What discharge is considered normal during menstruation. Dark brown discharge in women before or during menstruation - what to do? What is the cause of dark brown discharge?

The appearance of spotting during menstruation alarms women and makes them worry. In some cases, the worry is justified. Hormonal levels and stress affect women's health, and some diseases can cause disorders in the reproductive organs. There are times when it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

What is considered normal during menstruation?

Normal periods occur regularly and usually last from 3 to 5 days. In some girls and women they appear after 21 days, in others - after 35, it is important that the established interval is maintained.

The approximate volume of blood released during the entire period of menstruation is 80 ml, the color is dark red or burgundy. The discharge contains coagulated blood, pieces of exfoliated endometrium and mucus.

For various reasons, natural deviations may occur, which are also considered normal:

  • Copious or spotting discharge with cycle disruption in girls in the first 1.5-2 years. During this period, immature ovaries can release varying amounts of sex hormones. Hormonal levels fluctuate, as a result of which the menstrual cycle is disrupted and the amount of blood changes.
  • Spotting at the very beginning of pregnancy. A woman, not knowing about conception, may mistake them for menstruation. In this case, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test. If it gives a positive result and the discharge has stopped, everything is fine; with prolonged “smearing,” we can talk about the threat of miscarriage due to a lack of the hormone progesterone. In this case, it is simply necessary to see a doctor.
  • Scanty spotting before or after menstruation. This is normal if we are talking about the beginning of menopause. Hormonal levels are unstable, ovulation does not always occur, and the cycle is disrupted. The less time remains before menopause, the scarcer the discharge. Gradually they disappear completely.

Women are often worried, not knowing why brown discharge occurs during menstruation, and taking it as a sign of illness. This can happen at the beginning and end of menstruation when the amount of blood is small. Oxidizing in air, it acquires exactly this color.

After childbirth and cessation of lactation, it can also be smeared with brown during menstruation. The menstrual cycle is restored gradually, so at first the discharge may be scanty.

Deviations that are not associated with natural physiological causes can be caused by various diseases and disorders of the reproductive organs.

Amenorrhea - the absence of normal periods - can occur for the following reasons:

  • Metabolic disease. It can be caused by various diseases of the pancreas and thyroid gland, kidneys, liver and intestines.
  • Poisoning by chemical, food and narcotic substances.
  • Anorexia and bulimia. Sudden weight loss or gain causes hormonal changes, resulting in disruption of the menstrual cycle. In severe cases, periods disappear completely. Long-term diet therapy is required to restore them.
  • Stress. Neuropsychiatric diseases and stressful situations can lead to disruption of hormonal processes. Your periods may become scanty, spotty, and irregular.
  • Hormonal disorders. Taking hormonal and contraceptive drugs, an intrauterine device and some medications can disrupt the balance of hormones in a woman’s body. Estrogen levels decrease, so periods are not only delayed, but also become scanty.

Scarlet, pink or brown spotting may indicate the onset of an ectopic pregnancy. If the test confirms pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor! Having established itself in the fallopian tube, the embryo first causes partial destruction of the endometrium - scanty bleeding of a constant nature, and then simply ruptures the tube. Severe, deadly bleeding occurs.

It is especially worth paying attention for infectious diseases that cause inflammatory processes in the female genital organs:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • fungal infections;
  • genital herpes.

They can lead not only to menstrual irregularities, but also to more serious consequences.

Some diseases change the structure of the mucous membranes of a woman’s genital organs, with characteristic spotting appearing during, before and after menstruation. These include:

  • Cervical erosion. The cervical pharynx, which extends into the vagina, becomes ulcerated. In this case, small vessels and capillaries break.
  • Colpitis or vaginitis. The vaginal mucosa becomes inflamed and bleeds under the influence of pathogenic microflora. The discharge may be purulent and accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Cervicitis. The vaginal lining and cervix become inflamed. Often accompanied by endocervicitis - inflammation of the cervical canal.
  • Endometritis. Inflammation of the inner uterine lining is accompanied by purulent brown discharge, pain and fever.
  • Polyps, cysts and tumors. All these neoplasms can cause a brown “spot” after menstruation.

All of these diseases require treatment. The sooner a woman contacts a gynecologist, the better.

When to see a doctor

In some cases, the appearance of brown menstrual discharge is considered a pathology. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • Unpleasant smell. Discharge the color of meat slop with a putrid odor.
  • Severe aching pain in the lower back.
  • Nausea with attacks of vomiting.
  • A sharp decrease in pressure.
  • Weakness and fever.
  • Increasing pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Arrhythmia, dizziness, rapid pulse against a background of general weakness.
  • Temperature increase.

Any of the listed signs is a serious reason to seek help.

The opportunity to become a mother is a real gift that must be cherished. By consulting a doctor in time, a woman will preserve not only her own health, but also the health, and possibly the life of her unborn baby.

A woman’s menstrual cycle is associated with her individual characteristics and is characterized by many changes in the body. Depending on the biological rhythm, discharge decreases and increases. Their character can indicate reproductive dysfunction, as well as the optimal days for conceiving a child.

Menstrual flow can tell a lot about a woman's health

Correct cycle

The cycle plays a big role in a woman’s reproductive function. It is needed for fertilization, gestation and the birth of a child. This period is usually set one or two years after the first menstruation.

There are two cyclic phases:

  • Folliculin. At this time, the follicle in the ovaries grows and matures. An egg is later released from it for fertilization. All this occurs under the influence of hormones from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
  • Luteal. During this period, the yellow body of the follicle matures. This happens thanks to brain hormones.

According to the rules, the cycle is counted from the day the menstruation appears until the first day of the next menstruation. This period normally varies from three to five weeks. If the period is longer or shorter, this may indicate the development of pathology. In this case, you should consult a gynecologist for advice.

The duration of menstruation should be from 2 to 7 days, and the amount of blood released should be from 40 to 60 ml. If a woman experiences irregularities in blood volume, irregular cycles and pain during menstruation, she should consult a specialist.

About 60 ml of blood should be released in one cycle

Menstrual irregularities

There are several reasons why the cycle is disrupted. The main ones include:

  • stress;
  • regular overwork;
  • climate change;
  • poor nutrition;
  • ovarian pathologies;
  • abortions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • effect of medications.

Treatment is carried out after a complete examination of the patient. It includes the following procedures:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • ultrasonography;
  • taking smears;
  • obtaining anamnesis;
  • blood analysis.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes hysteroscopy, MRI, and hormonal examination. Remember that self-medication poses a threat to a woman’s health. If you turn to a specialist too late, this can lead to inflammation, anemia, infertility and even death.

A blood test will clarify the reasons for the failure of the monthly cycle

Types of discharge during menstruation

The nature of the discharge during menstruation and a few days before its onset may indicate some pathologies occurring in a woman’s body. Every representative of the fairer sex should know which types of discharge are considered normal and which are a sign of disease. The allocations are as follows:

  • Spotting. Usually observed a few days before the onset of menstruation. Sometimes they have a brownish tint. The cause may be adenomyosis, cervical erosion, polyps, tumors, ovarian wasting syndrome, pregnancy or hormonal contraception.
  • Brown. 5–7 days before your period, thick, brown blood may be released. This occurs in cases of inflammation, hormonal imbalance, or trauma to the vaginal mucosa.
  • Clots. Blood that has clotted does not pose a danger to the body. If your periods are painful, the cause of the clots may be endometriosis, anemia, or recent childbirth.
  • Abundant. If the discharge bothers a woman for more than 7 days, and she often has to change the pad, this brings not only constant discomfort. The reason for heavy periods can be anemia, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, fibroids and polyps, endometriosis.
  • Scarce. Very small discharge usually occurs due to hormonal imbalances. The cause may also be stress, infection, anemia, or sudden weight loss.
  • Pink. Pink blood resembles menstruation diluted with water. Such discharge indicates problems with the genital organs. This could be inflammation of the appendages, fibroids, endometritis.

Yellow, greenish, foamy discharge is not considered normal. A sign of inflammatory diseases and thrush is white or curdled discharge, which is accompanied by redness and itching.

Each type of period has many causes. Only a doctor can determine a specific pathology. He will tell you whether this case is normal or not.

Pink periods may indicate inflammatory processes

Mucus during menstrual flow

Menstrual discharge contains blood, mucus, and the endometrial layer. Mucus comes out of the cervix throughout the entire cycle. It is the cervical glands and has different thickness at different times. This mucus protects the uterus from infections and prevents the passage of sperm. The presence of mucus in menstrual flow does not always indicate pathology.

Usually, mucous discharge bothers a woman before her period. They are transparent in color and odorless. If they do not cause discomfort, then they are considered normal. If the mucus is white, yellow or green, this indicates the development of inflammation in the appendages. The presence of itching, irritation and redness may be a sign of infection.

Sometimes menstruation with mucus is a consequence of serious diseases:

  • polyps;
  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • ovarian cyst.

Brown mucus indicates a hormonal imbalance or that the egg is fertilized. Menstruation with mucus may occur in women who use an intrauterine device as a contraceptive. If the discharge is accompanied by mucus with blood clots and pain, you should consult a doctor.

One of the diseases that is characterized by inflammation in the genital organs is endometriosis. During this, a hormonal imbalance occurs. It usually affects women over 45 years of age. With endometriosis, menstrual flow contains mucus and is painful. Bleeding may continue for more than 7 days, and then resemble a scanty period. A gynecologist will help cure the disease. Special medications are prescribed for treatment, and operations are performed in rare cases.

Uterine polyps provoke mucus secretion

Menstruation after childbirth

In the first two months after childbirth, blood discharge from the vagina is not menstruation. This is postpartum discharge that decreases as the uterus contracts. If they end earlier than a month, this may indicate an inflammatory process. After stopping breastfeeding, hormonal levels begin to restore and menstruation begins.

The first periods after the baby is born may be heavy and contain mucus. This may be the remains of the placenta. You need to visit a gynecologist and have the uterus cleaned if necessary. Otherwise, purulent inflammation may begin in its cavity.

Resuming the menstrual cycle after childbirth is a long and individual process. Most often, periods become less painful and their duration is shortened.

Normally, the second and third menstruation may come two or three weeks later than the previous one. As the hormonal balance changes, the menstrual cycle will also be restored.

If the lactation period has long ended, but your periods have not started, you should consult a doctor. This behavior of the uterus can be the cause of inflammation in the ovaries, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance or postpartum endometriosis. An unpleasant odor from the discharge and painful sensations in the lower abdomen are the result of incomplete separation of the placenta. In this case, you need to clean the uterine cavity.

Every representative of the fair sex should monitor her health and solve any problems that arise in a timely manner. Sometimes the most innocent changes in a woman’s body can cause a dangerous disease of the genital organs.

Many women are often worried about black blood during menstruation. The usual color of menstrual discharge is red. The absence of any specific odor is also considered the norm. On different days of the menstrual cycle, the nature of the discharge changes, from dark and thick to light and watery.

Sometimes the color of the discharge changes, it can turn black, and at the same time some inclusions, clots, and a disgusting smell appear. Also, such menstrual flow may be accompanied by severe pain, itching of the internal and external genital organs, and the appearance of a strong burning sensation. Many gynecologists believe that this kind of discharge may well be a variant of the norm, since the color of the blood depends directly on its density. But to say that this is always the case is not worth it, since there are a number of diseases that affect the coloring of menstruation.

What affects the appearance of dark discharge during menstruation?

The darkening of discharge during menstruation can be affected by hormonal imbalances in the patient. Also, the color of the blood may change during the postpartum period. After childbirth, the uterus cannot fully recover and shrink to its normal size, as a result of which the discharge increases in volume and composition. Black menstruation can also appear with a decrease or increase in body weight, which also affects the number of blood cells. For many women, dark periods may indicate that menopause is approaching. Taking certain medications can also affect blood composition and changes in discharge.

If an unpleasant odor is added to the darkening of menstruation, then we can talk about a number of possible diseases.

The most common among them are: polyps, cysts, oncological processes, endometriosis, various inflammatory processes and infections (STDs - genital). Black periods that appear on day 1 of the cycle can often be a sign of the onset of pregnancy. In this case, the woman should take a test to determine pregnancy and, if the result is positive or questionable, immediately contact a specialist. Since this sign may well be a symptom of an incipient miscarriage or pathological pregnancy.

A change in the color of menstruation can indicate many inflammatory processes in the uterus, for example, disease of the ovaries, tubes or the body of the uterus itself.

A reason to urgently consult a doctor may be if the following symptoms are added to the darkening:

  • itching appears in the genital area;
  • menstruation is accompanied by a burning sensation and a feeling of discomfort;
  • increased fatigue and dizziness appear;
  • hair falls out in a much larger volume, nail fragility increases;
  • The volume of menstruation changes dramatically.

Darkening of discharge during menstruation can occur in women during the postpartum period, as global hormonal changes occur. During breastfeeding, periods often become scanty and almost black. In this case, if the appearance of odor and sharp pain are not added to menstruation, we can say that this menstruation is quite a variant of the norm. An abortion or miscarriage can also affect changes in menstrual flow. During pregnancy, a woman's hormones change, preparing the body for upcoming changes. The walls of the uterus are lined with a thick layer of epithelium for good attachment of the fetus.

The effect of hormonal drugs on the color of menstruation

During an abortion or miscarriage, this preparation process is dramatically disrupted, hormonal levels change and... The epithelium begins to come out along with menstrual flow and the color of menstruation also turns black. In many cases, darkening of menstruation occurs in the presence of uterine erosion. Erosion is the presence of columnar epithelium lining the cervical canal on the surface of the vagina.

Bleeding often appears at the site of erosion, which during menstruation increases the density of the blood and leads to darkening of the discharge.

The most common method of contraception in the modern world is taking hormonal drugs. This method is very effective and has a positive effect on the woman’s body. While taking contraceptive medications, a woman's cycle becomes stable as the hormonal levels level out.

Menstrual flow also changes while taking hormones. As a rule, in the first days of the cycle, the discharge is dark and abundant; by the end of menstruation, the blood becomes lighter. After you stop taking hormones, your periods may remain the same. If the discharge changes sharply during withdrawal or additional symptoms appear, then the woman should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Personal hygiene and treatment

If a woman does not follow the rules of intimate hygiene, this can lead to a number of diseases that contribute to darkening or changes in menstrual flow.
Personal hygiene rules include:

  1. Wash the external genitalia daily with warm running water in the morning and evening.
  2. For washing, use only special products, as they do not affect the change in the acid-base composition of the skin. Do not use laundry soap or shampoo under any circumstances.
  3. During menstruation, it is advisable to use pads made from natural materials that do not contain fragrances or dyes. Use tampons only in the first days of your period or as needed.
  4. Avoid swimming in open water during menstruation, as during this period a woman’s body becomes susceptible to any infections.
  5. Underwear should be made from natural materials.
  6. During menstruation, maintain sexual rest.

If black discharge appears, a woman should consult a gynecologist. To make a diagnosis, you need to undergo an ultrasound and tests. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medication. If no diseases are detected, then such periods for this woman will be the norm.

Thus, the appearance of periods that are too dark in color or a change in their composition can be both a variant of the norm and the presence of some disease. In all cases, the woman should consult a doctor and determine the cause. You should not look for the causes on your own, as many diseases can become chronic, which will complicate their further treatment.

The frequency of menstruation, its duration and the color of the blood can tell about the state of health and the presence of diseases. Despite the fact that each woman’s cycle is structured individually, there are certain limits for its duration and the amount of bleeding, exceeding which can mean pathology. Timely detection of failures will help to determine the cause that provoked them in time and begin treatment.

What should the discharge be like during menstruation?

A stable menstrual cycle indicates a woman’s health and her readiness to conceive. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium that has grown in the uterus sloughs off, after which a new one begins to grow, again preparing the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg. A woman should pay attention to any changes in menstruation and cycle length, as they may indicate pathology.

Color and consistency of discharge

At the end of the cycle, the overgrown epithelial layer of the uterus is rejected. When it separates, the capillaries are damaged, resulting in bleeding - blood is the basis of the discharge. They usually have a red or dark red tint during menstruation. The color becomes brighter and more saturated on the 2nd–3rd day of bleeding. The ideal indicator is scarlet blood on the 2nd day of menstruation. The discharge should have a slight iron smell.

A smooth discharge is normal, but it may contain small blood clots and clear mucus such as vaginal lubrication, endometrium, and cervical mucus. The presence of other components can change the shade of the discharge and increase its amount.

Heavy menstruation

On average, during menstruation, a woman loses 60 ml of blood per day, which corresponds to approximately two tablespoons - this is the absolute norm. In this case, only blood is taken into account - mucus and other components increase the volume of secretions. A scanty period is considered to be a loss of less than 30 ml of blood per day, and a heavy period is considered to be more than 80 ml. During heavy menstruation, blood comes out with large clots, so a woman needs to monitor her hemoglobin level.

Moderate blood loss does not pose a threat to the body - it quickly makes up for the deficiency. Over the course of a few days, while menstruation occurs, a woman loses up to 250 ml of blood - the duration of bleeding and its duration are purely individual.

The amount of blood released depends on the period of menstruation. The beginning and end of bleeding is not characterized by a large volume of blood and mucus - the bulk comes out in the middle of the critical days.

Other characteristics

Speaking about what menstruation should be like, it is impossible not to recall the normal duration of the cycle - it is ideally 28 days with a bleeding duration of 3-5 days. Normally, the cycle should not go astray, but fluctuations of 2-3 days in one direction or another are not considered a pathology. This condition can occur due to stress, illness, weight gain, etc.

Significant changes in the cycle up to 2 times a year are allowed if the next time your periods come as scheduled and the cycle is restored again. Deviations can be no more than 10 days - a delay or the onset of bleeding earlier than this period requires a health check and examination by a gynecologist.

During menstruation, women often complain of pain in the abdomen or back - this is a normal condition if the discomfort is mild. At the same time, breast engorgement and mood changes may occur.

What do deviations from normal menstruation indicate?

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Sometimes, during monthly bleeding, a woman notices that the discharge has changed in character, but at the same time she feels well and has no suspicions about the presence of any diseases. If this situation occurs once, there is no need to worry. However, it is worth remembering that you cannot engage in self-diagnosis - only a gynecologist can determine how safe the symptoms that appear are.

Abnormal discharge that is not cause for concern

A woman does not need to worry about changes in the nature of her periods in the following situations:

  • The consistency is heterogeneous, with large blood clots. Their formation can be an absolutely normal phenomenon, since during menstruation, blood is released more slowly when sitting or lying down and coagulates, coming out in the form of dark lumps. They are also formed when the structure of the uterus is abnormal - bent, displaced or the presence of septa, which prevents the natural outflow of blood and its accumulation. Clots can also appear when an intrauterine device is installed.
  • Pink menstrual discharge may be considered normal in the first days of your period. This shade is explained by a small amount of blood, its mixing with vaginal secretions and the presence of endometrial particles.

  • Brown discharge occurs at the beginning of menstruation, which is explained by rapid blood clotting when mixed with vaginal secretions and interacting with oxygen. If they appear at the final stage of menstruation, they can be called a “residual phenomenon” - the body tries to cleanse itself by removing the remaining blood.
  • Dark menstruation is the norm for teenage girls - they have not yet established the ovulation process, so instead of bleeding there is scanty spotting. Women over 40 who are experiencing premenopause should have the same periods - this indicates the aging of the ovaries and a deterioration in their performance.

Discharge indicating a pathological process

Discharge during menstrual bleeding should ideally be red or scarlet - a change in its color, the appearance of uncharacteristic components should alert you. The types of bleeding and possible pathologies that accompany them are presented in the table.

Nature of the dischargeThe pathologies they indicate
OrangeDecreased levels of female hormones in the body, high blood pressure
GrayEctopic pregnancy, infectious disease
Blood clots and severe menstrual painAnemia, endometriosis
BrownTrauma to the vagina, inflammation of the genital organs, infection (pain in the lower abdomen, itching in the vagina are added), hormonal imbalance, sexually transmitted diseases
PinkInflammation of the appendages, endometritis, uterine fibroids
With mucusPolyps, ovarian cyst, inflammation of the uterus, green and yellow mucus indicate inflammation of the appendages
SpottingCervical erosion, tumor, adenomyosis, polyps
Green menstruationExcess of white blood cells, inflammation of the genital organs
Dark, almost black dischargeInfectious and inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, benign neoplasm
ScarceHormonal imbalance, infection, anemia
AbundantAnemia, fibroids, polyps, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, hormonal imbalance

If the discharge looks different than usual, you should consult a doctor. You should rush to an appointment if there is a parallel deterioration in your health, an increase in the duration of your periods, severe pain and constant fatigue.

Discharge after childbirth

Bloody discharge in the first month after childbirth is not menstruation - it is lochia containing blood, mucus and placental particles (we recommend reading:). In the first week they may be excessively abundant - the uterus is actively cleansing itself at this time. For another 2–3 weeks, a woman may observe a brown spotting secretion and yellowish-white discharge mixed with blood. The mucous membrane of the uterus gradually heals and is restored. If lochia stops earlier or continues for more than 1.5 months, the woman should consult a gynecologist.

Usually, menstruation after childbirth is restored after six months, but if a woman does not breastfeed, after 2–3 months. The first periods after delivery may be heavy - this is normal. Over the next 1–2 months, bleeding may begin with a delay. After normalization of the cycle in women who have given birth, menstruation becomes less painful and short-lived.

Treatment tactics

Treatment is prescribed after diagnosis. A woman must undergo an ultrasound or MRI, donate blood and urine for general analysis and hormones, smears for flora, and, on the recommendation of a gynecologist, visit other specialists. Therapeutic tactics will depend on the identified problems:

  • exposure to harmful factors is excluded;
  • if the reason for the change in the abundance or color of menstruation is associated with hormonal imbalance, the woman is prescribed gestagens and oral contraceptives;
  • for polyps, the uterus is curetted;
  • in case of severe bleeding, the patient is prescribed hemostatic medications, aminocaproic acid;
  • Antibiotics are used for infectious diseases;
  • if stress is the cause of the disorder, sedatives are required.

Menstruation accompanies all women of reproductive age with breaks for childbearing and breastfeeding. The presence of menstruation indicates that the woman is healthy and ready to conceive. But pathologies do not always manifest themselves, especially in the initial stages.

Often one of the manifestations of diseases of the reproductive system is a change in the consistency and color of menstrual blood. Thick, dark periods can signal both hormonal changes and serious diseases of the reproductive system.

White discharge before menstruation

Very thick and dark blood masses during menstruation are characterized by the appearance of white discharge several days before their onset. This white discharge can be either watery or thick in consistency. Normally, the color of vaginal discharge varies from clear to milky white. They are odorless and may differ in structure. Such white discharge is not intense and does not cause discomfort to the woman.

As pathology develops, thick white discharge may appear before menstruation. The intensity, consistency and smell of such discharge may differ from normal discharge. This white discharge may be cheesy, jelly-like, or creamy. If there are streaks of blood in the white discharge, you should consult a doctor.

Normally, cervical mucus discharge is white. It has a dense texture and performs a protective function, protecting the uterus from pathogenic microorganisms.

If you experience intense white discharge before your period, this may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • Adnexitis. This disease causes inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. White discharge in this situation is nothing more than a manifestation of the activity of the pathogen.
  • Polycystic disease. Also accompanied by the appearance of white discharge.
  • Candidiasis. White discharge may have a cheesy consistency. Accompanied by the appearance of a sour odor and itching.
  • Ureaplasmosis. White discharge with an unpleasant odor. May be yellowish rather than white.
  • Cervicitis. Inflammatory process of the cervix. White copious discharge appears.
  • Gonorrhea. Purulent streaks may be observed in the white discharge.
  • Cervical erosion. This disease is accompanied by the appearance of white streaks in the discharge. Over time, closer to the onset of menstruation, the discharge becomes white with red streaks.
  • Hormonal changes in the body. Taking birth control pills or undergoing hormonal treatment may cause white discharge.

Pathological causes of thick menstruation

Normally, during menstruation, the endometrium is shed from the uterus. This is necessary so that the fertilized egg can take root and receive full nutrition in the uterus. After ovulation, the endometrium thickens, accumulates blood, and is then rejected by the uterus. This process is menstruation.

In the first 2-3 days, blood loss is usually very copious, which is why it is recommended to refrain from playing sports during this period. After endometrial detachment, small blood vessels rupture. This explains why the blood can have a fairly bright color, especially at 2-3 days. Starting from the 4th day, the intensity of menstruation decreases and over time the bleeding gradually disappears. During this period, the discharge is already very dark and may have a denser structure.

In some cases, dark blood clots may be released. They usually appear towards the end of the cycle or the next morning, after sleep. While the woman is sleeping, the blood is in the vagina, and it gradually begins to clot there. Since the blood clotting process is disrupted during this period, it can form peculiar lumps.

But it often happens that the discharge initially differs in consistency. This can be either a manifestation of the normal state of the body or pathology. To better understand why thick discharge appears during menstruation, you need to understand the reasons.


With the development of the pathological process, the division of endometrial cells in the uterus is disrupted. This causes the endometrium to grow in the vagina and fallopian tubes. This condition is accompanied by copious discharge of brightly colored blood.

Very thick periods can last much longer than expected, up to several weeks.

Inflammatory processes of the uterus

In the presence of an inflammatory process, thick periods with clots may be observed. Their presence is caused by impaired blood supply to the uterus.


If a woman recently (about 6 months ago) had an abortion, she may also experience thick periods with clots. In such a situation, damage to the uterine mucosa occurs, which leads to the formation of so-called pockets in it. They accumulate blood, which eventually coagulates, forming a blood clot.


When the muscle tissue of the uterus grows, very heavy menstruation with dark-colored discharge is observed. Such menstruation can last several days and be of high intensity. During a gynecological examination, the doctor reveals thickening of the uterus, characteristic of pregnancy.

Provoking factors

There are several main factors that can trigger the appearance of thick, dark-colored discharge.

These factors are not a pathology, but their long-term exposure can cause irreparable harm to women’s health:

  • Taking medications. The use of hormonal drugs, as well as means to normalize body weight, can cause thick, dark-colored periods to appear.
  • Rapid weight change. With sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain, a change in the color and intensity of blood flow is observed.
  • Stress. Prolonged psycho-emotional stress can also provoke changes in menstruation.
  • Hard physical work. With excessive physical activity, muscle hypertonicity may appear, which leads to a change in the structure of discharge during menstruation.
  • Tanning craze. Ultraviolet radiation can cause changes in the texture of the uterine lining. This leads to disruption of menstruation and can further provoke endometriosis.
    Important: It has been established that among women who are fond of tanning in solariums, the incidence of fibroids, uterine fibroids and endometriosis is much higher.
  • Hypothermia. When body temperature decreases, blood vessels narrow. This leads to increased activity of the blood supply, which causes disturbances in the formation of the endometrium. It is worth noting that hypothermia is often one of the reasons for the appearance of pain in the first days of menstruation.

If thick discharge appears during menstruation, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The gynecologist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests and, if necessary, treatment.

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