When to knit brooms. Harvesting birch brooms for a bathhouse: terms and time. How to properly prepare a high-quality bath broom

If you want to spend time in the bathhouse with maximum benefit, then in this case you cannot do without a birch broom. It is great for athletes because it relaxes the muscles and central nervous system. The epidermis also has a positive effect - acne is eliminated, skin color is normalized, and the body's regenerative abilities increase.

Using birch brooms

The beneficial properties of birch brooms are due to their complex chemical composition, which includes vitamins and minerals, triterpene alcohol esters, flavonoids, essential oils, natural acids and much more. To achieve the best effect from visiting the bathhouse, the preparation of birch brooms must be done professionally. Next, we will tell you how to properly prepare birch brooms yourself, and what nuances to pay attention to.

The main rules for harvesting birch brooms

According to tradition, preparation birch brooms for the bath was carried out 14 days after Trinity Day. Often the holiday is held in June, but this rule should not be followed. The harvesting period for birch brooms varies greatly depending on climatic conditions. Therefore, if the tree does not have time to bloom in June, then it is useless to collect branches for brooms - they will be of no use.

Main rules of procurement


The use of birch brooms can significantly improve the functioning of the respiratory system, because they contain useful components that relax and expand the lungs. Because of this, the outflow of sputum increases, which often accumulates in allergy sufferers, asthmatics, smokers and employees of large enterprises.

It is important to collect branches after the dew has disappeared at approximately 5-6 o'clock in the morning. It is highly desirable that there is no precipitation. For collecting in this case, it is preferable to choose weeping birch, since its branches are very strong, elastic and long. If you prefer soft brooms, then pay attention to young birch trees that have never bloomed.

The best brooms are made from long and thin branches that have velvety and soft leaves. It is very important that the leaves are not too hard or rough.

When preparing birch brooms for a bathhouse, it is important not to harm the tree. If you carefully bend it and tie it to a tree that stands nearby, there will be no problems due to the high elasticity of birch. But be extremely careful. For cutting, you can use pruning shears or a regular knife, which must first be sharpened well.

Preparation of brooms

In this case, you do not need to tie the branches with all your might. Immediately after collection, you need to hang them on a thick rope and protect them from exposure to ultraviolet rays (it is better to hang them at home, not on a balcony or terrace). It is advisable to maintain a favorable microclimate in the room so that clean and fresh air is always supplied (air circulation is very important). Once the branches are dry, you can place them on shelves in a low-humidity area. At the same time, the harvesting time for birch brooms may take up to a week to get rid of excess moisture.

It is advisable to arrange the branches like a fan, not a broom. If you arrange them in a broom shape, drying will be uneven. As practice shows, when the branches are strongly contracted, the internal areas darken and lose their beneficial properties. A good result is the bright green color of the leaves and the rich aroma of the essential oil, which is fully revealed when steamed.

The harvesting time for birch brooms is 7-10 days, depending on the speed and uniformity of drying. The collection of branches is carried out in June-July, depending on the climate zone and the time of flowering of the birch. In this case, the leaves will be large and the essential oil content will be maximum. Additionally, they have excellent elasticity, making the procedure easy to tolerate (blows with a broom will not cause discomfort).

During the period of harvesting birch brooms for a bath, you need to choose branches with large and fresh leaves that have a rich color. This is the only way to get the maximum benefit from the procedure.

Where and when to collect branches?

The tenderness, aroma and service life of the birch broom will directly depend on the time and place of assembly. If you make a mistake with the timing and collect too early, then after steaming the workpiece will quickly lose its strength and shape, and the branches will become too light and slippery. With proper timing, the workpiece will serve you for several procedures and retain its original shape.

Where and when to collect branches

It is important to choose favorable weather when searching for suitable branches. The best time is early morning, about 5-6 hours. You need to take into account the weather forecast in advance, since precipitation will deteriorate the quality of the foliage. To avoid high humidity, wait a few days after rain (about 5 days). The deadline for harvesting birch brooms is mid-July.


To avoid negative health effects when visiting a bathhouse, take into account the ecological state of the area in which the branches are collected. Unfavorable areas are areas near industrial enterprises, factories, solid waste landfills, and highways.

Drying branches

After harvesting, you need to place the branches on the floor in a dry room or hang them on a rope on the balcony, after wrapping them in newspaper. The room should be well ventilated so that drying occurs evenly and quickly. For convenience, you can perform the procedure on the roof of the barn, having previously laid meadow hay. Next, branches are laid out on it, between which you need to leave a small distance. They are then covered with a thin layer of hay. Every day for a month you need to turn them over so that drying is carried out evenly. Dried branches can be stored in small sheaves (the branches will be pulled out only before going to the bathhouse).

Rules for harvesting birch brooms

Knitting is carried out in 5 stages:

  1. Preparation– dried birch branches are laid on burlap for 48 hours. The beginning of the preparation of birch brooms must be competent to avoid damage to the branches during assembly.
  2. Size selection– depends on your preferences, as you can create a light or very heavy broom. The basic rule is a length of up to 50-80 cm.
  3. Complete cleaning– you need to cut off all the leaves and twigs in the handle area (approximately 30% of the total).
  4. Assembly– after cleaning, all branches are collected into one dense bundle. To create the base, you need to use branches with increased thickness and density, and light blanks are fixed on the outside. The branches should be placed in a fan shape, but the foliage should face in one direction. At the same time, the product is ideal for the steam room, as it will envelop the body. If everything is done correctly, the broom will last for 3-4 visits to the bathhouse (after that it will lose its shape and soften).
  5. Creating a handle– the selected branches are wrapped with twine. This is done very simply: squeeze the branches in your hand and wind a tight rope. It is very advisable to wrap a soft cloth around the handle so as not to rub yourself with calluses during the procedure. The handle must have a length of at least 15 cm. It is important to tie the twine in several layers near the leaves (otherwise it will slip out).

Knitting branches


You can further enhance the healing properties of the product if you add beneficial herbs to the composition. During knitting, add a little blackcurrant, chamomile, rosemary. Thrill-seekers can add sprigs of coniferous plants (you can avoid skin damage if you place them in the inner area).

When knitting, it is important to maintain balance so that the product is not too light or heavy. Therefore, when making, consider your personal preferences.

Drying process

Drying is carried out only in a dark room. Penetration of sunlight is unacceptable. This is fraught with twisting and burning of the foliage, damage to the appearance, as well as the loss of all the useful qualities of birch branches. As practice shows, drying with ultraviolet rays leads to accelerated shedding after steaming (therefore, the product will immediately become unusable when immersed in hot water).

Drying branches

Clean air should circulate freely in the room. But you cannot create a strong draft, as this will lead to damage to the branches. The room should have minimal humidity and moderate temperature. To ensure even drying, you need to turn the birch branches over once every 24 hours (even if you hung them on a rope). The easiest solution is to hang it on a rope (if the procedure is carried out on a balcony, you will need paper bags to protect it from direct ultraviolet rays).

To create fan-shaped brooms, you need to wait 7 days so that the preparations become dry, but do not lose their freshness. The stacking is carried out in a circle (the foliage should be in the central area). To preserve the natural aroma as much as possible, additional hay is placed between the layers.

Drying branches

As a rule, in about 50% of cases people overdry their products. But this is not a serious problem. The issue is resolved very easily - steaming takes longer, plus additional steam treatment is carried out from heated stones. This will give them a wonderful aroma. Do not forget to remove leaves from the heater that have fallen from the workpiece.

How to keep foliage fresh?

To do this, you need to store the products correctly. If stored incorrectly, all the properties of the broom quickly deteriorate - the freshness and aroma disappear, and the color becomes yellow or orange. Therefore, it is necessary to create a favorable microclimate in the territory so that clean air always circulates and moisture and excessive heat do not accumulate. You can dry and store products using hay. It allows you to enhance the impregnation with useful substances and maintain the quality of the workpiece. If you store them in your apartment, it is better to do it on the balcony. But paper bags are needed to protect birch branches from ultraviolet radiation.

Storing brooms

Common Mistakes

There is nothing wrong with the fact that birch brooms begin to crumble and lose all their qualities after 3-4 procedures. This is natural wear and tear that cannot be avoided. But if the workpieces lost their integrity and fell apart after the first steaming, then this is a clear sign of non-compliance with the rules of preparation. Beginners often make the following mistakes:

  1. The collection of branches is carried out prematurely or late, so the product falls apart during the procedure. You need to know exactly when the harvesting of birch brooms for a bathhouse begins in your climate zone. Typically, the season lasts from early June to mid-July.
  2. Drying is carried out as quickly as possible, which leads to a decrease in the strength of the leaves. If you used direct sunlight and dried all the branches in just 48 hours, then the broom may fly apart during your first visit to the bathhouse. With natural drying in a dark room, the time required for harvesting birch brooms for a bathhouse increases, but high strength is maintained.
  3. Excessive moisture is guaranteed to ruin the workpiece, so it should be avoided. Birch branches are never collected during precipitation or within 5 days after heavy rain. Also, you should not wash them after harvesting, as excess moisture will reduce their strength. You can wash them already during the procedure (just steam the broom and the dirt will completely disappear).

To avoid force majeure, create blanks with a reserve. This will allow you to use a fresh and fragrant broom during each procedure, which will significantly enhance the healing effect.

How to properly prepare a broom for the procedure?

It is important to know not only what nuances are taken into account when preparing a birch broom, but also how to use it correctly and improve the healing effect. First you need to steam it. Fresh brooms do not need to be prepared in any way, as steaming will cause them to become soggy and lose their beneficial properties. Dry brooms are immersed in hot water for 2 minutes, but first lie in cool water for 15 minutes. If the brooms turned out to be very dry or rough branches with rough leaves were used for harvesting, then you need to place the brooms in a container with boiling water and cover with a lid.

Preparation for the procedure

You can also put the brooms on the heater, after rinsing them with boiling water. Since the broom should not be burned, it is necessary to regularly check the condition (rotate the product). Do not allow the branches to burn under any circumstances, as this will lead to loss of integrity and removal of useful substances. Place the brooms on the heater for 2 minutes, then turn them over. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, this is more than enough.

Massage technique

You should not visit the bathhouse alone. It is advisable to go alone, ideally with an experienced person. Before a massage, a person should protect their hands with gloves. If you used our instructions to prepare the brooms, then you can do without gloves - the handle will already be protected by thick fabric. Without protection, abrasions and calluses may appear on the palms. We place emphasis on ensuring that the bathhouse attendant is experienced, because not everyone can give a competent massage. Follow 3 rules to achieve better results:

  1. Brooms must be moistened with water, both before the procedure and during it (the foliage should not be allowed to dry out).
  2. There is no need to aggressively whip a person in hopes of improving the healing effect. The blows should be light and the touch to the skin almost unnoticeable.
  3. At temperatures above 65°C, it is recommended that only experienced bathhouse attendants use brooms, as steaming can easily cause severe burns.

The use of high-quality brooms made from fragrant birch branches allows you to increase the effectiveness of the procedure by 200%. If brooms are not used in a traditional bath, the healing and restorative effect is noticeably reduced.

The procedure is quite simple - the first bath attendant lies on his stomach, and the second prepares brooms and begins to gently stroke his body with them. It is important to press the branches firmly against the skin when stroking. The movement from bottom to top goes to the back of the head, and on the way back along the sides of the body.

After this, the bathhouse attendant captures hot air by lifting the products, and then lowers them onto the lower back and holds them in this position for literally 1-2 seconds. This is especially true for athletes and older people who have lower back problems or whose muscle corset is tight. To eliminate pain in the back, you can apply brooms. For example, after placing products on the lower back, you need to move them in opposite directions - one to the back of the head, the other to the knee joints. The movement must be performed synchronously. The same principle is used to treat other parts of the body.


To avoid serious damage to the epidermis due to thermal burns, brooms should touch the human body during massage. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the branches and the amount of moisture. If the product gets too dry, you need to moisten it in water. This will help reduce the risk and avoid burns.

A worthy technique is also quilting, which is performed with the end of the workpiece on the body of the bathhouse attendant. Movements should be as fast as possible. The massage begins with the back muscles, after which a descent is carried out to the lumbar region, pelvis, knees, and feet. Since the movements are performed at high speed, the entire procedure will take approximately 40-50 seconds. At the very end, you need to treat the body with stroking (the speed should be higher than in the early stages of the massage).

One of the most effective techniques is whipping, but the result will greatly depend on the experience of the bath attendant (you can cause harm if you whip too hard). To perform this, you need to sharply lift the brooms up above the body, and then whip all areas no more than 3-4 times. In this case, the actions alternate - the bathhouse attendant strikes, then presses the brooms to the body, and then strikes again. This alternation can significantly increase the healing effect.

It is imperative to master the plowing technique, which allows you to easily and painlessly treat the entire body. At the same time, the brooms are raised and lightly touch the skin (it is important to make gentle touches that are almost invisible to humans). You need to move from bottom to top, so the massage begins from the feet and ends in the back of the head. On the way back, the sides of the body are plowed. If a person feels gentle stroking with warm air, you are doing everything right.

Fans of critical temperatures can increase the benefits of visiting the bathhouse. To do this, you need to constantly lift the broom up and shake it, and then press it to all parts of the body - feet, hips, buttocks, lower back, back, neck. If discomfort occurs, you need to moisten the workpiece in cool water, and then continue the session. The final stage is rubbing with a fragrant birch broom. It presses tightly against the body, thanks to which it releases all the essential oils and improves the condition of the skin.

It is not uncommon to feel dizzy after such an intense massage. To avoid this effect, next time reduce the duration of the procedure.

We wish you success in preparing fragrant birch brooms!

Birch broom a constant attribute for a bathhouse for many centuries. This is the most common and proven solution. Harvesting birch brooms has long become a common practice for many bathhouse professionals. However, for some novice amateurs, the question is: when is this miracle prepared? what time and what deadlines, is still interesting and important.

When are birch brooms harvested?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Yes Yes exactly. If you want to know specific dates or numbers, from such and such a date to such, then this is not realistic. As a rule, according to the old tradition, it is recommended to start harvesting from the end of spring - beginning of summer, focusing on the Christian Trinity holiday. However, the date of this holiday is not constant and moves in different directions from year to year.

This should be the time of grass, the time of flowering. The best collection time is considered to be a period of one to two weeks, approximately the first or better the second ten days of June, since by this time the leaves on the birch trees were already sufficiently formed and strengthened. At this time, the leaves contain the maximum amount of healing substances, located mainly in the buds, leaves and thin twigs. In addition, brooms cut at this time are flexible, durable, and hold leaves well.

But at the same time, it is necessary to make allowances for the latitude of the area where the brooms will need to be broken, and for what kind of summer it will be in this particular season, since the harvesting time also changes depending on this. The harvesting period lasts up to 10 days; further cutting and collecting is not recommended. Later, although it will be possible to steam with broken brooms, the healing effect will be weaker.

Collection Features: Important Details

Proper preparation, timely collection, and subsequent storage, in fact, is a whole unique science, the result of compliance with the requirements and principles of which is the desired result in the steam room. In this matter, every nuance is important.

  • It is better to cut birch on a dry day; it is preferable to do it during afternoon. Young plastic branches from not old birch trees, with bright fresh leaves, are more suitable for breaking, since they contain components necessary for the human body.
  • It is also undesirable to prepare brooms for future use for several years, since during storage, no matter what ideal conditions you store them in, their quality will still decrease. They cut and knit everything for one year!
  • What will happen to those specimens that are cut and tied earlier than necessary? On brooms harvested too early, the leaves are still weak and do not hold up well. But they give off a strong, pleasant smell in the bathhouse. It is useful to wash your hair with water from such brooms. These brooms are not prepared for future use, but only for a once-in-a-lifetime visit to the bathhouse. So this option is not excluded.
  • Until what date can birch brooms be harvested? The deadline for harvesting birch brooms is end of July, his third decade. Later in August, the branches become coarser and catkins begin to appear on them. And the number of leaves damaged by pests increases. Such brooms are of little use for steaming.

Choose the right time to collect birch brooms for the bath and the best steam, health, aroma and pleasant impressions are guaranteed to you!

Birch broom - the most important attribute of a Russian bath

Choosing a place and tree for harvesting brooms

Long, strong, flexible branches of weeping birch have long been considered the best raw material for bath brooms. But it is recommended to pay attention to young trees that have never bloomed. They are valued for their very delicate leaf structure. Gardeners know very well that removing young root shoots is beneficial for the tree, and they use it to prepare brooms.

When cutting branches, it is advisable to choose a tree that is smooth and beautiful, without growths. The sick birch tree has weakened branches. The product made from them will turn out unsuccessful and will not be useful.

You should not collect wood from trees growing near roads or in contaminated areas. They will do more harm than good. It is best to go to a grove or forest to collect branches. The best option is birch trees growing near ponds.

Preparation of brooms from specialists begins with testing the bottom of the leaf “on the tongue.” The surface of a good, suitable sheet is velvety to the touch. Branches with rough leaves are not suitable for use. They make rough products.

Harvesting birch brooms, timing

The quality of the broom, its softness, aroma, and service life are influenced by the correctly chosen moment of collection. If you do this at the wrong time, too early or late, then later it will become slippery, will not last long, and will quickly fall apart. Correctly and timely collected branches will provide a high-quality product with useful reusable properties.

Since ancient times, it has been customary in Rus' to collect preparations a couple of weeks after Trinity. At this moment, the leaves have already grown sufficiently, have collected the required amount of essential oils, and young shoots with high elasticity have appeared. However, when choosing the moment of harvesting, you should take into account the characteristics of the climate and place of residence.

Harvesting birch brooms is a process perfected by our ancestors and requires special preparation. First of all, you need to know about the ripening time of birch, since the quality of the product depends on certain properties of its foliage.

It is important to understand that leaf development has clear deadlines, and other factors can also affect its structure: heat, rain and wind. Based on these criteria, experienced bath attendants determined that the most suitable time for collecting branches for a broom is when the leaves have become stronger, but flowering has not begun - that is, the catkins have not appeared. Depending on the region and weather conditions, this could be any spring month. In the Moscow region, you can start harvesting in mid-May.

Birch brooms - preparation and storage video

To make a good birch broom, harvesting should be done early in the morning, when the dew has already disappeared. Only in dry weather. Branches with wet leaves are not suitable. When dried, their structure will collapse, the foliage will darken and curl. If it rains, you need to wait a few days. Ignoring these nuances will not lead to the desired result. The resulting products will lose most of their beneficial properties.

As practice has shown, the branches of a two-year-old tree growing closer to the ground have better properties. These make the strongest brooms. You can cut them with a knife, but it is more convenient to use pruning shears. For convenience, pickers with extensive experience climb onto a birch tree, tilt it, and tie it to a tree growing nearby. Such an approach, with appropriate skill, will not harm birch, since this tree is flexible and durable.

If the brooms are not knitted immediately, the blanks are provided with storage conditions - attics and hay are used for this. In city conditions, the best option is a mezzanine or balcony. But first they need to be wrapped in paper.

The most effective way is to dry on the roof, for example of outbuildings:

  • We spread the hay on the surface;
  • We lay the blanks on top with small gaps between them;
  • Cover with hay;
  • We turn the workpieces over the course of a month, every two or three days.

Knitting a birch broom

  • Before knitting, the dried pieces are laid out on burlap and left to sit for a couple of days - to “breathe”.
  • The size is selected according to individual preferences. Recommended length: 0.4-0.8 m. Larger or smaller products are inconvenient to use.
  • The area for the handle is thoroughly cleaned of knots and leaves and treated with fine sandpaper.
  • The prepared branches are collected together and given a flattened shape.
  • Thicker branches are placed inside the product, and thin ones are laid out along the edge, bending inward.
  • Distribute the branches in a fan, with leaves in one direction.

The handle is made as follows. Collect the cleaned blanks and fasten them tightly with a rope closer to the foliage to improve the quality of the product. Fabric is wrapped around the handle to prevent calluses. Recommended handle length is 15 cm.

When assembling the product to improve its qualities, you can add branches of chamomile, thyme, and red currant. If you want to add coniferous plants and nettles, it is better to place them in the middle so as not to damage the skin during use.

Drying and further storage of brooms

Experts recommend not tying branches too tightly. Otherwise, the foliage will darken and burn. Properly dried, the finished product has fragrant, bright green, matte foliage. We offer several surefire ways to achieve the desired result.

Hanging in bunches

The products are hung under a canopy, in a well-ventilated place, so that direct rays of the sun do not fall. They will dry well within a week. Afterwards, the brooms can be placed tightly on shelves in a well-ventilated, dry place, such as on racks in a garage or storage room. They can also be left hanging.

Fan-shaped on the surface

It is believed that a good broom is shaped like a fan. Therefore, it is recommended to place fresh products on the floor. Turn over daily until dry. Otherwise, the products may dry out or dry incorrectly.

You can dry birch brooms only in the shade!

From the sun, the foliage curls and fades, the aroma is lost, and the appearance deteriorates. An improperly dried broom will fall off as soon as it is steamed. The presence of strong drafts is also unacceptable. The quality of the product may also suffer from them.

It is recommended to store brooms carefully, in a cool, ventilated area. Drying using fresh, dried hay preserves the color, shape and aroma of the product as much as possible. Brooms are placed in stacks, with leaves in the middle. This will give the tree additional beneficial properties and it will become even more fragrant. In an apartment, finished products are stored in bags, paper or plastic.

Steaming the broom before use

Before use, as a rule, the broom is steamed. This procedure is not performed with a freshly manufactured product. It may become limp. There are at least two traditional methods of steaming.

Option one. The dried product is placed in cold water for fifteen minutes, and then in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Brooms that are too dry are kept in boiling water longer, covering the container where they are located with another container.

The second option is suitable for fresh or recently harvested brooms. The product must be soaked in boiling water and placed on stones. In this case, it is necessary to periodically rotate the broom, shaking it, so as not to get burned. A couple of such approaches for two minutes will be enough, and you can begin bathing procedures.

Bottom line

The quality characteristics of a birch broom are influenced by such factors as: choice of birch, condition of the branches, drying and storage, knitting. If you do everything following the rules, you will get strong and beautiful products that will bring maximum benefits to your health. If possible, seek help from specialists and make your first broom with their help.

One of the many sayings about a broom says: “In a bathhouse, a broom is more valuable than money.” A bath broom is an integral part of the Russian bath procedure.
Patting, whipping, rubbing with a broom goes back to ancient times, and the technique of broom massage has changed little since then.

A lot depends on the type of broom; depending on the strength of the material (the branches from which the broom is made), you can arrange the types of brooms in the following order (in descending order of strength):
– oak;
– birch;
– juniper;
– conifers (larch, etc.);
– eucalyptus;
– linden;
– nettles.
If there are no oak brooms, they can be replaced with those made from other broad-leaved trees: maple, mountain ash, hazel, laurel, etc.

Seriously, you can only steam with oak and birch brooms; the rest are used only for added sensations and aromas.

Whatever category of lovers of steaming in public or private baths you belong to, you need to know the basic rules for preparing brooms for a bath. The fact is that you are unlikely to buy good brooms at bath stalls - the flow is the flow, and modern entrepreneurs think more about profits than about traditions.

Preparation of brooms. In the good old days, the preparation of brooms was taken much more seriously than now. It was customary to cut and knit them after the Holy Trinity (second half of June) before the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (mid-August). This applies, first of all, to oak brooms.

If you cannot determine when oak brooms were harvested, look carefully at the branches - they should be thin, at the leaves - they should be green and fresh in appearance (even if they have dried out), and not yellow. It is desirable that the leaves be elongated and the teeth small.

The branches of Canadian oak, which is found in the southern regions of Russia, have such leaves. The broom itself should be light. When you tap your hand, apart from the rustling of leaves, no other sounds should be heard (the rumble of branches, for example - in this case they are too thick and you will have a broom instead of a broom).

Under no circumstances should there be mature acorns on the broom. Acorns are a sure sign of harvesting too late.

Birch brooms are cut in the same way as oak brooms. There is one subtlety (if you have the opportunity to observe future brooms while they are still twigs): when regularly tasting the leaves, you should wait until they stop tasting sweet and become slightly bitter. It is at this moment that the brooms should be cut.

The most useful, “medicinal”, are considered to be brooms cut “at low water” - that is, during the summer solstice.
Birch is cut only from a “veselka” - a tree with thin, flexible, long branches, covered with thick leaves, and therefore drooping. They choose boundary trees - trees that grow on the edge of forests, in open areas and forest edges. It’s better not to take backwoods from the mature thicket. The brooms made from it are heavy, tough, do not get wet for a long time and quickly drop the leaves.

Chemical analysis showed that birch leaves contain essential oils, tannins, vitamin C, provitamin A, so those who visit the bathhouse twice a week with a birch broom have elastic, smooth, healthy skin.

A distinctive feature of birch brooms, among other things, is their “soapiness” - they are good for rubbing.

Oak brooms have special qualities. It is not for nothing that the ancient Greeks, Romans, as well as the Slavs in ancient times worshiped this tree and attributed special qualities to it. It was believed, for example, that someone living near an oak tree does not age, and housing made of oak protects against damage.

The oak branches from which brooms are assembled are, in fact, particularly strong, elastic and resilient.
Properly collected, stored and soaked oak brooms can last up to several dozen sessions in the hands of a professional, and for an amateur, a normal pair of oak brooms will last for 4-5 visits.

A low-growing, young, fluffy tree is selected from the birch forest. It is carefully bent to the ground and branches 400–500 mm long with several shoots are cut off with a sharp knife with a wide blade.

Some people prefer brooms with a length of 45 cm, others - up to 50 cm. In any case, the broom should not be too wide and branchy and too heavy - such a broom is inconvenient for steaming, and when it fills with water, it becomes too heavy to lift and overloads the muscles of the arm.

Having delivered the branches to the place of mating, they wait until they wither (but do not dry out), and begin to sort them by length and density, as well as the strength of the leaves. To ensure that nothing is lost, strong and dense branches are interspersed with “liquid” and weak ones. In this case, the latter are, as it were, embedded inside a strong array.

The branches are tied into bundles with twine and transported to the broom storage place - the hanger. Fans of bathhouse traditions generally advise knitting brooms directly in an individual bathhouse.

The branches are laid one against the other, the deciduous part - against the deciduous one, the cuts - to the cuts so that a fan and a handle are formed.
The branched long shoots are placed inside the fan, and the broom is picked up until the closed palm is completely filled.

Tying brooms can be done, in accordance with traditions, with a knitting rod made from birch or willow itself. However, it will be simpler and more modern to use non-wetting twine. Its end is threaded under the base of the fan between the rods, covered with a loop, a couple of turns are made and secured with a knot.

Then they lower it down the handle and make another fixing loop at the end of the handle.
Excess branches on the handle are cut off.
If the broom is “reusable”, then it is advisable to wrap the handle with a bandage, a strip of cloth, or electrical tape - this will protect your hand from chafing in a humid, hot environment. In principle, you can use a mitten and then no additional winding will be required, but in any case it will not hurt, because it will additionally strengthen your broom.

The end of the handle is trimmed with a sharp ax - and the brooms can be hung in pairs in the attic, on a string stretched there. It should not be too close to the chimney and dormer windows - excessive heat and sunlight will spoil the foliage and dry out the branches.
The best option for storing brooms is in a hay or straw haystack, in a hayloft or in a barn.
Citizens can store a broom that has already been in a bathhouse in a plastic bag in the cold on the balcony. Before the bath you just need to thaw it.

In the middle zone, oak brooms are harvested in August. In the south, brooms should be prepared for Trinity in accordance with the above rules.

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Visiting a bathhouse is not only a pleasant, but also a useful procedure, and a broom is an integral part of it. There are a huge variety of bath brooms, each of which has a special effect on the body.

However, in order to get the maximum benefit from using brooms, you need to know what time is best to collect them.

Let's look at the most popular types of plants used for making brooms. These include:

  • Oak- has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps lower blood pressure, calms and reduces the negative effects of stress on the body. Recommended for those with problematic skin prone to oiliness;
  • Birch- perfectly cleanses the skin, promoting the regeneration of the upper layers of the skin. In addition, it helps relieve pain in joints and muscles after prolonged physical activity;
  • Juniper- can be used as a prophylactic during the cold season, as well as for radiculitis and rheumatism;
  • Linden- most often used for colds, providing a bronchodilator and antipyretic effect;
  • Rowan- Best used during the day as rowan helps increase activity levels. Can be used by people with weak blood vessels and problem skin;
  • Tansy- just like rowan, tansy helps eliminate loss of strength and fills you with energy. These brooms are especially good for women who have problems with cycle disorders;
  • Nettle- This plant can relieve joint pain. It is often used for rheumatism, severe nervous tension and stress;
  • Sagebrush- used to treat rheumatism, jaundice and skin lesions. Wormwood vapor has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and stomach;
  • Eucalyptus- helps very well with a runny nose or cold due to the high content of essential oils;

Combining several types- the beneficial properties of these brooms directly depend on the plants that make up them. You can collect several types of herbs, relying solely on the characteristics of your own body.

Collecting brooms for a bath: when is the best time to harvest?

Each type of tree has its own time and period for preparing brooms for a bath. You should not collect tree branches in cloudy or rainy weather.

The best time to break bath brooms is early in the morning before the dew dries.

So, here are the dates for collecting brooms for the bath:

  • Collection time birch trees- It is best to collect in early summer immediately after Whitsunday.
  • Collection time oak- can be collected throughout the summer.
  • Collection time linden trees- in early spring during the flowering period of the tree.
  • Collection time mountain ash- collected from June to July.
  • Collection time eucalyptus- the best time is August-November.
  • Collection time coniferous species- coniferous species can be harvested all year round.
  • Collection time herbs, such as nettle, tansy, wormwood- depending on the type of herbs, such brooms are collected during their flowering period.

Collection rules for deciduous trees

Collection rules for coniferous trees

Since coniferous brooms cannot be stored for a long time, they can be collected all year round.

It is important to note that any herbs and plants cannot be collected near roads and railways, as well as within city limits.

How to tie a strong broom correctly

The knitting rules are the same for both deciduous and coniferous, as well as herbal brooms. In order to get the right broom you need:

  • select and lay the thickest branches - they will play the role of a frame;
  • it is necessary to place thinner and more flexible branches around them;
  • the number of branches can be any, the main thing is to ensure that the handle fits comfortably in the hand and is convenient for swinging.

How to dry properly after harvesting and mating

After you have tied the branches, they need to be hung in a dark, dry place, away from drafts and moisture. The optimal places are attics, garages, sheds and dressing rooms. It is important not to overdry; for example, for hardwood, the optimal drying time is 1.5-2 weeks.

How to make it flat?

It is worth knowing that a good oak, birch or pine broom should have a flat shape and look like a fan!

To give a flat shape, the branches are placed on thick plywood, giving them the appearance of a fan., and press down on top with a board or sheet of plywood and apply oppression. After a week, the products can be inspected and turned over to dry evenly.

How to prepare brooms for a bath for the winter?

Everything is very simple: the preparation is not carried out for use at the current moment, but taking into account the fact that you will be steaming in the bathhouse all year long. Therefore, harvesting is carried out in anticipation of the winter period.

How and where to store it correctly

  • Finished products must be stored in a dry and dark place.
  • They must be protected from moisture penetration.
  • For better preservation, products can be stored in paper bags or surrounded with fresh hay.

Frozen brooms

In some cases, you can freeze a fresh broom by pre-packing it in a vacuum. Thanks to this method, you can preserve not only the beneficial properties of the plant, but also its aroma. Finished products are frozen at a temperature of -15 degrees. It is best to choose branches with dense foliage or from coniferous plants.

Bamboo brooms

These brooms, as a rule, are not harvested because bamboo does not grow in central Russia. There is absolutely no need to dry them and then steam them before going to the steam room. They are used in the bathhouse quite rarely and mainly for massage. They are more widely used in SPA procedures.

Useful video - review

Check out the video on how to prepare and store bath brooms

Basic errors during procurement

  • Failure to meet procurement deadlines. For example, if harvested early, the foliage has not yet become strong, but if harvested late, it can quickly fall off. This is especially true in the future.
  • Drying in direct sunlight will “kill” all the beneficial properties.
  • Washing branches before mating and collecting them in rainy weather can lead to spoilage.
  • Collecting branches with damaged foliage.

Many experts, speaking about how to properly prepare brooms for a bath, always mention that you can make “mixes” by adding stems of various herbs(for example, chamomile, oregano, thyme, mint and other plants to your taste).

It is impossible to get a good broom without following the rules of collection and preparation. Thanks to the tips described above, your visit to the steam room will not only be a pleasure, but will also bring maximum benefits.

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