A combination of numbers that brings financial success. Numerology of money and wealth. What numbers attract wealth?

Money is a powerful energy, without which it is very difficult to live in this world. That is why people are constantly looking for methods to attract them. Esotericism also did not stand aside. Let's take a closer look at how the energies of money and numbers interact. In principle, of all the esoteric sciences, numerology is closest to finance. Look at the bills. All of them, without exception, have numbers - denomination, serial number. And they carry a certain energy.

Very often a person intuitively chooses the amount that he puts aside for a deposit, in a piggy bank, or somewhere else. This figure alone can already tell a lot about his thinking, subconscious attitude towards finance, and the material world. You know very well that some people push money away from themselves, while others attract it. For some, even large sums slip through their fingers, while for others they multiply at incredible speed. Numerology of money and wealth gives tips on how to change the situation, reduce unnecessary expenses and increase finances.

Unlucky numbers in monetary numerology

Each number carries a certain energy. For digital to be beneficial, it must be used correctly. For example, some numbers are good in the love sphere, others in the spiritual sphere, and others in the material sphere. Since we are considering a monetary issue, let's analyze the numbers from the point of view of their impact on finances. Please remember the numbers that do not bring wealth.

1 – wasteful energy

A one in combination with a zero has wasteful energy. It is not recommended to save amounts with these numbers, for example, 100, 1000, 10,000, etc. It is also undesirable to receive a salary or display the cost of goods in such sums. Monetary energy will not stick to a person. She will leave and will not bring much benefit. By saving such amounts, you will encounter circumstances in which you will have to spend them.

2 – energy of poverty

The number 2 in monetary numerology symbolizes need, sacrifice, and duty. It is undesirable to receive a salary or buy goods with two marks. The same applies to 11, since when added it turns out to be 2. Under no circumstances should you take out a loan for such an amount; returning it will be problematic. Also, do not borrow 2000, 20,000, 11,000, there is a high probability that the debt will never be repaid. Don't put your money in two wallets. Although you can’t keep all your eggs in one basket, it’s not recommended to divide your savings between two banks, as you could end up going broke. It is better to already select four financial institutions. 2 is economy, and also duplicity, theft, deception.

7 – energy of material losses

Many people consider seven to be the number of luck and divine care. This is indeed true if we consider the topic of spirituality and self-development. But in monetary numerology, 7 is very dangerous. Numbers love surprises, and savings love stability. It is undesirable to give or inherit amounts from 7, put them on deposit, or lend them. You should also not buy goods with a seven in the price tag; some losses are possible.

Two-faced numbers in monetary numerology

Some monetary numbers in numerology seem to have a dual meaning. They can bring both profit and waste. It is important to know how and where to use them.

3 – energy of expansion and movement

Number 3 in money numerology is very lucky if the matter is connected with a constantly moving financial flow. This is the energy of expansion, potential opportunities, additional earnings. Three adores movement, action, and activity. But at the same time, it is not suitable for savings. Three will not lie like a dead weight on a card or in a piggy bank. Save 300, 3000, 30,000, etc. not recommended, they will be spent quickly. But you are always welcome to do something with them.

5 – energy of acquisitions and pleasures

In numerology, luck and money are associated with the number 5. Five is great for any acquisition. If it is present in the price tag, buy the product without hesitation. Amounts starting from 5 are suitable for investments and contributions. This number loves risk, which is why people often win at casinos with it. 5 can be spent on purchasing a gift; the gift will bring good dividends in the future. But the number is not suitable for storage. 5 will constantly urge you to spend money on pleasure.

6 – energy of work and routine

The number 6 in monetary numerology attracts money, but only for the most necessary things. She will not allow you to starve, walk in shoes with holes, or accumulate utility debts. But it doesn’t promise a luxurious life either. In numerology, the magic of money is directly related to the energy of the number. 6 is energetically connected with labor and restrictions. If a person receives a salary of 6,000, 60,000, etc., most likely, it is difficult for him, he works from morning to evening, puts up with some restrictions. It is not recommended to invest amounts over 6 or put them on deposit. Income will be meager.

9 – energy of giving

Like 7, 9 patronizes the spiritual world more than the material one. She doesn't care about finances. But unlike the seven, the nine does not have a negative attitude towards money. In addition, she benefits those who know how to take care of others. 90, 900, 9000, etc. can and should be donated to charitable organizations and given to those in need. The energy of giving will return to you a hundredfold.

Lucky numbers for money in numerology

So we got to the two most monetary numbers. They are the ones who patronize the material world, attract wealth, and increase savings.

4 – energy of stability

An excellent number for those who like stability and predictability. Amounts starting from 4 are good for bank deposits and savings for the family budget. If the figure is present in the price tag of the product, you can buy it in installments. 4 does not promise great wealth; usually the sums with it are earned through honest labor. But on the other hand, it makes it possible to plan expenses and income, and protects you from unexpected, meaningless expenses.

8 – energy of great possibilities

The number 8 in monetary numerology is considered a kind of magnet that attracts financial opportunities. It is also called the number of infinity or God. Eight attracts opportunities for making money and increasing capital. It also facilitates the flow of finance from various sources. Number 8 patronizes people working on currency exchanges, whose work is fraught with risk. Very good for investment.

Successful combinations of numbers

Money numerology teaches you how to attract money to yourself without straining too much. Think about the purposes for which you need finance and use the following combinations of numbers:

  • 13, 300, 333, 3000
  • 44, 46,48, 440, etc.
  • 50, 500, 5000, 50000, etc.
  • 60, 66, 68, 660, 666, 668
  • 80,84, 86,88,800,888
  • 108 – number of God

Non-monetary combinations of numbers

To prevent losses and unexpected expenses, avoid the following combinations:

  • 10,11,12, 17
  • 20, 21
  • 7,70,777
  • 100, 1000
  • 200, 2000, etc.

Money and wealth numerology will help you increase your income and live a happy, abundant life.

P.S. Do you want to know the personal “money number” that will bring wealth and prosperity to you? Take advantage FREE consultation an experienced numerologist right now. After all, why put off important things until tomorrow if you can improve your life today?

The science of numerology claims that there is a lucky combination of numbers for money. By calculating it, you can achieve success in solving a financial issue. To do this, you need to add up the numbers from your date of birth and read the interpretation.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

The correct combination of numbers on a bank card, car number, banknote contributes to personal enrichment and financial well-being. Financial success can be attracted through rituals by calculating your own money number.

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    Magic numbers that bring prosperity

    In numerology, there are several numbers that can bring wealth and financial well-being. Numbers 4 and 8 will help increase savings, as they are the patrons of the material world.

    Number 4 is a symbol of stability. It’s good to make bank deposits where the number 4 is present. You can safely keep your savings at home, they will grow. If you need to buy a product on credit, then the price tag should have the number 4. This number will help you save your income and protect you from unnecessary expenses and pointless expenses.

    Number 8 is a symbol of unlimited financial opportunities. In numerology, this number is considered a magnet for money. It is equated to infinity and called the number of God. The number 8 helps increase capital, helps make money. Thanks to it, there is a huge flow of funds from various sources. The number helps people whose work is related to the currency market.

    Wealth code by date of birth

    The individual wealth code for each person is calculated only by date of birth. When calculating a lucky number, only the date and month should be used, the year should be excluded. Example: full date of birth is 03.11.1988, you need to add 0+3+1+1=5. Number 5 is the personal number of wealth that accompanies you on your life path.

    If the addition results in a two-digit number, it must be added again. The result should be a number from 1 to 9.


    In numerology, the number 1 speaks of the beginning. The number is not the most favorable for achieving large financial flows. But the unit gives financial precision for resolving monetary issues. Numerology speaks of consistency, precision and order. People whose code is 1 need to be careful when gambling and avoid unnecessary expenses.

    You should be content with what you have today. The Universe will not give you a large amount of money, but it will not leave you without it either. Successful financial growth requires the support of smart and focused people. A talisman is an irredeemable coin with a value of 1 ruble; it must be carried in your wallet at all times. At home it should be placed in a visible place.


    People born with the number 2 earn money easily, but spend it thoughtlessly. If you need to purchase something, you need to do it with relatives. They will help you avoid unnecessary waste. It is necessary to find a person who will take full charge of financial matters. People with the number 2 should avoid gambling clubs and casinos, there is a risk of losing everything. The talisman is a horseshoe. This is a keychain, a figurine, a pendant on a chain.


    A good number for financial income. People should work on financial exchanges, as the number three promotes success. It is necessary to beware of laziness and inaction; only the person himself can achieve success. He doesn't need outside help. The talismans are the color red and the three-legged toad, which is common in Feng Shui practice.


    Four has a positive effect on your financial situation. Influences business affairs and promotes success. You need to conduct business thoughtfully, listen to your intuition, and not succumb to a negative surge of emotions. The talisman is a ring.

    If a man is not married, the talisman must still be worn, so the Universe will preserve his savings. It is better for a married man not to take off his wedding ring. Any jewelry that she wears on her fingers is suitable for a woman.


    Five is considered a neutral number for finance. A person must make every effort to achieve his goal. Money must be collected, it is forbidden to lead a wasteful lifestyle, otherwise old age can be met in poverty. Talisman - five kopecks, five cents or other world currency. The coin must be hidden and not shown to anyone. After a while, the talisman will collect energy and transfer it to its owner.


    Attitude to life and health is a priority for a person with the number 6. Only by connecting the spiritual and material world is it possible to achieve success in financial matters. You should always listen to your own intuition; it will help in resolving difficult and controversial issues. The Universe may lead you along a difficult path, but it will not leave you in a difficult situation. To save money, you need a strong family. The talisman is blue.


    Money comes easily to a person, but he is not able to correctly evaluate it. For him it is only paper and a means of payment. Therefore, such people often leave all their money in entertainment establishments. To avoid poverty, you need to listen to wise advisers.

    You should not lend money, especially large sums. There is no need to borrow, as there is a possibility of plunging into debt. A talisman is a near and dear person who will help put your finances in order. You need to learn to treat money with respect, then the problems will disappear.


    Eight is a symbol of infinity. It’s easy to guess that financial wealth will accompany a person on his life’s path. The main thing is to find a middle ground. You should not debug all your earned funds, but it is not recommended to spend them thoughtlessly. It’s better to invest money in yourself: business, project, self-development. Luck favors people with the number 8.


    Nine will help you save your earnings, but you shouldn’t dream of big money. Therefore, you should not spend money unnecessarily. A talisman is a figure in the shape of a square or triangle. It must be symmetrical and have sharp edges. This is a keychain, jewelry, figurine.

    Lucky bills

    Numerology will help you attract financial wealth, but for this you need to choose the right banknote. It should be kept in your wallet, not spent, and not shown to strangers.

    Characteristics of numbers that bring money:

    • 4 and 6 – numbers speak of harmony in the financial aspect. They bring stability, help increase capital and bring good luck in financial matters.
    • 5 and 7 are numbers on banknotes that should not be kept in your own wallet. They must be spent immediately. You should buy things that will not be in the house for long. These are products or quickly used materials.
    • 1 and 8 – banknotes should be placed in a piggy bank. They attract money and improve your financial situation. They help fulfill desires related to money savings.

    The lucky banknote will be the one with the date of birth on it. Such a bill cannot be spent; it should be kept in the house or put in a wallet.

    Banknote with number 888 and 128

    A banknote with the numbers 888 and 128 is considered a lucky note and is characterized as follows:

    • The combination of numbers 128 has powerful monetary energy. The bill must be placed at home where the money is kept or in your own wallet. It will help you find financial well-being and success. The banknote can be presented to loved ones and relatives, they will no longer experience financial difficulties. Feng Shui masters and practitioners talk about its help in business. It symbolizes well-being and brings success. Each of these numbers has the necessary energy that will help you cope with a difficult financial situation.
    • A banknote with three identical digits 888 will help you achieve financial success and prosperity. It will become an assistant in business and attract additional investments. Promotes a constant increase in income. It is necessary to store monetary currency in a wallet or at home with other money.

    Unlucky number combinations

    Along with the numbers that bring financial success, there is a combination of numbers that interferes with financial gains.

    There are some numbers and combinations to watch out for:

    • number 10, 100, 1000;
    • number 11, 20, 21;
    • number 12,17, 37.

    What should be written on the banknote

    When debugging money, write on one bill the purpose and the amount on which you want to spend the money. You can write the name of a famous person who has achieved success in the financial sector.

    Bank card numerology

    To find out what the bank card number indicates, its owner needs to add up all the numbers. The resulting two-digit number must also be summed, the final figure must be from 1 to 9.

    The meaning of the number for a bank card:



    A lucky number symbolizing the safety and security of finances

    Money needs to be calculated; you should not spend it on unnecessary things. If it's a credit card, use it wisely. There may be problems with the bank, there is a risk of getting bogged down in debt

    Three speaks of wasting money. It is worth carefully studying the expense item from your bank card. There is a risk of spending more without paying attention to it

    It is worth paying attention to the bank, its deposit rates and interest rates for using the loan. You should study other banks and find more favorable conditions for placing finances

    One of the most successful numbers in a bank card combination. Five will help increase accumulated money and promote additional financial flows

    You should avoid sixes in the sum of the bank card digits. Possible difficulties in the bank's work, theft of funds

    It is necessary to carefully monitor the flow of funds. Money may get stuck in the account both upon receipt and during settlement

    Numerology speaks of the successful influence of the number eight on the financial flow of money. This number will bring stable financial income and help avoid unnecessary expenses.

    There is a risk of additional and hidden costs. Deposits will not last long on such a card

    Suitable car number in numerology

    If the car often requires repairs, and the owner finds himself in unpleasant situations, you should pay attention to the car plate numbers. To avoid irreversible consequences, it is necessary to calculate the numerological index.

    To do this, add up all the numbers in the car number (the region is not taken into account). The final digit must be from 1 to 9.

    The ratio of numbers and letters on a car license plate:

    • 1 - A, I, C, B;
    • 2 - B, J, T, S;
    • 3 - B, K, U, b;
    • 4 - G, L, F, E;
    • 5 - D, M, X, Y;
    • 6 - E, N, C, Z;
    • 7 - Yo, O, Ch;
    • 8 - F, P, W;
    • 9 -Z, R, SH.

    The meaning of the numbers for the car number:



    The number will help you have a successful business trip and helps resolve issues in contracts. It will give the driver confidence and attract finance. The car owner should be extremely careful and avoid speeding. Accidents are possible on the roads. The car should be treated with care. You should not buy such a car if it has had many owners. The car will break down, it only needs one owner

    It is better to use such a car for work than for personal purposes. The car will not help you attract finance, but it will protect you from accidents and thefts

    The iron horse will help in matters of finance and promote material enrichment. A machine with this index is suitable for working with money. But the car also has its drawback - frequent breakdowns. She requires special care and often changes owners. Not reliable in operation

    The car is suitable only for those people whose work is related to creativity. The machine index indicates its durability and serviceability. But it magnetically attracts various accidents, most of them minor (broken headlights). Will help its owner become purposeful

    A car will help improve the flow of finances and promote business development. Suitable for travel and long routes. His energy can push him to commit crimes; all traffic rules must be followed.

    A car will help you save your finances, but not increase them. It is designed for long trips with the whole family. It will help to avoid accidents on the road, but it needs a lot of attention and respect. You need to constantly look after your car: clean the interior, change the oil, wash

    Suitable for single and independent people who build their lives on their own. The car is designed for long trips. But you should drive it carefully, not exceeding the speed limit and not breaking the rules.

    Numerologists do not advise purchasing a car with an index of 8, as it is considered unlucky. The iron horse constantly attracts failure and often breaks. Suitable for people who work in real estate, but in business you shouldn’t count on luck

    The number is considered lucky and brings success in many endeavors. Protects against accidents and violations. Ideal for people working in the justice sector. This car needs a lot of loving attention.

    Choosing the right time to attract money

    If you need to take out a loan, borrow money or invest in business development, you need to take into account the timing of financial transactions. To do this, you need to calculate the date of the event.

    Example: date 08.10.2018, calculation: 0+8+1+0+2+0+1+8=20, 2+0=2.

    Number meaning:



    You need to listen to your intuition. Only she can help you make the right decision. A person can enter into a successful contract if he is committed to a positive result. If in doubt, it is better to reschedule the transaction

    It is necessary to carefully study the contract before signing it. The energy of the day indicates success in financial matters, but you should beware of scammers

    You can safely enter into financial agreements at work. A favorable day for searching for additional funds. The date speaks of successful purchases and investments

    A favorable day for buying real estate and investing in construction. Do not be afraid of investing large sums, the results will not take long to arrive

    Unfavorable day for concluding contracts. You should not take out loans - the money will be wasted. On this day there is no need to lend money, draw up marriage contracts, or enter into an inheritance.

    A favorable day for family shopping. But you should not invest money, in the end the profit will be insignificant

    A good day for the legal field. You can make deals and sign contracts. But you should not trust partners; you need to study the contract yourself. If you have doubts about certain points, you should refuse the operation.

    Unfavorable day for obtaining a loan; most banks will report a refusal. Friends and acquaintances will also not be able to help with money matters.

    The final number indicates a favorable day for charity. Everything will be returned to the donor in full

    How to calculate your own money number

    Thanks to the name and date of birth, it is possible to find out the number that will bring financial well-being. To do this, you need to add the two resulting numbers.

    Example: calculation of date of birth 01.12.1975, calculation: 0+1+1+2+1+9+7+5=2+6=8. Name – Yana, calculation: 6+6+1=1+3=4. Let’s sum up 8+4=1+2=3 – the girl’s personal code.

    The ratio of letters and numbers to calculate the number of a name is the same as when calculating the number of a car license plate.

    The meaning of the numbers, numerical characteristics:

    • Unit. Self-realization and perseverance will help young people achieve financial success. They need independence in decision making. You should protect yourself from the opinions of strangers. Financial success will come after the implementation of your own project.
    • Two. Leadership skills will help you achieve success in finance. People build successful careers and help others. To develop your own business, you need the help and support of family and friends.
    • Troika. There is a high probability of receiving an inheritance or winning a large sum in the lottery. These are creative individuals who are helped to earn their talents. But there won’t be much income; people treat money with disdain.
    • Four. Financial income directly depends on a person’s efforts. Numerology contributes to business development, but only with a wise choice of field of activity.
    • Five. You need to gather like-minded people around you, as this is the only correctly chosen path to achieve success. People have developed intuition, but they are prone to waste.
    • Six. You need to listen to your own intuition. The source of income “lies under your feet.” All that remains is to see it in time.
    • Seven. People don't strive for big income. It’s better for them to do science and create unique things. The feeling of happiness is found in spiritual, not material growth.
    • Eight. People can achieve great success, but don't forget about charity. Only those projects in which part of the money goes to help others will be successful.
    • Nine. Money comes easily, but it also goes out quickly. You should eliminate a wasteful lifestyle and think about the future. Take a responsible approach to important events.

    Ritual to attract money

    There are many rituals for attracting finance, one of the most effective is the ritual using the number 6 and it is carried out as follows:

    • Magic ritual. In the church you need to buy six sacred candles, and put this amount there for enemies, friends, loved ones and yourself. Then leave the temple and give alms to 6 people asking. Or make a donation of 6 banknotes of various denominations.
    • Second conspiracy. It's easy to do and doesn't require magic. On a piece of paper you need to write any number from 1 to 9. The number 10 and number 11 also contribute to enrichment. Some numerologists use the numbers 15,21,22 to attract finance. The written numbers should be constantly visible; you can put them on the phone screen saver.

Have you ever wondered why some people have everything and others nothing at all?

Why is it that for some, everything is going well financially, their careers are going uphill, and money, as if magnetized, sticks to them, even if they do absolutely nothing for it?

But for others, it’s the opposite - all their lives they struggle like fish against ice, trying to improve their well-being and make incredible efforts in this direction, but they remain in the same position and at the same level of income.

And there is also a third side to the coin - quite happy people doing what they love for a small reward. Why do they have a good life?

To answer these questions, just turn to and look into the numerological matrix.

It turns out that a person’s material well-being depends not so much on business acumen, effort or entrepreneurial qualities, but on the date of birth and his name. And that each of us has a personal Wealth Number. Also known as Money Number or Job Number.

Want to know yours?

Method for calculating Money Number and Wealth

The calculation formula is extremely simple:

The Wealth Number is the sum of the Name and Birth Numbers.

These numbers are summed up and reduced to a single figure.

To calculate the Number of the Name, use a table of correspondence between letters and numbers:

According to her, Anna’s Name Number is 5 (1+6+6+1=14=1+4=5)

Accordingly, her Birth Number is 8 (1+7=8)

Adding the numbers of name (5) and birth (8), we get the desired Money Number. Anna has this number 4 (5+8=13=1+3=4)

Exception: numbers 11 And 22 are not reduced to unambiguous ones, so they are special. They will be discussed below.

Before moving on to the digital characteristics, it should be noted that among the numbers there is already an inherent tendency towards wealth, these are the so-called Money Numbers: 4 , 6 , 8 And 9 . Tells us this.

What should the rest of us do? What if none of these money numbers belong to you? What, just drag out a miserable existence all your life and only dream of wealth?

Of course not! Everything is in your hands, including material well-being. To do this, you need to find out the characteristics of your wealth number, determine your weaknesses and strengths, understand your life task and draw certain conclusions. And then your money stream can finally turn into a full-flowing river!

Characteristics of Money Numbers


“One” is a born leader and strives to be the first. She tries to achieve everything on her own and does the right thing! If 1 is your wealth number, strive for independent projects, try yourself in private business or in enterprises with original ideas and advanced technologies. You should always have a separate front of work. Don’t expect help from anyone, demand a promotion and boldly take responsibility – success is guaranteed! Intellectual activity and work related to movement - transport or business trips - are also suitable.


“Twos” manage to find good partners everywhere and work well in pairs. They are shown working in a team if they want to achieve material success. Choose activities that are directly related to communication or collective creativity. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television - this is the best springboard for you! Although singing in a choir or assembly line work, trading and accounting would also fit well into this list. “Twos” reach financial heights either by receiving a substantial inheritance or by opening a profitable business with a reliable partner. Beware of unnecessary spending and plan your affairs well - luck will always be on your side!


“Troika” strives for wealth, loves luxury and money. But they will meet her halfway only when she manages to combine her craving for entertainment with business activity. The desire to live a comfortable and beautiful life and at the same time do nothing leads to various kinds of temptations (adventurism, deception, fraud). You need to realize this and strive for purity in your deeds and thoughts, and also look for honest and purposeful partners. Bearers of this number are sublime and creative natures. The greatest financial success can be achieved if you connect your activities with fashion, entertainment, the service sector or sports. If “three” is your Money Number, you can safely expect to receive a large inheritance or a loan from patrons.


You are the happy owner of a “money number”. “Four” speaks of the ability to perform large volumes of work in order to receive large sums. And it doesn’t matter whether you work for yourself or are hired. You will never receive benefits from life just like that - everything comes only through your work. You have to give up entertainment and interesting projects for more “monetary” jobs. The size of your fortune will not be huge, but a stable and constant income is guaranteed. Approach your spending wisely; strict control over expenses will allow you to avoid getting into debt. Activities related to the production of household items (tailoring, making dishes, selling antiques) can bring the greatest return.


A lucky number in terms of money. It is possible to make a large fortune doing a job you love, although you are also likely to receive a decent bequest. Refrain from risky transactions and unusual financial actions, carefully analyze your investments, and sometimes even abandon them altogether in order to save what you have accumulated. Deep calculation and common sense will ensure material prosperity. “Fives” are not afraid of change, are easy-going, flexible and quickly adapt to new realities. Therefore, they change their field of activity without any problems and are never left without money - the list of their talents is too large, for which they always pay decently. Areas of activity: business trips, travel, working with foreign partners.


The vibrations of the “six” attract financial flows to it with minimal effort on its part. But this does not mean at all that money will flow like a river. If you make regular efforts in the right direction and make the right investments, then the vibrations of this wealth number will only intensify, bestowing all sorts of benefits on its bearer. In order to boast of an impressive fortune in the second half of your life’s journey, you will have to work hard in the first. The “six” has one magical paradox - the more it gives, the more it receives. Therefore, you need to strive for generosity and not skimp on good deeds. Areas where success awaits you are family business, law, publishing, hotel business, education and healthcare, as well as all kinds of creative co-authorship.


The number is not commercial and is far from money. The “Seven” is more interested in spiritual growth than in the growth of its well-being. But this absolutely does not mean that in terms of money you can be given up on. Science, history, astronomy, psychology, esotericism - this is your field of activity. You can also make good money by studying the unknown and comprehending the secret sciences. And although the financial side of life is of little interest to you, you do not strive for hoarding and are only able to work for an idea - life in complete poverty is still not for you. If she is lucky and the “seven” does not have to think about her daily bread while doing what she loves, she can become absolutely happy.


The owner of the “eight” as the number of wealth will never be in need and has everything for a comfortable life. The passion for owning a lot of money will push him to receive funds from various sources. Caution in financial matters and reliance on common sense will help you avoid major financial losses. The G8's good organizational skills and business acumen give it the opportunity to create a friendly team that implements large projects. Large industries and large international corporations are your field of activity. The “Eight” is extremely important to the financial result of its work, and it cannot be sustained for long on sheer enthusiasm. If an unloved business brings in tangible income, she is able to devote her entire life to it. People of this money number are excellent financiers and know how to not only earn a lot, but also invest profitably, increasing their cash flow many times over.


“Nine” will give its lucky owner enough money. But not personally, but on those matters and projects on the implementation of which his energy will be spent. This number of wealth endows its bearer with the gift of foresight and puts financial practicality into his hands for making transactions and investments. But do not forget that all your talents and efforts should be directed not only to the area of ​​​​financial abundance, but also to the development of the spiritual side of your life. Because the greatest material success can be achieved when working with public and charitable foundations. If the “nine” understands early that not everything in life is immediately paid for in hard cash, and sometimes you need to wait until the “money tree” rises, then you can achieve significant material wealth in life, and sometimes untold wealth.

"11" and "22"

These are special Money Numbers that are called Master's number. Their owner has a special mission, his own “program of stay” on Earth. If you want to achieve financial abundance, contact the Heavenly Office. Think thoroughly about everything you will need from life, when and in what amount, and directly ask the Higher Powers for it. Be sure that you will certainly receive certain actions to improve your financial situation. You can even get fantastic wealth if you are destined for this mission!

Friends, from now on you have the necessary information to reach a new level of your relationship with the energy of money. And may the Number of Money and Wealth bring universal abundance into your life and make you prosperous, successful and happy people!

Arthur Golovin

P.S. Accept the powerful Vibro-Digital as a GIFT for new opportunities:


Why do some people have successful careers, money literally sticks to them, even if they don’t put much effort into it, while others struggle all their lives, but remain in the same position and receive a very modest salary? But there are also those for whom, to be happy, it is enough to receive a little money for the work they love. The answer to this question lies in the numerological matrix of each individual person.

Before showing how this Number is calculated, it is necessary to make a small clarification. The fact is that each of us has a certain potential, which we, to a greater or lesser extent, realize during our lives. However, how we feel about ourselves, how we position ourselves, also plays a huge role in the process of implementation. Therefore, when analyzing the Number of Money, work and wealth, it is necessary to take into account not only the potential, but also the life aspirations of each person.

Despite the fact that the Money, Work and Wealth Number is calculated as the Name Number or, as some numerologists also call it, the Expression Number, this is not always the correct approach and only tells you what you could have under ideal circumstances. But, as they say, life makes its own adjustments. Therefore, the current state of affairs is often not affected by Name Number as such, but a numerical expression of the name by which you are accustomed to introduce yourself when getting a job or meet new business partners.

Someone calls themselves by last name, first name and patronymic - if you are one of them, then you don’t have to do any other calculations.

Someone introduces himself by his first name and patronymic, then first of all one must take into account the numerical expression of this combination.

And if you are used to calling yourself simply by name, then pay attention to the numerical expression of the name (full or abbreviated, depending on which one you use most often).

Then the picture will be more objective. For example, your Name Number is 8, that is, you have the ability to attract money and use it wisely, but you call yourself a name that, when recalculated, gives 2, which means you can successfully realize yourself only if you are next to you will have a person who will guide and advise you. That is, you need to look for a reliable business partner or advisor. You can make the most money by working in tandem with someone more competent.

In order to calculate the Number of Money, work and wealth, write down your first, middle and last names, look at the table to see which letter corresponds to which number, and make the calculations. Add the numbers of the first name, middle name and last name separately, roll each result up to a prime number (from 1 to 9). Add the three results and again, if necessary, collapse the resulting number to a prime number. Do the same if you want to specify your characteristics, taking into account the name by which you introduce yourself to others.

Number of Money, Work and Wealth

The “one” always strives to be the first in everything, she tries to do her job efficiently, since her own depends on it self-esteem. She does not rely on anyone, does not expect help from anyone, she tries to do everything on her own. And employers value such an employee and reward him with bonuses and other motivating means. As a rule, “a few” receive good money for their work, but do not become millionaires, since they are more interested in the process of work itself than in the accumulation of capital.

“Two” always and everywhere manages to find worthy partners who help her either get a “cushy place” or create conditions under which she can realize her potential. People of this Number are strong in collaboration; it is working with someone in pairs or in a team that allows them to achieve significant results. success in your career and achieve strong material well-being. Such people become truly rich either by receiving an inheritance or by organizing their own enterprise together with a reliable partner.

Troika loves money. But they come to her only when she manages to link her eternal desire to have fun with her own business activities. That is, when there are people who are ready to pay the “troika” for its way of life and thoughts. People of this Number are creative, artistic, and sublime. So, if at the same time they have real talent or incredible luck, then they will be in demand and rich, but if this is not the case, then they will have to do odd jobs all their lives and vegetate in obscurity.

“Four” is not given anything in life for nothing. She has to achieve everything through hard work, give up entertainment for the sake of work, as well as interesting offers for the sake of work for which they pay more. But even such dedication does not always lead to stable financial well-being. Those people of this Number who know how to “fish in troubled waters” have the greatest chance of achieving wealth. But, in any case, the “four” is hard worker the result of her work is always solid, but fate does not often spoil her with gifts and bonuses.

Numerology: Number of Money, Work and Wealth / shutterstock.com

The “Five” is easy-going and therefore often makes a fortune from travel, business trips and communication with foreign partners. She is flexible, knows how to adapt to circumstances, and is sensitive to changes. And this allows her not to lose money where others do. Moreover, it multiplies them. People of this Number easily change their field of activity if reality demands it, so they are rarely poor - they have too many diverse talents, for which they pay well.

The “Six” is looking everywhere for mutually beneficial conditions and like-minded people. She achieves her greatest successes in the field of family business and in demonstrating her creative potential in co-authorship. Money is not an end in itself for her, however, they love her, so they flock to her in small but stable streams. The paradox of people of this Number is that the more they give, the more they receive. If, due to some circumstances, they do not find the possibility of interaction, then they can end their lives in very cramped conditions.

“Seven” is used to analyzing everything, so in its work it finds the most rational ways to realize its abilities. She likes to understand other people's secrets, and she makes good money from it. But at the same time, the financial side of life worries her little, she does not strive for acquisitiveness, she is able to work for an idea, so she can live her life in poverty if she is busy with something that truly fascinates her. And if, due to their marital status and wealth, people of this Number have the opportunity to do what they love, without thinking about the need to earn a piece of bread, then they are absolutely happy.

The G8 always focuses on tangible, concrete results. It is important for her that any action she takes is well paid. She will never work out of pure enthusiasm; she is not attracted to work for the sake of work. An “Eight” can spend his entire life doing something he doesn’t like if this business brings him huge profits. The credo of people of this Number is financier, so they can not only Earn Money, but also to invest them in such a way that they continue to work. They strive for power and love power precisely because it helps them get rich.

The “nine” has a complex relationship with money, on the one hand, she is looking for a job where she can “make happy” all of humanity, she wants her activities to be global in nature, but since at the same time she expects that all this will happen immediately paid in hard cash, she often harms herself with her impatience. But if in her youth she gets the opportunity to make sure that her efforts will be rewarded in any case, but a little later and not always directly, the “nine” achieves a strong financial position, and sometimes fantastic wealth.

With the help of numbers, we can speed up or slow down the actions taking place around us, increase fortune and love, and reduce problems.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself! And the money code will work for you!

Success, prosperity, happiness!

The money code will make your life different...

Money Code - Ford's Magic Square

Let's fast forward to the richest country, America, in other words, the United States. Henry Ford, in whose factories the conveyor belt was first invented and used, was himself an engineer-inventor. He was also interested in arithmetic.

Pythagorean money code

Few people know that one day Ford read about the magic square of Pythagoras. It goes without saying that the ancient Greek mathematician believed that the world is ruled by numbers, and everything can be calculated and expressed mathematically. Everyone knows that he created a whole science of numbers - numerology, proving that there are nine main numbers: from 1 to 9, and all the rest are composite: for example, 12 = 3 (1 + 2); 29 = 2 (2+9=11, but 1+1=2). The mathematician composed a special magic square from 9 numbers (from 1 to 9), in which he expressed the harmony of the world. The square is simple and written from top to bottom:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

But it is amazing: the sum of the numbers in the left row (1+2+3=6) is equal to the sum of the numbers in the middle row (4+5+6=15, in other words 1+5=6) and the sum of the numbers in the right row (7+8+9 =24, in other words 2+4=6).

Pythagoras considered this square as a description of the past (left row), the real (center) and the future (right row). The past (1, 2, 3) consists of small numbers, but all mathematics begins with them.

The middle row is the most stable and purposeful, because 4 is a square, 5 is a star, 6 is a hexagon tending to a circle. But the right row, consisting of the largest numbers (7, 8, 9) is the future of a person.

Ford was interested in Pythagorean numerology and made sure that the magic square worked on a purely material level (the Greeks had great respect for the real world and its real benefits) and therefore could help in acquiring wealth.

The ancient Greeks wrote the Pythagorean square on special tablets and placed those tablets in amphorae, where gold and silver ingots, measures of grain or combed wool were stored - the main wealth of the era of Antiquity, believing that the magic numbers of Pythagoras would help increase all this.

And so the cunning Ford took and drew a square on a dollar bill, hid it in a secret compartment of his own wallet and did not show it to anyone.

So what would you think? His funds really began to multiply. And indeed, very soon, the first assembly line was launched at Ford enterprises...

The money code works!

Please note that the remaining entrepreneurs, who knew about the essence of the invention, did not even want to look at the money code. The assembly line increased production at Ford plants exponentially.

There are many magic squares in arithmetic, and all of this is the code for money.

Paracelsus money code

There is, for example, the Paracelsian square or the Paracelsian money code:

2 9 4
7 5 3
6 1 8

The highlight of this square is that it is calculated from top to bottom (like the Pythagorean square) and from right to left according to the number 15, in other words 1+5=6 (just like Pythagoras).

But since Paracelsus was a doctor, he built his own square to help correct and evolve the physical body. It is useful to keep this square written on a piece of leather or natural fabric (silk, linen) at the head of the bed or under the pillow during illness.

Jupiter money code

There is another powerful square called the Jupiter square (Jupiter money code). I would really like to emphasize that it no longer consists of 3 sides, but of 4 and takes into account not only ordinary numbers (1-9), but also components - from 1 to 16. Please note that this is a square (money code) of fame and domination. And there is no need to even say that if you need it, write it on reddish silk and place it in the southern corner of your room or apartment.

4 14 15 1
9 7 6 12
5 11 10 8
16 2 3 13

The sum of any side of the square of Jupiter is 34 - one of the magic numbers. And there is no need to even say that this square is “higher” than the square of Pythagoras or Paracelsus, because the total, in general, is not 6, but 7 (3+4). No matter how strange it may be, in other words, he finally appeals not to material energies (6), but to, as we constantly say, spiritual, which is usually expressed, so to speak, by the number 7.

But when working with squares, in the end, you should keep one rule in mind - you don’t need to get too carried away with anything. In other words, if you are generally healthy, you should not sleep with a Paracelsus square under your pillow. It is also possible that you will need to put it in a hidden place later. It goes without saying that the same is true with the square of Jupiter.

You can eventually use the Pythagorean square (Pythagorean money code) to attract luck in the material world. It goes without saying that to multiply funds, a square is drawn, so to speak, directly on the bill, which is later stored in the wallet.

For health, you should finally use the Paracelsus square. It must be emphasized that it is written on a piece of leather or, as many say, natural fabric (silk, linen) and is placed at the head of the bed or under the pillow during illness.

For strength and power, use the square of Jupiter (Jupiter money code). It must be emphasized that it is drawn on reddish silk and placed in the southern corner of your room or apartment.

Speeding up - Slowing down...

If you need, to put it mildly, to speed up this or that process (for example, you are late for work, but, as luck would have it, there is no transport, or there are absolutely no funds left in your wallet, and your long-awaited salary is delayed), repeat to yourself as often as possible: "twenty". 2 will increase your efforts, and 0 will nullify the force of opposition.

If, on the contrary, you need to slow down one or another process (for example, a child who wants to get married urgently, but this is not part of your plans), repeat to yourself: “four.” 4 is a square, the most stable figure. It is she who will delay and slow down the action. It's no secret that a square has all sides equal, everything is the same - stability and deceleration.

Add - Subtract

To add something (for example, the number of bills in your wallet or the number of fans), imagine it and repeat: “seven plus one.” 7 is the number of a seemingly mysterious act, 1 is the number of purpose and energy, and 8 (7+1) is the number of infinity.

If you need to lose something (for example, your weight), imagine yourself slim and repeat: “10 minus one.” Undoubtedly, it is worth mentioning that in this case, be prepared for changes: 10-1 = 9, 9 is the number of changes.

Line up - Return

If you need to build or return something (a new home, business with your boss or with a loved one), imagine it and repeat: “40 forty“. Do you remember how an unprecedented number of churches were also celebrated in old Moscow? Magically: 40 forties. So say “40 forties,” and what you think about will multiply to infinity.

Damage - Harm

If you need to damage something, you must imagine this something for yourself and say to yourself: “40 four.” First of all, these numbers look like two lightning bolts on the outside. Secondly, the imposition of the 1st square (4) on the second square (4) splits any stability into parts, because there are eight angles, and 8 is the number of infinity. This will result in crushing to infinity - into dust.

Happiness - Luck

If you lack happiness, luck, ease, repeat: “20 one.” Calculating the numerological meaning of the word “happiness” (as if adding up the letters in their digital calculation), you will also get 21!


If you are short on time, repeat to yourself: “ninety-one.” 9 – change, 1 – the most rapid number. Also 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end, in other words, full coverage of the time cycle. It should be noted that the number 911 is not at all accidental; it is used not only as a rescue number. Magicians know that 911 is also the number of the universal office - the one where everything has its own time.

Money Code - Raising Money

On the first lunar day, you can perform an effective ritual to attract money into your life. To do this, you need to choose a code word. For example, the word “abundance” or the word “money”.

1. Say the word “abundance” 3 times.

2. Slowly count from 9 to 1.

3. Say the money code 9 times (“Cosmic abundance is manifested by the flow of money in my life”), being in the most serene state, the reference one, where you feel amazing, are in your most favorite place, where waves of Divine and human love envelop you.

4. Visualize how the flow of cosmic abundance fills your aura, like the gentle rays of the sun. It is ideal to do all this on a sunny day, when you are overwhelmed with positive emotions. Enjoying the perfection of nature, the vastness of the blue sky. Everything blooms and bears fruit. You are part of this whole.

5. Remember that the world was created for you, as for any creature. Feel this fullness of abundance, this oneness of abundance, finally pouring into you and becoming a flow of excitement, happiness, prosperity and harmony, and you repeat again: “Cosmic abundance is manifesting as a flow of money in my life.” Record this state.

6. Say the word - the money code is “abundance”.

7. Count from 1 to 9.

8. Say the word “abundance” again. When pronouncing the word “abundance”, connect the index finger and thumb of your right hand 2 times. This gesture, called mudra in acupuncture, plays an important role in many esoteric and mystical techniques.

9. Perform this technique every day for a week until this condition becomes stable for you.

10. When you pronounce the word “abundance” and join your fingers in mudra twice, a program of financial well-being and prosperity will be laid down in your subconscious, and later unwound.

Money Code - Success

1 — 3 — 2 — — 5 — 4 — 9 — 9

To ensure yourself success in a particular business, repeat this code in the morning 21 times within a month and imagine that success has already come.

Money Code - Luck

8 – – 9 – 3 –1 – – 5 – 4 – 2

Repeat 77 times.

Money Code - Strength and Health

3 — 3 — 4 — 2 — — 8 — — — 8 — 7

To increase vitality and healing, repeat this code at noon 18 times.

Money Code - Energy of Abundance

3 — 3 — 3 — — — 5 — 7 — 9 — 9

To attract the Energy of Abundance into your life, this code must be repeated in the morning at least 21 times.

Code of Harmony and Peace

4 – 2 – – 4 – 2 – – 7 – 3 – 1

Repeat 33 times in the evening.

Money Code - Developing Intuition

7 — 7 — 7 — — — 5 — 9 — 3 — 9

To develop intuition, this code must be repeated 33 times.

Confidence code

5 – 1 – 1 – – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1

Repeat 77 times.

Code for quickly making the right decision

3 – 6 – 9 – – 7 – – 2 – 4 – 9

Repeat 77 times before making an important decision

Money Code - Overcoming unexpected obstacles and obstacles

1 — 8 — 5 — 1 — 5 — 1 — 8

To overcome unexpected obstacles, this code must be repeated 33 times. The code must be repeated as many days as it takes to achieve the desired result. For some people it is enough to do it once.


1. The dash sign in the numeric code (–) indicates a second pause. That is…

  • – pause lasting one second
  • – – pause lasting two seconds
  • – – – pause of three seconds

2. Repeating a certain code at the same time every day strengthens its magical properties.

As you noticed, each code consists of 7 digits. This is not at all accidental. The fact is that seven is a creative number, a number of mysterious action. Just let the mystery of numbers into your life, and you won’t regret it!

Tibetan mantra

7-7-5-3-1-9-1 is a special mantra that came to us from Tibetan monks. The mantra helps to attract money and other material benefits into life. It must be read 7 times within 7 days. It is pronounced like this: “Seven, seven, five, three, one, nine, one.”

Also, to attract prosperity into life, there is such a ritual. On a small piece of paper, write 7753191. Then bury this note in a pot of earth, saying 3 times: “The earth is full of riches, now my dream is in you.”

After 3 days, plant the seeds of some plant (sprouted, which will probably take root) in the same pot. Every time you water them, say 3 times: “Water and earth revive the seeds.”

Every 3 days, bring the pot to the open window and say 3 times: “I need you, Air, like light, and give my dream the dawn.”

When a sprout appears in the pot, light a small candle and say 3 times:

“Burn, Fire, candle, burn and destroy poverty, let the sprout that hides the money sheet increase. And I will prosper with him, attract wealth in money.”

Wait until the candle burns completely, then throw the stub away from the house.

Now you have your own personal well-being plant.

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