Sound treatment sound therapy oriental bells. Secrets of healers. Treatment with vowel sounds. Ambulance musical help

One of the most interesting, but little studied areas of modern medicine is sound therapy: sound healing.

When experiencing pain, we say: “OH”, “OH” or exclaim: “AY”, “AH” and this makes us feel better. This method is based on different frequency vibrations of sounds that resonate in human organs and systems or resonate throughout the entire body.

We constantly hear sounds around us, they surround us from all sides, but we do not notice them. Healing sounds are pleasant to us and cause us a feeling of harmony, peace, happiness, while other sounds cause disharmony and rejection in our soul.

Since the sound therapy technique is associated with sounds, and there are a great many of them, sound therapy is divided into several narrow areas:

Sound therapy - sound healing

Music therapy – the great Pythagoras used his writings to treat “diseases of the soul.” Music not only has an emotional impact on a person, but also resonates with the internal organs, tuning them to the correct vibration.

– this is therapeutic singing, choral, solo, “from the heart.” Chanting activates energy centers in the human body, through which it affects all internal organs. If we turn again to history, then the same Pythagoras began every morning at the university with a chant in order to activate the mind and clear it of sleep. Studying also ended with songs to calm down and get ready for sleep;

Word therapy - when semantic thought forms are created from individual sounds that heal and heal the human body;

Ultrasound treatment - these are mechanical vibrations of a dense medium with a certain frequency, which propagate in the form of longitudinal waves, stretching or compressing the medium. Ultrasound penetrates tissues and organs and is absorbed by them. It has absorbable, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and other properties.

Treatment with the sounds of nature – there is no such technique as an independent direction, but healing sounds of nature are organically used in psychotherapy, aerophytotherapy and other practices where relaxation techniques are used.

The influence of sounds on human health

An interesting fact is that the number of leukocytes, especially neutrophils and lymphocytes, increases under the influence of sounds, and leukocytes, as you remember, perform the protective function of the body.

Research by French, German and Russian scientists has proven that the connection between any sound, acoustic vibration or voice with the human nervous system, which was established in ancient times, really exists.

By absorbing sound vibration, the human body restores its strength, as if charged with positive emotions and health. But we must not forget about sounds that negatively affect a person, creating disharmony in the functioning of internal organs. There are a lot of them around us too.

People have known since ancient times that sounds made by voice have healing properties. Particular importance was attached to the influence of sounds on human health in the East and India, where various diseases were treated with their help. In Ancient Rus' they also used the miraculous power of sound and even assigned it some mystical role.

Currently, the influence of sounds on human health has been fully confirmed by ongoing research. The sounds that the person himself pronounces are especially important.

  • A unique Chinese method of rejuvenation with sounds.

Registers of the influence of sounds were created, reflecting their impact on the human body, which coincide with the treatises of the ancient East, here are some of them.

Healing properties of sounds

It is interesting that some organs react not to one or two, but to several sounds, for example, the work of the heart can be treated with the sounds: “A”, “I”, “O”, “S” and many people do not understand this fact, that’s why I I asked myself this question.

It turns out that everything is explained very simply. If we “treat” the heart using medications, then we drink potassium and magnesium to strengthen the heart muscle. To relieve an attack of arrhythmia, we need validol or nitroglycerin, to relieve pain, something else...

Sound therapy probably occurs in a similar way. When pronouncing, or even better when singing these sounds with your voice, certain vibrations arise that correct the vibrational frequency of the internal organs, tuning the body to health.

The healing properties of vowel sounds relax and calm

You need to inhale, hold your exhale for a short time and start: “E-I-I-I-I”, as if you were shouting from afar, albeit quietly. The sound should be smooth and maintain the same pitch. Repeat 4-5 times. Listen to yourself and you will feel the sound vibration in your head. which gives cleansing and a feeling of joyful excitement.

This is how sounds heal, such magical sounds, such sound therapy!

Of course, it is almost impossible to sing consonant sounds, maybe some of you will succeed, but if not, then pronounce them.

In fact, in life, we often use this ancient method of treatment, but we don’t notice it. While rocking the baby in the cradle, we sing healing sounds to him: “A – A – A – a – ah,” thereby calming our baby, evening out his breathing and freeing him from negative energy.

And how often do we moan, experiencing pain: “OH - OH”, “OH-OH”, or exclaim from surprise or fear: “AY”, “AH” and this makes us feel better.

Use the healing properties of sounds, their effect on health and live long!

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Sound therapy

One of the most common and popular types of therapy that helps not only cope with life’s difficulties, but also renew vital energy, calm the nervous system, bring harmony into our lives, and have a general healing effect on the human body is the effect of sound. This is about sound therapy- a complex of psychosomatic regulation of the properties of the human body, based on the use of sound for medicinal purposes. If previously it was believed that sound therapy has a positive effect on human health when listening to music, now supporters of sound therapy unanimously declare that by regularly listening to music, the human body is able to trigger a self-healing mechanism. If we consider this assumption as reliable, then a person is able to recover from many diseases even without directly listening to music, simply humming his favorite melody under his breath. Despite the fact that the above is just an assumption, the greatest importance of sound therapy for human health can hardly be denied.

It is believed that the method of sound therapy was invented a long time ago in Ancient China, who used it to treat patients, and the treatment took place thanks to the sounds made by the patient himself. It has been proven that when talking or singing, only 20% of all sounds go into the external environment, the remaining 80% remain in the body, are absorbed by the internal organs of a person and produce vibrations. Primitive people believed that the power of sound could unite the energy of earth and heaven, so shamanic tambourines, flutes and rattles were very popular among them.

Let us consider in more detail the main component of sound therapy, thanks to which it has that miraculous effect on a person’s mental, emotional and physical health, namely sound. Sounds surround us from all sides, wherever a person goes - even to the ends of the world, he will constantly hear sounds. Even in the Sahara Desert, a person hears the sounds of the wind. Sounds can be pleasant for a person, neutral or unpleasant. Each of these types of sounds, except neutral ones, can have a direct impact on human health! Don't believe me? Then get specific examples:

1. Imagine for a second that you returned from work in the evening very angry and irritated, you are so fed up with everything that you don’t want to see anyone. In order to relax a little, you decide to pamper yourself with a relaxing bath using essential oils. To enhance the relaxation effect, you bring into the bathroom your favorite tape recorder, a gift from your grandfather, and turn on a disc called “Sounds of Nature” - a true source of relaxation. Five minutes after the start of the procedure, you notice that you have completely forgotten about the evil boss who frayed all your nerves, and the scoundrel clients who strive to humiliate your human dignity, and about the driver who was sitting in the front seat from you, who smoked cigarettes all the way, although you cannot stand cigarette smoke and have asked him to throw away the cigarette a thousand times... None of this exists for you anymore, you have completely succumbed to the enchanting singing of birds and the noise of the Atlantic Ocean coming from your tape recorder. You are absolutely relaxed in body and soul, thanks to which you allow your nerve cells to rest and your body to be filled with energy.

2. Now imagine a person running a sharp metal object across the glass. Due to the contact of metal with glass, an incredible grinding noise is formed that can unbalance even the most stress-resistant individual. If the grinding continues for a long time, it can lead to a nervous breakdown.

I hope you are now convinced of the power of sound. How does sound affect a person? The basic principle of sound is the mechanical vibration of waves propagating in an elastic medium, and the subsequent perception of these vibrations by the human senses. The waves in the medium are first compressed and then rarefied, being in constant oscillation. The human hearing organs perceive the action of sound waves with a frequency range from 16 to 20,000 Hz. Sound vibrations with a frequency of less than 16 Hz, called infrasound, and above 20,000 Hz (ultrasound) are not perceived by the human hearing organs, but they can have a biological effect on the body. It is this fact that explains why, when a person hears quiet slow music, or the melodic singing of birds, he unwittingly begins to fall asleep. And, on the contrary, when listening to music in the style of Hardcore or Metall, a person’s sleep suddenly disappears, and sometimes he begins to experience mental irritation.

Music is the most common way of manifesting sound in sound therapy; it is through music that a person gets rid of many diseases. In the recent past, many people referred to this as the “music phenomenon.” In fact, people called the natural effect of music on the human body due to the frequency of sound a phenomenon. In a broader sense, music is a set of sound signals, organized in a special way in time, perceived by the human brain and influencing it through sound vibrations. The power of music's influence on a person is explained by the fact that when listening to music, both hemispheres of the brain are used - the left is responsible for the rhythm, and the right senses the melody and timbre. Rhythm has a direct effect on the human body during sound therapy sessions, since the frequency of the rhythms of musical works is in the range of 2.1 - 4.0 vibrations per second, which is almost equivalent to the frequency of human breathing. By adjusting to music, a person’s performance increases, their mood improves, the body’s overall resistance increases, its ability to resist diseases, and a person’s heartbeat and breathing are normalized.

Why do you think one type of music is a person’s favorite, evokes a lot of positive emotions in him, gives him peace of mind and peace of mind, while other music causes nothing but anger and irritation? You've probably been in a situation where, while traveling in a minibus, the driver turned on the radio, which caused dissatisfaction among some of the passengers. People explain their reluctance to listen to a certain type of music by saying that they don’t like it. In fact, the frequency of the rhythms of music of this direction is significantly lower or higher than the frequency of breathing and heartbeat of a person, that’s all. Imagine for a moment yourself sitting in a restaurant with a chic companion. You look into each other's eyes, your hearts beat in unison, you are in a romantic mood, you are ready to admire each other for hours. And suddenly the host of the evening announces: “Now Seryoga Zhigan will perform for you with his new hit “Roses have withered in the garden near our zone”... I bet you are unlikely to like this composition. At best, you just get up and leave.

Music, without exaggeration, can control your mood - when you listen to a composition with a rhythm of 2.2 vibrations per second, your breathing begins to slow down, and you begin to plunge into thoughts, sadness, and sometimes even apathy (although this is an extreme case). Very often, such music promotes relaxation, so if you did not plan increased activity for today, but, on the contrary, feel the need to relax, then relaxing music is just for you. Relaxing music includes sounds of nature, instrumental music (especially compositions performed on the piano), classical works (Mozart, Bach, Verdi, Tchaikovsky). Relaxing music perfectly helps with insomnia, headaches, increased excitability, muscle tension, and uncertainty of life goals. Don’t let the last point mislead you, as many people recognized their own abilities and true desires during relaxation. It is believed that while listening to such music, a person puts his thoughts in order, takes control of his emotions and desires.

When listening to dynamic music with a rhythm of 4.0 vibrations per second, the opposite effect occurs in comparison with listening to relaxing music - a person’s activity increases sharply, the heartbeat quickens, the person wants to fly, run, swim... whatever, just not sit still. Loud dynamic music can increase a person’s energy reserve several times and relieve depression and anxiety.

In addition to all the above symptoms, sound therapy is also effective for:

Diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system;

Inflammatory diseases;

Mental disorders;



Postpartum consequences.

The results of modern scientific research confirm the existence of medicinal properties of sounds pronounced by humans, and specific registers of their effects are being created.

The following sounds and harmonies have the most pronounced healing properties:

The sound “I” - helps with eye diseases, improves nasal breathing;

- "OM" - reduces blood pressure;

The sounds “Shch”, “K”, “I”, “C” - for the prevention of ear diseases;

The sounds “M”, “N”, “V”, “E” - improve brain function;

- “AT”, “IT”, “AP”, “AM”, “UT” - correct speech.

The sounds “X”, “CH”, “U”, “Y” - help improve breathing;

The sounds “A”, “S”, “O”, “M”, “I” - treat heart diseases.

- "AY", "PA" - prevention of heart disease.

Despite the fact that sound therapy techniques can be successfully used independently, a person must remember that in this case sound therapy is a means of preventing the disease, and not treating it. To effectively use sound therapy as a means of treating each specific disease, a person should contact a psychotherapist who, after an examination, will be able to prescribe qualified therapy to the patient.

The fact that sounds can heal has been known since ancient times. Thus, in Ancient Egypt, choir singing was used to relieve insomnia; in Ancient Greece, the sounds of trumpets were used to heal radiculitis and disorders of the nervous system.

There are sounds that can heal. Some of them reduce pain, others affect the blood, various organs and systems.

Nature has awarded man with an amazing property, giving him the opportunity to express his feelings and thoughts with the help of sounds and words.

The ability to express one's feelings and emotions is best demonstrated through the art of singing. The connection between the voice, any sound, and acoustic vibration with nerve centers and human health was established in ancient times. Different sounds generate different vibrations, which in turn affect our well-being in different ways.

Any deviation from balance is stress. A person cannot live without stress. Stress can be beneficial (sanogenic) and harmful, then it is called “distress”.

Distress can lead not only to neurosis, but also to ulcers, hypertension, intestinal disorders, eczema, and bronchial asthma. This list could be continued, so great is the influence of acute, momentary and chronic unfavorable life circumstances on our health.

Recent years have been marked by successes in the discovery of drugs from the arsenal of “pharmacology of a healthy person.” The wonderful idea of ​​becoming bolder and stronger by taking a pill has long attracted people. But as practice has shown, out of tens of thousands of drugs created, only a few stand the test of time. Most sooner or later show some side effects. Therefore, physiological methods of increasing the vitality of the body remain popular to this day.

The method of vocal therapy (VT) is the most desirable universal means of treatment, since it does not affect any organ separately, but not the entire body.

What did barge haulers do when things were hard for them? That's right, they sang! And all because singing relieves distress, activates the body's defenses, lung capacity, and therefore the body's supply of oxygen and nutrients improves. Exhale slowly promotes the development of additional blood supply pathways and collaterals in the heart, which is important in prevention of myocardial infarction. A well-functioning diaphragm gently massages the digestive organs. In addition, vibration stimulation of internal organs.

Scientific research has proven that even “simple” singing from the heart for 20–30 minutes daily has an extremely positive effect on the human body. Shown, that vocal therapy gives particularly good results for chronic diseases of the bronchi and lungs, including for bronchial asthma. The number of neutrophils and lymphocytes - our protectors - increases under the influence of VT. Apparently they like it when the owner sings!

Subatomic particles vibrate, and therefore atoms vibrate, and therefore everything around, including internal organs. We live in a world of different kinds of vibrations - high, low, noticeable and unnoticeable, healing or destroying our body. At the same time, vibrations, both negative and positive, tend to accumulate in the body.
On the other hand, they can be influenced. Voice saying certain sound combinations, as it were, tunes the internal organs, corrects their vibrational frequency. This human ability has been studied since ancient times.

These days, a doctor from San Francisco, Dr. Ambramsom, scientists from Germany under the leadership of Peter Huebner, and Russian scientists, for example S. Shusharidzhan, have been researching the therapeutic effects of sounds on humans. The connection between the voice, any sound, and acoustic vibration with nerve centers, established in ancient times, has been confirmed!
Sound becomes visible in the form of radiation. This suggests that energy, taking the form of sound, is absorbed by the physical body before becoming visible. In this way the physical body regains its strength and becomes charged with new magnetism.
Chinese way.

Sound therapy was well known in Ancient China, is still used by Chinese specialists today.

HE” – sound combination is used for treatment oncological diseases. The sound should be pronounced 9 times for each procedure. The left hand should be placed on the diseased organ, the right hand should be placed on top of it. If, after chemotherapy, the composition of the blood has changed for the worse, after pronouncing the specified sound nine times, you should pronounce the sound combination “six times.” SI”.

GU-O” – used in the treatment of diseases liver, gallbladder, tendons and eyes. When pronouncing, hands should be placed on the liver area in the above manner.

DON” – helps with illnesses spleen, stomach, mouth muscles. Pronounced 12 times. Hands are placed on the solar plexus.

SHEN” – used to treat diseases lungs, colon.

YU” – sound is used for diseases kidneys, bladder, skeletal system. Pronounced 9-12 times. The palms are located on the tailbone area.
The number of pronunciations per procedure ranges from 9 to 12 times.

Wisdom of Tao.

Tao offers treatment (or better yet, disease prevention) lungs using sound " sssssssssss" while exhaling slowly through teeth and slightly parted lips. It is performed while sitting on a chair with legs spread apart.

On kidneys should be influenced by the sound combination “ Chuuuuuuuuuuuu" Just like we blow out a candle. This is done in the same way.

Liver and bile bubble love sounds" Shiiiiiiiiii", A heart rejoices at the sounds " Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Performed while sitting.

And you sat down and said, “ Huuuuuuuuuuuuu", then improve your health spleen, pancreas and stomach.

Tired At work? Then take a horizontal position (without a pillow) and say “ Hiiiiiiiiii”, and explain to your colleagues/husband that you are restoring the balance of energies in the body and are now ready for new feats.

In all cases of performing exercises, the back should be straight, the body relaxed, and the eyes closed. Think about the organs you affect, send them your love and wishes for health. Place the palms of your hands on the projection of the organs onto the skin. Try to make your inhalations as deep as possible, and your exhalations as long as possible.

The whole complex takes about 15 minutes. Tao masters say that it improves digestion, enhances sexual pleasure, prevents runny nose, cough, sore throat, and also helps get rid of sleeping pills and depression.

Mantras heal.

The connection between the voice, any sound, and acoustic vibration with nerve centers has been especially fully studied and widely used in practice in the East.
Below are individual sounds and sound combinations that were developed in Ancient India and are still used in yoga to treat a variety of diseases. They are based not on the semantic meaning of words, but on the healing effects of vibrations that occur when pronouncing sound combinations called mantras. Before pronouncing mantras, you need to sit in a comfortable chair, lower your arms along your body, completely relax physically, and mentally focus on the diseased organ. Mantras should be pronounced clearly, in a low voice, while actively exhaling. It is recommended to pronounce them 8 to 12 times at intervals of 2-3 seconds.

Sound " MN" Reciting it makes life easier, and in difficult situations we often use it to heal ourselves.

Sound " YuYa kidneys and bladder, cleanses and fills them with energy.

Sound " AND I"When chanted, it has a beneficial effect on heart.

Sound " YU» has a beneficial effect on kidneys and bladder, relieves painful spasms.

Sound " SI"relieves tension, but not in the same way as during repentance, when pronouncing a sound " A" When a person is frightened by something, the sound “SI” relieves tension.

Sound " OH» has a beneficial effect on rectum. This sound sounds like a howl and can be howled. Heals haemorrhoids.

Sound " MPOM"should be pronounced as if you were playing the trumpet. It has a beneficial effect on heart.

Sound " PA" is sung in one breath. This is also activation hearts oh, only in a lighter version. The heart can hurt both with a lack of energy and with an excess, so you need to try everything and choose what suits you best.

Sound " PEOHO» has a very beneficial effect on breath.
As you exhale the sound " OXO" produces the same purification as the sound of breathing " HA" This sound also activates the heart.

Sound " EUOAAYYAAOM" It must be sung over a person who has lost consciousness, and also sung to the person himself when he loses strength. These are repetitive sounds. Of course, you first need to learn how to pronounce all the basic sounds correctly and clearly, without tension, and then move on to singing them. Remember the sequence.

Sound " ABOUT", turning into " E" This is a very healing sound, and in all words “O” is a healing vowel, and “E” is a cleansing vowel. The main harmonizing sound is the sound “O”.

A very important sound - " NG", the pronunciation of which stimulates pituitary and expands human creativity. When pronouncing the sound “E,” the throat, parathyroid gland, and trachea are stimulated. You should try to sing the sound “E” in high tones.

Sound " EYYA» has an effect on the physical body, cleanses, harmonizes. It should be recited on the 2nd, 8th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 26th and 29th lunar days and on days of fasting.

Sound " AUOUUM» has an impact on the mental body. It must be pronounced as a bell sounds, very fully, with strong articulation. This sound revitalizes, cleanses and energizes the mental body. You should work with this sound on the 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 27th lunar days.

« IAAEEEE“must be pronounced in such a way as to highlight each syllable, that is, they must be pronounced separately, sequentially. Thus, this sound harmonizes and calms our emotions and energy. It is most favorable to chant this sound on the 3rd, 11th, 12th, 28th and 30th lunar days.

The most important sound that needs to be mastered and pronounced often enough is the sound “ NGONG" Sound " N“Start pronouncing with a moo, you need to concentrate on the first letters. The sound should come out of all the holes in the head. This sound has a beneficial effect on the liver, stomach, brain and revitalizes the vocal cords. Pronunciation of even individual parts of this sound is healing. The clear, silvery pronunciation of this sound cures sinusitis. The sound "NGONG" is very useful for the solar plexus, stomach and liver. When you pronounce it, it should come from the head, but at the same time the whole body should vibrate. Your head becomes the instrument that produces this sound and creates a similar field around itself. When pronouncing the sound “NGONG”, conditions are created for activating the simultaneous work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Secrets of the Rosicrucians

Western spiritual traditions do not lag behind the Eastern ones, their list of sound combinations is no less. Judge for yourself:

Sound combination " Raaaaaaaaaa“on the note “A” of the first octave has a positive effect on the pituitary gland, the functioning of the endocrine glands, helps get rid of diseases that are not accompanied by an increase in temperature;

« Maaaaaaa“on the note “A” of the first octave, the pituitary gland, reduces elevated temperature, reduces anxiety;

“Maaaarrrrr» - “la” of the first octave, the sympathetic nervous system, stimulates the sex glands, regulates the secretory activity of the endocrine glands;

« Zaaaaaaaa“A” of the first octave, the forces of connection and cohesion, constantly operating in our body, strengthens intercellular connections;

« Uhhhhhhhh"-“up to” the first octave cleanses the blood and lymph,

« Meeeeeee“-“up to” the first octave to the solar plexus and through it to many organs, calms the heartbeat; reduces blood pressure for a while;

« Eeeeerrrr» - “up to” the second octave, if difficult - the first, affects the liver, pancreas, liver, kidneys, helps saturate the blood with oxygen

« Ummmmm"-si of the third octave - thymus, promotes oxygen exchange in the lungs;

« Zzzzooooo“- F-sharp of the third octave affects the bone marrow, thymus, bones, teeth, promotes the growth of bone tissue;

« Keeeeeeee"-Mi of the first octave reduces pain, helps to sleep, stimulates the adrenal glands,

« Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"-re of the small octave affects the hypothalamus (controls involuntary functions of the body;

« Oooohmmmm"-re of the small octave affects the hypothalamus

While performing the exercises, keep your back straight, relax your body, and close your eyes. You can lie down without a pillow or sit down. If you are sitting, place your palms on your knees. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale deeply and exhale as slowly as possible. Repeat the sounds at least eight times.

From A to E

Doctor of Tibetan medicine V. Vostokov claims that when pronouncing a sound “ AND“Harmful vibrations are removed from the body and hearing improves.
Sound " N“makes the brain vibrate, activates the right half of the brain and treats its diseases, and also improves intuition and develops creative abilities. Sound " IN“Corrects problems in the nervous system, brain and spinal cord.
Sound " E"- creates a barrier around a person to protect against energy-informational pollution.
Sound " U" strengthens self-confidence, and the sound " E"People use it to remove the evil eye and damage.
Sounds " RE"help relieve stress, fears, and stuttering.
Sounds " TE“Cleanse the soul from heaviness and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Don’t be confused by the fact that you can influence, say, the liver using different sounds. After all, it’s exactly the same with medications, because the points of application are different. One sound, for example, improves blood circulation, another relieves spasms.
Theoretically, sound therapy can cure anything from a simple scratch to cancer. But for this you need to know: with what frequency (vibration) the sounds must be pronounced, which sound (letter) must be pronounced loudly, which one must be dull, which one must be drawn out, how long (for one - 1 second, for another - 5- 8 seconds, for the third – 10-15 seconds). It’s not for nothing that Tibetan monks have been studying audiotherapy for several years... Each person has his own sound, a sound that is akin to his individual evolution, an expression of his soul, the state of his feelings and thoughts. Only by knowing what rhythm is necessary for a particular individual, what tone is needed, can he be healed through music. Therefore, complete healing may not be possible for someone trying to heal on their own.

However, sing songs, sounds, sound combinations in Indian, Chinese or other style! Even if you have no hearing, you don’t know the desired tone, frequency, etc., one or another positive effect will definitely happen! Finally, even the simple act of singing relieves stress and increases our resilience.

It has been known for a very long time that sound heals. For example, the ancient Egyptians treated insomnia with choral singing, and the ancient Greeks used the sounds of trumpets to get rid of radiculitis and nervous disorders.

Some sounds can have a positive effect on the organs and systems of the human body, others reduce pain.

Nature has endowed man with the ability to express his feelings and thoughts with the help of sounds and words consisting of them. Emotions and feelings are best conveyed through singing. There is a direct connection between sounds and human health. Different sounds create different vibrations that affect the human body in one way or another.

Any deviation from balance is stress. But this is how the world works - a person cannot live without stress. Stress can be both beneficial and harmful. The latter can lead to diseases such as neurosis, stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, etc.

Vocal therapy (VT) is a universal treatment method that affects not any individual organ, but the body as a whole.

Scientists have found that even simple singing for 20-30 minutes a day improves well-being. Vocal lessons are especially useful for chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi. During singing, the body's defenses are activated, the body is better supplied with oxygen. Slow withdrawal allows additional blood supply pathways and collaterals to develop in the heart. And this, in turn, is very important for the prevention of heart attacks. The vibration that occurs during singing stimulates the internal organs.

All kinds of vibrations surround us everywhere. Some of them are high, others are low, noticeable or invisible, healing the body or affecting it with destructive force. Both positive and negative vibrations affecting a person can accumulate in the body. Certain sound combinations spoken out loud can tune internal organs and correct their vibration frequency.

Scientists from different countries are studying sound therapy.

Chinese sound therapy

Sound therapy has been used by the Chinese from ancient times to the present day.

The sound “HE” is used in the treatment of cancer. It must be said 9 times in a row during each sound therapy session. In this case, the left hand is placed on the diseased organ, and the right hand is placed on top of it.

To treat vision, liver, gall bladder and tendons, pronounce the sound “GU-O”. In this case, the sounds are placed in exactly the same way as with the sound “HE”, but on the liver area.

The sound “CHEN”, pronounced 9 times, helps with heart disease, as well as intestines and tongue. At the same time, hands are placed on the heart.

The sound “DON” should be pronounced 12 times for problems with the stomach, spleen and mouth muscles. Hands should be in the solar plexus area during pronunciation.

The sound “SHEN” helps with diseases of the lungs and colon.

And the sound “U” heals the kidneys, skeletal system and bladder. It is pronounced 9 to 12 times, with the hands resting on the tailbone.

There is a very simple and accessible method of treating many diseases -, or sound treatment.

Singing isn't just for fun. If you sing with the energy of full breathing, then such singing will have a beneficial effect on the endocrine glands of our body.

It is known that sound can work both for good and for harm. Professor V.M. Lesser-Lazarko from Vienna practiced healing through sound therapy, consisting of a method of voicing all existing vowels with the energy of full breathing.

This system is simpler than yoga because it deals with vibrations of the physical body.

Singing vowels with the energy of full breathing gives a charge of new revitalizing energy. Singing vowels is calming and relaxing. If they sound with the full energy of deep breathing, you will immediately feel revitalized and charged with new energy.

First you need to inhale and then, after holding the exhalation, sing strongly and piercingly IIIIIIIII, stretching your mouth as if in a smile. You don't have to do it as if you want to sing, but rather as if you want to shout from afar.

The sound should be smooth. It is necessary to maintain the same pitch at the beginning, middle and end. Starting strong and finishing weak is not recommended.

It is necessary to stop before the end of the exhalation so that there is always a short break for rest, and repeat the singing again 3-4 times. This is enough to get started.

You may notice a certain vibration action in your head that gives a pleasant sensation. It helps cleanse the brain, eyes, nose and ears; gives a feeling of joyful excitement.

Of course, there are other sounds based on vowels that affect various organs of our body.

AND AND - (as in the Bible) vibrates in the head, affecting the PITUITARY AND PINEAL GLANDS, THE BRAIN and all the organs that are located in the SKULL. It is useful to evoke a blue mental image.

E - affects the THROAT, LARYNX, TRACHEA and THYROID and PARATHYROID GLANDS. A green mental image is evoked.

A – helps the upper part of the LUNGS, HEART, LIVER and STOMACH. The color of the mental image is golden yellow.

Yu - (as in Debussy) affects the KIDNEYS.

OO-II – acts jointly on the RECTUM AND GONAD (product of the sex glands).

MMMMMMMMM – ON – MMMMMMMMM vibrates on the HEART. This exercise is allowed only once a day. People with a weak heart should first strengthen it with a shorter buzz:

M mm m P O mm mm and a longer P A A A A E E E E E E – (all in one breath)

It is also advisable to do the following exercise:

- inhale and hold the exhalation.

During the exercise, you need to keep your attention fixed on the vowel sound and visualize it. Then you need to exhale the air while humming the vowel sound to yourself, still keeping your attention on it.

Try this method P E O O O O O O O X O O O O O O, noticing the change in the aspirated “X”.

You should not pronounce more than three or four vowel sounds in a row at first. Later, after some practice, you can increase the number of sounds and duration.

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