Siamese Polynesian cats. Balinese cat. Description and character of the Balinese. Pros and cons of Balinese

Country of Origin: USA

Recognition: WCF, CFA, CFF, FIFe, TICA, GCCF

Breed standard according to CFA classification

Parameter Grade
Head (20)
Long flat profile 6
Wedge, thin muzzle, size 5
Ears 4
Chin 3
Width between eyes 2
Eyes (5)
Shape, size, slope and placement 5
Body (30)
Type and size including neck 12
Muscle tone 10
Legs and paws 5
Tail 3
Wool (20)
Length 10
Texture 10
Color (25)
Body fur color 10
Markings (color of markings, paw pads and nose) 10
Eye color 5

General description: The ideal Balinese cat is a cat with a slender build, long tapering lines, very flexible, strong and muscular. Representatives of the breed are unique with their silky coat and range of colors. The coat hides a flexible and athletic body. The graceful animals are actually muscular and in excellent physical condition. The animals are neither flabby, nor bony, nor fat. The eyes are clear. Balance is important. All parts of the body are harmonious with each other. No one feature is given more or less attention. Because of its longer coat, the Balinese cat has softer body lines and a less extreme body type than short-haired related breeds with a similar body type.

Parameter Description
Head The shape is a long tapering wedge. Medium size in good proportion to the body. The wedge starts from the nose and extends in straight lines to the tips of the ears, forming a triangle, without interruption at the whisker pads. The distance between the eyes is not less than the width of one eye. If the whiskers and fur on the face are smoothed, the bone structure of the head becomes visible. Breeding cats have more developed jaws.
Scull Flat. In profile - a long straight line from the top of the head to the tip of the nose. No bulges in the eye area. Without lowering the nose line.
Ears Strikingly large, pointed, wide at the base, continuing the lines of the wedge.
Eyes Almond shaped. Medium size. Neither protruding nor sunken. Slanted towards the nose, in harmony with the wedge lines and ears. No squint. Eye color is dark blue.
Nose Long and straight. Continues the line of the forehead, without a break.
Muzzle Sharp, wedge-shaped.
Chin and jaws Medium chin. The tip of the chin and the tip of the nose are in the same vertical plane. Neither slanted nor overly massive.
Body Medium size. Graceful, long and slender. A distinctive feature is the combination of thin bones and strong muscles. The shoulders and hips continue the straight lines of the tubular body. Hips no wider than shoulders. The stomach is tucked. Males may be slightly larger than females.
Neck Long and slender.
Legs Long and thin. The hind legs are longer than the front ones. In good proportion to the body.
Paws Graceful, small and oval. Five toes on the front paws and four on the hind paws.
Tail Long, thin, tapering to the tip. The hair on the tail is long and forms a plume.
Wool Medium length, longest hair on the tail. Thin, silky, without fluffy undercoat, it fits tightly to the body, due to which it may seem shorter than it actually is.

Body: plain color or with barely noticeable markings. Older individuals have a darker color, which must be taken into account when assessing. Typically, the coat of Balinese cats darkens with age, but the contrast between the base color and points should be maintained.

Points: mask, ears, legs, paws, tail of the same shade, clearly colored, rich in color. The mask covers the entire face, including the mustache pads, and is connected to the ears with thin lines. The mask should not go to the top of the head. There should be no ticking or white hairs.


  • Partial or complete absence of pigmentation on the nose and/or paw pads, except as permitted in the Lynx and Torty Point colors;
  • Strabismus;
  • Visible or palpable xiphoid process;
  • Loose body type.


  • Any signs of illness or ill health;
  • Weak hind legs;
  • Mouth breathing due to nasal congestion or malocclusion;
  • Malocclusion leading to an undershot or protruding chin;
  • Thinness;
  • Visible tail break;
  • The eyes are not blue;
  • White fingers and/or feet;
  • Incorrect number of fingers;
  • Double coat (i.e. the presence of a fluffy undercoat).

Outcross: Javanese (since May 1, 2008), colorpoint shorthair, Siamese, oriental longhair (born before 12/31/2025) breeds.

History of the origin of the breed

The origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed that the Balinese originated spontaneously, being born in litters of Siamese cats back in the 1800s. At that time, the Balinese had not yet received development and were not considered a separate breed.

Breeders from the USA showed serious interest in long-haired individuals in the 1930s. Long-haired kittens did not go unnoticed; they were used in breeding work. Although Siamese cat breeders previously rejected long-haired kittens. Siamese litters rarely produced kittens with long hair, so breeders began crossing two long-haired Siamese cats, which produced long-haired kittens.

A little later, in the 1950s, American breeders Marian Dorsey (California) and Helen Smith (New York) decided to separate the long-haired Siamese into a separate breed. Helen Smith gave the name to the future breed of graceful cats - “Balinese”. In 1965, they were joined by the Englishwoman Sylvia Holland, living in California, who fell in love with long-haired cats and fought to preserve the purity of the breed. Indeed, at a certain period of development, some breeders of Balinese cats expanded color variations through outcrossing with other breeds.

Gradually, felinological organizations, one after another, recognized the Balinese, including the International Association of Cat Fanciers (CFA).


The breed is named after Balinese dancers and dancers, because cats are the same graceful, flexible, graceful animals with an athletic body, long and thin limbs. Other modified forms of the name are Balinese, Balinese cat.

Representatives of the breed have luxurious silky fur, which can reach a length of about 7 cm on the tail. The soft wool has been compared to rabbit fur. The color contains markings characteristic of Siamese. They have expressive blue eyes.

Genetically, Balinese cats are Siamese cats, but with long hair. In the process of working to improve the breed, the Balinese began to acquire some differences from the Siamese. The changes concerned temperament, Balinese cats are less talkative, their voice is softer.

The Balinese cat is hypoallergenic, but this fact does not mean that an allergic reaction will not occur upon contact with representatives of the breed.

Personality of the Balinese cat

Amazing Balinese cats have the personality of a dog, they are friendly, energetic and always fun to be with. They seek the attention of a person and do not miss the opportunity to interact with him, enjoying playing together, greeting the owner at the door, learning simple tricks, wanting to please. Animals are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything that happens around them. Representatives of the breed find an approach to children. They are attentive and affectionate with children, while being active. However, children should not be treated harshly.

Animals are smart. Developed intelligence allows them to quickly learn and achieve their goals. A characteristic feature of the breed is meowing. Representatives of the breed can be talkative, for example, greeting the owner with meowing and waking him up in the morning. Animals will not allow themselves to be ignored; otherwise, for example, being alone for a long time, animals become depressed.


In general, the breed is healthy, not prone to any serious genetic diseases, except those that are characteristic of Siamese cats. Such diseases include hereditary liver amyloidosis, progressive retinal atrophy leading to blindness, and strabismus. Most individuals do not experience significant discomfort from strabismus, but the presence of the disease can adversely affect the career of an exhibition individual.

The Balinese cat does not require careful and frequent grooming, since the coat does not have a developed undercoat and is not prone to tangling. Coat care boils down to brushing 1-2 times a week. Representatives of the breed are clean and quite capable of keeping their coat clean, but they experience pleasure when the owner strokes and combs them. Regular nail care is required, including trimming and cleaning the ears and examining the eyes.

Balinese cat kittens

Kittens are born completely white. The color appears during the first weeks of life. The white coat takes on a creamy hue, and the dark glasses characteristic of the breed appear. Juveniles have a shorter muzzle and short fur. However, even small kittens look graceful.

They adapt very quickly and learn in a short time. It will not be difficult to accustom a kitten to the tray, and the kittens are neat. Kids are active and curious. Their size allows them to penetrate into the tightest spaces, which can be a problem.

Price for Balinese cat kittens

The breed is relatively rare, so becoming the owner of a Balinese cat is not so easy. The price of Balinese cat kittens depends on the color, some colors are priced higher. The influence is exerted by the quality of the kitten, as well as the costs that the breeder invests in the development of the breed, the maintenance of the female and her offspring. The cost of one kitten can reach 112,000 rubles.

The Balinese cat did not get its name because of its habitat or breeding. She owes her name to sophistication, grace, and amazing plasticity of movements, like those of the temple dancers from the island of Bali. Despite the fact that more than half a century has passed since the creation of the breed, the Balinese has not become widespread.

Balinese cats are descended from Siamese cats. Among the short-haired Siamese kittens, babies with longer fur periodically appear. Previously, breeders discarded them, and only in the USA did breeding scientists E. Smith and M. Dorsey begin creating a new breed with medium wool. While breeders developed stable lines with long hair, the standards of Siamese changed. The strong, round-headed Oriental Thai cat was replaced by the graceful and sophisticated Siamese.

Work continued on the exterior. In 1963, a new breed was introduced under the name “Longhaired Siamese.” A few years later, the breed was registered, and 7 years later it was recognized by felinological communities. The standard was revised several times, and the latest edition was adopted in 1970. The Balinese came to the territory of our country at the end of the last century from Czechoslovakia.

Description and appearance

According to standards, Balinese cats must completely replicate the exterior and color of Siamese cats. The only difference is the length of the coat. A real Balinese cat has everything elongated - muzzle, paws, body, tail. But the graceful skeleton is covered with strong muscles, allowing the animal to move rapidly, jump high and perform incredible somersaults.

Breed standards

Balinese size – medium, weight sexually mature animals range from 3.5-4.5 kg (male) to 2.5-3.5 kg (female). Appearance:


Today there are about 20 types of Balinese colors. European felinological associations recognize the main four:

American and some European communities also allow other color combinations of color points:

The Balinese kitten is born with a uniform light coat and only with age do the points appear. The mask on the muzzle should not go over the top and back of the head - a “hood” is not allowed by the standard. The color of the points should be rich, contrasting, without white hairs. The color of the nose and paw pads should match the color of the markings.

Personality of the Balinese cat

The sociability, affection, and orientation of this breed are legendary among the happy owners of Balinese dogs. They treat children and pets equally well, and are able to make friends with non-aggressive dogs. They understand perfectly well that any pet is taboo, and even rodents do not have to worry about their lives.

A distinctive feature of the Balinese is their curiosity, spirit of exploration, and desire to keep abreast of all events. Thanks to their natural intelligence and excellent acrobatic abilities, there are no barriers for Balinese cats - they will find interesting things in dresser drawers, behind cabinet doors, in boxes on shelves near the ceiling. Therefore, in order for the cat not to get bored and move a lot, it needs to be equipped with special “simulators” - vertical and horizontal.

From Siamese cats have inherited the desire to be loved and to be in constant contact with their owners. Therefore, they do not tolerate long-term separation well, and ignoring them can significantly spoil not only the character, but the mental health of the pet. Balinese cats gladly accept affection and pet themselves.

Unlike their Siamese ancestors, they are not so selfish and violent. Their character can be described as flexible, loving, devoted and gentle. They are real sanguine people - mobile, active, cheerful.

Active and intelligent Balinese cats respond well to training and education, quickly get used to a leash and are happy to accompany their owners on walks. But you shouldn’t leave a tasty dish unattended - the cat will open it and feast on the contents of the frying pan or saucepan.

Balinese dogs are good companions for families leading an active lifestyle. They play well with children, the Balinese rarely uses his teeth and claws - he loves his owners too much. But he simply adores one of the family members and follows him like a tail.

Cats of this breed love to socialize. Unlike the unpleasant voice of the Siamese, the Balinese has a melodic voice, rich in intonation and very expressive. Owners believe that their conversation is more like a foreign language than meowing. The pet can “talk” in detail and for a long time about his impressions and his day. But people who love peace and quiet should not get a pet - the Balinese is not made for the sofa and bliss.


Balinese cats live as long as most felines. They are long-lived and, under the most favorable conditions, reach an age of 20-25 years. The lower age limit is 12 years.

Keeping a Balinese cat

The health and appearance of the balinese depend on the conditions of detention. The color of the coat reflects the internal state, body temperature and environment. A fur coat without down is not very warm, but the owners claim that their cats love to walk on the unheated but glazed loggia in the cold winter. However, you should not get carried away with “hardening” - your pet’s fur may darken.

Balinese cats need a lot of space for jumping, climbing, and playing. Even in a small apartment you can arrange gym equipment for exercises - ladders, shelves, artificial wood. Game lovers can turn any object into a toy. To avoid damage to things, you need to provide your pet with special toys.

Care and hygiene

The Balinese coat does not require special care - it is enough to comb it 1-2 times a week, as it is not prone to forming tangles. Cats practically never shed, since there is no undercoat, so brushing simply helps maintain a well-groomed and neat appearance, provides massage and gets rid of dirt. To care for the coat, it is best to use a brush with natural bristles or a metal comb with an antistatic coating.

The large open ears and eyes of the animal require careful and regular care. Cleaning and wiping with special wipes or cosmetic pads moistened with warm water will ensure the health of the senses.

You also need to keep an eye on your claws. Cats grind them off on a scratching post and use it to remove dead “cases.” But the claws should be trimmed to give them a well-groomed appearance, avoid cracks and protect the furniture from damage. Teeth require standard care - cleaning and examination.

Balinese dogs should only be bathed if they are heavily soiled, using shampoo for long-haired breeds and conditioner. Cats do not like water treatments, and their natural neatness allows them to maintain their hygiene on their own.

Nutrition of Balinese cats

For these refined beauties, proper balanced nutrition is very important - meat, cereals, vegetables in a proportion of 6:1:3. Lean meat can be immersed in boiling water, frozen or boiled. You shouldn't give pork. It can cause digestive upset and become a source of helminths.

Balinese dogs often have individual taste preferences. Some people like olives, others like baked goods or unflavored chips. But it is important not to overdo it with such an original menu. Cats do not refuse dry food. It is important that it is of good quality and contains an increased amount of amino acids.

Balinese cats are not prone to overeating and eat small portions. The main thing is to control the quality and balance of the diet. When eating natural foods, vitamin and mineral supplements should be added.

Diseases and breed defects

Balinese have fairly good health, but some diseases cannot be ruled out:

  • colds;
  • strabismus;
  • stomatitis and gingivitis.

Severe pathologies are much less common - amyloidosis of the kidneys and liver, diabetes mellitus, asthma, dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints. Proper care, nutrition, and maintenance eliminate most of the listed diseases.

Balinese dogs are quite rare in our country, so it is not worth purchasing them from private breeders or owners. They do not guarantee purebredity, compliance with standards and the absence of hereditary diseases. Therefore, a tempting price, 2-3 times lower than that of professionals, may be wasted.

What to pay attention to

First of all, you should pay attention to the availability of relevant documents - pedigree, passport, vaccinations and genetic tests. It’s worth getting to know the kitten’s parents, looking at the rest of the babies in the litter - are they all healthy and do they meet the breed standard?

You should visually assess the baby – size, appearance. Until a year old, a Balinese kitten is not particularly beautiful. Until 1 year of age, they are very similar to Siamese and only later do they develop long fur. But the baby’s health can be judged by indirect signs - activity, behavior in a group and with strangers, movements.

Healthy kittens are large, active, cheerful, and not shy. They have clean, clear eyes without excessive discharge and not squinting. The gums should be pink. Breath is fresh, not foul. It is worth feeling the tail - it should be smooth without knots or creases. The color of the anus is pink without signs of irritation or inflammation.

At the nursery, a conscientious breeder will honestly tell you about the baby’s individual characteristics and shortcomings. Vices are excluded. Their concealment leads to the closure of the nursery, so a responsible breeder will definitely notify the buyer of their presence.

Balinese cat price

The cost depends on the class. Pet-class babies cost from 15,000 rubles. Kittens of other classes are 7-8 thousand more expensive.

The Balinese cat breed is successfully conquering the world. Her graceful body, silky coat and graceful gait fit perfectly into the overall exterior. Excellent external characteristics complement a high level of intelligence, affectionate disposition and devotion to their owners. Well, how can you remain indifferent to the Balinese after this?

In the 40s of the 19th century, America gave the world the graceful Balinese cat. It was then that the first kitten was born from mom and dad, who belonged to the Siamese breed, but with long hair.

For some time, breeders worked to consolidate the result. The gene for long fur “embellished” the kittens in an unusual way - the overall pattern of the body became more graceful, and the outlines became smoother.

For a long time, the Balinese was called the Siamese Longhair, and only in 1970 did it achieve recognition and separate from the Siamese, becoming a separate breed.

The sophisticated appearance and every movement of the already adult cat reminded the breeders of the beautifully choreographed dance of girls from the island of Bali, for this reason the cat was named Balinese or Balinese.

The beautiful Balinese quickly found her fans all over the world, including in Russia, where she arrived in 1988. Her development did not stop here - the breed was developed, preserving all its uniqueness. At this stage, there are nurseries with high-level producers.


The Balinese is somewhat similar to its Siamese ancestors, but still significant differences can be read in its exterior.

  • The body is small in size. Balinese dogs weigh a little - from 2.5 to 5 kg. The cat is slender, but at the same time strong. The chest and croup are the same width as the shoulders. The overall impression is of a refined, elongated body.
  • The head is wedge-shaped with a direct bite, the muzzle tapers towards the bottom and has a large jaw. The nose is straight and long. The ears are large, triangular in shape, with pointed tips pointing to the sides.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped and are far from each other. The outer corners are raised up. The iris is colored blue, blue or gray. The last shade is extremely undesirable.
  • The limbs are slender and long, the hind legs are higher than the forelimbs. The shape of the paws is oval.
  • The tail, like everything else in the Balinese, is long, thin and without kinks.
  • The coat is of medium length and feels like silk to the touch. There is no undercoat, making the upper body look like a smooth-haired cat. In the area of ​​the chin, neck and tail, the coat is lowered and slightly curly. A mandatory feature is a plume or so-called “flying feather” on the tail.
  • There are many colors – more than 20 options. The body is a light sand color, and the mask on the face, ears, paws and tail are painted in a darker color. These points or markings can come in black, chocolate, lilac and blue. Markings of the named shades with a tortoiseshell or tabby pattern are also allowed.

Separately, the uniform white color without any points should be highlighted. These blue-eyed snow whites are very valuable specimens and people line up for them.


The Balinese cat breed has a very cheerful and playful behavior. At the age of 1 year, as at 10 years old, an active pet will chase a ball, a sunbeam or another object that she will play with.

In her sweet face, all household members will find a wonderful playmate and devoted friend. This cat really needs its owners and tries to stay with them as much as possible.

She rarely gives preference to anyone; if she is loved, then she gives everyone her love and warmth.

The high level of intelligence characteristic of the Balinese allows them to be taught both simple and more complex commands. It is interesting that this cat is very talkative - she has a rather large vocabulary, which she uses a lot, attracting attention to herself. At the same time, without special need, the pet will not bother everyone - she is an excellent psychologist and senses the mood of those around her.

And most importantly, the Balinese cat has a kind soul. She will never show aggression towards capricious and annoying children.

If there are other mustaches in the house, the Balinese will try to make friends with them.


Balinese cats have no special care requirements. The list of standard procedures is not too long, but it is mandatory:

  • Grooming. You can comb the fur for mutual pleasure every day, but the absence of undercoat reduces the procedure to 2-3 times a month.
  • Bathing. If the cat is dirty, you can bathe it using a special shampoo and conditioner for long-haired white cats. After finishing the water treatments, wrap your pet in a warm towel and bring it into a heated room (due to the lack of undercoat, Balinese dogs get very cold).
  • Eye and ear care – check and clean them regularly.
  • Teeth care - do not forget to keep them clean to avoid the formation of tartar. There are special toothbrushes or cleaning toys.
  • Walks. The pet does not need them, but in the warm season the cat will not be harmed by a change of environment. To do this, use a harness and put a flea and tick collar on your cat.


In this matter, you need to choose one path - either industrial high-quality feed, or natural food, but with vitamin supplements.

Correctly the menu should contain the following products:

  • Dietary meat - beef, chicken fillet, veal. It needs to be boiled and chopped into pieces that are convenient for the cat. It is advisable to remove the veins.
  • Boiled sea fish - given 1-2 times a week without large bones.
  • Fermented milk - low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir can be included in the daily diet.
  • Boiled eggs – give to your pet 1-2 times a week.
  • Stewed vegetables and root vegetables, cereals - they are combined with protein foods and vitamins.

It is important to remember that the basis of the diet is protein food, and carbohydrate food serves as a supplement.

Such a thoughtful menu will serve as a good start for the growth of a small kitten and will ensure a beautiful and healthy appearance for an adult.


With proper care, the Balinese cat breed can live 15 years or more, but this is in the absence of genetic or acquired diseases.

Due to the fact that the blood of Sias murks flows in the veins of the Balinese, they are characterized by the same diseases:

  • Amyloidosis - in most cases, cats get it between 1-4 years. This disease affects the liver, which leads to the death of the pet. With early diagnosis, the progression of the disease can be slowed.
  • Gingivitis is an inflammatory process in the oral cavity. The main thing here is to brush your pet's teeth regularly.
  • Strabismus - nurseries try to eliminate this defect, but the genes rarely manifest themselves.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a disease that can be corrected and cured.

It is important to control the process - observe the behavior of your pet and not neglect examinations at the veterinary clinic

Difficulties in choosing a small Balinese

Little Balinese kittens are completely different from their graceful parents. They are born with short fur, no points and huge ears. All this awkwardness causes some affection, but it is incredibly difficult to determine what the baby’s appearance will be like over time. Only an experienced specialist can handle this, and it is advisable to invite him to buy the baby.

You should purchase your future pet from a registered nursery; they exist in Russia. The price for a true Balinese cannot be less than $500.

At 12 weeks of age, the baby becomes psychologically stable and can separate from his mother, so this is the most optimal time to buy a little miracle.



The Balinese cat (Balinese cat) is a rather rare and interesting representative of the cat world.. Like a true oriental aristocrat, she is graceful and sophisticated, and at the same time sincerely loves her owners. Her bright blue eyes conceal “abysses of intelligence,” her movements are light and energetic, and her voice is soft and musical.

History of the breed

Balinese cats as a separate breed were developed relatively recently. One close look at their photo is enough to understand to whom they owe their birth. Balinese cats descended from their Siamese relatives and initially differed from them only in their elongated hair. Several decades in the USA, their homeland, took the formation of this breed. At first, breeders simply selected long-haired Siamese, then began to cross them with each other in order to consolidate their unique feature.

Through long selections in 1970, there was one more cat breed in the world. The appearance of its representatives noticeably deviated from the standard Oriental Siamese. The term “Siamese” has also disappeared from the name of the breed.

In the vast expanses of the former USSR, the first Balinese cat appeared in the late 80s. The first Balinese nursery in Moscow opened in the next decade. At the same time, for the first time in Russia, a stable line of this breed was bred. Nevertheless, even serious efforts by the breeders of these cats cannot yet make this variety popular.

Appearance and characteristics of the breed

The Balinese cat is similar in all respects to the Siamese, except for the length of the coat.

  • She is graceful and flexible, and at the same time has a strong and muscular body. Gracefulness is visible in everything: in the long lines and curves of the neck and body, legs and tail.
  • A small wedge-shaped head with a pronounced strong chin is crowned with unusually large ears, proportionally expanding the wedge of the head.
  • The profile is smooth and straight, without any special bulges.
  • The eyes of representatives of this breed are “oriental”, oval in shape, and fit well into the wedge shape of the head. The standard for the breed is considered to be wide-set bright blue eyes. A serious disadvantage will be the presence of deep-set eyes, squint, and pale color.
  • Representatives of this breed are generally small in size. Males are usually larger than females. The weight of a mature male can reach 5 kilograms, females – 3–3.5 kg.
  • The body is tube-shaped, the hips and shoulders are approximately equal in width. The legs are oblong and elongated, with the front pair being slightly shorter than the back pair.
  • The tail is quite long and thin along its entire length, somewhat reminiscent of a whip. The presence of kinks or knots on the tail is considered a disadvantage.
  • The Balinese coat is medium in length, without undercoat. The wool feels silky and fine. The longest hair grows on the tail, often in the form of a plume.
  • The color of representatives of this breed is color point. The “mask” on the muzzle, ears, tail and lower part of the paws have a bright, rich coat color. The “painted” areas can be of a variety of colors, the main thing is that they are evenly colored and do not have light shades. The body of the Balinese in contrast is as light as possible. Only a slight match in the color of the points is acceptable.

Interestingly, kittens of the Balinese breed are born with short hair. The characteristic cover grows only with age.

In general, kittens of this breed are awkward and do not immediately charm their owners. Short hair, disproportionately huge ears, and seemingly slanted eyes give young Balinese dogs an awkward appearance, but all these childhood shortcomings are more than compensated for in the future. An adult, elegant Balinese cat will attract glances, charm and delight.

The disadvantages of the breed are: excessively dark body, white toes, lack of pigmentation on the pads of the paws or the tip of the nose.


The real beauty of cats of this breed is their character. They are not as independent as many other felines, but this only benefits their owners. The Balinese cat is very curious, she sincerely shares all the interests of her owner. She always wants to be in the center of events, wants to be friends, and demands reciprocal attention. In addition, these cats are extremely active and “sporty”.

Their mobility requires some space and the participation of the owners in entertainment and games. For this, the Balinese cat will be endlessly, like a dog, devoted to its owner, and this is a very rare case for representatives of the cat family.

The sociability and affection of the Balinese allow them to easily make friends with other cats and even dogs. They get along well with children.

Some representatives of the breed like to “talk” for a long time and sincerely, “tell” about what happened during the day, complain about the lack of attention, or, conversely, thank them for the good attitude towards them.

It should not be surprising that with proper and attentive treatment, a Balinese cat will enjoy every minute of communication with its owners and will, for example, take the habit of meeting them every day after work.


Unfortunately, representatives of this breed of cats are susceptible to various diseases. The lion's share of ailments passed to them from the Siamese breed. On average, a Balinese cat, with proper care and timely detection and treatment of diseases, lives about 15 years.

The most common diseases of these animals are inflammation of the respiratory tract. Homeowners should take a closer look at drafts in their homes and also prevent excess humidity.

They are also prone to the following diseases:

  • Inflammation of the liver, kidneys and esophagus.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Asthma.
  • Increased sensitivity to pain.
  • Allergies to certain types of food, paper dust, tobacco smoke.
  • Rare but possible: diabetes, strabismus.

When getting a kitten of this species, it is worth remembering that the Balinese cat is purebred, and therefore more whimsical compared to simple “yard” cats. It is better to seek them from reputable breeders, to nurseries with extensive experience, so as not to subsequently turn your life and the life of your pet into one endless visit to the veterinarian.

Surprisingly, this original cat does not require any unusual care at all. It's quite simple:

  1. Periodic grooming is important. Combing once a week.
  2. Wash with a special shampoo for long-haired breeds approximately once a month.
  3. Nail trimming once a month.
  4. Oral hygiene, which is best left to specialists.
  5. Periodic inspection and wiping of eyes and ears as they become dirty.

These simple measures are the key to your pet’s health and activity. And if you also find time for walks together in the fresh air, the cat’s gratitude will have no limits.


Balinese are very unpretentious in food. To feed them, you can use both ready-made mixtures and natural home-cooked dishes. The only recommendation is that it is better not to mix store-bought and home-made food. Dry mixtures of different classes and manufacturers are presented in a wide variety on the shelves of hypermarkets and pet stores. As for food prepared with your own hands, nutritionists have developed certain requirements for it:

The Balinese cat is a rather rare animal in the Russian expanses. Obviously, the price of kittens of this breed cannot be too cheap. Although on specialized websites on the Internet you can find offers for the sale of kittens for an amount from two to five thousand rubles.

It is clear that such an attractive price cannot be true. The whole point here is that, under the guise of Balinese kittens, they often offer individuals of other breeds, similar in color and external characteristics, most often Siamese. As a rule, these kittens are not tested for genetic diseases and have significant deviations from accepted standards.

In Russia there are few nurseries engaged in breeding animals of this breed. The cost of a Balinese cat kitten in these nurseries is 10–15 thousand rubles. We are talking about the so-called Pet class, that is, about individuals not intended for exhibition or breeding work. Individuals of higher classes cost 10 thousand rubles or more more.

Reputable breeders give kittens to new owners when they reach twelve weeks of age. At 12–18 weeks of age, they develop a distinct, long coat. They can already be easily distinguished from their Siamese relatives.

The approximate monthly cost of maintaining such a pet is about three thousand rubles, not counting possible costs for veterinarian services. This amount includes initial expenses for the purchase of necessary items: bowls, trays, scratching posts, toys. Monthly expenses for consumables include the purchase of litter for the tray and ready-made food.

Balinese cats or Balinese are actually long-haired Siamese, of course, with their own individual traits. They are smart, affectionate and graceful. Despite the name, nothing connects the breed with the island of Bali; their country of origin is the USA.

The history of the origin of the Balinese is inextricably linked with the Siamese cats, from which they originated. In the 20s of the last century, long-haired kittens began to appear in the litter of short-haired Siamese; at first, breeders tried not to advertise this and considered the mutation a disadvantage.

But in the 50s, American breeders Marion Dorsey and Helen Smith decided to achieve recognition of long-haired Siamese kittens and began painstaking work on creating a new breed. In 1958 they were joined by Sylvia Holland, who acquired her first Balinese and played a significant role in uniting enthusiasts. The breed was officially recognized by American associations in the 60s, and the name “Balinese cat” was approved.

In the 70s, the Balinese were recognized by some world organizations, and it began to spread around the world, in particular it appeared in Russia.

Video review of the Balinese cat breed (Balinese cat):

Breed description and standards

Balinese cats have the silhouette of a Siamese cat, they are graceful and elegant of medium size, with fine long muscles, long legs and a tail. Below we have prepared a detailed description of the breed:

Head and muzzle

The head is shaped like an elongated triangle with large pointed ears and a straight nose. The end of the chin and the end of the nose form a vertical line. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, slightly elongated, which adds some oriental touch to the appearance. The nose is long, the transition from the forehead is without a break. Only sapphire eye color is always bright and rich.


The body of the Balinese is long and slender. This combination gives a refined bone structure and strong muscles. The stomach is tucked. Hips should not be wider than shoulders. The hind legs are as long and slender as the front legs, but slightly higher. The paws are small and oval in shape.

Coat and colors

The medium-length coat is very soft, thin and silky, without undercoat. On the neck and shoulders, the tail is slightly longer than on the body, with a light fringe in the form of a plume. For the Balinese, four basic colors were initially recognized:

  • blue point;
  • seal point;
  • frost point;
  • chocolate point.

Later the cream point, red point, tabby point and torty point were added. The prefix “point” indicates the obligatory presence of a mask on the face, legs, ears and tail. If possible, a uniform point should have a darker shade with smooth transitions. The color on the remaining parts of the body is light and even, slight darkening is allowed on the sides and back.

Balinese kittens are born white; their future color begins to appear only at 1-3 months, and is fully formed by 1.5 years.


The character of the Balinese cat has a lot in common with the temperament of their closest relatives – Siamese cats; they are energetic and self-confident, but at the same time very sociable and affectionate, strongly attached to the owner, and do not like loneliness. Balinese cats have a soft, pleasant voice and are very talkative.

The curiosity of the Balinese knows no bounds; besides, they are incredibly inventive and are considered one of the smartest breeds. These are real intellectuals who grasp everything on the fly: family rules, prohibitions or rules of the game, they learn very quickly and are easy to train. They are usually tolerant of children and get along well with other animals in the house, but their coexistence with small rodents is unpredictable. There is an opinion that they are excellent rat catchers, but many breeders deny this. The breed was bred artificially and its representatives never had to worry about obtaining food on their own.

Reviews about the breed

Most reviews about the Balinese cat breed are very positive. We can conclude that Balinese are sociable and intelligent cats that absolutely cannot stand loneliness. Very energetic and inquisitive. Like any other, Balinese cats need early socialization and proper training.

Comment from a Balinese cat breeder when asked about their character:

Not everyone may like the “talkativeness” and activity of the Balinese, which sometimes goes beyond boundaries. And also the fact that these cats will have to pay a lot of attention, not in terms of care, but in terms of care, love and affection.

Judging by the reviews, Balinese dogs have a whole set of characteristic features. Let everyone decide for themselves whether they are positive or negative:

  • Attached to the owner (usually one person is chosen);
  • Require attention;
  • Can't stand loneliness;
  • Very tame, affectionate;
  • Excessively talkative;
  • Energetic and playful, especially at a young age;
  • Smart and cunning.

Care and maintenance

Balinese cats are recommended for apartment living. For many generations, they spent their entire lives in apartments, which is why they lost the necessary instincts and skills of street life, as well as resistance to viruses and bacteria. At home, a cat must have its own bed and toys, perhaps the simplest ones, but there should be a lot of them. This is necessary so that the need for movement of these active and inquisitive cats does not develop into destructive behavior.

There is nothing complicated in caring for Balinese dogs. Their very fine fur is not prone to tangling and does not form tangles; however, it is recommended to brush cats daily to maintain the fur in good condition and remove dead hairs in a timely manner. For combing, select metal brushes with an antistatic coating or with natural bristles. During periods of seasonal molting, breeders recommend using furminators.

It is not advisable to bathe Balinese cats often, and, as a rule, this is not necessary; cats keep themselves clean and do not really like water.

Water treatments are recommended only before the show, and during bathing they use a special shampoo for long, thin coats and conditioner. As necessary, cats' ears, eyes and teeth are cleaned, and their claws are trimmed only with special pruning shears.


Balinese cats are usually not picky eaters and there are no special feeding recommendations. It is enough to follow the regime and choose a suitable diet that will correspond to their age, physiological state and physical activity. This can be natural food or ready-made premium, super-premium or holistic food.

Health and life expectancy

Unfortunately, Balinese cats have inherited from Siamese cats a predisposition to a number of diseases:

  • In adulthood, bowel, skin or breast cancer is often diagnosed;
  • Amyloidosis of the kidneys and liver;
  • Hereditary heart diseases;
  • Hypotrichosis;
  • Strabismus;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Feline asthma;
  • Gastric hypokinesia.

Breeders try to do various tests in a timely manner and not allow sick animals to be bred, but these are only small steps towards the genetic health of the breed. The average life expectancy of the Balinese is 10-12 years.

Choosing a Balinese kitten

The first thing that future owners should understand: a Balinese is not any long-haired kitten or a cat with a point color, that is, a Siamese. Balinese are blue-eyed cats with elongated body proportions, large ears and a fairly long nose. The coat lies tightly to the body and is completely devoid of undercoat. Balinese kittens are born completely blind, helpless and always white. Color begins to appear gradually as it grows.

Kittens are easy to distinguish by their unusual appearance: they have a funny big head, large ears and an elongated muzzle. The babies are covered with light fluff, longer on the back and tail.

To make sure that you have a kitten of the Balinese breed, you need to see at least one parent and a copy of the pedigree of the second. Balinese cats are allowed to be bred with Siamese, Seychelles and long-haired Orientals, other combinations are not allowed. Together with the kitten, you must bring home a veterinary passport with vaccination marks, pedigree or metrics of any felinological system.

Cost of Balinese kittens

There are not many nurseries and purebred kittens in Russia. At least, much less than advertisements on the Internet about their sale.

As a rule, long-haired kittens of different origins with a recognizable “Siamese” color are passed off as Balinese. The price of such Balinese kittens starts from a minimum of 200 rubles. sometimes reaches indecent amounts of 3-5 thousand rubles. A beautiful description is sometimes accompanied by the promise of an excellent pedigree.

Be careful when purchasing purebred animals online.

A Balinese kitten from a nursery will cost from 350 USD. The price is justified by the cost of the parents, the costs of exhibitions, documents, veterinary events, etc. A good purebred baby will most likely have to be booked in advance; pet class kittens (not for exhibitions and breeding) are easier to buy.

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