Does treating alcoholism with magic work? What psychics say about alcoholism

1 test.
Moscow region, town 17, haunted house in the Savidov family. Something dark and otherworldly is felt right on the skin. One day evil spirits appeared. Nastya Savidova saw evil spirits in the Skype camera.
The first wife, Elena, died of cancer in this apartment many years ago, but the fact that the ghost of the deceased is wandering around in the apartment does not fit into my head. Will psychics see who or what is keeping the apartment residents in fear, will they reveal the secret of the ghost? What can the walls of a house tell you?

Based on the walls in the apartment, I was able to determine whether there were deaths or violence in the house. She said that the ghost of the owner’s ex-wife was wandering around the apartment and did not pose a threat.

She said that there was very bad energy in the apartment and everyone was quarreling. She said that the betrayals of the women living in this apartment were to blame for everything.

The female spirit feeds on weak people, he said.

She advised me to move because the woman’s spirit had settled here.

I scared the dog with a tambourine, whistled in the apartment, and was able to determine the call sign of the apartment owner when he was in a hot spot. He said that there are no ghosts in the apartment, but the apartment is in chaos and chaos and just needs to be repaired.

He said that there was an entity in the apartment and hugged the owner of the apartment.

I saw the silhouette of a man.

I saw a nasty entity.

I also saw the ghost of my ex-wife, who was taking revenge for her son, whose home was taken away from him. She moves in with the new wife of the owner of the apartment. I performed the ritual and cleaned the apartment.

Test 2 - psychics relieve alcohol addiction.
Natalya Kalashnikova is an alcoholic from Omsk. She herself didn’t notice how she became addicted to drinking and how 7 years flew by in a drunken stupor.
Elena Zhikhorko is the sister of the alcoholic Natalia.
No one in the Kalashnikov family suffers from alcoholism, and her illness came as a shock to her relatives. But no one can influence Natalya. Natalya has already sold everything to buy a bottle of vodka. When there was nothing left to sell, the woman began to take out loans and drank the money away. Relatives tried to code the woman, but it did not help. It lasted for a month. Psychics are the last hope for an alcoholic.
To confuse the psychics, we will conduct the test in an expensively furnished apartment.
Psychics will need to see who is waiting for them at the door.
Will psychics be able to see through closed doors, will they feel female energy and understand that she suffers from alcoholism.

Nadezhda Shevchenko said that there was a woman behind the door, identified the name of her dog, and supposedly this woman wants to die from alcohol or depression. He can only help her by talking, since Shevchenko herself drank heavily for several years 10 years ago.

Estonian Marilyn Kerro saw the ghost of a man, because of whom the heroine of the test began to drink. She didn’t identify alcoholism, but then she performed a ritual to get rid of the damage that caused Natalya to drink.

Violetta Polyakova - saw a young man.

Dashi - saw a demon who forced Natalya to drink every day in the hostel. Demon Lyarva, green snake, squirrel - demon of alcohol.

Denis Vysotsky and Maria Gan and Anton Mamon did not see the alcohol problem.

Daria Voskoboeva said that there was a woman behind the door and began drawing triangles and describing the relatives of the alcoholic. Dasha decided that in order to get rid of alcoholism, this woman needed to forgive someone.

The best psychics of the week were two - Nadezhda Shevchenko and D. Voskoboeva.
Kicked out of participation in the battle - Mammon.

Name of the program, project, TV show - Battle of Psychics
Season 17, episode 7 - bad apartment, alcoholism treatment.
TV channel: TNT
Air date: October 15, 2016

With the help of magic? Alcohol addiction is a huge grief for any family, as it literally changes a person both externally and internally. It is no coincidence that foreign experts and scientists always recommend that the whole family undergo rehabilitation after one of the members has been drunk. Many people are so desperate in the unsuccessful fight against this disease that they are increasingly thinking about the question: is there a conspiracy against alcoholism using water?

The Church is against it!

Psychological trauma is one of the most difficult and unforgettable moments. A person who drinks heavily will certainly cause harm to the environment in which he is located. Therefore, many decide to treat alcoholism with magic. At the moment, there is literally a whole propaganda against sorcerers, various healers, as well as psychics. I would like to immediately emphasize that there are very few ideological moments in this propaganda. This is explained by the fact that the church is the very initiator of such a “struggle.” But the church is only an institution of the unique power of Orthodoxy. And cases of real healing from drunkenness only after ordinary confession and communion, unfortunately, have not been recorded.

Practical magic

In defense of this method of treating an illness, we can say that there were times when great geneticists were not allowed to treat people with herbs, and homeopathy itself was strictly prohibited. But this ban only slowed down the development of such methods of treatment for this disease for some time. The question “is it worth trying magic treatment for drunkenness?” has a completely different meaning. Provide help to your loved one, as well as yourself? Stop the destruction of your destiny or let everything take its course?

The societies of evangelists, Pentecostals, Seventh-day Adventists, and Baptists allowed by the Orthodox Church today do not consent to official medicine, they are prohibited from having blood transfusions, organ transplants, and even if the problem is between life and death. Can such behavior whitewash the love of faith or the degradation of a person? And what is especially important - the loyalty established by people to some prescriptions or your current life, which you have alone?!

Magic treatment is an unconventional method, so it should be treated with caution.

Since ancient times, practical magic has helped people cope with many ailments, including helping against drunkenness. Of course, not every one of us knows what black magic is and how it can affect a person. Black magic is very dangerous for an ordinary person and if used incorrectly, the consequences can be sad, even death! Therefore, before you try to cast a spell on water, think about what consequences may occur.

Health and happiness are in your hands

What does a person become when he starts drinking?

  1. Vicious;
  2. Does not control himself;
  3. Screams for no reason;
  4. Gets irritated over trifles;
  5. Scandals and fights;
  6. Leads an immoral lifestyle.

There is an opinion that everything that is directed against caring for people’s health is not a real faith. Only its “melting” by ardent adherents of “pure faith”, interpretation for their own personal purposes, can lead to prohibitions on seeking help from magicians and clairvoyants for other problems. A person simply must be lucky, loved and healthy, only in this case he is able to achieve his goals and be useful to all the people around him. Relieving a person from drunkenness, doctors, monitoring alcoholics in their work, made a unanimous conclusion: healthy, wealthy and successful people will never drink.

Why are there so many alcoholics

The emergence of an addiction is usually based on the inability to realize oneself as an individual, to solve problems, misunderstanding of one’s loved ones, and the inability to “fit in” with society. And all these problems remain with the patient if treatment for alcoholism is carried out in a drug treatment clinic with the help of special medications that cause complete aversion from drunkenness.

All mental correction of an addict that takes place as part of official treatment essentially comes down to the following statements: “drinking is very bad” and “if you start drinking again, you will die immediately.” Unfortunately, this is a completely ineffective approach from traditional medicine.

People are different and some believe and some don’t, that if you read on water, you can get rid of addiction. We believe that no one will deny that there is some kind of negative energy in the world, which, one way or another, is present in our lives. So, alcoholism is a kind of bad black energy:

  • Alcohol Egregor;
  • Egregor of violence;
  • Egregor of faith and church;
  • Gambling addiction;
  • Debauchery and much more.

It is within the power of a magician and sorcerer to eliminate all these types of addiction, and they can also remove damage, love spells, and even inherited drunkenness. Among other things, anyone who undertakes to treat people, be it a psychic or a sorcerer, or a healer, has their own advantages over those invisible forces that help him. Therefore, using your personal connections with the energy of invisible forces makes such treatment much more effective and efficient. If you think that everyone can read water, you are deeply mistaken. You need to not only read the water, but also have certain abilities that not every person has!


We often try to explain to people who complain about their lives, having not changed even after visiting various holy places, such as a monastery or church. Understand that God is not faced with the task of healing a specific person, his task is to bring him to faith by any means, and this, as a rule, proceeds through various trials and heavy losses. Healers, sorcerers, psychics are a kind of intermediaries before an invisible force who are able to hear and develop a certain energy, thanks to which any healer is able to cure a patient and he does not even have to cast a spell on water.

It is very difficult to love and care for a person who is unable to take responsibility for his actions due to chronic drunkenness. But if you consider that he is seriously ill, then naturally you need to try to cure him. Don't give up, even if some method doesn't work. There are many ways to treat addiction: coding, water spells, drug therapy, etc., some will certainly help your loved one and gain health.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

Alcoholism is a problem for many. Although, ironically, this is not a problem for alcoholics, but for their loved ones. Is it possible to get rid of alcoholism as a bad habit and disease? Can.

First you need to understand the causes of alcoholism. Here are the consequences of damage and love spells, genetic predisposition, psychology, physiological dependence.

We remove alcoholism as a consequence of damage and love spells, and quite easily.

But speaking about other causes of alcoholism, I will voice a principle that I have tested in practice: “The basis of any negative behavior is positive intentions.” And I'm ready to prove it. Ask any person with a bad habit: “What valuable and important does this behavior give you?” (By the way, one of the most important phrases among psychotherapists), he will find a logical (if he didn’t drink his head away) explanation, and it becomes clear - “I drink because relieves stress, it helps communication, it makes loneliness less painful, it allows me not to see problems, it increases confidence, it gives me rest, it allows me to get rid of excess negative energy, it allows me not to hate myself so much, and so on...".

That is, is alcohol a helper for such people? Yes. Does it give them a substitute for pleasure? Yes. Does it fill the inner emptiness? Yes. That is, positive intentions can be identified. But...alcohol abuse is a surrogate for pleasure, to which people who can be called “unfilled”, “empty inside” are inclined. Inside - in their souls, their heads are empty and alcohol is their close interlocutor and “the person who understands them most.” These people need to be worked with through psychotherapy, which often shows positive results. But, subject to the desire of the person himself to change himself.

Well, if the calls to “Pull yourself together” are met with the answer: “Nooo, I won’t take this shit into my hands,” or a sharp refusal: “Who drinks? I???!!! Who is an alcoholic?!!,” then we need to work with drinkers differently, including against their will and desire. But for their benefit and for the benefit of those around them.

The human body produces endorphins and other hormones, which are called “natural drugs” (Think of the adrenaline rush or the heady feeling of success, pleasure and bliss with positive emotions). Long-term alcohol abuse suppresses the production of these hormones and inhibits the functioning of centers in the brain and adrenal glands. Pleasure hormones can no longer be produced without alcohol. The mental centers responsible for pleasure are suppressed, there is an accumulation of stagnant energy and energy blocks.

I work with a person to relieve alcohol dependence precisely on the principle of correcting the functioning of the psyche, energy and physiology.

Since a photograph is an energy-information cast of a personality, working with alcohol using a photograph is also possible, but it will take longer than one-on-one.

First you need to identify energy blocks in the energy-information structure of a person. I can feel them and remove them, unblock blocks in the brain. After this, adjust the person’s overall energy level. And then – identify and eliminate psychological causes. I often use the method “removing energy-information blocks.” This is similar to psychotherapy, but in this case I identify stress and other situations that traumatize a person’s psyche and soul, without him - looking through his past and identifying moments when stress appeared that left negative imprints on the person’s psyche. After identification, I “discharge” - release this energy. This way you can correct a person’s psyche, remove the desire for self-destruction from it, remove psychological and energy blocks.

The psychological and energetic cause seemed to be eliminated. But it often happens that a person quit drinking, but became angry and withdrawn. This means that the psychological problem has not been eliminated. In this case, it is necessary to create new centers of pleasure in the human psyche and brain, drawing a person’s interest from alcohol to other pleasures - sports, TV, work, communication, family, etc.

And only the last phase will be the removal of physiological dependence on alcohol. “Pipes are burning,” it happens. But the powerful flow of energy that needs to be given to a person will for some time replace another, external source of energy entering the body (By the way, vodka has been proven to have more calories than meat). Such support must be given until the body itself restores the ability to produce the energy necessary for normal human functioning.

The mechanism is as follows - removal of energy blocks - removal of psychological blocks - correction of energy - correction of the psyche - correction of physiology - increasing a person’s energy level.

Is this work possible from photography? Yes, I do. But, each case is unique, and if someone wants to receive such help from me, they must become my assistant themselves - providing psychological and moral support to the person whom they want to get rid of alcohol addiction.

Try it, and I will try to help as best I can.

The problem of alcohol addiction in Russia has always been relevant, regardless of the economic situation in the country or the social status of the addict. Russians, sadly enough, always drank and drank a lot, thereby destroying not only their lives, but also the lives of people close to him. However, people often confuse the concepts of drunkenness and alcoholism, and look for conspiracies or magical help for alcoholism, hoping for a miracle of esoteric techniques and conspiracies.

Let's look at the concepts and understand whether anti-drunkenness conspiracies can help in your case. So, drunkenness is psychological dependence on alcohol. If a person is a drunkard, it seems to him that under alcoholic intoxication he becomes stronger, more cheerful, his blocks of communication and acquaintance with the opposite sex are removed. Often, drunkenness is facilitated by a social circle in which there is nothing else to talk about except about daily life with a bottle of vodka or a glass of beer. In this case, a psychic can still provide you with magical help by freeing you from drunkenness, if not directly with rituals and conspiracies against drunkenness, then indirectly, by putting blocks on communication with drinking buddies, removing energy and working on the psychological aspects of attachment. By the way, not every magician will undertake to help with conspiracies against drunkenness, since this work is really difficult, with magical kickbacks. Plus, there is an unspoken rule - a person must want to stop drinking and independently agree to magical help.

One of conspiracies for drunkenness carried out as follows:
A tincture is prepared from a mixture of herbs: 4 parts thyme, 1 part each wormwood and centaury. The herbs are mixed, and one pinch of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for ten minutes. Next, the setting is filtered. After this, the glass must be crossed three times while reading the conspiracy against drunkenness:
“The bad stuff goes away, the smart mind comes. Let it be so"
Then a tablespoon of honey is stirred in a glass and served to the drinker instead of tea. This ritual must begin on the new moon, duration is 1 month.

If a person physical alcohol dependence, for him alcohol is like a drug, a person finds it difficult to navigate in space without drinking and he shakes without taking a glass of vodka, he is an alcoholic. Such diseases cannot be treated by real psychics. This is a medical diagnosis, and such a drunkard should be provided with professional help directly from the attending physician.
Good luck to you, my dears, be happy and in time contact real specialists who have a professional attitude towards your problem.

Hello, beloved reader! Today I want to talk to you about whether alcoholism is curable. My experience in narcology is 25 years. At the beginning, when they asked me: “Is alcoholism curable or not?”, I answered without a doubt: “Of course! Yes!" Now I am sure that we can only talk about long-term remission of the disease.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease.

Imagine a patient with diabetes, he must take pills for life and follow a strict diet. What happens if you stop doing this? That's right, the disease will take its toll, and blood sugar will be high again.

So it is here. A “former” alcoholic should forget about alcohol completely. Otherwise, a breakdown is inevitable.

Addiction to alcohol can hardly be called a bad habit - it is a disease that anyone can succumb to, but only a few can be cured.

Every time, knocking back a glass, the drinker at the bottom of the bottle hopes to find the answer to an unresolved question, to escape from the hardships of gray everyday life, to relax. Only alcohol is an unreliable friend, it will not help in solving accumulated problems, but it will willingly lead you to drug addiction and the grave.

Although alcoholic drinks are sold according to an age limit, anyone can get hooked on the green serpent. But before you start drinking, remember: you can't get off the hook.

Let’s first understand what alcoholism is as a diagnosis. Alcoholism is characterized by mental and physical dependence on alcohol.

The more often a person drinks strong drinks, the greater his need for them. To achieve a state of intoxication and “pleasure,” a drinker is forced to constantly increase the dose; if in the first “sitting” 1–2 glasses are enough for him, then after a week, two, a month he may not be limited to a full decanter. The desire to drink becomes an obsession. People suffering from this disease, in most cases, note that for them the desire to drink is comparable to the need to satisfy hunger.

I had a patient who said: “I want to drink so much that my nails itch.”

Illustrative examples from life

"I am 27 years old. I drank vodka for the first time with my school friends when we were 12. Like any child who does nasty things behind adults’ backs, he thought it was cool. The “coolness” didn’t end overnight; we drank “chekushka” almost every weekend. The parents, of course, did not know; few would have guessed that his 12-year-old child was drinking vodka. Eventually, it became a need that challenges me every day. I'm married, I have children, I work. But every day after work I go to the bar. I see how this affects my loved ones, how my sons avoid me, sometimes I hear my wife crying. Every morning I vow not to drink, but I want to drink so much that the pit of my stomach starts to suck, as if I’m hungry.”

“I’m almost fifty dollars, my youth was spent in the “fun” 90s, then there was a lot of health, and it was easy to get a singed “kosorytka”. To say that we drank it is an understatement; we “ate” it for 2-3 days in a row. The hangover passed quickly. With age, the binges became longer, and the withdrawals turned into quiet horror. It’s simply disgusting to remember all the drunken adventures: I slept drunk on the asphalt, I might have put on different shoes, I hallucinated. I went to work swollen and bruised. And I got a hangover, and it got addictive again... As a result, all that was left of my health were memories. Now I'm learning to live soberly. I haven't drunk for almost 3 years. I don’t drink at all, because I understand that no matter what happens, no matter who suggests it, no matter how you suggest it, you can’t drink first! After it you will 100% go crazy. During my sober life, I began to garden. But alcohol still lives in the brain and wants to push me back into my ass.”

Doctors and psychologists often hear such stories.

A little history

The term “chronic alcoholism” first appeared back in 1849, thanks to observations of the processes of change in the behavior and body of a drinking person by the Swedish doctor M. Huss.

But it took researchers of this addiction more than a century to classify alcoholism as a disease, the mechanism of which is not yet clear, but the source is known - “strong” drinks.

Under their influence, the alcoholic outwardly looks, to put it mildly, impartial, and those around him shun him. But the external is just a reflection of the internal. Why does a drunk person have trouble standing on his feet, quickly become irritated, losing control over his actions, and react sharply to external stimuli?

Because the whole body is poisoned. Just as when you use painkillers, their effect is not limited to a targeted muting of pain, but extends to the entire body, and when drinking alcohol, both internal organs and the brain suffer equally.

Ethanol, which is part of alcohol, is quickly absorbed, promotes the absorption of toxins and inhibits the absorption of beneficial substances. Ethanol has a complex effect on the brain and nervous system, is excreted by the lungs, kidneys, sweat glands, through biotransformation in the liver and with feces.

Lovers and chronicles. What is the difference?

Another problem is that a person addicted to alcohol often refuses treatment. It is also not uncommon for a situation where a drinking person is treated with understanding, but the family’s reaction to a person’s addiction to alcohol is condemned.

« The brother did not fall into deep slaughter, but drank every day. He stopped helping at home and could sit on a bench for hours while his wife took care of the children and household chores, and also worked part-time. She became nervous and pale. Everyone who didn’t know the reason why she looked like that called her hysterical behind her back, because it’s easy to judge behind her back without knowing what’s going on. Drug treatment helped, my brother doesn’t drink, my daughter-in-law has blossomed again.”

In this case, the family took advantage of a small but real chance for a cure.

Will explain. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are not identical concepts. If the first can be conditionally placed at the top of the ladder, then the second is several steps lower and closer to returning to a controlled and conscious life.

When a person abuses alcohol, he drinks a lot, but at the same time he realizes that this is not possible, he remembers his family and sympathizes with them. No hangover yet. At the same time, the patient is unable to carry out his duties in everyday life normally, since his brain is under the direct harmful influence of active chemical or biological compounds that disrupt the mental, psychological and physical processes of life.

An alcohol abuser is not yet a chronic alcoholic. He “sorts through”, but does not destroy his entire “human” life.

Chronik will exchange his last shirt for a drink, since he cannot and does not want to stop either physically or psychologically. He is addicted to alcohol. Chronic alcoholics are not able to control their actions; under the direct influence of alcohol, they are able to get involved in conflicts and create conflict situations themselves, and can break the law.

If the disease is known, there is a chance to cure it

We have come to the main question: is alcoholism curable or not? As the heroine of the film said: “You can teach a hare to smoke.”

So, today dozens and hundreds of theories and programs for getting rid of alcohol addiction have been developed. Patients also resort to “traditional” medicine, turn to healers, and are coded.

But! Wondering if alcoholism is curable, I say, “No!”

The benefit of treatment will only be with the “deep” work of a doctor - a narcologist, a qualified psychotherapist and a medical psychologist, “plus” the patient himself must want to overcome his addiction to alcohol.

Remember, bad habits are easy to acquire, but very difficult to get rid of.

Even after successful treatment, chronic alcoholics can relapse after a while, and for some this is a week, and for others it can take 10 to 20 years. “There are no former alcoholics?” Yes it is!

After treatment you should not drink alcohol under any circumstances! Otherwise, the problem will return again.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and remember: a healthy mind is the basis of a healthy body.

See you later, friends!

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