most popular pets, with whom it is pleasant to spend free time and who will truly delight their owners.

It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with other articles that are available on this project, since they pay no less attention to special breeds of cats and discuss groups of popular questions and detailed answers to them.

The most beautiful cats of the breed

Claiming that a certain breed of cat is the most beautiful is a thankless task, because there will definitely be people who prefer animals of a completely different type.

Some people like fluffy Angora or Siberian cats, others love hairless sphinxes or elf cats, and still others think their mongrel pet is the best and most beautiful in the world. And what’s surprising is that they are all right in their own way.

Longest living cat

The Guinness Book states that the longest living cat in the world lived for 38 years and 3 days.

Not long ago, another longevity record was entered into the same Book, belonging to the cat Tiffany, who died at the age of 28 (more precisely, she lived for 27 years, 2 months and 20 days).

The smallest, largest cats breed

The Savannah cat breed is considered the largest today. The height of its representatives reaches 60 cm.

The smallest cat breeds are called Singapura and Munchkin. The growth of adult individuals of these breeds barely reaches 15 cm in height.

What breed of cats are the smartest?

There are no exact criteria for assessing the mental abilities of cats of a certain breed. However, the top five most intelligent cats included the Balinese, Bengal, Munchkin, Oriental and Sim breeds.

The rarest cat breed in the world

Rare cat breeds include Munchkin, Serengeti, Caracal, Toyger and Elf, but the rarest are representatives of the Serval, Savannah and Chausie breeds. The latter are counted at 10 individuals worldwide.

Which cat is the most aggressive, loyal, hypoallergenic, stupid, evil

Siamese are considered the most aggressive and evil cats. Cats of the Mekong Bobtail, Maine Coon and Abyssinian breeds are famous for their loyalty. Cats of the Balinese, Oriental and Devon Rex breeds are known to be hypoallergenic. Persians and Exotics are recognized as the stupidest among cats, however, due to their external attractiveness, many people tend not to notice this and forgive them for what others would be fully rewarded for.

Which cat breed is the healthiest, most unpretentious, playful, tame and affectionate?

Outbred cats are considered the healthiest. Among the purebred felines, Bengals, Siamese, Maine Coons and Siberian cats stand out for their excellent health and unpretentiousness.

Orientals, Siamese, Savannahs and Canadian Sphynxes are famous for their activity and playfulness. However, these qualities largely depend on the lifestyle and nutrition of the animals. The most loyal and tame mustachioed pets are Siberians, Maine Coons and Sphynxes.

Which cat is the most dangerous, talkative, calm, fat and heavy

The most dangerous cat breed is the Siamese cat, the talkative cat is the Thai cat, and exotics and Persians are distinguished by their calmness.

The largest and heaviest felines are Maine Coons, Ragdolls, Bengals, American Bobtails, Siberians and Turkish Vans.

Which cat is the strongest in the world, cunning, clean?

The strongest cats in the world are Savannah and Maine Coon cats, the most cunning are Balinese, Bengals and Munchkins. Well, such a character trait as cleanliness cannot be taken away from any of the breeds known to man - the love of cleanliness is in the blood of cats.

The cutest cat breed

The cutest, in the eyes of most people, are the fluffy, big-eyed exotics and Persians. Fewer people like cats without hair - sphinxes and elves, but for their owners they are the very best. And you can’t argue with that...

The most popular, fluffy breed of cats devoted to humans

The most popular and widespread fluffy breed of cats in our country are cats representing the Siberian breed. Siberian cats are also known to be very loyal and devoted to their owners.

The kindest cat breed for children, at home, suitable for an apartment

British cats are considered the best friend for children. The British have a patient and slightly phlegmatic character; they do not need much freedom, so cats of this breed can be kept in an apartment or house, without being allowed out onto the street promenade.

What is the most expensive cat breed in the world?

The most expensive, and also the largest, cat breed is the Savannah. The price of a kitten of this breed can exceed 20 thousand dollars.

What is the oldest cat breed?

The oldest breed of cats that has survived to this day and is known to residents of every corner of the planet is called the Siamese breed. Mentions of these amazing creatures are found in manuscripts of the 14th century.

Not long ago, the Siamese were so highly privileged that they lived only next to kings and presidents.

The Cat Fanciers Association (abbreviated CFA) annually publishes rankings of the most popular cat breeds in the world. The rankings are based on the number of registrations of purebred cats in this international organization. Today, the Cat Fanciers Association has registered more than 2 million cats belonging to 42 - breeds (this is how many breeds the CFA recognizes).
The next rating was published in February 2016 and is based on data from registrations of cat breeds from January 1 to December 31, 2015. This selection presents the top 20 most popular cat breeds from the CFA list.

20th place. Ocicat- a cat breed native to the USA.

19th place. Burmese cat (Burmese). The short-haired breed is native to Southeast Asia. In Burma (modern name Myanmar), such cats were kept in Buddhist temples and were considered the reincarnation of deceased monks.

18th place. Siberian cat- a famous Russian breed of semi-long-haired cats, which got their name due to their place of origin - Siberia.

17th place. Tonkinese cat- a hybrid of the Siamese and Burmese cats of the American type.

16th place. Russian blue. The breed traces its origins to the cats of the ancient Slavs. This breed became known outside Russia in 1893, when the English breeder Karen Cox brought two blue kittens from Arkhangelsk. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its short blue coat with a beautiful silver tint. Russian Blue is one of the.

15th place. Burmese cat (sacred burma)- a breed of semi-long-haired cats that originates from Burma (Myanmar). It should not be confused with the Burmese cat, which is a separate breed of short-haired cat. The Burmese cat is recognizable due to its unusual color, which is called the Burmese color after the name of the breed. Cats with this color are characterized by the presence of white “gloves” with the point color of long hair.

14th place. Norwegian Forest Cat- a breed of domestic semi-longhaired cats originally from Norway. The breed's ancestors were ship's cats on Viking longships.

13th place. Cornish Rex. A short-haired breed of domestic cat originally from Great Britain. The main distinguishing feature of the Cornish Rex is their coat. It has no guard hairs, and the undercoat is curled into a dense wave, reminiscent of astrakhan fur in structure.

12th place. Siamese cat- a breed originally from Thailand (its old name is Siam).

11th place. Devon Rex is a breed of short-haired domestic cat that originated in Great Britain. Representatives of this breed have a very extraordinary appearance: their fragile body is covered with soft curly hair, and their head is decorated with huge ears.

10th place. Oriental cat (oriental). This shorthaired breed's ancestors are from Thailand, but it officially originated in the United States.

9th place. Canadian Sphynx is a breed of hairless cats whose history officially began in 1966 in Canada, but there is evidence that these unusual creatures were known back in the days of the Egyptian pharaohs and were common in the temples of the Aztecs and Incas in ancient Mexico.

8th place. Abyssinian cat- one of the oldest cat breeds. Abyssinia is the former name of Ethiopia, where this breed originates.

7th place. Scottish Fold (or Scottish Fold)- a very interesting breed of cats, the main distinguishing feature of which is the characteristic structure of the ears, curved forward and downward. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. The first representative of this breed was discovered in 1961 in Scotland.

6th place. American shorthair cat. The ancestors of this breed were brought by the first settlers from Europe to North America.

2nd place. Persian cat. The ancestors of the modern breed were taken from Persia (modern name Iran) to Italy in the 17th century. In 2012 and 2013, the Persian cat was the most popular breed in the world, but in the last two years it has been content with only second place.

Cats attract people with a variety of qualities: beauty, intelligence, funnyness and many others. This article discusses the most affectionate cat breeds, and also most suitable for families with children.

Rating of affectionate cats TOP 10

The breeds of domestic cats described below are particularly affectionate towards people:

  • Abyssinian cats. Curious, independent, neat, stress-resistant. They love the attention of people, including strangers, and get along with other pets. They have short, shiny fur that shimmers in different colors. Their life expectancy with good care is about 20 years.
  • Persian cats. Playful in childhood, later calm “sofa cushions”. They will always accompany the owner in his human affairs. They also like to lie quietly on their laps or on the sofa. They are not very vocal and rarely meow. They have a luxurious coat - long, shiny and silky, and require a lot of grooming.
  • Russian blue cats. Graceful and independent, curious and flexible, they will never scratch. They are active and playful, love to chase insects, and are clean. Reacts to human gestures, tone and speech. They hide from strangers, but will willingly play with their owner and go to bed with him. They are easy to care for and have a short, soft and silky coat.
  • Burmese cats. Playful and grateful, they love human attention and care. They get along with other animals. Their coat is short, thick and soft, requiring brushing once a week.
  • Siamese cats. Active and playful, curious and jealous, trusting and vindictive, easy to train. They love physical contact, need human attention, become very attached to their owners and are possessive of them. The timbre of their voice is hoarse and insistent. They meow a lot, using many intonations to express their emotions and desires. Their short coat has no undercoat and lies close to the body.
  • Ragdoll cats. The name of the breed is translated from English as “carpet doll”. Phlegmatic, obedient, meek. They cannot stand loneliness. They become attached to their owners; people are her favorite living creatures. If the owner is nearby, the cat will enjoy life, regardless of other circumstances. Quiet, meowing in soft and polite voices. Their coat is semi-long.
  • Sacred Burmese cats. Obedient, tactful and smart. They love to sit on laps and on hands. Active and playful when the owner has the opportunity to play with them; quiet and calm when he is busy. They treat guests with curiosity. Their meowing is soothing. Their semi-long, silky coat requires frequent brushing.
  • Manx cats. Very agile, resilient and trainable like dogs. If a person gains their trust, they will become friends for a long time. Their dense, two-layer coat needs to be brushed 2-3 times a week. The most noticeable feature of these cats is their tail. It is usually very short. Although, in some representatives the tail can reach normal length.
  • Maine Coons. One of the largest cats, they are classified as semi-longhaired. Affectionate or playful depending on the mood, easy to train, elegant and tactful. They are not too curious, do not have the habit of getting into closets, and carefully walk around objects. The owner is greeted beautifully, they also like to sit next to him and lie on his lap. It is difficult to get them out of emotional balance when a person is nearby. They cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness and may stop eating and become depressed.
  • Sphinxes. They are smart, easy to train and have a good memory. They do not like loneliness and always need attention. Due to the lack of fur, they always crave human warmth, literally. They need clothing if it's cold where they are.

For children TOP 3 cats for home

As a result of many years of work by breeders, 3 breeds were bred with the lowest level of aggression, that is, the most peaceful:

Affectionate cats with photos and names


What do you think: what are the most affectionate cat breeds? Is it possible to take them for children? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

Does your cat bring you slippers and a fresh newspaper in the morning? No? Perhaps she knows the commands “Sit” and “Face”? Not again? Congratulations, you've got an amazingly smart animal. Because the smartest cats don’t exchange their IQ for such trifles.

The cat's intelligence manifests itself in other ways. Her task is to communicate and decorate. But even knowing which cats are the most affectionate and intelligent, all the same, among them there will be record holders - not just smart cats, but the most brainy ones!

By the way, felinologists have been assuring us for decades that the older the breed, the more intelligence its representatives demonstrate. This is why it was believed for a long time that Oriental cat breeds = smart cat breeds.

But in the 21st century, it was the oriental breeds that had to make room in the Top 10 smartest cat breeds.

So which cat breed is the smartest?

10th place – Norwegian Forest Cat

8th place – Abyssinian cat

She won't bring you slippers. And not because she doesn’t understand the command, but because it is beneath her dignity. But an abandoned toy – easily! In general, intelligence does not allow an African-English woman to sit and simply decorate the world with herself. The good thing about smart cat breeds is that you never get bored with them. So he prefers to participate in all household chores. By the way, they communicate well with dogs, and sometimes it seems that they even push them around!

7th place – Siberian cat

Who remembers their nickname the first time? ! Who has a great memory? A Siberian cat! Who never makes mistakes? It's her. Yes, sometimes it seems that the Siberian woman thinks through her every step before doing anything. Who knows, perhaps this is true - generations of hunters have taught the modern Siberian woman to be cautious in her actions and balanced in her decision-making. At the same time, despite their innate caution, Siberian cats get along well with small children, sometimes playing the role of a nanny for them.

6th place – Balinese cat

They are also called “in an ermine mantle.” The breed is almost 50 years old and its representatives, in addition to their appearance, are also distinguished by their sharp mind. No problem for you: open a closed door, pull out drawers with toys, find a hidden object. Don't believe me? Ask the owners of these cats. Better yet, get yourself a kitten in a robe.

5th place – Munchkin

Experts divide cats of this breed alone according to different personality types! Yes, being short is not as easy as it seems. And if cats from the 6th position of our Top can find things, then they love to hide things! Munchkin owners note that their pets meow extremely rarely - aren’t they smart? Why make noise when everything is fine? And if it’s not okay, will one meow really change anything? Very, very wise cats!

Read also:

4th place – Oriental cat

It may not be the smartest cat in the world, but it is definitely the most sensitive. They are called telepaths of the world of cats and cats. They very subtly and accurately detect the slightest changes in a person’s mood and respond to them accordingly. In addition, the Oriental cat is also a biotherapist - put her on a diseased organ and she will instantly begin to treat it on a mental level. When not practicing medicine, Oriental cats are playful and temperamental.

3rd place – British cat

- great individualists. They remember their things very well and do not like it when anyone other than their adored owner touches their toys, touches their sleeping place or, cat God forbid, eats from their bowl! At the same time, everything is forgiven to the owner, as long as he was there. If the owner is not around, the British cat begins to get bored and even sometimes, oh, horror, lose weight. The British past has left its mark on the character of this breed. The British imposed a taboo on familiarity and familiarity.

2nd place – Turkish Angora

Long-term observations of this breed have shown that it is ideal for lonely people - there is always someone to talk to about life and, most importantly, to understand each other perfectly. has a strong will, which not every person can overcome. She will not give in until she gets her way - this applies to a change in food, to a toy that has been put away, and to what the cat has decided to call its toy. You will be surprised, but the angora cat loves to swim. She's just smart enough to realize how enjoyable this can be.

1 place

But today the smartest cat is unanimously recognized...

Canadian Sphynx

Thoughtful friendliness towards guests, a wise attitude towards everyday life, a little bit of narcissism - this is all about them, about charming hairless cats. loves to pose and receive admiration from others, loves to play hide and seek and chase, is not at all afraid of dogs and other animals and is easy to train.

Of course, representatives of other breeds also deserve to be included in this ranking of the smartest cat breeds. But only for the first 9 places, because the first is always given to the kitten who will share your blood and soul.

Photo: Melinda Fawver/Rusmediabank.ru

As you know, people are divided into dog lovers and cat lovers. But still, cats are kept at home more often. This is not surprising, because they are easier to care for and do not require walking. And how much comfort and warmth they give! Many people keep the most ordinary cats in their apartments and love them no less than purebred feline aristocrats. What breeds are the most popular? Here they are.


Beth Swanson/Rusmediabank.ru

This breed originated in Thailand. has an exotic appearance. Its body is covered with short and dense hair, it is beige throughout the body, and the muzzle, tip of the tail and paws are dark brown. But what I admire most about her are her bright blue eyes!

The animal is smart and quick-witted. Many people think that Siamese are angry and aggressive, but this is not true. It's just that these cats have a highly developed instinct of ownership, so they are very jealous. They also cannot stand loneliness.

Siamese cats are very playful. You've probably seen how easily they climb curtains and are able to tear them off the curtain rods in a moment. This is how they entertain themselves.



– one of the oldest breeds in the world. These are very cute animals with a flattened nose. They have long and fluffy fur. Of course, it looks nice and cozy, but at the same time it can be a disadvantage, as it adds cleaning. The coat color can be any: white, gray, red, etc.

Persian cats are smart and observant. They have a calm character, rarely meow and never behave aggressively. Most of the time they lie on the couch or in their basket. If a cat wants something, she will simply sit next to her and hypnotize her owner with her gaze until he himself understands what she needs.

These animals absolutely cannot live outside the home, without humans. If a Persian cat gets lost, it will most likely die.


Initially they were wild, living in forests. This breed was on the verge of extinction. But thanks to American specialists, it was preserved. Bengal cats were crossed with domestic cats, this is what helped the breed survive.

These cats are valued for their beauty. They are striped, they have a bright color, yellow and black, similar to a leopard. They are excellent hunters, enthusiastically catching mice, but do not eat them. Their temperament is characterized by increased playfulness and a love of pursuit. They love to chase toys and chase after some objects.

Bengals need to be raised from infancy, teaching them to handle hands and communicate with people. And if an animal gets into an enclosure, it quickly runs wild.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are big big cats. Their weight can reach 15 kg! The main difference by which this breed can always be recognized is the tufts on the tips of the large ears.

Despite their large size, Maine Coons have a calm, affectionate character. They are well trained, quickly learn to use the toilet, and never damage furniture by scratching.
They are obedient and peaceful towards their owners. But they are distrustful of strangers and do not approach strangers.

This cat will never get into a closet because Maine Coons cannot stand confined spaces.

Russian blue

Russian Blue is loved for its beauty. She has a gray velvet skin with a bluish tint. She is well built, her body is covered with dense, even hair. Beautiful eyes of emerald green color stand out on her face.

By nature, she is kind, obedient, loves to purr, caress and rub against her legs. She is attached to her owner and allows him a lot. But she is reserved and careful with strangers.
He loves to hunt. He does this patiently and purposefully. It can sit in ambush for a long time, but it will achieve its goal and catch its prey.


Externally, the British are very similar to the Russian Blues. But there are differences between them. Russian Blues have a triangular muzzle. And y has a wide face, elongated horizontally. Russian Blues only have a bluish tint to their fur. And the British have different shades of gray. And most importantly, the British, unlike Russian blues, have only amber-yellow eyes.

By nature, they are wayward and do not tolerate liberties from people. They rarely even allow their owner to pick them up and stroke them, not to mention strangers. The Briton would rather just sit next to him and purr, “telling” about how his day went.
This is one of the few cats that can tolerate loneliness well.



The Sphinx immediately stands out for its unusual appearance. He has no fur, but his body is warm and velvety, very pleasant to the touch. These cats have a triangular face and large, tall ears.

Sphinxes require attention and care. If they had their way, they wouldn't get away with it. This cat is capable of wrapping itself head first in a blanket or in the owner’s sweater left in a chair. Treats strangers well and does not show aggression towards them. Doesn't like loneliness.

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