Medicines for older people that stimulate cerebral circulation. Review of medications to improve memory and cerebral circulation in the elderly Tablets for blood circulation and memory

) the functions of the central nervous system are disrupted, which can ultimately lead to disability and even death. Therefore, any manifestations of disturbances in the central nervous system require immediate medical intervention.

The reasons for the deterioration of blood supply to the brain can be functional or organic damage to the vessels supplying the brain, in particular - spasms, the occurrence of blood clots, atherosclerosis, traumatic brain injury, previous infectious disease, intoxication, and so on. In addition to acute brain damage in the form of a stroke, which leads to rapid damage to the central nervous system, chronic cerebral circulatory failure is often observed. At the same time, memory suffers, intellectual abilities decrease, behavioral and motor reactions worsen. These manifestations intensify with age and become a heavy burden for the patient and his loved ones.

Drugs with different mechanisms of action are used as vasodilators - calcium channel blockers, antispasmodics and other means, but their main disadvantage is the lack of the necessary selectivity of action. By expanding other peripheral vessels along with the brain vessels (cerebral), they cause a decrease in blood pressure, and as a result, the blood supply to the brain may, on the contrary, decrease.

Therefore, drugs that have a predominant effect on cerebral vessels without significantly affecting systemic blood flow are of greater interest. Of the calcium channel blockers that have this effect, nimodipine , cinnarizine .

A specific remedy that improves cerebral circulation is a derivative of the periwinkle plant alkaloid - vinpocetine. This remedy has an antispasmodic effect, primarily dilating the blood vessels of the brain. In addition, it normalizes metabolism in brain tissue, reduces platelet aggregation, which ultimately improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain.

Improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation nicergoline , xanthinol nicotinate, derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Of the drugs that affect blood aggregation and coagulation, the most widely used, mainly for preventive purposes, are antiplatelet agents ( acetylsalicylic acid , pentoxifylline , ticlopidine) and anticoagulants. These medications are discussed in more detail in the corresponding chapters.

The main drugs of the group of cerebral circulation correctors are given below; you can get more detailed information on the website.

[Tradename(composition or characteristics) pharmachologic effect dosage forms firm]

Most nootropic drugs improve cerebral circulation. They have a direct relaxing effect on the vessels of the brain and cause the inclusion of reserve capillaries in the bloodstream. This effect is especially evident in ischemic areas of the brain. Therefore, nootropics can be used in complex therapy of mild cases of cerebrovascular accident. The spectrum of action of some nootropics includes a number of additional effects, such as anxiolytic, antidepressant and sedative.

Given their diverse properties, nootropics are widely used in various fields of medicine, including in pediatric practice. When using them, it should be taken into account that the effect develops gradually and increases as therapy progresses.

One of the representatives of nootropics is a drug of animal origin. Cerebrolysin® from the Austrian company “Ebewe”. Cerebrolysin ® (purified porcine brain hydrolysate) contains about 2000 substances, including active amino acids and peptides (25%) with low molecular weight. This drug has been used for 40 years to treat dementia(senile dementia) and consequences stroke. Cerebrolysin ® accelerates the growth and differentiation of nerve cells, activates metabolism in the brain and protein synthesis. In addition, it stimulates the formation of new blood vessels ( angiogenesis ) and vascular restoration ( revascularization ) in ischemic tissues, has the ability to reduce the damaging neurotoxic effect of stimulants mediators (glutamate and aspartate), improves mood.

The neurorestorative effects of Cerebrolysin ® are similar to those of a natural nerve cell growth stimulator, or nerve growth factor, which promotes neuronal repair. The discovery of this and other neurotrophic (that is, affecting the metabolism in nervous tissue) factors was one of the most important events contributing to the deciphering and modeling of the mechanism of action of nootropics, and was awarded the Nobel Prize.

With increasing life expectancy of the population, there is an increase in the incidence of the dementias already mentioned above (senile dementia), which is becoming one of the most pressing problems in neurology and psychiatry. The main causes of dementia include chronic neurodegenerative diseases (primarily Alzheimer's disease) and cerebrovascular insufficiency. Cerebrolysin ® can significantly slow down or even stop the progression of the neurodegenerative process. The complex neuroprotective, metabolic and neurotrophic effect determines the effectiveness of Cerebrolysin ® in the treatment of ischemic stroke (acute and recovery period) and diabetic neuropathy with pain caused by a deficiency of growth factors.

Another representative of the group of nootropic drugs is the drug Fezam produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company “Balkanpharma Holding”. One capsule of the drug contains 400 mg of piracetam and 25 mg of cinnarizine.

Cinnarizine contained in this drug, in addition to the nootropic effect of piracetam, improves cerebral circulation by dilating cerebral blood vessels. In addition, it is able to reduce the excitability of the vestibular apparatus.

The main indications for the use of Phezam are:

– cerebrovascular accidents with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels , ischemic stroke, during the follow-up period after hemorrhagic stroke, after traumatic brain injuries ;

The drug is also used to increase learning ability and improve memory in children with mental retardation. In children's practice, Fezam is recommended for correction brain dysfunction, such as fatigue, mood swings, difficulties in perceiving and remembering new material.

Clinical studies have proven that Fezam effectively reduces mental retardation, depression, hypochondria, and emotional lability. It improves memory, has a positive effect on concentration, the emotional sphere, insomnia, and reduces symptoms of isolation and lack of contact.

An equally important characteristic of the drug, in addition to its effectiveness, is its safety. Phezam can be used in adults and children over 5 years of age. The drug is generally well tolerated. Contraindications to its use are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, severe liver and kidney diseases, parkinsonism, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Commonly used nootropics and some psychostimulants are listed below. Detailed information on these and other drugs can be obtained on the website.

[Tradename(composition or characteristics) pharmachologic effect dosage forms firm]

Akatinol Memantine(memantine) neuroprotective drops for oral administration; table p.o. Merz & Co.(Germany)

Actovegin metabolic dragee forte; solution d/in.; solution d/inf. Nycomed(Norway)

Biotredin(pyridoxine + threonine) nootropic, anti-alcohol, anti-withdrawal, normalizing metabolic processes table sublingual Biotics MNPC(Russia)

Gliatilin(choline alfoscerate) neuroprotective caps.; solution d/in. C.S.C.(Italy), manufactured by: Italfarmaco S.p.A. (Italy)

Glycine(glycine) anti-stress, nootropic, normalizing metabolic processes table sublingual Biotics MNPC(Russia)

Idebenone 0.03 g capsules(idebenone) caps. Moskhimfarmpreparaty(Russia)

Idebenone film-coated tablets, 0.03 g(idebenone) nootropic, metabolic stimulating, antioxidant table p.o. Moskhimfarmpreparaty(Russia)

Cardamine-Rusfar(nicotinamide) CNS stimulant, analeptic solution for oral administration Rusichi-Pharma(Russia)

Cortexin(product of animal origin) metabolic, cerebroprotective, nootropic, anticonvulsant por.liof.d/in. GEROPHARM(Russia)

The brain is the main center of the nervous system and the body as a whole. A person’s well-being, healthy functioning of the body, and higher activities (speech, memory, reading) depend on its condition.

With age, due to external influences, problems associated with the main organ arise, resulting in headaches, increased blood pressure, and deterioration in memory processes.

These symptoms can be treated in the early stages with the help of drugs that act on the damaged vascular system of the brain.

In case of circulatory problems, medications are used that stimulate brain activity and promote the free supply of oxygen to blood vessels.

Letters from our readers

Subject: Grandma's blood pressure has returned to normal!

From: Christina ( [email protected])

To: Site Administration


My grandmother's hypertension is hereditary - most likely, I will have the same problems as I grow older.

Each age stage has its own problems that lead to a deterioration in blood circulation processes.

Early age

During this period, impaired blood flow is a consequence of oxygen deprivation suffered during pregnancy (in the womb), childbirth (Caesarean section). Such children need recovery from insufficient oxygen saturation; in this case, rehabilitation takes three years.

There are cases of vascular hemorrhage leading to diseases (vascular epilepsy, cerebral palsy). In this case, recovery takes a lifetime.

Preschool and adolescence

With an increase in mental load, brain function intensifies, adjustment to more difficult work occurs, and therefore blood circulation is disorganized.

Hormonal changes are another cause of this disease.

Working age

Headaches can be the result of diseases that cause compression of the brain pathways, which makes it difficult for microelements to reach the organ, and a deficiency occurs. Pathologies that cause changes in brain function:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • tumor formations in the head and cervical regions;
  • thrombosis of cerebral arteries;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • endarteritis.

Senile age

Hemodynamic deviations during the static period occur due to stroke (hemorrhagic, ischemic). Atherosclerosis and brain tumor - pathologies leading to this problem can occur in a latent form.

Is it possible to take medications on your own?

Some drugs are sold freely without a prescription, but the vast majority still require a doctor’s prescription and his control over the use of the drug. If you are fully confident in the correctness of the diagnosis, drug treatment without the supervision of a specialist is possible. In this case, systematic testing is necessary.

Self-administration of medications can lead to negative consequences. The best option would be to visit a doctor, undergo a full test, make a diagnosis and follow its instructions.

Types and types of these medications. Medicines and tablets to improve microcirculation in older people

Treatment with drugs eliminates headaches, weakness, dizziness, accelerates metabolic processes in the brain, and restores activity. Based on their action, medications are divided into three main types:

  • Vasodilators;
  • anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents;
  • nootropic.

Medicines are used in different forms. For people during the rehabilitation period after a stroke and newborns, a neurologist prescribes injections. In other cases, head tablets are used that contain elements for good memory. The dosage is prescribed by a specialist.

The drugs act on damaged areas of the brain without affecting healthy areas. A person who is not subject to changes in the circulation of the blood fluid of the mental apparatus will not suffer from taking these products.


The main principle of action of vasodilators is to increase the brain pathways without affecting hemodynamics. For mental hemodynamics and memory development in the elderly, a vasodilator drug is not suitable due to its indiscriminate effect on each vessel of the organ.

To improve microcirculation, antispasmodics are well suited because they have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, which allows you to increase the gaps between the vessels. Contraindications - should not be taken by elderly people suffering from atherosclerosis.

Medicines - antispasmodics (prices in rubles are written in brackets):

  • Andipal (12),
  • Drotaverine 40 mg (16),
  • Noshpa 40 mg (240).

These tablets for improving blood circulation and memory reduce the activity of calcium ions, slowing their penetration into the smooth muscles of blood vessels. This process contributes to the expansion of the arteries of the brain and better oxygen supply.

Vascular drugs - blockers to improve cerebral circulation (prices in rubles are indicated in brackets):

  • Concor 5 mg (230),
  • Nebilet 5 mg (550),
  • Betaloc ZOK 50 mg (245).

The antiplatelet drug prevents the formation of blood clots due to its action that prevents platelets from sticking together. The drug triggers metabolic processes in brain cells.

Effective means for improving mental hemodynamics (prices in rubles are indicated in brackets):

  • Vazonit 600 mg (440),
  • Dipyridamole 25 mg (420),
  • Nicotinic acid 1 mg (29).

Treatment for low brain activity with flavonoids is to prevent the appearance of sclerotic plaques. Flavonoid medications, injections to improve cerebral circulation and improve memory are suitable for older people. Medicines give elasticity to blood vessels.

Modern drugs - flavonoids to improve cerebral circulation (prices in rubles are indicated in brackets):

  • Tanakan 40 mg (580),
  • Ginkoum 40 mg (490),
  • Flamin 50 mg (150).

Nootropic drugs

The nootropic agent serves to shift blood circulation (especially for older adults and adolescents), stimulating mental activity and memory. To improve the educational process, they are prescribed to schoolchildren. The drugs develop a stable brain reaction to extreme situations and external influences.

Nootropics available without a prescription (prices in rubles are indicated in parentheses):

  • Glycine 100 mg (40),
  • Undevit (58),
  • Aminalon (85),
  • Diwaza (345),
  • Intellan (245).

Prescription medications for the treatment of brain activity (prices in rubles are indicated in parentheses):

  • Piracetam 400 mg (47),
  • Nootropil 1200 mg (260),
  • Phenotropil 100 mg (520),
  • Encephobol 80 mg (990),
  • Cavinton 5 mg (250),
  • Picamilon 50 mg (113).

Various drugs that alter cerebral hemodynamics and memory are addictive. You must carefully read the instructions for use and adhere to the recommended dosage.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents

Medicines and medications to improve blood circulation aimed at treating blood clots. They react to the thickness of the blood by reducing the stickiness of platelets and red blood cells, which allows oxygen to move through the vessels faster and in the right quantity.

The best anticoagulant drugs to stimulate cerebral circulation:

Heparin 5 ml - 530 rubles (injections against blood clots and for memory). Medicines for blood circulation of direct action, derivatives of Heparin:

  • Fragmin 0.2 ml - 2480 rubles,
  • Clexane 0.4 ml - 2730 rubles,
  • 0.3 ml - 2340 rubles.

At the moment, there are quite a lot of drugs that can improve blood circulation, but this group of drugs has higher prices. Inexpensive but effective drugs for the treatment of cerebral circulation:

  • Phenilin 30 mg - 158 rubles,
  • Warfarin 2.5 mg - 183 rubles.

Antiplatelet agents for cerebrovascular accidents, sold without a prescription:

  • Cardiomagnyl 75 mg - 150 rubles,
  • Bilobil 40 mg - 600 rubles,
  • Alphatocopherol 50 ml - 90 rubles.

Drugs after stroke in old age.

Blood plays a vital role in the functioning of the body. It is thanks to blood circulation that every cell of the body receives the nutrients and oxygen it needs. But for a number of reasons, many people experience poor circulation in the brain. This condition is dangerous, as it can cause stroke, heart attack and other brain damage that can lead to disastrous consequences.

What to do in this case, how to help the brain and restore blood circulation? Consider these and other questions in this article.

What can cause blood circulation problems?

People of different ages can face the problem of poor blood circulation, both in early childhood and in retirement age. In childhood, the most common causes of the pathological process are:

  • birth injuries;
  • fetal hypoxia in the womb;
  • vascular spasms, as a result of heavy loads on the brain during training, etc.

For working age, the characteristic reasons are:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This reason occurs as a result of sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • brain tumors;
  • vascular thrombosis as a result of traumatic brain injury or head surgery.

Elderly age is characterized by deterioration of blood circulation as a result of:

  • atherosclerosis, when cholesterol plaques narrow the lumen of blood vessels and impair blood flow;
  • as a consequence of strokes;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • diabetes mellitus, since the vessels are primarily the target of this pathology.

The most common cause is atherosclerosis, followed by strokes.

In addition to the most common causes, in different age categories, there are a number of factors that can affect the development of the pathological process. Among these factors:

  • frequent stress;
  • neuroinfections of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis, vasculitis, etc.);
  • intoxication of the body with carbon monoxide, chemicals, heavy metals, etc.;
  • skull injuries;
  • scoliosis;
  • increased mental and physical stress, fatigue.

How to recognize circulatory disorders?

  • Frequent headaches;
  • sensation of crawling on the scalp;
  • ringing or noise in the ears;
  • nausea and vomiting for no reason;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • possible speech disorder and deterioration of cognitive functions, such as memory, thinking and attention;
  • deterioration of vision, pressure on the optic nerve;
  • epileptic seizures, etc.

Note! If such symptoms occur, do not delay a visit to a neurologist, as impaired blood circulation can cause serious pathologies.


To improve cerebral circulation, several groups of drugs have been developed, the main tasks of these medications are:

  • dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation;
  • neutralize radicals that affect the density of blood vessels and their functioning;
  • improvement of memory and thinking;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • restoration of nerve impulse transmission to brain neurons, etc.

Medicines that improve cerebral circulation:

  • vasodilator medications;
  • anticoagulants;
  • psychostimulants.

Remember that the treatment plan must be drawn up by a doctor. All groups of drugs are presented for informational purposes.


This is the most extensive group of drugs used for circulatory disorders. The action of the funds is aimed at improving blood supply to brain tissue by restoring the functionality of blood vessels, strengthening and expanding them.

Vasodilator drugs have a gradation, depending on the composition of the medications, these can be:

  • calcium antagonists;
  • herbal preparations;
  • products based on ginkgo biloba;
  • medications based on nicotinic acid;
  • Dietary supplements to strengthen blood vessels.


The mechanism of action of calcium antagonists is to relax the muscles of the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which the arteries dilate and blood begins to circulate through them more easily. Antagonists are widely used in the treatment of various vascular diseases. The pharmaceutical industry has even produced three generations of these drugs.

The first generation includes:

  • Cordipin;
  • Finoptin;
  • Diazem;
  • Isoptin, etc.

Second generation of antagonists:

  • Clentiazem;
  • Tiapamil;
  • Plendil;
  • Nicardipin et al.

The third generation includes:

  • Stamlo, Norvasc and Amlodipine.

Let's consider one of the drugs: Finoptin. He belongs to the first generation of antagonists. The medicine is available in the form of tablets and also in the form of injections. The drug is indicated for cerebrovascular accidents, which can be caused by arterial hypertension, and the drug is also prescribed for various types of tachycardia, angina pectoris and hypertensive crisis.


  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Finoptin is prescribed with caution for cardiac, hepatic and renal failure, myocardial infarction, and bradycardia.

Preparations based on plant extracts, these medicines improve brain activity and blood circulation. Since they are plant-based, the tablets have virtually no contraindications.

Herbal remedies

As a rule, herbal preparations are made based on periwinkle and ginkgo biloba. Among the remedies based on periwinkle are prescribed:

  • Cavinton;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Bravinton et al.

Let's consider Cavinton, this is a popular herbal preparation that helps dilate blood vessels, improves blood flow through them, thereby saturating the brain with oxygen, and utilizes glucose.


  • to improve blood circulation in dementia, atherosclerosis,
  • stroke or encephalopathy;
  • neurological disorders of various types;
  • eye disorders (degenerative retinal disorders, secondary glaucoma, etc.).

Cavinton is contraindicated during pregnancy, under the age of 18 years, individual intolerance, severe forms of arrhythmia and cardiac ischemia.

Remedies with ginkgo biloba help improve cerebral circulation, eliminate spasms in blood vessels, improve their microcirculation and permeability, fight cerebral edema, protect arteries from radicals, etc.

The most common drugs in this group:

  • Ginkum;
  • Bilobil;
  • Memory et al.

The duration of treatment with herbal medicines is quite long and is at least three months. At the same time, patients notice the first results in normalizing blood circulation after a month of use.

Preparations with nicotinic acid

Products with nicotinic acid are also used as drugs that improve blood circulation. They cannot affect large arteries, but help strengthen the vascular network of capillaries and reduce bad cholesterol. Among the drugs in this group are prescribed:

  • Enduratin;
  • Acipimox;
  • Nikoshpan.

Dietary supplements and medicines based on minerals and vitamins are used both as treatment and as prevention for circulatory disorders. These funds include:

  • vitamin P;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • silicon;
  • Dihydroquercetin.

These trace elements, minerals and vitamins help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and restore normal blood flow through them. These means include:

  • Ascorutin;
  • Greenwit;
  • Lecithin;
  • Flavit;
  • Flucol.

Ascorutin saturates the body with vitamins P and C. The drug has a direct effect on blood vessels, strengthening them, reducing fragility, permeability of the walls and increasing their elasticity. The drug is available in tablet form. Prescribed for all diseases that provoke vascular permeability. Among these pathologies:

  • rheumatism;
  • measles;
  • vasculitis;
  • hypertension;
  • radiation sickness.

Ascorutin is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, in children under three years of age, and in case of individual intolerance to the composition of the drug. Prescribed with caution for urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis.

Nootropic drugs

This is an important group of drugs; they help stimulate metabolism in the nervous tissue of the brain, which makes the brain more resistant to oxygen deficiency and even improves cognitive abilities.

Nootropics are used for many diseases associated with circulatory disorders, this can be ischemia, stroke, dementia, encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, developmental delay, etc.

Among the nootropics prescribed:

  • Piracetam;
  • Phenotropil;
  • Actovegin;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Pantogam.

Actovegin is a nootropic drug that is prescribed for insufficient cerebral circulation. Indications for use:

  • ischemic stroke;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • angiopathy;
  • encephalopathy;
  • varicose veins and many other pathologies.

Actovegin is contraindicated for:

  • anuria;
  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • children under three years old.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents

The main effect of these drugs is to reduce blood viscosity, thereby improving blood circulation and minimizing the likelihood of blood clots and thromboembolism.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents include:

  • Aspirin;
  • Chime;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Warfarin;
  • Fragmin.

Curantil is an antianginal medication. It has a vasodilating effect on small vessels, can lower blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and prevents the formation of blood clots. The drug improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, kidneys, retina, etc.
Often the medication is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and stroke, as well as other pathologies associated with blood vessels and brain function.

At the same time, Curantil has many contraindications and side effects, so the medicine should be used according to the strict instructions of a doctor.

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. The same rule applies to blood circulation in the brain. Unfortunately, in its advanced form, the lack of supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain sometimes leads to irreversible consequences, so preventive measures should be taken from a young age. Prevention of blood circulation means:

  • blood pressure control;
  • balanced diet with a full range of vitamins and minerals;
  • timely treatment of all vascular diseases;
  • blood glucose control;
  • physical activity;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Proper blood circulation in the brain is very important, because thanks to the blood flow, our brain receives enough oxygen to function. Otherwise, a number of diseases develop that leave an incurable mark, including the following pathologies: strokes, encephalopathy, atherosclerosis, dementia, multiple sclerosis and many other diseases. Lead a healthy lifestyle and do not expose yourself to these dangerous diseases.

Reading strengthens neural connections:



The brain is the main center for regulating life. Lack of oxygen affects the condition of nerve cells and the speed of impulse transmission.

Severe hypoxic damage leads to irreversible changes in the cerebral cortex, which externally manifest themselves in the form of loss of various functions and abilities, from motor to speech and consciousness.

Minor damage can be eliminated if drugs that improve cerebral circulation and memory are used. Medicine has developed several ways to influence brain processes.
The effect of the drugs is due to the ability to change some mechanisms that disrupt blood flow.

Main groups of drugs

You can increase blood flow and the ability to remember by influencing the following processes:

  • increase blood flow;
  • dilate blood vessels so that there are no obstacles to blood flow, and metabolism occurs more intensively;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • increase the uptake of glucose by cells;
  • adjust the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition;
  • normalize the transmission of nerve impulses.

Taking pills for brain activity and memory on your own is fraught with consequences.
Before prescribing medication, the doctor must conduct an examination and find out the causes of blood flow and memory disorders.

Some pathologies of the brain matter require emergency measures, otherwise the consequences of the damage will be irreversible.

Herbal preparations

Tablets for memory restoration are produced based on plant alkaloids. Ginkgo biloba and have proven themselves well.

Vinpocetine (Cavinton, Telektol, Bravinton) made from ginkgo tree.
Able to improve blood flow in the brain in acute or chronic circulatory failure. Dilates blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis, and makes brain tissue resistant to hypoxia.
The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and simultaneously with heparin.
This combination will increase the risk of bleeding.
Cavinton is taken in courses of 2 months.
It is impossible to cancel abruptly; you need to gradually reduce the dosage. The cost of a package is from 43 rubles for Vinpocetine, from 230 for the Cavinton brand.

Tanakan - tablets based on ginkgo biloba.
It affects, normalizes vascular tone, increases the saturation of the cortical sections with oxygen and glucose, prevents the aggregation of blood cells, and has antioxidant protection. Also used in long courses from 1 to 3 months. Pregnant women, lactating women and children are not prescribed because there is insufficient data.
Analogues are Bilobil, Ginocaps, Venescin, Vitrum memory. Price from 560 rub.

Vincamine (Oxybral) made from vinca alkaloid.
Increases cerebral blood flow, oxygen utilization by tissues, reduces vascular resistance, lowers blood pressure, calms, improves memory.
Available in the form of solutions for intravenous or intramuscular administration, syrup, capsules.
Approved for use in childhood, but contraindicated during pregnancy. Price from 140 rubles.

Fibrinolytics and anticoagulants

Fibrinolytics are used to improve blood flow and dissolve fresh blood clots. Fibrin is a protein, a component of the coagulation system. It unfolds in the form of threads at the sites of injury, and blood cells get stuck in it, forming a blood clot.

Drugs to improve cerebral circulation are used for various diseases. There are more than 1200 of them, and choosing the right one according to location is quite simple. The site offers a wide selection of medicines.

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Vascular drugs to improve blood circulation serve to strengthen blood vessels and expand their lumens, thereby increasing the flow of oxygen to the peripheral parts of the brain.

List of symptoms for which these medications are prescribed:

  • for dizziness,
  • some types of headaches,
  • memory impairment,
  • insomnia,
  • in case of mental impairment,
  • mental and motor disorders.

As part of complex therapy they are used for:

  • normalization of pressure in hypertension and atherosclerosis,
  • improving blood flow in cervical osteochondrosis,
  • restoration of functions after traumatic brain injuries and strokes.

Herbal angioprotective agents can be prescribed for a long period, including for elderly patients [i].


You cannot prescribe such drugs on your own, since only a specialist can take into account all the factors and choose the right combination of drugs.

Contraindications include:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • Fluid retention in the body;
  • Impaired liver and kidney function.

Some medications, under certain conditions, can be used to treat children and adolescents, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Release forms

In what form of release a particular drug is prescribed depends on the severity of the condition, the age of the patient, etc.

Capsules and tablets to improve cerebral circulation and memory can be used both in inpatient and outpatient treatment, and at home.

For more intensive treatment, powders for preparing a solution, bottles and ampoules for intravenous or intramuscular administration are used.

Manufacturing countries

Medicines to improve cerebral circulation are manufactured in almost all countries with developed pharmaceutical production.

On the website you can choose both drugs from Russian manufacturers and imported from:

  • Austria,
  • Belarus,
  • Hungary,
  • Germany,
  • India.



  1. [i] E.A. Katunina, Ginkgo biloba: results of half a century of experience in use, Polymodality of the effects of Ginkgo biloba: experimental and clinical studies, Neurology and Rheumatology issue 02 (2013) Access at pomos-mozgu/angioprotektornye-sredstva/

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