Medicinal properties and use of pine resin. Medicinal properties of pine resin

The ability of coniferous trees to accumulate the healing power of nature has been known since ancient times. Pine resin, released from a cut or broken trunk, hardens after a while, thereby protecting the tree from the appearance of fungi, insects, and bacteria. This resin is popularly called resin; it has medicinal properties.

Thanks to the acids and carbons it contains, it is widely used. In ancient times, extracts of coniferous tree resins were used in the preparation of embalming solutions. Generations before and after the war used the remedy to strengthen teeth and heal wounds, cuts and abrasions.

Medicinal properties

Pine resin is often used for both external and internal use. In folk medicine, experts recommend using healing pine sap for a wide variety of ailments:

  • cardiac diseases, tachycardia, atherosclerosis;
  • burns, cut and puncture wounds, purulent ulcers, boils;
  • nervous system disorders, insomnia, spasms and convulsions;
  • male and female genital diseases, cystitis, hemorrhoids;
  • bleeding gums, caries, toothache.

For each type of illness there is its own type of drug that can be made from resin. You should not self-medicate: the resin of coniferous trees is useful, but before using it it is better to consult a specialist.

How to use

When treating diseases of various types, oleoresin can be used in the form of an ointment, rubbing, tincture, decoction, or compress. Insect bites should be treated with a gauze bandage soaked in fresh pine resin. The natural component, which has an antibacterial effect, disinfects and relieves inflammation, disinfects the affected area.

The sap of coniferous trees can be diluted with medical alcohol, and the resulting emulsion can be rubbed on the joints and lower back for aches and pains. To prepare a medicinal balm, cedar oil is often added to pine resin. This elixir is widely used in folk medicine for many diseases associated with joints, upper respiratory tract, and kidneys.

If you have a toothache, simply chew a hardened piece of resin to relieve pain. Residents of Siberia and the Caucasus make a special ointment based on pine sap with the addition of medicinal herbs, which should be rubbed into the gums for periodontal disease and tartar.

In the form of turpentine balm, resin is used for diseases of the pancreas, alcohol or toxic poisoning, and pancreatitis. “Tears” of pine and cedar, as well as spruce resin, help with gallbladder diseases, stones, and hepatitis.

Cleansing the body with oleoresin

A useful coniferous product, gifted by nature itself, can be used not only for the treatment or prevention of diseases, but also to cleanse the body. Residents of Siberia are distinguished by their special health and longevity. This is due to the resin, which must be used correctly.

The cleansing procedure itself is quite simple; you can easily do it yourself. Tincture of resin, which is sold in a pharmacy, is taken in a course of 79 days without a break. When cleansing the body, it is important to strictly follow the dosage and listen to the signals of your own body.

Internal intake of oleoresin starts the process of removing toxins, during which old diseases can worsen. Thanks to the life-giving substances contained in the preparation, there is an increase in phytoncides that destroy viruses and pathogenic cells. As a result, the immune system is strengthened, the body’s functioning becomes stable and more efficient.

If allergic reactions or severe discomfort are detected, the cleansing process should be stopped. After a recovery course of 10-12 days, you can continue again. During treatment, to enhance the effect of oleoresin, experts recommend drinking more liquid. This will help speed up metabolism and improve absorption of the drug. As a result of the correct cleansing process, compliance with all standards and dosages, you can see the following results:

  • restoration of liver cells, cleansing of blood vessels;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • stabilization of blood and arterial pressure;
  • treatment of diseases of the digestive tract;
  • increased tone, increased energy.

You need to take the drug every morning, on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink the tincture 30-40 minutes before meals. On the first day you need to drink 5 drops of the tincture without diluting it with water. The taste of the drug has a pronounced bitterness; if you cannot stand it after taking it for 25-30 minutes, you can rinse your mouth lightly or eat a little honey. On the second day of the course you should take 10 drops of resin, on the third – 15.

Each subsequent day you need to add 5 drops of the drug until the fortieth day. Already on the 41st, the amount of the drug taken is reduced by 5 drops. On the 79th day, you should take the last 5 drops of the tincture. In the first half of the course, when the drug increases, waste and toxins are actively removed from the body. Only in the second half does recovery begin, a general improvement in condition is noticeable, and a surge of energy is felt.

Pine is perhaps the most popular tree in our country after birch. Many of us see pine trees every day, but few people think about what this tree can give us besides its wood.

Meanwhile, pine can become a real healer and help a person get rid of a wide variety of diseases. Pine resin will help us improve our health, the medicinal properties of which people guessed long before the appearance of all kinds of medicines in our lives.

Medicinal properties of pine resin

So, why is this natural product so valuable? The oleoresin gained its greatest popularity for its unique wound-healing properties. In fact, that’s why people called it that.

Both in the first and second world wars, when there was an acute shortage of medicines in hospitals, it was the resin that came to the rescue. It was she who helped put more than one thousand ordinary Russian men on their feet, who by the will of fate were forced to fight.

But the ability to heal wounds is not all that it is capable of. Pine resin is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • all kinds of suppurations
  • purulent boils
  • burns of varying degrees
  • heart disease
  • bronchitis
  • radiculitis
  • oral diseases
  • diseases of the nervous system
  • various male and female diseases (including cystitis)
  • hemorrhoids
  • varicose veins in the initial stage
  • colds

Agree, an impressive list! And this is not a complete list of diseases that are treated with pine resin. It can be easily expanded if desired. How to properly use this pine waste product?

The use of pine resin in folk medicine

There are 2 forms of using resin for medicinal purposes:

  1. external
  2. internal

For external use, they mainly use all kinds of lotions and rubs, ointments, and oils. For internal purposes, decoctions are prepared or simply sucked on pine resin, like candy - candy. Below you can find some recipes.

Pine resin ointment used to treat trophic ulcers

This ointment is ideal for the treatment of trophic ulcers. Anyone can cook it if they have the desire. She prepares like this:

  • You need to take 50 grams of pine resin, 100 grams of beeswax and 100 grams of pork internal fat.
  • Mix everything and apply to the wound, best at night. Before this, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Cold treatment

You can try to cure a cold with the help of pine resin. To do this, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of resin in the morning and evening.

Treatment of varicose veins

To treat varicose veins you will need a pine resin balm. You can prepare it like this:

  • take 1 part pine resin and 10 parts vegetable oil.
  • Mix everything, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes.
  • Turn off and let the balm cool. After this, you can lubricate the diseased veins. It is best to do this at night, before bed.

To strengthen the immune system

  • Place a small piece (30–40 grams) of pine resin in the refrigerator for about an hour. Then we take it out and make powder out of it.
  • You can use a fine grater for this, or you can simply crush it - whatever is more convenient for you.
  • This powder will help strengthen your immune system. Take it 3 times a day with water, 1 hour before meals.

Treatment of gastritis

Pine resin also helps with gastritis. To reduce pain, you just need to suck on a piece of resin. Painful sensations go away quickly, sometimes it only takes five minutes, sometimes a little more, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the person, and they are all different for us.

Treatment of furunculosis

If you have boils, apply pine resin to them overnight and cover them with a band-aid. 3 – 4 days of such treatment and there will be no trace left of the boils, they will simply resolve!

Treatment of radiculitis

To treat radiculitis, use a tincture of pine resin, vodka and olive oil. It is prepared quite simply:

  • We take all the components in equal quantities, mix and leave in a dark place for exactly a week.
  • After a week, the healing tincture is completely ready.
  • They simply rub it on the sore spot. According to reviews on the forums it helps a lot

Treatment of burns

Thanks to its strong natural antiseptic and wound-healing properties, pine resin copes well with burns. The following ointment is used to treat burns:

  • We take lard, sea buckthorn oil and pine resin in equal proportions. Mix everything until a mass is homogeneous in composition.
  • Apply a bandage with ointment to the burn site for 1 hour.
  • Such dressings should be applied 3 times a day until the patient’s condition improves.

Reviews of oleoresin treatment

There are plenty of reviews about treatment with pine resin on various forums dedicated to traditional medicine. They won't be difficult to find. here are just a few.

Oleg (Kineshma)

I became convinced of the enormous healing power of oleoresin when something bad happened to our 9-year-old daughter - she carelessly knocked over a pot of boiling water on herself and, as a result, received severe burns. On the advice of the mother-in-law, they treated him with a homemade ointment made from pine resin and sea buckthorn oil. The result is simply excellent! The pain was relieved already on the 3rd day, and a noticeable improvement came about a week later. So I highly recommend having this natural miracle material on hand, God forbid of course, but you may need it.

Svetlana Viktorovna (Pankratovo village, Nizhny Novgorod region)

My husband tried to treat gastritis with pine resin. The pain actually goes away! I don’t know if gastritis can be cured completely, but the fact that it relieves pain means a lot. True, we don’t buy resin, but extract it ourselves, since we live next to the forest. As for the purchased one, I honestly doubt it. Still, the product must be natural. I read a lot of good things about cedar resin, but, unfortunately, we don’t have cedars.

Nina Serebryakova (Moscow)

We constantly order resin online. There are specialized stores that sell similar products. We order from Altai, as this is perhaps the most environmentally friendly region of Russia. We mainly use it to prepare terpetine balm (it helps very well with pain in the joints and more). The whole family takes it to strengthen the immune system. The same balm can be purchased ready-made, but we are used to making it ourselves, it’s cheaper and more reliable!

By the way, many doctors also speak positively about the medicinal properties of oleoresin. True, we must not forget that it also has contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of drugs based on pine resin

There are few contraindications, but they exist and you need to know about them. First of all this:

  1. individual intolerance to such drugs
  2. pregnancy
  3. kidney diseases

In all other cases, it is possible and even necessary to use the healing properties of resin. In addition, if in doubt, you can always consult a doctor about this before starting treatment.

Where can I buy

You can buy pine resin in any online store or pharmacy near your place of residence. You can buy both in pure form and in the form of various oils, balms and tinctures.

To find an online store selling such goods, just type the following phrase in any search engine - buy pine resin (or cedar, spruce).

As a rule, the largest and most popular pharmacies will be on the first search page. Choose from them based on the price of the product, the possibility of delivery to your region, etc. If you are looking for laziness, then you can buy any oleoresin by clicking on the yellow banner located above in this article (on the left is a catalog of products - oleoresin - select pine oleoresin).

How to prepare your own resin

If you live in places where cedar, spruce or pine trees grow, then you can prepare resin yourself. There is nothing complicated about this and even a child can cope with this task.

You can learn how to do this correctly by watching this short video.

Subscribe to our VKontakte news! The group publishes things that are not on the site. I promise a lot of useful and interesting information, tips and long-forgotten traditional medicine recipes for all occasions!

Many natural substances have unique healing qualities. And most people are not even aware of the benefits of such elements. Traditional medicine experts claim that almost every natural substance can be used to treat and prevent various pathological conditions. One of the unique gifts of nature is spruce resin, the medicinal properties of which, its composition and application, we will now consider in a little more detail, and we will also talk on www..

It is believed that spruce resin can be collected at different times of the year, in autumn, spring, summer, and even cold winter.

What is spruce resin rich in, what is its composition?

This natural substance is a source of a huge amount of useful substances. Scientists have found that resin is rich in essential oils, resins, succinic and formic acid, as well as turpentine. All these components are characterized by bactericidal, antiseptic and wound-healing properties. This natural substance is the source of a number of volatile substances (monoterpenes), diterpenes and sesquiterpenes, as well as their derivatives. There is evidence that spruce resin contains special resin acids, represented by abietic, dehydroabistic, dextropimaric, pimaric, sapinic and others. It also contains colorless resin alcohols resinols and resinotannols.

Why is spruce resin valued, what are its properties?

There is evidence that oleoresin helps to cope with many digestive disorders. For this purpose, it was taken internally many centuries ago - during the times of Ancient Greece. Also, this useful substance was often used to treat lung and kidney diseases. It was also used externally for rheumatism, various injuries and diseases of the skin.

Chinese medicine experts say that spruce resin can be a good cure for toothache and headaches.

About how spruce resin is used, how to use it in practice

Ointment with spruce resin

This medicine is suitable for internal and external use. It helps to cope with wounds, trophic ulcerative lesions, bruises, burns, diseases of the joints and spine. In addition, the ointment is recommended to be used to treat boils, animal and insect bites, runny nose, bronchitis, tuberculosis, stomach ulcers and other pathological conditions.

To prepare an ointment with spruce resin, you need to prepare four parts of spruce resin, one part of propolis, four parts of beeswax and ten parts of oil (St. John's wort, meadowsweet or linseed). Place all prepared ingredients in an enamel container and heat in a water bath with constant stirring. Strain the hot medicine through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator.

For ulcerative lesions, tuberculosis and bronchopulmonary diseases, it is worth preparing a pea-sized amount of ointment and dissolving it in hot milk or tea (but not in boiling water). You can also dilute the medicine from oleoresin in cocoa or in cetraria decoction. However, milk is still the best option. Drink the resulting medicine one hundred and fifty milliliters three or four times a day, about a quarter of an hour before meals. Treat yourself with spruce resin ointment until complete recovery.

As for the external use of spruce resin ointment, for bruises, ailments of the joints and spine, as well as for incipient boils, small burns and nodular formations in the thyroid gland, it is worth rubbing it into the area of ​​the sore spot without applying any significant effort. The duration of this rubbing is three to five minutes. Repeat the procedure three times a day.

To correct a runny nose, you need to lubricate the wings of the nose, as well as the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, bridge of the nose and forehead with an ointment composition.

To treat a cough, you should apply mustard plasters, and then lubricate the reddish skin with ointment made from spruce resin. In some cases, ointment can be used as an alternative to massage cream.

Other ways to use spruce resin

For herpes, traditional medicine experts advise mixing spruce resin with any vegetable oil. Soak a tampon in this mixture and apply it to the sore for half an hour. Repeat this procedure at intervals of two to four hours.

To treat colds and sore throats, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of spruce resin. After this procedure, you should refuse to eat and drink for a couple of hours.

To treat polyarthritis, it is necessary to mix oleoresin with vegetable oil, maintaining an equal ratio. Rub this mixture onto the affected areas several times a day. The duration of such therapy is two weeks. Then take a break for one week and rub again for two weeks.

Spruce resin will also help cope with male impotence. Combine a teaspoon of this natural substance with half a liter of vodka and leave it to infuse in a fairly dark place for five days. Consume the resulting medicine three tablespoons twice a day before meals.

Is spruce oleoresin dangerous for anyone? Are there any contraindications?

Consumption of spruce resin is strictly contraindicated if the patient has an allergic reaction to this natural substance. In addition, oral use of oleoresin-based drugs is not possible for glomerulonephritis, allergies, viral hepatitis, pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children under twelve years of age.

Spruce resin is an amazing medicine given to us by nature itself.

Sometimes pine trees cry. A frost crack on a trunk, a branch broken by snow or wind, someone's axe, knife or other tool that left a wound. And the tree secretes drops of a clear or slightly yellowish viscous liquid. This is pine resin - the resinous sap of a tree.

Resin has a protective function - it heals wounds. Most likely, that’s why it’s named like that. The released juice hardens in air, becoming whitish. The wound is covered with a film that prevents the penetration of pathogens and fungi.

Not only pine has resin - all conifers: larch, fir, (Siberian pine) and others. But of practical importance for us, first of all, is pine resin - the sap of Scots pine.

Pine resin: composition, properties, processing, application

Three quarters of the composition of pine resin are resin acids. In their normal state, these substances are solid. Why is resin, albeit viscous, but still a liquid?

In addition to resin acids, resin contains substances that chemists call terpenes. Their share is only about 18%. But terpenes are great solvents. Pine resin is a solution of resin acids in terpenes.

Thanks to this, the resin moves quite easily along the resin passages that penetrate the wood. Sometimes it accumulates in so-called “tar pockets.” These, however, are more typical for spruce and, especially, fir. In pine they are less common.

Air-hardened pine resin is officially called barras, and unofficially - sulfur. Pine sulfur has nothing to do with sulfur as a chemical substance.

Preparation and processing of pine resin

Man discovered the healing properties of coniferous resin in ancient times. But then he took from nature, first of all, what she herself gave him. And not in such large quantities. Everything changed with the development of industry.

The first thing that people began to massively use from the sap of Scots pine for their practical purposes was pine resin. It was used to tar boats, and later – wooden ships and their gear. However, to obtain resin they used not so much resin as osmol - resinous branches, and especially resinous stumps that had stood in the felling areas for several years.

Resin fishing was very developed in many places where large tracts of pine forests grew along the banks of rivers. One of these areas is my homeland, the banks of the Kuloya and Vaga rivers, flowing into the Northern Dvina (I introduced readers to it).

This fishery, in places where river and sea vessels were built, also appeared many centuries ago. In our country it has been developing since the times of Peter the Great, from the beginning of the 18th century. The resin industry was especially developed in the first half of the 19th century. At this time, almost every peasant had his own tar factory. This loud word has, however, nothing to do with its modern meaning, with a large industrial enterprise.

A tar “factory” is just a semi-dugout with a firebox, a cube for tar (stumps and branches) and a wooden tray for draining the molten resin into a standing barrel. In the summer, during breaks between agricultural work, smolyo was prepared. And in winter they started “smoking” - distilling the resin. Smoke, smoke, heat near the stove, cold outside... The work of hell! But he gave the peasant a little extra money. And the inevitable colds were treated primarily with pine resin.

In the spring, the resin barrels were collected by the reseller. They were installed on special rafts and floated down the river to Arkhangelsk. From other fishing grounds, resin went to St. Petersburg, as well as to the southern shipyards of the country.

The turn of mass procurement and processing of pine resin came a little later. Since the mid-19th century, turpentine “factories” began to appear in our area. They were organized by merchants and wealthy peasants. Such a “plant” was a barn with a furnace, a large distillation cube, a metal cap over it and pipes through which the vapors were discharged and where they were cooled.

Pine resin and sulfur were loaded into the cube. When heated, the volatile components of the resin - terpenes - evaporated. As they cooled, they condensed into turpentine. The remaining solid part was a glassy mass. It was rosin.

But before processing, pine resin must be extracted from the tree. Sometimes on pine trees you can see strange “decorations” in the form of a reverse Christmas tree for the uninitiated. (It would be more correct to call them wounds). These are traces of the preparation of resin. In our area it stopped by the end of the 80s of the 20th century.

The process of harvesting pine resin is called tapping. First, the bark is removed from parts of the trunk. A longitudinal groove is made in the sapwood, and side channels are cut to the depth of several annual rings. A funnel-shaped receiver is suspended below. A metal plate is fixed in front of it, along which pine resin flows into a funnel.

Next, I think it’s clear. The person collecting resin walks around the area, removes filled funnels, and installs new ones. The prepared resin is poured into barrels. From time to time, wounds on trees need to be repaired. The resin hardens - the tree is protected. This process is called lifting, and the worker is called lifting.

It is believed that 1–2 kg of pine resin can be taken from it without harm to the tree. Of course, everything depends on how much human economic activity complies with environmental standards. And tapping the same trees from year to year weakens them, leading to diseases.

Therefore, according to the rules, tapping should be carried out in forests that are scheduled for felling in 5–10 years. As I already mentioned, we haven’t been tapping pine trees for twenty-five years. Existing chemical forestry enterprises were closed in the frenzy of “perestroika”.

Is it good or bad? How can I say it? Previously, before cutting down a pine forest, valuable chemical raw materials were obtained from it. Now the forest is simply being cut down...

Modern wood chemical enterprises, in terms of equipment and technology, have moved far from the turpentine “factory” I described. But the principles of processing pine resin are generally the same. It is distilled from it by dry distillation or steam distillation. turpentine. The remaining rosin processed further.

Turpentine is not as important for a modern person as it was for a peasant a hundred years ago. We don't have harnesses for horses that were lubricated with it. There are leather boots. But we prefer not to lubricate them with turpentine. Although it is good for leather shoes! And the skin becomes soft and does not let water through.

But turpentine also has other uses. This is an excellent solvent for varnishes and paints. A significant part of turpentine is used for the production of medicines. In medicine, only turpentine obtained from resin is used. There are other ways to get it, after all.

And rosin is used not only for rubbing the bows of stringed musical instruments. It is used in tinning and soldering, in the production of artificial rubber, plastics, paper and cardboard, soap and in many other important matters. To receive medications - too. Purified turpentine is also obtained from rosin.

Healing properties of pine resin

Pine resin has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, promotes wound healing, cures inflammatory processes, and relieves pain.

If you get a small wound in the forest, you can use pine resin instead of iodine. It heals not only fresh cuts, but also festering wounds, as well as boils.

To treat boils, a bandage folded several times is soaked in resin and applied to the sore spot. After 2–3 days, the boil resolves.

Another thing is that in this case we are treating the consequence - the boil, and not the cause - the disease that resulted in its appearance. But here it is You need to see a doctor!

In exactly the same way, you can use pine resin to treat small festering wounds, as well as some skin diseases - for example, fungal ones.

Pine resin in a small amount (2 grams) can be added to the bath. This bath will relieve fatigue, have a calming effect, and promote good sleep.

When coughing, you can achieve relief by swallowing a few grains of frozen resin (pine “sulphur”).

As children, we willingly chewed such “sulfur,” replacing the chewing gum that was unavailable at that time. By the way, there were more benefits from it than from modern chewing gum - it refreshes the mouth and disinfects the oral cavity, teeth, gums, and helps prevent caries.

Pine resin is useful in itself. Its derivatives – turpentine and rosin – are also used for medicinal purposes.

You can buy it in pharmacies purified turpentine. It is used for inhalation for bronchopulmonary diseases (10–15 drops per glass of hot water).

Used for rubbing against neuralgia, rheumatism, myositis. turpentine liniment, also sold in pharmacies.

Used for cholelithiasis drug olimethin, which contains purified turpentine oil.

And turpentine oil, by the way, is another name for turpentine!

Gum turpentine is used as an irritant in mixtures for rubbing, ointments for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and radiculitis.

Traditional medicine uses turpentine to treat asthma, tuberculosis, and peptic ulcers. There is even information (not officially confirmed!) about the treatment of oncology. In these cases, turpentine is taken orally.

But when used internally, it is important to remember - turpentine is poisonous ! The dosage must be strictly observed, and it involves using drops.

For liver and kidney diseases, internal use of turpentine is contraindicated!

In this case, the most important principle applies - need to be treated by a specialist !

Treatment of a whole “bouquet” of diseases involves the use of turpentine baths according to the method of Dr. Zalmanov. But, as far as I understand, the methods of Zalmanov and his followers are not recognized by official medicine. I myself cannot be considered not only an “expert” in this matter, but even a more or less savvy expert...

Pine resin really helps to revitalize, improve health and prolong life. And not only, but also you and me.

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Resin is an aromatic, sticky, resinous substance released when the bark of coniferous trees (pine, spruce, fir, cedar, larch) is damaged. Hardening on the surface of the bark, the resin creates a reliable protective barrier that protects the wounded tree from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms or bark beetles.

Resins of all coniferous species have a pronounced antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, vascular strengthening, antiallergic, antifungal, antiviral, and immunomodulatory effect.

In ancient times, people noticed that just as a person’s blood runs, so does the sap run by the trees. That's why they called resin - resin. Alive, Zhivaga is the goddess of life among the ancient Slavs. Resin is the life sap of a tree. They took it in late spring and at the dawn of summer, when the awakened earth joyfully opened flowers and the grass sprang wildly in the meadows. They looked for healthy, thick trees, strong and proud, stretching their green palms high into the sky. They took the voluntarily donated blood of the tree, without an incision, as is now practiced, thanked the tree for the life given to them, for healing and help, believing that it would not leave Zhiva-Zhivag with its mercy, would breathe life into the body of the dead, and raise it from the bed.

And it couldn’t be otherwise - oleoresin cures 99 ailments, and even drives away the hundredth. People believed that tree blood not only drives away illnesses, but also restores a person’s vitality by transferring part of their soul.

Centuries passed and people forgot the mercy of their land... modern science considers wood blood only as a raw material for the production of turpentine and rosin, forgetting the old recipes and compositions, forgetting the experience of the ancient doctors and healers. There are almost no serious studies on the healing properties of oleoresin, no, despite the fact that many modern doctors use it in the composition of ointments and other medicinal potions.

Physical characteristics and chemical composition of resin

Resin, a colorless viscous resinous substance with a characteristic pine odor; waste product of trees, mainly conifers (in the USSR - pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir). Contained in resin passages that penetrate all parts of the tree, and is released when it is damaged. Hardening on the surface of the damaged area, the resin protects the tree (“heals the wound,” hence the name) from the penetration of pathogenic fungi, bark beetles and others.

The composition of oleoresin includes: 40-65% diterpene, or resin, acids of the general formula C19H29COOH (levopimaric, pimaric, palustraic, abietic, dehydroabistic, etc.), 20-35% monoterpene hydrocarbons of the general formula C10H16 (the volatile part of the oleoresin is α- and β-pinenes, carene, camphene, β-phellandrene, limonene, etc.), 5-20% sesqui- and diterpene hydrocarbons and their derivatives (so-called neutral substances). The qualitative composition of resin acids and monoterpenes for the resin of coniferous trees growing in the USSR is basically the same (cedar resin also contains lambertian acid), their quantitative composition is different and depends on the species and type of tree, its area of ​​distribution, etc. fir resin contains, in addition, triterpene acids.

Resins differ significantly from one another in the content and composition of neutral substances (in % by weight): in the resin of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) - 3-4 (pimaradiene, pimarinol, abietinol, abietinal, methyldehydroabietate, etc.), in the resin of Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica) - 7-10 (cembrene, isocembrine, isosembrene, etc.), in larch oleoresin (Larix sibirica, Larix daurica) -18-20 (larixol, larixacetate, epimanool, epitorulozole, aldehydes, etc.), in oleoresin spruce (Picea obovata, etc.) - 10-12 (neoabienol, epimanoyloxide, etc.), in fir resin (Abies sibirica) - 8-12 (manoyloxide, abienol, neoabienol, etc.).

The composition of the resin includes:
volatile substances (32-35%) – monoterpenes (a- and b-pinenes, b-phellandrene, camphene, carene, limonene, etc.);
diterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their derivatives (8-10%);
resin acids (77–77.5%) - abietic, lambertian, dextropimaric, dehydroabistic, levopimaric, pimaric, palustraic, sapinic, etc.
higher fatty acids (0.3%) including: lauric, palmitic, palmitooleic, oleic, stearic, etc.
resinols and resinotannols (resin alcohols), rubbers (resin esters), vitamins C and D, succinic acid.

Medicinal properties of resin

The composition of wood blood is similar; all oleoresins are characterized by a strongly pronounced healing, antiseptic, and analgesic effect. However, there are also differences:

Siberian cedar resin is an excellent remedy for stimulating and restoring metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain, improves integral brain activity, especially in atherosclerosis, injuries and other diseases with obvious impairment of cerebral circulation (impaired memory, attention, speech, dizziness). Can be used for depressive conditions, in gerontological practice, senile dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Normalizes cardiac activity, including during myocardial infarction. It is advisable to use it for brain hypoxia caused by acute viral and mycoplasma infections, for example, tick-borne encephalitis virus. There is evidence of a preventive effect in tumor diseases: it increases the sensitivity of tumors to radiation and chemotherapy.

During the Great Patriotic War, with an acute shortage of medicines, resin brought invaluable help to military surgeons; in Siberian hospitals it was used to treat deep bullet wounds. The most severe and chronic tissue damage, including gangrene, was treated with resin. In case of fractures, resin was smeared on the site of injury - and the bone healed faster.

Resin has shown itself to be excellent in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Resin is consumed in small doses orally - for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, hemorrhoids, heartburn. Resin improves intestinal microflora and helps cope with dysbacteriosis. Resin is useful for pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, catarrh, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis and enterocolitis. Resin is used as an epithalizing agent for various ulcerative and erosive processes, for rubbing against rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, and colds of the respiratory system.

Resin is an excellent remedy for stimulating and restoring metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain. It improves the integral activity of the brain, especially in atherosclerosis, trauma and other diseases with obvious impairment of cerebral circulation (impaired memory, attention, speech, dizziness).
There is evidence of the preventive effect of oleoresin in tumor diseases: it increases the sensitivity of tumors to radiation and chemotherapy.

Non-strict recipes and simple technology of preparation at home - seasonings, drinks, tinctures, kvass, teas, decoctions, extracts - encourage patients to treat with resinous substances. And an accessible form of procedures - baths, lotions, massage, rubbing, instillation, inhalation.

Recipes for using resin

A balm ointment is prepared for external and internal use. It contains: oleoresin, propolis, beeswax, dried plantain leaf powder, meadowsweet, linseed and St. John's wort oil.

For bruises, diseases of the joints, spine, incipient boils, light burns, cracks in the fingers, herpes on the lips, rub the ointment into the sore spot for 3-5 minutes. You can do it up to 3 times a day.

For a runny nose, lubricate the wings of the nose, the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, the bridge of the nose and forehead. When coughing, apply mustard plasters and then lubricate the reddened skin with ointment. You can use ointment instead of massage cream to prevent frostbite.

For bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, and stomach ulcers, a pea-sized dose of ointment should be added to slightly hot milk or tea. You can add it to a warm decoction of cetraria. Drink 3-4 times a day, 150 g, 15 minutes before meals, preferably with honey. The course of treatment is from 10 days to 6 months.

Tincture of oleoresin for sexual weakness

For sexual weakness, pour 1 teaspoon of pure resin into 500 g of vodka and place in a dark place for 7 days. Take 15 grams twice daily before meals. Or 30 grams before bed. The course of treatment is 2 months with a break of 10 days between them.

Gum oil for stomach ulcers and cataracts

To do this, you need to collect May resin (resin). Dissolve it in vegetable oil (preferably linseed) in a ratio of 1: 4. Then strain through 4 layers of gauze, let it sit for a day, carefully pour it into a dark bottle using a clean syringe and store in the refrigerator.

This oil is used internally - in the treatment of stomach ulcers (1|2 teaspoon, 3 times a day), externally - for joint diseases (instead of massage cream) and for cataracts. To do this, drop 1 drop of oil into the eye at night. There will be a slight burning sensation, but it will go away quickly. Course - 2 months.

Methods for obtaining resin

Resin is obtained by regularly making cuts on the tree trunk during the growing season (tapping) and collecting it in special containers. The yield of resin depends mainly on the type of tree and climatic conditions. In the USSR, mainly Scots pine is subjected to tapping, and the yield of resin is on average 1.0-1.1 kg/year. The yield of resin from trees of other coniferous species is significantly lower: cedar 0.6-0.8 kg, larch and spruce 0.3-0.5 kg.

When extracted, oleoresin quickly thickens in air, changes color to light or dark brown, becomes waterlogged, and becomes clogged. Commercial resin is characterized by the content of volatile terpenes (10-20% by weight), H2O (2-10%) and mechanical impurities (1-5%). Resin is soluble in diethyl ether, in abs. ethanol, acetone, worse - in gasoline, does not dissolve in water.

Scots pine resin is the main raw material for the production of rosin and turpentine. Processing of pine resin consists of removing water, removing debris, distilling off volatile monoterpene hydrocarbons with steam (this produces turpentine) with the simultaneous fusion of solid resin acids (receives rosin). Resin from larch, cedar, spruce, fir is a raw material for the production of α- and β-pinenes, balms (including medicinal), immersion oil, so-called neutral larch resin, glue-paste for sizing paper, repellents and others.

Processing of larch resin includes: purification, steam distillation of volatile terpene hydrocarbons with subsequent rectification, saponification of the non-volatile part with alkali, extraction of neutral substances with gasoline, boiling of the extract to obtain neutral larch resin (first obtained in the USSR), boiling of resin acid salts to obtain adhesive paste . Processing of cedar and fir resin consists of cleaning, thorough filtering and subsequent partial distillation of volatile monoterpene hydrocarbons to obtain fir and cedar balsams. The global volume of oleoresin harvesting is more than 700 thousand tons/year (1987). (1)

Dosages and methods of using resin

Since resin is a potent natural remedy, the concentration for care products should be no more than 3-5%, for medicinal preparations for external use - no more than 50%, for preparations for internal use - no more than 5% of the share in the solution.

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