When is it better to conceive a child before or after menstruation? When is the best time to get pregnant: optimal age, best days to conceive. Myths regarding the best time to get pregnant. Does time of day affect conception?

In the modern world, the definition of “pregnancy planning” is used everywhere, since it has become possible to influence the process of conception and decide when exactly it should happen. The planning process is characterized by many subtleties, and future parents think through such important points in advance.

The most favorable days for conception depending on ovulation

Many people have heard about the calendar method, but it is still very conventional. If there is a regular menstrual cycle, a woman may not pay attention to its duration, because after following it for 2-3 months, she can already create her calendar without any problems.

It is believed that the most suitable period is the days of the cycle from 9 to 18. In this case, you need to count from the 20th day until the start of the next menstruation. If a woman has an irregular cycle, the duration of each cycle will need to be recorded for at least a year.

In this way it will be possible to determine the longest and shortest cycle that ever existed. Next, you will need to make a calculation: subtract 19 from the number of days of the shortest cycle, and 10 from the longest.

For example, the shortest menstrual cycle was 24 days, and the longest was 28. The following calculations are obtained: 24 - 19 = 5. 28 - 10 = 18. As a result, it becomes clear that the most favorable days for conceiving a child will be with 5th to 18th inclusive.

Video: how to determine the day of ovulation

Why do such seemingly accurate calculations remain conditional? Because even in women with a perfectly rhythmic menstrual cycle, ovulation does not always occur on precisely calculated days.

It is worth noting that changes in ovulation can be influenced by factors such as frequent stress, depression, taking medications and especially hormonal drugs, as well as, of course, various types of illnesses. So you should not use the calendar method as the only effective and absolutely accurate way to plan conception.

Did you know? The average cycle length for women, which is 28 days, is actually not that average. It turns out that only 33% of women have such a cycle length. For the rest, it is either less, or longer, or fluctuates up to 14 days from one cycle to the next.

Optimal age

The age of the future father and mother can influence both the conception of the baby and its further development inside the womb.

There is some truth to the fact that as a woman ages, it becomes more difficult to get pregnant. Carrying a child is not easy, and at a certain age it can be quite problematic. But a man’s age is no less important.

Before we talk about the optimal age of a man and a woman to conceive a child, we note that until today not a single doctor can accurately name the ideal age of reproduction, especially in men. The most important thing is the lifestyle that those who want to become parents lead, and age is a secondary factor, although certainly important.

For men

According to research, the chance of conceiving a child for men aged 40+ is approximately 60%. Then, closer to 45 years, the figure drops to 35%.

The reason for such statistics lies in the fact that over the years, the sperm produced is damaged at the genetic level, which provokes infertility. The number of active sperm capable of moving gradually decreases, and the volume of damaged ones increases.

Video: the influence of the father’s age on conceiving a child Based on this, we can summarize that the ideal age for conceiving a child in men is the period from 20 to 35 years of age. With all this, you need to remember that the most important thing is the quality of sperm, which can be low even at a young age.

Factors such as:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Among other things, for many men, sexual activity decreases by the age of 35, which also reduces a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant.

Despite all the above information, a man’s chance of conceiving a child after 40 still remains. Therefore, this age should not be taken as a death sentence.

Did you know? Pregnancy, as everyone knows, lasts on average about 9 months. Surprisingly, the longest pregnancy recorded to date lasted 375 days - more than a year.

For women

According to medical experts, the best female age to give birth to a child is the period from 18 to 35 years of life. It is recommended to plan your first pregnancy before the age of 25. At this stage, the hormonal background has already stabilized sufficiently. Also, most often, a woman’s body by this time is not yet burdened with a number of chronic diseases. It is interesting to know how mother and baby feel at 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy.

In general, the advantages of this reproductive age in women are as follows:

  • the ovaries have the largest follicular reserve, which increases the ability to fertilize;
  • significantly lower probability;
  • the body, due to its youth, is less susceptible to disease, which helps to safely bear a child;
  • pregnancy is a significant burden on the body, and a young woman can bear it more easily than an older pregnant woman;
  • at this age, complications of pregnancy, including late complications, manifest themselves much less frequently;
  • In a young woman, the birth canal is more elastic, and the pelvic bones are more mobile, which makes labor easier.
Video: at what age is it better to give birth?

Many women who are temporarily postponing having a child have heard the statement that after the age of 35, pregnancy will always have complications. And the key word here is “always”. Now, this is certainly not true.

The likelihood of getting pregnant, as well as the process of bearing a child, completely depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and her man (if we talk about conception). And if there are no serious health problems and there is a correct lifestyle, then you can conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy child not only after 35 years, but also after 40.

Best time of year to get pregnant:

Disputes about what time of year is best to give birth to a baby still take place today. Some are interested in horoscopes and want to influence the character of the baby even before she is conceived, while others are concerned about the health of the baby who will be born in one season or another of the year. Let's look at the main pros and cons of each period.


A child conceived in winter will be born in autumn.
Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • at the last stage of pregnancy, a woman will be able to consume many natural vitamins in the form of vegetables and fruits, which are available in abundance in the fall;
  • The lactation period will also take place in comfortable conditions of vitaminization of the body.

As for the cons:

  • the beginning of pregnancy coincides with the peak of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Of course, this is dangerous, since the baby’s main organs are forming right now. But this problem can be avoided. All you need to do is take vitamins, lead a healthy lifestyle, try not to visit crowded places and dress warmly;
  • the baby will be born in the cold season, which is not good for walking. But if you harden it from the first days, using air baths, etc., and also walk with it, not paying much attention to the weather (protecting, of course, the stroller from wind and rain), then there should be no problems.


A child conceived in the spring will be born in the winter.

  • the vitamin reserve in the last stages of pregnancy has not yet been depleted, so the conditions for the birth of the baby will be quite favorable;
  • late toxicosis will be tolerated quite comfortably, because the weather is not hot.
  • In the spring, many people clearly feel vitamin depletion, so it is recommended that both parents take vitamins;
  • you need to protect yourself from accidental injury in the last months of bearing a child due to slush and ice;
  • the child will be born during an epidemic of acute respiratory infections and influenza, so the baby needs to be protected and hardened.


In the spring, children are born who were conceived in the summer.

  • in summer there is a large amount of vitamins that the expectant mother takes from fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • the risk of getting the flu or acute respiratory infections is minimal;
  • a lot of positive emotions in connection with the warm season, the opportunity to relax and gain strength.
  • the end of pregnancy coincides with an epidemic of colds, as well as the risk of injury due to ice or slush. It is recommended to harden yourself before pregnancy, exercise and take vitamins. And in the process of bearing a child, rely on the help and accompaniment of your husband during walks;
  • spring is the season of vitamin deficiency. You need to remember this and consume more fresh vegetables and fruits in the fall, and later - tablet vitamins.


A child conceived in autumn will be born in summer.

  • a huge amount of vitamins at the beginning of pregnancy can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • the birth of a child and lactation also coincides with the fortified season.
  • The last months of bearing a child may fall during the summer season, when it can be quite hot and even stuffy. It is recommended to purchase a fan or air conditioner to regulate the temperature in your home. It is advisable to walk in the morning or evening, avoiding the stuffiness of lunchtime;
  • Long daylight hours do not promote the production of melatonin, the pregnancy hormone. But if a woman is healthy and happy, then she can cope with the amount of hormone that is available.

As you can see, each season has its positive sides, and those marked with disadvantages can also be turned into advantages if you prepare for them correctly. For example, bad weather for a child is not too negative a factor, because these are excellent conditions for early hardening. Moreover, at first the baby is protected by the mother’s immunity, which he received from birth, so he is not afraid of viruses.

Video: when to plan a baby

Important!You should dress the baby correctly and according to the weather, because the child wears a lot of clothes-this is just as bad as its lack.

What time of day is best to conceive a child?

Sexologists believe that the best time to conceive a child is in the morning, from about 6 to 8 o'clock. It is believed that it is during this time period that a man produces the most active sperm.

And the woman, in turn, is best prepared for fertilization. It is worth noting that this is not a dogma, because different people lead different lifestyles and biological morning may come for someone at a completely different time.

The best period to conceive a child after a previous pregnancy

It is worth noting at the beginning that planning a second or third baby immediately after the birth of the previous child is not recommended. Pregnancy has a significant impact on a woman’s body and her health, and childbirth is generally a stressful experience. It is important to restore strength, and this takes a lot of time.

Doctors, for the most part, agree that it is best to keep the interval between pregnancies at 3-5 years. Thus, a later pregnancy may carry a risk of complications, and a too early pregnancy will place a considerable burden on the fragile female body.

Important! A woman who has suffered a miscarriage or abortion is recommended to take a break of at least six months before pregnancy in order for conception to be successful.

Favorable period after taking contraceptives

There is an opinion that you can conceive a child approximately three months after stopping taking hormonal contraceptives. It is worth noting that this statement is not entirely true, and we will further explain why.

The duration of taking such drugs before the planned pregnancy is very important. That is, if a woman has been using such pills for several years, then her body, simply put, will “get out of the habit” of producing and.
And until such production returns to normal, which restores ovulation, it may take not only three months, but also three years. Here the calculation can be carried out using an approximate formula: for each year of taking hormonal contraceptives - approximately three months of recovery.

But if a woman has been taking this kind of medication for less than six months, then after stopping this process, a reverse reaction of the body may manifest itself, which in medicine is called the “rebound effect”, or “pregnancy on withdrawal”. The essence of this effect is that the eggs behave very actively after the so-called “hunger strike”.

Medicine even practices this method of combating infertility, when a woman who wants to get pregnant first takes hormonal contraceptives (a short course), and then tries to get pregnant - artificially creating a “rebound effect”.

With all of the above, you need to remember that every woman’s body is special and individual. Difficulties in conceiving can occur even after a short course of using tablet contraceptives, just as you can get pregnant within a week after stopping six years of taking hormonal drugs.

What else should you consider to successfully conceive a child?

A couple who has decided to become parents should remember a number of recommendations that directly affect the successful conception of a long-awaited child:

  • you should lead a healthy lifestyle. There should be at least minimal physical activity, such as morning exercises or evening walks. It is absolutely not necessary to work all day in the gym, and in some cases it is even undesirable;
  • adhere to proper nutrition. Food should be wholesome and healthy. It is recommended to limit alcoholic drinks, and immediately when planning conception - to exclude them altogether;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits, and in addition take vitamins in tablet form. Vitamin complexes are especially necessary in winter and spring;
  • timely take all tests prescribed by your doctor;
  • avoid stress and unnecessary worries, live in peace and harmony;
  • try to protect yourself from diseases, and if one occurs, do not self-medicate and take medications with caution.

Video: how to conceive a child correctly

The birth of a child is a long-awaited and very exciting process for many. In order to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby, you must first monitor your health and lifestyle, and also listen to the advice of medical specialists.

There comes a time in the life of almost every woman when she thinks about having a child. So that the news of pregnancy does not take you by surprise, you should thoroughly prepare for this event and, first of all, choose the right time for conception.

And the years fly by...

Doctors consider the optimal age for the first pregnancy to be between 21 and 26 years. By this time, puberty has been completed, the hormonal levels have been stabilized, the body is young, not burdened with any chronic diseases, the tissues of the ligaments and joints are elastic, which facilitates the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth. However, in most developed countries of the world, the age of women expecting their first child is increasing. The reason is the reluctance of women to interrupt their education and the desire to make a career. Therefore, the time of birth of the first child is postponed until after 30, or even after 35 years.

Late motherhood (and we are talking specifically about the first birth), of course, has its advantages: a woman approaches the birth of her first child, as a rule, responsibly, she already has an established career, good financial security. This is usually more “conscious” motherhood. However, the noticeable “aging” of first-time mothers causes concern among doctors: while emotionally and psychologically there are no objections, then physiologically a younger age is optimal for the first birth. A number of weighty arguments convince us that it is not worth postponing the birth of the first baby until a distant “later”: firstly, with age, the ability to conceive decreases, and it is more difficult for a woman to become pregnant, Secondly, in women over 35-40 years of age, the likelihood of various gene disorders at the level of germ cells. This can cause congenital diseases, including genetic ones, and developmental defects in the child. Women over 35 years of age are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy; while pregnant, chronic diseases may first appear. A complicated pregnancy also adversely affects the health of the child.

Previously, it was believed that the age of the father has less influence on the health of the unborn baby. Considering the exposure of modern man to the massive impact of a number of unfavorable factors: poor ecology, stress, the harmful effects of alcohol, smoking, etc., it has been noted that fertility (the ability to fertilize) even in relatively young men - 30-40 years old - is significantly reduced .

In determining the best time to conceive, the most important thing is your conscious decision to give birth to a child. The need to plan for a future pregnancy is accepted by many spouses. How to determine the optimal moment that will not only ensure the maximum probability of conception, but will also contribute to the successful course of the entire pregnancy and its timely completion with an easy birth, the birth of a healthy and desired baby?

We'll take a little rest...

It is recommended to plan your next vacation before the critical period of pregnancy. Travel, flights, changes in climate and time zones can adversely affect pregnancy and the developing body of the baby. If you and your husband are lovers of extreme sports and recreation, then you need to remember that difficult hiking conditions, carrying heavy loads, mountain descents, rafting on wild rivers with high rapids, etc. can be very dangerous for the expectant mother. You should also minimize the possibility of injury, because you will be responsible not only for your life, but also for the life and health of your unborn child.

If you have not yet taken your next annual leave, then it would be rational to add it to your maternity leave, thereby saving yourself from daily work duties, commuting to work, getting up early in the morning, traveling on public transport, etc.

If you are still studying and it is not possible to plan the time of conception and pregnancy for “after-school time,” then it is advisable to calculate the time of pregnancy so that the birth occurs during the holidays. There are many cases where female students did not even interrupt their studies after giving birth. Of course, this cannot be done without the help of relatives who would stay with the baby while the mother attends classes. In addition, many new and important responsibilities fall on the shoulders of a young mother, and she also needs to recover after childbirth. Therefore, the additional burden of attending classes is obviously unnecessary.

Before planning the time of pregnancy and childbirth, you should talk with your family and friends - whether any of them can help you with the child, stay at home with him if you go back to study after the holidays without a sabbatical leave. Mothers who were students during pregnancy are not advised to plan a pregnancy during the period of state exams and thesis defense. Expecting a baby is not the best time for such a tense and nervous period, and although most teachers and members of the examination committee take into account the special situation of the student, it is unlikely that the examinee will be able to completely avoid anxiety, and even among the examiners there may be people with different views. Why do you need unnecessary worries?

Help Wanted!

The need for help in the first weeks and months after childbirth is felt especially acutely by many mothers: the load on a woman’s body after childbirth, during the period of lactation, is too great. In addition, it is necessary to quickly master the basics of caring for a baby, the rules of breastfeeding, etc. Therefore, when planning pregnancy and childbirth, discuss your plans with relatives, such as future grandparents. Their help can be invaluable.

Help will be especially needed if there is a short interval between births, when the eldest child is still small and requires increased attention. Solving many problems is greatly facilitated if one of the grandparents has already retired and does not mind babysitting their little grandson or granddaughter. Perhaps one of your relatives will be able to go on vacation after the birth of your baby, and in the future you will resolve the issue with a nanny or learn to manage on your own.

What does it cost us to build a house?

In these times of expensive housing, the housing problem for many young couples is especially acute. Think over and decide the issue of where you will live with the new family member, preferably before pregnancy and childbirth. It is recommended to renovate the room where the baby's crib will be located. Many pregnant women undertake repairs on their own while expecting a child. This is not rational, since it would be optimal to completely avoid contact with various building materials and derivatives of the paint and varnish industry during pregnancy. Many organic solvents, widely used in construction and repair work, have a negative effect on human health, fetal development, may cause allergic and toxic reactions during application and drying until the solvent has completely evaporated. Therefore, this problem should be solved before pregnancy, or it should be dealt with by one of the family members of the expectant mother, and not by herself.

If you are renting a home, you should keep in mind that for some time after giving birth, the entire financial burden of providing for your family will fall on the shoulders of your spouse. In addition, expenses associated with the birth of a baby (expenses for disposable diapers, baby clothes, etc.) will be added to the rent for housing. However, this problem can be solved by taking care of it in advance (your friends whose children have already grown up will probably willingly give you clothes for babies), and the best and cheapest food is mother’s breast milk!


When planning the time of conception, take into account the fact that your baby will be born in the season preceding this event: if conception occurs in the winter, then the child will be born in the fall, if in the spring, the birth date will be in the winter months, if in the summer, the birth of the baby should be expected in the spring, and if in the fall, you will celebrate the birthday of a new family member in the summer. However, each season has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Conception in winter - birth in autumn. Conception and the first months of pregnancy occur during an epidemiologically unfavorable season - the height of the incidence of ARVI and influenza. It is in the first three months of life that several critical periods pass during which the embryo is extremely vulnerable and sensitive to the effects of adverse external factors, including viral infections. Childbirth and the first months of the child’s life will take place in the “dull” autumn season. It should be borne in mind that bad autumn weather can interfere with walks with your baby in the fresh air, and gray, cloudy days, and rain can create a threat to your good mood, especially considering that after giving birth, women are generally susceptible to this scourge. However, if the last months of pregnancy occur in the cool autumn or winter months, then the last trimester and its characteristic period proceed more easily: the tendency to edema and insomnia is less pronounced.

Conception in spring - birth in winter. In such a situation, conception occurs during a period when the maternal and paternal bodies are weakened by spring hypovitaminosis, although nowadays, with a wide selection of vitamin preparations, the problem of hypovitaminosis fades into the background. When planning conception and pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe the future parents the necessary vitamins that are important for the normal development of the baby. Also, the spring season is unfavorable for the incidence of respiratory viral infections. The last, third trimester of pregnancy occurs at a time of year when it is cold and slippery. This is fraught with falls and injuries that are unsafe for mother and baby.

The advantages of the winter season include good production of melatonin in the last trimester of pregnancy, which plays a positive role in the normal sleep of the expectant mother and the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the last months of pregnancy are easier to bear in the cold season than in the summer heat.

Conception in summer - birth in spring. Conceiving during one of the most favorable periods in terms of weather conditions and saturation of the body with vitamins is certainly favorable for the most vulnerable first trimester of pregnancy. The birth of the baby and the lactation period will occur in the spring season, which is famous not only for the awakening of life in nature, but also for hypovitaminosis, although both mother and newborn baby need sufficient amounts of vitamins. This can cause weakening of the body of the baby and the mother in labor.

If conception occurs in winter, the child will be born in autumn.

Conception in autumn - birth in summer. Autumn is the time of year when the body is saturated with vitamins, which is favorable for the birth of a new life. However, the autumn slushy transition period is fraught with an increase in the incidence of ARVI and influenza, repeating the dangers of the winter season. The last trimester of pregnancy occurs during the long summer days. Due to the long daylight hours, the expectant mother may have problems falling asleep, which are already very typical for this period of pregnancy. Long daylight conditions also impair the production of the hormone melatonin, which is extremely important for the successful course of the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, in the summer heat, the tendency to edema increases.

For student expectant mothers, summer is the optimal time of year to give birth. Having enlisted the help of relatives from the beginning of the school year, the student mother will spend the most difficult first months of the baby’s life with her baby. This will allow her not to take a leave of absence and continue her studies without interruption. In addition, warm summer weather eliminates the need to wear heavy clothing, which is already difficult in the last months of pregnancy due to the significant increase in weight.

Let's make plans together

Be sure to discuss the problem of your work with your husband: will you work during pregnancy, does your work allow you to solve the problems that inevitably arise while expecting a child? What is the situation at your work: can management accommodate you by shortening your working hours, letting you go to the doctor, allowing a later start to your working day (which is important if, for example, you need to get tested in the morning), not sending you on business trips, etc. d.? Does your family budget allow for a situation in which the role of breadwinner falls entirely on the shoulders of the husband? Even if the answers to all these questions are not very comforting, do not despair! There is a way out of any, even the most difficult situation. Perhaps your state of health and the course of your pregnancy will allow you to avoid all the difficulties described. However, be prepared that, if necessary, work and everything connected with it should be sacrificed - the child’s health is more important!

In order not to be late...

In a series of flashing days, weeks, months, it is sometimes difficult for us to stop and think about the most important and necessary things. Therefore, such an important and responsible step - the birth of a child - everything is postponed “until better times”: when we finish our studies, get a job, make a career, when We’ll move to a new apartment when we save money, do some renovations, when we’ve sorted out all the things at work... Unfortunately, the inexorably passing time can play a cruel joke on us, and the joy of motherhood and fatherhood will turn into an unfulfilled dream. Therefore, try to have time to plan and calculate everything, agree on everything and carry out everything, but remember that in any case, the conception and birth of your baby will happen at the most suitable and necessary moment in your life! Even if this moment does not coincide with the time of conception you calculated.

Well, I’ve also read more than once about planning to get pregnant in warm weather and give birth in the summer. But for some reason it doesn’t work out for me, I only get pregnant in the winter, no matter what. In general, in today’s life, it is best to give birth in January, so that you can be the first to sign up for the kindergarten and not miss the deadline.

I also plan to give birth to all my children in the summer, but for some reason they are born in the winter. Although it’s inconvenient how passion it is! And to visit doctors every month and the elder from kindergarten to kindergarten on ice with a baby, but apparently that’s fate. It’s funny to plan a vacation before maternity leave without even being pregnant. According to this logic, it is better not to look for a job at all at the planning stage, so that there is no stress. It turned out that just at the stage of planning a second child, I was laid off from one job, and I became pregnant exactly a month after the tripling to a new one. Here's a perdimonocle. They just didn’t want to give me a scheduled vacation, it seems like pregnant women MUST take it before or after maternity leave. What is this vacation if your belly doesn’t fit in a swimsuit or with a 2 month old baby in February? So that the bosses can relax like this all their lives

05/23/2009 00:40:27, mommy-mommy

I always thought that it was good to plan everything like this and decide in advance, but life is not a train schedule :)) It’s funny to hear who is better off giving birth and conceiving in what month, you might think it depends on us :))

The question of proper pregnancy planning worries, first of all, young married couples. The desire to give birth to a healthy baby, and even at your favorite time of year, is quite natural. To conceive the first time, you need to know which days of the menstrual cycle are most favorable for this, and at what age it is best to get pregnant. In this article we will consider in detail all the questions that interest you.

Optimal age

Many married couples, on the eve of pregnancy, strive to thoroughly prepare and choose the most appropriate time for conception. From a medical point of view, the optimal age for the first pregnancy is 21-26 years. By this time, hormonal levels have stabilized, puberty has completely completed, and the young body is not burdened with diseases that are chronic. In addition, the natural elasticity of the tissues of the joints and ligaments contributes to an easy pregnancy and significantly easier childbirth.

Every woman should understand that with age, her ability to conceive a healthy child decreases. Research shows that at the age of 35-40, women can have various gene disorders, which cause congenital pathologies and defects in the development of the embryo.

The most favorable season

When planning a pregnancy, you must also take into account the time of year in which the baby will appear. When conceiving in winter, the first months of pregnancy fall during an unfavorable epidemiological period - the height of an epidemic of influenza and ARVI, and the fetus is very vulnerable in the first three months.

When conceiving in the spring, the expectant mother’s body is weakened by hypovitaminosis, and this season is also characterized by outbreaks of respiratory diseases.

The summer and autumn periods are characterized by the availability of food rich in vitamins and microelements, which has a beneficial effect on the course of the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the immune system of the expectant mother copes well with stress and does not require additional stimulation. But conceiving in the autumn season means that the last trimester falls on hot summer days. A pregnant woman may experience swelling and problems sleeping, and this is an unwanted burden on the fetus.

The most favorable days

A woman is capable of conceiving only one or two days a month. If the spouses correctly calculate on what specific day ovulation will occur, and during this period of time they are sexually active, then it is likely that the woman will be able to conceive the first time.

How to calculate ovulation? Usually in women of childbearing age it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (every 21-35 days). However, do not forget that everything is very individual. Some subjective signs can help you understand when ovulation began. This may be a strong sexual desire, engorgement of the mammary glands, pain in the lower abdomen. Some symptoms can be detected during a routine gynecological examination. In addition, the day of ovulation can be calculated by observing the mucous discharge from the cervical canal. At the time of ovulation, the level of estrogen in a woman’s body rises sharply, which causes active secretion of the pelvic organs. Sometimes, to determine the time of egg maturation, the consistency of the mucus is observed (during ovulation, the discharge becomes very viscous) and its crystallization.

The next most informative and accurate way to calculate ovulation is to measure the temperature in the rectum (basal temperature). This method is quite simple and does not require any equipment other than a regular medical thermometer.

Preparing the body for conception

After you have calculated the favorable days for conceiving a baby, it is important to make sure that the body is ready for this process. The expectant mother needs to check the condition of the fallopian tubes and uterus. Plus, she should have a sufficient amount of healthy cervical mucus, which will help sperm quickly reach the egg ready for fertilization. This does not require a full medical examination. The exception is women who have had gynecological problems in the past. In this case, before deciding to conceive, they need to undergo an examination and make sure that nothing threatens a future pregnancy.4.1 out of 5 (9 votes)

It is best to plan a pregnancy against the background of absolute health, any doctor will tell you this. Therefore, it is better for a woman who dreams of becoming a mother to start with a comprehensive medical examination. If there are no contraindications, you can proceed. It is possible to calculate conception in advance when it may occur.

What day of the cycle is best to conceive? Are there better days of the week? How does the calendar influence?

Pregnancy can only occur during ovulation; nature has not given a person any other way. Ovulation is a short period in the menstrual cycle when a mature egg leaves the ruptured follicle and enters the abdominal cavity. It begins to move through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. If she encounters a sperm along the way, fertilization will occur. The duration of this period is only one day.

This does not mean that sexual intercourse must occur on the day of ovulation, otherwise pregnancy will not occur. Sperm tend to wander through the fallopian tubes for 3-5 days until they die. Therefore, you can actively practice sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception in advance, a few days before ovulation.

It must be borne in mind that sperm with the Y chromosome, carrying the male gene, are faster than sperm with the X chromosome (female gene) and will reach the egg faster if sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation. Then you will probably have a boy. But “girl” sperm are more tenacious, so if sexual intercourse occurs before the egg leaves the follicle, most likely they will reach the target, and you will conceive a girl. This is one of the ways to plan the gender of the unborn child.

Days of conception To plan the conception of a child, you need to know exactly the day of ovulation. There are several ways to determine it:

  1. Menstrual calendar. This is the most affordable for women with a long regular cycle. But not the most accurate. As a rule, ovulation occurs in the very middle of the cycle or can shift by a couple of days in any direction. Therefore, those who like to protect themselves according to the menstrual calendar may one day be overtaken by a “surprise” in the form of an unplanned pregnancy.
  2. Measuring basal temperature. The method is not for the lazy and only for the patient. Throughout the entire cycle, a woman should regularly measure her basal temperature: at the same time, in a state of complete rest, preferably in the rectum. The day when the thermometer shows an increase in basal temperature by 0.4 degrees means ovulation.
  3. Ovulation test. Very convenient, sold in any pharmacy. A woman urinates on the test; if ovulation is present, it will be positive. The optimal day to use this method can be calculated using the menstrual calendar.
  4. Ultrasound. This method is recommended for women with irregular periods. Ultrasound examination of the ovaries should be carried out repeatedly over the course of a month in order to “catch” day X.

Ovulation can also be determined by various external signs: copious transparent vaginal discharge a few days before and during ovulation, increased libido, soreness of the mammary glands.

In a year, even a healthy woman can have from one to several anovulatory cycles, when conception is impossible.

Conception and religion. Difficult Questions for Faithful Families

Planning has become firmly entrenched in all aspects of our lives, including such natural aspects as conception and pregnancy. But is this ethical in the context of religious faith? Can religious families plan the time of conception, the number of children, or even their gender? If pregnancy does not occur, can they take advantage of modern medical science to have a chance at procreation? Or is all hope in God's providence?

Religious families always find it more difficult to decide on conception

“The Lord gives us as many children as we need to have,” is the position of the Russian Orthodox Church. Therefore, any actions of a married couple towards family planning are considered unforgivable self-will. Barrier methods of contraception (condoms, female “caps”) are permitted by confessors only in exceptional cases (for medical reasons), and abortive methods (IUD, hormonal contraceptives) are equated to murder, as well as abortion itself.

Orthodoxy allows spouses to resort to in vitro fertilization if pregnancy is not possible naturally. The “Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church” states that artificial insemination with the husband’s reproductive cells is permissible, since “it does not violate the integrity of the marital union, does not differ fundamentally from natural conception and occurs in the context of marital relations.” IVF is not considered a violation of God's providence, because doctors only create conditions for conception, but God still creates new life.

But conception during fasting and religious holidays is condemned by the church. These days, intimate relationships are considered a sin.

Every young couple who dreams of a child wants him to be born healthy, full-term, with normal height and weight. Therefore, the first thing to do before conception is to make sure that neither the mother nor the father suffers from infectious diseases of the genitourinary area. For this purpose, it is best to undergo a medical examination: conceiving a child is preferable when the body is completely healthy. Then you can begin to choose the optimal time for pregnancy.

Many women ask about when is the best time to conceive their first child. As for age, doctors categorically say: it is better to give birth to your first child at 21-26 years old. Then you can take your time and plan the birth of your second and subsequent children at a time that is more convenient for the family. But you shouldn’t put it off for too long: closer to 40 years, a number of changes occur in the body, due to which all kinds of risks increase. There are also recommendations regarding the seasons, and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

When planning a pregnancy, you should keep in mind that the baby will be born not in the season in which he was conceived, but in the previous one. If the baby is conceived in the fall, his birthday will be in the summer. With a winter conception, the baby will be born in the fall, and with a spring conception, accordingly, in the winter.

Young parents often do not take into account the fact that each season has its own characteristics, which tend to be especially noticeable if there is a newborn in the family. The time of pregnancy is also important: in the first trimester, a woman should receive an increased amount of vitamins, and in the second and third she will have to frequently visit the clinic, which can cause problems at work.

Summer conception - spring birth

Summer is considered one of the most favorable periods for starting to bear a child. Wonderful weather conditions, good mood, saturation of the body with vitamins, and many things for vacation - what more can you dream of? The first trimester of pregnancy will proceed in favorable conditions, and this is very good for both mother and fetus. Thus, summer is the best time to conceive.

If pregnancy occurs in the summer, the baby should be expected in the spring. But you need to take into account that in the spring many people experience reduced immunity due to hypovitaminosis. This means that, in addition to natural products, the expectant mother will have to take vitamins, and even despite such preventive measures, she and the baby may suffer from a lack of substances necessary for the body. Lack of sunlight can also affect your health.

Autumn conception - summer birth

When choosing the best time to conceive a child, keep in mind that a baby conceived in the fall will be born in the summer. The birth of a new life in the autumn period has its pros and cons. On the one hand, a woman has a strong immune system during this period, since the body receives plenty of vitamins and microelements.

On the other hand, from September to November there is an outbreak of colds. During a visit to the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother runs the risk of catching the flu, ARVI, bronchitis and other diseases. Another negative factor is associated with sleep disturbances. The last months of pregnancy occur at a time when daylight hours are longest. It has been noticed that this circumstance often causes insomnia, which can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

In addition, in summer the body produces a reduced amount of melatonin, which directly affects a woman’s health and mood. Don't forget about swelling - it manifests itself most strongly in the hot season. However, there are women for whom having a baby in the summer is the best option. First of all, these are students who have assistants in the form of parents and grandmothers.

In the summer, students have vacations, which means that the newly mother can spend all the time with her baby. At the beginning of the school year, when the child grows up a little, other family members can look after him, and the girl will study in peace. Thus, there is no need for academic leave. Summer childbirth is also good because in the very last months of pregnancy you do not need to wear warm clothes. It’s already hard for the body at this time, and every extra gram increases the load even more.

Winter conception - autumn birth

It would seem that when is it better to conceive a child, if not in winter. Doctors do not recommend planning conception for the winter months for one simple reason: during the cold season, the likelihood of getting the flu or catching an acute respiratory viral infection increases. The fact is that in the first trimester of pregnancy the embryo is very vulnerable to external adverse influences of any kind.

The worst thing is for a woman to become so seriously ill that she has to take medication. Even if a doctor prescribes medications that are approved during pregnancy, this does not exclude the possibility of a negative effect on the fetus. But now the baby is born, and how will his first months go? In autumn the weather is almost always bad, the sky is cloudy and it rains frequently. In such conditions, walking in the fresh air becomes not entertainment, but a real challenge.

And of course, not every mother will be in a good mood pushing a stroller through the mud. Although a lot depends on what month the child was born, because in September there are often fine days, and in some regions the weather is warm until mid-October. The clear advantage of autumn childbirth is that in the cold season, gestosis occurs more easily than in summer: swelling and insomnia practically do not occur. The last days before giving birth, the woman feels good, especially in comparison with those whose last trimester coincided with the hottest months of the year.

Spring conception - winter birth

The disadvantage of spring conception is manifested in the fact that at this time both mother and father do not receive enough vitamins. It’s good if they plan their pregnancy in advance and take vitamin supplements: then the embryo will develop correctly from the very first days. Nevertheless, a woman is recommended to visit a doctor before conception and get advice on what vitamins and in what quantities she needs.

Do not forget that in the spring the risk of contracting acute respiratory infections, bronchitis or flu increases. In the last trimester you need to be careful. It occurs during the winter months, when there is often icy conditions, which means there is an increased risk of slips and falls. The undoubted advantage of winter childbirth is that the mother’s body produces a sufficient amount of the hormone melatonin, on which the quality of sleep depends. If a woman gets enough sleep, the last months of pregnancy will be easy, and the body will be maximally prepared for childbirth.

Finally, statistics prove that women endure the last months of pregnancy more easily if they occur during the cold season. This leads to the conclusion: the most important factors on which the favorable course of pregnancy depends are the saturation of the body with vitamins and resistance to colds and viral diseases. For women with weakened immune systems, it's best to plan to conceive in the fall or winter months, but for everyone else, it's up to personal preference. But there is something else that an expectant mother should remember when choosing when is the best time to conceive a child...

Pregnancy and work

The birth of a baby is not only happiness, but also additional expenses. They usually begin long before the baby is born, and it is very important to solve all financial and related problems in advance.

Answer yourself the following questions: Is your work compatible with pregnancy? How much impact will going on maternity leave on the family budget? Will your husband be able to provide for the family on his own if you stop working? Who will help you in the first days after the birth of your child? Would you like to hire a nanny so you can continue to work, or would you rather devote yourself entirely to your baby?

If you plan to work during pregnancy, you need to understand that you will have to negotiate with management, for example, on those days when you need to visit an antenatal clinic. In addition, for some time you will have to completely forget about business trips. If health problems begin, it should be possible to completely rely on your husband. Is he ready to take on such responsibility?

Women whose answers to these questions are not too rosy should not despair. Perhaps you should stop thinking about when is the best time to conceive a child until the financial situation in the family improves. Another option is to try to find a remote job, even if not an official one, after which you can safely go on maternity leave from your main position, knowing that you and the baby will be provided for in any case.

The best time to conceive has already arrived!

In the daily bustle, behind a heap of problems, unsolved tasks and financial crises, we sometimes have no time to think about the most important things. The years fly by, and the time is just around the corner when conceiving the desired child will no longer be possible. Many people put off pregnancy for too long, trying to “spread straws” wherever possible.

We are accustomed to the fact that first we need to get a good education, then make a career, buy an apartment, a dacha, a car (often even more than one). And in the end, an epiphany comes: who needs all this if there are no noisy children's games, laughter, joy and fun in the house! If you are postponing pregnancy not because you are poor, but simply waiting for the right time to come, then know that it has already come. Allow yourself the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood, because you deserve it.

Of course, you need to count, plan, negotiate, earn and strive, but you should not forget about the most important thing. Perhaps a new life will arise whenever it pleases, regardless of your plans. This will mean that nature had its own way and considered this very moment the most favorable time for conception. All you have to do is accept the fait accompli and prepare for the addition to your family. Good luck and all the best!

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