Mole living and dead water treatment. Apparatus for obtaining living and dead water. Massage of various parts of the body

When activated water is used correctly, its effectiveness reaches 88-93%, which is confirmed by our own long-term experience in its use.

The use of Activated “Living” and “Dead” water for various diseases.

This article talks about Living and Dead Water, what it is and how to use it.

A little theory.“Living” and “Dead” water is obtained by electrolysis.

“Living” water has pronounced alkaline, healing properties, and “Dead” water has acidic, disinfecting properties.

Passing an electric current through water also changes its internal structure and erases harmful environmental information.

As a result of treatment with electric current, water acquires healing properties. Depending on the disease and the stage of its development, alkaline - “Living” or acidic - “Dead” water is used.

Here are some examples of how to use it. At the beginning of 1981, the author of the device (L. I. Krotov) for preparing "Alive and Dead" water, fell ill with inflammation of the kidneys and prostate adenoma.

He was treated in the hospital for more than a month and was offered surgery for the adenoma. He refused the “offer” and was discharged.

The treatment trial exceeded all expectations: the wound on my son’s hand healed on the second day.

To check the effectiveness of the treatment, the author of the device, after a week of taking “Living” water, was examined at the clinic with all the tests, which did not reveal a single disease. Additionally, blood pressure normalized.

The boy's gums festered for 6 months and an abscess formed in his throat. The use of various treatment methods did not give the desired result. For treatment, the author of the device recommended gargling your throat and gums with “Dead” water 6 times a day (i.e., disinfecting), and then taking a glass of “Living” water orally. The result is complete recovery within 3 days.

This water can be used with great success in various cleansing procedures - enemas, mouth rinsing, and for women and the vagina. In view of the fact that most diseases of the vagina arise due to the fact that its acidity is disturbed (rots), the use of “Dead” - acidic water, quickly destroys rottenness and restores health. First you need to use “Dead” water. When the infection is destroyed, “Living” water must be used to accelerate the healing of the mucous membranes of the vagina, vagina, and cervix.

To do this, rinsing with a rubber bulb is used, and the “Dead” water is made “stronger” - with increased acidity (you can get water much more acidic than your own urine - this is the strength of this method). So, rinse your vagina with “Dead Water” 3-5 times a day, and at the end of the day with “Live Water”, 2 times. It all depends on the circumstances and severity of the disorder.

In the same way, you can use this water for an enema. For dysbacteriosis, use acidic - “Dead” water. After 2-3 enemas (one enema per day), do 1-2 with “Living” water. And so on several times. Approximately the same should be done for colitis of the large intestine.

It is very good to treat small children with these types of water - it is harmless (of course, everything should be in moderation).

Prepared “Living” and “Dead” water retains its pH for a long time (a month or more, the pH does not change when heated and cooled) - measured in units, while the ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of water (charge -/+) - measured in mV (mile volts), which is the most important for a living organism, unlike pH, very quickly decreases in one direction or another after preparation, depending on the storage of activated water; as a rule, the ORP of water remains for a day or less.

Living and dead water- This is the result of electrolysis. It is obtained using special devices that give the liquid a positive or negative electrical potential. In this case, the resulting living water (with negative potential) has a more alkaline structure and has healing properties, dead (positively charged) water has an acidic structure and has disinfectant properties.

It has also been proven that the electrolysis process significantly improves the quality of the liquid - harmful impurities and chemical compounds, pathogenic bacteria, microbes, and fungi are removed.

Treatment with living and dead water is one of the most effective methods of traditional medicine!

The use of aqueous solutions treated with electric current promotes accelerated healing from many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, cardiovascular and nervous system, liver, kidneys, etc.

Living and dead water effective not only in the treatment of diseases, but also for prevention, as well as general health promotion. The article posted on this page of our website will tell you more about all this.

Article by Gennady Malakhov about Living and Dead Water

I receive many letters on this topic with many questions, let’s start in order.

  • Can it be used on your system? "living" and "dead" water obtained by electrolysis?
  • What's happened Living and Dead water, how to cook it?
  • Where can I buy or how to assemble it myself? device for preparing Living and Dead water?
  • How safe is it? application of Living and Dead water?
  • What diseases can be treated treatment with Living and Dead water, what results to expect?
  • And who wants to immediately buy a device, click here "Devices Living and Dead Water"

In the 80s of the last century, leading scientific institutes and medical clinics of the Soviet Union became interested in activated water. True, most of the studies were not advertised.

But the information seeped into society and interested people - healers and doctors - learned about it. Moreover, scientific work was carried out openly abroad, and their results were published even in the press accessible behind the Iron Curtain, that is, in our homeland.

Official science has recognized that water that has received a negative redox potential during electrolysis, that is, living water, has high immunostimulating, regenerating and detoxifying properties, that is, meaning that it can be successfully used to treat many diseases. These unique properties of catholyte were confirmed by the USSR Pharmacological Committee (decision No. 211-252/791).

What about dead water?

Its characteristics were also not questioned, because the anolyte solution, thanks to its antibacterial activity, had already saved hundreds of people from rotting wounds and bedsores.

It is difficult to determine which activated water solution is more important for human health, because both catholyte and anolyte are like two halves of a single whole - a medicine created by nature itself. But nature never makes mistakes, it only offers its help to man. It is the task of each of you to be able to take advantage of this help. And I will only tell you about the many years of experience that people have gained in the search for truth, because people need evidence. Well, here they are.

The healing properties of Living and Dead water

Obtaining “Living” and “Dead” Water occurs by electrolysis. "Living" water has pronounced alkaline, healing properties, and "dead water"- sour, disinfectant properties. I think that passing an electric current through water also changes its internal structure, erasing harmful environmental information.

As a result of treatment with electric current, water acquires healing properties. Depending on the disease and the stage of its development, alkaline - “living” or acidic - “dead” water is used.

Activated water quickly and effectively treats many diseases, without any “chemistry”. It is used on the farm, in everyday life, in the garden and vegetable garden, for hygienic purposes, in livestock and poultry farming, etc.

The effectiveness of activated water also increases because during electrolysis "dead" water becomes positive and "living" water- negative electric potential. It becomes like a weak electrolyte that quickly interacts with body fluids (stomach juice, blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, etc.).

The human body is an energy system. Long-term practice of using activated water has confirmed the conclusions of scientists that it is the positive and negative charges of this water that greatly contribute to maintaining the energy balance of cells.

Activated water is used in Japan, Austria, Germany, Poland, India, Israel, and CIS countries. This water is absolutely not dangerous for either external or internal use. This was confirmed by the USSR Pharmacological Committee back in 1988 (DECISION Mo. 211-252*/791).

As an example, I will give several ways to use living and dead water.

At the beginning of 1981, the author of the device (Krotov) for preparation of “living” and dead water, fell ill with kidney inflammation and prostate adenoma. He was treated in the hospital for more than a month and... was offered surgery for the adenoma. He refused the “offer” and was discharged.

The first test of the received "Living and Dead" water The author of the device spent more than 6 months on a non-healing wound on his son’s hand.

The treatment trial exceeded all expectations: the wound on my son’s hand healed on the second day. Then the author of the device himself began to drink 0.5 glasses of “living” water before meals 3 times a day and felt cheerful. The adenoma disappeared within a week, as did the radiculitis and swelling of the legs.

To check the effectiveness of the treatment, the author of the device, after a week of taking “living” water, was examined at the clinic with all the tests, which did not reveal a single disease. Additionally, blood pressure normalized.

The boy's gums festered for 6 months and an abscess formed in his throat. The use of various treatment methods did not give the desired result. For treatment, the author of the device recommended gargling the throat and gums with “dead” water 6 times a day (i.e., disinfecting), and then taking a glass of “living” water orally. The result is complete recovery within 3 days.

This water can be used with great success in various cleansing procedures - enemas, "Sink Gesture", rinsing the mouth, and for women and the vagina.

Dead water

So, dead water, or anolyte, is an acidic solution and has strong bactericidal properties. It looks like a colorless liquid with an acidic odor, and tastes sour and slightly astringent. Its acidity ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 5 mV.

Because the dead water It has bactericidal properties and is an excellent disinfectant.

Dead water It is successfully used for disinfecting linen, dishes, bandages and other medical materials, as well as premises.

This water can be used to treat the room where the patient is in order to prevent re-infection and infection of relatives; bedding and beds are treated with dead water if there are insects in the house - fleas, bedbugs.

And for health, dead water is an unsurpassed remedy for colds. It is used for diseases of the throat, nose, and ears. Gargling is a means of treating and preventing influenza and acute respiratory infections.

But these functions application of dead water not limited. With its help, they lower blood pressure, calm the nerves, get rid of insomnia, reduce pain in the joints of the hands and feet, destroy fungus, treat stomatitis, and dissolve bladder stones.

Dead water It retains its properties for quite a long time - for 1-2 weeks when stored in closed containers.

Living water

Living water, or catholyte, is an alkaline solution and has strong biostimulant qualities. This water tastes slightly alkaline, but is as colorless as anolyte. The acidity of living water ranges from 8.5 to 10.5 5 mV.

Since living water is a natural biostimulant, it perfectly restores the body’s immune system, provides antioxidant protection for the body, especially in combination with the use of vitamins, and is a source of vital energy.

Living water activates all biological processes of the body, increases blood pressure, improves appetite, metabolism, and improves overall well-being.

It quickly heals various wounds, including stomach and duodenal ulcers, bedsores, trophic ulcers, and burns. This water softens the skin, gradually smoothes out wrinkles, destroys dandruff, and improves hair structure.

Living water lives up to its name everywhere. Even dried flowers come to life if they are placed in a vase filled with living water. In agriculture, living water is an indispensable assistant. Irrigation with this water greatly increases the yield of berries and fruits.

Living water can be called a double medicine, because it directly helps the body and also enhances the effect of herbal medicines that the patient takes. By the way, plants on the windowsill also acquire “living” power under the influence of spraying and watering with living water.

The only drawback of living water is that it quickly loses its biochemical and healing properties, since it is an active unstable system. If stored in a closed container in a dark place, it can be used for two days. Currently, many devices for preparing living water are being developed.

The developers of these devices set themselves the task of extending the properties of water after its preparation. Dina Ashbar, who has her own clinic and production facility in Germany, managed to extend the healing effect of living water to a month, but as she writes, “this requires additional rather expensive equipment.”

Let's talk in more detail about the treatment of women with these types of water.

In view of the fact that most diseases of the vagina arise due to the fact that its acidity is disturbed (rots), the use of “dead” - acidic water quickly destroys rottenness and restores health.

First you need to use “dead” water. When the infection is destroyed, “living” water must be used to accelerate the healing of the mucous membranes of the vagina, vagina, and cervix.

To do this, rinsing with a rubber bulb is used, and the “dead” water is made “stronger” - with increased acidity (you can get water much more acidic than your own urine - this is the strength of this method). So, wash your vagina with “dead water” 3-5 times a day, and at the end of the day with “live water”, 2 times. It all depends on the circumstances and severity of the disorder.

In the same way, you can use this water for an enema. For dysbacteriosis, use acidic - “dead” water. After 2-3 enemas (one enema per day), do 1-2 with “live” water. And so on several times. Approximately the same should be done for colitis of the large intestine.

The indicated types of water are very good for treating small children - it is harmless (of course, everything should be in moderation).

Activated water several times enhances the healing properties of golden mustache, cinquefoil and other herbs, as if created by nature to treat people. Activated water is also of great importance for growing a green medicine cabinet at home. My favorite golden mustache grows in a matter of weeks if it is watered and sprayed with activated water.

Prepared “live” and “dead” water can be stored for a very long time without losing its properties. (A test of water in the laboratory of the Stavropol Vodokanal (“live” strength of 11.4 units and “dead” - 4.21 units) showed that the strength decreased by hundredths of units over the month, and temperature does not affect the decrease in water activity. )

Now devices for preparing Living and Dead water are sold everywhere, you can purchase and use them. Currently, tables have been compiled for the treatment of a number of diseases using “living” and “dead” water.

The use of “living” and “dead” water to treat a number of diseases. Detailed application diagrams.

1. Prostate adenoma.

For 5-10 days, 4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, take 1/2 cup of “living” water.

After 3-4 days, mucus is released, there is no desire to urinate frequently, and on the 8th day the swelling goes away.

2. Sore throat.

For 3-5 days, 5 times a day after meals, gargle with “dead” water and after each gargle, drink 1/4 cup of “living” water.

The temperature drops on the 1st day, usually on the 3rd - the disease goes away.

3. Allergies.

For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with “dead” water. After each rinse, after 10 minutes, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. Moisten skin rashes (if any) with “dead” water. The disease usually goes away within 2-3 days. It is recommended to repeat the procedure for prevention.

4. Pain in the joints of the arms and legs.

3 times a day before meals, take 1/2 glass of “dead” water for 2-5 days

The pain stops on the 1st day.

5. Bronchial asthma; bronchitis.

For three days, 4-5 times a day, after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with warmed “dead” water. In 10 minutes. After each rinse, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. If there is no noticeable improvement, do inhalation with “dead” water: heat 1 liter of water to 70-80 ° C and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a day. The last inhalation can be done with “living” water and soda. The urge to cough decreases and overall well-being improves. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

6. Inflammation of the liver.

Every day for 4-7 days, take 4 times 1/2 cup: on the 1st day only “dead” water, on the subsequent days - only “living” water.

7. Inflammation of the colon (Colitis).

It is better not to eat anything on the first day. During the day, drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water with a “strength” of 2.0 pH 3-4 times. The disease goes away within 2 days.

8. Gastritis.

For three days, 3 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals, drink “living” water. On the first day 1/4 cup, on the rest 1/2 cup. If necessary, you can drink for another 3-4 days. Stomach pain goes away, acidity decreases, appetite and general well-being improve.

9. Herpes (Cold).

Before treatment, rinse your mouth and nose thoroughly with “dead” water and drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water. Tear off the bottle with the contents of herpes with a cotton swab moistened with heated “dead” water. Next, during the day, apply a tampon moistened with “dead” water to the affected area 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes. On the second day, drink 1/2 cup of “dead” water and repeat rinsing. Apply a tampon soaked in “dead” water to the crust that has formed 3-4 times a day. You need to be patient a little when you break the bottle. The burning and itching stop within 2-3 hours. Herpes goes away within 2-3 days

10. Hemorrhoids.

For 2-7 days in the morning, rinse the cracks with “dead” water, and then apply tampons with “living” water, changing them as they dry

Bleeding stops, cracks heal within 2-3 days.

11. Hypertension.

During the day, take 2 times 1/2 cup of “dead” water.

The pressure is normalized.

12. Hypotension.

During the day, take 1/2 cup of “living” water 2 times.

The pressure is normalizing

13. Worms (helminthiasis).

Make cleansing enemas, first with “dead” water, and after an hour with “living” water. During the day, drink two-thirds of a glass of “dead” water every hour. The next day to restore health, drink 0.5 glasses of “living” water half an hour before meals. You may not feel well. If recovery has not occurred after 2 days, then repeat the procedure.

14. Purulent wounds.

Rinse the wound with “dead” water, and after 3-5 minutes moisten it with “living” water, then moisten it 5-6 times a day with only “living” water.

Healing occurs within 5-6 days.

15. Headaches.

Drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water.

The pain goes away within 30-50 minutes.

16. Fungus.

First, thoroughly wash the areas affected by the fungus with hot water and laundry soap, wipe dry and moisten with “dead” water. During the day, moisten with “dead” water 5-6 times and allow to dry without wiping. Wash socks and towels and soak them in “dead” water. Similarly (you can disinfect shoes once) - pour “dead” water into them and leave for 20 minutes. The fungus disappears within 4-5 days. Sometimes the procedure needs to be repeated.

During the day, rinse your nose and mouth with “dead” water 8-12 times, and at night drink 1/2 glass of “living” water.

Within 24 hours the flu disappears.

18. Diathesis.

Moisten all rashes and swelling with “dead” water and allow to dry. Then make compresses with “living” water for 10-5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. The affected areas heal in 2-3 days.

19. Dysentery.

It is better not to eat anything on this day. During the day, drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water with a “strength” of 2.0 pH 3-4 times. Dysentery goes away within 24 hours.

20. Jaundice (Hepatitis).

3-4 days, 4-5 times a day, 1/2 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. After 5-6 days, see a doctor. If necessary, continue treatment. Your well-being improves, your appetite appears, and your natural complexion is restored.

21. Foot odor.

Wash your feet with warm water, wipe dry, moisten with “dead” water, and after 10 minutes - with “living” water and let dry

The unpleasant smell will disappear.

Drink 0.5 glasses of “living” water. You can make an enema from warm “living” water.

23. Toothache.

Rinse your mouth with “dead” water for 5-10 minutes. The pain disappears.

24. Heartburn.

Drink 1/2 glass of “living” water.

Heartburn stops

25. Colpitis.

Heat the “dead” water and “live” water to 37-40 ° C and syringe first with “dead” water at night, and after 15-20 minutes with “live” water. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

After one procedure, colpitis goes away.

26. Conjunctivitis, stye.

Rinse the affected areas with warm water, then treat with heated “dead” water and allow to dry without wiping. Then, for two days, 4-5 times a day, make compresses with heated “living” water. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. The affected areas heal in 2-3 days.

27. Ringworm, eczema.

For 3-5 days, moisten the affected area with “dead” water and let it dry, then moisten it with “living” water 5-6 times a day. (In the morning, moisten with “dead” water, after 10-15 minutes with “living” water and another 5-6 times with “living” water during the day.)

Cures in 3-5 days.

28. Washing your hair.

Wash your hair with shampoo, dry it, moisten your hair with “dead” water, and after 5 minutes with “living” water.

Dandruff disappears, hair becomes softer and healthier.

If there are blisters - dropsy - they must be pierced, the affected area must be moistened with “dead” water, and after 5 minutes with “live” water. Then moisten with “living” water 7-8 times during the day. The procedures take 2-3 days.

Burns heal in 2-3 days.

30. High blood pressure.

In the morning and evening, before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water with a “strength” of 3-4 pH. If it doesn’t help, then drink a whole glass after 1 hour. The blood pressure normalizes and the nervous system calms down.

31. Low blood pressure.

In the morning and evening, before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water with pH = 9-10. The blood pressure returns to normal and a surge of strength appears.

Drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water; if the diarrhea does not stop within an hour, repeat the procedure.

Abdominal pain stops after 20-30 minutes.

33. Polyarthritis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.

The full cycle of treatment is 9 days. Drink 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals: - in the first three days and 7, 8, 9 days, 1/2 glass of “dead” water; — 4th day — break; — 5th day — 1/2 cup of “living” water; — 6th day — break.

If necessary, this cycle can be repeated after a week. If the disease is advanced, then you need to apply compresses with warm “dead” water to the sore spots. Joint pain goes away, sleep and well-being improve.

34. Cut, prick, rupture.

Rinse the wound with “dead” water and bandage it.

The wound heals within 1-2 days.

35. Neck cold.

Make a compress soaked in warm “dead” water on your neck and drink 1/2 cup 4 times a day before meals.

The disease goes away within 1-2 days.

36. Prevention of insomnia, increased irritability.

Drink 1/2 glass of “dead” water at night. For 2-3 days, 30-40 minutes before meals, continue to drink “dead” water in the same dosage. Avoid spicy, fatty and meat foods during this period. Sleep improves and irritability decreases.

37. Prevention of acute respiratory infections and colds during epidemics.

Periodically, 3-4 times a week in the morning and evening, rinse your nose, throat and mouth with “dead” water. After 20-30 minutes, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. If you come into contact with an infectious patient, perform the above procedure additionally. It is advisable to wash your hands with “dead” water. Vigor appears, performance increases, and overall well-being improves.

38. Psoriasis, scaly lichen.

One treatment cycle - six days. Before treatment, wash thoroughly with soap, steam the affected areas at the maximum tolerable temperature, or make a hot compress. Then, moisten the affected areas generously with heated “dead” water, and after 8-10 minutes begin to moisten with “living” water. Next, the entire treatment cycle (i.e., all 6 days) must be washed with only “living” water 5-8 times a day, without prior washing, steaming or treating with “dead” water. In addition, in the first three days of treatment, you need to drink 1/2 cup of “dead” food before meals, and on days 4, 5 and 6 - 1/2 cup of “live” food.

After the first cycle of treatment, a week-long break is taken, and then the cycle is repeated several times until recovery. If during the treatment the skin becomes very dry, cracks and hurts, you can moisten it several times with “dead” water.

After 4-5 days of treatment, the affected areas of the skin begin to clear up, and clean pinkish areas of the skin appear. Gradually the lichen disappears completely. Usually 3-5 treatment cycles are enough. You should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, spicy and smoked foods, and try not to be nervous.

39. Radiculitis.

During the day, drink 3/4 glass of “living” water 3 times before meals. The pain goes away within a day, sometimes after 20-40 minutes.

40. Dilated veins, bleeding from ruptured nodes.

Rinse the swollen and bleeding areas of the body with “dead” water, then moisten a piece of gauze with “living” water and apply to the swollen areas of the veins.

Take 1/2 cup of “dead” water orally, and after 2-3 hours start taking 1/2 cup of “live” water at intervals of 4 hours, 4 times a day. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days.

Areas of swollen veins resolve, wounds heal.

41. Acne, increased peeling of the skin, pimples on the face.

In the morning and evening, after washing, 2-3 times at 1-2 minute intervals, rinse your face and neck with “living” water and let dry without wiping. Apply compresses to wrinkled skin for 15-20 minutes. In this case, the “living” water should be slightly heated. If the skin is dry, then first it must be washed with “dead” water. After 8-10 minutes, do the above procedures Once a week, you need to wipe your face with this solution: 1/2 cup of “living” water, 1/2 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, after 2 minutes, rinse your face with “living” water.

The skin smoothes out, becomes softer, minor abrasions and cuts heal, acne disappears and peeling stops. With long-term use, wrinkles practically disappear.

42. Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet.

Soak your feet in soapy water, wash them in warm water, and without wiping, wet your feet in heated “dead” water, rubbing areas with growths, remove dead skin, rinse your feet in heated water, and wipe dry.

43. Improving well-being, normalizing the body.

In the morning and evening after taking food, rinse your mouth with “dead” water and drink 1/2 cup of “living” water with an alkalinity of 6-7 units.

44. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).

For 4 days, 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals, drink 1/2 glass of water: 1st time - “dead”, 2nd and 3rd times - “alive”. “Living” water should have a pH of about 11 units. The pain in the heart, abdomen and right shoulder blade goes away, the bitterness in the mouth and nausea disappear.

45. Eczema, lichen.

Before treatment, steam the affected areas, then moisten with “dead” water and allow to dry. Next, moisten it 4-5 times a day only with “living” water. At night, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. The course of treatment is a week. The affected areas heal within 4-5 days.

46. ​​Cervical erosion.

Douche overnight with “dead” water heated to 38-40°C. After 10 minutes, repeat this procedure with “living” water. Next, repeat washing with “living” water several times a day. Erosion resolves within 2-3 days.

47. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

For 4-5 days, 1 hour before meals, drink 1/2 glass of “living” water. After a 7-10 day break, repeat the treatment. The pain and vomiting stop on the second day. Acidity decreases, the ulcer heals.


When only “living” water is ingested, thirst arises; it must be quenched with compote or acidified tea. The interval between taking “dead” water and “live” water should be at least 2 hours.

Alkaline water is considered to be water whose pH is 10-11 units (it has a white precipitate). Acidic water is considered to be one whose pH is 4-5 units.

How water is prepared is described in the instructions for the device.

“Living” and “dead” water is an excellent complement to the system of natural healing.

As you may have noticed, the use of Living and Dead water does not require any skills or knowledge, everything is done very simply and a confident result is achieved in a fairly short period of time, which is a huge plus for this type of treatment.

Pay attention to the widest spectrum of action of Living and Dead Water, about 50 different diseases can be cured, and how many more options for everyday use. In a word, for almost all occasions, I was very impressed.

How to choose a “Living and Dead” water device.

Now let's talk directly about the device itself for obtaining Living and Dead water. Now there are many different types of devices on the market (Melesta - made in Ufa, Zhivitsa - made in China), there are also home-made devices using a fire hose (I do not recommend using these), there are also those officially manufactured by various enterprises, I personally tried a lot and settled on the product, produced in Belarus by the research and production enterprise "Aquapribor".

Of all the devices I have seen, I think the AP-1 device is the most correct. It uses very high-quality manufacturing materials, including high-quality food-grade plastic, a unique method of manufacturing electrodes from noble metals (titanium, platinum) found only in this device, a very high-quality ceramic glass made from a special type of clay that acts as a diaphragm, a very nice appearance products. Taken together, this gives the effect that the inventor of the device, Kratov, achieved.

The device has passed all possible tests and has all the necessary certificates of conformity.

Household water activator (electric activator) AP-1- a lightweight, uncomplicated, compact device that allows everyone at home to get about 1.4 liters of activated (“living” and “dead”) water in just 20-30 minutes. To do this, just fill the vessel with water, plug the plug into a 220V outlet and after 20-30 minutes. pour the already activated water into different vessels. The device is electrically safe, reliable, and consumes as much electricity as a 40-watt light bulb.

Main differences and advantages of the AP-1 device

  • Four-electrode connection circuit: 2 anodes and 2 cathodes.
  • The anodes are made of ultra-pure titanium coated (black on the side where the electric current passes) from a platinum group metal, the cathodes are made of food-grade stainless steel.
  • The membrane used is a design in the form of a ceramic microporous glass (from clay used in the production of food utensils) made using special technology.
  • The coating is applied to the anodes in order to prevent the destruction of the anodes during the electrolysis process and the penetration into the water of heavy metal ions, chromium, nickel, vanadium and other metals that are not excreted from the body.
  • In order to ensure electrical safety and compliance with GOST requirements, a switching power supply with reduced voltage and galvanic isolation from the 220 V supply network is used as a power source.
  • The design provides additional safety measures in the form of a limit switch used to cut off power from the electrode system when removing the top cover of the electric activator.

Device for preparing “Living and Dead water” - “Melesta”

There is another device that I also recommend, this device for preparing "Living and Dead" water "Melesta"- this device is made of cheaper materials than AP-1: instead of a ceramic glass, a fabric glass is used (acts as a diaphragm), and instead of 4 electrodes made of high-quality alloys, the usual 2 electrodes made of food-grade steel are used, the product’s nondescript appearance, rough design.

But all this contributed to a significant reduction in the cost of the product compared to AP-1, which is a significant plus for many people whose income does not allow them to purchase AP-1; the water produced by this device has all the properties of water prepared on AP-1. Therefore, I also recommend it to everyone without exception for home use. It has all the necessary certificates of conformity (No. POCC RU. AYA B24400).

Device for preparing “Living and Dead” water “Zdravnik”.

Externally, the device is made by analogy with the Melesta and the Belarusian AP-1, but in terms of workmanship it is closer to the AP-1.

The device is very easy to use and does not require special care or maintenance. It is worth noting the high quality of the electrodes (food grade stainless steel is used), electrical safety requirements are met, and there is a certificate of conformity (TU - 5156-001-62565770-2010).

Just like the AP-1, it has two versions:

  • A classic, time-tested design of the device using a fabric glass for “Dead Water”.
  • Version using a glass for “Dead” water, electroosmotic, made of nanostructured ceramics.

A little more about this glass.

The glass provides optimal pH values ​​and the Redox Potential of the resulting solutions. The glass allows you to visually monitor the process of water activation and allows you to obtain solutions with a higher level of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP).

Working principle of the glass:

When carrying out the process at the initial stage, the necessary polarization of solutions occurs and classical electroosmosis is observed - the liquid shifts towards the negatively charged electrode (the anolyte level drops). Upon reaching the Oxidative-

When the reduction potential of the catholyte and anolyte reach optimal equilibrium values, repolarization occurs on the walls of the glass and the liquid begins to move in the opposite direction (the anolyte level rises).

Due to the greater porosity of the glass, it practically does not clog during operation and requires less maintenance.

Device for preparing “Living and Dead” water PTV and PTV (Iva 1)

This device is neither externally nor internally (in design) similar to “Melesta”, “AP-1”, “Zdranik”.

The main purpose of this device is professional activity; it can be used in medical institutions, rest homes, dispensaries, and of course it can be used at home.

The device is certified and consumes only 75 watts of electricity. (Certificate of Conformity No. ROSS LT. AYA46.A14995 Sanitary Epidemiological Conclusion No. For the development and organization of mass production of the household electrolyzer-activator PTV-A, SPF “INCOMK” was awarded a Silver medal in 2004 and a Bronze medal medal in 2005 by the International Salon of Innovation and Investment.

What are its differences:

A glass is not used to prepare “Dead” water; instead of a glass, the device is divided into two parts (the part for “Dead” water is removable), these parts are divided by a membrane made of special wood fiber.

Externally, the device looks very solid, has a high-quality body, the electrodes are much thicker, more reliable than other devices, have a long service life, and are made very well.

This device also has two options, with and without a regulator; using the regulator, you can set the concentration of water, you can make a healing drink for everyday use, you can make water for the prevention of diseases, or you can make a solution for medicinal purposes.

New Melesta device

The Melesta device for preparing Living and Dead water has been completely redesigned; now it is made according to the principle of the more expensive PTV-A.

The main differences are in the size of the device (about 2-2.5 times in volume), it is significantly smaller than the PTV-A, the design of the dead water glass is slightly different, and instead of a wood fiber partition, a built-in fabric window is used. The electrodes are made in the same way as in PTV-A, but here they are about 5 times smaller and their connection diagram is not entirely successful.

The main trump card remains the low price of this device, this is especially true for people with low incomes. The device still does its job well and is very easy to use.

Our online store offers you to buy devices for preparing Living and Dead water:

  1. Device for preparing "Living and Dead" water AP-1 (basic version)
  2. Device for preparing "Living and Dead" water AP-1 (an improved version with an indicator of water quality and the level of contamination of the diaphragm).
  3. Device for preparing "Live and Dead" water "Melesta" (economy class device).

Activated water has a beneficial effect on the body.

Cures most diseases, lowers blood pressure, stimulates metabolism, reduces joint pain, headaches, pain in the joints of the hands and feet, improves appetite and digestion, and is used for sore throat, diarrhea, eczema, and lichen.

Directions for use: 1/2 glass 30 minutes before meals.

The method of preparing activated water should be found in the relevant recommendations (we will present one of them).

Since 1981, articles about activated “living” and “dead” water began to appear in the press. Many lovers and enthusiasts use this water not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also for prevention. The ease of production and storage, the harmlessness of the effect on a living organism, helped activated water to gain credibility among the people as a reliable medicine with a wide range of therapeutic effects.

It has long been known that electrolysis of water is a chemical reaction of the decomposition of water into positive and negative ions when current from a constant voltage source is passed through it. During the process of electrolysis, water near the anode acquires acidic properties, and near the cathode - alkaline, but the water in the vessel is constantly mixed and generally remains neutral.

One day, a partition made of material that freely passed water ions, but not water itself, was installed between the electrodes. As a result, water with different chemical properties was obtained in both compartments. So, in the compartment with the anode, the water had a sour taste and some positive charge, and near the cathode it had an alkaline taste and a negative charge.

charge. This water was poured into separate containers and began to be examined. We accidentally noticed that minor abrasions, cuts, and scratches heal quickly from exposure to alkaline water.

The rapid healing of fresh wounds, cuts, experiments with cotton (watering the beds with activated water) prompted us to call alkaline water “living”, and acidic water “dead”:

similar to many folk tales.

Since 1985, activated water began to be called more officially: acidic, “dead” - analyte (from the word “anode”), drug A, bactericide; alkaline, “live” catholyte (from the word “cathode”), drug K, stimulant.

One of the first to independently manufacture a household apparatus for producing “live”

and “dead” water, was D. Krotov, an honored innovator and inventor from Stavropol. He tried it on himself and offered the first recipes for use.

activated water for medicinal purposes.

Various options for making an activator at home are published in domestic and foreign literature. One of them is shown in the diagram.

Liter jar, 2 stainless steel electrodes measuring 40 x 160 x 0.8 mm, the distance between them is 40 mm, do not reach the bottom.

The process of preparing water lasts 5-30 minutes, depending on the required strength. After cooking, unplug the plug, quickly remove the bag and transfer the “dead” water into another container.

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Treatment with “living” and “dead” water (according to G. Z. Menedzhyan, A. Malovadko, B. V. Bolotov)

It has long been known that during the electrolysis of water using special preparations (activators), a chemical reaction occurs that decomposes water into positive and negative ions when current is passed through it from a constant voltage source. During the process of electrolysis, water near the anode acquires acidic properties (anolyte, dead), while near the cathode it acquires alkaline properties (live, catalyte).

Studies have shown that exposure to alkaline water quickly heals minor abrasions, cuts, and scratches.

The rapid healing of fresh wounds, burns, cuts, experiments with cotton (watering the beds with activated water) awakened us back alkaline water is “living”, and acidic water is “dead”(similar to many folk tales).

Since 1985, activated water began to be called more officially: acidic, “dead” - analyte (from the word “anode”), drug A, bactericide; alkaline, “live” - catholyte (from the word “cathode”), drug K, stimulant.

One of the first to independently manufacture a household apparatus for producing “living” and “dead” water was D. Krotov, a distinguished innovator and inventor from Stavropol. He tested it on himself and proposed the first recipes for using activated water for medicinal purposes.

Various options for making an activator at home are published in the literature. One of them is shown in the diagram.

Preparation of activated water

Liter jar, 2 stainless steel electrodes, the distance between them is 40 mm, do not reach the bottom. Stainless steel size 40 x 160 x 0.8 mm.

The process of preparing water lasts 5-30 minutes, depending on the required strength. After cooking, unplug the plug, quickly remove the bag and pour the “dead” water into another bowl.

Anode is a plate connected to the network through a diode D246 or D247.

Cathode is a plate connected directly to the network.

Place a tarpaulin bag into a glass jar and pour water, leaving about 0.5 cm to the top edge. Water can be taken directly from the tap, having previously purified it with a household filter, or boiled, but in this case the activated water sharply worsens its biological properties. Place the electrodes - one in a bag, the other in a jar, plug into the network. After 5-30 minutes (depending on the required strength), the activated water is ready. Turn off the device from the network, remove the electrodes from the jar, take out the canvas bag with “dead” water and transfer it to another container. Remove white flakes - harmless calcium salts - from “living” water by filtering. It is advisable to swap the electrodes from time to time, that is, at one time the electrode serves as a cathode, then as an anode, so that they are cleaned of calcium salts deposited on them.

Activated water is widely used for medical purposes in Japan, Israel, France, India and some other countries. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of treatment using this water reaches 88-93%.

Activated water in some cases may be more effective and cheaper than traditional water.

Properties of activated water

Water, called “living”, has a pH value of about 0.5, “dead” - accordingly, about 3.

Acidic (“dead”) water- This is a clear liquid from the sediment, sour in taste, slightly astringent, and has an acidic odor. It retains its biological properties for 2-3 weeks - depending on its concentration and storage conditions. Acidic water should be stored in tightly closed containers away from sunlight. It is advisable to use a thermos or dark glass bottles.

Acidic water has pronounced antiseptic properties. When used internally, it lowers blood pressure, slows down the body, reduces joint pain, etc. When used externally, it disinfects bandages and kills germs in festering wounds.

Alkaline (“living”) water- also transparent, although after the reaction a precipitate in the form of flakes is possible. The worse the original tap water, the more sediment there is. It has practically no smell. The taste is alkaline, soft, reminiscent of rain water. This water quickly heals fresh wounds, stimulates metabolism in the body, increases blood pressure, improves appetite and digestion. If it is stored in a dark place, without access to air, it retains its properties for a week.

When preparing and using activated water, it is advisable to follow the following rules.

Activated water should not be stored in the refrigerator and should not be cooled unnecessarily.

This is due to a number of reasons, in particular the vibration of the refrigerator and its magnetic field. Although this field is small, its influence significantly affects the quality of water, worsening its properties. In many of the recipes below, it is recommended to heat the activated water before use. Caution should be exercised in this case as well. Water must be heated over low heat, preferably in an enamel or ceramic container (but not on an electric stove!), and not brought to a boil, otherwise the water will practically lose its beneficial properties.

When mixing “living” and “dead” water, mutual neutralization occurs, and the resulting liquid loses its activity. Therefore, when ingesting “live” and then “dead” water, you need to pause between doses for at least 1.5-2 hours.

For external use - say, after treating a wound with “dead” water - a pause of 8-10 minutes is also necessary, and only then can the wound be treated with “living” water.

Once again, it should be emphasized that activated water is not an artificial, but a natural product. It does not cause allergies, but, on the contrary, successfully treats them. In the worst case, water will only have no noticeable effect in treating a specific ailment, but will still have a beneficial effect on overall well-being and will not cause any harm.

The effect of activated water can be enhanced by using inhalations, especially for the treatment of infectious colds (“dead” water). The electrophoresis method can also be used, for example, in the treatment of a runny nose.

To do this, you need to wrap two thin electrodes (anodes) in gauze, after moistening the gauze with “dead” water, and insert them into the nose. The cathode must be pressed against the moistened back of the head. Of course, care must be taken: the source voltage should not exceed 3-4.5 V. Usually 1-2 procedures of 10-12 minutes are sufficient.

You should not take medications with activated water. As a last resort, it is necessary to maintain a pause of 2-2.5 hours between taking medications and water.

When ingesting activated water, the average single dose for an adult is usually 1/2 cup (unless the dosage is specified in a specific recipe). For children aged 2 to 5 years - 1/4 cup, from 5 to 12 years - 1/3 cup, from 12 and over - 1/2 cup.

For external use and rinsing, it is better to repeat the procedure 6-10 times a day.

If the recipe does not indicate the time for taking water, take it 30 minutes before meals or 2-2.5 hours after meals.

Before using water for cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to degrease the skin with high-quality soap or an alcohol solution of salicylic acid.

Before applying a water compress, the sore spot must be warmed with either sand, salt, or a 5-minute light massage. Before use, activated water (for compresses and rinses) must be heated in a water bath (that is, not over direct heat, and especially not on an electric stove).

We have to reassure the overly zealous fans of this water - it cannot be taken uncontrollably.

This is not daily drinking water, but a strictly dosed, specific medicine.

On the state of acid-base balance of KShchR (Molovchenko). Blood can be judged by the color of the conjunctiva (in the corner of the eyes). At normal ASR, the color of the conjunctiva is bright pink, at an acidic state it is pale pink, at an alkaline state it is dark pink. The color changes 80 s after any substance enters the body (by any route). Here, “living” and “dead” water can fully work for the benefit of the whole organism.

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General methods of cleansing the bodyThe use of “living” and “dead” water to treat a number of diseases

It has long been known that during the electrolysis of water using special preparations (activators), a chemical reaction occurs that decomposes water into positive and negative ions when current is passed through it from a constant voltage source. During the process of electrolysis, water near the anode acquires acidic properties (anolyte, dead), while near the cathode it acquires alkaline properties (live, catalyte).

Studies have shown that exposure to alkaline water quickly heals minor abrasions, cuts, and scratches.

The rapid healing of fresh wounds, burns, cuts, experiments with cotton (watering the beds with activated water) awakened us back alkaline water is “living”, and acidic water is “dead”(similar to many folk tales).

Since 1985, activated water began to be called more officially: acidic, “dead” - analyte (from the word “anode”), drug A, bactericide; alkaline, “live” - catholyte (from the word “cathode”), drug K, stimulant.

One of the first to independently manufacture a household apparatus for producing “living” and “dead” water was D. Krotov, an honored innovator and inventor from Stavropol. He tested it on himself and proposed the first recipes for using activated water for medicinal purposes.

Various options for making an activator at home are published in the literature. One of them is shown in the diagram.

Preparation of activated water

Liter jar, 2 stainless steel electrodes, the distance between them is 40 mm, do not reach the bottom. Stainless steel size 40 x 160 x 0.8 mm.

The process of preparing water lasts 5-30 minutes, depending on the required strength. After cooking, unplug the plug, quickly remove the bag and pour the “dead” water into another bowl.

Anode is a plate connected to the network through a diode D246 or D247.

Cathode is a plate connected directly to the network.

Place a tarpaulin bag into a glass jar and pour water, leaving about 0.5 cm to the top edge. Water can be taken directly from the tap, having previously purified it with a household filter, or boiled, but in this case the activated water sharply worsens its biological properties. Place the electrodes - one in a bag, the other in a jar, and plug into the network. After 5-30 minutes (depending on the required strength), the activated water is ready. Turn off the device from the network, remove the electrodes from the jar, take out the canvas bag with “dead” water and transfer it to another container. Remove white flakes – harmless calcium salts – from “living” water by filtering. It is advisable to swap the electrodes from time to time, i.e. at one time the electrode serves as a cathode, then as an anode, so that they are cleaned of calcium salts deposited on them.

Activated water is widely used for medical purposes in Japan, Israel, France, India and some other countries. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of treatment using this water reaches 88-93%.

Activated water in some cases may be more effective and cheaper than traditional water.

Properties of activated water

Water, called “living”, has a pH value of about 0.5, “dead” - accordingly, about 3.

Acidic (“dead”) water- This is a clear liquid from the sediment, sour in taste, slightly astringent, and has an acidic odor. It retains its biological properties for 2-3 weeks, depending on its concentration and storage conditions. Acidic water should be stored in tightly closed containers away from sunlight. It is advisable to use a thermos or dark glass bottles.

Acidic water has pronounced antiseptic properties. When used internally, it lowers blood pressure, slows down metabolism in the body, reduces joint pain, etc. When used externally, it disinfects bandages and kills germs in festering wounds.

Alkaline (“living”) water– also transparent, although after the reaction a precipitate in the form of flakes is possible. The worse the original tap water, the more sediment there is. It has practically no smell. The taste is alkaline, soft, reminiscent of rain water. This water quickly heals fresh wounds, stimulates metabolism in the body, increases blood pressure, improves appetite and digestion. If it is stored in a dark place, without access to air, it retains its properties for a week.

When preparing and using activated water, it is advisable to follow the following rules.

Activated water should not be stored in the refrigerator and should not be cooled unnecessarily.

This is due to a number of reasons, in particular the vibration of the refrigerator and its magnetic field. Although this field is small, its influence significantly affects the quality of water, worsening its properties. In many of the recipes below, it is recommended to heat the activated water before use. Caution should be exercised in this case as well. Water must be heated over low heat, preferably in an enamel or ceramic container (but not on an electric stove!), and not brought to a boil, otherwise the water will practically lose its beneficial properties.

When mixing “living” and “dead” water, mutual neutralization occurs, and the resulting liquid loses its activity. Therefore, when ingesting “live” and then “dead” water, you need to pause between doses for at least 1.5-2 hours.

For external use – say, after treating a wound with “dead” water – a pause of 8-10 minutes is also necessary, and only then can the wound be treated with “living” water.

Once again, it should be emphasized that activated water is not an artificial, but a natural product. It does not cause allergies, but, on the contrary, successfully treats them. In the worst case, water will only have no noticeable effect in treating a specific ailment, but will still have a beneficial effect on overall well-being and will not cause any harm.

The effect of activated water can be enhanced by using inhalations, especially for the treatment of infectious colds (“dead” water). The electrophoresis method can also be used, for example, in the treatment of a runny nose.

To do this, you need to wrap two thin electrodes (anodes) in gauze, after moistening the gauze with “dead” water, and insert them into the nose. The cathode must be pressed against the moistened back of the head. Of course, care must be taken: the source voltage should not exceed 3-4.5 V. Usually 1-2 procedures of 10-12 minutes are sufficient.

You should not take medications with activated water. As a last resort, it is necessary to maintain a pause of 2-2.5 hours between taking medications and water.

When ingesting activated water, the average single dose for an adult is usually 1/2 cup (unless the dosage is specified in a specific recipe). For children aged 2 to 5 years - 1/4 cup, from 5 to 12 years - 1/3 cup, from 12 and over - 1/2 cup.

For external use and rinsing, it is better to repeat the procedure 6-10 times a day.

If the recipe does not indicate the time for taking water, take it 30 minutes before meals or 2-2.5 hours after meals.

Before using water for cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to degrease the skin with high-quality soap or an alcohol solution of salicylic acid.

Before applying a water compress, the sore spot must be warmed with either sand, salt, or a 5-minute light massage. Before use, activated water (for compresses and rinses) must be heated in a water bath (that is, not over direct heat, and especially not on an electric stove).

We have to reassure the overly zealous fans of this water - it cannot be taken uncontrollably.

This is not daily drinking water, but a strictly dosed, specific medicine.

On the state of acid-base balance of KShchR (Molovchenko). Blood can be judged by the color of the conjunctiva (in the corner of the eyes). When the ASR is normal, the color of the conjunctiva is bright pink, in an acidic state it is pale pink, and in an alkaline state it is dark pink. The color changes 80 s after any substance enters the body (by any route). Here, “living” and “dead” water can fully work for the benefit of the whole organism.

The use of “living” and “dead” water to treat a number of diseases

Magnetic water according to Malovichko A., Menedzhyan E

Doctor of Medical Sciences E. Utekhin (1984) in the newspaper “Soviet Industry” wrote about the power of magnetic baths: “Magnetized water becomes biologically active and therefore can have a therapeutic effect.”

Properties of magnetized water

Experiments have shown that ingestion of magnetized water increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, and promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys.

Positive results were also noted in the treatment of patients suffering from eczema and various skin diseases – dermatitis, infectious polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. – with magnetized water.

Since magnetized water has a normalizing effect on cholesterol metabolism in atherosclerosis and has a positive effect on the course of the disease, a number of scientists recommend drinking it not only for medicinal purposes, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Preparation of magnetized water

Magnetized water can be prepared at home.

You need to buy a device for magnetic water treatment UMOV-400V from a hardware store (the method of using water is written in the instructions).

Its scheme is simple: tap water is passed through a tube, inside of which there are two magnets that change its structure and pH. For two or three weeks of cooking, use only this water.

Treatment with silver water (according to Malovichko, Ozerova)

The healing properties of water, acquired after contact with metallic silver, were known in ancient times.

The Persian king Cyrus back in the 5th century. BC e. used drinking water stored in silver sacred vessels on campaigns.

Silver water has a detrimental effect on numerous bacteria and viruses. The high bactericidal properties of electrolytic silver solution are recognized as highly effective and are used mainly for preserving drinking water. This method will allow, with a high degree of guarantee, to disinfect and preserve water on sea vessels for the entire duration of voyages.

Today astronauts use this water.

The use of silver in medical practice

Despite the fact that silver solutions have been used by people since ancient times to treat many diseases and there is irrefutable evidence of the use of silver in medical practice, it must be admitted that at present it is unjustified under the pressure of the commercial industry for treating antibiotics and other chimeras.

In 1895, Crede was the first to use organic silver salts in surgical practice as an antiseptic for the treatment of wounds. The best preparation turned out to be a solution of silver citrate in concentrations of 100-200 mg/l. Later, Crede used silver-plated gauze as an antiseptic for household use and in military field practice.

Ammonia solutions were used in the treatment of surgical sepsis.

Silver powder prepared with labile was used to treat superficial wounds and other skin lesions.

The use of colloidal silver has given good results in the disinfection of tetanus and diphtheria toxins.

“Silver water” was used to prepare various vaccines. Even the typhoid vaccine was preserved.

The results of using “silver water” and a solution of silver salts for medicinal purposes indicate the effectiveness of their action in gastrointestinal diseases, cholecystitis, inflammatory processes of the pharynx, eyes, superficial ulcers, and wounds.

An excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent for the treatment of acute and subacute arthritis, dystrophic osteoarthritis, chronic osteomyelitis, postoperative inflammatory phenomena, wounds, carbuncles, boils, felons, pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue - electrophoresis on “silver water”. This method is especially valuable for intolerance to antibiotics and sulfonamides, as well as for microorganisms that are resistant to them.

A positive therapeutic result during tonsillectomy is achieved by rinsing 3-4 times a day at a dose of 200 mg/l.

Sanitation of the palatine tonsils with electrolytic silver is the most effective. It simultaneously kills different types of pyogenic and intestinal streptococci and staphylococci that ventilate in the crypts of the palatine tonsils, and perfectly treats chronic vasomotor-allergic rhinitis.

Among drugs for the treatment of burns, silver has no equal in effectiveness.

“Silver water” can be used as an external remedy (lotions, baths) in the treatment of dermatoses: viral, yeast, strepto-staphylococcal, trophic origin.

Adding a small amount of ammonia to silver water makes electrolytic silver solutions highly digestible.

Professor P. E. Ermolaev’s famous drug “Ammargen” (2.5 parts of silver nitrate dissolved in a mixture consisting of 30 parts of 25% ammonia and 70 parts of water) was used in the famous clinic of N. N. Burdenko. This drug was used to treat purulent wounds, peritonitis, phlegmon, purulent pleurisy, traumatic infected wounds, carbuncles, furunculosis, sore throat, acute rhinitis, frostbite, lymphangitis, sterile and secondary infected tuberculous purulent pneumopleurisy, septic postpartum diseases, etc.

The combination of tuberculostatic therapy with silver electrophoresis for the treatment of tuberculous lobar pneumonia helps to accelerate the elimination of the perifocal exudative reaction, the resorption of cheesy necrosis, the rapid elimination of foci of tuberculous pneumonia and foci of extrapulmonary tuberculous dissemination.

“Silver water” obtained by electrolytic method is used in the form of irrigations and applications for the treatment of ulcerative gingivostomatitis, multiform exudative erythema, long-term non-healing ulcers, acute stomatitis, fungal stomatitis, inflammatory-dystrophic form of periodontal disease. In other words, it is a good treatment for acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa.

Irrigate the oral cavity for 5-7 minutes with “silver water” at a concentration of 22-25 mg/l.

The procedures are prescribed for patients with inflammatory-dystrophic forms of periodontal disease I, II, III degrees, catarrhal, ulcerative gingivitis. After a course of treatment, researchers note the absence of serous-purulent discharge, an increase in the resistance of capillaries, pain disappears, and the gum mucosa thickens.

“Silver water” in the Ufa TB dispensary is successfully used in the treatment of fistulas and ulcers formed as a result of bone tuberculosis and tuberculosis of the lymph glands with decay and suppuration. For many years, wounds that had not healed healed within 2-5 months.

In the Krasnodar region, “silver water” is successfully used to treat chronic tonsillitis, catarrhal tonsillitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, trophic ulcers, in gynecological and dental practice, and physiotherapy.

“Silver water” is highly effective in the treatment of bacterial vulvovaginitis in children.

“Silver water” can be successfully used in veterinary practice for the prevention and treatment of condicosis in rabbits and dyspepsia in calves, diarrhea in bees, and gastric diseases in piglets.

When systematically drinking drinking water treated with silver, its dose in water should not exceed 0.05 mg/l.

Approximate dosage of electrolytic solutions for internal use 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals or 20 minutes after meals, 0.4-0.6 mg. Duration of treatment as prescribed by the doctor.

“Silver water” is prepared with special electric ionizers of different models and power (see special manuals).

The use of “silver water” in medical practice. The author gives these recommendations based on the scientific work of many research institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the recommendations of the Honored Doctor M. A. Romodanov, Candidate of Medical Sciences A. A. Vakar.

Based on the collected material, detailed recommendations can be given on the use of silver solutions in various areas and according to the following recipe.

1. Surgery(for damage to bones, muscles, joints, lymph nodes and other organs caused by streptostaphylopneumococcal infection, tuberculosis bacillus, etc.). Silver concentration is 20-30 mg/l, solution temperature is 30-32 °C for irrigation, rinsing, lotions, compresses, as well as for introduction into fistula openings.

2. Ophthalmology(for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, inflammation of the lacrimal sac and other inflammatory processes). Silver concentration is 10-20 mg/l, temperature for lotions and rinses is room temperature.

3. ENT (otorhinolaryngology)– with damage to the external auditory canal, inflammation of the middle ear, mastoiditis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and rhinitis, as well as with various forms of tonsillitis and influenza epidemics. The concentration of silver is 20-25 mg/l, the solution is heated, it is used for treatment and prevention in the form of rinses, washes and lotions.

4. Therapy and endocrinology(in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic hyperacid gastritis, accompanied by heartburn, as well as in the treatment of secretory neuroses with increased secretion of gastric juice; enteritis and colitis, for endocrinological diseases, headaches and metabolic disorders - diabetes, diathesis) . Silver concentration – 20 mg/l, 2 tbsp. l. per day 15-20 minutes before meals for 1-3 months.

5. Infectious diseases(for dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc.). Silver concentration – 10-20 mg/l, 1 tbsp. l. every four hours, as well as in the form of warm rinses and enemas.

6. Obstetrics and gynecology(for various inflammatory processes of the gynecological mucosa and cracked nipples). Silver concentration is 20-25 mg/l, in the form of irrigations, gauze swabs and rinses.

7. Dermatology(for furunculosis and fungal skin lesions). Silver concentration is 30-35 mg/l, the solution is heated.

8. Dentistry(for aphthous-ulcerous stomatitis, gingivitis, and other diseases of the oral cavity). Silver concentration – 20 mg/l, solution – heated, for rinsing. Prince Silver drops improve immunity.

Silver preparations in official medicine.

Protargol (Protardoum)– Argentum Protenicum – brown-yellow or brown powder, odorless, slightly bitter and slightly astringent taste, easily soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform. Contains 7.8-8.3% silver. It is used as an astringent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for lubricating the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract (1-5%), for washing the urethra and bladder with gonorrheal chronic urethritis, etc.

Kole Pargol (Collerdolum)– Ardentum colloidale, colloidal silver.

Greenish or bluish-black small plates with a metallic sheen that dissolve in water to form colloidal silver. Contains 70% silver. Apply:

1) in the form of a 0.2-1% solution for washing purulent wounds;

2) in the form of a 1-2% solution for washing the bladder for chronic cystitis and urethritis;

3) for purulent conjunctivitis and blepharitis in a 2-3-5% solution for eye drops;

4) for erysipelas, chancre, lymphadenitis, sometimes rubbing in a 15% ointment is prescribed - adults 3 g, children 1 g four times a day.

Precautionary measures

These recommendations are extremely cautious and do not exhaust all the possibilities of “silver water”. The concentration doses are clearly overestimated (so as not to take risks). The author, however, cautions against excessive use of high concentrations for internal use.

Toxic effects occur in humans when taking 2 g of silver. At 10 g death occurs. Doses of silver described for medicinal and other purposes can never lead to toxic manifestations, since they are used in almost homeopathic doses.

Treatment with bee products (according to Kuzmina K. O., Sokolinskaya V. O.)

Bee honey is a product produced by honey bees ( Apis mellifera) mainly from the nectar of flowering plants, but differing from nectar in physical and chemical properties.

Honey is widely used as an excellent prophylactic agent for improving immunity, for frequent colds, anemia, neuroses, diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, skin, eyes, in urology, etc. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and restorative effects. Constant consumption of honey increases the body's immunological reactivity, makes it resistant to infections, and the sick body tolerates the disease more easily. Honey is indicated for the treatment of lungs and kidneys, cleanses the body of toxins, is indispensable for spasms of internal organs, and is very good for urolithiasis. From a therapeutic point of view, the value of honey is explained by three factors: the nature of sugars, the presence of pollen and royal jelly in honey, and the effect of antibiotics from the bee’s body. Honey intake is individual, but not more than 150 g per day.

Consult your doctor before starting honey treatment.

Propolis (according to Sokolinskaya V. A., Kuzmina K. O.)

Propolis is a sticky resinous substance collected from plants of various types (buds and cracks of poplar, birch, coniferous trees, sunflower, etc.), which bees use to seal honeycombs. This is the most active natural antibiotic, equal in activity to eucalyptus, calendula, onion, and garlic. Propolis has a very specific smell and taste. It leaves a bitter and astringent taste on the tongue and is chewed like chewing gum.

This is exactly how it is recommended to consume it - chew and swallow after 10-15 minutes. In this case, propolis manages to disinfect the oral mucosa, the bactericidal substances are absorbed into the blood and also enter the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The remaining beneficial components enter the stomach and intestines. Propolis completely dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract. A dose of propolis of 0.1 g is a piece the size of a match head. For daily intake for most diseases, including infectious diseases, much more is required - five times. Therefore, propolis tincture is more often used: dissolve 5 g of propolis in 20 ml of vodka, leave for 13 days and take as prescribed by a doctor. Consult your doctor.

Propolis extract “Propoltin” is produced industrially – tablets coated with an enteric coating. This drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as pronounced antiviral activity against enteric coronaviruses, and does not cause allergies or local irritations.

Recently, a treatment method in which propolis must be inhaled has become widely used. Analysis of the results obtained indicates that in this way it is possible to treat bronchitis, acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx and larynx, chronic inflammation of the bronchi, chronic nonspecific pneumonia and bronchial asthma, chronic pharyngitis.

In these and other cases of respiratory diseases, it is recommended to use a 5% alcohol solution of propolis in the form of an emulsion in peach, sea buckthorn, rosehip oil in a ratio of 1: 3, 1: 2, 1: 1 or diluted with distilled water in the same ratio.

A teaspoon of 30% propolis tincture in 95% alcohol is dissolved in 0.5 cups of warm milk and taken an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

20-30 g of 10-15% propolis oil (propolis mixed with butter) is spread on bread and eaten 3-4 times a day (preferably before meals).

Pure propolis, mixed with oil, honey, milk or diluted in alcohol, is considered a powerful remedy with blood purifying, antibiotic, antiseptic, antimycotic and anti-infective properties. It is used when waste products leak into the blood and deposits on the walls of blood vessels (triglycerides, cholesterol, organic acids, foreign impurities).

Pure propolis is taken 3-4 times a day before meals. They chew it for a very long time before swallowing it.

Shilajit treatment

Mumiyo (Greek) means “preserving the body.”

Mumiyo is a bitter-tasting solid mass of dark brown or black color with a shiny surface. This product contains many organic substances and various microelements. This is a viscous, sticky mass. It softens with the warmth of your hands, has a persistent specific odor, and dissolves in water with a small sediment.

Mumiyo, due to its good solubility, is used internally with juices, water, honey, tea, milk, etc.

It is also used externally for lubrication, instillation with various juices, alcohol, honey, etc.

Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) in the “Canon of Medical Science” recommended Shilajit 0.071 g with marjoram juice for the treatment of diseases such as migraines, purulent inflammation of the middle ear, bone fractures, dislocations, bruises, wounds, for paralysis of the facial nerve - 0.035 g Shilajit mixed with rose oil. In large doses (0.190 g each), he recommended using mumiyo in a mixture with condensed juice (clear syrup), mulberry or lentil decoctions for diseases of the digestive organs (stomach, liver, spleen), as well as for some inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (angina and sore throat).

Reception of mumiyo according to Shakirov A. Sh. Children under 14 years old - 0.05 g, adults - 0.2-0.3 g once a day on an empty stomach 1-2 hours before meals. Drink with sweet tea, milk, honey. Total treatment time – 6 g. Course of treatment – ​​7-10 days. Break for 10 days, then repeat 2 more times.

Reception of mumiyo according to V.P. Tsarev. Purpose: diseases of the bladder, liver and kidneys, including urolithiasis, bronchial asthma, headaches.

Preparation: dissolve 3 g of mumiyo in 3-4 liters of boiled water.

Treatment: drink 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to drink it with boiled beet juice. The course of treatment is 10 days.

For kidney stones, if necessary, after 5-10 days, repeat the course of treatment as many times as necessary for complete cure. After each course of treatment there is a break of 5-10 days. During the entire treatment and 15 years later, follow a diet.

Treatment according to Lyubetsky A. E.

1. Neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia. Course of treatment: 10 rubs into the skin, 40-50 g each. Method – apply a layer of mummy to the surface moistened with warm water until the skin turns black (2-3 g). Then rub in with your hand wearing a surgical glove.

2. Bronchial asthma. In severe cases, drink a 7% solution of mumiyo. In total you will need 35 g. Scheme: 10 days, 1 tsp. on an empty stomach, drink 0.5 glasses of warm milk. 10 days break. Full course – 1 month and 3 weeks.

3. Cardiovascular diseases. Course – 10 days. Prepare a solution: dissolve 8 g in 500 g of water.

Scheme: 1-3 times a day, 1/2 tsp. on an empty stomach. From the 4th day, add 3-4 drops daily, increase the dose to 1 tsp.

Urine therapy

Here is what Dr. Mitkal writes in the book “Urine Therapy”: “Urine contains rapidly disintegrating salts. These salts destroy acidity and as a result many diseases are cured by attacking their causes. These salts eliminate pain in the kidneys, intestines and uterus. Using urine cleanses the kidneys, ureters and removes kidney stones.”

John W. Armstrong, in his book on urinary therapy, The Water of Life, writes that urine therapy helps with gangrene, tuberculosis, etc.

G. Z. Minendzhyan, G. G. Malakhov, M. O. Sokolinskaya recommend treating nervous diseases, asthma, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, and rheumatism with urine.

Urinary therapy technique (auto-urinary):

1) internal use, which includes ingestion of one glass or more;

2) external use (from rubbing fresh urine to massage, compresses).

Basic Rules

1. A medium portion of urine should be used.

2. Urine should be sipped like tea, and not drunk in one gulp like water.

3. The first urine of the day (morning) is the most important and is best taken between 3 and 4 am.

4. Drink at least one liter of water per day.

5. Spicy and salty foods, as well as excess protein should be avoided. Urine obtained an hour after eating contains more enzymes and valuable body substances.

6. Urine obtained at night before 3 am should not be used.

7. As for the amount of urine, this issue is decided by each person individually.

Internal application practice

1. Once a day.

2. Three times a day:

1) preferably from 3 to 4 am;

2) at noon or an hour after lunch;

3) an hour after dinner.


This form is more effective and requires a low-salt, low-protein diet.

In urine therapy, absolute fasting is used: periodic or partial.

Absolute fasting - exclusion of food and water (carried out no longer than a day under the supervision of a doctor).

Complete fasting - exclusion of food (short - 3 days, medium duration - 7-10 days and long - 2 weeks or more, but not longer than 40 days). Intermittent or partial fasting is the partial exclusion of certain foods from the diet.

Cleansing the body with the help of a golden mustache (according to V. Agarkov)

General information about the plant

The homeland of the golden mustache (the botanical name of this plant is dichorisandra) is distant Brazil.

Recently, after information appeared about the extraordinary medicinal properties of this plant, interest in it has increased.

The dichorisandra (golden whisker) plant looks similar to young corn. Upon reaching adulthood, it throws out a mustache consisting of “joints”, at the ends of which a panicle is formed.

The plant acquires medicinal properties after at least 9 brown-violet “joints” are formed on the shoots.

The juice of the plant has wound-healing properties; for its medicinal properties it is often called “living water.” It treats skin diseases well (lichen, ulcers, cystic neoplasms). To do this, apply a cotton swab soaked in juice from the plant tendrils to the sore spot.

Treatment of various diseases with a golden mustache

For polyarthritis, arthrosis, chondrosis, arthritis. Infuse 15 “joints” in one can of vodka or 400 ml of 40% alcohol. Leave for 21 days.

Apply topically (rub) for diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, also used for skin diseases, atherosclerosis, etc.

One leaf at least 20 cm in size must be crushed and poured with one liter of boiling water in a glass jar, wrapped, left for a day, taken 3-4 times a day for 40 minutes, 50 g each warm.

This infusion treats many internal diseases, removes toxins from the body, small stones and sand from the kidneys and bladder. As a result of comprehensive cleansing of the body, the general health of patients dramatically improves, they become more active, and many have improved vision. Can be used as a prophylactic for a month. Then take a break for three months.

For bronchial asthma. Grind 35-50 “joints” of liana-like shoots, infuse in 1.5 liters of vodka for 9 days in a dark place. The vodka infusion takes on a lilac color. Take it 1 dessiatin. l. 40 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Do not drink or binge on anything!

During the initial period of treatment, the symptoms of the disease may intensify. This is not something to be afraid of. Unpleasant symptoms will pass quickly. You will feel a surge of strength, good sleep and appetite.

For inflammation of the gums. For gum inflammation, chew dichorysandra leaves. It is best to store them in a dark and cool place.

For leukemia. The plant is infused with honey and Cahors in the following weight ratio: one part of the ground dichorisandra plant should be mixed with one part of buckwheat honey and poured with two parts of Cahors, infuse for 40 days. Take a tablespoon three times a day 40 minutes before meals and wash down with a decoction of dried horse chestnut flowers (1 tablespoon of flowers per liter of water) 0.5 cups.

Melt (“protium”) water (A. Malovichko)

Melt water itself is not a medicine. It promotes self-regulation, improves metabolism and increases the activity of every cell in our body. The fact is that as a result of freezing, water changes its structure; its molecules are attracted to each other by a large number of hydrogen bonds. This is the composition of protoplasm - the liquid contained in the cells of the body. This means that such water is more biologically active than ordinary water and is easier to digest. This is precisely its unique properties.

If you drink at least 1-2 glasses of melt water daily, you will significantly improve your well-being, normalize the activity of the heart, blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord, improve blood composition, strengthen muscle tissue and feel a surge of strength. Melt water helps reduce heart pain, cough, relieves pain from hemorrhoids, eases the course of the disease with varicose veins, headaches, etc.

Preparation of melt water

Pour regular (filtered) water into flat vessels (enamel pans). Place in the freezer (on the balcony in winter). After 4-5 hours, defrost at room temperature before using.

Ice for diseases

For the prevention and treatment of vascular disorders. Drink 2-3 glasses of cold melt water a day, even with pieces of ice. The first glass should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, about an hour before meals. The rest - throughout the day, also an hour before meals.

For metabolic disorders . For 30-40 days, drink melt water 4-5 times a day half an hour before meals. You should drink at least 1% of your total body weight per day. For example, if you weigh 80 kg, then you need to drink 800 g of melt water. Then reduce the dose by half and drink for another 30-40 days.

To prevent colds. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of melt water at room temperature.

Pour a glass of melt water at room temperature into a wide bowl (basin, baking sheet), bend as low as possible towards the water and breathe with your mouth wide open. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes.

When coughing . Gargle with melt water at room temperature 5-7 times a day after meals and drink at least 4-5 glasses a day. The course of treatment is 4-5 days.

For chronic rhinitis . Rinse your nose once a day at night with melt water at room temperature.

For skin diseases, especially with a pronounced allergic component (eczema, neurodermatitis). Drink a glass of melt water 2 times a day. In addition, apply compresses with melt water to inflamed areas. Already on the 3-5th day the itching decreases.

For periodontal disease and stomatitis. Every day, 2-3 times a day, rinse your mouth with 1/2 cup of melt water at room temperature.

For headaches (migraines). Wipe your temples and forehead every 5-10 minutes with a cloth moistened with melted cold water, in which the ice has not completely melted. The pain will gradually subside. If the pain is very severe, especially in the front of the head, lie on your back and put a compress of melted water at room temperature on your forehead and eyes.

For eye strain, fatigue, conjunctivitis, especially if you have to stay in twilight for a long time or spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor, rinse your eyes with ice-cold melt water for 7-10 minutes before going to bed.

For swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the legs (especially at the end of the day ) Take a 10-minute foot bath with cool melt water before bed. The feeling of discomfort disappears after 2-3 procedures.

Inhalation of melt water will protect you from the flu. Inhalation of fresh melt water is very useful in the autumn-spring period. They significantly reduce the likelihood of contracting ARVI and influenza. Moreover, thanks to inhalation, breathing improves, the condition and functions of the nasopharyngeal mucosa are normalized. And studies have shown that in children suffering from pneumonia, cough, dry and moist wheezing disappeared a week earlier, the temperature decreased, and the recovery process significantly accelerated.

Cannot be stored!

The process of making melt water is quite long and troublesome, so some people try to prepare it for future use. This cannot be done, since after 16-18 hours at room temperature the biological activity of water decreases several times. Therefore, it is better to prepare more ice cubes at once, crush them into small “portions” and store them in the freezer, thawing them as needed.

It makes no sense to use melt water for cooking or healing herbal infusions. When heated above 37 °C, this water loses all its healing properties.

So you can dilute syrup or juice, but you don’t need to drink tea.

Treatment with apple cider vinegar (according to B. Bolotov, O. V. Korneev)

What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar contains all the minerals found in the apple. If we examine the effect of various types of vinegar, we can come to the conclusion that none of them gives the same effect in the treatment of various ailments as apple cider vinegar.

To be used for medicinal purposes, apple cider vinegar must be made from crushed whole apples. Apple cider vinegar is commercially available. But it can be prepared from the peel and core of an apple, so it is intended for other purposes.

The healing properties of the original product are completely preserved in the final product, with the exception of only one change: the sugars are converted into acid, which, in fact, is vinegar.

One of the explanations for the versatility of apple cider vinegar as a medicine in folk medicine is its ability to bind elements such as chlorine, sodium, fluorine, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon and a number of trace elements with potassium.

Patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the kidneys should consult a doctor before using apple cider vinegar!

For what diseases is apple cider vinegar indicated?

For chronic fatigue . Mix 3 tsp. apple cider vinegar with a cup of honey. Before going to bed, take 2 tsp. mixtures. If this is not enough, double the dose, and you will be guaranteed a sound, healthy sleep.

Angina . Gargling with apple cider vinegar helps with sore throat. You need to add 1 tsp to a glass of water. apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to gargle with this solution every hour. At the same time, take a mouthful of solution, gargle and swallow the solution. When swallowing, the solution washes the back wall of the throat, which it does not reach during normal gargling. As the sore throat decreases, you can increase the interval between rinses to 2 hours.

Arthritis . Drink a glass of water with 1 tsp four times a day. apple cider vinegar, and after two weeks the pain in the small joints of the legs and arms will noticeably decrease.

Phlebeurysm. In the morning and at night, rub apple cider vinegar into the area of ​​varicose veins. Along with rubbing, twice a day you need to drink a glass of water in which 2 tsp is dissolved. apple cider vinegar.

Fungal diseases of the feet . You need to thoroughly lubricate your foot with a cotton swab moistened with apple cider vinegar. After drying, repeat the procedure several more times. Even if there are cracks, you still need to lubricate, overcoming the pain. Better let it pinch. After a week, the cracks usually heal and blisters no longer appear.

Hiccups . A glass of water with 1 tsp usually works well. apple cider vinegar, drunk in one breath. Better yet, add 5 drops of undiluted apple cider vinegar to a piece of sugar and dissolve it. Soon after this, the painful hiccups will stop.

Cough. One of the effective remedies is the following: mix half a glass of honey, 1 tsp. aloe juice and 3 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar. Take 2 tsp three to four times a day. before eating.

And one more recipe: 6 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar per glass of honey. Morning and evening take 1 tbsp. l. mixtures. In both cases, the cough goes away quite quickly.

Mild stomach upset. In cases of mild stomach upset, self-medication will help, it is best to take apple cider vinegar, since its spectrum of action is quite wide. It protects against infections, destroys putrefactive bacteria in the intestines, promotes the formation of healthy intestinal flora, helps the liver neutralize toxic substances, and also stimulates intestinal motility. In these cases, drinking plenty of water, acidified with apple cider vinegar, helps a lot: take 1 tsp per glass of boiled water. apple cider vinegar, preferably without adding honey. Usually drink from 6 to 8 glasses per day. If diarrhea continues for more than two days, there is stool mixed with mucus and blood, a high temperature rises and stomach cramps occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, because these are symptoms of quite serious diseases.

Migraine . In many cases, taking apple cider vinegar (can be mixed with honey) helps. You can use a steam bath. Place a bowl with equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar on the fire, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to low. When steam begins to rise from the surface, tilt your head over your pelvis. Inhale the vapors intensively. Usually after this the headache stops. If she appears again, she will be much weaker. Such a steam bath can successfully replace headache pills.

Neuralgia . Pain during inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is associated with an alkaline reaction of urine. This pain can be eliminated by drinking a glass of water with 1 tsp daily. apple cider vinegar. At the same time, a much greater effect is observed if acidified water is drunk not in one gulp, but in small sips.

Pyelitis (kidney inflammation). With this disease, there is pus in the urine. The condition usually improves by drinking a glass of water with 2 tsp. apple cider vinegar. However, you should not stop taking vinegar after the symptoms disappear. Continue to use this mixture further to avoid relapse of the disease.

Ringworm. Since apple cider vinegar is an excellent antiseptic, first of all you need to lubricate (cauterize) the affected area of ​​skin 5-6 times - removing the spot itself and slightly leaving its border - with undiluted apple cider vinegar. And do this during the day as often as possible, 6-8 times. As a tool, you can use a match with cotton wool wrapped around it. Additionally, it is good to do evening douses of the entire body with acidified water from a ladle in a ratio of 1: 5 (dilute one part of vinegar with five parts of water). It is also a good idea to take baths with the same acidified water.

Insect bites . If you are bitten by an insect, first, you need to immediately lubricate the affected area with undiluted apple cider vinegar. After a few minutes, the procedure must be repeated. This will prevent the bite site from swelling and reduce itching. If a sharp deterioration in the condition is observed as a result of a bee, wasp or bumblebee sting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Dizziness . A prerequisite for dizziness is the alkaline reaction of urine. When the reaction changes to acidic, the dizziness disappears or is significantly reduced. To prevent dizziness, apple cider vinegar is used, the timing of which and dosage are similar to those used in the treatment of other diseases.

However, do not think that the dizziness will disappear after the first bite. Some reduction will occur by the end of the second week, and improvement - by the end of the month.

Sinusitis. This disease usually causes alkaline urine. It can be changed to acidic and reduce pain if you drink one glass of water seven times every hour with the addition of 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar and obesity . Those suffering from this disease know how easy it is to gain extra pounds and how incredibly difficult it is to lose at least some of the unnecessary weight. What cunning businessmen don’t offer, knowing that fat people will grab any opportunity to lose weight! Apple cider vinegar copes with excess fat no worse than Herbalife, and it is much safer and cheaper. But those who want to lose weight while lying on the couch and eating cakes should hardly rely only on apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is simply not able to burn all the accumulated fat cells, but it can reduce cravings for sweets and also reduce appetite. A person who, while eating, drinks a glass of water to which 1 tsp is added. apple cider vinegar, eats less because he gets full faster.

Traditional medicine also recommends the following use of apple cider vinegar. Drink a glass of water in which 2 tsp is dissolved. apple cider vinegar with every meal for a year. Apple cider vinegar helps burn fat in the body and reduces its deposition.

Treatment with apple cider vinegar should only be done after consulting a doctor.

Let's make our own apple cider vinegar

Vinegar prepared at home is not only very cheap, since it is made almost entirely from what is usually simply thrown away, but also healthy: it does not contain any harmful additives.

Wash the apples thoroughly, cut out the wormy and rotten parts, then pass them through a juicer or grate them using a coarse grater. Place the resulting apple pulp in a prepared vessel, the capacity of which corresponds to the number of apples, and add warm boiled water at the rate of 0.5 liters per 400 g of apple pulp. Then for each liter of water add 100 g of honey or sugar, 10 g of bread yeast and 20 g of dry black bread.

Leave the container with this mixture open at a temperature of 20-30 °C. The vessel should be glass, wood or clay (you can also use an enamel pan) and stand in a dark place for 10 days. Don't forget to stir the paste with a wooden spoon 2-3 times a day.

After 10 days, transfer the mixture into a gauze bag and squeeze out. Strain the resulting juice again through cheesecloth and pour into a clean vessel with a wide neck. To each liter of the resulting product, you can add from 50 to 100 g of honey or sugar, stirring until completely dissolved. After this, the vessel is covered with gauze, tied and kept warm to continue fermentation, which is considered finally completed after the liquid has calmed down and become clear. This usually happens after 1.5-2 months. After this, the resulting apple cider vinegar is poured into bottles, filtered through cheesecloth. The bottles are tightly corked and stored in a cool place.

Metal therapy (according to Minedzhyan G.Z., Ozerova V.)

When copper, gold, and zinc come into contact with human skin, the current flows from the metal to the skin; when in contact with silver and tin, the current flows in the opposite direction, i.e., from the skin to the metal. Metals can attract and repel.

Aristotle and Galen knew about metal therapy. In Ancient Greece, copper was used to cure deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. Safronova, Ivanchenko and others used metal therapy (copper disks, copper money) to treat bruises, infectious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, ear pain, chronic bronchitis, inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the kidneys, lungs, kidney stones, and insomnia , headache.

For medical treatment, copper coins issued before 1961 are used. This coin is called MAG-1 - a copper-aluminum alloy; copper plates with a width of 50-60 mm and thickness in a ratio of 1: 10 are used. Vacuum copper is used: MV, MO, MAO, MG.

When used, the metal is periodically burned or moistened with a saline solution. The metal is applied for several days, secured with adhesive tape, then a break of up to 2 weeks, then applied again. The metal is applied to the sore spot and secured with an adhesive plaster.


For electrotherapy treatment, a circle with a diameter of 110 mm and a thickness of 10 mm is made from ebonite. A handle made of ebonite or wood is attached to the top. Ebonite grade “A” or “B”. When ebonite rubs against the body, biocurrents are created. Biocurrents are also produced by the body. A flow of biocurrents is created that acts on the painful area.

The idea of ​​the discovery – “electromagnetic biostimulation of anti-plasma metabolism with a reduced reaction of the body” – is the introduction of additional bioplasma electricity through the skin using stroking for 15 minutes.

Negative charges of static electricity from a circle of ebonite pass into the body's bioplasm, forming a biocurrent of 5-8-10 MQ in the body, the energy of which stimulates the trophic functions of fiber through molecules.

Take the circle in your hand, so that your fingers touch the top, and apply it to the sore spot. Make light friction against the body. Movements are clockwise.

If you do the procedure not yourself, but a second person, then to create a closed chain, the second person holds a circle in one hand, and with the other hand touches the patient’s body in any convenient place, the movements are circular. For good glide, sprinkle your body with talcum powder or baby powder.

One treatment session – no more than 15 minutes. For children – no more than 10 minutes. For those suffering from heart disease – 10 min.

For asthma You can make plates and wear them like beads, below the neck, 2 mm thick. Bunch of 15 pcs. Massage every other day from the chest and shoulder blades (one day - chest, second - shoulder blades) for 10-15 minutes (15-20 sessions).

For headaches– stroking the face in a circle with circular rotations (forehead, left cheek, chin, right cheek), clockwise (15-20 sessions).

Vibration gymnastics according to Mikulin

In the human body, there is a constant accumulation of metabolic products (toxins), which can be eliminated with the help of vibration exercises.

Execution method.

You need to rise on your toes so that your heels lift off the floor by just one centimeter, and sharply lower yourself to the floor. A concussion will occur, due to which the blood in the veins will receive an additional impulse to move upward.

Such body concussions should be done on the back, no more than once per second. After thirty exercises (concussions), you need to take a break of 5-10 seconds. During the day you should repeat the exercise 3-5 times for one minute. Do not raise your heels too high above the floor. Unnecessary fatigue of the feet may occur. Too frequent shaking is also useless. In the intervalvular spaces of the veins, a sufficient portion of blood does not have time to accumulate, and its wave will not overwhelm the next “floor” of the vein.

For each exercise, you should do no more than 60 shakes.

The shaking should be the same as nature intended when running. Therefore, vibration gymnastics does not pose any danger to the spine and its discs.

It is advisable to do vibration warm-up daily, during morning exercises.

Application: headache, thrombophlebitis, arthritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Help in preventing many diseases of internal organs (even myocardial infarction).

Self-massage (according to A.F. Verbov, A.O. Biryukov, N.N. Velikanov)

Even in ancient times, massage was used to raise general tone and improve blood circulation. In the famous Roman baths there were specially trained massage therapists; the Slavs used it in the form of whipping the body with a broom in the steam room.

Massage is a therapeutic method that involves mechanical irritation of the skin and underlying tissues (muscles, joints, blood vessels, etc.). Massage expands capillaries, increases the outflow of venous blood and interstitial fluid - lymph, increases blood flow to the massaged area, and also, due to neuro-reflex (i.e., reflected) influences, can have a therapeutic effect on diseased internal organs. Massage, in addition, has a tonic effect on the entire body.

The type of massage, the action of which is aimed at reflexogenic zones and through them to the internal organs, is called segmental.

It is very difficult, and in some cases even impossible, for the patient to perform segmental massage (for example, back massage).

However, in those diseases where reflexogenic zones are more accessible for self-massage (for example, with cerebral atherosclerosis), the inclusion of its elements in a classic massage is advisable. It should be emphasized that self-massage cannot replace a massage performed by a specialist; it has only an auxiliary value.

Depending on the patient’s health and well-being, massage can be performed both general and partial, for example, only the arms and legs, without affecting the abdomen and chest.

General therapeutic self-massage is recommended for patients with atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels (its early stages without symptoms of cerebrovascular accident), coronary vessels without frequent attacks of angina pectoris and heart failure (swelling in the legs), vessels of the arms and legs (mild forms without the phenomena of blockage of blood vessels). For more severely ill patients, self-massage is not recommended, as it is an additional muscle load. In addition, massage is used for insomnia, migraines, depression, etc.

General therapeutic self-massage is best done in the morning, after gymnastics, but you can alternate it with physical exercise or start with it and then move on to gymnastics.

The conditions for self-massage are as follows: the air temperature in the room should be such that the naked body does not feel cold. The optimal temperature for this is 22-24 °C. If the temperature is lower, then only the massaged parts of the body should be exposed. Hands should be clean, warm, skin clean. The use of any lubricants or talc is not recommended.

Basic self-massage techniques

When performing self-massage, the following basic techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

Stroking produced either by the palmar surface of the fingers or the entire palm. According to A.F. Verbov, a distinction is made between planar and enveloping stroking. The first is superficial and deep. When stroking superficially, the hand glides freely, relaxed, barely touching the skin. The self-massage procedure begins with stroking. When stroking deeply, the pressure is greater.

At rubbing the skin moves along with the massaging hand. Rub the palmar surface of two or three middle fingers in all directions, in the form of circles and more slowly than stroking. It must be remembered that the greater the angle at which the fingers are placed to the skin, the greater the pressure. Rubbing usually alternates with stroking.

Kneading has limited value for the purposes of self-massage for atherosclerosis and can only be applied to the trapezius muscle (shoulder girdle). Kneading (in this case intermittent) consists of grasping the muscle with the thumb and other fingers and alternately squeezing it.

Vibration consists of transmitting oscillatory movements of the hand to the massaged tissue. A distinction is made between continuous and intermittent vibration. For the purpose of self-massage, continuous vibration is used, which is performed either in one place or by moving the hand along the tissue being massaged. The pressure on the tissue during vibration should not be strong so as not to cause pain. Vibration is produced by the palmar surface of two or three fingers, for example when affecting the chest, or by the palms of both hands - when shaking the calf muscles of the leg or thigh.

When performing a massage, the mentioned techniques are usually combined, replacing each other, for example, when massaging the neck, stroking is combined with rubbing, when massaging the calf muscles - with shaking, etc.

For patients with atherosclerosis, the following procedure for self-massage seems more appropriate.

In the morning after waking up, you need to take care of bowel movements (especially for those who suffer from constipation). Therefore, you can start with a abdominal massage. Abdominal massage is performed while lying on your back, with your head raised and legs slightly bent (a roller under the knees). The abdominal muscles should be relaxed, breathing should be even, without delay. The massage begins with a very gentle superficial stroking with the pulp of three or four fingers around the navel (according to A.F. Verbov). This promotes relaxation of the abdominal wall and a reflex effect on the internal organs (in particular, the intestines). Then they stroke with the palms of both hands from the midline of the abdomen to the sides, and in the lower part of the abdomen - from the midline down towards the groin area. To influence the large intestine, in order to stimulate its peristalsis (and, therefore, emptying), circular stroking is used, starting from the right groin area, going up to the right costal edge, and making a circle ending in the left groin area. After stroking, apply circular rubbing, and then patting (carefully) with closed fingers in the same direction. Stroking can be done more quickly. When the large intestine is affected, movements should be slow.

The massage should be completed with two or three exercises for the abdominal muscles - raising the legs (simultaneous or alternate, the so-called “bicycle”), raising the torso, pelvis, bending the legs at the hip and knee joints, bringing them to the stomach.

After morning hygienic exercises, self-massage is carried out in the following sequence: lower back, legs, neck and shoulder girdle, head, arms, chest. The massage is carried out in a sitting position.

Massage of various parts of the body

Lumbar massage . The patient is naked to the waist. Apply stroking (first superficial, then more energetic) in the direction from the sides to the spine, capturing not only the lumbar, but also the lower thoracic part of the back. Then semicircular rubbing with the fingers and the entire hand is applied in the same direction, and then stroking again.

Feet give a semi-bent position at the knee joint (the obtuse angle between the line of the thigh and the lower leg is 145°). It is better to do this while sitting on a chair, placing your foot on a low stand or stool. The leg muscles should be relaxed. You need to massage with both hands (simultaneously or sequentially) in the direction from the lower part of the limb to the overlying one (from the knee joint upward). Planar and grasping stroking, as well as rubbing, are used.

The massage is performed at a slow and medium pace; when massaging the legs, strong pressure on the places where the neurovascular bundle passes is unacceptable: in the upper part of the inner surface of the thigh and the popliteal fossa. After the thigh, the lower leg is massaged, starting with the toes (stroking and light circular rubbing of the toes). When massaging the lower leg, planar and grasping strokes are used, as well as shaking the calf muscles: placing the palms on either side of them, pat the calves with the palms, imitating the movements of a sieve when sifting flour (A.F. Verbov). After the massage, it is recommended to move the fingers and feet in all directions, and flexion and extension in the knee joints.

Contraindications for foot massage are: blockage of veins, expansion of veins in the form of nodes and severe atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs.

After the foot massage, massage the shoulder girdle and neck, and then the forehead and scalp. Stroking, rubbing and vibration are used. When massaging the neck and head, it is very important to breathe evenly without holding your breath. After massaging the neck and head, it is recommended to move the head at a slow pace - turning to the sides, forward and backward.

Then massage hands . The arm being massaged should be bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 110° and away from the chest. The massage begins from the shoulder, the direction of movement is from the elbow to the shoulder joint. Perform superficial and deep stroking. It is not recommended to press on the inner surface of the shoulder. The blood vessels and nerves of the hand pass through here. The area of ​​the left armpit is not massaged so as not to cause reflex pain in the heart area. After the shoulder, massage the hands and forearm. Apply flat and enveloping strokes with the entire brush.

Breast massage begin with superficial stroking with the palms of both hands of the lower edge of the cage in the direction from front to back, then, rising higher, movements are made from the sternum also back. In the upper part of the chest, it is more convenient to perform movements on the left half with the right hand, and on the right with the left. After this, the intercostal spaces are massaged from front to back with the index and middle fingers spaced. Apply stroking and vibration.

Types of massage

The massage in the first days is carried out for 8-10 minutes, in subsequent days its duration is increased to 15-20 minutes, guided by subjective sensations; if fatigue appears or pain in the heart area intensifies, its duration is reduced. After the massage, it is recommended to rest for 15-20 minutes (Shavasana pose).

One type of massage is reflex-segmental massage, which can be used independently of the classical massage described above (although it enhances the therapeutic effect of the latter).

As studies by Bernardt and observations by Glaser and Dalikho (1965) have shown, segmental massage, when carried out correctly, has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Segmental massage significantly increases skin temperature, improves breathing, reduces overexcitation of the nervous system, and increases performance.

Here are some starting points for segmental massage.

1. It is necessary to know the reflexogenic zones (usually these are areas of increased pain sensitivity of the skin or muscles) that need to be influenced.

2. You cannot immediately irritate all reflexogenic zones in one massage session - this should be done one by one. The massage is performed in a limited area and does not last long.

3. The more pronounced the pain in the reflexogenic zones, the less the force of impact. The massage must be carried out in such a way that there is no sensation of pain.

4. The most painful areas are massaged with less force, more gently.

5. Duration of massage is 15-20 minutes.

6. Massage sessions are carried out every other day; if you are in good condition, you can do it daily.

7. The number of procedures is determined by the therapeutic effect - as soon as the painful manifestations for which the massage is performed are eliminated, the latter stops.

8. After a segmental massage, you cannot carry out a general massage, since the latter will remove the effect of the first.

Segmental massage is best done separately. Combination with light therapeutic self-massage is allowed.

For atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, when the main complaint is headache caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, the tendency of blood vessels to spasms, including migraine-like ones, as well as for concomitant diseases of the cervical spine, it is used segmental self-massage of the neck and head .

Starting position – sitting on a chair. The patient is naked to the waist. The massage begins from the lower back - to reduce tension in the back muscles, including the neck muscles, then massage the neck and shoulder girdles: first, stroke (superficial, then deep) in the direction from the back of the head along the back and side of the neck to the front wall of the chest, bringing hands on the sternum: after that - from the back of the head along the upper edge of the trapezius muscle (shoulder girdle) to the shoulder joint. The trapezius muscle is also kneaded. Then rub the paravertebral areas with the pads of the three middle fingers, starting from the lower cervical vertebrae and rising higher towards the back of the head. The reference point is the seventh cervical vertebra, the spinous process of which is most prominent and can be easily palpated even in obese people.

When massaging the neck, both circular and horizontal rubbing are used. They move sequentially from one vertebra to another from bottom to top. Then the back of the head is massaged, stroking is used with fingers slightly spaced in the form of a comb, small rubbing, as well as intermittent vibration (a light fraction is knocked out with the pads of the index and middle fingers).

Due to the exit of the greater occipital nerves in this area, it is necessary to avoid putting pressure on them (this will cause local acute pain). At each appointment, repeat three to four massage movements. A neck massage should always be completed with a massage of the forehead and temples. First apply light stroking of the eyelids and eyebrows (three to four movements), then the forehead, followed by semicircular or zigzag rubbing. The scalp is also first stroked with the pads of spread fingers, and then rubbed with semicircular or spiral movements. The head massage ends with circular rubbing of the temporal areas and stroking the entire head. With each massage, three to four movements are performed.

Target segmental self-massage for coronary atherosclerosis consists of improving coronary circulation, reducing spasm of coronary vessels and pain. Lommel and Kretschmer showed that even after conventional massage of the left arm, left half of the chest and shoulder girdle, half of the patients showed an improvement in the electrocardiogram.

O. Glezer and A.V. Dalikho suggest that even with dystrophic lesions of the heart muscle, massage improves blood circulation in the vessels of the heart.

In case of atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, self-massage should be used carefully so as not to worsen the health condition. Self-massage is not used in case of frequent attacks of angina, as well as after myocardial infarction and in case of circulatory failure (swelling in the legs). Additional muscle load during self-massage can be burdensome for such patients and even contribute to the occurrence of angina. With atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels (as with other heart diseases), increased skin pain is observed on the left: under the collarbone, below the sternum, at the edge of the ribs, between the shoulder blade and the spine, on the outer surface of the chest. Rough massage of these areas can increase pain in the heart area.

Increased pain sensitivity in coronary atherosclerosis is observed not only in the skin, but also in muscles, such as the left pectoralis major, trapezius, especially in its upper part, sternocleidomastoid, rectus abdominis, etc.

The location of these zones must be known when performing a massage. This is of practical importance for determining the behavior of a patient with atherosclerosis. Thus, carrying heavy objects with your left hand can cause an attack of angina more quickly than carrying them with your right hand. Physical exercises accompanied by stretching or tension of the pectoralis major muscle can also reflexively provoke an attack of angina. Sudden tension in the neck muscles can adversely affect coronary circulation.

The technique of self-massage for coronary atherosclerosis comes down to the following: in a sitting position, the patient, undressed to the waist, begins the massage with stroking and small circular movements with the fingertips of the lower edge of the chest from front to back, then, rising upward, continues it, starting at the sternum towards the back. Stroking is done both with the entire palm and with spread fingers, mainly along the intercostal spaces.

Gentle vibration of slightly bent fingers on painful areas of the left half of the chest brings an undoubted effect. Although the vibration technique is not complicated, it is better to first master it from a specialist massage therapist. When performing a chest massage, you should avoid applying strong pressure, especially at the point where the ribs attach to the sternum, so as not to cause increased pain in the heart area.

For atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities, segmental massage also, to a certain extent, relieves the painful symptoms associated with their spasm. Reflex changes in diseases of the blood vessels of the hands are noted in the back of the head, from the spine to the shoulder girdle, in the trapezius, deltoid muscles; in case of damage to the vessels of the legs - in the lumbar region, sacrum, anterior and inner surfaces of the thigh, below the popliteal fossa. Therefore, the effect begins from the lower back, as described above, then gently massage the neck and back of the head.

After the back of the head, be sure to massage the forehead and temples, and only after that begin to massage the arms - first the shoulder (from the elbow joint to the shoulder joint), then the forearm (from the fingers to the elbow joint). Stroking is used - superficial and deep. The left armpit area is not massaged. After the hands, the legs are massaged.

If atherosclerosis affects only the arteries of the lower extremities, you can limit yourself to massage the lower back, sacrum and legs. The neck and head area should not be massaged.

When massaging the lower back and lower thoracic back, you may sometimes experience a feeling of heaviness in the bladder area. In these cases, to eliminate them, you need to massage the lower abdomen and the area of ​​the pubic symphysis.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that we have made the description of segmental massage not so much with the goal of teaching patients with atherosclerosis this method of treatment, but with the goal of showing that it is associated with many difficulties.

Autogenic training (according to I. Shchultz, A. G. Agpanov, H. Kleinsorg)

Learn to control yourself

One of the types of psychotherapy is autogenic training ( autos- "myself", genos- "genus"). This is also a method of self-regulation of body functions.

Autogenic training allows you to actively influence a person’s will on emotional reactions and other higher mental functions, increasing the ability to self-manage them.

The main core element of this method is mastering the ability to relax your muscles, and therefore this method is also called relaxation, i.e. relaxation or concentrated self-relaxation.

Against the background of voluntary muscle relaxation, you can cause a feeling of warmth or cold, say, in the arms, legs, in the heart area and other organs. This is achieved by actively concentrating attention on one or another organ, repeating certain verbal formulations and, perhaps, a more vivid figurative representation of the phenomenon that was experienced earlier and which you want to evoke (for example, the idea that the hand is very warm).

The state that occurs during autotraining (autogenic immersion) can be described as a stage of limit, but no deeper - consciousness is preserved, but the body seems to disconnect from consciousness, becoming heavy and relaxed. This is confirmed by the observation of twitching of individual muscles in various parts of the body during autogenic immersion, as happens at the beginning of falling asleep in a natural sleep.

In a state intermediate between sleep and wakefulness, verbal stimuli have a particularly strong impact.

Formulations with figurative representations during autogenic training repeat, like a corticovisceral reflex, the path from the cerebral cortex to an internal organ, for example, the heart or the vessels of the arm, head, abdomen, and so on, and thus influence the state of the latter.

During emotional reactions, contraction or tension of skeletal muscles and accompanying vetovascular reactions are noted.

In this case, the manifestation of certain emotions is usually associated with the tension of certain muscle groups. For example, with fear and depression, the respiratory muscles and speech muscles tense. It is well known from everyday experience that with fear and other negative emotions, facial tension, constricted breathing, and “freezing” are observed. With emotional expression, the muscles of the hands and fingers tense. This must be taken into account during auto-training, achieving their complete relaxation.

To this it should be added that not only with negative emotions, but also with any concentrated mental work, the facial muscles tense, especially the masticatory and orbicularis mouth muscles.

You may notice that at the end of particularly intense mental work, there is a feeling of heaviness in the facial muscles, it is difficult to immediately unclench your jaws and open your mouth.

This observation substantiates the possibility of actively influencing the relief of the effects of mental stress by relaxing the facial muscles. In turn, a decrease in the degree of central excitation leads to a decrease in muscle tension. And muscle relaxation in any way (medicines, physical therapy, warm baths, spontaneous relaxation) has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Breathing exercises play an important role in achieving the results of autogenic training.

Due to the exceptional ability of the respiratory center to work in an automatic and voluntary mode, as well as due to its location, breathing exercises can have a regulatory effect on many functions of the brain, reducing or increasing its excitability.

Who doesn’t know the advice to people who are excited or overwhelmed by strong excitement: “Calm down, breathe deeply.” Breathing exercises can normalize the rhythm of cardiac activity, blood pressure, relax muscles, increase skin temperature, etc.

The essence of breathing exercises is to master abdominal (or diaphragmatic) breathing. Deep abdominal breathing improves the condition of the abdominal organs, liver, intestines, blood circulation, digestion, and eliminates spasms. O. A. Chernysheva (1965) distinguishes between mobilizing and calming breathing exercises. A short exhalation and a long inhalation are a mobilizing technique, it is recommended to perform it in the morning; and an extended exhalation with a shortened inhalation is a calming technique, it is used in the evenings. Exercises should be performed by mentally counting the breathing movements and controlling the movements of the abdominal wall with your hand. This helps to distract attention from disturbing thoughts and feelings. To avoid hyperventilation (dizziness, fog before the eyes), it is necessary to observe a pause after exhalation, equal in duration to half the inhalation.

For patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, in whom forced breathing can easily cause a decrease in blood flow through the vessels of the brain, we recommend performing breathing exercises for no more than one minute followed by a break. Deep breathing is contraindicated in patients with atherosclerotic and diencephalic epilepsy.

Breathing exercises help you master the method of relaxing muscles without resorting to verbal formulations, which cause a negative attitude in some people.

Autogenic training, in addition to self-hypnosis, also includes self-persuasion and self-education, which, when systematically applied, can even change (for the better) a person’s personality.

Autogenic training can be successfully used for atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, coronary arteries of the heart, blood vessels of the legs, and hypertension. As V. Luz and I. Schultz (1969) showed, auto-training lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces headaches.

Due to the harmlessness of the method (contraindicated only in cases of hysteria and delusional experiences) and its undoubted benefits, the autogenic training method has become widespread in many countries of the world (USA, Western Europe).

It is better to start autogenic training classes under the guidance of a psychotherapist. You can learn some simplified techniques, including breathing exercises, on your own.

Basic standard exercises

Here are six basic standard exercises of the classical method of autogenic training according to Schultz.

The psychotherapist speaks, and the patient repeats the following formulas - self-orders:

“I am completely calm” is a preparatory formula.

First standard exercise.“My right (left) arm (leg) is heavy.” “Both arms and legs are heavy.” The first exercise is learned during the first 3-4 lessons with a doctor. The patient repeats it independently.

Second standard exercise. “My right (left) hand (leg) is warm. Both arms and legs are warm.” The second exercise is learned in the next 5-8 sessions with a doctor. In the future, the first and second exercises are combined with a single wording - “Arms and legs are heavy and warm.”

Third standard exercise. “The heart beats powerfully and evenly.” The exercise is learned during the ninth or tenth lesson with a doctor.

Fourth standard exercise.“My breathing is completely calm” or “I breathe calmly and freely.” This exercise is mastered in the eleventh lesson with a doctor.

Fifth standard exercise.“My solar plexus radiates warmth” or “My stomach is warmed by a pleasant deep warmth.” This exercise is learned in two or three subsequent sessions with a doctor.

Sixth standard exercise.“My forehead feels pleasantly cool.” The sixth exercise is learned during the last two or three sessions with a psychotherapist.

Auto-training should be carried out in one of the comfortable positions: sitting on a chair or in a chair (reclining) with a high headrest and armrests, or lying on your back. The eyes should be closed, the gaze turned to the tip of the nose or slightly above and in front of it.

By the tension of the converged eyes, thoughts about the outside world seem to be “cut off”, the mental gaze is projected inward - a person’s mental “isolation” from the environment occurs. This contributes to more complete muscle relaxation and the achievement of auto-training results.

“Organ” autogenic training

Here are some examples of verbal formulations when conducting directed “organ” autogenic training (according to H. Kleinsorg and G. Klümbbies, 1965).

Head group

The head is light, free from heavy thoughts.

The forehead is cool.

The whole body is free, relaxed and calm.

The head is clear, bright, free.

My head is as fresh as a mountain spring, clear as crystal.

She could focus on any thought.

The head is clear, fresh and relaxed.

Sometimes, due to vasoconstriction, a headache may appear; in these cases, you should imagine that you are in a cool bath with a hot compress on the forehead (A. G. Panov et al.).

Heart group

My heart beats calmly and evenly.

My heart works, pumps blood without my help.

I can barely feel my heart - pleasant warmth

flows from the left arm into the left half of the chest.

The blood vessels of the hand dilate.

Warmth flows through the heart.

Completely on my own

My heart is working completely calmly.

My heart pumps blood calmly and continuously.

Will training

I control myself in any situation.

In this situation I feel strong.

Peace group

Before auto-training, you need to do exercises to relax the muscles - raise your hand up as you inhale, and lower your hand as you exhale. And so on several times. Then carry out a light massage of the face and neck, then lie down, put your hands along your body, words of self-hypnosis should be layered on your breathing - one or two words per exhalation phase.

Text for sleep

Breathe freely and easily

nothing worries

doesn't distract.

The facial muscles are sluggish and relaxed.

The jaw drops sluggishly.

Cheeks sagged.

The eyelids are relaxed.

The eye muscles are sluggish,

lips droop.

The tongue is heavy and large.

Breathing is even, smooth,

free and deep.

The whole body is relaxed and lethargic,

presses heavily on the bed.

A pleasant feeling of peace and relaxation

envelops the face

thick impenetrable cloud.

This state is so pleasant to me,

and everything is indifferent to me.

I don't want to think. Only relaxation

I dissolve in rest and relaxation.

Everything dissolves in pleasant warmth.

In auto-training for sleep disorders, words about sleep should not be spoken.

We have proposed and tested a method of preparing for auto-training in the evening for sleep disorders in the form of a segmental head massage, ending in the phase of manipulation in the neck and back of the head. (See chapter “Self-massage”.)

One of the conditions for the success of auto-training should be its daily use, and in case of insomnia - in the middle of the night, upon awakening.

A. G. Panov, G. S. Belyaev, V. S. Lobzin, I. A. Kopylova (1973) recommend a system of exercises with psychological goals: to better manage one’s emotions, sensations, and improve mental functions. In this system there is no training of individual organs. A feeling of emotional freedom, concentration and self-control is achieved by training the sensation of heaviness (muscle relaxation) and warmth combined with a slight coolness in the forehead. Uniform, somewhat deep breathing (“sigh of relief”) increases the effect of emotional balance.

We consider it useful for patients with atherosclerosis outside the period of exacerbations of the disease.

Psychological gymnastics

We present the method of psychological gymnastics according to A. G. Panov and co-authors.

Morning activities. They are carried out during the transition period from sleep to wakefulness. Gymnastics consists of three parts.

First part. Lying on your back with your eyes closed, slowly and persistently mentally check the completeness of muscle relaxation throughout the body. This evokes emotions of calm. Then you should figuratively and as vividly as possible imagine the sensations corresponding to autogenic immersion. You can use the following formulas: “My right hand is very heavy... It is filled with lead... The heaviness spreads throughout the whole body... The whole body has become heavy, relaxed... A pleasant feeling of warmth appears in my right hand... Warmth spreads throughout the whole body... I am covered in warmth, as if in a warm bath... A slight coolness envelops your forehead.”

Second part. Figuratively imagine a state of composure and readiness for action. Breathing in the “morning” version: “I am cheerful and calm... I smile... Breathing is free, even and deep. I am recharged with internal energy... Freshness and vigor fill me... I control myself without effort... A fruitful day lies ahead...

The will is collected like a spring... The muscles are tense... Attention! Get up!”

The third part. Get out of bed and start physical exercise. Along with the usual gymnastic exercises, pay special attention to the ability to completely relax your muscles immediately after straining them. After completely relaxing the muscles, learn to immediately and quite strongly tense them. This develops the mobility of basic nervous processes, mental flexibility, increases volitional tone and gives the ability to quickly and quietly suppress negative emotions in any situation.

Evening psychological gymnastics carried out before bedtime. After taking a comfortable, familiar position in bed with your eyes closed and your muscles relaxed, begin the exercises corresponding to the first part of the morning psychological gymnastics. Here it is important to pay attention to maximum muscle relaxation and the appearance of a slight sensation of warmth in the limbs and throughout the body. Having achieved this, all attention is focused on breathing. After taking several deep breaths and exhalations, they persistently try to find an even, slow and slightly deepened breathing rhythm.

Cleansing using a needle applicator N. Kuznetsova

Some experts agree that the best means of cleansing the blood is a needle applicator. If you press it well to the skin and wear it for a long time, it not only normalizes the blood, but also muscles, blood vessels, activates lymph flow and blood circulation, and renews the skin.

The inventor of the applicator, I. I. Kuznetsov, said that with the help of this universal remedy, patients got rid of the most serious diseases: cancer, paralysis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes. The needles of the applicator cause irritation, which kills diseased and malignant cells. Instead, the body creates new, healthy ones.

However, in order for irritation with needles to be effective, significant pain must be felt. And this is possible only if you wear a special suit for at least a day. To sew it, you will need about twenty applicators, and to wear it you will need enviable patience, supported by an unshakable faith in success.

Cleansing according to E.V. Shchadilov

Detoxification according to Walker M.V. is a complete and general cleansing of blood, lymph, and intracellular fluid. But, according to E.V. Shchadilov, to achieve this, it is not necessary to use overseas citrus fruits. Berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs, which grow in abundance in Russia, perfectly remove toxins. His method of cleansing the body is simple and accessible to everyone, especially summer residents. If you have a summer cottage and do not use nitrates and pesticides, you will have complete confidence that the products are environmentally friendly. Parsley, dill, green onions, celery, lovage, cucumbers and tomatoes, various fruits and berries and much more that city dwellers usually grow in their summer cottages are suitable for E.V. Shchadilov’s method.

Method of “country” cleaning

The technique, as already mentioned, is simple. You need to collect a fairly large bouquet of parsley, dill, lovage, green garlic leaves and lettuce once a week in the morning. Eat a bunch on an empty stomach, without salt or bread. There is no need to look elsewhere if any of the above does not grow in your garden. But parsley is necessary. Other greens only enhance its effect. So you can choose it according to your taste. After half an hour, you can begin the next stage. Until the end of the day, quench your thirst and hunger exclusively with ripe, juicy fruits. But if you eat some wild berries (drupes, blackberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries), it will be good. Rowan and viburnum are also useful.

Parsley necessary because it neutralizes toxins, and also because of its antiseptic and antispasmodic properties. It contains many substances that prevent the oxidation of organic compounds (antioxidants): provitamin A (carotene), vitamins C and B 9 (folic acid) and flavonoids. But for internal cleansing of the body, the diuretic properties of parsley are more important. A bunch of parsley eaten in the morning makes the kidneys work harder, producing urine. And waste comes out of the body with urine.

At the same time, the movement of fluid media in the body is activated, and fluid that was stagnant is included in it. Herbal healers advise eating parsley for edema caused by cardiovascular diseases. Swelling disappears, and the entire cardiovascular system begins to work better. During the cleanse, you eat a lot of juicy vegetables and fruits. Their juices replace the “stagnant” fluid that has left the body and have an antioxidant and alkalizing effect on its internal environment. But you can’t drink juices; you have to eat the whole fruit. This is extremely important.

E.V. Shchadilov believes that the movement of fluid in the interstitial space begins due to a slight negative water balance, slight dehydration. It is caused by parsley due to its pronounced diuretic effect. And this balance is maintained by eating fruits, vegetables and berries. If you drank juices, then within 15 minutes they would be absorbed by the body. Such rapid replenishment of moisture significantly reduces the possibility of prolonged and active movement of tissue fluid and, consequently, its renewal and cleansing. The fruits are 80% water. When you eat them, the water balance gradually levels out. And this ensures the positive effect of the technique.

In addition to water, fruits contain fiber. Its coarse fibers clean mucus and scale from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. They can also clear the colon of fecal stones. Another advantage of fiber is that it does not remove substances that are beneficial to the body. This can happen if you take activated carbon, almagel or polyphepan. Almost all ingredients of “country cleansing” have a mild laxative effect. Therefore, before it there is no need to cleanse the large intestine, liver and gallbladder of toxins; cleansing enemas are not required. This is a gentle cleansing of the body.

Physical activity during the period of “dacha” cleansing and the fight against hypoxia

Antihypoxidants prevent and reduce hypoxia. These substances are found in cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, beets, dill, garlic, strawberries, raspberries and currants. Effective fight against hypoxia is another advantage of “dacha” cleansing. And this is especially important for older people. In their body, all processes slow down, functions are not fully performed, and plaques appear on the walls of blood vessels (they often form a layer, and a very dense one) of adipose tissue. For city dwellers, these cleanses are invaluable: they remove toxic products of combustion of gasoline and gases from the body.

But for cleaning to be fully effective, it must be combined with active physical work in the fresh air.

Cleansing with claret . Clary nettle (dead nettle) has long been known as a blood purifier. Tea from the flowers and leaves of this plant is boiled for 10 to 15 minutes. It helps with inflammation of the kidneys and cervical glands, dysentery, diseases of the skin and spleen, anemia, chest pain, bleeding; for women – with delayed menstruation and leucorrhoea; elderly people - with difficulty urinating.

Cleansing with juniper berries . If you eat 5-15 of them a day, they will perfectly cleanse the blood. They eat them, starting with 5 berries, adding one more every day until they reach 15 pieces. After this, the countdown begins - from 15 to 5.

Juniper berries are strictly contraindicated at high temperatures.

Cleansing with wormwood . Wormwood cleanses the blood and gastrointestinal tract, normalizes menstruation and relieves pain.

Pour a pinch of powder into a glass of water and leave for no more than 5 and no less than 3 minutes.

Cleanse with lemon and garlic. Mix 400 g of grated garlic with the juice of 24 lemons in a wide-necked jar, cover with gauze and leave for 24 days. Shake the mixture before use. Take it before bed by diluting a teaspoon of garlic with lemon in 0.5 cups of water.

Cleansing with Dandelion Tincture . One of the best remedies for cleansing blood and lymph, thinning the blood and combating high acidity is dandelion. It contains a lot of magnesium, so it is also used to treat nerves and blood diseases.

Prepare dandelion juice over the summer. To get it, mince its roots, leaves and flowers, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Add a glass of vodka to a liter of juice. In winter, take a tablespoon of this tincture, adding honey and, if desired, lemon juice.

Spring Blood Cleanse

1. Mix 15 g of nettle leaves and dandelion root, 50 g of primrose leaves and black elderberry buds. 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 3-5 minutes. Drink a glass of infusion in the morning an hour before meals. You can add honey to the infusion.

2. Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol in the blood). A good remedy is a decoction of the root of the hemp plant.

To prepare it, you need to pour 60 g of roots with a liter of water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Then leave until cool and strain. Take half a glass an hour before meals 3 times a day.

You can use an infusion of sable grass. It also helps with hypertension. 3 tbsp. l. herbs pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take in the same way as a root decoction.

Not everyone can tolerate the taste and smell of this plant: you can add 10 g of peppermint to the decoction at the last minute of cooking over a fire.

The juices of many spring plants perfectly cleanse the body. These are clover, nettle, alfalfa, shepherd's purse, primrose, celery, green oats, gooseberry, dandelion (it is especially suitable for this purpose), black elderberry (tea made from its leaves).

Blood purifiers

1. One of the means that cleanses the blood is an infusion of black elderberry flowers. To prepare it, you need 3 tbsp. l. Pour a liter of boiling water over the flowers and leave for an hour or two. Drink it 3-4 times a day, 2/3 or a full glass a day, it is better to drink it before meals and add honey for taste.

2. Verbena herb has similar properties. A tablespoon of herb is infused in a glass of boiling water. Take 1-2 tbsp before meals. l. infusion 3-4 times a day.

3. An infusion of the roots and leaves of stinging nettle stops and cleanses the blood; it is taken for anemia, anemia and other diseases. Method of preparation and use: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and left for 1-2 hours. Drink half a glass of warm infusion before meals 3 times a day.

4. An infusion of burdock root (large and other types) is taken for many diseases caused by metabolic disorders (arthritis, atherosclerosis, gout, radiculitis, etc.), and for skin diseases (ringworm, acne, boils, ulcers). Method of preparation and use: 3 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials are washed down with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Drink half a glass of warm infusion before meals 3-4 times a day. You can add honey for taste.

5. An infusion of sandy sedge (shaggy) root is taken for skin rashes, boils and other diseases caused by the accumulation of toxins in the blood. Method of preparation and use: 2 tbsp. l. raw materials are infused in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 3-4 hours or overnight. Drink a warm infusion 3-4 times a day, 1/2-2/3 cup. You can add honey for taste.

6. An infusion of bedstraw grass (tenacious) is used for metabolic disorders as a blood purifier (for lichen, frequent boils, scrofula and other skin diseases). Method of preparation and use: 2 or 3 tablespoons of the herb, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours. Drink half a glass of warm infusion before meals 3-5 times a day.

Cleansing according to N. A. Semenovka

Pour 2 cups of honey into a large thermos, add a cup of dill seeds, 2 tbsp. l. valerian, pour boiling water to the 2 liter mark. Leave it to steep for a day. Take the infusion in small doses half an hour before meals until it runs out.

Method of strengthening blood vessels according to P. M. Kurenov

A pound of garlic (358 g) must be ground, mixed with the juice of 24 lemons and left for 24 days. Shake well before each use. Take it once a day, before bed, by dissolving a teaspoon of the mixture in 1/2 glass of water.

Lemon juice almost completely neutralizes the pungent odor of garlic, so it is pleasant to use the product.

Doctor Zamet's recipe

Swedish bitters (Dr. Zamet's recipe) have unique cleansing, rejuvenating and healing properties. But don’t confuse it with Bittner’s balm! The composition of Swedish bitters includes 10 g of aloe, angelica roots, rhubarb and turmeric, senna leaf, manna, natural camphor, 5 g of myrrh and elecampane root, as well as 0.2 g of saffron.

All components are poured into 1.5 liters of vodka and left to infuse for 2 weeks in a south window. Shake the contents of the bottle several times a day.

The course of taking Swedish bitters is 21 days, drink it in small doses. A break of a week is required between courses.

And in our conditions, you can prepare Swedish bitters by replacing (Korneeva O.V.):

– aloe – wormwood (chernobyl);

– manna – mumiyo or Rhodiola rosea;

– turmeric – wormwood;

– myrrh (frankincense) – pine buds and adding 10 g each of burdock root, calendula and Maryina root.

Cleansing blood vessels according to K. Nishi

This type of cleansing uses garlic. It contains, among other things, microelements such as aluminum, magnesium, sedan. The integrity of all mucous membranes of the body (gastrointestinal tract, lungs, nasopharynx, etc.), including the intima (the inner lining of blood vessels and the mucous membrane of the heart), depends on them.

Preparation of garlic tincture. Select and peel the garlic. Grind 350 g into a paste, put in a glass jar to settle. Cover the jar with a lid and a dark cloth. When it has settled, separate the juiciest, liquid fraction from the garlic mass. Pour it into a 0.5 liter bottle and add 200 ml of pure medical alcohol. Close the bottle tightly and place in a cool place (not in the refrigerator). Cover the top of the bottle like a cap with another vessel. After 10 days, squeeze out the garlic mass through a thick linen cloth, pour the resulting liquid into a bottle and place it under a hood for another 2-3 days. The product is ready.

Treatment carried out according to this scheme.

From the 11th day, take the tincture 25 drops 3 times a day until it runs out. But it is better to stop taking it gradually, reducing the dose by a drop at each dose. You can take the tincture using a different system - up to 15 drops per dose, reduce the intake to 1 drop and repeat this cycle.

Any dose of tincture (according to the scheme - the number of drops) must be mixed with 50 ml of cold boiled milk, or any fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.), or water.

Take the tincture 15-30 minutes (preferably half an hour) before meals.

When you go to work, take your lunch dose - the required number of drops of tincture in 50 ml of milk, kefir or water - with you. Prepare it in the morning, pour it into a small bottle with a tight stopper. The tincture should be prepared in the fall, when the garlic ripens, and taken until February, when it stores most of its active substances.

The procedure renews and rejuvenates the body. But it cannot be carried out earlier than after 3-6 years. This cleansing is very helpful in treating cerebral vessels.

Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels

Mix 100 g of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, immortelle, and birch buds. Place in a jar and close with a lid. In the evening 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of this infusion. honey and drink before going to bed, after which do not eat or drink. In the morning, heat the remaining liquid by steaming, dissolve 1 tsp in it. honey and drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Do this daily until the mixture runs out (it should be stored in a tightly closed jar). The cleaning course is repeated after 5 years.

The Tibetan text containing this recipe indicated that as a result of treatment, metabolism dramatically improves, blood vessels are cleared of fat and lime deposits and become elastic, which prevents sclerosis, heart attack, hypertension, noise in the head and dizziness disappear, and vision is restored.

Cleansing with infusion of medicinal herbs (from the advice of O. V. Korneeva)

Recipes for preparing various infusions

1. Mix 4 types of medicinal plants - chamomile, immortelle, yarrow, birch buds– 100 g each. Brew one tenth spoon of the mixture with boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 6-15 minutes.

Drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, until all the mixture is used. Promotes cleansing and better functioning of the liver, kidneys, blood vessels, stomach, improves metabolism.

This product should be used once every 5 years.

2. 4 tbsp. l. finely ground young pine needles, 2-3 tbsp. l. chopped rose hips, 2 tbsp. l. dry onion peels, 2 tbsp. l. Pour oleaginous angustifolia (wild olive) with a liter of boiling water and simmer overnight in a thermos. In the morning, strain and squeeze. Drink from 0.5 to 1.5 liters per day (gradually increasing the dose) instead of water. Use for at least 4 months.

For strokes, take lemon at the same time - up to 2 pieces per day, 1/2 lemon per dose. Chop it finely into a bowl with infusion and drink in one gulp. Drink 1 hour before meals or 1-1.5 hours after meals for 2-3 weeks.

3. Needles completely restore the vascular system and at the same time it will help get rid of the following serious diseases: gangrene, obliterating endarteritis, cardiovascular diseases, retinal detachment, multiple sclerosis, encephalopathy, muscle atrophy, convulsive conditions, functional disorders associated with diseases of the vascular system .

The needles have an enveloping effect and remove radionuclides and relieve cells from intoxication.

4. Powder from the powder perfectly cleanses blood vessels. pumpkin seeds. Pour 100 g of powder into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 21 days. Drink 1 tbsp. l. with 50 g of water 3 times a day 30-60 minutes before meals. Course – 21 days. Repeat - no earlier than in a month.

5. Cleans blood vessels well kiwi(or agrimony). It is useful to eat 4-5 pieces a day for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

How to properly prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs? (From the advice of V. Lashkova)

Most often, medicinal plants are consumed in the form of infusions, which are aqueous extracts from medicinal plant materials.

Infusions are usually prepared from leaves, flowers, and stems. Plant materials are crushed: leaves and flowers - to pieces no larger than 5 mm, stems - no larger than 3 mm. The crushed raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, filled with water, covered with a lid and placed in a water bath. The infusion is heated for 15 minutes, stirring frequently. After heating, cool at room temperature for one hour, then strain and squeeze out the remainder. The finished extracts are diluted with boiled cold water to the required volume.

Typically, ten parts of infusion can be prepared from one mass part of crushed raw materials.

Infusions of some plants for internal use are prepared less concentrated. For them, the ratio of raw materials and water is not 1:10, but 1:20 or 1:30.

Infusions intended for external use are prepared more concentrated.

At home, infusions are most often prepared without boiling. To do this, the medicinal raw material is poured with boiling water, tightly closed and infused for 4-8 hours, then filtered, the residue is squeezed out and filtered.

Infusions quickly deteriorate, especially in the summer and in a warm room. Therefore, it is best to prepare them daily. If this is not possible, then they should be stored in a dark, cool place or refrigerator, but no more than 3 days.

Acupuncture treatment method

For flu, sore throat, headache (if it covers the entire head), rhinitis, spastic pain in the abdominal area, radiculitis, lumbago (if the pain bothers both sides), you need to massage symmetrical points.

Method of treatment. Lubricate the skin with a thin layer of “Golden Star” balm and rub it with the tip of the second or third fingers at certain acupuncture points shown in the diagrams for various diseases.

Duration of massage is from 1 to 5 minutes. Multiple massages throughout the day are recommended.

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