Drops for the third eyelid in cats. Inner eyelid in cats. Eye diseases that affect cats

The third eyelid is located near the inner corners of the eyes. It is a thin film, otherwise it is also called the nictitating membrane. Normally, when the cat's eyes are wide open, it is not visible. The third eyelid produces tears, which helps to evenly moisten the entire eye and remove trapped dust particles and other small debris. When the film is enlarged, it does not fully perform its functions, and this leads to problems.

Why does the third eyelid become visible?

Normally, the third eyelid should not be visible all the time. It appears only when the cat blinks or if the eye is forced to open while the animal is sleeping. If the film stretches over half the eye or completely covers the eye, this already means that a malfunction has occurred in the pet’s body.

The reasons why the nictitating membrane has enlarged and become visible are the following:

  1. 1. Prolapse of the third eyelid. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom that signals the beginning of an inflammatory process in the cat's eye. The film swells greatly and increases in size. Most often it can be noticed if a cat develops conjunctivitis. This could be an allergic reaction, corneal injury, a viral disease (rinotracheitis, calcivirosis, chlamydia), infection, fungal disease (histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis). A visible third eyelid on one eye is an indication that a foreign small object has entered the eye; in this case, the eye simply needs to be rinsed and the behavior of the film observed for a while. If it does not disappear, you will have to turn to medication. If the third eyelid is visible in both eyes, this clearly signals the beginning of an inflammatory process or an advanced eye disease. In addition to eye diseases, the third eyelid indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  1. 2. Adenoma of the third century. An adenoma is a benign tumor that grows very quickly in a cat's eye. The reasons are: infection, injury, hormonal imbalance (especially in females). Pedigree cats, mainly Persians and exotics, have the greatest predisposition to adenoma. The tumor cannot be allowed to grow, because it causes another infection to enter the eye, and the eye is not sufficiently hydrated, which leads to vision problems. The adenoma is removed by surgery using anesthesia, and only after that drug therapy is prescribed. Sometimes owners are offered to completely remove the third eyelid, but this will lead to the need to constantly moisturize the eyes with drops, and conjunctivitis will become a chronic disease.
  2. 3. Third century eversion. This is a crease in the cartilage of the third eyelid. Outwardly, it resembles an adenoma, but covers a much larger area on the eye. This disease appears at the time of active growth of the kitten (at 2–3 months), mainly in purebred cats. Eversion can only be removed through surgery; it cannot be cured on your own.

  1. 5. Flu. In the early stages of cat flu, the animal's third eyelid begins to lapse, the temperature rises, and pus comes out of the eyes. In this case, the eyes need to be rinsed more often; you can use special drops for animals. Veterinary medications for influenza must be given as the disease is fatal to cats.

In addition to the above reasons, a visible third eyelid in a cat may indicate a decrease in the animal’s immunity. This does not require expensive treatment; it is enough to simply choose vitamins for your cat in injections and tablets to strengthen the body. Another reason for the appearance of the third eyelid is the stressful situation in the postoperative period. In some cats, a film appears on the eye after sterilization and lasts for one or two days. Before rushing headlong to the doctor, you need to observe your cat for several days.

How can you treat a cat’s prolapsed third eyelid at home?

First, you can try rinsing your cat's eyes. To do this, under no circumstances should you use old methods with tea leaves or decoctions of unknown herbs, because you can introduce an infection into the eye and severe inflammation will begin. The veterinary pharmacy sells special eye washes, for example, BEAPHAR Oftal. It will perfectly help wash foreign particles out of the eye and remove irritation.

Some time after washing, you need to drop special drops into your eyes: Floxal, Levomycetin or Actipol. Some veterinarians recommend instilling several drugs at the same time and conducting a course of at least two weeks. These drops will help perfectly if the cause of the third eye is conjunctivitis or infection. You can combine Floxal with Korneregel. It is worth remembering that these are medications intended for humans and their dosage for a cat should be several times less. Otherwise, you can seriously damage the eye and then a meeting with the veterinarian can no longer be avoided.

The inner (third) eyelid is a special thin membrane that protects the mucous membrane of the cat’s eye from dust and various damage. It is a thin light film, on one side adjacent to the cornea of ​​the eye, and on the other, to the inner surface of the upper and lower eyelids.

In a healthy animal, the third eyelid can only be seen when blinking, tilting the head, or when the eye is irritated. In this case, the eyelid extends and lubricates the surface of the cornea with tear fluid. But pathologies of the nictitating membrane often occur. These include prolapse, adenoma and third eyelid prolapse.

Eyelid loss

If the third eyelid does not fold, almost completely covers the eye, and causes discomfort in the cat, this is a pathology. The animal begins to hide from the light, rubs its eyes, blinks and squints. Upon examination, you may notice increased lacrimation, redness and pus. This is a signal to urgently contact a veterinarian and prescribe treatment.

It happens that the film appears only on one eye. This happens due to the entry of a foreign body. Constriction of the pupil and drooping of the upper eyelid are the cause of neurological pathology. The third eyelid in both eyes indicates a serious systemic disease.

Most often, the cause is eye damage and infection in the wound (for example, during a fight). An infected wound may develop a creeping corneal ulcer or keratitis. The surface of the eyes becomes cloudy, erosion, white or greenish discharge appears. This condition is extremely dangerous and can lead to the death of the animal.

Causes of inner eyelid loss include:

If your cat experiences eyelid prolapse, it should be examined by a veterinarian.

Treatment of third eyelid prolapse should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. To do this, the doctor may prescribe a general and biochemical blood test, ultrasound of the eyeball, X-ray examination of the skull, MRI and CT tests.

If the disease is caused by a bacterial or viral infection, treatment is carried out using conservative methods (gel or drops, antibiotics, antiviral drugs). Immunostimulating agents (, etc.) are often prescribed. There are cases when surgical intervention is unavoidable.

Important. You cannot self-medicate, use drops and ointments without a doctor’s prescription, put your hands into the animal’s eyes and try to return the membrane to its place. Do not use drops or gels intended for human treatment.

Sometimes eyelid loss goes away without a trace within a day. But you shouldn’t ignore this, because a relapse is possible. Before contacting a veterinarian, you can begin treatment at home on your own. To do this, you need to include plant supplements containing calendula, ivy bud, cornflower and plantain in your cat’s diet.

Eyelid loss may go away on its own, but then a relapse may occur.

If your cat's eyes are watery and purulent, you can wash them with warm water, olive oil or boric acid.

Prolapse: treatment of the disease

With prolapse, the third eyelid covers half of the eye. This disease is often confused with hair loss. Their difference is the color of the conjunctiva. With prolapse, it has a gray or gray-blue tint. The cause may be an allergic reaction or a foreign body entering the mucous membrane of the eye.

Trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations, the cat rubs its eyes vigorously with its paws, which can lead to infection. Purulent discharge, lacrimation and inflammation appear. To save your pet from suffering, use drops or ointments and antibacterial drugs prescribed by your doctor. Usually the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Treatment of third eyelid adenoma

An adenoma is a benign neoplasm in the eye that is bright pink in color and has clear outlines. If measures are not taken, the tumor begins to grow, preventing the eyes from closing. The cat stops eating, becomes lethargic and apathetic.

An adenoma is a bright pink growth in a cat's eye.

Treatment may require surgical removal of the adenoma and nearby tissue. After which anti-inflammatory and antibacterial eye ointments and drops are prescribed.

Important. The animal's lacrimal gland or nictitating membrane should not be removed. This is fraught with serious complications: keratoconjunctivitis, ulcerative keratitis or complete blindness.

This pathology is treatable. But it will be very time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is strictly forbidden to straighten the eyelid on your own. All manipulations with the eyes of a sick cat should be carried out by a veterinarian.

Other causes of eye disease in cats

Inflammation of the third eyelid can be caused by wounds, mechanical damage to the cornea of ​​the eye, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, and genetic pathology. But there are still many that cause suffering to furry pets.

These include:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • turning of the eyelids;
  • corneal necrosis;
  • keratitis;
  • retinal detachment;

There are many different eye diseases in cats.

Conjunctivitis is caused by an allergy or viral infection. Keratitis develops against the background of fungal and bacterial infection. Persian, Himalayan and British cats are more susceptible to entropion. The cause can be either trauma or congenital pathology. Lacrimation, retinal detachment and necrosis of the cornea of ​​the eye appear due to mechanical damage and trauma.

Prevention of inflammation of the third eyelid

To prevent inflammation of the third eyelid in a cat, you need to follow a few simple rules:

It is recommended to wash your pet’s bedding more often, regularly carry out wet cleaning in the room, thoroughly wash the tray and change the filling on time. Every day after a walk, rinse your eyes with chamomile decoction or a special liquid. Introduce into your cat's diet all the minerals and vitamins necessary to strengthen the immune system. This is the key to your pet's health.

Cat's third eyelid. How interesting our lives are. Human interest in nature will not dry up. It is fraught with many mysteries that people can endlessly guess. Everything is provided in nature, down to the smallest details. You're amazed! Animals are endowed with many abilities in order to survive in the wild. The structure of the organs makes it possible to protect against adverse environmental factors. Cats are animals that live next to humans, so we should know who better than them. We like them not only because of the beauty of their fur and unusual coloring. They have amazing eyes too. They don't seem to blink at all, but rather close them when they fall asleep.

Due to the lack of functioning of the organ, tiny particles and dust enter the eyes. Nature took care of this and endowed the cat with a third eyelid. It looks like a thin fold in the inner corner of the eye. She is needed for to clean the mucous membranes of the eyes and moisten them with tear fluid. It becomes noticeable when the eye closes. By lightly pressing on the cornea, the appearance of this membrane is visible. At one end it comes into contact with the cornea, and at the other with the upper and lower eyelids. Inside it is covered with lymphoid tissue. It is often mistaken for follicular conjunctivitis. By removing it, the protective functions are reduced. T-shaped cartilage provides tight contact with the cornea of ​​the eye. At the base it is covered with tear-producing tissue. The animal cannot control the functioning of this organ. Its function is reflexive. The membrane does not come out at will. Thanks to its work, the eyes are protected from pollution. Exists many pathologies of this organ.

Third eyelid in a cat: causes and treatment

In a healthy animal, the membrane is not visible. It doesn't interfere with the cat's vision at all. A cat's third eyelid becomes noticeable when the eyelids close or the head tilts. Its purpose: to quietly remove everything foreign and take its place. It happens that the fold does not return to its original position, but increases in size, which makes it noticeable to the eye. If these symptoms appear, you should contact a veterinary center. Self-medication is dangerous for the animal.

A change in the position of the nictitating membrane can be associated not only with diseases of the eye, but also with pathologies of other organs not related to the eyes:

  • Bacterial or viral infection;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Eye injuries;
  • Diseases of internal organs;
  • Helminth infestations.

What are the dangers of third eyelid prolapse in cats? The owner notices that The cat's third eyelid has popped out. His actions are the same as those of most people. I don’t want to go to the doctor, so they go to the nearest pharmacy, buy medicine on the advice of the pharmacist, and begin treatment. Do the same with a cat. Animals are different from humans. They cannot tell what and how it hurts, so only a veterinarian should examine it. Salespeople in pet stores are not specialists and cannot advise anything intelligible. As a result of self-diagnosis and incorrect treatment, precious time is wasted. We have to correct mistakes that have been made, which affects the health of the animal.

Causes of third eyelid loss in cats

It is very important to avoid mistakes when making a diagnosis and to distinguish it from other pathologies. If the diagnosis is incorrect, real eye diseases appear. This can lead to keratoconjunctivitis. He is partially cured. It is not possible to make the animal healthy again. Damage to the third eyelid in a cat is not always associated with disease. It gets damaged during fights with other animals. These could be fights between cats. As a result, membrane damage may occur. The resulting wounds will require surgical treatment. The recovery will be long. The occurrence of problems with the eyelid may be a consequence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In any case, it is best to contact a veterinary center to avoid mistakes.

    You may not need serious treatment if:
  • Temporarily weakened immunity;
  • Cat flu;
  • Temporary manifestations of the disease, disappearing after one or two days.

In order not to miss diseases of the third eyelid in a cat, you need to monitor your pet. If the animal is cheerful and has a good appetite, include more vitamins and microelements in the diet. Remove nasal and eye discharge and use eye drops. In case of genetic predisposition (Persians and British breeds), only veterinarian - ophthalmologist. The gland is put into place surgically. Let us highlight the main points of all of the above:

  • If the third eyelid of a cat becomes noticeable only in one eye, then the reason for this is the ingress of foreign bodies;
  • Partial overlap by a membrane requires additional examination to identify diseases of other organs. Further treatment will depend on this;
  • An enlarged nictitating membrane may be a sign of anatomical pathology. A veterinarian should be consulted.
    If you have problems with your pet, the cat has a third eyelid, it is prohibited:
  • treat yourself. Apply ointments and drops to humans;
  • get into the animal’s eyes, trying to return the membrane to its previous position;
  • A proposal to remove the third eyelid gland is a sign of an illiterate specialist. Try going to another veterinary center. By following the lead of such a wretched doctor, you will end up with a cat suffering lifelong torment with its eyes, even to the point of blindness.

Third eyelid in a cat: adenoma

Third eyelid in a cat: adenoma, – appears with infections and eye damage. This is a benign tumor that forms near the bridge of the nose. Has a light pink color. Because of her the cat cannot close his eyelids. Since the mucous membrane is not cleared of foreign particles and microbes, vision difficulties may arise. Removing the gland of the third eyelid surgically will not solve problems, but will add new ones. It is often proposed to restore the third eyelid gland to its place through surgery. The animal is then prescribed antibacterial and anti-inflammatory eye drops. This disease is treatable. It will be long and laborious and will require patience, but the animal will not suffer from the addition of new diseases. If the membrane is completely removed, the cat will suffer from diseases such as keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis. Blindness may occur. This happens due to the fact that the eyes are not moistened by tear fluid and are susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms.

Under no circumstances should you try to push the eyelid back into place.. Only a veterinarian should perform various eye manipulations after a complete examination at a veterinary center. Careless actions, ignorance of anatomy and treatment methods will lead to damage to the cornea and cataract.

Prolapse, third eyelid in a cat

The disease resembles inflammation of the membrane. It goes halfway up the eye. The conjunctiva changes color and becomes gray or acquires a blue tint. It is not a pathology. It signals the onset of an illness and is the result of allergies and foreign bodies getting into the eyes. Pus and lacrimation appear. The animal scratches its eye with its paw, trying to remove foreign particles.

Third eyelid treatment in cats

For prolapse, the animal is prescribed ointments, drops and antibiotics. They provide hydration to the organ, which promotes better removal of all folk microparticles and impurities. As soon as all treatment procedures are completed, the membrane will take its position. The prolapsed canal of the lacrimal glands is removed using the “Pocket” technique. The free space around it is sutured and the gland is fixed. Thus, she loses freedom of movement.

At adenoma of the eye treatment with medications is prescribed. This will make it possible to reduce the swelling. The tumor is removed surgically. Removing the entire membrane with the lacrimal gland is dangerous.

What to do if your pet has changes in his eyes? Of course, go to the veterinary center. You cannot use medications on your own. A cat's eyes are a very fragile organ that can be easily damaged, and restoring its health, especially its vision, can sometimes be very difficult. Don't waste time and experiment. Only a veterinarian can help an animal.

The conjunctiva is a thin mucous membrane lining

the surface of the eyeball and the inside of the eyelids. The third eyelid in cats is a fold of the conjunctiva located at the inner corners of the eyes. Why do cats need a nictitating membrane and what do changes in its size, color and structure indicate?

The third or inner eyelid plays an important role in the functioning of the visual organs. When a cat's eyes are open, the third eyelid remains invisible. But the moment the pet blinks or tilts its head to the ground, the fold of the conjunctiva straightens, covering almost the entire surface of the eye. The nictitating membrane acts like car windshield wiper blades, evenly distributing tear fluid and removing foreign particles from the surface of the eye. In addition, the nictitating membrane produces about a third of all tear fluid.

If you notice that your cat's third eyelid is visible even when she is awake, you should contact your veterinarian. An enlarged nictitating membrane cannot cope with the functions assigned to it: the eyes are not sufficiently or too moisturized and are poorly protected from external negative factors.

Prolapse of the third eyelid in cats is not a disease, but a symptom that accompanies many diseases:

It is important to find the root cause, since treating the third eyelid in cats in this case will lead nowhere. It is necessary to consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible: the longer prolapse of the third eyelid in cats remains unattended by a specialist, the higher the likelihood of secondary infections, which complicates diagnosis and treatment.

The third eyelid (nictitating membrane) is a thin light film in the corner of the cat's eye, which protects the mucous membrane of the eyes from damage and dust. It secretes a certain amount of tear fluid, which, when blinking, wets the surface of the eyeball and thus collects foreign particles and traps bacteria. Normally, this membrane can only be seen in a cat when blinking or tilting the head, so if the third eyelid appears in other situations, you should take your pet to the veterinarian, even if there are no other symptoms. This phenomenon not only causes discomfort to the pet and blocks vision, but can also be a manifestation of health problems and even threaten blindness.

Prolapse of the third eyelid in a cat is not an independent disease, but a signal to the owner about possible problems with the pet’s health. Among them:

Important: prolapse of the third eyelid in one eye indicates possible injury or foreign body entry, while its appearance in both eyes is a symptom of one of the diseases.


The appearance of the third eyelid in a cat is most often accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • increased tear production;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • blepharospasms (involuntary contraction of the eye muscle);
  • discharge of mucus or pus;
  • voluminous neoplasms in the inner corner of the eyes;
  • Itching and increased body temperature may occur.

Owners do not always immediately notice enlarged formations in front of their pet’s eyes. But it is important to carefully periodically examine the organs of vision, especially if the cat:

  • blinks frequently or squints too much;
  • strives to constantly hide from any sources of light;
  • washes his face too often for no apparent reason.

If you notice that the third eyelid is clearly visible even while you are awake, you should contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. The longer this problem remains unexamined, the greater the likelihood of developing secondary infections, which complicate diagnosis and further treatment.


Since prolapse of the nictitating membrane is only a symptom of the disease, treatment directly depends on the cause of this phenomenon. Sometimes the prolapse of the nictitating membrane goes away without outside intervention, and it returns to its original location within 24 hours. But in any case, it is worth consulting with a specialist to identify the cause and prevent possible relapses.

Before consulting a veterinarian, the use of any medications is contraindicated: they can relieve local irritation, but at the same time distort the overall picture, which will complicate diagnosis, and can also cause complications and even loss of vision.

Depending on the identified cause, appropriate treatment methods are selected:

  • In case of allergic reactions, means are selected to eliminate external manifestations and additional symptoms (itching, swelling, redness of the skin, hair problems, etc.), antihistamines and even hormonal therapy are prescribed in case of severe disease; it is mandatory to exclude possible allergens.
  • For bacterial, viral or fungal etiology, complex treatment is carried out, which may include antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs of general and local action, and also be supplemented with symptomatic therapy (antipyretics, immunostimulants, droppers to eliminate dehydration, etc.).
  • For diseases of internal organs, various methods and preparations of complex action are selected, as well as specialized food with a therapeutic focus;
  • If a foreign body is detected, an examination and anesthesia are carried out, after which eye rinsing is prescribed, but in severe cases it may lead to surgical intervention.
  • In case of mechanical injuries, attention is paid primarily to anesthetizing the eye (by instilling drops), after which the damaged eye is examined to determine the severity of the injury and measures to alleviate the animal’s condition.

The main thing that is required from the owner is to provide the cat with a balanced healthy diet, rest and timely administration of medications prescribed by the veterinarian. Therapy should be continued until all symptoms disappear. In no case should you stop treatment when the first noticeable improvements appear, since the risk of the disease returning and complications developing is very high. After completing the course, it is important to show the animal again to a veterinarian, who will confirm the final recovery.

When no treatment is required

If your pet's eyes are covered by the third eyelid, this does not always mean the prescription of medications. Thus, treatment is usually not required for:

  • weakened immunity;
  • recovery period after illness;
  • significant weight loss or dehydration;
  • mild form of cat flu.

In these cases, it is sufficient to monitor the cat: if his well-being and behavior do not change, you should only strengthen the diet with vitamins, nutrients and sufficient fluids, and follow the veterinarian’s recommendations for caring for the animal (for example, regularly remove discharge from the eyes and nose in case of flu).

Diseases of the third century

It is worth highlighting separately the diseases that relate directly to the nictitating membrane:

  • Adenoma (tumor) of the third eyelid is a benign formation in the form of a pink “bean” that occurs due to injury, hormonal problems or other disturbances in the body. It does not allow the cat to close its eye normally, resulting in an increased risk of injury and infection. Over time, the size of the tumor increases, it turns red, an increase in temperature and the appearance of purulent discharge may be observed, the general condition worsens, the animal loses appetite, aggression and irritability appear. If the tumor does not grow and does not bother the pet, only supportive therapy is prescribed as treatment, otherwise surgery is recommended. In this case, it is necessary to remove the tumor itself, since removal of the nictitating membrane threatens the development of chronic conjunctivitis, insufficiency of tear fluid (dry eye syndrome), lifelong purulent discharge and blindness.

  • Prolapse is a specific phenomenon in which the nictitating membrane is constantly in a straightened state. It is often mistaken for prolapse of the third eyelid, but the main difference is that with prolapse there is no inflammation and redness: the surface of the eye is covered with a film of grayish or bluish color, so the cat covers its eyes with its paws and washes them, trying to eliminate the obstacle that has appeared. Prolapse, like prolapse, can be a symptom of various diseases, so to eliminate it it is important to identify the cause of the pathology. As soon as it is eliminated, the nictitating membrane will return to its original place.


Preventative measures that help prevent inflammation of the third eyelid do not require special efforts and are aimed at maintaining general health and normal development. This requires:

These simple activities will strengthen your pet’s body, so it will be more resistant to all kinds of viruses and bacteria.

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