What food is best to feed a Scottish cat? How to choose a diet for a Scottish Fold kitten

Cats are predators, and this statement should be taken into account when deciding what to feed a fold-eared kitten. You need to feed the kitten 4-6 times a day or, according to the principle, food should always be available. Don't be afraid that your kitten will overeat - small kittens are not prone to overeating. Kittens have additional needs for vitamins and minerals during their growth period, so they need to supplement their diet with vitamins that are sold in pet stores.

The bowl from which the kitten eats must be clean; cats do not like dirty dishes. Kitten food should be slightly warm or at room temperature. Do not give food that is too hot or cold (from the refrigerator). When the kitten is six months old, it can be fed 3 times a day. From eight months he can be fed like an adult cat - 2 times a day.

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There are two types of recommended nutrition:
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Let's talk about what to feed a Scottish Fold kitten using natural food:
Your pet should be offered meat every day. It should be low-fat, slightly boiled or frozen. Do not add salt or spices during cooking.


Beef is given raw, frozen for at least 3 days in the freezer. If the meat is not frozen, you can first pour boiling water over it. For small kittens, beef is given in the form of minced meat, for adult cats it is cut into small pieces. Beef can be given to kittens and cats every day, at least 30 grams for kittens, 100-120 grams for an adult cat.

Beef by-products

Beef by-products (ONLY FOR DARK-COLORED KITTENS!!!) (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys) - can be given raw, having also been frozen beforehand, or boiled. You can give them 2-3 times a week. Give liver – once a week.

Feeding chicken

Chicken - for small kittens, you can also prepare minced boiled chicken, adding a little broth to it so that it is not dry. You can give it 3-4 times a week.

Feeding fish

Fish - you can give only boiled, lean, boneless fish, preferably sea fish. Raw fish should not be given, as the kitten/cat may develop worms from raw fish. Fish can be given: to cats 1-2 times a week, cats - CANNOT BE GIVEN FISH IN ANY FORM! Often fish should not be given, as it destroys vitamin B in the cat’s body. In general, you need to be careful with fish, since its excessive consumption leads to urolithiasis of the kidneys. Sterilized cats should not be given fish at all.

Egg yolk
(you can’t give protein) - boiled, for the same reason as chicken. You can give it with porridge or you can grind it with kefir. You can give it 1-2 times a week.

YOU CAN ' T GIVE MILK TO A KITTEN!!! It can be replaced with lactic acid products: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cream - all of medium fat content. You can also give fresh, non-sour cottage cheese, mixing it with sour cream or raw quail yolk; you can also add a drop of honey to the mixture.
You can give cottage cheese to kittens 3-4 times a week, and to adult cats 1-2 times a week.
If you have decided what to feed your Scottish Fold kitten and this decision is natural food, do not forget about vitamins. Whatever the correct diet your pet has, it needs special supplements. The veterinarian will recommend how much and what vitamins to give. It is better to buy vitamins in specialized stores; you can often find counterfeits on the market. It is also recommended to plant a special pot of grass in the house. Regardless of what you feed your lop-eared kitten, from time to time he feels the need to chew a green plant.

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Now in more detail,
What NOT to give to Scottish Folds!

- Chicken and fish bones– a kitten or cat can not only choke on them, but also injure the esophagus and stomach, and bones can also damage and clog the intestines.
- Pork, lamb, poultry (except chicken): goose, duck, turkey- consumption of such meat raw leads to infection with worms, and in some cases to dangerous infectious diseases, which can even lead to the death of the animal. In addition, this meat is very fatty and is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body.

- Fatty, spicy, salty, fried, smoked foods, including sausages and canned food for people– feeding them causes stomach upset, disruption of intestinal flora and disrupts metabolism. As a result, the animal looks bad and chronic diseases may appear.

- Sugar, chocolate, candies, cakes and everything sweet- metabolism is disrupted, the immune system is weakened, the coat becomes dull, and causes dental diseases. Chocolate contains theobromine, and for cats it is a poison; it causes severe poisoning, including the death of the animal.

- Potato– consuming it can cause gastrointestinal upset; moreover, the starch contained in potatoes is not digested by the cat’s stomach and is therefore a useless product for it.
- Legumes (soybeans, peas, beans)– is just as indigestible by the body as potatoes and, in addition, causes bloating and fermentation in the intestines.

- Salt, spices– the use of these products only harms cats without bringing any benefit.
- Medicines and vitamins for people - vitamins for people are not suitable for cats, they have their own balance of minerals and trace elements, different from people. In addition, many medications for humans can cause severe poisoning in cats, leading to kidney failure and death of the animal.
- Food from the table
You cannot feed cats food from the table. Moreover, you can’t feed them to Scottish Folds. Our food may not only be useless for a Scot, but even dangerous. Food for a cat must be chosen carefully, taking into account its age and health status. Poisoning in cats due to poor nutrition is quite common.

Children's canned meat
Children's canned meat is often used to feed Scottish Folds. But they may contain onion powder, which is dangerous for them. Moreover, such food is very rich in protein, which is also not very beneficial for lop ears. Because of this, they may develop kidney problems. Potatoes are often added to such canned food, which can lead to bloating and digestive problems. Feeding Scottish Folds is a real science, which is better to master early.

- Coffee Tea

These products may contain theophylline, a powerful toxin for cats that can affect the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Sweets in cats, like people, cause tooth decay, obesity and diabetes.

- Citrus fruits

Citrus oil can cause vomiting and poisoning in cats.

- Dog food
Industrial dog food is created specifically based on the needs of this species. If you feed it to cats, especially Scottish Folds, you run the risk of developing heart disease over time.

- Fatty food(including pork and offal in large quantities)
This breed often has liver problems, so fatty foods are completely excluded. It is allowed to add vegetable oil to the diet (no more than 1 drop every 2 days). Otherwise, pancreatitis will have to be treated in the future. Scottish Folds are very sensitive to fatty foods!

- Vitamin supplements intended for humans or other animals
This breed requires special vitamin complexes that do not contain iron. And in some cases it is better without calcium. Incorrect selection of vitamin complexes can lead to problems with the liver and kidneys. But before you give your Scottish Fold vitamins, take the time to do tests and make sure that he really needs them.

- Milk
Adult cats do not have the enzyme that allows them to digest lactose. Milk causes diarrhea, which is poorly treated, causing real poisoning in the cat.

- Mushrooms
Eating mushrooms is dangerous for cats. They may contain toxins that can kill the animal.

- Onion and garlic
They contain disulfides and sulfoxides and can lead to anemia.

- Tomato, rhubarb and vegetables containing oxalates
They are not absorbed in the body of all cats and cause problems with the digestive and nervous systems.

- Raw eggs
They can be contaminated with salmonella and also contain the enzyme avidin, which interferes with the absorption of biotin. Raw eggs can worsen the condition of cats' skin and fur. In Scottish Folds, raw eggs can even cause vomiting.

- Raw fish
The stereotype that cats love fish is completely contrary to their nature. Raw fish is harmful for cats! It can lead to disturbances in the digestive tract and even death. Eating raw fish can cause Scots to become deficient in thiamine, which is very important for them. Don't feed your lop-eared fish raw, even if he asks. All he can have is a piece of boiled trout or salmon without bones. And no more than once a week.

- Yeast bread and yeast dough
Can lead to bloating, gas, and even rupture of the intestines.

Of course, it is much easier to balance a cat’s diet if she eats ready-made (industrial) food. This not only saves you time on preparing food for your animal, but by eating a more balanced diet, she gets all the nutrients her body needs. Dry food is also useful because the cat chews it, thereby reducing the risk of dental disease.

When you have Scottish kittens in your house, caring for them and feeding them can take a lot of time. To save money, many owners prefer to use special industrial food. There are two types of cat food - dry and canned. Dry food is stored for a long time. It can always be in a bowl. Canned food has its own expiration date; after opening, it should remain in the refrigerator for no more than a day, and in a bowl for 2-3 hours. The main thing is not to mix these types of food (canned food and dry food) at the same meal.

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What to feed a Scottish Fold kitten to prevent it from getting sick?

Of course, quality food. You should not buy cheap brands, they can harm your pet's health. But expensive, advertised food is not always reliable; it can be counterfeited. Therefore, food should be purchased only in trusted, specialized stores, and not on the market. If the kitten eats food, it does not need additional vitamins. But it’s worth planting grass in the house.

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1) Dry food has a number of advantages over natural food.:
This food for young cats contains the entire complex of microelements necessary for the development and growth of the animal. At the stage of maturation of an individual, correctly selected ingredients play an important role, because the formation of the skeleton occurs, tissue growth occurs, and vitamins obtained from food have a huge impact on the development of the baby. It is worth noting that in the case of natural food, it is not always possible to choose the right products and meet the daily requirement of vitamins in order to ensure the growing body of the animal.

2) Features of the structure of granules. They are based on animal protein, which is nothing more than a building material for the baby’s body. And the combination of phosphorus and calcium has a beneficial effect on the structure of the bone apparatus. Biofibers, also included in dry food, have a positive effect on the digestion of kittens. The granule formula itself was developed by professional specialists, as a result of which, as a rule, additional complementary feeding with other products is not required. A number of food lines take into account the developmental characteristics of the baby, that is, weak teeth, weak digestion and other health features.

3) Dry granules are less likely to spoil, which cannot be said not only about natural food, but also about canned food, which must be put in the refrigerator in case of an incompletely used can or simply an uneaten portion. Accordingly, before ingestion, it must be left to stand or even warmed, because cold food cannot be given to small furry animals.

4) Dry food for kittens has a positive effect on the mouth cavity– dental plaque is prevented, because hard granules remove yellowness, which over time can form tartar.

5) The issue of price is also an important aspect. Due to the fact that the product has a full range of microelements, small granules contain all the nutrients a baby needs. Accordingly, the portion for a young cat will be much smaller compared to the portion of other types of food. It turns out that a kg of dry food will last longer than a kg of wet food. And in comparison with natural products, the financial benefits will be even more noticeable for the animal owner. When asking price, it is worth considering the shelf life of the product. By purchasing a large pack of food (premium or super premium) at a pet store, you get a significant benefit compared to wet, small-packaged food or natural food prepared daily.

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So, what should you look for when choosing dry food:

Let's look at what to look for when choosing dry food for a Scottish fold kitten. Very often the problem of choosing a manufacturer is acute for the owner of a small furry animal. On the one hand, you don’t want to ruin the baby’s health by skimping on food; on the other hand, feeding kittens should not put a huge dent in the owner’s pocket.
To the manufacturer. This organization must have a positive reputation in the market and have the financial capacity to conduct research in the field of nutrition of lesser brothers.
For the feed class. Of course, you should choose premium and super premium class, and if you have the financial means, then the class is holistic.
Based on manufacturer's recommendations. Many companies indicate in the annotation to the food its features, namely: what animals it is suitable for, that is, the breed, health characteristics, etc.
Assessing the correct choice of dry food
It is not difficult to assess the correctness of the choice of dry food; just pay attention to the following:
Baby's behavior. With proper nutrition, the kitten will be active, cheerful, cheerful and playful.
Appearance. A healthy coat and white teeth should speak for themselves.
Toilet. By regularly cleaning the litter box, you can monitor changes in the body, many of which begin with the stool. Accordingly, if a cat becomes constipated, the owner will immediately know about it.

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Features of feeding dry food
When using dry food, you cannot give wet food or natural food at the same time. The fact is that different enzymes are required to break down these types of food, and entering the body at the same time puts a strain on the digestive system, causing the body to work to the limit.
The pet must always be provided with water. This is due to the fact that dry food contains a minimum of liquid, and it needs to be replenished in the body. By drinking water, your pet thereby thins the blood and gets rid of constipation.
Since feeding a four-legged animal requires a smaller portion, it is necessary to strictly monitor the diet, otherwise there is a risk of obesity.

What to feed a Scottish Fold cat? Unfortunately, not all owners of these cats think about this, believing that such an unpretentious animal can be fed whatever is necessary. And such confidence ends sadly - with health problems and visits to the veterinarian.

Scottish Folds are famous for their good health, but maintaining it requires proper, balanced nutrition tailored specifically for this breed.

How should you feed your Scottish Fold cat?

There are three main feeding methods:

  1. Natural food.
  2. Natural raw food. They consist of pieces of natural raw meat, as well as vegetables, offal, egg yolks, omega-3, taurine and vitamins and are healthy food for an active and long life of cats. These feeds are not heat-treated and are stored and supplied frozen. This type of feed is represented on the Russian market by the company.
  3. Dry or canned food.

You should not mix natural food and ready-made food: the stomach of these cats has difficulty adapting to a constant change of food. Choose one option and stick to it, changing your diet or manufacturer as little as possible.

The breed is quite unpretentious in feeding; it does not require pickles.

The debate about what food is best to feed a Scottish fold cat has been going on for decades, but veterinarians have not been able to come to a consensus. Many experts advise choosing exclusively ready-made food for purebred cats, since they include all the substances necessary for the animal. And a balanced branded food, of course, will contain much more of the substances the cat needs than scraps from the owners’ table. Indeed, there are many arguments in favor of bagged food:

  • Their use does not require additional feeding with vitamins.
  • A jar of canned food or a bag of food can reduce the time it takes to prepare food for your pet several times.
  • Reduces to zero the risk that the animal, due to the inattention or negligence of the owner, will receive something tasty, but harmful.

You can buy ready-made food for your cat at the best price in the following online stores:

Despite all the advantages of ready-made food, natural products effectively supply the cat with the necessary microelements and vitamins. After all, genetically any cat is a predator, and its digestive system is ideally suited for processing natural food - primarily meat.

You should not feed your Scottish Fold cat human food (prepared for people). Some of the foods that are perfectly digestible by us can be harmful to the health of the animal. And, more importantly, animals need a completely different combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates than humans to live a healthy life.

If you decide to feed your pet natural products, then make sure that the diet is composed taking into account the physiology of the animal, and is not formed from food that is left after your hearty lunch or dinner.

Feeding with natural food

It is better to consult an experienced veterinarian about how to properly feed your Scottish Fold cat. The health of animals largely depends on the amount of nutrients they receive through food.

  1. At least half of all food should be meat.
  2. Vegetables are a must - an average of 20 - 25%.
  3. And a third of the entire diet should be filled with cereals.

For a full life, a Scottish fold cat should receive per 1 kg of weight per day:

  • 4 grams of protein.
  • 2 grams of fat.
  • 12 – 15 grams of carbohydrates.

It is also better to calculate the volume of a single serving depending on the weight of the animal. This breed is prone to obesity, so owners will have to ensure that their pet does not overeat. That is, a cat weighing 5 kg should eat about 100 grams of food in one sitting, no more. And the daily portion for him will be about 200 - 250 grams.

What foods can be given to Scots?

The food you can feed your Scottish Fold cat should not contain added salt or any spices. Any seasonings are contraindicated for cats.

  • One of the most important components of the diet is meat. The main requirement for it: not too high fat content. Ideal for this breed are chicken, turkey, beef and veal. But under no circumstances should you give pork and lamb.
  • Twice a month you can pamper your pet with boiled (but not raw or fried) fish. More often it is not worth it: this product creates excessive stress on the cat’s liver. Please note that only sea fish, and exclusively low-fat varieties, are suitable for feeding the Scottish Fold.

Important! Before feeding your Scottish Fold fish, make sure that there are no bones, even small ones, in its flesh: otherwise the cat may choke or scratch the delicate tissues of the mouth with the sharp end.

  • Porridge is vital for cats: rice, buckwheat or barley. It is best to mix cereals with meat and vegetables: add 1 share of other products to 2 shares of porridge.
  • These cats digest oatmeal quite poorly, and it is better to give it only during stomach upsets: at these moments it really brings benefits and helps speed up recovery. Please also note that rice in large quantities can cause constipation.
  • Under no circumstances should you feed cereals high in protein: peas, beans, lentils. Many cats love these foods, but the consequences are bloating and painful colic.
  • All cats love dairy products. But Scottish Folds are contraindicated from pure cow's milk, as well as fermented milk products with high fat content (for example, cream). It is best to give kefir, fermented baked milk and low-fat sour cream.
  • But you can give any vegetables, except tomatoes, eggplants, garlic and onions.
  • Add a little boiled, finely chopped egg to your pet's food (no more than 1 piece per day). Quail is best, as it helps maintain immunity, but in a pinch, chicken can also be given.

Scottish Folds should not be fed cold or too hot food. All food should be slightly warmer than room temperature.

Food for pregnant and lactating cats

But what to feed a nursing Scottish Fold cat? In general, the diet for newly born lop-eared beauties does not change much. However, you should add a spoonful of bone meal to a single serving, and sprinkle your food with a few drops of fish oil once a week. Don’t forget about vitamins: animals need additional support with microelements during this period.

It is imperative to increase the share of dairy products. And, of course, the volume: for a mother cat it grows 3 or even 4 times, because she has to feed not only herself, but also her kittens. To avoid mistakes, give your pet food on demand.

However, there is an easier way to provide your Scottish Fold with adequate nutrition: temporarily switch the cat to high-quality ready-made food for pregnant and lactating cats.

What to feed a Scottish Fold kitten. This question should be a top priority for those in whose home this charming creature has appeared. After all, his health and well-being depend on proper nutrition, especially in the first months of life.

Before you go to the nursery to pick up a kitten, decide exactly how you will feed your pet. There are 3 options:

  1. Feeding with prepared food.

  2. Feeding with natural food.

  3. A mixed method, including both branded canned food and regular products.

Most breeders explain how to properly feed a Scottish Fold kitten and list in detail the foods that the furry baby eats. It is best to stick to the diet that the animal has been accustomed to since childhood. If you decide to switch your kitten to another food, this should be done gradually, adding a few new foods to the usual food every day.

Scottish Fold kittens are usually sold at least two months old. By this age, they are already free to eat solid food and do not depend on their mother's milk.

  • On the one hand, the basis of the diet of a 1-2 month old baby is milk.

  • On the other hand, cow's milk has too high a fat content and can cause indigestion in the baby.

It is best to replace it with fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk

, low-fat sour cream. If your baby is very small, then the milk for him can be diluted by half with water and given this mixture.

Water must be freely available. Small kittens drink little, receiving the required amount of liquid along with dairy products. In the first months they play with the water more, turning the bowl often. However, their bodies need water. At first, it must be added to food at every feeding, diluting the food to the state of a liquid pulp.

The temperature of the food should be approximately 30 - 35 degrees. Under no circumstances should you give your kitten cold or, conversely, hot food.

Most owners are interested in what they can feed Scottish Fold kittens when choosing natural food? In general, the diet of a small kitten is not much different in composition from the diet of an adult cat. However, he needs much more vitamin supplements and microelements, and a significant proportion of the food should be fermented milk products.

High-quality ready-made bagged food already contains all the necessary substances, and you only need to give additional vitamin supplements if you are accustoming your pet to natural food.

  • Sprinkle a small amount of fish oil on your pet's food. For a 2-3 month old baby, a few drops are enough; from 5 months of age, the amount of this useful supplement should be increased to 1 teaspoon per day.

  • Place several shallow bowls with “natural dietary supplements” near the feeding area: dry brewer’s yeast and school chalk crushed into dust.

  • Natural food does not provide the small Scottish Fold with the required amount of calcium. To compensate for the lack of this microelement, you can give vitamin complexes for kittens or add eggshells ground in a mixer or coffee grinder to the kitten’s food.

  • Give your pet cottage cheese 3 times a week. You can use baby curd mixtures, for example, “Agushu”.

The list of what you should not feed Scottish Fold kittens is also quite impressive. This includes all fatty meats, salt and seasonings, sausage, sour foods, sweets, chocolate and river fish.

You should not give your pet yogurt - it contains too much sugar. Raw meat is contraindicated. It must be boiled or, if time is short, thoroughly doused with boiling water. Bones should also not be given in any form.

Unlike adult animals, who only need two meals a day, a kitten must receive food several times a day.

  • A baby several weeks old needs to be fed every one and a half to two hours in tiny portions.

  • Upon reaching 1.5 months, the number of feedings can be reduced to 6 - 8 times a day, gradually increasing the periods between meals to 3 hours.

  • By the 3rd month, the volume of a single serving becomes larger, but the frequency of food intake decreases: 5 times a day is quite enough for an older kitten.

  • At 4 and 5 months this number is even less: 4 times a day.

  • By the age of six months, three feedings per day are enough.

  • And only after 1 year can you switch your pet to two meals a day.

A growing body uses up the energy it receives very quickly. The kitten's high activity and rapid growth require that the baby receive food as soon as it begins to feel hungry. Depending on what food you feed your Scottish Fold kitten, food can be kept freely available all the time or added every time the animal begins to show interest in the bowl.

It is better to remove regular foods or soft pates after each feeding. But dry food can be left in the bowl all day. A kitten can feed food up to 20 times per day.

It is rare, but it still happens that newborn kittens are separated from their mother, and the task of feeding them falls on the shoulders of people.

In the first month of life, cat babies receive all the necessary nutrients through their mother's milk. During this period, they do not need additional food, and their body is not yet able to digest it. It is best to feed a one-month-old Scottish Fold kitten with special suspensions sold in a pet store. But if necessary, the milk mixture can be prepared from goat or cow milk. At this age, animals do not yet know how to chew, and they will have to be fed using a pipette or syringe.

When the kitten begins to actively play, you can begin to accustom him to the bowl. Most babies quickly begin to lap up milk, after which hand feeding can be stopped, gradually transferring the pet to soft food.

From the 8th week you can start adding solid foods to your Scottish Fold's food. This should be done carefully, gradually reducing the proportion of milk in the daily diet.

A Scottish Fold kitten at this age should be fed semi-liquid food that does not require thorough chewing. Cut the meat as finely as possible, boiled vegetables can be mashed to a pulp. Be sure to dilute your food with low-fat broth or water. If the animal is reluctant to eat regular food, try adding kefir or sour cream to it. Although it is better to give fermented milk products separately, without mixing them with the rest of the food.

If you decide to feed your kitten branded products, choose specialized food for kittens. Under no circumstances should you feed adult cats food. Foods from Yams and Royal Canin (original) are ideal for this breed.

You shouldn't skimp on food for your pet. A Scottish Fold cat at any age needs a lot of protein and vitamin supplements. Premium and Super Premium food contains enough of these substances, but cheap food is made mainly from fiber and by-products. Meat in them, as a rule, is replaced by bone meal and offal, and its content does not exceed 30%. Such food can cost a lop-eared baby's health.

By the 13th week of life, milk should be completely removed from the Scottish Fold's menu. Most kittens older than 3 months do not digest this product. The amount of fermented milk products can be reduced to 20 - 30%, and in return the share of meat can be increased.

3/5 of all foods at this age should be solid food. Porridge should be cooked as before, with a semi-liquid consistency, but add vegetables cut into pieces and finely chopped meat. By 4–5 months, the size of the pieces can be increased to 1 cm. From this age, a kitten’s food differs from food for an adult Scottish Fold cat only in the size of the portions and the number of feedings per day.

When a Scottish kitten appears in your home, the question immediately arises: what to feed it and how to do it correctly? The first and main rule is that you cannot give food from your table. A kitten's body is very different from a human's. Pedigree cats and especially kittens are more sensitive to stomach problems, so you should be very careful when choosing food for your pet.

From the first day of life until three weeks, the kitten eats only mother's milk. Later, complementary feeding begins, which includes diluted cow's or goat's milk. And already from two months the kitten is separated from its mother and switches to more adult food. This can be milk rice or oatmeal porridge, as well as low-fat cottage cheese. From three months you should completely stop giving your kitten milk. Since from this age it can cause diarrhea due to indigestibility.

How to feed a Scottish kitten correctly? The body will not tolerate undereating and overeating and will begin to malfunction. Therefore, you definitely need to know the portion sizes for a Scottish kitten. The larger and more mature the kitten, the more food it requires. Therefore, the weight of the daily portion depends on the size of the pet itself. 150 g -250 g of feed per 1 kg of weight. For example, if your kitten weighs 2 kg, he will need about 400 g of food per day. You can’t eat the same food all day long; the diet should be varied. It’s better to feed Scottish cats while they’re still small, at least 4-5 times a day in small portions.

You should feed correctly and in a balanced manner. It is advisable to decide in advance exactly how you will feed your pet - natural food or ready-made food.

Natural food for a Scottish kitten

If you have a lot of free time, it is preferable to give priority to natural food for your pet. In this case, you can independently control the condition and quality of the products. It will be absolutely easy for you to prepare food for a Scottish kitten, because these beautiful animals are quite unpretentious in their diet, unless, of course, you spoil them with goodies from childhood.

You can feed Scottish kittens porridge (rice, buckwheat and oatmeal). But the main and constant ingredient in a cat’s diet should, of course, be meat and fish. The fish should be sea fish, not fatty. It is advisable to give it 1-2 times a week (not more often) boiled, separated from the bones and finely chopped. Meat should be included in the daily diet, 30 grams. It should be lean veal, beef, poultry - turkey or chicken. Meat processing is no different from fish. It is better to initially teach people to eat meat and fish in specially prepared porridges and soups (without salt and spices). You can cook chicken liver, heart, and ventricles in the same way.

It is imperative to diversify your food with fermented milk products. You can feed Scottish kittens with cottage cheese, kefir, and cheese. It is also useful to add boiled chopped vegetables to your diet. All food should be at room temperature. There should always be access to clean water. You cannot feed Scottish kittens with salty and fatty foods, or smoked meats. Sugar and spices are also not recommended.

Ready-made feed

What food is best to feed a Scottish kitten? Give preference to premium ready-made food. First of all, pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions of the product. Also, be sure to ask the seller whether this or that food is suitable for a Scottish kitten of your age. In infancy, it is recommended to use ready-made food in the form of mousse, and later in pieces in gravy. If you prefer to feed your Scottish kitten dry food, plenty of water should be available.

The breed, originally from Scotland, is captivating more and more people. The cute appearance and good character encourage many to adopt this furry miracle. However, the first thing you should familiarize yourself with is information about how to choose the right food for a Scottish Straight kitten.

What feeding is contraindicated

It’s worth starting with how a straight-eared baby should under no circumstances eat:

  • Excessively, by the way, is the most common mistake made by owners of small Scots. For some reason, it seems that a growing body needs as much food as possible. Meanwhile, the kitten often simply does not know the limits, eating much more than the norm if it is not controlled. By the way, an adult cat is sometimes also prone to overeating and his diet should be under control.
  • Smoked, salted, fried, spicy foods are not only undesirable, but strictly prohibited. Any such food from the table, which seems very tasty to a person, can harm the kitten. And given that the development of small Scottish cats begins in the womb, it is also extremely important to protect a pregnant cat from such food. And in principle, even an adult feline will not benefit from such food.
  • Bones - no way! They can hurt.
  • Expired food is undesirable even for an adult cat, and will even harm the delicate stomach of the younger generation. Even food that has recently begun to spoil should be discarded.
  • Unprocessed meat – it should be completely excluded from the diet. If an adult cat eats a raw piece of meat with pleasure and without negative consequences, the kitten will get indigestion.
  • Fatty meat, just like raw meat, is accepted by the cat’s stomach without gratitude.
  • Cream, sour cream - possible, but undesirable. The fact is that the listed products, according to some experts, are too heavy for the cat’s liver.

How to feed very small Straights

Until the little Scotsman is 2.5-3 months old, he cannot be separated from his mother. This is because mother’s milk is the most important food during this period of time. However, anything can happen, and sometimes babies are left without a mother for a month, or even earlier. Or mother's milk is not enough. In such cases, the owner will have to organize the baby’s meals himself. How to do this? By following the following instructions:

  • Food for Scottish Straight kittens at this time may consist of human formula milk. You can read about how to properly dilute the mixture on its packaging.
  • As for the frequency of feeding, it is recommended to adhere to a certain frequency when caring for a small kitten. So in the first three weeks you should eat straight literally every 2 hours. Then the interval between feedings can be slightly increased, and as a result, a month-old Scottish pet eats from 3 to 6 times per day.
  • Before the cat reaches 3 months of age, you should not give him ready-made dry or even natural food. A gradual transfer to types of food other than mixtures should be carried out exclusively from 2.5-3 months.

Basic nuances of feeding

Now let's talk about how to ideally feed a small Scottish cat from 3 to 12 months, about the main nuances:

  • If the owner of a furball decides to opt for dry food, he must take into account the correct method of serving it. Thus, feeding should be done by first wetting the crackers in milk, curdled milk, or at least water.
  • It is preferable to ask the breeder in advance about the menu he has compiled. At first, it is highly advisable to adhere to this menu when preparing the diet of your furry new baby. Otherwise, an unexpected sudden change in diet will most likely lead to indigestion.
  • The consistency of the food should be such that it is convenient for the baby to take it. That is, porridge should be given not hard-boiled, as adults are sometimes served, but liquid. Moreover, the thinner the porridge, the better.
  • A healthy diet must certainly include vitamins. Ready-made food already contains them in sufficient proportion. But fans of natural feeding will have to think about additionally balancing their pet’s food. There are special vitamin sets for this purpose. However, it is the veterinarian who must select such a set, since the individual characteristics of the animal must be taken into account.
  • Regardless of what complex the doctor prescribes, it is advisable to give kittens fish oil. This fat is extremely useful for the younger generation because it is a source of vitamins A and D.
  • Next, let's talk about water. Probably everyone has heard that it needs to be changed daily. But some breeders agree that it is preferable to change it twice a day.
  • Many people have also heard that it is preferable to choose between natural and ready-made food. But probably not everyone knows that it is possible to combine both dry and wet food of the same brand in the menu. Meanwhile, sticking to one specific manufacturer is highly advisable.
  • If you're testing something new or making a transition, it's worth starting with small portions. Individual intolerance has not been canceled, and a pet may simply not like new food. Experts advise introducing new components into the menu gradually, starting with a proportion of 30% of the total amount of food.
  • At first, the baby will stubbornly not understand that solid food needs to be eaten. But don’t be scared if the kitten plays with the pieces. This is normal - he should get used to it soon.
  • As soon as the kitten is 5 months old, the feeding frequency should be set to 5 times a day; at 9 months it is enough to feed 4 times. By the age of one year, the straight dog is ideally accustomed to the adult regimen, that is, eating 2-3 times a day.

Natural food for Scottish Straight kittens

Let's talk about natural food, which is preferred by most owners. So, what can you give a Scottish kitten?

  • Meat for a kitten, as for an adult, is extremely important. Breeders insist that meat should be present in the diet every day. But, of course, it must undergo pre-treatment, that is, be boiled or at least scalded. If the owner prefers freezing, then he should freeze the meat for at least 3-5 days. Dosage – approximately 30-40 g at a time. The pieces, of course, must be thoroughly chopped. As mentioned earlier, the product should be low-fat, that is, beef, turkey, and chicken are perfect.
  • Suitable by-products are beef or chicken - heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. The liver is especially useful, containing a lot of microelements and vitamins. However, breeders emphasize that, despite all the benefits of this product, it should not be given more than once a week. Otherwise, problems with the baby’s stomach cannot be avoided.
  • But you need to be careful with fish. It is both true and a myth that kittens benefit from feeding this type of food. Yes, it is a protein, but it is absorbed quickly, which can lead to kidney problems. Ideally, you can treat your pet to this food about once a week. Low-fat varieties are needed - hake, carp, perch. And, of course, it is important for kids to boil the fish first.
  • Dairy products also fall into the category of myths. Yes, milk is generally healthy, but it can only be given to kittens up to 3 months old. Which many people, unfortunately, don’t know about. If the owner feeds the baby himself, then until the specified age he can still give boiled milk, but later he should be weaned off milk. Otherwise, intestinal upset becomes a frequent companion of Scottish cats. The way out of the situation is to treat your pets with sour cream, kefir, and cottage cheese. It is preferable that the products contain a small percentage of fat. You can choose cottage cheese and kefir that are often fed to human children. By the way, a pregnant cat should also consume similar cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables are very useful for babies. Except for potatoes. Three times a week you can grate raw vegetables on a fine grater or puree boiled ones. Pumpkin is especially useful - it is a good remedy for worms.
  • From porridges you should choose oatmeal or buckwheat. You can cook them in both milk and water. And together with meat broth and vegetables, you get a great dish!

Special ready-made food: what to prefer

The most important rule in this case is that the food must be “premium class”. Even if such food is more expensive, it will definitely not cause harm and will be beneficial. As for the consistency, breeders especially like to feed their little charges mousse - it is most convenient to eat.

Food for babies must be designed for their age, since pellets for adult animals are larger and, as a result, inconvenient. As for brands, you should pay attention to the following:

  • “Hills” - contains phosphorus, magnesium, calcium in excellent balance. It has a medicinal line of foods available, but you should first consult with a veterinarian about the advisability of using them.
  • "Royal Canin" - contains enough fiber and an acceptable dosage of quickly digestible proteins. Helps create an optimal balance of intestinal flora and normalize the animal's stool.
  • “Innova EVO” is favored by experienced breeders due to its composition of fresh meat and vegetables, oils, minerals, and vitamins. Fats and oils have a good effect on the immunity of kittens, and the absence of harmful impurities and even taste and smell enhancers guarantees high quality food.
  • “Matisse” - most of the composition is chicken meat and fat, rice, fish, eggs. In addition, the food contains a whole complex of vitamins and calcium.

Scottish is a breed that attracts with its beauty and dignity. However, for all this, just a good pedigree is not enough - care is also of no small importance. But there is nothing complicated about the issue of proper feeding if you figure it out in advance and don’t improvise on the fly.

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