Celery root: benefits and harm, recipes for delicious dishes. What are the benefits of celery root? Beneficial features. Application. Contraindications

Admit it, while walking through the rows of shops and markets, you rarely pay attention to the counters with healthy food products. Basically, the reason lies in the fact that you simply know little about the taste of a particular vegetable, and their appearance does not arouse your appetite at all. Celery is also on this list. Scientists, doctors and chefs have long tested and proven that the usefulness of this green vegetable knows no bounds; it has a positive effect on the male and female body. No healthy diet is complete without this element of food.

Product Description

Celery is a fairly well-known plant since the times of ancient civilizations. People of that era believed that such a vegetable crop had magical properties and could attract joy and luck, which is why houses were decorated with celery branches. But when the list of nutritional properties was discovered, it began to be consumed as food. The plant looks like a bush of light green stems with leaves of dark shades.

The vegetable is valued not only for its special taste, but also for its healing power. Use the whole celery root - both tops and roots. It is good both fresh and cooked, and you should not give up green young leaves and elastic petioles.

Types of celery differ from the parts used in food:

  • root;
  • sheet;
  • petiole.

Root celery has a fleshy, rounded base that is used in cooking. The root is consumed both raw and after heat treatment. You can recognize it by its specific smell.

The leaf type is known for the beneficial properties of its leaves. It has a certain aroma and is used in preparing salads and as a decoration for dishes.

Petiolate is characterized by green or white stems, with a high content of nectar and water. This celery is well suited for making juices, smoothies, cocktails and salads.

Calorie content and composition

Celery can boast of a variety of vitamin and mineral composition, as well as a high content of amino acids and other essential substances that help the body cope with its usual, not always healthy lifestyle.

This product is dietary, because 100 g of root contains only 13 calories. Among them are 0.9 g of protein, 2.1 g of carbohydrates and 0.1 g of fat. In addition to BJU, the plant contains dietary fiber, organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, starch, groups of vitamins and minerals and, of course, a large amount of water, for which the vegetable is recommended for people with low metabolism.


Doctors report that the bulk of the beneficial substances are found in fresh root vegetables. But even after heat treatment, half of the composition can still be preserved. Today in stores you can easily purchase various varieties of dried celery, which is mainly used as a seasoning, but, unfortunately, it does not have any visible medicinal effects. However, it is still dominated by essential oils, which affect appetite and digestive functioning.


As for fried celery, it can only be called dietary. Despite the fact that 100 grams of the product contains only 100 kcal, do not forget that it is prepared in oil.

Due to the fact that vegetable oil is usually used to fry the plant, it should be used with caution by people who are overweight.

Chemical composition:

  • B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin E;
  • beta-carotene;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • starch;
  • ash;
  • water;
  • choline;
  • protein.

Celery root has a powerful antimicrobial effect, and not even the root itself, but the essential oils in its composition. Due to the presence of flavonoids, the root has capillary-strengthening, anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties. Has a beneficial effect on kidney function.

Traditional healers included this product in the list of essential products for those suffering from gout, dermatitis, urticaria, and urolithiasis. The root can improve the secretion of digestive juice and also acts as a laxative, which is recommended in the fight against constipation and intestinal atony. The root vegetable also significantly increases the blood supply to the organs of the reproductive system.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times, representatives of traditional medicine have highly valued celery root. The perennial plant combines general strengthening, healing and rejuvenating functions. All the benefits lie in the following properties of the green friend:

  • treats anemia, anemia and exhaustion due to its high iron content;
  • thanks to a sufficient amount of magnesium, strengthens the nervous system;
  • normalizes human metabolism, which is important when losing weight;
  • the root type of celery can increase the time of mobility and youth of joints;
  • helps with cardiovascular diseases;
  • relieves irritability and stress;
  • improves overall tone, internal well-being, and maintains physical fitness;
  • affects the stimulation of attention, reflexes, memory;
  • blocks the formation of malignant tumors;
  • cures gout, bronchitis and arthritis;
  • can significantly lower blood pressure;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland;
  • relieves attacks of prostatitis;
  • prevents infections and viruses from entering the human body.

Celery root can rightfully be considered a valuable source of health. If you regularly use it in combination with other products, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from various diseases, maintain youth, and make your immune system stronger. No matter what month it is, you can always find this vegetable on the shelves in the store. But it won’t be difficult to grow such value at home.

Celery infusion is recommended for people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, rheumatism, neuralgia, as well as those diagnosed with “low acidity of gastric juice.” The same list can include diseases associated with the respiratory tract.

The solution to problems with the bladder and kidney failure is also not complete without consuming celery root vegetables. Its ability to remove excess fluid and cleanse the body of toxins and wastes copes well with emerging ailments.

In combination with meat and fish dishes, the green vegetable becomes more useful. Here it demonstrates well an important property - facilitating the absorption of protein. Therefore, it will be best if you add a couple of stalks of raw celery to your lunch or dinner, since heat treatment will destroy the entire valuable composition of the vegetable.

Children very often suffer from vitamin deficiency. To avoid such a disease, teach your baby to sometimes eat a couple of stalks of celery.

You can start adding this vegetable to baby food from the age of 1 year. For children, the root is crushed or the juice is simply squeezed out of it.

For women

Do not forget about the external, no less important parts of the human body - hair and skin, eyes and skin of the lips. These parts also need nutritional help. Phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium have a beneficial effect on external appearance, which is so important for women. And vitamins B, C, E and PP preserve youth, affect the regeneration of the first wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, increase the tone of the skin, and, of course, keep the figure in good shape.

For men

This product is just as useful for men as it is for women. Its valuable root has the ability to significantly influence the enhancement of male potency. It is the presence of the hormone androsterone that has a valuable effect on male health. In addition, the predominance of this hormone in the male body makes a man more attractive in the eyes of women. The chemical composition of celery will protect the stronger half from genitourinary diseases and prostatitis.

For weight loss

When adhering to a specific diet, do not forget that it must also be healthy. A combination of vegetables with grated raw apples, carrots, turnips and any greens is suitable here. Low calorie content, unusual aroma and taste, and, of course, the most useful composition in the plate will have a beneficial effect on your figure and the body as a whole.

Also, such recipes are perfect for vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists. Such snacks will provide the body with missing minerals and vitamins. This green root can be used as an additive to dishes, as its unusual taste and aroma will completely change the taste of the dish, without the need to add salt. And this will have a positive effect on the performance of the heart muscles and kidneys.


Raw or processed celery, as well as juices and smoothies made from it, can have a negative effect on the human body, which has already been proven by doctors and nutritionists.

The vegetable is strictly contraindicated for patients with kidney stones. Studies have shown that excessive consumption of root vegetables completely changes the condition of patients: the stones begin to move more intensely, which ultimately leads to forced surgery. But correct and moderate consumption of green plants, on the contrary, can improve kidney function and even cleanse them.

Those suffering from common neuralgic diseases, such as epilepsy, are also prohibited from eating this product, since its chemical components can aggravate the situation and cause harm.

  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • colitis.

It has been found that women will only benefit from regular consumption of celery root. But there are pitfalls here too. Women who suffer from uterine bleeding or who are accompanied by heavy menstruation should not add vegetables to their food. The product is also contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The development of the fetus may be adversely affected by the increased degree of gas formation caused by spicy greens. In addition, consumed root vegetables will affect the taste of breast milk, add bitterness and a specific smell, and as a result, the baby simply will not want his mother’s breast. Allergic reactions may occur in the baby.

When consuming celery, remember the dangers of this plant representative. Correct and moderate doses will save you from unexpected reactions of the body.

Of course, the plant has many advantages, but always remember the disadvantages.

How to cook?

It doesn’t matter which cooking method you prefer, the useful and necessary properties will not decrease. As a preventive measure, it is, of course, better to choose raw fruits or juice obtained from them. It is enough to drink half a glass a day - this will already start the metabolism and the “medicine” will begin to work.

Recently, people have been somewhat wary of consuming salt. But if you add a green fresh vegetable to your dishes, you can limit yourself to a couple of salt crystals, as the taste of the stems makes the food tastier and richer. The absence of a large amount of salt will affect not only the heart and kidneys, but also the figure.

It is recommended to treat peptic ulcers and gastritis using celery decoction, and for rheumatism it will be much more effective to drink an infusion of the root before meals. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed root into 500 ml of water and let it brew.

The radicular fruits are added to stews, pickles, sauces and soups. The diced root is good for baking in the oven, for example, with chicken or any other bird.

You can also boil the plant, however, it will taste like boiled potatoes, which is also a plus. Boiled vegetables make excellent puree soup and cream soup.

If you are going to can vegetables, it would be a good idea to add leaves to the jar; this will enhance the aroma and taste.

By the way, you can peel the fresh product and eat it cut into halves, as if it were pears or apples. This way you will be sure that you have retained all the healing properties of the vegetable crop. The root can be used as a raw material for juices, which, in turn, are mixed with other fruit and vegetable nectars, allowing you to make various mixes.

  • Celery and carrot salad. Grate the peeled vegetables. Based on individual wishes, the portion of ingredients can be increased, which will make your salad either greener or more orange. Top with chopped walnuts and raisins. Season with Greek yogurt or low-fat sour cream.
  • Fried celery. Peel, cut the root vegetable into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Add spices (salt, pepper). At the end, pour in the grated cheese. This dish is reminiscent of fried potatoes, only less calorie and more healthy.

    • Celery and chicken salad. First of all, you need to boil the chicken breast. At this time, cut the peeled celery into medium pieces, mix it all with pieces of meat. We also add champignons and pickled cucumbers (you can replace them with gherkins). It is recommended to use olive oil as a dressing. Spices to taste.
    • Buckwheat soup with celery. Place the washed buckwheat and diced potatoes in a saucepan and cook for about half an hour. At this time, fry carrots, onions, herbs and celery cut into strips in vegetable oil. Add everything to the pan, season with salt and pepper and cook for a couple more minutes. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs.
    • Celery with port in the oven. Ingredients: 1 medium-sized root, vegetable oil (sunflower or olive), a piece of butter, spices, 5 tablespoons of port wine. This dish should be prepared in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Peel the celery and cut into pieces. Place in a bowl and mix with vegetable (or olive) oil so that each slice is soaked with it. Butter is needed to grease the baking sheet. Lay out pieces of vegetables seasoned with spices and sprinkle with port wine. Baking time is one hour.

    It is important to ensure that the food does not burn. Serve slightly hot.

    The beneficial properties of celery root and simple dishes for its preparation can be seen in the following video.

    During the reign of Catherine II the Great, an amazing vegetable called celery came to Russia for the first time. For quite a long time it was considered an exclusively ornamental plant and was only occasionally used for medicinal purposes. Numerous studies were then conducted to determine whether celery root was edible. The benefits and harms of it, as well as other parts of the mentioned plant, have been thoroughly studied. It turned out that this vegetable is completely edible: the roots, stems, leaves, and petioles turned out to be edible.

    For a long time, many generations worked to develop new species of the mentioned plant. The result of their work was petiole and leaf varieties.

    general description

    Celery is a biennial, cold-resistant plant with about twenty species.

    Today, this vegetable is cultivated everywhere. The most popular types are leaf, petiole and root. The latter type especially appealed to housewives and gourmets. The thing is that it forms a fleshy, well-developed root crop. But we can see such luxurious varieties only on the pages of publications that are devoted to gardening, because such “beauties” do not grow in our area. The largest root vegetable reaches the size of a man's fist.

    It has very aromatic and tender pulp. There are simply no alternative vegetables in nature. The plant owes such enviable characteristics to the exceptional substances that make up its composition. From time to time, celery is even put on the same level as ginseng, which has medicinal properties.

    Celery for weight normalization

    One of the most exciting topics for modern people is, perhaps, the desire to lose weight. And in this regard, celery root is immensely useful. Its benefits and harms are well known to nutritionists. With regular intake of the mentioned vegetable (along with food), extra pounds are removed easily and efficiently, without having a negative effect on the body.

    And it will improve your nerves...

    Celery has a positive effect on our nervous system. There is a so-called stress hormone in human blood. The substances that make up the plant in question calm and calm us. This occurs due to a significant decrease in the level of this hormone in the blood. Therefore, instead of resorting to taking a sedative, you can simply eat some of the magic vegetable or drink the juice obtained from it.

    And the sugar will go down...

    It would not hurt to remember about the wonderful plant celery for diabetes. Its roots contain substances with properties similar to insulin. Therefore, this vegetable is able to activate the functions of the adrenal glands, which is extremely important for diabetics.

    Root for general health of the body

    The success of treating various diseases using celery is explained by its high magnesium content. After all, the lack of this substance in the body leads to frequent attacks of inexplicable anxiety, fear, irritability, increased excitability, cramps at night, as well as the appearance of signs of atherosclerosis. Due to the fact that celery root (the photos presented in the article will help you get an idea of ​​this vegetable) is rich in iron, its consumption also improves water-salt metabolism. In addition, this product is also used as a prevention of premature aging.

    The beneficial properties of celery root, which contains biologically active substances, are excellent helpers in the fight against atherosclerosis, because they significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels. Also, eating vegetables helps lower blood pressure, which is extremely important for a disease such as arterial hypertension. Celery root, raw and fresh, improves heart muscle function.

    With the help of this product you can easily cope with ailments of the digestive system such as flatulence and constipation. Celery promotes rapid healing of ulcerative wounds in the stomach, and also serves as the basis for numerous diets prescribed for colitis or gastritis.

    This root vegetable will decisively replace almost the entire contents of a home medicine cabinet, because it is characterized by wound-healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiseptic and diuretic effects. Note that the vegetable in question is especially recommended for men suffering from sluggish potency. It also helps women say goodbye to problems of the genitourinary system. Among other things, celery root strengthens nails and teeth, gives shine to hair, and gives freshness and elasticity to facial skin.

    Precautionary measures

    The root of which must be taken into account when consuming it has some contraindications. The negative effects of vegetables on the body for pregnant women (after the sixth month in particular) and nursing mothers have been known for a very long time. Studies have shown that the green plant causes excessive gas production. This has a negative impact on the fetus and the condition of the already born child, who feeds on mother’s milk.

    Surprisingly, the harm of the vegetable is also manifested in its negative effect on the brain of a person suffering from epilepsy. It is recommended to refrain from excessive consumption of celery root for those who suffer from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hyperacid conditions. In addition, people with urolithiasis should limit the use of this plant, since it causes active movement of kidney stones, and this is an indisputable fact. Regular consumption of the mentioned root led to the need for surgical intervention. But for a healthy body, such a negative effect is not significant. However, in everything you need to observe moderation.

    Based on the above, we can conclude that celery root, the benefits and harms of which are undoubted, should be consumed rationally. If you doubt whether you can eat this healthy vegetable, consult with specialists.

    Methods for preparing tinctures and juices from vegetables

    Let's take a closer look at what can be prepared from such a part of the plant as the root. the preparations of which are quite simple, can easily be included in the daily diet of a healthy person, but we must not forget about the wisdom of using this vegetable.

    Of course, the most useful and effective is juice from fresh roots. Celery, which has a relatively short shelf life (until mid-February), is also suitable. In this case, it is recommended to take one tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.

    Powder is also made from celery roots, but it should be noted that with this method of processing, a significant part of the medicinal properties of essential oils evaporates.

    However, if all storage conditions for this part of the green vegetable cannot be met, it can be crushed into large fractions (five to ten millimeters in size) and dried in the fall. In winter, just before use, you can prepare a powder, from which an infusion is then made.

    Celery root extract is used in the same way as juice, only the dosage in this case is tripled. It is prepared as follows: brew 2 teaspoons of powder with one glass of boiling water, then leave for ten minutes.

    You should also pay close attention to the use of celery roots for the prevention of joint diseases and the treatment of gout. To do this, one tablespoon of crushed raw materials is poured into two glasses of boiling water. Next, the drink is infused for a couple of hours in a tightly closed container.

    How to eat celery root

    Almost everyone has encountered this problem. How to properly eat celery root so that all its beneficial properties are preserved? The vegetable should be eaten fresh. This method is the most advantageous. Wash, dry, clean. You can simply gnaw the root, or you can add it to all kinds of salads (grate or finely chop). This vegetable goes well with spicy herbs.

    The perfect solution would be to add celery root, apple and carrots to the salad. In addition, the appetizing plant perfectly enhances the taste of fish, mushroom and meat dishes, as well as seafood treats. Celery root can be baked if desired. This vegetable is often used as a spicy seasoning. All components are suitable for its production: roots, stems, seeds and leaves. Sometimes the seasoning from such a plant has a slightly bitter taste.

    Celery: how to choose

    When choosing, first of all, you should evaluate the integrity of the fruit and its hardness. The smaller the vegetable, the softer it will be. But both small and large fruits have beneficial properties equally. Therefore, size does not play a special role here.

    Celery root - how to store

    This vegetable, as a rule, does not have a long shelf life. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay attention to its freshness so that it stays with you for three to seven days in a similar condition. If you purchase an overripe vegetable, remember to use it as soon as possible.

    When storing celery, you need to follow basic rules. The vegetable should be kept in the refrigerator, pre-packed in a plastic bag and placed in any container with water. You can slightly extend the shelf life if you wrap the vegetable not in plastic, but in foil.

    If you do not plan to save the root for a long time, you should pack it in a paper bag before placing it in the refrigerator.

    Celery has recently become especially popular among chefs from all over the world. It is added to all kinds of salads, as well as hot dishes to add piquancy and originality to the taste. But few people know that this vegetable is also used to treat various diseases. Traditional healers, having discovered all its numerous medicinal properties, began to actively use it in therapy. This medicine is effective and not as harmful to the human body as most medications.

    The most valuable parts of this plant are the stems and roots, which are used to treat various diseases. In addition, its seeds contain a very useful oil, which experts have found use in perfumery and pharmaceuticals.

    Properties of celery - benefits and harms

    Celery has a variety of properties, some of which are both harmful and beneficial.
    The benefit of this vegetable lies primarily in its ability to normalize a person’s sleep and relieve insomnia.

    Of course, few people like the oily, bitter taste of celery. But with its help it will be possible to give up harmful artificial sleeping pills forever. It is enough to eat a couple of servings of salad with celery during the day and the person will sleep the sweet, peaceful sleep of a baby all night.

    By the way, most sleeping pills contain celery extract. At the same time, this vegetable is not at all addictive to it and sleep is normalized naturally.

    If you were unable to eat celery during the day and cannot fall asleep in the evening, then you can finely chop the root of this vegetable (approximately 200 grams), season it with oil and eat it instead of dinner. Healthy sleep will soon envelop a person.

    By the way, you don’t need to add salt to this salad. Thanks to its specific taste, most dishes, after adding the vegetable in question, no longer need additional salt.
    In addition, this vegetable is an excellent sedative. It can even be safely called a mild and harmless antidepressant. Those who regularly eat celery are not at risk of nervous breakdowns and disorders.

    Another useful property is its ability to relieve swelling and flush the kidneys. As you know, excess moisture often accumulates in the body. Celery brings it out perfectly, thereby improving a person’s condition and reducing his weight. Along with excess water, harmful and unnecessary breakdown products also leave, and as a result, blood pressure normalizes.

    It is important to note that this vegetable also protects humans from the formation of kidney stones. It was this that was prescribed by traditional healers to patients suffering from various diseases of this organ, at a time when there was not such an abundance of medications. It will also help with swelling.

    But the fair sex will be especially attracted to this vegetable by its ability to improve metabolism and help shed extra pounds. Many people suffer from excess weight and do not know how to deal with it correctly. Heavy strict diets, pills, exhausting exercises... Of course, without physical activity it will be very difficult to bring your figure back to normal, but if you combine sports, healthy eating and celery, the results will be impressive. At the same time, there is no need to starve and suffer over a leaf of lettuce. You can, for example, boil yourself a hearty piece of chicken and happily eat it with a salad of chopped celery dressed with olive oil.

    Prevents celery and the development of cancer cells. The main thing is to consume it fresh, since during heat treatment it loses almost all of its beneficial properties.

    As for the harm of this plant, it can only be harmful to some people suffering from certain diseases. Anyone can consume it in small quantities, for example, in salads. But if the patient decides to fight certain diseases with the help of celery, then in this case you should first consult with a specialist.

    What are the contraindications for celery root and its juice?

    Celery root and its juice have some contraindications. For example, it is not advisable for people with ulcers and anyone who has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis.

    It is also contraindicated for anyone with high acidity. After all, celery juice stimulates the stomach and intestines, which as a result causes a person to feel discomfort.

    Celery root and juice are also prohibited for patients suffering from varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

    Benefits and harms of celery stalk (petiole)

    In order for a celery stalk to bring only benefits to a person, you should choose it correctly. The vegetable should have strong, fresh, elastic leaves, bright green in color with a pleasant smell. If, for example, the leaves feel too soft to the touch, then this indicates that it is most likely overripe. But the amount of nutrients in it does not depend on the size of the fruit.

    The stem contains the optimal amount of iron and magnesium, which helps slow down the development of oncological processes and stop the course of the disease. Traditional treatment using this vegetable in combination with traditional therapy will be especially effective.

    Petiole celery also helps fight diabetes. Doctors recommend that diabetics consume it daily as it helps lower blood sugar levels effectively and safely.

    And, in addition, it is able to lower blood pressure.

    In addition to all of the above healing agents, this “magic” plant has a positive effect on the human nervous system and his emotional state. It protects it from tension, stress and overwork, and also promotes concentration and memory.

    A large amount of vitamin C in the celery stalk strengthens and improves the immune system, and also protects the body from all sorts of harmful influences.

    True, consuming it in too large quantities is not recommended, especially for pregnant women. Otherwise, in this case, the vegetable may cause more harm to the body than good. There must be moderation in everything.
    Unripe or, conversely, overripe celery is also harmful. Therefore, you need to choose it very carefully.
    Elderly people and those whose bodies, for example, are weakened after a long illness, should also exclude it from their diet. It is not recommended to use it during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system. And also for duodenal or stomach ulcers.

    Juice from a celery stalk is prohibited when:

    • any diseases that cause increased permeability of vascular walls;
    • hives;
    • malaria;
    • any diseases of the thyroid gland;
    • hives;
    • various liver diseases;
    • skin diseases;
    • obesity;
    • epilepsy.

    Use during pregnancy

    Pregnant women can consume the vegetable under discussion, but in small quantities and until a certain period of time. It is also advisable to first consult a doctor about this.
    It is best for expectant mothers to eat fresh celery. And it is very important to store it correctly. At the same time, it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a week so that it does not have time to lose all its beneficial properties. It is recommended to eat it as soon as possible.

    The rules for storing this vegetable are very simple. Firstly, it should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, secondly, wrapped in plastic and, thirdly, lowered into a container of water. There is also a little secret for storing celery - you can wrap plastic in foil. If you need to preserve celery root, then before putting it in the refrigerator, it is better to first wrap the fruit in thick paper.

    Until six months of pregnancy, a girl can safely eat celery in any form. But at a later date you need to be more careful and use this product more carefully. After all, it can lead to bloating, and this is risky for the health and life of the fetus. Also, in the last three months of pregnancy, you should avoid any medications that contain the extract of this vegetable.

    In any case, you need to eat it in moderation. It is better if it is not the fruit itself, but the juice from it. To improve the taste of fresh juice, the expectant mother can add celery juice, for example, carrot, beet and even apple. This drink will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

    Video: The whole truth about celery

    Celery is considered one of the unique and versatile vegetables. Everything is useful and used in this culture: leaves, stems and roots. Today we’ll talk about celery root, its beneficial properties and uses.

    Root celery

    The plant belongs to the large Umbrella family. This is a round-shaped root vegetable with dense and juicy pulp, growing up to 20 cm in diameter. The taste of the pulp is bittersweet, with a spicy aroma. The life cycle of the plant is two years: in the first, the rhizome and stems with foliage are formed, in the second - inflorescences and seeds. All three types are popular: leaf, petiole and root.

    In principle, this is all the same celery, the only difference is in the method of cultivation, or more precisely in the purpose. When grown for leaves and petioles, all attention is accordingly paid to the green mass and its care. When ripe, this part is cut for one’s own needs, collected at any time of the season. When growing root celery, do not cut the greens, otherwise the root crop simply will not ripen; you just need to remove the side roots. The harvest is harvested in the fall.

    Composition of the product

    The root vegetable contains an acid that is important for the body - omega-6, in addition to which other equally useful acids can be identified: myristic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, oleic, oxalic and glutamic acids. The plant is also rich in flavonoids, purines, and essential oil.


    The vitamin composition of a plant is determined by such components as B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP.


    • macroelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus;
    • trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc.


    • proteins - 1.5 g,
    • fats - 0.3 g,
    • carbohydrates - 9.2 g,

    In addition, the plant (per 100 g) also contains 1.8 g of fiber and 88 g of water.

    Calorie content

    100 g of celery root contains only 42 kcal, which makes the plant an excellent dietary ingredient.

    Did you know? A wreath of celery greens was awarded to the winners of the Nemean Games in Ancient Greece - competitions dedicated to Zeus and held near his temple.

    Beneficial properties of the root

    In pharmacology, celery root is included in drugs for the treatment of kidney and liver diseases, and in folk medicine it is used to alleviate diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, problems of the digestive tract, and rheumatism.

    For men

    The root vegetable contains the male hormone androsterone, which is a metabolite of testosterone, and increases libido and potency, normalizes reproductive function, and stimulates the function of the genital organs. Our ancestors knew about the property of celery to attract female attention: andosterone, when secreted by the sweat glands, acts as an aphrodisiac. In addition, androsterone plays an important role in the formation of muscle mass.

    Men who smoke will benefit from the hepatoprotective property of the root vegetable, because thanks to it the plant is able to remove carcinogenic substances from the liver and cleanse it of heavy metal salts. Rich in vitamins, minerals and essential oils, celery will have a positive effect on infections of the genitourinary system, and will also serve as a good prevention of prostatitis.
    The product's low calorie content will help middle-aged men control their weight while replenishing the body's nutrients and strengthening the immune system. The root vegetable is useful for gout (this disease is registered much more often in men), as it removes salts from the body, maintaining healthy joints.

    For women

    Celery is especially useful for women during their menstrual periods, helping to reduce bleeding and pain. During menopause, it will support the nervous system, hormonal levels, and strengthen the heart muscle. For diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis), celery will have a diuretic and antiseptic effect. In addition, you will no longer have to exhaust yourself with diets, trying to maintain your figure and depriving the body of essential microelements - the root vegetable will replenish their supply and help satisfy the feeling of hunger.

    Important! In the presence of progressive varicose veins, root juice should be consumed as rarely as possible, since the active substances in its composition dilate blood vessels.

    Juice from the root will help restore a healthy complexion, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent the appearance of acne and inflammation on the face. It will also benefit lovers of high heels, because drinking the drink will help prevent the problem of “venous networks” (it strengthens the walls of blood vessels well).

    Can I use it?

    Celery contains purines and essential oils, which may be harmful in some conditions.

    For children

    It is not only possible, but also necessary to give root vegetables to children. This is a source of ascorbic acid, so necessary for the immune system. B vitamins are involved in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, nerve fibers, brain and central nervous system function, carotene is important for healthy vision, trace elements are important for circulatory, cardiac, and digestive activity.

    Celery will be useful for the hereditary disease phenylketonuria, which is one of the few that can be treated with medications and diet. The disease is a metabolic disorder due to a lack of phenylalanine, which is present in the product. Failure to follow a low-calorie diet with foods rich in phenylalanine leads to serious damage to the central nervous system and impaired mental development.

    Pregnant and lactating women

    The ability of the root vegetable to dilate blood vessels can become a rather dangerous property during pregnancy: a strong blood flow to the uterus is likely to cause a miscarriage.
    Nursing mothers should also avoid the product, since purine substances can cause bloating and colic in the baby, and the essential oil can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, the product is known to suppress milk production.

    Harm and contraindications

    The use of the product is contraindicated in the following conditions:

    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • increased acidity of gastric juice;
    • pancreatitis;
    • thyroid disease;
    • cholecystitis.

    Important! If you have kidney stones, the product may cause them to move, causing severe pain and leading to the need for surgery.

    How to choose and store the product correctly

    When choosing a root vegetable, you should focus on its elasticity and color: it should not be stained, too yellow or have rotten areas. Pay attention to the green part: the existing leaves should be bright green. Storage location is in the refrigerator, where the root will remain fresh for a week.

    How to Lose Weight with Celery Root

    One of the main advantages of the product is fiber. Dietary fiber fills the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness, improves the digestive process and removes food debris from the intestines, along with toxins and cholesterol. Celery, having a low calorie content, enriches the body with almost all necessary substances and energy, and thanks to its diuretic effect it removes excess salt from the body.

    Another advantage of using it for dietary purposes is that the product can be consumed both raw and after proper processing. Compatibility with other products and a variety of uses will not cause negative emotions among those losing weight.

    Cosmetic properties

    The abundance of vitamins, minerals and organic acids in the plant is successfully used in industrial and home cosmetics. Celery-based products have the following properties:

    • nourish and cleanse the skin;
    • relieve inflammation;
    • regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
    • tightens “tired” contours;
    • eliminate acne and comedones;
    • cleanse and tone;
    • provide regeneration and youth at the cellular level.

    The product can be used for any skin type, the only exception being the presence of damage. It is noteworthy that beauty can be maintained both externally and internally. Recipe No. 1. Cleanser

    The root is cut into thin layers and filled with water (50 g of raw material per 400 ml of liquid). Cook the mixture over low heat for about fifteen minutes, then pour into a suitable container. Can be used not only as a cleansing lotion, but also as a base for a mask. The same decoction, prepared in larger quantities, is drunk a quarter glass before meals. The product helps to defeat acne on the face.

    Recipe No. 2. Scrub-mask for aging skin

    20 grams of root are grated, dried in the oven for 10 minutes, and then crushed (use a blender or coffee grinder). The crushed raw materials are mixed with a teaspoon of potato starch, half a spoon of lemon juice, and applied to the face for ten minutes. Wash off with warm water, then apply nourishing cream.
    Recipe No. 3. Rejuvenating cocktail

    Root juice must be mixed with carrot or apple juice in a 1:1 ratio. Drink half a glass of the drink a day to improve complexion, skin and hair condition, strengthen nails, and increase visual acuity.

    Recipe No. 4. Nourishing and healing blend

    Grated celery (20 grams) should be mixed with grated ginger (10 grams) and a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes, and after rinsing, the skin is nourished with moisturizer. The same ingredients (ginger and root vegetables, sliced) are placed in layers in a glass jar, smearing the layers with honey.

    In the article we discuss celery - beneficial properties and contraindications for the use of the plant. You will learn the chemical composition of the vegetable and why it is useful. We will list the types of celery and analyze their distinctive features. Let's tell you what the taste of celery is like and what medicinal properties the plant has.

    This is what celery looks like:

    Appearance (photo) of celery

    Celery is a herbaceous plant of the Apiaceae family. Latin name: Apium. This plant is cultivated as a vegetable crop.

    Celery grows up to 1 meter in height. In the first year, the root system and leaves develop. In the second year the plant blooms.

    Celery is a moisture-loving and frost-resistant plant. It is cultivated even in the northern regions of the country.

    Celery is widely used in cooking. The roots, stems and leaves of the plant are eaten. They are added to salads, main dishes, sauces, and drinks. Celery root and seeds are used dried as a seasoning.

    Useful properties of celery

    Thanks to its rich composition, the vegetable has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.. Let’s take a closer look at the beneficial properties of the plant and list what celery helps with.

    Celery is used medicinally as a diuretic. The plant is called diuretic celery. The vegetable is useful for kidney diseases, gall bladder and osteoporosis. It normalizes water-salt metabolism in the body.

    The benefits of celery for the liver and gastrointestinal tract - the plant normalizes digestion, stimulates the production of gastric juice and improves appetite.

    It is used to treat diseases of the nervous system. Celery has a calming effect.

    The vegetable has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Celery normalizes blood pressure, increases hemoglobin levels in the blood and has an anti-edematous effect.

    Read more about the beneficial properties of the plant in the article: the benefits and harms of celery.

    What's in celery?

    The usefulness of celery lies in its composition. Let's take a closer look at what is contained in celery:

    • salt;
    • Sahara;
    • essential oil;
    • raw protein;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • flavonoids;
    • furanocoumarins;
    • oxalic acid;
    • vitamin A;
    • B vitamins;
    • vitamin E;
    • vitamin K;
    • purines;
    • pectins;
    • potassium;
    • phosphorus;
    • calcium;
    • iron;
    • magnesium;
    • sodium;
    • organic acids.

    We told you what celery is rich in, now let's figure out how celery is good for the body.

    Benefits of celery for the body

    Celery has a general strengthening effect on the body, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. Let's look at the beneficial properties of celery leaves and contraindications to their use.

    The leaves and stems of the plant contain anticancer substances that prevent the development of cancer. They are especially useful for smokers, as they destroy carcinogens from tobacco smoke. This is what stem celery looks like in the photo:

    Appearance (photo) of stem celery

    The leaf part of the plant contains a large amount of carotene and vitamin E, which are beneficial for vision, skin, hair and nails. Celery juice is used as a vitamin supplement.

    The plant is useful for men; it contains androsterone, a hormone that increases potency. Celery leaves are used to prevent prostatitis.

    Despite the many beneficial properties, greens are not recommended for use if you have kidney stones. Plant sap can provoke their movement, which will lead to surgical intervention.

    Benefits of celery root for women

    Representatives of the fair sex who watch their figure often count the calories they eat. Celery is ideal for dietary nutrition. The plant contains only 16 kcal per 100 g. Let's look at what other benefits celery root has for women.

    The beneficial properties and contraindications of celery root are contained in its composition. The root vegetable contains a complex of vitamins and minerals that improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The plant normalizes hormonal levels, eliminates sudden mood swings during PMS and pain during menstrual periods.

    Celery root contains apiol, which increases menstrual flow. Therefore, it should not be used during heavy periods. For the same reason, the plant is not recommended for use in the third trimester of pregnancy, so as not to provoke premature birth.

    You will learn more about the benefits of celery in the following video:

    What kind of celery is there?

    The genus Celery includes 17 plant species. Only aromatic celery or cultivated celery (lat. Apium graveolens) is cultivated as a vegetable crop. This species has its own subspecies. Let's look at what celery is like.

    Varieties of fragrant celery:

    • leafy - a species with a developed rosette of small leaves on long stems;
    • root - a variety of plant with a large fleshy root, weighing up to 1.5 kg, practically without stems;
    • petiolate - this species is distinguished by thickened petioles up to 30 cm long and an underdeveloped root system.

    The part of the plant and its variety determines what celery tastes like. For example, boiled celery root tastes similar to potatoes, while fresh leaves and stalks have a spicy, bittersweet taste.

    Petiole celery is the most popular type of plant. Look what stalked celery looks like in the photo:

    Appearance (photo) of petiole celery

    The petiole type is white and green. The shade depends on the method of growth. The plant gets its white color if the petioles are covered with soil. The taste of the green stem is sharper and tart, while the white stem is softer and more delicate.

    Medicinal properties of celery

    Celery medicinal properties:

    • strengthens the immune system;
    • eliminates pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
    • calms the nervous system;
    • normalizes the digestive system;
    • eliminates joint pain;
    • prevents the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines;
    • eliminates inflammation and pain in pyelonephritis, cystitis, ulcers and gastritis.

    Infusions and decoctions are prepared from celery. Let's look at recipes for these remedies that can be prepared at home.

    To prepare celery infusion, use fresh roots or seeds of the plant. Infuse the drink in a glass or enamel container. We do not recommend using metal utensils, as celery loses its beneficial properties when interacting with it.


    1. Fresh celery roots - 20 gr.
    2. Water - 400 ml.

    How to cook: Cut the celery root into pieces, pour them into a thermos, pour boiling water over them and leave for 4 hours with the lid tightly closed.

    How to use: Take 2 tablespoons of infusion 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

    Result: Infusion eliminates pain and inflammation in rheumatism and gout.

    When preparing a decoction of celery, you should adhere to the rule - you cannot bring the drink to a boil. At temperatures above 90 degrees, beneficial substances are destroyed.


    1. Celery roots - 20 gr.
    2. Water - 400 ml.

    How to cook: Chop the celery roots, cover them with water, place in a water bath and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Remove from heat, cover with a towel and leave for 8 hours.

    How to use: Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

    Result: The decoction is used for gastritis and stomach ulcers. The product relieves inflammation and quickly relieves pain.


    Celery is used with caution for kidney stones, as it provokes their movement. If the acidity of the gastric juice is high, the vegetable can only be used as a seasoning, since the fresh plant enhances it.

    Contraindications to consuming celery:

    • thrombophlebitis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • varicose veins;
    • pancreatitis;
    • thyroid diseases;
    • exacerbation of stomach or intestinal ulcers.

    What to remember

    1. Celery is widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.
    2. The plant has a general strengthening effect on the body, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
    3. Despite the extensive list of beneficial effects, the vegetable has a number of contraindications. Familiarize yourself with them before consuming the plant.

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